Annotated Report
Mon Mar 1 00:16:22 2021

0000000040024ed0 <fifo_open>:                                                             
int fifo_open(                                                                            
  pipe_control_t **pipep,                                                                 
  rtems_libio_t *iop                                                                      
    40024ed0:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    40024ed4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40024ed8:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40024edc:   aa0003f4    mov x20, x0                                                   
  _Mutex_Acquire( mutex );                                                                
    40024ee0:   900006f3    adrp    x19, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>              
    40024ee4:   910a4273    add x19, x19, #0x290                                          
    40024ee8:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40024eec:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    40024ef0:   aa0103f6    mov x22, x1                                                   
    40024ef4:   9400041f    bl  40025f70 <_Mutex_Acquire>                                 
  pipe = *pipep;                                                                          
    40024ef8:   f9400295    ldr x21, [x20]                                                
  if (pipe == NULL) {                                                                     
    40024efc:   b40002f5    cbz x21, 40024f58 <fifo_open+0x88>                            
    40024f00:   9100c2a0    add x0, x21, #0x30                                            
    40024f04:   9400041b    bl  40025f70 <_Mutex_Acquire>                                 
  *pipep = pipe;                                                                          
    40024f08:   f9000295    str x21, [x20]                                                
  _Mutex_Release( mutex );                                                                
    40024f0c:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    40024f10:   94000434    bl  40025fe0 <_Mutex_Release>                                 
    40024f14:   b94002c0    ldr w0, [x22]                                                 
  int err;                                                                                
  err = pipe_new(pipep);                                                                  
  if (err)                                                                                
    return err;                                                                           
  pipe = *pipep;                                                                          
    40024f18:   f9400293    ldr x19, [x20]                                                
  switch (LIBIO_ACCMODE(iop)) {                                                           
    40024f1c:   121f0400    and w0, w0, #0x6                                              
        prevCounter = pipe->writerCounter;                                                
        err = -EINTR;                                                                     
        /* Wait until a writer opens the pipe */                                          
        do {                                                                              
    40024f20:   9100c275    add x21, x19, #0x30                                           
  switch (LIBIO_ACCMODE(iop)) {                                                           
    40024f24:   7100101f    cmp w0, #0x4                                                  
    40024f28:   540006a0    b.eq    40024ffc <fifo_open+0x12c>  // b.none                 
    40024f2c:   7100181f    cmp w0, #0x6                                                  
    40024f30:   54000ba0    b.eq    400250a4 <fifo_open+0x1d4>  // b.none                 
    40024f34:   7100081f    cmp w0, #0x2                                                  
    40024f38:   540008e0    b.eq    40025054 <fifo_open+0x184>  // b.none                 <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    40024f3c:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    40024f40:   94000428    bl  40025fe0 <_Mutex_Release>                                 
  return 0;                                                                               
    40024f44:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
  pipe_release(pipep, iop);                                                               
  return err;                                                                             
    40024f48:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40024f4c:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40024f50:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    40024f54:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  pipe = malloc(sizeof(pipe_control_t));                                                  
    40024f58:   d2801200    mov x0, #0x90                   // #144                       
    40024f5c:   940011f9    bl  40029740 <malloc>                                         
    40024f60:   aa0003f5    mov x21, x0                                                   
  if (pipe == NULL)                                                                       
    40024f64:   b4000e60    cbz x0, 40025130 <fifo_open+0x260>                            
  memset(pipe, 0, sizeof(pipe_control_t));                                                
    40024f68:   d2801102    mov x2, #0x88                   // #136                       
    40024f6c:   52800001    mov w1, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40024f70:   91002000    add x0, x0, #0x8                                              
    40024f74:   94002cdb    bl  400302e0 <memset>                                         
  pipe->Size = PIPE_BUF;                                                                  
    40024f78:   52804001    mov w1, #0x200                  // #512                       
    40024f7c:   b9000aa1    str w1, [x21, #8]                                             
  pipe->Buffer = malloc(pipe->Size);                                                      
    40024f80:   d2804000    mov x0, #0x200                  // #512                       
    40024f84:   940011ef    bl  40029740 <malloc>                                         
    40024f88:   f90002a0    str x0, [x21]                                                 
  if (pipe->Buffer == NULL) {                                                             
    40024f8c:   b4000ce0    cbz x0, 40025128 <fifo_open+0x258>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
  if (c ++ == 'z')                                                                        
    40024f90:   900006e4    adrp    x4, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>               
    40024f94:   394a2081    ldrb    w1, [x4, #648]                                        
static __inline void                                                                      
_Mutex_Initialize_named(struct _Mutex_Control *_mutex, const char *_name)                 
    struct _Mutex_Control _init = _MUTEX_NAMED_INITIALIZER(_name);                        
    *_mutex = _init;                                                                      
    40024f98:   9100c2a0    add x0, x21, #0x30                                            
_Condition_Initialize_named(struct _Condition_Control *_cond,                             
    const char *_name)                                                                    
    struct _Condition_Control _init = _CONDITION_NAMED_INITIALIZER(_name);                
    *_cond = _init;                                                                       
    40024f9c:   900000a3    adrp    x3, 40038000 <bsp_section_rodata_begin+0x2d8>         
    40024fa0:   91332063    add x3, x3, #0xcc8                                            
    c = 'a';                                                                              
    40024fa4:   7101e83f    cmp w1, #0x7a                                                 
    40024fa8:   900000a2    adrp    x2, 40038000 <bsp_section_rodata_begin+0x2d8>         
    40024fac:   91336042    add x2, x2, #0xcd8                                            
    40024fb0:   11000421    add w1, w1, #0x1                                              
    40024fb4:   f90036a3    str x3, [x21, #104]                                           
    40024fb8:   52800c23    mov w3, #0x61                   // #97                        
    40024fbc:   1a810061    csel    w1, w3, w1, eq  // eq = none                          
    40024fc0:   f90046a2    str x2, [x21, #136]                                           
    *_mutex = _init;                                                                      
    40024fc4:   900000a2    adrp    x2, 40038000 <bsp_section_rodata_begin+0x2d8>         
    40024fc8:   9133a042    add x2, x2, #0xce8                                            
    40024fcc:   f9000c02    str x2, [x0, #24]                                             
    40024fd0:   390a2081    strb    w1, [x4, #648]                                        
  _Mutex_Acquire( mutex );                                                                
    40024fd4:   940003e7    bl  40025f70 <_Mutex_Acquire>                                 
  *pipep = pipe;                                                                          
    40024fd8:   f9000295    str x21, [x20]                                                
  _Mutex_Release( mutex );                                                                
    40024fdc:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    40024fe0:   94000400    bl  40025fe0 <_Mutex_Release>                                 
    40024fe4:   b94002c0    ldr w0, [x22]                                                 
  pipe = *pipep;                                                                          
    40024fe8:   f9400293    ldr x19, [x20]                                                
  switch (LIBIO_ACCMODE(iop)) {                                                           
    40024fec:   121f0400    and w0, w0, #0x6                                              
    40024ff0:   9100c275    add x21, x19, #0x30                                           
  switch (LIBIO_ACCMODE(iop)) {                                                           
    40024ff4:   7100101f    cmp w0, #0x4                                                  
    40024ff8:   54fff9a1    b.ne    40024f2c <fifo_open+0x5c>  // b.any                   
      if (pipe->Writers ++ == 0)                                                          
    40024ffc:   b9401a61    ldr w1, [x19, #24]                                            
      pipe->writerCounter ++;                                                             
    40025000:   b9402a60    ldr w0, [x19, #40]                                            
      if (pipe->Writers ++ == 0)                                                          
    40025004:   11000422    add w2, w1, #0x1                                              
    40025008:   b9001a62    str w2, [x19, #24]                                            
      pipe->writerCounter ++;                                                             
    4002500c:   11000400    add w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    40025010:   b9002a60    str w0, [x19, #40]                                            
      if (pipe->Writers ++ == 0)                                                          
    40025014:   34000761    cbz w1, 40025100 <fifo_open+0x230>                            <== ALWAYS TAKEN
      if (pipe->Readers == 0 && LIBIO_NODELAY(iop)) {                                     
    40025018:   b9401660    ldr w0, [x19, #20]                                            
    4002501c:   35fff900    cbnz    w0, 40024f3c <fifo_open+0x6c>                         
    40025020:   b94002c0    ldr w0, [x22]                                                 
    40025024:   37000740    tbnz    w0, #0, 4002510c <fifo_open+0x23c>                    
      if (pipe->Readers == 0) {                                                           
    40025028:   b9401660    ldr w0, [x19, #20]                                            
    4002502c:   35fff880    cbnz    w0, 40024f3c <fifo_open+0x6c>                         <== NEVER TAKEN
        prevCounter = pipe->readerCounter;                                                
    40025030:   b9402676    ldr w22, [x19, #36]                                           
    40025034:   9101c274    add x20, x19, #0x70                                           
  _Condition_Wait( condition_variable, mutex );                                           
    40025038:   aa1503e1    mov x1, x21                                                   
    4002503c:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40025040:   940001f8    bl  40025820 <_Condition_Wait>                                
        } while (prevCounter == pipe->readerCounter);                                     
    40025044:   b9402661    ldr w1, [x19, #36]                                            
    40025048:   6b16003f    cmp w1, w22                                                   
    4002504c:   54ffff60    b.eq    40025038 <fifo_open+0x168>  // b.none                 <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025050:   17ffffbb    b   40024f3c <fifo_open+0x6c>                                 
      if (pipe->Readers ++ == 0)                                                          
    40025054:   b9401661    ldr w1, [x19, #20]                                            
      pipe->readerCounter ++;                                                             
    40025058:   b9402660    ldr w0, [x19, #36]                                            
      if (pipe->Readers ++ == 0)                                                          
    4002505c:   11000422    add w2, w1, #0x1                                              
    40025060:   b9001662    str w2, [x19, #20]                                            
      pipe->readerCounter ++;                                                             
    40025064:   11000400    add w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    40025068:   b9002660    str w0, [x19, #36]                                            
      if (pipe->Readers ++ == 0)                                                          
    4002506c:   340003e1    cbz w1, 400250e8 <fifo_open+0x218>                            <== ALWAYS TAKEN
      if (pipe->Writers == 0) {                                                           
    40025070:   b9401a60    ldr w0, [x19, #24]                                            
    40025074:   35fff640    cbnz    w0, 40024f3c <fifo_open+0x6c>                         
    40025078:   b94002c0    ldr w0, [x22]                                                 
        if (LIBIO_NODELAY(iop))                                                           
    4002507c:   3707f600    tbnz    w0, #0, 40024f3c <fifo_open+0x6c>                     
        prevCounter = pipe->writerCounter;                                                
    40025080:   b9402a76    ldr w22, [x19, #40]                                           
    40025084:   91014274    add x20, x19, #0x50                                           
    40025088:   aa1503e1    mov x1, x21                                                   
    4002508c:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40025090:   940001e4    bl  40025820 <_Condition_Wait>                                
        } while (prevCounter == pipe->writerCounter);                                     
    40025094:   b9402a61    ldr w1, [x19, #40]                                            
    40025098:   6b16003f    cmp w1, w22                                                   
    4002509c:   54ffff60    b.eq    40025088 <fifo_open+0x1b8>  // b.none                 <== NEVER TAKEN
    400250a0:   17ffffa7    b   40024f3c <fifo_open+0x6c>                                 
      if (pipe->Readers ++ == 0)                                                          
    400250a4:   b9401661    ldr w1, [x19, #20]                                            
      pipe->readerCounter ++;                                                             
    400250a8:   b9402660    ldr w0, [x19, #36]                                            
      if (pipe->Readers ++ == 0)                                                          
    400250ac:   11000422    add w2, w1, #0x1                                              
    400250b0:   b9001662    str w2, [x19, #20]                                            
      pipe->readerCounter ++;                                                             
    400250b4:   11000400    add w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    400250b8:   b9002660    str w0, [x19, #36]                                            
      if (pipe->Readers ++ == 0)                                                          
    400250bc:   340001c1    cbz w1, 400250f4 <fifo_open+0x224>                            <== ALWAYS TAKEN
      if (pipe->Writers ++ == 0)                                                          
    400250c0:   b9401a61    ldr w1, [x19, #24]                                            
      pipe->writerCounter ++;                                                             
    400250c4:   b9402a60    ldr w0, [x19, #40]                                            
      if (pipe->Writers ++ == 0)                                                          
    400250c8:   11000422    add w2, w1, #0x1                                              
    400250cc:   b9001a62    str w2, [x19, #24]                                            
      pipe->writerCounter ++;                                                             
    400250d0:   11000400    add w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    400250d4:   b9002a60    str w0, [x19, #40]                                            
      if (pipe->Writers ++ == 0)                                                          
    400250d8:   35fff321    cbnz    w1, 40024f3c <fifo_open+0x6c>                         <== NEVER TAKEN
  _Condition_Broadcast( condition_variable );                                             
    400250dc:   91014260    add x0, x19, #0x50                                            
    400250e0:   940001ec    bl  40025890 <_Condition_Broadcast>                           
    400250e4:   17ffff96    b   40024f3c <fifo_open+0x6c>                                 
  _Condition_Broadcast( condition_variable );                                             
    400250e8:   9101c260    add x0, x19, #0x70                                            
    400250ec:   940001e9    bl  40025890 <_Condition_Broadcast>                           
    400250f0:   17ffffe0    b   40025070 <fifo_open+0x1a0>                                
  _Condition_Broadcast( condition_variable );                                             
    400250f4:   9101c260    add x0, x19, #0x70                                            
    400250f8:   940001e6    bl  40025890 <_Condition_Broadcast>                           
    400250fc:   17fffff1    b   400250c0 <fifo_open+0x1f0>                                
  _Condition_Broadcast( condition_variable );                                             
    40025100:   91014260    add x0, x19, #0x50                                            
    40025104:   940001e3    bl  40025890 <_Condition_Broadcast>                           
    40025108:   17ffffc4    b   40025018 <fifo_open+0x148>                                
  _Mutex_Release( mutex );                                                                
    4002510c:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    40025110:   940003b4    bl  40025fe0 <_Mutex_Release>                                 
  pipe_release(pipep, iop);                                                               
    40025114:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40025118:   aa1603e1    mov x1, x22                                                   
    4002511c:   97ffff25    bl  40024db0 <pipe_release>                                   
  return err;                                                                             
    40025120:   128000a0    mov w0, #0xfffffffa             // #-6                        
    40025124:   17ffff89    b   40024f48 <fifo_open+0x78>                                 
    40025128:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002512c:   94001071    bl  400292f0 <free>                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025130:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    40025134:   940003ab    bl  40025fe0 <_Mutex_Release>                                 
    return -ENOMEM;                                                                       
    40025138:   12800160    mov w0, #0xfffffff4             // #-12                       
    4002513c:   17ffff83    b   40024f48 <fifo_open+0x78>                                 

0000000040024f40 <pipe>: static uint16_t rtems_pipe_no = 0; int pipe( int filsdes[2] ) {
    40024f40:   a9bd7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
    40024f44:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40024f48:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
  rtems_libio_t *iop;                                                                     
  int err = 0;                                                                            
  if (filsdes == NULL)                                                                    
    40024f4c:   b4000a00    cbz x0, 4002508c <pipe+0x14c>                                 
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EFAULT );                                       
  if (rtems_mkdir("/tmp", S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO) != 0)                              
    40024f50:   aa0003f4    mov x20, x0                                                   
    40024f54:   52803fe1    mov w1, #0x1ff                  // #511                       
    40024f58:   900000a0    adrp    x0, 40038000 <IMFS_memfile_handlers+0x8>              
    40024f5c:   9105c000    add x0, x0, #0x170                                            
    40024f60:   94001134    bl  40029430 <rtems_mkdir>                                    
    40024f64:   35000900    cbnz    w0, 40025084 <pipe+0x144>                             
    return -1;                                                                            
  /* /tmp/.fifoXXXX */                                                                    
  char fifopath[15];                                                                      
  memcpy(fifopath, "/tmp/.fifo", 10);                                                     
  sprintf(fifopath + 10, "%04x", rtems_pipe_no ++);                                       
    40024f68:   f00006e0    adrp    x0, 40103000 <rtems_libio_iops+0x20>                  
    40024f6c:   79430802    ldrh    w2, [x0, #388]                                        
  memcpy(fifopath, "/tmp/.fifo", 10);                                                     
    40024f70:   d28e85e4    mov x4, #0x742f                 // #29743                     
    40024f74:   f2ae0da4    movk    x4, #0x706d, lsl #16                                  
    40024f78:   528decc3    mov w3, #0x6f66                 // #28518                     
    40024f7c:   f2c5c5e4    movk    x4, #0x2e2f, lsl #32                                  
    40024f80:   f2ed2cc4    movk    x4, #0x6966, lsl #48                                  
  sprintf(fifopath + 10, "%04x", rtems_pipe_no ++);                                       
    40024f84:   11000441    add w1, w2, #0x1                                              
    40024f88:   79030801    strh    w1, [x0, #388]                                        
    40024f8c:   9100abe0    add x0, sp, #0x2a                                             
    40024f90:   900000a1    adrp    x1, 40038000 <IMFS_memfile_handlers+0x8>              
    40024f94:   9105e021    add x1, x1, #0x178                                            
  memcpy(fifopath, "/tmp/.fifo", 10);                                                     
    40024f98:   f90013e4    str x4, [sp, #32]                                             
    40024f9c:   790053e3    strh    w3, [sp, #40]                                         
  sprintf(fifopath + 10, "%04x", rtems_pipe_no ++);                                       
    40024fa0:   94002ba2    bl  4002fe28 <sprintf>                                        
  /* Try creating FIFO file until find an available file name */                          
  while (mkfifo(fifopath, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR) != 0) {                                        
    40024fa4:   910083e0    add x0, sp, #0x20                                             
    40024fa8:   52803001    mov w1, #0x180                  // #384                       
    40024fac:   94001119    bl  40029410 <mkfifo>                                         
    40024fb0:   2a0003f3    mov w19, w0                                                   
    40024fb4:   35000380    cbnz    w0, 40025024 <pipe+0xe4>                              <== NEVER TAKEN
    return -1;                                                                            
    /* sprintf(fifopath + 10, "%04x", rtems_pipe_no ++); */                               
  /* Non-blocking open to avoid waiting for writers */                                    
  filsdes[0] = open(fifopath, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);                                     
    40024fb8:   910083e0    add x0, sp, #0x20                                             
    40024fbc:   52880001    mov w1, #0x4000                 // #16384                     
    40024fc0:   97fff1c4    bl  400216d0 <open>                                           
    40024fc4:   b9000280    str w0, [x20]                                                 
  if (filsdes[0] < 0) {                                                                   
    40024fc8:   37f803a0    tbnz    w0, #31, 4002503c <pipe+0xfc>                         
  return &rtems_libio_iops[ fd ];                                                         
    40024fcc:   52800a02    mov w2, #0x50                   // #80                        
    40024fd0:   d00006e1    adrp    x1, 40102000 <_Configuration_Scheduler_priority_dflt+0x15d0>
    40024fd4:   913f8021    add x1, x1, #0xfe0                                            
    40024fd8:   9b227c00    smull   x0, w0, w2                                            
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40024fdc:   d53b4222    mrs x2, daif                                                  
    40024fe0:   d50342df    msr daifset, #0x2                                             
  *obj = val & arg;                                                                       
    40024fe4:   b8616803    ldr w3, [x0, x1]                                              
    40024fe8:   121f7863    and w3, w3, #0xfffffffe                                       
    40024fec:   b8216803    str w3, [x0, x1]                                              
  __asm__ volatile (                                                                      
    40024ff0:   92407c40    and x0, x2, #0xffffffff                                       
    40024ff4:   d51b4220    msr daif, x0                                                  
  else {                                                                                  
  /* Reset open file to blocking mode */                                                  
    iop = rtems_libio_iop(filsdes[0]);                                                    
    rtems_libio_iop_flags_clear( iop, LIBIO_FLAGS_NO_DELAY );                             
    filsdes[1] = open(fifopath, O_WRONLY);                                                
    40024ff8:   52800021    mov w1, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40024ffc:   910083e0    add x0, sp, #0x20                                             
    40025000:   97fff1b4    bl  400216d0 <open>                                           
    40025004:   b9000680    str w0, [x20, #4]                                             
    if (filsdes[1] < 0) {                                                                 
    40025008:   37f802e0    tbnz    w0, #31, 40025064 <pipe+0x124>                        
    err = errno;                                                                          
    4002500c:   910083e0    add x0, sp, #0x20                                             
    40025010:   97fff5ec    bl  400227c0 <unlink>                                         
  if(err != 0)                                                                            
  return 0;                                                                               
    40025014:   2a1303e0    mov w0, w19                                                   
    40025018:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002501c:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
    40025020:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    if (errno != EEXIST){                                                                 
    40025024:   94002a1e    bl  4002f89c <__errno>                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    return -1;                                                                            
    40025028:   12800013    mov w19, #0xffffffff                // #-1                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002502c:   2a1303e0    mov w0, w19                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025030:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025034:   a8c37bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025038:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    err = errno;                                                                          
    4002503c:   94002a18    bl  4002f89c <__errno>                                        
    40025040:   aa0003e1    mov x1, x0                                                    
    40025044:   910083e0    add x0, sp, #0x20                                             
    err = errno;                                                                          
    40025048:   b9400033    ldr w19, [x1]                                                 
    4002504c:   97fff5dd    bl  400227c0 <unlink>                                         
  if(err != 0)                                                                            
    40025050:   34fffe33    cbz w19, 40025014 <pipe+0xd4>                                 <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025054:   94002a12    bl  4002f89c <__errno>                                        
    40025058:   b9000013    str w19, [x0]                                                 
    4002505c:   12800013    mov w19, #0xffffffff                // #-1                    
    40025060:   17ffffed    b   40025014 <pipe+0xd4>                                      
    err = errno;                                                                          
    40025064:   94002a0e    bl  4002f89c <__errno>                                        
    40025068:   b9400013    ldr w19, [x0]                                                 
    4002506c:   b9400280    ldr w0, [x20]                                                 
    40025070:   97ffef28    bl  40020d10 <close>                                          
    40025074:   910083e0    add x0, sp, #0x20                                             
    40025078:   97fff5d2    bl  400227c0 <unlink>                                         
  if(err != 0)                                                                            
    4002507c:   34fffcd3    cbz w19, 40025014 <pipe+0xd4>                                 <== NEVER TAKEN
    40025080:   17fffff5    b   40025054 <pipe+0x114>                                     
    return -1;                                                                            
    40025084:   12800013    mov w19, #0xffffffff                // #-1                    
    40025088:   17ffffe3    b   40025014 <pipe+0xd4>                                      
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EFAULT );                                       
    4002508c:   94002a04    bl  4002f89c <__errno>                                        
    40025090:   12800013    mov w19, #0xffffffff                // #-1                    
    40025094:   528001c1    mov w1, #0xe                    // #14                        
    40025098:   b9000001    str w1, [x0]                                                  
    4002509c:   17ffffde    b   40025014 <pipe+0xd4>                                      

0000000040025140 <pipe_read>: pipe_control_t *pipe, void *buffer, size_t count, rtems_libio_t *iop ) {
    40025140:   a9bc7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-64]!                                     
    40025144:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40025148:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002514c:   aa0003f3    mov x19, x0                                                   
    40025150:   aa0303f4    mov x20, x3                                                   
    40025154:   a90363f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
  int chunk, chunk1, read = 0, ret = 0;                                                   
    40025158:   9100c018    add x24, x0, #0x30                                            
  _Mutex_Acquire( mutex );                                                                
    4002515c:   aa1803e0    mov x0, x24                                                   
    40025160:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40025164:   aa0103f5    mov x21, x1                                                   
    40025168:   aa0203f6    mov x22, x2                                                   
    4002516c:   94000381    bl  40025f70 <_Mutex_Acquire>                                 
  while (PIPE_EMPTY(pipe)) {                                                              
    40025170:   b9401265    ldr w5, [x19, #16]                                            
    40025174:   35000365    cbnz    w5, 400251e0 <pipe_read+0xa0>                         
      goto out_locked;                                                                    
    /* Wait until pipe is no more empty or no writer exists */                            
    pipe->waitingReaders ++;                                                              
    40025178:   91014277    add x23, x19, #0x50                                           
    4002517c:   1400000e    b   400251b4 <pipe_read+0x74>                                 
    40025180:   b9400282    ldr w2, [x20]                                                 
  _Condition_Wait( condition_variable, mutex );                                           
    40025184:   aa1803e1    mov x1, x24                                                   
    40025188:   aa1703e0    mov x0, x23                                                   
    if (LIBIO_NODELAY(iop)) {                                                             
    4002518c:   370006c2    tbnz    w2, #0, 40025264 <pipe_read+0x124>                    
    pipe->waitingReaders ++;                                                              
    40025190:   b9401e64    ldr w4, [x19, #28]                                            
    40025194:   11000484    add w4, w4, #0x1                                              
    40025198:   b9001e64    str w4, [x19, #28]                                            
    4002519c:   940001a1    bl  40025820 <_Condition_Wait>                                
    pipe->waitingReaders --;                                                              
    400251a0:   b9401e64    ldr w4, [x19, #28]                                            
  while (PIPE_EMPTY(pipe)) {                                                              
    400251a4:   b9401265    ldr w5, [x19, #16]                                            
    pipe->waitingReaders --;                                                              
    400251a8:   51000484    sub w4, w4, #0x1                                              
    400251ac:   b9001e64    str w4, [x19, #28]                                            
  while (PIPE_EMPTY(pipe)) {                                                              
    400251b0:   35000185    cbnz    w5, 400251e0 <pipe_read+0xa0>                         <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    if (pipe->Writers == 0)                                                               
    400251b4:   b9401a60    ldr w0, [x19, #24]                                            
    400251b8:   35fffe40    cbnz    w0, 40025180 <pipe_read+0x40>                         
    400251bc:   d2800014    mov x20, #0x0                       // #0                     
  _Mutex_Release( mutex );                                                                
    400251c0:   aa1803e0    mov x0, x24                                                   
    400251c4:   94000387    bl  40025fe0 <_Mutex_Release>                                 
  if (read > 0)                                                                           
    return read;                                                                          
  return ret;                                                                             
    400251c8:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    400251cc:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400251d0:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400251d4:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    400251d8:   a8c47bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #64                                       
    400251dc:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
  chunk1 = pipe->Size - pipe->Start;                                                      
    400251e0:   29410660    ldp w0, w1, [x19, #8]                                         
  chunk = MIN(count - read,  pipe->Length);                                               
    400251e4:   2a0503e5    mov w5, w5                                                    
    memcpy(buffer + read, pipe->Buffer + pipe->Start, chunk1);                            
    400251e8:   f9400262    ldr x2, [x19]                                                 
  chunk = MIN(count - read,  pipe->Length);                                               
    400251ec:   eb1600bf    cmp x5, x22                                                   
    400251f0:   9a9690b4    csel    x20, x5, x22, ls  // ls = plast                       
  chunk1 = pipe->Size - pipe->Start;                                                      
    400251f4:   4b010016    sub w22, w0, w1                                               
  if (chunk > chunk1) {                                                                   
    400251f8:   6b16029f    cmp w20, w22                                                  
    memcpy(buffer + read, pipe->Buffer + pipe->Start, chunk1);                            
    400251fc:   8b214041    add x1, x2, w1, uxtw                                          
  if (chunk > chunk1) {                                                                   
    40025200:   5400036c    b.gt    4002526c <pipe_read+0x12c>                            
    memcpy(buffer + read, pipe->Buffer + pipe->Start, chunk);                             
    40025204:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    40025208:   93407e82    sxtw    x2, w20                                               
    4002520c:   94002c1a    bl  40030274 <memcpy>                                         
  pipe->Start += chunk;                                                                   
    40025210:   29410263    ldp w3, w0, [x19, #8]                                         
  pipe->Length -= chunk;                                                                  
    40025214:   b9401262    ldr w2, [x19, #16]                                            
  pipe->Start += chunk;                                                                   
    40025218:   0b140001    add w1, w0, w20                                               
  if (pipe->waitingWriters > 0)                                                           
    4002521c:   b9402264    ldr w4, [x19, #32]                                            
  pipe->Length -= chunk;                                                                  
    40025220:   6b140042    subs    w2, w2, w20                                           
  pipe->Start %= pipe->Size;                                                              
    40025224:   1ac30820    udiv    w0, w1, w3                                            
    40025228:   1b038400    msub    w0, w0, w3, w1                                        
    pipe->Start = 0;                                                                      
    4002522c:   1a9f1000    csel    w0, w0, wzr, ne  // ne = any                          
  pipe->Length -= chunk;                                                                  
    40025230:   29018a60    stp w0, w2, [x19, #12]                                        
  if (pipe->waitingWriters > 0)                                                           
    40025234:   35000304    cbnz    w4, 40025294 <pipe_read+0x154>                        
    40025238:   aa1803e0    mov x0, x24                                                   
    4002523c:   94000369    bl  40025fe0 <_Mutex_Release>                                 
  if (read > 0)                                                                           
    40025240:   7100029f    cmp w20, #0x0                                                 
    40025244:   540002ed    b.le    400252a0 <pipe_read+0x160>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
    return read;                                                                          
    40025248:   93407e94    sxtw    x20, w20                                              
    4002524c:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40025250:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40025254:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40025258:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    4002525c:   a8c47bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #64                                       
    40025260:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    40025264:   92800154    mov x20, #0xfffffffffffffff5        // #-11                   
    40025268:   17ffffd6    b   400251c0 <pipe_read+0x80>                                 
    memcpy(buffer + read, pipe->Buffer + pipe->Start, chunk1);                            
    4002526c:   93407ed7    sxtw    x23, w22                                              
    40025270:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    40025274:   aa1703e2    mov x2, x23                                                   
    40025278:   94002bff    bl  40030274 <memcpy>                                         
    memcpy(buffer + read + chunk1, pipe->Buffer, chunk - chunk1);                         
    4002527c:   f9400261    ldr x1, [x19]                                                 
    40025280:   4b160296    sub w22, w20, w22                                             
    40025284:   8b1702a0    add x0, x21, x23                                              
    40025288:   93407ec2    sxtw    x2, w22                                               
    4002528c:   94002bfa    bl  40030274 <memcpy>                                         
    40025290:   17ffffe0    b   40025210 <pipe_read+0xd0>                                 
  _Condition_Broadcast( condition_variable );                                             
    40025294:   9101c260    add x0, x19, #0x70                                            
    40025298:   9400017e    bl  40025890 <_Condition_Broadcast>                           
    4002529c:   17ffffe7    b   40025238 <pipe_read+0xf8>                                 
    400252a0:   d2800014    mov x20, #0x0                       // #0                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  return ret;                                                                             
    400252a4:   17ffffc9    b   400251c8 <pipe_read+0x88>                                 <== NOT EXECUTED

0000000040024db0 <pipe_release>: void pipe_release( pipe_control_t **pipep, rtems_libio_t *iop ) {
    40024db0:   a9bc7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-64]!                                     
    40024db4:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40024db8:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40024dbc:   aa0003f5    mov x21, x0                                                   
    40024dc0:   aa0103f6    mov x22, x1                                                   
    40024dc4:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
  mutex->_Queue._name = name;                                                             
static __inline void rtems_mutex_lock( rtems_mutex *mutex )                               
  _Mutex_Acquire( mutex );                                                                
    40024dc8:   900006f4    adrp    x20, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>              
    40024dcc:   910a4294    add x20, x20, #0x290                                          
  pipe_control_t *pipe = *pipep;                                                          
    40024dd0:   f94002b3    ldr x19, [x21]                                                
    40024dd4:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40024dd8:   f9001bf7    str x23, [sp, #48]                                            
    40024ddc:   94000465    bl  40025f70 <_Mutex_Acquire>                                 
  uint32_t mode;                                                                          
    40024de0:   9100c277    add x23, x19, #0x30                                           
    40024de4:   aa1703e0    mov x0, x23                                                   
    40024de8:   94000462    bl  40025f70 <_Mutex_Acquire>                                 
    40024dec:   b94002c1    ldr w1, [x22]                                                 
  mode = LIBIO_ACCMODE(iop);                                                              
    40024df0:   121f0436    and w22, w1, #0x6                                             
  if (mode & LIBIO_FLAGS_READ)                                                            
    40024df4:   36080081    tbz w1, #1, 40024e04 <pipe_release+0x54>                      
     pipe->Readers --;                                                                    
    40024df8:   b9401660    ldr w0, [x19, #20]                                            
    40024dfc:   51000400    sub w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    40024e00:   b9001660    str w0, [x19, #20]                                            
  if (mode & LIBIO_FLAGS_WRITE)                                                           
    40024e04:   36100081    tbz w1, #2, 40024e14 <pipe_release+0x64>                      
     pipe->Writers --;                                                                    
    40024e08:   b9401a60    ldr w0, [x19, #24]                                            
    40024e0c:   51000400    sub w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    40024e10:   b9001a60    str w0, [x19, #24]                                            
static __inline void rtems_mutex_unlock( rtems_mutex *mutex )                             
  _Mutex_Release( mutex );                                                                
    40024e14:   aa1703e0    mov x0, x23                                                   
    40024e18:   94000472    bl  40025fe0 <_Mutex_Release>                                 
  if (pipe->Readers == 0 && pipe->Writers == 0) {                                         
    40024e1c:   b9401660    ldr w0, [x19, #20]                                            
    40024e20:   34000160    cbz w0, 40024e4c <pipe_release+0x9c>                          
    *pipep = NULL;                                                                        
  else if (pipe->Readers == 0 && mode != LIBIO_FLAGS_WRITE)                               
    /* Notify waiting Writers that all their partners left */                             
  else if (pipe->Writers == 0 && mode != LIBIO_FLAGS_READ)                                
    40024e24:   b9401a60    ldr w0, [x19, #24]                                            
    40024e28:   7100001f    cmp w0, #0x0                                                  
    40024e2c:   7a420ac4    ccmp    w22, #0x2, #0x4, eq  // eq = none                     
    40024e30:   54000261    b.ne    40024e7c <pipe_release+0xcc>  // b.any                <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    40024e34:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  rtems_libio_iop_flags_clear( iop, LIBIO_FLAGS_OPEN );                                   
    40024e38:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40024e3c:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40024e40:   f9401bf7    ldr x23, [sp, #48]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    40024e44:   a8c47bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #64                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    40024e48:   14000466    b   40025fe0 <_Mutex_Release>                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  if (pipe->Readers == 0 && pipe->Writers == 0) {                                         
    40024e4c:   b9401a60    ldr w0, [x19, #24]                                            
    40024e50:   34000260    cbz w0, 40024e9c <pipe_release+0xec>                          
  else if (pipe->Readers == 0 && mode != LIBIO_FLAGS_WRITE)                               
    40024e54:   710012df    cmp w22, #0x4                                                 
    40024e58:   54fffee0    b.eq    40024e34 <pipe_release+0x84>  // b.none               <== NEVER TAKEN
static __inline void rtems_condition_variable_broadcast(                                  
  rtems_condition_variable *condition_variable                                            
  _Condition_Broadcast( condition_variable );                                             
    40024e5c:   9101c260    add x0, x19, #0x70                                            
    40024e60:   9400028c    bl  40025890 <_Condition_Broadcast>                           
  _Mutex_Release( mutex );                                                                
    40024e64:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40024e68:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40024e6c:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40024e70:   f9401bf7    ldr x23, [sp, #48]                                            
    40024e74:   a8c47bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #64                                       
    40024e78:   1400045a    b   40025fe0 <_Mutex_Release>                                 
  _Condition_Broadcast( condition_variable );                                             
    40024e7c:   91014260    add x0, x19, #0x50                                            
    40024e80:   94000284    bl  40025890 <_Condition_Broadcast>                           
  _Mutex_Release( mutex );                                                                
    40024e84:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40024e88:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40024e8c:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40024e90:   f9401bf7    ldr x23, [sp, #48]                                            
    40024e94:   a8c47bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #64                                       
    40024e98:   14000452    b   40025fe0 <_Mutex_Release>                                 
    40024e9c:   f9400260    ldr x0, [x19]                                                 
    40024ea0:   94001114    bl  400292f0 <free>                                           
    40024ea4:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    40024ea8:   94001112    bl  400292f0 <free>                                           
    *pipep = NULL;                                                                        
    40024eac:   f90002bf    str xzr, [x21]                                                
    40024eb0:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40024eb4:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40024eb8:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40024ebc:   f9401bf7    ldr x23, [sp, #48]                                            
    40024ec0:   a8c47bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #64                                       
    40024ec4:   14000447    b   40025fe0 <_Mutex_Release>                                 

00000000400252b0 <pipe_write>: ) { int chunk, chunk1, written = 0, ret = 0; /* Write nothing */ if (count == 0)
    400252b0:   b5000062    cbnz    x2, 400252bc <pipe_write+0xc>                         <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    return 0;                                                                             
    400252b4:   d2800000    mov x0, #0x0                    // #0                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  if (written > 0)                                                                        
    return written;                                                                       
  return ret;                                                                             
    400252b8:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    400252bc:   a9b97bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-112]!                                    
    400252c0:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    400252c4:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400252c8:   aa0003f3    mov x19, x0                                                   
    400252cc:   aa0303f4    mov x20, x3                                                   
    400252d0:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400252d4:   9100c015    add x21, x0, #0x30                                            
  _Mutex_Acquire( mutex );                                                                
    400252d8:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    400252dc:   aa0203f6    mov x22, x2                                                   
    400252e0:   a9046bf9    stp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    400252e4:   aa0103f9    mov x25, x1                                                   
    400252e8:   94000322    bl  40025f70 <_Mutex_Acquire>                                 
  if (pipe->Readers == 0) {                                                               
    400252ec:   b9401660    ldr w0, [x19, #20]                                            
    400252f0:   34000820    cbz w0, 400253f4 <pipe_write+0x144>                           
  chunk = count <= pipe->Size ? count : 1;                                                
    400252f4:   b9400a62    ldr w2, [x19, #8]                                             
    400252f8:   91014260    add x0, x19, #0x50                                            
  chunk = count <= pipe->Size ? count : 1;                                                
    400252fc:   5280001a    mov w26, #0x0                       // #0                     
    40025300:   a90363f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    40025304:   9101c278    add x24, x19, #0x70                                           
  chunk = count <= pipe->Size ? count : 1;                                                
    40025308:   eb2242df    cmp x22, w2, uxtw                                             
    4002530c:   a90573fb    stp x27, x28, [sp, #80]                                       
    40025310:   9a9f96d7    csinc   x23, x22, xzr, ls  // ls = plast                      
  while (written < count) {                                                               
    40025314:   d280001b    mov x27, #0x0                       // #0                     
    40025318:   f90033e0    str x0, [sp, #96]                                             
    4002531c:   1400000f    b   40025358 <pipe_write+0xa8>                                
    40025320:   b9400280    ldr w0, [x20]                                                 
      if (LIBIO_NODELAY(iop)) {                                                           
    40025324:   370007e0    tbnz    w0, #0, 40025420 <pipe_write+0x170>                   
      pipe->waitingWriters ++;                                                            
    40025328:   b9402262    ldr w2, [x19, #32]                                            
  _Condition_Wait( condition_variable, mutex );                                           
    4002532c:   aa1503e1    mov x1, x21                                                   
    40025330:   aa1803e0    mov x0, x24                                                   
    40025334:   11000442    add w2, w2, #0x1                                              
    40025338:   b9002262    str w2, [x19, #32]                                            
    4002533c:   94000139    bl  40025820 <_Condition_Wait>                                
      pipe->waitingWriters --;                                                            
    40025340:   b9402260    ldr w0, [x19, #32]                                            
      if (pipe->Readers == 0) {                                                           
    40025344:   b9401661    ldr w1, [x19, #20]                                            
      pipe->waitingWriters --;                                                            
    40025348:   51000400    sub w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    4002534c:   b9002260    str w0, [x19, #32]                                            
      if (pipe->Readers == 0) {                                                           
    40025350:   34000821    cbz w1, 40025454 <pipe_write+0x1a4>                           <== NEVER TAKEN
    while (PIPE_SPACE(pipe) < chunk) {                                                    
    40025354:   b9400a62    ldr w2, [x19, #8]                                             
    40025358:   b9401261    ldr w1, [x19, #16]                                            
    4002535c:   4b010040    sub w0, w2, w1                                                
    40025360:   6b17001f    cmp w0, w23                                                   
    40025364:   54fffde3    b.cc    40025320 <pipe_write+0x70>  // b.lo, b.ul, b.last     
    chunk1 = pipe->Size - PIPE_WSTART(pipe);                                              
    40025368:   b9400e63    ldr w3, [x19, #12]                                            
    chunk = MIN(count - written, PIPE_SPACE(pipe));                                       
    4002536c:   cb1b02c4    sub x4, x22, x27                                              
      memcpy(pipe->Buffer + PIPE_WSTART(pipe), buffer + written, chunk1);                 
    40025370:   f9400266    ldr x6, [x19]                                                 
    chunk1 = pipe->Size - PIPE_WSTART(pipe);                                              
    40025374:   0b030023    add w3, w1, w3                                                
    chunk = MIN(count - written, PIPE_SPACE(pipe));                                       
    40025378:   eb00009f    cmp x4, x0                                                    
      memcpy(pipe->Buffer + PIPE_WSTART(pipe), buffer + written, chunk1);                 
    4002537c:   8b1b0321    add x1, x25, x27                                              
    chunk = MIN(count - written, PIPE_SPACE(pipe));                                       
    40025380:   9a80909c    csel    x28, x4, x0, ls  // ls = plast                        
    chunk1 = pipe->Size - PIPE_WSTART(pipe);                                              
    40025384:   1ac20865    udiv    w5, w3, w2                                            
    40025388:   1b028ca3    msub    w3, w5, w2, w3                                        
    4002538c:   4b030057    sub w23, w2, w3                                               
    if (chunk > chunk1) {                                                                 
    40025390:   6b17039f    cmp w28, w23                                                  
      memcpy(pipe->Buffer + PIPE_WSTART(pipe), buffer + written, chunk1);                 
    40025394:   8b2340c0    add x0, x6, w3, uxtw                                          
    if (chunk > chunk1) {                                                                 
    40025398:   540006cd    b.le    40025470 <pipe_write+0x1c0>                           
      memcpy(pipe->Buffer + PIPE_WSTART(pipe), buffer + written, chunk1);                 
    4002539c:   93407ee2    sxtw    x2, w23                                               
    400253a0:   f90037e2    str x2, [sp, #104]                                            
    400253a4:   94002bb4    bl  40030274 <memcpy>                                         
      memcpy(pipe->Buffer, buffer + written + chunk1, chunk - chunk1);                    
    400253a8:   4b170397    sub w23, w28, w23                                             
    400253ac:   f9400260    ldr x0, [x19]                                                 
    400253b0:   f94037e2    ldr x2, [sp, #104]                                            
    400253b4:   8b020361    add x1, x27, x2                                               
    400253b8:   93407ee2    sxtw    x2, w23                                               
    400253bc:   8b010321    add x1, x25, x1                                               
    400253c0:   94002bad    bl  40030274 <memcpy>                                         
    pipe->Length += chunk;                                                                
    400253c4:   b9401260    ldr w0, [x19, #16]                                            
    if (pipe->waitingReaders > 0)                                                         
    400253c8:   b9401e61    ldr w1, [x19, #28]                                            
    pipe->Length += chunk;                                                                
    400253cc:   0b1c0000    add w0, w0, w28                                               
    400253d0:   b9001260    str w0, [x19, #16]                                            
    if (pipe->waitingReaders > 0)                                                         
    400253d4:   35000541    cbnz    w1, 4002547c <pipe_write+0x1cc>                       
    written += chunk;                                                                     
    400253d8:   0b1c035a    add w26, w26, w28                                             
  while (written < count) {                                                               
    400253dc:   93407f5b    sxtw    x27, w26                                              
    400253e0:   eb16037f    cmp x27, x22                                                  
    400253e4:   54000522    b.cs    40025488 <pipe_write+0x1d8>  // b.hs, b.nlast         <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    while (PIPE_SPACE(pipe) < chunk) {                                                    
    400253e8:   b9400a62    ldr w2, [x19, #8]                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
    chunk = 1;                                                                            
    400253ec:   52800037    mov w23, #0x1                       // #1                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    400253f0:   17ffffda    b   40025358 <pipe_write+0xa8>                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  _Mutex_Release( mutex );                                                                
    400253f4:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    400253f8:   940002fa    bl  40025fe0 <_Mutex_Release>                                 
    kill(getpid(), SIGPIPE);                                                              
    400253fc:   94001065    bl  40029590 <getpid>                                         
    40025400:   528001a1    mov w1, #0xd                    // #13                        
    40025404:   94000d87    bl  40028a20 <kill>                                           
    40025408:   928003e0    mov x0, #0xffffffffffffffe0     // #-32                       
    4002540c:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40025410:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40025414:   a9446bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    40025418:   a8c77bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #112                                      
    4002541c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    40025420:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    40025424:   940002ef    bl  40025fe0 <_Mutex_Release>                                 
        ret = -EAGAIN;                                                                    
    40025428:   92800140    mov x0, #0xfffffffffffffff5     // #-11                       
    return written;                                                                       
    4002542c:   7100035f    cmp w26, #0x0                                                 
    40025430:   93407f5a    sxtw    x26, w26                                              
    40025434:   9a9ad000    csel    x0, x0, x26, le                                       
    40025438:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    4002543c:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40025440:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    40025444:   a9446bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    40025448:   a94573fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #80]                                       
    4002544c:   a8c77bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #112                                      
    40025450:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    40025454:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025458:   940002e2    bl  40025fe0 <_Mutex_Release>                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    kill(getpid(), SIGPIPE);                                                              
    4002545c:   9400104d    bl  40029590 <getpid>                                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025460:   528001a1    mov w1, #0xd                    // #13                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025464:   94000d6f    bl  40028a20 <kill>                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    40025468:   928003e0    mov x0, #0xffffffffffffffe0     // #-32                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002546c:   17fffff0    b   4002542c <pipe_write+0x17c>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
      memcpy(pipe->Buffer + PIPE_WSTART(pipe), buffer + written, chunk);                  
    40025470:   93407f82    sxtw    x2, w28                                               
    40025474:   94002b80    bl  40030274 <memcpy>                                         
    40025478:   17ffffd3    b   400253c4 <pipe_write+0x114>                               
  _Condition_Broadcast( condition_variable );                                             
    4002547c:   f94033e0    ldr x0, [sp, #96]                                             
    40025480:   94000104    bl  40025890 <_Condition_Broadcast>                           
    40025484:   17ffffd5    b   400253d8 <pipe_write+0x128>                               
  _Mutex_Release( mutex );                                                                
    40025488:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    4002548c:   940002d5    bl  40025fe0 <_Mutex_Release>                                 
    40025490:   d2800000    mov x0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40025494:   17ffffe6    b   4002542c <pipe_write+0x17c>                               