RTEMS 6.1-rc7
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This general purpose validation test suite provides enough resources to run basic tests without a Clock Driver for all specified managers and functions. More...


 Tests the effect of application configuration options.
 Tests C library functions.
 Tests the <sys/lock.h> mutex directives.
 Tests the attribute constants of the Classic API.
 Test the rtems_barrier_ident() directive.
 Tests the basedefs macros of the Classic API.
 Tests the basedefs macros where RTEMS_DEBUG is disabled.
 Tests some Clock Manager directives.
 Tests the CPU usage reporting and reset.
 Tests an event constant and number of the Event Manager using the Classic and system event sets of the executing task.
 Tests the Event Manager API.
 Tests some Interrupt Manager directives.
 Test the rtems_message_queue_ident() directive.
 Tests the macros of the Message Manager.
 Tests the task mode constants and function-like macros of the Classic API.
 Tests some Object Services directives.
 Tests the option constants of the Classic API.
 Test the rtems_partition_ident() directive.
 This test case collection provides validation test cases for requirements of the Partition Manager.
 Test the rtems_rate_monotonic_ident() directive.
 This test case collection provides validation test cases for general requirements of the Scheduler Manager.
 Test the rtems_semaphore_ident() directive.
 Tests a signal constant of the Signal Manager using the signal set of the executing task.
 This test case collection provides validation test cases for the Signal Manager.
 Tests some Directive Status Codes interfaces.
 Tests some Support Services directives.
 This test case collection provides validation test cases for requirements of the Task Manager.
 Test the rtems_timer_ident() directive.
 Tests general timer behaviour.
 Tests some Basic Types interfaces.
 Test the rtems_extension_ident() directive.
 Tests the .preinit_array constructor handling of the C runtime support.
 Tests general thread behaviour.
 Tests special thread queue behaviour.
 Tests some fatal errors.


file  ts-validation-no-clock-0.c




const char rtems_test_name [] = "TestsuitesValidationNoClock0"
 Each test must define a test name string.

Detailed Description

This general purpose validation test suite provides enough resources to run basic tests without a Clock Driver for all specified managers and functions.

In SMP configurations, up to three scheduler instances using the SMP EDF scheduler are provided using up to four processors.