3.1. RTEMS Project Support#
3.1.1. Users Mailing List#
RTEMS offers a variety of support options and ways to contribute to the project. Users can ask their questions on the Users Mailing List. This is a low frequency mailing list intended for topics related to the use of RTEMS. If you are new to RTEMS, please join the list and ask whatever you want.
3.1.2. Documentation#
You find the latest set of manuals at the Documentation Site.
3.1.3. All Mailing Lists#
We have several mailing lists for RTEMS users and developers:
Announce Mailing List: Announcements for major and other project-related issues.
Bugs Mailing List: Emails generated by the Bugs Database.
Developers Mailing List: For developers of RTEMS itself.
Build Logs: Results from building and testing of RTEMS.
Users Mailing List: For users of RTEMS.
Version Control Mailing List: Commits to the RTEMS Project repositories.
3.1.4. Discord#
The RTEMS Discord server is available at https://www.rtems.org/discord
We have several channels available for discussion please be kind. The purpose of each channel is listed in thier discriptions.
For support with GitLab there is also the #gitlab-support