RTEMS 6.1-rc7
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stm32h7xx_hal_dma_ex.c File Reference

DMA Extension HAL module driver This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the DMA Extension peripheral: More...

#include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"

Detailed Description

DMA Extension HAL module driver This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the DMA Extension peripheral:

MCD Application Team
  • Extended features functions
                      ##### How to use this driver #####
The DMA Extension HAL driver can be used as follows:
 (+) Start a multi buffer transfer using the HAL_DMA_MultiBufferStart() function
     for polling mode or HAL_DMA_MultiBufferStart_IT() for interrupt mode.

 (+) Configure the DMA_MUX Synchronization Block using HAL_DMAEx_ConfigMuxSync function.
 (+) Configure the DMA_MUX Request Generator Block using HAL_DMAEx_ConfigMuxRequestGenerator function.
     Functions HAL_DMAEx_EnableMuxRequestGenerator and HAL_DMAEx_DisableMuxRequestGenerator can then be used
     to respectively enable/disable the request generator.

 (+) To handle the DMAMUX Interrupts, the function  HAL_DMAEx_MUX_IRQHandler should be called from
     the DMAMUX IRQ handler i.e DMAMUX1_OVR_IRQHandler or DMAMUX2_OVR_IRQHandler .
     As only one interrupt line is available for all DMAMUX channels and request generators , HAL_DMA_MUX_IRQHandler should be
     called with, as parameter, the appropriate DMA handle as many as used DMAs in the user project
    (exception done if a given DMA is not using the DMAMUX SYNC block neither a request generator)

   -@-  In Memory-to-Memory transfer mode, Multi (Double) Buffer mode is not allowed.
   -@-  When Multi (Double) Buffer mode is enabled, the transfer is circular by default.
   -@-  In Multi (Double) buffer mode, it is possible to update the base address for
        the AHB memory port on the fly (DMA_SxM0AR or DMA_SxM1AR) when the stream is enabled.
   -@-  Multi (Double) buffer mode is possible with DMA and BDMA instances.

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