RTEMS  5.1


 HSMCI Functions

Detailed Description


The HSMCI driver provides the interface to configure and use the HSMCI peripheral.


  1. HSMCI_Enable(), MCI_Disable(): Enable/Disable HSMCI interface.
  2. HSMCI_Reset(): Reset HSMCI interface.
  3. HSMCI_Select(): HSMCI slot and buswidth selection (Hsmci::HSMCI_SDCR).
  4. HSMCI_ConfigureMode(): Configure the MCI CLKDIV in the _MR register (Hsmci::HSMCI_MR).
  5. HSMCI_EnableIt(), HSMCI_DisableIt(), HSMCI_GetItMask(), HSMCI_GetStatus() HSMCI Interrupt control (Hsmci::HSMCI_IER, Hsmci::HSMCI_IDR, Hsmci::HSMCI_IMR, Hsmci::HSMCI_SR).
  6. HSMCI_ConfigureTransfer(): Setup block length and count for MCI transfer (Hsmci::HSMCI_BLKR).
  7. HSMCI_SendCmd(): Send SD/MMC command with argument (Hsmci::HSMCI_ARGR, Hsmci::HSMCI_CMDR).
  8. HSMCI_GetResponse(): Get SD/MMC response after command finished (Hsmci::HSMCI_RSPR).
  9. HSMCI_ConfigureDma(): Configure MCI DMA transfer (Hsmci::HSMCI_DMA).
  10. HSMCI_Configure(): Configure the HSMCI interface (Hsmci::HSMCI_CFG).
  11. HSMCI_HsEnable(), HSMCI_IsHsEnabled(): High Speed control.

For more accurate information, please look at the HSMCI section of the Datasheet.

See also
MCI Driver (HAL for SD/MMC Lib)

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