Annotated Report
Mon Mar 1 00:11:09 2021

00000000400274f0 <_CORE_message_queue_Broadcast>:                                         
  const void                 *buffer,                                                     
  size_t                      size,                                                       
  uint32_t                   *count,                                                      
  Thread_queue_Context       *queue_context                                               
    400274f0:   a9bb7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-80]!                                     
    400274f4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    400274f8:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400274fc:   aa0003f4    mov x20, x0                                                   
  Thread_Control             *the_thread;                                                 
  uint32_t                    number_broadcasted;                                         
  if ( size > the_message_queue->maximum_message_size ) {                                 
    40027500:   f9401400    ldr x0, [x0, #40]                                             
    40027504:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40027508:   aa0403f5    mov x21, x4                                                   
  if ( size > the_message_queue->maximum_message_size ) {                                 
    4002750c:   eb02001f    cmp x0, x2                                                    
    40027510:   54000543    b.cc    400275b8 <_CORE_message_queue_Broadcast+0xc8>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last
  number_broadcasted = 0;                                                                 
  _CORE_message_queue_Acquire_critical( the_message_queue, queue_context );               
  while (                                                                                 
    40027514:   a90363f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    40027518:   aa0203f6    mov x22, x2                                                   
   *  NOTE: This check is critical because threads can block on                           
   *        send and receive and this ensures that we are broadcasting                    
   *        the message to threads waiting to receive -- not to send.                     
  if ( the_message_queue->number_of_pending_messages != 0 ) {                             
    4002751c:   b9402697    ldr w23, [x20, #36]                                           
    40027520:   f90023f9    str x25, [sp, #64]                                            
    40027524:   aa0103f8    mov x24, x1                                                   
    40027528:   aa0303f9    mov x25, x3                                                   
    4002752c:   35000557    cbnz    w23, 400275d4 <_CORE_message_queue_Broadcast+0xe4>    
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Thread_Control *_Thread_queue_First_locked(                          
  Thread_queue_Control          *the_thread_queue,                                        
  const Thread_queue_Operations *operations                                               
  Thread_queue_Heads *heads = the_thread_queue->Queue.heads;                              
    40027530:   f9400280    ldr x0, [x20]                                                 
   *  There must be no pending messages if there is a thread waiting to                   
   *  receive a message.                                                                  
  the_thread = _Thread_queue_First_locked(                                                
    40027534:   f9400e81    ldr x1, [x20, #24]                                            
  if ( heads != NULL ) {                                                                  
    40027538:   b40002c0    cbz x0, 40027590 <_CORE_message_queue_Broadcast+0xa0>         
    return ( *operations->first )( heads );                                               
    4002753c:   f9401021    ldr x1, [x1, #32]                                             
    40027540:   d63f0020    blr x1                                                        
    40027544:   aa0003f3    mov x19, x0                                                   
  memcpy(destination, source, size);                                                      
    40027548:   aa1803e1    mov x1, x24                                                   
    4002754c:   aa1603e2    mov x2, x22                                                   
  if ( the_thread == NULL ) {                                                             
    40027550:   b4000200    cbz x0, 40027590 <_CORE_message_queue_Broadcast+0xa0>         <== NEVER TAKEN
  memcpy(destination, source, size);                                                      
    40027554:   a9478003    ldp x3, x0, [x0, #120]                                        
    return NULL;                                                                          
   *(size_t *) the_thread->Wait.return_argument = size;                                   
    40027558:   f9000076    str x22, [x3]                                                 
   the_thread->Wait.count = (uint32_t) submit_type;                                       
    4002755c:   b900727f    str wzr, [x19, #112]                                          
  ) {                                                                                     
    number_broadcasted += 1;                                                              
    40027560:   110006f7    add w23, w23, #0x1                                            
  memcpy(destination, source, size);                                                      
    40027564:   94002c04    bl  40032574 <memcpy>                                         
    40027568:   f9400e81    ldr x1, [x20, #24]                                            
    4002756c:   aa1503e3    mov x3, x21                                                   
    40027570:   aa1303e2    mov x2, x19                                                   
    40027574:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40027578:   9400076e    bl  40029330 <_Thread_queue_Extract_critical>                 
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    4002757c:   d53b4220    mrs x0, daif                                                  
    40027580:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                     
    40027584:   b90002a0    str w0, [x21]                                                 
  if ( the_message_queue->number_of_pending_messages != 0 ) {                             
    40027588:   b9402680    ldr w0, [x20, #36]                                            
    4002758c:   34fffd20    cbz w0, 40027530 <_CORE_message_queue_Broadcast+0x40>         <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                      
    40027590:   b94002a0    ldr w0, [x21]                                                 
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40027594:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
    _CORE_message_queue_Acquire( the_message_queue, queue_context );                      
  _CORE_message_queue_Release( the_message_queue, queue_context );                        
  *count = number_broadcasted;                                                            
    40027598:   b9000337    str w23, [x25]                                                
  return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                               
    4002759c:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    400275a0:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400275a4:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
  *count = number_broadcasted;                                                            
    400275a8:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    400275ac:   f94023f9    ldr x25, [sp, #64]                                            
    400275b0:   a8c57bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #80                                       
    400275b4:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                    
    400275b8:   b9400080    ldr w0, [x4]                                                  
    400275bc:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
    return STATUS_MESSAGE_INVALID_SIZE;                                                   
    400275c0:   528f4100    mov w0, #0x7a08                 // #31240                     
    400275c4:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400275c8:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400275cc:   a8c57bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #80                                       
    400275d0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  number_broadcasted = 0;                                                                 
    400275d4:   52800017    mov w23, #0x0                       // #0                     
    400275d8:   17ffffee    b   40027590 <_CORE_message_queue_Broadcast+0xa0>             
    400275dc:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

000000004002e460 <_CORE_message_queue_Seize>: void *buffer, size_t *size_p, bool wait, Thread_queue_Context *queue_context ) {
    4002e460:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
    4002e464:   9100e006    add x6, x0, #0x38                                             
    4002e468:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    4002e46c:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002e470:   aa0003f3    mov x19, x0                                                   
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    4002e474:   f9401814    ldr x20, [x0, #48]                                            
    4002e478:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002e47c:   aa0103f5    mov x21, x1                                                   
    4002e480:   aa0503f6    mov x22, x5                                                   
  if ( !_Chain_Is_empty(the_chain))                                                       
    4002e484:   eb06029f    cmp x20, x6                                                   
    4002e488:   54000660    b.eq    4002e554 <_CORE_message_queue_Seize+0xf4>  // b.none  
  new_first = old_first->next;                                                            
    4002e48c:   f9400284    ldr x4, [x20]                                                 
  head->next = new_first;                                                                 
    4002e490:   9100c005    add x5, x0, #0x30                                             
  CORE_message_queue_Buffer *the_message;                                                 
  the_message = _CORE_message_queue_Get_pending_message( the_message_queue );             
  if ( the_message != NULL ) {                                                            
    the_message_queue->number_of_pending_messages -= 1;                                   
    4002e494:   b9402661    ldr w1, [x19, #36]                                            
  const void *source,                                                                     
  void       *destination,                                                                
  size_t      size                                                                        
  memcpy(destination, source, size);                                                      
    4002e498:   aa0203e0    mov x0, x2                                                    
    *size_p = the_message->size;                                                          
    4002e49c:   f9400a82    ldr x2, [x20, #16]                                            
    4002e4a0:   f9001a64    str x4, [x19, #48]                                            
  new_first->previous = head;                                                             
    4002e4a4:   f9000485    str x5, [x4, #8]                                              
    the_message_queue->number_of_pending_messages -= 1;                                   
    4002e4a8:   51000421    sub w1, w1, #0x1                                              
    4002e4ac:   b9002661    str w1, [x19, #36]                                            
    4002e4b0:   91008281    add x1, x20, #0x20                                            
    *size_p = the_message->size;                                                          
    4002e4b4:   f9000062    str x2, [x3]                                                  
    executing->Wait.count =                                                               
    4002e4b8:   b9401a83    ldr w3, [x20, #24]                                            
    4002e4bc:   b90072a3    str w3, [x21, #112]                                           
    4002e4c0:   94002a3f    bl  40038dbc <memcpy>                                         
  Thread_queue_Heads *heads = the_thread_queue->Queue.heads;                              
    4002e4c4:   f9400260    ldr x0, [x19]                                                 
       *  is not, then we can go ahead and free the buffer.                               
       *  NOTE: If we note that the queue was not full before this receive,               
       *  then we can avoid this dequeue.                                                 
      the_thread = _Thread_queue_First_locked(                                            
    4002e4c8:   f9400e61    ldr x1, [x19, #24]                                            
  if ( heads != NULL ) {                                                                  
    4002e4cc:   b40002a0    cbz x0, 4002e520 <_CORE_message_queue_Seize+0xc0>             
    return ( *operations->first )( heads );                                               
    4002e4d0:   f9401021    ldr x1, [x1, #32]                                             
    4002e4d4:   d63f0020    blr x1                                                        
    4002e4d8:   aa0003f5    mov x21, x0                                                   
      if ( the_thread == NULL ) {                                                         
    4002e4dc:   b4000220    cbz x0, 4002e520 <_CORE_message_queue_Seize+0xc0>             <== NEVER TAKEN
       *  There was a thread waiting to send a message.  This code                        
       *  puts the messages in the message queue on behalf of the                         
       *  waiting task.                                                                   
    4002e4e0:   b94072a4    ldr w4, [x21, #112]                                           
    4002e4e4:   aa1403e1    mov x1, x20                                                   
    4002e4e8:   b9408aa3    ldr w3, [x21, #136]                                           
    4002e4ec:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    4002e4f0:   f94042a2    ldr x2, [x21, #128]                                           
    4002e4f4:   9400198b    bl  40034b20 <_CORE_message_queue_Insert_message>             
        (size_t) the_thread->Wait.option,                                                 
        (CORE_message_queue_Submit_types) the_thread->Wait.count                          
    4002e4f8:   f9400e61    ldr x1, [x19, #24]                                            
    4002e4fc:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    4002e500:   aa1603e3    mov x3, x22                                                   
    4002e504:   aa1503e2    mov x2, x21                                                   
    4002e508:   94000cf2    bl  400318d0 <_Thread_queue_Extract_critical>                 
      return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                           
    4002e50c:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
  return _Thread_Wait_get_status( executing );                                            
    4002e510:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002e514:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002e518:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    4002e51c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
    4002e520:   9101a273    add x19, x19, #0x68                                           
    4002e524:   f9400660    ldr x0, [x19, #8]                                             
  the_node->next = tail;                                                                  
    4002e528:   f9000293    str x19, [x20]                                                
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
    4002e52c:   f9000674    str x20, [x19, #8]                                            
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
    4002e530:   f9000014    str x20, [x0]                                                 
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
    4002e534:   f9000680    str x0, [x20, #8]                                             
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                      
    4002e538:   b94002c0    ldr w0, [x22]                                                 
    4002e53c:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
        return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                         
    4002e540:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    4002e544:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002e548:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002e54c:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    4002e550:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  if ( !wait ) {                                                                          
    4002e554:   12001c84    and w4, w4, #0xff                                             
    4002e558:   34000144    cbz w4, 4002e580 <_CORE_message_queue_Seize+0x120>            
    4002e55c:   f9400c01    ldr x1, [x0, #24]                                             
  executing->Wait.return_argument_second.mutable_object = buffer;                         
    4002e560:   a9078aa3    stp x3, x2, [x21, #120]                                       
  queue_context->thread_state = thread_state;                                             
    4002e564:   52800202    mov w2, #0x10                   // #16                        
    4002e568:   b90004a2    str w2, [x5, #4]                                              
    4002e56c:   aa0503e3    mov x3, x5                                                    
    4002e570:   aa1503e2    mov x2, x21                                                   
    4002e574:   94000c63    bl  40031700 <_Thread_queue_Enqueue>                          
  return (Status_Control) the_thread->Wait.return_code;                                   
    4002e578:   b9408ea0    ldr w0, [x21, #140]                                           
  return _Thread_Wait_get_status( executing );                                            
    4002e57c:   17ffffe5    b   4002e510 <_CORE_message_queue_Seize+0xb0>                 
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                      
    4002e580:   b94000a0    ldr w0, [x5]                                                  
    4002e584:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
    return STATUS_UNSATISFIED;                                                            
    4002e588:   528161a0    mov w0, #0xb0d                  // #2829                      
    4002e58c:   17ffffe1    b   4002e510 <_CORE_message_queue_Seize+0xb0>                 

000000004002e590 <_CORE_message_queue_Submit>: size_t size, CORE_message_queue_Submit_types submit_type, bool wait, Thread_queue_Context *queue_context ) {
    4002e590:   a9bb7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-80]!                                     
    4002e594:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    4002e598:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002e59c:   aa0003f3    mov x19, x0                                                   
  CORE_message_queue_Buffer *the_message;                                                 
  Thread_Control            *the_thread;                                                  
  if ( size > the_message_queue->maximum_message_size ) {                                 
    4002e5a0:   f9401400    ldr x0, [x0, #40]                                             
    4002e5a4:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002e5a8:   aa0603f5    mov x21, x6                                                   
  if ( size > the_message_queue->maximum_message_size ) {                                 
    4002e5ac:   eb03001f    cmp x0, x3                                                    
    4002e5b0:   54000783    b.cc    4002e6a0 <_CORE_message_queue_Submit+0x110>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last
   *  NOTE: This check is critical because threads can block on                           
   *        send and receive and this ensures that we are broadcasting                    
   *        the message to threads waiting to receive -- not to send.                     
  if ( the_message_queue->number_of_pending_messages != 0 ) {                             
    4002e5b4:   b9402660    ldr w0, [x19, #36]                                            
    4002e5b8:   aa0303f4    mov x20, x3                                                   
    4002e5bc:   a90363f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    4002e5c0:   2a0403f6    mov w22, w4                                                   
    4002e5c4:   aa0103f8    mov x24, x1                                                   
    4002e5c8:   a9046bf9    stp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    4002e5cc:   aa0203f9    mov x25, x2                                                   
    4002e5d0:   12001cba    and w26, w5, #0xff                                            
    4002e5d4:   35000340    cbnz    w0, 4002e63c <_CORE_message_queue_Submit+0xac>        
  Thread_queue_Heads *heads = the_thread_queue->Queue.heads;                              
    4002e5d8:   f9400260    ldr x0, [x19]                                                 
   *  There must be no pending messages if there is a thread waiting to                   
   *  receive a message.                                                                  
  the_thread = _Thread_queue_First_locked(                                                
    4002e5dc:   f9400e61    ldr x1, [x19, #24]                                            
  if ( heads != NULL ) {                                                                  
    4002e5e0:   b40002e0    cbz x0, 4002e63c <_CORE_message_queue_Submit+0xac>            
    return ( *operations->first )( heads );                                               
    4002e5e4:   f9401021    ldr x1, [x1, #32]                                             
    4002e5e8:   d63f0020    blr x1                                                        
    4002e5ec:   aa0003f7    mov x23, x0                                                   
  if ( the_thread == NULL ) {                                                             
    4002e5f0:   b4000260    cbz x0, 4002e63c <_CORE_message_queue_Submit+0xac>            <== NEVER TAKEN
  memcpy(destination, source, size);                                                      
    4002e5f4:   a9478003    ldp x3, x0, [x0, #120]                                        
    return NULL;                                                                          
   *(size_t *) the_thread->Wait.return_argument = size;                                   
    4002e5f8:   f9000074    str x20, [x3]                                                 
   the_thread->Wait.count = (uint32_t) submit_type;                                       
    4002e5fc:   b90072f6    str w22, [x23, #112]                                          
  memcpy(destination, source, size);                                                      
    4002e600:   aa1903e1    mov x1, x25                                                   
    4002e604:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    4002e608:   940029ed    bl  40038dbc <memcpy>                                         
    4002e60c:   f9400e61    ldr x1, [x19, #24]                                            
    4002e610:   aa1703e2    mov x2, x23                                                   
    4002e614:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    4002e618:   aa1503e3    mov x3, x21                                                   
    4002e61c:   94000cad    bl  400318d0 <_Thread_queue_Extract_critical>                 
  if ( the_thread != NULL ) {                                                             
    4002e620:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                             
    4002e624:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    4002e628:   a9446bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    return _Thread_Wait_get_status( executing );                                          
    4002e62c:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002e630:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002e634:   a8c57bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #80                                       
    4002e638:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    4002e63c:   f9403261    ldr x1, [x19, #96]                                            
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
    4002e640:   9101a260    add x0, x19, #0x68                                            
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    4002e644:   91018265    add x5, x19, #0x60                                            
  if ( !_Chain_Is_empty(the_chain))                                                       
    4002e648:   eb00003f    cmp x1, x0                                                    
    4002e64c:   540004a0    b.eq    4002e6e0 <_CORE_message_queue_Submit+0x150>  // b.none
  new_first = old_first->next;                                                            
    4002e650:   f9400020    ldr x0, [x1]                                                  
  head->next = new_first;                                                                 
    4002e654:   f9003260    str x0, [x19, #96]                                            
    4002e658:   2a1603e4    mov w4, w22                                                   
    4002e65c:   aa1403e3    mov x3, x20                                                   
    4002e660:   aa1903e2    mov x2, x25                                                   
  new_first->previous = head;                                                             
    4002e664:   f9000405    str x5, [x0, #8]                                              
    4002e668:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    4002e66c:   9400192d    bl  40034b20 <_CORE_message_queue_Insert_message>             
    if (                                                                                  
    4002e670:   b9402660    ldr w0, [x19, #36]                                            
    4002e674:   7100041f    cmp w0, #0x1                                                  
    4002e678:   54000220    b.eq    4002e6bc <_CORE_message_queue_Submit+0x12c>  // b.none
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                      
    4002e67c:   b94002a0    ldr w0, [x21]                                                 
    4002e680:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
    return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                             
    4002e684:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    4002e688:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002e68c:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002e690:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    4002e694:   a9446bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    4002e698:   a8c57bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #80                                       
    4002e69c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    4002e6a0:   b94000c0    ldr w0, [x6]                                                  
    4002e6a4:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
    return STATUS_MESSAGE_INVALID_SIZE;                                                   
    4002e6a8:   528f4100    mov w0, #0x7a08                 // #31240                     
    4002e6ac:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002e6b0:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002e6b4:   a8c57bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #80                                       
    4002e6b8:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
        && the_message_queue->notify_handler != NULL                                      
    4002e6bc:   f9402e62    ldr x2, [x19, #88]                                            
    4002e6c0:   b4fffde2    cbz x2, 4002e67c <_CORE_message_queue_Submit+0xec>            
      ( *the_message_queue->notify_handler )(                                             
    4002e6c4:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    4002e6c8:   aa1503e1    mov x1, x21                                                   
    4002e6cc:   d63f0040    blr x2                                                        
    return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                             
    4002e6d0:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
      ( *the_message_queue->notify_handler )(                                             
    4002e6d4:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    4002e6d8:   a9446bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    4002e6dc:   17ffffd4    b   4002e62c <_CORE_message_queue_Submit+0x9c>                
    if ( !wait ) {                                                                        
    4002e6e0:   3400025a    cbz w26, 4002e728 <_CORE_message_queue_Submit+0x198>          
    if ( _ISR_Is_in_progress() ) {                                                        
    4002e6e4:   9400058b    bl  4002fd10 <_ISR_Is_in_progress>                            
    4002e6e8:   72001c1f    tst w0, #0xff                                                 
    4002e6ec:   540002a1    b.ne    4002e740 <_CORE_message_queue_Submit+0x1b0>  // b.any 
    4002e6f0:   f9400e61    ldr x1, [x19, #24]                                            
    executing->Wait.count = submit_type;                                                  
    4002e6f4:   b9007316    str w22, [x24, #112]                                          
    executing->Wait.return_argument_second.immutable_object = buffer;                     
    4002e6f8:   f9004319    str x25, [x24, #128]                                          
  queue_context->thread_state = thread_state;                                             
    4002e6fc:   52800200    mov w0, #0x10                   // #16                        
    executing->Wait.option = (uint32_t) size;                                             
    4002e700:   b9008b14    str w20, [x24, #136]                                          
    4002e704:   aa1803e2    mov x2, x24                                                   
    4002e708:   b90006a0    str w0, [x21, #4]                                             
    4002e70c:   aa1503e3    mov x3, x21                                                   
    4002e710:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    4002e714:   94000bfb    bl  40031700 <_Thread_queue_Enqueue>                          
    4002e718:   b9408f00    ldr w0, [x24, #140]                                           
    4002e71c:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    4002e720:   a9446bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    return _Thread_Wait_get_status( executing );                                          
    4002e724:   17ffffc2    b   4002e62c <_CORE_message_queue_Submit+0x9c>                
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                      
    4002e728:   b94002a0    ldr w0, [x21]                                                 
    4002e72c:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
      return STATUS_TOO_MANY;                                                             
    4002e730:   528160a0    mov w0, #0xb05                  // #2821                      
    4002e734:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    4002e738:   a9446bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    4002e73c:   17ffffbc    b   4002e62c <_CORE_message_queue_Submit+0x9c>                
    4002e740:   b94002a0    ldr w0, [x21]                                                 
    4002e744:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
      return STATUS_MESSAGE_QUEUE_WAIT_IN_ISR;                                            
    4002e748:   528161a0    mov w0, #0xb0d                  // #2829                      
    4002e74c:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    4002e750:   a9446bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    4002e754:   17ffffb6    b   4002e62c <_CORE_message_queue_Submit+0x9c>                

0000000040024c50 <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary>: Heap_Control *heap, uintptr_t alloc_size, uintptr_t alignment, uintptr_t boundary ) {
    40024c50:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    40024c54:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40024c58:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40024c5c:   aa0003f4    mov x20, x0                                                   
  Heap_Statistics *const stats = &heap->stats;                                            
  uintptr_t const block_size_floor = alloc_size + HEAP_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE                  
    - HEAP_ALLOC_BONUS;                                                                   
  uintptr_t const page_size = heap->page_size;                                            
    40024c60:   f9401009    ldr x9, [x0, #32]                                             
  Heap_Block *block = NULL;                                                               
  uintptr_t alloc_begin = 0;                                                              
  uint32_t search_count = 0;                                                              
  bool search_again = false;                                                              
  if ( block_size_floor < alloc_size ) {                                                  
    40024c64:   b1002020    adds    x0, x1, #0x8                                          
    40024c68:   54000d22    b.cs    40024e0c <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary+0x1bc>  // b.hs, b.nlast
    /* Integer overflow occured */                                                        
    return NULL;                                                                          
  if ( boundary != 0 ) {                                                                  
    40024c6c:   aa0103e7    mov x7, x1                                                    
    40024c70:   91003d2a    add x10, x9, #0xf                                             
    40024c74:   b5000c23    cbnz    x3, 40024df8 <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary+0x1a8>
 * @return The first block of the free list.                                              
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Heap_Block *_Heap_Free_list_first( Heap_Control *heap )              
  return _Heap_Free_list_head(heap)->next;                                                
    40024c78:   f9400a81    ldr x1, [x20, #16]                                            
  do {                                                                                    
    Heap_Block *const free_list_tail = _Heap_Free_list_tail( heap );                      
    block = _Heap_Free_list_first( heap );                                                
    while ( block != free_list_tail ) {                                                   
    40024c7c:   eb01029f    cmp x20, x1                                                   
    40024c80:   54000ce0    b.eq    40024e1c <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary+0x1cc>  // b.none
  uintptr_t alloc_begin = alloc_end - alloc_size;                                         
    40024c84:   d2800108    mov x8, #0x8                    // #8                         
    40024c88:   cb070108    sub x8, x8, x7                                                
    while ( block != free_list_tail ) {                                                   
    40024c8c:   52800013    mov w19, #0x0                       // #0                     
    uintptr_t const free_size = alloc_block_begin - block_begin;                          
    40024c90:   928001eb    mov x11, #0xfffffffffffffff0        // #-16                   
    40024c94:   f90013f5    str x21, [sp, #32]                                            
       * The HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED flag is always set in the block size_and_flag           
       * field.  Thus the value is about one unit larger than the real block              
       * size.  The greater than operator takes this into account.                        
      if ( block->size_and_flag > block_size_floor ) {                                    
    40024c98:   f9400424    ldr x4, [x1, #8]                                              
      /* Statistics */                                                                    
    40024c9c:   11000673    add w19, w19, #0x1                                            
      if ( block->size_and_flag > block_size_floor ) {                                    
    40024ca0:   eb00009f    cmp x4, x0                                                    
    40024ca4:   54000089    b.ls    40024cb4 <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary+0x64>  // b.plast
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE uintptr_t _Heap_Alloc_area_of_block(                                 
  const Heap_Block *block                                                                 
  return (uintptr_t) block + HEAP_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE;                                      
    40024ca8:   91004035    add x21, x1, #0x10                                            
        if ( alignment == 0 ) {                                                           
    40024cac:   b5000242    cbnz    x2, 40024cf4 <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary+0xa4>
      if ( alloc_begin != 0 ) {                                                           
    40024cb0:   b5000815    cbnz    x21, 40024db0 <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary+0x160><== ALWAYS TAKEN
      block = block->next;                                                                
    40024cb4:   f9400821    ldr x1, [x1, #16]                                             
    while ( block != free_list_tail ) {                                                   
    40024cb8:   eb01029f    cmp x20, x1                                                   
    40024cbc:   54fffee1    b.ne    40024c98 <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary+0x48>  // b.any
    40024cc0:   f94013f5    ldr x21, [sp, #32]                                            
    stats->searches += search_count;                                                      
    stats->lifetime_allocated += _Heap_Block_size( block );                               
  } else {                                                                                
    /* Statistics */                                                                      
    40024cc4:   91014281    add x1, x20, #0x50                                            
    40024cc8:   b9404022    ldr w2, [x1, #64]                                             
    40024ccc:   d2800000    mov x0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40024cd0:   11000442    add w2, w2, #0x1                                              
    40024cd4:   b9004022    str w2, [x1, #64]                                             
  /* Statistics */                                                                        
  if ( stats->max_search < search_count ) {                                               
    40024cd8:   b9403422    ldr w2, [x1, #52]                                             
    40024cdc:   6b13005f    cmp w2, w19                                                   
    40024ce0:   54000042    b.cs    40024ce8 <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary+0x98>  // b.hs, b.nlast
    stats->max_search = search_count;                                                     
    40024ce4:   b9003433    str w19, [x1, #52]                                            
  return (void *) alloc_begin;                                                            
    40024ce8:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40024cec:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    40024cf0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
 * @return The block size.                                                                
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE uintptr_t _Heap_Block_size( const Heap_Block *block )                
  return block->size_and_flag & ~HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                    
    40024cf4:   927ff885    and x5, x4, #0xfffffffffffffffe                               
  uintptr_t const block_end = block_begin + block_size;                                   
    40024cf8:   8b0100a5    add x5, x5, x1                                                
  uintptr_t alloc_begin = alloc_end - alloc_size;                                         
    40024cfc:   8b050104    add x4, x8, x5                                                
    40024d00:   f940168d    ldr x13, [x20, #40]                                           
  return value - (value % alignment);                                                     
    40024d04:   9ac20886    udiv    x6, x4, x2                                            
  uintptr_t const alloc_begin_ceiling = block_end - min_block_size                        
    40024d08:   cb0d00a5    sub x5, x5, x13                                               
    40024d0c:   8b0a00a5    add x5, x5, x10                                               
    40024d10:   9b0290c6    msub    x6, x6, x2, x4                                        
    40024d14:   cb060086    sub x6, x4, x6                                                
  if ( alloc_begin > alloc_begin_ceiling ) {                                              
    40024d18:   eb0600bf    cmp x5, x6                                                    
    40024d1c:   54000082    b.cs    40024d2c <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary+0xdc>  // b.hs, b.nlast
    40024d20:   9ac208a4    udiv    x4, x5, x2                                            
    40024d24:   9b029484    msub    x4, x4, x2, x5                                        
    40024d28:   cb0400a6    sub x6, x5, x4                                                
  if ( boundary != 0 ) {                                                                  
    40024d2c:   b40002c3    cbz x3, 40024d84 <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary+0x134> 
  alloc_end = alloc_begin + alloc_size;                                                   
    40024d30:   8b0600ee    add x14, x7, x6                                               
    uintptr_t const boundary_floor = alloc_begin_floor + alloc_size;                      
    40024d34:   8b1500ec    add x12, x7, x21                                              
    40024d38:   9ac309c5    udiv    x5, x14, x3                                           
    40024d3c:   9b03b8a5    msub    x5, x5, x3, x14                                       
    40024d40:   cb0501c4    sub x4, x14, x5                                               
    while ( alloc_begin < boundary_line && boundary_line < alloc_end ) {                  
    40024d44:   eb0401df    cmp x14, x4                                                   
    40024d48:   fa4480c2    ccmp    x6, x4, #0x2, hi  // hi = pmore                       
    40024d4c:   540001c2    b.cs    40024d84 <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary+0x134>  // b.hs, b.nlast
      if ( boundary_line < boundary_floor ) {                                             
    40024d50:   eb04019f    cmp x12, x4                                                   
    40024d54:   54fffb08    b.hi    40024cb4 <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary+0x64>  // b.pmore
      alloc_begin = boundary_line - alloc_size;                                           
    40024d58:   cb070084    sub x4, x4, x7                                                
    40024d5c:   9ac20886    udiv    x6, x4, x2                                            
    40024d60:   9b0290c6    msub    x6, x6, x2, x4                                        
    40024d64:   cb060086    sub x6, x4, x6                                                
      alloc_end = alloc_begin + alloc_size;                                               
    40024d68:   8b0600e5    add x5, x7, x6                                                
    40024d6c:   9ac308a4    udiv    x4, x5, x3                                            
    40024d70:   9b039484    msub    x4, x4, x3, x5                                        
    40024d74:   cb0400a4    sub x4, x5, x4                                                
    while ( alloc_begin < boundary_line && boundary_line < alloc_end ) {                  
    40024d78:   eb0400df    cmp x6, x4                                                    
    40024d7c:   fa4430a0    ccmp    x5, x4, #0x0, cc  // cc = lo, ul, last                
    40024d80:   54fffe88    b.hi    40024d50 <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary+0x100>  // b.pmore
  if ( alloc_begin >= alloc_begin_floor ) {                                               
    40024d84:   eb1500df    cmp x6, x21                                                   
    40024d88:   54fff963    b.cc    40024cb4 <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary+0x64>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last
    40024d8c:   9ac908c4    udiv    x4, x6, x9                                            
    uintptr_t const free_size = alloc_block_begin - block_begin;                          
    40024d90:   cb010165    sub x5, x11, x1                                               
    40024d94:   9b091484    madd    x4, x4, x9, x5                                        
    if ( free_size >= min_block_size || free_size == 0 ) {                                
    40024d98:   f100009f    cmp x4, #0x0                                                  
    40024d9c:   fa4411a0    ccmp    x13, x4, #0x0, ne  // ne = any                        
    40024da0:   54fff8a8    b.hi    40024cb4 <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary+0x64>  // b.pmore
    40024da4:   aa0603f5    mov x21, x6                                                   
      if ( alloc_begin != 0 ) {                                                           
    40024da8:   b4fff875    cbz x21, 40024cb4 <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary+0x64> <== NEVER TAKEN
    40024dac:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    block = _Heap_Block_allocate( heap, block, alloc_begin, alloc_size );                 
    40024db0:   aa1503e2    mov x2, x21                                                   
    40024db4:   aa0703e3    mov x3, x7                                                    
    40024db8:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40024dbc:   940000d9    bl  40025120 <_Heap_Block_allocate>                           
    40024dc0:   91014281    add x1, x20, #0x50                                            
    block = _Heap_Block_allocate( heap, block, alloc_begin, alloc_size );                 
    40024dc4:   aa0003e2    mov x2, x0                                                    
    stats->lifetime_allocated += _Heap_Block_size( block );                               
    40024dc8:   f9402a85    ldr x5, [x20, #80]                                            
  return (void *) alloc_begin;                                                            
    40024dcc:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    40024dd0:   29470c24    ldp w4, w3, [x1, #56]                                         
  return block->size_and_flag & ~HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                    
    40024dd4:   f9400442    ldr x2, [x2, #8]                                              
    stats->searches += search_count;                                                      
    40024dd8:   0b130084    add w4, w4, w19                                               
    40024ddc:   11000463    add w3, w3, #0x1                                              
    40024de0:   927ff842    and x2, x2, #0xfffffffffffffffe                               
    40024de4:   f94013f5    ldr x21, [sp, #32]                                            
    40024de8:   29070c24    stp w4, w3, [x1, #56]                                         
    stats->lifetime_allocated += _Heap_Block_size( block );                               
    40024dec:   8b050042    add x2, x2, x5                                                
    40024df0:   f9002a82    str x2, [x20, #80]                                            
    40024df4:   17ffffb9    b   40024cd8 <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary+0x88>      
    if ( boundary < alloc_size ) {                                                        
    40024df8:   eb03003f    cmp x1, x3                                                    
    40024dfc:   54000088    b.hi    40024e0c <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary+0x1bc>  // b.pmore
      alignment = page_size;                                                              
    40024e00:   f100005f    cmp x2, #0x0                                                  
    40024e04:   9a891042    csel    x2, x2, x9, ne  // ne = any                           
    40024e08:   17ffff9c    b   40024c78 <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary+0x28>      
    return NULL;                                                                          
    40024e0c:   d2800000    mov x0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40024e10:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40024e14:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    40024e18:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    while ( block != free_list_tail ) {                                                   
    40024e1c:   52800013    mov w19, #0x0                       // #0                     
    40024e20:   17ffffa9    b   40024cc4 <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary+0x74>      

0000000040028ff0 <_Heap_Extend>: Heap_Control *heap, void *extend_area_begin_ptr, uintptr_t extend_area_size, uintptr_t unused RTEMS_UNUSED ) {
    40028ff0:   a9b87bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-128]!                                    
    40028ff4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40028ff8:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40028ffc:   aa0103f3    mov x19, x1                                                   
    40029000:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40029004:   ab020036    adds    x22, x1, x2                                           
    40029008:   a9046bf9    stp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
  Heap_Block *merge_below_block = NULL;                                                   
  Heap_Block *merge_above_block = NULL;                                                   
  Heap_Block *link_below_block = NULL;                                                    
  Heap_Block *link_above_block = NULL;                                                    
  Heap_Block *extend_first_block = NULL;                                                  
  Heap_Block *extend_last_block = NULL;                                                   
    4002900c:   a9077fff    stp xzr, xzr, [sp, #112]                                      
  Heap_Block *const first_block = heap->first_block;                                      
    40029010:   f9402019    ldr x25, [x0, #64]                                            
  uintptr_t const page_size = heap->page_size;                                            
  uintptr_t const min_block_size = heap->min_block_size;                                  
  uintptr_t const extend_area_begin = (uintptr_t) extend_area_begin_ptr;                  
  uintptr_t const extend_area_end = extend_area_begin + extend_area_size;                 
    40029014:   54000482    b.cs    400290a4 <_Heap_Extend+0xb4>  // b.hs, b.nlast        
    40029018:   a90363f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    4002901c:   aa0003f7    mov x23, x0                                                   
    40029020:   aa0203e1    mov x1, x2                                                    
  uintptr_t const free_size = stats->free_size;                                           
    40029024:   9101401a    add x26, x0, #0x50                                            
  if ( extend_area_end < extend_area_begin ) {                                            
    return 0;                                                                             
  extend_area_ok = _Heap_Get_first_and_last_block(                                        
    40029028:   9101e3e5    add x5, sp, #0x78                                             
    4002902c:   a9420ef8    ldp x24, x3, [x23, #32]                                       
    40029030:   9101c3e4    add x4, sp, #0x70                                             
    40029034:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
  uintptr_t const free_size = stats->free_size;                                           
    40029038:   f9400f55    ldr x21, [x26, #24]                                           
  extend_area_ok = _Heap_Get_first_and_last_block(                                        
    4002903c:   aa1803e2    mov x2, x24                                                   
    40029040:   97ffefb4    bl  40024f10 <_Heap_Get_first_and_last_block>                 
  if (!extend_area_ok ) {                                                                 
    40029044:   72001c1f    tst w0, #0xff                                                 
    40029048:   540013e0    b.eq    400292c4 <_Heap_Extend+0x2d4>  // b.none              
    4002904c:   a90573fb    stp x27, x28, [sp, #80]                                       
  Heap_Block *const first_block = heap->first_block;                                      
    40029050:   aa1903e3    mov x3, x25                                                   
    40029054:   aa1303f4    mov x20, x19                                                  
    return 0;                                                                             
  do {                                                                                    
    uintptr_t const sub_area_begin = (start_block != first_block) ?                       
      (uintptr_t) start_block : heap->area_begin;                                         
    40029058:   eb19007f    cmp x3, x25                                                   
    4002905c:   aa0303e0    mov x0, x3                                                    
  Heap_Block *link_above_block = NULL;                                                    
    40029060:   d280001b    mov x27, #0x0                       // #0                     
  Heap_Block *link_below_block = NULL;                                                    
    40029064:   d2800002    mov x2, #0x0                    // #0                         
  Heap_Block *merge_above_block = NULL;                                                   
    40029068:   d280001c    mov x28, #0x0                       // #0                     
  Heap_Block *merge_below_block = NULL;                                                   
    4002906c:   d2800006    mov x6, #0x0                    // #0                         
      (uintptr_t) start_block : heap->area_begin;                                         
    40029070:   54000401    b.ne    400290f0 <_Heap_Extend+0x100>  // b.any               <== NEVER TAKEN
    40029074:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    uintptr_t const sub_area_end = start_block->prev_size;                                
    40029078:   f9400064    ldr x4, [x3]                                                  
      (uintptr_t) start_block : heap->area_begin;                                         
    4002907c:   f9401ae0    ldr x0, [x23, #48]                                            
    Heap_Block *const end_block =                                                         
      _Heap_Block_of_alloc_area( sub_area_end, page_size );                               
    if (                                                                                  
      sub_area_end > extend_area_begin && extend_area_end > sub_area_begin                
    40029080:   eb04027f    cmp x19, x4                                                   
  return value - (value % alignment);                                                     
    40029084:   9ad80881    udiv    x1, x4, x24                                           
    - HEAP_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE);                                                            
    40029088:   d1004085    sub x5, x4, #0x10                                             
    if (                                                                                  
    4002908c:   fa563002    ccmp    x0, x22, #0x2, cc  // cc = lo, ul, last               
  return value - (value % alignment);                                                     
    40029090:   9b189021    msub    x1, x1, x24, x4                                       
    - HEAP_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE);                                                            
    40029094:   cb0100a5    sub x5, x5, x1                                                
    40029098:   540003c2    b.cs    40029110 <_Heap_Extend+0x120>  // b.hs, b.nlast       
    4002909c:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    400290a0:   a94573fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #80]                                       
    return 0;                                                                             
    400290a4:   d2800000    mov x0, #0x0                    // #0                         
  /* Statistics */                                                                        
  stats->size += extended_size;                                                           
  return extended_size;                                                                   
    400290a8:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400290ac:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400290b0:   a9446bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    400290b4:   a8c87bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #128                                      
    400290b8:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    } else if ( extend_area_end < sub_area_end ) {                                        
    400290bc:   eb0402df    cmp x22, x4                                                   
    400290c0:   9a832042    csel    x2, x2, x3, cs  // cs = hs, nlast                     
    if ( sub_area_end == extend_area_begin ) {                                            
    400290c4:   eb04027f    cmp x19, x4                                                   
    400290c8:   540002e0    b.eq    40029124 <_Heap_Extend+0x134>  // b.none              
  return block->size_and_flag & ~HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                    
    400290cc:   f94004a3    ldr x3, [x5, #8]                                              
      link_above_block = end_block;                                                       
    400290d0:   9a85937b    csel    x27, x27, x5, ls  // ls = plast                       
    400290d4:   927ff863    and x3, x3, #0xfffffffffffffffe                               
  return (Heap_Block *) ((uintptr_t) block + offset);                                     
    400290d8:   8b050063    add x3, x3, x5                                                
  } while ( start_block != first_block );                                                 
    400290dc:   eb03033f    cmp x25, x3                                                   
    400290e0:   54000300    b.eq    40029140 <_Heap_Extend+0x150>  // b.none              
      (uintptr_t) start_block : heap->area_begin;                                         
    400290e4:   eb19007f    cmp x3, x25                                                   
    400290e8:   aa0303e0    mov x0, x3                                                    
    400290ec:   54fffc60    b.eq    40029078 <_Heap_Extend+0x88>  // b.none               <== NEVER TAKEN
    uintptr_t const sub_area_end = start_block->prev_size;                                
    400290f0:   f9400064    ldr x4, [x3]                                                  
      sub_area_end > extend_area_begin && extend_area_end > sub_area_begin                
    400290f4:   eb04027f    cmp x19, x4                                                   
    - HEAP_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE);                                                            
    400290f8:   d1004085    sub x5, x4, #0x10                                             
  return value - (value % alignment);                                                     
    400290fc:   9ad80881    udiv    x1, x4, x24                                           
    if (                                                                                  
    40029100:   fa563002    ccmp    x0, x22, #0x2, cc  // cc = lo, ul, last               
    40029104:   9b189021    msub    x1, x1, x24, x4                                       
    - HEAP_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE);                                                            
    40029108:   cb0100a5    sub x5, x5, x1                                                
    4002910c:   54fffc83    b.cc    4002909c <_Heap_Extend+0xac>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last   
    if ( extend_area_end == sub_area_begin ) {                                            
    40029110:   eb16001f    cmp x0, x22                                                   
    40029114:   54fffd41    b.ne    400290bc <_Heap_Extend+0xcc>  // b.any                
    40029118:   aa0303e6    mov x6, x3                                                    
    if ( sub_area_end == extend_area_begin ) {                                            
    4002911c:   eb04027f    cmp x19, x4                                                   
    40029120:   54fffd61    b.ne    400290cc <_Heap_Extend+0xdc>  // b.any                <== ALWAYS TAKEN
      start_block->prev_size = extend_area_end;                                           
    40029124:   f9000076    str x22, [x3]                                                 
      merge_above_block = end_block;                                                      
    40029128:   aa0503fc    mov x28, x5                                                   
  return block->size_and_flag & ~HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                    
    4002912c:   f94004a3    ldr x3, [x5, #8]                                              
    40029130:   927ff863    and x3, x3, #0xfffffffffffffffe                               
  return (Heap_Block *) ((uintptr_t) block + offset);                                     
    40029134:   8b050063    add x3, x3, x5                                                
  } while ( start_block != first_block );                                                 
    40029138:   eb03033f    cmp x25, x3                                                   
    4002913c:   54fffd41    b.ne    400290e4 <_Heap_Extend+0xf4>  // b.any                
  if ( extend_area_begin < heap->area_begin ) {                                           
    40029140:   f9401ae0    ldr x0, [x23, #48]                                            
    40029144:   eb13001f    cmp x0, x19                                                   
    40029148:   54000cc9    b.ls    400292e0 <_Heap_Extend+0x2f0>  // b.plast             
    heap->area_begin = extend_area_begin;                                                 
    4002914c:   f9001af3    str x19, [x23, #48]                                           
    (uintptr_t) extend_last_block - (uintptr_t) extend_first_block;                       
    40029150:   a94707e0    ldp x0, x1, [sp, #112]                                        
  extend_first_block_size =                                                               
    40029154:   cb000023    sub x3, x1, x0                                                
    extend_first_block_size | HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                       
    40029158:   b2400064    orr x4, x3, #0x1                                              
  extend_first_block->size_and_flag =                                                     
    4002915c:   a9001016    stp x22, x4, [x0]                                             
  if ( (uintptr_t) extend_first_block < (uintptr_t) heap->first_block ) {                 
    40029160:   f94022e4    ldr x4, [x23, #64]                                            
  extend_last_block->size_and_flag = 0;                                                   
    40029164:   a9007c23    stp x3, xzr, [x1]                                             
  if ( (uintptr_t) extend_first_block < (uintptr_t) heap->first_block ) {                 
    40029168:   eb00009f    cmp x4, x0                                                    
    4002916c:   54000b09    b.ls    400292cc <_Heap_Extend+0x2dc>  // b.plast             
    heap->first_block = extend_first_block;                                               
    40029170:   f90022e0    str x0, [x23, #64]                                            
  if ( merge_below_block != NULL ) {                                                      
    40029174:   b4000c06    cbz x6, 400292f4 <_Heap_Extend+0x304>                         
  uintptr_t const page_size = heap->page_size;                                            
    40029178:   f94012e2    ldr x2, [x23, #32]                                            
    _Heap_Align_up( extend_area_begin + HEAP_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE, page_size );              
    4002917c:   91004261    add x1, x19, #0x10                                            
  uintptr_t remainder = value % alignment;                                                
    40029180:   9ac20820    udiv    x0, x1, x2                                            
    40029184:   9b028400    msub    x0, x0, x2, x1                                        
  if ( remainder != 0 ) {                                                                 
    40029188:   b40000a0    cbz x0, 4002919c <_Heap_Extend+0x1ac>                         
    return value - remainder + alignment;                                                 
    4002918c:   8b010041    add x1, x2, x1                                                
    40029190:   cb000021    sub x1, x1, x0                                                
  uintptr_t const new_first_block_begin =                                                 
    40029194:   d1004034    sub x20, x1, #0x10                                            
  Heap_Block *const new_first_block = (Heap_Block *) new_first_block_begin;               
    40029198:   aa1403f3    mov x19, x20                                                  
    4002919c:   b9403343    ldr w3, [x26, #48]                                            
  uintptr_t const new_first_block_size =                                                  
    400291a0:   cb1400c0    sub x0, x6, x20                                               
    400291a4:   b9404742    ldr w2, [x26, #68]                                            
  new_first_block->size_and_flag = new_first_block_size | HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;           
    400291a8:   b2400000    orr x0, x0, #0x1                                              
  new_first_block->prev_size = first_block->prev_size;                                    
    400291ac:   f94000c4    ldr x4, [x6]                                                  
    400291b0:   51000442    sub w2, w2, #0x1                                              
    400291b4:   11000463    add w3, w3, #0x1                                              
  new_first_block->size_and_flag = new_first_block_size | HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;           
    400291b8:   a9000264    stp x4, x0, [x19]                                             
  _Heap_Free( heap, (void *) _Heap_Alloc_area_of_block( block ) );                        
    400291bc:   aa1703e0    mov x0, x23                                                   
    400291c0:   b9003343    str w3, [x26, #48]                                            
    400291c4:   b9004742    str w2, [x26, #68]                                            
  new_first_block->prev_size = first_block->prev_size;                                    
    400291c8:   f90037e6    str x6, [sp, #104]                                            
  _Heap_Free( heap, (void *) _Heap_Alloc_area_of_block( block ) );                        
    400291cc:   94000065    bl  40029360 <_Heap_Free>                                     
  return _Heap_Free_list_head(heap)->next;                                                
    400291d0:   f9400ae0    ldr x0, [x23, #16]                                            
    400291d4:   f94037e6    ldr x6, [sp, #104]                                            
  Heap_Block *prev = block->prev;                                                         
    400291d8:   a9410801    ldp x1, x2, [x0, #16]                                         
  prev->next = next;                                                                      
    400291dc:   f9000841    str x1, [x2, #16]                                             
  next->prev = prev;                                                                      
    400291e0:   f9000c22    str x2, [x1, #24]                                             
  Heap_Block *prev = block_next->prev;                                                    
    400291e4:   f9400ee1    ldr x1, [x23, #24]                                            
  new_block->prev = prev;                                                                 
    400291e8:   a9010417    stp x23, x1, [x0, #16]                                        
  prev->next = new_block;                                                                 
    400291ec:   f9000820    str x0, [x1, #16]                                             
  block_next->prev = new_block;                                                           
    400291f0:   f9000ee0    str x0, [x23, #24]                                            
  if ( merge_above_block != NULL ) {                                                      
    400291f4:   b40008bc    cbz x28, 40029308 <_Heap_Extend+0x318>                        
  uintptr_t const last_block_new_size = _Heap_Align_down(                                 
    400291f8:   d10042d6    sub x22, x22, #0x10                                           
    400291fc:   b9403346    ldr w6, [x26, #48]                                            
  return value - (value % alignment);                                                     
    40029200:   f94012e7    ldr x7, [x23, #32]                                            
  uintptr_t const last_block_new_size = _Heap_Align_down(                                 
    40029204:   cb1c02c3    sub x3, x22, x28                                              
    (last_block->size_and_flag - last_block_new_size)                                     
    40029208:   f9400782    ldr x2, [x28, #8]                                             
  _Heap_Free( heap, (void *) _Heap_Alloc_area_of_block( block ) );                        
    4002920c:   91004381    add x1, x28, #0x10                                            
    40029210:   9ac70864    udiv    x4, x3, x7                                            
    40029214:   b9404745    ldr w5, [x26, #68]                                            
    (last_block->size_and_flag - last_block_new_size)                                     
    40029218:   8b020382    add x2, x28, x2                                               
  _Heap_Free( heap, (void *) _Heap_Alloc_area_of_block( block ) );                        
    4002921c:   aa1703e0    mov x0, x23                                                   
    40029220:   110004c6    add w6, w6, #0x1                                              
    40029224:   510004a5    sub w5, w5, #0x1                                              
    40029228:   9b078c84    msub    x4, x4, x7, x3                                        
    4002922c:   cb040063    sub x3, x3, x4                                                
    (last_block->size_and_flag - last_block_new_size)                                     
    40029230:   cb160096    sub x22, x4, x22                                              
  new_last_block->size_and_flag =                                                         
    40029234:   8b030384    add x4, x28, x3                                               
    (last_block->size_and_flag - last_block_new_size)                                     
    40029238:   8b160042    add x2, x2, x22                                               
      | HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                                             
    4002923c:   b2400042    orr x2, x2, #0x1                                              
  new_last_block->size_and_flag =                                                         
    40029240:   f9000482    str x2, [x4, #8]                                              
  uintptr_t flag = block->size_and_flag & HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                           
    40029244:   f9400782    ldr x2, [x28, #8]                                             
    40029248:   92400042    and x2, x2, #0x1                                              
  block->size_and_flag = size | flag;                                                     
    4002924c:   aa030043    orr x3, x2, x3                                                
    40029250:   f9000783    str x3, [x28, #8]                                             
    40029254:   b9003346    str w6, [x26, #48]                                            
    40029258:   b9004745    str w5, [x26, #68]                                            
  _Heap_Free( heap, (void *) _Heap_Alloc_area_of_block( block ) );                        
    4002925c:   94000041    bl  40029360 <_Heap_Free>                                     
  return _Heap_Free_list_head(heap)->next;                                                
    40029260:   f9400ae0    ldr x0, [x23, #16]                                            
  Heap_Block *prev = block->prev;                                                         
    40029264:   a9410801    ldp x1, x2, [x0, #16]                                         
  prev->next = next;                                                                      
    40029268:   f9000841    str x1, [x2, #16]                                             
  next->prev = prev;                                                                      
    4002926c:   f9000c22    str x2, [x1, #24]                                             
  Heap_Block *prev = block_next->prev;                                                    
    40029270:   f9400ee1    ldr x1, [x23, #24]                                            
  new_block->prev = prev;                                                                 
    40029274:   a9010417    stp x23, x1, [x0, #16]                                        
  prev->next = new_block;                                                                 
    40029278:   f9000820    str x0, [x1, #16]                                             
  block_next->prev = new_block;                                                           
    4002927c:   f9000ee0    str x0, [x23, #24]                                            
    40029280:   a9440ee1    ldp x1, x3, [x23, #64]                                        
  extended_size = stats->free_size - free_size;                                           
    40029284:   a9410342    ldp x2, x0, [x26, #16]                                        
  stats->size += extended_size;                                                           
    40029288:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
  uintptr_t flag = block->size_and_flag & HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                           
    4002928c:   f9400464    ldr x4, [x3, #8]                                              
    40029290:   cb030021    sub x1, x1, x3                                                
  extended_size = stats->free_size - free_size;                                           
    40029294:   cb150000    sub x0, x0, x21                                               
  uintptr_t flag = block->size_and_flag & HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                           
    40029298:   92400084    and x4, x4, #0x1                                              
  block->size_and_flag = size | flag;                                                     
    4002929c:   aa040021    orr x1, x1, x4                                                
  stats->size += extended_size;                                                           
    400292a0:   a94573fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #80]                                       
    400292a4:   f9000461    str x1, [x3, #8]                                              
    400292a8:   8b000041    add x1, x2, x0                                                
    400292ac:   f9000b41    str x1, [x26, #16]                                            
    400292b0:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400292b4:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400292b8:   a9446bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    400292bc:   a8c87bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #128                                      
    400292c0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    400292c4:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    400292c8:   17ffff77    b   400290a4 <_Heap_Extend+0xb4>                              
  } else if ( (uintptr_t) extend_last_block > (uintptr_t) heap->last_block ) {            
    400292cc:   f94026e0    ldr x0, [x23, #72]                                            
    400292d0:   eb01001f    cmp x0, x1                                                    
    400292d4:   54fff502    b.cs    40029174 <_Heap_Extend+0x184>  // b.hs, b.nlast       
    heap->last_block = extend_last_block;                                                 
    400292d8:   f90026e1    str x1, [x23, #72]                                            
    400292dc:   17ffffa6    b   40029174 <_Heap_Extend+0x184>                             
  } else if ( heap->area_end < extend_area_end ) {                                        
    400292e0:   f9401ee0    ldr x0, [x23, #56]                                            
    400292e4:   eb16001f    cmp x0, x22                                                   
    400292e8:   54fff342    b.cs    40029150 <_Heap_Extend+0x160>  // b.hs, b.nlast       
    heap->area_end = extend_area_end;                                                     
    400292ec:   f9001ef6    str x22, [x23, #56]                                           
    400292f0:   17ffff98    b   40029150 <_Heap_Extend+0x160>                             
  } else if ( link_below_block != NULL ) {                                                
    400292f4:   b4fff802    cbz x2, 400291f4 <_Heap_Extend+0x204>                         
    (link_begin - last_block_begin) | HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                               
    400292f8:   cb010040    sub x0, x2, x1                                                
    400292fc:   b2400000    orr x0, x0, #0x1                                              
  last_block->size_and_flag =                                                             
    40029300:   f9000420    str x0, [x1, #8]                                              
    40029304:   17ffffbc    b   400291f4 <_Heap_Extend+0x204>                             
  } else if ( link_above_block != NULL ) {                                                
    40029308:   b400015b    cbz x27, 40029330 <_Heap_Extend+0x340>                        
    4002930c:   a9470be0    ldp x0, x2, [sp, #112]                                        
  uintptr_t flag = block->size_and_flag & HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                           
    40029310:   f9400761    ldr x1, [x27, #8]                                             
    40029314:   92400021    and x1, x1, #0x1                                              
  _Heap_Block_set_size( link, first_block_begin - link_begin );                           
    40029318:   cb1b0000    sub x0, x0, x27                                               
  block->size_and_flag = size | flag;                                                     
    4002931c:   aa010000    orr x0, x0, x1                                                
    40029320:   f9000760    str x0, [x27, #8]                                             
  last_block->size_and_flag |= HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                      
    40029324:   f9400440    ldr x0, [x2, #8]                                              
    40029328:   b2400000    orr x0, x0, #0x1                                              
    4002932c:   f9000440    str x0, [x2, #8]                                              
  if ( merge_below_block == NULL && merge_above_block == NULL ) {                         
    40029330:   b5fffa86    cbnz    x6, 40029280 <_Heap_Extend+0x290>                     
    _Heap_Free_block( heap, extend_first_block );                                         
    40029334:   f9403be1    ldr x1, [sp, #112]                                            
  _Heap_Free( heap, (void *) _Heap_Alloc_area_of_block( block ) );                        
    40029338:   aa1703e0    mov x0, x23                                                   
    4002933c:   b9403343    ldr w3, [x26, #48]                                            
    40029340:   b9404742    ldr w2, [x26, #68]                                            
  _Heap_Free( heap, (void *) _Heap_Alloc_area_of_block( block ) );                        
    40029344:   91004021    add x1, x1, #0x10                                             
    40029348:   11000463    add w3, w3, #0x1                                              
    4002934c:   b9003343    str w3, [x26, #48]                                            
    40029350:   51000442    sub w2, w2, #0x1                                              
    40029354:   b9004742    str w2, [x26, #68]                                            
  return (uintptr_t) block + HEAP_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE;                                      
    40029358:   17ffffc1    b   4002925c <_Heap_Extend+0x26c>                             
    4002935c:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

0000000040029360 <_Heap_Free>: return do_free; } #endif bool _Heap_Free( Heap_Control *heap, void *alloc_begin_ptr ) {
    40029360:   aa0003e2    mov x2, x0                                                    
   * If NULL return true so a free on NULL is considered a valid release. This            
   * is a special case that could be handled by the in heap check how-ever that           
   * would result in false being returned which is wrong.                                 
  if ( alloc_begin_ptr == NULL ) {                                                        
    40029364:   b4000a21    cbz x1, 400294a8 <_Heap_Free+0x148>                           
  return value - (value % alignment);                                                     
    40029368:   f9401044    ldr x4, [x2, #32]                                             
    - HEAP_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE);                                                            
    4002936c:   d1004026    sub x6, x1, #0x10                                             
  return (uintptr_t) block >= (uintptr_t) heap->first_block                               
    40029370:   f9402045    ldr x5, [x2, #64]                                             
  alloc_begin = (uintptr_t) alloc_begin_ptr;                                              
  block = _Heap_Block_of_alloc_area( alloc_begin, heap->page_size );                      
  if ( !_Heap_Is_block_in_heap( heap, block ) ) {                                         
    return false;                                                                         
    40029374:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
  return value - (value % alignment);                                                     
    40029378:   9ac40823    udiv    x3, x1, x4                                            
    4002937c:   9b048461    msub    x1, x3, x4, x1                                        
    - HEAP_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE);                                                            
    40029380:   cb0100c1    sub x1, x6, x1                                                
    && (uintptr_t) block <= (uintptr_t) heap->last_block;                                 
    40029384:   eb05003f    cmp x1, x5                                                    
    40029388:   54000583    b.cc    40029438 <_Heap_Free+0xd8>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last     
    4002938c:   f9402448    ldr x8, [x2, #72]                                             
    40029390:   eb08003f    cmp x1, x8                                                    
    40029394:   54000528    b.hi    40029438 <_Heap_Free+0xd8>  // b.pmore                
  return block->size_and_flag & ~HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                    
    40029398:   f9400426    ldr x6, [x1, #8]                                              
    4002939c:   927ff8c7    and x7, x6, #0xfffffffffffffffe                               
  return (Heap_Block *) ((uintptr_t) block + offset);                                     
    400293a0:   8b070024    add x4, x1, x7                                                
    && (uintptr_t) block <= (uintptr_t) heap->last_block;                                 
    400293a4:   eb0400bf    cmp x5, x4                                                    
    400293a8:   54000488    b.hi    40029438 <_Heap_Free+0xd8>  // b.pmore                <== NEVER TAKEN
    400293ac:   eb04011f    cmp x8, x4                                                    
    400293b0:   54000443    b.cc    40029438 <_Heap_Free+0xd8>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last     
  return block->size_and_flag & HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                     
    400293b4:   f9400483    ldr x3, [x4, #8]                                              
    return false;                                                                         
  _Heap_Protection_block_check( heap, next_block );                                       
  if ( !_Heap_Is_prev_used( next_block ) ) {                                              
    400293b8:   12000060    and w0, w3, #0x1                                              
    400293bc:   360003e3    tbz w3, #0, 40029438 <_Heap_Free+0xd8>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
  return block->size_and_flag & ~HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                    
    400293c0:   927ff863    and x3, x3, #0xfffffffffffffffe                               
  return block->size_and_flag & HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                     
    400293c4:   120000c6    and w6, w6, #0x1                                              
    return true;                                                                          
  next_block_size = _Heap_Block_size( next_block );                                       
  next_is_free = next_block != heap->last_block                                           
    && !_Heap_Is_prev_used( _Heap_Block_at( next_block, next_block_size ));               
    400293c8:   eb04011f    cmp x8, x4                                                    
    400293cc:   54000380    b.eq    4002943c <_Heap_Free+0xdc>  // b.none                 
    400293d0:   8b030089    add x9, x4, x3                                                
    400293d4:   f9400529    ldr x9, [x9, #8]                                              
    400293d8:   37000329    tbnz    w9, #0, 4002943c <_Heap_Free+0xdc>                    
    400293dc:   5280002a    mov w10, #0x1                       // #1                     
  if ( !_Heap_Is_prev_used( block ) ) {                                                   
    400293e0:   34000326    cbz w6, 40029444 <_Heap_Free+0xe4>                            
  Heap_Block *prev = old_block->prev;                                                     
    400293e4:   a9411085    ldp x5, x4, [x4, #16]                                         
  new_block->prev = prev;                                                                 
    400293e8:   a9011025    stp x5, x4, [x1, #16]                                         
      prev_block->size_and_flag = size | HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                            
      next_block->size_and_flag &= ~HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                 
      next_block->prev_size = size;                                                       
  } else if ( next_is_free ) {    /* coalesce next */                                     
    uintptr_t const size = block_size + next_block_size;                                  
    400293ec:   8b0300e3    add x3, x7, x3                                                
  next->prev = new_block;                                                                 
    400293f0:   f9000ca1    str x1, [x5, #24]                                             
    _Heap_Free_list_replace( next_block, block );                                         
    block->size_and_flag = size | HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                   
    400293f4:   b2400066    orr x6, x3, #0x1                                              
    400293f8:   91014042    add x2, x2, #0x50                                             
  prev->next = new_block;                                                                 
    400293fc:   f9000881    str x1, [x4, #16]                                             
    40029400:   f9000426    str x6, [x1, #8]                                              
    next_block  = _Heap_Block_at( block, size );                                          
    next_block->prev_size = size;                                                         
    40029404:   f8236823    str x3, [x1, x3]                                              
  /* Statistics */                                                                        
  stats->free_size += block_size;                                                         
  stats->lifetime_freed += block_size;                                                    
    40029408:   f9400445    ldr x5, [x2, #8]                                              
  stats->free_size += block_size;                                                         
    4002940c:   f9400c44    ldr x4, [x2, #24]                                             
  stats->lifetime_freed += block_size;                                                    
    40029410:   8b0700a5    add x5, x5, x7                                                
    40029414:   b9403043    ldr w3, [x2, #48]                                             
    40029418:   b9404441    ldr w1, [x2, #68]                                             
  stats->free_size += block_size;                                                         
    4002941c:   8b070087    add x7, x4, x7                                                
    40029420:   51000463    sub w3, w3, #0x1                                              
  stats->lifetime_freed += block_size;                                                    
    40029424:   f9000445    str x5, [x2, #8]                                              
    40029428:   11000421    add w1, w1, #0x1                                              
  stats->free_size += block_size;                                                         
    4002942c:   f9000c47    str x7, [x2, #24]                                             
    40029430:   b9003043    str w3, [x2, #48]                                             
    40029434:   b9004441    str w1, [x2, #68]                                             
  return( true );                                                                         
    40029438:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  if ( !_Heap_Is_prev_used( block ) ) {                                                   
    4002943c:   5280000a    mov w10, #0x0                       // #0                     
    40029440:   35000386    cbnz    w6, 400294b0 <_Heap_Free+0x150>                       
    uintptr_t const prev_size = block->prev_size;                                         
    40029444:   f9400029    ldr x9, [x1]                                                  
  return (Heap_Block *) ((uintptr_t) block + offset);                                     
    40029448:   cb090026    sub x6, x1, x9                                                
    && (uintptr_t) block <= (uintptr_t) heap->last_block;                                 
    4002944c:   eb0500df    cmp x6, x5                                                    
    40029450:   54000283    b.cc    400294a0 <_Heap_Free+0x140>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last    <== NEVER TAKEN
    40029454:   eb0800df    cmp x6, x8                                                    
    40029458:   54000248    b.hi    400294a0 <_Heap_Free+0x140>  // b.pmore               <== NEVER TAKEN
  return block->size_and_flag & HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                     
    4002945c:   f94004c5    ldr x5, [x6, #8]                                              
    if ( !_Heap_Is_prev_used ( prev_block) ) {                                            
    40029460:   36000205    tbz w5, #0, 400294a0 <_Heap_Free+0x140>                       <== NEVER TAKEN
      uintptr_t const size = block_size + prev_size + next_block_size;                    
    40029464:   8b070129    add x9, x9, x7                                                
    if ( next_is_free ) {       /* coalesce both */                                       
    40029468:   340004aa    cbz w10, 400294fc <_Heap_Free+0x19c>                          
  Heap_Block *prev = block->prev;                                                         
    4002946c:   f9400c85    ldr x5, [x4, #24]                                             
      uintptr_t const size = block_size + prev_size + next_block_size;                    
    40029470:   8b090063    add x3, x3, x9                                                
  Heap_Block *next = block->next;                                                         
    40029474:   f9400884    ldr x4, [x4, #16]                                             
      prev_block->size_and_flag = size | HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                            
    40029478:   b2400068    orr x8, x3, #0x1                                              
      stats->free_blocks -= 1;                                                            
    4002947c:   b9407841    ldr w1, [x2, #120]                                            
    40029480:   91014042    add x2, x2, #0x50                                             
  prev->next = next;                                                                      
    40029484:   f90008a4    str x4, [x5, #16]                                             
  next->prev = prev;                                                                      
    40029488:   f9000c85    str x5, [x4, #24]                                             
    4002948c:   51000421    sub w1, w1, #0x1                                              
    40029490:   b9002841    str w1, [x2, #40]                                             
      prev_block->size_and_flag = size | HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                            
    40029494:   f90004c8    str x8, [x6, #8]                                              
      next_block->prev_size = size;                                                       
    40029498:   f82368c3    str x3, [x6, x3]                                              
    4002949c:   17ffffdb    b   40029408 <_Heap_Free+0xa8>                                
    return false;                                                                         
    400294a0:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    400294a4:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    return true;                                                                          
    400294a8:   52800020    mov w0, #0x1                    // #1                         
    400294ac:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  Heap_Block *next = block_before->next;                                                  
    400294b0:   f9400845    ldr x5, [x2, #16]                                             
  new_block->prev = block_before;                                                         
    400294b4:   a9010825    stp x5, x2, [x1, #16]                                         
    400294b8:   91014042    add x2, x2, #0x50                                             
  block_before->next = new_block;                                                         
    400294bc:   f81c0041    stur    x1, [x2, #-64]                                        
    block->size_and_flag = block_size | HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                             
    400294c0:   b24000e3    orr x3, x7, #0x1                                              
    if ( stats->max_free_blocks < stats->free_blocks ) {                                  
    400294c4:   b9402c46    ldr w6, [x2, #44]                                             
  next->prev = new_block;                                                                 
    400294c8:   f9000ca1    str x1, [x5, #24]                                             
    block->size_and_flag = block_size | HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                             
    400294cc:   f9000423    str x3, [x1, #8]                                              
    400294d0:   b9402843    ldr w3, [x2, #40]                                             
    next_block->size_and_flag &= ~HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                   
    400294d4:   f9400485    ldr x5, [x4, #8]                                              
    400294d8:   11000463    add w3, w3, #0x1                                              
    if ( stats->max_free_blocks < stats->free_blocks ) {                                  
    400294dc:   6b06007f    cmp w3, w6                                                    
    next_block->size_and_flag &= ~HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                   
    400294e0:   927ff8a5    and x5, x5, #0xfffffffffffffffe                               
    400294e4:   f9000485    str x5, [x4, #8]                                              
    next_block->prev_size = block_size;                                                   
    400294e8:   f8276827    str x7, [x1, x7]                                              
    400294ec:   b9002843    str w3, [x2, #40]                                             
    if ( stats->max_free_blocks < stats->free_blocks ) {                                  
    400294f0:   54fff8c9    b.ls    40029408 <_Heap_Free+0xa8>  // b.plast                
      stats->max_free_blocks = stats->free_blocks;                                        
    400294f4:   b9002c43    str w3, [x2, #44]                                             
    400294f8:   17ffffc4    b   40029408 <_Heap_Free+0xa8>                                
      prev_block->size_and_flag = size | HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                            
    400294fc:   b2400123    orr x3, x9, #0x1                                              
    40029500:   f90004c3    str x3, [x6, #8]                                              
      next_block->size_and_flag &= ~HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                 
    40029504:   91014042    add x2, x2, #0x50                                             
    40029508:   f9400483    ldr x3, [x4, #8]                                              
    4002950c:   927ff863    and x3, x3, #0xfffffffffffffffe                               
    40029510:   f9000483    str x3, [x4, #8]                                              
      next_block->prev_size = size;                                                       
    40029514:   f8276829    str x9, [x1, x7]                                              
    40029518:   17ffffbc    b   40029408 <_Heap_Free+0xa8>                                
    4002951c:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

000000004002d310 <_Heap_Get_free_information>: return _Heap_Free_list_head(heap)->next;
    4002d310:   f9400803    ldr x3, [x0, #16]                                             
  Heap_Block *the_block;                                                                  
  Heap_Block *const tail = _Heap_Free_list_tail(the_heap);                                
  info->number = 0;                                                                       
  info->largest = 0;                                                                      
    4002d314:   a9007c3f    stp xzr, xzr, [x1]                                            
  info->total = 0;                                                                        
    4002d318:   f900083f    str xzr, [x1, #16]                                            
  for(the_block = _Heap_Free_list_first(the_heap);                                        
    4002d31c:   eb03001f    cmp x0, x3                                                    
    4002d320:   54000260    b.eq    4002d36c <_Heap_Get_free_information+0x5c>  // b.none <== NEVER TAKEN
    4002d324:   d2800025    mov x5, #0x1                    // #1                         
    4002d328:   d2800006    mov x6, #0x0                    // #0                         
    4002d32c:   d2800004    mov x4, #0x0                    // #0                         
    4002d330:   14000003    b   4002d33c <_Heap_Get_free_information+0x2c>                
    /* As we always coalesce free blocks, prev block must have been used. */              
    info->total += the_size;                                                              
    if ( info->largest < the_size )                                                       
    4002d334:   f9400426    ldr x6, [x1, #8]                                              
    4002d338:   aa0703e5    mov x5, x7                                                    
      the_block = the_block->next)                                                        
    4002d33c:   f9400462    ldr x2, [x3, #8]                                              
  for(the_block = _Heap_Free_list_first(the_heap);                                        
    4002d340:   910004a7    add x7, x5, #0x1                                              
    4002d344:   927f7842    and x2, x2, #0xfffffffe                                       
    info->total += the_size;                                                              
    4002d348:   8b020084    add x4, x4, x2                                                
    if ( info->largest < the_size )                                                       
    4002d34c:   eb06005f    cmp x2, x6                                                    
    4002d350:   54000049    b.ls    4002d358 <_Heap_Get_free_information+0x48>  // b.plast
        info->largest = the_size;                                                         
    4002d354:   f9000422    str x2, [x1, #8]                                              
      the_block = the_block->next)                                                        
    4002d358:   f9400863    ldr x3, [x3, #16]                                             
  for(the_block = _Heap_Free_list_first(the_heap);                                        
    4002d35c:   eb03001f    cmp x0, x3                                                    
    4002d360:   54fffea1    b.ne    4002d334 <_Heap_Get_free_information+0x24>  // b.any  
    4002d364:   f9000025    str x5, [x1]                                                  
    4002d368:   f9000824    str x4, [x1, #16]                                             
    4002d36c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040026c60 <_Heap_Greedy_allocate>: Heap_Block *_Heap_Greedy_allocate( Heap_Control *heap, const uintptr_t *block_sizes, size_t block_count ) {
    40026c60:   a9bc7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-64]!                                     
    40026c64:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40026c68:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40026c6c:   aa0003f4    mov x20, x0                                                   
    40026c70:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
  Heap_Block *current;                                                                    
  size_t i;                                                                               
  _Heap_Protection_free_all_delayed_blocks( heap );                                       
  for (i = 0; i < block_count; ++i) {                                                     
    40026c74:   b40006a2    cbz x2, 40026d48 <_Heap_Greedy_allocate+0xe8>                 
    40026c78:   aa0203f6    mov x22, x2                                                   
    40026c7c:   f9001bf7    str x23, [sp, #48]                                            
    40026c80:   aa0103f7    mov x23, x1                                                   
    40026c84:   d2800013    mov x19, #0x0                       // #0                     
  Heap_Block *allocated_blocks = NULL;                                                    
    40026c88:   d2800015    mov x21, #0x0                       // #0                     
    40026c8c:   d503201f    nop                                                           
 * @retval pointer The starting address of the allocated memory area.                     
 * @retval NULL No memory is available of the parameters are inconsistent.                
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void *_Heap_Allocate( Heap_Control *heap, uintptr_t size )           
  return _Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary( heap, size, 0, 0 );                        
    40026c90:   f8737ae1    ldr x1, [x23, x19, lsl #3]                                    
    40026c94:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
  for (i = 0; i < block_count; ++i) {                                                     
    40026c98:   91000673    add x19, x19, #0x1                                            
    40026c9c:   d2800003    mov x3, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40026ca0:   d2800002    mov x2, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40026ca4:   940013bf    bl  4002bba0 <_Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary>           
    void *next = _Heap_Allocate( heap, block_sizes [i] );                                 
    if ( next != NULL ) {                                                                 
    40026ca8:   b4000100    cbz x0, 40026cc8 <_Heap_Greedy_allocate+0x68>                 
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE uintptr_t _Heap_Align_down(                                          
  uintptr_t value,                                                                        
  uintptr_t alignment                                                                     
  return value - (value % alignment);                                                     
    40026cac:   f9401282    ldr x2, [x20, #32]                                            
  uintptr_t alloc_begin,                                                                  
  uintptr_t page_size                                                                     
  return (Heap_Block *) (_Heap_Align_down( alloc_begin, page_size )                       
    - HEAP_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE);                                                            
    40026cb0:   d1004003    sub x3, x0, #0x10                                             
  return value - (value % alignment);                                                     
    40026cb4:   9ac20801    udiv    x1, x0, x2                                            
    40026cb8:   9b028020    msub    x0, x1, x2, x0                                        
    - HEAP_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE);                                                            
    40026cbc:   cb000060    sub x0, x3, x0                                                
      Heap_Block *next_block = _Heap_Block_of_alloc_area(                                 
        (uintptr_t) next,                                                                 
      next_block->next = allocated_blocks;                                                
    40026cc0:   f9000815    str x21, [x0, #16]                                            
    40026cc4:   aa0003f5    mov x21, x0                                                   
  for (i = 0; i < block_count; ++i) {                                                     
    40026cc8:   eb1302df    cmp x22, x19                                                  
    40026ccc:   54fffe21    b.ne    40026c90 <_Heap_Greedy_allocate+0x30>  // b.any       
  return _Heap_Free_list_head(heap)->next;                                                
    40026cd0:   f9400a93    ldr x19, [x20, #16]                                           
      allocated_blocks = next_block;                                                      
  while ( (current = _Heap_Free_list_first( heap )) != free_list_tail ) {                 
    40026cd4:   eb13029f    cmp x20, x19                                                  
    40026cd8:   54000440    b.eq    40026d60 <_Heap_Greedy_allocate+0x100>  // b.none     
    40026cdc:   f9401bf7    ldr x23, [sp, #48]                                            
  Heap_Block *blocks = NULL;                                                              
    40026ce0:   d2800016    mov x22, #0x0                       // #0                     
    40026ce4:   d503201f    nop                                                           
 * @return The block size.                                                                
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE uintptr_t _Heap_Block_size( const Heap_Block *block )                
  return block->size_and_flag & ~HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                    
    40026ce8:   f9400663    ldr x3, [x19, #8]                                             
    40026cec:   91004262    add x2, x19, #0x10                                            
    40026cf0:   aa1303e1    mov x1, x19                                                   
    40026cf4:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40026cf8:   927ff863    and x3, x3, #0xfffffffffffffffe                               
    40026cfc:   d1004063    sub x3, x3, #0x10                                             
    40026d00:   940014dc    bl  4002c070 <_Heap_Block_allocate>                           
      _Heap_Alloc_area_of_block( current ),                                               
      _Heap_Block_size( current ) - HEAP_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE                                
    current->next = blocks;                                                               
    40026d04:   f9000a76    str x22, [x19, #16]                                           
  return &heap->free_list;                                                                
    40026d08:   aa1303f6    mov x22, x19                                                  
  return _Heap_Free_list_head(heap)->next;                                                
    40026d0c:   f9400a93    ldr x19, [x20, #16]                                           
  while ( (current = _Heap_Free_list_first( heap )) != free_list_tail ) {                 
    40026d10:   eb13029f    cmp x20, x19                                                  
    40026d14:   54fffea1    b.ne    40026ce8 <_Heap_Greedy_allocate+0x88>  // b.any       
    blocks = current;                                                                     
  while ( allocated_blocks != NULL ) {                                                    
    40026d18:   b40000f5    cbz x21, 40026d34 <_Heap_Greedy_allocate+0xd4>                
    40026d1c:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    current = allocated_blocks;                                                           
    allocated_blocks = allocated_blocks->next;                                            
    _Heap_Free( heap, (void *) _Heap_Alloc_area_of_block( current ) );                    
    40026d20:   910042a1    add x1, x21, #0x10                                            
    40026d24:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    allocated_blocks = allocated_blocks->next;                                            
    40026d28:   f9400ab5    ldr x21, [x21, #16]                                           
    _Heap_Free( heap, (void *) _Heap_Alloc_area_of_block( current ) );                    
    40026d2c:   940015f5    bl  4002c500 <_Heap_Free>                                     
  while ( allocated_blocks != NULL ) {                                                    
    40026d30:   b5ffff95    cbnz    x21, 40026d20 <_Heap_Greedy_allocate+0xc0>            
  return blocks;                                                                          
    40026d34:   aa1603e0    mov x0, x22                                                   
    40026d38:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40026d3c:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40026d40:   a8c47bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #64                                       
    40026d44:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    40026d48:   f9400813    ldr x19, [x0, #16]                                            
  Heap_Block *allocated_blocks = NULL;                                                    
    40026d4c:   d2800015    mov x21, #0x0                       // #0                     
  Heap_Block *blocks = NULL;                                                              
    40026d50:   d2800016    mov x22, #0x0                       // #0                     
  while ( (current = _Heap_Free_list_first( heap )) != free_list_tail ) {                 
    40026d54:   eb00027f    cmp x19, x0                                                   
    40026d58:   54fffc41    b.ne    40026ce0 <_Heap_Greedy_allocate+0x80>  // b.any       <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    40026d5c:   17fffff6    b   40026d34 <_Heap_Greedy_allocate+0xd4>                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  Heap_Block *blocks = NULL;                                                              
    40026d60:   d2800016    mov x22, #0x0                       // #0                     
    40026d64:   f9401bf7    ldr x23, [sp, #48]                                            
    40026d68:   17ffffec    b   40026d18 <_Heap_Greedy_allocate+0xb8>                     
    40026d6c:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

0000000040028330 <_Heap_Iterate>: void _Heap_Iterate( Heap_Control *heap, Heap_Block_visitor visitor, void *visitor_arg ) {
    40028330:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    40028334:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40028338:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002833c:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
  Heap_Block *current = heap->first_block;                                                
  Heap_Block *end = heap->last_block;                                                     
    40028340:   a9445413    ldp x19, x21, [x0, #64]                                       
  bool stop = false;                                                                      
  while ( !stop && current != end ) {                                                     
    40028344:   eb15027f    cmp x19, x21                                                  
    40028348:   54000240    b.eq    40028390 <_Heap_Iterate+0x60>  // b.none              <== NEVER TAKEN
    4002834c:   aa0103f4    mov x20, x1                                                   
    40028350:   aa0203f6    mov x22, x2                                                   
    40028354:   d503201f    nop                                                           
  return block->size_and_flag & ~HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                    
    40028358:   f9400661    ldr x1, [x19, #8]                                             
    4002835c:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    uintptr_t size = _Heap_Block_size( current );                                         
    Heap_Block *next = _Heap_Block_at( current, size );                                   
    bool used = _Heap_Is_prev_used( next );                                               
    stop = (*visitor)( current, size, used, visitor_arg );                                
    40028360:   aa1603e3    mov x3, x22                                                   
    40028364:   927ff821    and x1, x1, #0xfffffffffffffffe                               
  return (Heap_Block *) ((uintptr_t) block + offset);                                     
    40028368:   8b010273    add x19, x19, x1                                              
  return block->size_and_flag & HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                     
    4002836c:   f9400662    ldr x2, [x19, #8]                                             
    40028370:   12000042    and w2, w2, #0x1                                              
    40028374:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
  while ( !stop && current != end ) {                                                     
    40028378:   eb1302bf    cmp x21, x19                                                  
    stop = (*visitor)( current, size, used, visitor_arg );                                
    4002837c:   12001c00    and w0, w0, #0xff                                             
  while ( !stop && current != end ) {                                                     
    40028380:   1a9f07e4    cset    w4, ne  // ne = any                                   
    40028384:   52000000    eor w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    40028388:   6a00009f    tst w4, w0                                                    
    4002838c:   54fffe61    b.ne    40028358 <_Heap_Iterate+0x28>  // b.any               
    current = next;                                                                       
    40028390:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40028394:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40028398:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    4002839c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040025be0 <_Heap_Size_of_alloc_area>: return value - (value % alignment);
    40025be0:   f9401005    ldr x5, [x0, #32]                                             
    - HEAP_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE);                                                            
    40025be4:   d1004023    sub x3, x1, #0x10                                             
  return (uintptr_t) block >= (uintptr_t) heap->first_block                               
    40025be8:   f9402006    ldr x6, [x0, #64]                                             
  return value - (value % alignment);                                                     
    40025bec:   9ac50824    udiv    x4, x1, x5                                            
    40025bf0:   9b058484    msub    x4, x4, x5, x1                                        
    - HEAP_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE);                                                            
    40025bf4:   cb040064    sub x4, x3, x4                                                
    && (uintptr_t) block <= (uintptr_t) heap->last_block;                                 
    40025bf8:   eb0400df    cmp x6, x4                                                    
    40025bfc:   54000248    b.hi    40025c44 <_Heap_Size_of_alloc_area+0x64>  // b.pmore  <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025c00:   f9402400    ldr x0, [x0, #72]                                             
    40025c04:   eb04001f    cmp x0, x4                                                    
    40025c08:   540001e3    b.cc    40025c44 <_Heap_Size_of_alloc_area+0x64>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last<== NEVER TAKEN
  return block->size_and_flag & ~HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                    
    40025c0c:   f9400483    ldr x3, [x4, #8]                                              
    40025c10:   927ff863    and x3, x3, #0xfffffffffffffffe                               
  return (Heap_Block *) ((uintptr_t) block + offset);                                     
    40025c14:   8b040063    add x3, x3, x4                                                
    && (uintptr_t) block <= (uintptr_t) heap->last_block;                                 
    40025c18:   eb0300df    cmp x6, x3                                                    
    40025c1c:   54000148    b.hi    40025c44 <_Heap_Size_of_alloc_area+0x64>  // b.pmore  <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025c20:   eb03001f    cmp x0, x3                                                    
    40025c24:   54000103    b.cc    40025c44 <_Heap_Size_of_alloc_area+0x64>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last<== NEVER TAKEN
  return block->size_and_flag & HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                     
    40025c28:   f9400464    ldr x4, [x3, #8]                                              
  block_size = _Heap_Block_size( block );                                                 
  next_block = _Heap_Block_at( block, block_size );                                       
  if (                                                                                    
    !_Heap_Is_block_in_heap( heap, next_block )                                           
      || !_Heap_Is_prev_used( next_block )                                                
    40025c2c:   12000080    and w0, w4, #0x1                                              
    40025c30:   36000084    tbz w4, #0, 40025c40 <_Heap_Size_of_alloc_area+0x60>          <== NEVER TAKEN
  ) {                                                                                     
    return false;                                                                         
  *alloc_size = (uintptr_t) next_block + HEAP_ALLOC_BONUS - alloc_begin;                  
    40025c34:   cb010061    sub x1, x3, x1                                                
    40025c38:   91002021    add x1, x1, #0x8                                              
    40025c3c:   f9000041    str x1, [x2]                                                  
  return true;                                                                            
    40025c40:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    return false;                                                                         
    40025c44:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025c48:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025c4c:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

0000000040024c80 <_Heap_Walk>: bool _Heap_Walk( Heap_Control *heap, int source, bool dump ) {
    40024c80:   d10283ff    sub sp, sp, #0xa0                                             
  uintptr_t const min_block_size = heap->min_block_size;                                  
  Heap_Block *const first_block = heap->first_block;                                      
  Heap_Block *const last_block = heap->last_block;                                        
  Heap_Block *block = first_block;                                                        
  Heap_Walk_printer printer = dump ?                                                      
    _Heap_Walk_print : _Heap_Walk_print_nothing;                                          
    40024c84:   72001c5f    tst w2, #0xff                                                 
    40024c88:   a9027bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #32]                                       
    40024c8c:   910083fd    add x29, sp, #0x20                                            
  return _System_state_Current;                                                           
    40024c90:   d0000703    adrp    x3, 40106000 <_Thread_Objects+0x510>                  
  if ( !_System_state_Is_up( _System_state_Get() ) ) {                                    
    40024c94:   b9427063    ldr w3, [x3, #624]                                            
    40024c98:   a90353f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #48]                                       
    _Heap_Walk_print : _Heap_Walk_print_nothing;                                          
    40024c9c:   90000014    adrp    x20, 40024000 <IMFS_node_initialize_sym_link>         
    40024ca0:   912f0282    add x2, x20, #0xbc0                                           
    40024ca4:   a9066bf9    stp x25, x26, [sp, #96]                                       
    _Heap_Walk_print : _Heap_Walk_print_nothing;                                          
    40024ca8:   90000014    adrp    x20, 40024000 <IMFS_node_initialize_sym_link>         
    40024cac:   912f4294    add x20, x20, #0xbd0                                          
    40024cb0:   9a821294    csel    x20, x20, x2, ne  // ne = any                         
  if ( !_System_state_Is_up( _System_state_Get() ) ) {                                    
    40024cb4:   7100087f    cmp w3, #0x2                                                  
    40024cb8:   54000100    b.eq    40024cd8 <_Heap_Walk+0x58>  // b.none                 
    return true;                                                                          
    40024cbc:   5280003a    mov w26, #0x1                       // #1                     
    block = next_block;                                                                   
  } while ( block != first_block );                                                       
  return true;                                                                            
    40024cc0:   2a1a03e0    mov w0, w26                                                   
    40024cc4:   a9427bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32]                                       
    40024cc8:   a94353f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #48]                                       
    40024ccc:   a9466bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #96]                                       
    40024cd0:   910283ff    add sp, sp, #0xa0                                             
    40024cd4:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    40024cd8:   a90563f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #80]                                       
    40024cdc:   aa0003f8    mov x24, x0                                                   
    40024ce0:   2a0103f9    mov w25, w1                                                   
    40024ce4:   2a0103e0    mov w0, w1                                                    
    40024ce8:   a9045bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #64]                                       
    40024cec:   f0000082    adrp    x2, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40024cf0:   91042042    add x2, x2, #0x108                                            
    40024cf4:   a90773fb    stp x27, x28, [sp, #112]                                      
    40024cf8:   f9400b01    ldr x1, [x24, #16]                                            
  uintptr_t const page_size = heap->page_size;                                            
    40024cfc:   f9401316    ldr x22, [x24, #32]                                           
    40024d00:   a9431b05    ldp x5, x6, [x24, #48]                                        
    40024d04:   f90007e1    str x1, [sp, #8]                                              
    40024d08:   aa1603e3    mov x3, x22                                                   
    40024d0c:   f9400f01    ldr x1, [x24, #24]                                            
    40024d10:   f9000be1    str x1, [sp, #16]                                             
    40024d14:   52800001    mov w1, #0x0                    // #0                         
  Heap_Block *const last_block = heap->last_block;                                        
    40024d18:   a944571b    ldp x27, x21, [x24, #64]                                      
  uintptr_t const min_block_size = heap->min_block_size;                                  
    40024d1c:   f9401717    ldr x23, [x24, #40]                                           
    40024d20:   f90003f5    str x21, [sp]                                                 
    40024d24:   aa1703e4    mov x4, x23                                                   
    40024d28:   aa1b03e7    mov x7, x27                                                   
    40024d2c:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
  if ( page_size == 0 ) {                                                                 
    40024d30:   b4000596    cbz x22, 40024de0 <_Heap_Walk+0x160>                          
  if ( !_Addresses_Is_aligned( (void *) page_size ) ) {                                   
    40024d34:   f2400edf    tst x22, #0xf                                                 
    40024d38:   54000341    b.ne    40024da0 <_Heap_Walk+0x120>  // b.any                 
  return (value % alignment) == 0;                                                        
    40024d3c:   9ad60ae1    udiv    x1, x23, x22                                          
    40024d40:   9b16dc21    msub    x1, x1, x22, x23                                      
  if ( !_Heap_Is_aligned( min_block_size, page_size ) ) {                                 
    40024d44:   b50007e1    cbnz    x1, 40024e40 <_Heap_Walk+0x1c0>                       
  return (uintptr_t) block + HEAP_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE;                                      
    40024d48:   91004362    add x2, x27, #0x10                                            
  return (value % alignment) == 0;                                                        
    40024d4c:   9ad60841    udiv    x1, x2, x22                                           
    40024d50:   9b168821    msub    x1, x1, x22, x2                                       
  if (                                                                                    
    40024d54:   b5000821    cbnz    x1, 40024e58 <_Heap_Walk+0x1d8>                       
  return block->size_and_flag & HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                     
    40024d58:   f9400761    ldr x1, [x27, #8]                                             
  if ( !_Heap_Is_prev_used( first_block ) ) {                                             
    40024d5c:   1200003a    and w26, w1, #0x1                                             
    40024d60:   360005e1    tbz w1, #0, 40024e1c <_Heap_Walk+0x19c>                       
  return block->size_and_flag & ~HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                    
    40024d64:   f94006a0    ldr x0, [x21, #8]                                             
    40024d68:   927ff800    and x0, x0, #0xfffffffffffffffe                               
  return (Heap_Block *) ((uintptr_t) block + offset);                                     
    40024d6c:   8b0002a0    add x0, x21, x0                                               
    40024d70:   f90043e0    str x0, [sp, #128]                                            
  return block->size_and_flag & HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                     
    40024d74:   f9400413    ldr x19, [x0, #8]                                             
    40024d78:   1200026a    and w10, w19, #0x1                                            
  if ( _Heap_Is_free( last_block ) ) {                                                    
    40024d7c:   2a0a03fa    mov w26, w10                                                  
    40024d80:   36000793    tbz w19, #0, 40024e70 <_Heap_Walk+0x1f0>                      
  if (                                                                                    
    40024d84:   f94043e0    ldr x0, [sp, #128]                                            
    40024d88:   eb00037f    cmp x27, x0                                                   
    40024d8c:   540007a0    b.eq    40024e80 <_Heap_Walk+0x200>  // b.none                
    40024d90:   f0000082    adrp    x2, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40024d94:   910a0042    add x2, x2, #0x280                                            
    40024d98:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    40024d9c:   14000014    b   40024dec <_Heap_Walk+0x16c>                               
    40024da0:   f0000082    adrp    x2, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40024da4:   aa1603e3    mov x3, x22                                                   
    40024da8:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    40024dac:   9106e042    add x2, x2, #0x1b8                                            
    40024db0:   52800021    mov w1, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40024db4:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
    return false;                                                                         
    40024db8:   5280001a    mov w26, #0x0                       // #0                     
    40024dbc:   2a1a03e0    mov w0, w26                                                   
    40024dc0:   a9427bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32]                                       
    40024dc4:   a94353f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #48]                                       
    40024dc8:   a9445bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #64]                                       
    40024dcc:   a94563f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #80]                                       
    40024dd0:   a9466bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #96]                                       
    40024dd4:   a94773fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #112]                                      
    40024dd8:   910283ff    add sp, sp, #0xa0                                             
    40024ddc:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    (*printer)( source, true, "page size is zero\n" );                                    
    40024de0:   f0000082    adrp    x2, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40024de4:   91068042    add x2, x2, #0x1a0                                            
    40024de8:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    40024dec:   52800021    mov w1, #0x1                    // #1                         
    return false;                                                                         
    40024df0:   5280001a    mov w26, #0x0                       // #0                     
    40024df4:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
    40024df8:   2a1a03e0    mov w0, w26                                                   
    40024dfc:   a9427bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32]                                       
    40024e00:   a94353f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #48]                                       
    40024e04:   a9445bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #64]                                       
    40024e08:   a94563f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #80]                                       
    40024e0c:   a9466bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #96]                                       
    40024e10:   a94773fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #112]                                      
    40024e14:   910283ff    add sp, sp, #0xa0                                             
    40024e18:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    40024e1c:   f0000082    adrp    x2, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40024e20:   9108e042    add x2, x2, #0x238                                            
    40024e24:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    40024e28:   52800021    mov w1, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40024e2c:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
    return false;                                                                         
    40024e30:   a9445bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #64]                                       
    40024e34:   a94563f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #80]                                       
    40024e38:   a94773fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #112]                                      
    40024e3c:   17ffffa1    b   40024cc0 <_Heap_Walk+0x40>                                
    40024e40:   f0000082    adrp    x2, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40024e44:   aa1703e3    mov x3, x23                                                   
    40024e48:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    40024e4c:   91076042    add x2, x2, #0x1d8                                            
    40024e50:   52800021    mov w1, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40024e54:   17ffffd8    b   40024db4 <_Heap_Walk+0x134>                               
    40024e58:   f0000082    adrp    x2, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40024e5c:   aa1b03e3    mov x3, x27                                                   
    40024e60:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    40024e64:   91080042    add x2, x2, #0x200                                            
    40024e68:   52800021    mov w1, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40024e6c:   17ffffd2    b   40024db4 <_Heap_Walk+0x134>                               
    40024e70:   f0000082    adrp    x2, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40024e74:   9109a042    add x2, x2, #0x268                                            
    40024e78:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    40024e7c:   17ffffeb    b   40024e28 <_Heap_Walk+0x1a8>                               
  return _Heap_Free_list_head(heap)->next;                                                
    40024e80:   f9400b03    ldr x3, [x24, #16]                                            
  uintptr_t const page_size = heap->page_size;                                            
    40024e84:   f9401305    ldr x5, [x24, #32]                                            
  while ( free_block != free_list_tail ) {                                                
    40024e88:   eb03031f    cmp x24, x3                                                   
  return (uintptr_t) block >= (uintptr_t) heap->first_block                               
    40024e8c:   f9402301    ldr x1, [x24, #64]                                            
    40024e90:   540003c0    b.eq    40024f08 <_Heap_Walk+0x288>  // b.none                
    40024e94:   aa1803e6    mov x6, x24                                                   
    && (uintptr_t) block <= (uintptr_t) heap->last_block;                                 
    40024e98:   eb01007f    cmp x3, x1                                                    
    40024e9c:   540000c2    b.cs    40024eb4 <_Heap_Walk+0x234>  // b.hs, b.nlast         
    40024ea0:   f0000082    adrp    x2, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40024ea4:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    40024ea8:   9112e042    add x2, x2, #0x4b8                                            
    40024eac:   52800021    mov w1, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40024eb0:   17ffffc1    b   40024db4 <_Heap_Walk+0x134>                               
    40024eb4:   f9402702    ldr x2, [x24, #72]                                            
  return (uintptr_t) block + HEAP_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE;                                      
    40024eb8:   91004064    add x4, x3, #0x10                                             
    && (uintptr_t) block <= (uintptr_t) heap->last_block;                                 
    40024ebc:   eb03005f    cmp x2, x3                                                    
    40024ec0:   54ffff03    b.cc    40024ea0 <_Heap_Walk+0x220>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last    <== NEVER TAKEN
  return (value % alignment) == 0;                                                        
    40024ec4:   9ac50882    udiv    x2, x4, x5                                            
    40024ec8:   9b059042    msub    x2, x2, x5, x4                                        
    if (                                                                                  
    40024ecc:   b5001962    cbnz    x2, 400251f8 <_Heap_Walk+0x578>                       
  return block->size_and_flag & ~HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                    
    40024ed0:   f9400462    ldr x2, [x3, #8]                                              
    40024ed4:   927ff842    and x2, x2, #0xfffffffffffffffe                               
  return block->size_and_flag & HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                     
    40024ed8:   8b030042    add x2, x2, x3                                                
    40024edc:   f9400442    ldr x2, [x2, #8]                                              
    if ( _Heap_Is_used( free_block ) ) {                                                  
    40024ee0:   1200005a    and w26, w2, #0x1                                             
    40024ee4:   37001802    tbnz    w2, #0, 400251e4 <_Heap_Walk+0x564>                   
    if ( free_block->prev != prev_block ) {                                               
    40024ee8:   f9400c64    ldr x4, [x3, #24]                                             
    40024eec:   eb06009f    cmp x4, x6                                                    
    40024ef0:   540018e1    b.ne    4002520c <_Heap_Walk+0x58c>  // b.any                 
    free_block = free_block->next;                                                        
    40024ef4:   f9400862    ldr x2, [x3, #16]                                             
  while ( free_block != free_list_tail ) {                                                
    40024ef8:   aa0303e6    mov x6, x3                                                    
    40024efc:   eb02031f    cmp x24, x2                                                   
    40024f00:   aa0203e3    mov x3, x2                                                    
    40024f04:   54fffca1    b.ne    40024e98 <_Heap_Walk+0x218>  // b.any                 
    40024f08:   f94043fc    ldr x28, [sp, #128]                                           
    40024f0c:   f0000080    adrp    x0, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40024f10:   91124000    add x0, x0, #0x490                                            
    40024f14:   f9004be0    str x0, [sp, #144]                                            
    40024f18:   f0000080    adrp    x0, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40024f1c:   9111e000    add x0, x0, #0x478                                            
    40024f20:   f9004fe0    str x0, [sp, #152]                                            
    40024f24:   d503201f    nop                                                           
  return block->size_and_flag & ~HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                    
    40024f28:   927ffa73    and x19, x19, #0xfffffffffffffffe                             
  return block->size_and_flag & HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                     
    40024f2c:   12001d4a    and w10, w10, #0xff                                           
  return (Heap_Block *) ((uintptr_t) block + offset);                                     
    40024f30:   8b13039b    add x27, x28, x19                                             
    && (uintptr_t) block <= (uintptr_t) heap->last_block;                                 
    40024f34:   eb1b003f    cmp x1, x27                                                   
    40024f38:   540001a9    b.ls    40024f6c <_Heap_Walk+0x2ec>  // b.plast               <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    40024f3c:   f0000082    adrp    x2, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40024f40:   aa1b03e4    mov x4, x27                                                   
    40024f44:   aa1c03e3    mov x3, x28                                                   
    40024f48:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    40024f4c:   91142042    add x2, x2, #0x508                                            
    40024f50:   52800021    mov w1, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40024f54:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
      return false;                                                                       
    40024f58:   5280001a    mov w26, #0x0                       // #0                     
    40024f5c:   a9445bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #64]                                       
    40024f60:   a94563f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #80]                                       
    40024f64:   a94773fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #112]                                      
    40024f68:   17ffff56    b   40024cc0 <_Heap_Walk+0x40>                                
    40024f6c:   f9402701    ldr x1, [x24, #72]                                            
    40024f70:   eb1b003f    cmp x1, x27                                                   
    40024f74:   54fffe43    b.cc    40024f3c <_Heap_Walk+0x2bc>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last    
  return (value % alignment) == 0;                                                        
    40024f78:   9ad60a62    udiv    x2, x19, x22                                          
    40024f7c:   9b16cc42    msub    x2, x2, x22, x19                                      
    if ( !_Heap_Is_aligned( block_size, page_size ) && is_not_last_block ) {              
    40024f80:   b40002a2    cbz x2, 40024fd4 <_Heap_Walk+0x354>                           
    40024f84:   eb15039f    cmp x28, x21                                                  
    40024f88:   54001201    b.ne    400251c8 <_Heap_Walk+0x548>  // b.any                 
  return block->size_and_flag & HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                     
    40024f8c:   f9400761    ldr x1, [x27, #8]                                             
    if ( !_Heap_Is_prev_used( next_block ) ) {                                            
    40024f90:   1200003a    and w26, w1, #0x1                                             
    40024f94:   36000581    tbz w1, #0, 40025044 <_Heap_Walk+0x3c4>                       
    } else if (prev_used) {                                                               
    40024f98:   3400046a    cbz w10, 40025024 <_Heap_Walk+0x3a4>                          
    40024f9c:   f9404fe2    ldr x2, [sp, #152]                                            
    40024fa0:   aa1303e4    mov x4, x19                                                   
    40024fa4:   aa1c03e3    mov x3, x28                                                   
    40024fa8:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    40024fac:   52800001    mov w1, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40024fb0:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
  } while ( block != first_block );                                                       
    40024fb4:   f94043e0    ldr x0, [sp, #128]                                            
    40024fb8:   eb00037f    cmp x27, x0                                                   
    40024fbc:   54000fe0    b.eq    400251b8 <_Heap_Walk+0x538>  // b.none                
  return block->size_and_flag & ~HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED;                                    
    40024fc0:   f9400773    ldr x19, [x27, #8]                                            
    40024fc4:   aa1b03fc    mov x28, x27                                                  
  return (uintptr_t) block >= (uintptr_t) heap->first_block                               
    40024fc8:   f9402301    ldr x1, [x24, #64]                                            
    40024fcc:   1200026a    and w10, w19, #0x1                                            
    40024fd0:   17ffffd6    b   40024f28 <_Heap_Walk+0x2a8>                               
    bool const is_not_last_block = block != last_block;                                   
    40024fd4:   eb15039f    cmp x28, x21                                                  
    40024fd8:   1a9f07e1    cset    w1, ne  // ne = any                                   
    if ( block_size < min_block_size && is_not_last_block ) {                             
    40024fdc:   eb1302ff    cmp x23, x19                                                  
    40024fe0:   1a9f97e9    cset    w9, hi  // hi = pmore                                 
    40024fe4:   6a09003a    ands    w26, w1, w9                                           
    40024fe8:   54000ce1    b.ne    40025184 <_Heap_Walk+0x504>  // b.any                 
    if ( next_block_begin <= block_begin && is_not_last_block ) {                         
    40024fec:   7100003f    cmp w1, #0x0                                                  
    40024ff0:   fa5b1380    ccmp    x28, x27, #0x0, ne  // ne = any                       
    40024ff4:   54fffcc3    b.cc    40024f8c <_Heap_Walk+0x30c>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last    
    40024ff8:   aa1b03e4    mov x4, x27                                                   
    40024ffc:   aa1c03e3    mov x3, x28                                                   
    40025000:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    40025004:   d0000082    adrp    x2, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40025008:   52800021    mov w1, #0x1                    // #1                         
    4002500c:   910e6042    add x2, x2, #0x398                                            
    40025010:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
      return false;                                                                       
    40025014:   a9445bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #64]                                       
    40025018:   a94563f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #80]                                       
    4002501c:   a94773fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #112]                                      
    40025020:   17ffff28    b   40024cc0 <_Heap_Walk+0x40>                                
    40025024:   f9400385    ldr x5, [x28]                                                 
    40025028:   aa1303e4    mov x4, x19                                                   
    4002502c:   f9404be2    ldr x2, [sp, #144]                                            
    40025030:   aa1c03e3    mov x3, x28                                                   
    40025034:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    40025038:   52800001    mov w1, #0x0                    // #0                         
    4002503c:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
    40025040:   17ffffdd    b   40024fb4 <_Heap_Walk+0x334>                               
  return _Heap_Free_list_tail(heap)->prev;                                                
    40025044:   a9410b01    ldp x1, x2, [x24, #16]                                        
    40025048:   f9400f85    ldr x5, [x28, #24]                                            
    4002504c:   eb05003f    cmp x1, x5                                                    
    40025050:   54000880    b.eq    40025160 <_Heap_Walk+0x4e0>  // b.none                
        : (block->prev == free_list_head ? " (= head)" : ""),                             
    40025054:   d0000086    adrp    x6, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40025058:   911100c1    add x1, x6, #0x440                                            
    4002505c:   eb05031f    cmp x24, x5                                                   
    40025060:   d0000086    adrp    x6, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40025064:   910360c6    add x6, x6, #0xd8                                             
    40025068:   9a8100c6    csel    x6, x6, x1, eq  // eq = none                          
    4002506c:   f9400b87    ldr x7, [x28, #16]                                            
    40025070:   eb07005f    cmp x2, x7                                                    
    40025074:   54000700    b.eq    40025154 <_Heap_Walk+0x4d4>  // b.none                
        : (block->next == free_list_tail ? " (= tail)" : "")                              
    40025078:   d0000081    adrp    x1, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    4002507c:   91110022    add x2, x1, #0x440                                            
    40025080:   eb07031f    cmp x24, x7                                                   
    40025084:   d0000081    adrp    x1, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40025088:   9103e021    add x1, x1, #0xf8                                             
    4002508c:   9a820021    csel    x1, x1, x2, eq  // eq = none                          
    40025090:   f90003e1    str x1, [sp]                                                  
    40025094:   d0000080    adrp    x0, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40025098:   910f4002    add x2, x0, #0x3d0                                            
    4002509c:   aa1303e4    mov x4, x19                                                   
    400250a0:   aa1c03e3    mov x3, x28                                                   
    400250a4:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    400250a8:   52800001    mov w1, #0x0                    // #0                         
    400250ac:   b9008fea    str w10, [sp, #140]                                           
    400250b0:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
  if ( block_size != next_block->prev_size ) {                                            
    400250b4:   f9400365    ldr x5, [x27]                                                 
    400250b8:   b9408fea    ldr w10, [sp, #140]                                           
    400250bc:   eb05027f    cmp x19, x5                                                   
    400250c0:   54000240    b.eq    40025108 <_Heap_Walk+0x488>  // b.none                
    400250c4:   aa1b03e6    mov x6, x27                                                   
    400250c8:   aa1303e4    mov x4, x19                                                   
    400250cc:   aa1c03e3    mov x3, x28                                                   
    400250d0:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    400250d4:   52800021    mov w1, #0x1                    // #1                         
    400250d8:   d0000082    adrp    x2, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    400250dc:   91102042    add x2, x2, #0x408                                            
    400250e0:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
    400250e4:   2a1a03e0    mov w0, w26                                                   
    400250e8:   a9427bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32]                                       
    400250ec:   a94353f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #48]                                       
    400250f0:   a9445bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #64]                                       
    400250f4:   a94563f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #80]                                       
    400250f8:   a9466bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #96]                                       
    400250fc:   a94773fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #112]                                      
    40025100:   910283ff    add sp, sp, #0xa0                                             
    40025104:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  if ( !prev_used ) {                                                                     
    40025108:   3400032a    cbz w10, 4002516c <_Heap_Walk+0x4ec>                          
  return _Heap_Free_list_head(heap)->next;                                                
    4002510c:   f9400b02    ldr x2, [x24, #16]                                            
  while ( free_block != free_list_tail ) {                                                
    40025110:   eb02031f    cmp x24, x2                                                   
    40025114:   540000c0    b.eq    4002512c <_Heap_Walk+0x4ac>  // b.none                <== NEVER TAKEN
    if ( free_block == block ) {                                                          
    40025118:   eb02039f    cmp x28, x2                                                   
    4002511c:   54fff4c0    b.eq    40024fb4 <_Heap_Walk+0x334>  // b.none                
    free_block = free_block->next;                                                        
    40025120:   f9400842    ldr x2, [x2, #16]                                             
  while ( free_block != free_list_tail ) {                                                
    40025124:   eb02031f    cmp x24, x2                                                   
    40025128:   54ffff81    b.ne    40025118 <_Heap_Walk+0x498>  // b.any                 
    4002512c:   aa1c03e3    mov x3, x28                                                   
    40025130:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    40025134:   d0000082    adrp    x2, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40025138:   52800021    mov w1, #0x1                    // #1                         
    4002513c:   91136042    add x2, x2, #0x4d8                                            
    40025140:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
    return false;                                                                         
    40025144:   a9445bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #64]                                       
    40025148:   a94563f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #80]                                       
    4002514c:   a94773fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #112]                                      
    40025150:   17fffedc    b   40024cc0 <_Heap_Walk+0x40>                                
    40025154:   d0000081    adrp    x1, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40025158:   9103a021    add x1, x1, #0xe8                                             
    4002515c:   17ffffcd    b   40025090 <_Heap_Walk+0x410>                               
    40025160:   d0000086    adrp    x6, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40025164:   910320c6    add x6, x6, #0xc8                                             
    40025168:   17ffffc1    b   4002506c <_Heap_Walk+0x3ec>                               
    4002516c:   d0000082    adrp    x2, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40025170:   aa1c03e3    mov x3, x28                                                   
    40025174:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    40025178:   91112042    add x2, x2, #0x448                                            
    4002517c:   52800021    mov w1, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40025180:   17ffff0d    b   40024db4 <_Heap_Walk+0x134>                               
    40025184:   aa1703e5    mov x5, x23                                                   
    40025188:   aa1c03e3    mov x3, x28                                                   
    4002518c:   aa1303e4    mov x4, x19                                                   
    40025190:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    40025194:   d0000082    adrp    x2, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40025198:   52800021    mov w1, #0x1                    // #1                         
    4002519c:   910da042    add x2, x2, #0x368                                            
      return false;                                                                       
    400251a0:   5280001a    mov w26, #0x0                       // #0                     
    400251a4:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
      return false;                                                                       
    400251a8:   a9445bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #64]                                       
    400251ac:   a94563f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #80]                                       
    400251b0:   a94773fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #112]                                      
    400251b4:   17fffec3    b   40024cc0 <_Heap_Walk+0x40>                                
    400251b8:   a9445bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #64]                                       
    400251bc:   a94563f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #80]                                       
    400251c0:   a94773fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #112]                                      
    400251c4:   17fffebe    b   40024cbc <_Heap_Walk+0x3c>                                
    400251c8:   d0000082    adrp    x2, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    400251cc:   aa1303e4    mov x4, x19                                                   
    400251d0:   aa1c03e3    mov x3, x28                                                   
    400251d4:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    400251d8:   910ce042    add x2, x2, #0x338                                            
    400251dc:   52800021    mov w1, #0x1                    // #1                         
    400251e0:   17ffff5d    b   40024f54 <_Heap_Walk+0x2d4>                               
    400251e4:   d0000082    adrp    x2, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    400251e8:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    400251ec:   910b8042    add x2, x2, #0x2e0                                            
    400251f0:   52800021    mov w1, #0x1                    // #1                         
    400251f4:   17fffef0    b   40024db4 <_Heap_Walk+0x134>                               
    400251f8:   d0000082    adrp    x2, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    400251fc:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    40025200:   910ac042    add x2, x2, #0x2b0                                            
    40025204:   52800021    mov w1, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40025208:   17fffeeb    b   40024db4 <_Heap_Walk+0x134>                               
    4002520c:   2a1903e0    mov w0, w25                                                   
    40025210:   d0000082    adrp    x2, 40037000 <IMFS_mknod_control_memfile+0x20>        
    40025214:   52800021    mov w1, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40025218:   910c0042    add x2, x2, #0x300                                            
    4002521c:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
      return false;                                                                       
    40025220:   a9445bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #64]                                       
    40025224:   a94563f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #80]                                       
    40025228:   a94773fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #112]                                      
    4002522c:   17fffea5    b   40024cc0 <_Heap_Walk+0x40>                                

000000004002a700 <_IO_Base64>: } int _IO_Base64(IO_Put_char put_char, void *arg, const void *src, size_t srclen, const char *wordbreak, int wordlen) {
    4002a700:   a9ba7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-96]!                                     
    4002a704:   710010bf    cmp w5, #0x4                                                  
    4002a708:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    4002a70c:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002a710:   aa0003f4    mov x20, x0                                                   
    4002a714:   aa0203f3    mov x19, x2                                                   
    4002a718:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002a71c:   aa0103f5    mov x21, x1                                                   
    4002a720:   a90363f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    4002a724:   a9046bf9    stp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    4002a728:   5280009a    mov w26, #0x4                       // #4                     
    4002a72c:   aa0303f9    mov x25, x3                                                   
    4002a730:   1a9aa0ba    csel    w26, w5, w26, ge  // ge = tcont                       
    if (wordlen < 4) {                                                                    
        wordlen = 4;                                                                      
    while (srclen > 2) {                                                                  
    4002a734:   f100087f    cmp x3, #0x2                                                  
    4002a738:   54000ea9    b.ls    4002a90c <_IO_Base64+0x20c>  // b.plast               
    4002a73c:   d00000d8    adrp    x24, 40044000 <event_text+0x1bf0>                     
    4002a740:   91146318    add x24, x24, #0x518                                          
    4002a744:   a90573fb    stp x27, x28, [sp, #80]                                       
    4002a748:   aa0403fb    mov x27, x4                                                   
    4002a74c:   52800016    mov w22, #0x0                       // #0                     
    4002a750:   52800017    mov w23, #0x0                       // #0                     
    4002a754:   d503201f    nop                                                           
        _IO_Put(base64[(in[0]>>2)&0x3f], arg, put_char);                                  
    4002a758:   39400260    ldrb    w0, [x19]                                             
    (*put_char)(c, arg);                                                                  
    4002a75c:   aa1503e1    mov x1, x21                                                   
        _IO_Put(base64[(in[0]>>2)&0x3f], arg, put_char);                                  
    4002a760:   d3421c00    ubfx    x0, x0, #2, #6                                        
    (*put_char)(c, arg);                                                                  
    4002a764:   38786800    ldrb    w0, [x0, x24]                                         
    4002a768:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
    4002a76c:   39400262    ldrb    w2, [x19]                                             
    (*put_char)(c, arg);                                                                  
    4002a770:   aa1503e1    mov x1, x21                                                   
                ((in[1]>>4)&0x0f)], arg, put_char);                                       
    4002a774:   39400660    ldrb    w0, [x19, #1]                                         
    4002a778:   531c0442    ubfiz   w2, w2, #4, #2                                        
    4002a77c:   2a401040    orr w0, w2, w0, lsr #4                                        
    4002a780:   3860cb00    ldrb    w0, [x24, w0, sxtw]                                   
    (*put_char)(c, arg);                                                                  
    4002a784:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
    4002a788:   39400662    ldrb    w2, [x19, #1]                                         
    (*put_char)(c, arg);                                                                  
    4002a78c:   aa1503e1    mov x1, x21                                                   
                ((in[2]>>6)&0x03)], arg, put_char);                                       
    4002a790:   39400a60    ldrb    w0, [x19, #2]                                         
    4002a794:   531e0c42    ubfiz   w2, w2, #2, #4                                        
    4002a798:   2a401840    orr w0, w2, w0, lsr #6                                        
    4002a79c:   3860cb00    ldrb    w0, [x24, w0, sxtw]                                   
    (*put_char)(c, arg);                                                                  
    4002a7a0:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
        _IO_Put(base64[in[2]&0x3f], arg, put_char);                                       
    4002a7a4:   39400a60    ldrb    w0, [x19, #2]                                         
    (*put_char)(c, arg);                                                                  
    4002a7a8:   aa1503e1    mov x1, x21                                                   
        _IO_Put(base64[in[2]&0x3f], arg, put_char);                                       
    4002a7ac:   92401400    and x0, x0, #0x3f                                             
    (*put_char)(c, arg);                                                                  
    4002a7b0:   38786800    ldrb    w0, [x0, x24]                                         
    4002a7b4:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
        in += 3;                                                                          
        srclen -= 3;                                                                      
        out += 4;                                                                         
    4002a7b8:   110012c1    add w1, w22, #0x4                                             
        if (srclen != 0 &&                                                                
    4002a7bc:   f1000f39    subs    x25, x25, #0x3                                        
    4002a7c0:   54000540    b.eq    4002a868 <_IO_Base64+0x168>  // b.none                
            (int)((loops + 1) * 4) >= wordlen)                                            
    4002a7c4:   11000ae0    add w0, w23, #0x2                                             
        if (srclen != 0 &&                                                                
    4002a7c8:   6b000b5f    cmp w26, w0, lsl #2                                           
    4002a7cc:   540005ed    b.le    4002a888 <_IO_Base64+0x188>                           
    4002a7d0:   110006f7    add w23, w23, #0x1                                            
        out += 4;                                                                         
    4002a7d4:   2a0103f6    mov w22, w1                                                   
        in += 3;                                                                          
    4002a7d8:   91000e73    add x19, x19, #0x3                                            
    while (srclen > 2) {                                                                  
    4002a7dc:   f1000b3f    cmp x25, #0x2                                                 
    4002a7e0:   54fffbc8    b.hi    4002a758 <_IO_Base64+0x58>  // b.pmore                
    4002a7e4:   a94573fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #80]                                       
    if (srclen == 2) {                                                                    
    4002a7e8:   f1000b3f    cmp x25, #0x2                                                 
    4002a7ec:   54000681    b.ne    4002a8bc <_IO_Base64+0x1bc>  // b.any                 
        _IO_Put(base64[(in[0]>>2)&0x3f], arg, put_char);                                  
    4002a7f0:   39400260    ldrb    w0, [x19]                                             
    4002a7f4:   d00000d7    adrp    x23, 40044000 <event_text+0x1bf0>                     
    4002a7f8:   911462f7    add x23, x23, #0x518                                          
    (*put_char)(c, arg);                                                                  
    4002a7fc:   aa1503e1    mov x1, x21                                                   
        _IO_Put(base64[(in[0]>>2)&0x3f], arg, put_char);                                  
    4002a800:   d3421c00    ubfx    x0, x0, #2, #6                                        
    (*put_char)(c, arg);                                                                  
    4002a804:   38776800    ldrb    w0, [x0, x23]                                         
    4002a808:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
    4002a80c:   39400262    ldrb    w2, [x19]                                             
    (*put_char)(c, arg);                                                                  
    4002a810:   aa1503e1    mov x1, x21                                                   
                ((in[1]>>4)&0x0f)], arg, put_char);                                       
    4002a814:   39400660    ldrb    w0, [x19, #1]                                         
    4002a818:   531c0442    ubfiz   w2, w2, #4, #2                                        
    4002a81c:   2a401040    orr w0, w2, w0, lsr #4                                        
    4002a820:   3860cae0    ldrb    w0, [x23, w0, sxtw]                                   
    (*put_char)(c, arg);                                                                  
    4002a824:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
        _IO_Put(base64[((in[1]<<2)&0x3c)], arg, put_char);                                
    4002a828:   39400660    ldrb    w0, [x19, #1]                                         
    (*put_char)(c, arg);                                                                  
    4002a82c:   aa1503e1    mov x1, x21                                                   
        _IO_Put(base64[((in[1]<<2)&0x3c)], arg, put_char);                                
    4002a830:   531e0c00    ubfiz   w0, w0, #2, #4                                        
    (*put_char)(c, arg);                                                                  
    4002a834:   38604ae0    ldrb    w0, [x23, w0, uxtw]                                   
    4002a838:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
    4002a83c:   aa1503e1    mov x1, x21                                                   
    4002a840:   528007a0    mov w0, #0x3d                   // #61                        
    4002a844:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
    } else if (srclen == 1) {                                                             
        _IO_Put(base64[(in[0]>>2)&0x3f], arg, put_char);                                  
        _IO_Put(base64[((in[0]<<4)&0x30)], arg, put_char);                                
        _IO_Put('=', arg, put_char);                                                      
        _IO_Put('=', arg, put_char);                                                      
        out += 4;                                                                         
    4002a848:   110012c1    add w1, w22, #0x4                                             
    return out;                                                                           
    4002a84c:   2a0103e0    mov w0, w1                                                    
    4002a850:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002a854:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002a858:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    4002a85c:   a9446bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    4002a860:   a8c67bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #96                                       
    4002a864:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    4002a868:   a94573fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #80]                                       
    4002a86c:   2a0103e0    mov w0, w1                                                    
    4002a870:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002a874:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002a878:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    4002a87c:   a9446bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    4002a880:   a8c67bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #96                                       
    4002a884:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
            while (*w != '\0') {                                                          
    4002a888:   39400360    ldrb    w0, [x27]                                             
    4002a88c:   340003a0    cbz w0, 4002a900 <_IO_Base64+0x200>                           <== NEVER TAKEN
    4002a890:   4b1b02dc    sub w28, w22, w27                                             
    4002a894:   aa1b03f7    mov x23, x27                                                  
    4002a898:   910006f7    add x23, x23, #0x1                                            
    (*put_char)(c, arg);                                                                  
    4002a89c:   aa1503e1    mov x1, x21                                                   
    4002a8a0:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
    4002a8a4:   110012f6    add w22, w23, #0x4                                            
    4002a8a8:   0b1c02d6    add w22, w22, w28                                             
            while (*w != '\0') {                                                          
    4002a8ac:   394002e0    ldrb    w0, [x23]                                             
    4002a8b0:   35ffff40    cbnz    w0, 4002a898 <_IO_Base64+0x198>                       <== NEVER TAKEN
            loops = 0;                                                                    
    4002a8b4:   52800017    mov w23, #0x0                       // #0                     
    4002a8b8:   17ffffc8    b   4002a7d8 <_IO_Base64+0xd8>                                
    } else if (srclen == 1) {                                                             
    4002a8bc:   f100073f    cmp x25, #0x1                                                 
    4002a8c0:   540002a1    b.ne    4002a914 <_IO_Base64+0x214>  // b.any                 
        _IO_Put(base64[(in[0]>>2)&0x3f], arg, put_char);                                  
    4002a8c4:   39400260    ldrb    w0, [x19]                                             
    4002a8c8:   d00000d7    adrp    x23, 40044000 <event_text+0x1bf0>                     
    4002a8cc:   911462f7    add x23, x23, #0x518                                          
    (*put_char)(c, arg);                                                                  
    4002a8d0:   aa1503e1    mov x1, x21                                                   
        _IO_Put(base64[(in[0]>>2)&0x3f], arg, put_char);                                  
    4002a8d4:   d3421c00    ubfx    x0, x0, #2, #6                                        
    (*put_char)(c, arg);                                                                  
    4002a8d8:   38776800    ldrb    w0, [x0, x23]                                         
    4002a8dc:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
        _IO_Put(base64[((in[0]<<4)&0x30)], arg, put_char);                                
    4002a8e0:   39400260    ldrb    w0, [x19]                                             
    (*put_char)(c, arg);                                                                  
    4002a8e4:   aa1503e1    mov x1, x21                                                   
        _IO_Put(base64[((in[0]<<4)&0x30)], arg, put_char);                                
    4002a8e8:   531c0400    ubfiz   w0, w0, #4, #2                                        
    (*put_char)(c, arg);                                                                  
    4002a8ec:   38604ae0    ldrb    w0, [x23, w0, uxtw]                                   
    4002a8f0:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
    4002a8f4:   aa1503e1    mov x1, x21                                                   
    4002a8f8:   528007a0    mov w0, #0x3d                   // #61                        
    4002a8fc:   17ffffcf    b   4002a838 <_IO_Base64+0x138>                               
        out += 4;                                                                         
    4002a900:   2a0103f6    mov w22, w1                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
            loops = 0;                                                                    
    4002a904:   52800017    mov w23, #0x0                       // #0                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002a908:   17ffffb4    b   4002a7d8 <_IO_Base64+0xd8>                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    while (srclen > 2) {                                                                  
    4002a90c:   52800016    mov w22, #0x0                       // #0                     
    4002a910:   17ffffb6    b   4002a7e8 <_IO_Base64+0xe8>                                
    4002a914:   2a1603e1    mov w1, w22                                                   
    return out;                                                                           
    4002a918:   17ffffd5    b   4002a86c <_IO_Base64+0x16c>                               
    4002a91c:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

000000004002c6b0 <_IO_Vprintf>: return (p); } int _IO_Vprintf(IO_Put_char put_char, void *arg, char const *fmt, va_list ap) {
    4002c6b0:   a9b47bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-192]!                                    
    4002c6b4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    4002c6b8:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002c6bc:   aa0003f3    mov x19, x0                                                   
    4002c6c0:   f9400060    ldr x0, [x3]                                                  
    4002c6c4:   f90033e0    str x0, [sp, #96]                                             
    4002c6c8:   f9400460    ldr x0, [x3, #8]                                              
    4002c6cc:   f9003fe0    str x0, [sp, #120]                                            
    4002c6d0:   b9401860    ldr w0, [x3, #24]                                             
    4002c6d4:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002c6d8:   a90363f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    4002c6dc:   a9046bf9    stp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    4002c6e0:   a90573fb    stp x27, x28, [sp, #80]                                       
    4002c6e4:   aa0103fb    mov x27, x1                                                   
    4002c6e8:   b90093e0    str w0, [sp, #144]                                            
    char padc;                                                                            
    int stop = 0, retval = 0;                                                             
    num = 0;                                                                              
    if (fmt == NULL)                                                                      
    4002c6ec:   b4000942    cbz x2, 4002c814 <_IO_Vprintf+0x164>                          <== NEVER TAKEN
        fmt = "(fmt null)\n";                                                             
    for (;;) {                                                                            
        padc = ' ';                                                                       
        width = 0;                                                                        
        while ((ch = (u_char)*fmt++) != '%' || stop) {                                    
    4002c6f0:   39400040    ldrb    w0, [x2]                                              
    4002c6f4:   aa0203f4    mov x20, x2                                                   
    4002c6f8:   b0000099    adrp    x25, 4003d000 <access_modes_assoc+0x10>               
    4002c6fc:   91394321    add x1, x25, #0xe50                                           
            width -= n;                                                                   
            if (!ladjust && width > 0)                                                    
                while (width--)                                                           
            while (n--)                                                                   
    4002c700:   52800015    mov w21, #0x0                       // #0                     
    4002c704:   52800019    mov w25, #0x0                       // #0                     
    4002c708:   f90043e1    str x1, [sp, #128]                                            
    4002c70c:   b0000097    adrp    x23, 4003d000 <access_modes_assoc+0x10>               
    4002c710:   913c02e1    add x1, x23, #0xf00                                           
    4002c714:   f9003be1    str x1, [sp, #112]                                            
        while ((ch = (u_char)*fmt++) != '%' || stop) {                                    
    4002c718:   aa1403f6    mov x22, x20                                                  
    4002c71c:   4b140339    sub w25, w25, w20                                             
    4002c720:   14000006    b   4002c738 <_IO_Vprintf+0x88>                               
            if (ch == '\0')                                                               
    4002c724:   34000440    cbz w0, 4002c7ac <_IO_Vprintf+0xfc>                           
    4002c728:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   
    4002c72c:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       
        while ((ch = (u_char)*fmt++) != '%' || stop) {                                    
    4002c730:   394002e0    ldrb    w0, [x23]                                             
    4002c734:   aa1703f6    mov x22, x23                                                  
    4002c738:   7100941f    cmp w0, #0x25                                                 
    4002c73c:   0b16033c    add w28, w25, w22                                             
    4002c740:   910006d7    add x23, x22, #0x1                                            
    4002c744:   54ffff01    b.ne    4002c724 <_IO_Vprintf+0x74>  // b.any                 
    4002c748:   35ffff15    cbnz    w21, 4002c728 <_IO_Vprintf+0x78>                      <== NEVER TAKEN
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002c74c:   394006c0    ldrb    w0, [x22, #1]                                         
        sign = 0; dot = 0; dwidth = 0; upper = 0;                                         
    4002c750:   5280000a    mov w10, #0x0                       // #0                     
        cflag = 0; hflag = 0; jflag = 0; tflag = 0; zflag = 0;                            
    4002c754:   52800019    mov w25, #0x0                       // #0                     
    4002c758:   5280000b    mov w11, #0x0                       // #0                     
    4002c75c:   5280000d    mov w13, #0x0                       // #0                     
        sign = 0; dot = 0; dwidth = 0; upper = 0;                                         
    4002c760:   5280000e    mov w14, #0x0                       // #0                     
        lflag = 0; ladjust = 0; sharpflag = 0; neg = 0;                                   
    4002c764:   5280000c    mov w12, #0x0                       // #0                     
        width = 0;                                                                        
    4002c768:   52800008    mov w8, #0x0                    // #0                         
        cflag = 0; hflag = 0; jflag = 0; tflag = 0; zflag = 0;                            
    4002c76c:   52800007    mov w7, #0x0                    // #0                         
        padc = ' ';                                                                       
    4002c770:   52800418    mov w24, #0x20                      // #32                    
                    n = n * 10 + ch - '0';                                                
    4002c774:   52800146    mov w6, #0xa                    // #10                        
        lflag = 0; ladjust = 0; sharpflag = 0; neg = 0;                                   
    4002c778:   b9008bff    str wzr, [sp, #136]                                           
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002c77c:   51008c04    sub w4, w0, #0x23                                             
    4002c780:   910006f4    add x20, x23, #0x1                                            
    4002c784:   71015c9f    cmp w4, #0x57                                                 
    4002c788:   540003c9    b.ls    4002c800 <_IO_Vprintf+0x150>  // b.plast              <== ALWAYS TAKEN
                while (width-- > 0)                                                       
                    PCHAR(' ');                                                           
            while (percent < fmt)                                                         
    4002c78c:   eb1402df    cmp x22, x20                                                  
    4002c790:   aa1603f5    mov x21, x22                                                  
    4002c794:   528004a0    mov w0, #0x25                   // #37                        
    4002c798:   540001c3    b.cc    4002c7d0 <_IO_Vprintf+0x120>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last   <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    4002c79c:   2a1c03f9    mov w25, w28                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
             * Since we ignore a formatting argument it is no                             
             * longer safe to obey the remaining formatting                               
             * arguments as the arguments will no longer match                            
             * the format specs.                                                          
            stop = 1;                                                                     
    4002c7a0:   52800035    mov w21, #0x1                       // #1                     <== NOT EXECUTED
        while ((ch = (u_char)*fmt++) != '%' || stop) {                                    
    4002c7a4:   394006e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #1]                                         
    4002c7a8:   17ffffdc    b   4002c718 <_IO_Vprintf+0x68>                               
#undef PCHAR                                                                              
    4002c7ac:   2a1c03e0    mov w0, w28                                                   
    4002c7b0:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002c7b4:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002c7b8:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    4002c7bc:   a9446bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    4002c7c0:   a94573fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #80]                                       
    4002c7c4:   a8cc7bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #192                                      
    4002c7c8:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    4002c7cc:   394002a0    ldrb    w0, [x21]                                             
    4002c7d0:   910006b5    add x21, x21, #0x1                                            
    4002c7d4:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   
    4002c7d8:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       
            while (percent < fmt)                                                         
    4002c7dc:   eb15029f    cmp x20, x21                                                  
    4002c7e0:   54ffff61    b.ne    4002c7cc <_IO_Vprintf+0x11c>  // b.any                
    4002c7e4:   aa3603e0    mvn x0, x22                                                   
    4002c7e8:   11000783    add w3, w28, #0x1                                             
    4002c7ec:   8b000280    add x0, x20, x0                                               
            stop = 1;                                                                     
    4002c7f0:   52800035    mov w21, #0x1                       // #1                     
    4002c7f4:   0b000079    add w25, w3, w0                                               
        while ((ch = (u_char)*fmt++) != '%' || stop) {                                    
    4002c7f8:   394006e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #1]                                         
    4002c7fc:   17ffffc7    b   4002c718 <_IO_Vprintf+0x68>                               
    4002c800:   f94043e1    ldr x1, [sp, #128]                                            
    4002c804:   78645821    ldrh    w1, [x1, w4, uxtw #1]                                 
    4002c808:   10000062    adr x2, 4002c814 <_IO_Vprintf+0x164>                          
    4002c80c:   8b21a841    add x1, x2, w1, sxth #2                                       
    4002c810:   d61f0020    br  x1                                                        
        fmt = "(fmt null)\n";                                                             
    4002c814:   b0000094    adrp    x20, 4003d000 <access_modes_assoc+0x10>               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c818:   9138e294    add x20, x20, #0xe38                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c81c:   52800500    mov w0, #0x28                   // #40                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c820:   17ffffb6    b   4002c6f8 <_IO_Vprintf+0x48>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002c824:   394006e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #1]                                         
            zflag = 1;                                                                    
    4002c828:   52800027    mov w7, #0x1                    // #1                         
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002c82c:   aa1403f7    mov x23, x20                                                  
            goto reswitch;                                                                
    4002c830:   17ffffd3    b   4002c77c <_IO_Vprintf+0xcc>                               
            if (!dot) {                                                                   
    4002c834:   35004aee    cbnz    w14, 4002d190 <_IO_Vprintf+0xae0>                     <== NEVER TAKEN
                padc = '0';                                                               
    4002c838:   2a0003f8    mov w24, w0                                                   
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002c83c:   394006e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #1]                                         
    4002c840:   aa1403f7    mov x23, x20                                                  
    4002c844:   17ffffce    b   4002c77c <_IO_Vprintf+0xcc>                               
                    n = n * 10 + ch - '0';                                                
    4002c848:   5100c004    sub w4, w0, #0x30                                             
                    ch = *fmt;                                                            
    4002c84c:   394006e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #1]                                         
                    if (ch < '0' || ch > '9')                                             
    4002c850:   5100c002    sub w2, w0, #0x30                                             
                    ch = *fmt;                                                            
    4002c854:   2a0003e5    mov w5, w0                                                    
                    if (ch < '0' || ch > '9')                                             
    4002c858:   7100245f    cmp w2, #0x9                                                  
    4002c85c:   54002e68    b.hi    4002ce28 <_IO_Vprintf+0x778>  // b.pmore              
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002c860:   aa1403f7    mov x23, x20                                                  
    4002c864:   d503201f    nop                                                           
                    n = n * 10 + ch - '0';                                                
    4002c868:   1b061484    madd    w4, w4, w6, w5                                        
                    ch = *fmt;                                                            
    4002c86c:   38401ee5    ldrb    w5, [x23, #1]!                                        
                    if (ch < '0' || ch > '9')                                             
    4002c870:   5100c0a0    sub w0, w5, #0x30                                             
                    n = n * 10 + ch - '0';                                                
    4002c874:   5100c084    sub w4, w4, #0x30                                             
                    if (ch < '0' || ch > '9')                                             
    4002c878:   7100241f    cmp w0, #0x9                                                  
                    ch = *fmt;                                                            
    4002c87c:   2a0503e0    mov w0, w5                                                    
                    if (ch < '0' || ch > '9')                                             
    4002c880:   54ffff49    b.ls    4002c868 <_IO_Vprintf+0x1b8>  // b.plast              <== NEVER TAKEN
            if (dot)                                                                      
    4002c884:   710001df    cmp w14, #0x0                                                 
    4002c888:   1a841108    csel    w8, w8, w4, ne  // ne = any                           
    4002c88c:   1a8a108a    csel    w10, w4, w10, ne  // ne = any                         
    4002c890:   17ffffbb    b   4002c77c <_IO_Vprintf+0xcc>                               
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002c894:   d2800144    mov x4, #0xa                    // #10                        
            base = 10;                                                                    
    4002c898:   b9009fe4    str w4, [sp, #156]                                            
                num = va_arg(ap, intmax_t);                                               
    4002c89c:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            
            if (jflag)                                                                    
    4002c8a0:   35003099    cbnz    w25, 4002ceb0 <_IO_Vprintf+0x800>                     
            else if (tflag)                                                               
    4002c8a4:   35003067    cbnz    w7, 4002ceb0 <_IO_Vprintf+0x800>                      
            else if (hflag)                                                               
    4002c8a8:   3400482b    cbz w11, 4002d1ac <_IO_Vprintf+0xafc>                         <== ALWAYS TAKEN
                num = (short)va_arg(ap, int);                                             
    4002c8ac:   37f85320    tbnz    w0, #31, 4002d310 <_IO_Vprintf+0xc60>                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c8b0:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c8b4:   91002c05    add x5, x0, #0xb                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c8b8:   927df0a1    and x1, x5, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c8bc:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c8c0:   7980000d    ldrsh   x13, [x0]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
            if (sign && (intmax_t)num < 0) {                                              
    4002c8c4:   aa0d03e0    mov x0, x13                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c8c8:   b6f86200    tbz x0, #63, 4002d508 <_IO_Vprintf+0xe58>                     
                num = -(intmax_t)num;                                                     
    4002c8cc:   cb0003ed    neg x13, x0                                                   
                neg = 1;                                                                  
    4002c8d0:   52800039    mov w25, #0x1                       // #1                     
                num = -(intmax_t)num;                                                     
    4002c8d4:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
        *++p = hex2ascii_data[upper][num % base];                                         
    4002c8d8:   f9403be1    ldr x1, [sp, #112]                                            
    4002c8dc:   d37c0000    ubfiz   x0, x0, #4, #1                                        
    p = nbuf;                                                                             
    4002c8e0:   9102a3eb    add x11, sp, #0xa8                                            
    *p = '\0';                                                                            
    4002c8e4:   3902a3ff    strb    wzr, [sp, #168]                                       
        *++p = hex2ascii_data[upper][num % base];                                         
    4002c8e8:   8b000027    add x7, x1, x0                                                
    p = nbuf;                                                                             
    4002c8ec:   aa0b03f6    mov x22, x11                                                  
    *p = '\0';                                                                            
    4002c8f0:   aa0d03e0    mov x0, x13                                                   
    4002c8f4:   d503201f    nop                                                           
        *++p = hex2ascii_data[upper][num % base];                                         
    4002c8f8:   9ac40805    udiv    x5, x0, x4                                            
    } while (num /= base);                                                                
    4002c8fc:   eb00009f    cmp x4, x0                                                    
        *++p = hex2ascii_data[upper][num % base];                                         
    4002c900:   9b0480a6    msub    x6, x5, x4, x0                                        
    } while (num /= base);                                                                
    4002c904:   aa0503e0    mov x0, x5                                                    
        *++p = hex2ascii_data[upper][num % base];                                         
    4002c908:   386668fa    ldrb    w26, [x7, x6]                                         
    4002c90c:   38001eda    strb    w26, [x22, #1]!                                       
    } while (num /= base);                                                                
    4002c910:   54ffff49    b.ls    4002c8f8 <_IO_Vprintf+0x248>  // b.plast              
            if (sharpflag && num != 0) {                                                  
    4002c914:   f10001bf    cmp x13, #0x0                                                 
        *lenp = p - nbuf;                                                                 
    4002c918:   cb0b02c0    sub x0, x22, x11                                              
            if (sharpflag && num != 0) {                                                  
    4002c91c:   1a9f07e5    cset    w5, ne  // ne = any                                   
            tmp = 0;                                                                      
    4002c920:   52800004    mov w4, #0x0                    // #0                         
            if (sharpflag && num != 0) {                                                  
    4002c924:   6a050181    ands    w1, w12, w5                                           
    4002c928:   b9009be1    str w1, [sp, #152]                                            
    4002c92c:   54000100    b.eq    4002c94c <_IO_Vprintf+0x29c>  // b.none               
                if (base == 8)                                                            
    4002c930:   b9409fe1    ldr w1, [sp, #156]                                            
    4002c934:   52800024    mov w4, #0x1                    // #1                         
                if (base == 8)                                                            
    4002c938:   7100203f    cmp w1, #0x8                                                  
    4002c93c:   54000080    b.eq    4002c94c <_IO_Vprintf+0x29c>  // b.none               <== NEVER TAKEN
            tmp = 0;                                                                      
    4002c940:   7100403f    cmp w1, #0x10                                                 
    4002c944:   1a9f17e4    cset    w4, eq  // eq = none                                  
    4002c948:   531f7884    lsl w4, w4, #1                                                
    4002c94c:   7100033f    cmp w25, #0x0                                                 
            if (!ladjust && padc == '0')                                                  
    4002c950:   b9408be1    ldr w1, [sp, #136]                                            
    4002c954:   1a840484    cinc    w4, w4, ne  // ne = any                               
            if (!ladjust && padc == '0')                                                  
    4002c958:   7100c31f    cmp w24, #0x30                                                
    4002c95c:   1a9f17e7    cset    w7, eq  // eq = none                                  
    4002c960:   52000025    eor w5, w1, #0x1                                              
    4002c964:   6a0700bf    tst w5, w7                                                    
    4002c968:   54002640    b.eq    4002ce30 <_IO_Vprintf+0x780>  // b.none               
                dwidth = width - tmp;                                                     
    4002c96c:   4b040105    sub w5, w8, w4                                                
            dwidth -= n;                                                                  
    4002c970:   6b0000a1    subs    w1, w5, w0                                            
    4002c974:   b90097e1    str w1, [sp, #148]                                            
static inline int imax(int a, int b) { return (a > b ? a : b); }                          
    4002c978:   1a80a0b8    csel    w24, w5, w0, ge  // ge = tcont                        
            width -= tmp + imax(dwidth, n);                                               
    4002c97c:   0b040318    add w24, w24, w4                                              
    4002c980:   4b180100    sub w0, w8, w24                                               
    4002c984:   b9006be0    str w0, [sp, #104]                                            
                while (width-- > 0)                                                       
    4002c988:   b9406be0    ldr w0, [sp, #104]                                            
    4002c98c:   51000418    sub w24, w0, #0x1                                             
    4002c990:   b9006bf8    str w24, [sp, #104]                                           
    4002c994:   7100001f    cmp w0, #0x0                                                  
    4002c998:   540001ad    b.le    4002c9cc <_IO_Vprintf+0x31c>                          
    4002c99c:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    4002c9a0:   b9406be0    ldr w0, [sp, #104]                                            
                    PCHAR(' ');                                                           
    4002c9a4:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   
                while (width-- > 0)                                                       
    4002c9a8:   51000400    sub w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    4002c9ac:   b9006be0    str w0, [sp, #104]                                            
                    PCHAR(' ');                                                           
    4002c9b0:   52800400    mov w0, #0x20                   // #32                        
    4002c9b4:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       
                while (width-- > 0)                                                       
    4002c9b8:   b9406be0    ldr w0, [sp, #104]                                            
    4002c9bc:   3100041f    cmn w0, #0x1                                                  
    4002c9c0:   54ffff01    b.ne    4002c9a0 <_IO_Vprintf+0x2f0>  // b.any                
                    PCHAR(' ');                                                           
    4002c9c4:   11000783    add w3, w28, #0x1                                             
    4002c9c8:   0b18007c    add w28, w3, w24                                              
            if (neg)                                                                      
    4002c9cc:   340000b9    cbz w25, 4002c9e0 <_IO_Vprintf+0x330>                         
    4002c9d0:   1100079c    add w28, w28, #0x1                                            
    4002c9d4:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   
    4002c9d8:   528005a0    mov w0, #0x2d                   // #45                        
    4002c9dc:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       
            if (sharpflag && num != 0) {                                                  
    4002c9e0:   b9409be0    ldr w0, [sp, #152]                                            
    4002c9e4:   340001e0    cbz w0, 4002ca20 <_IO_Vprintf+0x370>                          
                if (base == 8) {                                                          
    4002c9e8:   b9409fe0    ldr w0, [sp, #156]                                            
    4002c9ec:   7100201f    cmp w0, #0x8                                                  
    4002c9f0:   54002700    b.eq    4002ced0 <_IO_Vprintf+0x820>  // b.none               <== NEVER TAKEN
                } else if (base == 16) {                                                  
    4002c9f4:   b9409fe0    ldr w0, [sp, #156]                                            
    4002c9f8:   7100401f    cmp w0, #0x10                                                 
    4002c9fc:   54000121    b.ne    4002ca20 <_IO_Vprintf+0x370>  // b.any                <== NEVER TAKEN
    4002ca00:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   
    4002ca04:   52800600    mov w0, #0x30                   // #48                        
    4002ca08:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       
    4002ca0c:   11000b9c    add w28, w28, #0x2                                            
    4002ca10:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   
    4002ca14:   52800f00    mov w0, #0x78                   // #120                       
    4002ca18:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       
    4002ca1c:   d503201f    nop                                                           
            while (dwidth-- > 0)                                                          
    4002ca20:   b94097e0    ldr w0, [sp, #148]                                            
    4002ca24:   7100001f    cmp w0, #0x0                                                  
    4002ca28:   51000418    sub w24, w0, #0x1                                             
    4002ca2c:   5400016d    b.le    4002ca58 <_IO_Vprintf+0x3a8>                          
    4002ca30:   2a1803f9    mov w25, w24                                                  
    4002ca34:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    4002ca38:   51000739    sub w25, w25, #0x1                                            
    4002ca3c:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   
    4002ca40:   52800600    mov w0, #0x30                   // #48                        
    4002ca44:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       
            while (dwidth-- > 0)                                                          
    4002ca48:   3100073f    cmn w25, #0x1                                                 
    4002ca4c:   54ffff61    b.ne    4002ca38 <_IO_Vprintf+0x388>  // b.any                
    4002ca50:   11000783    add w3, w28, #0x1                                             
    4002ca54:   0b03031c    add w28, w24, w3                                              
            while (*p)                                                                    
    4002ca58:   340026da    cbz w26, 4002cf30 <_IO_Vprintf+0x880>                         <== NEVER TAKEN
        *++p = hex2ascii_data[upper][num % base];                                         
    4002ca5c:   aa1603f8    mov x24, x22                                                  
    4002ca60:   d1000718    sub x24, x24, #0x1                                            
    4002ca64:   2a1a03e0    mov w0, w26                                                   
    4002ca68:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   
    4002ca6c:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       
    4002ca70:   4b1802c4    sub w4, w22, w24                                              
            while (*p)                                                                    
    4002ca74:   3940031a    ldrb    w26, [x24]                                            
    4002ca78:   0b1c0099    add w25, w4, w28                                              
    4002ca7c:   35ffff3a    cbnz    w26, 4002ca60 <_IO_Vprintf+0x3b0>                     
            if (ladjust)                                                                  
    4002ca80:   b9408be0    ldr w0, [sp, #136]                                            
    4002ca84:   35001f80    cbnz    w0, 4002ce74 <_IO_Vprintf+0x7c4>                      
        while ((ch = (u_char)*fmt++) != '%' || stop) {                                    
    4002ca88:   394006e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #1]                                         
    4002ca8c:   52800015    mov w21, #0x0                       // #0                     
    4002ca90:   17ffff22    b   4002c718 <_IO_Vprintf+0x68>                               
    4002ca94:   528004a0    mov w0, #0x25                   // #37                        
    4002ca98:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   
    4002ca9c:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       
    4002caa0:   11000799    add w25, w28, #0x1                                            
        while ((ch = (u_char)*fmt++) != '%' || stop) {                                    
    4002caa4:   394006e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #1]                                         
    4002caa8:   17ffff1c    b   4002c718 <_IO_Vprintf+0x68>                               
            num = (uintptr_t)va_arg(ap, void *);                                          
    4002caac:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            
            sharpflag = (width == 0);                                                     
    4002cab0:   7100011f    cmp w8, #0x0                                                  
    4002cab4:   1a9f17ec    cset    w12, eq  // eq = none                                 
            num = (uintptr_t)va_arg(ap, void *);                                          
    4002cab8:   37f82d80    tbnz    w0, #31, 4002d068 <_IO_Vprintf+0x9b8>                 <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    4002cabc:   f94033e5    ldr x5, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cac0:   91003ca0    add x0, x5, #0xf                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cac4:   927df000    and x0, x0, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cac8:   f90033e0    str x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
            goto number;                                                                  
    4002cacc:   d2800204    mov x4, #0x10                   // #16                        
            base = 16;                                                                    
    4002cad0:   b9009fe4    str w4, [sp, #156]                                            
        sign = 0; dot = 0; dwidth = 0; upper = 0;                                         
    4002cad4:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
        lflag = 0; ladjust = 0; sharpflag = 0; neg = 0;                                   
    4002cad8:   52800019    mov w25, #0x0                       // #0                     
            num = (uintptr_t)va_arg(ap, void *);                                          
    4002cadc:   f94000ad    ldr x13, [x5]                                                 
            goto number;                                                                  
    4002cae0:   17ffff7e    b   4002c8d8 <_IO_Vprintf+0x228>                              
            p = va_arg(ap, char *);                                                       
    4002cae4:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002cae8:   37f82900    tbnz    w0, #31, 4002d008 <_IO_Vprintf+0x958>                 
    4002caec:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             
    4002caf0:   91003c04    add x4, x0, #0xf                                              
    4002caf4:   927df081    and x1, x4, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               
    4002caf8:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             
    4002cafc:   f9400019    ldr x25, [x0]                                                 
                p = "(null)";                                                             
    4002cb00:   b0000080    adrp    x0, 4003d000 <access_modes_assoc+0x10>                
    4002cb04:   91392000    add x0, x0, #0xe48                                            
            if (!ladjust && width > 0)                                                    
    4002cb08:   b9408be1    ldr w1, [sp, #136]                                            
                p = "(null)";                                                             
    4002cb0c:   f100033f    cmp x25, #0x0                                                 
            if (!ladjust && width > 0)                                                    
    4002cb10:   52000036    eor w22, w1, #0x1                                             
                p = "(null)";                                                             
    4002cb14:   9a990019    csel    x25, x0, x25, eq  // eq = none                        
            if (!ladjust && width > 0)                                                    
    4002cb18:   120002d6    and w22, w22, #0x1                                            
            if (!dot)                                                                     
    4002cb1c:   3500304e    cbnz    w14, 4002d124 <_IO_Vprintf+0xa74>                     
                n = strlen (p);                                                           
    4002cb20:   aa1903e0    mov x0, x25                                                   
    4002cb24:   b9006be8    str w8, [sp, #104]                                            
    4002cb28:   94000a9c    bl  4002f598 <strlen>                                         
    4002cb2c:   2a0003e5    mov w5, w0                                                    
    4002cb30:   b9406be8    ldr w8, [sp, #104]                                            
            width -= n;                                                                   
    4002cb34:   4b050108    sub w8, w8, w5                                                
            while (n--)                                                                   
    4002cb38:   510004a0    sub w0, w5, #0x1                                              
            if (!ladjust && width > 0)                                                    
    4002cb3c:   7100011f    cmp w8, #0x0                                                  
            while (n--)                                                                   
    4002cb40:   b90097e0    str w0, [sp, #148]                                            
            if (!ladjust && width > 0)                                                    
    4002cb44:   1a9fd7e0    cset    w0, gt                                                
    4002cb48:   7100001f    cmp w0, #0x0                                                  
    4002cb4c:   7a401ac4    ccmp    w22, #0x0, #0x4, ne  // ne = any                      
    4002cb50:   540034a1    b.ne    4002d1e4 <_IO_Vprintf+0xb34>  // b.any                
            if (ladjust && width > 0)                                                     
    4002cb54:   b9408be1    ldr w1, [sp, #136]                                            
    4002cb58:   0a000020    and w0, w1, w0                                                
    4002cb5c:   2a0003fa    mov w26, w0                                                   
            while (n--)                                                                   
    4002cb60:   34004445    cbz w5, 4002d3e8 <_IO_Vprintf+0xd38>                          
    4002cb64:   b94097f6    ldr w22, [sp, #148]                                           
    4002cb68:   910006d6    add x22, x22, #0x1                                            
    4002cb6c:   8b160336    add x22, x25, x22                                             
    4002cb70:   38401720    ldrb    w0, [x25], #1                                         
    4002cb74:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   
    4002cb78:   b9006be8    str w8, [sp, #104]                                            
    4002cb7c:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       
            while (n--)                                                                   
    4002cb80:   b9406be8    ldr w8, [sp, #104]                                            
    4002cb84:   eb1902df    cmp x22, x25                                                  
    4002cb88:   54ffff41    b.ne    4002cb70 <_IO_Vprintf+0x4c0>  // b.any                
    4002cb8c:   b94097e0    ldr w0, [sp, #148]                                            
    4002cb90:   11000783    add w3, w28, #0x1                                             
    4002cb94:   0b030019    add w25, w0, w3                                               
            if (ladjust && width > 0)                                                     
    4002cb98:   34ffe07a    cbz w26, 4002c7a4 <_IO_Vprintf+0xf4>                          
                while (width--)                                                           
    4002cb9c:   51000516    sub w22, w8, #0x1                                             
    4002cba0:   2a0803fa    mov w26, w8                                                   
    4002cba4:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   
    4002cba8:   2a1803e0    mov w0, w24                                                   
    4002cbac:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       
                while (width--)                                                           
    4002cbb0:   7100075a    subs    w26, w26, #0x1                                        
    4002cbb4:   54ffff81    b.ne    4002cba4 <_IO_Vprintf+0x4f4>  // b.any                
    4002cbb8:   11000724    add w4, w25, #0x1                                             
        while ((ch = (u_char)*fmt++) != '%' || stop) {                                    
    4002cbbc:   394006e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #1]                                         
    4002cbc0:   0b160099    add w25, w4, w22                                              
    4002cbc4:   17fffed5    b   4002c718 <_IO_Vprintf+0x68>                               
            up = va_arg(ap, u_char *);                                                    
    4002cbc8:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cbcc:   37f81f60    tbnz    w0, #31, 4002cfb8 <_IO_Vprintf+0x908>                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cbd0:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cbd4:   91003c00    add x0, x0, #0xf                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cbd8:   927df000    and x0, x0, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cbdc:   f94033e1    ldr x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cbe0:   f9400036    ldr x22, [x1]                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
            p = va_arg(ap, char *);                                                       
    4002cbe4:   91003c1a    add x26, x0, #0xf                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cbe8:   927df341    and x1, x26, #0xfffffffffffffff8                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cbec:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cbf0:   f9400001    ldr x1, [x0]                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
            while(width--) {                                                              
    4002cbf4:   7100011f    cmp w8, #0x0                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cbf8:   51000500    sub w0, w8, #0x1                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cbfc:   528001e4    mov w4, #0xf                    // #15                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc00:   52800078    mov w24, #0x3                       // #3                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc04:   1a841000    csel    w0, w0, w4, ne  // ne = any                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc08:   4b010318    sub w24, w24, w1                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc0c:   8b0002c0    add x0, x22, x0                                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc10:   f90037e0    str x0, [sp, #104]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
            p = va_arg(ap, char *);                                                       
    4002cc14:   f90047e1    str x1, [sp, #136]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
                PCHAR(hex2ascii(*up >> 4));                                               
    4002cc18:   394002c0    ldrb    w0, [x22]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc1c:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc20:   f9403bfa    ldr x26, [sp, #112]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
                PCHAR(hex2ascii(*up & 0x0f));                                             
    4002cc24:   11000b99    add w25, w28, #0x2                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
                PCHAR(hex2ascii(*up >> 4));                                               
    4002cc28:   d3441c00    ubfx    x0, x0, #4, #4                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc2c:   387a6800    ldrb    w0, [x0, x26]                                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc30:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
                PCHAR(hex2ascii(*up & 0x0f));                                             
    4002cc34:   394002c0    ldrb    w0, [x22]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc38:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc3c:   92400c00    and x0, x0, #0xf                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc40:   387a6800    ldrb    w0, [x0, x26]                                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc44:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
                if (width)                                                                
    4002cc48:   f94037e0    ldr x0, [sp, #104]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc4c:   eb16001f    cmp x0, x22                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc50:   54ffdaa0    b.eq    4002c7a4 <_IO_Vprintf+0xf4>  // b.none                <== NOT EXECUTED
                    for (q=p;*q;q++)                                                      
    4002cc54:   f94047fa    ldr x26, [sp, #136]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc58:   39400340    ldrb    w0, [x26]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc5c:   340000e0    cbz w0, 4002cc78 <_IO_Vprintf+0x5c8>                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc60:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc64:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc68:   0b1a0384    add w4, w28, w26                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
                    for (q=p;*q;q++)                                                      
    4002cc6c:   38401f40    ldrb    w0, [x26, #1]!                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc70:   0b040319    add w25, w24, w4                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc74:   35ffff60    cbnz    w0, 4002cc60 <_IO_Vprintf+0x5b0>                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc78:   910006d6    add x22, x22, #0x1                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc7c:   2a1903fc    mov w28, w25                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cc80:   17ffffe6    b   4002cc18 <_IO_Vprintf+0x568>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002cc84:   d2800204    mov x4, #0x10                   // #16                        
            upper = 1;                                                                    
    4002cc88:   52800020    mov w0, #0x1                    // #1                         
            base = 16;                                                                    
    4002cc8c:   b9009fe4    str w4, [sp, #156]                                            
                num = va_arg(ap, uintmax_t);                                              
    4002cc90:   b94093e1    ldr w1, [sp, #144]                                            
            if (jflag)                                                                    
    4002cc94:   34000e19    cbz w25, 4002ce54 <_IO_Vprintf+0x7a4>                         
                num = va_arg(ap, uintmax_t);                                              
    4002cc98:   37f81381    tbnz    w1, #31, 4002cf08 <_IO_Vprintf+0x858>                 <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    4002cc9c:   f94033e5    ldr x5, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cca0:   91003ca6    add x6, x5, #0xf                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cca4:   927df0c1    and x1, x6, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cca8:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
        lflag = 0; ladjust = 0; sharpflag = 0; neg = 0;                                   
    4002ccac:   52800019    mov w25, #0x0                       // #0                     
                num = va_arg(ap, uintmax_t);                                              
    4002ccb0:   f94000ad    ldr x13, [x5]                                                 
    4002ccb4:   17ffff09    b   4002c8d8 <_IO_Vprintf+0x228>                              
            if (!ladjust && width > 0)                                                    
    4002ccb8:   b9408be0    ldr w0, [sp, #136]                                            
    4002ccbc:   7100051f    cmp w8, #0x1                                                  
    4002ccc0:   1a9fd7f6    cset    w22, gt                                               
    4002ccc4:   52000000    eor w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    4002ccc8:   6a16001f    tst w0, w22                                                   
    4002cccc:   54002001    b.ne    4002d0cc <_IO_Vprintf+0xa1c>  // b.any                <== NEVER TAKEN
            PCHAR(va_arg(ap, int));                                                       
    4002ccd0:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002ccd4:   37f81e80    tbnz    w0, #31, 4002d0a4 <_IO_Vprintf+0x9f4>                 <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    4002ccd8:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002ccdc:   91002c04    add x4, x0, #0xb                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cce0:   927df081    and x1, x4, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cce4:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cce8:   b9400000    ldr w0, [x0]                                                  
    4002ccec:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   
    4002ccf0:   b9006be8    str w8, [sp, #104]                                            
    4002ccf4:   11000799    add w25, w28, #0x1                                            
    4002ccf8:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       
            if (ladjust && width > 0)                                                     
    4002ccfc:   b9408be0    ldr w0, [sp, #136]                                            
    4002cd00:   b9406be8    ldr w8, [sp, #104]                                            
    4002cd04:   6a16001f    tst w0, w22                                                   
    4002cd08:   54ffd4e0    b.eq    4002c7a4 <_IO_Vprintf+0xf4>  // b.none                <== ALWAYS TAKEN
                while (width--)                                                           
    4002cd0c:   51000919    sub w25, w8, #0x2                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cd10:   51000916    sub w22, w8, #0x2                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cd14:   d280001a    mov x26, #0x0                       // #0                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cd18:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cd1c:   2a1803e0    mov w0, w24                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cd20:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
                while (width--)                                                           
    4002cd24:   eb16035f    cmp x26, x22                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cd28:   9100075a    add x26, x26, #0x1                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cd2c:   54ffff61    b.ne    4002cd18 <_IO_Vprintf+0x668>  // b.any                <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cd30:   11000b83    add w3, w28, #0x2                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
        while ((ch = (u_char)*fmt++) != '%' || stop) {                                    
    4002cd34:   394006e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #1]                                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cd38:   0b190079    add w25, w3, w25                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cd3c:   17fffe77    b   4002c718 <_IO_Vprintf+0x68>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002cd40:   394006e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #1]                                         <== NOT EXECUTED
            sharpflag = 1;                                                                
    4002cd44:   5280002c    mov w12, #0x1                       // #1                     <== NOT EXECUTED
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002cd48:   aa1403f7    mov x23, x20                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
            goto reswitch;                                                                
    4002cd4c:   17fffe8c    b   4002c77c <_IO_Vprintf+0xcc>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002cd50:   394006e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #1]                                         
            if (hflag) {                                                                  
    4002cd54:   3500106b    cbnz    w11, 4002cf60 <_IO_Vprintf+0x8b0>                     
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002cd58:   aa1403f7    mov x23, x20                                                  
                hflag = 1;                                                                
    4002cd5c:   5280002b    mov w11, #0x1                       // #1                     
    4002cd60:   17fffe87    b   4002c77c <_IO_Vprintf+0xcc>                               
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002cd64:   394006e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #1]                                         
            jflag = 1;                                                                    
    4002cd68:   52800039    mov w25, #0x1                       // #1                     
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002cd6c:   aa1403f7    mov x23, x20                                                  
            goto reswitch;                                                                
    4002cd70:   17fffe83    b   4002c77c <_IO_Vprintf+0xcc>                               
                width = va_arg(ap, int);                                                  
    4002cd74:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            
            if (!dot) {                                                                   
    4002cd78:   350010ee    cbnz    w14, 4002cf94 <_IO_Vprintf+0x8e4>                     <== ALWAYS TAKEN
                width = va_arg(ap, int);                                                  
    4002cd7c:   37f826e0    tbnz    w0, #31, 4002d258 <_IO_Vprintf+0xba8>                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cd80:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cd84:   91002c04    add x4, x0, #0xb                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cd88:   927df081    and x1, x4, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cd8c:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cd90:   b9400008    ldr w8, [x0]                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
                if (width < 0) {                                                          
    4002cd94:   36ffd548    tbz w8, #31, 4002c83c <_IO_Vprintf+0x18c>                     <== NOT EXECUTED
                    ladjust = !ladjust;                                                   
    4002cd98:   b9408be1    ldr w1, [sp, #136]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
                    width = -width;                                                       
    4002cd9c:   4b0803e8    neg w8, w8                                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002cda0:   394006e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #1]                                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cda4:   aa1403f7    mov x23, x20                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cda8:   52000021    eor w1, w1, #0x1                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cdac:   b9008be1    str w1, [sp, #136]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
                    width = -width;                                                       
    4002cdb0:   17fffe73    b   4002c77c <_IO_Vprintf+0xcc>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002cdb4:   394006e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #1]                                         
            ladjust = 1;                                                                  
    4002cdb8:   52800021    mov w1, #0x1                    // #1                         
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002cdbc:   aa1403f7    mov x23, x20                                                  
            ladjust = 1;                                                                  
    4002cdc0:   b9008be1    str w1, [sp, #136]                                            
            goto reswitch;                                                                
    4002cdc4:   17fffe6e    b   4002c77c <_IO_Vprintf+0xcc>                               
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002cdc8:   394006e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #1]                                         
            dot = 1;                                                                      
    4002cdcc:   5280002e    mov w14, #0x1                       // #1                     
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002cdd0:   aa1403f7    mov x23, x20                                                  
    4002cdd4:   17fffe6a    b   4002c77c <_IO_Vprintf+0xcc>                               
            if (lflag) {                                                                  
    4002cdd8:   34ffd267    cbz w7, 4002c824 <_IO_Vprintf+0x174>                          
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002cddc:   394006e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #1]                                         
                jflag = 1;                                                                
    4002cde0:   2a0703f9    mov w25, w7                                                   
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002cde4:   aa1403f7    mov x23, x20                                                  
    4002cde8:   17fffe65    b   4002c77c <_IO_Vprintf+0xcc>                               
    4002cdec:   d2800104    mov x4, #0x8                    // #8                         
        sign = 0; dot = 0; dwidth = 0; upper = 0;                                         
    4002cdf0:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
            base = 8;                                                                     
    4002cdf4:   b9009fe4    str w4, [sp, #156]                                            
    4002cdf8:   17ffffa6    b   4002cc90 <_IO_Vprintf+0x5e0>                              
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002cdfc:   d2800144    mov x4, #0xa                    // #10                        
        sign = 0; dot = 0; dwidth = 0; upper = 0;                                         
    4002ce00:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
            base = 10;                                                                    
    4002ce04:   b9009fe4    str w4, [sp, #156]                                            
    4002ce08:   17ffffa2    b   4002cc90 <_IO_Vprintf+0x5e0>                              
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002ce0c:   d2800204    mov x4, #0x10                   // #16                        
    4002ce10:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    4002ce14:   b9009fe4    str w4, [sp, #156]                                            
    4002ce18:   17ffff9e    b   4002cc90 <_IO_Vprintf+0x5e0>                              
    4002ce1c:   d2800204    mov x4, #0x10                   // #16                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002ce20:   b9009fe4    str w4, [sp, #156]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002ce24:   17fffe9e    b   4002c89c <_IO_Vprintf+0x1ec>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002ce28:   aa1403f7    mov x23, x20                                                  
    4002ce2c:   17fffe96    b   4002c884 <_IO_Vprintf+0x1d4>                              
            dwidth -= n;                                                                  
    4002ce30:   6b000141    subs    w1, w10, w0                                           
    4002ce34:   b90097e1    str w1, [sp, #148]                                            
static inline int imax(int a, int b) { return (a > b ? a : b); }                          
    4002ce38:   1a80a158    csel    w24, w10, w0, ge  // ge = tcont                       
            width -= tmp + imax(dwidth, n);                                               
    4002ce3c:   0b040318    add w24, w24, w4                                              
    4002ce40:   4b180100    sub w0, w8, w24                                               
    4002ce44:   b9006be0    str w0, [sp, #104]                                            
            if (!ladjust)                                                                 
    4002ce48:   b9408be0    ldr w0, [sp, #136]                                            
    4002ce4c:   35ffdc00    cbnz    w0, 4002c9cc <_IO_Vprintf+0x31c>                      
    4002ce50:   17fffece    b   4002c988 <_IO_Vprintf+0x2d8>                              
            else if (lflag)                                                               
    4002ce54:   34000487    cbz w7, 4002cee4 <_IO_Vprintf+0x834>                          
                num = va_arg(ap, u_long);                                                 
    4002ce58:   37f80c21    tbnz    w1, #31, 4002cfdc <_IO_Vprintf+0x92c>                 
    4002ce5c:   f94033e5    ldr x5, [sp, #96]                                             
    4002ce60:   91003ca6    add x6, x5, #0xf                                              
    4002ce64:   927df0c1    and x1, x6, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               
    4002ce68:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             
    4002ce6c:   f94000ad    ldr x13, [x5]                                                 
    4002ce70:   17fffe9a    b   4002c8d8 <_IO_Vprintf+0x228>                              
                while (width-- > 0)                                                       
    4002ce74:   b9406be0    ldr w0, [sp, #104]                                            
    4002ce78:   7100001f    cmp w0, #0x0                                                  
    4002ce7c:   51000418    sub w24, w0, #0x1                                             
    4002ce80:   54ffc92d    b.le    4002c7a4 <_IO_Vprintf+0xf4>                           
    4002ce84:   2a1803f6    mov w22, w24                                                  
    4002ce88:   510006d6    sub w22, w22, #0x1                                            
                    PCHAR(' ');                                                           
    4002ce8c:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   
    4002ce90:   52800400    mov w0, #0x20                   // #32                        
    4002ce94:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       
                while (width-- > 0)                                                       
    4002ce98:   310006df    cmn w22, #0x1                                                 
    4002ce9c:   54ffff61    b.ne    4002ce88 <_IO_Vprintf+0x7d8>  // b.any                <== NEVER TAKEN
    4002cea0:   11000724    add w4, w25, #0x1                                             
        while ((ch = (u_char)*fmt++) != '%' || stop) {                                    
    4002cea4:   394006e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #1]                                         
                    PCHAR(' ');                                                           
    4002cea8:   0b040319    add w25, w24, w4                                              
    4002ceac:   17fffe1b    b   4002c718 <_IO_Vprintf+0x68>                               
                num = va_arg(ap, ptrdiff_t);                                              
    4002ceb0:   37f80440    tbnz    w0, #31, 4002cf38 <_IO_Vprintf+0x888>                 <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    4002ceb4:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002ceb8:   91003c05    add x5, x0, #0xf                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cebc:   927df0a1    and x1, x5, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cec0:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cec4:   f9400000    ldr x0, [x0]                                                  
    4002cec8:   aa0003ed    mov x13, x0                                                   
    4002cecc:   17fffe7f    b   4002c8c8 <_IO_Vprintf+0x218>                              
    4002ced0:   1100079c    add w28, w28, #0x1                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002ced4:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002ced8:   52800600    mov w0, #0x30                   // #48                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cedc:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cee0:   17fffed0    b   4002ca20 <_IO_Vprintf+0x370>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
            else if (hflag)                                                               
    4002cee4:   3400046b    cbz w11, 4002cf70 <_IO_Vprintf+0x8c0>                         <== ALWAYS TAKEN
                num = (u_short)va_arg(ap, int);                                           
    4002cee8:   37f81f61    tbnz    w1, #31, 4002d2d4 <_IO_Vprintf+0xc24>                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002ceec:   f94033e5    ldr x5, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cef0:   91002ca6    add x6, x5, #0xb                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cef4:   927df0c1    and x1, x6, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cef8:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cefc:   794000ad    ldrh    w13, [x5]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
        lflag = 0; ladjust = 0; sharpflag = 0; neg = 0;                                   
    4002cf00:   52800019    mov w25, #0x0                       // #0                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cf04:   17fffe75    b   4002c8d8 <_IO_Vprintf+0x228>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
                num = va_arg(ap, uintmax_t);                                              
    4002cf08:   b94093e1    ldr w1, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002cf0c:   11002026    add w6, w1, #0x8                                              
    4002cf10:   710000df    cmp w6, #0x0                                                  
    4002cf14:   54000bed    b.le    4002d090 <_IO_Vprintf+0x9e0>                          <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    4002cf18:   f94033e5    ldr x5, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cf1c:   b90093e6    str w6, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cf20:   91003ca7    add x7, x5, #0xf                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cf24:   927df0e1    and x1, x7, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cf28:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cf2c:   17ffff60    b   4002ccac <_IO_Vprintf+0x5fc>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
            while (*p)                                                                    
    4002cf30:   2a1c03f9    mov w25, w28                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cf34:   17fffed3    b   4002ca80 <_IO_Vprintf+0x3d0>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
                num = va_arg(ap, ptrdiff_t);                                              
    4002cf38:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002cf3c:   11002005    add w5, w0, #0x8                                              
    4002cf40:   710000bf    cmp w5, #0x0                                                  
    4002cf44:   540011cd    b.le    4002d17c <_IO_Vprintf+0xacc>                          <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    4002cf48:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cf4c:   b90093e5    str w5, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cf50:   91003c06    add x6, x0, #0xf                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cf54:   927df0c1    and x1, x6, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cf58:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cf5c:   17ffffda    b   4002cec4 <_IO_Vprintf+0x814>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
                cflag = 1;                                                                
    4002cf60:   2a0b03ed    mov w13, w11                                                  
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002cf64:   aa1403f7    mov x23, x20                                                  
                hflag = 0;                                                                
    4002cf68:   5280000b    mov w11, #0x0                       // #0                     
    4002cf6c:   17fffe04    b   4002c77c <_IO_Vprintf+0xcc>                               
            else if (cflag)                                                               
    4002cf70:   340015ed    cbz w13, 4002d22c <_IO_Vprintf+0xb7c>                         
                num = (u_char)va_arg(ap, int);                                            
    4002cf74:   37f81e21    tbnz    w1, #31, 4002d338 <_IO_Vprintf+0xc88>                 <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    4002cf78:   f94033e5    ldr x5, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cf7c:   91002ca6    add x6, x5, #0xb                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cf80:   927df0c1    and x1, x6, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cf84:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cf88:   394000ad    ldrb    w13, [x5]                                             
        lflag = 0; ladjust = 0; sharpflag = 0; neg = 0;                                   
    4002cf8c:   52800019    mov w25, #0x0                       // #0                     
    4002cf90:   17fffe52    b   4002c8d8 <_IO_Vprintf+0x228>                              
                dwidth = va_arg(ap, int);                                                 
    4002cf94:   37f818c0    tbnz    w0, #31, 4002d2ac <_IO_Vprintf+0xbfc>                 <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    4002cf98:   f94033e4    ldr x4, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cf9c:   91002c80    add x0, x4, #0xb                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cfa0:   927df000    and x0, x0, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cfa4:   f90033e0    str x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002cfa8:   394006e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #1]                                         
    4002cfac:   aa1403f7    mov x23, x20                                                  
                dwidth = va_arg(ap, int);                                                 
    4002cfb0:   b940008a    ldr w10, [x4]                                                 
    4002cfb4:   17fffdf2    b   4002c77c <_IO_Vprintf+0xcc>                               
            up = va_arg(ap, u_char *);                                                    
    4002cfb8:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cfbc:   11002000    add w0, w0, #0x8                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cfc0:   7100001f    cmp w0, #0x0                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cfc4:   5400036d    b.le    4002d030 <_IO_Vprintf+0x980>                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cfc8:   f94033e1    ldr x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cfcc:   b90093e0    str w0, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cfd0:   91003c24    add x4, x1, #0xf                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cfd4:   927df080    and x0, x4, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cfd8:   17ffff01    b   4002cbdc <_IO_Vprintf+0x52c>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
                num = va_arg(ap, u_long);                                                 
    4002cfdc:   b94093e1    ldr w1, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002cfe0:   11002026    add w6, w1, #0x8                                              
    4002cfe4:   710000df    cmp w6, #0x0                                                  
    4002cfe8:   5400156d    b.le    4002d294 <_IO_Vprintf+0xbe4>                          <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    4002cfec:   f94033e5    ldr x5, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cff0:   b90093e6    str w6, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cff4:   91003ca7    add x7, x5, #0xf                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cff8:   927df0e1    and x1, x7, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002cffc:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d000:   f94000ad    ldr x13, [x5]                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d004:   17fffe35    b   4002c8d8 <_IO_Vprintf+0x228>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
            p = va_arg(ap, char *);                                                       
    4002d008:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d00c:   11002004    add w4, w0, #0x8                                              
    4002d010:   7100009f    cmp w4, #0x0                                                  
    4002d014:   5400174d    b.le    4002d2fc <_IO_Vprintf+0xc4c>                          <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    4002d018:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d01c:   b90093e4    str w4, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d020:   91003c05    add x5, x0, #0xf                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d024:   927df0a1    and x1, x5, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d028:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d02c:   17fffeb4    b   4002cafc <_IO_Vprintf+0x44c>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
            up = va_arg(ap, u_char *);                                                    
    4002d030:   b94093e2    ldr w2, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d034:   f9403fe1    ldr x1, [sp, #120]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d038:   f862c836    ldr x22, [x1, w2, sxtw]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
            p = va_arg(ap, char *);                                                       
    4002d03c:   54002600    b.eq    4002d4fc <_IO_Vprintf+0xe4c>  // b.none               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d040:   b94093e1    ldr w1, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d044:   11004021    add w1, w1, #0x10                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d048:   b90093e1    str w1, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d04c:   7100003f    cmp w1, #0x0                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d050:   54000fed    b.le    4002d24c <_IO_Vprintf+0xb9c>                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d054:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d058:   91003c04    add x4, x0, #0xf                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d05c:   927df081    and x1, x4, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d060:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d064:   17fffee3    b   4002cbf0 <_IO_Vprintf+0x540>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
            num = (uintptr_t)va_arg(ap, void *);                                          
    4002d068:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d06c:   11002000    add w0, w0, #0x8                                              
    4002d070:   7100001f    cmp w0, #0x0                                                  
    4002d074:   5400106d    b.le    4002d280 <_IO_Vprintf+0xbd0>                          <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    4002d078:   f94033e5    ldr x5, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d07c:   b90093e0    str w0, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d080:   91003ca4    add x4, x5, #0xf                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d084:   927df080    and x0, x4, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d088:   f90033e0    str x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d08c:   17fffe90    b   4002cacc <_IO_Vprintf+0x41c>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
                num = va_arg(ap, uintmax_t);                                              
    4002d090:   f9403fe2    ldr x2, [sp, #120]                                            
    4002d094:   b94093e1    ldr w1, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d098:   b90093e6    str w6, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d09c:   8b21c045    add x5, x2, w1, sxtw                                          
    4002d0a0:   17ffff03    b   4002ccac <_IO_Vprintf+0x5fc>                              
            PCHAR(va_arg(ap, int));                                                       
    4002d0a4:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d0a8:   11002004    add w4, w0, #0x8                                              
    4002d0ac:   7100009f    cmp w4, #0x0                                                  
    4002d0b0:   5400192d    b.le    4002d3d4 <_IO_Vprintf+0xd24>                          <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    4002d0b4:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d0b8:   b90093e4    str w4, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d0bc:   91002c05    add x5, x0, #0xb                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d0c0:   927df0a1    and x1, x5, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d0c4:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d0c8:   17ffff08    b   4002cce8 <_IO_Vprintf+0x638>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
                while (width--)                                                           
    4002d0cc:   51000919    sub w25, w8, #0x2                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d0d0:   51000916    sub w22, w8, #0x2                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d0d4:   d280001a    mov x26, #0x0                       // #0                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d0d8:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d0dc:   2a1803e0    mov w0, w24                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d0e0:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
                while (width--)                                                           
    4002d0e4:   eb16035f    cmp x26, x22                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d0e8:   9100075a    add x26, x26, #0x1                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d0ec:   54ffff61    b.ne    4002d0d8 <_IO_Vprintf+0xa28>  // b.any                <== NOT EXECUTED
            PCHAR(va_arg(ap, int));                                                       
    4002d0f0:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d0f4:   0b1c0323    add w3, w25, w28                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d0f8:   37f81340    tbnz    w0, #31, 4002d360 <_IO_Vprintf+0xcb0>                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d0fc:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d100:   91002c04    add x4, x0, #0xb                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d104:   927df081    and x1, x4, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d108:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d10c:   b9400000    ldr w0, [x0]                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d110:   11000879    add w25, w3, #0x2                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d114:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d118:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
        while ((ch = (u_char)*fmt++) != '%' || stop) {                                    
    4002d11c:   394006e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #1]                                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d120:   17fffd7e    b   4002c718 <_IO_Vprintf+0x68>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
                for (n = 0; n < dwidth && p[n]; n++)                                      
    4002d124:   7100015f    cmp w10, #0x0                                                 
    4002d128:   d2800006    mov x6, #0x0                    // #0                         
    4002d12c:   54001fad    b.le    4002d520 <_IO_Vprintf+0xe70>                          <== NEVER TAKEN
    4002d130:   38666b27    ldrb    w7, [x25, x6]                                         
    4002d134:   2a0603e0    mov w0, w6                                                    
    4002d138:   2a0603e5    mov w5, w6                                                    
    4002d13c:   34ffcfc7    cbz w7, 4002cb34 <_IO_Vprintf+0x484>                          
    4002d140:   110004c7    add w7, w6, #0x1                                              
    4002d144:   910004c6    add x6, x6, #0x1                                              
    4002d148:   6b06015f    cmp w10, w6                                                   
    4002d14c:   54ffff2c    b.gt    4002d130 <_IO_Vprintf+0xa80>                          
            width -= n;                                                                   
    4002d150:   4b070108    sub w8, w8, w7                                                
            if (!ladjust && width > 0)                                                    
    4002d154:   7100011f    cmp w8, #0x0                                                  
    4002d158:   1a9fd7e6    cset    w6, gt                                                
    4002d15c:   710002df    cmp w22, #0x0                                                 
    4002d160:   7a4018c4    ccmp    w6, #0x0, #0x4, ne  // ne = any                       
    4002d164:   54001f21    b.ne    4002d548 <_IO_Vprintf+0xe98>  // b.any                <== NEVER TAKEN
            if (ladjust && width > 0)                                                     
    4002d168:   b9408be1    ldr w1, [sp, #136]                                            
    4002d16c:   b90097e0    str w0, [sp, #148]                                            
    4002d170:   0a060021    and w1, w1, w6                                                
    4002d174:   2a0103fa    mov w26, w1                                                   
    4002d178:   17fffe7b    b   4002cb64 <_IO_Vprintf+0x4b4>                              
                num = va_arg(ap, ptrdiff_t);                                              
    4002d17c:   f9403fe1    ldr x1, [sp, #120]                                            
    4002d180:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d184:   b90093e5    str w5, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d188:   8b20c020    add x0, x1, w0, sxtw                                          
    4002d18c:   17ffff4e    b   4002cec4 <_IO_Vprintf+0x814>                              
                    ch = *fmt;                                                            
    4002d190:   394006e5    ldrb    w5, [x23, #1]                                         <== NOT EXECUTED
                    if (ch < '0' || ch > '9')                                             
    4002d194:   5100c0a2    sub w2, w5, #0x30                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
                    ch = *fmt;                                                            
    4002d198:   2a0503e0    mov w0, w5                                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
                    if (ch < '0' || ch > '9')                                             
    4002d19c:   7100245f    cmp w2, #0x9                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d1a0:   54001ba8    b.hi    4002d514 <_IO_Vprintf+0xe64>  // b.pmore              <== NOT EXECUTED
                    n = n * 10 + ch - '0';                                                
    4002d1a4:   52800004    mov w4, #0x0                    // #0                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d1a8:   17fffdae    b   4002c860 <_IO_Vprintf+0x1b0>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
            else if (cflag)                                                               
    4002d1ac:   34000eed    cbz w13, 4002d388 <_IO_Vprintf+0xcd8>                         <== ALWAYS TAKEN
                num = (char)va_arg(ap, int);                                              
    4002d1b0:   37f81480    tbnz    w0, #31, 4002d440 <_IO_Vprintf+0xd90>                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d1b4:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d1b8:   91002c00    add x0, x0, #0xb                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d1bc:   927df000    and x0, x0, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d1c0:   f94033e1    ldr x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
        lflag = 0; ladjust = 0; sharpflag = 0; neg = 0;                                   
    4002d1c4:   52800019    mov w25, #0x0                       // #0                     <== NOT EXECUTED
            if (sharpflag && num != 0) {                                                  
    4002d1c8:   f90033e0    str x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d1cc:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         <== NOT EXECUTED
                num = (char)va_arg(ap, int);                                              
    4002d1d0:   3940002d    ldrb    w13, [x1]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
            if (sign && (intmax_t)num < 0) {                                              
    4002d1d4:   17fffdc1    b   4002c8d8 <_IO_Vprintf+0x228>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
            if (!ladjust && width > 0)                                                    
    4002d1d8:   12800000    mov w0, #0xffffffff             // #-1                        <== NOT EXECUTED
                for (n = 0; n < dwidth && p[n]; n++)                                      
    4002d1dc:   52800005    mov w5, #0x0                    // #0                         <== NOT EXECUTED
            if (!ladjust && width > 0)                                                    
    4002d1e0:   b90097e0    str w0, [sp, #148]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
                while (width--)                                                           
    4002d1e4:   51000516    sub w22, w8, #0x1                                             
    4002d1e8:   2a0803fa    mov w26, w8                                                   
    4002d1ec:   b9006be5    str w5, [sp, #104]                                            
    4002d1f0:   aa1b03e1    mov x1, x27                                                   
    4002d1f4:   2a1803e0    mov w0, w24                                                   
    4002d1f8:   d63f0260    blr x19                                                       
                while (width--)                                                           
    4002d1fc:   b9406be5    ldr w5, [sp, #104]                                            
    4002d200:   7100075a    subs    w26, w26, #0x1                                        
    4002d204:   54ffff41    b.ne    4002d1ec <_IO_Vprintf+0xb3c>  // b.any                
    4002d208:   11000783    add w3, w28, #0x1                                             
            while (n--)                                                                   
    4002d20c:   5280001a    mov w26, #0x0                       // #0                     
    4002d210:   0b16007c    add w28, w3, w22                                              
            while (n--)                                                                   
    4002d214:   12800008    mov w8, #0xffffffff             // #-1                        
    4002d218:   35ffca65    cbnz    w5, 4002cb64 <_IO_Vprintf+0x4b4>                      <== ALWAYS TAKEN
        while ((ch = (u_char)*fmt++) != '%' || stop) {                                    
    4002d21c:   394006e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #1]                                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d220:   2a1c03f9    mov w25, w28                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
            while (n--)                                                                   
    4002d224:   52800015    mov w21, #0x0                       // #0                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d228:   17fffd3c    b   4002c718 <_IO_Vprintf+0x68>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
                num = va_arg(ap, u_int);                                                  
    4002d22c:   37f80c01    tbnz    w1, #31, 4002d3ac <_IO_Vprintf+0xcfc>                 
    4002d230:   f94033e5    ldr x5, [sp, #96]                                             
    4002d234:   91002ca6    add x6, x5, #0xb                                              
    4002d238:   927df0c1    and x1, x6, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               
    4002d23c:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             
    4002d240:   b94000ad    ldr w13, [x5]                                                 
        lflag = 0; ladjust = 0; sharpflag = 0; neg = 0;                                   
    4002d244:   52800019    mov w25, #0x0                       // #0                     
    4002d248:   17fffda4    b   4002c8d8 <_IO_Vprintf+0x228>                              
            p = va_arg(ap, char *);                                                       
    4002d24c:   f9403fe1    ldr x1, [sp, #120]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d250:   8b20c020    add x0, x1, w0, sxtw                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d254:   17fffe67    b   4002cbf0 <_IO_Vprintf+0x540>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
                width = va_arg(ap, int);                                                  
    4002d258:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d25c:   11002004    add w4, w0, #0x8                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d260:   7100009f    cmp w4, #0x0                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d264:   54000c6d    b.le    4002d3f0 <_IO_Vprintf+0xd40>                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d268:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d26c:   b90093e4    str w4, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d270:   91002c05    add x5, x0, #0xb                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d274:   927df0a1    and x1, x5, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d278:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d27c:   17fffec5    b   4002cd90 <_IO_Vprintf+0x6e0>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
            num = (uintptr_t)va_arg(ap, void *);                                          
    4002d280:   f9403fe2    ldr x2, [sp, #120]                                            
    4002d284:   b94093e1    ldr w1, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d288:   b90093e0    str w0, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d28c:   8b21c045    add x5, x2, w1, sxtw                                          
    4002d290:   17fffe0f    b   4002cacc <_IO_Vprintf+0x41c>                              
                num = va_arg(ap, u_long);                                                 
    4002d294:   f9403fe2    ldr x2, [sp, #120]                                            
    4002d298:   b94093e1    ldr w1, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d29c:   b90093e6    str w6, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d2a0:   8b21c045    add x5, x2, w1, sxtw                                          
    4002d2a4:   f94000ad    ldr x13, [x5]                                                 
    4002d2a8:   17fffd8c    b   4002c8d8 <_IO_Vprintf+0x228>                              
                dwidth = va_arg(ap, int);                                                 
    4002d2ac:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d2b0:   11002000    add w0, w0, #0x8                                              
    4002d2b4:   7100001f    cmp w0, #0x0                                                  
    4002d2b8:   54000b0d    b.le    4002d418 <_IO_Vprintf+0xd68>                          <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    4002d2bc:   f94033e4    ldr x4, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d2c0:   b90093e0    str w0, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d2c4:   91002c85    add x5, x4, #0xb                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d2c8:   927df0a0    and x0, x5, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d2cc:   f90033e0    str x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d2d0:   17ffff36    b   4002cfa8 <_IO_Vprintf+0x8f8>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
                num = (u_short)va_arg(ap, int);                                           
    4002d2d4:   b94093e1    ldr w1, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d2d8:   11002026    add w6, w1, #0x8                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d2dc:   710000df    cmp w6, #0x0                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d2e0:   54000a6d    b.le    4002d42c <_IO_Vprintf+0xd7c>                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d2e4:   f94033e5    ldr x5, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d2e8:   b90093e6    str w6, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d2ec:   91002ca7    add x7, x5, #0xb                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d2f0:   927df0e1    and x1, x7, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d2f4:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d2f8:   17ffff01    b   4002cefc <_IO_Vprintf+0x84c>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
            p = va_arg(ap, char *);                                                       
    4002d2fc:   f9403fe1    ldr x1, [sp, #120]                                            
    4002d300:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d304:   b90093e4    str w4, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d308:   8b20c020    add x0, x1, w0, sxtw                                          
    4002d30c:   17fffdfc    b   4002cafc <_IO_Vprintf+0x44c>                              
                num = (short)va_arg(ap, int);                                             
    4002d310:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d314:   11002005    add w5, w0, #0x8                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d318:   710000bf    cmp w5, #0x0                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d31c:   5400074d    b.le    4002d404 <_IO_Vprintf+0xd54>                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d320:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d324:   b90093e5    str w5, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d328:   91002c06    add x6, x0, #0xb                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d32c:   927df0c1    and x1, x6, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d330:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d334:   17fffd63    b   4002c8c0 <_IO_Vprintf+0x210>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
                num = (u_char)va_arg(ap, int);                                            
    4002d338:   b94093e1    ldr w1, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d33c:   11002026    add w6, w1, #0x8                                              
    4002d340:   710000df    cmp w6, #0x0                                                  
    4002d344:   54000acd    b.le    4002d49c <_IO_Vprintf+0xdec>                          <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    4002d348:   f94033e5    ldr x5, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d34c:   b90093e6    str w6, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d350:   91002ca7    add x7, x5, #0xb                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d354:   927df0e1    and x1, x7, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d358:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d35c:   17ffff0b    b   4002cf88 <_IO_Vprintf+0x8d8>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
            PCHAR(va_arg(ap, int));                                                       
    4002d360:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d364:   11002004    add w4, w0, #0x8                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d368:   7100009f    cmp w4, #0x0                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d36c:   540007cd    b.le    4002d464 <_IO_Vprintf+0xdb4>                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d370:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d374:   b90093e4    str w4, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d378:   91002c05    add x5, x0, #0xb                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d37c:   927df0a1    and x1, x5, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d380:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d384:   17ffff62    b   4002d10c <_IO_Vprintf+0xa5c>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
                num = va_arg(ap, int);                                                    
    4002d388:   37f80780    tbnz    w0, #31, 4002d478 <_IO_Vprintf+0xdc8>                 <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    4002d38c:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d390:   91002c00    add x0, x0, #0xb                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d394:   927df000    and x0, x0, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d398:   f94033e1    ldr x1, [sp, #96]                                             
            if (sign && (intmax_t)num < 0) {                                              
    4002d39c:   f90033e0    str x0, [sp, #96]                                             
                num = va_arg(ap, int);                                                    
    4002d3a0:   b980002d    ldrsw   x13, [x1]                                             
            if (sign && (intmax_t)num < 0) {                                              
    4002d3a4:   aa0d03e0    mov x0, x13                                                   
    4002d3a8:   17fffd48    b   4002c8c8 <_IO_Vprintf+0x218>                              
                num = va_arg(ap, u_int);                                                  
    4002d3ac:   b94093e1    ldr w1, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d3b0:   11002026    add w6, w1, #0x8                                              
    4002d3b4:   710000df    cmp w6, #0x0                                                  
    4002d3b8:   540007cd    b.le    4002d4b0 <_IO_Vprintf+0xe00>                          <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    4002d3bc:   f94033e5    ldr x5, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d3c0:   b90093e6    str w6, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d3c4:   91002ca7    add x7, x5, #0xb                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d3c8:   927df0e1    and x1, x7, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d3cc:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d3d0:   17ffff9c    b   4002d240 <_IO_Vprintf+0xb90>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
            PCHAR(va_arg(ap, int));                                                       
    4002d3d4:   f9403fe1    ldr x1, [sp, #120]                                            
    4002d3d8:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d3dc:   b90093e4    str w4, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d3e0:   8b20c020    add x0, x1, w0, sxtw                                          
    4002d3e4:   17fffe41    b   4002cce8 <_IO_Vprintf+0x638>                              
            while (n--)                                                                   
    4002d3e8:   2a1c03f9    mov w25, w28                                                  
    4002d3ec:   17fffdeb    b   4002cb98 <_IO_Vprintf+0x4e8>                              
                width = va_arg(ap, int);                                                  
    4002d3f0:   f9403fe1    ldr x1, [sp, #120]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d3f4:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d3f8:   b90093e4    str w4, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d3fc:   8b20c020    add x0, x1, w0, sxtw                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d400:   17fffe64    b   4002cd90 <_IO_Vprintf+0x6e0>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
                num = (short)va_arg(ap, int);                                             
    4002d404:   f9403fe1    ldr x1, [sp, #120]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d408:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d40c:   b90093e5    str w5, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d410:   8b20c020    add x0, x1, w0, sxtw                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d414:   17fffd2b    b   4002c8c0 <_IO_Vprintf+0x210>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
                dwidth = va_arg(ap, int);                                                 
    4002d418:   f9403fe2    ldr x2, [sp, #120]                                            
    4002d41c:   b94093e1    ldr w1, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d420:   b90093e0    str w0, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d424:   8b21c044    add x4, x2, w1, sxtw                                          
    4002d428:   17fffee0    b   4002cfa8 <_IO_Vprintf+0x8f8>                              
                num = (u_short)va_arg(ap, int);                                           
    4002d42c:   f9403fe2    ldr x2, [sp, #120]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d430:   b94093e1    ldr w1, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d434:   b90093e6    str w6, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d438:   8b21c045    add x5, x2, w1, sxtw                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d43c:   17fffeb0    b   4002cefc <_IO_Vprintf+0x84c>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
                num = (char)va_arg(ap, int);                                              
    4002d440:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d444:   11002005    add w5, w0, #0x8                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d448:   710000bf    cmp w5, #0x0                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d44c:   540004ad    b.le    4002d4e0 <_IO_Vprintf+0xe30>                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d450:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d454:   b90093e5    str w5, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d458:   91002c00    add x0, x0, #0xb                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d45c:   927df000    and x0, x0, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d460:   17ffff58    b   4002d1c0 <_IO_Vprintf+0xb10>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
            PCHAR(va_arg(ap, int));                                                       
    4002d464:   f9403fe1    ldr x1, [sp, #120]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d468:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d46c:   b90093e4    str w4, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d470:   8b20c020    add x0, x1, w0, sxtw                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d474:   17ffff26    b   4002d10c <_IO_Vprintf+0xa5c>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
                num = va_arg(ap, int);                                                    
    4002d478:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d47c:   11002005    add w5, w0, #0x8                                              
    4002d480:   710000bf    cmp w5, #0x0                                                  
    4002d484:   5400020d    b.le    4002d4c4 <_IO_Vprintf+0xe14>                          <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    4002d488:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d48c:   b90093e5    str w5, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d490:   91002c00    add x0, x0, #0xb                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d494:   927df000    and x0, x0, #0xfffffffffffffff8                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d498:   17ffffc0    b   4002d398 <_IO_Vprintf+0xce8>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
                num = (u_char)va_arg(ap, int);                                            
    4002d49c:   f9403fe2    ldr x2, [sp, #120]                                            
    4002d4a0:   b94093e1    ldr w1, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d4a4:   b90093e6    str w6, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d4a8:   8b21c045    add x5, x2, w1, sxtw                                          
    4002d4ac:   17fffeb7    b   4002cf88 <_IO_Vprintf+0x8d8>                              
                num = va_arg(ap, u_int);                                                  
    4002d4b0:   f9403fe2    ldr x2, [sp, #120]                                            
    4002d4b4:   b94093e1    ldr w1, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d4b8:   b90093e6    str w6, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d4bc:   8b21c045    add x5, x2, w1, sxtw                                          
    4002d4c0:   17ffff60    b   4002d240 <_IO_Vprintf+0xb90>                              
                num = va_arg(ap, int);                                                    
    4002d4c4:   f9403fe1    ldr x1, [sp, #120]                                            
    4002d4c8:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d4cc:   b90093e5    str w5, [sp, #144]                                            
    4002d4d0:   8b20c026    add x6, x1, w0, sxtw                                          
    4002d4d4:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             
    4002d4d8:   f90033e6    str x6, [sp, #96]                                             
    4002d4dc:   17ffffaf    b   4002d398 <_IO_Vprintf+0xce8>                              
                num = (char)va_arg(ap, int);                                              
    4002d4e0:   f9403fe1    ldr x1, [sp, #120]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d4e4:   b94093e0    ldr w0, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d4e8:   b90093e5    str w5, [sp, #144]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d4ec:   8b20c026    add x6, x1, w0, sxtw                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d4f0:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d4f4:   f90033e6    str x6, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d4f8:   17ffff32    b   4002d1c0 <_IO_Vprintf+0xb10>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
            up = va_arg(ap, u_char *);                                                    
    4002d4fc:   b90093ff    str wzr, [sp, #144]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
            p = va_arg(ap, char *);                                                       
    4002d500:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d504:   17fffdb8    b   4002cbe4 <_IO_Vprintf+0x534>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d508:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
        lflag = 0; ladjust = 0; sharpflag = 0; neg = 0;                                   
    4002d50c:   52800019    mov w25, #0x0                       // #0                     
    4002d510:   17fffcf2    b   4002c8d8 <_IO_Vprintf+0x228>                              
reswitch:   switch (ch = (u_char)*fmt++) {                                                
    4002d514:   aa1403f7    mov x23, x20                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
                    n = n * 10 + ch - '0';                                                
    4002d518:   5280000a    mov w10, #0x0                       // #0                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d51c:   17fffc98    b   4002c77c <_IO_Vprintf+0xcc>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
            if (!ladjust && width > 0)                                                    
    4002d520:   7100011f    cmp w8, #0x0                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d524:   1a9fd7e0    cset    w0, gt                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d528:   710002df    cmp w22, #0x0                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d52c:   7a401804    ccmp    w0, #0x0, #0x4, ne  // ne = any                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d530:   54ffe541    b.ne    4002d1d8 <_IO_Vprintf+0xb28>  // b.any                <== NOT EXECUTED
            if (ladjust && width > 0)                                                     
    4002d534:   b9408be1    ldr w1, [sp, #136]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d538:   2a1c03f9    mov w25, w28                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d53c:   0a000020    and w0, w1, w0                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d540:   2a0003fa    mov w26, w0                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d544:   17fffd95    b   4002cb98 <_IO_Vprintf+0x4e8>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
            if (!ladjust && width > 0)                                                    
    4002d548:   b90097e5    str w5, [sp, #148]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d54c:   2a0703e5    mov w5, w7                                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d550:   17ffff25    b   4002d1e4 <_IO_Vprintf+0xb34>                              <== NOT EXECUTED

000000004002e390 <_Memory_Allocate>: { Memory_Area *area; const Memory_Area *end; uintptr_t alignment_mask; area = &information->areas[ 0 ];
    4002e390:   a9400c06    ldp x6, x3, [x0]                                              
  end = &information->areas[ information->count ];                                        
    4002e394:   d2800304    mov x4, #0x18                   // #24                        
  alignment_mask = alignment - 1;                                                         
    4002e398:   d1000447    sub x7, x2, #0x1                                              
  end = &information->areas[ information->count ];                                        
    4002e39c:   9b040cc6    madd    x6, x6, x4, x3                                        
  while ( area != end ) {                                                                 
    4002e3a0:   eb06007f    cmp x3, x6                                                    
    4002e3a4:   54000200    b.eq    4002e3e4 <_Memory_Allocate+0x54>  // b.none           <== NEVER TAKEN
    4002e3a8:   cb0203e5    neg x5, x2                                                    
    4002e3ac:   14000004    b   4002e3bc <_Memory_Allocate+0x2c>                          
      area->free = (void *) alloc_end;                                                    
      return (void *) alloc_begin;                                                        
    4002e3b0:   91006063    add x3, x3, #0x18                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  while ( area != end ) {                                                                 
    4002e3b4:   eb0300df    cmp x6, x3                                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002e3b8:   54000160    b.eq    4002e3e4 <_Memory_Allocate+0x54>  // b.none           <== NOT EXECUTED
    alloc_begin = (uintptr_t) area->free;                                                 
    4002e3bc:   f9400460    ldr x0, [x3, #8]                                              
    alloc_begin += alignment_mask;                                                        
    4002e3c0:   8b0000e0    add x0, x7, x0                                                
    alloc_begin &= ~alignment_mask;                                                       
    4002e3c4:   8a050000    and x0, x0, x5                                                
    alloc_end = alloc_begin + size;                                                       
    4002e3c8:   ab010002    adds    x2, x0, x1                                            
    4002e3cc:   54ffff22    b.cs    4002e3b0 <_Memory_Allocate+0x20>  // b.hs, b.nlast    <== NEVER TAKEN
    if ( alloc_begin <= alloc_end && alloc_end <= (uintptr_t) area->end ) {               
    4002e3d0:   f9400864    ldr x4, [x3, #16]                                             
    4002e3d4:   eb02009f    cmp x4, x2                                                    
    4002e3d8:   54fffec3    b.cc    4002e3b0 <_Memory_Allocate+0x20>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last<== NEVER TAKEN
      area->free = (void *) alloc_end;                                                    
    4002e3dc:   f9000462    str x2, [x3, #8]                                              
  return NULL;                                                                            
    4002e3e0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  return NULL;                                                                            
    4002e3e4:   d2800000    mov x0, #0x0                    // #0                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002e3e8:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002e3ec:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

0000000040024470 <_Memory_Fill>: #include <rtems/score/memory.h> #include <string.h> void _Memory_Fill( const Memory_Information *information, int c ) {
    40024470:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
  Memory_Area       *area;                                                                
  const Memory_Area *end;                                                                 
  area = &information->areas[ 0 ];                                                        
  end = &information->areas[ information->count ];                                        
    40024474:   d2800302    mov x2, #0x18                   // #24                        
    40024478:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    4002447c:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
  area = &information->areas[ 0 ];                                                        
    40024480:   a9404c14    ldp x20, x19, [x0]                                            
  end = &information->areas[ information->count ];                                        
    40024484:   9b024e94    madd    x20, x20, x2, x19                                     
  while ( area != end ) {                                                                 
    40024488:   eb14027f    cmp x19, x20                                                  
    4002448c:   54000160    b.eq    400244b8 <_Memory_Fill+0x48>  // b.none               <== NEVER TAKEN
    40024490:   f90013f5    str x21, [sp, #32]                                            
    40024494:   2a0103f5    mov w21, w1                                                   
 * @return The free memory area size in bytes of the memory area.                         
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE uintptr_t _Memory_Get_free_size( const Memory_Area *area )           
  return (uintptr_t) area->end - (uintptr_t) area->free;                                  
    40024498:   a9408a60    ldp x0, x2, [x19, #8]                                         
    memset( _Memory_Get_free_begin( area ), c, _Memory_Get_free_size( area ) );           
    4002449c:   2a1503e1    mov w1, w21                                                   
    400244a0:   91006273    add x19, x19, #0x18                                           
    memset( _Memory_Get_free_begin( area ), c, _Memory_Get_free_size( area ) );           
    400244a4:   cb000042    sub x2, x2, x0                                                
    400244a8:   94002413    bl  4002d4f4 <memset>                                         
  while ( area != end ) {                                                                 
    400244ac:   eb13029f    cmp x20, x19                                                  
    400244b0:   54ffff41    b.ne    40024498 <_Memory_Fill+0x28>  // b.any                <== NEVER TAKEN
    400244b4:   f94013f5    ldr x21, [sp, #32]                                            
    400244b8:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400244bc:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    400244c0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040028ee0 <_Objects_Extend_information>: #include <string.h> /* for memcpy() */ Objects_Maximum _Objects_Extend_information( Objects_Information *information ) {
    40028ee0:   a9b97bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-112]!                                    
    40028ee4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
  do_extend     = true;                                                                   
  index_base    = extend_count;                                                           
  block         = 1;                                                                      
  if ( information->object_blocks == NULL ) {                                             
    40028ee8:   f9402402    ldr x2, [x0, #72]                                             
    40028eec:   a90363f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Objects_Maximum _Objects_Extend_size(                                
  const Objects_Information *information                                                  
  return information->objects_per_block;                                                  
    40028ef0:   79404417    ldrh    w23, [x0, #34]                                        
    40028ef4:   a9046bf9    stp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Objects_Maximum _Objects_Get_maximum_index(                          
  const Objects_Information *information                                                  
  return _Objects_Get_index( information->maximum_id );                                   
    40028ef8:   b9400019    ldr w25, [x0]                                                 
    40028efc:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40028f00:   0b1702f3    add w19, w23, w23                                             
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Objects_Maximum _Objects_Get_index(                                  
  Objects_Id id                                                                           
    (Objects_Maximum)((id >> OBJECTS_INDEX_START_BIT) &                                   
    40028f04:   12003f23    and w3, w25, #0xffff                                          
    40028f08:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
  new_maximum = (uint32_t) old_maximum + extend_count;                                    
    40028f0c:   0b3922fa    add w26, w23, w25, uxth                                       
    40028f10:   aa0003f6    mov x22, x0                                                   
    40028f14:   a90573fb    stp x27, x28, [sp, #80]                                       
  if ( information->object_blocks == NULL ) {                                             
    40028f18:   b40009a2    cbz x2, 4002904c <_Objects_Extend_information+0x16c>          
    block_count = 1;                                                                      
  } else {                                                                                
    block_count = old_maximum / extend_count;                                             
    40028f1c:   1ad70878    udiv    w24, w3, w23                                          
    for ( ; block < block_count; block++ ) {                                              
    40028f20:   7100071f    cmp w24, #0x1                                                 
    40028f24:   54001129    b.ls    40029148 <_Objects_Extend_information+0x268>  // b.plast<== NEVER TAKEN
  index_base    = extend_count;                                                           
    40028f28:   2a1703f3    mov w19, w23                                                  
    for ( ; block < block_count; block++ ) {                                              
    40028f2c:   d2800021    mov x1, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40028f30:   14000005    b   40028f44 <_Objects_Extend_information+0x64>               
    40028f34:   1100043c    add w28, w1, #0x1                                             
    40028f38:   91000421    add x1, x1, #0x1                                              
    40028f3c:   6b01031f    cmp w24, w1                                                   
    40028f40:   540007e9    b.ls    4002903c <_Objects_Extend_information+0x15c>  // b.plast
      if ( information->object_blocks[ block ] == NULL ) {                                
    40028f44:   f8617840    ldr x0, [x2, x1, lsl #3]                                      
    40028f48:   2a1303f5    mov w21, w19                                                  
    40028f4c:   2a0103fc    mov w28, w1                                                   
        do_extend = false;                                                                
      } else                                                                              
        index_base += extend_count;                                                       
    40028f50:   0b170273    add w19, w19, w23                                             
      if ( information->object_blocks[ block ] == NULL ) {                                
    40028f54:   b5ffff00    cbnz    x0, 40028f34 <_Objects_Extend_information+0x54>       
        do_extend = false;                                                                
    40028f58:   5280001b    mov w27, #0x0                       // #0                     
   *  We need to limit the number of objects to the maximum number                        
   *  representable in the index portion of the object Id.  In the                        
   *  case of 16-bit Ids, this is only 256 object instances.                              
  if ( new_maximum > OBJECTS_ID_FINAL_INDEX ) {                                           
    40028f5c:   529fffe0    mov w0, #0xffff                 // #65535                     
    40028f60:   6b00035f    cmp w26, w0                                                   
    40028f64:   540005c8    b.hi    4002901c <_Objects_Extend_information+0x13c>  // b.pmore
   * Allocate the name table, and the objects and if it fails either return or            
   * generate a fatal error depending on auto-extending being active.                     
  object_block_size = extend_count * information->object_size;                            
    40028f68:   79404ac0    ldrh    w0, [x22, #36]                                        
    40028f6c:   b90063e3    str w3, [sp, #96]                                             
    40028f70:   1b177c00    mul w0, w0, w23                                               
  new_object_block = _Workspace_Allocate( object_block_size );                            
    40028f74:   93407c00    sxtw    x0, w0                                                
    40028f78:   94000b5e    bl  4002bcf0 <_Workspace_Allocate>                            
    40028f7c:   aa0003f4    mov x20, x0                                                   
  if ( new_object_block == NULL ) {                                                       
    40028f80:   b40004e0    cbz x0, 4002901c <_Objects_Extend_information+0x13c>          <== NEVER TAKEN
   *  Do we need to grow the tables?                                                      
  if ( do_extend ) {                                                                      
    40028f84:   b94063e3    ldr w3, [sp, #96]                                             
  api_class_and_node = information->maximum_id & ~OBJECTS_INDEX_MASK;                     
    40028f88:   12103f39    and w25, w25, #0xffff0000                                     
  if ( do_extend ) {                                                                      
    40028f8c:   350006bb    cbnz    w27, 40029060 <_Objects_Extend_information+0x180>     
   *  Assign the new object block to the object block table.                              
  information->object_blocks[ block ] = new_object_block;                                 
    40028f90:   a9440ec1    ldp x1, x3, [x22, #64]                                        
    40028f94:   2a1c03e0    mov w0, w28                                                   
  information->inactive_per_block[ block ] = information->objects_per_block;              
    40028f98:   794046c2    ldrh    w2, [x22, #34]                                        
   *  Append to inactive chain.                                                           
  the_object = new_object_block;                                                          
  for ( index = index_base ; index < index_end ; ++index ) {                              
    40028f9c:   6b1302bf    cmp w21, w19                                                  
  information->object_blocks[ block ] = new_object_block;                                 
    40028fa0:   f8207874    str x20, [x3, x0, lsl #3]                                     
  information->inactive_per_block[ block ] = information->objects_per_block;              
    40028fa4:   78207822    strh    w2, [x1, x0, lsl #1]                                  
  information->inactive += information->objects_per_block;                                
    40028fa8:   794042c0    ldrh    w0, [x22, #32]                                        
    40028fac:   794046c1    ldrh    w1, [x22, #34]                                        
    40028fb0:   0b010000    add w0, w0, w1                                                
    40028fb4:   790042c0    strh    w0, [x22, #32]                                        
  for ( index = index_base ; index < index_end ; ++index ) {                              
    40028fb8:   540001e2    b.cs    40028ff4 <_Objects_Extend_information+0x114>  // b.hs, b.nlast<== NEVER TAKEN
      | ( ( index + OBJECTS_INDEX_MINIMUM ) << OBJECTS_INDEX_START_BIT );                 
    _Chain_Initialize_node( &the_object->Node );                                          
    _Chain_Append_unprotected( &information->Inactive, &the_object->Node );               
    the_object = _Addresses_Add_offset( the_object, information->object_size );           
    40028fbc:   79404ac3    ldrh    w3, [x22, #36]                                        
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
    40028fc0:   9100c2c0    add x0, x22, #0x30                                            
    40028fc4:   d503201f    nop                                                           
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
    40028fc8:   f9400401    ldr x1, [x0, #8]                                              
      | ( ( index + OBJECTS_INDEX_MINIMUM ) << OBJECTS_INDEX_START_BIT );                 
    40028fcc:   110006b5    add w21, w21, #0x1                                            
    40028fd0:   2a1902a2    orr w2, w21, w25                                              
  the_node->next = tail;                                                                  
    40028fd4:   f9000280    str x0, [x20]                                                 
    the_object->id = api_class_and_node                                                   
    40028fd8:   b9001282    str w2, [x20, #16]                                            
  for ( index = index_base ; index < index_end ; ++index ) {                              
    40028fdc:   6b1302bf    cmp w21, w19                                                  
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
    40028fe0:   f9000414    str x20, [x0, #8]                                             
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
    40028fe4:   f9000034    str x20, [x1]                                                 
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
    40028fe8:   f9000681    str x1, [x20, #8]                                             
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void *_Addresses_Add_offset (                                        
  const void *base,                                                                       
  uintptr_t   offset                                                                      
  return (void *)((uintptr_t)base + offset);                                              
    40028fec:   8b030294    add x20, x20, x3                                              
    40028ff0:   54fffec1    b.ne    40028fc8 <_Objects_Extend_information+0xe8>  // b.any 
  return block;                                                                           
    40028ff4:   12003f80    and w0, w28, #0xffff                                          
    40028ff8:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40028ffc:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40029000:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    40029004:   a9446bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    40029008:   a94573fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #80]                                       
    4002900c:   a8c77bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #112                                      
    40029010:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
      _Workspace_Free( new_object_block );                                                
    40029014:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029018:   94000b3e    bl  4002bd10 <_Workspace_Free>                                <== NOT EXECUTED
      return 0;                                                                           
    4002901c:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40029020:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40029024:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40029028:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    4002902c:   a9446bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    40029030:   a94573fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #80]                                       
    40029034:   a8c77bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #112                                      
    40029038:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
        index_base += extend_count;                                                       
    4002903c:   2a1303f5    mov w21, w19                                                  
  do_extend     = true;                                                                   
    40029040:   5280003b    mov w27, #0x1                       // #1                     
  index_end = index_base + extend_count;                                                  
    40029044:   0b1302f3    add w19, w23, w19                                             
    40029048:   17ffffc5    b   40028f5c <_Objects_Extend_information+0x7c>               
  do_extend     = true;                                                                   
    4002904c:   5280003b    mov w27, #0x1                       // #1                     
  index_base    = extend_count;                                                           
    40029050:   2a1703f5    mov w21, w23                                                  
  block         = 1;                                                                      
    40029054:   2a1b03fc    mov w28, w27                                                  
    block_count = 1;                                                                      
    40029058:   2a1b03f8    mov w24, w27                                                  
    4002905c:   17ffffc0    b   40028f5c <_Objects_Extend_information+0x7c>               
    local_table_size =  new_maximum * sizeof( *local_table );                             
    40029060:   d37d4341    ubfiz   x1, x26, #3, #17                                      
    40029064:   11000700    add w0, w24, #0x1                                             
    table_size = object_blocks_size                                                       
    40029068:   52800142    mov w2, #0xa                    // #10                        
    object_blocks = _Workspace_Allocate( table_size );                                    
    4002906c:   f90033e1    str x1, [sp, #96]                                             
    object_blocks_size = block_count * sizeof( *object_blocks );                          
    40029070:   d37d401b    ubfiz   x27, x0, #3, #17                                      
    object_blocks = _Workspace_Allocate( table_size );                                    
    40029074:   b9006fe3    str w3, [sp, #108]                                            
    40029078:   9ba20400    umaddl  x0, w0, w2, x1                                        
    4002907c:   94000b1d    bl  4002bcf0 <_Workspace_Allocate>                            
    40029080:   aa0003e4    mov x4, x0                                                    
    if ( object_blocks == NULL ) {                                                        
    40029084:   b9406fe3    ldr w3, [sp, #108]                                            
    40029088:   f94033e1    ldr x1, [sp, #96]                                             
    4002908c:   b4fffc40    cbz x0, 40029014 <_Objects_Extend_information+0x134>          <== NEVER TAKEN
    40029090:   8b1b001b    add x27, x0, x27                                              
    if ( old_maximum > extend_count ) {                                                   
    40029094:   6b0302ff    cmp w23, w3                                                   
    40029098:   8b1b0037    add x23, x1, x27                                              
    4002909c:   540003e3    b.cc    40029118 <_Objects_Extend_information+0x238>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last
      object_blocks[ 0 ] = NULL;                                                          
    400290a0:   f900001f    str xzr, [x0]                                                 
      inactive_per_block[ 0 ] = 0;                                                        
    400290a4:   783b683f    strh    wzr, [x1, x27]                                        
    400290a8:   f94006c1    ldr x1, [x22, #8]                                             
    400290ac:   d37d3c62    ubfiz   x2, x3, #3, #16                                       
    400290b0:   aa1b03e0    mov x0, x27                                                   
    400290b4:   f90033e4    str x4, [sp, #96]                                             
    400290b8:   940048da    bl  4003b420 <memcpy>                                         
    for ( index = index_base ; index < index_end ; ++index ) {                            
    400290bc:   6b1302bf    cmp w21, w19                                                  
    400290c0:   f94033e4    ldr x4, [sp, #96]                                             
    400290c4:   54000142    b.cs    400290ec <_Objects_Extend_information+0x20c>  // b.hs, b.nlast<== NEVER TAKEN
      local_table[ index ] = NULL;                                                        
    400290c8:   51000662    sub w2, w19, #0x1                                             
    400290cc:   8b354f60    add x0, x27, w21, uxtw #3                                     
    400290d0:   4b150042    sub w2, w2, w21                                               
    400290d4:   52800001    mov w1, #0x0                    // #0                         
    400290d8:   91000442    add x2, x2, #0x1                                              
    400290dc:   f90033e4    str x4, [sp, #96]                                             
    400290e0:   d37df042    lsl x2, x2, #3                                                
    400290e4:   940048ea    bl  4003b48c <memset>                                         
    400290e8:   f94033e4    ldr x4, [sp, #96]                                             
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    400290ec:   d53b4221    mrs x1, daif                                                  
    400290f0:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
      | (new_maximum << OBJECTS_INDEX_START_BIT);                                         
    400290f4:   2a19035a    orr w26, w26, w25                                             
    information->maximum_id = api_class_and_node                                          
    400290f8:   b90002da    str w26, [x22]                                                
    information->local_table = local_table;                                               
    400290fc:   f90006db    str x27, [x22, #8]                                            
    old_tables = information->object_blocks;                                              
    40029100:   f94026c0    ldr x0, [x22, #72]                                            
    information->object_blocks = object_blocks;                                           
    40029104:   a90412d7    stp x23, x4, [x22, #64]                                       
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40029108:   92407c21    and x1, x1, #0xffffffff                                       
    4002910c:   d51b4221    msr daif, x1                                                  
    _Workspace_Free( old_tables );                                                        
    40029110:   94000b00    bl  4002bd10 <_Workspace_Free>                                
    40029114:   17ffff9f    b   40028f90 <_Objects_Extend_information+0xb0>               
    40029118:   f94026c1    ldr x1, [x22, #72]                                            
    4002911c:   d37d3f02    ubfiz   x2, x24, #3, #16                                      
    40029120:   f90033e0    str x0, [sp, #96]                                             
    40029124:   b9006fe3    str w3, [sp, #108]                                            
    40029128:   940048be    bl  4003b420 <memcpy>                                         
    4002912c:   f94022c1    ldr x1, [x22, #64]                                            
    40029130:   d37ffb02    lsl x2, x24, #1                                               
    40029134:   aa1703e0    mov x0, x23                                                   
    40029138:   940048ba    bl  4003b420 <memcpy>                                         
    4002913c:   b9406fe3    ldr w3, [sp, #108]                                            
    40029140:   f94033e4    ldr x4, [sp, #96]                                             
    40029144:   17ffffd9    b   400290a8 <_Objects_Extend_information+0x1c8>              
  do_extend     = true;                                                                   
    40029148:   5280003b    mov w27, #0x1                       // #1                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  index_base    = extend_count;                                                           
    4002914c:   2a1703f5    mov w21, w23                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  block         = 1;                                                                      
    40029150:   2a1b03fc    mov w28, w27                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029154:   17ffff82    b   40028f5c <_Objects_Extend_information+0x7c>               <== NOT EXECUTED

00000000400291f0 <_Objects_Free_objects_block>: void _Objects_Free_objects_block( Objects_Information *information, Objects_Maximum block ) {
    400291f0:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    400291f4:   12003c21    and w1, w1, #0xffff                                           
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
    400291f8:   9100c004    add x4, x0, #0x30                                             
    400291fc:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    40029200:   f9401402    ldr x2, [x0, #40]                                             
    40029204:   f90013f5    str x21, [sp, #32]                                            
  Objects_Maximum   index_base;                                                           
  Objects_Maximum   index_end;                                                            
  Chain_Node       *node;                                                                 
  const Chain_Node *tail;                                                                 
  objects_per_block = information->objects_per_block;                                     
    40029208:   79404415    ldrh    w21, [x0, #34]                                        
    4002920c:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
  index_base = block * objects_per_block;                                                 
  index_end = index_base + objects_per_block;                                             
  node = _Chain_First( &information->Inactive );                                          
  tail = _Chain_Immutable_tail( &information->Inactive );                                 
  while ( node != tail ) {                                                                
    40029210:   eb04005f    cmp x2, x4                                                    
    40029214:   aa0003f3    mov x19, x0                                                   
  index_base = block * objects_per_block;                                                 
    40029218:   1b017ea5    mul w5, w21, w1                                               
    4002921c:   12003ca6    and w6, w5, #0xffff                                           
  index_end = index_base + objects_per_block;                                             
    40029220:   0b2522a5    add w5, w21, w5, uxth                                         
  while ( node != tail ) {                                                                
    40029224:   54000200    b.eq    40029264 <_Objects_Free_objects_block+0x74>  // b.none<== NEVER TAKEN
    40029228:   12003ca5    and w5, w5, #0xffff                                           
    4002922c:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    Objects_Control *object;                                                              
    uint32_t         index;                                                               
    object = (Objects_Control *) node;                                                    
    index = _Objects_Get_index( object->id ) - OBJECTS_INDEX_MINIMUM;                     
    40029230:   79402043    ldrh    w3, [x2, #16]                                         
    40029234:   aa0203e0    mov x0, x2                                                    
  return the_node->next;                                                                  
    40029238:   f9400042    ldr x2, [x2]                                                  
    4002923c:   51000463    sub w3, w3, #0x1                                              
     *  Get the next node before the node is extracted                                    
    node = _Chain_Next( node );                                                           
    if ( index >= index_base && index < index_end ) {                                     
    40029240:   6b06007f    cmp w3, w6                                                    
    40029244:   540000c3    b.cc    4002925c <_Objects_Free_objects_block+0x6c>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last
    40029248:   6b0300bf    cmp w5, w3                                                    
    4002924c:   54000089    b.ls    4002925c <_Objects_Free_objects_block+0x6c>  // b.plast
  previous       = the_node->previous;                                                    
    40029250:   f9400400    ldr x0, [x0, #8]                                              
  next->previous = previous;                                                              
    40029254:   f9000440    str x0, [x2, #8]                                              
  previous->next = next;                                                                  
    40029258:   f9000002    str x2, [x0]                                                  
  while ( node != tail ) {                                                                
    4002925c:   eb04005f    cmp x2, x4                                                    
    40029260:   54fffe81    b.ne    40029230 <_Objects_Free_objects_block+0x40>  // b.any 
   *  Free the memory and reset the structures in the object' information                 
  _Workspace_Free( information->object_blocks[ block ] );                                 
    40029264:   f9402660    ldr x0, [x19, #72]                                            
    40029268:   2a0103f4    mov w20, w1                                                   
    4002926c:   f8747800    ldr x0, [x0, x20, lsl #3]                                     
    40029270:   94000aa8    bl  4002bd10 <_Workspace_Free>                                
  information->object_blocks[ block ] = NULL;                                             
    40029274:   a9440660    ldp x0, x1, [x19, #64]                                        
    40029278:   f834783f    str xzr, [x1, x20, lsl #3]                                    
  information->inactive_per_block[ block ] = 0;                                           
    4002927c:   7834781f    strh    wzr, [x0, x20, lsl #1]                                
  information->inactive -= objects_per_block;                                             
    40029280:   79404260    ldrh    w0, [x19, #32]                                        
    40029284:   4b150015    sub w21, w0, w21                                              
    40029288:   79004275    strh    w21, [x19, #32]                                       
    4002928c:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40029290:   f94013f5    ldr x21, [sp, #32]                                            
    40029294:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    40029298:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    4002929c:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

0000000040029160 <_Objects_Free_unlimited>: old_last = tail->previous;
    40029160:   f9401c05    ldr x5, [x0, #56]                                             
    40029164:   9100c003    add x3, x0, #0x30                                             
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Objects_Maximum _Objects_Is_auto_extend(                             
  const Objects_Information *information                                                  
  return information->objects_per_block != 0;                                             
    40029168:   79404404    ldrh    w4, [x0, #34]                                         
  the_node->next = tail;                                                                  
    4002916c:   f9000023    str x3, [x1]                                                  
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
    40029170:   f9001c01    str x1, [x0, #56]                                             
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
    40029174:   f90000a1    str x1, [x5]                                                  
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
    40029178:   f9000425    str x5, [x1, #8]                                              
  Objects_Control     *the_object                                                         
  _Chain_Append_unprotected( &information->Inactive, &the_object->Node );                 
  if ( _Objects_Is_auto_extend( information ) ) {                                         
    4002917c:   34000264    cbz w4, 400291c8 <_Objects_Free_unlimited+0x68>               <== NEVER TAKEN
    40029180:   b9401021    ldr w1, [x1, #16]                                             
    Objects_Maximum objects_per_block;                                                    
    Objects_Maximum block;                                                                
    Objects_Maximum inactive;                                                             
    objects_per_block = information->objects_per_block;                                   
    block = _Objects_Get_index( the_object->id ) - OBJECTS_INDEX_MINIMUM;                 
    40029184:   51000421    sub w1, w1, #0x1                                              
    40029188:   12003c23    and w3, w1, #0xffff                                           
    if ( block > objects_per_block ) {                                                    
    4002918c:   6b21209f    cmp w4, w1, uxth                                              
    40029190:   540001c2    b.cs    400291c8 <_Objects_Free_unlimited+0x68>  // b.hs, b.nlast
      block /= objects_per_block;                                                         
      ++information->inactive_per_block[ block ];                                         
    40029194:   1ac40861    udiv    w1, w3, w4                                            
       *  Check if the threshold level has been met of                                    
       *  1.5 x objects_per_block are free.                                               
      if ( inactive > ( objects_per_block + ( objects_per_block >> 1 ) ) ) {              
    40029198:   0b440484    add w4, w4, w4, lsr #1                                        
      ++information->inactive_per_block[ block ];                                         
    4002919c:   f9402005    ldr x5, [x0, #64]                                             
    400291a0:   d37f3c21    ubfiz   x1, x1, #1, #16                                       
    400291a4:   786168a3    ldrh    w3, [x5, x1]                                          
    400291a8:   11000463    add w3, w3, #0x1                                              
    400291ac:   782168a3    strh    w3, [x5, x1]                                          
      inactive = information->inactive;                                                   
    400291b0:   79404001    ldrh    w1, [x0, #32]                                         
    400291b4:   11000421    add w1, w1, #0x1                                              
    400291b8:   12003c21    and w1, w1, #0xffff                                           
      information->inactive = inactive;                                                   
    400291bc:   79004001    strh    w1, [x0, #32]                                         
      if ( inactive > ( objects_per_block + ( objects_per_block >> 1 ) ) ) {              
    400291c0:   6b04003f    cmp w1, w4                                                    
    400291c4:   5400004c    b.gt    400291cc <_Objects_Free_unlimited+0x6c>               
        _Objects_Shrink_information( information );                                       
    400291c8:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
        _Objects_Shrink_information( information );                                       
    400291cc:   14000035    b   400292a0 <_Objects_Shrink_information>                    

000000004002aef0 <_Objects_Get_information>: Objects_Information *_Objects_Get_information( Objects_APIs the_api, uint16_t the_class ) {
    4002aef0:   a9be7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-32]!                                     
    4002aef4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    4002aef8:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
  Objects_Information *info;                                                              
  int the_class_api_maximum;                                                              
  if ( !the_class )                                                                       
    4002aefc:   72003c34    ands    w20, w1, #0xffff                                      
    4002af00:   54000200    b.eq    4002af40 <_Objects_Get_information+0x50>  // b.none   
   *  This call implicitly validates the_api so we do not call                            
   *  _Objects_Is_api_valid above here.                                                   
  the_class_api_maximum = _Objects_API_maximum_class( the_api );                          
    4002af04:   2a0003f3    mov w19, w0                                                   
    4002af08:   9400019e    bl  4002b580 <_Objects_API_maximum_class>                     
  if ( the_class_api_maximum == 0 )                                                       
    4002af0c:   340001a0    cbz w0, 4002af40 <_Objects_Get_information+0x50>              
    return NULL;                                                                          
  if ( the_class > (uint32_t) the_class_api_maximum )                                     
    4002af10:   6b14001f    cmp w0, w20                                                   
    4002af14:   54000163    b.cc    4002af40 <_Objects_Get_information+0x50>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last
    return NULL;                                                                          
  if ( !_Objects_Information_table[ the_api ] )                                           
    4002af18:   d0000080    adrp    x0, 4003c000 <_Scheduler_Table+0x48>                  
    4002af1c:   913be000    add x0, x0, #0xef8                                            
    4002af20:   f8735800    ldr x0, [x0, w19, uxtw #3]                                    
    4002af24:   b40000e0    cbz x0, 4002af40 <_Objects_Get_information+0x50>              <== NEVER TAKEN
    return NULL;                                                                          
  info = _Objects_Information_table[ the_api ][ the_class ];                              
    4002af28:   2a1403f4    mov w20, w20                                                  
    4002af2c:   f8747800    ldr x0, [x0, x20, lsl #3]                                     
  if ( !info )                                                                            
    4002af30:   b4000080    cbz x0, 4002af40 <_Objects_Get_information+0x50>              
   *  In a multprocessing configuration, we may access remote objects.                    
   *  Thus we may have 0 local instances and still have a valid object                    
   *  pointer.                                                                            
  #if !defined(RTEMS_MULTIPROCESSING)                                                     
    if ( _Objects_Get_maximum_index( info ) == 0 )                                        
    4002af34:   79400001    ldrh    w1, [x0]                                              
    4002af38:   35000061    cbnz    w1, 4002af44 <_Objects_Get_information+0x54>          
    4002af3c:   d503201f    nop                                                           
      return NULL;                                                                        
    4002af40:   d2800000    mov x0, #0x0                    // #0                         
  return info;                                                                            
    4002af44:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002af48:   a8c27bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #32                                       
    4002af4c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040029110 <_Objects_Get_name_as_string>: Objects_Id tmpId; if ( length == 0 ) return NULL; if ( name == NULL )
    40029110:   f100003f    cmp x1, #0x0                                                  
    40029114:   fa401844    ccmp    x2, #0x0, #0x4, ne  // ne = any                       
    40029118:   54000580    b.eq    400291c8 <_Objects_Get_name_as_string+0xb8>  // b.none
    4002911c:   a9bc7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-64]!                                     
    40029120:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40029124:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40029128:   aa0203f3    mov x19, x2                                                   
    4002912c:   2a0003f4    mov w20, w0                                                   
    40029130:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40029134:   aa0103f5    mov x21, x1                                                   
    return NULL;                                                                          
  tmpId = (id == OBJECTS_ID_OF_SELF) ? _Thread_Get_executing()->Object.id : id;           
    40029138:   34000300    cbz w0, 40029198 <_Objects_Get_name_as_string+0x88>           
  information = _Objects_Get_information_id( tmpId );                                     
    4002913c:   2a1403e0    mov w0, w20                                                   
    40029140:   940016a4    bl  4002ebd0 <_Objects_Get_information_id>                    
    40029144:   aa0003f6    mov x22, x0                                                   
  if ( !information )                                                                     
    40029148:   b4000360    cbz x0, 400291b4 <_Objects_Get_name_as_string+0xa4>           
    return NULL;                                                                          
  the_object = _Objects_Get( tmpId, &lock_context, information );                         
    4002914c:   2a1403e0    mov w0, w20                                                   
    40029150:   aa1603e2    mov x2, x22                                                   
    40029154:   9100e3e1    add x1, sp, #0x38                                             
    40029158:   97ffff9e    bl  40028fd0 <_Objects_Get>                                   
  if ( the_object == NULL ) {                                                             
    4002915c:   b40002c0    cbz x0, 400291b4 <_Objects_Get_name_as_string+0xa4>           
  return information->name_length > 0;                                                    
    40029160:   79404ec1    ldrh    w1, [x22, #38]                                        
    return NULL;                                                                          
    40029164:   aa1503e3    mov x3, x21                                                   
    40029168:   f9400c00    ldr x0, [x0, #24]                                             
    4002916c:   7100003f    cmp w1, #0x0                                                  
    40029170:   1a9f07e1    cset    w1, ne  // ne = any                                   
    40029174:   aa1303e2    mov x2, x19                                                   
    40029178:   97ffffaa    bl  40029020 <_Objects_Name_to_string>                        
    _Objects_Has_string_name( information ),                                              
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &lock_context );                                                  
    4002917c:   b9403be0    ldr w0, [sp, #56]                                             
    40029180:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
  return name;                                                                            
    40029184:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    40029188:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002918c:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40029190:   a8c47bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #64                                       
    40029194:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    40029198:   900006e0    adrp    x0, 40105000 <rtems_libio_iops+0x58>                  
  tmpId = (id == OBJECTS_ID_OF_SELF) ? _Thread_Get_executing()->Object.id : id;           
    4002919c:   f9411000    ldr x0, [x0, #544]                                            
    400291a0:   b9401014    ldr w20, [x0, #16]                                            
  information = _Objects_Get_information_id( tmpId );                                     
    400291a4:   2a1403e0    mov w0, w20                                                   
    400291a8:   9400168a    bl  4002ebd0 <_Objects_Get_information_id>                    
    400291ac:   aa0003f6    mov x22, x0                                                   
  if ( !information )                                                                     
    400291b0:   b5fffce0    cbnz    x0, 4002914c <_Objects_Get_name_as_string+0x3c>       <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    return NULL;                                                                          
    400291b4:   d2800000    mov x0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    400291b8:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400291bc:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400291c0:   a8c47bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #64                                       
    400291c4:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    return NULL;                                                                          
    400291c8:   d2800000    mov x0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    400291cc:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

00000000400291d0 <_Objects_Id_to_name>: Objects_Name_or_id_lookup_errors _Objects_Id_to_name ( Objects_Id id, Objects_Name *name ) {
    400291d0:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    400291d4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    400291d8:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400291dc:   aa0103f4    mov x20, x1                                                   
    400291e0:   2a0003f3    mov w19, w0                                                   
   *  Caller is trusted for name != NULL.                                                 
  tmpId = (id == OBJECTS_ID_OF_SELF) ? _Thread_Get_executing()->Object.id : id;           
    400291e4:   35000080    cbnz    w0, 400291f4 <_Objects_Id_to_name+0x24>               
    400291e8:   900006e0    adrp    x0, 40105000 <rtems_libio_iops+0x58>                  
    400291ec:   f9411000    ldr x0, [x0, #544]                                            
    400291f0:   b9401013    ldr w19, [x0, #16]                                            
  information = _Objects_Get_information_id( tmpId );                                     
    400291f4:   2a1303e0    mov w0, w19                                                   
    400291f8:   94001676    bl  4002ebd0 <_Objects_Get_information_id>                    
    400291fc:   aa0003e2    mov x2, x0                                                    
  if ( !information )                                                                     
    40029200:   b40001e0    cbz x0, 4002923c <_Objects_Id_to_name+0x6c>                   
    return OBJECTS_INVALID_ID;                                                            
  if ( _Objects_Has_string_name( information ) )                                          
    40029204:   79404c00    ldrh    w0, [x0, #38]                                         
    40029208:   350001a0    cbnz    w0, 4002923c <_Objects_Id_to_name+0x6c>               <== NEVER TAKEN
    return OBJECTS_INVALID_ID;                                                            
  the_object = _Objects_Get(                                                              
    4002920c:   2a1303e0    mov w0, w19                                                   
    40029210:   9100a3e1    add x1, sp, #0x28                                             
    40029214:   97ffff6f    bl  40028fd0 <_Objects_Get>                                   
  if ( !the_object )                                                                      
    40029218:   b4000120    cbz x0, 4002923c <_Objects_Id_to_name+0x6c>                   
    return OBJECTS_INVALID_ID;                                                            
  *name = the_object->name;                                                               
    4002921c:   f9400c00    ldr x0, [x0, #24]                                             
    40029220:   f9000280    str x0, [x20]                                                 
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &lock_context );                                                  
    40029224:   b9402be0    ldr w0, [sp, #40]                                             
    40029228:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
  return OBJECTS_NAME_OR_ID_LOOKUP_SUCCESSFUL;                                            
    4002922c:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40029230:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40029234:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    40029238:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    return OBJECTS_INVALID_ID;                                                            
    4002923c:   52800060    mov w0, #0x3                    // #3                         
    40029240:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40029244:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    40029248:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    4002924c:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

000000004002e770 <_Objects_Name_to_string>: char lname[ 5 ]; const char *s; char *d; size_t i; if ( is_string ) {
    4002e770:   72001c3f    tst w1, #0xff                                                 
    4002e774:   54000320    b.eq    4002e7d8 <_Objects_Name_to_string+0x68>  // b.none    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  d = buffer;                                                                             
  i = 1;                                                                                  
  if ( s != NULL ) {                                                                      
    4002e778:   b50000a0    cbnz    x0, 4002e78c <_Objects_Name_to_string+0x1c>           <== NOT EXECUTED
    while ( *s != '\0' ) {                                                                
      if ( i < buffer_size ) {                                                            
        *d = _Objects_Name_char_is_printable(*s) ? *s : '*';                              
    4002e77c:   d2800000    mov x0, #0x0                    // #0                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  if ( buffer_size > 0 ) {                                                                
    4002e780:   b40002a3    cbz x3, 4002e7d4 <_Objects_Name_to_string+0x64>               <== NOT EXECUTED
    *d = '\0';                                                                            
    4002e784:   3900005f    strb    wzr, [x2]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  return i - 1;                                                                           
    4002e788:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    while ( *s != '\0' ) {                                                                
    4002e78c:   39400001    ldrb    w1, [x0]                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002e790:   34ffff61    cbz w1, 4002e77c <_Objects_Name_to_string+0xc>                <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002e794:   d1000406    sub x6, x0, #0x1                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
        *d = _Objects_Name_char_is_printable(*s) ? *s : '*';                              
    4002e798:   52800547    mov w7, #0x2a                   // #42                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    while ( *s != '\0' ) {                                                                
    4002e79c:   d2800020    mov x0, #0x1                    // #1                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002e7a0:   14000002    b   4002e7a8 <_Objects_Name_to_string+0x38>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002e7a4:   aa0503e0    mov x0, x5                                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  return uc >= ' ' && uc <= '~';                                                          
    4002e7a8:   51008024    sub w4, w1, #0x20                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002e7ac:   91000405    add x5, x0, #0x1                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
        *d = _Objects_Name_char_is_printable(*s) ? *s : '*';                              
    4002e7b0:   12001c84    and w4, w4, #0xff                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
      if ( i < buffer_size ) {                                                            
    4002e7b4:   eb00007f    cmp x3, x0                                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002e7b8:   54000089    b.ls    4002e7c8 <_Objects_Name_to_string+0x58>  // b.plast   <== NOT EXECUTED
        *d = _Objects_Name_char_is_printable(*s) ? *s : '*';                              
    4002e7bc:   71017c9f    cmp w4, #0x5f                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002e7c0:   1a873021    csel    w1, w1, w7, cc  // cc = lo, ul, last                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002e7c4:   38001441    strb    w1, [x2], #1                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    while ( *s != '\0' ) {                                                                
    4002e7c8:   386568c1    ldrb    w1, [x6, x5]                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002e7cc:   35fffec1    cbnz    w1, 4002e7a4 <_Objects_Name_to_string+0x34>           <== NOT EXECUTED
  if ( buffer_size > 0 ) {                                                                
    4002e7d0:   b5fffda3    cbnz    x3, 4002e784 <_Objects_Name_to_string+0x14>           <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002e7d4:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002e7d8:   d10043ff    sub sp, sp, #0x10                                             
    lname[ 0 ] = (name.name_u32 >> 24) & 0xff;                                            
    4002e7dc:   53187c01    lsr w1, w0, #24                                               
    lname[ 1 ] = (name.name_u32 >> 16) & 0xff;                                            
    4002e7e0:   53107c05    lsr w5, w0, #16                                               
    lname[ 2 ] = (name.name_u32 >>  8) & 0xff;                                            
    4002e7e4:   53087c04    lsr w4, w0, #8                                                
    s = lname;                                                                            
    4002e7e8:   910023e6    add x6, sp, #0x8                                              
    lname[ 0 ] = (name.name_u32 >> 24) & 0xff;                                            
    4002e7ec:   390023e1    strb    w1, [sp, #8]                                          
    lname[ 1 ] = (name.name_u32 >> 16) & 0xff;                                            
    4002e7f0:   390027e5    strb    w5, [sp, #9]                                          
    lname[ 2 ] = (name.name_u32 >>  8) & 0xff;                                            
    4002e7f4:   39002be4    strb    w4, [sp, #10]                                         
    lname[ 3 ] = (name.name_u32 >>  0) & 0xff;                                            
    4002e7f8:   39002fe0    strb    w0, [sp, #11]                                         
    lname[ 4 ] = '\0';                                                                    
    4002e7fc:   390033ff    strb    wzr, [sp, #12]                                        
    while ( *s != '\0' ) {                                                                
    4002e800:   34000281    cbz w1, 4002e850 <_Objects_Name_to_string+0xe0>               
    4002e804:   d10004c6    sub x6, x6, #0x1                                              
    4002e808:   d2800020    mov x0, #0x1                    // #1                         
        *d = _Objects_Name_char_is_printable(*s) ? *s : '*';                              
    4002e80c:   52800547    mov w7, #0x2a                   // #42                        
    4002e810:   14000002    b   4002e818 <_Objects_Name_to_string+0xa8>                   
    4002e814:   aa0503e0    mov x0, x5                                                    
  return uc >= ' ' && uc <= '~';                                                          
    4002e818:   51008024    sub w4, w1, #0x20                                             
    4002e81c:   91000405    add x5, x0, #0x1                                              
        *d = _Objects_Name_char_is_printable(*s) ? *s : '*';                              
    4002e820:   12001c84    and w4, w4, #0xff                                             
      if ( i < buffer_size ) {                                                            
    4002e824:   eb00007f    cmp x3, x0                                                    
    4002e828:   54000089    b.ls    4002e838 <_Objects_Name_to_string+0xc8>  // b.plast   
        *d = _Objects_Name_char_is_printable(*s) ? *s : '*';                              
    4002e82c:   71017c9f    cmp w4, #0x5f                                                 
    4002e830:   1a873021    csel    w1, w1, w7, cc  // cc = lo, ul, last                  
    4002e834:   38001441    strb    w1, [x2], #1                                          
    while ( *s != '\0' ) {                                                                
    4002e838:   386568c1    ldrb    w1, [x6, x5]                                          
    4002e83c:   35fffec1    cbnz    w1, 4002e814 <_Objects_Name_to_string+0xa4>           
  if ( buffer_size > 0 ) {                                                                
    4002e840:   b4000043    cbz x3, 4002e848 <_Objects_Name_to_string+0xd8>               
    *d = '\0';                                                                            
    4002e844:   3900005f    strb    wzr, [x2]                                             
    4002e848:   910043ff    add sp, sp, #0x10                                             
    4002e84c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
        *d = _Objects_Name_char_is_printable(*s) ? *s : '*';                              
    4002e850:   d2800000    mov x0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    4002e854:   17fffffb    b   4002e840 <_Objects_Name_to_string+0xd0>                   

0000000040024a10 <_Objects_Set_name>: Status_Control _Objects_Set_name( const Objects_Information *information, Objects_Control *the_object, const char *name ) {
    40024a10:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    40024a14:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40024a18:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40024a1c:   aa0103f4    mov x20, x1                                                   
    40024a20:   79404c01    ldrh    w1, [x0, #38]                                         
    40024a24:   aa0203f3    mov x19, x2                                                   
  if ( _Objects_Has_string_name( information ) ) {                                        
    40024a28:   34000201    cbz w1, 40024a68 <_Objects_Set_name+0x58>                     
    size_t  length;                                                                       
    char   *dup;                                                                          
    length = strnlen( name, information->name_length );                                   
    40024a2c:   92403c21    and x1, x1, #0xffff                                           
    40024a30:   aa0203e0    mov x0, x2                                                    
    40024a34:   9400292d    bl  4002eee8 <strnlen>                                        
    dup = _Workspace_String_duplicate( name, length );                                    
    40024a38:   aa0003e1    mov x1, x0                                                    
    40024a3c:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    40024a40:   94000938    bl  40026f20 <_Workspace_String_duplicate>                    
    40024a44:   aa0003f3    mov x19, x0                                                   
    if ( dup == NULL ) {                                                                  
    40024a48:   b4000360    cbz x0, 40024ab4 <_Objects_Set_name+0xa4>                     <== ALWAYS TAKEN
      return STATUS_NO_MEMORY;                                                            
    _Workspace_Free( RTEMS_DECONST( char *, the_object->name.name_p ) );                  
    40024a4c:   f9400e80    ldr x0, [x20, #24]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    40024a50:   94000930    bl  40026f10 <_Workspace_Free>                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    the_object->name.name_p = dup;                                                        
    40024a54:   f9000e93    str x19, [x20, #24]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    the_object->name.name_u32 =                                                           
      _Objects_Build_name( c[ 0 ], c[ 1 ], c[ 2 ], c[ 3 ] );                              
  return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                               
    40024a58:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    40024a5c:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40024a60:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40024a64:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    memset( c, ' ', sizeof( c ) );                                                        
    40024a68:   d1000453    sub x19, x2, #0x1                                             
    40024a6c:   3203c3e0    mov w0, #0x20202020             // #538976288                 
    40024a70:   d2800023    mov x3, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40024a74:   b9002be0    str w0, [sp, #40]                                             
      c[ i ] = name[ i ];                                                                 
    40024a78:   9100a3e0    add x0, sp, #0x28                                             
    40024a7c:   8b000061    add x1, x3, x0                                                
      if ( name[ i ] == '\0') {                                                           
    40024a80:   38636a60    ldrb    w0, [x19, x3]                                         
    for ( i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) {                                                           
    40024a84:   91000463    add x3, x3, #0x1                                              
    40024a88:   f100147f    cmp x3, #0x5                                                  
      if ( name[ i ] == '\0') {                                                           
    40024a8c:   34000060    cbz w0, 40024a98 <_Objects_Set_name+0x88>                     
      c[ i ] = name[ i ];                                                                 
    40024a90:   381ff020    sturb   w0, [x1, #-1]                                         
    for ( i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) {                                                           
    40024a94:   54ffff21    b.ne    40024a78 <_Objects_Set_name+0x68>  // b.any           
    the_object->name.name_u32 =                                                           
    40024a98:   b9402be1    ldr w1, [sp, #40]                                             
  return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                               
    40024a9c:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40024aa0:   5ac00821    rev w1, w1                                                    
    the_object->name.name_u32 =                                                           
    40024aa4:   b9001a81    str w1, [x20, #24]                                            
    40024aa8:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40024aac:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    40024ab0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
      return STATUS_NO_MEMORY;                                                            
    40024ab4:   5282c340    mov w0, #0x161a                 // #5658                      
    40024ab8:   17fffffc    b   40024aa8 <_Objects_Set_name+0x98>                         
    40024abc:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

00000000400292a0 <_Objects_Shrink_information>: /* * Search the list to find block or chunk with all objects inactive. */ objects_per_block = information->objects_per_block;
    400292a0:   79404405    ldrh    w5, [x0, #34]                                         
  block_count = _Objects_Get_maximum_index( information ) / objects_per_block;            
    400292a4:   79400004    ldrh    w4, [x0]                                              
    400292a8:   1ac50884    udiv    w4, w4, w5                                            
  for ( block = 1; block < block_count; block++ ) {                                       
    400292ac:   7100049f    cmp w4, #0x1                                                  
    400292b0:   540001a9    b.ls    400292e4 <_Objects_Shrink_information+0x44>  // b.plast<== NEVER TAKEN
    if ( information->inactive_per_block[ block ] == objects_per_block ) {                
    400292b4:   d2800022    mov x2, #0x1                    // #1                         
    400292b8:   2a0203e1    mov w1, w2                                                    
    400292bc:   f9402006    ldr x6, [x0, #64]                                             
    400292c0:   14000004    b   400292d0 <_Objects_Shrink_information+0x30>               
  for ( block = 1; block < block_count; block++ ) {                                       
    400292c4:   6b22209f    cmp w4, w2, uxth                                              
    400292c8:   12003c41    and w1, w2, #0xffff                                           
    400292cc:   540000c9    b.ls    400292e4 <_Objects_Shrink_information+0x44>  // b.plast<== NEVER TAKEN
    if ( information->inactive_per_block[ block ] == objects_per_block ) {                
    400292d0:   786278c3    ldrh    w3, [x6, x2, lsl #1]                                  
  for ( block = 1; block < block_count; block++ ) {                                       
    400292d4:   91000442    add x2, x2, #0x1                                              
    if ( information->inactive_per_block[ block ] == objects_per_block ) {                
    400292d8:   6b05007f    cmp w3, w5                                                    
    400292dc:   54ffff41    b.ne    400292c4 <_Objects_Shrink_information+0x24>  // b.any 
      _Objects_Free_objects_block( information, block );                                  
    400292e0:   17ffffc4    b   400291f0 <_Objects_Free_objects_block>                    
    400292e4:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED

0000000040025980 <_Once>: .Mutex = RTEMS_MUTEX_INITIALIZER( "_Once" ), .State = RTEMS_CONDITION_VARIABLE_INITIALIZER( "_Once" ) }; int _Once( unsigned char *once_state, void ( *init_routine )( void ) ) {
    40025980:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    40025984:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40025988:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002598c:   aa0003f3    mov x19, x0                                                   
  _Atomic_Fence( ATOMIC_ORDER_ACQUIRE );                                                  
  if ( RTEMS_PREDICT_FALSE( *once_state != ONCE_STATE_COMPLETE ) ) {                      
    40025990:   39400000    ldrb    w0, [x0]                                              
    40025994:   7100081f    cmp w0, #0x2                                                  
    40025998:   540000a1    b.ne    400259ac <_Once+0x2c>  // b.any                       
    _Once_Unlock( thread_life_state );                                                    
  return 0;                                                                               
    4002599c:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    400259a0:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400259a4:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    400259a8:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
Thread_Life_state _Once_Lock( void )                                                      
  Thread_Life_state thread_life_state;                                                    
  thread_life_state = _Thread_Set_life_protection( THREAD_LIFE_PROTECTED );               
    400259ac:   aa0103f4    mov x20, x1                                                   
    400259b0:   52800020    mov w0, #0x1                    // #1                         
    400259b4:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400259b8:   940006f2    bl  40027580 <_Thread_Set_life_protection>                    
  mutex->_Queue._name = name;                                                             
static __inline void rtems_mutex_lock( rtems_mutex *mutex )                               
  _Mutex_Acquire( mutex );                                                                
    400259bc:   f00006d5    adrp    x21, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>              
    400259c0:   910e02b5    add x21, x21, #0x380                                          
    400259c4:   2a0003f6    mov w22, w0                                                   
    400259c8:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    400259cc:   97ffff69    bl  40025770 <_Mutex_Acquire>                                 
    if ( *once_state == ONCE_STATE_INIT ) {                                               
    400259d0:   39400260    ldrb    w0, [x19]                                             
    400259d4:   34000280    cbz w0, 40025a24 <_Once+0xa4>                                 <== ALWAYS TAKEN
      while ( *once_state != ONCE_STATE_COMPLETE ) {                                      
    400259d8:   7100081f    cmp w0, #0x2                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
static __inline void rtems_condition_variable_wait(                                       
  rtems_condition_variable *condition_variable,                                           
  rtems_mutex *mutex                                                                      
  _Condition_Wait( condition_variable, mutex );                                           
    400259dc:   910082b4    add x20, x21, #0x20                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    400259e0:   54000100    b.eq    40025a00 <_Once+0x80>  // b.none                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    400259e4:   d503201f    nop                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    400259e8:   aa1503e1    mov x1, x21                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    400259ec:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    400259f0:   94000d4c    bl  40028f20 <_Condition_Wait>                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    400259f4:   39400261    ldrb    w1, [x19]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    400259f8:   7100083f    cmp w1, #0x2                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    400259fc:   54ffff61    b.ne    400259e8 <_Once+0x68>  // b.any                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  _Mutex_Release( mutex );                                                                
    40025a00:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    40025a04:   97ffff77    bl  400257e0 <_Mutex_Release>                                 
void _Once_Unlock( Thread_Life_state thread_life_state )                                  
  rtems_mutex_unlock( &_Once_Information.Mutex );                                         
  _Thread_Set_life_protection( thread_life_state );                                       
    40025a08:   2a1603e0    mov w0, w22                                                   
    40025a0c:   940006dd    bl  40027580 <_Thread_Set_life_protection>                    
    40025a10:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40025a14:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
  _Thread_Set_life_protection( thread_life_state );                                       
    40025a18:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40025a1c:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    40025a20:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
      *once_state = ONCE_STATE_RUNNING;                                                   
    40025a24:   52800020    mov w0, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40025a28:   39000260    strb    w0, [x19]                                             
    40025a2c:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    40025a30:   97ffff6c    bl  400257e0 <_Mutex_Release>                                 
  _Thread_Set_life_protection( thread_life_state );                                       
    40025a34:   52800020    mov w0, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40025a38:   940006d2    bl  40027580 <_Thread_Set_life_protection>                    
      ( *init_routine )();                                                                
    40025a3c:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
  thread_life_state = _Thread_Set_life_protection( THREAD_LIFE_PROTECTED );               
    40025a40:   52800020    mov w0, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40025a44:   940006cf    bl  40027580 <_Thread_Set_life_protection>                    
  _Mutex_Acquire( mutex );                                                                
    40025a48:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    40025a4c:   97ffff49    bl  40025770 <_Mutex_Acquire>                                 
      *once_state = ONCE_STATE_COMPLETE;                                                  
    40025a50:   52800040    mov w0, #0x2                    // #2                         
    40025a54:   39000260    strb    w0, [x19]                                             
static __inline void rtems_condition_variable_broadcast(                                  
  rtems_condition_variable *condition_variable                                            
  _Condition_Broadcast( condition_variable );                                             
    40025a58:   910082a0    add x0, x21, #0x20                                            
    40025a5c:   94000d4d    bl  40028f90 <_Condition_Broadcast>                           
    40025a60:   17ffffe8    b   40025a00 <_Once+0x80>                                     

000000004002c410 <_Processor_mask_Copy>: ) { long inclusive = 0; long exclusive = 0; if ( ( dst_size | src_size ) % sizeof( long ) != 0 ) {
    4002c410:   aa030024    orr x4, x1, x3                                                
    4002c414:   f240089f    tst x4, #0x7                                                  
    4002c418:   54000401    b.ne    4002c498 <_Processor_mask_Copy+0x88>  // b.any        
    return PROCESSOR_MASK_COPY_INVALID_SIZE;                                              
  while ( dst_size > 0 && src_size > 0 ) {                                                
    4002c41c:   f100007f    cmp x3, #0x0                                                  
  long inclusive = 0;                                                                     
    4002c420:   d2800005    mov x5, #0x0                    // #0                         
  while ( dst_size > 0 && src_size > 0 ) {                                                
    4002c424:   fa401824    ccmp    x1, #0x0, #0x4, ne  // ne = any                       
    4002c428:   54000120    b.eq    4002c44c <_Processor_mask_Copy+0x3c>  // b.none       
    4002c42c:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    long bits = *src;                                                                     
    4002c430:   f8408444    ldr x4, [x2], #8                                              
    inclusive |= bits;                                                                    
    *dst = bits;                                                                          
    4002c434:   f8008404    str x4, [x0], #8                                              
    dst_size -= sizeof( long );                                                           
    src_size -= sizeof( long );                                                           
    4002c438:   d1002063    sub x3, x3, #0x8                                              
  while ( dst_size > 0 && src_size > 0 ) {                                                
    4002c43c:   f1002021    subs    x1, x1, #0x8                                          
    4002c440:   fa401864    ccmp    x3, #0x0, #0x4, ne  // ne = any                       
    inclusive |= bits;                                                                    
    4002c444:   aa0400a5    orr x5, x5, x4                                                
  while ( dst_size > 0 && src_size > 0 ) {                                                
    4002c448:   54ffff41    b.ne    4002c430 <_Processor_mask_Copy+0x20>  // b.any        <== NEVER TAKEN
  while ( dst_size > 0 ) {                                                                
    4002c44c:   b40000c1    cbz x1, 4002c464 <_Processor_mask_Copy+0x54>                  
    4002c450:   8b010001    add x1, x0, x1                                                
    4002c454:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    *dst = 0;                                                                             
    4002c458:   f800841f    str xzr, [x0], #8                                             
  while ( dst_size > 0 ) {                                                                
    4002c45c:   eb01001f    cmp x0, x1                                                    
    4002c460:   54ffffc1    b.ne    4002c458 <_Processor_mask_Copy+0x48>  // b.any        <== NEVER TAKEN
    dst_size -= sizeof( long );                                                           
  while ( src_size > 0 ) {                                                                
    4002c464:   b40001e3    cbz x3, 4002c4a0 <_Processor_mask_Copy+0x90>                  
    4002c468:   8b030043    add x3, x2, x3                                                
  long exclusive = 0;                                                                     
    4002c46c:   d2800001    mov x1, #0x0                    // #0                         
    exclusive |= *src;                                                                    
    4002c470:   f8408440    ldr x0, [x2], #8                                              
    4002c474:   aa000021    orr x1, x1, x0                                                
  while ( src_size > 0 ) {                                                                
    4002c478:   eb03005f    cmp x2, x3                                                    
    4002c47c:   54ffffa1    b.ne    4002c470 <_Processor_mask_Copy+0x60>  // b.any        <== NEVER TAKEN
    } else {                                                                              
      return PROCESSOR_MASK_COPY_COMPLETE_LOSS;                                           
  return PROCESSOR_MASK_COPY_LOSSLESS;                                                    
    4002c480:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
  if ( exclusive != 0 ) {                                                                 
    4002c484:   b4000081    cbz x1, 4002c494 <_Processor_mask_Copy+0x84>                  
      return PROCESSOR_MASK_COPY_COMPLETE_LOSS;                                           
    4002c488:   f10000bf    cmp x5, #0x0                                                  
    4002c48c:   1a9f17e0    cset    w0, eq  // eq = none                                  
    4002c490:   11000400    add w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    4002c494:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    return PROCESSOR_MASK_COPY_INVALID_SIZE;                                              
    4002c498:   52800060    mov w0, #0x3                    // #3                         
    4002c49c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  return PROCESSOR_MASK_COPY_LOSSLESS;                                                    
    4002c4a0:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    4002c4a4:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040029610 <_RBTree_Extract>: #include <rtems/score/rbtreeimpl.h> RB_GENERATE_REMOVE_COLOR( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static ) RB_GENERATE_REMOVE( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static )
    40029610:   a9400823    ldp x3, x2, [x1]                                              
    40029614:   b40012e3    cbz x3, 40029870 <_RBTree_Extract+0x260>                      
    40029618:   b4000542    cbz x2, 400296c0 <_RBTree_Extract+0xb0>                       
    4002961c:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    40029620:   aa0203e4    mov x4, x2                                                    
    40029624:   f9400042    ldr x2, [x2]                                                  
    40029628:   b5ffffc2    cbnz    x2, 40029620 <_RBTree_Extract+0x10>                   
    4002962c:   a9408c82    ldp x2, x3, [x4, #8]                                          
    40029630:   b9401885    ldr w5, [x4, #24]                                             
    40029634:   aa0303e6    mov x6, x3                                                    
    40029638:   b4000062    cbz x2, 40029644 <_RBTree_Extract+0x34>                       
    4002963c:   f9000843    str x3, [x2, #16]                                             
    40029640:   f9400886    ldr x6, [x4, #16]                                             
    40029644:   b40013c3    cbz x3, 400298bc <_RBTree_Extract+0x2ac>                      <== NEVER TAKEN
    40029648:   f9400067    ldr x7, [x3]                                                  
    4002964c:   eb07009f    cmp x4, x7                                                    
    40029650:   54001240    b.eq    40029898 <_RBTree_Extract+0x288>  // b.none           
    40029654:   f9000462    str x2, [x3, #8]                                              
    40029658:   f9400027    ldr x7, [x1]                                                  
    4002965c:   f9000087    str x7, [x4]                                                  
    40029660:   eb06003f    cmp x1, x6                                                    
    40029664:   f9400426    ldr x6, [x1, #8]                                              
    40029668:   f9000486    str x6, [x4, #8]                                              
    4002966c:   9a841063    csel    x3, x3, x4, ne  // ne = any                           
    40029670:   f9400826    ldr x6, [x1, #16]                                             
    40029674:   f9000886    str x6, [x4, #16]                                             
    40029678:   a9411c26    ldp x6, x7, [x1, #16]                                         
    4002967c:   f9000c87    str x7, [x4, #24]                                             
    40029680:   b40011a6    cbz x6, 400298b4 <_RBTree_Extract+0x2a4>                      
    40029684:   f94000c7    ldr x7, [x6]                                                  
    40029688:   eb07003f    cmp x1, x7                                                    
    4002968c:   54001200    b.eq    400298cc <_RBTree_Extract+0x2bc>  // b.none           
    40029690:   f90004c4    str x4, [x6, #8]                                              
    40029694:   a9400426    ldp x6, x1, [x1]                                              
    40029698:   f90008c4    str x4, [x6, #16]                                             
    4002969c:   b4000041    cbz x1, 400296a4 <_RBTree_Extract+0x94>                       
    400296a0:   f9000824    str x4, [x1, #16]                                             
    400296a4:   b40000a3    cbz x3, 400296b8 <_RBTree_Extract+0xa8>                       <== NEVER TAKEN
    400296a8:   aa0303e1    mov x1, x3                                                    
    400296ac:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    400296b0:   f9400821    ldr x1, [x1, #16]                                             
    400296b4:   b5ffffe1    cbnz    x1, 400296b0 <_RBTree_Extract+0xa0>                   
    400296b8:   34000185    cbz w5, 400296e8 <_RBTree_Extract+0xd8>                       
  _Assert( _RBTree_Find_root( the_node ) == _RBTree_Root( the_rbtree ) );                 
  RB_REMOVE( RBTree_Control, the_rbtree, the_node );                                      
  _RBTree_Initialize_node( the_node );                                                    
    400296bc:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
RB_GENERATE_REMOVE( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static )                           
    400296c0:   aa0303e2    mov x2, x3                                                    
    400296c4:   b9401825    ldr w5, [x1, #24]                                             
    400296c8:   f9400823    ldr x3, [x1, #16]                                             
    400296cc:   f9000843    str x3, [x2, #16]                                             
    400296d0:   b4000d83    cbz x3, 40029880 <_RBTree_Extract+0x270>                      
    400296d4:   f9400064    ldr x4, [x3]                                                  
    400296d8:   eb04003f    cmp x1, x4                                                    
    400296dc:   54000e60    b.eq    400298a8 <_RBTree_Extract+0x298>  // b.none           
    400296e0:   f9000462    str x2, [x3, #8]                                              
    400296e4:   35fffec5    cbnz    w5, 400296bc <_RBTree_Extract+0xac>                   
RB_GENERATE_REMOVE_COLOR( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static )                     
    400296e8:   52800025    mov w5, #0x1                    // #1                         
    400296ec:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    400296f0:   b4000062    cbz x2, 400296fc <_RBTree_Extract+0xec>                       
    400296f4:   b9401841    ldr w1, [x2, #24]                                             
    400296f8:   35000ee1    cbnz    w1, 400298d4 <_RBTree_Extract+0x2c4>                  
    400296fc:   f9400001    ldr x1, [x0]                                                  
    40029700:   eb01005f    cmp x2, x1                                                    
    40029704:   54000660    b.eq    400297d0 <_RBTree_Extract+0x1c0>  // b.none           
    40029708:   f9400061    ldr x1, [x3]                                                  
    4002970c:   eb02003f    cmp x1, x2                                                    
    40029710:   54000220    b.eq    40029754 <_RBTree_Extract+0x144>  // b.none           
    40029714:   b9401822    ldr w2, [x1, #24]                                             
    40029718:   7100045f    cmp w2, #0x1                                                  
    4002971c:   54000840    b.eq    40029824 <_RBTree_Extract+0x214>  // b.none           
    40029720:   f9400022    ldr x2, [x1]                                                  
    40029724:   b4000062    cbz x2, 40029730 <_RBTree_Extract+0x120>                      
    40029728:   b9401844    ldr w4, [x2, #24]                                             
    4002972c:   35000e04    cbnz    w4, 400298ec <_RBTree_Extract+0x2dc>                  
    40029730:   f9400424    ldr x4, [x1, #8]                                              
    40029734:   b4000064    cbz x4, 40029740 <_RBTree_Extract+0x130>                      
    40029738:   b9401886    ldr w6, [x4, #24]                                             
    4002973c:   35000d26    cbnz    w6, 400298e0 <_RBTree_Extract+0x2d0>                  
    40029740:   b9001825    str w5, [x1, #24]                                             
    40029744:   aa0303e2    mov x2, x3                                                    
    40029748:   f9400861    ldr x1, [x3, #16]                                             
    4002974c:   aa0103e3    mov x3, x1                                                    
    40029750:   17ffffe8    b   400296f0 <_RBTree_Extract+0xe0>                           
    40029754:   f9400461    ldr x1, [x3, #8]                                              
    40029758:   b9401824    ldr w4, [x1, #24]                                             
    4002975c:   f9400022    ldr x2, [x1]                                                  
    40029760:   7100049f    cmp w4, #0x1                                                  
    40029764:   540003c0    b.eq    400297dc <_RBTree_Extract+0x1cc>  // b.none           
    40029768:   b4000062    cbz x2, 40029774 <_RBTree_Extract+0x164>                      
    4002976c:   b9401844    ldr w4, [x2, #24]                                             
    40029770:   35001224    cbnz    w4, 400299b4 <_RBTree_Extract+0x3a4>                  
    40029774:   f9400424    ldr x4, [x1, #8]                                              
    40029778:   b4fffe44    cbz x4, 40029740 <_RBTree_Extract+0x130>                      
    4002977c:   b9401882    ldr w2, [x4, #24]                                             
    40029780:   34fffe02    cbz w2, 40029740 <_RBTree_Extract+0x130>                      
    40029784:   b9401865    ldr w5, [x3, #24]                                             
    40029788:   f9400462    ldr x2, [x3, #8]                                              
    4002978c:   b9001825    str w5, [x1, #24]                                             
    40029790:   b900187f    str wzr, [x3, #24]                                            
    40029794:   b900189f    str wzr, [x4, #24]                                            
    40029798:   f9400041    ldr x1, [x2]                                                  
    4002979c:   f9000461    str x1, [x3, #8]                                              
    400297a0:   b4000041    cbz x1, 400297a8 <_RBTree_Extract+0x198>                      
    400297a4:   f9000823    str x3, [x1, #16]                                             
    400297a8:   f9400861    ldr x1, [x3, #16]                                             
    400297ac:   f9000841    str x1, [x2, #16]                                             
    400297b0:   b4001421    cbz x1, 40029a34 <_RBTree_Extract+0x424>                      
    400297b4:   f9400024    ldr x4, [x1]                                                  
    400297b8:   eb04007f    cmp x3, x4                                                    
    400297bc:   54001420    b.eq    40029a40 <_RBTree_Extract+0x430>  // b.none           
    400297c0:   f9000422    str x2, [x1, #8]                                              
    400297c4:   f9400001    ldr x1, [x0]                                                  
    400297c8:   f9000043    str x3, [x2]                                                  
    400297cc:   f9000862    str x2, [x3, #16]                                             
    400297d0:   b4fff761    cbz x1, 400296bc <_RBTree_Extract+0xac>                       
    400297d4:   b900183f    str wzr, [x1, #24]                                            
    400297d8:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
RB_GENERATE_REMOVE_COLOR( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static )                     
    400297dc:   b900183f    str wzr, [x1, #24]                                            
    400297e0:   f9000462    str x2, [x3, #8]                                              
    400297e4:   b9001864    str w4, [x3, #24]                                             
    400297e8:   b4000042    cbz x2, 400297f0 <_RBTree_Extract+0x1e0>                      <== NEVER TAKEN
    400297ec:   f9000843    str x3, [x2, #16]                                             
    400297f0:   f9400864    ldr x4, [x3, #16]                                             
    400297f4:   f9000824    str x4, [x1, #16]                                             
    400297f8:   b4000544    cbz x4, 400298a0 <_RBTree_Extract+0x290>                      
    400297fc:   f9400086    ldr x6, [x4]                                                  
    40029800:   eb06007f    cmp x3, x6                                                    
    40029804:   54000600    b.eq    400298c4 <_RBTree_Extract+0x2b4>  // b.none           
    40029808:   f9000481    str x1, [x4, #8]                                              
    4002980c:   f9400462    ldr x2, [x3, #8]                                              
    40029810:   f9000023    str x3, [x1]                                                  
    40029814:   f9000861    str x1, [x3, #16]                                             
    40029818:   aa0203e1    mov x1, x2                                                    
    4002981c:   f9400042    ldr x2, [x2]                                                  
    40029820:   17ffffd2    b   40029768 <_RBTree_Extract+0x158>                          
    40029824:   f9400424    ldr x4, [x1, #8]                                              
    40029828:   b900183f    str wzr, [x1, #24]                                            
    4002982c:   f9000064    str x4, [x3]                                                  
    40029830:   b9001862    str w2, [x3, #24]                                             
    40029834:   b4000044    cbz x4, 4002983c <_RBTree_Extract+0x22c>                      <== NEVER TAKEN
    40029838:   f9000883    str x3, [x4, #16]                                             
    4002983c:   f9400862    ldr x2, [x3, #16]                                             
    40029840:   f9000822    str x2, [x1, #16]                                             
    40029844:   b4000122    cbz x2, 40029868 <_RBTree_Extract+0x258>                      
    40029848:   f9400046    ldr x6, [x2]                                                  
    4002984c:   eb06007f    cmp x3, x6                                                    
    40029850:   540001e0    b.eq    4002988c <_RBTree_Extract+0x27c>  // b.none           
    40029854:   f9000441    str x1, [x2, #8]                                              
    40029858:   f9000423    str x3, [x1, #8]                                              
    4002985c:   f9000861    str x1, [x3, #16]                                             
    40029860:   aa0403e1    mov x1, x4                                                    
    40029864:   17ffffaf    b   40029720 <_RBTree_Extract+0x110>                          
    40029868:   f9000001    str x1, [x0]                                                  
    4002986c:   17fffffb    b   40029858 <_RBTree_Extract+0x248>                          
RB_GENERATE_REMOVE( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static )                           
    40029870:   b9401825    ldr w5, [x1, #24]                                             
    40029874:   f9400823    ldr x3, [x1, #16]                                             
    40029878:   b5fff2a2    cbnz    x2, 400296cc <_RBTree_Extract+0xbc>                   
    4002987c:   b5fff2c3    cbnz    x3, 400296d4 <_RBTree_Extract+0xc4>                   
    40029880:   f9000002    str x2, [x0]                                                  
    40029884:   35fff1c5    cbnz    w5, 400296bc <_RBTree_Extract+0xac>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
    40029888:   17ffff98    b   400296e8 <_RBTree_Extract+0xd8>                           
RB_GENERATE_REMOVE_COLOR( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static )                     
    4002988c:   f9000041    str x1, [x2]                                                  
    40029890:   f9400064    ldr x4, [x3]                                                  
    40029894:   17fffff1    b   40029858 <_RBTree_Extract+0x248>                          
RB_GENERATE_REMOVE( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static )                           
    40029898:   f9000062    str x2, [x3]                                                  
    4002989c:   17ffff6f    b   40029658 <_RBTree_Extract+0x48>                           
RB_GENERATE_REMOVE_COLOR( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static )                     
    400298a0:   f9000001    str x1, [x0]                                                  
    400298a4:   17ffffdb    b   40029810 <_RBTree_Extract+0x200>                          
RB_GENERATE_REMOVE( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static )                           
    400298a8:   f9000062    str x2, [x3]                                                  
    400298ac:   35fff085    cbnz    w5, 400296bc <_RBTree_Extract+0xac>                   
    400298b0:   17ffff8e    b   400296e8 <_RBTree_Extract+0xd8>                           
    400298b4:   f9000004    str x4, [x0]                                                  
    400298b8:   17ffff77    b   40029694 <_RBTree_Extract+0x84>                           
    400298bc:   f9000002    str x2, [x0]                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    400298c0:   17ffff66    b   40029658 <_RBTree_Extract+0x48>                           <== NOT EXECUTED
RB_GENERATE_REMOVE_COLOR( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static )                     
    400298c4:   f9000081    str x1, [x4]                                                  
    400298c8:   17ffffd2    b   40029810 <_RBTree_Extract+0x200>                          
RB_GENERATE_REMOVE( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static )                           
    400298cc:   f90000c4    str x4, [x6]                                                  
    400298d0:   17ffff71    b   40029694 <_RBTree_Extract+0x84>                           
    400298d4:   aa0203e1    mov x1, x2                                                    
RB_GENERATE_REMOVE_COLOR( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static )                     
    400298d8:   b900183f    str wzr, [x1, #24]                                            
  (void) the_node;                                                                        
    400298dc:   17ffffbf    b   400297d8 <_RBTree_Extract+0x1c8>                          
    400298e0:   b4000322    cbz x2, 40029944 <_RBTree_Extract+0x334>                      
    400298e4:   b9401845    ldr w5, [x2, #24]                                             
    400298e8:   340002e5    cbz w5, 40029944 <_RBTree_Extract+0x334>                      <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    400298ec:   b9401865    ldr w5, [x3, #24]                                             
    400298f0:   f9400064    ldr x4, [x3]                                                  
    400298f4:   b9001825    str w5, [x1, #24]                                             
    400298f8:   b900187f    str wzr, [x3, #24]                                            
    400298fc:   b900185f    str wzr, [x2, #24]                                            
    40029900:   f9400481    ldr x1, [x4, #8]                                              
    40029904:   f9000061    str x1, [x3]                                                  
    40029908:   b4000041    cbz x1, 40029910 <_RBTree_Extract+0x300>                      
    4002990c:   f9000823    str x3, [x1, #16]                                             
    40029910:   f9400861    ldr x1, [x3, #16]                                             
    40029914:   f9000881    str x1, [x4, #16]                                             
    40029918:   b4000481    cbz x1, 400299a8 <_RBTree_Extract+0x398>                      
    4002991c:   f9400862    ldr x2, [x3, #16]                                             
    40029920:   f9400042    ldr x2, [x2]                                                  
    40029924:   eb02007f    cmp x3, x2                                                    
    40029928:   540007c0    b.eq    40029a20 <_RBTree_Extract+0x410>  // b.none           
    4002992c:   f9000424    str x4, [x1, #8]                                              
    40029930:   f9400001    ldr x1, [x0]                                                  
    40029934:   f9000483    str x3, [x4, #8]                                              
    40029938:   f9000864    str x4, [x3, #16]                                             
    4002993c:   b5fff4c1    cbnz    x1, 400297d4 <_RBTree_Extract+0x1c4>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    40029940:   17ffff5f    b   400296bc <_RBTree_Extract+0xac>                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029944:   f9400082    ldr x2, [x4]                                                  
    40029948:   b900189f    str wzr, [x4, #24]                                            
    4002994c:   52800025    mov w5, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40029950:   f9000422    str x2, [x1, #8]                                              
    40029954:   b9001825    str w5, [x1, #24]                                             
    40029958:   b4000042    cbz x2, 40029960 <_RBTree_Extract+0x350>                      
    4002995c:   f9000841    str x1, [x2, #16]                                             
    40029960:   f9400822    ldr x2, [x1, #16]                                             
    40029964:   f9000882    str x2, [x4, #16]                                             
    40029968:   b40001c2    cbz x2, 400299a0 <_RBTree_Extract+0x390>                      <== NEVER TAKEN
    4002996c:   f9400045    ldr x5, [x2]                                                  
    40029970:   eb05003f    cmp x1, x5                                                    
    40029974:   540005c0    b.eq    40029a2c <_RBTree_Extract+0x41c>  // b.none           <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    40029978:   f9000444    str x4, [x2, #8]                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002997c:   f9000081    str x1, [x4]                                                  
    40029980:   f9000824    str x4, [x1, #16]                                             
    40029984:   f9400064    ldr x4, [x3]                                                  
    40029988:   b9401861    ldr w1, [x3, #24]                                             
    4002998c:   f9400082    ldr x2, [x4]                                                  
    40029990:   b9001881    str w1, [x4, #24]                                             
    40029994:   b900187f    str wzr, [x3, #24]                                            
    40029998:   b4fffb42    cbz x2, 40029900 <_RBTree_Extract+0x2f0>                      <== NEVER TAKEN
    4002999c:   17ffffd8    b   400298fc <_RBTree_Extract+0x2ec>                          
    400299a0:   f9000004    str x4, [x0]                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    400299a4:   17fffff6    b   4002997c <_RBTree_Extract+0x36c>                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    400299a8:   aa0403e1    mov x1, x4                                                    
    400299ac:   f9000004    str x4, [x0]                                                  
    400299b0:   17ffffe1    b   40029934 <_RBTree_Extract+0x324>                          
    400299b4:   f9400424    ldr x4, [x1, #8]                                              
    400299b8:   b4000064    cbz x4, 400299c4 <_RBTree_Extract+0x3b4>                      
    400299bc:   b9401885    ldr w5, [x4, #24]                                             
    400299c0:   35ffee25    cbnz    w5, 40029784 <_RBTree_Extract+0x174>                  
    400299c4:   f9400444    ldr x4, [x2, #8]                                              
    400299c8:   b900185f    str wzr, [x2, #24]                                            
    400299cc:   52800025    mov w5, #0x1                    // #1                         
    400299d0:   f9000024    str x4, [x1]                                                  
    400299d4:   b9001825    str w5, [x1, #24]                                             
    400299d8:   b4000044    cbz x4, 400299e0 <_RBTree_Extract+0x3d0>                      
    400299dc:   f9000881    str x1, [x4, #16]                                             
    400299e0:   f9400824    ldr x4, [x1, #16]                                             
    400299e4:   f9000844    str x4, [x2, #16]                                             
    400299e8:   b4000324    cbz x4, 40029a4c <_RBTree_Extract+0x43c>                      <== NEVER TAKEN
    400299ec:   f9400085    ldr x5, [x4]                                                  
    400299f0:   eb05003f    cmp x1, x5                                                    
    400299f4:   54000300    b.eq    40029a54 <_RBTree_Extract+0x444>  // b.none           <== NEVER TAKEN
    400299f8:   f9000482    str x2, [x4, #8]                                              
    400299fc:   f9000441    str x1, [x2, #8]                                              
    40029a00:   f9000822    str x2, [x1, #16]                                             
    40029a04:   f9400462    ldr x2, [x3, #8]                                              
    40029a08:   b9401861    ldr w1, [x3, #24]                                             
    40029a0c:   f9400444    ldr x4, [x2, #8]                                              
    40029a10:   b9001841    str w1, [x2, #24]                                             
    40029a14:   b900187f    str wzr, [x3, #24]                                            
    40029a18:   b4ffec04    cbz x4, 40029798 <_RBTree_Extract+0x188>                      <== NEVER TAKEN
    40029a1c:   17ffff5e    b   40029794 <_RBTree_Extract+0x184>                          
    40029a20:   f9000024    str x4, [x1]                                                  
    40029a24:   f9400001    ldr x1, [x0]                                                  
    40029a28:   17ffffc3    b   40029934 <_RBTree_Extract+0x324>                          
    40029a2c:   f9000044    str x4, [x2]                                                  
    40029a30:   17ffffd3    b   4002997c <_RBTree_Extract+0x36c>                          
    40029a34:   aa0203e1    mov x1, x2                                                    
    40029a38:   f9000002    str x2, [x0]                                                  
    40029a3c:   17ffff63    b   400297c8 <_RBTree_Extract+0x1b8>                          
    40029a40:   f9000022    str x2, [x1]                                                  
    40029a44:   f9400001    ldr x1, [x0]                                                  
    40029a48:   17ffff60    b   400297c8 <_RBTree_Extract+0x1b8>                          
    40029a4c:   f9000002    str x2, [x0]                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029a50:   17ffffeb    b   400299fc <_RBTree_Extract+0x3ec>                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029a54:   f9000082    str x2, [x4]                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029a58:   17ffffe9    b   400299fc <_RBTree_Extract+0x3ec>                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029a5c:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

0000000040029a60 <_RBTree_Insert_color>: #include "config.h" #endif #include <rtems/score/rbtreeimpl.h> RB_GENERATE_INSERT_COLOR( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static inline )
    40029a60:   52800026    mov w6, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40029a64:   f9400822    ldr x2, [x1, #16]                                             
    40029a68:   b4000422    cbz x2, 40029aec <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x8c>                  
    40029a6c:   b9401843    ldr w3, [x2, #24]                                             
    40029a70:   7100047f    cmp w3, #0x1                                                  
    40029a74:   540003c1    b.ne    40029aec <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x8c>  // b.any        
    40029a78:   f9400843    ldr x3, [x2, #16]                                             
    40029a7c:   f9400064    ldr x4, [x3]                                                  
    40029a80:   eb02009f    cmp x4, x2                                                    
    40029a84:   540003a0    b.eq    40029af8 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x98>  // b.none       
    40029a88:   b4000084    cbz x4, 40029a98 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x38>                  
    40029a8c:   b9401885    ldr w5, [x4, #24]                                             
    40029a90:   710004bf    cmp w5, #0x1                                                  
    40029a94:   540008a0    b.eq    40029ba8 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x148>  // b.none      
    40029a98:   f9400044    ldr x4, [x2]                                                  
    40029a9c:   eb01009f    cmp x4, x1                                                    
    40029aa0:   54000620    b.eq    40029b64 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x104>  // b.none      
    40029aa4:   f9400464    ldr x4, [x3, #8]                                              
    40029aa8:   b900185f    str wzr, [x2, #24]                                            
    40029aac:   f9400082    ldr x2, [x4]                                                  
    40029ab0:   f9000462    str x2, [x3, #8]                                              
    40029ab4:   b9001866    str w6, [x3, #24]                                             
    40029ab8:   b4000042    cbz x2, 40029ac0 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x60>                  
    40029abc:   f9000843    str x3, [x2, #16]                                             
    40029ac0:   f9400862    ldr x2, [x3, #16]                                             
    40029ac4:   f9000882    str x2, [x4, #16]                                             
    40029ac8:   b40004a2    cbz x2, 40029b5c <_RBTree_Insert_color+0xfc>                  
    40029acc:   f9400045    ldr x5, [x2]                                                  
    40029ad0:   eb05007f    cmp x3, x5                                                    
    40029ad4:   54000740    b.eq    40029bbc <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x15c>  // b.none      
    40029ad8:   f9000444    str x4, [x2, #8]                                              
    40029adc:   f9000083    str x3, [x4]                                                  
    40029ae0:   f9000864    str x4, [x3, #16]                                             
    40029ae4:   f9400822    ldr x2, [x1, #16]                                             
    40029ae8:   b5fffc22    cbnz    x2, 40029a6c <_RBTree_Insert_color+0xc>               <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    40029aec:   f9400000    ldr x0, [x0]                                                  
    40029af0:   b900181f    str wzr, [x0, #24]                                            
  RBTree_Control *the_rbtree,                                                             
  RBTree_Node    *the_node                                                                
  RBTree_Control_RB_INSERT_COLOR( the_rbtree, the_node );                                 
    40029af4:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
RB_GENERATE_INSERT_COLOR( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static inline )              
    40029af8:   f9400464    ldr x4, [x3, #8]                                              
    40029afc:   b4000084    cbz x4, 40029b0c <_RBTree_Insert_color+0xac>                  
    40029b00:   b9401885    ldr w5, [x4, #24]                                             
    40029b04:   710004bf    cmp w5, #0x1                                                  
    40029b08:   54000500    b.eq    40029ba8 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x148>  // b.none      
    40029b0c:   f9400445    ldr x5, [x2, #8]                                              
    40029b10:   aa0203e4    mov x4, x2                                                    
    40029b14:   eb0100bf    cmp x5, x1                                                    
    40029b18:   54000560    b.eq    40029bc4 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x164>  // b.none      
    40029b1c:   f9400485    ldr x5, [x4, #8]                                              
    40029b20:   b900185f    str wzr, [x2, #24]                                            
    40029b24:   f9000065    str x5, [x3]                                                  
    40029b28:   b9001866    str w6, [x3, #24]                                             
    40029b2c:   b4000045    cbz x5, 40029b34 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0xd4>                  
    40029b30:   f90008a3    str x3, [x5, #16]                                             
    40029b34:   f9400862    ldr x2, [x3, #16]                                             
    40029b38:   f9000882    str x2, [x4, #16]                                             
    40029b3c:   b4000682    cbz x2, 40029c0c <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x1ac>                 
    40029b40:   f9400045    ldr x5, [x2]                                                  
    40029b44:   eb05007f    cmp x3, x5                                                    
    40029b48:   54000660    b.eq    40029c14 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x1b4>  // b.none      
    40029b4c:   f9000444    str x4, [x2, #8]                                              
    40029b50:   f9000483    str x3, [x4, #8]                                              
    40029b54:   f9000864    str x4, [x3, #16]                                             
    40029b58:   17ffffc3    b   40029a64 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x4>                       
    40029b5c:   f9000004    str x4, [x0]                                                  
    40029b60:   17ffffdf    b   40029adc <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x7c>                      
    40029b64:   f9400424    ldr x4, [x1, #8]                                              
    40029b68:   f9000044    str x4, [x2]                                                  
    40029b6c:   b40005c4    cbz x4, 40029c24 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x1c4>                 
    40029b70:   f9000882    str x2, [x4, #16]                                             
    40029b74:   f9400844    ldr x4, [x2, #16]                                             
    40029b78:   f9000824    str x4, [x1, #16]                                             
    40029b7c:   b4000504    cbz x4, 40029c1c <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x1bc>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
    40029b80:   f9400085    ldr x5, [x4]                                                  
    40029b84:   eb0200bf    cmp x5, x2                                                    
    40029b88:   54000580    b.eq    40029c38 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x1d8>  // b.none      <== NEVER TAKEN
    40029b8c:   f9000481    str x1, [x4, #8]                                              
    40029b90:   aa0103e4    mov x4, x1                                                    
    40029b94:   f9000422    str x2, [x1, #8]                                              
    40029b98:   f9000841    str x1, [x2, #16]                                             
    40029b9c:   aa0203e1    mov x1, x2                                                    
    40029ba0:   aa0403e2    mov x2, x4                                                    
    40029ba4:   17ffffc0    b   40029aa4 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x44>                      
    40029ba8:   b900189f    str wzr, [x4, #24]                                            
    40029bac:   aa0303e1    mov x1, x3                                                    
    40029bb0:   b900185f    str wzr, [x2, #24]                                            
    40029bb4:   b9001865    str w5, [x3, #24]                                             
    40029bb8:   17ffffab    b   40029a64 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x4>                       
    40029bbc:   f9000044    str x4, [x2]                                                  
    40029bc0:   17ffffc7    b   40029adc <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x7c>                      
    40029bc4:   f9400024    ldr x4, [x1]                                                  
    40029bc8:   f9000444    str x4, [x2, #8]                                              
    40029bcc:   b40003a4    cbz x4, 40029c40 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x1e0>                 
    40029bd0:   f9000882    str x2, [x4, #16]                                             
    40029bd4:   f9400844    ldr x4, [x2, #16]                                             
    40029bd8:   f9000824    str x4, [x1, #16]                                             
    40029bdc:   b40003a4    cbz x4, 40029c50 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x1f0>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
    40029be0:   f9400085    ldr x5, [x4]                                                  
    40029be4:   eb0200bf    cmp x5, x2                                                    
    40029be8:   54000300    b.eq    40029c48 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x1e8>  // b.none      <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    40029bec:   f9000481    str x1, [x4, #8]                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029bf0:   f9000022    str x2, [x1]                                                  
    40029bf4:   aa0103e5    mov x5, x1                                                    
    40029bf8:   f9400064    ldr x4, [x3]                                                  
    40029bfc:   f9000841    str x1, [x2, #16]                                             
    40029c00:   aa0203e1    mov x1, x2                                                    
    40029c04:   aa0503e2    mov x2, x5                                                    
    40029c08:   17ffffc5    b   40029b1c <_RBTree_Insert_color+0xbc>                      
    40029c0c:   f9000004    str x4, [x0]                                                  
    40029c10:   17ffffd0    b   40029b50 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0xf0>                      
    40029c14:   f9000044    str x4, [x2]                                                  
    40029c18:   17ffffce    b   40029b50 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0xf0>                      
    40029c1c:   f9000001    str x1, [x0]                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029c20:   17ffffdc    b   40029b90 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x130>                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029c24:   aa0303e4    mov x4, x3                                                    
    40029c28:   f9000823    str x3, [x1, #16]                                             
    40029c2c:   f9400085    ldr x5, [x4]                                                  
    40029c30:   eb0200bf    cmp x5, x2                                                    
    40029c34:   54fffac1    b.ne    40029b8c <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x12c>  // b.any       <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    40029c38:   f9000081    str x1, [x4]                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029c3c:   17ffffd5    b   40029b90 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x130>                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029c40:   aa0303e4    mov x4, x3                                                    
    40029c44:   f9000823    str x3, [x1, #16]                                             
    40029c48:   f9000081    str x1, [x4]                                                  
    40029c4c:   17ffffe9    b   40029bf0 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x190>                     
    40029c50:   f9000001    str x1, [x0]                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029c54:   17ffffe7    b   40029bf0 <_RBTree_Insert_color+0x190>                     <== NOT EXECUTED

0000000040026430 <_RBTree_Postorder_first>: return RB_ROOT( the_rbtree );
    40026430:   f9400000    ldr x0, [x0]                                                  
  const RBTree_Node *the_node;                                                            
  the_node = _RBTree_Root( the_rbtree );                                                  
  if ( the_node == NULL ) {                                                               
    40026434:   b40000e0    cbz x0, 40026450 <_RBTree_Postorder_first+0x20>               
  return RB_LEFT( the_node, Node );                                                       
    40026438:   aa0003e2    mov x2, x0                                                    
    4002643c:   f9400000    ldr x0, [x0]                                                  
    if ( _RBTree_Left( the_node ) != NULL ) {                                             
    40026440:   b5ffffc0    cbnz    x0, 40026438 <_RBTree_Postorder_first+0x8>            <== NEVER TAKEN
  return RB_RIGHT( the_node, Node );                                                      
    40026444:   f9400440    ldr x0, [x2, #8]                                              
    } else if ( _RBTree_Right( the_node ) != NULL ) {                                     
    40026448:   b5ffff80    cbnz    x0, 40026438 <_RBTree_Postorder_first+0x8>            <== NEVER TAKEN
      return (void *) ( (uintptr_t) the_node - offset );                                  
    4002644c:   cb010040    sub x0, x2, x1                                                
    return NULL;                                                                          
  return _RBTree_Postorder_dive_left( the_node, offset );                                 
    40026450:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040025c20 <_RBTree_Predecessor>: RB_GENERATE_PREV( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static )
    40025c20:   f9400001    ldr x1, [x0]                                                  
RBTree_Node *_RBTree_Predecessor( const RBTree_Node *node )                               
    40025c24:   aa0003e2    mov x2, x0                                                    
RB_GENERATE_PREV( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static )                             
    40025c28:   b40000c1    cbz x1, 40025c40 <_RBTree_Predecessor+0x20>                   
    40025c2c:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    40025c30:   aa0103e0    mov x0, x1                                                    
    40025c34:   f9400421    ldr x1, [x1, #8]                                              
    40025c38:   b5ffffc1    cbnz    x1, 40025c30 <_RBTree_Predecessor+0x10>               
  return RB_PREV( RBTree_Control, NULL, RTEMS_DECONST( RBTree_Node *, node ) );           
    40025c3c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
RB_GENERATE_PREV( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static )                             
    40025c40:   f9400800    ldr x0, [x0, #16]                                             
    40025c44:   b4ffffc0    cbz x0, 40025c3c <_RBTree_Predecessor+0x1c>                   
    40025c48:   f9400401    ldr x1, [x0, #8]                                              
    40025c4c:   eb01005f    cmp x2, x1                                                    
    40025c50:   54ffff60    b.eq    40025c3c <_RBTree_Predecessor+0x1c>  // b.none        
    40025c54:   f9400001    ldr x1, [x0]                                                  
    40025c58:   eb02003f    cmp x1, x2                                                    
    40025c5c:   54ffff01    b.ne    40025c3c <_RBTree_Predecessor+0x1c>  // b.any         <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025c60:   f9400801    ldr x1, [x0, #16]                                             
    40025c64:   aa0003e2    mov x2, x0                                                    
    40025c68:   aa0103e0    mov x0, x1                                                    
    40025c6c:   b40000a1    cbz x1, 40025c80 <_RBTree_Predecessor+0x60>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025c70:   f9400001    ldr x1, [x0]                                                  
    40025c74:   eb02003f    cmp x1, x2                                                    
    40025c78:   54ffff40    b.eq    40025c60 <_RBTree_Predecessor+0x40>  // b.none        <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025c7c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    40025c80:   d2800000    mov x0, #0x0                    // #0                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025c84:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED

0000000040025bb0 <_RBTree_Successor>: RB_GENERATE_NEXT( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static )
    40025bb0:   f9400401    ldr x1, [x0, #8]                                              
  return RB_MAX( RBTree_Control, RTEMS_DECONST( RBTree_Control *, tree ) );               
RBTree_Node *_RBTree_Successor( const RBTree_Node *node )                                 
    40025bb4:   aa0003e2    mov x2, x0                                                    
RB_GENERATE_NEXT( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static )                             
    40025bb8:   b40000c1    cbz x1, 40025bd0 <_RBTree_Successor+0x20>                     
    40025bbc:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    40025bc0:   aa0103e0    mov x0, x1                                                    
    40025bc4:   f9400021    ldr x1, [x1]                                                  
    40025bc8:   b5ffffc1    cbnz    x1, 40025bc0 <_RBTree_Successor+0x10>                 
  return RB_NEXT( RBTree_Control, NULL, RTEMS_DECONST( RBTree_Node *, node ) );           
    40025bcc:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
RB_GENERATE_NEXT( RBTree_Control, RBTree_Node, Node, static )                             
    40025bd0:   f9400800    ldr x0, [x0, #16]                                             
    40025bd4:   b4ffffc0    cbz x0, 40025bcc <_RBTree_Successor+0x1c>                     
    40025bd8:   f9400001    ldr x1, [x0]                                                  
    40025bdc:   eb01005f    cmp x2, x1                                                    
    40025be0:   54ffff60    b.eq    40025bcc <_RBTree_Successor+0x1c>  // b.none          
    40025be4:   f9400401    ldr x1, [x0, #8]                                              
    40025be8:   eb02003f    cmp x1, x2                                                    
    40025bec:   54ffff01    b.ne    40025bcc <_RBTree_Successor+0x1c>  // b.any           <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025bf0:   f9400801    ldr x1, [x0, #16]                                             
    40025bf4:   aa0003e2    mov x2, x0                                                    
    40025bf8:   aa0103e0    mov x0, x1                                                    
    40025bfc:   b40000a1    cbz x1, 40025c10 <_RBTree_Successor+0x60>                     
    40025c00:   f9400401    ldr x1, [x0, #8]                                              
    40025c04:   eb02003f    cmp x1, x2                                                    
    40025c08:   54ffff40    b.eq    40025bf0 <_RBTree_Successor+0x40>  // b.none          
    40025c0c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    40025c10:   d2800000    mov x0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40025c14:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

000000004002d720 <_SMP_barrier_Wait>: SMP_barrier_Control *control, SMP_barrier_State *state, unsigned int count ) { unsigned int sense = ~state->sense;
    4002d720:   b9400024    ldr w4, [x1]                                                  
    4002d724:   aa0003e3    mov x3, x0                                                    
  unsigned int sense = ~state->sense;                                                     
    4002d728:   2a2403e4    mvn w4, w4                                                    
  unsigned int previous_value;                                                            
  bool performed_release;                                                                 
  state->sense = sense;                                                                   
    4002d72c:   b9000024    str w4, [x1]                                                  
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    4002d730:   d53b4221    mrs x1, daif                                                  
    4002d734:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
  *obj = val + arg;                                                                       
    4002d738:   b9400000    ldr w0, [x0]                                                  
    4002d73c:   11000400    add w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    4002d740:   b9000060    str w0, [x3]                                                  
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    4002d744:   92407c21    and x1, x1, #0xffffffff                                       
    4002d748:   d51b4221    msr daif, x1                                                  
  if ( previous_value + 1U == count ) {                                                   
    4002d74c:   6b00005f    cmp w2, w0                                                    
    4002d750:   540000e0    b.eq    4002d76c <_SMP_barrier_Wait+0x4c>  // b.none          <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    4002d754:   d503201f    nop                                                           
  val = *obj;                                                                             
    4002d758:   b9400461    ldr w1, [x3, #4]                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    _Atomic_Store_uint( &control->value, 0U, ATOMIC_ORDER_RELAXED );                      
    _Atomic_Store_uint( &control->sense, sense, ATOMIC_ORDER_RELEASE );                   
    performed_release = true;                                                             
  } else {                                                                                
    while (                                                                               
    4002d75c:   6b01009f    cmp w4, w1                                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002d760:   54ffffc1    b.ne    4002d758 <_SMP_barrier_Wait+0x38>  // b.any           <== NOT EXECUTED
      _Atomic_Load_uint( &control->sense, ATOMIC_ORDER_ACQUIRE ) != sense                 
    ) {                                                                                   
      /* Wait */                                                                          
    performed_release = false;                                                            
    4002d764:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  return performed_release;                                                               
    4002d768:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  *obj = desired;                                                                         
    4002d76c:   b900007f    str wzr, [x3]                                                 
    performed_release = true;                                                             
    4002d770:   52800020    mov w0, #0x1                    // #1                         
    4002d774:   b9000464    str w4, [x3, #4]                                              
    4002d778:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    4002d77c:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

0000000040025c30 <_Scheduler_CBS_Attach_thread>: Scheduler_CBS_Server *server; ISR_lock_Context lock_context; Thread_Control *the_thread; Scheduler_CBS_Node *node; if ( server_id >= _Scheduler_CBS_Maximum_servers ) {
    40025c30:   f0000082    adrp    x2, 40038000 <_Heap_Resize_block+0xf0>                
    40025c34:   b9487042    ldr w2, [x2, #2160]                                           
    40025c38:   6b00005f    cmp w2, w0                                                    
    40025c3c:   54000689    b.ls    40025d0c <_Scheduler_CBS_Attach_thread+0xdc>  // b.plast
    40025c40:   a9bc7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-64]!                                     
    40025c44:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40025c48:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    return SCHEDULER_CBS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;                                         
  server = &_Scheduler_CBS_Server_list[ server_id ];                                      
  if ( !server->initialized ) {                                                           
    40025c4c:   2a0003f5    mov w21, w0                                                   
    40025c50:   2a0103f6    mov w22, w1                                                   
    40025c54:   d2800501    mov x1, #0x28                   // #40                        
    40025c58:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
  server = &_Scheduler_CBS_Server_list[ server_id ];                                      
    40025c5c:   b00006f4    adrp    x20, 40102000 <_Rate_monotonic_Objects+0x120>         
    40025c60:   911fc294    add x20, x20, #0x7f0                                          
  if ( !server->initialized ) {                                                           
    40025c64:   9b017eb5    mul x21, x21, x1                                              
  server = &_Scheduler_CBS_Server_list[ server_id ];                                      
    40025c68:   52800513    mov w19, #0x28                      // #40                    
    40025c6c:   9bb35013    umaddl  x19, w0, w19, x20                                     
  if ( !server->initialized ) {                                                           
    40025c70:   8b150280    add x0, x20, x21                                              
    40025c74:   39408000    ldrb    w0, [x0, #32]                                         
    40025c78:   34000460    cbz w0, 40025d04 <_Scheduler_CBS_Attach_thread+0xd4>          
    return SCHEDULER_CBS_ERROR_NOSERVER;                                                  
  if ( server->task_id != -1 ) {                                                          
    40025c7c:   b8756a80    ldr w0, [x20, x21]                                            
    40025c80:   3100041f    cmn w0, #0x1                                                  
    40025c84:   54000301    b.ne    40025ce4 <_Scheduler_CBS_Attach_thread+0xb4>  // b.any
    return SCHEDULER_CBS_ERROR_FULL;                                                      
  the_thread = _Thread_Get( task_id, &lock_context );                                     
    40025c88:   9100e3e1    add x1, sp, #0x38                                             
    40025c8c:   2a1603e0    mov w0, w22                                                   
    40025c90:   94000508    bl  400270b0 <_Thread_Get>                                    
  if ( the_thread == NULL ) {                                                             
    40025c94:   b4000340    cbz x0, 40025cfc <_Scheduler_CBS_Attach_thread+0xcc>          
  return the_thread->Scheduler.nodes;                                                     
    40025c98:   f9403401    ldr x1, [x0, #104]                                            
    return SCHEDULER_CBS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;                                         
  node = _Scheduler_CBS_Thread_get_node( the_thread );                                    
  if ( node->cbs_server != NULL ) {                                                       
    40025c9c:   f9403c22    ldr x2, [x1, #120]                                            
    40025ca0:   b5000262    cbnz    x2, 40025cec <_Scheduler_CBS_Attach_thread+0xbc>      <== NEVER TAKEN
    _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &lock_context );                                                
    return SCHEDULER_CBS_ERROR_FULL;                                                      
  node->cbs_server = server;                                                              
    40025ca4:   f9003c33    str x19, [x1, #120]                                           
  server->task_id = task_id;                                                              
  the_thread->budget_callout   = _Scheduler_CBS_Budget_callout;                           
  the_thread->budget_algorithm = THREAD_CPU_BUDGET_ALGORITHM_CALLOUT;                     
    40025ca8:   52800062    mov w2, #0x3                    // #3                         
  server->task_id = task_id;                                                              
    40025cac:   b8356a96    str w22, [x20, x21]                                           
  the_thread->is_preemptible   = true;                                                    
    40025cb0:   52800023    mov w3, #0x1                    // #1                         
  the_thread->budget_callout   = _Scheduler_CBS_Budget_callout;                           
    40025cb4:   90000001    adrp    x1, 40025000 <_Rate_monotonic_Timeout+0x80>           
    40025cb8:   91348021    add x1, x1, #0xd20                                            
  the_thread->is_preemptible   = true;                                                    
    40025cbc:   3903a403    strb    w3, [x0, #233]                                        
  the_thread->budget_algorithm = THREAD_CPU_BUDGET_ALGORITHM_CALLOUT;                     
    40025cc0:   b900f002    str w2, [x0, #240]                                            
  the_thread->budget_callout   = _Scheduler_CBS_Budget_callout;                           
    40025cc4:   f9007c01    str x1, [x0, #248]                                            
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &lock_context );                                                  
    40025cc8:   b9403be0    ldr w0, [sp, #56]                                             
    40025ccc:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
  return SCHEDULER_CBS_OK;                                                                
    40025cd0:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40025cd4:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40025cd8:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40025cdc:   a8c47bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #64                                       
    40025ce0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    return SCHEDULER_CBS_ERROR_FULL;                                                      
    40025ce4:   12800320    mov w0, #0xffffffe6             // #-26                       
    40025ce8:   17fffffb    b   40025cd4 <_Scheduler_CBS_Attach_thread+0xa4>              
    _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &lock_context );                                                
    40025cec:   b9403be0    ldr w0, [sp, #56]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025cf0:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    return SCHEDULER_CBS_ERROR_FULL;                                                      
    40025cf4:   12800320    mov w0, #0xffffffe6             // #-26                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025cf8:   17fffff7    b   40025cd4 <_Scheduler_CBS_Attach_thread+0xa4>              <== NOT EXECUTED
    return SCHEDULER_CBS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;                                         
    40025cfc:   12800220    mov w0, #0xffffffee             // #-18                       
    40025d00:   17fffff5    b   40025cd4 <_Scheduler_CBS_Attach_thread+0xa4>              
    return SCHEDULER_CBS_ERROR_NOSERVER;                                                  
    40025d04:   12800300    mov w0, #0xffffffe7             // #-25                       
    40025d08:   17fffff3    b   40025cd4 <_Scheduler_CBS_Attach_thread+0xa4>              
    return SCHEDULER_CBS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;                                         
    40025d0c:   12800220    mov w0, #0xffffffee             // #-18                       
    40025d10:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040025d20 <_Scheduler_CBS_Budget_callout>: #include <rtems/score/schedulercbsimpl.h> void _Scheduler_CBS_Budget_callout( Thread_Control *the_thread ) {
    40025d20:   a9b97bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-112]!                                    
    40025d24:   aa0003e1    mov x1, x0                                                    
  node = _Scheduler_CBS_Thread_get_node( the_thread );                                    
  /* Put violating task to background until the end of period. */                         
  _Thread_queue_Context_clear_priority_updates( &queue_context );                         
    40025d28:   d2800000    mov x0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40025d2c:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40025d30:   f9000bf3    str x19, [sp, #16]                                            
    40025d34:   9100c3e3    add x3, sp, #0x30                                             
    40025d38:   f9403433    ldr x19, [x1, #104]                                           
  queue_context->Priority.update_count = 0;                                               
    40025d3c:   f9002bff    str xzr, [sp, #80]                                            
    40025d40:   f9404262    ldr x2, [x19, #128]                                           
    40025d44:   94000163    bl  400262d0 <_Scheduler_CBS_Cancel_job>                      
  _Thread_Priority_update( &queue_context );                                              
    40025d48:   9100c3e0    add x0, sp, #0x30                                             
    40025d4c:   94000419    bl  40026db0 <_Thread_Priority_update>                        
  /* Invoke callback function if any. */                                                  
  if ( node->cbs_server->cbs_budget_overrun ) {                                           
    40025d50:   f9403e60    ldr x0, [x19, #120]                                           
    40025d54:   f9400c01    ldr x1, [x0, #24]                                             
    40025d58:   b4000101    cbz x1, 40025d78 <_Scheduler_CBS_Budget_callout+0x58>         <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025d5c:   b9400000    ldr w0, [x0]                                                  
    40025d60:   9100b3e1    add x1, sp, #0x2c                                             
    40025d64:   94000133    bl  40026230 <_Scheduler_CBS_Get_server_id>                   
    node->cbs_server->cbs_budget_overrun( server_id );                                    
    40025d68:   f9403e61    ldr x1, [x19, #120]                                           
    40025d6c:   b9402fe0    ldr w0, [sp, #44]                                             
    40025d70:   f9400c21    ldr x1, [x1, #24]                                             
    40025d74:   d63f0020    blr x1                                                        
    40025d78:   f9400bf3    ldr x19, [sp, #16]                                            
    40025d7c:   a8c77bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #112                                      
    40025d80:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040025da0 <_Scheduler_CBS_Cleanup>: #include <rtems/score/schedulercbs.h> #include <rtems/score/wkspace.h> int _Scheduler_CBS_Cleanup (void) {
    40025da0:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    40025da4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40025da8:   f90013f5    str x21, [sp, #32]                                            
  unsigned int i;                                                                         
  for ( i = 0; i<_Scheduler_CBS_Maximum_servers; i++ ) {                                  
    40025dac:   f0000080    adrp    x0, 40038000 <_Heap_Resize_block+0xf0>                
    40025db0:   b9487015    ldr w21, [x0, #2160]                                          
    40025db4:   34000255    cbz w21, 40025dfc <_Scheduler_CBS_Cleanup+0x5c>               <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025db8:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40025dbc:   b00006f4    adrp    x20, 40102000 <_Rate_monotonic_Objects+0x120>         
    40025dc0:   911fc294    add x20, x20, #0x7f0                                          
    40025dc4:   52800013    mov w19, #0x0                       // #0                     
    40025dc8:   14000004    b   40025dd8 <_Scheduler_CBS_Cleanup+0x38>                    
    40025dcc:   11000673    add w19, w19, #0x1                                            
    40025dd0:   6b15027f    cmp w19, w21                                                  
    40025dd4:   54000120    b.eq    40025df8 <_Scheduler_CBS_Cleanup+0x58>  // b.none     
    if ( _Scheduler_CBS_Server_list[ i ].initialized )                                    
    40025dd8:   39408280    ldrb    w0, [x20, #32]                                        
  for ( i = 0; i<_Scheduler_CBS_Maximum_servers; i++ ) {                                  
    40025ddc:   9100a294    add x20, x20, #0x28                                           
    if ( _Scheduler_CBS_Server_list[ i ].initialized )                                    
    40025de0:   34ffff60    cbz w0, 40025dcc <_Scheduler_CBS_Cleanup+0x2c>                
      _Scheduler_CBS_Destroy_server( i );                                                 
    40025de4:   2a1303e0    mov w0, w19                                                   
  for ( i = 0; i<_Scheduler_CBS_Maximum_servers; i++ ) {                                  
    40025de8:   11000673    add w19, w19, #0x1                                            
      _Scheduler_CBS_Destroy_server( i );                                                 
    40025dec:   94000035    bl  40025ec0 <_Scheduler_CBS_Destroy_server>                  
  for ( i = 0; i<_Scheduler_CBS_Maximum_servers; i++ ) {                                  
    40025df0:   6b15027f    cmp w19, w21                                                  
    40025df4:   54ffff21    b.ne    40025dd8 <_Scheduler_CBS_Cleanup+0x38>  // b.any      <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    40025df8:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
  return SCHEDULER_CBS_OK;                                                                
    40025dfc:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40025e00:   f94013f5    ldr x21, [sp, #32]                                            
    40025e04:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    40025e08:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    40025e0c:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

0000000040025e10 <_Scheduler_CBS_Create_server>: int _Scheduler_CBS_Create_server ( Scheduler_CBS_Parameters *params, Scheduler_CBS_Budget_overrun budget_overrun_callback, rtems_id *server_id ) {
    40025e10:   aa0003e7    mov x7, x0                                                    
  unsigned int i;                                                                         
  Scheduler_CBS_Server *the_server;                                                       
  if ( params->budget <= 0 ||                                                             
    40025e14:   f9400400    ldr x0, [x0, #8]                                              
    40025e18:   f100001f    cmp x0, #0x0                                                  
    40025e1c:   5400048d    b.le    40025eac <_Scheduler_CBS_Create_server+0x9c>          
    40025e20:   f94000e0    ldr x0, [x7]                                                  
    40025e24:   f100001f    cmp x0, #0x0                                                  
    40025e28:   5400042d    b.le    40025eac <_Scheduler_CBS_Create_server+0x9c>          
       params->deadline <= 0 ||                                                           
       params->budget >= SCHEDULER_EDF_PRIO_MSB ||                                        
       params->deadline >= SCHEDULER_EDF_PRIO_MSB )                                       
    return SCHEDULER_CBS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;                                         
  for ( i = 0; i<_Scheduler_CBS_Maximum_servers; i++ ) {                                  
    40025e2c:   f0000080    adrp    x0, 40038000 <_Heap_Resize_block+0xf0>                
    40025e30:   b9487006    ldr w6, [x0, #2160]                                           
    40025e34:   34000386    cbz w6, 40025ea4 <_Scheduler_CBS_Create_server+0x94>          <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025e38:   b00006e8    adrp    x8, 40102000 <_Rate_monotonic_Objects+0x120>          
    40025e3c:   911fc108    add x8, x8, #0x7f0                                            
    40025e40:   aa0803e4    mov x4, x8                                                    
    40025e44:   52800003    mov w3, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40025e48:   14000004    b   40025e58 <_Scheduler_CBS_Create_server+0x48>              
    40025e4c:   11000463    add w3, w3, #0x1                                              
    40025e50:   6b0300df    cmp w6, w3                                                    
    40025e54:   54000280    b.eq    40025ea4 <_Scheduler_CBS_Create_server+0x94>  // b.none
    if ( !_Scheduler_CBS_Server_list[i].initialized )                                     
    40025e58:   39408085    ldrb    w5, [x4, #32]                                         
  for ( i = 0; i<_Scheduler_CBS_Maximum_servers; i++ ) {                                  
    40025e5c:   9100a084    add x4, x4, #0x28                                             
    if ( !_Scheduler_CBS_Server_list[i].initialized )                                     
    40025e60:   35ffff65    cbnz    w5, 40025e4c <_Scheduler_CBS_Create_server+0x3c>      
  if ( i == _Scheduler_CBS_Maximum_servers )                                              
    return SCHEDULER_CBS_ERROR_FULL;                                                      
  *server_id = i;                                                                         
  the_server = &_Scheduler_CBS_Server_list[*server_id];                                   
  the_server->parameters = *params;                                                       
    40025e64:   2a0303e0    mov w0, w3                                                    
    40025e68:   d2800504    mov x4, #0x28                   // #40                        
    40025e6c:   f94000e6    ldr x6, [x7]                                                  
  *server_id = i;                                                                         
    40025e70:   b9000043    str w3, [x2]                                                  
  the_server->parameters = *params;                                                       
    40025e74:   9b047c03    mul x3, x0, x4                                                
  the_server->task_id = -1;                                                               
    40025e78:   12800005    mov w5, #0xffffffff             // #-1                        
  the_server->cbs_budget_overrun = budget_overrun_callback;                               
  the_server->initialized = true;                                                         
    40025e7c:   52800024    mov w4, #0x1                    // #1                         
  return SCHEDULER_CBS_OK;                                                                
    40025e80:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
  the_server->parameters = *params;                                                       
    40025e84:   8b030102    add x2, x8, x3                                                
    40025e88:   f9000446    str x6, [x2, #8]                                              
    40025e8c:   f94004e6    ldr x6, [x7, #8]                                              
    40025e90:   f9000846    str x6, [x2, #16]                                             
  the_server->task_id = -1;                                                               
    40025e94:   b8236905    str w5, [x8, x3]                                              
  the_server->cbs_budget_overrun = budget_overrun_callback;                               
    40025e98:   f9000c41    str x1, [x2, #24]                                             
  the_server->initialized = true;                                                         
    40025e9c:   39008044    strb    w4, [x2, #32]                                         
    40025ea0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    return SCHEDULER_CBS_ERROR_FULL;                                                      
    40025ea4:   12800320    mov w0, #0xffffffe6             // #-26                       
    40025ea8:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    return SCHEDULER_CBS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;                                         
    40025eac:   12800220    mov w0, #0xffffffee             // #-18                       
    40025eb0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040026230 <_Scheduler_CBS_Get_server_id>: rtems_id task_id, Scheduler_CBS_Server_id *server_id ) { unsigned int i; for ( i = 0; i<_Scheduler_CBS_Maximum_servers; i++ ) {
    40026230:   d0000082    adrp    x2, 40038000 <_Heap_Resize_block+0xf0>                
    40026234:   b9487045    ldr w5, [x2, #2160]                                           
    40026238:   340001a5    cbz w5, 4002626c <_Scheduler_CBS_Get_server_id+0x3c>          <== NEVER TAKEN
    4002623c:   900006e2    adrp    x2, 40102000 <_Rate_monotonic_Objects+0x120>          
    40026240:   911fc042    add x2, x2, #0x7f0                                            
    40026244:   52800003    mov w3, #0x0                    // #0                         
    if ( _Scheduler_CBS_Server_list[i].initialized &&                                     
    40026248:   39408044    ldrb    w4, [x2, #32]                                         
    4002624c:   34000084    cbz w4, 4002625c <_Scheduler_CBS_Get_server_id+0x2c>          
    40026250:   b9400044    ldr w4, [x2]                                                  
    40026254:   6b00009f    cmp w4, w0                                                    
    40026258:   540000e0    b.eq    40026274 <_Scheduler_CBS_Get_server_id+0x44>  // b.none
  for ( i = 0; i<_Scheduler_CBS_Maximum_servers; i++ ) {                                  
    4002625c:   11000463    add w3, w3, #0x1                                              
    40026260:   9100a042    add x2, x2, #0x28                                             
    40026264:   6b05007f    cmp w3, w5                                                    
    40026268:   54ffff01    b.ne    40026248 <_Scheduler_CBS_Get_server_id+0x18>  // b.any
         _Scheduler_CBS_Server_list[i].task_id == task_id ) {                             
      *server_id = i;                                                                     
      return SCHEDULER_CBS_OK;                                                            
  return SCHEDULER_CBS_ERROR_NOSERVER;                                                    
    4002626c:   12800300    mov w0, #0xffffffe7             // #-25                       
    40026270:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
      return SCHEDULER_CBS_OK;                                                            
    40026274:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
      *server_id = i;                                                                     
    40026278:   b9000023    str w3, [x1]                                                  
    4002627c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

00000000400255b0 <_Scheduler_CBS_Unblock>: void _Scheduler_CBS_Unblock( const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread, Scheduler_Node *node ) {
    400255b0:   a9b97bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-112]!                                    
    400255b4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    400255b8:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400255bc:   aa0203f3    mov x19, x2                                                   
    400255c0:   aa0103f4    mov x20, x1                                                   
  Priority_Control      priority;                                                         
  the_node = _Scheduler_CBS_Node_downcast( node );                                        
  serv_info = the_node->cbs_server;                                                       
  priority = _Scheduler_Node_get_priority( &the_node->Base.Base );                        
  priority = SCHEDULER_PRIORITY_PURIFY( priority );                                       
    400255c4:   f9402443    ldr x3, [x2, #72]                                             
  serv_info = the_node->cbs_server;                                                       
    400255c8:   f9403c42    ldr x2, [x2, #120]                                            
    400255cc:   f90013f5    str x21, [sp, #32]                                            
  priority = SCHEDULER_PRIORITY_PURIFY( priority );                                       
    400255d0:   927ff863    and x3, x3, #0xfffffffffffffffe                               
    400255d4:   aa0003f5    mov x21, x0                                                   
   * Late unblock rule for deadline-driven tasks. The remaining time to                   
   * deadline must be sufficient to serve the remaining computation time                  
   * without increased utilization of this task. It might cause a deadline                
   * miss of another task.                                                                
  if ( serv_info != NULL && ( priority & SCHEDULER_EDF_PRIO_MSB ) == 0 ) {                
    400255d8:   f100005f    cmp x2, #0x0                                                  
    400255dc:   fa401861    ccmp    x3, #0x0, #0x1, ne  // ne = any                       
    400255e0:   5400014b    b.lt    40025608 <_Scheduler_CBS_Unblock+0x58>  // b.tstop    
    time_t deadline = serv_info->parameters.deadline;                                     
    time_t budget = serv_info->parameters.budget;                                         
    uint32_t deadline_left = the_thread->cpu_time_budget;                                 
    Priority_Control budget_left = priority - _Watchdog_Ticks_since_boot;                 
    400255e4:   d00006e4    adrp    x4, 40103000 <config+0x8>                             
    400255e8:   b9410886    ldr w6, [x4, #264]                                            
    if ( deadline * budget_left > budget * deadline_left ) {                              
    400255ec:   a9408845    ldp x5, x2, [x2, #8]                                          
    400255f0:   b940ec24    ldr w4, [x1, #236]                                            
    Priority_Control budget_left = priority - _Watchdog_Ticks_since_boot;                 
    400255f4:   cb264063    sub x3, x3, w6, uxtw                                          
    if ( deadline * budget_left > budget * deadline_left ) {                              
    400255f8:   9b027c82    mul x2, x4, x2                                                
    400255fc:   9b057c63    mul x3, x3, x5                                                
    40025600:   eb02007f    cmp x3, x2                                                    
    40025604:   54000108    b.hi    40025624 <_Scheduler_CBS_Unblock+0x74>  // b.pmore    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  _Scheduler_EDF_Unblock( scheduler, the_thread, &the_node->Base.Base );                  
    40025608:   aa1303e2    mov x2, x19                                                   
    4002560c:   aa1403e1    mov x1, x20                                                   
    40025610:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    40025614:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40025618:   f94013f5    ldr x21, [sp, #32]                                            
    4002561c:   a8c77bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #112                                      
  _Scheduler_EDF_Unblock( scheduler, the_thread, &the_node->Base.Base );                  
    40025620:   14000104    b   40025a30 <_Scheduler_EDF_Unblock>                         
    40025624:   f9404262    ldr x2, [x19, #128]                                           
    40025628:   9100c3e3    add x3, sp, #0x30                                             
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Thread_queue_Context_clear_priority_updates(                   
  Thread_queue_Context *queue_context                                                     
  queue_context->Priority.update_count = 0;                                               
    4002562c:   f9002bff    str xzr, [sp, #80]                                            
    40025630:   97ffffd8    bl  40025590 <_Scheduler_CBS_Cancel_job>                      
  _Scheduler_EDF_Unblock( scheduler, the_thread, &the_node->Base.Base );                  
    40025634:   aa1303e2    mov x2, x19                                                   
    40025638:   aa1403e1    mov x1, x20                                                   
    4002563c:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    40025640:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40025644:   f94013f5    ldr x21, [sp, #32]                                            
    40025648:   a8c77bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #112                                      
  _Scheduler_EDF_Unblock( scheduler, the_thread, &the_node->Base.Base );                  
    4002564c:   140000f9    b   40025a30 <_Scheduler_EDF_Unblock>                         

0000000040025710 <_Scheduler_EDF_Block>: void _Scheduler_EDF_Block( const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread, Scheduler_Node *node ) {
    40025710:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    40025714:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40025718:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002571c:   aa0003f5    mov x21, x0                                                   
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Scheduler_EDF_Extract(                                         
  Scheduler_EDF_Context *context,                                                         
  Scheduler_EDF_Node    *node                                                             
  _RBTree_Extract( &context->Ready, &node->Node );                                        
    40025720:   f9400000    ldr x0, [x0]                                                  
    40025724:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40025728:   d00006f3    adrp    x19, 40103000 <config+0x8>                            
    4002572c:   91020273    add x19, x19, #0x80                                           
    40025730:   aa0103f4    mov x20, x1                                                   
    40025734:   91014041    add x1, x2, #0x50                                             
    40025738:   9400100a    bl  40029760 <_RBTree_Extract>                                
  ( *extract )( scheduler, the_thread, node );                                            
  /* TODO: flash critical section? */                                                     
  if ( _Thread_Is_executing( the_thread ) || _Thread_Is_heir( the_thread ) ) {            
    4002573c:   f9401260    ldr x0, [x19, #32]                                            
    40025740:   eb00029f    cmp x20, x0                                                   
    40025744:   54000100    b.eq    40025764 <_Scheduler_EDF_Block+0x54>  // b.none       
    40025748:   f9401660    ldr x0, [x19, #40]                                            
    4002574c:   eb00029f    cmp x20, x0                                                   
    40025750:   540000a0    b.eq    40025764 <_Scheduler_EDF_Block+0x54>  // b.none       <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025754:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40025758:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002575c:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    40025760:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  Scheduler_EDF_Node    *node;                                                            
  (void) the_thread;                                                                      
  context = _Scheduler_EDF_Get_context( scheduler );                                      
  first = _RBTree_Minimum( &context->Ready );                                             
    40025764:   f94002a0    ldr x0, [x21]                                                 
    40025768:   94001192    bl  40029db0 <_RBTree_Minimum>                                
  node = RTEMS_CONTAINER_OF( first, Scheduler_EDF_Node, Node );                           
  _Scheduler_Update_heir( node->Base.owner, force_dispatch );                             
    4002576c:   f85b0015    ldur    x21, [x0, #-80]                                       
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Scheduler_Update_heir(                                         
  Thread_Control *new_heir,                                                               
  bool            force_dispatch                                                          
  Thread_Control *heir = _Thread_Heir;                                                    
    40025770:   f9401674    ldr x20, [x19, #40]                                           
  if ( heir != new_heir && ( heir->is_preemptible || force_dispatch ) ) {                 
    40025774:   eb1402bf    cmp x21, x20                                                  
    40025778:   54fffee0    b.eq    40025754 <_Scheduler_EDF_Block+0x44>  // b.none       <== NEVER TAKEN
  last = cpu->cpu_usage_timestamp;                                                        
    4002577c:   f9401a76    ldr x22, [x19, #48]                                           
  *time = _Timecounter_Sbinuptime();                                                      
    40025780:   97fffe50    bl  400250c0 <_Timecounter_Sbinuptime>                        
    40025784:   f9001a60    str x0, [x19, #48]                                            
    heir->Scheduler.state = THREAD_SCHEDULER_BLOCKED;                                     
    new_heir->Scheduler.state = THREAD_SCHEDULER_SCHEDULED;                               
    _Thread_Update_CPU_time_used( heir, _Thread_Get_CPU( heir ) );                        
    _Thread_Heir = new_heir;                                                              
    _Thread_Dispatch_necessary = true;                                                    
    40025788:   52800022    mov w2, #0x1                    // #1                         
  const Timestamp_Control *_start,                                                        
  const Timestamp_Control *_end,                                                          
  Timestamp_Control       *_result                                                        
  *_result = *_end - *_start;                                                             
    4002578c:   cb160000    sub x0, x0, x22                                               
  *_time += *_add;                                                                        
    40025790:   f9408281    ldr x1, [x20, #256]                                           
    40025794:   8b000020    add x0, x1, x0                                                
    40025798:   f9008280    str x0, [x20, #256]                                           
    4002579c:   39007262    strb    w2, [x19, #28]                                        
    _Thread_Heir = new_heir;                                                              
    400257a0:   f9001675    str x21, [x19, #40]                                           
    400257a4:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400257a8:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400257ac:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    400257b0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

00000000400259b0 <_Scheduler_EDF_Schedule>: void _Scheduler_EDF_Schedule( const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread ) {
    400259b0:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    400259b4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
  first = _RBTree_Minimum( &context->Ready );                                             
    400259b8:   f9400000    ldr x0, [x0]                                                  
    400259bc:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
  Thread_Control *heir = _Thread_Heir;                                                    
    400259c0:   d00006f3    adrp    x19, 40103000 <config+0x8>                            
    400259c4:   91020273    add x19, x19, #0x80                                           
    400259c8:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400259cc:   940010f9    bl  40029db0 <_RBTree_Minimum>                                
  _Scheduler_Update_heir( node->Base.owner, force_dispatch );                             
    400259d0:   f85b0015    ldur    x21, [x0, #-80]                                       
    400259d4:   f9401674    ldr x20, [x19, #40]                                           
  if ( heir != new_heir && ( heir->is_preemptible || force_dispatch ) ) {                 
    400259d8:   eb1402bf    cmp x21, x20                                                  
    400259dc:   54000060    b.eq    400259e8 <_Scheduler_EDF_Schedule+0x38>  // b.none    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    400259e0:   3943a680    ldrb    w0, [x20, #233]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    400259e4:   350000a0    cbnz    w0, 400259f8 <_Scheduler_EDF_Schedule+0x48>           <== NOT EXECUTED
  _Scheduler_EDF_Schedule_body( scheduler, the_thread, false );                           
    400259e8:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400259ec:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400259f0:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    400259f4:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    400259f8:   f9401a76    ldr x22, [x19, #48]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    400259fc:   97fffdb1    bl  400250c0 <_Timecounter_Sbinuptime>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025a00:   f9001a60    str x0, [x19, #48]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    _Thread_Dispatch_necessary = true;                                                    
    40025a04:   52800022    mov w2, #0x1                    // #1                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  *_result = *_end - *_start;                                                             
    40025a08:   cb160000    sub x0, x0, x22                                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  *_time += *_add;                                                                        
    40025a0c:   f9408281    ldr x1, [x20, #256]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025a10:   8b000020    add x0, x1, x0                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025a14:   f9008280    str x0, [x20, #256]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025a18:   39007262    strb    w2, [x19, #28]                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    _Thread_Heir = new_heir;                                                              
    40025a1c:   f9001675    str x21, [x19, #40]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025a20:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025a24:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025a28:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025a2c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED

0000000040025a30 <_Scheduler_EDF_Unblock>: void _Scheduler_EDF_Unblock( const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread, Scheduler_Node *node ) {
    40025a30:   a9bc7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-64]!                                     
    40025a34:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
  return scheduler->context;                                                              
    40025a38:   f9400000    ldr x0, [x0]                                                  
    40025a3c:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40025a40:   aa0103f3    mov x19, x1                                                   
  Priority_Control       insert_priority;                                                 
  context = _Scheduler_EDF_Get_context( scheduler );                                      
  the_node = _Scheduler_EDF_Node_downcast( node );                                        
  priority = _Scheduler_Node_get_priority( &the_node->Base );                             
  priority = SCHEDULER_PRIORITY_PURIFY( priority );                                       
    40025a44:   f9402446    ldr x6, [x2, #72]                                             
    40025a48:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40025a4c:   91014041    add x1, x2, #0x50                                             
  while ( *link != NULL ) {                                                               
    40025a50:   f9400004    ldr x4, [x0]                                                  
  priority = SCHEDULER_PRIORITY_PURIFY( priority );                                       
    40025a54:   927ff8d5    and x21, x6, #0xfffffffffffffffe                              
    40025a58:   f9001bf7    str x23, [sp, #48]                                            
    40025a5c:   b24000c6    orr x6, x6, #0x1                                              
  insert_priority = SCHEDULER_PRIORITY_APPEND( priority );                                
  the_node->priority = priority;                                                          
    40025a60:   f9003855    str x21, [x2, #112]                                           
    40025a64:   b5000064    cbnz    x4, 40025a70 <_Scheduler_EDF_Unblock+0x40>            
    40025a68:   1400002c    b   40025b18 <_Scheduler_EDF_Unblock+0xe8>                    
    40025a6c:   aa0503e4    mov x4, x5                                                    
    if ( ( *less )( key, parent ) ) {                                                     
    40025a70:   f9401085    ldr x5, [x4, #32]                                             
  return &RB_LEFT( the_node, Node );                                                      
    40025a74:   91002083    add x3, x4, #0x8                                              
    40025a78:   eb0500df    cmp x6, x5                                                    
    40025a7c:   9a848063    csel    x3, x3, x4, hi  // hi = pmore                         
  while ( *link != NULL ) {                                                               
    40025a80:   f9400065    ldr x5, [x3]                                                  
    40025a84:   b5ffff45    cbnz    x5, 40025a6c <_Scheduler_EDF_Unblock+0x3c>            
  RB_SET( child, parent, Node );                                                          
    40025a88:   a900903f    stp xzr, x4, [x1, #8]                                         
    40025a8c:   52800036    mov w22, #0x1                       // #1                     
   *    a context switch.                                                                 
   *  Pseudo-ISR case:                                                                    
   *    Even if the thread isn't preemptible, if the new heir is                          
   *    a pseudo-ISR system task, we need to do a context switch.                         
  if ( priority < _Thread_Get_priority( _Thread_Heir ) ) {                                
    40025a90:   d00006f4    adrp    x20, 40103000 <config+0x8>                            
    40025a94:   91020294    add x20, x20, #0x80                                           
    40025a98:   f900285f    str xzr, [x2, #80]                                            
    40025a9c:   b9001836    str w22, [x1, #24]                                            
  *link = child;                                                                          
    40025aa0:   f9000061    str x1, [x3]                                                  
  _RBTree_Insert_color( the_rbtree, the_node );                                           
    40025aa4:   94001043    bl  40029bb0 <_RBTree_Insert_color>                           
    40025aa8:   f9401697    ldr x23, [x20, #40]                                           
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Priority_Control _Priority_Get_priority(                             
  const Priority_Aggregation *aggregation                                                 
  return aggregation->Node.priority;                                                      
    40025aac:   f94036e0    ldr x0, [x23, #104]                                           
    40025ab0:   f9401400    ldr x0, [x0, #40]                                             
    40025ab4:   eb15001f    cmp x0, x21                                                   
    40025ab8:   540000c8    b.hi    40025ad0 <_Scheduler_EDF_Unblock+0xa0>  // b.pmore    
      priority == ( SCHEDULER_EDF_PRIO_MSB | PRIORITY_PSEUDO_ISR )                        
    40025abc:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40025ac0:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40025ac4:   f9401bf7    ldr x23, [sp, #48]                                            
    40025ac8:   a8c47bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #64                                       
    40025acc:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  if ( heir != new_heir && ( heir->is_preemptible || force_dispatch ) ) {                 
    40025ad0:   eb1302ff    cmp x23, x19                                                  
    40025ad4:   54ffff40    b.eq    40025abc <_Scheduler_EDF_Unblock+0x8c>  // b.none     <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025ad8:   d2f00001    mov x1, #0x8000000000000000     // #-9223372036854775808      
    40025adc:   3943a6e0    ldrb    w0, [x23, #233]                                       
    40025ae0:   eb0102bf    cmp x21, x1                                                   
    40025ae4:   1a9f17e1    cset    w1, eq  // eq = none                                  
    40025ae8:   2a010000    orr w0, w0, w1                                                
    40025aec:   34fffe80    cbz w0, 40025abc <_Scheduler_EDF_Unblock+0x8c>                
    40025af0:   f9401a95    ldr x21, [x20, #48]                                           
    40025af4:   97fffd73    bl  400250c0 <_Timecounter_Sbinuptime>                        
    40025af8:   f9001a80    str x0, [x20, #48]                                            
  *_result = *_end - *_start;                                                             
    40025afc:   cb150000    sub x0, x0, x21                                               
  *_time += *_add;                                                                        
    40025b00:   f94082e1    ldr x1, [x23, #256]                                           
    40025b04:   8b000020    add x0, x1, x0                                                
    40025b08:   f90082e0    str x0, [x23, #256]                                           
    _Thread_Dispatch_necessary = true;                                                    
    40025b0c:   39007296    strb    w22, [x20, #28]                                       
    _Thread_Heir = new_heir;                                                              
    40025b10:   f9001693    str x19, [x20, #40]                                           
    40025b14:   17ffffea    b   40025abc <_Scheduler_EDF_Unblock+0x8c>                    
  link = _RBTree_Root_reference( the_rbtree );                                            
    40025b18:   aa0003e3    mov x3, x0                                                    
    40025b1c:   17ffffdb    b   40025a88 <_Scheduler_EDF_Unblock+0x58>                    

0000000040025910 <_Scheduler_EDF_Unmap_priority>: const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Priority_Control priority ) { return SCHEDULER_PRIORITY_UNMAP( priority & ~SCHEDULER_EDF_PRIO_MSB ); }
    40025910:   d341f820    ubfx    x0, x1, #1, #62                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025914:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED

00000000400257d0 <_Scheduler_EDF_Update_priority>: void _Scheduler_EDF_Update_priority( const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread, Scheduler_Node *node ) {
    400257d0:   a9bc7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-64]!                                     
    400257d4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    400257d8:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400257dc:   aa0003f5    mov x21, x0                                                   
  Scheduler_EDF_Context *context;                                                         
  Scheduler_EDF_Node    *the_node;                                                        
  Priority_Control       priority;                                                        
  Priority_Control       insert_priority;                                                 
  if ( !_Thread_Is_ready( the_thread ) ) {                                                
    400257e0:   b9403820    ldr w0, [x1, #56]                                             
    400257e4:   350005a0    cbnz    w0, 40025898 <_Scheduler_EDF_Update_priority+0xc8>    
    400257e8:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400257ec:   aa0203f3    mov x19, x2                                                   
  do {                                                                                    
    seq = _SMP_sequence_lock_Read_begin( &node->Priority.Lock );                          
    priority = node->Priority.value;                                                      
    400257f0:   f9402454    ldr x20, [x2, #72]                                            
  the_node = _Scheduler_EDF_Node_downcast( node );                                        
  insert_priority = _Scheduler_Node_get_priority( &the_node->Base );                      
  priority = SCHEDULER_PRIORITY_PURIFY( insert_priority );                                
  if ( priority == the_node->priority ) {                                                 
    400257f4:   f9403841    ldr x1, [x2, #112]                                            
  priority = SCHEDULER_PRIORITY_PURIFY( insert_priority );                                
    400257f8:   927ffa80    and x0, x20, #0xfffffffffffffffe                              
  if ( priority == the_node->priority ) {                                                 
    400257fc:   eb00003f    cmp x1, x0                                                    
    40025800:   54000520    b.eq    400258a4 <_Scheduler_EDF_Update_priority+0xd4>  // b.none<== NEVER TAKEN
    /* Nothing to do */                                                                   
  the_node->priority = priority;                                                          
    40025804:   a90363f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
  _RBTree_Extract( &context->Ready, &node->Node );                                        
    40025808:   91014056    add x22, x2, #0x50                                            
    4002580c:   aa1603e1    mov x1, x22                                                   
  return scheduler->context;                                                              
    40025810:   f94002b7    ldr x23, [x21]                                                
    40025814:   f9003840    str x0, [x2, #112]                                            
    40025818:   aa1703e0    mov x0, x23                                                   
    4002581c:   94000fd1    bl  40029760 <_RBTree_Extract>                                
  link = _RBTree_Root_reference( the_rbtree );                                            
  parent = NULL;                                                                          
  is_new_minimum = true;                                                                  
  while ( *link != NULL ) {                                                               
    40025820:   f94002e4    ldr x4, [x23]                                                 
    40025824:   b5000064    cbnz    x4, 40025830 <_Scheduler_EDF_Update_priority+0x60>    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    40025828:   1400002f    b   400258e4 <_Scheduler_EDF_Update_priority+0x114>           <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002582c:   aa0503e4    mov x4, x5                                                    
    parent = *link;                                                                       
    if ( ( *less )( key, parent ) ) {                                                     
    40025830:   f9401085    ldr x5, [x4, #32]                                             
  return &RB_LEFT( the_node, Node );                                                      
    40025834:   91002083    add x3, x4, #0x8                                              
    40025838:   eb05029f    cmp x20, x5                                                   
    4002583c:   9a848063    csel    x3, x3, x4, hi  // hi = pmore                         
  while ( *link != NULL ) {                                                               
    40025840:   f9400065    ldr x5, [x3]                                                  
    40025844:   b5ffff45    cbnz    x5, 4002582c <_Scheduler_EDF_Update_priority+0x5c>    
  RB_SET( child, parent, Node );                                                          
    40025848:   a90092df    stp xzr, x4, [x22, #8]                                        
    4002584c:   52800038    mov w24, #0x1                       // #1                     
      is_new_minimum = false;                                                             
  _RBTree_Add_child( the_node, parent, link );                                            
  _RBTree_Insert_color( the_rbtree, the_node );                                           
    40025850:   aa1703e0    mov x0, x23                                                   
  RB_SET( child, parent, Node );                                                          
    40025854:   f9002a7f    str xzr, [x19, #80]                                           
  _RBTree_Insert_color( the_rbtree, the_node );                                           
    40025858:   aa1603e1    mov x1, x22                                                   
  RB_SET( child, parent, Node );                                                          
    4002585c:   b9001ad8    str w24, [x22, #24]                                           
  Thread_Control *heir = _Thread_Heir;                                                    
    40025860:   d00006f3    adrp    x19, 40103000 <config+0x8>                            
    40025864:   91020273    add x19, x19, #0x80                                           
  *link = child;                                                                          
    40025868:   f9000076    str x22, [x3]                                                 
  _RBTree_Insert_color( the_rbtree, the_node );                                           
    4002586c:   940010d1    bl  40029bb0 <_RBTree_Insert_color>                           
  first = _RBTree_Minimum( &context->Ready );                                             
    40025870:   f94002a0    ldr x0, [x21]                                                 
    40025874:   9400114f    bl  40029db0 <_RBTree_Minimum>                                
  _Scheduler_Update_heir( node->Base.owner, force_dispatch );                             
    40025878:   f85b0015    ldur    x21, [x0, #-80]                                       
    4002587c:   f9401674    ldr x20, [x19, #40]                                           
  if ( heir != new_heir && ( heir->is_preemptible || force_dispatch ) ) {                 
    40025880:   eb1402bf    cmp x21, x20                                                  
    40025884:   54000060    b.eq    40025890 <_Scheduler_EDF_Update_priority+0xc0>  // b.none
    40025888:   3943a680    ldrb    w0, [x20, #233]                                       
    4002588c:   35000140    cbnz    w0, 400258b4 <_Scheduler_EDF_Update_priority+0xe4>    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    40025890:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40025894:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
  context = _Scheduler_EDF_Get_context( scheduler );                                      
  _Scheduler_EDF_Extract( context, the_node );                                            
  _Scheduler_EDF_Enqueue( context, the_node, insert_priority );                           
  _Scheduler_EDF_Schedule_body( scheduler, the_thread, false );                           
    40025898:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002589c:   a8c47bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #64                                       
    400258a0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    400258a4:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    400258a8:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    400258ac:   a8c47bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #64                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    400258b0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    400258b4:   f9401a76    ldr x22, [x19, #48]                                           
    400258b8:   97fffe02    bl  400250c0 <_Timecounter_Sbinuptime>                        
    400258bc:   f9001a60    str x0, [x19, #48]                                            
  *_result = *_end - *_start;                                                             
    400258c0:   cb160000    sub x0, x0, x22                                               
  *_time += *_add;                                                                        
    400258c4:   f9408281    ldr x1, [x20, #256]                                           
    400258c8:   8b000020    add x0, x1, x0                                                
    400258cc:   f9008280    str x0, [x20, #256]                                           
    _Thread_Dispatch_necessary = true;                                                    
    400258d0:   39007278    strb    w24, [x19, #28]                                       
    _Thread_Heir = new_heir;                                                              
    400258d4:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    400258d8:   f9001675    str x21, [x19, #40]                                           
    400258dc:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400258e0:   17ffffee    b   40025898 <_Scheduler_EDF_Update_priority+0xc8>            
  link = _RBTree_Root_reference( the_rbtree );                                            
    400258e4:   aa1703e3    mov x3, x23                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    400258e8:   17ffffd8    b   40025848 <_Scheduler_EDF_Update_priority+0x78>            <== NOT EXECUTED
    400258ec:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

0000000040025b20 <_Scheduler_EDF_Yield>: void _Scheduler_EDF_Yield( const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread, Scheduler_Node *node ) {
    40025b20:   a9bc7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-64]!                                     
    40025b24:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40025b28:   f9001bf7    str x23, [sp, #48]                                            
  return scheduler->context;                                                              
    40025b2c:   f9400017    ldr x23, [x0]                                                 
    40025b30:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
  _RBTree_Extract( &context->Ready, &node->Node );                                        
    40025b34:   91014053    add x19, x2, #0x50                                            
    40025b38:   aa0203f4    mov x20, x2                                                   
    40025b3c:   aa1303e1    mov x1, x19                                                   
    40025b40:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40025b44:   aa0003f5    mov x21, x0                                                   
    40025b48:   aa1703e0    mov x0, x23                                                   
    40025b4c:   94000f05    bl  40029760 <_RBTree_Extract>                                
  while ( *link != NULL ) {                                                               
    40025b50:   f94002e4    ldr x4, [x23]                                                 
  context = _Scheduler_EDF_Get_context( scheduler );                                      
  the_node = _Scheduler_EDF_Node_downcast( node );                                        
  _Scheduler_EDF_Extract( context, the_node );                                            
  _Scheduler_EDF_Enqueue( context, the_node, the_node->priority );                        
    40025b54:   f9403a86    ldr x6, [x20, #112]                                           
    40025b58:   b5000064    cbnz    x4, 40025b64 <_Scheduler_EDF_Yield+0x44>              <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    40025b5c:   14000026    b   40025bf4 <_Scheduler_EDF_Yield+0xd4>                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025b60:   aa0503e4    mov x4, x5                                                    
    if ( ( *less )( key, parent ) ) {                                                     
    40025b64:   f9401085    ldr x5, [x4, #32]                                             
  return &RB_LEFT( the_node, Node );                                                      
    40025b68:   91002083    add x3, x4, #0x8                                              
    40025b6c:   eb0500df    cmp x6, x5                                                    
    40025b70:   9a848063    csel    x3, x3, x4, hi  // hi = pmore                         
  while ( *link != NULL ) {                                                               
    40025b74:   f9400065    ldr x5, [x3]                                                  
    40025b78:   b5ffff45    cbnz    x5, 40025b60 <_Scheduler_EDF_Yield+0x40>              
  RB_SET( child, parent, Node );                                                          
    40025b7c:   a900927f    stp xzr, x4, [x19, #8]                                        
    40025b80:   52800036    mov w22, #0x1                       // #1                     
  _RBTree_Insert_color( the_rbtree, the_node );                                           
    40025b84:   aa1303e1    mov x1, x19                                                   
  RB_SET( child, parent, Node );                                                          
    40025b88:   f9002a9f    str xzr, [x20, #80]                                           
  _RBTree_Insert_color( the_rbtree, the_node );                                           
    40025b8c:   aa1703e0    mov x0, x23                                                   
  RB_SET( child, parent, Node );                                                          
    40025b90:   b9001a76    str w22, [x19, #24]                                           
  *link = child;                                                                          
    40025b94:   f9000073    str x19, [x3]                                                 
  Thread_Control *heir = _Thread_Heir;                                                    
    40025b98:   d00006f3    adrp    x19, 40103000 <config+0x8>                            
    40025b9c:   91020273    add x19, x19, #0x80                                           
  _RBTree_Insert_color( the_rbtree, the_node );                                           
    40025ba0:   94001004    bl  40029bb0 <_RBTree_Insert_color>                           
  first = _RBTree_Minimum( &context->Ready );                                             
    40025ba4:   f94002a0    ldr x0, [x21]                                                 
    40025ba8:   94001082    bl  40029db0 <_RBTree_Minimum>                                
  _Scheduler_Update_heir( node->Base.owner, force_dispatch );                             
    40025bac:   f85b0015    ldur    x21, [x0, #-80]                                       
    40025bb0:   f9401674    ldr x20, [x19, #40]                                           
  if ( heir != new_heir && ( heir->is_preemptible || force_dispatch ) ) {                 
    40025bb4:   eb1402bf    cmp x21, x20                                                  
    40025bb8:   54000140    b.eq    40025be0 <_Scheduler_EDF_Yield+0xc0>  // b.none       <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025bbc:   f9401a77    ldr x23, [x19, #48]                                           
    40025bc0:   97fffd40    bl  400250c0 <_Timecounter_Sbinuptime>                        
    40025bc4:   f9001a60    str x0, [x19, #48]                                            
  *_result = *_end - *_start;                                                             
    40025bc8:   cb170000    sub x0, x0, x23                                               
  *_time += *_add;                                                                        
    40025bcc:   f9408281    ldr x1, [x20, #256]                                           
    40025bd0:   8b000020    add x0, x1, x0                                                
    40025bd4:   f9008280    str x0, [x20, #256]                                           
    _Thread_Dispatch_necessary = true;                                                    
    40025bd8:   39007276    strb    w22, [x19, #28]                                       
    _Thread_Heir = new_heir;                                                              
    40025bdc:   f9001675    str x21, [x19, #40]                                           
  _Scheduler_EDF_Schedule_body( scheduler, the_thread, true );                            
    40025be0:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40025be4:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40025be8:   f9401bf7    ldr x23, [sp, #48]                                            
    40025bec:   a8c47bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #64                                       
    40025bf0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  link = _RBTree_Root_reference( the_rbtree );                                            
    40025bf4:   aa1703e3    mov x3, x23                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025bf8:   17ffffe1    b   40025b7c <_Scheduler_EDF_Yield+0x5c>                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025bfc:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

0000000040028030 <_Scheduler_Set_affinity>: bool _Scheduler_Set_affinity( Thread_Control *the_thread, size_t cpusetsize, const cpu_set_t *cpuset ) {
    40028030:   a9be7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-32]!                                     
  Processor_mask  *dst,                                                                   
  size_t           src_size,                                                              
  const cpu_set_t *src                                                                    
  return _Processor_mask_Copy(                                                            
    40028034:   aa0103e3    mov x3, x1                                                    
    40028038:   d2800101    mov x1, #0x8                    // #8                         
    4002803c:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40028040:   910063e0    add x0, sp, #0x18                                             
    40028044:   940010f3    bl  4002c410 <_Processor_mask_Copy>                           
  Scheduler_Node            *node;                                                        
  ISR_lock_Context           lock_context;                                                
  bool                       ok;                                                          
  status = _Processor_mask_From_cpu_set_t( &affinity, cpusetsize, cpuset );               
  if ( !_Processor_mask_Is_at_most_partial_loss( status ) ) {                             
    40028048:   7100041f    cmp w0, #0x1                                                  
    4002804c:   54000108    b.hi    4002806c <_Scheduler_Set_affinity+0x3c>  // b.pmore   <== NEVER TAKEN
  BIT_AND2( CPU_MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS, a, b, c );                                            
    40028050:   f00003e0    adrp    x0, 400a7000 <status_code_text+0x100>                 
    40028054:   f940d400    ldr x0, [x0, #424]                                            
    40028058:   f9400fe1    ldr x1, [sp, #24]                                             
  _Scheduler_Release_critical( scheduler, &lock_context );                                
  return ok;                                                                              
    4002805c:   a8c27bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #32                                       
  return BIT_SUBSET( CPU_MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS, big, small );                                
    40028060:   ea21001f    bics    xzr, x0, x1                                           
    40028064:   1a9f17e0    cset    w0, eq  // eq = none                                  
    40028068:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    4002806c:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    40028070:   a8c27bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #32                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40028074:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED

0000000040025ae0 <_Scheduler_default_Tick>: /* * If the thread is not preemptible or is not ready, then * just return. */ if ( !executing->is_preemptible )
    40025ae0:   3943a420    ldrb    w0, [x1, #233]                                        
    40025ae4:   340000e0    cbz w0, 40025b00 <_Scheduler_default_Tick+0x20>               
  if ( !_States_Is_ready( executing->current_state ) )                                    
    40025ae8:   b9403820    ldr w0, [x1, #56]                                             
    40025aec:   350000a0    cbnz    w0, 40025b00 <_Scheduler_default_Tick+0x20>           
   *  The cpu budget algorithm determines what happens next.                              
  switch ( executing->budget_algorithm ) {                                                
    40025af0:   b940f020    ldr w0, [x1, #240]                                            
    40025af4:   7100081f    cmp w0, #0x2                                                  
    40025af8:   54000068    b.hi    40025b04 <_Scheduler_default_Tick+0x24>  // b.pmore   
    40025afc:   35000180    cbnz    w0, 40025b2c <_Scheduler_default_Tick+0x4c>           
    40025b00:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    40025b04:   71000c1f    cmp w0, #0x3                                                  
    40025b08:   54000321    b.ne    40025b6c <_Scheduler_default_Tick+0x8c>  // b.any     <== NEVER TAKEN
    #if defined(RTEMS_SCORE_THREAD_ENABLE_SCHEDULER_CALLOUT)                              
      case THREAD_CPU_BUDGET_ALGORITHM_CALLOUT:                                           
    if ( --executing->cpu_time_budget == 0 )                                              
    40025b0c:   b940ec20    ldr w0, [x1, #236]                                            
    40025b10:   51000400    sub w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    40025b14:   b900ec20    str w0, [x1, #236]                                            
    40025b18:   35ffff40    cbnz    w0, 40025b00 <_Scheduler_default_Tick+0x20>           
      (*executing->budget_callout)( executing );                                          
    40025b1c:   f9407c22    ldr x2, [x1, #248]                                            
    40025b20:   aa0103e0    mov x0, x1                                                    
    40025b24:   aa0203f0    mov x16, x2                                                   
    40025b28:   d61f0200    br  x16                                                       
      if ( (int)(--executing->cpu_time_budget) <= 0 ) {                                   
    40025b2c:   b940ec20    ldr w0, [x1, #236]                                            
    40025b30:   51000400    sub w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    40025b34:   b900ec20    str w0, [x1, #236]                                            
    40025b38:   7100001f    cmp w0, #0x0                                                  
    40025b3c:   54fffe2c    b.gt    40025b00 <_Scheduler_default_Tick+0x20>               
    40025b40:   a9be7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-32]!                                     
        _Thread_Yield( executing );                                                       
    40025b44:   aa0103e0    mov x0, x1                                                    
    40025b48:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
        _Thread_Yield( executing );                                                       
    40025b4c:   f9000fe1    str x1, [sp, #24]                                             
    40025b50:   94000754    bl  400278a0 <_Thread_Yield>                                  
        executing->cpu_time_budget =                                                      
    40025b54:   f9400fe1    ldr x1, [sp, #24]                                             
    40025b58:   f00000a0    adrp    x0, 4003c000 <_Scheduler_Table+0x48>                  
    40025b5c:   b94e9000    ldr w0, [x0, #3728]                                           
    40025b60:   b900ec20    str w0, [x1, #236]                                            
    40025b64:   a8c27bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #32                                       
    40025b68:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    40025b6c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED

0000000040025f60 <_Scheduler_priority_Schedule>: void _Scheduler_priority_Schedule( const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread ) {
    40025f60:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    40025f64:   52800303    mov w3, #0x18                   // #24                        
    40025f68:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40025f6c:   f9400001    ldr x1, [x0]                                                  
    40025f70:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
  Thread_Control *heir = _Thread_Heir;                                                    
    40025f74:   90000713    adrp    x19, 40105000 <Arr_2_Glob+0x1e68>                     
    40025f78:   91290273    add x19, x19, #0xa40                                          
    40025f7c:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
  major = _Bitfield_Find_first_bit( bit_map->major_bit_map );                             
    40025f80:   79400020    ldrh    w0, [x1]                                              
  bit_number = (unsigned int) __builtin_clz( value )                                      
    40025f84:   5ac01000    clz w0, w0                                                    
  minor = _Bitfield_Find_first_bit( bit_map->bit_map[ major ] );                          
    40025f88:   51004002    sub w2, w0, #0x10                                             
    40025f8c:   f9401674    ldr x20, [x19, #40]                                           
    40025f90:   8b020422    add x2, x1, x2, lsl #1                                        
    40025f94:   79400442    ldrh    w2, [x2, #2]                                          
  bit_number = (unsigned int) __builtin_clz( value )                                      
    40025f98:   5ac01042    clz w2, w2                                                    
    40025f9c:   0b001040    add w0, w2, w0, lsl #4                                        
  return (_Priority_Bits_index( major ) << 4) +                                           
    40025fa0:   51044000    sub w0, w0, #0x110                                            
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    40025fa4:   9ba30400    umaddl  x0, w0, w3, x1                                        
    40025fa8:   f9401415    ldr x21, [x0, #40]                                            
  if ( heir != new_heir && ( heir->is_preemptible || force_dispatch ) ) {                 
    40025fac:   eb15029f    cmp x20, x21                                                  
    40025fb0:   54000060    b.eq    40025fbc <_Scheduler_priority_Schedule+0x5c>  // b.none
    40025fb4:   3943a680    ldrb    w0, [x20, #233]                                       
    40025fb8:   350000a0    cbnz    w0, 40025fcc <_Scheduler_priority_Schedule+0x6c>      <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  _Scheduler_priority_Schedule_body( scheduler, the_thread, false );                      
    40025fbc:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40025fc0:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40025fc4:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    40025fc8:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    40025fcc:   f9401a76    ldr x22, [x19, #48]                                           
    40025fd0:   97fffd38    bl  400254b0 <_Timecounter_Sbinuptime>                        
    40025fd4:   f9001a60    str x0, [x19, #48]                                            
    _Thread_Dispatch_necessary = true;                                                    
    40025fd8:   52800022    mov w2, #0x1                    // #1                         
  *_result = *_end - *_start;                                                             
    40025fdc:   cb160000    sub x0, x0, x22                                               
  *_time += *_add;                                                                        
    40025fe0:   f9408281    ldr x1, [x20, #256]                                           
    40025fe4:   8b000020    add x0, x1, x0                                                
    40025fe8:   f9008280    str x0, [x20, #256]                                           
    40025fec:   39007262    strb    w2, [x19, #28]                                        
    _Thread_Heir = new_heir;                                                              
    40025ff0:   f9001675    str x21, [x19, #40]                                           
    40025ff4:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40025ff8:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40025ffc:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    40026000:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040026010 <_Scheduler_priority_Unblock>: void _Scheduler_priority_Unblock ( const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread, Scheduler_Node *node ) {
    40026010:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    40026014:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
  do {                                                                                    
    seq = _SMP_sequence_lock_Read_begin( &node->Priority.Lock );                          
    priority = node->Priority.value;                                                      
    40026018:   f9402449    ldr x9, [x2, #72]                                             
    4002601c:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40026020:   aa0103f3    mov x19, x1                                                   
    40026024:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
  unsigned int                unmapped_priority;                                          
  context = _Scheduler_priority_Get_context( scheduler );                                 
  the_node = _Scheduler_priority_Node_downcast( node );                                   
  priority = (unsigned int ) _Scheduler_Node_get_priority( &the_node->Base );             
  unmapped_priority = SCHEDULER_PRIORITY_UNMAP( priority );                               
    40026028:   53017d26    lsr w6, w9, #1                                                
  return scheduler->context;                                                              
    4002602c:   f9400007    ldr x7, [x0]                                                  
  if ( unmapped_priority != the_node->Ready_queue.current_priority ) {                    
    40026030:   b9405040    ldr w0, [x2, #80]                                             
    40026034:   6b06001f    cmp w0, w6                                                    
    40026038:   54000381    b.ne    400260a8 <_Scheduler_priority_Unblock+0x98>  // b.any 
  *bit_map_info->minor |= bit_map_info->ready_minor;                                      
    4002603c:   a9458440    ldp x0, x1, [x2, #88]                                         
    40026040:   91018048    add x8, x2, #0x60                                             
    40026044:   7940d443    ldrh    w3, [x2, #106]                                        
   *    a context switch.                                                                 
   *  Pseudo-ISR case:                                                                    
   *    Even if the thread isn't preemptible, if the new heir is                          
   *    a pseudo-ISR system task, we need to do a context switch.                         
  if ( priority < _Thread_Get_priority( _Thread_Heir ) ) {                                
    40026048:   f00006f4    adrp    x20, 40105000 <Arr_2_Glob+0x1e68>                     
    4002604c:   91290294    add x20, x20, #0xa40                                          
    40026050:   79400024    ldrh    w4, [x1]                                              
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
    40026054:   91002000    add x0, x0, #0x8                                              
    40026058:   f9400402    ldr x2, [x0, #8]                                              
    4002605c:   2a040063    orr w3, w3, w4                                                
    40026060:   f9401695    ldr x21, [x20, #40]                                           
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Priority_Control _Priority_Get_priority(                             
  const Priority_Aggregation *aggregation                                                 
  return aggregation->Node.priority;                                                      
    40026064:   f94036a4    ldr x4, [x21, #104]                                           
  the_node->next = tail;                                                                  
    40026068:   f9000260    str x0, [x19]                                                 
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
    4002606c:   f9000413    str x19, [x0, #8]                                             
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
    40026070:   f9000053    str x19, [x2]                                                 
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
    40026074:   f9000662    str x2, [x19, #8]                                             
    40026078:   79000023    strh    w3, [x1]                                              
    4002607c:   f9401481    ldr x1, [x4, #40]                                             
  bit_map->major_bit_map |= bit_map_info->ready_major;                                    
    40026080:   794000e0    ldrh    w0, [x7]                                              
    40026084:   79401102    ldrh    w2, [x8, #8]                                          
    40026088:   eb29403f    cmp x1, w9, uxtw                                              
    4002608c:   2a020000    orr w0, w0, w2                                                
    40026090:   790000e0    strh    w0, [x7]                                              
    40026094:   54000388    b.hi    40026104 <_Scheduler_priority_Unblock+0xf4>  // b.pmore
    _Scheduler_Update_heir( the_thread, priority == PRIORITY_PSEUDO_ISR );                
    40026098:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002609c:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400260a0:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    400260a4:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  return the_priority / 16;                                                               
    400260a8:   53057d25    lsr w5, w9, #5                                                
    400260ac:   9100a0e0    add x0, x7, #0x28                                             
  bit_map_info->minor = &bit_map->bit_map[ _Priority_Bits_index( major ) ];               
    400260b0:   110004a1    add w1, w5, #0x1                                              
  return the_priority % 16;                                                               
    400260b4:   12000cca    and w10, w6, #0xf                                             
  ready_queue->ready_chain = &ready_queues[ new_priority ];                               
    400260b8:   52800303    mov w3, #0x18                   // #24                        
  return (Priority_bit_map_Word) ( 0x8000u >> bit_number );                               
    400260bc:   52900004    mov w4, #0x8000                 // #32768                     
    400260c0:   1ac52485    lsr w5, w4, w5                                                
  bit_map_info->minor = &bit_map->bit_map[ _Priority_Bits_index( major ) ];               
    400260c4:   d37f6c21    ubfiz   x1, x1, #1, #28                                       
    400260c8:   9ba300c0    umaddl  x0, w6, w3, x0                                        
  return (Priority_bit_map_Word) ( 0x8000u >> bit_number );                               
    400260cc:   12003ca5    and w5, w5, #0xffff                                           
    400260d0:   1aca2483    lsr w3, w4, w10                                               
    400260d4:   12003c63    and w3, w3, #0xffff                                           
  bit_map_info->minor = &bit_map->bit_map[ _Priority_Bits_index( major ) ];               
    400260d8:   8b0100e1    add x1, x7, x1                                                
  bit_map_info->block_minor = (Priority_bit_map_Word) ~mask;                              
    400260dc:   2a2303e4    mvn w4, w3                                                    
  bit_map_info->minor = &bit_map->bit_map[ _Priority_Bits_index( major ) ];               
    400260e0:   91018048    add x8, x2, #0x60                                             
  ready_queue->current_priority = new_priority;                                           
    400260e4:   b9005046    str w6, [x2, #80]                                             
  bit_map_info->block_major = (Priority_bit_map_Word) ~mask;                              
    400260e8:   2a2503e6    mvn w6, w5                                                    
  bit_map_info->minor = &bit_map->bit_map[ _Priority_Bits_index( major ) ];               
    400260ec:   a9058440    stp x0, x1, [x2, #88]                                         
  bit_map_info->ready_major = mask;                                                       
    400260f0:   7900d045    strh    w5, [x2, #104]                                        
  bit_map_info->ready_minor = mask;                                                       
    400260f4:   7900d443    strh    w3, [x2, #106]                                        
  bit_map_info->block_major = (Priority_bit_map_Word) ~mask;                              
    400260f8:   7900d846    strh    w6, [x2, #108]                                        
  bit_map_info->block_minor = (Priority_bit_map_Word) ~mask;                              
    400260fc:   7900dc44    strh    w4, [x2, #110]                                        
    40026100:   17ffffd2    b   40026048 <_Scheduler_priority_Unblock+0x38>               
  if ( heir != new_heir && ( heir->is_preemptible || force_dispatch ) ) {                 
    40026104:   eb1302bf    cmp x21, x19                                                  
    40026108:   54fffc80    b.eq    40026098 <_Scheduler_priority_Unblock+0x88>  // b.none<== NEVER TAKEN
    4002610c:   3943a6a0    ldrb    w0, [x21, #233]                                       
    _Scheduler_Update_heir( the_thread, priority == PRIORITY_PSEUDO_ISR );                
    40026110:   7100013f    cmp w9, #0x0                                                  
    40026114:   1a9f17e1    cset    w1, eq  // eq = none                                  
    40026118:   2a010000    orr w0, w0, w1                                                
    4002611c:   34fffbe0    cbz w0, 40026098 <_Scheduler_priority_Unblock+0x88>           
    40026120:   f9401a96    ldr x22, [x20, #48]                                           
    40026124:   97fffce3    bl  400254b0 <_Timecounter_Sbinuptime>                        
    40026128:   f9001a80    str x0, [x20, #48]                                            
    _Thread_Dispatch_necessary = true;                                                    
    4002612c:   52800022    mov w2, #0x1                    // #1                         
  *_result = *_end - *_start;                                                             
    40026130:   cb160000    sub x0, x0, x22                                               
  *_time += *_add;                                                                        
    40026134:   f94082a1    ldr x1, [x21, #256]                                           
    40026138:   8b000020    add x0, x1, x0                                                
    4002613c:   f90082a0    str x0, [x21, #256]                                           
    40026140:   39007282    strb    w2, [x20, #28]                                        
    _Thread_Heir = new_heir;                                                              
    40026144:   f9001693    str x19, [x20, #40]                                           
    40026148:   17ffffd4    b   40026098 <_Scheduler_priority_Unblock+0x88>               
    4002614c:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

0000000040025530 <_Scheduler_simple_Block>: void _Scheduler_simple_Block( const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread, Scheduler_Node *node ) {
    40025530:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    40025534:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40025538:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
  return ( the_thread == _Thread_Heir );                                                  
    4002553c:   b00006f3    adrp    x19, 40102000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Objects+0x13b8>           
    40025540:   91320273    add x19, x19, #0xc80                                          
  previous       = the_node->previous;                                                    
    40025544:   a9400823    ldp x3, x2, [x1]                                              
    40025548:   a9425264    ldp x4, x20, [x19, #32]                                       
  next->previous = previous;                                                              
    4002554c:   f9000462    str x2, [x3, #8]                                              
  previous->next = next;                                                                  
    40025550:   f9000043    str x3, [x2]                                                  
  ( *extract )( scheduler, the_thread, node );                                            
  /* TODO: flash critical section? */                                                     
  if ( _Thread_Is_executing( the_thread ) || _Thread_Is_heir( the_thread ) ) {            
    40025554:   eb04003f    cmp x1, x4                                                    
    40025558:   540000c0    b.eq    40025570 <_Scheduler_simple_Block+0x40>  // b.none    
    4002555c:   eb14003f    cmp x1, x20                                                   
    40025560:   54000080    b.eq    40025570 <_Scheduler_simple_Block+0x40>  // b.none    <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025564:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40025568:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    4002556c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    40025570:   f9400000    ldr x0, [x0]                                                  
    40025574:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40025578:   f9400015    ldr x21, [x0]                                                 
  bool            force_dispatch                                                          
  Thread_Control *heir = _Thread_Heir;                                                    
  if ( heir != new_heir && ( heir->is_preemptible || force_dispatch ) ) {                 
    4002557c:   eb1402bf    cmp x21, x20                                                  
    40025580:   540001e0    b.eq    400255bc <_Scheduler_simple_Block+0x8c>  // b.none    <== NEVER TAKEN
  last = cpu->cpu_usage_timestamp;                                                        
    40025584:   f9401a76    ldr x22, [x19, #48]                                           
  *time = _Timecounter_Sbinuptime();                                                      
    40025588:   97fffe86    bl  40024fa0 <_Timecounter_Sbinuptime>                        
    4002558c:   f9001a60    str x0, [x19, #48]                                            
    heir->Scheduler.state = THREAD_SCHEDULER_BLOCKED;                                     
    new_heir->Scheduler.state = THREAD_SCHEDULER_SCHEDULED;                               
    _Thread_Update_CPU_time_used( heir, _Thread_Get_CPU( heir ) );                        
    _Thread_Heir = new_heir;                                                              
    _Thread_Dispatch_necessary = true;                                                    
    40025590:   52800022    mov w2, #0x1                    // #1                         
  const Timestamp_Control *_start,                                                        
  const Timestamp_Control *_end,                                                          
  Timestamp_Control       *_result                                                        
  *_result = *_end - *_start;                                                             
    40025594:   cb160000    sub x0, x0, x22                                               
  *_time += *_add;                                                                        
    40025598:   f9408281    ldr x1, [x20, #256]                                           
    4002559c:   8b000020    add x0, x1, x0                                                
    400255a0:   f9008280    str x0, [x20, #256]                                           
    400255a4:   39007262    strb    w2, [x19, #28]                                        
    _Thread_Heir = new_heir;                                                              
    400255a8:   f9001675    str x21, [x19, #40]                                           
    400255ac:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400255b0:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400255b4:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    400255b8:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    400255bc:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    400255c0:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    400255c4:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    400255c8:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    400255cc:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

00000000400256e0 <_Scheduler_simple_Schedule>: void _Scheduler_simple_Schedule( const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread ) {
    400256e0:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    400256e4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    400256e8:   f9400000    ldr x0, [x0]                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    400256ec:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  Thread_Control *heir = _Thread_Heir;                                                    
    400256f0:   b00006f3    adrp    x19, 40102000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Objects+0x13b8>           <== NOT EXECUTED
    400256f4:   91320273    add x19, x19, #0xc80                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    400256f8:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    400256fc:   f9400015    ldr x21, [x0]                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025700:   f9401674    ldr x20, [x19, #40]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  if ( heir != new_heir && ( heir->is_preemptible || force_dispatch ) ) {                 
    40025704:   eb1402bf    cmp x21, x20                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025708:   54000060    b.eq    40025714 <_Scheduler_simple_Schedule+0x34>  // b.none <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002570c:   3943a680    ldrb    w0, [x20, #233]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025710:   350000a0    cbnz    w0, 40025724 <_Scheduler_simple_Schedule+0x44>        <== NOT EXECUTED
  _Scheduler_simple_Schedule_body( scheduler, the_thread, false );                        
    40025714:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025718:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002571c:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025720:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025724:   f9401a76    ldr x22, [x19, #48]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025728:   97fffe1e    bl  40024fa0 <_Timecounter_Sbinuptime>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002572c:   f9001a60    str x0, [x19, #48]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    _Thread_Dispatch_necessary = true;                                                    
    40025730:   52800022    mov w2, #0x1                    // #1                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  *_result = *_end - *_start;                                                             
    40025734:   cb160000    sub x0, x0, x22                                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  *_time += *_add;                                                                        
    40025738:   f9408281    ldr x1, [x20, #256]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002573c:   8b000020    add x0, x1, x0                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025740:   f9008280    str x0, [x20, #256]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025744:   39007262    strb    w2, [x19, #28]                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    _Thread_Heir = new_heir;                                                              
    40025748:   f9001675    str x21, [x19, #40]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002574c:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025750:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025754:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025758:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002575c:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

0000000040025760 <_Scheduler_simple_Unblock>: void _Scheduler_simple_Unblock( const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread, Scheduler_Node *node ) {
    40025760:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    40025764:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
    40025768:   f9400003    ldr x3, [x0]                                                  
    4002576c:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40025770:   aa0103f3    mov x19, x1                                                   
    40025774:   f9403421    ldr x1, [x1, #104]                                            
    40025778:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    4002577c:   f8408460    ldr x0, [x3], #8                                              
    40025780:   f9401421    ldr x1, [x1, #40]                                             
  while ( next != tail && !( *order )( left, next ) ) {                                   
    40025784:   eb00007f    cmp x3, x0                                                    
    40025788:   54000140    b.eq    400257b0 <_Scheduler_simple_Unblock+0x50>  // b.none  
    4002578c:   32000024    orr w4, w1, #0x1                                              
    40025790:   14000004    b   400257a0 <_Scheduler_simple_Unblock+0x40>                 
  return the_node->next;                                                                  
    40025794:   f9400000    ldr x0, [x0]                                                  
  while ( next != tail && !( *order )( left, next ) ) {                                   
    40025798:   eb00007f    cmp x3, x0                                                    
    4002579c:   540000a0    b.eq    400257b0 <_Scheduler_simple_Unblock+0x50>  // b.none  
    400257a0:   f9403402    ldr x2, [x0, #104]                                            
    400257a4:   f9401442    ldr x2, [x2, #40]                                             
    400257a8:   eb04005f    cmp x2, x4                                                    
    400257ac:   54ffff43    b.cc    40025794 <_Scheduler_simple_Unblock+0x34>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last
   *    a context switch.                                                                 
   *  Pseudo-ISR case:                                                                    
   *    Even if the thread isn't preemptible, if the new heir is                          
   *    a pseudo-ISR system task, we need to do a context switch.                         
  if ( priority < _Thread_Get_priority( _Thread_Heir ) ) {                                
    400257b0:   b00006f4    adrp    x20, 40102000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Objects+0x13b8>           
    400257b4:   91320294    add x20, x20, #0xc80                                          
  return the_node->previous;                                                              
    400257b8:   f9400400    ldr x0, [x0, #8]                                              
    400257bc:   f9401695    ldr x21, [x20, #40]                                           
  before_node           = after_node->next;                                               
    400257c0:   f9400002    ldr x2, [x0]                                                  
  the_node->previous    = after_node;                                                     
    400257c4:   f9000660    str x0, [x19, #8]                                             
  after_node->next      = the_node;                                                       
    400257c8:   f9000013    str x19, [x0]                                                 
    400257cc:   f94036a0    ldr x0, [x21, #104]                                           
    400257d0:   f9401400    ldr x0, [x0, #40]                                             
  the_node->next        = before_node;                                                    
    400257d4:   f9000262    str x2, [x19]                                                 
  before_node->previous = the_node;                                                       
    400257d8:   f9000453    str x19, [x2, #8]                                             
    400257dc:   eb21401f    cmp x0, w1, uxtw                                              
    400257e0:   540000a8    b.hi    400257f4 <_Scheduler_simple_Unblock+0x94>  // b.pmore 
      priority == PRIORITY_PSEUDO_ISR                                                     
    400257e4:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400257e8:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400257ec:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    400257f0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  if ( heir != new_heir && ( heir->is_preemptible || force_dispatch ) ) {                 
    400257f4:   eb1302bf    cmp x21, x19                                                  
    400257f8:   54ffff60    b.eq    400257e4 <_Scheduler_simple_Unblock+0x84>  // b.none  <== NEVER TAKEN
    400257fc:   3943a6a0    ldrb    w0, [x21, #233]                                       
    40025800:   7100003f    cmp w1, #0x0                                                  
    40025804:   1a9f17e1    cset    w1, eq  // eq = none                                  
    40025808:   2a010000    orr w0, w0, w1                                                
    4002580c:   34fffec0    cbz w0, 400257e4 <_Scheduler_simple_Unblock+0x84>             
    40025810:   f9401a96    ldr x22, [x20, #48]                                           
    40025814:   97fffde3    bl  40024fa0 <_Timecounter_Sbinuptime>                        
    40025818:   f9001a80    str x0, [x20, #48]                                            
    _Thread_Dispatch_necessary = true;                                                    
    4002581c:   52800022    mov w2, #0x1                    // #1                         
  *_result = *_end - *_start;                                                             
    40025820:   cb160000    sub x0, x0, x22                                               
  *_time += *_add;                                                                        
    40025824:   f94082a1    ldr x1, [x21, #256]                                           
    40025828:   8b000020    add x0, x1, x0                                                
    4002582c:   f90082a0    str x0, [x21, #256]                                           
    40025830:   39007282    strb    w2, [x20, #28]                                        
    _Thread_Heir = new_heir;                                                              
    40025834:   f9001693    str x19, [x20, #40]                                           
    40025838:   17ffffeb    b   400257e4 <_Scheduler_simple_Unblock+0x84>                 
    4002583c:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

00000000400255f0 <_Scheduler_simple_Update_priority>: ) { Scheduler_simple_Context *context; unsigned int new_priority; if ( !_Thread_Is_ready( the_thread ) ) {
    400255f0:   b9403823    ldr w3, [x1, #56]                                             
    400255f4:   34000043    cbz w3, 400255fc <_Scheduler_simple_Update_priority+0xc>      <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    400255f8:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    400255fc:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    40025600:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40025604:   f9400005    ldr x5, [x0]                                                  
    40025608:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
  previous       = the_node->previous;                                                    
    4002560c:   a9400026    ldp x6, x0, [x1]                                              
    40025610:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
    40025614:   aa0503e3    mov x3, x5                                                    
  do {                                                                                    
    seq = _SMP_sequence_lock_Read_begin( &node->Priority.Lock );                          
    priority = node->Priority.value;                                                      
    40025618:   f9402444    ldr x4, [x2, #72]                                             
  next->previous = previous;                                                              
    4002561c:   f90004c0    str x0, [x6, #8]                                              
  previous->next = next;                                                                  
    40025620:   f9000006    str x6, [x0]                                                  
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    40025624:   f8408460    ldr x0, [x3], #8                                              
  const Chain_Node *tail = _Chain_Immutable_tail( the_chain );                            
  Chain_Node *next = _Chain_First( the_chain );                                           
  while ( next != tail && !( *order )( left, next ) ) {                                   
    40025628:   eb00007f    cmp x3, x0                                                    
    4002562c:   54000140    b.eq    40025654 <_Scheduler_simple_Update_priority+0x64>  // b.none<== NEVER TAKEN
    40025630:   92407c84    and x4, x4, #0xffffffff                                       
    40025634:   14000004    b   40025644 <_Scheduler_simple_Update_priority+0x54>         
  return the_node->next;                                                                  
    40025638:   f9400000    ldr x0, [x0]                                                  
  while ( next != tail && !( *order )( left, next ) ) {                                   
    4002563c:   eb00007f    cmp x3, x0                                                    
    40025640:   540000a0    b.eq    40025654 <_Scheduler_simple_Update_priority+0x64>  // b.none
  return aggregation->Node.priority;                                                      
    40025644:   f9403402    ldr x2, [x0, #104]                                            
    40025648:   f9401442    ldr x2, [x2, #40]                                             
    4002564c:   eb02009f    cmp x4, x2                                                    
    40025650:   54ffff48    b.hi    40025638 <_Scheduler_simple_Update_priority+0x48>  // b.pmore
  return the_node->previous;                                                              
    40025654:   f9400400    ldr x0, [x0, #8]                                              
  Thread_Control *heir = _Thread_Heir;                                                    
    40025658:   b00006f3    adrp    x19, 40102000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Objects+0x13b8>           
    4002565c:   91320273    add x19, x19, #0xc80                                          
  before_node           = after_node->next;                                               
    40025660:   f9400002    ldr x2, [x0]                                                  
    40025664:   f9401674    ldr x20, [x19, #40]                                           
  the_node->previous    = after_node;                                                     
    40025668:   f9000420    str x0, [x1, #8]                                              
  after_node->next      = the_node;                                                       
    4002566c:   f9000001    str x1, [x0]                                                  
  the_node->next        = before_node;                                                    
    40025670:   f9000022    str x2, [x1]                                                  
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    40025674:   f94000b5    ldr x21, [x5]                                                 
  before_node->previous = the_node;                                                       
    40025678:   f9000441    str x1, [x2, #8]                                              
  if ( heir != new_heir && ( heir->is_preemptible || force_dispatch ) ) {                 
    4002567c:   eb1402bf    cmp x21, x20                                                  
    40025680:   54000060    b.eq    4002568c <_Scheduler_simple_Update_priority+0x9c>  // b.none
    40025684:   3943a680    ldrb    w0, [x20, #233]                                       
    40025688:   350000a0    cbnz    w0, 4002569c <_Scheduler_simple_Update_priority+0xac> <== NEVER TAKEN
  new_priority = (unsigned int ) _Scheduler_Node_get_priority( node );                    
  _Scheduler_simple_Extract( scheduler, the_thread, node );                               
  _Scheduler_simple_Insert( &context->Ready, the_thread, new_priority );                  
  _Scheduler_simple_Schedule_body( scheduler, the_thread, false );                        
    4002568c:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40025690:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40025694:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    40025698:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    4002569c:   f9401a76    ldr x22, [x19, #48]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    400256a0:   97fffe40    bl  40024fa0 <_Timecounter_Sbinuptime>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    400256a4:   f9001a60    str x0, [x19, #48]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    _Thread_Dispatch_necessary = true;                                                    
    400256a8:   52800022    mov w2, #0x1                    // #1                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  *_result = *_end - *_start;                                                             
    400256ac:   cb160000    sub x0, x0, x22                                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  *_time += *_add;                                                                        
    400256b0:   f9408281    ldr x1, [x20, #256]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    400256b4:   8b000020    add x0, x1, x0                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    400256b8:   f9008280    str x0, [x20, #256]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    400256bc:   39007262    strb    w2, [x19, #28]                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    _Thread_Heir = new_heir;                                                              
    400256c0:   f9001675    str x21, [x19, #40]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    400256c4:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    400256c8:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    400256cc:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    400256d0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED

0000000040025840 <_Scheduler_simple_Yield>: void _Scheduler_simple_Yield( const Scheduler_Control *scheduler, Thread_Control *the_thread, Scheduler_Node *node ) {
    40025840:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    40025844:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
  return scheduler->context;                                                              
    40025848:   f9400005    ldr x5, [x0]                                                  
    4002584c:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
  previous       = the_node->previous;                                                    
    40025850:   a9400022    ldp x2, x0, [x1]                                              
    40025854:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
    40025858:   aa0503e4    mov x4, x5                                                    
    4002585c:   f9403423    ldr x3, [x1, #104]                                            
  context = _Scheduler_simple_Get_context( scheduler );                                   
  (void) node;                                                                            
  _Chain_Extract_unprotected( &the_thread->Object.Node );                                 
  insert_priority = (unsigned int) _Thread_Get_priority( the_thread );                    
    40025860:   f9401463    ldr x3, [x3, #40]                                             
  next->previous = previous;                                                              
    40025864:   f9000440    str x0, [x2, #8]                                              
  previous->next = next;                                                                  
    40025868:   f9000002    str x2, [x0]                                                  
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    4002586c:   f8408480    ldr x0, [x4], #8                                              
  while ( next != tail && !( *order )( left, next ) ) {                                   
    40025870:   eb00009f    cmp x4, x0                                                    
    40025874:   54000140    b.eq    4002589c <_Scheduler_simple_Yield+0x5c>  // b.none    <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025878:   32000063    orr w3, w3, #0x1                                              
    4002587c:   14000004    b   4002588c <_Scheduler_simple_Yield+0x4c>                   
  return the_node->next;                                                                  
    40025880:   f9400000    ldr x0, [x0]                                                  
  while ( next != tail && !( *order )( left, next ) ) {                                   
    40025884:   eb00009f    cmp x4, x0                                                    
    40025888:   540000a0    b.eq    4002589c <_Scheduler_simple_Yield+0x5c>  // b.none    <== NEVER TAKEN
    4002588c:   f9403402    ldr x2, [x0, #104]                                            
    40025890:   f9401442    ldr x2, [x2, #40]                                             
    40025894:   eb02007f    cmp x3, x2                                                    
    40025898:   54ffff48    b.hi    40025880 <_Scheduler_simple_Yield+0x40>  // b.pmore   
  return the_node->previous;                                                              
    4002589c:   f9400400    ldr x0, [x0, #8]                                              
  Thread_Control *heir = _Thread_Heir;                                                    
    400258a0:   b00006f3    adrp    x19, 40102000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Objects+0x13b8>           
    400258a4:   91320273    add x19, x19, #0xc80                                          
  before_node           = after_node->next;                                               
    400258a8:   f9400002    ldr x2, [x0]                                                  
    400258ac:   f9401674    ldr x20, [x19, #40]                                           
  the_node->previous    = after_node;                                                     
    400258b0:   f9000420    str x0, [x1, #8]                                              
  after_node->next      = the_node;                                                       
    400258b4:   f9000001    str x1, [x0]                                                  
  the_node->next        = before_node;                                                    
    400258b8:   f9000022    str x2, [x1]                                                  
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    400258bc:   f94000b5    ldr x21, [x5]                                                 
  before_node->previous = the_node;                                                       
    400258c0:   f9000441    str x1, [x2, #8]                                              
  if ( heir != new_heir && ( heir->is_preemptible || force_dispatch ) ) {                 
    400258c4:   eb1402bf    cmp x21, x20                                                  
    400258c8:   54000060    b.eq    400258d4 <_Scheduler_simple_Yield+0x94>  // b.none    
    400258cc:   3943a680    ldrb    w0, [x20, #233]                                       
    400258d0:   350000a0    cbnz    w0, 400258e4 <_Scheduler_simple_Yield+0xa4>           <== NEVER TAKEN
  insert_priority = SCHEDULER_PRIORITY_APPEND( insert_priority );                         
  _Scheduler_simple_Insert( &context->Ready, the_thread, insert_priority );               
  _Scheduler_simple_Schedule_body( scheduler, the_thread, false );                        
    400258d4:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400258d8:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400258dc:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    400258e0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    400258e4:   f9401a76    ldr x22, [x19, #48]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    400258e8:   97fffdae    bl  40024fa0 <_Timecounter_Sbinuptime>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    400258ec:   f9001a60    str x0, [x19, #48]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    _Thread_Dispatch_necessary = true;                                                    
    400258f0:   52800022    mov w2, #0x1                    // #1                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  *_result = *_end - *_start;                                                             
    400258f4:   cb160000    sub x0, x0, x22                                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  *_time += *_add;                                                                        
    400258f8:   f9408281    ldr x1, [x20, #256]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    400258fc:   8b000020    add x0, x1, x0                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025900:   f9008280    str x0, [x20, #256]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025904:   39007262    strb    w2, [x19, #28]                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    _Thread_Heir = new_heir;                                                              
    40025908:   f9001675    str x21, [x19, #40]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002590c:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025910:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025914:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025918:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002591c:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

0000000040025940 <_TOD_Set>: Status_Control _TOD_Set( const struct timespec *tod, ISR_lock_Context *lock_context ) {
    40025940:   a9bb7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-80]!                                     
    40025944:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40025948:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002594c:   aa0103f4    mov x20, x1                                                   
    40025950:   f90013f5    str x21, [sp, #32]                                            
    && (unsigned long) ts->tv_nsec < WATCHDOG_NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND;                     
    40025954:   b40000e0    cbz x0, 40025970 <_TOD_Set+0x30>                              <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025958:   aa0003f3    mov x19, x0                                                   
    4002595c:   d2993fe0    mov x0, #0xc9ff                 // #51711                     
    40025960:   f2a77340    movk    x0, #0x3b9a, lsl #16                                  
    40025964:   f9400661    ldr x1, [x19, #8]                                             
    40025968:   eb00003f    cmp x1, x0                                                    
    4002596c:   54000129    b.ls    40025990 <_TOD_Set+0x50>  // b.plast                  
    return STATUS_INVALID_NUMBER;                                                         
    40025970:   5282c155    mov w21, #0x160a                    // #5642                  
  _Timecounter_Release( lock_context );                                                   
    40025974:   b9400280    ldr w0, [x20]                                                 
    40025978:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
  _TOD.is_set = true;                                                                     
  return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                               
    4002597c:   2a1503e0    mov w0, w21                                                   
    40025980:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40025984:   f94013f5    ldr x21, [sp, #32]                                            
    40025988:   a8c57bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #80                                       
    4002598c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  if ( _Watchdog_Is_far_future_timespec( tod ) ) {                                        
    40025990:   f9400260    ldr x0, [x19]                                                 
    40025994:   929c9fe2    mov x2, #0xffffffffffff1b00     // #-58624                    
    40025998:   f2bbc4a2    movk    x2, #0xde25, lsl #16                                  
    4002599c:   d2835fe1    mov x1, #0x1aff                 // #6911                      
    400259a0:   f2bbc4a1    movk    x1, #0xde25, lsl #16                                  
    400259a4:   8b020000    add x0, x0, x2                                                
    400259a8:   f2c00061    movk    x1, #0x3, lsl #32                                     
    400259ac:   eb01001f    cmp x0, x1                                                    
    400259b0:   54fffe08    b.hi    40025970 <_TOD_Set+0x30>  // b.pmore                  
  return _TOD_Hook_Run( TOD_ACTION_SET_CLOCK, tod );                                      
    400259b4:   aa1303e1    mov x1, x19                                                   
    400259b8:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    400259bc:   9400112d    bl  40029e70 <_TOD_Hook_Run>                                  
    400259c0:   2a0003f5    mov w21, w0                                                   
  if ( status != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ) {                                                    
    400259c4:   35fffd80    cbnz    w0, 40025974 <_TOD_Set+0x34>                          
    _bt->frac = _ts->tv_nsec * (uint64_t)18446744073LL;                                   
    400259c8:   a9400a63    ldp x3, x2, [x19]                                             
    400259cc:   d29f4120    mov x0, #0xfa09                 // #64009                     
    400259d0:   f2a97040    movk    x0, #0x4b82, lsl #16                                  
  _Timecounter_Set_clock( &tod_as_bintime, lock_context );                                
    400259d4:   aa1403e1    mov x1, x20                                                   
    400259d8:   f2c00080    movk    x0, #0x4, lsl #32                                     
    400259dc:   9b007c42    mul x2, x2, x0                                                
    400259e0:   910103e0    add x0, sp, #0x40                                             
    400259e4:   a9040be3    stp x3, x2, [sp, #64]                                         
    400259e8:   94000182    bl  40025ff0 <_Timecounter_Set_clock>                         
  ticks |= (uint32_t) ts->tv_nsec;                                                        
    400259ec:   a9400262    ldp x2, x0, [x19]                                             
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    400259f0:   d53b4221    mrs x1, daif                                                  
    400259f4:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
    _ISR_lock_ISR_disable_and_acquire( &cpu->Watchdog.Lock, &lock_context );              
    400259f8:   b9003be1    str w1, [sp, #56]                                             
  return (Watchdog_Control *) header->first;                                              
    400259fc:   f00006e1    adrp    x1, 40104000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Objects+0x1760>            
    40025a00:   f946ac21    ldr x1, [x1, #3416]                                           
    if ( first != NULL ) {                                                                
    40025a04:   b40000e1    cbz x1, 40025a20 <_TOD_Set+0xe0>                              
  ticks |= (uint32_t) ts->tv_nsec;                                                        
    40025a08:   92407c00    and x0, x0, #0xffffffff                                       
    40025a0c:   9100e3e3    add x3, sp, #0x38                                             
    40025a10:   aa027802    orr x2, x0, x2, lsl #30                                       
    40025a14:   f00006e0    adrp    x0, 40104000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Objects+0x1760>            
    40025a18:   91354000    add x0, x0, #0xd50                                            
    40025a1c:   94000b69    bl  400287c0 <_Watchdog_Do_tickle>                            
    _ISR_lock_Release_and_ISR_enable( &cpu->Watchdog.Lock, &lock_context );               
    40025a20:   b9403be0    ldr w0, [sp, #56]                                             
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40025a24:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
  _TOD.is_set = true;                                                                     
    40025a28:   f00006e0    adrp    x0, 40104000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Objects+0x1760>            
    40025a2c:   52800021    mov w1, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40025a30:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
  _TOD.is_set = true;                                                                     
    40025a34:   39336001    strb    w1, [x0, #3288]                                       
    40025a38:   2a1503e0    mov w0, w21                                                   
    40025a3c:   f94013f5    ldr x21, [sp, #32]                                            
    40025a40:   a8c57bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #80                                       
    40025a44:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040025240 <_Terminate>: void _Terminate( Internal_errors_Source the_source, Internal_errors_t the_error ) {
    40025240:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
  Internal_errors_t      error                                                            
  User_extensions_Fatal_context ctx = { source, error };                                  
    40025244:   52800002    mov w2, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40025248:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    4002524c:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40025250:   2a0003f4    mov w20, w0                                                   
    40025254:   aa0103f3    mov x19, x1                                                   
    40025258:   910083e0    add x0, sp, #0x20                                             
    4002525c:   d0000001    adrp    x1, 40027000 <_Thread_queue_Priority_enqueue+0xa0>    
    40025260:   91294021    add x1, x1, #0xa50                                            
  User_extensions_Fatal_context ctx = { source, error };                                  
    40025264:   b90023f4    str w20, [sp, #32]                                            
    40025268:   f90017f3    str x19, [sp, #40]                                            
    4002526c:   94000a0d    bl  40027aa0 <_User_extensions_Iterate>                       
  _User_extensions_Fatal( the_source, the_error );                                        
  _Internal_errors_What_happened.the_source = the_source;                                 
    40025270:   90000700    adrp    x0, 40105000 <Arr_2_Glob+0x1e68>                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025274:   9127e001    add x1, x0, #0x9f8                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  _System_state_Current = state;                                                          
    40025278:   90000702    adrp    x2, 40105000 <Arr_2_Glob+0x1e68>                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002527c:   52800063    mov w3, #0x3                    // #3                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025280:   b909f814    str w20, [x0, #2552]                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025284:   b90a0843    str w3, [x2, #2568]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  _Internal_errors_What_happened.the_error  = the_error;                                  
    40025288:   f9000433    str x19, [x1, #8]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    4002528c:   d53b4220    mrs x0, daif                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025290:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  _System_state_Set( SYSTEM_STATE_TERMINATED );                                           
  _CPU_Fatal_halt( the_source, the_error );                                               
    40025294:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025298:   14000000    b   40025298 <_Terminate+0x58>                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002529c:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

0000000040029ae0 <_Thread_Allocate_unlimited>: } } } Objects_Control *_Thread_Allocate_unlimited( Objects_Information *information ) {
    40029ae0:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    40029ae4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    40029ae8:   f9401401    ldr x1, [x0, #40]                                             
    40029aec:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
    40029af0:   9100c014    add x20, x0, #0x30                                            
    40029af4:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40029af8:   aa0003f3    mov x19, x0                                                   
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    40029afc:   9100a015    add x21, x0, #0x28                                            
  if ( !_Chain_Is_empty(the_chain))                                                       
    40029b00:   eb14003f    cmp x1, x20                                                   
    40029b04:   54000300    b.eq    40029b64 <_Thread_Allocate_unlimited+0x84>  // b.none 
  new_first = old_first->next;                                                            
    40029b08:   f9400020    ldr x0, [x1]                                                  
  head->next = new_first;                                                                 
    40029b0c:   f9001660    str x0, [x19, #40]                                            
  Objects_Maximum objects_per_block;                                                      
  Objects_Maximum block;                                                                  
  _Assert( _Objects_Is_auto_extend( information ) );                                      
  objects_per_block = information->objects_per_block;                                     
    40029b10:   79404663    ldrh    w3, [x19, #34]                                        
  new_first->previous = head;                                                             
    40029b14:   f9000415    str x21, [x0, #8]                                             
    40029b18:   b9401020    ldr w0, [x1, #16]                                             
  block = _Objects_Get_index( the_object->id ) - OBJECTS_INDEX_MINIMUM;                   
    40029b1c:   51000400    sub w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    40029b20:   12003c02    and w2, w0, #0xffff                                           
  if ( block > objects_per_block ) {                                                      
    40029b24:   6b20207f    cmp w3, w0, uxth                                              
    40029b28:   54000142    b.cs    40029b50 <_Thread_Allocate_unlimited+0x70>  // b.hs, b.nlast
    block /= objects_per_block;                                                           
    information->inactive_per_block[ block ]--;                                           
    40029b2c:   1ac30842    udiv    w2, w2, w3                                            
    40029b30:   f9402263    ldr x3, [x19, #64]                                            
    40029b34:   d37f3c42    ubfiz   x2, x2, #1, #16                                       
    40029b38:   78626860    ldrh    w0, [x3, x2]                                          
    40029b3c:   51000400    sub w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    40029b40:   78226860    strh    w0, [x3, x2]                                          
    40029b44:   79404260    ldrh    w0, [x19, #32]                                        
    40029b48:   51000400    sub w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    40029b4c:   79004260    strh    w0, [x19, #32]                                        
  return _Objects_Allocate_with_extend(                                                   
    40029b50:   aa0103e0    mov x0, x1                                                    
    40029b54:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40029b58:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40029b5c:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    40029b60:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  block = _Objects_Extend_information( &information->Objects );                           
    40029b64:   97fffcdf    bl  40028ee0 <_Objects_Extend_information>                    
    40029b68:   2a0003f6    mov w22, w0                                                   
  if ( block > 0 ) {                                                                      
    40029b6c:   72003c1f    tst w0, #0xffff                                               
    40029b70:   540000c1    b.ne    40029b88 <_Thread_Allocate_unlimited+0xa8>  // b.any  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    40029b74:   f9401661    ldr x1, [x19, #40]                                            
  if ( !_Chain_Is_empty(the_chain))                                                       
    40029b78:   eb01029f    cmp x20, x1                                                   
    40029b7c:   54fffc61    b.ne    40029b08 <_Thread_Allocate_unlimited+0x28>  // b.any  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    return NULL;                                                                          
    40029b80:   d2800001    mov x1, #0x0                    // #0                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029b84:   17fffff3    b   40029b50 <_Thread_Allocate_unlimited+0x70>                <== NOT EXECUTED
    new_heads = _Freechain_Extend(                                                        
    40029b88:   79404662    ldrh    w2, [x19, #34]                                        
    40029b8c:   d0000001    adrp    x1, 4002b000 <_Thread_Cancel+0x70>                    
    40029b90:   91016260    add x0, x19, #0x58                                            
    40029b94:   9133c021    add x1, x1, #0xcf0                                            
    40029b98:   d2800e03    mov x3, #0x70                   // #112                       
    40029b9c:   94002395    bl  400329f0 <_Freechain_Extend>                              
    if ( new_heads == NULL ) {                                                            
    40029ba0:   b5fffea0    cbnz    x0, 40029b74 <_Thread_Allocate_unlimited+0x94>        <== ALWAYS TAKEN
      _Objects_Free_objects_block( &information->Objects, block );                        
    40029ba4:   2a1603e1    mov w1, w22                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029ba8:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029bac:   97fffd91    bl  400291f0 <_Objects_Free_objects_block>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029bb0:   17fffff1    b   40029b74 <_Thread_Allocate_unlimited+0x94>                <== NOT EXECUTED

000000004002b6f0 <_Thread_Cancel>: void _Thread_Cancel( Thread_Control *the_thread, Thread_Control *executing, void *exit_value ) {
    4002b6f0:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    4002b6f4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    4002b6f8:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002b6fc:   aa0003f3    mov x19, x0                                                   
    4002b700:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    4002b704:   d53b4235    mrs x21, daif                                                 
    4002b708:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
  previous = the_thread->Life.state;                                                      
    4002b70c:   b9426803    ldr w3, [x0, #616]                                            
  if (                                                                                    
    4002b710:   52800124    mov w4, #0x9                    // #9                         
  the_thread->Life.exit_value = exit_value;                                               
    4002b714:   f9013802    str x2, [x0, #624]                                            
  state |= set;                                                                           
    4002b718:   321e0062    orr w2, w3, #0x4                                              
  the_thread->Life.state = state;                                                         
    4002b71c:   b9026802    str w2, [x0, #616]                                            
  if (                                                                                    
    4002b720:   6a04007f    tst w3, w4                                                    
    4002b724:   540004c1    b.ne    4002b7bc <_Thread_Cancel+0xcc>  // b.any              
    the_thread->is_preemptible   = the_thread->Start.is_preemptible;                      
    4002b728:   39448003    ldrb    w3, [x0, #288]                                        
 cpu_self->dispatch_necessary = true;                                                     
    4002b72c:   b00006d4    adrp    x20, 40104000 <rtems_libio_iops+0x260>                
    4002b730:   91080294    add x20, x20, #0x200                                          
    4002b734:   3903a663    strb    w3, [x19, #233]                                       
    the_thread->budget_callout   = the_thread->Start.budget_callout;                      
    4002b738:   f9409663    ldr x3, [x19, #296]                                           
    4002b73c:   f9007e63    str x3, [x19, #248]                                           
    the_thread->budget_algorithm = the_thread->Start.budget_algorithm;                    
    4002b740:   b9412664    ldr w4, [x19, #292]                                           
  action->handler = handler;                                                              
    4002b744:   91094002    add x2, x0, #0x250                                            
  if ( _Chain_Is_node_off_chain( the_node ) ) {                                           
    4002b748:   f9412a63    ldr x3, [x19, #592]                                           
    4002b74c:   90000000    adrp    x0, 4002b000 <_Thread_queue_FIFO_enqueue+0x30>        
    4002b750:   91120000    add x0, x0, #0x480                                            
    4002b754:   b900f264    str w4, [x19, #240]                                           
    4002b758:   f9013260    str x0, [x19, #608]                                           
    4002b75c:   52800024    mov w4, #0x1                    // #1                         
    4002b760:   39007284    strb    w4, [x20, #28]                                        
    4002b764:   b4000823    cbz x3, 4002b868 <_Thread_Cancel+0x178>                       
  return aggregation->Node.priority;                                                      
    4002b768:   f9403421    ldr x1, [x1, #104]                                            
  disable_level = cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level;                                
    4002b76c:   b9401a80    ldr w0, [x20, #24]                                            
  cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level = disable_level + 1;                            
    4002b770:   11000400    add w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    4002b774:   f9401436    ldr x22, [x1, #40]                                            
    4002b778:   b9001a80    str w0, [x20, #24]                                            
  cpu_self = _Thread_Dispatch_disable_critical( &lock_context );                          
  priority = _Thread_Get_priority( executing );                                           
  if ( _States_Is_dormant( the_thread->current_state ) ) {                                
    4002b77c:   b9403a60    ldr w0, [x19, #56]                                            
    4002b780:   37f80620    tbnz    w0, #31, 4002b844 <_Thread_Cancel+0x154>              
  pending_requests = the_thread->Life.pending_life_change_requests;                       
    4002b784:   b9426e60    ldr w0, [x19, #620]                                           
  the_thread->Life.pending_life_change_requests = pending_requests + 1;                   
    4002b788:   11000401    add w1, w0, #0x1                                              
    4002b78c:   b9026e61    str w1, [x19, #620]                                           
  if ( pending_requests == 0 ) {                                                          
    4002b790:   34000840    cbz w0, 4002b898 <_Thread_Cancel+0x1a8>                       <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    4002b794:   92407eb5    and x21, x21, #0xffffffff                                     
    4002b798:   d51b4235    msr daif, x21                                                 
  _Thread_queue_Extract_with_proxy( the_thread );                                         
    4002b79c:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    4002b7a0:   940018ec    bl  40031b50 <_Thread_queue_Extract_with_proxy>               
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    4002b7a4:   d53b4235    mrs x21, daif                                                 
    4002b7a8:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
    4002b7ac:   f9405a60    ldr x0, [x19, #176]                                           
    4002b7b0:   9102e261    add x1, x19, #0xb8                                            
    4002b7b4:   94000247    bl  4002c0d0 <_Watchdog_Remove>                               
  _ISR_lock_Release_and_ISR_enable( &the_thread->Timer.Lock, &lock_context );             
    4002b7b8:   14000011    b   4002b7fc <_Thread_Cancel+0x10c>                           
  disable_level = cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level;                                
    4002b7bc:   b00006d4    adrp    x20, 40104000 <rtems_libio_iops+0x260>                
    4002b7c0:   91080294    add x20, x20, #0x200                                          
    4002b7c4:   b9401a82    ldr w2, [x20, #24]                                            
  cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level = disable_level + 1;                            
    4002b7c8:   11000442    add w2, w2, #0x1                                              
    4002b7cc:   b9001a82    str w2, [x20, #24]                                            
  if ( _States_Is_dormant( the_thread->current_state ) ) {                                
    4002b7d0:   b9403802    ldr w2, [x0, #56]                                             
    4002b7d4:   37f80382    tbnz    w2, #31, 4002b844 <_Thread_Cancel+0x154>              <== NEVER TAKEN
    4002b7d8:   f9403423    ldr x3, [x1, #104]                                            
  pending_requests = the_thread->Life.pending_life_change_requests;                       
    4002b7dc:   b9426e61    ldr w1, [x19, #620]                                           
  the_thread->Life.pending_life_change_requests = pending_requests + 1;                   
    4002b7e0:   11000422    add w2, w1, #0x1                                              
    4002b7e4:   f9401476    ldr x22, [x3, #40]                                            
    4002b7e8:   b9026e62    str w2, [x19, #620]                                           
  if ( pending_requests == 0 ) {                                                          
    4002b7ec:   340005e1    cbz w1, 4002b8a8 <_Thread_Cancel+0x1b8>                       <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    _Thread_State_release( the_thread, &lock_context );                                   
    _Thread_Finalize_life_change( the_thread, priority );                                 
  } else {                                                                                
    _Thread_Add_life_change_request( the_thread );                                        
    _Thread_Clear_state_locked( the_thread, STATES_SUSPENDED );                           
    4002b7f0:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    4002b7f4:   52900001    mov w1, #0x8000                 // #32768                     
    4002b7f8:   940017be    bl  400316f0 <_Thread_Clear_state_locked>                     
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    4002b7fc:   92407eb5    and x21, x21, #0xffffffff                                     
    4002b800:   d51b4235    msr daif, x21                                                 
    _Thread_State_release( the_thread, &lock_context );                                   
    _Thread_Raise_real_priority( the_thread, priority );                                  
    4002b804:   aa1603e1    mov x1, x22                                                   
    4002b808:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    4002b80c:   97fffead    bl  4002b2c0 <_Thread_Raise_real_priority>                    
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    4002b810:   d53b4235    mrs x21, daif                                                 
    4002b814:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
  pending_requests = the_thread->Life.pending_life_change_requests;                       
    4002b818:   b9426e60    ldr w0, [x19, #620]                                           
  if ( pending_requests == 1 ) {                                                          
    4002b81c:   71000401    subs    w1, w0, #0x1                                          
  the_thread->Life.pending_life_change_requests = pending_requests - 1;                   
    4002b820:   b9026e61    str w1, [x19, #620]                                           
  if ( pending_requests == 1 ) {                                                          
    4002b824:   54000300    b.eq    4002b884 <_Thread_Cancel+0x194>  // b.none            <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    4002b828:   92407eb5    and x21, x21, #0xffffffff                                     
    4002b82c:   d51b4235    msr daif, x21                                                 
    _Thread_Remove_life_change_request( the_thread );                                     
  _Thread_Dispatch_enable( cpu_self );                                                    
    4002b830:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    4002b834:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002b838:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002b83c:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
  _Thread_Dispatch_enable( cpu_self );                                                    
    4002b840:   17fffb18    b   4002a4a0 <_Thread_Dispatch_enable>                        
    4002b844:   92407eb5    and x21, x21, #0xffffffff                                     
    4002b848:   d51b4235    msr daif, x21                                                 
    _Thread_Make_zombie( the_thread );                                                    
    4002b84c:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    4002b850:   97fffedc    bl  4002b3c0 <_Thread_Make_zombie>                            
  _Thread_Dispatch_enable( cpu_self );                                                    
    4002b854:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    4002b858:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002b85c:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002b860:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
  _Thread_Dispatch_enable( cpu_self );                                                    
    4002b864:   17fffb0f    b   4002a4a0 <_Thread_Dispatch_enable>                        
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
    4002b868:   f940ba63    ldr x3, [x19, #368]                                           
    4002b86c:   9105a260    add x0, x19, #0x168                                           
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
    4002b870:   f900ba62    str x2, [x19, #368]                                           
  the_node->next = tail;                                                                  
    4002b874:   f9012a60    str x0, [x19, #592]                                           
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
    4002b878:   f9000062    str x2, [x3]                                                  
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
    4002b87c:   f9012e63    str x3, [x19, #600]                                           
    4002b880:   17ffffba    b   4002b768 <_Thread_Cancel+0x78>                            
    4002b884:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    4002b888:   52906181    mov w1, #0x830c                 // #33548                     
    4002b88c:   72a60041    movk    w1, #0x3002, lsl #16                                  
    4002b890:   94001798    bl  400316f0 <_Thread_Clear_state_locked>                     
    4002b894:   17ffffe5    b   4002b828 <_Thread_Cancel+0x138>                           
    _Thread_Set_state_locked( the_thread, STATES_LIFE_IS_CHANGING );                      
    4002b898:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    4002b89c:   52a00041    mov w1, #0x20000                // #131072                    
    4002b8a0:   94000074    bl  4002ba70 <_Thread_Set_state_locked>                       
    4002b8a4:   17ffffbc    b   4002b794 <_Thread_Cancel+0xa4>                            
    4002b8a8:   52a00041    mov w1, #0x20000                // #131072                    
    4002b8ac:   94000071    bl  4002ba70 <_Thread_Set_state_locked>                       
    4002b8b0:   17ffffd0    b   4002b7f0 <_Thread_Cancel+0x100>                           

0000000040029050 <_Thread_Change_life>: Thread_Life_state _Thread_Change_life( Thread_Life_state clear, Thread_Life_state set, Thread_Life_state ignore ) {
    40029050:   a9be7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-32]!                                     
    40029054:   2a0003e4    mov w4, w0                                                    
    40029058:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    4002905c:   f9000bf3    str x19, [sp, #16]                                            
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40029060:   d53b4225    mrs x5, daif                                                  
    40029064:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
    40029068:   d00006c3    adrp    x3, 40103000 <_POSIX_Threads_Objects+0xb38>           
    4002906c:   912c0060    add x0, x3, #0xb00                                            
    & ( THREAD_LIFE_PROTECTED | THREAD_LIFE_CHANGE_DEFERRED ) ) == 0;                     
    40029070:   52800126    mov w6, #0x9                    // #9                         
    40029074:   f9401003    ldr x3, [x0, #32]                                             
  previous = the_thread->Life.state;                                                      
    40029078:   b9426873    ldr w19, [x3, #616]                                           
  state &= ~clear;                                                                        
    4002907c:   0a240264    bic w4, w19, w4                                               
  state |= set;                                                                           
    40029080:   2a040021    orr w1, w1, w4                                                
  the_thread->Life.state = state;                                                         
    40029084:   b9026861    str w1, [x3, #616]                                            
  state &= ~ignore;                                                                       
    40029088:   0a220021    bic w1, w1, w2                                                
  if (                                                                                    
    4002908c:   6a06003f    tst w1, w6                                                    
    40029090:   54000221    b.ne    400290d4 <_Thread_Change_life+0x84>  // b.any         
      && _Thread_Is_life_changing( state )                                                
    40029094:   721f043f    tst w1, #0x6                                                  
    40029098:   540001e0    b.eq    400290d4 <_Thread_Change_life+0x84>  // b.none        
    the_thread->is_preemptible   = the_thread->Start.is_preemptible;                      
    4002909c:   39448064    ldrb    w4, [x3, #288]                                        
  action->handler = handler;                                                              
    400290a0:   f0ffffe1    adrp    x1, 40028000 <_Thread_queue_Priority_priority_actions+0x50>
    400290a4:   912d8021    add x1, x1, #0xb60                                            
    400290a8:   3903a464    strb    w4, [x3, #233]                                        
    the_thread->budget_callout   = the_thread->Start.budget_callout;                      
    400290ac:   f9409464    ldr x4, [x3, #296]                                            
    400290b0:   f9007c64    str x4, [x3, #248]                                            
    the_thread->budget_algorithm = the_thread->Start.budget_algorithm;                    
    400290b4:   b9412466    ldr w6, [x3, #292]                                            
    400290b8:   91094062    add x2, x3, #0x250                                            
  if ( _Chain_Is_node_off_chain( the_node ) ) {                                           
    400290bc:   f9412864    ldr x4, [x3, #592]                                            
    400290c0:   b900f066    str w6, [x3, #240]                                            
    400290c4:   f9013061    str x1, [x3, #608]                                            
    400290c8:   52800026    mov w6, #0x1                    // #1                         
    400290cc:   39007006    strb    w6, [x0, #28]                                         
    400290d0:   b4000164    cbz x4, 400290fc <_Thread_Change_life+0xac>                   <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  disable_level = cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level;                                
    400290d4:   b9401801    ldr w1, [x0, #24]                                             
  cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level = disable_level + 1;                            
    400290d8:   11000421    add w1, w1, #0x1                                              
    400290dc:   b9001801    str w1, [x0, #24]                                             
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    400290e0:   92407ca1    and x1, x5, #0xffffffff                                       
    400290e4:   d51b4221    msr daif, x1                                                  
  previous = _Thread_Change_life_locked( executing, clear, set, ignore );                 
  cpu_self = _Thread_Dispatch_disable_critical( &lock_context );                          
  _Thread_State_release( executing, &lock_context );                                      
  _Thread_Dispatch_enable( cpu_self );                                                    
    400290e8:   97fff986    bl  40027700 <_Thread_Dispatch_enable>                        
  return previous;                                                                        
    400290ec:   2a1303e0    mov w0, w19                                                   
    400290f0:   f9400bf3    ldr x19, [sp, #16]                                            
    400290f4:   a8c27bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #32                                       
    400290f8:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
    400290fc:   f940b864    ldr x4, [x3, #368]                                            
    40029100:   9105a061    add x1, x3, #0x168                                            
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
    40029104:   f900b862    str x2, [x3, #368]                                            
  the_node->next = tail;                                                                  
    40029108:   f9012861    str x1, [x3, #592]                                            
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
    4002910c:   f9000082    str x2, [x4]                                                  
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
    40029110:   f9012c64    str x4, [x3, #600]                                            
    40029114:   17fffff0    b   400290d4 <_Thread_Change_life+0x84>                       

0000000040029fd0 <_Thread_Clear_state_locked>: States_Control _Thread_Clear_state_locked( Thread_Control *the_thread, States_Control state ) {
    40029fd0:   a9be7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-32]!                                     
    40029fd4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40029fd8:   f9000bf3    str x19, [sp, #16]                                            
  States_Control previous_state;                                                          
  _Assert( state != 0 );                                                                  
  _Assert( _Thread_State_is_owner( the_thread ) );                                        
  previous_state = the_thread->current_state;                                             
    40029fdc:   b9403813    ldr w19, [x0, #56]                                            
  if ( ( previous_state & state ) != 0 ) {                                                
    40029fe0:   6a01027f    tst w19, w1                                                   
    40029fe4:   54000160    b.eq    4002a010 <_Thread_Clear_state_locked+0x40>  // b.none 
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE States_Control _States_Clear (                                       
  States_Control states_to_clear,                                                         
  States_Control current_state                                                            
   return (current_state & ~states_to_clear);                                             
    40029fe8:   0a210262    bic w2, w19, w1                                               
    States_Control next_state;                                                            
    next_state = _States_Clear( state, previous_state );                                  
    the_thread->current_state = next_state;                                               
    40029fec:   b9003802    str w2, [x0, #56]                                             
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE bool _States_Is_ready (                                              
  States_Control the_states                                                               
   return (the_states == STATES_READY);                                                   
    40029ff0:   aa0003e3    mov x3, x0                                                    
    if ( _States_Is_ready( next_state ) ) {                                               
    40029ff4:   350000e2    cbnz    w2, 4002a010 <_Thread_Clear_state_locked+0x40>        <== NEVER TAKEN
  ( *scheduler->Operations.unblock )( scheduler, the_thread, scheduler_node );            
    40029ff8:   d0000080    adrp    x0, 4003b000 <__sfvwrite_r+0x5d4>                     
    40029ffc:   913ee000    add x0, x0, #0xfb8                                            
    4002a000:   f9403462    ldr x2, [x3, #104]                                            
    4002a004:   aa0303e1    mov x1, x3                                                    
    4002a008:   f9401404    ldr x4, [x0, #40]                                             
    4002a00c:   d63f0080    blr x4                                                        
      _Scheduler_Unblock( the_thread );                                                   
  return previous_state;                                                                  
    4002a010:   2a1303e0    mov w0, w19                                                   
    4002a014:   f9400bf3    ldr x19, [sp, #16]                                            
    4002a018:   a8c27bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #32                                       
    4002a01c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

00000000400263a0 <_Thread_Dispatch_enable>: } void _Thread_Dispatch_enable( Per_CPU_Control *cpu_self ) { uint32_t disable_level = cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level;
    400263a0:   b9401801    ldr w1, [x0, #24]                                             
  if ( disable_level == 1 ) {                                                             
    400263a4:   7100043f    cmp w1, #0x1                                                  
    400263a8:   54000080    b.eq    400263b8 <_Thread_Dispatch_enable+0x18>  // b.none    
      _Profiling_Thread_dispatch_enable( cpu_self, 0 );                                   
      _ISR_Local_enable( level );                                                         
  } else {                                                                                
    _Assert( disable_level > 0 );                                                         
    cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level = disable_level - 1;                          
    400263ac:   51000421    sub w1, w1, #0x1                                              
    400263b0:   b9001801    str w1, [x0, #24]                                             
    400263b4:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    400263b8:   d53b4221    mrs x1, daif                                                  
    400263bc:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
    400263c0:   39407002    ldrb    w2, [x0, #28]                                         
    if (                                                                                  
    400263c4:   72001c5f    tst w2, #0xff                                                 
    400263c8:   54000061    b.ne    400263d4 <_Thread_Dispatch_enable+0x34>  // b.any     
        || !_ISR_Is_enabled( level )                                                      
    400263cc:   92407c22    and x2, x1, #0xffffffff                                       
    400263d0:   34000041    cbz w1, 400263d8 <_Thread_Dispatch_enable+0x38>               <== ALWAYS TAKEN
      _Thread_Do_dispatch( cpu_self, level );                                             
    400263d4:   17ffff93    b   40026220 <_Thread_Do_dispatch>                            
      cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level = 0;                                        
    400263d8:   b900181f    str wzr, [x0, #24]                                            
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    400263dc:   d51b4222    msr daif, x2                                                  
    400263e0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040026220 <_Thread_Do_dispatch>: _Thread_State_release( executing, &lock_context ); } void _Thread_Do_dispatch( Per_CPU_Control *cpu_self, ISR_Level level ) {
    40026220:   a9bb7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-80]!                                     
    40026224:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40026228:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002622c:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40026230:   a90363f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
  Thread_Control *executing;                                                              
  _Assert( cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level == 1 );                                
#if defined(RTEMS_SCORE_ROBUST_THREAD_DISPATCH)                                           
  if (                                                                                    
    40026234:   350009a1    cbnz    w1, 40026368 <_Thread_Do_dispatch+0x148>              <== NEVER TAKEN
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    40026238:   d00006d7    adrp    x23, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>              
    4002623c:   910f02f7    add x23, x23, #0x3c0                                          
  ) {                                                                                     
    _Internal_error( INTERNAL_ERROR_BAD_THREAD_DISPATCH_ENVIRONMENT );                    
  executing = cpu_self->executing;                                                        
    40026240:   f9401015    ldr x21, [x0, #32]                                            
     *  Since heir and executing are not the same, we need to do a real                   
     *  context switch.                                                                   
    if ( heir->budget_algorithm == THREAD_CPU_BUDGET_ALGORITHM_RESET_TIMESLICE )          
      heir->cpu_time_budget = rtems_configuration_get_ticks_per_timeslice();              
    40026244:   d00000b8    adrp    x24, 4003c000 <_Scheduler_Table+0x48>                 
    40026248:   913a4318    add x24, x24, #0xe90                                          
  if ( node != tail ) {                                                                   
    4002624c:   910022f6    add x22, x23, #0x8                                            
  heir = cpu_self->heir;                                                                  
    40026250:   f9401414    ldr x20, [x0, #40]                                            
  cpu_self->dispatch_necessary = false;                                                   
    40026254:   3900701f    strb    wzr, [x0, #28]                                        
  cpu_self->executing = heir;                                                             
    40026258:   f9001014    str x20, [x0, #32]                                            
    if ( heir == executing )                                                              
    4002625c:   eb1402bf    cmp x21, x20                                                  
    40026260:   540003c0    b.eq    400262d8 <_Thread_Do_dispatch+0xb8>  // b.none        
    if ( heir->budget_algorithm == THREAD_CPU_BUDGET_ALGORITHM_RESET_TIMESLICE )          
    40026264:   b940f280    ldr w0, [x20, #240]                                           
    40026268:   7100041f    cmp w0, #0x1                                                  
    4002626c:   54000061    b.ne    40026278 <_Thread_Do_dispatch+0x58>  // b.any         
      heir->cpu_time_budget = rtems_configuration_get_ticks_per_timeslice();              
    40026270:   b9400300    ldr w0, [x24]                                                 
    40026274:   b900ee80    str w0, [x20, #236]                                           
    _ISR_Local_enable( level );                                                           
    40026278:   2a0103e1    mov w1, w1                                                    
    4002627c:   d51b4221    msr daif, x1                                                  
    40026280:   f94002f3    ldr x19, [x23]                                                
    40026284:   eb16027f    cmp x19, x22                                                  
    40026288:   54000120    b.eq    400262ac <_Thread_Do_dispatch+0x8c>  // b.none        
    4002628c:   d503201f    nop                                                           
      (*extension->thread_switch)( executing, heir );                                     
    40026290:   f9400a62    ldr x2, [x19, #16]                                            
    40026294:   aa1403e1    mov x1, x20                                                   
  return the_node->next;                                                                  
    40026298:   f9400273    ldr x19, [x19]                                                
    4002629c:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    400262a0:   d63f0040    blr x2                                                        
    while ( node != tail ) {                                                              
    400262a4:   eb16027f    cmp x19, x22                                                  
    400262a8:   54ffff41    b.ne    40026290 <_Thread_Do_dispatch+0x70>  // b.any         
#if !defined(RTEMS_SMP)                                                                   
    _User_extensions_Thread_switch( executing, heir );                                    
    _Thread_Save_fp( executing );                                                         
    _Context_Switch( &executing->Registers, &heir->Registers );                           
    400262ac:   9105e281    add x1, x20, #0x178                                           
    400262b0:   9105e2a0    add x0, x21, #0x178                                           
    400262b4:   94000753    bl  40028000 <_CPU_Context_switch>                            
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    400262b8:   d53b4221    mrs x1, daif                                                  
    400262bc:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
     * stack or non-volatile registers reflect the old execution environment.             
    cpu_self = _Per_CPU_Get();                                                            
    _ISR_Local_disable( level );                                                          
  } while ( cpu_self->dispatch_necessary );                                               
    400262c0:   f00006e2    adrp    x2, 40105000 <Arr_2_Glob+0x1e68>                      
    400262c4:   91290042    add x2, x2, #0xa40                                            
    cpu_self = _Per_CPU_Get();                                                            
    400262c8:   aa0203e0    mov x0, x2                                                    
  } while ( cpu_self->dispatch_necessary );                                               
    400262cc:   39407042    ldrb    w2, [x2, #28]                                         
    400262d0:   72001c5f    tst w2, #0xff                                                 
    400262d4:   54fffbe1    b.ne    40026250 <_Thread_Do_dispatch+0x30>  // b.any         
  _Assert( cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level == 1 );                                
  cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level = 0;                                            
    400262d8:   b900181f    str wzr, [x0, #24]                                            
  _Profiling_Thread_dispatch_enable( cpu_self, 0 );                                       
  _ISR_Local_enable( level );                                                             
    400262dc:   2a0103e1    mov w1, w1                                                    
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    400262e0:   d51b4221    msr daif, x1                                                  
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    400262e4:   d53b4220    mrs x0, daif                                                  
    400262e8:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable( lock_context );                                                  
    400262ec:   b9004be0    str w0, [sp, #72]                                             
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    400262f0:   f940b2a1    ldr x1, [x21, #352]                                           
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
    400262f4:   9105a2b4    add x20, x21, #0x168                                          
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    400262f8:   910582b3    add x19, x21, #0x160                                          
  if ( !_Chain_Is_empty(the_chain))                                                       
    400262fc:   eb14003f    cmp x1, x20                                                   
    40026300:   54000260    b.eq    4002634c <_Thread_Do_dispatch+0x12c>  // b.none       
  new_first = old_first->next;                                                            
    40026304:   f9400020    ldr x0, [x1]                                                  
  head->next = new_first;                                                                 
    40026308:   f900b2a0    str x0, [x21, #352]                                           
  new_first->previous = head;                                                             
    4002630c:   f9000413    str x19, [x0, #8]                                             
  while ( action != NULL ) {                                                              
    40026310:   14000004    b   40026320 <_Thread_Do_dispatch+0x100>                      
  new_first = old_first->next;                                                            
    40026314:   f9400020    ldr x0, [x1]                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  head->next = new_first;                                                                 
    40026318:   f9000260    str x0, [x19]                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  new_first->previous = head;                                                             
    4002631c:   f9000413    str x19, [x0, #8]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    ( *action->handler )( executing, action, &lock_context );                             
    40026320:   f9400823    ldr x3, [x1, #16]                                             
  node->next = NULL;                                                                      
    40026324:   f900003f    str xzr, [x1]                                                 
    40026328:   910123e2    add x2, sp, #0x48                                             
    4002632c:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    40026330:   d63f0060    blr x3                                                        
    40026334:   d53b4220    mrs x0, daif                                                  
    40026338:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
    4002633c:   b9004be0    str w0, [sp, #72]                                             
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    40026340:   f9400261    ldr x1, [x19]                                                 
  if ( !_Chain_Is_empty(the_chain))                                                       
    40026344:   eb01029f    cmp x20, x1                                                   
    40026348:   54fffe61    b.ne    40026314 <_Thread_Do_dispatch+0xf4>  // b.any         <== NEVER TAKEN
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( lock_context );                                                   
    4002634c:   b9404be0    ldr w0, [sp, #72]                                             
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40026350:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
  _Thread_Run_post_switch_actions( executing );                                           
    40026354:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40026358:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002635c:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    40026360:   a8c57bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #80                                       
    40026364:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    _Internal_error( INTERNAL_ERROR_BAD_THREAD_DISPATCH_ENVIRONMENT );                    
    40026368:   528003e0    mov w0, #0x1f                   // #31                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002636c:   97fffbcd    bl  400252a0 <_Internal_error>                                <== NOT EXECUTED

000000004002b910 <_Thread_Exit>: __asm__ volatile (
    4002b910:   d53b4223    mrs x3, daif                                                  
    4002b914:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
  state |= set;                                                                           
    4002b918:   b9426804    ldr w4, [x0, #616]                                            
  the_thread->Life.exit_value = exit_value;                                               
    4002b91c:   f9013802    str x2, [x0, #624]                                            
  state |= set;                                                                           
    4002b920:   2a040021    orr w1, w1, w4                                                
  the_thread->Life.state = state;                                                         
    4002b924:   b9026801    str w1, [x0, #616]                                            
      && _Thread_Is_life_changing( state )                                                
    4002b928:   721f043f    tst w1, #0x6                                                  
    4002b92c:   54000220    b.eq    4002b970 <_Thread_Exit+0x60>  // b.none               <== NEVER TAKEN
    the_thread->is_preemptible   = the_thread->Start.is_preemptible;                      
    4002b930:   39448005    ldrb    w5, [x0, #288]                                        
 cpu_self->dispatch_necessary = true;                                                     
    4002b934:   b00006c1    adrp    x1, 40104000 <rtems_libio_iops+0x260>                 
    4002b938:   91080021    add x1, x1, #0x200                                            
    4002b93c:   3903a405    strb    w5, [x0, #233]                                        
    the_thread->budget_callout   = the_thread->Start.budget_callout;                      
    4002b940:   f9409405    ldr x5, [x0, #296]                                            
    4002b944:   f9007c05    str x5, [x0, #248]                                            
    the_thread->budget_algorithm = the_thread->Start.budget_algorithm;                    
    4002b948:   b9412406    ldr w6, [x0, #292]                                            
  action->handler = handler;                                                              
    4002b94c:   90000002    adrp    x2, 4002b000 <_Thread_queue_FIFO_enqueue+0x30>        
    4002b950:   91120042    add x2, x2, #0x480                                            
    4002b954:   b900f006    str w6, [x0, #240]                                            
  if ( _Chain_Is_node_off_chain( the_node ) ) {                                           
    4002b958:   f9412805    ldr x5, [x0, #592]                                            
    4002b95c:   f9013002    str x2, [x0, #608]                                            
    4002b960:   52800026    mov w6, #0x1                    // #1                         
    4002b964:   39007026    strb    w6, [x1, #28]                                         
    4002b968:   91094004    add x4, x0, #0x250                                            
    4002b96c:   b4000085    cbz x5, 4002b97c <_Thread_Exit+0x6c>                          <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    4002b970:   92407c60    and x0, x3, #0xffffffff                                       
    4002b974:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
    THREAD_LIFE_PROTECTED | THREAD_LIFE_CHANGE_DEFERRED                                   
  _Thread_State_release( executing, &lock_context );                                      
    4002b978:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
    4002b97c:   f940b802    ldr x2, [x0, #368]                                            
    4002b980:   9105a001    add x1, x0, #0x168                                            
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
    4002b984:   f900b804    str x4, [x0, #368]                                            
  the_node->next = tail;                                                                  
    4002b988:   f9012801    str x1, [x0, #592]                                            
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
    4002b98c:   f9000044    str x4, [x2]                                                  
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
    4002b990:   f9012c02    str x2, [x0, #600]                                            
    4002b994:   17fffff7    b   4002b970 <_Thread_Exit+0x60>                              

000000004002d580 <_Thread_Get_name>: size_t _Thread_Get_name( const Thread_Control *the_thread, char *buffer, size_t buffer_size ) {
    4002d580:   aa0103e4    mov x4, x1                                                    
    4002d584:   aa0203e3    mov x3, x2                                                    
  const char *name;                                                                       
  name = the_thread->Join_queue.Queue.name;                                               
    4002d588:   f9401801    ldr x1, [x0, #48]                                             
  if ( name != NULL && name[ 0 ] != '\0' ) {                                              
    4002d58c:   b4000061    cbz x1, 4002d598 <_Thread_Get_name+0x18>                      <== NEVER TAKEN
    4002d590:   39400025    ldrb    w5, [x1]                                              
    4002d594:   350000a5    cbnz    w5, 4002d5a8 <_Thread_Get_name+0x28>                  
    return strlcpy( buffer, name, buffer_size );                                          
  } else {                                                                                
    return _Objects_Name_to_string(                                                       
    4002d598:   f9400c00    ldr x0, [x0, #24]                                             
    4002d59c:   aa0403e2    mov x2, x4                                                    
    4002d5a0:   52800001    mov w1, #0x0                    // #0                         
    4002d5a4:   14000473    b   4002e770 <_Objects_Name_to_string>                        
    return strlcpy( buffer, name, buffer_size );                                          
    4002d5a8:   aa0403e0    mov x0, x4                                                    
    4002d5ac:   140007ce    b   4002f4e4 <strlcpy>                                        

000000004002a1b0 <_Thread_Initialize>: bool _Thread_Initialize( Thread_Information *information, Thread_Control *the_thread, const Thread_Configuration *config ) {
    4002a1b0:   a9bb7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-80]!                                     
    4002a1b4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    4002a1b8:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002a1bc:   aa0003f5    mov x21, x0                                                   
  const Scheduler_Control *scheduler_for_index;                                           
  size_t                   scheduler_index;                                               
  Per_CPU_Control         *cpu = _Per_CPU_Get_by_index( 0 );                              
    4002a1c0:   91008020    add x0, x1, #0x20                                             
    4002a1c4:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002a1c8:   aa0203f4    mov x20, x2                                                   
    information->Objects.object_size - offsetof( Thread_Control, Join_queue )             
    4002a1cc:   79404aa2    ldrh    w2, [x21, #36]                                        
    4002a1d0:   aa0103f3    mov x19, x1                                                   
    4002a1d4:   52800001    mov w1, #0x0                    // #0                         
    4002a1d8:   d1008042    sub x2, x2, #0x20                                             
    4002a1dc:   94001346    bl  4002eef4 <memset>                                         
  for ( i = 0 ; i < _Thread_Control_add_on_count ; ++i ) {                                
    4002a1e0:   d0000080    adrp    x0, 4003c000 <_Scheduler_Table+0x48>                  
    4002a1e4:   f9402402    ldr x2, [x0, #72]                                             
    4002a1e8:   d0000083    adrp    x3, 4003c000 <_Scheduler_Table+0x48>                  
    4002a1ec:   91014063    add x3, x3, #0x50                                             
    4002a1f0:   d2800004    mov x4, #0x0                    // #0                         
    4002a1f4:   b4000102    cbz x2, 4002a214 <_Thread_Initialize+0x64>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
    const Thread_Control_add_on *add_on = &_Thread_Control_add_ons[ i ];                  
    *(void **) ( (char *) the_thread + add_on->destination_offset ) =                     
      (char *) the_thread + add_on->source_offset;                                        
    4002a1f8:   a9400465    ldp x5, x1, [x3]                                              
  for ( i = 0 ; i < _Thread_Control_add_on_count ; ++i ) {                                
    4002a1fc:   91000484    add x4, x4, #0x1                                              
    4002a200:   eb02009f    cmp x4, x2                                                    
    4002a204:   91004063    add x3, x3, #0x10                                             
      (char *) the_thread + add_on->source_offset;                                        
    4002a208:   8b010261    add x1, x19, x1                                               
    *(void **) ( (char *) the_thread + add_on->destination_offset ) =                     
    4002a20c:   f8256a61    str x1, [x19, x5]                                             
  for ( i = 0 ; i < _Thread_Control_add_on_count ; ++i ) {                                
    4002a210:   54ffff41    b.ne    4002a1f8 <_Thread_Initialize+0x48>  // b.any          
    goto failed;                                                                          
#if defined(RTEMS_SMP) || CPU_ENABLE_ROBUST_THREAD_DISPATCH == TRUE                       
  if (                                                                                    
    4002a214:   b9404280    ldr w0, [x20, #64]                                            
  the_thread->Start.stack_free = config->stack_free;                                      
    4002a218:   f9400e81    ldr x1, [x20, #24]                                            
    4002a21c:   f900a261    str x1, [x19, #320]                                           
  if (                                                                                    
    4002a220:   34000100    cbz w0, 4002a240 <_Thread_Initialize+0x90>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
#if defined(RTEMS_SMP) || CPU_ENABLE_ROBUST_THREAD_DISPATCH == TRUE                       
  ( *the_thread->Start.stack_free )( the_thread->Start.Initial_stack.area );              
    4002a224:   f940aa60    ldr x0, [x19, #336]                                           
    4002a228:   d63f0020    blr x1                                                        
  return false;                                                                           
    4002a22c:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    4002a230:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002a234:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002a238:   a8c57bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #80                                       
    4002a23c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  stack_end = stack_begin + config->stack_size;                                           
    4002a240:   f9400a96    ldr x22, [x20, #16]                                           
    4002a244:   f9001bf7    str x23, [sp, #48]                                            
  stack_begin = config->stack_area;                                                       
    4002a248:   f9400697    ldr x23, [x20, #8]                                            
  stack_end = stack_begin + config->stack_size;                                           
    4002a24c:   8b1602f6    add x22, x23, x22                                             
  tls_size = _TLS_Get_allocation_size();                                                  
    4002a250:   940000f8    bl  4002a630 <_TLS_Get_allocation_size>                       
  if ( tls_size > 0 ) {                                                                   
    4002a254:   b4000120    cbz x0, 4002a278 <_Thread_Initialize+0xc8>                    
    tls_align = (uintptr_t) _TLS_Alignment;                                               
    4002a258:   d0dffea1    adrp    x1, 0 <HeapSize>                                      
    4002a25c:   91000421    add x1, x1, #0x1                                              
    stack_end -= tls_size;                                                                
    4002a260:   cb0002d6    sub x22, x22, x0                                              
      ( ( (uintptr_t) stack_end + tls_align - 1 ) & ~( tls_align - 1 ) );                 
    4002a264:   d1000420    sub x0, x1, #0x1                                              
    4002a268:   8b0002c0    add x0, x22, x0                                               
    4002a26c:   cb0103e1    neg x1, x1                                                    
    4002a270:   8a010001    and x1, x0, x1                                                
    the_thread->Start.tls_area = (void *)                                                 
    4002a274:   f900ae61    str x1, [x19, #344]                                           
  old_first = head->next;                                                                 
    4002a278:   f9402ea0    ldr x0, [x21, #88]                                            
    stack_end - stack_begin                                                               
    4002a27c:   cb1702d6    sub x22, x22, x23                                             
  the_thread->Start.budget_algorithm = config->budget_algorithm;                          
    4002a280:   b9402a82    ldr w2, [x20, #40]                                            
  RB_COLOR( &the_watchdog->Node.RBTree, Node ) = state;                                   
    4002a284:   52800046    mov w6, #0x2                    // #2                         
  the_thread->Start.budget_callout   = config->budget_callout;                            
    4002a288:   f9401a85    ldr x5, [x20, #48]                                            
  head->next = tail;                                                                      
    4002a28c:   91012004    add x4, x0, #0x48                                             
  new_first = old_first->next;                                                            
    4002a290:   f9400001    ldr x1, [x0]                                                  
  the_stack->area = starting_address;                                                     
    4002a294:   a914de76    stp x22, x23, [x19, #328]                                     
  return &the_chain->Head.Node;                                                           
    4002a298:   910162b6    add x22, x21, #0x58                                           
  head->next = new_first;                                                                 
    4002a29c:   f9002ea1    str x1, [x21, #88]                                            
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
    4002a2a0:   91014003    add x3, x0, #0x50                                             
  new_first->previous = head;                                                             
    4002a2a4:   f9000436    str x22, [x1, #8]                                             
  timer->header = &cpu->Watchdog.Header[ PER_CPU_WATCHDOG_TICKS ];                        
    4002a2a8:   f00006c1    adrp    x1, 40105000 <Arr_2_Glob+0x1e68>                      
    4002a2ac:   912a0021    add x1, x1, #0xa80                                            
  the_thread->Wait.spare_heads = _Freechain_Pop(                                          
    4002a2b0:   f9005660    str x0, [x19, #168]                                           
  head->previous = NULL;                                                                  
    4002a2b4:   a904fc03    stp x3, xzr, [x0, #72]                                        
  switch ( config->budget_algorithm ) {                                                   
    4002a2b8:   6b06005f    cmp w2, w6                                                    
  the_thread->Start.is_preemptible   = config->is_preemptible;                            
    4002a2bc:   39411683    ldrb    w3, [x20, #69]                                        
  tail->previous = head;                                                                  
    4002a2c0:   f9002c04    str x4, [x0, #88]                                             
  the_thread->is_fp                  = config->is_fp;                                     
    4002a2c4:   39411284    ldrb    w4, [x20, #68]                                        
  the_thread->Start.isr_level        = config->isr_level;                                 
    4002a2c8:   b9404280    ldr w0, [x20, #64]                                            
    4002a2cc:   f9005a61    str x1, [x19, #176]                                           
    4002a2d0:   b900d266    str w6, [x19, #208]                                           
  the_thread->is_fp                  = config->is_fp;                                     
    4002a2d4:   3903aa64    strb    w4, [x19, #234]                                       
  the_thread->Start.is_preemptible   = config->is_preemptible;                            
    4002a2d8:   39048263    strb    w3, [x19, #288]                                       
  the_thread->Start.budget_algorithm = config->budget_algorithm;                          
    4002a2dc:   b9012662    str w2, [x19, #292]                                           
  the_thread->Start.budget_callout   = config->budget_callout;                            
    4002a2e0:   f9009665    str x5, [x19, #296]                                           
  the_thread->Start.isr_level        = config->isr_level;                                 
    4002a2e4:   b9013260    str w0, [x19, #304]                                           
  switch ( config->budget_algorithm ) {                                                   
    4002a2e8:   54000081    b.ne    4002a2f8 <_Thread_Initialize+0x148>  // b.any         
        the_thread->cpu_time_budget =                                                     
    4002a2ec:   d0000080    adrp    x0, 4003c000 <_Scheduler_Table+0x48>                  
    4002a2f0:   b94e9000    ldr w0, [x0, #3728]                                           
    4002a2f4:   b900ee60    str w0, [x19, #236]                                           
    4002a2f8:   f9400280    ldr x0, [x20]                                                 
  ( *scheduler->Operations.node_initialize )(                                             
    4002a2fc:   aa1303e2    mov x2, x19                                                   
    4002a300:   f9401283    ldr x3, [x20, #32]                                            
    4002a304:   f9402404    ldr x4, [x0, #72]                                             
  return the_thread->Scheduler.nodes;                                                     
    4002a308:   f9403677    ldr x23, [x19, #104]                                          
    4002a30c:   aa1703e1    mov x1, x23                                                   
    4002a310:   d63f0080    blr x4                                                        
  _Priority_Node_initialize( &the_thread->Real_priority, config->priority );              
    4002a314:   f9401286    ldr x6, [x20, #32]                                            
  node->priority = priority;                                                              
    4002a318:   f9003266    str x6, [x19, #96]                                            
  information->local_table[ index - OBJECTS_INDEX_MINIMUM ] = the_object;                 
    4002a31c:   79402265    ldrh    w5, [x19, #16]                                        
    4002a320:   91010260    add x0, x19, #0x40                                            
  RB_ROOT( the_rbtree ) = the_node;                                                       
    4002a324:   a90282e6    stp x6, x0, [x23, #40]                                        
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
    4002a328:   9105a263    add x3, x19, #0x168                                           
    4002a32c:   510004a5    sub w5, w5, #0x1                                              
  the_thread->Start.initial_priority  = config->priority;                                 
    4002a330:   f9009e66    str x6, [x19, #312]                                           
  head->next = tail;                                                                      
    4002a334:   91058264    add x4, x19, #0x160                                           
    4002a338:   f94006a6    ldr x6, [x21, #8]                                             
    4002a33c:   f900b263    str x3, [x19, #352]                                           
    4002a340:   f9401e83    ldr x3, [x20, #56]                                            
  the_thread->current_state           = STATES_DORMANT;                                   
    4002a344:   52b00009    mov w9, #0x80000000             // #-2147483648               
  the_thread->Wait.operations         = &_Thread_queue_Operations_default;                
    4002a348:   d0000087    adrp    x7, 4003c000 <_Scheduler_Table+0x48>                  
    4002a34c:   913860e7    add x7, x7, #0xe18                                            
  the_object->name = name;                                                                
    4002a350:   f9000e63    str x3, [x19, #24]                                            
  User_extensions_Thread_create_context ctx = { created, true };                          
    4002a354:   52800028    mov w8, #0x1                    // #1                         
  the_thread->current_state           = STATES_DORMANT;                                   
    4002a358:   b9003a69    str w9, [x19, #56]                                            
    4002a35c:   910103e0    add x0, sp, #0x40                                             
  RB_RIGHT( the_node, Node ) = NULL;                                                      
    4002a360:   a9047e7f    stp xzr, xzr, [x19, #64]                                      
    4002a364:   b0ffffe1    adrp    x1, 40027000 <_Thread_queue_Priority_enqueue+0xa0>    
    4002a368:   52800002    mov w2, #0x0                    // #0                         
  RB_PARENT( the_node, Node ) = NULL;                                                     
    4002a36c:   f9002a7f    str xzr, [x19, #80]                                           
    4002a370:   9125c021    add x1, x1, #0x970                                            
  RB_COLOR( the_node, Node ) = RB_BLACK;                                                  
    4002a374:   b9005a7f    str wzr, [x19, #88]                                           
  the_thread->Wait.operations         = &_Thread_queue_Operations_default;                
    4002a378:   f9005267    str x7, [x19, #160]                                           
  tail->previous = head;                                                                  
    4002a37c:   a916927f    stp xzr, x4, [x19, #360]                                      
  RB_INIT( the_rbtree );                                                                  
    4002a380:   f901267f    str xzr, [x19, #584]                                          
  information->local_table[ index - OBJECTS_INDEX_MINIMUM ] = the_object;                 
    4002a384:   f82578d3    str x19, [x6, x5, lsl #3]                                     
  User_extensions_Thread_create_context ctx = { created, true };                          
    4002a388:   f90023f3    str x19, [sp, #64]                                            
    4002a38c:   390123e8    strb    w8, [sp, #72]                                         
    4002a390:   97fff5c4    bl  40027aa0 <_User_extensions_Iterate>                       
  return ctx.ok;                                                                          
    4002a394:   394123e0    ldrb    w0, [sp, #72]                                         
  if ( extension_status )                                                                 
    4002a398:   350001c0    cbnz    w0, 4002a3d0 <_Thread_Initialize+0x220>               
    _Scheduler_Node_destroy( config->scheduler, scheduler_node );                         
    4002a39c:   f9400280    ldr x0, [x20]                                                 
  ( *scheduler->Operations.node_destroy )( scheduler, node );                             
    4002a3a0:   aa1703e1    mov x1, x23                                                   
    4002a3a4:   f9402802    ldr x2, [x0, #80]                                             
    4002a3a8:   d63f0040    blr x2                                                        
    4002a3ac:   f9405660    ldr x0, [x19, #168]                                           
  before_node           = after_node->next;                                               
    4002a3b0:   f9402ea2    ldr x2, [x21, #88]                                            
  before_node->previous = the_node;                                                       
    4002a3b4:   f9401bf7    ldr x23, [sp, #48]                                            
  ( *the_thread->Start.stack_free )( the_thread->Start.Initial_stack.area );              
    4002a3b8:   f940a261    ldr x1, [x19, #320]                                           
  the_node->previous    = after_node;                                                     
    4002a3bc:   f9000416    str x22, [x0, #8]                                             
  after_node->next      = the_node;                                                       
    4002a3c0:   f9002ea0    str x0, [x21, #88]                                            
  the_node->next        = before_node;                                                    
    4002a3c4:   f9000002    str x2, [x0]                                                  
  before_node->previous = the_node;                                                       
    4002a3c8:   f9000440    str x0, [x2, #8]                                              
  void              *node                                                                 
  _Chain_Initialize_node( node );                                                         
  _Chain_Prepend_unprotected( &freechain->Free, node );                                   
    4002a3cc:   17ffff96    b   4002a224 <_Thread_Initialize+0x74>                        
    4002a3d0:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002a3d4:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002a3d8:   f9401bf7    ldr x23, [sp, #48]                                            
    4002a3dc:   a8c57bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #80                                       
    4002a3e0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

000000004002a4a0 <_Thread_Iterate>: void _Thread_Iterate( Thread_Visitor visitor, void *arg ) {
    4002a4a0:   a9bb7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-80]!                                     
    4002a4a4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    4002a4a8:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002a4ac:   aa0003f6    mov x22, x0                                                   
    4002a4b0:   a90363f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    4002a4b4:   f00000b8    adrp    x24, 40041000 <status_code_text+0x98>                 
    4002a4b8:   9109c318    add x24, x24, #0x270                                          
    4002a4bc:   f90023f9    str x25, [sp, #64]                                            
    4002a4c0:   aa0103f9    mov x25, x1                                                   
    4002a4c4:   d2800037    mov x23, #0x1                       // #1                     
    4002a4c8:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    const Objects_Information *information;                                               
    Objects_Maximum            maximum;                                                   
    Objects_Maximum            index;                                                     
    _Assert( _Objects_Information_table[ api_index ] != NULL );                           
    information = _Objects_Information_table[ api_index ][ 1 ];                           
    4002a4cc:   f8777b00    ldr x0, [x24, x23, lsl #3]                                    
    4002a4d0:   f9400414    ldr x20, [x0, #8]                                             
    if ( information == NULL ) {                                                          
    4002a4d4:   b40001f4    cbz x20, 4002a510 <_Thread_Iterate+0x70>                      
    (Objects_Maximum)((id >> OBJECTS_INDEX_START_BIT) &                                   
    4002a4d8:   79400295    ldrh    w21, [x20]                                            
    maximum = _Objects_Get_maximum_index( information );                                  
    for ( index = 0 ; index < maximum ; ++index ) {                                       
    4002a4dc:   340001b5    cbz w21, 4002a510 <_Thread_Iterate+0x70>                      <== NEVER TAKEN
    4002a4e0:   d37d3eb5    ubfiz   x21, x21, #3, #16                                     
    4002a4e4:   d2800013    mov x19, #0x0                       // #0                     
      Thread_Control *the_thread;                                                         
      the_thread = (Thread_Control *) information->local_table[ index ];                  
    4002a4e8:   f9400682    ldr x2, [x20, #8]                                             
      if ( the_thread != NULL ) {                                                         
        bool done;                                                                        
        done = (* visitor )( the_thread, arg );                                           
    4002a4ec:   aa1903e1    mov x1, x25                                                   
      the_thread = (Thread_Control *) information->local_table[ index ];                  
    4002a4f0:   f8736840    ldr x0, [x2, x19]                                             
    for ( index = 0 ; index < maximum ; ++index ) {                                       
    4002a4f4:   91002273    add x19, x19, #0x8                                            
      if ( the_thread != NULL ) {                                                         
    4002a4f8:   b4000080    cbz x0, 4002a508 <_Thread_Iterate+0x68>                       
        done = (* visitor )( the_thread, arg );                                           
    4002a4fc:   d63f02c0    blr x22                                                       
        if ( done ) {                                                                     
    4002a500:   72001c1f    tst w0, #0xff                                                 
    4002a504:   540000c1    b.ne    4002a51c <_Thread_Iterate+0x7c>  // b.any             <== NEVER TAKEN
    for ( index = 0 ; index < maximum ; ++index ) {                                       
    4002a508:   eb1302bf    cmp x21, x19                                                  
    4002a50c:   54fffee1    b.ne    4002a4e8 <_Thread_Iterate+0x48>  // b.any             
  for ( api_index = 1 ; api_index <= OBJECTS_APIS_LAST ; ++api_index ) {                  
    4002a510:   910006f7    add x23, x23, #0x1                                            
    4002a514:   f10012ff    cmp x23, #0x4                                                 
    4002a518:   54fffda1    b.ne    4002a4cc <_Thread_Iterate+0x2c>  // b.any             
    4002a51c:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002a520:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002a524:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    4002a528:   f94023f9    ldr x25, [sp, #64]                                            
    4002a52c:   a8c57bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #80                                       
    4002a530:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040027450 <_Thread_Kill_zombies>: {
    40027450:   a9bc7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-64]!                                     
    40027454:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40027458:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002745c:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40027460:   a90363f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40027464:   d53b4220    mrs x0, daif                                                  
    40027468:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    4002746c:   b00006c1    adrp    x1, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>               
    40027470:   910f6035    add x21, x1, #0x3d8                                           
  if ( !_Chain_Is_empty(the_chain))                                                       
    40027474:   910022b8    add x24, x21, #0x8                                            
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    40027478:   f941ec33    ldr x19, [x1, #984]                                           
  if ( !_Chain_Is_empty(the_chain))                                                       
    4002747c:   eb18027f    cmp x19, x24                                                  
    40027480:   54000700    b.eq    40027560 <_Thread_Kill_zombies+0x110>  // b.none      
  new_first = old_first->next;                                                            
    40027484:   f9400262    ldr x2, [x19]                                                 
  head->next = new_first;                                                                 
    40027488:   90000017    adrp    x23, 40027000 <_Thread_queue_Priority_enqueue+0xa0>   
    4002748c:   9126c2f7    add x23, x23, #0x9b0                                          
    40027490:   900000b6    adrp    x22, 4003b000 <__sfvwrite_r+0x5d4>                    
    40027494:   913ee2d6    add x22, x22, #0xfb8                                          
    40027498:   f901ec22    str x2, [x1, #984]                                            
  new_first->previous = head;                                                             
    4002749c:   f9000455    str x21, [x2, #8]                                             
    _ISR_lock_Release_and_ISR_enable( &zombies->Lock, &lock_context );                    
    400274a0:   2a0003e0    mov w0, w0                                                    
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    400274a4:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
    _Objects_Get_information_id( the_thread->Object.id );                                 
    400274a8:   b9401260    ldr w0, [x19, #16]                                            
    400274ac:   94000831    bl  40029570 <_Objects_Get_information_id>                    
    400274b0:   aa0003f4    mov x20, x0                                                   
    400274b4:   aa1703e1    mov x1, x23                                                   
    400274b8:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    400274bc:   52800022    mov w2, #0x1                    // #1                         
    400274c0:   94000178    bl  40027aa0 <_User_extensions_Iterate>                       
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    400274c4:   d53b4220    mrs x0, daif                                                  
    400274c8:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
  iter = the_thread->last_user_extensions_iterator;                                       
    400274cc:   f9414e61    ldr x1, [x19, #664]                                           
  while ( iter != NULL ) {                                                                
    400274d0:   b40000e1    cbz x1, 400274ec <_Thread_Kill_zombies+0x9c>                  
    400274d4:   d503201f    nop                                                           
  previous       = the_node->previous;                                                    
    400274d8:   a9400823    ldp x3, x2, [x1]                                              
    iter = iter->previous;                                                                
    400274dc:   f9401021    ldr x1, [x1, #32]                                             
  next->previous = previous;                                                              
    400274e0:   f9000462    str x2, [x3, #8]                                              
  previous->next = next;                                                                  
    400274e4:   f9000043    str x3, [x2]                                                  
  while ( iter != NULL ) {                                                                
    400274e8:   b5ffff81    cbnz    x1, 400274d8 <_Thread_Kill_zombies+0x88>              <== NEVER TAKEN
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    400274ec:   92407c00    and x0, x0, #0xffffffff                                       
    400274f0:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
  ( *scheduler->Operations.node_destroy )( scheduler, node );                             
    400274f4:   f9402ac2    ldr x2, [x22, #80]                                            
    400274f8:   aa1603e0    mov x0, x22                                                   
    400274fc:   f9403661    ldr x1, [x19, #104]                                           
    40027500:   d63f0040    blr x2                                                        
    40027504:   f9405661    ldr x1, [x19, #168]                                           
  return &the_chain->Head.Node;                                                           
    40027508:   91016280    add x0, x20, #0x58                                            
  before_node           = after_node->next;                                               
    4002750c:   f9402e82    ldr x2, [x20, #88]                                            
  ( *the_thread->Start.stack_free )( the_thread->Start.Initial_stack.area );              
    40027510:   f940a263    ldr x3, [x19, #320]                                           
  the_node->previous    = after_node;                                                     
    40027514:   f9000420    str x0, [x1, #8]                                              
    40027518:   f940aa60    ldr x0, [x19, #336]                                           
  after_node->next      = the_node;                                                       
    4002751c:   f9002e81    str x1, [x20, #88]                                            
  the_node->next        = before_node;                                                    
    40027520:   f9000022    str x2, [x1]                                                  
  before_node->previous = the_node;                                                       
    40027524:   f9000441    str x1, [x2, #8]                                              
    40027528:   d63f0060    blr x3                                                        
  Objects_Control     *the_object                                                         
  _Assert( _Objects_Allocator_is_owner() );                                               
  _Assert( information->deallocate != NULL );                                             
  ( *information->deallocate )( information, the_object );                                
    4002752c:   f9400e82    ldr x2, [x20, #24]                                            
    40027530:   aa1303e1    mov x1, x19                                                   
    40027534:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40027538:   d63f0040    blr x2                                                        
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    4002753c:   d53b4220    mrs x0, daif                                                  
    40027540:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
    40027544:   f94002b3    ldr x19, [x21]                                                
  if ( !_Chain_Is_empty(the_chain))                                                       
    40027548:   eb18027f    cmp x19, x24                                                  
    4002754c:   540000a0    b.eq    40027560 <_Thread_Kill_zombies+0x110>  // b.none      
  new_first = old_first->next;                                                            
    40027550:   f9400261    ldr x1, [x19]                                                 
  head->next = new_first;                                                                 
    40027554:   f90002a1    str x1, [x21]                                                 
  new_first->previous = head;                                                             
    40027558:   f9000435    str x21, [x1, #8]                                             
    4002755c:   17ffffd1    b   400274a0 <_Thread_Kill_zombies+0x50>                      
  _ISR_lock_Release_and_ISR_enable( &zombies->Lock, &lock_context );                      
    40027560:   2a0003e0    mov w0, w0                                                    
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40027564:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
    40027568:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002756c:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40027570:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    40027574:   a8c47bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #64                                       
    40027578:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    4002757c:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

000000004002c870 <_Thread_Priority_add>: void _Thread_Priority_add( Thread_Control *the_thread, Priority_Node *priority_node, Thread_queue_Context *queue_context ) {
    4002c870:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    4002c874:   aa0203e4    mov x4, x2                                                    
    4002c878:   52800003    mov w3, #0x0                    // #0                         
    4002c87c:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
  return the_thread->Scheduler.nodes;                                                     
    4002c880:   f9403405    ldr x5, [x0, #104]                                            
    4002c884:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002c888:   aa0203f3    mov x19, x2                                                   
    4002c88c:   a9498814    ldp x20, x2, [x0, #152]                                       
  aggregation->Action.node = node;                                                        
    4002c890:   910020a5    add x5, x5, #0x8                                              
    4002c894:   f90018a1    str x1, [x5, #48]                                             
  aggregation->Action.type = type;                                                        
    4002c898:   b90038bf    str wzr, [x5, #56]                                            
  actions->actions = aggregation;                                                         
    4002c89c:   f9000e65    str x5, [x19, #24]                                            
    4002c8a0:   aa1403e1    mov x1, x20                                                   
    4002c8a4:   97ffff5f    bl  4002c620 <_Thread_Priority_do_perform_actions>            
  if ( !_Priority_Actions_is_empty( &queue_context->Priority.Actions ) ) {                
    4002c8a8:   f9400e60    ldr x0, [x19, #24]                                            
    4002c8ac:   b40001e0    cbz x0, 4002c8e8 <_Thread_Priority_add+0x78>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    _Thread_Priority_perform_actions( queue->owner, queue_context );                      
    4002c8b0:   f9400680    ldr x0, [x20, #8]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  return queue_context->Priority.update_count;                                            
    4002c8b4:   f90013f5    str x21, [sp, #32]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c8b8:   f9401275    ldr x21, [x19, #32]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c8bc:   14000003    b   4002c8c8 <_Thread_Priority_add+0x58>                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    the_thread = queue->owner;                                                            
    4002c8c0:   f9400680    ldr x0, [x20, #8]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  queue_context->Priority.update_count = update_count;                                    
    4002c8c4:   f9001275    str x21, [x19, #32]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c8c8:   a9498814    ldp x20, x2, [x0, #152]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c8cc:   aa1303e4    mov x4, x19                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c8d0:   52800003    mov w3, #0x0                    // #0                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c8d4:   aa1403e1    mov x1, x20                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c8d8:   97ffff52    bl  4002c620 <_Thread_Priority_do_perform_actions>            <== NOT EXECUTED
    if ( _Priority_Actions_is_empty( &queue_context->Priority.Actions ) ) {               
    4002c8dc:   f9400e60    ldr x0, [x19, #24]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c8e0:   b5ffff00    cbnz    x0, 4002c8c0 <_Thread_Priority_add+0x50>              <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c8e4:   f94013f5    ldr x21, [sp, #32]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c8e8:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002c8ec:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    4002c8f0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

000000004002c900 <_Thread_Priority_remove>: void _Thread_Priority_remove( Thread_Control *the_thread, Priority_Node *priority_node, Thread_queue_Context *queue_context ) {
    4002c900:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    4002c904:   aa0203e4    mov x4, x2                                                    
  aggregation->Action.type = type;                                                        
    4002c908:   52800047    mov w7, #0x2                    // #2                         
    4002c90c:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    4002c910:   f9403405    ldr x5, [x0, #104]                                            
    4002c914:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002c918:   aa0203f3    mov x19, x2                                                   
    4002c91c:   a9498814    ldp x20, x2, [x0, #152]                                       
  aggregation->Action.node = node;                                                        
    4002c920:   910020a5    add x5, x5, #0x8                                              
    4002c924:   f90018a1    str x1, [x5, #48]                                             
    4002c928:   52800023    mov w3, #0x1                    // #1                         
  aggregation->Action.type = type;                                                        
    4002c92c:   b90038a7    str w7, [x5, #56]                                             
  actions->actions = aggregation;                                                         
    4002c930:   f9000e65    str x5, [x19, #24]                                            
    4002c934:   aa1403e1    mov x1, x20                                                   
    4002c938:   97ffff3a    bl  4002c620 <_Thread_Priority_do_perform_actions>            
  if ( !_Priority_Actions_is_empty( &queue_context->Priority.Actions ) ) {                
    4002c93c:   f9400e60    ldr x0, [x19, #24]                                            
    4002c940:   b40001e0    cbz x0, 4002c97c <_Thread_Priority_remove+0x7c>               <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    _Thread_Priority_perform_actions( queue->owner, queue_context );                      
    4002c944:   f9400680    ldr x0, [x20, #8]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  return queue_context->Priority.update_count;                                            
    4002c948:   f90013f5    str x21, [sp, #32]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c94c:   f9401275    ldr x21, [x19, #32]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c950:   14000003    b   4002c95c <_Thread_Priority_remove+0x5c>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    the_thread = queue->owner;                                                            
    4002c954:   f9400680    ldr x0, [x20, #8]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  queue_context->Priority.update_count = update_count;                                    
    4002c958:   f9001275    str x21, [x19, #32]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c95c:   a9498814    ldp x20, x2, [x0, #152]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c960:   aa1303e4    mov x4, x19                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c964:   52800003    mov w3, #0x0                    // #0                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c968:   aa1403e1    mov x1, x20                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c96c:   97ffff2d    bl  4002c620 <_Thread_Priority_do_perform_actions>            <== NOT EXECUTED
    if ( _Priority_Actions_is_empty( &queue_context->Priority.Actions ) ) {               
    4002c970:   f9400e60    ldr x0, [x19, #24]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c974:   b5ffff00    cbnz    x0, 4002c954 <_Thread_Priority_remove+0x54>           <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c978:   f94013f5    ldr x21, [sp, #32]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002c97c:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002c980:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    4002c984:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040025d60 <_Thread_Restart_other>: bool _Thread_Restart_other( Thread_Control *the_thread, const Thread_Entry_information *entry, ISR_lock_Context *lock_context ) {
    40025d60:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    40025d64:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
  Thread_Life_state  previous;                                                            
  Per_CPU_Control   *cpu_self;                                                            
  _Thread_State_acquire_critical( the_thread, lock_context );                             
  if ( _States_Is_dormant( the_thread->current_state ) ) {                                
    40025d68:   b9403803    ldr w3, [x0, #56]                                             
    40025d6c:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40025d70:   aa0203f5    mov x21, x2                                                   
  if ( _States_Is_dormant( the_thread->current_state ) ) {                                
    40025d74:   37f809c3    tbnz    w3, #31, 40025eac <_Thread_Restart_other+0x14c>       
    _Thread_State_release( the_thread, lock_context );                                    
    return false;                                                                         
  the_thread->Start.Entry = *entry;                                                       
    40025d78:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
  if (                                                                                    
    40025d7c:   52800125    mov w5, #0x9                    // #9                         
    40025d80:   aa0003f3    mov x19, x0                                                   
  the_thread->Start.Entry = *entry;                                                       
    40025d84:   f9400023    ldr x3, [x1]                                                  
    40025d88:   f9008403    str x3, [x0, #264]                                            
  previous = the_thread->Life.state;                                                      
    40025d8c:   b9426803    ldr w3, [x0, #616]                                            
  the_thread->Start.Entry = *entry;                                                       
    40025d90:   f9400424    ldr x4, [x1, #8]                                              
    40025d94:   f9008804    str x4, [x0, #272]                                            
  state |= set;                                                                           
    40025d98:   321f0064    orr w4, w3, #0x2                                              
  if (                                                                                    
    40025d9c:   6a05007f    tst w3, w5                                                    
  the_thread->Start.Entry = *entry;                                                       
    40025da0:   f9400821    ldr x1, [x1, #16]                                             
    40025da4:   f9008c01    str x1, [x0, #280]                                            
  the_thread->Life.state = state;                                                         
    40025da8:   b9026804    str w4, [x0, #616]                                            
  if (                                                                                    
    40025dac:   54000220    b.eq    40025df0 <_Thread_Restart_other+0x90>  // b.none      <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  disable_level = cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level;                                
    40025db0:   d00006f4    adrp    x20, 40103000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Objects+0x590>            <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025db4:   91230294    add x20, x20, #0x8c0                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  } else {                                                                                
    _Thread_Clear_state_locked( the_thread, STATES_SUSPENDED );                           
    40025db8:   52900001    mov w1, #0x8000                 // #32768                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025dbc:   b9401a82    ldr w2, [x20, #24]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level = disable_level + 1;                            
    40025dc0:   11000442    add w2, w2, #0x1                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025dc4:   b9001a82    str w2, [x20, #24]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025dc8:   94000dba    bl  400294b0 <_Thread_Clear_state_locked>                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( lock_context );                                                   
    40025dcc:   b94002a0    ldr w0, [x21]                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025dd0:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    _Thread_State_release( the_thread, lock_context );                                    
  _Thread_Dispatch_enable( cpu_self );                                                    
    40025dd4:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40025dd8:   97fffdd2    bl  40025520 <_Thread_Dispatch_enable>                        
  return true;                                                                            
    40025ddc:   52800020    mov w0, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40025de0:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40025de4:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40025de8:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    40025dec:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    the_thread->is_preemptible   = the_thread->Start.is_preemptible;                      
    40025df0:   39448002    ldrb    w2, [x0, #288]                                        
 cpu_self->dispatch_necessary = true;                                                     
    40025df4:   d00006f4    adrp    x20, 40103000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Objects+0x590>            
    40025df8:   91230294    add x20, x20, #0x8c0                                          
    40025dfc:   3903a662    strb    w2, [x19, #233]                                       
    the_thread->budget_callout   = the_thread->Start.budget_callout;                      
    40025e00:   f9409662    ldr x2, [x19, #296]                                           
    40025e04:   f9007e62    str x2, [x19, #248]                                           
    the_thread->budget_algorithm = the_thread->Start.budget_algorithm;                    
    40025e08:   b9412663    ldr w3, [x19, #292]                                           
  action->handler = handler;                                                              
    40025e0c:   91094001    add x1, x0, #0x250                                            
  if ( _Chain_Is_node_off_chain( the_node ) ) {                                           
    40025e10:   f9412a62    ldr x2, [x19, #592]                                           
    40025e14:   90000000    adrp    x0, 40025000 <_Thread_Priority_do_perform_actions+0xd0>
    40025e18:   91210000    add x0, x0, #0x840                                            
    40025e1c:   b900f263    str w3, [x19, #240]                                           
    40025e20:   f9013260    str x0, [x19, #608]                                           
    40025e24:   52800023    mov w3, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40025e28:   39007283    strb    w3, [x20, #28]                                        
    40025e2c:   b40005e2    cbz x2, 40025ee8 <_Thread_Restart_other+0x188>                <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  disable_level = cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level;                                
    40025e30:   b9401a80    ldr w0, [x20, #24]                                            
  cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level = disable_level + 1;                            
    40025e34:   11000400    add w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    40025e38:   b9001a80    str w0, [x20, #24]                                            
  pending_requests = the_thread->Life.pending_life_change_requests;                       
    40025e3c:   b9426e60    ldr w0, [x19, #620]                                           
  the_thread->Life.pending_life_change_requests = pending_requests + 1;                   
    40025e40:   11000401    add w1, w0, #0x1                                              
    40025e44:   b9026e61    str w1, [x19, #620]                                           
  if ( pending_requests == 0 ) {                                                          
    40025e48:   340003e0    cbz w0, 40025ec4 <_Thread_Restart_other+0x164>                <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( lock_context );                                                   
    40025e4c:   b94002a0    ldr w0, [x21]                                                 
    40025e50:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
  _Thread_queue_Extract_with_proxy( the_thread );                                         
    40025e54:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    40025e58:   f9409e76    ldr x22, [x19, #312]                                          
  _Thread_queue_Extract_with_proxy( the_thread );                                         
    40025e5c:   94000fb1    bl  40029d20 <_Thread_queue_Extract_with_proxy>               
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40025e60:   d53b4235    mrs x21, daif                                                 
    40025e64:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
    40025e68:   f9405a60    ldr x0, [x19, #176]                                           
    40025e6c:   9102e261    add x1, x19, #0xb8                                            
    40025e70:   94000268    bl  40026810 <_Watchdog_Remove>                               
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40025e74:   92407eb5    and x21, x21, #0xffffffff                                     
    40025e78:   d51b4235    msr daif, x21                                                 
  _Thread_Raise_real_priority( the_thread, priority );                                    
    40025e7c:   aa1603e1    mov x1, x22                                                   
    40025e80:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    40025e84:   97fffdff    bl  40025680 <_Thread_Raise_real_priority>                    
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40025e88:   d53b4235    mrs x21, daif                                                 
    40025e8c:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
  pending_requests = the_thread->Life.pending_life_change_requests;                       
    40025e90:   b9426e60    ldr w0, [x19, #620]                                           
  if ( pending_requests == 1 ) {                                                          
    40025e94:   71000401    subs    w1, w0, #0x1                                          
  the_thread->Life.pending_life_change_requests = pending_requests - 1;                   
    40025e98:   b9026e61    str w1, [x19, #620]                                           
  if ( pending_requests == 1 ) {                                                          
    40025e9c:   540001c0    b.eq    40025ed4 <_Thread_Restart_other+0x174>  // b.none     <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40025ea0:   92407eb5    and x21, x21, #0xffffffff                                     
    40025ea4:   d51b4235    msr daif, x21                                                 
    40025ea8:   17ffffcb    b   40025dd4 <_Thread_Restart_other+0x74>                     
    40025eac:   b9400040    ldr w0, [x2]                                                  
    40025eb0:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
    return false;                                                                         
    40025eb4:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40025eb8:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40025ebc:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    40025ec0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    _Thread_Set_state_locked( the_thread, STATES_LIFE_IS_CHANGING );                      
    40025ec4:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    40025ec8:   52a00041    mov w1, #0x20000                // #131072                    
    40025ecc:   9400006d    bl  40026080 <_Thread_Set_state_locked>                       
    40025ed0:   17ffffdf    b   40025e4c <_Thread_Restart_other+0xec>                     
    40025ed4:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    40025ed8:   52906181    mov w1, #0x830c                 // #33548                     
    40025edc:   72a60041    movk    w1, #0x3002, lsl #16                                  
    40025ee0:   94000d74    bl  400294b0 <_Thread_Clear_state_locked>                     
    40025ee4:   17ffffef    b   40025ea0 <_Thread_Restart_other+0x140>                    
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
    40025ee8:   f940ba62    ldr x2, [x19, #368]                                           
    40025eec:   9105a260    add x0, x19, #0x168                                           
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
    40025ef0:   f900ba61    str x1, [x19, #368]                                           
  the_node->next = tail;                                                                  
    40025ef4:   f9012a60    str x0, [x19, #592]                                           
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
    40025ef8:   f9000041    str x1, [x2]                                                  
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
    40025efc:   f9012e62    str x2, [x19, #600]                                           
    40025f00:   17ffffcc    b   40025e30 <_Thread_Restart_other+0xd0>                     

0000000040027580 <_Thread_Set_life_protection>: return previous; } Thread_Life_state _Thread_Set_life_protection( Thread_Life_state state ) {
    40027580:   a9be7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-32]!                                     
    40027584:   2a0003e3    mov w3, w0                                                    
    40027588:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    4002758c:   f9000bf3    str x19, [sp, #16]                                            
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40027590:   d53b4222    mrs x2, daif                                                  
    40027594:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
    40027598:   d00006e1    adrp    x1, 40105000 <Arr_2_Glob+0x1e68>                      
    4002759c:   91290020    add x0, x1, #0xa40                                            
    & ( THREAD_LIFE_PROTECTED | THREAD_LIFE_CHANGE_DEFERRED ) ) == 0;                     
    400275a0:   52800125    mov w5, #0x9                    // #9                         
    400275a4:   f9401001    ldr x1, [x0, #32]                                             
  previous = the_thread->Life.state;                                                      
    400275a8:   b9426833    ldr w19, [x1, #616]                                           
  state |= set;                                                                           
    400275ac:   2a1303e4    mov w4, w19                                                   
    400275b0:   33000064    bfxil   w4, w3, #0, #1                                        
  the_thread->Life.state = state;                                                         
    400275b4:   b9026824    str w4, [x1, #616]                                            
  if (                                                                                    
    400275b8:   6a05009f    tst w4, w5                                                    
    400275bc:   54000221    b.ne    40027600 <_Thread_Set_life_protection+0x80>  // b.any 
      && _Thread_Is_life_changing( state )                                                
    400275c0:   721f049f    tst w4, #0x6                                                  
    400275c4:   540001e0    b.eq    40027600 <_Thread_Set_life_protection+0x80>  // b.none
    the_thread->is_preemptible   = the_thread->Start.is_preemptible;                      
    400275c8:   39448025    ldrb    w5, [x1, #288]                                        
  action->handler = handler;                                                              
    400275cc:   90000003    adrp    x3, 40027000 <_Thread_queue_Priority_enqueue+0xa0>    
    400275d0:   910c4063    add x3, x3, #0x310                                            
    400275d4:   3903a425    strb    w5, [x1, #233]                                        
    the_thread->budget_callout   = the_thread->Start.budget_callout;                      
    400275d8:   f9409425    ldr x5, [x1, #296]                                            
    400275dc:   f9007c25    str x5, [x1, #248]                                            
    the_thread->budget_algorithm = the_thread->Start.budget_algorithm;                    
    400275e0:   b9412426    ldr w6, [x1, #292]                                            
    400275e4:   91094024    add x4, x1, #0x250                                            
  if ( _Chain_Is_node_off_chain( the_node ) ) {                                           
    400275e8:   f9412825    ldr x5, [x1, #592]                                            
    400275ec:   b900f026    str w6, [x1, #240]                                            
    400275f0:   f9013023    str x3, [x1, #608]                                            
 cpu_self->dispatch_necessary = true;                                                     
    400275f4:   52800026    mov w6, #0x1                    // #1                         
    400275f8:   39007006    strb    w6, [x0, #28]                                         
    400275fc:   b4000165    cbz x5, 40027628 <_Thread_Set_life_protection+0xa8>           <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  disable_level = cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level;                                
    40027600:   b9401801    ldr w1, [x0, #24]                                             
  cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level = disable_level + 1;                            
    40027604:   11000421    add w1, w1, #0x1                                              
    40027608:   b9001801    str w1, [x0, #24]                                             
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    4002760c:   92407c41    and x1, x2, #0xffffffff                                       
    40027610:   d51b4221    msr daif, x1                                                  
  _Thread_Dispatch_enable( cpu_self );                                                    
    40027614:   97fffb63    bl  400263a0 <_Thread_Dispatch_enable>                        
  return _Thread_Change_life(                                                             
    state & THREAD_LIFE_PROTECTED,                                                        
    40027618:   2a1303e0    mov w0, w19                                                   
    4002761c:   f9400bf3    ldr x19, [sp, #16]                                            
    40027620:   a8c27bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #32                                       
    40027624:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
    40027628:   f940b825    ldr x5, [x1, #368]                                            
    4002762c:   9105a023    add x3, x1, #0x168                                            
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
    40027630:   f900b824    str x4, [x1, #368]                                            
  the_node->next = tail;                                                                  
    40027634:   f9012823    str x3, [x1, #592]                                            
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
    40027638:   f90000a4    str x4, [x5]                                                  
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
    4002763c:   f9012c25    str x5, [x1, #600]                                            
    40027640:   17fffff0    b   40027600 <_Thread_Set_life_protection+0x80>               

00000000400285c0 <_Thread_Wait_get_id>: if ( _States_Is_waiting_for_rpc_reply( the_thread->current_state ) ) { return the_thread->Wait.remote_id; } #endif queue = the_thread->Wait.queue;
    400285c0:   f9404c01    ldr x1, [x0, #152]                                            
    queue_object = THREAD_QUEUE_QUEUE_TO_OBJECT( queue );                                 
    return queue_object->Object.id;                                                       
  return 0;                                                                               
    400285c4:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
  if ( queue != NULL && queue->name == _Thread_queue_Object_name ) {                      
    400285c8:   b40000e1    cbz x1, 400285e4 <_Thread_Wait_get_id+0x24>                   
    400285cc:   f9400823    ldr x3, [x1, #16]                                             
    400285d0:   f0000062    adrp    x2, 40037000 <_Heap_Resize_block+0x40>                
    400285d4:   9131c042    add x2, x2, #0xc70                                            
  return 0;                                                                               
    400285d8:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
  if ( queue != NULL && queue->name == _Thread_queue_Object_name ) {                      
    400285dc:   eb02007f    cmp x3, x2                                                    
    400285e0:   54000040    b.eq    400285e8 <_Thread_Wait_get_id+0x28>  // b.none        <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    400285e4:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    return queue_object->Object.id;                                                       
    400285e8:   b85f0020    ldur    w0, [x1, #-16]                                        
    400285ec:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

00000000400278a0 <_Thread_Yield>: #include <rtems/score/threadimpl.h> #include <rtems/score/schedulerimpl.h> void _Thread_Yield( Thread_Control *executing ) {
    400278a0:   a9be7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-32]!                                     
    400278a4:   aa0003e1    mov x1, x0                                                    
    400278a8:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    400278ac:   f9000bf3    str x19, [sp, #16]                                            
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    400278b0:   d53b4233    mrs x19, daif                                                 
    400278b4:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
  ISR_lock_Context lock_context;                                                          
  _Thread_State_acquire( executing, &lock_context );                                      
  if ( _States_Is_ready( executing->current_state ) ) {                                   
    400278b8:   b9403800    ldr w0, [x0, #56]                                             
    400278bc:   350000c0    cbnz    w0, 400278d4 <_Thread_Yield+0x34>                     <== NEVER TAKEN
  ( *scheduler->Operations.yield )(                                                       
    400278c0:   900000a0    adrp    x0, 4003b000 <__sfvwrite_r+0x5d4>                     
    400278c4:   913ee000    add x0, x0, #0xfb8                                            
    400278c8:   f9403422    ldr x2, [x1, #104]                                            
    400278cc:   f9400c03    ldr x3, [x0, #24]                                             
    400278d0:   d63f0060    blr x3                                                        
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    400278d4:   92407e73    and x19, x19, #0xffffffff                                     
    400278d8:   d51b4233    msr daif, x19                                                 
    _Scheduler_Yield( executing );                                                        
  _Thread_State_release( executing, &lock_context );                                      
    400278dc:   f9400bf3    ldr x19, [sp, #16]                                            
    400278e0:   a8c27bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #32                                       
    400278e4:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040026580 <_Thread_queue_Enqueue>: {
    40026580:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    40026584:   aa0003e4    mov x4, x0                                                    
    40026588:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    4002658c:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40026590:   aa0203f3    mov x19, x2                                                   
    40026594:   aa0303f4    mov x20, x3                                                   
    40026598:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002659c:   aa0003f5    mov x21, x0                                                   
  the_thread->Wait.queue = queue;                                                         
    400265a0:   f9004c40    str x0, [x2, #152]                                            
    400265a4:   14000004    b   400265b4 <_Thread_queue_Enqueue+0x34>                     
    if ( owner == the_thread ) {                                                          
    400265a8:   540008e0    b.eq    400266c4 <_Thread_queue_Enqueue+0x144>  // b.none     
    queue = owner->Wait.queue;                                                            
    400265ac:   f9404c84    ldr x4, [x4, #152]                                            
  } while ( queue != NULL );                                                              
    400265b0:   b4000084    cbz x4, 400265c0 <_Thread_queue_Enqueue+0x40>                 
    owner = queue->owner;                                                                 
    400265b4:   f9400484    ldr x4, [x4, #8]                                              
    if ( owner == the_thread ) {                                                          
    400265b8:   eb04027f    cmp x19, x4                                                   
    if ( owner == NULL ) {                                                                
    400265bc:   b5ffff64    cbnz    x4, 400265a8 <_Thread_queue_Enqueue+0x28>             
  ( *operations->enqueue )( queue, the_thread, queue_context );                           
    400265c0:   f9400423    ldr x3, [x1, #8]                                              
  queue_context->Priority.update_count = 0;                                               
    400265c4:   f900129f    str xzr, [x20, #32]                                           
  the_thread->Wait.operations = operations;                                               
    400265c8:   f9005261    str x1, [x19, #160]                                           
    400265cc:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    400265d0:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    400265d4:   aa1303e1    mov x1, x19                                                   
  disable_level = cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level;                                
    400265d8:   f00006f6    adrp    x22, 40105000 <Arr_2_Glob+0x1e68>                     
    400265dc:   912902d6    add x22, x22, #0xa40                                          
    400265e0:   d63f0060    blr x3                                                        
  the_thread->Wait.flags = flags;                                                         
    400265e4:   52808020    mov w0, #0x401                  // #1025                      
    400265e8:   2911827f    stp wzr, w0, [x19, #140]                                      
    400265ec:   b9401ac0    ldr w0, [x22, #24]                                            
  cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level = disable_level + 1;                            
    400265f0:   11000400    add w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    400265f4:   b9001ac0    str w0, [x22, #24]                                            
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( lock_context );                                                   
    400265f8:   b9400280    ldr w0, [x20]                                                 
    400265fc:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
  ( *queue_context->enqueue_callout )(                                                    
    40026600:   f9400684    ldr x4, [x20, #8]                                             
    40026604:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    40026608:   aa1403e3    mov x3, x20                                                   
    4002660c:   aa1603e2    mov x2, x22                                                   
    40026610:   aa1303e1    mov x1, x19                                                   
    40026614:   d63f0080    blr x4                                                        
  _Thread_Set_state( the_thread, queue_context->thread_state );                           
    40026618:   b9400681    ldr w1, [x20, #4]                                             
    4002661c:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    40026620:   94000420    bl  400276a0 <_Thread_Set_state>                              
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40026624:   d53b4220    mrs x0, daif                                                  
    40026628:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
  bool success = ( the_thread->Wait.flags == expected_flags );                            
    4002662c:   b9409261    ldr w1, [x19, #144]                                           
  if ( success ) {                                                                        
    40026630:   7110043f    cmp w1, #0x401                                                
    40026634:   54000180    b.eq    40026664 <_Thread_queue_Enqueue+0xe4>  // b.none      
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40026638:   92407c00    and x0, x0, #0xffffffff                                       
    4002663c:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
  if ( !success ) {                                                                       
    40026640:   7110043f    cmp w1, #0x401                                                
    40026644:   540001c1    b.ne    4002667c <_Thread_queue_Enqueue+0xfc>  // b.any       <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  _Thread_Priority_update( queue_context );                                               
    40026648:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    4002664c:   94000e45    bl  40029f60 <_Thread_Priority_update>                        
  _Thread_Dispatch_direct( cpu_self );                                                    
    40026650:   aa1603e0    mov x0, x22                                                   
    40026654:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40026658:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002665c:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
  _Thread_Dispatch_direct( cpu_self );                                                    
    40026660:   17ffff44    b   40026370 <_Thread_Dispatch_direct>                        
    the_thread->Wait.flags = desired_flags;                                               
    40026664:   52808042    mov w2, #0x402                  // #1026                      
    40026668:   b9009262    str w2, [x19, #144]                                           
    4002666c:   92407c00    and x0, x0, #0xffffffff                                       
    40026670:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
  if ( !success ) {                                                                       
    40026674:   7110043f    cmp w1, #0x401                                                
    40026678:   54fffe80    b.eq    40026648 <_Thread_queue_Enqueue+0xc8>  // b.none      <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    4002667c:   d53b4235    mrs x21, daif                                                 
    40026680:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
    40026684:   f9405a60    ldr x0, [x19, #176]                                           
    40026688:   9102e261    add x1, x19, #0xb8                                            
    4002668c:   94000589    bl  40027cb0 <_Watchdog_Remove>                               
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40026690:   92407eb5    and x21, x21, #0xffffffff                                     
    40026694:   d51b4235    msr daif, x21                                                 
  _Thread_Clear_state( the_thread, STATES_BLOCKED );                                      
    40026698:   528bffe1    mov w1, #0x5fff                 // #24575                     
    4002669c:   72a60021    movk    w1, #0x3001, lsl #16                                  
    400266a0:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    400266a4:   94000e5f    bl  4002a020 <_Thread_Clear_state>                            
  _Thread_Priority_update( queue_context );                                               
    400266a8:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    400266ac:   94000e2d    bl  40029f60 <_Thread_Priority_update>                        
  _Thread_Dispatch_direct( cpu_self );                                                    
    400266b0:   aa1603e0    mov x0, x22                                                   
    400266b4:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400266b8:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400266bc:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
  _Thread_Dispatch_direct( cpu_self );                                                    
    400266c0:   17ffff2c    b   40026370 <_Thread_Dispatch_direct>                        
  the_thread->Wait.operations = &_Thread_queue_Operations_default;                        
    400266c4:   d00000a0    adrp    x0, 4003c000 <_Scheduler_Table+0x48>                  
    400266c8:   91386000    add x0, x0, #0xe18                                            
    400266cc:   a909827f    stp xzr, x0, [x19, #152]                                      
    400266d0:   b9400280    ldr w0, [x20]                                                 
    400266d4:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
    ( *queue_context->deadlock_callout )( the_thread );                                   
    400266d8:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    400266dc:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    ( *queue_context->deadlock_callout )( the_thread );                                   
    400266e0:   f9401e81    ldr x1, [x20, #56]                                            
    400266e4:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    ( *queue_context->deadlock_callout )( the_thread );                                   
    400266e8:   aa0103f0    mov x16, x1                                                   
    400266ec:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    ( *queue_context->deadlock_callout )( the_thread );                                   
    400266f0:   d61f0200    br  x16                                                       

0000000040026750 <_Thread_queue_Extract>: &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context ); } void _Thread_queue_Extract( Thread_Control *the_thread ) {
    40026750:   a9ba7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-96]!                                     
    40026754:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40026758:   f9000bf3    str x19, [sp, #16]                                            
    4002675c:   aa0003f3    mov x19, x0                                                   
  queue_context->Priority.update_count = 0;                                               
    40026760:   f90023ff    str xzr, [sp, #64]                                            
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40026764:   d53b4220    mrs x0, daif                                                  
    40026768:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                     
    4002676c:   b90023e0    str w0, [sp, #32]                                             
  _Thread_queue_Context_initialize( &queue_context );                                     
  _Thread_queue_Context_clear_priority_updates( &queue_context );                         
  _Thread_Wait_acquire( the_thread, &queue_context );                                     
  queue = the_thread->Wait.queue;                                                         
    40026770:   f9404e60    ldr x0, [x19, #152]                                           
  if ( queue != NULL ) {                                                                  
    40026774:   b4000360    cbz x0, 400267e0 <_Thread_queue_Extract+0x90>                 
  ( *operations->extract )( queue, the_thread, queue_context );                           
    40026778:   f9405263    ldr x3, [x19, #160]                                           
    4002677c:   aa1303e1    mov x1, x19                                                   
    40026780:   910083e2    add x2, sp, #0x20                                             
    40026784:   f9400863    ldr x3, [x3, #16]                                             
    40026788:   d63f0060    blr x3                                                        
  the_thread->Wait.queue = NULL;                                                          
    4002678c:   f9004e7f    str xzr, [x19, #152]                                          
  if ( success ) {                                                                        
    40026790:   b9409260    ldr w0, [x19, #144]                                           
    the_thread->Wait.flags = desired_flags;                                               
    40026794:   52808081    mov w1, #0x404                  // #1028                      
    40026798:   b9009261    str w1, [x19, #144]                                           
  if ( success ) {                                                                        
    4002679c:   7110041f    cmp w0, #0x401                                                
  the_thread->Wait.operations = &_Thread_queue_Operations_default;                        
    400267a0:   d00000a0    adrp    x0, 4003c000 <_Scheduler_Table+0x48>                  
    400267a4:   91386000    add x0, x0, #0xe18                                            
  if ( success ) {                                                                        
    400267a8:   54000100    b.eq    400267c8 <_Thread_queue_Extract+0x78>  // b.none      <== NEVER TAKEN
  the_thread->Wait.operations = &_Thread_queue_Operations_default;                        
    400267ac:   f9005260    str x0, [x19, #160]                                           
  if ( unblock ) {                                                                        
    400267b0:   910083e1    add x1, sp, #0x20                                             
    400267b4:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    400267b8:   97ffff4e    bl  400264f0 <_Thread_queue_Unblock_critical.part.0>          
  } else {                                                                                
    _Thread_Wait_release( the_thread, &queue_context );                                   
    400267bc:   f9400bf3    ldr x19, [sp, #16]                                            
    400267c0:   a8c67bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #96                                       
    400267c4:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    400267c8:   f9005260    str x0, [x19, #160]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( lock_context );                                                   
    400267cc:   b94023e0    ldr w0, [sp, #32]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    400267d0:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    400267d4:   f9400bf3    ldr x19, [sp, #16]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    400267d8:   a8c67bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #96                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    400267dc:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                      
    400267e0:   b94023e0    ldr w0, [sp, #32]                                             
    400267e4:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
    400267e8:   f9400bf3    ldr x19, [sp, #16]                                            
    400267ec:   a8c67bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #96                                       
    400267f0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040029bd0 <_Thread_queue_Queue_get_name_and_id>: const Thread_queue_Queue *queue, char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, Objects_Id *id ) {
    40029bd0:   aa0003e5    mov x5, x0                                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029bd4:   aa0103e0    mov x0, x1                                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  const char *name;                                                                       
  name = queue->name;                                                                     
  if ( name == _Thread_queue_Object_name ) {                                              
    40029bd8:   f00000a4    adrp    x4, 40040000 <IMFS_LIMITS_AND_OPTIONS+0x5c0>          <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029bdc:   91356084    add x4, x4, #0xd58                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029be0:   aa0303e6    mov x6, x3                                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029be4:   aa0203e3    mov x3, x2                                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  name = queue->name;                                                                     
    40029be8:   f94008a1    ldr x1, [x5, #16]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  if ( name == _Thread_queue_Object_name ) {                                              
    40029bec:   eb04003f    cmp x1, x4                                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029bf0:   540000a0    b.eq    40029c04 <_Thread_queue_Queue_get_name_and_id+0x34>  // b.none<== NOT EXECUTED
  } else {                                                                                
    if ( name == NULL ) {                                                                 
      name = _Thread_queue_Object_name;                                                   
    *id = 0;                                                                              
    40029bf4:   b90000df    str wzr, [x6]                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
      name = _Thread_queue_Object_name;                                                   
    40029bf8:   f100003f    cmp x1, #0x0                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    return strlcpy( buffer, name, buffer_size );                                          
    40029bfc:   9a841021    csel    x1, x1, x4, ne  // ne = any                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029c00:   140028d5    b   40033f54 <strlcpy>                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    return _Objects_Name_to_string(                                                       
    40029c04:   aa0003e2    mov x2, x0                                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    *id = queue_object->Object.id;                                                        
    40029c08:   b85f00a0    ldur    w0, [x5, #-16]                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029c0c:   b90000c0    str w0, [x6]                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    return _Objects_Name_to_string(                                                       
    40029c10:   52800001    mov w1, #0x0                    // #0                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029c14:   f85f80a0    ldur    x0, [x5, #-8]                                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029c18:   17fffbe6    b   40028bb0 <_Objects_Name_to_string>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    40029c1c:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

0000000040026800 <_Thread_queue_Surrender>: Thread_queue_Heads *heads, Thread_Control *previous_owner, Thread_queue_Context *queue_context, const Thread_queue_Operations *operations ) {
    40026800:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    40026804:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
  Per_CPU_Control *cpu_self;                                                              
  _Assert( heads != NULL );                                                               
  _Thread_queue_Context_clear_priority_updates( queue_context );                          
  new_owner = ( *operations->surrender )(                                                 
    40026808:   f9400c84    ldr x4, [x4, #24]                                             
    4002680c:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
  disable_level = cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level;                                
    40026810:   f00006f4    adrp    x20, 40105000 <Arr_2_Glob+0x1e68>                     
    40026814:   91290294    add x20, x20, #0xa40                                          
    40026818:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002681c:   aa0003f6    mov x22, x0                                                   
  queue_context->Priority.update_count = 0;                                               
    40026820:   f900107f    str xzr, [x3, #32]                                            
    40026824:   aa0303f5    mov x21, x3                                                   
  new_owner = ( *operations->surrender )(                                                 
    40026828:   d63f0080    blr x4                                                        
    4002682c:   aa0003f3    mov x19, x0                                                   
  queue->owner = new_owner;                                                               
    40026830:   f90006c0    str x0, [x22, #8]                                             
  bool success = ( the_thread->Wait.flags == expected_flags );                            
    40026834:   52808080    mov w0, #0x404                  // #1028                      
  the_thread->Wait.operations = &_Thread_queue_Operations_default;                        
    40026838:   d00000a1    adrp    x1, 4003c000 <_Scheduler_Table+0x48>                  
    4002683c:   91386021    add x1, x1, #0xe18                                            
  bool success = ( the_thread->Wait.flags == expected_flags );                            
    40026840:   b9409276    ldr w22, [x19, #144]                                          
  if ( success ) {                                                                        
    40026844:   b9009260    str w0, [x19, #144]                                           
  the_thread->Wait.queue = NULL;                                                          
    40026848:   f9004e7f    str xzr, [x19, #152]                                          
    4002684c:   b9401a80    ldr w0, [x20, #24]                                            
  the_thread->Wait.operations = &_Thread_queue_Operations_default;                        
    40026850:   f9005261    str x1, [x19, #160]                                           
  cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level = disable_level + 1;                            
    40026854:   11000400    add w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    40026858:   b9001a80    str w0, [x20, #24]                                            
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( lock_context );                                                   
    4002685c:   b94002a0    ldr w0, [x21]                                                 
    40026860:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
  _Thread_Priority_update( queue_context );                                               
    40026864:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    40026868:   94000dbe    bl  40029f60 <_Thread_Priority_update>                        
  if ( unblock ) {                                                                        
    4002686c:   711006df    cmp w22, #0x401                                               
    40026870:   540000c1    b.ne    40026888 <_Thread_queue_Surrender+0x88>  // b.any     <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    _Thread_Remove_timer_and_unblock( new_owner, queue );                                 
  _Thread_Dispatch_enable( cpu_self );                                                    
    40026874:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    40026878:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002687c:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40026880:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  _Thread_Dispatch_enable( cpu_self );                                                    
    40026884:   17fffec7    b   400263a0 <_Thread_Dispatch_enable>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40026888:   d53b4235    mrs x21, daif                                                 
    4002688c:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
    40026890:   f9405a60    ldr x0, [x19, #176]                                           
    40026894:   9102e261    add x1, x19, #0xb8                                            
    40026898:   94000506    bl  40027cb0 <_Watchdog_Remove>                               
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    4002689c:   92407eb5    and x21, x21, #0xffffffff                                     
    400268a0:   d51b4235    msr daif, x21                                                 
  _Thread_Clear_state( the_thread, STATES_BLOCKED );                                      
    400268a4:   528bffe1    mov w1, #0x5fff                 // #24575                     
    400268a8:   72a60021    movk    w1, #0x3001, lsl #16                                  
    400268ac:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    400268b0:   94000ddc    bl  4002a020 <_Thread_Clear_state>                            
    400268b4:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    400268b8:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400268bc:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400268c0:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
  _Thread_Dispatch_enable( cpu_self );                                                    
    400268c4:   17fffeb7    b   400263a0 <_Thread_Dispatch_enable>                        

0000000040025540 <_Timecounter_Bintime>: {
    40025540:   a9bc7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-64]!                                     
    40025544:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40025548:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002554c:   aa0003f4    mov x20, x0                                                   
    40025550:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40025554:   f00006d6    adrp    x22, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>              
    40025558:   910de2d6    add x22, x22, #0x378                                          
    4002555c:   a90363f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
        th = timehands;                                                                   
    40025560:   f94002d3    ldr x19, [x22]                                                
    40025564:   b9407277    ldr w23, [x19, #112]                                          
    tc = th->th_counter;                                                                  
    40025568:   f9400275    ldr x21, [x19]                                                
        *bt = th->th_bintime;                                                             
    4002556c:   f9401a60    ldr x0, [x19, #48]                                            
    return ((tc->tc_get_timecount(tc) - th->th_offset_count) &                            
    40025570:   f94002a1    ldr x1, [x21]                                                 
        bintime_addx(bt, th->th_scale * tc_delta(th));                                    
    40025574:   f9400a78    ldr x24, [x19, #16]                                           
        *bt = th->th_bintime;                                                             
    40025578:   f9000280    str x0, [x20]                                                 
    return ((tc->tc_get_timecount(tc) - th->th_offset_count) &                            
    4002557c:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
        *bt = th->th_bintime;                                                             
    40025580:   f9401e62    ldr x2, [x19, #56]                                            
    40025584:   f9000682    str x2, [x20, #8]                                             
    return ((tc->tc_get_timecount(tc) - th->th_offset_count) &                            
    40025588:   d63f0020    blr x1                                                        
    4002558c:   b9401a61    ldr w1, [x19, #24]                                            
    40025590:   b9400aa2    ldr w2, [x21, #8]                                             
    40025594:   4b010001    sub w1, w0, w1                                                
        bintime_addx(bt, th->th_scale * tc_delta(th));                                    
    40025598:   0a020021    and w1, w1, w2                                                
    4002559c:   f9400680    ldr x0, [x20, #8]                                             
    400255a0:   9b187c21    mul x1, x1, x24                                               
    400255a4:   ab000021    adds    x1, x1, x0                                            
    _bt->frac += _x;                                                                      
    400255a8:   f9000681    str x1, [x20, #8]                                             
    if (_u > _bt->frac)                                                                   
    400255ac:   54000083    b.cc    400255bc <_Timecounter_Bintime+0x7c>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last
    400255b0:   f9400280    ldr x0, [x20]                                                 
    400255b4:   91000400    add x0, x0, #0x1                                              
    400255b8:   f9000280    str x0, [x20]                                                 
    } while (gen == 0 || gen != th->th_generation);                                       
    400255bc:   34fffd37    cbz w23, 40025560 <_Timecounter_Bintime+0x20>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
    400255c0:   b9407260    ldr w0, [x19, #112]                                           
    400255c4:   6b17001f    cmp w0, w23                                                   
    400255c8:   54fffcc1    b.ne    40025560 <_Timecounter_Bintime+0x20>  // b.any        
    400255cc:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400255d0:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400255d4:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    400255d8:   a8c47bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #64                                       
    400255dc:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040027520 <_Timecounter_Binuptime>: {
    40027520:   a9bc7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-64]!                                     
    40027524:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40027528:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002752c:   aa0003f4    mov x20, x0                                                   
    40027530:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40027534:   b00006d6    adrp    x22, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>              
    40027538:   911122d6    add x22, x22, #0x448                                          
    4002753c:   a90363f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
        th = timehands;                                                                   
    40027540:   f94002d3    ldr x19, [x22]                                                
  val = *obj;                                                                             
    40027544:   b9407277    ldr w23, [x19, #112]                                          
    tc = th->th_counter;                                                                  
    40027548:   f9400275    ldr x21, [x19]                                                
        *bt = th->th_offset;                                                              
    4002754c:   f9401260    ldr x0, [x19, #32]                                            
    return ((tc->tc_get_timecount(tc) - th->th_offset_count) &                            
    40027550:   f94002a1    ldr x1, [x21]                                                 
        bintime_addx(bt, th->th_scale * tc_delta(th));                                    
    40027554:   f9400a78    ldr x24, [x19, #16]                                           
        *bt = th->th_offset;                                                              
    40027558:   f9000280    str x0, [x20]                                                 
    return ((tc->tc_get_timecount(tc) - th->th_offset_count) &                            
    4002755c:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
        *bt = th->th_offset;                                                              
    40027560:   f9401662    ldr x2, [x19, #40]                                            
    40027564:   f9000682    str x2, [x20, #8]                                             
    return ((tc->tc_get_timecount(tc) - th->th_offset_count) &                            
    40027568:   d63f0020    blr x1                                                        
    4002756c:   b9401a61    ldr w1, [x19, #24]                                            
    40027570:   b9400aa2    ldr w2, [x21, #8]                                             
    40027574:   4b010001    sub w1, w0, w1                                                
        bintime_addx(bt, th->th_scale * tc_delta(th));                                    
    40027578:   0a020021    and w1, w1, w2                                                
    4002757c:   f9400680    ldr x0, [x20, #8]                                             
    40027580:   9b187c21    mul x1, x1, x24                                               
    40027584:   ab000021    adds    x1, x1, x0                                            
    _bt->frac += _x;                                                                      
    40027588:   f9000681    str x1, [x20, #8]                                             
    if (_u > _bt->frac)                                                                   
    4002758c:   54000083    b.cc    4002759c <_Timecounter_Binuptime+0x7c>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last
    40027590:   f9400280    ldr x0, [x20]                                                 
    40027594:   91000400    add x0, x0, #0x1                                              
    40027598:   f9000280    str x0, [x20]                                                 
    } while (gen == 0 || gen != th->th_generation);                                       
    4002759c:   34fffd37    cbz w23, 40027540 <_Timecounter_Binuptime+0x20>               <== NEVER TAKEN
    400275a0:   b9407260    ldr w0, [x19, #112]                                           
    400275a4:   6b17001f    cmp w0, w23                                                   
    400275a8:   54fffcc1    b.ne    40027540 <_Timecounter_Binuptime+0x20>  // b.any      
    400275ac:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400275b0:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400275b4:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    400275b8:   a8c47bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #64                                       
    400275bc:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040025660 <_Timecounter_Getbintime>: {
    40025660:   f00006c4    adrp    x4, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>               
    40025664:   910de084    add x4, x4, #0x378                                            
        th = timehands;                                                                   
    40025668:   f9400081    ldr x1, [x4]                                                  
    4002566c:   b9407022    ldr w2, [x1, #112]                                            
        *bt = th->th_bintime;                                                             
    40025670:   f9401823    ldr x3, [x1, #48]                                             
    40025674:   f9000003    str x3, [x0]                                                  
    40025678:   f9401c23    ldr x3, [x1, #56]                                             
    4002567c:   f9000403    str x3, [x0, #8]                                              
    } while (gen == 0 || gen != th->th_generation);                                       
    40025680:   34ffff42    cbz w2, 40025668 <_Timecounter_Getbintime+0x8>                <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025684:   b9407021    ldr w1, [x1, #112]                                            
    40025688:   6b02003f    cmp w1, w2                                                    
    4002568c:   54fffee1    b.ne    40025668 <_Timecounter_Getbintime+0x8>  // b.any      <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025690:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

00000000400228d0 <_Timecounter_Getbinuptime>: {
    400228d0:   d00006e4    adrp    x4, 40100000 <_Thread_Information>                    
    400228d4:   9104c084    add x4, x4, #0x130                                            
        th = timehands;                                                                   
    400228d8:   f9400081    ldr x1, [x4]                                                  
    400228dc:   b9407022    ldr w2, [x1, #112]                                            
        *bt = th->th_offset;                                                              
    400228e0:   f9401023    ldr x3, [x1, #32]                                             
    400228e4:   f9000003    str x3, [x0]                                                  
    400228e8:   f9401423    ldr x3, [x1, #40]                                             
    400228ec:   f9000403    str x3, [x0, #8]                                              
    } while (gen == 0 || gen != th->th_generation);                                       
    400228f0:   34ffff42    cbz w2, 400228d8 <_Timecounter_Getbinuptime+0x8>              <== NEVER TAKEN
    400228f4:   b9407021    ldr w1, [x1, #112]                                            
    400228f8:   6b02003f    cmp w1, w2                                                    
    400228fc:   54fffee1    b.ne    400228d8 <_Timecounter_Getbinuptime+0x8>  // b.any    <== NEVER TAKEN
    40022900:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040022a10 <_Timecounter_Getmicrotime>: {
    40022a10:   d00006e4    adrp    x4, 40100000 <_Thread_Information>                    
    40022a14:   9104c084    add x4, x4, #0x130                                            
        th = timehands;                                                                   
    40022a18:   f9400081    ldr x1, [x4]                                                  
    40022a1c:   b9407022    ldr w2, [x1, #112]                                            
        *tvp = th->th_microtime;                                                          
    40022a20:   f9402023    ldr x3, [x1, #64]                                             
    40022a24:   f9000003    str x3, [x0]                                                  
    40022a28:   f9402423    ldr x3, [x1, #72]                                             
    40022a2c:   f9000403    str x3, [x0, #8]                                              
    } while (gen == 0 || gen != th->th_generation);                                       
    40022a30:   34ffff42    cbz w2, 40022a18 <_Timecounter_Getmicrotime+0x8>              <== NEVER TAKEN
    40022a34:   b9407021    ldr w1, [x1, #112]                                            
    40022a38:   6b02003f    cmp w1, w2                                                    
    40022a3c:   54fffee1    b.ne    40022a18 <_Timecounter_Getmicrotime+0x8>  // b.any    <== NEVER TAKEN
    40022a40:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040022950 <_Timecounter_Getmicrouptime>: {
    40022950:   d00006e5    adrp    x5, 40100000 <_Thread_Information>                    
    40022954:   9104c0a5    add x5, x5, #0x130                                            
    _tv->tv_usec = ((uint64_t)1000000 * (uint32_t)(_bt->frac >> 32)) >> 32;               
    40022958:   d2884806    mov x6, #0x4240                 // #16960                     
    4002295c:   f2a001e6    movk    x6, #0xf, lsl #16                                     
        th = timehands;                                                                   
    40022960:   f94000a2    ldr x2, [x5]                                                  
    40022964:   b9407043    ldr w3, [x2, #112]                                            
    40022968:   b9402c41    ldr w1, [x2, #44]                                             
    _tv->tv_sec = _bt->sec;                                                               
    4002296c:   f9401044    ldr x4, [x2, #32]                                             
    _tv->tv_usec = ((uint64_t)1000000 * (uint32_t)(_bt->frac >> 32)) >> 32;               
    40022970:   9b067c21    mul x1, x1, x6                                                
    40022974:   d360fc21    lsr x1, x1, #32                                               
    40022978:   a9000404    stp x4, x1, [x0]                                              
    } while (gen == 0 || gen != th->th_generation);                                       
    4002297c:   34ffff23    cbz w3, 40022960 <_Timecounter_Getmicrouptime+0x10>           <== NEVER TAKEN
    40022980:   b9407041    ldr w1, [x2, #112]                                            
    40022984:   6b03003f    cmp w1, w3                                                    
    40022988:   54fffec1    b.ne    40022960 <_Timecounter_Getmicrouptime+0x10>  // b.any <== NEVER TAKEN
    4002298c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

00000000400256a0 <_Timecounter_Getnanotime>: {
    400256a0:   f00006c4    adrp    x4, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>               
    400256a4:   910de084    add x4, x4, #0x378                                            
        th = timehands;                                                                   
    400256a8:   f9400081    ldr x1, [x4]                                                  
    400256ac:   b9407022    ldr w2, [x1, #112]                                            
        *tsp = th->th_nanotime;                                                           
    400256b0:   f9402823    ldr x3, [x1, #80]                                             
    400256b4:   f9000003    str x3, [x0]                                                  
    400256b8:   f9402c23    ldr x3, [x1, #88]                                             
    400256bc:   f9000403    str x3, [x0, #8]                                              
    } while (gen == 0 || gen != th->th_generation);                                       
    400256c0:   34ffff42    cbz w2, 400256a8 <_Timecounter_Getnanotime+0x8>               <== NEVER TAKEN
    400256c4:   b9407021    ldr w1, [x1, #112]                                            
    400256c8:   6b02003f    cmp w1, w2                                                    
    400256cc:   54fffee1    b.ne    400256a8 <_Timecounter_Getnanotime+0x8>  // b.any     <== NEVER TAKEN
    400256d0:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040025620 <_Timecounter_Getnanouptime>: {
    40025620:   f00006c5    adrp    x5, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>               
    40025624:   910de0a5    add x5, x5, #0x378                                            
    _ts->tv_nsec = ((uint64_t)1000000000 *                                                
    40025628:   d2994006    mov x6, #0xca00                 // #51712                     
    4002562c:   f2a77346    movk    x6, #0x3b9a, lsl #16                                  
        th = timehands;                                                                   
    40025630:   f94000a2    ldr x2, [x5]                                                  
    40025634:   b9407043    ldr w3, [x2, #112]                                            
        (uint32_t)(_bt->frac >> 32)) >> 32;                                               
    40025638:   b9402c41    ldr w1, [x2, #44]                                             
    _ts->tv_sec = _bt->sec;                                                               
    4002563c:   f9401044    ldr x4, [x2, #32]                                             
    _ts->tv_nsec = ((uint64_t)1000000000 *                                                
    40025640:   9b067c21    mul x1, x1, x6                                                
        (uint32_t)(_bt->frac >> 32)) >> 32;                                               
    40025644:   d360fc21    lsr x1, x1, #32                                               
    _ts->tv_nsec = ((uint64_t)1000000000 *                                                
    40025648:   a9000404    stp x4, x1, [x0]                                              
    } while (gen == 0 || gen != th->th_generation);                                       
    4002564c:   34ffff23    cbz w3, 40025630 <_Timecounter_Getnanouptime+0x10>            <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025650:   b9407041    ldr w1, [x2, #112]                                            
    40025654:   6b03003f    cmp w1, w3                                                    
    40025658:   54fffec1    b.ne    40025630 <_Timecounter_Getnanouptime+0x10>  // b.any  <== NEVER TAKEN
    4002565c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

00000000400256e0 <_Timecounter_Install>: if (tc->tc_quality < timecounter->tc_quality)
    400256e0:   f00006c1    adrp    x1, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>               
    400256e4:   f9415c22    ldr x2, [x1, #696]                                            
    400256e8:   b9402004    ldr w4, [x0, #32]                                             
    400256ec:   b9402043    ldr w3, [x2, #32]                                             
    400256f0:   6b03009f    cmp w4, w3                                                    
    400256f4:   5400022b    b.lt    40025738 <_Timecounter_Install+0x58>  // b.tstop      <== NEVER TAKEN
    if (tc->tc_quality == timecounter->tc_quality &&                                      
    400256f8:   540000a1    b.ne    4002570c <_Timecounter_Install+0x2c>  // b.any        
    400256fc:   f9400803    ldr x3, [x0, #16]                                             
    40025700:   f9400842    ldr x2, [x2, #16]                                             
    40025704:   eb02007f    cmp x3, x2                                                    
    40025708:   54000183    b.cc    40025738 <_Timecounter_Install+0x58>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last
    4002570c:   a9be7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-32]!                                     
    40025710:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    timecounter = tc;                                                                     
    40025714:   f9015c20    str x0, [x1, #696]                                            
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40025718:   d53b4220    mrs x0, daif                                                  
    4002571c:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
    40025720:   b9001be0    str w0, [sp, #24]                                             
        _Timecounter_Windup(new_boottimebin, &lock_context);                              
    40025724:   d2800000    mov x0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40025728:   910063e1    add x1, sp, #0x18                                             
    4002572c:   97fffee9    bl  400252d0 <_Timecounter_Windup>                            
    40025730:   a8c27bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #32                                       
    40025734:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    40025738:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    4002573c:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

00000000400254b0 <_Timecounter_Sbinuptime>: {
    400254b0:   a9bb7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-80]!                                     
    400254b4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    400254b8:   f90023f9    str x25, [sp, #64]                                            
    400254bc:   f00006d9    adrp    x25, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>              
    400254c0:   910de339    add x25, x25, #0x378                                          
    400254c4:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400254c8:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400254cc:   a90363f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
        th = timehands;                                                                   
    400254d0:   f9400333    ldr x19, [x25]                                                
  val = *obj;                                                                             
    400254d4:   b9407275    ldr w21, [x19, #112]                                          
    tc = th->th_counter;                                                                  
    400254d8:   f9400274    ldr x20, [x19]                                                
        sbt += (th->th_scale * tc_delta(th)) >> 32;                                       
    400254dc:   f9400a77    ldr x23, [x19, #16]                                           
    return ((tc->tc_get_timecount(tc) - th->th_offset_count) &                            
    400254e0:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    400254e4:   f9400281    ldr x1, [x20]                                                 
    400254e8:   a9426276    ldp x22, x24, [x19, #32]                                      
    400254ec:   d63f0020    blr x1                                                        
    400254f0:   b9401a62    ldr w2, [x19, #24]                                            
    400254f4:   b9400a81    ldr w1, [x20, #8]                                             
    } while (gen == 0 || gen != th->th_generation);                                       
    400254f8:   34fffed5    cbz w21, 400254d0 <_Timecounter_Sbinuptime+0x20>              <== NEVER TAKEN
    400254fc:   b9407263    ldr w3, [x19, #112]                                           
    40025500:   6b15007f    cmp w3, w21                                                   
    40025504:   54fffe61    b.ne    400254d0 <_Timecounter_Sbinuptime+0x20>  // b.any     
    return ((tc->tc_get_timecount(tc) - th->th_offset_count) &                            
    40025508:   4b020000    sub w0, w0, w2                                                
    return (((sbintime_t)_bt.sec << 32) + (_bt.frac >> 32));                              
    4002550c:   d360ff18    lsr x24, x24, #32                                             
        sbt += (th->th_scale * tc_delta(th)) >> 32;                                       
    40025510:   0a010000    and w0, w0, w1                                                
    40025514:   8b168316    add x22, x24, x22, lsl #32                                    
    40025518:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
        sbt += (th->th_scale * tc_delta(th)) >> 32;                                       
    4002551c:   9b177c00    mul x0, x0, x23                                               
    40025520:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    40025524:   8b4082c0    add x0, x22, x0, lsr #32                                      
    40025528:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002552c:   f94023f9    ldr x25, [sp, #64]                                            
    40025530:   a8c57bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #80                                       
    40025534:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040026730 <_Timecounter_Tick_simple>: { struct bintime bt; struct timehands *th; uint32_t ogen; th = timehands;
    40026730:   d00006c3    adrp    x3, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>               
    40026734:   f9420063    ldr x3, [x3, #1024]                                           
    ogen = th->th_generation;                                                             
    th->th_offset_count = offset;                                                         
    bintime_addx(&th->th_offset, th->th_scale * delta);                                   
    40026738:   2a0003e0    mov w0, w0                                                    
    4002673c:   f9400866    ldr x6, [x3, #16]                                             
    th->th_offset_count = offset;                                                         
    40026740:   b9001861    str w1, [x3, #24]                                             
    40026744:   a9421467    ldp x7, x5, [x3, #32]                                         
    bintime_addx(&th->th_offset, th->th_scale * delta);                                   
    40026748:   9b067c00    mul x0, x0, x6                                                
    ogen = th->th_generation;                                                             
    4002674c:   b9407061    ldr w1, [x3, #112]                                            
    if (_u > _bt->frac)                                                                   
    40026750:   ab050000    adds    x0, x0, x5                                            
    _bt->frac += _x;                                                                      
    40026754:   f9001460    str x0, [x3, #40]                                             
    if (_u > _bt->frac)                                                                   
    40026758:   54000063    b.cc    40026764 <_Timecounter_Tick_simple+0x34>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last<== ALWAYS TAKEN
    4002675c:   910004e7    add x7, x7, #0x1                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    40026760:   f9001067    str x7, [x3, #32]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    _bt->frac += _bt2->frac;                                                              
    40026764:   f9403464    ldr x4, [x3, #104]                                            
    40026768:   ab000080    adds    x0, x4, x0                                            
    4002676c:   54000382    b.cs    400267dc <_Timecounter_Tick_simple+0xac>  // b.hs, b.nlast
    bt = th->th_offset;                                                                   
    40026770:   aa0703e5    mov x5, x7                                                    
    _tv->tv_usec = ((uint64_t)1000000 * (uint32_t)(_bt->frac >> 32)) >> 32;               
    40026774:   d360fc04    lsr x4, x0, #32                                               
    40026778:   d2884806    mov x6, #0x4240                 // #16960                     
    4002677c:   f2a001e6    movk    x6, #0xf, lsl #16                                     
    _ts->tv_nsec = ((uint64_t)1000000000 *                                                
    40026780:   d2994008    mov x8, #0xca00                 // #51712                     
    40026784:   f2a77348    movk    x8, #0x3b9a, lsl #16                                  
    if (++ogen == 0)                                                                      
        ogen = 1;                                                                         
    th->th_generation = ogen;                                                             
    /* Go live with the new struct timehands. */                                          
    time_second = th->th_microtime.tv_sec;                                                
    40026788:   d00006c9    adrp    x9, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>               
    _bt->sec += _bt2->sec;                                                                
    4002678c:   f940306a    ldr x10, [x3, #96]                                            
    _tv->tv_usec = ((uint64_t)1000000 * (uint32_t)(_bt->frac >> 32)) >> 32;               
    40026790:   9b067c86    mul x6, x4, x6                                                
    _ts->tv_nsec = ((uint64_t)1000000000 *                                                
    40026794:   9b087c84    mul x4, x4, x8                                                
    time_uptime = th->th_offset.sec;                                                      
    40026798:   d00006c8    adrp    x8, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>               
    _bt->sec += _bt2->sec;                                                                
    4002679c:   8b0a00a5    add x5, x5, x10                                               
    th->th_generation = ogen;                                                             
    400267a0:   31000421    adds    w1, w1, #0x1                                          
    time_second = th->th_microtime.tv_sec;                                                
    400267a4:   f901a525    str x5, [x9, #840]                                            
    th->th_generation = ogen;                                                             
    400267a8:   1a9f1421    csinc   w1, w1, wzr, ne  // ne = any                          
    _tv->tv_usec = ((uint64_t)1000000 * (uint32_t)(_bt->frac >> 32)) >> 32;               
    400267ac:   d360fcc6    lsr x6, x6, #32                                               
        (uint32_t)(_bt->frac >> 32)) >> 32;                                               
    400267b0:   d360fc84    lsr x4, x4, #32                                               
    time_uptime = th->th_offset.sec;                                                      
    400267b4:   b9035107    str w7, [x8, #848]                                            
    th->th_bintime = bt;                                                                  
    400267b8:   a9030065    stp x5, x0, [x3, #48]                                         
    _tv->tv_usec = ((uint64_t)1000000 * (uint32_t)(_bt->frac >> 32)) >> 32;               
    400267bc:   a9041865    stp x5, x6, [x3, #64]                                         
    _ts->tv_nsec = ((uint64_t)1000000000 *                                                
    400267c0:   a9051065    stp x5, x4, [x3, #80]                                         
    th->th_generation = ogen;                                                             
    400267c4:   b9007061    str w1, [x3, #112]                                            
    400267c8:   b9400040    ldr w0, [x2]                                                  
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    400267cc:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
    400267d0:   b00006e0    adrp    x0, 40103000 <_Thread_Heads+0x28>                     
    400267d4:   91220000    add x0, x0, #0x880                                            
    400267d8:   14000a52    b   40029120 <_Watchdog_Tick>                                 
    400267dc:   910004e5    add x5, x7, #0x1                                              
    400267e0:   17ffffe5    b   40026774 <_Timecounter_Tick_simple+0x44>                  

00000000400255a0 <_Timespec_Add_to>: uint32_t _Timespec_Add_to( struct timespec *time, const struct timespec *add ) {
    400255a0:   aa0003e7    mov x7, x0                                                    
  /* Add the basics */                                                                    
  time->tv_sec += add->tv_sec;                                                            
  time->tv_nsec += add->tv_nsec;                                                          
  /* Now adjust it so nanoseconds is in range */                                          
  while ( time->tv_nsec >= TOD_NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND ) {                                 
    400255a4:   d2993fe4    mov x4, #0xc9ff                 // #51711                     
    400255a8:   f2a77344    movk    x4, #0x3b9a, lsl #16                                  
  time->tv_nsec += add->tv_nsec;                                                          
    400255ac:   a9400820    ldp x0, x2, [x1]                                              
    400255b0:   a94004e3    ldp x3, x1, [x7]                                              
  uint32_t seconds = add->tv_sec;                                                         
    400255b4:   2a0003e5    mov w5, w0                                                    
  time->tv_nsec += add->tv_nsec;                                                          
    400255b8:   8b020021    add x1, x1, x2                                                
  time->tv_sec += add->tv_sec;                                                            
    400255bc:   8b030003    add x3, x0, x3                                                
  time->tv_nsec += add->tv_nsec;                                                          
    400255c0:   a90004e3    stp x3, x1, [x7]                                              
  while ( time->tv_nsec >= TOD_NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND ) {                                 
    400255c4:   eb04003f    cmp x1, x4                                                    
    400255c8:   5400016d    b.le    400255f4 <_Timespec_Add_to+0x54>                      
    400255cc:   aa0303e2    mov x2, x3                                                    
    time->tv_nsec -= TOD_NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND;                                          
    400255d0:   92993fe6    mov x6, #0xffffffffffff3600     // #-51712                    
    400255d4:   f2b88ca6    movk    x6, #0xc465, lsl #16                                  
    400255d8:   91000442    add x2, x2, #0x1                                              
    time->tv_nsec -= TOD_NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND;                                          
    400255dc:   8b060021    add x1, x1, x6                                                
    400255e0:   0b0200a0    add w0, w5, w2                                                
  while ( time->tv_nsec >= TOD_NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND ) {                                 
    400255e4:   eb04003f    cmp x1, x4                                                    
    400255e8:   4b030000    sub w0, w0, w3                                                
    400255ec:   54ffff6c    b.gt    400255d8 <_Timespec_Add_to+0x38>                      <== NEVER TAKEN
    400255f0:   a90004e2    stp x2, x1, [x7]                                              
  return seconds;                                                                         
    400255f4:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

00000000400278f0 <_User_extensions_Handler_initialization>: size_t n; size_t i; initial_table = _User_extensions_Initial_extensions; initial_switch_controls = _User_extensions_Initial_switch_controls; n = _User_extensions_Initial_count;
    400278f0:   b00000a0    adrp    x0, 4003c000 <_Scheduler_Table+0x48>                  
    400278f4:   f9405c04    ldr x4, [x0, #184]                                            
  for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i ) {                                                           
    400278f8:   b4000384    cbz x4, 40027968 <_User_extensions_Handler_initialization+0x78><== NEVER TAKEN
    400278fc:   b00006c7    adrp    x7, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>               
    40027900:   910f00e7    add x7, x7, #0x3c0                                            
    40027904:   f00006c0    adrp    x0, 40102000 <_Configuration_Scheduler_priority_dflt+0x15d0>
    40027908:   913e6000    add x0, x0, #0xf98                                            
    4002790c:   d2800302    mov x2, #0x18                   // #24                        
    40027910:   b00000a1    adrp    x1, 4003c000 <_Scheduler_Table+0x48>                  
    40027914:   91030021    add x1, x1, #0xc0                                             
  the_node->next = tail;                                                                  
    40027918:   b00006c5    adrp    x5, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>               
    4002791c:   910f20a5    add x5, x5, #0x3c8                                            
    40027920:   9b020084    madd    x4, x4, x2, x0                                        
    40027924:   f94008e3    ldr x3, [x7, #16]                                             
    40027928:   52800006    mov w6, #0x0                    // #0                         
    4002792c:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    User_extensions_thread_switch_extension callout;                                      
    callout = initial_table[ i ].thread_switch;                                           
    40027930:   f9401022    ldr x2, [x1, #32]                                             
  for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i ) {                                                           
    40027934:   91012021    add x1, x1, #0x48                                             
    if ( callout != NULL ) {                                                              
    40027938:   b40000e2    cbz x2, 40027954 <_User_extensions_Handler_initialization+0x64>
    4002793c:   f9000005    str x5, [x0]                                                  
    40027940:   52800026    mov w6, #0x1                    // #1                         
      User_extensions_Switch_control *c;                                                  
      c = &initial_switch_controls[ i ];                                                  
      c->thread_switch = callout;                                                         
    40027944:   f9000802    str x2, [x0, #16]                                             
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
    40027948:   f9000060    str x0, [x3]                                                  
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
    4002794c:   f9000403    str x3, [x0, #8]                                              
    40027950:   aa0003e3    mov x3, x0                                                    
  for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i ) {                                                           
    40027954:   91006000    add x0, x0, #0x18                                             
    40027958:   eb04001f    cmp x0, x4                                                    
    4002795c:   54fffea1    b.ne    40027930 <_User_extensions_Handler_initialization+0x40>  // b.any
    40027960:   34000046    cbz w6, 40027968 <_User_extensions_Handler_initialization+0x78>
    40027964:   f90008e3    str x3, [x7, #16]                                             
      _Chain_Initialize_node( &c->Node );                                                 
      _Chain_Append_unprotected( &_User_extensions_Switches_list, &c->Node );             
    40027968:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    4002796c:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

0000000040027aa0 <_User_extensions_Iterate>: void _User_extensions_Iterate( void *arg, User_extensions_Visitor visitor, Chain_Iterator_direction direction ) {
    40027aa0:   a9b87bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-128]!                                    
    40027aa4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40027aa8:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
  ISR_lock_Context             lock_context;                                              
  executing = _Thread_Get_executing();                                                    
  initial_begin = _User_extensions_Initial_extensions;                                    
  initial_end = initial_begin + _User_extensions_Initial_count;                           
    40027aac:   b00000a3    adrp    x3, 4003c000 <_Scheduler_Table+0x48>                  
    40027ab0:   f9405c73    ldr x19, [x3, #184]                                           
    40027ab4:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
  initial_end = initial_begin + _User_extensions_Initial_count;                           
    40027ab8:   b00000b6    adrp    x22, 4003c000 <_Scheduler_Table+0x48>                 
    40027abc:   910302d6    add x22, x22, #0xc0                                           
    40027ac0:   d2800903    mov x3, #0x48                   // #72                        
    40027ac4:   a90363f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    40027ac8:   aa0103f4    mov x20, x1                                                   
    40027acc:   aa0003f8    mov x24, x0                                                   
    40027ad0:   f90023f9    str x25, [sp, #64]                                            
  initial_end = initial_begin + _User_extensions_Initial_count;                           
    40027ad4:   9b035a73    madd    x19, x19, x3, x22                                     
    40027ad8:   d00006e0    adrp    x0, 40105000 <Arr_2_Glob+0x1e68>                      
    40027adc:   f9453019    ldr x25, [x0, #2656]                                          
    40027ae0:   2a0203f7    mov w23, w2                                                   
  if ( direction == CHAIN_ITERATOR_FORWARD ) {                                            
    40027ae4:   350009e2    cbnz    w2, 40027c20 <_User_extensions_Iterate+0x180>         
    initial_current = initial_begin;                                                      
    while ( initial_current != initial_end ) {                                            
    40027ae8:   eb16027f    cmp x19, x22                                                  
    initial_current = initial_begin;                                                      
    40027aec:   aa1603f5    mov x21, x22                                                  
    while ( initial_current != initial_end ) {                                            
    40027af0:   54000120    b.eq    40027b14 <_User_extensions_Iterate+0x74>  // b.none   <== NEVER TAKEN
    40027af4:   d503201f    nop                                                           
      (*visitor)( executing, arg, initial_current );                                      
    40027af8:   aa1503e2    mov x2, x21                                                   
    40027afc:   aa1803e1    mov x1, x24                                                   
    40027b00:   910122b5    add x21, x21, #0x48                                           
      (*visitor)( executing, arg, initial_current );                                      
    40027b04:   aa1903e0    mov x0, x25                                                   
    40027b08:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
    while ( initial_current != initial_end ) {                                            
    40027b0c:   eb15027f    cmp x19, x21                                                  
    40027b10:   54ffff41    b.ne    40027af8 <_User_extensions_Iterate+0x58>  // b.any    
    end = _Chain_Immutable_tail( &_User_extensions_List.Active );                         
    40027b14:   b00006c1    adrp    x1, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>               
    40027b18:   910fc020    add x0, x1, #0x3f0                                            
    40027b1c:   91002015    add x21, x0, #0x8                                             
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40027b20:   d53b4223    mrs x3, daif                                                  
    40027b24:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
    40027b28:   f9401404    ldr x4, [x0, #40]                                             
  the_node->next = tail;                                                                  
    40027b2c:   91008001    add x1, x0, #0x20                                             
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
    40027b30:   910163e2    add x2, sp, #0x58                                             
    40027b34:   f9001402    str x2, [x0, #40]                                             
  the_node->next = tail;                                                                  
    40027b38:   f9002fe1    str x1, [sp, #88]                                             
  the_iterator->direction = direction;                                                    
  if ( direction == CHAIN_ITERATOR_FORWARD ) {                                            
    the_iterator->position = _Chain_Head( the_chain );                                    
    40027b3c:   710002ff    cmp w23, #0x0                                                 
    40027b40:   91002001    add x1, x0, #0x8                                              
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
    40027b44:   f9000082    str x2, [x4]                                                  
    the_iterator->position = _Chain_Head( the_chain );                                    
    40027b48:   9a801021    csel    x1, x1, x0, ne  // ne = any                           
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
    40027b4c:   f90033e4    str x4, [sp, #96]                                             
  the_iterator->direction = direction;                                                    
    40027b50:   b9006bf7    str w23, [sp, #104]                                           
  if ( direction == CHAIN_ITERATOR_FORWARD ) {                                            
    40027b54:   f9003be1    str x1, [sp, #112]                                            
  if ( executing != NULL ) {                                                              
    40027b58:   b4000099    cbz x25, 40027b68 <_User_extensions_Iterate+0xc8>             
    iter.previous = executing->last_user_extensions_iterator;                             
    40027b5c:   f9414f20    ldr x0, [x25, #664]                                           
    40027b60:   f9003fe0    str x0, [sp, #120]                                            
    executing->last_user_extensions_iterator = &iter;                                     
    40027b64:   f9014f22    str x2, [x25, #664]                                           
    the_iterator->position = _Chain_Head( the_chain );                                    
    40027b68:   2a1703e0    mov w0, w23                                                   
    40027b6c:   1400000b    b   40027b98 <_User_extensions_Iterate+0xf8>                  
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Chain_Iterator_set_position(                                   
  Chain_Iterator *the_iterator,                                                           
  Chain_Node     *the_node                                                                
  the_iterator->position = the_node;                                                      
    40027b70:   f9003be2    str x2, [sp, #112]                                            
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40027b74:   d51b4223    msr daif, x3                                                  
    _Chain_Iterator_set_position( &iter.Iterator, node );                                 
    _User_extensions_Release( &lock_context );                                            
    extension = (const User_extensions_Control *) node;                                   
    ( *visitor )( executing, arg, &extension->Callouts );                                 
    40027b78:   9100a042    add x2, x2, #0x28                                             
    40027b7c:   aa1803e1    mov x1, x24                                                   
    40027b80:   aa1903e0    mov x0, x25                                                   
    40027b84:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40027b88:   d53b4223    mrs x3, daif                                                  
    40027b8c:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
  if ( the_iterator->direction == CHAIN_ITERATOR_FORWARD ) {                              
    40027b90:   b9406be0    ldr w0, [sp, #104]                                            
    return _Chain_Next( the_iterator->position );                                         
    40027b94:   f9403be1    ldr x1, [sp, #112]                                            
    return _Chain_Previous( the_iterator->position );                                     
    40027b98:   7100001f    cmp w0, #0x0                                                  
  return the_node->previous;                                                              
    40027b9c:   a9400022    ldp x2, x0, [x1]                                              
    40027ba0:   2a0303e3    mov w3, w3                                                    
    return _Chain_Previous( the_iterator->position );                                     
    40027ba4:   9a800042    csel    x2, x2, x0, eq  // eq = none                          
  while ( ( node = _Chain_Iterator_next( &iter.Iterator ) ) != end ) {                    
    40027ba8:   eb0202bf    cmp x21, x2                                                   
    40027bac:   54fffe21    b.ne    40027b70 <_User_extensions_Iterate+0xd0>  // b.any    
    _User_extensions_Acquire( &lock_context );                                            
  if ( executing != NULL ) {                                                              
    40027bb0:   b4000079    cbz x25, 40027bbc <_User_extensions_Iterate+0x11c>            
    executing->last_user_extensions_iterator = iter.previous;                             
    40027bb4:   f9403fe0    ldr x0, [sp, #120]                                            
    40027bb8:   f9014f20    str x0, [x25, #664]                                           
  previous       = the_node->previous;                                                    
    40027bbc:   a94583e1    ldp x1, x0, [sp, #88]                                         
  next->previous = previous;                                                              
    40027bc0:   f9000420    str x0, [x1, #8]                                              
  previous->next = next;                                                                  
    40027bc4:   f9000001    str x1, [x0]                                                  
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40027bc8:   d51b4223    msr daif, x3                                                  
  _Chain_Iterator_destroy( &iter.Iterator );                                              
  _User_extensions_Release( &lock_context );                                              
  if ( direction == CHAIN_ITERATOR_BACKWARD ) {                                           
    40027bcc:   710006ff    cmp w23, #0x1                                                 
    40027bd0:   54000180    b.eq    40027c00 <_User_extensions_Iterate+0x160>  // b.none  
    while ( initial_current != initial_begin ) {                                          
      (*visitor)( executing, arg, initial_current );                                      
    40027bd4:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40027bd8:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40027bdc:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    40027be0:   f94023f9    ldr x25, [sp, #64]                                            
    40027be4:   a8c87bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #128                                      
    40027be8:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    40027bec:   d1012273    sub x19, x19, #0x48                                           
      (*visitor)( executing, arg, initial_current );                                      
    40027bf0:   aa1803e1    mov x1, x24                                                   
    40027bf4:   aa1303e2    mov x2, x19                                                   
    40027bf8:   aa1903e0    mov x0, x25                                                   
    40027bfc:   d63f0280    blr x20                                                       
    while ( initial_current != initial_begin ) {                                          
    40027c00:   eb16027f    cmp x19, x22                                                  
    40027c04:   54ffff41    b.ne    40027bec <_User_extensions_Iterate+0x14c>  // b.any   
    40027c08:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40027c0c:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40027c10:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    40027c14:   f94023f9    ldr x25, [sp, #64]                                            
    40027c18:   a8c87bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #128                                      
    40027c1c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    end = _Chain_Immutable_head( &_User_extensions_List.Active );                         
    40027c20:   b00006c1    adrp    x1, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>               
    40027c24:   910fc020    add x0, x1, #0x3f0                                            
    40027c28:   aa0003f5    mov x21, x0                                                   
    40027c2c:   17ffffbd    b   40027b20 <_User_extensions_Iterate+0x80>                  

0000000040031500 <_User_extensions_Remove_set>: __asm__ volatile (
    40031500:   d53b4226    mrs x6, daif                                                  
    40031504:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
  return the_node->next;                                                                  
    40031508:   f0000661    adrp    x1, 40100000 <T_case_instance_TestInterruptBlocked>   
    4003150c:   f9421021    ldr x1, [x1, #1056]                                           
  while ( ( iter_node = _Chain_Next( iter_node ) ) != iter_tail ) {                       
    40031510:   f0000663    adrp    x3, 40100000 <T_case_instance_TestInterruptBlocked>   
    40031514:   9110a063    add x3, x3, #0x428                                            
    40031518:   eb03003f    cmp x1, x3                                                    
    4003151c:   a9401005    ldp x5, x4, [x0]                                              
    40031520:   540000a1    b.ne    40031534 <_User_extensions_Remove_set+0x34>  // b.any <== NEVER TAKEN
    40031524:   1400000e    b   4003155c <_User_extensions_Remove_set+0x5c>               
  return the_node->next;                                                                  
    40031528:   f9400021    ldr x1, [x1]                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  while ( ( iter_node = _Chain_Next( iter_node ) ) != iter_tail ) {                       
    4003152c:   eb03003f    cmp x1, x3                                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    40031530:   54000160    b.eq    4003155c <_User_extensions_Remove_set+0x5c>  // b.none<== NOT EXECUTED
    if ( iter->position == the_node_to_extract ) {                                        
    40031534:   f9400c22    ldr x2, [x1, #24]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    40031538:   eb02001f    cmp x0, x2                                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    4003153c:   54ffff61    b.ne    40031528 <_User_extensions_Remove_set+0x28>  // b.any <== NOT EXECUTED
      if ( iter->direction == CHAIN_ITERATOR_FORWARD ) {                                  
    40031540:   b9401022    ldr w2, [x1, #16]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
        iter->position = _Chain_Previous( the_node_to_extract );                          
    40031544:   7100005f    cmp w2, #0x0                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    40031548:   9a8410a2    csel    x2, x5, x4, ne  // ne = any                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    4003154c:   f9000c22    str x2, [x1, #24]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  return the_node->next;                                                                  
    40031550:   f9400021    ldr x1, [x1]                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  while ( ( iter_node = _Chain_Next( iter_node ) ) != iter_tail ) {                       
    40031554:   eb03003f    cmp x1, x3                                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    40031558:   54fffee1    b.ne    40031534 <_User_extensions_Remove_set+0x34>  // b.any <== NOT EXECUTED
  next->previous = previous;                                                              
    4003155c:   f90004a4    str x4, [x5, #8]                                              
  previous->next = next;                                                                  
    40031560:   f9000085    str x5, [x4]                                                  
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40031564:   92407cc1    and x1, x6, #0xffffffff                                       
    40031568:   d51b4221    msr daif, x1                                                  
   * If a switch handler is present, remove it.                                           
  if ( the_extension->Callouts.thread_switch != NULL ) {                                  
    4003156c:   f9402401    ldr x1, [x0, #72]                                             
    40031570:   b4000101    cbz x1, 40031590 <_User_extensions_Remove_set+0x90>           
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40031574:   d53b4221    mrs x1, daif                                                  
    40031578:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
  previous       = the_node->previous;                                                    
    4003157c:   a9410002    ldp x2, x0, [x0, #16]                                         
  next->previous = previous;                                                              
    40031580:   f9000440    str x0, [x2, #8]                                              
  previous->next = next;                                                                  
    40031584:   f9000002    str x2, [x0]                                                  
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40031588:   92407c20    and x0, x1, #0xffffffff                                       
    4003158c:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
    _Per_CPU_Acquire_all( &lock_context );                                                
    _Chain_Extract_unprotected( &the_extension->Switch.Node );                            
    _Per_CPU_Release_all( &lock_context );                                                
    40031590:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040027970 <_User_extensions_Thread_create_visitor>: Thread_Control *executing, void *arg, const User_extensions_Table *callouts ) { User_extensions_thread_create_extension callout = callouts->thread_create;
    40027970:   f9400042    ldr x2, [x2]                                                  
  if ( callout != NULL ) {                                                                
    40027974:   b40001c2    cbz x2, 400279ac <_User_extensions_Thread_create_visitor+0x3c>
    40027978:   a9be7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-32]!                                     
    4002797c:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40027980:   f9000bf3    str x19, [sp, #16]                                            
    40027984:   aa0103f3    mov x19, x1                                                   
    User_extensions_Thread_create_context *ctx = arg;                                     
    ctx->ok = ctx->ok && (*callout)( executing, ctx->created );                           
    40027988:   39402021    ldrb    w1, [x1, #8]                                          
    4002798c:   34000081    cbz w1, 4002799c <_User_extensions_Thread_create_visitor+0x2c><== NEVER TAKEN
    40027990:   f9400261    ldr x1, [x19]                                                 
    40027994:   d63f0040    blr x2                                                        
    40027998:   12001c01    and w1, w0, #0xff                                             
    4002799c:   39002261    strb    w1, [x19, #8]                                         
    400279a0:   f9400bf3    ldr x19, [sp, #16]                                            
    400279a4:   a8c27bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #32                                       
    400279a8:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    400279ac:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040027d30 <_Watchdog_Do_tickle>: #ifdef RTEMS_SMP ISR_lock_Control *lock, #endif ISR_lock_Context *lock_context ) {
    40027d30:   a9bc7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-64]!                                     
    40027d34:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40027d38:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40027d3c:   aa0003f4    mov x20, x0                                                   
    40027d40:   aa0103f3    mov x19, x1                                                   
    40027d44:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40027d48:   aa0203f6    mov x22, x2                                                   
    40027d4c:   aa0303f5    mov x21, x3                                                   
    40027d50:   f9001bf7    str x23, [sp, #48]                                            
  RB_COLOR( &the_watchdog->Node.RBTree, Node ) = state;                                   
    40027d54:   52800057    mov w23, #0x2                       // #2                     
  do {                                                                                    
    if ( first->expire <= now ) {                                                         
    40027d58:   f9401660    ldr x0, [x19, #40]                                            
    40027d5c:   eb16001f    cmp x0, x22                                                   
    40027d60:   540002c8    b.hi    40027db8 <_Watchdog_Do_tickle+0x88>  // b.pmore       
  return RB_RIGHT( the_node, Node );                                                      
    40027d64:   f9400664    ldr x4, [x19, #8]                                             
  if ( node != NULL ) {                                                                   
    40027d68:   b4000324    cbz x4, 40027dcc <_Watchdog_Do_tickle+0x9c>                   
    40027d6c:   d503201f    nop                                                           
  return RB_LEFT( the_node, Node );                                                       
    40027d70:   aa0403e1    mov x1, x4                                                    
    40027d74:   f9400084    ldr x4, [x4]                                                  
    while ( ( left = _RBTree_Left( node ) ) != NULL ) {                                   
    40027d78:   b5ffffc4    cbnz    x4, 40027d70 <_Watchdog_Do_tickle+0x40>               <== NEVER TAKEN
    header->first = node;                                                                 
    40027d7c:   f9000681    str x1, [x20, #8]                                             
      Watchdog_Service_routine_entry routine;                                             
      _Watchdog_Next_first( header, first );                                              
      _RBTree_Extract( &header->Watchdogs, &first->Node.RBTree );                         
    40027d80:   aa1303e1    mov x1, x19                                                   
    40027d84:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40027d88:   94000622    bl  40029610 <_RBTree_Extract>                                
  RB_COLOR( &the_watchdog->Node.RBTree, Node ) = state;                                   
    40027d8c:   b9001a77    str w23, [x19, #24]                                           
      _Watchdog_Set_state( first, WATCHDOG_INACTIVE );                                    
      routine = first->routine;                                                           
    40027d90:   f9401261    ldr x1, [x19, #32]                                            
      _ISR_lock_Release_and_ISR_enable( lock, lock_context );                             
    40027d94:   b94002a0    ldr w0, [x21]                                                 
    40027d98:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
      ( *routine )( first );                                                              
    40027d9c:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    40027da0:   d63f0020    blr x1                                                        
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40027da4:   d53b4220    mrs x0, daif                                                  
    40027da8:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
      _ISR_lock_ISR_disable_and_acquire( lock, lock_context );                            
    40027dac:   b90002a0    str w0, [x21]                                                 
  return (Watchdog_Control *) header->first;                                              
    40027db0:   f9400693    ldr x19, [x20, #8]                                            
    } else {                                                                              
    first = _Watchdog_Header_first( header );                                             
  } while ( first != NULL );                                                              
    40027db4:   b5fffd33    cbnz    x19, 40027d58 <_Watchdog_Do_tickle+0x28>              
    40027db8:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40027dbc:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40027dc0:   f9401bf7    ldr x23, [sp, #48]                                            
    40027dc4:   a8c47bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #64                                       
    40027dc8:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    header->first = _RBTree_Parent( &the_watchdog->Node.RBTree );                         
    40027dcc:   f9400a60    ldr x0, [x19, #16]                                            
    40027dd0:   f9000680    str x0, [x20, #8]                                             
    40027dd4:   17ffffeb    b   40027d80 <_Watchdog_Do_tickle+0x50>                       

0000000040027cb0 <_Watchdog_Remove>: void _Watchdog_Remove( Watchdog_Header *header, Watchdog_Control *the_watchdog ) {
    40027cb0:   a9be7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-32]!                                     
    40027cb4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40027cb8:   f9000bf3    str x19, [sp, #16]                                            
    40027cbc:   aa0103f3    mov x19, x1                                                   
  if ( _Watchdog_Is_scheduled( the_watchdog ) ) {                                         
    40027cc0:   b9401821    ldr w1, [x1, #24]                                             
    40027cc4:   7100043f    cmp w1, #0x1                                                  
    40027cc8:   54000089    b.ls    40027cd8 <_Watchdog_Remove+0x28>  // b.plast          
    _RBTree_Extract( &header->Watchdogs, &the_watchdog->Node.RBTree );                    
    _Watchdog_Set_state( the_watchdog, WATCHDOG_INACTIVE );                               
    40027ccc:   f9400bf3    ldr x19, [sp, #16]                                            
    40027cd0:   a8c27bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #32                                       
    40027cd4:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    if ( header->first == &the_watchdog->Node.RBTree ) {                                  
    40027cd8:   f9400401    ldr x1, [x0, #8]                                              
    40027cdc:   eb13003f    cmp x1, x19                                                   
    40027ce0:   54000100    b.eq    40027d00 <_Watchdog_Remove+0x50>  // b.none           
    _RBTree_Extract( &header->Watchdogs, &the_watchdog->Node.RBTree );                    
    40027ce4:   aa1303e1    mov x1, x19                                                   
    40027ce8:   9400064a    bl  40029610 <_RBTree_Extract>                                
  RB_COLOR( &the_watchdog->Node.RBTree, Node ) = state;                                   
    40027cec:   52800040    mov w0, #0x2                    // #2                         
    40027cf0:   b9001a60    str w0, [x19, #24]                                            
    40027cf4:   f9400bf3    ldr x19, [sp, #16]                                            
    40027cf8:   a8c27bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #32                                       
    40027cfc:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  return RB_RIGHT( the_node, Node );                                                      
    40027d00:   f9400661    ldr x1, [x19, #8]                                             
  if ( node != NULL ) {                                                                   
    40027d04:   b40000c1    cbz x1, 40027d1c <_Watchdog_Remove+0x6c>                      
  return RB_LEFT( the_node, Node );                                                       
    40027d08:   aa0103e2    mov x2, x1                                                    
    40027d0c:   f9400021    ldr x1, [x1]                                                  
    while ( ( left = _RBTree_Left( node ) ) != NULL ) {                                   
    40027d10:   b5ffffc1    cbnz    x1, 40027d08 <_Watchdog_Remove+0x58>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
    header->first = node;                                                                 
    40027d14:   f9000402    str x2, [x0, #8]                                              
    40027d18:   17fffff3    b   40027ce4 <_Watchdog_Remove+0x34>                          
    header->first = _RBTree_Parent( &the_watchdog->Node.RBTree );                         
    40027d1c:   f9400a61    ldr x1, [x19, #16]                                            
    40027d20:   f9000401    str x1, [x0, #8]                                              
    40027d24:   17fffff0    b   40027ce4 <_Watchdog_Remove+0x34>                          

000000004002b060 <_Workspace_Handler_initialization>: void _Workspace_Handler_initialization( const Memory_Information *mem, Heap_Initialization_or_extend_handler extend ) {
    4002b060:   a9ba7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-96]!                                     
    4002b064:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
  uintptr_t                             page_size;                                        
  uintptr_t                             overhead;                                         
  size_t                                i;                                                
  page_size = CPU_HEAP_ALIGNMENT;                                                         
  remaining = rtems_configuration_get_work_space_size();                                  
    4002b068:   b0000082    adrp    x2, 4003c000 <_Scheduler_Table+0x48>                  
    4002b06c:   397ec042    ldrb    w2, [x2, #4016]                                       
    4002b070:   a90363f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    4002b074:   aa0103f7    mov x23, x1                                                   
    4002b078:   a9046bf9    stp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    4002b07c:   d280001a    mov x26, #0x0                       // #0                     
    4002b080:   f9002bfb    str x27, [sp, #80]                                            
    4002b084:   aa0003fb    mov x27, x0                                                   
  remaining = rtems_configuration_get_work_space_size();                                  
    4002b088:   34000862    cbz w2, 4002b194 <_Workspace_Handler_initialization+0x134>    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  init_or_extend = _Heap_Initialize;                                                      
  unified = rtems_configuration_get_unified_work_area();                                  
  overhead = _Heap_Area_overhead( page_size );                                            
  for ( i = 0; i < _Memory_Get_count( mem ); ++i ) {                                      
    4002b08c:   f9400360    ldr x0, [x27]                                                 
  remaining = rtems_configuration_get_work_space_size();                                  
    4002b090:   b0000081    adrp    x1, 4003c000 <_Scheduler_Table+0x48>                  
    4002b094:   f940d021    ldr x1, [x1, #416]                                            
  unified = rtems_configuration_get_unified_work_area();                                  
    4002b098:   b0000082    adrp    x2, 4003c000 <_Scheduler_Table+0x48>                  
    4002b09c:   397ec459    ldrb    w25, [x2, #4017]                                      
  remaining = rtems_configuration_get_work_space_size();                                  
    4002b0a0:   8b01035a    add x26, x26, x1                                              
  for ( i = 0; i < _Memory_Get_count( mem ); ++i ) {                                      
    4002b0a4:   b40005e0    cbz x0, 4002b160 <_Workspace_Handler_initialization+0x100>    <== NEVER TAKEN
  init_or_extend = _Heap_Initialize;                                                      
    4002b0a8:   b0ffffc4    adrp    x4, 40024000 <memfile_read+0xe0>                      
    4002b0ac:   913e0084    add x4, x4, #0xf80                                            
        } else {                                                                          
          size = 0;                                                                       
      space_available = ( *init_or_extend )(                                              
    4002b0b0:   d00006d8    adrp    x24, 40105000 <Arr_2_Glob+0x1e68>                     
    4002b0b4:   91304318    add x24, x24, #0xc10                                          
    4002b0b8:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002b0bc:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
  for ( i = 0; i < _Memory_Get_count( mem ); ++i ) {                                      
    4002b0c0:   d2800016    mov x22, #0x0                       // #0                     
    4002b0c4:   d2800015    mov x21, #0x0                       // #0                     
    4002b0c8:   14000008    b   4002b0e8 <_Workspace_Handler_initialization+0x88>         
      _Memory_Consume( area, size );                                                      
      if ( space_available < remaining ) {                                                
        remaining -= space_available;                                                     
    4002b0cc:   cb00035a    sub x26, x26, x0                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
      } else {                                                                            
        remaining = 0;                                                                    
      init_or_extend = extend;                                                            
    4002b0d0:   aa1703e4    mov x4, x23                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002b0d4:   f9400360    ldr x0, [x27]                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  for ( i = 0; i < _Memory_Get_count( mem ); ++i ) {                                      
    4002b0d8:   910006b5    add x21, x21, #0x1                                            
    4002b0dc:   910062d6    add x22, x22, #0x18                                           
    4002b0e0:   eb0002bf    cmp x21, x0                                                   
    4002b0e4:   540003a2    b.cs    4002b158 <_Workspace_Handler_initialization+0xf8>  // b.hs, b.nlast<== ALWAYS TAKEN
  return &information->areas[ index ];                                                    
    4002b0e8:   f9400773    ldr x19, [x27, #8]                                            
    4002b0ec:   8b160273    add x19, x19, x22                                             
  return (uintptr_t) area->end - (uintptr_t) area->free;                                  
    4002b0f0:   a940d261    ldp x1, x20, [x19, #8]                                        
    4002b0f4:   cb010294    sub x20, x20, x1                                              
    if ( free_size > overhead ) {                                                         
    4002b0f8:   f100ba9f    cmp x20, #0x2e                                                
    4002b0fc:   54fffee9    b.ls    4002b0d8 <_Workspace_Handler_initialization+0x78>  // b.plast
      if ( unified ) {                                                                    
    4002b100:   350000d9    cbnz    w25, 4002b118 <_Workspace_Handler_initialization+0xb8>
        if ( remaining > 0 ) {                                                            
    4002b104:   b40003ba    cbz x26, 4002b178 <_Workspace_Handler_initialization+0x118>   <== NEVER TAKEN
          size = remaining < free_size - overhead ?                                       
    4002b108:   d100ba82    sub x2, x20, #0x2e                                            
            remaining + overhead : free_size;                                             
    4002b10c:   9100bb40    add x0, x26, #0x2e                                            
    4002b110:   eb1a005f    cmp x2, x26                                                   
    4002b114:   9a948014    csel    x20, x0, x20, hi  // hi = pmore                       
      space_available = ( *init_or_extend )(                                              
    4002b118:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    4002b11c:   aa1803e0    mov x0, x24                                                   
    4002b120:   d2800203    mov x3, #0x10                   // #16                        
    4002b124:   d63f0080    blr x4                                                        
  area->free = (char *) area->free + consume;                                             
    4002b128:   f9400661    ldr x1, [x19, #8]                                             
      if ( space_available < remaining ) {                                                
    4002b12c:   eb1a001f    cmp x0, x26                                                   
    4002b130:   8b140021    add x1, x1, x20                                               
    4002b134:   f9000661    str x1, [x19, #8]                                             
    4002b138:   54fffca3    b.cc    4002b0cc <_Workspace_Handler_initialization+0x6c>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last<== NEVER TAKEN
    4002b13c:   f9400360    ldr x0, [x27]                                                 
  for ( i = 0; i < _Memory_Get_count( mem ); ++i ) {                                      
    4002b140:   910006b5    add x21, x21, #0x1                                            
      init_or_extend = extend;                                                            
    4002b144:   aa1703e4    mov x4, x23                                                   
  for ( i = 0; i < _Memory_Get_count( mem ); ++i ) {                                      
    4002b148:   910062d6    add x22, x22, #0x18                                           
    4002b14c:   eb0002bf    cmp x21, x0                                                   
        remaining = 0;                                                                    
    4002b150:   d280001a    mov x26, #0x0                       // #0                     
  for ( i = 0; i < _Memory_Get_count( mem ); ++i ) {                                      
    4002b154:   54fffca3    b.cc    4002b0e8 <_Workspace_Handler_initialization+0x88>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last<== NEVER TAKEN
    4002b158:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002b15c:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
  if ( remaining > 0 ) {                                                                  
    4002b160:   b500021a    cbnz    x26, 4002b1a0 <_Workspace_Handler_initialization+0x140>
    _Internal_error( INTERNAL_ERROR_TOO_LITTLE_WORKSPACE );                               
  _Heap_Protection_set_delayed_free_fraction( &_Workspace_Area, 1 );                      
    4002b164:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    4002b168:   a9446bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    4002b16c:   f9402bfb    ldr x27, [sp, #80]                                            
    4002b170:   a8c67bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #96                                       
    4002b174:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
      space_available = ( *init_or_extend )(                                              
    4002b178:   aa1803e0    mov x0, x24                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002b17c:   d2800203    mov x3, #0x10                   // #16                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002b180:   d2800002    mov x2, #0x0                    // #0                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002b184:   d63f0080    blr x4                                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
      init_or_extend = extend;                                                            
    4002b188:   aa1703e4    mov x4, x23                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002b18c:   f9400360    ldr x0, [x27]                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002b190:   17ffffd2    b   4002b0d8 <_Workspace_Handler_initialization+0x78>         <== NOT EXECUTED
  remaining = rtems_configuration_get_work_space_size();                                  
    4002b194:   940000ef    bl  4002b550 <rtems_configuration_get_stack_space_size>       
    4002b198:   aa0003fa    mov x26, x0                                                   
    4002b19c:   17ffffbc    b   4002b08c <_Workspace_Handler_initialization+0x2c>         
    _Internal_error( INTERNAL_ERROR_TOO_LITTLE_WORKSPACE );                               
    4002b1a0:   52800040    mov w0, #0x2                    // #2                         
    4002b1a4:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002b1a8:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    4002b1ac:   97ffe83d    bl  400252a0 <_Internal_error>