Files | Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
Classic Tasks Manager Implementation


file  tasksdata.h
 Classic Tasks Manager Data Structures.
file  tasksimpl.h
 Classic Tasks Manager Implementation.
file  taskident.c
 rtems_task_ident() Implementation


struct  RTEMS_API_Control


typedef rtems_status_code(* RTEMS_tasks_Prepare_stack) (Thread_Configuration *, const rtems_task_config *)


void _RTEMS_tasks_Initialize_user_task (void)
 System initialization handler to create and start the first user task.
void _RTEMS_tasks_Initialize_user_tasks (void)
 RTEMS User Task Initialization. More...
rtems_status_code _RTEMS_tasks_Create (const rtems_task_config *config, rtems_id *id, RTEMS_tasks_Prepare_stack prepare_stack)
static __inline__ Thread_Control_RTEMS_tasks_Allocate (void)
static __inline__ void _RTEMS_tasks_Free (Thread_Control *the_task)
 Frees a task control block. More...
static __inline__ Priority_Control _RTEMS_Priority_To_core (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, rtems_task_priority priority, bool *valid)
 Converts the RTEMS API priority to the corresponding SuperCore priority and validates it. More...
static __inline__ rtems_task_priority _RTEMS_Priority_From_core (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Priority_Control priority)
 Converts the SuperCore priority to the corresponding RTEMS API priority. More...


const rtems_initialization_tasks_table _RTEMS_tasks_User_task_table
 Initialization table for the first user task. More...
Thread_Information _RTEMS_tasks_Information

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ _RTEMS_Priority_From_core()

static __inline__ rtems_task_priority _RTEMS_Priority_From_core ( const Scheduler_Control scheduler,
Priority_Control  priority 

Converts the SuperCore priority to the corresponding RTEMS API priority.

[in]schedulerThe scheduler instance.
[in]priorityThe SuperCore priority to convert.
The corresponding RTEMS API priority.

Definition at line 116 of file tasksimpl.h.

◆ _RTEMS_Priority_To_core()

static __inline__ Priority_Control _RTEMS_Priority_To_core ( const Scheduler_Control scheduler,
rtems_task_priority  priority,
bool *  valid 

Converts the RTEMS API priority to the corresponding SuperCore priority and validates it.

The RTEMS API system priority is accepted as valid.

[in]schedulerThe scheduler instance.
[in]priorityThe RTEMS API priority to convert and validate.
[out]validIndicates if the RTEMS API priority is valid and a corresponding SuperCore priority in the specified scheduler instance exists.
The corresponding SuperCore priority.

Definition at line 96 of file tasksimpl.h.

◆ _RTEMS_tasks_Free()

static __inline__ void _RTEMS_tasks_Free ( Thread_Control the_task)

Frees a task control block.

This routine frees a task control block to the inactive chain of free task control blocks.

Definition at line 72 of file tasksimpl.h.

◆ _RTEMS_tasks_Initialize_user_tasks()

void _RTEMS_tasks_Initialize_user_tasks ( void  )

RTEMS User Task Initialization.

This routine creates and starts all configured user initialization threads.

Variable Documentation

◆ _RTEMS_tasks_Information

Thread_Information _RTEMS_tasks_Information

The following instantiates the information control block used to manage this class of objects.

◆ _RTEMS_tasks_User_task_table

const rtems_initialization_tasks_table _RTEMS_tasks_User_task_table

Initialization table for the first user task.

This table is used by _RTEMS_tasks_Initialize_user_task() and initialized via <rtems/confdefs.h>.

Definition at line 34 of file taskinitdefault.c.