RTEMS 6.1-rc4
No Matches
      RTEMS Performance Monitoring and Measurement Framework

      Copyright 2002-2007 Chris Johns (chrisj@rtems.org)
                      23 April 2002

This directory contains the source code for the performance monitoring and measurement framework. It is more commonly know as the capture engine.

The capture engine is in an early phase of development. Please review the Status section of this document for the current status.


The capture engine is designed to not effect the system it is monitoring. Resources such as memory are used as well as a small performance hit in task creation, deletion and context switch. The overhead is small and will not be noticed unless the system is operating close to the performance limit of the target.


The capture engine is implemented in a couple of layers. This lowest layer is the capture engine. Its interface is in the file 'capture.h'. Typically this interface is directly used unless you are implementing a target interface. The user interface is via a target interface.

Command Line Interface (CLI).

This is a target interface that provides a number of user commands via the RTEMS monitor. To use you need to provide the following in your application initialisation:

#include <rtems/monitor.h>
rtems_monitor_init (0);
rtems_status_code rtems_capture_cli_init(rtems_capture_timestamp timestamp)
Definition: capture-cli.c:1202
The RTEMS Monitor Task.

Check the file capture-cli.h for documentation of the interface. The parameter is a pointer to your board support package's time stamp handler. The time stamp handler is yet to be tested so it is recommended this is left as 0, unless you wish to test this part of the engine.

The commands are:

copen - Open the capture engine. cclose - Close the capture engine. cenable - Enable the capture engine. cdisable - Disable the capture engine. ctlist - List the tasks known to the capture engine. ctload - Display the current load (sort of top). cwlist - List the watch and trigger controls. cwadd - Add a watch. cwdel - Delete a watch. cwctl - Enable or disable a watch. cwglob - Enable or disable the global watch. cwceil - Set the watch ceiling. cwfloor - Set the watch floor. ctrace - Dump the trace records. ctrig - Define a trigger.


usage: copen [-i] size

Open the capture engine. The size parameter is the size of the capture engine trace buffer. A single record hold a single event, for example a task create or a context in or out. The option '-i' will enable the capture engine after it is opened.


usage: cclose

Close the capture engine and release all resources held by the capture engine.


usage: cenable

Enable the capture engine if it has been opened.


usage: cdisable

Disable the capture engine. The enable and disable commands provide a means of removing the overhead of the capture engine from the context switch. This may be needed when testing if it is felt the capture engines overhead is effecting the system.

Task List

usage: ctlist

List the tasks the capture engine knows about. This may contain tasks that have been deleted.

Task Load

usage: ctload

List the tasks in the order of load in a similar way top does on Unix. The command sends ANSI terminal codes. You press enter to stop the update. The update period is fixed at 5 seconds. The output looks like:

Press ENTER to exit.


04010001 IDLE 255 255 READY 96.012% 0% a--—g 1 08010009 CPlt 1 1 READY 3.815% 15% a---— 0 08010003 ntwk 20 20 Wevnt 0.072% 0% at-—g 0 08010004 CSr0 20 20 Wevnt 0.041% 0% at-—g 0 08010001 main 250 250 DELAY 0.041% 0% a--—g 0 08010008 test 100 100 Wevnt 0.000% 20% at-T-+g 0 08010007 test 100 100 Wevnt 0.000% 0% at-T-+g 0 08010005 CSt0 20 20 Wevnt 0.000% 0% at-—g 0 08010006 RMON 1 1 Wsem 0.000% 0% a---— 0

There are 7 flags and from left to right are:

1) 'a' the task is active, and 'd' the task has been deleted. 2) 't' the task has been traced. 3) 'F' the task has a from (TO_ANY) trigger. 4) 'T' the task has a to (FROM_ANY) trigger. 5) 'E' the task has an edge (FROM_TO) trigger. 6) '+' the task as a watch control attached, 'w' a watch is enabled. 7) 'g' the task is part of a global trigger.

The STK is the percentage of stack used by a task. Currently only tasks created while the capture engine is enabled can be monitored.

The RPRI is the real priority. This is the priority set for the task. The current priority is the executing priority that may reflect a level set as a result of priority inversion.

Watch List

usage: cwlist

This command lists the watch and trigger controls the capture engine has. A control is a structure used by the capture engine to determine if a task is watched or triggers capturing.

Watch Add

usage: cwadd [task name] [id]

Add a watch for a task. You can provide a name or id or both. A name will cause all tasks with that name to have the watch added. An id results in a watch being for a specific task.

Using a name is useful when the task is not yet created.

Watch Delete

usage: cwdel [task name] [id]

Delete a watch that has been added.

Watch Control

usage: cwctl [task name] [id] on/off

Enable or disable a watch. The name and id parameters are the same as the watch add command.

Global Watch

usage: cwglob on/off

Enable or disable the global watch. A global watch is an easy way to enable watches for all tasks with real priorities between the watch ceiling and floor priorities.

Watch Priority Ceiling

usage: cwceil priority

Set the watch priority ceiling. All tasks with a priority less than the ceiling priority are not watched. This allow you to ignore high priority system and driver tasks.

Watch Priority Floor

usage: cwfloor priority

Set the watch priority floor. All tasks with a priority greater than the floor priority level are not watched. This allows you to remove tasks such as IDLE from being monitored.


usage: ctrace [-c] [-r records]

Dump the trace record. The option '-c' will output the records in comma separated variables (CSV). The '-r' option controls the number of records dumped. This can help stop the command looping for-ever.


usage: ctrig type [from name] [from id] [to name] [to id]

Set a trigger. The types of triggers are :

from : trigger on a context switch from a task to : trigger on a context switch to a task edge : trigger on a context switch from a task to a task

The from and to trigger types requires a task name or task id or both be provided. The edge requires a from name and/or id and a to name and/or id be provided.


usage: cflush [-n]

Flush the trace record. The option '-n' stops the capture engine be primed. This means an exising trigger state will not be cleared and tracing will continue.


The following is a list of outstanding issues or bugs.

1) The capture engine does not scan the existing list of tasks in the kernel when initialised. This means tasks that exist but are not active are not seen. Not sure how to implement this one.

2) The blocking read of trace records has not been completely implemented or tested. This will wait until I complete the csv support for the cli for a serial UI or the tcp server is implemented.

3) Task control block clean up is not implemented. The control block should be dumped to the trace buffer. This requires extended record formats. This can be implemented using an event flag to indicate an extended record follows the trace record. This would allow a task delete record to be directly followed by the task information.

4) Complete csv (comma separated variable) support for the CLI.

5) Implement a tcp server interface.

6) Complete the capture engine API documentation.

7) Test the user supplied time stamp handler.

8) Task name support is only for the rtems_name type. This means the only the classic API tasks are currently supported. Partial support for the different task names is provided how-ever this is not clean and does not support the variable length task name such as found in the POSIX tasks.