RTEMS 6.1-rc7
No Matches
Data Structures | Functions

Data Structures

struct  _pwm_signal_param
 Structure for the user to define the PWM signal characteristics. More...
struct  _pwm_config
 PWM config structure. More...
struct  _pwm_fault_input_filter_param
 Structure for the user to configure the fault input filter. More...
struct  _pwm_fault_param
 Structure is used to hold the parameters to configure a PWM fault. More...
struct  _pwm_input_capture_param
 Structure is used to hold parameters to configure the capture capability of a signal pin. More...


void PWM_SetupInputCapture (PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel, const pwm_input_capture_param_t *inputCaptureParams)
 Sets up the PWM input capture.
void PWM_SetupFaultInputFilter (PWM_Type *base, const pwm_fault_input_filter_param_t *faultInputFilterParams)
 Sets up the PWM fault input filter.
void PWM_SetupFaults (PWM_Type *base, pwm_fault_input_t faultNum, const pwm_fault_param_t *faultParams)
 Sets up the PWM fault protection.
void PWM_FaultDefaultConfig (pwm_fault_param_t *config)
 Fill in the PWM fault config struct with the default settings.
void PWM_SetupForceSignal (PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel, pwm_force_signal_t mode)
 Selects the signal to output on a PWM pin when a FORCE_OUT signal is asserted.
uint8_t PWM_GetPwmChannelState (PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel)
 Get the dutycycle value.
status_t PWM_SetOutputToIdle (PWM_Type *base, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel, pwm_submodule_t subModule, bool idleStatus)
 Set PWM output in idle status (high or low).
void PWM_SetClockMode (PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_clock_prescale_t prescaler)
 Set the pwm submodule prescaler.
void PWM_SetPwmForceOutputToZero (PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel, bool forcetozero)
 This function enables-disables the forcing of the output of a given eFlexPwm channel to logic 0.
void PWM_SetChannelOutput (PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel, pwm_output_state_t outputstate)
 This function set the output state of the PWM pin as requested for the current cycle.

Driver version

enum  _pwm_submodule { kPWM_Module_0 = 0U , kPWM_Module_1 , kPWM_Module_2 , kPWM_Module_3 }
 List of PWM submodules. More...
enum  _pwm_channels { kPWM_PwmB = 0U , kPWM_PwmA , kPWM_PwmX }
 List of PWM channels in each module.
enum  _pwm_value_register {
  kPWM_ValueRegister_0 = 0U , kPWM_ValueRegister_1 , kPWM_ValueRegister_2 , kPWM_ValueRegister_3 ,
  kPWM_ValueRegister_4 , kPWM_ValueRegister_5
 List of PWM value registers. More...
enum  _pwm_value_register_mask {
  kPWM_ValueRegisterMask_0 = (1U << 0) , kPWM_ValueRegisterMask_1 = (1U << 1) , kPWM_ValueRegisterMask_2 = (1U << 2) , kPWM_ValueRegisterMask_3 = (1U << 3) ,
  kPWM_ValueRegisterMask_4 = (1U << 4) , kPWM_ValueRegisterMask_5 = (1U << 5)
 List of PWM value registers mask. More...
enum  _pwm_clock_source { kPWM_BusClock = 0U , kPWM_ExternalClock , kPWM_Submodule0Clock }
 PWM clock source selection. More...
enum  _pwm_clock_prescale {
  kPWM_Prescale_Divide_1 = 0U , kPWM_Prescale_Divide_2 , kPWM_Prescale_Divide_4 , kPWM_Prescale_Divide_8 ,
  kPWM_Prescale_Divide_16 , kPWM_Prescale_Divide_32 , kPWM_Prescale_Divide_64 , kPWM_Prescale_Divide_128
 PWM prescaler factor selection for clock source. More...
enum  _pwm_force_output_trigger {
  kPWM_Force_Local = 0U , kPWM_Force_Master , kPWM_Force_LocalReload , kPWM_Force_MasterReload ,
  kPWM_Force_LocalSync , kPWM_Force_MasterSync , kPWM_Force_External , kPWM_Force_ExternalSync
 Options that can trigger a PWM FORCE_OUT. More...
enum  _pwm_output_state {
  kPWM_HighState = 0 , kPWM_LowState , kPWM_NormalState , kPWM_InvertState ,
 PWM channel output status. More...
enum  _pwm_init_source { kPWM_Initialize_LocalSync = 0U , kPWM_Initialize_MasterReload , kPWM_Initialize_MasterSync , kPWM_Initialize_ExtSync }
 PWM counter initialization options. More...
enum  _pwm_load_frequency {
  kPWM_LoadEveryOportunity = 0U , kPWM_LoadEvery2Oportunity , kPWM_LoadEvery3Oportunity , kPWM_LoadEvery4Oportunity ,
  kPWM_LoadEvery5Oportunity , kPWM_LoadEvery6Oportunity , kPWM_LoadEvery7Oportunity , kPWM_LoadEvery8Oportunity ,
  kPWM_LoadEvery9Oportunity , kPWM_LoadEvery10Oportunity , kPWM_LoadEvery11Oportunity , kPWM_LoadEvery12Oportunity ,
  kPWM_LoadEvery13Oportunity , kPWM_LoadEvery14Oportunity , kPWM_LoadEvery15Oportunity , kPWM_LoadEvery16Oportunity
 PWM load frequency selection. More...
enum  _pwm_fault_input { kPWM_Fault_0 = 0U , kPWM_Fault_1 , kPWM_Fault_2 , kPWM_Fault_3 }
 List of PWM fault selections. More...
enum  _pwm_fault_disable { kPWM_FaultDisable_0 = (1U << 0) , kPWM_FaultDisable_1 = (1U << 1) , kPWM_FaultDisable_2 = (1U << 2) , kPWM_FaultDisable_3 = (1U << 3) }
 List of PWM fault disable mapping selections. More...
enum  _pwm_fault_channels { kPWM_faultchannel_0 = 0U , kPWM_faultchannel_1 }
 List of PWM fault channels.
enum  _pwm_input_capture_edge { kPWM_Disable = 0U , kPWM_FallingEdge , kPWM_RisingEdge , kPWM_RiseAndFallEdge }
 PWM capture edge select. More...
enum  _pwm_force_signal { kPWM_UsePwm = 0U , kPWM_InvertedPwm , kPWM_SoftwareControl , kPWM_UseExternal }
 PWM output options when a FORCE_OUT signal is asserted. More...
enum  _pwm_chnl_pair_operation { kPWM_Independent = 0U , kPWM_ComplementaryPwmA , kPWM_ComplementaryPwmB }
 Options available for the PWM A & B pair operation. More...
enum  _pwm_register_reload { kPWM_ReloadImmediate = 0U , kPWM_ReloadPwmHalfCycle , kPWM_ReloadPwmFullCycle , kPWM_ReloadPwmHalfAndFullCycle }
 Options available on how to load the buffered-registers with new values. More...
enum  _pwm_fault_recovery_mode { kPWM_NoRecovery = 0U , kPWM_RecoverHalfCycle , kPWM_RecoverFullCycle , kPWM_RecoverHalfAndFullCycle }
 Options available on how to re-enable the PWM output when recovering from a fault. More...
enum  _pwm_interrupt_enable {
  kPWM_CompareVal0InterruptEnable = (1U << 0) , kPWM_CompareVal1InterruptEnable = (1U << 1) , kPWM_CompareVal2InterruptEnable = (1U << 2) , kPWM_CompareVal3InterruptEnable = (1U << 3) ,
  kPWM_CompareVal4InterruptEnable = (1U << 4) , kPWM_CompareVal5InterruptEnable = (1U << 5) , kPWM_CaptureX0InterruptEnable = (1U << 6) , kPWM_CaptureX1InterruptEnable = (1U << 7) ,
  kPWM_CaptureB0InterruptEnable = (1U << 8) , kPWM_CaptureB1InterruptEnable = (1U << 9) , kPWM_CaptureA0InterruptEnable = (1U << 10) , kPWM_CaptureA1InterruptEnable = (1U << 11) ,
  kPWM_ReloadInterruptEnable = (1U << 12) , kPWM_ReloadErrorInterruptEnable = (1U << 13) , kPWM_Fault0InterruptEnable = (1U << 16) , kPWM_Fault1InterruptEnable = (1U << 17) ,
  kPWM_Fault2InterruptEnable = (1U << 18) , kPWM_Fault3InterruptEnable = (1U << 19)
 List of PWM interrupt options. More...
enum  _pwm_status_flags {
  kPWM_CompareVal0Flag = (1U << 0) , kPWM_CompareVal1Flag = (1U << 1) , kPWM_CompareVal2Flag = (1U << 2) , kPWM_CompareVal3Flag = (1U << 3) ,
  kPWM_CompareVal4Flag = (1U << 4) , kPWM_CompareVal5Flag = (1U << 5) , kPWM_CaptureX0Flag = (1U << 6) , kPWM_CaptureX1Flag = (1U << 7) ,
  kPWM_CaptureB0Flag = (1U << 8) , kPWM_CaptureB1Flag = (1U << 9) , kPWM_CaptureA0Flag = (1U << 10) , kPWM_CaptureA1Flag = (1U << 11) ,
  kPWM_ReloadFlag = (1U << 12) , kPWM_ReloadErrorFlag = (1U << 13) , kPWM_RegUpdatedFlag = (1U << 14) , kPWM_Fault0Flag = (1U << 16) ,
  kPWM_Fault1Flag = (1U << 17) , kPWM_Fault2Flag = (1U << 18) , kPWM_Fault3Flag = (1U << 19)
 List of PWM status flags. More...
enum  _pwm_dma_enable {
  kPWM_CaptureX0DMAEnable = (1U << 0) , kPWM_CaptureX1DMAEnable = (1U << 1) , kPWM_CaptureB0DMAEnable = (1U << 2) , kPWM_CaptureB1DMAEnable = (1U << 3) ,
  kPWM_CaptureA0DMAEnable = (1U << 4) , kPWM_CaptureA1DMAEnable = (1U << 5)
 List of PWM DMA options. More...
enum  _pwm_dma_source_select { kPWM_DMARequestDisable = 0U , kPWM_DMAWatermarksEnable , kPWM_DMALocalSync , kPWM_DMALocalReload }
 List of PWM capture DMA enable source select. More...
enum  _pwm_watermark_control { kPWM_FIFOWatermarksOR = 0U , kPWM_FIFOWatermarksAND }
 PWM FIFO Watermark AND Control. More...
enum  _pwm_mode { kPWM_SignedCenterAligned = 0U , kPWM_CenterAligned , kPWM_SignedEdgeAligned , kPWM_EdgeAligned }
 PWM operation mode. More...
enum  _pwm_level_select { kPWM_HighTrue = 0U , kPWM_LowTrue }
 PWM output pulse mode, high-true or low-true. More...
enum  _pwm_fault_state { kPWM_PwmFaultState0 , kPWM_PwmFaultState1 , kPWM_PwmFaultState2 , kPWM_PwmFaultState3 }
 PWM output fault status. More...
enum  _pwm_reload_source_select { kPWM_LocalReload = 0U , kPWM_MasterReload }
 PWM reload source select. More...
enum  _pwm_fault_clear { kPWM_Automatic = 0U , kPWM_ManualNormal , kPWM_ManualSafety }
 PWM fault clearing options. More...
enum  _pwm_module_control { kPWM_Control_Module_0 = (1U << 0) , kPWM_Control_Module_1 = (1U << 1) , kPWM_Control_Module_2 = (1U << 2) , kPWM_Control_Module_3 = (1U << 3) }
 Options for submodule master control operation. More...
typedef enum _pwm_submodule pwm_submodule_t
 List of PWM submodules.
typedef enum _pwm_channels pwm_channels_t
 List of PWM channels in each module.
typedef enum _pwm_value_register pwm_value_register_t
 List of PWM value registers.
typedef enum _pwm_clock_source pwm_clock_source_t
 PWM clock source selection.
typedef enum _pwm_clock_prescale pwm_clock_prescale_t
 PWM prescaler factor selection for clock source.
typedef enum _pwm_force_output_trigger pwm_force_output_trigger_t
 Options that can trigger a PWM FORCE_OUT.
typedef enum _pwm_output_state pwm_output_state_t
 PWM channel output status.
typedef enum _pwm_init_source pwm_init_source_t
 PWM counter initialization options.
typedef enum _pwm_load_frequency pwm_load_frequency_t
 PWM load frequency selection.
typedef enum _pwm_fault_input pwm_fault_input_t
 List of PWM fault selections.
typedef enum _pwm_fault_disable pwm_fault_disable_t
 List of PWM fault disable mapping selections.
typedef enum _pwm_fault_channels pwm_fault_channels_t
 List of PWM fault channels.
typedef enum _pwm_input_capture_edge pwm_input_capture_edge_t
 PWM capture edge select.
typedef enum _pwm_force_signal pwm_force_signal_t
 PWM output options when a FORCE_OUT signal is asserted.
typedef enum _pwm_chnl_pair_operation pwm_chnl_pair_operation_t
 Options available for the PWM A & B pair operation.
typedef enum _pwm_register_reload pwm_register_reload_t
 Options available on how to load the buffered-registers with new values.
typedef enum _pwm_fault_recovery_mode pwm_fault_recovery_mode_t
 Options available on how to re-enable the PWM output when recovering from a fault.
typedef enum _pwm_interrupt_enable pwm_interrupt_enable_t
 List of PWM interrupt options.
typedef enum _pwm_status_flags pwm_status_flags_t
 List of PWM status flags.
typedef enum _pwm_dma_enable pwm_dma_enable_t
 List of PWM DMA options.
typedef enum _pwm_dma_source_select pwm_dma_source_select_t
 List of PWM capture DMA enable source select.
typedef enum _pwm_watermark_control pwm_watermark_control_t
 PWM FIFO Watermark AND Control.
typedef enum _pwm_mode pwm_mode_t
 PWM operation mode.
typedef enum _pwm_level_select pwm_level_select_t
 PWM output pulse mode, high-true or low-true.
typedef enum _pwm_fault_state pwm_fault_state_t
 PWM output fault status.
typedef enum _pwm_reload_source_select pwm_reload_source_select_t
 PWM reload source select.
typedef enum _pwm_fault_clear pwm_fault_clear_t
 PWM fault clearing options.
typedef enum _pwm_module_control pwm_module_control_t
 Options for submodule master control operation.
typedef struct _pwm_signal_param pwm_signal_param_t
 Structure for the user to define the PWM signal characteristics.
typedef struct _pwm_config pwm_config_t
 PWM config structure.
typedef struct _pwm_fault_input_filter_param pwm_fault_input_filter_param_t
 Structure for the user to configure the fault input filter.
typedef struct _pwm_fault_param pwm_fault_param_t
 Structure is used to hold the parameters to configure a PWM fault.
typedef struct _pwm_input_capture_param pwm_input_capture_param_t
 Structure is used to hold parameters to configure the capture capability of a signal pin.

Initialization and deinitialization

status_t PWM_Init (PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, const pwm_config_t *config)
 Ungates the PWM submodule clock and configures the peripheral for basic operation.
void PWM_Deinit (PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule)
 Gate the PWM submodule clock.
void PWM_GetDefaultConfig (pwm_config_t *config)
 Fill in the PWM config struct with the default settings.

Module PWM output

status_t PWM_SetupPwm (PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, const pwm_signal_param_t *chnlParams, uint8_t numOfChnls, pwm_mode_t mode, uint32_t pwmFreq_Hz, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
 Sets up the PWM signals for a PWM submodule.
status_t PWM_SetupPwmPhaseShift (PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel, uint32_t pwmFreq_Hz, uint32_t srcClock_Hz, uint8_t shiftvalue, bool doSync)
 Set PWM phase shift for PWM channel running on channel PWM_A, PWM_B which with 50% duty cycle..
void PWM_UpdatePwmDutycycle (PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_channels_t pwmSignal, pwm_mode_t currPwmMode, uint8_t dutyCyclePercent)
 Updates the PWM signal's dutycycle.
void PWM_UpdatePwmDutycycleHighAccuracy (PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_channels_t pwmSignal, pwm_mode_t currPwmMode, uint16_t dutyCycle)
 Updates the PWM signal's dutycycle with 16-bit accuracy.

Interrupts Interface

void PWM_EnableInterrupts (PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, uint32_t mask)
 Enables the selected PWM interrupts.
void PWM_DisableInterrupts (PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, uint32_t mask)
 Disables the selected PWM interrupts.
uint32_t PWM_GetEnabledInterrupts (PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule)
 Gets the enabled PWM interrupts.

Status Interface

uint32_t PWM_GetStatusFlags (PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule)
 Gets the PWM status flags.
void PWM_ClearStatusFlags (PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, uint32_t mask)
 Clears the PWM status flags.

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation



Version 2.5.1



Because setting the pwm duty cycle doesn't support PWMX, getting the pwm duty cycle also doesn't support PWMX.



Number of bits per submodule for software output control

Typedef Documentation

◆ pwm_config_t

typedef struct _pwm_config pwm_config_t

PWM config structure.

This structure holds the configuration settings for the PWM peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the PWM_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.

The config struct can be made const so it resides in flash

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ _pwm_chnl_pair_operation

Options available for the PWM A & B pair operation.


PWM A & PWM B operate as 2 independent channels


PWM A & PWM B are complementary channels, PWM A generates the signal


PWM A & PWM B are complementary channels, PWM B generates the signal

◆ _pwm_clock_prescale

PWM prescaler factor selection for clock source.


PWM clock frequency = fclk/1


PWM clock frequency = fclk/2


PWM clock frequency = fclk/4


PWM clock frequency = fclk/8


PWM clock frequency = fclk/16


PWM clock frequency = fclk/32


PWM clock frequency = fclk/64


PWM clock frequency = fclk/128

◆ _pwm_clock_source

PWM clock source selection.


The IPBus clock is used as the clock


EXT_CLK is used as the clock


Clock of the submodule 0 (AUX_CLK) is used as the source clock

◆ _pwm_dma_enable

List of PWM DMA options.


PWM capture X0 DMA


PWM capture X1 DMA


PWM capture B0 DMA


PWM capture B1 DMA


PWM capture A0 DMA


PWM capture A1 DMA

◆ _pwm_dma_source_select

List of PWM capture DMA enable source select.


Read DMA requests disabled


Exceeding a FIFO watermark sets the DMA read request


A local sync (VAL1 matches counter) sets the read DMA request


A local reload (STS[RF] being set) sets the read DMA request

◆ _pwm_fault_clear

PWM fault clearing options.


Automatic fault clearing


Manual fault clearing with no fault safety mode


Manual fault clearing with fault safety mode

◆ _pwm_fault_disable

List of PWM fault disable mapping selections.


Fault 0 disable mapping


Fault 1 disable mapping


Fault 2 disable mapping


Fault 3 disable mapping

◆ _pwm_fault_input

List of PWM fault selections.


Fault 0 input pin


Fault 1 input pin


Fault 2 input pin


Fault 3 input pin

◆ _pwm_fault_recovery_mode

Options available on how to re-enable the PWM output when recovering from a fault.


PWM output will stay inactive


PWM output re-enabled at the first half cycle


PWM output re-enabled at the first full cycle


PWM output re-enabled at the first half or full cycle

◆ _pwm_fault_state

PWM output fault status.


Output is forced to logic 0 state prior to consideration of output polarity control.


Output is forced to logic 1 state prior to consideration of output polarity control.


Output is tristated.


Output is tristated.

◆ _pwm_force_output_trigger

Options that can trigger a PWM FORCE_OUT.


The local force signal, CTRL2[FORCE], from the submodule is used to force updates


The master force signal from submodule 0 is used to force updates


The local reload signal from this submodule is used to force updates without regard to the state of LDOK


The master reload signal from submodule 0 is used to force updates if LDOK is set


The local sync signal from this submodule is used to force updates


The master sync signal from submodule0 is used to force updates


The external force signal, EXT_FORCE, from outside the PWM module causes updates


The external sync signal, EXT_SYNC, from outside the PWM module causes updates

◆ _pwm_force_signal

PWM output options when a FORCE_OUT signal is asserted.


Generated PWM signal is used by the deadtime logic.


Inverted PWM signal is used by the deadtime logic.


Software controlled value is used by the deadtime logic.


PWM_EXTA signal is used by the deadtime logic.

◆ _pwm_init_source

PWM counter initialization options.


Local sync causes initialization


Master reload from submodule 0 causes initialization


Master sync from submodule 0 causes initialization


EXT_SYNC causes initialization

◆ _pwm_input_capture_edge

PWM capture edge select.




Capture on falling edge only


Capture on rising edge only


Capture on rising or falling edge

◆ _pwm_interrupt_enable

List of PWM interrupt options.


PWM VAL0 compare interrupt


PWM VAL1 compare interrupt


PWM VAL2 compare interrupt


PWM VAL3 compare interrupt


PWM VAL4 compare interrupt


PWM VAL5 compare interrupt


PWM capture X0 interrupt


PWM capture X1 interrupt


PWM capture B0 interrupt


PWM capture B1 interrupt


PWM capture A0 interrupt


PWM capture A1 interrupt


PWM reload interrupt


PWM reload error interrupt


PWM fault 0 interrupt


PWM fault 1 interrupt


PWM fault 2 interrupt


PWM fault 3 interrupt

◆ _pwm_level_select

PWM output pulse mode, high-true or low-true.


High level represents "on" or "active" state


Low level represents "on" or "active" state

◆ _pwm_load_frequency

PWM load frequency selection.


Every PWM opportunity


Every 2 PWM opportunities


Every 3 PWM opportunities


Every 4 PWM opportunities


Every 5 PWM opportunities


Every 6 PWM opportunities


Every 7 PWM opportunities


Every 8 PWM opportunities


Every 9 PWM opportunities


Every 10 PWM opportunities


Every 11 PWM opportunities


Every 12 PWM opportunities


Every 13 PWM opportunities


Every 14 PWM opportunities


Every 15 PWM opportunities


Every 16 PWM opportunities

◆ _pwm_mode

enum _pwm_mode

PWM operation mode.


Signed center-aligned


Unsigned cente-aligned


Signed edge-aligned


Unsigned edge-aligned

◆ _pwm_module_control

Options for submodule master control operation.


Control submodule 0's start/stop,buffer reload operation


Control submodule 1's start/stop,buffer reload operation


Control submodule 2's start/stop,buffer reload operation


Control submodule 3's start/stop,buffer reload operation

◆ _pwm_output_state

PWM channel output status.


The output state of PWM channel is high


The output state of PWM channel is low


The output state of PWM channel is normal


The output state of PWM channel is invert


The output state of PWM channel is mask

◆ _pwm_register_reload

Options available on how to load the buffered-registers with new values.


Buffered-registers get loaded with new values as soon as LDOK bit is set


Registers loaded on a PWM half cycle


Registers loaded on a PWM full cycle


Registers loaded on a PWM half & full cycle

◆ _pwm_reload_source_select

PWM reload source select.


The local reload signal is used to reload registers


The master reload signal (from submodule 0) is used to reload

◆ _pwm_status_flags

List of PWM status flags.


PWM VAL0 compare flag


PWM VAL1 compare flag


PWM VAL2 compare flag


PWM VAL3 compare flag


PWM VAL4 compare flag


PWM VAL5 compare flag


PWM capture X0 flag


PWM capture X1 flag


PWM capture B0 flag


PWM capture B1 flag


PWM capture A0 flag


PWM capture A1 flag


PWM reload flag


PWM reload error flag


PWM registers updated flag


PWM fault 0 flag


PWM fault 1 flag


PWM fault 2 flag


PWM fault 3 flag

◆ _pwm_submodule

List of PWM submodules.


Submodule 0


Submodule 1


Submodule 2


Submodule 3

◆ _pwm_value_register

List of PWM value registers.


PWM Value0 register


PWM Value1 register


PWM Value2 register


PWM Value3 register


PWM Value4 register


PWM Value5 register

◆ _pwm_value_register_mask

List of PWM value registers mask.


PWM Value0 register mask


PWM Value1 register mask


PWM Value2 register mask


PWM Value3 register mask


PWM Value4 register mask


PWM Value5 register mask

◆ _pwm_watermark_control

PWM FIFO Watermark AND Control.


Selected FIFO watermarks are OR'ed together


Selected FIFO watermarks are AND'ed together

Function Documentation

◆ PWM_ClearStatusFlags()

void PWM_ClearStatusFlags ( PWM_Type base,
pwm_submodule_t  subModule,
uint32_t  mask 

Clears the PWM status flags.

basePWM peripheral base address
subModulePWM submodule to configure
maskThe status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration pwm_status_flags_t

brief Clears the PWM status flags

param base PWM peripheral base address param subModule PWM submodule to configure param mask The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration pwm_status_flags_t

◆ PWM_Deinit()

void PWM_Deinit ( PWM_Type base,
pwm_submodule_t  subModule 

Gate the PWM submodule clock.

basePWM peripheral base address
subModulePWM submodule to deinitialize

brief Gate the PWM submodule clock

param base PWM peripheral base address param subModule PWM submodule to deinitialize

◆ PWM_DisableInterrupts()

void PWM_DisableInterrupts ( PWM_Type base,
pwm_submodule_t  subModule,
uint32_t  mask 

Disables the selected PWM interrupts.

basePWM peripheral base address
subModulePWM submodule to configure
maskThe interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration pwm_interrupt_enable_t

brief Disables the selected PWM interrupts

param base PWM peripheral base address param subModule PWM submodule to configure param mask The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration pwm_interrupt_enable_t

◆ PWM_EnableInterrupts()

void PWM_EnableInterrupts ( PWM_Type base,
pwm_submodule_t  subModule,
uint32_t  mask 

Enables the selected PWM interrupts.

basePWM peripheral base address
subModulePWM submodule to configure
maskThe interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration pwm_interrupt_enable_t

brief Enables the selected PWM interrupts

param base PWM peripheral base address param subModule PWM submodule to configure param mask The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration pwm_interrupt_enable_t

◆ PWM_FaultDefaultConfig()

void PWM_FaultDefaultConfig ( pwm_fault_param_t config)

Fill in the PWM fault config struct with the default settings.

The default values are:

config->faultClearingMode = kPWM_Automatic;
config->faultLevel = false;
config->enableCombinationalPath = true;
config->recoverMode = kPWM_NoRecovery;
@ kPWM_NoRecovery
Definition: fsl_pwm.h:208
@ kPWM_Automatic
Definition: fsl_pwm.h:324
Definition: deflate.c:114
configPointer to user's PWM fault config structure.

brief Fill in the PWM fault config struct with the default settings

The default values are: code config->faultClearingMode = kPWM_Automatic; config->faultLevel = false; config->enableCombinationalPath = true; config->recoverMode = kPWM_NoRecovery; endcode param config Pointer to user's PWM fault config structure.

◆ PWM_GetDefaultConfig()

void PWM_GetDefaultConfig ( pwm_config_t config)

Fill in the PWM config struct with the default settings.

The default values are:

config->enableDebugMode = false;
config->enableWait = false;
config->reloadSelect = kPWM_LocalReload;
config->clockSource = kPWM_BusClock;
config->initializationControl = kPWM_Initialize_LocalSync;
config->forceTrigger = kPWM_Force_Local;
config->reloadFrequency = kPWM_LoadEveryOportunity;
config->pairOperation = kPWM_Independent;
@ kPWM_LoadEveryOportunity
Definition: fsl_pwm.h:127
@ kPWM_Independent
Definition: fsl_pwm.h:191
@ kPWM_Force_Local
Definition: fsl_pwm.h:94
@ kPWM_Initialize_LocalSync
Definition: fsl_pwm.h:118
@ kPWM_ReloadImmediate
Definition: fsl_pwm.h:199
@ kPWM_Prescale_Divide_1
Definition: fsl_pwm.h:81
@ kPWM_BusClock
Definition: fsl_pwm.h:73
@ kPWM_LocalReload
Definition: fsl_pwm.h:317
configPointer to user's PWM config structure.

brief Fill in the PWM config struct with the default settings

The default values are: code config->enableDebugMode = false; config->enableWait = false; config->reloadSelect = kPWM_LocalReload; config->clockSource = kPWM_BusClock; config->prescale = kPWM_Prescale_Divide_1; config->initializationControl = kPWM_Initialize_LocalSync; config->forceTrigger = kPWM_Force_Local; config->reloadFrequency = kPWM_LoadEveryOportunity; config->reloadLogic = kPWM_ReloadImmediate; config->pairOperation = kPWM_Independent; endcode param config Pointer to user's PWM config structure.

◆ PWM_GetEnabledInterrupts()

uint32_t PWM_GetEnabledInterrupts ( PWM_Type base,
pwm_submodule_t  subModule 

Gets the enabled PWM interrupts.

basePWM peripheral base address
subModulePWM submodule to configure
The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration pwm_interrupt_enable_t

brief Gets the enabled PWM interrupts

param base PWM peripheral base address param subModule PWM submodule to configure

return The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration pwm_interrupt_enable_t

◆ PWM_GetPwmChannelState()

uint8_t PWM_GetPwmChannelState ( PWM_Type base,
pwm_submodule_t  subModule,
pwm_channels_t  pwmChannel 

Get the dutycycle value.

basePWM peripheral base address
subModulePWM submodule to configure
pwmChannelPWM channel to configure
Current channel dutycycle value.

brief Get the dutycycle value.

param base PWM peripheral base address param subModule PWM submodule to configure param pwmChannel PWM channel to configure

return Current channel dutycycle value.

◆ PWM_GetStatusFlags()

uint32_t PWM_GetStatusFlags ( PWM_Type base,
pwm_submodule_t  subModule 

Gets the PWM status flags.

basePWM peripheral base address
subModulePWM submodule to configure
The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration pwm_status_flags_t

brief Gets the PWM status flags

param base PWM peripheral base address param subModule PWM submodule to configure

return The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration pwm_status_flags_t

◆ PWM_Init()

status_t PWM_Init ( PWM_Type base,
pwm_submodule_t  subModule,
const pwm_config_t config 

Ungates the PWM submodule clock and configures the peripheral for basic operation.

This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the PWM driver.
basePWM peripheral base address
subModulePWM submodule to configure
configPointer to user's PWM config structure.
kStatus_Success means success; else failed.

brief Ungates the PWM submodule clock and configures the peripheral for basic operation.

note This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the PWM driver.

param base PWM peripheral base address param subModule PWM submodule to configure param config Pointer to user's PWM config structure.

return kStatus_Success means success; else failed.

◆ PWM_SetChannelOutput()

void PWM_SetChannelOutput ( PWM_Type base,
pwm_submodule_t  subModule,
pwm_channels_t  pwmChannel,
pwm_output_state_t  outputstate 

This function set the output state of the PWM pin as requested for the current cycle.

basePWM peripheral base address
subModulePWM submodule to configure
pwmChannelPWM channel to configure
outputstateSet pwm output state, see pwm_output_state_t.

brief This function set the output state of the PWM pin as requested for the current cycle.

param base PWM peripheral base address param subModule PWM submodule to configure param pwmChannel PWM channel to configure param outputstate Set pwm output state, see pwm_output_state_t.

◆ PWM_SetClockMode()

void PWM_SetClockMode ( PWM_Type base,
pwm_submodule_t  subModule,
pwm_clock_prescale_t  prescaler 

Set the pwm submodule prescaler.

basePWM peripheral base address
subModulePWM submodule to configure
prescalerSet prescaler value

brief Set the pwm submodule prescaler.

param base PWM peripheral base address param subModule PWM submodule to configure param prescaler Set prescaler value

◆ PWM_SetOutputToIdle()

status_t PWM_SetOutputToIdle ( PWM_Type base,
pwm_channels_t  pwmChannel,
pwm_submodule_t  subModule,
bool  idleStatus 

Set PWM output in idle status (high or low).

This API should call after PWM_SetupPwm() APIs, and PWMX submodule is not supported.
basePWM peripheral base address
pwmChannelPWM channel to configure
subModulePWM submodule to configure
idleStatusTrue: PWM output is high in idle status; false: PWM output is low in idle status.
kStatus_Fail if there was error setting up the signal; kStatus_Success if set output idle success

brief Set PWM output in idle status (high or low).

note This API should call after PWM_SetupPwm() APIs, and PWMX submodule is not supported.

param base PWM peripheral base address param pwmChannel PWM channel to configure param subModule PWM submodule to configure param idleStatus True: PWM output is high in idle status; false: PWM output is low in idle status.

return kStatus_Fail if there was error setting up the signal; kStatus_Success if set output idle success

◆ PWM_SetPwmForceOutputToZero()

void PWM_SetPwmForceOutputToZero ( PWM_Type base,
pwm_submodule_t  subModule,
pwm_channels_t  pwmChannel,
bool  forcetozero 

This function enables-disables the forcing of the output of a given eFlexPwm channel to logic 0.

basePWM peripheral base address
pwmChannelPWM channel to configure
subModulePWM submodule to configure
forcetozeroTrue: Enable the pwm force output to zero; False: Disable the pwm output resumes normal function.

brief This function enables-disables the forcing of the output of a given eFlexPwm channel to logic 0.

param base PWM peripheral base address param pwmChannel PWM channel to configure param subModule PWM submodule to configure param forcetozero True: Enable the pwm force output to zero; False: Disable the pwm output resumes normal function.

◆ PWM_SetupFaultInputFilter()

void PWM_SetupFaultInputFilter ( PWM_Type base,
const pwm_fault_input_filter_param_t faultInputFilterParams 

Sets up the PWM fault input filter.

basePWM peripheral base address
faultInputFilterParamsParameters passed in to set up the fault input filter.
basePWM peripheral base address
faultInputFilterParamsParameters passed in to set up the fault input filter.

◆ PWM_SetupFaults()

void PWM_SetupFaults ( PWM_Type base,
pwm_fault_input_t  faultNum,
const pwm_fault_param_t faultParams 

Sets up the PWM fault protection.

PWM has 4 fault inputs.

basePWM peripheral base address
faultNumPWM fault to configure.
faultParamsPointer to the PWM fault config structure

brief Sets up the PWM fault protection.

PWM has 4 fault inputs.

param base PWM peripheral base address param faultNum PWM fault to configure. param faultParams Pointer to the PWM fault config structure

◆ PWM_SetupForceSignal()

void PWM_SetupForceSignal ( PWM_Type base,
pwm_submodule_t  subModule,
pwm_channels_t  pwmChannel,
pwm_force_signal_t  mode 

Selects the signal to output on a PWM pin when a FORCE_OUT signal is asserted.

The user specifies which channel to configure by supplying the submodule number and whether to modify PWM A or PWM B within that submodule.

basePWM peripheral base address
subModulePWM submodule to configure
pwmChannelChannel to configure
modeSignal to output when a FORCE_OUT is triggered

brief Selects the signal to output on a PWM pin when a FORCE_OUT signal is asserted.

The user specifies which channel to configure by supplying the submodule number and whether to modify PWM A or PWM B within that submodule.

param base PWM peripheral base address param subModule PWM submodule to configure param pwmChannel Channel to configure param mode Signal to output when a FORCE_OUT is triggered

◆ PWM_SetupInputCapture()

void PWM_SetupInputCapture ( PWM_Type base,
pwm_submodule_t  subModule,
pwm_channels_t  pwmChannel,
const pwm_input_capture_param_t inputCaptureParams 

Sets up the PWM input capture.

Each PWM submodule has 3 pins that can be configured for use as input capture pins. This function sets up the capture parameters for each pin and enables the pin for input capture operation.

basePWM peripheral base address
subModulePWM submodule to configure
pwmChannelChannel in the submodule to setup
inputCaptureParamsParameters passed in to set up the input pin

brief Sets up the PWM input capture

Each PWM submodule has 3 pins that can be configured for use as input capture pins. This function sets up the capture parameters for each pin and enables the pin for input capture operation.

param base PWM peripheral base address param subModule PWM submodule to configure param pwmChannel Channel in the submodule to setup param inputCaptureParams Parameters passed in to set up the input pin

◆ PWM_SetupPwm()

status_t PWM_SetupPwm ( PWM_Type base,
pwm_submodule_t  subModule,
const pwm_signal_param_t chnlParams,
uint8_t  numOfChnls,
pwm_mode_t  mode,
uint32_t  pwmFreq_Hz,
uint32_t  srcClock_Hz 

Sets up the PWM signals for a PWM submodule.

The function initializes the submodule according to the parameters passed in by the user. The function also sets up the value compare registers to match the PWM signal requirements. If the dead time insertion logic is enabled, the pulse period is reduced by the dead time period specified by the user.

basePWM peripheral base address
subModulePWM submodule to configure
chnlParamsArray of PWM channel parameters to configure the channel(s), PWMX submodule is not supported.
numOfChnlsNumber of channels to configure, this should be the size of the array passed in. Array size should not be more than 2 as each submodule has 2 pins to output PWM
modePWM operation mode, options available in enumeration pwm_mode_t
pwmFreq_HzPWM signal frequency in Hz
srcClock_HzPWM main counter clock in Hz.
Returns kStatus_Fail if there was error setting up the signal; kStatus_Success otherwise

brief Sets up the PWM signals for a PWM submodule.

The function initializes the submodule according to the parameters passed in by the user. The function also sets up the value compare registers to match the PWM signal requirements. If the dead time insertion logic is enabled, the pulse period is reduced by the dead time period specified by the user.

param base PWM peripheral base address param subModule PWM submodule to configure param chnlParams Array of PWM channel parameters to configure the channel(s), PWMX submodule is not supported. param numOfChnls Number of channels to configure, this should be the size of the array passed in. Array size should not be more than 2 as each submodule has 2 pins to output PWM param mode PWM operation mode, options available in enumeration pwm_mode_t param pwmFreq_Hz PWM signal frequency in Hz param srcClock_Hz PWM main counter clock in Hz.

return Returns kStatusFail if there was error setting up the signal; kStatusSuccess otherwise

◆ PWM_SetupPwmPhaseShift()

status_t PWM_SetupPwmPhaseShift ( PWM_Type base,
pwm_submodule_t  subModule,
pwm_channels_t  pwmChannel,
uint32_t  pwmFreq_Hz,
uint32_t  srcClock_Hz,
uint8_t  shiftvalue,
bool  doSync 

Set PWM phase shift for PWM channel running on channel PWM_A, PWM_B which with 50% duty cycle..

basePWM peripheral base address
subModulePWM submodule to configure
pwmChannelPWM channel to configure
pwmFreq_HzPWM signal frequency in Hz
srcClock_HzPWM main counter clock in Hz.
shiftvaluePhase shift value
doSynctrue: Set LDOK bit for the submodule list; false: LDOK bit don't set, need to call PWM_SetPwmLdok to sync update.
Returns kStatus_Fail if there was error setting up the signal; kStatus_Success otherwise

brief Set PWM phase shift for PWM channel running on channel PWM_A, PWM_B which with 50% duty cycle.

param base PWM peripheral base address param subModule PWM submodule to configure param pwmChannel PWM channel to configure param pwmFreq_Hz PWM signal frequency in Hz param srcClock_Hz PWM main counter clock in Hz. param shiftvalue Phase shift value, range in 0 ~ 50 param doSync true: Set LDOK bit for the submodule list; false: LDOK bit don't set, need to call PWM_SetPwmLdok to sync update.

return Returns kStatus_Fail if there was error setting up the signal; kStatus_Success otherwise

◆ PWM_UpdatePwmDutycycle()

void PWM_UpdatePwmDutycycle ( PWM_Type base,
pwm_submodule_t  subModule,
pwm_channels_t  pwmSignal,
pwm_mode_t  currPwmMode,
uint8_t  dutyCyclePercent 

Updates the PWM signal's dutycycle.

The function updates the PWM dutycyle to the new value that is passed in. If the dead time insertion logic is enabled then the pulse period is reduced by the dead time period specified by the user.

basePWM peripheral base address
subModulePWM submodule to configure
pwmSignalSignal (PWM A or PWM B) to update
currPwmModeThe current PWM mode set during PWM setup
dutyCyclePercentNew PWM pulse width, value should be between 0 to 100 0=inactive signal(0% duty cycle)... 100=active signal (100% duty cycle)

brief Updates the PWM signal's dutycycle.

The function updates the PWM dutycyle to the new value that is passed in. If the dead time insertion logic is enabled then the pulse period is reduced by the dead time period specified by the user.

param base PWM peripheral base address param subModule PWM submodule to configure param pwmSignal Signal (PWM A or PWM B) to update param currPwmMode The current PWM mode set during PWM setup param dutyCyclePercent New PWM pulse width, value should be between 0 to 100 0=inactive signal(0% duty cycle)... 100=active signal (100% duty cycle)

◆ PWM_UpdatePwmDutycycleHighAccuracy()

void PWM_UpdatePwmDutycycleHighAccuracy ( PWM_Type base,
pwm_submodule_t  subModule,
pwm_channels_t  pwmSignal,
pwm_mode_t  currPwmMode,
uint16_t  dutyCycle 

Updates the PWM signal's dutycycle with 16-bit accuracy.

The function updates the PWM dutycyle to the new value that is passed in. If the dead time insertion logic is enabled then the pulse period is reduced by the dead time period specified by the user.

basePWM peripheral base address
subModulePWM submodule to configure
pwmSignalSignal (PWM A or PWM B) to update
currPwmModeThe current PWM mode set during PWM setup
dutyCycleNew PWM pulse width, value should be between 0 to 65535 0=inactive signal(0% duty cycle)... 65535=active signal (100% duty cycle)

brief Updates the PWM signal's dutycycle with 16-bit accuracy.

The function updates the PWM dutycyle to the new value that is passed in. If the dead time insertion logic is enabled then the pulse period is reduced by the dead time period specified by the user.

param base PWM peripheral base address param subModule PWM submodule to configure param pwmSignal Signal (PWM A or PWM B) to update param currPwmMode The current PWM mode set during PWM setup param dutyCycle New PWM pulse width, value should be between 0 to 65535 0=inactive signal(0% duty cycle)... 65535=active signal (100% duty cycle)