5.3. RTEMS Kernel

RTEMS is an open source real-time operating system. As a user you have access to all the source code. The RTEMS Kernel section will show you how you build the RTEMS kernel on your host.

5.3.1. Development Sources

Create a new location to build the RTEMS kernel:

$ cd $HOME/development/rtems
$ mkdir src
$ cd src

Clone the RTEMS respository:

$ git clone git://git.rtems.org/rtems.git rtems
Cloning into 'rtems'...
remote: Counting objects: 483342, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (88974/88974), done.
remote: Total 483342 (delta 390053), reused 475669 (delta 383809)
Receiving objects: 100% (483342/483342), 69.88 MiB | 1.37 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (390053/390053), done.
Checking connectivity... done.

5.3.2. Building a BSP

We build RTEMS in a directory within the source tree we have just cloned. For the details, see the BSP Build System. We will build for the erc32 BSP with POSIX enabled. Firstly, create the file config.ini in the source tree root directory with the BSP build configuration, for example:


Configure RTEMS using the waf configure command:

$ cd $HOME/development/rtems/src/rtems
$ ./waf configure --prefix=$HOME/development/rtems/6
Setting top to                           : $HOME/development/rtems/src/rtems
Setting out to                           : $HOME/development/rtems/src/rtems/build
Regenerate build specification cache (needs a couple of seconds)...
Configure board support package (BSP)    : sparc/erc32
Checking for program 'sparc-rtems6-gcc'  : $HOME/development/rtems/6/bin/sparc-rtems6-gcc
Checking for program 'sparc-rtems6-g++'  : $HOME/development/rtems/6/bin/sparc-rtems6-g++
Checking for program 'sparc-rtems6-ar'   : $HOME/development/rtems/6/bin/sparc-rtems6-ar
Checking for program 'sparc-rtems6-ld'   : $HOME/development/rtems/6/bin/sparc-rtems6-ld
Checking for program 'ar'                : $HOME/development/rtems/6/bin/sparc-rtems6-ar
Checking for program 'g++, c++'          : $HOME/development/rtems/6/bin/sparc-rtems6-g++
Checking for program 'ar'                : $HOME/development/rtems/6/bin/sparc-rtems6-ar
Checking for program 'gas, gcc'          : $HOME/development/rtems/6/bin/sparc-rtems6-gcc
Checking for program 'ar'                : $HOME/development/rtems/6/bin/sparc-rtems6-ar
Checking for program 'gcc, cc'           : $HOME/development/rtems/6/bin/sparc-rtems6-gcc
Checking for program 'ar'                : $HOME/development/rtems/6/bin/sparc-rtems6-ar
Checking for asm flags '-MMD'            : yes
Checking for c flags '-MMD'              : yes
Checking for cxx flags '-MMD'            : yes
Checking for program 'rtems-bin2c'       : $HOME/development/rtems/6/bin/rtems-bin2c
Checking for program 'gzip'              : /usr/bin/gzip
Checking for program 'xz'                : /usr/bin/xz
Checking for program 'rtems-ld'          : $HOME/development/rtems/6/bin/rtems-ld
Checking for program 'rtems-syms'        : $HOME/development/rtems/6/bin/rtems-syms
Checking for program 'rtems-bin2c'       : $HOME/development/rtems/6/bin/rtems-bin2c
Checking for program 'gzip'              : /usr/bin/gzip
Checking for program 'xz'                : /usr/bin/xz
'configure' finished successfully (7.996s)

Build RTEMS:

$ ./waf
Waf: Entering directory `$HOME/development/rtems/src/rtems/build'
Waf: Leaving directory `$HOME/development/rtems/src/rtems/build'
'build' finished successfully (0.051s)
Waf: Entering directory `$HOME/development/rtems/src/rtems/build/sparc/erc32'
[   1/1524] Compiling bsps/shared/dev/serial/mc68681_reg2.c
[   2/1524] Compiling bsps/shared/dev/rtc/mc146818a_ioreg.c
[   3/1524] Compiling bsps/shared/dev/flash/am29lv160.c
[1521/1524] Linking $HOME/development/rtems/src/rtems/build/sparc/erc32/libz.a
[1522/1524] Linking $HOME/development/rtems/src/rtems/build/sparc/erc32/librtemscxx.a
[1523/1524] Linking $HOME/development/rtems/src/rtems/build/sparc/erc32/testsuites/samples/paranoia.exe
[1524/1524] Linking $HOME/development/rtems/src/rtems/build/sparc/erc32/libmghttpd.a
Waf: Leaving directory `$HOME/development/rtems/src/rtems/build/sparc/erc32'
'build_sparc/erc32' finished successfully (4.894s)

5.3.3. Installing A BSP

All that remains to be done is to install the kernel. Installing RTEMS copies the API headers and architecture specific libraries to a locaiton under the prefix you provide. You can install any number of BSPs under the same prefix. We recommend you have a separate prefix for different versions of RTEMS. Do not mix versions of RTEMS under the same prefix. Make installs RTEMS with the following command:

$ ./waf install
Waf: Entering directory `$HOME/development/rtems/src/rtems/build'
Waf: Leaving directory `$HOME/development/rtems/src/rtems/build'
'install' finished successfully (0.074s)
Waf: Entering directory `$HOME/development/rtems/src/rtems/build/sparc/erc32'
+ install $HOME/development/rtems/6/sparc-rtems6/erc32/lib/include/libchip/am29lv160.h (from bsps/include/libchip/am29lv160.h)
+ install $HOME/development/rtems/6/sparc-rtems6/erc32/lib/include/libchip/mc146818a.h (from bsps/include/libchip/mc146818a.h)
+ install $HOME/development/rtems/6/sparc-rtems6/erc32/lib/include/libchip/mc68681.h (from bsps/include/libchip/mc68681.h)
+ install $HOME/development/rtems/6/sparc-rtems6/erc32/lib/include/rtems/version.h (from cpukit/include/rtems/version.h)
+ install $HOME/development/rtems/6/sparc-rtems6/erc32/lib/include/rtems/vmeintr.h (from cpukit/include/rtems/vmeintr.h)
+ install $HOME/development/rtems/6/sparc-rtems6/erc32/lib/include/rtems/watchdogdrv.h (from cpukit/include/rtems/watchdogdrv.h)
Waf: Leaving directory `$HOME/development/rtems/src/rtems/build/sparc/erc32'
'install_sparc/erc32' finished successfully (0.637s)

5.3.4. Contributing Patches

RTEMS welcomes fixes to bugs and new features. The RTEMS Project likes to have bugs fixed against a ticket created on our Developer Site. Please raise a ticket if you have a bug. Any changes that are made can be tracked against the ticket. If you want to add a new a feature please post a message to Developers Mailing List describing what you would like to implement. The RTEMS maintainer will help decide if the feature is in the best interest of the project. Not everything is and the maintainers need to evalulate how much effort it is to maintain the feature. Once accepted into the source tree it becomes the responsibility of the maintainers to keep the feature updated and working.

Changes to the source tree are tracked using git. If you have not made changes and enter the source tree and enter a git status command you will see nothing has changed:

$ cd $HOME/development/rtems/src/rtems
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean

We will make a change to the source code. In this example I change the help message to the RTEMS shell’s halt command. Running the same git status command reports:

$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

        modified:   cpukit/libmisc/shell/main_halt.c

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

As an example I have a ticket open and the ticket number is 9876. I commit the change with the follow git command:

$ git commit cpukit/libmisc/shell/main_halt.c

An editor is opened and I enter my commit message. The first line is a title and the following lines form a body. My message is:

shell: Add more help detail to the halt command.

Closes #9876.

# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# Explicit paths specified without -i or -o; assuming --only paths...
# Committer: Chris Johns <chrisj@rtems.org>
# On branch master
# Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
# Changes to be committed:
#       modified:   cpukit/libmisc/shell/main_halt.c

When you save and exit the editor git will report the commit’s status:

$ git commit cpukit/libmisc/shell/main_halt.c
[master 9f44dc9] shell: Add more help detail to the halt command.
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

You can either email the patch to Developers Mailing List with the following git command, and it is minus one on the command line:

$ git send-email --to=devel@rtems.org -1
 <add output here>

Or you can ask git to create a patch file using:

$ git format-patch -1

This patch can be attached to a ticket.