RTEMS 6.1-rc6
The source tree contains the Device Tree Compiler (dtc) toolchain for working with device tree source and binary files and also libfdt, a utility library for reading and manipulating the binary format.
DTC and LIBFDT are maintained by:
David Gibson david.nosp@m.@gib.nosp@m.son.d.nosp@m.ropb.nosp@m.ear.i.nosp@m.d.au Jon Loeliger jdl@j.nosp@m.dl.c.nosp@m.om
The following list is for discussion about dtc and libfdt implementation devic.nosp@m.etre.nosp@m.e-com.nosp@m.pile.nosp@m.r@vge.nosp@m.r.ke.nosp@m.rnel..nosp@m.org
Core device tree bindings are discussed on the devicetree-spec list: devic.nosp@m.etre.nosp@m.e-spe.nosp@m.c@vg.nosp@m.er.ke.nosp@m.rnel.nosp@m..org