Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
schedulerimpl.h File Reference

Inlined Routines Associated with the Manipulation of the Scheduler. More...

#include <rtems/score/scheduler.h>
#include <rtems/score/assert.h>
#include <rtems/score/priorityimpl.h>
#include <rtems/score/smpimpl.h>
#include <rtems/score/status.h>
#include <rtems/score/threadimpl.h>

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typedef Thread_Control *(* Scheduler_Get_idle_thread) (Scheduler_Context *context)
 Gets an idle thread from the scheduler instance. More...
typedef void(* Scheduler_Release_idle_thread) (Scheduler_Context *context, Thread_Control *idle)
 Releases an idle thread to the scheduler instance for reuse. More...


 This enumeration defines what a scheduler should do with a node which could be scheduled.


void _Scheduler_Handler_initialization (void)
 Initializes the scheduler to the policy chosen by the user. More...
static __inline__ Scheduler_Context_Scheduler_Get_context (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler)
 Gets the context of the scheduler. More...
static __inline__ const Scheduler_Control_Scheduler_Get_by_CPU (const Per_CPU_Control *cpu)
 Gets the scheduler for the cpu. More...
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Acquire_critical (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, ISR_lock_Context *lock_context)
 Acquires the scheduler instance inside a critical section (interrupts disabled). More...
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Release_critical (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, ISR_lock_Context *lock_context)
 Releases the scheduler instance inside a critical section (interrupts disabled). More...
static __inline__ bool _Scheduler_Is_non_preempt_mode_supported (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler)
 Indicate if the thread non-preempt mode is supported by the scheduler. More...
void _Scheduler_Request_ask_for_help (Thread_Control *the_thread)
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Ask_for_help (Thread_Control *the_thread)
 Registers an ask for help request if necessary. More...
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Schedule (Thread_Control *the_thread)
 General scheduling decision. More...
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Yield (Thread_Control *the_thread)
 Scheduler yield with a particular thread. More...
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Block (Thread_Control *the_thread)
 Blocks a thread with respect to the scheduler. More...
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Unblock (Thread_Control *the_thread)
 Unblocks a thread with respect to the scheduler. More...
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Update_priority (Thread_Control *the_thread)
 Propagates a priority change of a thread to the scheduler. More...
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Priority_and_sticky_update (Thread_Control *the_thread, int sticky_level_change)
 Changes the sticky level of the home scheduler node and propagates a priority change of a thread to the scheduler. More...
static __inline__ Priority_Control _Scheduler_Map_priority (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Priority_Control priority)
 Maps a thread priority from the user domain to the scheduler domain. More...
static __inline__ Priority_Control _Scheduler_Unmap_priority (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Priority_Control priority)
 Unmaps a thread priority from the scheduler domain to the user domain. More...
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Node_initialize (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Scheduler_Node *node, Thread_Control *the_thread, Priority_Control priority)
 Initializes a scheduler node. More...
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Node_destroy (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Scheduler_Node *node)
 Destroys a scheduler node. More...
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Release_job (Thread_Control *the_thread, Priority_Node *priority_node, uint64_t deadline, Thread_queue_Context *queue_context)
 Releases a job of a thread with respect to the scheduler. More...
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Cancel_job (Thread_Control *the_thread, Priority_Node *priority_node, Thread_queue_Context *queue_context)
 Cancels a job of a thread with respect to the scheduler. More...
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Tick (const Per_CPU_Control *cpu)
 Scheduler method invoked at each clock tick. More...
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Start_idle (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread, Per_CPU_Control *cpu)
 Starts the idle thread for a particular processor. More...
static __inline__ bool _Scheduler_Has_processor_ownership (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, uint32_t cpu_index)
 Checks if the scheduler of the cpu with the given index is equal to the given scheduler. More...
static __inline__ const Processor_mask * _Scheduler_Get_processors (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler)
 Gets the processors of the scheduler. More...
bool _Scheduler_Get_affinity (Thread_Control *the_thread, size_t cpusetsize, cpu_set_t *cpuset)
 Copies the thread's scheduler's affinity to the given cpuset. More...
static __inline__ bool _Scheduler_default_Set_affinity_body (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread, Scheduler_Node *node, const Processor_mask *affinity)
 Checks if the affinity is a subset of the online processors. More...
bool _Scheduler_Set_affinity (Thread_Control *the_thread, size_t cpusetsize, const cpu_set_t *cpuset)
 Sets the thread's scheduler's affinity. More...
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Generic_block (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread, Scheduler_Node *node, void(*extract)(const Scheduler_Control *, Thread_Control *, Scheduler_Node *), void(*schedule)(const Scheduler_Control *, Thread_Control *, bool))
 Blocks the thread. More...
static __inline__ uint32_t _Scheduler_Get_processor_count (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler)
 Gets the number of processors of the scheduler. More...
static __inline__ Objects_Id _Scheduler_Build_id (uint32_t scheduler_index)
 Builds an object build id. More...
static __inline__ uint32_t _Scheduler_Get_index_by_id (Objects_Id id)
 Gets the scheduler index from the given object build id. More...
static __inline__ const Scheduler_Control_Scheduler_Get_by_id (Objects_Id id)
 Gets the scheduler from the given object build id. More...
static __inline__ uint32_t _Scheduler_Get_index (const Scheduler_Control *scheduler)
 Gets the index of the scheduler. More...
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Thread_change_state (Thread_Control *the_thread, Thread_Scheduler_state new_state)
 Changes the threads state to the given new state. More...
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Set_idle_thread (Scheduler_Node *node, Thread_Control *idle)
 Sets the scheduler node's idle thread. More...
static __inline__ Thread_Control_Scheduler_Use_idle_thread (Scheduler_Context *context, Scheduler_Node *node, Per_CPU_Control *cpu, Scheduler_Get_idle_thread get_idle_thread)
 Uses an idle thread for this scheduler node. More...
static __inline__ Scheduler_Try_to_schedule_action _Scheduler_Try_to_schedule_node (Scheduler_Context *context, Scheduler_Node *node, const Thread_Control *idle, Scheduler_Get_idle_thread get_idle_thread)
 Tries to schedule the scheduler node. More...
static __inline__ Thread_Control_Scheduler_Release_idle_thread (Scheduler_Context *context, Scheduler_Node *node, Scheduler_Release_idle_thread release_idle_thread)
 Releases an idle thread using this scheduler node. More...
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Exchange_idle_thread (Scheduler_Node *needs_idle, Scheduler_Node *uses_idle, Thread_Control *idle)
 Exchanges an idle thread from the scheduler node that uses it right now to another scheduler node. More...
static __inline__ Per_CPU_Control_Scheduler_Block_node (Scheduler_Context *context, Thread_Control *thread, Scheduler_Node *node, bool is_scheduled, Scheduler_Get_idle_thread get_idle_thread)
 Blocks this scheduler node. More...
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Discard_idle_thread (Scheduler_Context *context, Thread_Control *the_thread, Scheduler_Node *node, Scheduler_Release_idle_thread release_idle_thread)
 Discard the idle thread from the scheduler node. More...
static __inline__ bool _Scheduler_Unblock_node (Scheduler_Context *context, Thread_Control *the_thread, Scheduler_Node *node, bool is_scheduled, Scheduler_Release_idle_thread release_idle_thread)
 Unblocks this scheduler node. More...
static __inline__ void _Scheduler_Update_heir (Thread_Control *new_heir, bool force_dispatch)
 Updates the heir. More...
static __inline__ Status_Control _Scheduler_Set (const Scheduler_Control *new_scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread, Priority_Control priority)
 Sets a new scheduler. More...

Detailed Description

Inlined Routines Associated with the Manipulation of the Scheduler.

This inline file contains all of the inlined routines associated with the manipulation of the scheduler.

Definition in file schedulerimpl.h.