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scheduler.h File Reference

Constants and Structures Associated with the Scheduler. More...

#include <rtems/score/thread.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  Scheduler_Operations
 The scheduler operations. More...
struct  Scheduler_Context
 Scheduler context. More...
struct  _Scheduler_Control
 Scheduler control. More...
struct  Scheduler_Assignment
 Scheduler assignment. More...


 The scheduler assignment default attributes.
 The presence of this processor is optional.
 The presence of this processor is mandatory.
#define SCHEDULER_OPERATION_DEFAULT_GET_SET_AFFINITY   , _Scheduler_default_Set_affinity
#define PRIORITY_MAXIMUM   ( _Scheduler_Table[ 0 ].maximum_priority )
 This defines the lowest (least important) thread priority of the first scheduler instance.


typedef struct _Scheduler_Control Scheduler_Control
typedef struct Scheduler_Context Scheduler_Context
 Scheduler context. More...


Priority_Control _Scheduler_default_Map_priority (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Priority_Control priority)
 Returns the scheduler internal thread priority mapped by SCHEDULER_PRIORITY_MAP(). More...
Priority_Control _Scheduler_default_Unmap_priority (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Priority_Control priority)
 Returns the user visible thread priority unmapped by SCHEDULER_PRIORITY_UNMAP(). More...
bool _Scheduler_default_Ask_for_help (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread, Scheduler_Node *node)
 Does nothing. More...
void _Scheduler_default_Reconsider_help_request (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread, Scheduler_Node *node)
 Does nothing. More...
void _Scheduler_default_Withdraw_node (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread, Scheduler_Node *node, Thread_Scheduler_state next_state)
 Does nothing. More...
void _Scheduler_default_Pin_or_unpin (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread, Scheduler_Node *node, struct Per_CPU_Control *cpu)
 Does nothing in a single processor system, otherwise a fatal error is issued. More...
void _Scheduler_default_Schedule (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread)
 Does nothing. More...
void _Scheduler_default_Node_initialize (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Scheduler_Node *node, Thread_Control *the_thread, Priority_Control priority)
 Performs the scheduler base node initialization. More...
void _Scheduler_default_Node_destroy (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Scheduler_Node *node)
 Does nothing. More...
void _Scheduler_default_Release_job (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread, Priority_Node *priority_node, uint64_t deadline, Thread_queue_Context *queue_context)
 Does nothing. More...
void _Scheduler_default_Cancel_job (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread, Priority_Node *priority_node, Thread_queue_Context *queue_context)
 Does nothing. More...
void _Scheduler_default_Tick (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *executing)
 Performs tick operations depending on the CPU budget algorithm for each executing thread. More...
void _Scheduler_default_Start_idle (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread, struct Per_CPU_Control *cpu)
 Starts an idle thread. More...
bool _Scheduler_default_Set_affinity (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *thread, Scheduler_Node *node, const Processor_mask *affinity)
 Checks if the processor set of the scheduler is the subset of the affinity set. More...


const Scheduler_Control _Scheduler_Table []
 This table contains the configured schedulers. More...
const size_t _Scheduler_Count
 This constant contains the count of configured schedulers. More...
const Scheduler_Assignment _Scheduler_Initial_assignments []
 The scheduler assignments. More...

Detailed Description

Constants and Structures Associated with the Scheduler.

This include file contains all the constants and structures associated with the scheduler.

Definition in file scheduler.h.