RTEMS  5.1
1 /************************************************************************
2  *
3  * yamon_api.h
4  *
5  * YAMON interface definitions
6  *
7  * ######################################################################
8  *
9  * mips_start_of_legal_notice
10  *
11  * Copyright (c) 2003 MIPS Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
12  *
13  *
14  * Unpublished rights (if any) reserved under the copyright laws of the
15  * United States of America and other countries.
16  *
17  * This code is proprietary to MIPS Technologies, Inc. ("MIPS
18  * Technologies"). Any copying, reproducing, modifying or use of this code
19  * (in whole or in part) that is not expressly permitted in writing by MIPS
20  * Technologies or an authorized third party is strictly prohibited. At a
21  * minimum, this code is protected under unfair competition and copyright
22  * laws. Violations thereof may result in criminal penalties and fines.
23  *
24  * MIPS Technologies reserves the right to change this code to improve
25  * function, design or otherwise. MIPS Technologies does not assume any
26  * liability arising out of the application or use of this code, or of any
27  * error or omission in such code. Any warranties, whether express,
28  * statutory, implied or otherwise, including but not limited to the implied
29  * warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are
30  * excluded. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement
31  * from MIPS Technologies or an authorized third party, the furnishing of
32  * this code does not give recipient any license to any intellectual
33  * property rights, including any patent rights, that cover this code.
34  *
35  * This code shall not be exported or transferred for the purpose of
36  * reexporting in violation of any U.S. or non-U.S. regulation, treaty,
37  * Executive Order, law, statute, amendment or supplement thereto.
38  *
39  * This code constitutes one or more of the following: commercial computer
40  * software, commercial computer software documentation or other commercial
41  * items. If the user of this code, or any related documentation of any
42  * kind, including related technical data or manuals, is an agency,
43  * department, or other entity of the United States government
44  * ("Government"), the use, duplication, reproduction, release,
45  * modification, disclosure, or transfer of this code, or any related
46  * documentation of any kind, is restricted in accordance with Federal
47  * Acquisition Regulation 12.212 for civilian agencies and Defense Federal
48  * Acquisition Regulation Supplement 227.7202 for military agencies. The use
49  * of this code by the Government is further restricted in accordance with
50  * the terms of the license agreement(s) and/or applicable contract terms
51  * and conditions covering this code from MIPS Technologies or an authorized
52  * third party.
53  *
54  *
55  * mips_end_of_legal_notice
56  *
57  *
58  ************************************************************************/
60 #ifndef YAMON_API_H
61 #define YAMON_API_H
63 /************************************************************************
64  * Include files
65  ************************************************************************/
68 /************************************************************************
69  * Definitions
70 *************************************************************************/
72 /* Basic types */
74 typedef unsigned int t_yamon_uint32;
75 typedef unsigned short t_yamon_uint16;
76 typedef unsigned char t_yamon_uint8;
77 typedef signed int t_yamon_int32;
78 typedef signed short t_yamon_int16;
79 typedef signed char t_yamon_int8;
81 typedef unsigned char t_yamon_bool;
83 #define YAMON_FALSE 0
86 /* YAMON Environment variable */
87 typedef struct
88 {
89  char *name;
90  char *val;
91 }
94 /* Format of application function */
95 typedef t_yamon_uint32
96 (*t_yamon_appl_main)(
97  t_yamon_uint32 argc, /* Number of tokens in argv array */
98  char **argv, /* Array of tokens (first is "go") */
99  t_yamon_env_var *env, /* Array of env. variables */
100  t_yamon_uint32 memsize ); /* Size of memory (byte count) */
103 /* ID of YAMON configuration object */
104 typedef t_yamon_uint32 t_yamon_syscon_id;
107 /* Number used by the exception registration functions in order to register
108  * a default ISR/ESR.
109  */
110 #define YAMON_DEFAULT_HANDLER 0xfffffff0
112 /* Number used by the exception registration functions in order to register
113  * an EJTAG debug exception ESR.
114  */
115 #define YAMON_DEFAULT_EJTAG_ESR 0xfffffff1
117 /* Registered Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) */
118 typedef void (*t_yamon_isr)(void *data);
120 /* Registered Exception Service Routine (ESR) */
121 typedef void (*t_yamon_esr)(void);
123 /* Entry point called by ESRs wishing to pass control back to YAMON */
124 typedef void (*t_yamon_retfunc)(void);
126 /* Handle used for deregistration of ISR/ESR */
127 typedef void *t_yamon_ref;
130 /* YAMONE Vector table address */
131 #define YAMON_FUNCTION_BASE 0x9fc00500
133 /* YAMON Vector table offsets */
135 #define YAMON_FUNC_EXIT_OFS 0x20
137 #define YAMON_FUNC_PRINT_OFS 0x34
144 #define YAMON_FUNC_GETCHAR_OFS 0x50
147 /* Macro for accessing YAMON function */
148 #define YAMON_FUNC(ofs)\
149  (*(t_yamon_uint32 *)(YAMON_FUNCTION_BASE + (ofs)))
152 /************************************************************************
153  * Public variables
154  ************************************************************************/
156 /************************************************************************
157  * Public functions
158  ************************************************************************/
161 /************************************************************************
162  *
163  * t_yamon_exit
164  * Description :
165  * -------------
166  *
167  * Exit application and return to YAMON.
168  *
169  * Parameters :
170  * ------------
171  *
172  * 'rc' (OUT) : Return code
173  *
174  * Return values :
175  * ---------------
176  *
177  * None (never returns)
178  *
179  ************************************************************************/
180 typedef void
181 (*t_yamon_exit)(
182  t_yamon_uint32 rc ); /* Return code */
184 #define YAMON_FUNC_EXIT( rc )\
185  ((t_yamon_exit)( YAMON_FUNC(YAMON_FUNC_EXIT_OFS) ))\
186  ( rc )
189 /************************************************************************
190  *
191  * t_yamon_print
192  * Description :
193  * -------------
194  *
195  * Print null-terminated string to tty0.
196  *
197  * Parameters :
198  * ------------
199  *
200  * 'port' (OUT) : Ignored, always prints to tty0. Not included in macro.
201  * 's' (OUT) : String to print.
202  *
203  * Return values :
204  * ---------------
205  *
206  * None
207  *
208  ************************************************************************/
209 typedef void
210 (*t_yamon_print)(
211  t_yamon_uint32 port, /* Output port (not used, always tty0) */
212  const char *s ); /* String to output */
214 #define YAMON_FUNC_PRINT( s )\
215  ((t_yamon_print)( YAMON_FUNC(YAMON_FUNC_PRINT_OFS) ))\
216  ( 0, s )
219 /************************************************************************
220  *
221  * t_yamon_print_count
222  * Description :
223  * -------------
224  *
225  * Print specified number of characters to tty0.
226  *
227  * Parameters :
228  * ------------
229  *
230  * 'port' (OUT) : Ignored, always prints to tty0. Not included in macro.
231  * 's' (OUT) : Array of characters to print.
232  * 'count' (OUT) : Number of characters to print.
233  *
234  * Return values :
235  * ---------------
236  *
237  * None
238  *
239  ************************************************************************/
240 typedef void
241 (*t_yamon_print_count)(
242  t_yamon_uint32 port, /* Output port (not used, always tty0 */
243  char *s, /* String to output */
244  t_yamon_uint32 count ); /* Number of characters to output */
246 #define YAMON_FUNC_PRINT_COUNT( s, count )\
247  ((t_yamon_print_count)( YAMON_FUNC(YAMON_FUNC_PRINT_COUNT_OFS) ))\
248  ( 0, s, count )
251 /************************************************************************
252  *
253  * t_yamon_getchar
254  * Description :
255  * -------------
256  *
257  * Get character from tty0 if character is available. Function
258  * returns immediately if no character is available.
259  *
260  * Parameters :
261  * ------------
262  *
263  * 'port' (OUT) : Ignored, always uses tty0. Not included in macro.
264  * 'ch' (OUT) : Character read (if available).
265  *
266  * Return values :
267  * ---------------
268  *
269  * YAMON_TRUE if character was available, else YAMON_FALSE.
270  *
271  ************************************************************************/
272 typedef t_yamon_bool
273 (*t_yamon_getchar)(
274  t_yamon_uint32 port, /* Output port (not used, always tty0 */
275  char *ch ); /* Character to output */
277 #define YAMON_FUNC_GETCHAR( ch )\
278  ((t_yamon_getchar)( YAMON_FUNC(YAMON_FUNC_GETCHAR_OFS) ))\
279  ( 0, ch )
282 /************************************************************************
283  *
284  * t_yamon_syscon_read
285  * Description :
286  * -------------
287  *
288  * Read the value of system configuration object given by 'id'.
289  *
290  * See syscon_api.h in YAMON source distribution for further details
291  * on object IDs and error codes.
292  *
293  * Parameters :
294  * ------------
295  *
296  * 'id' (IN) : Object id.
297  * 'param' (INOUT) : Buffer for object value.
298  * 'size' (IN) : Size of buffer (must match size of object).
299  *
300  * Return values :
301  * ---------------
302  *
303  * 0 : Returned parameter is valid.
304  * Other values indicate error.
305  *
306  ************************************************************************/
307 typedef t_yamon_int32
308 (*t_yamon_syscon_read)(
309  t_yamon_syscon_id id, /* Object ID */
310  void *param, /* Buffer for object value */
311  t_yamon_uint32 size); /* Buffer size (bytes) */
313 #define YAMON_FUNC_SYSCON_READ( id, param, size )\
314  ((t_yamon_syscon_read)( YAMON_FUNC(YAMON_FUNC_SYSCON_READ_OFS) ))\
315  ( id, param, size )
318 /************************************************************************
319  *
320  * t_yamon_flush_cache
321  * Description :
322  * -------------
323  *
324  * Flush I-or D-cache
325  *
326  * Function performs "writeback and invalidate" operations on D-cache
327  * lines and "invalidate" operations on I-cache lines.
328  *
329  * Parameters :
330  * ------------
331  *
332  * 'type' (IN) : Cache to be flushed.
333  *
334  * Return values :
335  * ---------------
336  *
337  * None
338  *
339  ************************************************************************/
340 typedef void
341 (*t_yamon_flush_cache)(
342 #define YAMON_FLUSH_ICACHE 0
343 #define YAMON_FLUSH_DCACHE 1
344  t_yamon_uint32 type ); /* I- or D-cache indication */
346 #define YAMON_FUNC_FLUSH_CACHE( type )\
347  ((t_yamon_flush_cache)( YAMON_FUNC(YAMON_FUNC_FLUSH_CACHE_OFS) ))\
348  ( type )
351 /************************************************************************
352  *
353  * t_yamon_register_esr
354  * Description :
355  * -------------
356  *
357  * Registers an exception handler, also known as an "Exception Service
358  * Routine" (ESR) for the specified exception.
359  *
360  * Two special exception IDs are defined :
361  * YAMON_DEFAULT_HANDLER used for a default ESR.
362  * YAMON_DEFAULT_EJTAG_ESR used for EJTAG exceptions.
363  *
364  * The default ESR is called if no other ESR is registered
365  * for an exception. If no default ESR is registered, a static
366  * (i.e. not registered) "super default" function is invoked.
367  * This function prints out the registers and halts.
368  *
369  * Deregistration of an ESR may be be done by calling this function
370  * with 'esr' set to NULL.
371  * An ESR can also be deregistered using the 'yamon_deregister_esr'
372  * function.
373  *
374  * An ESR may be registered even if a previously registered
375  * ESR has not been deregistered. In this case the previously
376  * registered ESR is lost.
377  *
378  * The ESR will get called with registers in the state they were
379  * when the exception occurred. This includes all CP0 registers and
380  * CPU registers $0..$31, except for k0,k1 ($26,$27).
381  *
382  * In case an ESR does not want to handle the exception, it may
383  * call the return function passed in the 'retfunc' parameter.
384  *
385  * Case 1 : 'retfunc' called by ESR registered for the
386  * INTERRUPT exception.
387  *
388  * We assume an application has registered this ESR and wants
389  * YAMON to process the (remaining) interrupts.
390  *
391  * Case 2 : 'retfunc' called by an ESR registered for a specific
392  * exception (not INTERRUPT).
393  *
394  * Default handling will be done.
395  *
396  * Case 3 : 'retfunc' is called by the ESR registered as default ESR.
397  *
398  * The exception will be handled as though no ESR is registered
399  * (i.e. the "super default" function is called).
400  *
401  * Parameters :
402  * ------------
403  *
404  * 'exception' (IN) : Exception code
405  * or YAMON_DEFAULT_HANDLER for a default ESR
406  * or YAMON_DEFAULT_EJTAG_ESR for ejtag exceptions.
407  * 'esr' (IN) : Function pointer for ESR.
408  * 'ref' (OUT) : Handle used for deregistration of ESR.
409  * 'retfunc' (OUT) : Pointer to function pointer for the return
410  * function described above.
411  *
412  * Return values :
413  * ---------------
414  *
415  * 0 : Registration went well.
416  * Other values indicate error.
417  *
418  ************************************************************************/
419 typedef t_yamon_int32
420 (*t_yamon_register_esr)(
421  t_yamon_uint32 exception, /* Exception identification */
422  t_yamon_esr esr, /* ESR to be registered */
423  t_yamon_ref *ref, /* Handle for deregistration */
424  t_yamon_retfunc *retfunc ); /* Return function */
426 #define YAMON_FUNC_REGISTER_ESR( exc, esr, ref, retfunc )\
427  ((t_yamon_register_esr)( YAMON_FUNC(YAMON_FUNC_REGISTER_ESR_OFS) ))\
428  ( exc, esr, ref, retfunc )
431 /************************************************************************
432  *
433  * t_yamon_deregister_esr
434  * Description :
435  * -------------
436  *
437  * Deregisters ESR..
438  *
439  * Parameters :
440  * ------------
441  *
442  * 'ref' (IN) : Handle obtained when calling 'yamon_register_esr'.
443  *
444  * Return values :
445  * ---------------
446  *
447  * 0 : Deregistration went well.
448  * Other values indicate error.
449  *
450  ************************************************************************/
451 typedef t_yamon_int32
452 (*t_yamon_deregister_esr)(
453  t_yamon_ref ref ); /* Handle for deregistration */
455 #define YAMON_FUNC_DEREGISTER_ESR( ref )\
456  ((t_yamon_deregister_esr)( YAMON_FUNC(YAMON_FUNC_DEREGISTER_ESR_OFS) ))\
457  ( ref )
460 /************************************************************************
461  *
462  * t_yamon_register_cpu_isr
463  * Description :
464  * -------------
465  *
466  * Registers an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) for the specified
467  * CPU interrupt.
468  * The highest service priority is attached to HW-INT5, which is
469  * connected to the CPU-built-in CP0-timer. SW_INT0 gets the lowest
470  * service priority. During registration, the interrupt mask field
471  * in the CPU CP0-status register is updated to enable interrupts
472  * from the specified interrupt source.
473  *
474  * A special ID is defined :
475  * YAMON_DEFAULT_HANDLER used for a default ISR.
476  *
477  * The default ISR is called if no other ISR is registered
478  * for a CPU interrupt.
479  *
480  * Deregistration of the default ISR may be done by calling
481  * this function with 'isr' set to NULL.
482  * Also, a new default ISR may be registered even if a
483  * previously registered ISR has not been deregistered.
484  * ISRs for specific CPU interrupts must be deregistered using
485  * 'yamon_deregister_cpu_isr'.
486  *
487  * Parameters :
488  * ------------
489  *
490  * 'cpu_int' (IN) : CPU interrupt (0..7)
491  * or YAMON_DEFAULT_HANDLER for a default ISR.
492  * 'isr' (IN) : Function pointer for ISR.
493  * 'data' (IN) : Data pointer (may be NULL). Will be passed to
494  * ISR when called.
495  * 'ref' (OUT) : Handle used for deregistration of ISR.
496  *
497  * Return values :
498  * ---------------
499  *
500  * 0 : Registration went well.
501  * Other values indicate error.
502  *
503  ************************************************************************/
504 typedef t_yamon_int32
505 (*t_yamon_register_cpu_isr)(
506  t_yamon_uint32 cpu_int, /* CPU interrupt (0..7) */
507  t_yamon_isr isr, /* ISR to be registered */
508  void *data, /* Data reference to be registered */
509  t_yamon_ref *ref ); /* Handle for deregistration */
511 #define YAMON_FUNC_REGISTER_CPU_ISR( cpu_int, isr, data, ref )\
512  ((t_yamon_register_cpu_isr)( YAMON_FUNC(YAMON_FUNC_REGISTER_CPU_ISR_OFS) ))\
513  ( cpu_int, isr, data, ref )
516 /************************************************************************
517  *
518  * t_yamon_deregister_cpu_isr
519  * Description :
520  * -------------
521  *
522  * Deregisters ISR for CPU interrupt.
523  *
524  * Parameters :
525  * ------------
526  *
527  * 'ref' (IN) : Handle obtained when calling 'yamon_register_cpu_isr'.
528  *
529  * Return values :
530  * ---------------
531  *
532  * 0 : Deregistration went well.
533  * Other values indicate error
534  *
535  ************************************************************************/
536 typedef t_yamon_int32
537 (*t_yamon_deregister_cpu_isr)(
538  t_yamon_ref ref ); /* Handle for deregistration */
541  ((t_yamon_deregister_cpu_isr)( YAMON_FUNC(YAMON_FUNC_DEREGISTER_CPU_ISR_OFS) ))\
542  ( ref )
545 /************************************************************************
546  *
547  * t_yamon_register_ic_isr
548  * Description :
549  * -------------
550  *
551  * Registers an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) for the specified
552  * source in the interrupt controller.
553  *
554  * A special ID is defined :
555  * YAMON_DEFAULT_HANDLER used for a default ISR.
556  *
557  * The default ISR is called if no other ISR is registered
558  * for an interrupt.
559  *
560  * Deregistration of the default ISR may be done by calling
561  * this function with 'isr' set to NULL.
562  * Also, a new default ISR may be registered even if a
563  * previously registered ISR has not been deregistered.
564  * ISRs for specific interrupts must be deregistered using
565  * 'yamon_deregister_ic_isr'.
566  *
567  * Parameters :
568  * ------------
569  *
570  * 'ic_line' (IN) : Interrupt source line in Int. Controller
571  * or YAMON_DEFAULT_HANDLER for a default ISR.
572  * 'isr', (IN) : Function pointer for user defined ISR.
573  * 'data' (IN) : Data pointer (may be NULL). Will be passed to
574  * ISR when called.
575  * 'ref', (OUT) : Handle used for deregistration of ISR.
576  *
577  * Return values :
578  * ---------------
579  *
580  * 0 : Registration went well.
581  * Other values indicate error.
582  *
583  ************************************************************************/
584 typedef t_yamon_int32
585 (*t_yamon_register_ic_isr)(
586  t_yamon_uint32 ic_line, /* Interrupt controller line */
587  t_yamon_isr isr, /* ISR to be registered */
588  void *data, /* Data reference to be registered */
589  t_yamon_ref *ref ); /* Handle for deregistration */
591 #define YAMON_FUNC_REGISTER_IC_ISR( ic_line, isr, data, ref )\
592  ((t_yamon_register_ic_isr)( YAMON_FUNC(YAMON_FUNC_REGISTER_IC_ISR_OFS) ))\
593  ( ic_line, isr, data, ref )
596 /************************************************************************
597  *
598  * t_yamon_deregister_ic_isr
599  * Description :
600  * -------------
601  *
602  * Deregisters ISR for source in interrupt controller.
603  *
604  * Parameters :
605  * ------------
606  *
607  * 'ref' (IN) : Handle obtained when calling 'yamon_register_ic_isr'.
608  *
609  * Return values :
610  * ---------------
611  *
612  * 0 : Deregistration went well.
613  * Other values indicate error
614  *
615  ************************************************************************/
616 typedef t_yamon_int32
617 (*t_yamon_deregister_ic_isr)(
618  t_yamon_ref ref ); /* Handle for deregistration */
620 #define YAMON_FUNC_DEREGISTER_IC_ISR( ref )\
621  ((t_yamon_deregister_ic_isr)( YAMON_FUNC(YAMON_FUNC_DEREGISTER_IC_ISR_OFS) ))\
622  ( ref )
625 #endif /* #ifndef YAMON_API_H */
unsigned size
Definition: tte.h:74
Definition: yamon_api.h:87
Definition: main_edit.c:207