RTEMS 6.1-rc7
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Modules | Files | Data Structures | Typedefs
GR740 I/0 and PLL Configuration

This group contains the GR740 I/0 and PLL Configuration interfaces. More...


 Alternative function enable register (ALTFUNC)
 This group contains register bit definitions.
 Configuration lockdown register (LOCKDOWN)
 This group contains register bit definitions.
 Drive strength configuration register 1 (DRVSTR1)
 This group contains register bit definitions.
 Drive strength configuration register 2 (DRVSTR2)
 This group contains register bit definitions.
 FTMCTRL function enable register (FTMFUNC)
 This group contains register bit definitions.
 LVDS and memory clock pad enable register (LVDSMCLK)
 This group contains register bit definitions.
 PLL current configuration register (PLLCURCFG)
 This group contains register bit definitions.
 PLL new configuration register (PLLNEWCFG)
 This group contains register bit definitions.
 PLL reconfigure command register (PLLRECFG)
 This group contains register bit definitions.


file  gr740-iopll-regs.h
 This header file defines the GR740 I/O and PLL configuration register block interface.

Data Structures

struct  gr740_iopll
 This structure defines the GR740 I/0 and PLL Configuration register block memory map. More...


typedef struct gr740_iopll gr740_iopll
 This structure defines the GR740 I/0 and PLL Configuration register block memory map.

Detailed Description

This group contains the GR740 I/0 and PLL Configuration interfaces.