RTEMS 6.1-rc7
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The chain container provides data structures and directives to manage user-defined data structures in doubly-linked lists. More...


file  chain.h
 This header file provides the Chains API.
file  chainappendnotify.c
 This source file contains the implementation of rtems_chain_append_with_notification().
file  chaingetnotify.c
 This source file contains the implementation of rtems_chain_get_with_notification().
file  chaingetwait.c
 This source file contains the implementation of rtems_chain_get_with_wait().
file  chainprependnotify.c
 This source file contains the implementation of rtems_chain_prepend_with_notification().
file  chainprotected.c
 This source file contains the implementation of rtems_chain_append(), rtems_chain_append_with_empty_check(), rtems_chain_extract(), rtems_chain_get(), rtems_chain_get_with_empty_check(), rtems_chain_insert(), rtems_chain_prepend(), and rtems_chain_prepend_with_empty_check().


 Chain initializer for an empty chain with designator name.
 Chain initializer for a chain with one node.
 Chain node initializer for a chain containing exactly this node.
#define RTEMS_CHAIN_DEFINE_EMPTY(name)    rtems_chain_control name = RTEMS_CHAIN_INITIALIZER_EMPTY( name )
 Chain definition for an empty chain with designator name.


typedef Chain_Node rtems_chain_node
typedef Chain_Control rtems_chain_control


rtems_status_code rtems_chain_append_with_notification (rtems_chain_control *chain, rtems_chain_node *node, rtems_id task, rtems_event_set events)
 Appends the node to the chain and sends the events to the task if the chain was empty before the append.
rtems_status_code rtems_chain_prepend_with_notification (rtems_chain_control *chain, rtems_chain_node *node, rtems_id task, rtems_event_set events)
 Prepends the node to the chain and sends the events to the task if the chain was empty before the prepend.
rtems_status_code rtems_chain_get_with_notification (rtems_chain_control *chain, rtems_id task, rtems_event_set events, rtems_chain_node **node)
 Gets the first node of the chain and sends the events to the task if the chain is empty after the get.
rtems_status_code rtems_chain_get_with_wait (rtems_chain_control *chain, rtems_event_set events, rtems_interval timeout, rtems_chain_node **node)
 Gets the first node of the chain and sends the events to the task if the chain is empty afterwards.
void rtems_chain_extract (rtems_chain_node *the_node)
 Extract the specified node from a chain.
rtems_chain_nodertems_chain_get (rtems_chain_control *the_chain)
 Obtain the first node on a chain.
void rtems_chain_insert (rtems_chain_node *after_node, rtems_chain_node *the_node)
 Insert a node on a chain.
void rtems_chain_append (rtems_chain_control *the_chain, rtems_chain_node *the_node)
 Append a node on the end of a chain.
void rtems_chain_prepend (rtems_chain_control *the_chain, rtems_chain_node *the_node)
 Prepend a node.
bool rtems_chain_append_with_empty_check (rtems_chain_control *chain, rtems_chain_node *node)
 Checks if the chain is empty and appends the node.
bool rtems_chain_prepend_with_empty_check (rtems_chain_control *chain, rtems_chain_node *node)
 Checks if the chain is empty and prepends the node.
bool rtems_chain_get_with_empty_check (rtems_chain_control *chain, rtems_chain_node **node)
 Tries to get the first node and check if the chain is empty afterwards.

Detailed Description

The chain container provides data structures and directives to manage user-defined data structures in doubly-linked lists.

Macro Definition Documentation



Chain initializer for a chain with one node.

See also



Chain node initializer for a chain containing exactly this node.

See also

Function Documentation

◆ rtems_chain_append()

void rtems_chain_append ( rtems_chain_control the_chain,
rtems_chain_node the_node 

Append a node on the end of a chain.

This routine appends the_node onto the end of the_chain.

NOTE: It disables interrupts to ensure the atomicity of the append operation.

◆ rtems_chain_append_with_empty_check()

bool rtems_chain_append_with_empty_check ( rtems_chain_control chain,
rtems_chain_node node 

Checks if the chain is empty and appends the node.

Interrupts are disabled to ensure the atomicity of the operation.

Return values
trueThe chain was empty before the append.
falseThe chain contained at least one node before the append.

◆ rtems_chain_append_with_notification()

rtems_status_code rtems_chain_append_with_notification ( rtems_chain_control chain,
rtems_chain_node node,
rtems_id  task,
rtems_event_set  events 

Appends the node to the chain and sends the events to the task if the chain was empty before the append.

See also
rtems_chain_append_with_empty_check() and rtems_event_send().
Return values
RTEMS_SUCCESSFULSuccessful operation.

◆ rtems_chain_extract()

void rtems_chain_extract ( rtems_chain_node the_node)

Extract the specified node from a chain.

This routine extracts the_node from the chain on which it resides. It disables interrupts to ensure the atomicity of the extract operation.

  • the_node specifies the node to extract

◆ rtems_chain_get()

rtems_chain_node * rtems_chain_get ( rtems_chain_control the_chain)

Obtain the first node on a chain.

This function removes the first node from the_chain and returns a pointer to that node. If the_chain is empty, then NULL is returned.

This method returns a pointer a node. If a node was removed, then a pointer to that node is returned. If the_chain was empty, then NULL is returned.

NOTE: It disables interrupts to ensure the atomicity of the get operation.

◆ rtems_chain_get_with_empty_check()

bool rtems_chain_get_with_empty_check ( rtems_chain_control chain,
rtems_chain_node **  node 

Tries to get the first node and check if the chain is empty afterwards.

This function removes the first node from the chain and returns a pointer to that node in node. If the chain is empty, then NULL is returned.

Interrupts are disabled to ensure the atomicity of the operation.

Return values
trueThe chain is empty after the node removal.
falseThe chain contained at least one node after the node removal.

◆ rtems_chain_get_with_notification()

rtems_status_code rtems_chain_get_with_notification ( rtems_chain_control chain,
rtems_id  task,
rtems_event_set  events,
rtems_chain_node **  node 

Gets the first node of the chain and sends the events to the task if the chain is empty after the get.

See also
rtems_chain_get_with_empty_check() and rtems_event_send().
Return values
RTEMS_SUCCESSFULSuccessful operation.

◆ rtems_chain_get_with_wait()

rtems_status_code rtems_chain_get_with_wait ( rtems_chain_control chain,
rtems_event_set  events,
rtems_interval  timeout,
rtems_chain_node **  node 

Gets the first node of the chain and sends the events to the task if the chain is empty afterwards.

See also
rtems_chain_get() and rtems_event_receive().
Return values
RTEMS_SUCCESSFULSuccessful operation.

◆ rtems_chain_insert()

void rtems_chain_insert ( rtems_chain_node after_node,
rtems_chain_node the_node 

Insert a node on a chain.

This routine inserts the_node on a chain immediately following after_node.

NOTE: It disables interrupts to ensure the atomicity of the extract operation.

◆ rtems_chain_prepend()

void rtems_chain_prepend ( rtems_chain_control the_chain,
rtems_chain_node the_node 

Prepend a node.

This routine prepends the_node onto the front of the_chain.

[in]the_chainis the chain to be operated upon.
[in]the_nodeis the node to be prepended.

NOTE: It disables interrupts to ensure the atomicity of the prepend operation.

◆ rtems_chain_prepend_with_empty_check()

bool rtems_chain_prepend_with_empty_check ( rtems_chain_control chain,
rtems_chain_node node 

Checks if the chain is empty and prepends the node.

Interrupts are disabled to ensure the atomicity of the operation.

Return values
trueThe chain was empty before the prepend.
falseThe chain contained at least one node before the prepend.

◆ rtems_chain_prepend_with_notification()

rtems_status_code rtems_chain_prepend_with_notification ( rtems_chain_control chain,
rtems_chain_node node,
rtems_id  task,
rtems_event_set  events 

Prepends the node to the chain and sends the events to the task if the chain was empty before the prepend.

See also
rtems_chain_prepend_with_empty_check() and rtems_event_send().
Return values
RTEMS_SUCCESSFULSuccessful operation.