RTEMS 6.1-rc7
No Matches
Data Fields
_flexspi_nor_config Struct Reference

Serial NOR configuration block. More...

#include <fsl_romapi.h>

Data Fields

flexspi_mem_config_t memConfig
 Common memory configuration info via FlexSPI.
uint32_t pageSize
 Page size of Serial NOR.
uint32_t sectorSize
 Sector size of Serial NOR.
uint8_t ipcmdSerialClkFreq
 Clock frequency for IP command.
uint8_t isUniformBlockSize
 Sector/Block size is the same.
uint8_t isDataOrderSwapped
 The data order is swapped in OPI DDR mode (only i.MXRT11*)
uint8_t reserved0
 Reserved for future use.
uint8_t serialNorType
 Serial NOR Flash type: 0/1/2/3.
uint8_t needExitNoCmdMode
 Need to exit NoCmd mode before other IP command.
uint8_t halfClkForNonReadCmd
 Half the Serial Clock for non-read command: true/false.
uint8_t needRestoreNoCmdMode
 Need to Restore NoCmd mode after IP commmand execution.
uint32_t blockSize
 Block size.
uint32_t FlashStateCtx
 Flash State Context after being configured (only i.MXRT11*)
uint32_t reserve2 [10]
 Reserved for future use.

Detailed Description

Serial NOR configuration block.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: