RTEMS  5.1
Data Fields
adapter Struct Reference

Data Fields

struct arpcom interface_data
struct adapternext
struct adapterprev
struct em_hw hw
struct em_osdep osdep
struct devicedev
struct resource * res_memory
struct resource * res_ioport
struct resource * res_interrupt
void * int_handler_tag
struct ifmedia media
struct callout timer
struct callout tx_fifo_timer
int io_rid
u_int8_t unit
struct mtx mtx
int em_insert_vlan_header
u_int32_t part_num
u_int8_t link_active
u_int16_t link_speed
u_int16_t link_duplex
u_int32_t smartspeed
struct em_int_delay_info tx_int_delay
struct em_int_delay_info tx_abs_int_delay
struct em_int_delay_info rx_int_delay
struct em_int_delay_info rx_abs_int_delay
XSUM_CONTEXT_T active_checksum_context
struct em_dma_alloc txdma
struct em_tx_desctx_desc_base
u_int32_t next_avail_tx_desc
u_int32_t oldest_used_tx_desc
volatile u_int16_t num_tx_desc_avail
u_int16_t num_tx_desc
u_int32_t txd_cmd
struct em_buffertx_buffer_area
bus_dma_tag_t txtag
struct em_dma_alloc rxdma
struct em_rx_descrx_desc_base
u_int32_t next_rx_desc_to_check
u_int16_t num_rx_desc
u_int32_t rx_buffer_len
struct em_bufferrx_buffer_area
bus_dma_tag_t rxtag
struct mbuf * fmp
struct mbuf * lmp
unsigned long dropped_pkts
unsigned long mbuf_alloc_failed
unsigned long mbuf_cluster_failed
unsigned long no_tx_desc_avail1
unsigned long no_tx_desc_avail2
unsigned long no_tx_map_avail
unsigned long no_tx_dma_setup
u_int32_t tx_fifo_size
u_int32_t tx_fifo_head
u_int32_t tx_fifo_head_addr
u_int64_t tx_fifo_reset_cnt
u_int64_t tx_fifo_wrk_cnt
u_int32_t tx_head_addr
boolean_t pcix_82544
boolean_t in_detach
struct em_hw_stats stats

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: