RTEMS 6.1-rc7
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tx-support.h File Reference

This header file provides the support functions for the validation test cases. More...

#include <rtems.h>
#include <rtems/irq-extension.h>
#include <rtems/score/atomic.h>
#include <rtems/score/threadq.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  TaskTimerInfo
struct  MemoryContext
struct  CallWithinISRRequest
struct  WrapThreadQueueContext
struct  Timer_Scheduling_Data
 This structure provides data used by RTEMS to schedule a timer service routine. More...
struct  ExtensionCalls


#define PRIO_DEFAULT   1
 This constants represents the default priority of the runner task.
#define PRIO_INVALID   0xfffffffe
 This constants represents an invalid RTEMS task priority value.
#define PRIO_NEARLY_IDLE   126
 This constants represents a priority which is close to the priority of the idle thread.
#define PRIO_FLEXIBLE   64
 This constants represents a priority with a wider range of higher and lower priorities around it.
#define INVALID_ID   0xfffffffd
 This constants represents an invalid RTEMS object identifier.
#define OBJECT_NAME   rtems_build_name( 'T', 'E', 'S', 'T' )
 This constants represents an object name for tests.
#define CreateTask(name, priority)
#define SCHEDULER_A_ID   0xf010001
#define SCHEDULER_B_ID   0xf010002
#define SCHEDULER_C_ID   0xf010003
#define SCHEDULER_D_ID   0xf010004
 This constant represents the fake frequency of the software timecounter.


typedef uint32_t(* GetTimecountHandler) (void)
typedef void(* FatalHandler) (rtems_fatal_source source, rtems_fatal_code code, void *arg)


enum  Priority {
enum  TaskTimerState {
 The various states of a timer.


rtems_id DoCreateTask (rtems_name name, rtems_task_priority priority)
void StartTask (rtems_id id, rtems_task_entry entry, void *arg)
void DeleteTask (rtems_id id)
void SuspendTask (rtems_id id)
void SuspendSelf (void)
void ResumeTask (rtems_id id)
bool IsTaskSuspended (rtems_id id)
rtems_event_set QueryPendingEvents (void)
rtems_event_set PollAnyEvents (void)
rtems_event_set ReceiveAnyEvents (void)
rtems_event_set ReceiveAnyEventsTimed (rtems_interval ticks)
void ReceiveAllEvents (rtems_event_set events)
void SendEvents (rtems_id id, rtems_event_set events)
rtems_mode GetMode (void)
rtems_mode SetMode (rtems_mode set, rtems_mode mask)
rtems_task_priority GetPriority (rtems_id id)
rtems_task_priority GetPriorityByScheduler (rtems_id task_id, rtems_id scheduler_id)
rtems_task_priority SetPriority (rtems_id id, rtems_task_priority priority)
rtems_task_priority GetSelfPriority (void)
rtems_task_priority SetSelfPriority (rtems_task_priority priority)
rtems_task_priority SetSelfPriorityNoYield (rtems_task_priority priority)
rtems_id GetScheduler (rtems_id id)
rtems_id GetSelfScheduler (void)
void SetScheduler (rtems_id task_id, rtems_id scheduler_id, rtems_task_priority priority)
void SetSelfScheduler (rtems_id scheduler_id, rtems_task_priority priority)
void GetAffinity (rtems_id id, cpu_set_t *set)
void GetSelfAffinity (cpu_set_t *set)
void SetAffinity (rtems_id id, const cpu_set_t *set)
void SetSelfAffinity (const cpu_set_t *set)
void SetAffinityOne (rtems_id id, uint32_t cpu_index)
void SetSelfAffinityOne (uint32_t cpu_index)
void SetAffinityAll (rtems_id id)
void SetSelfAffinityAll (void)
void Yield (void)
void YieldTask (rtems_id id)
void AddProcessor (rtems_id scheduler_id, uint32_t cpu_index)
void RemoveProcessor (rtems_id scheduler_id, uint32_t cpu_index)
rtems_id CreateMutex (void)
rtems_id CreateMutexNoProtocol (void)
rtems_id CreateMutexFIFO (void)
bool IsMutexOwner (rtems_id id)
void DeleteMutex (rtems_id id)
void ObtainMutex (rtems_id id)
void ObtainMutexTimed (rtems_id id, rtems_interval ticks)
void ObtainMutexDeadlock (rtems_id id)
void ReleaseMutex (rtems_id id)
struct Thread_queue_QueueGetMutexThreadQueue (rtems_id id)
void RestoreRunnerASR (void)
void RestoreRunnerMode (void)
void RestoreRunnerPriority (void)
void RestoreRunnerScheduler (void)
struct _Thread_ControlGetThread (rtems_id id)
struct _Thread_ControlGetExecuting (void)
void KillZombies (void)
void WaitForExecutionStop (rtems_id task_id)
void WaitForIntendToBlock (rtems_id task_id)
void WaitForHeir (uint32_t cpu_index, rtems_id task_id)
void WaitForNextTask (uint32_t cpu_index, rtems_id task_id)
void GetTaskTimerInfo (rtems_id id, TaskTimerInfo *info)
void GetTaskTimerInfoByThread (struct _Thread_Control *thread, TaskTimerInfo *info)
void ClockTick (void)
void FinalClockTick (void)
 Simulates a clock tick with the final expire time point of UINT64_MAX for all clocks.
void TimecounterTick (void)
 Simulates a single clock tick using the software timecounter.
GetTimecountHandler SetGetTimecountHandler (GetTimecountHandler handler)
 Sets the get timecount handler.
uint32_t GetTimecountCounter (void)
 Gets the software timecount counter value.
uint32_t SetTimecountCounter (uint32_t counter)
 Sets and gets the software timecount counter value.
rtems_id GetTimerServerTaskId (void)
 Return the task id of the timer server task.
bool DeleteTimerServer (void)
 Undo the effects of rtems_timer_initiate_server()
void MemorySave (MemoryContext *ctx)
void MemoryRestore (const MemoryContext *ctx)
void MemoryAllocationFailWhen (uint32_t counter)
 Fails a dynamic memory allocation when the counter reaches zero.
void CallWithinISR (void(*handler)(void *), void *arg)
void CallWithinISRSubmit (CallWithinISRRequest *request)
void CallWithinISRWait (const CallWithinISRRequest *request)
void CallWithinISRRaise (void)
void CallWithinISRClear (void)
rtems_vector_number CallWithinISRGetVector (void)
rtems_vector_number GetSoftwareInterruptVector (void)
void WrapThreadQueueInitialize (WrapThreadQueueContext *ctx, void(*handler)(void *), void *arg)
void WrapThreadQueueExtract (WrapThreadQueueContext *ctx, struct _Thread_Control *thread)
void WrapThreadQueueExtractDirect (WrapThreadQueueContext *ctx, Thread_Control *thread)
void WrapThreadQueueDestroy (WrapThreadQueueContext *ctx)
void SetPreemptionIntervention (struct Per_CPU_Control *cpu, void(*handler)(void *), void *arg)
rtems_vector_number GetValidInterruptVectorNumber (const rtems_interrupt_attributes *required)
rtems_vector_number GetTestableInterruptVector (const rtems_interrupt_attributes *required)
rtems_status_code RaiseSoftwareInterrupt (rtems_vector_number vector)
rtems_status_code ClearSoftwareInterrupt (rtems_vector_number vector)
bool HasInterruptVectorEntriesInstalled (rtems_vector_number vector)
Timer_Classes GetTimerClass (rtems_id id)
 Get the clock and context of a timer from RTEMS internal data.
void GetTimerSchedulingData (rtems_id id, Timer_Scheduling_Data *data)
 Get data related to scheduling a timer service routine from RTEMS internal structures.
Timer_States GetTimerState (rtems_id id)
 Get the state of a timer from RTEMS internal data.
void UnsetClock (void)
 Mark the realtime clock as never set.
void FatalInitialExtension (rtems_fatal_source source, bool always_set_to_false, rtems_fatal_code code)
void SetFatalHandler (FatalHandler fatal, void *arg)
void SetTaskSwitchExtension (rtems_task_switch_extension task_switch)
void ClearExtensionCalls (ExtensionCalls *calls)
void CopyExtensionCalls (const ExtensionCalls *from, ExtensionCalls *to)
void SetIORelaxHandler (void(*handler)(void *), void *arg)
void StartDelayThreadDispatch (uint32_t cpu_index)
void StopDelayThreadDispatch (uint32_t cpu_index)
bool AreInterruptsEnabled (void)
bool IsWhiteSpaceOnly (const char *s)
bool IsEqualIgnoreWhiteSpace (const char *a, const char *b)
void * IdleBody (uintptr_t ignored)


const rtems_task_config DefaultTaskConfig
 This task configurations may be used to construct a task during tests.

Detailed Description

This header file provides the support functions for the validation test cases.