RTEMS 6.1-rc7
No Matches
Macros | Typedefs | Functions

Driver for the Tundra Tsi148 pci-vme bridge. More...

#include <stdint.h>
#include <bsp/vme_am_defs.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define VME_MODE_MATCH_MASK   (3<<30)
#define VME_MODE_EXACT_MATCH   (2<<30) /* all bits must match */
#define VME_MODE_AS_MATCH   (1<<30) /* only A16/24/32 must match */
#define TSI_VEAT_VES   (1<<31)
#define TSI_VEAT_VEOF   (1<<30)
#define TSI_VEAT_VESCL   (1<<29)
#define TSI_VEAT_2eOT   (1<<21)
#define TSI_VEAT_2eST   (1<<20)
#define TSI_VEAT_BERR   (1<<19)
#define TSI_VEAT_LWORD   (1<<18)
#define TSI_VEAT_WRITE   (1<<17)
#define TSI_VEAT_IACK   (1<<16)
#define TSI_VEAT_DS1   (1<<15)
#define TSI_VEAT_DS0   (1<<14)
#define TSI_VEAT_AM(v)   (((v)>>8)&63)
#define TSI_VEAT_XAM(v)   ((v)&255)
#define TSI_DMA_INT_VEC   257
#define TSI_LERR_INT_VEC   258
#define TSI_VERR_INT_VEC   259
#define TSI_VME_SW_IACK_INT_VEC   261
#define TSI_SYSFAIL_INT_VEC   263
#define TSI_ACFAIL_INT_VEC   264
#define TSI_MBOX0_INT_VEC   265
#define TSI_MBOX1_INT_VEC   266
#define TSI_MBOX2_INT_VEC   267
#define TSI_MBOX3_INT_VEC   268
#define TSI_LM0_INT_VEC   269
#define TSI_LM1_INT_VEC   270
#define TSI_LM2_INT_VEC   271
#define TSI_LM3_INT_VEC   272
#define TSI_VIES_INT_VEC   273
#define TSI_DMA1_INT_VEC   274
#define TSI_NUM_INT_VECS   275


typedef volatile uint32_t BERegister
typedef void(* VmeTsi148ISR) (void *usrArg, unsigned long vector)


int vmeTsi148FindPciBase (int instance, BERegister **pbase)
int vmeTsi148InitInstance (unsigned instance)
int vmeTsi148Init (void)
void vmeTsi148ResetXX (BERegister *base)
void vmeTsi148Reset (void)
void vmeTsi148ResetBusXX (BERegister *base)
void vmeTsi148ResetBus (void)
int vmeTsi148OutboundPortCfgXX (BERegister *base, unsigned long port, unsigned long address_space, unsigned long vme_address, unsigned long pci_address, unsigned long length)
int vmeTsi148OutboundPortCfg (unsigned long port, unsigned long address_space, unsigned long vme_address, unsigned long pci_address, unsigned long length)
int vmeTsi148InboundPortCfgXX (BERegister *base, unsigned long port, unsigned long address_space, unsigned long vme_address, unsigned long pci_address, unsigned long length)
int vmeTsi148InboundPortCfg (unsigned long port, unsigned long address_space, unsigned long vme_address, unsigned long pci_address, unsigned long length)
int vmeTsi148XlateAddrXX (BERegister *base, int outbound, int reverse, unsigned long as, unsigned long aIn, unsigned long *paOut)
int vmeTsi148XlateAddr (int outbound, int reverse, unsigned long as, unsigned long aIn, unsigned long *paOut)
void vmeTsi148DisableAllInboundPortsXX (BERegister *base)
void vmeTsi148DisableAllInboundPorts (void)
void vmeTsi148DisableAllOutboundPortsXX (BERegister *base)
void vmeTsi148DisableAllOutboundPorts (void)
unsigned long vmeTsi148ClearVMEBusErrorsXX (BERegister *base, uint32_t *paddr)
unsigned long vmeTsi148ClearVMEBusErrors (uint32_t *paddr)
int vmeTsi148MapCRGXX (BERegister *base, uint32_t vme_base, uint32_t address_space)
int vmeTsi148MapCRG (uint32_t vme_base, uint32_t address_space)
int vmeTsi148InstallISR (unsigned long vector, VmeTsi148ISR handler, void *usrArg)
int vmeTsi148RemoveISR (unsigned long vector, VmeTsi148ISR handler, void *usrArg)
VmeTsi148ISR vmeTsi148ISRGet (unsigned long vector, void **parg)
int vmeTsi148IntEnable (unsigned int level)
int vmeTsi148IntDisable (unsigned int level)
int vmeTsi148IntIsEnabled (unsigned int level)
int vmeTsi148SetIackWidth (int level, int width)
int vmeTsi148IntRoute (unsigned int level, unsigned int pin)
int vmeTsi148IntRaiseXX (BERegister *base, int level, unsigned vector)
int vmeTsi148IntRaise (int level, unsigned vector)
int vmeTsi148IntLoopbackTst (int level, unsigned vector)

Detailed Description

Driver for the Tundra Tsi148 pci-vme bridge.