#define | Xil_L1DCacheInvalidate() microblaze_invalidate_dcache() |
| Invalidate the entire L1 data cache. If the cacheline is modified (dirty), the modified contents are lost. More...
#define | Xil_L2CacheInvalidate() microblaze_invalidate_cache_ext() |
| Invalidate the entire L2 data cache. If the cacheline is modified (dirty),the modified contents are lost. More...
#define | Xil_L1DCacheInvalidateRange(Addr, Len) microblaze_invalidate_dcache_range((Addr), (Len)) |
| Invalidate the L1 data cache for the given address range. If the bytes specified by the address (Addr) are cached by the L1 data cache, the cacheline containing that byte is invalidated.If the cacheline is modified (dirty), the modified contents are lost. More...
#define | Xil_L2CacheInvalidateRange(Addr, Len) microblaze_invalidate_cache_ext_range((Addr), (Len)) |
| Invalidate the L1 data cache for the given address range. If the bytes specified by the address (Addr) are cached by the L1 data cache, the cacheline containing that byte is invalidated. If the cacheline is modified (dirty), the modified contents are lost. More...
#define | Xil_L1DCacheFlushRange(Addr, Len) microblaze_invalidate_dcache_range((Addr), (Len)) |
| Flush the L1 data cache for the given address range. If the bytes specified by the address (Addr) are cached by the data cache, and is modified (dirty), the cacheline will be written to system memory.The cacheline will also be invalidated. More...
#define | Xil_L2CacheFlushRange(Addr, Len) microblaze_flush_cache_ext_range((Addr), (Len)) |
| Flush the L2 data cache for the given address range. If the bytes specified by the address (Addr) are cached by the data cache, and is modified (dirty), the cacheline will be written to system memory. The cacheline will also be invalidated. More...
#define | Xil_L1DCacheFlush() microblaze_invalidate_dcache() |
| Flush the entire L1 data cache. If any cacheline is dirty, the cacheline will be written to system memory. The entire data cache will be invalidated. More...
#define | Xil_L2CacheFlush() microblaze_flush_cache_ext() |
| Flush the entire L2 data cache. If any cacheline is dirty, the cacheline will be written to system memory. The entire data cache will be invalidated. More...
#define | Xil_L1ICacheInvalidateRange(Addr, Len) microblaze_invalidate_icache_range((Addr), (Len)) |
| Invalidate the instruction cache for the given address range. More...
#define | Xil_L1ICacheInvalidate() microblaze_invalidate_icache() |
| Invalidate the entire instruction cache. More...
#define | Xil_L1DCacheEnable() microblaze_enable_dcache() |
| Enable the L1 data cache. More...
#define | Xil_L1DCacheDisable() microblaze_disable_dcache() |
| Disable the L1 data cache. More...
#define | Xil_L1ICacheEnable() microblaze_enable_icache() |
| Enable the instruction cache. More...
#define | Xil_L1ICacheDisable() microblaze_disable_icache() |
| Disable the L1 Instruction cache. More...
#define | Xil_DCacheEnable() Xil_L1DCacheEnable() |
| Enable the data cache. More...
#define | Xil_ICacheEnable() Xil_L1ICacheEnable() |
| Enable the instruction cache. More...
#define | Xil_DCacheInvalidate() |
| Invalidate the entire Data cache. More...
#define | Xil_DCacheInvalidateRange(Addr, Len) |
| Invalidate the Data cache for the given address range. If the bytes specified by the address (adr) are cached by the Data cache, the cacheline containing that byte is invalidated. If the cacheline is modified (dirty), the modified contents are lost and are NOT written to system memory before the line is invalidated. More...
#define | Xil_DCacheFlush() |
| Flush the entire Data cache. More...
#define | Xil_DCacheFlushRange(Addr, Len) |
| Flush the Data cache for the given address range. If the bytes specified by the address (adr) are cached by the Data cache, the cacheline containing that byte is invalidated. If the cacheline is modified (dirty), the written to system memory first before the before the line is invalidated. More...
#define | Xil_ICacheInvalidate() |
| Invalidate the entire instruction cache. More...
#define | Xil_ICacheInvalidateRange(Addr, Len) |
| Invalidate the instruction cache for the given address range. If the bytes specified by the address (adr) are cached by the Data cache, the cacheline containing that byte is invalidated. If the cacheline is modified (dirty), the modified contents are lost and are NOT written to system memory before the line is invalidated. More...