RTEMS 6.1-rc2
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
21 * This file was created by John S. Gwynne to support Motorola's 68332 MCU.
22 *
23 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
24 * provided that the following conditions are met:
25 * 1. Redistribution of source code and documentation must retain
26 * the above authorship, this list of conditions and the
27 * following disclaimer.
28 * 2. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote
29 * products derived from this software without specific prior
30 * written permission.
31 *
32 * This software is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind,
33 * either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the
34 * implied warranties of merchantability, title and fitness for a
35 * particular purpose.
36 *
37 *------------------------------------------------------------------
38 */
40#ifndef _RTEMS_M68K_QSM_H
41#define _RTEMS_M68K_QSM_H
43/* SAM-- shift and mask */
44#undef SAM
45#define SAM(a,b,c) ((a << b) & c)
48/* QSM_CRB (QSM Control Register Block) base address of the QSM
49 control registers */
50#if SIM_MM == 0
51#define QSM_CRB 0x7ffc00
53#undef SIM_MM
54#define SIM_MM 1
55#define QSM_CRB 0xfffc00
59#define QSMCR (volatile unsigned short int * const)(0x00 + QSM_CRB)
60 /* QSM Configuration Register */
61#define STOP 0x8000 /* Stop Enable */
62#define FRZ 0x6000 /* Freeze Control */
63#define SUPV 0x0080 /* Supervisor/Unrestricted */
64#define IARB 0x000f /* Inerrupt Arbitration */
67#define QTEST (volatile unsigned short int * const)(0x02 + QSM_CRB)
68 /* QSM Test Register */
69/* Used only for factor testing */
72#define QILR (volatile unsigned char * const)(0x04 + QSM_CRB)
73 /* QSM Interrupt Level Register */
74#define ILQSPI 0x38 /* Interrupt Level for QSPI */
75#define ILSCI 0x07 /* Interrupt Level for SCI */
78#define QIVR (volatile unsigned char * const)(0x05 + QSM_CRB)
79 /* QSM Interrupt Vector Register */
80#define INTV 0xff /* Interrupt Vector Number */
83#define SCCR0 (volatile unsigned short int * const)(0x08 + QSM_CRB)
84 /* SCI Control Register 0 */
85#define SCBR 0x1fff /* SCI Baud Rate */
88#define SCCR1 (volatile unsigned short int * const)(0x0a + QSM_CRB)
89 /* SCI Control Register 1 */
90#define LOOPS 0x4000 /* Loop Mode */
91#define WOMS 0x2000 /* Wired-OR Mode for SCI Pins */
92#define ILT 0x1000 /* Idle-Line Detect Type */
93#define PT 0x0800 /* Parity Type */
94#define PE 0x0400 /* Parity Enable */
95#define M 0x0200 /* Mode Select */
96#define WAKE 0x0100 /* Wakeup by Address Mark */
97#define TIE 0x0080 /* Transmit Complete Interrupt Enable */
98#define TCIE 0x0040 /* Transmit Complete Interrupt Enable */
99#define RIE 0x0020 /* Receiver Interrupt Enable */
100#define ILIE 0x0010 /* Idle-Line Interrupt Enable */
101#define TE 0x0008 /* Transmitter Enable */
102#define RE 0x0004 /* Receiver Enable */
103#define RWU 0x0002 /* Receiver Wakeup */
104#define SBK 0x0001 /* Send Break */
107#define SCSR (volatile unsigned short int * const)(0x0c + QSM_CRB)
108 /* SCI Status Register */
109#define TDRE 0x0100 /* Transmit Data Register Empty */
110#define TC 0x0080 /* Transmit Complete */
111#define RDRF 0x0040 /* Receive Data Register Full */
112#define RAF 0x0020 /* Receiver Active */
113#define IDLE 0x0010 /* Idle-Line Detected */
114#define OR 0x0008 /* Overrun Error */
115#define NF 0x0004 /* Noise Error Flag */
116#define FE 0x0002 /* Framing Error */
117#define PF 0x0001 /* Parity Error */
120#define SCDR (volatile unsigned short int * const)(0x0e + QSM_CRB)
121 /* SCI Data Register */
124#define PORTQS (volatile unsigned char * const)(0x15 + QSM_CRB)
125 /* Port QS Data Register */
127#define PQSPAR (volatile unsigned char * const)(0x16 + QSM_CRB)
128 /* PORT QS Pin Assignment Rgister */
129/* Any bit cleared (zero) defines the corresponding pin to be an I/O
130 pin. Any bit set defines the corresponding pin to be a QSPI
131 signal. */
132/* note: PQS2 is a digital I/O pin unless the SPI is enabled in which
133 case it becomes the SPI serial clock SCK. */
134/* note: PQS7 is a digital I/O pin unless the SCI transmitter is
135 enabled in which case it becomes the SCI serial output TxD. */
136#define QSMFun 0x0
137#define QSMDis 0x1
139 * PQSPAR Field | QSM Function | Discrete I/O pin
140 *------------------+--------------+------------------ */
141#define PQSPA0 0 /* MISO | PQS0 */
142#define PQSPA1 1 /* MOSI | PQS1 */
143#define PQSPA2 2 /* SCK | PQS2 (see note)*/
144#define PQSPA3 3 /* PCSO/!SS | PQS3 */
145#define PQSPA4 4 /* PCS1 | PQS4 */
146#define PQSPA5 5 /* PCS2 | PQS5 */
147#define PQSPA6 6 /* PCS3 | PQS6 */
148#define PQSPA7 7 /* TxD | PQS7 (see note)*/
151#define DDRQS (volatile unsigned char * const)(0x17 + QSM_CRB)
152 /* PORT QS Data Direction Register */
153/* Clearing a bit makes the corresponding pin an input; setting a bit
154 makes the pin an output. */
157#define SPCR0 (volatile unsigned short int * const)(0x18 + QSM_CRB)
158 /* QSPI Control Register 0 */
159#define MSTR 0x8000 /* Master/Slave Mode Select */
160#define WOMQ 0x4000 /* Wired-OR Mode for QSPI Pins */
161#define BITS 0x3c00 /* Bits Per Transfer */
162#define CPOL 0x0200 /* Clock Polarity */
163#define CPHA 0x0100 /* Clock Phase */
164#define SPBR 0x00ff /* Serial Clock Baud Rate */
167#define SPCR1 (volatile unsigned short int * const)(0x1a + QSM_CRB)
168 /* QSPI Control Register 1 */
169#define SPE 0x8000 /* QSPI Enable */
170#define DSCKL 0x7f00 /* Delay before SCK */
171#define DTL 0x00ff /* Length of Delay after Transfer */
174#define SPCR2 (volatile unsigned short int * const)(0x1c + QSM_CRB)
175 /* QSPI Control Register 2 */
176#define SPIFIE 0x8000 /* SPI Finished Interrupt Enable */
177#define WREN 0x4000 /* Wrap Enable */
178#define WRTO 0x2000 /* Wrap To */
179#define ENDQP 0x0f00 /* Ending Queue Pointer */
180#define NEWQP 0x000f /* New Queue Pointer Value */
183#define SPCR3 (volatile unsigned char * const)(0x1e + QSM_CRB)
184 /* QSPI Control Register 3 */
185#define LOOPQ 0x0400 /* QSPI Loop Mode */
186#define HMIE 0x0200 /* HALTA and MODF Interrupt Enable */
187#define HALT 0x0100 /* Halt */
190#define SPSR (volatile unsigned char * const)(0x1f + QSM_CRB)
191 /* QSPI Status Register */
192#define SPIF 0x0080 /* QSPI Finished Flag */
193#define MODF 0x0040 /* Mode Fault Flag */
194#define HALTA 0x0020 /* Halt Acknowlwdge Flag */
195#define CPTQP x0000f /* Completed Queue Pointer */
197#define QSPIRR (volatile unsigned char * const)(0x100 + QSM_CRB)
198 /* QSPI Receive Data RAM */
199#define QSPITR (volatile unsigned char * const)(0x120 + QSM_CRB)
200 /* QSPI Transmit Data RAM */
201#define QSPIcR (volatile unsigned char * const)(0x140 + QSM_CRB)
202 /* QSPI Command RAM */
204#endif /* _RTEMS_M68K_QSM_H */