RTEMS 6.1-rc7
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Macros | Functions
gtm.h File Reference

Header file for timer functions. More...

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <rtems.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define MPC83XX_GTM_NUMBER   8
#define MPC83XX_GTM_CLOCK_CASCADED   0x0000
#define MPC83XX_GTM_CLOCK_SYSTEM   0x0002
#define MPC83XX_GTM_CLOCK_SYSTEM_SLOW   0x0004
#define MPC83XX_GTM_CLOCK_EXTERN   0x0006


rtems_status_code mpc83xx_gtm_initialize (int timer, int clock)
rtems_status_code mpc83xx_gtm_enable_restart (int timer, bool enable)
rtems_status_code mpc83xx_gtm_set_clock (int timer, int clock)
rtems_status_code mpc83xx_gtm_get_clock (int timer, int *clock)
rtems_status_code mpc83xx_gtm_start (int timer)
rtems_status_code mpc83xx_gtm_stop (int timer)
rtems_status_code mpc83xx_gtm_set_value (int timer, uint16_t value)
rtems_status_code mpc83xx_gtm_get_value (int timer, uint16_t *value)
rtems_status_code mpc83xx_gtm_set_reference (int timer, uint16_t reference)
rtems_status_code mpc83xx_gtm_get_reference (int timer, uint16_t *reference)
rtems_status_code mpc83xx_gtm_set_prescale (int timer, uint8_t prescale)
rtems_status_code mpc83xx_gtm_get_prescale (int timer, uint8_t *prescale)
rtems_status_code mpc83xx_gtm_interrupt_get_vector (int timer, rtems_vector_number *vector)
rtems_status_code mpc83xx_gtm_interrupt_enable (int timer)
rtems_status_code mpc83xx_gtm_interrupt_disable (int timer)
rtems_status_code mpc83xx_gtm_interrupt_clear (int timer)

Detailed Description

Header file for timer functions.