stackimpl.h File Reference

Inlined Routines from the Stack Handler. More...

#include <rtems/score/stack.h>
#include <rtems/score/context.h>
#include <rtems/score/tls.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


static __inline__ void _Stack_Initialize (Stack_Control *the_stack, void *starting_address, size_t size)
 Initializes stack with the given starting address and size. More...
static __inline__ uint32_t _Stack_Minimum (void)
 Returns the minimum stack size. More...
static __inline__ bool _Stack_Is_enough (size_t size, bool is_fp)
 Checks if the size is enough for a valid stack area on this processor. More...
static __inline__ size_t _Stack_Ensure_minimum (size_t size)
 Returns the appropriate stack size for the requested size. More...
static __inline__ size_t _Stack_Extend_size (size_t stack_size, bool is_fp)
 Extend the stack size to account for additional data structures allocated in the stack area of a thread. More...
void * _Stack_Allocate (size_t stack_size)
 Allocate the requested stack space. More...
void _Stack_Free (void *stack_area)
 Free the stack area allocated by _Stack_Allocate(). More...
void _Stack_Free_nothing (void *stack_area)
 This function does nothing. More...

Detailed Description

Inlined Routines from the Stack Handler.

This file contains the static inline implementation of the inlined routines from the Stack Handler.

Definition in file stackimpl.h.