RTEMS 6.1-rc7
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chain.h File Reference

This header file provides the Chains API. More...

#include <rtems/score/chainimpl.h>
#include <rtems/rtems/event.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


 Chain initializer for an empty chain with designator name.
 Chain initializer for a chain with one node.
 Chain node initializer for a chain containing exactly this node.
#define RTEMS_CHAIN_DEFINE_EMPTY(name)    rtems_chain_control name = RTEMS_CHAIN_INITIALIZER_EMPTY( name )
 Chain definition for an empty chain with designator name.


typedef Chain_Node rtems_chain_node
typedef Chain_Control rtems_chain_control


rtems_status_code rtems_chain_append_with_notification (rtems_chain_control *chain, rtems_chain_node *node, rtems_id task, rtems_event_set events)
 Appends the node to the chain and sends the events to the task if the chain was empty before the append.
rtems_status_code rtems_chain_prepend_with_notification (rtems_chain_control *chain, rtems_chain_node *node, rtems_id task, rtems_event_set events)
 Prepends the node to the chain and sends the events to the task if the chain was empty before the prepend.
rtems_status_code rtems_chain_get_with_notification (rtems_chain_control *chain, rtems_id task, rtems_event_set events, rtems_chain_node **node)
 Gets the first node of the chain and sends the events to the task if the chain is empty after the get.
rtems_status_code rtems_chain_get_with_wait (rtems_chain_control *chain, rtems_event_set events, rtems_interval timeout, rtems_chain_node **node)
 Gets the first node of the chain and sends the events to the task if the chain is empty afterwards.
void rtems_chain_extract (rtems_chain_node *the_node)
 Extract the specified node from a chain.
rtems_chain_nodertems_chain_get (rtems_chain_control *the_chain)
 Obtain the first node on a chain.
void rtems_chain_insert (rtems_chain_node *after_node, rtems_chain_node *the_node)
 Insert a node on a chain.
void rtems_chain_append (rtems_chain_control *the_chain, rtems_chain_node *the_node)
 Append a node on the end of a chain.
void rtems_chain_prepend (rtems_chain_control *the_chain, rtems_chain_node *the_node)
 Prepend a node.
bool rtems_chain_append_with_empty_check (rtems_chain_control *chain, rtems_chain_node *node)
 Checks if the chain is empty and appends the node.
bool rtems_chain_prepend_with_empty_check (rtems_chain_control *chain, rtems_chain_node *node)
 Checks if the chain is empty and prepends the node.
bool rtems_chain_get_with_empty_check (rtems_chain_control *chain, rtems_chain_node **node)
 Tries to get the first node and check if the chain is empty afterwards.

Detailed Description

This header file provides the Chains API.