General Scheduler Configuration


 This configuration option is an integer define. More...
 This configuration option is an integer define. More...
 This configuration option is an initializer define. More...
 This configuration option is a boolean feature define. More...
 This configuration option is a boolean feature define. More...
 This configuration option is a boolean feature define. More...
 This configuration option is an integer define. More...
 This configuration option is a boolean feature define. More...
 This configuration option is a boolean feature define. More...
 This configuration option is a boolean feature define. More...
 This configuration option is a boolean feature define. More...
 This configuration option is a boolean feature define. More...
 This configuration option is a boolean feature define. More...
 This configuration option is a boolean feature define. More...

Detailed Description

This section describes configuration options related to selecting a scheduling algorithm for an application. A scheduler configuration is optional and only necessary in very specific circumstances. A normal application configuration does not need any of the configuration options described in this section.

By default, the Deterministic Priority Scheduler algorithm is used in uniprocessor configurations. In case SMP is enabled and the configured maximum processors (CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS) is greater than one, then the Earliest Deadline First SMP Scheduler is selected as the default scheduler algorithm.

For the schedulers provided by RTEMS (see Scheduling Concepts), the configuration is straightforward. All that is required is to define the configuration option which specifies which scheduler you want for in your application.

The pluggable scheduler interface also enables the user to provide their own scheduling algorithm. If you choose to do this, you must define multiple configuration option.

Macro Definition Documentation



This configuration option is an integer define.

The value of this configuration option defines the maximum number Constant Bandwidth Servers that can be concurrently active.

Default Value
The default value is CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TASKS.
Value Constraints

The value of this configuration option shall satisfy all of the following constraints:

  • It shall be greater than or equal to 0.
  • It shall be less than or equal to SIZE_MAX.
  • It shall be less than or equal to a BSP-specific and application-specific value which depends on the size of the memory available to the application.
This configuration option is only evaluated if the configuration option CONFIGURE_SCHEDULER_CBS is defined.

Definition at line 3979 of file appl-config.h.



This configuration option is an integer define.

For the following schedulers

this configuration option specifies the maximum numeric priority of any task for these schedulers and one less that the number of priority levels for these schedulers. For all other schedulers provided by RTEMS, this configuration option has no effect.

Default Value
The default value is 255.
Value Constraints
The value of this configuration option shall be an element of {3, 7, 31, 63, 127, 255}.

The numerically greatest priority is the logically lowest priority in the system and will thus be used by the IDLE task.

Priority zero is reserved for internal use by RTEMS and is not available to applications.

Reducing the number of priorities through this configuration option reduces the amount of memory allocated by the schedulers listed above. These schedulers use a chain control structure per priority and this structure consists of three pointers. On a 32-bit architecture, the allocated memory is 12 bytes * (CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_PRIORITY + 1), e.g. 3072 bytes for 256 priority levels (default), 48 bytes for 4 priority levels (CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_PRIORITY == 3).

The default value is 255, because RTEMS shall support 256 priority levels to be compliant with various standards. These priorities range from 0 to 255.

Definition at line 4037 of file appl-config.h.



This configuration option is an initializer define.

The value of this configuration option is used to initialize the initial scheduler to processor assignments.

Default Value
The default value of this configuration option is computed so that the default scheduler is assigned to each configured processor (up to 32).
Value Constraints

The value of this configuration option shall satisfy all of the following constraints:

  • It shall be a list of the following macros:
    • RTEMS_SCHEDULER_ASSIGN( processor_index, attributes )
  • It shall be a list of exactly CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS elements.

This configuration option is only evaluated in SMP configurations.

This is an advanced configuration option, see Clustered Scheduler Configuration.

Definition at line 4074 of file appl-config.h.



This configuration option is a boolean feature define.

In case this configuration option is defined, then Constant Bandwidth Server Scheduling (CBS) algorithm is made available to the application.

Default Configuration
If this configuration option is undefined, then the described feature is not enabled.

This scheduler configuration option is an advanced configuration option. Think twice before you use it.

In case no explicit Clustered Scheduler Configuration is present, then it is used as the scheduler for exactly one processor.

Definition at line 4101 of file appl-config.h.



This configuration option is a boolean feature define.

In case this configuration option is defined, then Earliest Deadline First Scheduler algorithm is made available to the application.

Default Configuration
If this configuration option is undefined, then the described feature is not enabled.

This scheduler configuration option is an advanced configuration option. Think twice before you use it.

In case no explicit Clustered Scheduler Configuration is present, then it is used as the scheduler for exactly one processor.

Definition at line 4127 of file appl-config.h.



This configuration option is a boolean feature define.

In case this configuration option is defined, then Earliest Deadline First SMP Scheduler algorithm is made available to the application.

Default Configuration
If this configuration option is undefined, then the described feature is not enabled.

This scheduler configuration option is an advanced configuration option. Think twice before you use it.

This scheduler algorithm is only available when RTEMS is built with SMP support enabled.

In case no explicit Clustered Scheduler Configuration is present, then it is used as the scheduler for up to 32 processors.

This scheduler algorithm is the default in SMP configurations if CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS is greater than one.

Definition at line 4160 of file appl-config.h.



This configuration option is an integer define.

The value of this configuration option defines the name of the default scheduler.

Default Value

The default value is

Value Constraints
The value of this configuration option shall be a valid integer of type rtems_name.

This scheduler configuration option is an advanced configuration option. Think twice before you use it.

Schedulers can be identified via rtems_scheduler_ident().

Use rtems_build_name() to define the scheduler name.

Definition at line 4221 of file appl-config.h.



This configuration option is a boolean feature define.

In case this configuration option is defined, then Deterministic Priority Scheduler algorithm is made available to the application.

Default Configuration
If this configuration option is undefined, then the described feature is not enabled.

This scheduler configuration option is an advanced configuration option. Think twice before you use it.

In case no explicit Clustered Scheduler Configuration is present, then it is used as the scheduler for exactly one processor.

This scheduler algorithm is the default when CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS is exactly one.

The memory allocated for this scheduler depends on the CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_PRIORITY configuration option.

Definition at line 4253 of file appl-config.h.



This configuration option is a boolean feature define.

In case this configuration option is defined, then Arbitrary Processor Affinity Priority SMP Scheduler algorithm is made available to the application.

Default Configuration
If this configuration option is undefined, then the described feature is not enabled.

This scheduler configuration option is an advanced configuration option. Think twice before you use it.

This scheduler algorithm is only available when RTEMS is built with SMP support enabled.

In case no explicit Clustered Scheduler Configuration is present, then it is used as the scheduler for up to 32 processors.

The memory allocated for this scheduler depends on the CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_PRIORITY configuration option.

Definition at line 4286 of file appl-config.h.



This configuration option is a boolean feature define.

In case this configuration option is defined, then Deterministic Priority SMP Scheduler algorithm is made available to the application.

Default Configuration
If this configuration option is undefined, then the described feature is not enabled.

This scheduler configuration option is an advanced configuration option. Think twice before you use it.

This scheduler algorithm is only available when RTEMS is built with SMP support enabled.

In case no explicit Clustered Scheduler Configuration is present, then it is used as the scheduler for up to 32 processors.

The memory allocated for this scheduler depends on the CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_PRIORITY configuration option.

Definition at line 4318 of file appl-config.h.



This configuration option is a boolean feature define.

In case this configuration option is defined, then Simple Priority Scheduler algorithm is made available to the application.

Default Configuration
If this configuration option is undefined, then the described feature is not enabled.

This scheduler configuration option is an advanced configuration option. Think twice before you use it.

In case no explicit Clustered Scheduler Configuration is present, then it is used as the scheduler for exactly one processor.

Definition at line 4344 of file appl-config.h.



This configuration option is a boolean feature define.

In case this configuration option is defined, then Simple Priority SMP Scheduler algorithm is made available to the application. application.

Default Configuration
If this configuration option is undefined, then the described feature is not enabled.

This scheduler configuration option is an advanced configuration option. Think twice before you use it.

This scheduler algorithm is only available when RTEMS is built with SMP support enabled.

In case no explicit Clustered Scheduler Configuration is present, then it is used as the scheduler for up to 32 processors.

Definition at line 4374 of file appl-config.h.



This configuration option is a boolean feature define.

In case this configuration option is defined, then Strong APA algorithm is made available to the application.

Default Configuration
If this configuration option is undefined, then the described feature is not enabled.

This scheduler configuration option is an advanced configuration option. Think twice before you use it.

This scheduler algorithm is only available when RTEMS is built with SMP support enabled.

This scheduler algorithm is not correctly implemented. Do not use it.

Definition at line 4399 of file appl-config.h.



This configuration option is a boolean feature define.

In case this configuration option is defined, then the user shall provide a scheduler algorithm to the application.

Default Configuration
If this configuration option is undefined, then the described feature is not enabled.

This scheduler configuration option is an advanced configuration option. Think twice before you use it.

RTEMS allows the application to provide its own task/thread scheduling algorithm. In order to do this, one shall define CONFIGURE_SCHEDULER_USER to indicate the application provides its own scheduling algorithm. If CONFIGURE_SCHEDULER_USER is defined then the following additional macros shall be defined:

  • CONFIGURE_SCHEDULER shall be defined to a static definition of the scheduler data structures of the user scheduler.
  • CONFIGURE_SCHEDULER_TABLE_ENTRIES shall be defined to a scheduler table entry initializer for the user scheduler.
  • CONFIGURE_SCHEDULER_USER_PER_THREAD shall be defined to the type of the per-thread information of the user scheduler.

At this time, the mechanics and requirements for writing a new scheduler are evolving and not fully documented. It is recommended that you look at the existing Deterministic Priority Scheduler in cpukit/score/src/schedulerpriority*.c for guidance. For guidance on the configuration macros, please examine cpukit/sapi/include/confdefs.h for how these are defined for the Deterministic Priority Scheduler.

Definition at line 4441 of file appl-config.h.