38#error "<sys/time.h> must be included first"
47extern struct bintime _Timecounter_Boottimebin;
void _Timecounter_Microtime(struct timeval *tv)
Returns the wall clock time in the timeval format.
volatile int32_t _Timecounter_Time_uptime
The uptime in seconds.
void _Timecounter_Nanotime(struct timespec *ts)
Returns the wall clock time in the timespec format.
void _Timecounter_Getmicrouptime(struct timeval *tv)
Returns the uptime in the timeval format.
void _Timecounter_Microuptime(struct timeval *tv)
Returns the uptime in the timeval format.
volatile time_t _Timecounter_Time_second
The wall clock time in seconds.
void _Timecounter_Nanouptime(struct timespec *ts)
Returns the uptime in the timespec format.
void _Timecounter_Getmicrotime(struct timeval *tv)
Returns the wall clock time in the timeval format.
void _Timecounter_Binuptime(struct bintime *bt)
Returns the uptime in the bintime format.
void _Timecounter_Bintime(struct bintime *bt)
Returns the wall clock time in the bintime format.
void _Timecounter_Getbinuptime(struct bintime *bt)
Returns the uptime in the bintime format.
void _Timecounter_Getnanouptime(struct timespec *ts)
Returns the uptime in the timespec format.
void _Timecounter_Getbintime(struct bintime *bt)
Returns the wall clock time in the bintime format.
void _Timecounter_Getnanotime(struct timespec *ts)
Returns the wall clock time in the timespec format.