RTEMS 6.1-rc6
No Matches

The Intel NIOSV BSP implementation provides the base components needed for any NIOSV specific BSP: clock, console, irq, and timer. An example BSP for the Intel Cyclone 10 LP Evaluation Board is included as a reference design and test hardware. The base BSP assumes that the FPGA and NIOSV has the following devices/IP attached to the processor.

  • Generic QUAD SPI Controlller II (EPCQ) - the serial flash memory device connected to the FPGA and contains the FPGA configuration, software image, and user data area.
  • On Chip ROM - an On-Chip Memory IP configured as ROM. Contains boot loader to load software image from the EPCQ device.
  • On Chip RAM - an On-Chip Memory IP configured as RAM. Used by the boot loader for data and bss. Can be used by software image as well.
  • External RAM Interface - an external memory device IP. In the case of the Cyclone 10 LP Evaluation Board, a hyperbus controller which is attached to a HyperRAM device.
  • Benchmark Timer - a modified Interval Timer IP which will be used as the BSPs benchmark timer.
  • Watchdog Timer - an Interval Timer IP configured as a watchdog which will be used to reset the NIOSV.
  • JTAG UART - an JTAG UART IP which will be used as the console port.

The following BSP parameters need to be set in the config.ini file when building RTEMS in order to set up the memory map for the NIOSV:

  • NIOSV_EPCQ_ROM_REGION_BEGIN - the starting address of the EPCQ device attached to the NIOSV
  • NIOSV_EPCQ_ROM_REGION_SIZE - the size in bytes of the EPCQ device.
  • NIOSV_ONCHIP_ROM_REGION_BEGIN - the starting address of the onchip rom IP attached to the NIOSV
  • NIOSV_ONCHIP_ROM_REGION_SIZE - the size in bytes of the onchip rom IP device.
  • NIOSV_ONCHIP_RAM_REGION_BEGIN - the starting address of the onchip ram IP attached to the NIOSV
  • NIOSV_ONCHIP_RAM_REGION_SIZE - the size in bytes of the onchip ram IP device.
  • NIOSV_EXT_RAM_REGION_BEGIN - the starting address of the external ram interface IP attached to the NIOSV
  • NIOSV_EXT_RAM_REGION_SIZE - the size in bytes of the external ram interface IP device.
  • NIOSV_IS_NIOSVG - Whether or not the NIOS V/g processor is used.
  • NIOSV_HAS_FP - Whether or not the NIOS V/g processor has a FPU.

Intel Cyclone 10 LP Evaluation Board Example

The rtems_vm.jic file included with this BSP is a Cyclone 10 LP Evaluation Board programming file that can be downloaded to the board and has the following IP:

  • NIOS V/m Microcontroller
    • timer_sw_agent - Data Master: 0x10000100 - 0x1000013f
    • dm_agent - Instruction Master: 0x10030000 - 0x1003ffff, Data Master: 0x10030000 - 0x1003ffff
  • Generic QUAD SPI Controlller II
    • avl_csr - Data Master: 0x10000140 - 0x1000017f
    • avl_mem - Data Master: 0x11000000 - 0x11ffffff
  • On-Chip Memory (RAM or ROM) configured as ROM
    • s1 - Instruction Master: 0x10010000 - 0x10010fff, Data Master: 0x10010000 - 0x10010fff
  • On-Chip Memory (RAM or ROM) configured as RAM
    • s1 - Instruction Master: 0x10020000 - 0x10021fff, Data Master: 0x10020000 - 0x10021fff
  • HyperBus Controller (x8) - Infineon HyperBus Controller IP which can control up to 2 HyperRAM devices. The Cyclone 10 LP Evaluation board has the HyperRAM connected to the 2nd device (chip select 2). The boot loader in the On-Chip ROM sets the HyperRAM base address to 0x01000000 in the slave register.
    • axi4_slave_memory - Instruction Master: 0x00000000 - 0x0fffffff, Data Master: 0x00000000 - 0x0fffffff
    • axi4_slave_register - Data Master: 0x10000000 - 0x100000ff
  • Interval Timer configured for free running benchmark timer. Modified from original Interval Timer to include a prescalar to adjust the clock rate.
    • s1 - Data Master: 0x10000180 - 0x1000019f
  • Interval Timer configured as watchdog timer
    • s1 - Data Master: 0x100001c0 - 0x100001df
  • System ID Peripheral
    • control_slave - Data Master: 0x10000200 - 0x10000207
    • jtag_slave - Data Master: 0x10000208 - 0x1000020f
  • PIO (Parallel I/O) configured as outputs for turning on LEDs
    • s1 - Data Master: 0x100001a0 - 0x100001bf
  • PIO (Parallel I/O) configured as inputs for reading dip switch settings
    • s1 - Data Master: 0x100001f0 - 0x100001ff
  • PIO (Parallel I/O) configured as inputs for reading push buttons
    • s1 - Data Master: 0x100001e0 - 0x100001ef

Here are the associated config.ini entries:


The rtems_vg.jic file included has the same peripheral IP but with a NIOS V/g processor.

Here are the associated config.ini entries:


The rtems_vgfp.jic file included has the same peripheral IP but with a NIOS V/g processor with the FPU enabled.

Here are the associated config.ini entries:


Intel Cyclone 10 LP Evaluation Board Implementation Details

In order to make it easier to create a RTEMS BSP for a NIOSV project built in Quartus Prime, this BSP used the system.h file that is generated by the Quartus Prime's BSP editor. The file was renamed to bsp_system.h. The header guard was modifed from **__SYSTEM_H_** to **__BSP_SYSTEM_H_** to reflect the new name of the file. The **#include "linker.h"** line was also removed as that is not needed.

This BSP also makes use of the device driver code generated from the Quartus Prime's BSP editor with some minor changes to make the code easier to read. A developer could use the same strategy or create something from scratch.

The hyperbus controller IP that comes with the Cyclone 10 LP Evaluation Board is proprietary and requires a license. Instead, the BSP uses a hyperbus controller IP that can be requested from Infineon (no link provided because it most likely will change). Just use your favorite search engine and you should be able find the request form. You may need to answer some marketing questions but I had no trouble getting it. The IP is written for Xilinx/AMD parts so you will have to write some Verilog code to connect it to a Cyclone 10 LP. I was a novice so it took me a while to get it to work. The biggest revelation that took me forever to figure out was that you have to use a Input Delay From Pin assignment to meet RWDS timing on a read. I was trying to use logic for this which was not the right approach.

The On-Chip Memory IP configured as ROM needs to have a boot loader pre-loaded. Follow the instructions outlined in the Quartus Prime software user guide to initialize the ROM with the bootloader_niosvc10lp_xx.hex file include with this BSP. This boot loader will initialize the hyperbus controller and load any application image found at offset 0x100000 within the EPCQ device to the HyperRAM (i.e. NIOSV_EXT_RAM_REGION_BEGIN). The boot loader will validate the application image before loading it into the HyperRAM using a CRC32 algorithm. If the image was loaded successfully in the HyperRAM, the first two LEDs will be on; otherwise, the first, second, and fourth LEDs will be on indicating a load failure.

The application image must have the following header information located at offset 0x100000 within the EPCQ device in order for the boot loader to load the application into the HyperRAM:

typedef struct
uint32_t offset; //The offset of binary code image relative to the start of
//the header information
uint32_t size; //The size of the binary code image in bytes
uint32_t crc; //The calculated CRC value for the binary code image
//(in accordance with crc.c/h)
char version[11]; //A "C" string version of the binary code image
//(i.e. "1.00.0000")

This is the typical memory map within the EPCQ device.

0x000000: <FPGA configuration image> 0x100000: <file_header_t><binary code image>

Intel Cyclone 10 LP Evaluation Board Build Environment

The following are the steps I performed to create the rtems_vm.jic file used to program the Cyclone 10 LP Evaluation Board. The process is broken down to three phases. The first phase is to generate BSP files from an initial compilation (SOF file) of the system to get the system.h and any C device driver code that could to be used in the RTEMS NIOSV BSP and boot loader. The second phase is to compile a final SOF file that contains a FPGA configuration with the On-Chip ROM loaded with the boot loader hex file. The third phase is to combine the FPGA configuration SOF file and an application HEX file into a JIC file that can be programmed on the FPGA EPCQ device.

Phase 1

Here is an outline of the first phase to generate BSP source files from a SOF file (see the Cyclone 10 LP Evaluation Board project that comes with the board for more details). The main outputs from this process that are useful for a RTEMS BSP, is the system.h file and any C device driver source files that can be used as a basis for RTEMS device drivers.

  • Create a new project in the Quartus Prime software (I used the 23.1std.0 version)
  • Set the project device to the Cyclone 10 LP 10CL025YU256I7G (check you board to confirm)
  • Set the device and pins options (use the project that comes with the eval board for the correct settings).
  • Use Platform Designer within Quartus Prime to create a system that implemets the IP listed in the sections above.
    • I have placed pictures of my Platform Designer system in the BSP (see Platform Designer X.png files)
    • You will still need to setup each IP correctly (use the eval board reference design as guidance).
    • For the first compilation, the ROM memory will not be initialized as you will need to create a boot loader in the next phase.
  • After completing the design, generate the HDL.
  • Add a top level Verilog file to connect your generated system to the I/O pins (see cl10lp_rtems.v file in BSP for an example).
  • Add a SDC file to constrain the system (see cl10lp_rtems.sdc file in BSP for an example)
  • Compile the design.
  • In the Pin Planner, assign the location for each I/O pin (use the eval board reference design for the correct location and pin settings).
  • In the Assignment editor, add an "Input Delay From Pin" assignment (see Assignment Editor.png file in BSP).
  • Re-compile the design.
  • Use the niosv-bsp-editor.exe tool that comes with Quartus Prime to generate a software BSP using the compiled SOF file.
  • From the BSP generation process, the system.h and any C driver files can be used to make a RTEMS BSP and boot loader.

This is the RTEMS build environment structure I used to create the RTEMS NIOSV BSP, boot loader, and application.

└── home directory // the home directory of the user
└── sandbox2 // a sandbox directory for development
├── rtems // the rtems base directory for all things
│ // RTEMS (source code and install directory)
├── 6 // the rtems install directory
└── src // the rtems directory for gitlab repos
├── rsb // the rtems source builder repo directory
├── rtems // the rtems OS repo directory
└── rtems-tools // the rtems tools repo directory
├── bin // the directory where the boot and app exe
│ // outputs will be placed
├── gdb // the directory where the boot and app
│ // debug ELF outputs will be placed
├── head_file // an application that will place the
│ // <file_header_t> information in the binary
│ // output
├── boot // the NIOSV bootloader directory for On-Chip
│ // Memory (ROM)
└── app // the user application directory (RTEMS
// console app)

In your home directory, add a .gdbinit file to add the "sandbox/gdb" directory as a safe path for loading files with GDB.

  • add-auto-load-safe-path ~/sandbox/gdb

Please see the boot.zip file to see an example of a boot loader that can be used in the On-Chip ROM. This boot loader uses the RTEMS BSP header files that get installed after building RTEMS.

Please see the app.zip file that contains an application that is built using the RTEMS WAF system. This application is just a console app that can control some device driver features.

Please see the head_file.zip file that contains an application to add the <file_header_t> information to the binary image.

This is the RTEMS BSP build environment structure I used.

└── rtems src directory // the rtems top level directory
├── bsps // the rtems bsps directory
├── riscv // the rtems riscv bsp top level directory
└── niosv // the rtems niosv bsp top level directory
├── cache // the niosv cache implementation
├── clock // the niosv clock device implementation
├── console // the niosv console implementation using
│ // the JTAG UART
├── flash // the niosv EPCQ device implementation
├── include // the niosv base bsp include files
├── irq // the niosv IRQ implementation
├── niosvc10lp // the Intel Cyclone 10 LP evaluation board
│ // bsp example
├── start // the niosv bsp start up implementation
├── README.md // this file
└── supporting.zip // a zip file containing all the supporting
// code and files referenced in
// this README.md
└── spec // the rtems spec directory
└── build // the rtems spec build directory
└── bsps // the rtems spec bsps directory
└── riscv // the rtems spec riscv directory
└── niosv // the rtems spec niosv directory containing
// the configuration for all niosv bsps. Add
// new BSP configurations here.

Phase 2

Here is an outline of the second phase to generate a boot loader HEX file that can be loaded into the On-Chip ROM memory.

  • Create the rtems src directory under ${HOME}/sandbox2 (i.e. ${HOME}/sandbox2/rtems/src).
  • Follow the steps in the RTEMS documentation to download the RTEMS Resource Builder (RSB).
  • Use RSB to compile the riscv-rtems6 binaries.
  • Follow the steps in the RTEMS documentation to download the RTEMS RTOS.
  • Develop a BSP for the NIOSV by adding source files to the bsps/riscv/niosv and spec/build/bsps/riscv/niosv directories.
  • Add a config.ini to configure the NIOSV BSP.
  • Build the RTEMS NIOSV BSP.
  • Create the boot loader directory under ${HOME}/sandbox2 (i.e. ${HOME}/sandbox2/boot).
  • Develop a boot loader that will fit in the On-Chip ROM memory that will load an application from the EPCQ device.
  • Build the boot loader HEX file output
  • Create the head_file directory under ${HOME}/sandbox2 (i.e. ${HOME}/sandbox2/head_file).
  • Develop a Linux application that will put the file_header_t information in front of the binary code image.
  • Build the head_file Linux application.
  • Create the application directory under ${HOME}/sandbox2 (i.e. ${HOME}/sandbox2/app).
  • Develop an application using the RTEMS WAF system that will fit in the EPCQ device (EPCQ size - maximum FPGA configuration size) and include the file_header_t information.
  • Build the application HEX file output.

Once the boot loader and application compiles succesfully, follow these steps to complete phase 2.

  • Use the elf2hex.exe tool that comes with Quartus Prime to convert the boot loader output to a HEX file that can be loaded into the On-Chip ROM
    elf2hex.exe --width=32 --base=0x10010000 --end=0x10010fff
    --input=<full path to boot loader hex file>
    --output=<full path to Quartus Prime project hex file>
  • In Platform designer, intialize the On-Chip ROM memory with the generated HEX file from elf2hex.exe
  • Save the Platform Designer project and re-generated the HDL.
  • In Quartus Prime, re-compile the project.
  • You now have an SOF file which contains the boot loader.

Phase 3

Follow these steps to generate a JIC file that can be programmed on the FPGA.

  • In Quartus Prime, select File>Convert Programming Files tool.
  • Change the Programming file type to .jic
  • Press the ellipse button next to the Configuration device and select the Cyclone 10 LP device family and the EPCQ128A device (verify on your own hardware).
  • Press OK.
  • Change the file name of the JIC file to rtems_vm.jic.
  • Select the Flash Loader input file and press the Add Device button.
  • Select Cyclone 10 LP and then 10CL025Y (verify on your own hardware).
  • Press OK.
  • Select the SOF Data input file and press the Add File button.
  • Navigate to the generated SOF file from phase 2 and select it.
  • Press Open
  • Now, press the Add Hex Data button.
  • In the dialog, select Relative addressing and enter 0x100000 as the start address.
  • Press the ellipse button next to the Hex file box.
  • Navigate to the HEX file that was generated by the application build and select it.
  • Press OK.
  • Press the Generate button to produce the rtems_vm.jic file.

Programming the JIC file on the Cyclone 10 LP Evaluation Board

Make sure the Cyclone 10 LP Evaluation Board is powered up through the USB cable and connected to the computer running Quartus Prime. Also, make sure SW.4 is On. If the virtual JTAG chain is enabled, the programmer will be unable to program the EPCQ device.

  • In Quartus Prime, select Tools>Programmer.
  • Select the currently loaded SOF file and press Delete.
  • Press Add File.
  • Navigate to the rtems_vm.jic, select it, and press Open.
  • select the Program/Configure checkbox on the JIC file.
  • Press Start to program the file onto the device.
