MVME147 port for TNI - Telecom Bretagne by Dominique LE CAMPION ( May 1996
This bsp is essentially based on the mvme136 bsp.
- include
- bsp.h Peripheral Channel Controller memory mapping Z8530 memory mapping
- startup
- bspstart.c main () setup for VME roundrobin mode setup for the PCC interrupt vector base
- bspclean.c bsp_cleanup () disable timer 1 & 2 interruptions
- linkcmds set the RAM start (0x5000) and size (4Meg - 0x5000)
- setvec.c unchanged
- sbrk.c unchanged
- console
- console.c taken from the dmv152 bsp (Zilog Z8530) with no modification
- clock
- ckinit.c entirely rewritten for the PCC tick timer 2
- timer
- timerisr.s and timer.c entirely rewritten for the PCC tick timer 1 now gives results un 6.25 us units (mininum timer delay, suprising big grain)
- times
- updated results for the mvme147 (beware of the 6.25 us grain)
- Makefiles
- compilation of shmsupp simply removed
To be done:
- add VMEchip memory mapping to include/bsp.h
- update the overheads in coverhead.h
- add support for serila ports 2,3 and 4.
Other notes:
- There is no MP support (no more shmsupp) because I have no experience of the VME bus. The mvme136 shared memory support does not seem applicable on the VMEchip of the mvme147, so I don't know where to start. Suggestions are welcome.
- All the timing tests and sp tests have been run.
Future work
- Add gdb serial remote support.
- Shared memory support (I don't really need it, but I can do it if it's simple).
- Message passing on VME bus, with Ada 95 annex E (distributed systems) in mind.