38. Directive Status Codes

38.1. Introduction

The directive status code directives are:

38.2. Directives

The directives are:

RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL successful completion
RTEMS_TASK_EXITTED returned from a task
RTEMS_MP_NOT_CONFIGURED multiprocessing not configured
RTEMS_INVALID_NAME invalid object name
RTEMS_INVALID_ID invalid object id
RTEMS_TIMEOUT timed out waiting
RTEMS_OBJECT_WAS_DELETED object was deleted while waiting
RTEMS_INVALID_SIZE invalid specified size
RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS invalid address specified
RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER number was invalid
RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED item not initialized
RTEMS_RESOURCE_IN_USE resources outstanding
RTEMS_UNSATISFIED request not satisfied
RTEMS_INCORRECT_STATE task is in wrong state
RTEMS_ALREADY_SUSPENDED task already in state
RTEMS_ILLEGAL_ON_SELF illegal for calling task
RTEMS_ILLEGAL_ON_REMOTE_OBJECT illegal for remote object
RTEMS_CALLED_FROM_ISR invalid environment
RTEMS_INVALID_PRIORITY invalid task priority
RTEMS_INVALID_CLOCK invalid time buffer
RTEMS_INVALID_NODE invalid node id
RTEMS_NOT_CONFIGURED directive not configured
RTEMS_NOT_OWNER_OF_RESOURCE not owner of resource
RTEMS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED directive not implemented or feature not available in configuration
RTEMS_INTERNAL_ERROR RTEMS inconsistency detected
RTEMS_NO_MEMORY could not get enough memory

38.2.1. STATUS_TEXT - Returns the enumeration name for a status code

const char *rtems_status_text(
    rtems_status_code code
The status code enumeration name or “?” in case the status code is invalid.
Returns the enumeration name for the specified status code.