RTEMS 6.1-rc7
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Data Structures | Functions
thread.hpp File Reference

C++ standard thread support with thread attribute control. More...

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <utility>

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Data Structures

class  rtems::thread::attributes
 Manage the attributes of a thread. More...
class  rtems::thread::thread
 Create a thread with thread attributes. More...
class  rtems::thread::thread::id


template<class T >
std::decay< T >::type rtems::thread::decay_copy (T &&t)
bool rtems::thread::operator== (thread::id l, thread::id r) noexcept
bool rtems::thread::operator!= (thread::id l, thread::id r) noexcept
template<class C , class T >
std::basic_ostream< C, T > & rtems::thread::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< C, T > &out, thread::id id_)

Detailed Description

C++ standard thread support with thread attribute control.


Provide a way to create a thread in C++ with attributes that let you control the real-time embedded parameters need to run threads on RTEMS.

The code requires the -std=c++17 option to access std::invoke().