Files | Classes | Macros | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
Classic Message Queue Implementation


file  messageimpl.h
 Classic Message Queue Manager Implementation.
file  msgqcreate.c
 This source file contains the implementation of rtems_message_queue_create().
file  msgqident.c
 rtems_message_queue_ident() Implementation


struct  Message_queue_Control


 Macro to define the objects information for the Classic Message Queue objects. More...


enum  Message_queue_Submit_types { MESSAGE_QUEUE_SEND_REQUEST = 0, MESSAGE_QUEUE_URGENT_REQUEST = 1 }


rtems_status_code _Message_queue_Submit (rtems_id id, const void *buffer, size_t size, Message_queue_Submit_types submit_type)
 Message_queue_Submit. More...
static __inline__ void _Message_queue_Free (Message_queue_Control *the_message_queue)
 Deallocates a message queue control block into the inactive chain of free message queue control blocks. More...
static __inline__ Message_queue_Control_Message_queue_Get (Objects_Id id, Thread_queue_Context *queue_context)
static __inline__ Message_queue_Control_Message_queue_Allocate (void)
rtems_status_code _Message_queue_Create (const rtems_message_queue_config *config, rtems_id *id, CORE_message_queue_Allocate_buffers allocate_buffers)
 Creates a message queue. More...


Objects_Information _Message_queue_Information
 The Classic Message Queue objects information.

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


_Message_queue, \
max, \
_Message_queue_MP_Send_extract_proxy \
Constant for the object information string name length to indicate that this object class has no stri...
Definition: objectdata.h:101
#define OBJECTS_INFORMATION_DEFINE(name, api, cls, type, max, nl, ex)
Statically initializes an objects information.
Definition: objectdata.h:427

Macro to define the objects information for the Classic Message Queue objects.

This macro should only be used by <rtems/confdefs.h>.

maxThe configured object maximum (the OBJECTS_UNLIMITED_OBJECTS flag may be set).

Definition at line 77 of file messagedata.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Message_queue_Submit_types

The following enumerated type details the modes in which a message may be submitted to a message queue. The message may be posted in a send or urgent fashion.


This value indicates the user wants to send the message using the normal message insertion protocol (FIFO or priority).


This value indicates the user considers the message to be urgent and wants it inserted at the head of the pending message queue.

Definition at line 41 of file messageimpl.h.

Function Documentation

◆ _Message_queue_Create()

rtems_status_code _Message_queue_Create ( const rtems_message_queue_config config,
rtems_id id,
CORE_message_queue_Allocate_buffers  allocate_buffers 

Creates a message queue.

configis the message queue configuration.
[out]idcontains the object identifier if the operation was successful.
allocate_buffersis the message buffer storage area allocation handler.

Definition at line 53 of file msgqconstruct.c.

◆ _Message_queue_Free()

static __inline__ void _Message_queue_Free ( Message_queue_Control the_message_queue)

Deallocates a message queue control block into the inactive chain of free message queue control blocks.

This routine deallocates a message queue control block into the inactive chain of free message queue control blocks.

Definition at line 78 of file messageimpl.h.

◆ _Message_queue_Submit()

rtems_status_code _Message_queue_Submit ( rtems_id  id,
const void *  buffer,
size_t  size,
Message_queue_Submit_types  submit_type 


This routine implements the directives rtems_message_queue_send and rtems_message_queue_urgent. It processes a message that is to be submitted to the designated message queue. The message will either be processed as a send send message which it will be inserted at the rear of the queue or it will be processed as an urgent message which will be inserted at the front of the queue.