RTEMS  5.1
Data Fields
grpci2_regs Struct Reference

Data Fields

volatile unsigned int ctrl
volatile unsigned int statcap
volatile unsigned int pcimstprefetch
volatile unsigned int ahbtopciiomap
volatile unsigned int dmactrl
volatile unsigned int dmadesc
volatile unsigned int dmachanact
volatile unsigned int reserved
volatile unsigned int pcibartoahb [6]
volatile unsigned int reserved2 [2]
volatile unsigned int ahbtopcimemmap [16]
volatile unsigned int trcctrl
volatile unsigned int trccntmode
volatile unsigned int trcadpat
volatile unsigned int trcadmask
volatile unsigned int trcctrlsigpat
volatile unsigned int trcctrlsigmask
volatile unsigned int trcadstate
volatile unsigned int trcctrlsigstate
volatile unsigned int sts_cap
volatile unsigned int ppref
volatile unsigned int io_map
volatile unsigned int dma_ctrl
volatile unsigned int dma_bdbase
volatile unsigned int dma_chact
int res1
volatile unsigned int bars [6]
int res2 [2]
volatile unsigned int ahbmst_map [16]

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