RTEMS  5.1
1 /* Static PCI Auto Configuration Library
2  *
3  * COPYRIGHT (c) 2010 Cobham Gaisler AB.
4  *
5  * The license and distribution terms for this file may be
6  * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
7  * http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE.
8  */
10 #ifndef __PCI_CFG_STATIC_H__
11 #define __PCI_CFG_STATIC_H__
13 /* This function initializes all buses and device accorind to a user defined
14  * "static" configuration. The configuration can manually created with C
15  * data structures. Or it can be automatically created on a running target
16  * using the pci_cfg_print() routine after the AUTO or READ Configuration
17  * Library has setup the PCI bus
18  */
19 extern int pci_config_static(void);
21 #endif