RTEMS  5.1
1 /*
2  * GR1553B BC driver, Descriptor LIST handling
3  *
4  * COPYRIGHT (c) 2010.
5  * Cobham Gaisler AB.
6  *
7  * The license and distribution terms for this file may be
8  * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
9  * http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE.
10  */
12 #ifndef __GR1553BC_LIST_H__
13 #define __GR1553BC_LIST_H__
195 #include <stdint.h>
196 #include "gr1553bc.h"
200 /* Define GR1553BC_TIMESLOT to make driver take care of time
201  * management of minor frames.
202  */
203 #define GR1553BC_TIMESLOT
205 #define GR1553BC_MINOR_MAX 256
206 #define GR1553BC_SLOT_MAX 32
208 #ifdef __cplusplus
209 extern "C" {
210 #endif
212 struct gr1553bc_list;
213 struct gr1553bc_major;
214 struct gr1553bc_minor;
215 struct gr1553bc_minor_cfg;
216 struct gr1553bc_major_cfg;
219  int slot_cnt;
220  int timeslot; /* Total time of minor frame in us */
221 };
224  int minor_cnt; /* Number of Minor Frames */
225  struct gr1553bc_minor_cfg minor_cfgs[1];
226 };
229  unsigned char rt_timeout[31]; /* Number of us timeout tolerance per RT */
230  unsigned char bc_timeout; /* Number of us timeout tolerance of
231  * broadcast transfers */
232  int tropt_irq_on_err; /* Generate IRQ on transfer error */
233  int tropt_pause_on_err; /* Pause list on transfer error */
234  int async_list; /* Set to non-zero if asyncronous list*/
235 };
237 /* Default Configuration */
238 extern struct gr1553bc_list_cfg gr1553bc_def_cfg;
240 /* Complete list of all major frames */
242  void *_table_custom; /* Config option given by user */
243  void *_table; /* address of allocated bd-table */
244  unsigned int table_hw; /* Descriptor table base HW-ADR */
245  unsigned int table_cpu; /* Descriptor table base CPU-ADR */
246  int table_size; /* Descriptor Table Size */
247  void *bc; /* BC HW, needed for adr translation */
248  unsigned char rt_timeout[32]; /* Tolerance per RT, default 20us
249  * Note: 31 is for Broadcast */
250  uint32_t tropts; /* Transfer descriptor options:
251  * On transfer error the following bits
252  * do affect:
253  * - bit28 1=Generate IRQ
254  * - bit26 1=Pause transfer list
255  *
256  */
257  int async_list; /* async list or not */
258  int major_cnt; /* Number of Major frames */
259  struct gr1553bc_major *majors[1]; /* Var-Array of Major Pointers*/
260 };
262 /* Alloc a List with a maximum number of Major frames supported */
263 extern int gr1553bc_list_alloc(struct gr1553bc_list **list, int max_major);
265 /* Free List if allocated with gr1553bc_list_alloc() */
266 extern void gr1553bc_list_free(struct gr1553bc_list *list);
268 /* Configure Global List parameters
269  *
270  * \param list List to be configured and initialized.
271  * \param cfg List Configuration
272  * \param bc The BC hardware device description
273  * (only needed for address translation)
274  */
275 extern int gr1553bc_list_config
276  (
277  struct gr1553bc_list *list,
278  struct gr1553bc_list_cfg *cfg,
279  void *bc
280  );
282 /* Link a 'major' Major frame with next major frame
283  * The links affected:
284  * - major->next
285  * - major->minor[LAST]->next
286  */
287 extern void gr1553bc_list_link_major(
288  struct gr1553bc_major *major,
289  struct gr1553bc_major *next
290  );
292 /* Link in a Major frame into a BC list.
293  * Calls gr1553bc_list_link_major() to link major frame with major-1 and
294  * major+1. If ending or starting major frame the frame is wrapped around.
295  */
296 extern int gr1553bc_list_set_major(
297  struct gr1553bc_list *list,
298  struct gr1553bc_major *major,
299  int no);
301 /* Calculate the size required in the descriptor table by one minor frame. */
302 extern int gr1553bc_minor_table_size(struct gr1553bc_minor *minor);
304 /* Calculate the size required for the descriptor table.
305  */
306 extern int gr1553bc_list_table_size(struct gr1553bc_list *list);
308 /* Allocate an empty descriptor table from list description suitable for
309  * the BC given by 'bc'.
310  *
311  * \param bdtab_custom Custom Descriptor Allocation options:
312  * ZERO: Dynamically allocated by Driver (CPU near RAM)
313  * Non-Zero: Use provided address as BASE of BD-TABLE
314  * Non-Zero with LSB set: Same as Non-Zero but address
315  * is given as HW address (used with AMBA-over-PCI to
316  * to specify RAM location on PCI board).
317  */
318 extern int gr1553bc_list_table_alloc
319  (
320  struct gr1553bc_list *list,
321  void *bdtab_custom
322  );
324 /* Free descriptor table allocated with gr1553bc_list_table_alloc() */
325 extern void gr1553bc_list_table_free(struct gr1553bc_list *list);
327 /* Build an empty descriptor table from list description,
328  * the minor frames will be linked together.
329  */
330 extern int gr1553bc_list_table_build(struct gr1553bc_list *list);
332 /* Major Frame */
334  struct gr1553bc_major *next; /* Next Major Frame */
335  struct gr1553bc_major_cfg *cfg; /* User Config of Major frame */
336  struct gr1553bc_minor *minors[1]; /* Minor frames */
337 };
339 /* Minor Frame */
341  struct gr1553bc_minor *next; /* Next Minor Frame */
342  struct gr1553bc_minor_cfg *cfg; /* User Config of Minor frame */
343  uint32_t alloc; /* Descripts allocated */
346  union gr1553bc_bd *bds; /* Descriptors for this minor frame (CPU ADRS)*/
347 };
349 /* Alloc a Major/Minor frame skeleton according to the configuration structure.
350  * The descriptor table is not allocated.
351  */
352 extern int gr1553bc_major_alloc_skel
353  (
354  struct gr1553bc_major **major,
355  struct gr1553bc_major_cfg *cfg
356  );
358 /* Unique Message/Descriptor ID. Can be used to identify a Major or Minor
359  * Frame, or a Slot.
360  *
361  * - If minor_num is 0xff, the ID identifies a Major Frame
362  * - If slot_num is 0xff, the ID identifies a Minor Frame
363  * - If non of the above is true, the ID identifies a specific Slot
364  */
365 #define GR1553BC_ID(major_num, minor_num, slot_num) \
366  ((((major_num)<<16)&0xff0000) | (((minor_num)<<8)&0xff00) | \
367  ((slot_num) & 0xff))
368 #define GR1553BC_MINOR_ID(major_num, minor_num) \
369  GR1553BC_ID(major_num, minor_num, 0xff)
370 #define GR1553BC_MAJOR_ID(major_num) \
371  GR1553BC_ID(major_num, 0xff, 0xff)
373 #define GR1553BC_MAJID_FROM_ID(mid) (((mid) >> 16) & 0xff)
374 #define GR1553BC_MINID_FROM_ID(mid) (((mid) >> 8) & 0xff)
375 #define GR1553BC_SLOTID_FROM_ID(mid) ((mid) & 0xff)
376 #define GR1553BC_ID_SET_SLOT(mid, slot_num) (((mid) & ~0xff) | ((slot_num) & 0xff))
378 extern struct gr1553bc_major *gr1553bc_major_from_id
379  (
380  struct gr1553bc_list *list,
381  int mid
382  );
384 extern struct gr1553bc_minor *gr1553bc_minor_from_id
385  (
386  struct gr1553bc_list *list,
387  int mid
388  );
390 /* Get free time left of minor frame identified by MID 'mid' */
391 extern int gr1553bc_list_freetime(struct gr1553bc_list *list, int mid);
393 /* Get free time left of minor frame */
394 extern int gr1553bc_minor_freetime(struct gr1553bc_minor *minor);
396 /* Allocate a time slot on a minor frame, major/minor frame is identified
397  * by MID. The 'mid' is a input/ouput parameter, the resulting slot taken
398  * will be placed in 'mid', a pointer to the allocated descriptor is stored
399  * into bd.
400  *
401  * Major/Minor must be specified by MID, if slot is specified that slot will
402  * be allocated, if slot is 0xff, then the first free slot is allocated.
403  *
404  * The function fails (return negative) if timeslot is longer than remaining
405  * time in minor frame, if no more slots are available in minor frame, if
406  * MID points to a bad major/minor or major/minor/slot.
407  */
408 extern int gr1553bc_slot_alloc(
409  struct gr1553bc_list *list,
410  int *mid,
411  int timeslot,
412  union gr1553bc_bd **bd
413  );
414 /* Same as gr1553bc_slot_alloc but identifies a minor instead of list.
415  * The major/minor part of MID is ignored.
416  */
417 extern int gr1553bc_slot_alloc2(
418  struct gr1553bc_minor *minor,
419  int *mid,
420  int timeslot,
421  union gr1553bc_bd **bd
422  );
424 /* Free message slot and the time associated with it. The time taken by the
425  * message slot is added to the END TIME descriptor, if managed by the driver
426  * for this minor frame. The descriptor will be
427  */
428 extern int gr1553bc_slot_free(struct gr1553bc_list *list, int mid);
429 extern int gr1553bc_slot_free2(struct gr1553bc_minor *minor, int mid);
431 /* Find MID from Descriptor pointer
432  *
433  * In the end of each minor frame is a unconditional jump
434  * to next minor frame descriptor. The hardware does not
435  * use the last 8 bytes of conditional descriptors, in the
436  * padding area a MID is stored so that we can lookup the
437  * MID of a descriptor. This function finds the jump
438  * descriptor and subtracs the offset from it.
439  *
440  * A faster way of looking up can be implemented if the
441  * list is symertical, however in the current setup we
442  * allow different numbers of slots in minor frames, and
443  * different number of minor frames in a major frame.
444  *
445  * \param bd IN: Descriptor to lookup MID of (CPU address of BD)
446  * \param mid OUT: Pointer to where Message-ID (Slot-ID) will be stored
447  * \param async OUT: Function will store non-zero value if BD belogs to
448  * async list.
449  */
450 extern int gr1553bc_mid_from_bd(
451  union gr1553bc_bd *bd,
452  int *mid,
453  int *async
454  );
456 /********** TRANSFER DESCRIPTOR MANIPULATION **********/
458 /* Get pointer to descriptor entry from MID. */
459 extern union gr1553bc_bd *gr1553bc_slot_bd
460  (
461  struct gr1553bc_list *list,
462  int mid
463  );
465 /* IRQ function */
466 typedef void (*bcirq_func_t)(union gr1553bc_bd *bd, void *data);
468 /* Create unconditional IRQ customly defined location.
469  * The IRQ is disabled, enable it with gr1553bc_slot_irq_enable().
470  */
471 extern int gr1553bc_slot_irq_prepare
472  (
473  struct gr1553bc_list *list,
474  int mid,
475  bcirq_func_t func,
476  void *data
477  );
479 /* Enable previously prepared unconditional IRQ */
480 extern int gr1553bc_slot_irq_enable(struct gr1553bc_list *list, int mid);
482 /* Disable unconditional IRQ point, changed to unconditional JUMP
483  * to descriptor following.
484  * After disabling it it can be enabled again, or freed.
485  */
486 extern int gr1553bc_slot_irq_disable(struct gr1553bc_list *list, int mid);
488 /* Create custom jump to descriptor, conditional or unconditional, see
489  * hardware manual for conditions.
490  *
491  * set conditional to GR1553BC_UNCOND_JMP for unconditional jump.
492  */
493 extern int gr1553bc_slot_jump
494  (
495  struct gr1553bc_list *list,
496  int mid,
497  uint32_t condition,
498  int to_mid
499  );
501 /* Create a dummy transfer, paused until external trigger is set. The
502  * Slot is will have the dummy bit set, no transfer will take place.
503  */
504 extern int gr1553bc_slot_exttrig(struct gr1553bc_list *list, int mid);
506 /* Create a transfer on a previous allocated descriptor. It is assumed
507  * that the descriptor has been initialized empty before calling this
508  * function, this is to avoid races.
509  *
510  * The settings that are controlled on a global level (and not
511  * by this function):
512  * - IRQ after transfer error
513  * - IRQ after transfer (not supported, insert separate IRQ slot after this)
514  * - Pause schedule after transfer error
515  * - Pause schedule after transfer (not supported)
516  * - slot time optional (set when MID allocated), otherwise 0
517  * - (OPTIONAL) Dummy Bit, set using slot_empty() or ..._TT_DUMMY
518  * - RT timeout tolerance (managed per RT)
519  *
520  * Input Parameters:
521  * - Retry Mode (options)
522  * - Number of retires (options)
523  * - Bus selection (A or B) (options)
524  * - dummy bit (options)
525  * - transfer type (tt)
526  * - rt src/dst address (tt)
527  * - RT subaddress (tt)
528  * - word count (tt)
529  * - mode code (tt)
530  * - data pointer (dptr)
531  *
532  *
533  * See macros defined in this header file for creating transfer types (tt)
534  * and word count etc.
535  *
536  * See macros defined in this header file for creating the mask of options.
537  *
538  * Note that if bit0 (LSB) of dptr is set, then the address is translated into
539  * hardware address, otherwise the dptr is assumed to be accessible from the
540  * 1553 core. This is an option only for AMBA-over-PCI.
541  */
542 extern int gr1553bc_slot_transfer(
543  struct gr1553bc_list *list,
544  int mid,
545  int options,
546  int tt,
547  uint16_t *dptr);
549 /* Remove or set dummy bit of a transfer descriptor
550  * Bit31 of *dummy is written to the dummy bit, the
551  * old descriptor value is stored into *dummy.
552  */
553 extern int gr1553bc_slot_dummy(
554  struct gr1553bc_list *list,
555  int mid,
556  unsigned int *dummy);
558 /* Make a slot empty (BC will not generate bus transfers), time slot
559  * allocated is untouched (if assigned).
560  */
561 extern int gr1553bc_slot_empty(struct gr1553bc_list *list, int mid);
563 /* Transfer descriptor status and/or update Transfer descriptor data pointer.
564  *
565  * Read and/or write Status of a slot. Writing the status word may be
566  * used by software to indicate that result has been handled, or bit 31
567  * may be written 1 telling software that when it reaches 0, then BC
568  * has executed the request.
569  *
570  * Operation:
571  * bd->status = *stat & (bd->status 0xffffff) | (*stat & 0x80000000);
572  * *stat = Value of bd->status before rewrite.
573  *
574  * Note that the status word is not written when *stat is zero.
575  *
576  * Note that if bit0 (LSB) of dptr is set, then the address is translated into
577  * hardware address, otherwise the dptr is assumed to be accessible from the
578  * 1553 core. This is an option only for AMBA-over-PCI.
579  */
580 extern int gr1553bc_slot_update(
581  struct gr1553bc_list *list,
582  int mid,
583  uint16_t *dptr,
584  unsigned int *stat);
586 /* Modify a transfer descriptor in any way,
587  *
588  * flags:
589  * bit[N=0..3]: 1 = set BD wordN according to argument wordN,
590  * 0 = do not modify BD wordN
591  */
592 extern int gr1553bc_slot_raw
593  (
594  struct gr1553bc_list *list,
595  int mid,
596  unsigned int flags,
597  uint32_t word0,
598  uint32_t word1,
599  uint32_t word2,
600  uint32_t word3
601  );
604 /***** Macros to create BC Transfer Types (tt) for gr1553bc_slot_transfer() *****/
606 /* WRITE TO RT (BC-to-RT) */
607 #define GR1553BC_BC2RT(rtadr, subadr, word_count) \
608  ((rtadr<<11) | (subadr<<5) | (0x1f<<21) | (0<<10) | \
609  ((word_count>=32) ? 0 : word_count))
611 /* READ FROM RT (RT-to-BC) */
612 #define GR1553BC_RT2BC(rtadr, subadr, word_count) \
613  ((rtadr<<11) | (subadr<<5) | (0x1f<<21) | (1<<10) | \
614  ((word_count>=32) ? 0 : word_count))
616 /* RT(TX) WRITE TO RT(RX) (RT-to-RT) */
617 #define GR1553BC_RT2RT(tx_rtadr, tx_subadr, rx_rtadr, rx_subadr, word_count) \
618  ((rx_rtadr<<11) | (rx_subadr<<5) | \
619  (tx_rtadr<<21) | (tx_subadr<<16) | \
620  (0<<10) | \
621  ((word_count>=32) ? 0 : word_count))
623 /* Mode command without data. (BC-to-RT)
624  * Mode code: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or 8.
625  */
626 #define GR1553BC_MC_NODATA(rtadr, modecode) \
627  ((rtadr<<11) | (0x1f<<5) | (0x1f<<21) | \
628  (modecode<<0) | (1<<10))
630 /* Mode command with 4 byte data (RT-to-BC)
631  * Mode code: 16, 18 or 19.
632  */
633 #define GR1553BC_MC_RT2BC(rtadr, modecode) \
634  ((rtadr<<11) | (0x1f<<5) | (0x1f<<21) | \
635  (modecode<<0) | (1<<10))
637 /* Mode command with 4 byte data (BC-to-RT)
638  * Mode code: 17, 20 or 21.
639  */
640 #define GR1553BC_MC_BC2RT(rtadr, modecode) \
641  ((rtadr<<11) | (0x1f<<5) | (0x1f<<21) | \
642  (modecode<<0) | (0<<10))
644 /* Broadcast to all RTs, to a specific subaddress (BC-to-RTs) */
645 #define GR1553BC_BC_BC2RT(subadr, word_count) \
646  ((0x1f<<11) | (subadr<<5) | (0x1f<<21) | \
647  (0<<10) | \
648  ((word_count>=32) ? 0 : word_count))
650 /* Request RT to broadcast to all RTs, to a specific subaddress (RT-to-RTs) */
651 #define GR1553BC_BC_RT2RT(tx_rtadr, tx_subadr, rx_subadr, word_count) \
652  ((0x1f<<11) | (rx_subadr<<5) | \
653  (tx_rtadr<<21) | (tx_subadr<<16) | \
654  (0<<10) | \
655  ((word_count>=32) ? 0 : word_count))
657 /* Broadcast mode command without data (BC-to-RTs)
658  * Mode code: 1,3,4,5,6,7 or 8
659  */
660 #define GR1553BC_BC_MC_NODATA(modecode) \
661  ((0x1f<<11) | (0x1f<<5) | (0x1f<<21) | \
662  ((modecode)<<0) | (1<<10))
664 /* Broadcast mode command with 4 byte data (BC-to-RTs)
665  * Mode code: 17, 20 or 21
666  */
667 #define GR1553BC_BC_MC_BC2RT(modecode) \
668  ((0x1f<<11) | (0x1f<<5) | (0x1f<<21) | \
669  ((modecode)<<0) | (0<<10))
672 /***** Macros to create BC options (options) for gr1553bc_slot_transfer() *****/
674 /* Dummy (BC does no bus trasactions) */
675 #define GR1553BC_OPT_DUMMY (1<<1)
677 /* Retry modes */
678 #define GR1553BC_RETRY_SAME 0x0 /* Retry on the same bus only */
679 #define GR1553BC_RETRY_ALTER 0x1 /* Retry alternating on both busses */
680 #define GR1553BC_RETRY_ATTEMPT 0x2 /* Many attepts first on original
681  * bus then on other bus */
682 /* Number of retires supported */
683 #define GR1553BC_RETRY_CNT_MAX 6
685 /* Dummy bit: No transfer
686  * Bus bit: 0=A, 1=B
687  * Exttrig bit: Wait for external trigger (used for timesync)
688  * Exclusive bit: 1=Don't allow other messages in this time slot.
689  */
690 #define GR1553BC_OPTIONS(dummy, exttrig, exclusive, retrymode, nretry, bus) \
691  ((((exttrig) & 0x1) << 30) | (((exclusive) & 0x1) << 29) | \
692  ((retrymode) << 23) | ((nretry) << 20) | \
693  ((bus) & 1) | (((dummy) & 0x1) << 1))
695 #define GR1553BC_OPTIONS_BUSA GR1553BC_OPTIONS(0,0,0,GR1553BC_RETRY_SAME,0,0)
696 #define GR1553BC_OPTIONS_BUSB GR1553BC_OPTIONS(0,0,0,GR1553BC_RETRY_SAME,0,1)
697 #define GR1553BC_OPTIONS_BUSA_DUM GR1553BC_OPTIONS(1,0,0,GR1553BC_RETRY_SAME,0,0)
698 #define GR1553BC_OPTIONS_BUSB_DUM GR1553BC_OPTIONS(1,0,0,GR1553BC_RETRY_SAME,0,1)
700 /* Show parts of a list - this is for debugging only */
701 extern void gr1553bc_show_list(struct gr1553bc_list *list, int options);
703 #ifdef __cplusplus
704 }
705 #endif
707 #endif /* __GR1553BC_LIST_H__ */
Definition: gr1553bc.h:72
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