Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 C_rtems_filesystem_file_handlers_rFile system node operations table
 C_rtems_filesystem_operations_tableFile system operations table
 C_Scheduler_ControlScheduler control
 C_Thread_queue_HeadsThread queue heads
 CAPI_Mutex_ControlControl block used to manage each API mutex
 CChain_IteratorA chain iterator which is updated during node extraction if it is properly registered
 CChain_Iterator_registryA registry for chain iterators
 CContext_ControlSPARC basic context
 CContext_Control_fpSPARC basic context
 CCORE_ceiling_mutex_ControlThe recursive mutex control with priority ceiling protocol support
 CCORE_message_queue_BufferThe structure is used to organize message buffers of a message queue
 CCORE_message_queue_ControlControl block used to manage each message queue
 CCORE_mutex_ControlControl block used to manage each mutex
 CCORE_recursive_mutex_ControlThe recursive mutex control
 CCPU_Interrupt_frameInterrupt stack frame (ISF)
 CFreechain_ControlThe freechain control
 CHeap_AreaHeap area structure for table based heap initialization and extension
 CHeap_BlockDescription for free or used blocks
 CHeap_ControlControl block used to manage a heap
 CHeap_Error_contextContext of a heap error
 CHeap_InformationInformation about blocks
 CHeap_Information_blockInformation block returned by _Heap_Get_information()
 CHeap_StatisticsRun-time heap statistics
 CISR_lock_ContextLocal ISR lock context for acquire and release pairs
 CISR_lock_ControlISR lock control
 CMemory_AreaThe memory area description
 CMemory_InformationThe memory information
 CMRSP_ControlMrsP control block
 CObjects_InformationThe information structure used to manage each API class of objects
 CPer_CPU_ControlPer CPU Core Structure
 CPer_CPU_JobA per-processor job
 CPer_CPU_Job_contextContext for per-processor jobs
 CPer_CPU_StatsPer-CPU statistics
 CPriority_ActionsA list of priority actions
 CPriority_AggregationThe priority aggregation
 CPriority_NodeThe priority node to build up a priority aggregation
 CRate_monotonic_ControlThe following structure defines the control block used to manage each period
 CRBTree_NodeRed-black tree node
 CReqRtemsEventSendReceive_ContextTest context for spec:/req/rtems/event/send-receive test case
 Crtems_api_configuration_tableThis structure contains a summary of the Classic API configuration
 Crtems_driver_address_tableThis structure contains the device driver entries
 Crtems_filesystem_eval_path_context_tPath evaluation context
 Crtems_filesystem_global_location_tGlobal file system location
 Crtems_filesystem_limits_and_options_tContain file system specific information which is required to support fpathconf()
 Crtems_filesystem_location_info_ttFile system location
 Crtems_filesystem_mount_table_entry_ttMount table entry
 Crtems_filesystem_table_tFile system table entry
 Crtems_interrupt_server_actionAn interrupt server action
 Crtems_interrupt_server_configAn interrupt server configuration
 Crtems_interrupt_server_controlAn interrupt server control
 Crtems_interrupt_server_entryAn interrupt server entry
 Crtems_interrupt_server_requestAn interrupt server request
 Crtems_libio_ioctl_args_tParameter block for ioctl
 Crtems_libio_open_close_args_tParameter block for open/close
 Crtems_libio_rw_args_tParamameter block for read/write
 Crtems_libio_ttAn open file data structure
 Crtems_message_queue_configThis structure defines the configuration of a message queue constructed by rtems_message_queue_construct()
 Crtems_task_configThis structure defines the configuration of a task constructed by rtems_task_construct()
 Crtems_termios_device_contextTermios device context
 Crtems_termios_device_flowTermios device flow control handler
 Crtems_termios_device_handlerTermios device handler
 Crtems_termios_device_nodeTermios device node for installed devices
 Crtems_test_parallel_contextInternal context for parallel job execution
 Crtems_test_parallel_jobBasic parallel job description
 Crtems_time_of_dayThis type is used to represent the calendar time in the Classic API
 Crtems_timecounter_simpleSimple timecounter to support legacy clock drivers
 CRtemsEventReqSendReceive_ContextTest context for spec:/rtems/event/req/send-receive test case
 CRtemsMessageReqConstructErrors_ContextTest context for spec:/rtems/message/req/construct-errors test case
 CRtemsPartReqCreate_ContextTest context for spec:/rtems/part/req/create test case
 CRtemsPartReqDelete_ContextTest context for spec:/rtems/part/req/delete test case
 CRtemsPartReqGetBuffer_ContextTest context for spec:/rtems/part/req/get-buffer test case
 CRtemsPartReqReturnBuffer_ContextTest context for spec:/rtems/part/req/return-buffer test case
 CRtemsReqIdent_ContextTest context for spec:/rtems/req/ident test case
 CRtemsReqIdentLocal_ContextTest context for spec:/rtems/req/ident-local test case
 CRtemsTaskReqConstructErrors_ContextTest context for spec:/rtems/task/req/construct-errors test case
 CRtemsTaskReqIdent_ContextTest context for spec:/rtems/task/req/ident test case
 CScheduler_AssignmentScheduler assignment
 CScheduler_ContextScheduler context
 CScheduler_EDF_NodeScheduler node specialization for EDF schedulers
 CScheduler_NodeScheduler node for per-thread data
 CScheduler_OperationsThe scheduler operations
 CScheduler_priority_NodeScheduler node specialization for Deterministic Priority schedulers
 CScheduler_priority_Ready_queueData for ready queue operations
 CScheduler_simple_ContextSimple scheduler context
 CScheduler_SMP_ContextScheduler context specialization for SMP schedulers
 CScheduler_SMP_NodeScheduler node specialization for SMP schedulers
 CSMP_barrier_ControlSMP barrier control
 CSMP_barrier_StateSMP barrier per-thread state
 CSMP_lock_ContextLocal SMP lock context for acquire and release pairs
 CSMP_lock_ControlSMP lock control
 CSMP_MCS_lock_ContextSMP Mellor-Crummey and Scott (MCS) lock context
 CSMP_MCS_lock_ControlSMP Mellor-Crummey and Scott (MCS) lock control
 CSMP_sequence_lock_ControlSMP sequence lock control
 CSMP_ticket_lock_ControlSMP ticket lock control
 CThread_ActionThread action
 CThread_Action_controlControl block to manage thread actions
 CThread_ConfigurationThe configuration of a new thread to initialize
 CThread_Control_add_onThread control add-on
 CThread_Entry_idleData for idle thread entry
 CThread_Entry_informationThread entry information
 CThread_Entry_numericData for thread entry with one numeric argument and no return value
 CThread_Entry_pointerData for thread entry with one pointer argument and a pointer return value
 CThread_InformationThe thread object information
 CThread_Keys_informationPer-thread information for POSIX Keys
 CThread_Life_controlThread life control
 CThread_queue_ContextThread queue context for the thread queue methods
 CThread_queue_GateThe thread queue gate is an SMP synchronization means
 CThread_queue_LinkA thread queue link from one thread to another specified by the thread queue owner and thread wait queue relationships
 CThread_queue_ObjectHelper structure to ensure that all objects containing a thread queue have the right layout
 CThread_queue_OperationsThread queue operations
 CThread_queue_Priority_queueThread priority queue
 CThread_queue_Syslock_queueThread queue with a layout compatible to struct _Thread_queue_Queue defined in Newlib <sys/lock.h>
 CThread_Scheduler_controlThread scheduler control
 CThread_Timer_informationInformation required to manage a thread timer
 CThread_Wait_informationInformation required to manage a thread while it is blocked
 CThread_Wait_information_Object_argument_typeUnion type to hold a pointer to an immutable or a mutable object
 CTOD_ControlTOD control
 CTOD_HookStructure to manage each TOD action hook
 CUser_extensions_ControlManages each user extension set
 CUser_extensions_IteratorChain iterator for dynamic user extensions
 CUser_extensions_Switch_controlManages the switch callouts
 CUser_extensions_TableUser extension table
 CWatchdog_ControlThe control block used to manage each watchdog timer
 CWatchdog_HeaderThe watchdog header to manage scheduled watchdogs