C__rtems_dev_t | |
C_rtems_filesystem_file_handlers_r | File system node operations table |
C_rtems_filesystem_operations_table | File system operations table |
C_Scheduler_Control | Scheduler control |
C_Thread_Control | |
C_Thread_queue_Heads | Thread queue heads |
Cambapp_ahb_bus | |
Cambapp_ahb_info | |
Cambapp_apb_info | |
Cambapp_bus | |
Cambapp_common_info | |
Cambapp_core | |
Cambapp_dev | |
Cambapp_mmap | |
Cambapp_pnp_ahb | |
Cambapp_pnp_apb | |
Capbuart_regs | |
CAPI_Mutex_Control | Control block used to manage each API mutex |
CASR_Information | |
CBarrier_Control | |
Cbsp_interrupt_handler_entry | |
CChain_Control | |
CChain_Iterator | A chain iterator which is updated during node extraction if it is properly registered |
CChain_Iterator_registry | A registry for chain iterators |
CChain_Node_struct | |
CContext_Control | SPARC basic context |
CContext_Control_fp | SPARC basic context |
CCORE_barrier_Attributes | |
CCORE_barrier_Control | |
CCORE_ceiling_mutex_Control | The recursive mutex control with priority ceiling protocol support |
CCORE_message_queue_Buffer | The structure is used to organize message buffers of a message queue |
CCORE_message_queue_Control | Control block used to manage each message queue |
CCORE_mutex_Control | Control block used to manage each mutex |
CCORE_recursive_mutex_Control | The recursive mutex control |
CCORE_semaphore_Control | |
CCPU_Exception_frame | |
CCPU_Interrupt_frame | Interrupt stack frame (ISF) |
CCPU_Per_CPU_control | |
CCPU_Trap_table_entry | |
CDual_ported_memory_Control | |
CEvent_Control | |
CExtension_Control | |
Cffclock_estimate | |
CFreechain_Control | The freechain control |
Cgptimer_regs | |
Cgptimer_timer_regs | |
Cgrgpio_regs | |
CHeap_Area | Heap area structure for table based heap initialization and extension |
CHeap_Block | Description for free or used blocks |
CHeap_Control | Control block used to manage a heap |
CHeap_Error_context | Context of a heap error |
CHeap_Information | Information about blocks |
CHeap_Information_block | Information block returned by _Heap_Get_information() |
CHeap_Statistics | Run-time heap statistics |
CInternal_errors_Information | |
Cirqmp_regs | |
Cirqmp_timestamp_regs | |
CISR_lock_Context | Local ISR lock context for acquire and release pairs |
CISR_lock_Control | ISR lock control |
Cl2c_regs | |
Cload_context | |
Cmctrl_regs | |
CMemory_Area | The memory area description |
CMemory_Information | The memory information |
CMessage_queue_Control | |
CMP_packet_Prefix | |
CMRSP_Control | MrsP control block |
CMutex_Control | |
CMutex_recursive_Control | |
Cntp_fp | |
Cntptimeval | |
CObjects_Control | |
CObjects_Information | The information structure used to manage each API class of objects |
CObjects_Name | |
CPartition_Control | |
CPer_CPU_Control | Per CPU Core Structure |
CPer_CPU_Control_envelope | |
CPer_CPU_Job | A per-processor job |
CPer_CPU_Job_context | Context for per-processor jobs |
CPer_CPU_Stats | Per-CPU statistics |
CPOSIX_Spinlock_Control | |
Cpps_fetch_args | |
Cpps_fetch_ffc_args | |
Cpps_info_ffc_t | |
Cpps_info_t | |
Cpps_kcbind_args | |
Cpps_params_t | |
Cpps_timeu | |
CPriority_Actions | A list of priority actions |
CPriority_Aggregation | The priority aggregation |
CPriority_bit_map_Control | |
CPriority_bit_map_Information | |
CPriority_Node | The priority node to build up a priority aggregation |
CRate_monotonic_Control | The following structure defines the control block used to manage each period |
CRate_monotonic_Statistics | |
CRBTree_Node | Red-black tree node |
CRegion_Control | |
CReqRtemsEventSendReceive_Context | Test context for spec:/req/rtems/event/send-receive test case |
Crtems_api_configuration_table | This structure contains a summary of the Classic API configuration |
CRTEMS_API_Control | |
Crtems_assert_context | % |
Crtems_assoc_32_pair | |
Crtems_assoc_t | |
Crtems_binary_semaphore | |
Crtems_driver_address_table | This structure contains the device driver entries |
Crtems_filesystem_eval_path_context_t | Path evaluation context |
Crtems_filesystem_global_location_t | Global file system location |
Crtems_filesystem_limits_and_options_t | Contain file system specific information which is required to support fpathconf() |
Crtems_filesystem_location_info_tt | File system location |
Crtems_filesystem_mount_configuration | |
Crtems_filesystem_mount_table_entry_tt | Mount table entry |
Crtems_filesystem_table_t | File system table entry |
Crtems_initialization_tasks_table | % |
Crtems_interrupt_server_action | An interrupt server action |
Crtems_interrupt_server_config | An interrupt server configuration |
Crtems_interrupt_server_control | An interrupt server control |
Crtems_interrupt_server_entry | An interrupt server entry |
Crtems_interrupt_server_request | An interrupt server request |
Crtems_libio_ioctl_args_t | Parameter block for ioctl |
Crtems_libio_open_close_args_t | Parameter block for open/close |
Crtems_libio_rw_args_t | Paramameter block for read/write |
Crtems_libio_tt | An open file data structure |
Crtems_message_queue_config | This structure defines the configuration of a message queue constructed by rtems_message_queue_construct() |
Crtems_object_api_class_information | % |
Crtems_printer | |
Crtems_printer_task_context | |
Crtems_rate_monotonic_period_statistics | % |
Crtems_rate_monotonic_period_status | % |
Crtems_resource_posix_api | |
Crtems_resource_rtems_api | |
Crtems_resource_snapshot | |
Crtems_sysinit_item | |
Crtems_task_config | This structure defines the configuration of a task constructed by rtems_task_construct() |
Crtems_termios_callbacks | |
Crtems_termios_device_context | Termios device context |
Crtems_termios_device_flow | Termios device flow control handler |
Crtems_termios_device_handler | Termios device handler |
Crtems_termios_device_node | Termios device node for installed devices |
Crtems_termios_linesw | |
Crtems_termios_rawbuf | |
Crtems_termios_tty | |
Crtems_test_parallel_context | Internal context for parallel job execution |
Crtems_test_parallel_job | Basic parallel job description |
Crtems_time_of_day | This type is used to represent the calendar time in the Classic API |
Crtems_timecounter_simple | Simple timecounter to support legacy clock drivers |
Crtems_timer_information | % |
CRtemsEventReqSendReceive_Context | Test context for spec:/rtems/event/req/send-receive test case |
CRtemsMessageReqConstructErrors_Context | Test context for spec:/rtems/message/req/construct-errors test case |
CRtemsPartReqCreate_Context | Test context for spec:/rtems/part/req/create test case |
CRtemsPartReqDelete_Context | Test context for spec:/rtems/part/req/delete test case |
CRtemsPartReqGetBuffer_Context | Test context for spec:/rtems/part/req/get-buffer test case |
CRtemsPartReqReturnBuffer_Context | Test context for spec:/rtems/part/req/return-buffer test case |
CRtemsReqIdent_Context | Test context for spec:/rtems/req/ident test case |
CRtemsReqIdentLocal_Context | Test context for spec:/rtems/req/ident-local test case |
CRtemsTaskReqConstructErrors_Context | Test context for spec:/rtems/task/req/construct-errors test case |
CRtemsTaskReqIdent_Context | Test context for spec:/rtems/task/req/ident test case |
CScheduler_Assignment | Scheduler assignment |
CScheduler_Context | Scheduler context |
CScheduler_EDF_Context | |
CScheduler_EDF_Node | Scheduler node specialization for EDF schedulers |
CScheduler_EDF_SMP_Context | |
CScheduler_EDF_SMP_Node | |
CScheduler_EDF_SMP_Ready_queue | |
CScheduler_Node | Scheduler node for per-thread data |
CScheduler_Operations | The scheduler operations |
CScheduler_priority_Context | |
CScheduler_priority_Node | Scheduler node specialization for Deterministic Priority schedulers |
CScheduler_priority_Ready_queue | Data for ready queue operations |
CScheduler_Processor_removal_context | |
CScheduler_simple_Context | Simple scheduler context |
CScheduler_SMP_Context | Scheduler context specialization for SMP schedulers |
CScheduler_SMP_Node | Scheduler node specialization for SMP schedulers |
CSem_Control | |
CSemaphore_Control | |
CSHA256Context | |
CSMP_barrier_Control | SMP barrier control |
CSMP_barrier_State | SMP barrier per-thread state |
CSMP_lock_Context | Local SMP lock context for acquire and release pairs |
CSMP_lock_Control | SMP lock control |
CSMP_MCS_lock_Context | SMP Mellor-Crummey and Scott (MCS) lock context |
CSMP_MCS_lock_Control | SMP Mellor-Crummey and Scott (MCS) lock control |
CSMP_Multicast_jobs | |
CSMP_sequence_lock_Control | SMP sequence lock control |
CSMP_ticket_lock_Control | SMP ticket lock control |
CSPARC_Counter | |
CSPARC_Minimum_stack_frame | |
CStack_Control | |
Cstatvfs | |
CT_case_context | |
CT_check_context | |
CT_check_context_msg | |
CT_config | |
CT_context | |
CT_destructor | |
CT_fixture | |
CT_fixture_node | |
CT_interrupt_clock_time | |
CT_interrupt_context | |
CT_interrupt_test_config | |
CT_measure_runtime_config | |
CT_measure_runtime_context | |
CT_measure_runtime_request | |
CT_putchar_string_context | |
CT_report_hash_sha256_context | |
CT_thread_switch_context | |
CT_thread_switch_event | |
CT_thread_switch_log | |
CT_thread_switch_log_10 | |
CT_thread_switch_log_2 | |
CT_thread_switch_log_4 | |
CThread_Action | Thread action |
CThread_Action_control | Control block to manage thread actions |
CThread_Capture_control | |
CThread_Close_context | |
CThread_Configuration | The configuration of a new thread to initialize |
CThread_Control_add_on | Thread control add-on |
CThread_Entry_idle | Data for idle thread entry |
CThread_Entry_information | Thread entry information |
CThread_Entry_numeric | Data for thread entry with one numeric argument and no return value |
CThread_Entry_pointer | Data for thread entry with one pointer argument and a pointer return value |
CThread_Information | The thread object information |
CThread_Join_context | |
CThread_Keys_information | Per-thread information for POSIX Keys |
CThread_Life_control | Thread life control |
CThread_Proxy_control | |
CThread_queue_Context | Thread queue context for the thread queue methods |
CThread_queue_Control | |
CThread_queue_Gate | The thread queue gate is an SMP synchronization means |
CThread_queue_Link | A thread queue link from one thread to another specified by the thread queue owner and thread wait queue relationships |
CThread_queue_Links | |
CThread_queue_Lock_context | |
CThread_queue_Object | Helper structure to ensure that all objects containing a thread queue have the right layout |
CThread_queue_Operations | Thread queue operations |
CThread_queue_Priority_queue | Thread priority queue |
CThread_queue_Queue | |
CThread_queue_Syslock_queue | Thread queue with a layout compatible to struct _Thread_queue_Queue defined in Newlib <sys/lock.h> |
CThread_Scheduler_control | Thread scheduler control |
CThread_Start_information | |
CThread_Timer_information | Information required to manage a thread timer |
CThread_Wait_information | Information required to manage a thread while it is blocked |
CThread_Wait_information_Object_argument_type | Union type to hold a pointer to an immutable or a mutable object |
CThread_Zombie_control | |
Ctimecounter | |
Ctimehands | |
CTimer_Control | |
CTimer_server_Control | |
Ctimex | |
CTLS_Dynamic_thread_vector | |
CTLS_Index | |
CTLS_Thread_control_block | |
CTOD_Control | TOD control |
CTOD_Hook | Structure to manage each TOD action hook |
Cttywakeup | |
CUser_extensions_Control | Manages each user extension set |
CUser_extensions_Fatal_context | |
CUser_extensions_Iterator | Chain iterator for dynamic user extensions |
CUser_extensions_List | |
CUser_extensions_Switch_control | Manages the switch callouts |
CUser_extensions_Table | User extension table |
CUser_extensions_Thread_create_context | |
CWatchdog_Control | The control block used to manage each watchdog timer |
CWatchdog_Header | The watchdog header to manage scheduled watchdogs |