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chainimpl.h File Reference

Chain Handler API. More...

#include <rtems/score/chain.h>
#include <rtems/score/assert.h>

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struct  Chain_Iterator
 A chain iterator which is updated during node extraction if it is properly registered. More...
struct  Chain_Iterator_registry
 A registry for chain iterators. More...


#define CHAIN_INITIALIZER_EMPTY(name)   { { { &(name).Tail.Node, NULL }, &(name).Head.Node } }
 Chain initializer for an empty chain with designator name.
#define CHAIN_INITIALIZER_ONE_NODE(node)   { { { (node), NULL }, (node) } }
 Chain initializer for a chain with one node. More...
#define CHAIN_NODE_INITIALIZER_ONE_NODE_CHAIN(chain)   { &(chain)->Tail.Node, &(chain)->Head.Node }
 Chain node initializer for a chain containing exactly this node. More...
#define CHAIN_DEFINE_EMPTY(name)   Chain_Control name = CHAIN_INITIALIZER_EMPTY(name)
 Chain definition for an empty chain with designator name.
 Chain iterator registry initializer for static initialization. More...


typedef bool(* Chain_Node_order) (const void *left, const Chain_Node *right)
 Chain node order. More...


 The chain iterator direction. More...


void _Chain_Initialize (Chain_Control *the_chain, void *starting_address, size_t number_nodes, size_t node_size)
 Initializes a chain header. More...
size_t _Chain_Node_count_unprotected (const Chain_Control *chain)
 Returns the node count of the chain. More...
static __inline__ void _Chain_Set_off_chain (Chain_Node *node)
 Sets off chain. More...
static __inline__ void _Chain_Initialize_node (Chain_Node *the_node)
 Initializes a chain node. More...
static __inline__ bool _Chain_Is_node_off_chain (const Chain_Node *node)
 Checks if the node is off chain. More...
static __inline__ bool _Chain_Are_nodes_equal (const Chain_Node *left, const Chain_Node *right)
 Checks if two nodes are equal. More...
static __inline__ bool _Chain_Is_null_node (const Chain_Node *the_node)
 Checks if the chain node pointer is NULL. More...
static __inline__ Chain_Node_Chain_Head (Chain_Control *the_chain)
 Returns pointer to chain head. More...
static __inline__ const Chain_Node_Chain_Immutable_head (const Chain_Control *the_chain)
 Returns pointer to immutable chain head. More...
static __inline__ Chain_Node_Chain_Tail (Chain_Control *the_chain)
 Returns pointer to chain tail. More...
static __inline__ const Chain_Node_Chain_Immutable_tail (const Chain_Control *the_chain)
 Returns pointer to immutable chain tail. More...
static __inline__ Chain_Node_Chain_First (const Chain_Control *the_chain)
 Returns pointer to chain's first node. More...
static __inline__ const Chain_Node_Chain_Immutable_first (const Chain_Control *the_chain)
 Returns pointer to immutable chain's first node. More...
static __inline__ Chain_Node_Chain_Last (const Chain_Control *the_chain)
 Returns pointer to chain's last node. More...
static __inline__ const Chain_Node_Chain_Immutable_last (const Chain_Control *the_chain)
 Returns pointer to immutable chain's last node. More...
static __inline__ Chain_Node_Chain_Next (const Chain_Node *the_node)
 Returns pointer to the next node from this node. More...
static __inline__ const Chain_Node_Chain_Immutable_next (const Chain_Node *the_node)
 Returns pointer to the immutable next node from this node. More...
static __inline__ Chain_Node_Chain_Previous (const Chain_Node *the_node)
 Returns pointer to the previous node from this node. More...
static __inline__ const Chain_Node_Chain_Immutable_previous (const Chain_Node *the_node)
 Returns pointer to the immutable previous node from this node. More...
static __inline__ bool _Chain_Is_empty (const Chain_Control *the_chain)
 Checks if the chain is empty. More...
static __inline__ bool _Chain_Is_first (const Chain_Node *the_node)
 Checks if this is the first node on the chain. More...
static __inline__ bool _Chain_Is_last (const Chain_Node *the_node)
 Checks if this is the last node on the chain. More...
static __inline__ bool _Chain_Has_only_one_node (const Chain_Control *the_chain)
 Checks if this chain has only one node. More...
static __inline__ bool _Chain_Is_head (const Chain_Control *the_chain, const Chain_Node *the_node)
 Checks if this node is the chain head. More...
static __inline__ bool _Chain_Is_tail (const Chain_Control *the_chain, const Chain_Node *the_node)
 Checks if this node is the chain tail. More...
static __inline__ void _Chain_Initialize_empty (Chain_Control *the_chain)
 Initializes this chain as empty. More...
static __inline__ void _Chain_Initialize_one (Chain_Control *the_chain, Chain_Node *the_node)
 Initializes this chain to contain exactly the specified node. More...
static __inline__ void _Chain_Extract_unprotected (Chain_Node *the_node)
 Extracts this node (unprotected). More...
static __inline__ Chain_Node_Chain_Get_first_unprotected (Chain_Control *the_chain)
 Gets the first node (unprotected). More...
static __inline__ Chain_Node_Chain_Get_unprotected (Chain_Control *the_chain)
 Gets the first node (unprotected). More...
static __inline__ void _Chain_Insert_unprotected (Chain_Node *after_node, Chain_Node *the_node)
 Inserts a node (unprotected). More...
static __inline__ void _Chain_Append_unprotected (Chain_Control *the_chain, Chain_Node *the_node)
 Appends a node (unprotected). More...
static __inline__ void _Chain_Append_if_is_off_chain_unprotected (Chain_Control *the_chain, Chain_Node *the_node)
 Appends a node on the end of a chain if the node is in the off chain state (unprotected). More...
static __inline__ void _Chain_Prepend_unprotected (Chain_Control *the_chain, Chain_Node *the_node)
 Prepends a node (unprotected). More...
static __inline__ bool _Chain_Append_with_empty_check_unprotected (Chain_Control *the_chain, Chain_Node *the_node)
 Appends a node and checks if the chain was empty before (unprotected). More...
static __inline__ bool _Chain_Prepend_with_empty_check_unprotected (Chain_Control *the_chain, Chain_Node *the_node)
 Prepends a node and checks if the chain was empty before (unprotected). More...
static __inline__ bool _Chain_Get_with_empty_check_unprotected (Chain_Control *the_chain, Chain_Node **the_node)
 Gets the first node and checks if the chain is empty afterwards (unprotected). More...
static __inline__ void _Chain_Insert_ordered_unprotected (Chain_Control *the_chain, Chain_Node *to_insert, const void *left, Chain_Node_order order)
 Inserts a node into the chain according to the order relation. More...
static __inline__ void _Chain_Iterator_registry_initialize (Chain_Iterator_registry *the_registry)
 Initializes a chain iterator registry. More...
static __inline__ void _Chain_Iterator_registry_update (Chain_Iterator_registry *the_registry, Chain_Node *the_node_to_extract)
 Updates all iterators present in the chain iterator registry in case of a node extraction. More...
static __inline__ void _Chain_Iterator_initialize (Chain_Control *the_chain, Chain_Iterator_registry *the_registry, Chain_Iterator *the_iterator, Chain_Iterator_direction direction)
 Initializes the chain iterator. More...
static __inline__ Chain_Node_Chain_Iterator_next (const Chain_Iterator *the_iterator)
 Returns the next node in the iterator direction. More...
static __inline__ void _Chain_Iterator_set_position (Chain_Iterator *the_iterator, Chain_Node *the_node)
 Sets the iterator position. More...
static __inline__ void _Chain_Iterator_destroy (Chain_Iterator *the_iterator)
 Destroys the iterator. More...

Detailed Description

Chain Handler API.

Definition in file chainimpl.h.