46#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
127 void* pfnReset_Handler;
128 void* pfnNMI_Handler;
129 void* pfnHardFault_Handler;
130 void* pfnMemManage_Handler;
131 void* pfnBusFault_Handler;
132 void* pfnUsageFault_Handler;
133 void* pfnReserved1_Handler;
134 void* pfnReserved2_Handler;
135 void* pfnReserved3_Handler;
136 void* pfnReserved4_Handler;
137 void* pfnSVC_Handler;
138 void* pfnDebugMon_Handler;
139 void* pfnReserved5_Handler;
140 void* pfnPendSV_Handler;
141 void* pfnSysTick_Handler;
144 void* pfnSUPC_Handler;
145 void* pfnRSTC_Handler;
146 void* pfnRTC_Handler;
147 void* pfnRTT_Handler;
148 void* pfnWDT_Handler;
149 void* pfnPMC_Handler;
150 void* pfnEFC_Handler;
151 void* pfnUART0_Handler;
152 void* pfnUART1_Handler;
154 void* pfnPIOA_Handler;
155 void* pfnPIOB_Handler;
157 void* pfnUSART0_Handler;
158 void* pfnUSART1_Handler;
159 void* pfnUSART2_Handler;
160 void* pfnPIOD_Handler;
163 void* pfnTWIHS0_Handler;
164 void* pfnTWIHS1_Handler;
165 void* pfnSPI0_Handler;
166 void* pfnSSC_Handler;
167 void* pfnTC0_Handler;
168 void* pfnTC1_Handler;
169 void* pfnTC2_Handler;
173 void* pfnAFEC0_Handler;
174 void* pfnDACC_Handler;
175 void* pfnPWM0_Handler;
176 void* pfnICM_Handler;
177 void* pfnACC_Handler;
178 void* pfnUSBHS_Handler;
179 void* pfnMCAN0_Handler;
181 void* pfnMCAN1_Handler;
183 void* pfnGMAC_Handler;
184 void* pfnAFEC1_Handler;
186 void* pfnSPI1_Handler;
187 void* pfnQSPI_Handler;
188 void* pfnUART2_Handler;
189 void* pfnUART3_Handler;
190 void* pfnUART4_Handler;
194 void* pfnTC9_Handler;
195 void* pfnTC10_Handler;
196 void* pfnTC11_Handler;
200 void* pfnAES_Handler;
201 void* pfnTRNG_Handler;
202 void* pfnXDMAC_Handler;
203 void* pfnISI_Handler;
204 void* pfnPWM1_Handler;
207 void* pfnRSWDT_Handler;
211void Reset_Handler (
void );
217void SVC_Handler (
void );
218void DebugMon_Handler (
void );
219void PendSV_Handler (
void );
220void SysTick_Handler (
void );
223void ACC_Handler (
void );
224void AES_Handler (
void );
225void AFEC0_Handler (
void );
226void AFEC1_Handler (
void );
227void DACC_Handler (
void );
228void EFC_Handler (
void );
229void GMAC_Handler (
void );
230void ICM_Handler (
void );
231void ISI_Handler (
void );
232void MCAN0_Handler (
void );
233void MCAN1_Handler (
void );
234void PIOA_Handler (
void );
235void PIOB_Handler (
void );
236void PIOD_Handler (
void );
237void PMC_Handler (
void );
238void PWM0_Handler (
void );
239void PWM1_Handler (
void );
240void QSPI_Handler (
void );
241void RSTC_Handler (
void );
242void RSWDT_Handler (
void );
243void RTC_Handler (
void );
244void RTT_Handler (
void );
245void SPI0_Handler (
void );
246void SPI1_Handler (
void );
247void SSC_Handler (
void );
248void SUPC_Handler (
void );
249void TC0_Handler (
void );
250void TC1_Handler (
void );
251void TC2_Handler (
void );
252void TC9_Handler (
void );
253void TC10_Handler (
void );
254void TC11_Handler (
void );
255void TRNG_Handler (
void );
256void TWIHS0_Handler (
void );
257void TWIHS1_Handler (
void );
258void UART0_Handler (
void );
259void UART1_Handler (
void );
260void UART2_Handler (
void );
261void UART3_Handler (
void );
262void UART4_Handler (
void );
263void USART0_Handler (
void );
264void USART1_Handler (
void );
265void USART2_Handler (
void );
266void USBHS_Handler (
void );
267void WDT_Handler (
void );
268void XDMAC_Handler (
void );
274#define __CM7_REV 0x0000
275#define __MPU_PRESENT 1
276#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS 3
277#define __FPU_PRESENT 1
279#define __ICACHE_PRESENT 1
280#define __DCACHE_PRESENT 1
281#define __DTCM_PRESENT 1
282#define __ITCM_PRESENT 1
283#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig 0
290#if !defined DONT_USE_CMSIS_INIT
291#include "system_same70.h"
302#include "component/component_acc.h"
303#include "component/component_aes.h"
304#include "component/component_afec.h"
305#include "component/component_chipid.h"
306#include "component/component_dacc.h"
307#include "component/component_efc.h"
308#include "component/component_gmac.h"
309#include "component/component_gpbr.h"
310#include "component/component_icm.h"
311#include "component/component_isi.h"
312#include "component/component_matrix.h"
313#include "component/component_mcan.h"
314#include "component/component_pio.h"
315#include "component/component_pmc.h"
316#include "component/component_pwm.h"
317#include "component/component_qspi.h"
318#include "component/component_rstc.h"
319#include "component/component_rswdt.h"
320#include "component/component_rtc.h"
321#include "component/component_rtt.h"
322#include "component/component_spi.h"
323#include "component/component_ssc.h"
324#include "component/component_supc.h"
325#include "component/component_tc.h"
326#include "component/component_trng.h"
327#include "component/component_twihs.h"
328#include "component/component_uart.h"
329#include "component/component_usart.h"
330#include "component/component_usbhs.h"
331#include "component/component_utmi.h"
332#include "component/component_wdt.h"
333#include "component/component_xdmac.h"
343#include "instance/instance_ssc.h"
344#include "instance/instance_spi0.h"
345#include "instance/instance_tc0.h"
346#include "instance/instance_twihs0.h"
347#include "instance/instance_twihs1.h"
348#include "instance/instance_pwm0.h"
349#include "instance/instance_usart0.h"
350#include "instance/instance_usart1.h"
351#include "instance/instance_usart2.h"
352#include "instance/instance_mcan0.h"
353#include "instance/instance_mcan1.h"
354#include "instance/instance_usbhs.h"
355#include "instance/instance_afec0.h"
356#include "instance/instance_dacc.h"
357#include "instance/instance_acc.h"
358#include "instance/instance_icm.h"
359#include "instance/instance_isi.h"
360#include "instance/instance_gmac.h"
361#include "instance/instance_tc3.h"
362#include "instance/instance_spi1.h"
363#include "instance/instance_pwm1.h"
364#include "instance/instance_afec1.h"
365#include "instance/instance_aes.h"
366#include "instance/instance_trng.h"
367#include "instance/instance_xdmac.h"
368#include "instance/instance_qspi.h"
369#include "instance/instance_matrix.h"
370#include "instance/instance_utmi.h"
371#include "instance/instance_pmc.h"
372#include "instance/instance_uart0.h"
373#include "instance/instance_chipid.h"
374#include "instance/instance_uart1.h"
375#include "instance/instance_efc.h"
376#include "instance/instance_pioa.h"
377#include "instance/instance_piob.h"
378#include "instance/instance_piod.h"
379#include "instance/instance_rstc.h"
380#include "instance/instance_supc.h"
381#include "instance/instance_rtt.h"
382#include "instance/instance_wdt.h"
383#include "instance/instance_rtc.h"
384#include "instance/instance_gpbr.h"
385#include "instance/instance_rswdt.h"
386#include "instance/instance_uart2.h"
387#include "instance/instance_uart3.h"
388#include "instance/instance_uart4.h"
409#define ID_USART0 (13)
410#define ID_USART1 (14)
411#define ID_USART2 (15)
413#define ID_TWIHS0 (19)
414#define ID_TWIHS1 (20)
445#define ID_PERIPH_COUNT (64)
454#if (defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
455#define SSC (0x40004000U)
456#define SPI0 (0x40008000U)
457#define TC0 (0x4000C000U)
458#define TWIHS0 (0x40018000U)
459#define TWIHS1 (0x4001C000U)
460#define PWM0 (0x40020000U)
461#define USART0 (0x40024000U)
462#define USART1 (0x40028000U)
463#define USART2 (0x4002C000U)
464#define MCAN0 (0x40030000U)
465#define MCAN1 (0x40034000U)
466#define USBHS (0x40038000U)
467#define AFEC0 (0x4003C000U)
468#define DACC (0x40040000U)
469#define ACC (0x40044000U)
470#define ICM (0x40048000U)
471#define ISI (0x4004C000U)
472#define GMAC (0x40050000U)
473#define TC3 (0x40054000U)
474#define SPI1 (0x40058000U)
475#define PWM1 (0x4005C000U)
476#define AFEC1 (0x40064000U)
477#define AES (0x4006C000U)
478#define TRNG (0x40070000U)
479#define XDMAC (0x40078000U)
480#define QSPI (0x4007C000U)
481#define MATRIX (0x40088000U)
482#define UTMI (0x400E0400U)
483#define PMC (0x400E0600U)
484#define UART0 (0x400E0800U)
485#define CHIPID (0x400E0940U)
486#define UART1 (0x400E0A00U)
487#define EFC (0x400E0C00U)
488#define PIOA (0x400E0E00U)
489#define PIOB (0x400E1000U)
490#define PIOD (0x400E1400U)
491#define RSTC (0x400E1800U)
492#define SUPC (0x400E1810U)
493#define RTT (0x400E1830U)
494#define WDT (0x400E1850U)
495#define RTC (0x400E1860U)
496#define GPBR (0x400E1890U)
497#define RSWDT (0x400E1900U)
498#define UART2 (0x400E1A00U)
499#define UART3 (0x400E1C00U)
500#define UART4 (0x400E1E00U)
502#define SSC ((Ssc *)0x40004000U)
503#define SPI0 ((Spi *)0x40008000U)
504#define TC0 ((Tc *)0x4000C000U)
505#define TWIHS0 ((Twihs *)0x40018000U)
506#define TWIHS1 ((Twihs *)0x4001C000U)
507#define PWM0 ((Pwm *)0x40020000U)
508#define USART0 ((Usart *)0x40024000U)
509#define USART1 ((Usart *)0x40028000U)
510#define USART2 ((Usart *)0x4002C000U)
511#define MCAN0 ((Mcan *)0x40030000U)
512#define MCAN1 ((Mcan *)0x40034000U)
513#define USBHS ((Usbhs *)0x40038000U)
514#define AFEC0 ((Afec *)0x4003C000U)
515#define DACC ((Dacc *)0x40040000U)
516#define ACC ((Acc *)0x40044000U)
517#define ICM ((Icm *)0x40048000U)
518#define ISI ((Isi *)0x4004C000U)
519#define GMAC ((Gmac *)0x40050000U)
520#define TC3 ((Tc *)0x40054000U)
521#define SPI1 ((Spi *)0x40058000U)
522#define PWM1 ((Pwm *)0x4005C000U)
523#define AFEC1 ((Afec *)0x40064000U)
524#define AES ((Aes *)0x4006C000U)
525#define TRNG ((Trng *)0x40070000U)
526#define XDMAC ((Xdmac *)0x40078000U)
527#define QSPI ((Qspi *)0x4007C000U)
528#define MATRIX ((Matrix *)0x40088000U)
529#define UTMI ((Utmi *)0x400E0400U)
530#define PMC ((Pmc *)0x400E0600U)
531#define UART0 ((Uart *)0x400E0800U)
532#define CHIPID ((Chipid *)0x400E0940U)
533#define UART1 ((Uart *)0x400E0A00U)
534#define EFC ((Efc *)0x400E0C00U)
535#define PIOA ((Pio *)0x400E0E00U)
536#define PIOB ((Pio *)0x400E1000U)
537#define PIOD ((Pio *)0x400E1400U)
538#define RSTC ((Rstc *)0x400E1800U)
539#define SUPC ((Supc *)0x400E1810U)
540#define RTT ((Rtt *)0x400E1830U)
541#define WDT ((Wdt *)0x400E1850U)
542#define RTC ((Rtc *)0x400E1860U)
543#define GPBR ((Gpbr *)0x400E1890U)
544#define RSWDT ((Rswdt *)0x400E1900U)
545#define UART2 ((Uart *)0x400E1A00U)
546#define UART3 ((Uart *)0x400E1C00U)
547#define UART4 ((Uart *)0x400E1E00U)
557#include "pio/pio_same70j19.h"
564#define IFLASH_SIZE (0x80000u)
565#define IFLASH_PAGE_SIZE (512u)
566#define IFLASH_LOCK_REGION_SIZE (8192u)
567#define IFLASH_NB_OF_PAGES (1024u)
568#define IFLASH_NB_OF_LOCK_BITS (32u)
569#define IRAM_SIZE (0x40000u)
571#define QSPIMEM_ADDR (0x80000000u)
572#define AXIMX_ADDR (0xA0000000u)
573#define ITCM_ADDR (0x00000000u)
574#define IFLASH_ADDR (0x00400000u)
575#define IROM_ADDR (0x00800000u)
576#define DTCM_ADDR (0x20000000u)
577#define IRAM_ADDR (0x20400000u)
578#define EBI_CS0_ADDR (0x60000000u)
579#define EBI_CS1_ADDR (0x61000000u)
580#define EBI_CS2_ADDR (0x62000000u)
581#define EBI_CS3_ADDR (0x63000000u)
582#define SDRAM_CS_ADDR (0x70000000u)
588#define CHIP_JTAGID (0x05B3D03FUL)
589#define CHIP_CIDR (0xA10D0A00UL)
590#define CHIP_EXID (0x00000000UL)
599#define CHIP_FREQ_SLCK_RC_MIN (20000UL)
600#define CHIP_FREQ_SLCK_RC (32000UL)
601#define CHIP_FREQ_SLCK_RC_MAX (44000UL)
602#define CHIP_FREQ_MAINCK_RC_4MHZ (4000000UL)
603#define CHIP_FREQ_MAINCK_RC_8MHZ (8000000UL)
604#define CHIP_FREQ_MAINCK_RC_12MHZ (12000000UL)
605#define CHIP_FREQ_CPU_MAX (120000000UL)
606#define CHIP_FREQ_XTAL_32K (32768UL)
607#define CHIP_FREQ_XTAL_12M (12000000UL)
610#define CHIP_FREQ_FWS_0 (20000000UL)
611#define CHIP_FREQ_FWS_1 (40000000UL)
612#define CHIP_FREQ_FWS_2 (60000000UL)
613#define CHIP_FREQ_FWS_3 (80000000UL)
614#define CHIP_FREQ_FWS_4 (100000000UL)
615#define CHIP_FREQ_FWS_5 (123000000UL)
CMSIS Cortex-M7 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File.
void UsageFault_Handler(void)
Default UsageFault interrupt handler.
Definition: exceptions.c:207
void HardFault_Handler(void)
Default HardFault interrupt handler.
Definition: exceptions.c:168
void MemManage_Handler(void)
Default MemManage interrupt handler.
Definition: exceptions.c:180
void NMI_Handler(void)
Default NMI interrupt handler.
Definition: exceptions.c:53
void BusFault_Handler(void)
Default BusFault interrupt handler.
Definition: exceptions.c:193
@ TC9_IRQn
Definition: same70j19.h:108
@ PendSV_IRQn
Definition: same70j19.h:67
Definition: same70j19.h:115
Definition: same70j19.h:106
Definition: same70j19.h:113
@ TC0_IRQn
Definition: same70j19.h:90
@ MemoryManagement_IRQn
Definition: same70j19.h:62
Definition: same70j19.h:114
Definition: same70j19.h:87
Definition: same70j19.h:100
Definition: same70j19.h:84
Definition: same70j19.h:82
Definition: same70j19.h:101
@ SVCall_IRQn
Definition: same70j19.h:65
Definition: same70j19.h:116
Definition: same70j19.h:93
@ TC1_IRQn
Definition: same70j19.h:91
@ UsageFault_IRQn
Definition: same70j19.h:64
@ SysTick_IRQn
Definition: same70j19.h:68
Definition: same70j19.h:76
Definition: same70j19.h:71
Definition: same70j19.h:75
Definition: same70j19.h:89
Definition: same70j19.h:80
Definition: same70j19.h:118
Definition: same70j19.h:111
@ BusFault_IRQn
Definition: same70j19.h:63
@ TC11_IRQn
Definition: same70j19.h:110
@ DebugMonitor_IRQn
Definition: same70j19.h:66
@ TC2_IRQn
Definition: same70j19.h:92
Definition: same70j19.h:79
@ TC10_IRQn
Definition: same70j19.h:109
Definition: same70j19.h:72
Definition: same70j19.h:85
Definition: same70j19.h:103
Definition: same70j19.h:105
@ HardFault_IRQn
Definition: same70j19.h:61
Definition: same70j19.h:112
Definition: same70j19.h:74
Definition: same70j19.h:102
Definition: same70j19.h:104
Definition: same70j19.h:83
Definition: same70j19.h:73
@ NonMaskableInt_IRQn
Definition: same70j19.h:60
Definition: same70j19.h:107
Definition: same70j19.h:86
Definition: same70j19.h:81
Definition: same70j19.h:98
Definition: same70j19.h:95
Definition: same70j19.h:78
Definition: same70j19.h:96
Definition: same70j19.h:97
Definition: same70j19.h:99
Definition: same70j19.h:77
Definition: same70j19.h:88
Definition: same70j19.h:94
STM32H7XX Interrupt Number Definition, according to the selected device in Library_configuration_sect...
Definition: stm32h723xx.h:49
Definition: same70j19.h:122