18. Region Manager

18.1. Introduction

The region manager provides facilities to dynamically allocate memory in variable sized units. The directives provided by the region manager are:

18.2. Background

18.2.1. Region Manager Definitions

A region makes up a physically contiguous memory space with user-defined boundaries from which variable-sized segments are dynamically allocated and deallocated. A segment is a variable size section of memory which is allocated in multiples of a user-defined page size. This page size is required to be a multiple of four greater than or equal to four. For example, if a request for a 350-byte segment is made in a region with 256-byte pages, then a 512-byte segment is allocated.

Regions are organized as doubly linked chains of variable sized memory blocks. Memory requests are allocated using a first-fit algorithm. If available, the requester receives the number of bytes requested (rounded up to the next page size). RTEMS requires some overhead from the region’s memory for each segment that is allocated. Therefore, an application should only modify the memory of a segment that has been obtained from the region. The application should NOT modify the memory outside of any obtained segments and within the region’s boundaries while the region is currently active in the system.

Upon return to the region, the free block is coalesced with its neighbors (if free) on both sides to produce the largest possible unused block.

18.2.2. Building an Attribute Set

In general, an attribute set is built by a bitwise OR of the desired attribute components. The set of valid region attributes is provided in the following table:

RTEMS_FIFO tasks wait by FIFO (default)
RTEMS_PRIORITY tasks wait by priority

Attribute values are specifically designed to be mutually exclusive, therefore bitwise OR and addition operations are equivalent as long as each attribute appears exactly once in the component list. An attribute listed as a default is not required to appear in the attribute list, although it is a good programming practice to specify default attributes. If all defaults are desired, the attribute RTEMS_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES should be specified on this call.

This example demonstrates the attribute_set parameter needed to create a region with the task priority waiting queue discipline. The attribute_set parameter to the rtems_region_create directive should be RTEMS_PRIORITY.

18.2.3. Building an Option Set

In general, an option is built by a bitwise OR of the desired option components. The set of valid options for the rtems_region_get_segment directive are listed in the following table:

RTEMS_WAIT task will wait for segment (default)
RTEMS_NO_WAIT task should not wait

Option values are specifically designed to be mutually exclusive, therefore bitwise OR and addition operations are equivalent as long as each option appears exactly once in the component list. An option listed as a default is not required to appear in the option list, although it is a good programming practice to specify default options. If all defaults are desired, the option RTEMS_DEFAULT_OPTIONS should be specified on this call.

This example demonstrates the option parameter needed to poll for a segment. The option parameter passed to the rtems_region_get_segment directive should be RTEMS_NO_WAIT.

18.3. Operations

18.3.1. Creating a Region

The rtems_region_create directive creates a region with the user-defined name. The user may select FIFO or task priority as the method for placing waiting tasks in the task wait queue. RTEMS allocates a Region Control Block (RNCB) from the RNCB free list to maintain the newly created region. RTEMS also generates a unique region ID which is returned to the calling task.

It is not possible to calculate the exact number of bytes available to the user since RTEMS requires overhead for each segment allocated. For example, a region with one segment that is the size of the entire region has more available bytes than a region with two segments that collectively are the size of the entire region. This is because the region with one segment requires only the overhead for one segment, while the other region requires the overhead for two segments.

Due to automatic coalescing, the number of segments in the region dynamically changes. Therefore, the total overhead required by RTEMS dynamically changes.

18.3.2. Obtaining Region IDs

When a region is created, RTEMS generates a unique region ID and assigns it to the created region until it is deleted. The region ID may be obtained by either of two methods. First, as the result of an invocation of the rtems_region_create directive, the region ID is stored in a user provided location. Second, the region ID may be obtained later using the rtems_region_ident directive. The region ID is used by other region manager directives to access this region.

18.3.3. Adding Memory to a Region

The rtems_region_extend directive may be used to add memory to an existing region. The caller specifies the size in bytes and starting address of the memory being added.

18.3.4. Acquiring a Segment

The rtems_region_get_segment directive attempts to acquire a segment from a specified region. If the region has enough available free memory, then a segment is returned successfully to the caller. When the segment cannot be allocated, one of the following situations applies:

  • By default, the calling task will wait forever to acquire the segment.
  • Specifying the RTEMS_NO_WAIT option forces an immediate return with an error status code.
  • Specifying a timeout limits the interval the task will wait before returning with an error status code.

If the task waits for the segment, then it is placed in the region’s task wait queue in either FIFO or task priority order. All tasks waiting on a region are returned an error when the message queue is deleted.

18.3.5. Releasing a Segment

When a segment is returned to a region by the rtems_region_return_segment directive, it is merged with its unallocated neighbors to form the largest possible segment. The first task on the wait queue is examined to determine if its segment request can now be satisfied. If so, it is given a segment and unblocked. This process is repeated until the first task’s segment request cannot be satisfied.

18.3.6. Obtaining the Size of a Segment

The rtems_region_get_segment_size directive returns the size in bytes of the specified segment. The size returned includes any “extra” memory included in the segment because of rounding up to a page size boundary.

18.3.7. Changing the Size of a Segment

The rtems_region_resize_segment directive is used to change the size in bytes of the specified segment. The size may be increased or decreased. When increasing the size of a segment, it is possible that the request cannot be satisfied. This directive provides functionality similar to the realloc() function in the Standard C Library.

18.3.8. Deleting a Region

A region can be removed from the system and returned to RTEMS with the rtems_region_delete directive. When a region is deleted, its control block is returned to the RNCB free list. A region with segments still allocated is not allowed to be deleted. Any task attempting to do so will be returned an error. As a result of this directive, all tasks blocked waiting to obtain a segment from the region will be readied and returned a status code which indicates that the region was deleted.

18.4. Directives

This section details the region manager’s directives. A subsection is dedicated to each of this manager’s directives and describes the calling sequence, related constants, usage, and status codes.

18.4.1. REGION_CREATE - Create a region

rtems_status_code rtems_region_create(
  rtems_name       name,
  void            *starting_address,
  uintptr_t        length,
  uintptr_t        page_size,
  rtems_attribute  attribute_set,
  rtems_id        *id
RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL region created successfully
RTEMS_INVALID_NAME invalid region name
RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS starting_address is NULL
RTEMS_TOO_MANY too many regions created
RTEMS_INVALID_SIZE invalid page size
RTEMS_INVALID_SIZE the memory area defined by the starting address and the length parameters is too small

This directive creates a region from a contiguous memory area which starts at starting_address and is length bytes long. The memory area must be large enough to contain some internal region administration data. Segments allocated from the region will be a multiple of page_size bytes in length. The specified page size will be aligned to an architecture-specific minimum alignment if necessary.

The assigned region id is returned in id. This region id is used as an argument to other region related directives to access the region.

For control and maintenance of the region, RTEMS allocates and initializes an RNCB from the RNCB free pool. Thus memory from the region is not used to store the RNCB. However, some overhead within the region is required by RTEMS each time a segment is constructed in the region.

Specifying RTEMS_PRIORITY in attribute_set causes tasks waiting for a segment to be serviced according to task priority. Specifying RTEMS_FIFO in attribute_set or selecting RTEMS_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES will cause waiting tasks to be serviced in First In-First Out order.


This directive will obtain the allocator mutex and may cause the calling task to be preempted.

The following region attribute constants are defined by RTEMS:

RTEMS_FIFO tasks wait by FIFO (default)
RTEMS_PRIORITY tasks wait by priority

18.4.2. REGION_IDENT - Get ID of a region

rtems_status_code rtems_region_ident(
  rtems_name  name,
  rtems_id   *id
RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL region identified successfully
RTEMS_INVALID_NAME region name not found


This directive obtains the region id associated with the region name to be acquired. If the region name is not unique, then the region id will match one of the regions with that name. However, this region id is not guaranteed to correspond to the desired region. The region id is used to access this region in other region manager directives.
This directive will not cause the running task to be preempted.

18.4.3. REGION_DELETE - Delete a region

rtems_status_code rtems_region_delete(
  rtems_id id
RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL region deleted successfully
RTEMS_INVALID_ID invalid region id
RTEMS_RESOURCE_IN_USE segments still in use
This directive deletes the region specified by id. The region cannot be deleted if any of its segments are still allocated. The RNCB for the deleted region is reclaimed by RTEMS.

This directive will obtain the allocator mutex and may cause the calling task to be preempted.

The calling task does not have to be the task that created the region. Any local task that knows the region id can delete the region.

18.4.4. REGION_EXTEND - Add memory to a region

rtems_status_code rtems_region_extend(
  rtems_id   id,
  void      *starting_address,
  uintptr_t  length
RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL region extended successfully
RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS starting_address is NULL
RTEMS_INVALID_ID invalid region id
RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS invalid address of area to add

This directive adds the memory area which starts at starting_address for length bytes to the region specified by id.

There are no alignment requirements for the memory area. The memory area must be big enough to contain some maintenance blocks. It must not overlap parts of the current heap memory areas. Disconnected memory areas added to the heap will lead to used blocks which cover the gaps. Extending with an inappropriate memory area will corrupt the heap resulting in undefined behaviour.


This directive will obtain the allocator mutex and may cause the calling task to be preempted.

The calling task does not have to be the task that created the region. Any local task that knows the region identifier can extend the region.

18.4.5. REGION_GET_SEGMENT - Get segment from a region

rtems_status_code rtems_region_get_segment(
  rtems_id         id,
  uintptr_t        size,
  rtems_option     option_set,
  rtems_interval   timeout,
  void           **segment
RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL segment obtained successfully
RTEMS_INVALID_ID invalid region id
RTEMS_INVALID_SIZE request is for zero bytes or exceeds the size of maximum segment which is possible for this region
RTEMS_UNSATISFIED segment of requested size not available
RTEMS_TIMEOUT timed out waiting for segment
RTEMS_OBJECT_WAS_DELETED region deleted while waiting

This directive obtains a variable size segment from the region specified by id. The address of the allocated segment is returned in segment. The RTEMS_WAIT and RTEMS_NO_WAIT components of the options parameter are used to specify whether the calling tasks wish to wait for a segment to become available or return immediately if no segment is available. For either option, if a sufficiently sized segment is available, then the segment is successfully acquired by returning immediately with the RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL status code.

If the calling task chooses to return immediately and a segment large enough is not available, then an error code indicating this fact is returned. If the calling task chooses to wait for the segment and a segment large enough is not available, then the calling task is placed on the region’s segment wait queue and blocked. If the region was created with the RTEMS_PRIORITY option, then the calling task is inserted into the wait queue according to its priority. However, if the region was created with the RTEMS_FIFO option, then the calling task is placed at the rear of the wait queue.

The timeout parameter specifies the maximum interval that a task is willing to wait to obtain a segment. If timeout is set to RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT, then the calling task will wait forever.


This directive will obtain the allocator mutex and may cause the calling task to be preempted.

The actual length of the allocated segment may be larger than the requested size because a segment size is always a multiple of the region’s page size.

The following segment acquisition option constants are defined by RTEMS:

RTEMS_WAIT task will wait for segment (default)
RTEMS_NO_WAIT task should not wait

A clock tick is required to support the timeout functionality of this directive.

18.4.6. REGION_RETURN_SEGMENT - Return segment to a region

rtems_status_code rtems_region_return_segment(
  rtems_id  id,
  void     *segment
RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL segment returned successfully
RTEMS_INVALID_ID invalid region id
RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS segment address not in region
This directive returns the segment specified by segment to the region specified by id. The returned segment is merged with its neighbors to form the largest possible segment. The first task on the wait queue is examined to determine if its segment request can now be satisfied. If so, it is given a segment and unblocked. This process is repeated until the first task’s segment request cannot be satisfied.

This directive will cause the calling task to be preempted if one or more local tasks are waiting for a segment and the following conditions exist:

  • a waiting task has a higher priority than the calling task
  • the size of the segment required by the waiting task is less than or equal to the size of the segment returned.

18.4.7. REGION_GET_SEGMENT_SIZE - Obtain size of a segment

rtems_status_code rtems_region_get_segment_size(
  rtems_id   id,
  void      *segment,
  uintptr_t *size
RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL segment obtained successfully
RTEMS_INVALID_ID invalid region id
RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS segment address not in region
This directive obtains the size in bytes of the specified segment.
The actual length of the allocated segment may be larger than the requested size because a segment size is always a multiple of the region’s page size.

18.4.8. REGION_RESIZE_SEGMENT - Change size of a segment

rtems_status_code rtems_region_resize_segment(
  rtems_id   id,
  void      *segment,
  uintptr_t  new_size,
  uintptr_t *old_size
RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL segment obtained successfully
RTEMS_INVALID_ID invalid region id
RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS segment address not in region
RTEMS_UNSATISFIED unable to make segment larger
This directive is used to increase or decrease the size of a segment. When increasing the size of a segment, it is possible that there is not memory available contiguous to the segment. In this case, the request is unsatisfied.

This directive will obtain the allocator mutex and may cause the calling task to be preempted.

If an attempt to increase the size of a segment fails, then the application may want to allocate a new segment of the desired size, copy the contents of the original segment to the new, larger segment and then return the original segment.