RTEMS 6.1-rc7
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status-checks.h File Reference

Header File for Status Checks. More...

#include <rtems/bspIo.h>
#include <stdio.h>

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Print Macros
#define RTEMS_DEBUG_PRINT(fmt, ...)
 General purpose debug print macro.
#define RTEMS_DEBUG_OK(msg)    RTEMS_DEBUG_PRINT( "Ok: %s\n", msg)
 Macro to print debug messages for successful operations.
#define RTEMS_SYSLOG_PRINT(fmt, ...)    printf( fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
 General purpose system log print macro.
#define RTEMS_SYSLOG(fmt, ...)    RTEMS_SYSLOG_PRINT( "%s: " fmt, __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
 General purpose system log macro.
#define RTEMS_SYSLOG_WARNING(fmt, ...)    RTEMS_SYSLOG( "Warning: " fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
 General purpose system log macro for warnings.
#define RTEMS_SYSLOG_WARNING_SC(sc, msg)
 Macro to generate a system log warning message if the status code sc is not equal to RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL.
#define RTEMS_SYSLOG_ERROR(fmt, ...)    RTEMS_SYSLOG( "Error: " fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
 General purpose system log macro for errors.
#define RTEMS_SYSLOG_ERROR_WITH_SC(sc, msg)    RTEMS_SYSLOG_ERROR( "SC = %i: %s\n", (int) sc, msg);
 Macro for system log error messages with status code.
#define RTEMS_SYSLOG_ERROR_WITH_RV(rv, msg)    RTEMS_SYSLOG_ERROR( "RV = %i: %s\n", (int) rv, msg);
 Macro for system log error messages with return value.
#define RTEMS_SYSLOG_ERROR_SC(sc, msg)
 Macro to generate a system log error message if the status code sc is not equal to RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL.
#define RTEMS_SYSLOG_ERROR_RV(rv, msg)
 Macro to generate a system log error message if the return value rv is less than zero.
Check Macros
#define RTEMS_CHECK_SC(sc, msg)
 Prints message msg and returns with status code sc if the status code sc is not equal to RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL.
#define RTEMS_CHECK_SC_RV(sc, msg)
 Prints message msg and returns with a return value of negative sc if the status code sc is not equal to RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL.
#define RTEMS_CHECK_SC_VOID(sc, msg)
 Prints message msg and returns if the status code sc is not equal to RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL.
#define RTEMS_CHECK_SC_TASK(sc, msg)
 Prints message msg and delete the current task if the status code sc is not equal to RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL.
#define RTEMS_CHECK_RV(rv, msg)
 Prints message msg and returns with a return value rv if the return value rv is less than zero.
#define RTEMS_CHECK_RV_SC(rv, msg)
 Prints message msg and returns with status code RTEMS_IO_ERROR if the return value rv is less than zero.
#define RTEMS_CHECK_RV_VOID(rv, msg)
 Prints message msg and returns if the return value rv is less than zero.
#define RTEMS_CHECK_RV_TASK(rv, msg)
 Prints message msg and delete the current task if the return value rv is less than zero.
Cleanup Macros
#define RTEMS_CLEANUP_SC(sc, label, msg)
 Prints message msg and jumps to label if the status code sc is not equal to RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL.
#define RTEMS_CLEANUP_SC_RV(sc, rv, label, msg)
 Prints message msg and jumps to label if the status code sc is not equal to RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL. The return value variable rv will be set to a negative sc in this case.
#define RTEMS_CLEANUP_RV(rv, label, msg)
 Prints message msg and jumps to label if the return value rv is less than zero.
#define RTEMS_CLEANUP_RV_SC(rv, sc, label, msg)
 Prints message msg and jumps to label if the return value rv is less than zero. The status code variable sc will be set to RTEMS_IO_ERROR in this case.
#define RTEMS_DO_CLEANUP(label, msg)
 Prints message msg and jumps to label.
#define RTEMS_DO_CLEANUP_SC(val, sc, label, msg)
 Prints message msg, sets the status code variable sc to val and jumps to label.
#define RTEMS_DO_CLEANUP_RV(val, rv, label, msg)
 Prints message msg, sets the return value variable rv to val and jumps to label.

Detailed Description

Header File for Status Checks.

Do not include this file in other header files. Use it only in source files.