2.9. GSoC Getting Started#
The goal of this page is to help new contributors get RTEMS compiled and running so they can start with the real work. It is specifically meant for prospective applicants to Google Summer of Code, but should be helpful for anyone who wants to get in to development and contributing to RTEMS.
Please join the Discord and ask questions in the #gsoc
Help correct any deficiencies in the code or documentation you spot, including those on the website. The ultimate goal of GSoC is to help you become part of the open source community, and there is no better way to start than by fixing small errors in the getting started resources.
This section will help you to quickly setup a development environment without delving into the details. For more information you can go through the other subsections under Quick Start chapter, ask in Discord, or ask on the Users Mailing List and Developers Mailing List.
We recommend all new developers use the current development (unreleased) version, which is currently 7. The Quick Start Preparation should be consulted for guidance. Some examples shown may use released versions, which may not be recommended for your purposes. If you are unsure, feel free to inquire in the Discord or on the Developers Mailing List.
You will likely encounter the least difficulty by using a GNU/Linux environment, which could be in a virtual machine, for example that uses Virtualbox and should run on most modern desktop systems. You should also be able to work with a MacOS or Windows system, but might encounter more challenges. See the detailed guidance in Host Computer.
Setting up a development environment consists of the following steps.
Installing dependencies for your host operating system.
Choosing an installation prefix.
Downloading the source code.
Installing the tool suite.
Building the Board Support Package (BSP).
Testing the Board Support Package (BSP).
2.9.1. Installing Dependencies#
You need tools for your host’s operating system to build the RTEMS tool suite from source. Please have a look at the Host Computer chapter for the instructions to install the tools for your OS.
2.9.2. Choosing an installation prefix#
The term prefix
refers to the path on your computer where the software is
to be installed. You can refer to the Prefix
section for details on choosing an installation prefix. You should avoid using
prefixes that require root permission, as building with root is not supported
or recommended.
2.9.3. Downloading the Sources#
We will be using Git to clone the sources for RTEMS and RSB. This is the preferred way if you are planning to make contributions to the RTEMS project.
Please refer to the Git section for instructions on obtaining sources using Git.
2.9.4. Installing the Tool Suite#
The Tools suite is the collection of tools required to build the BSP. This includes the compiler, debugger, assembler and other tools. These tools are architecture-specific. We will be installing the SPARC tool suite since we are building a SPARC based BSP.
Please refer to the Install the Tool Suite section for instructions on building and installing the tool suite. Remember to use the current version associated with the RTEMS development head, see Selecting a Version of RTEMS. You do not need to create a toolchain archive, but you should read the rest of the Quick Start while your tools build.
2.9.5. Building the Board Support Package#
There are two ways of building a BSP. We could either ask RSB to build the BSP or manually build it. You will build it manually. Please refer the Manual BSP Build section for the instructions.
2.9.6. Testing the Board Support Package#
Testing is an essential part of RTEMS development process. The main reason for choosing the SPARC erc32 BSP is that it has very good simulator support. This will allow you to test your changes without the need for SPARC hardware.
Please refer to Test a Board Support Package (BSP) for instructions on testing the BSP.
2.9.7. Prove You Can Work On RTEMS#
This section is intended for contributors interested in Google Summer of Code.
You have to finish the following task to prove that you can work on RTEMS.
Modify the hello world example to include a new different print statement. Something like “Hello from The Dark Side!”. Then send us enough to prove to us that you did this. We want to know you can work with RTEMS.
Create a Merge Request (MR) of your changes and submit it along with a screenshot of the output from running your modified hello world in the simulator.
If you followed this guide, this hello world modification will likely need to be
made in $HOME/quick-start/src/rtems/testsuites/samples/hello/init.c
To test your changes, you have to build the BSP again, something like the
cd $HOME/quick-start/src/rtems
If you are happy with your changes you can commit the changes and submit the MR.
2.9.8. Creating and Sending Merge Requests#
Before sending an MR, make sure that the changes you have made conforms to RTEMS coding standards. You can refer to Contributing section for instruction on creating and sending merge requests.
Here are a few pointers to keep in mind while creating the patches.
Make sure not to commit changes in the
branch. This is to avoid merge conflicts when you are pulling the latest changes from the remote branch.Avoid trailing whitespace errors.
Avoid making random whitespace changes unrelated to your changes.
The author name of the patch is your full legal name.
The author email of the patch is your valid email address.
Ensure that your changeset builds before sending the MR for review.