Classes | Functions | Variables
#include "tr-object-ident.h"
#include <rtems/test.h>

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struct  RtemsReqIdent_Context
 Test context for spec:/rtems/req/ident test case. More...


static void RtemsReqIdent_Pre_Name_Prepare (RtemsReqIdent_Context *ctx, RtemsReqIdent_Pre_Name state)
static void RtemsReqIdent_Pre_Node_Prepare (RtemsReqIdent_Context *ctx, RtemsReqIdent_Pre_Node state)
static void RtemsReqIdent_Pre_Id_Prepare (RtemsReqIdent_Context *ctx, RtemsReqIdent_Pre_Id state)
static void RtemsReqIdent_Post_Status_Check (RtemsReqIdent_Context *ctx, RtemsReqIdent_Post_Status state)
static void RtemsReqIdent_Post_Id_Check (RtemsReqIdent_Context *ctx, RtemsReqIdent_Post_Id state)
static size_t RtemsReqIdent_Scope (void *arg, char *buf, size_t n)
static void RtemsReqIdent_Action (RtemsReqIdent_Context *ctx)
void RtemsReqIdent_Run (rtems_id id_local_object, rtems_status_code(*action)(rtems_name, uint32_t, rtems_id *))
 Runs the parameterized test case. More...


static RtemsReqIdent_Context RtemsReqIdent_Instance
static const char *const RtemsReqIdent_PreDesc_Name []
static const char *const RtemsReqIdent_PreDesc_Node []
static const char *const RtemsReqIdent_PreDesc_Id []
static const char *const *const RtemsReqIdent_PreDesc []
static T_fixture RtemsReqIdent_Fixture
static const uint8_t RtemsReqIdent_TransitionMap [][2]
struct {
   uint8_t   Skip: 1
   uint8_t   Pre_Name_NA: 1
   uint8_t   Pre_Node_NA: 1
   uint8_t   Pre_Id_NA: 1
RtemsReqIdent_TransitionInfo []
static T_fixture_node RtemsReqIdent_Node