RTEMS Project Release Scripts. Chris Johns Date: November 2019 These scripts release the RTEMS kernel. They are tested and run on the RTEMS Project FreeBSD server. To run: $ ./rtems-release 5 0.0-m1911 Set Up ------ Releases are made on a FreeBSD machine. These scripts should work on any hosts however no testing has been done on other systems. 1. Install git. 2. Crate a python3 vritualenv set up. If python3 is the system default the --python option is not needed: $ virtualenv --python=python3 release 3. Install sphinx using pip in the virtualenv: $ . ./release/bin/activate (release) $ pip install sphinx (release) $ pip install sphinxcontrib-bibtex 4. Install npm and the install the HTML inliner: # npm install inliner