Annotated Report
Mon Mar 1 00:31:05 2021

0000000040022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>:                                                 
b64_from_24bit(uint8_t B2, uint8_t B1, uint8_t B0, int n, int *buflen, char **cp)         
    40022050:   12001c42    and w2, w2, #0xff                                             
    uint32_t w;                                                                           
    int i;                                                                                
#if defined(__rtems__)                                                                    
    w = ((uint32_t)B2 << 16) | ((uint32_t)B1 << 8) | B0;                                  
    40022054:   53181c21    ubfiz   w1, w1, #8, #8                                        
    40022058:   2a020022    orr w2, w1, w2                                                
    4002205c:   53101c00    ubfiz   w0, w0, #16, #8                                       
    w = (B2 << 16) | (B1 << 8) | B0;                                                      
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {                                                             
    40022060:   7100007f    cmp w3, #0x0                                                  
    w = ((uint32_t)B2 << 16) | ((uint32_t)B1 << 8) | B0;                                  
    40022064:   2a000042    orr w2, w2, w0                                                
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {                                                             
    40022068:   5400028d    b.le    400220b8 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit+0x68>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
    4002206c:   b00000c8    adrp    x8, 4003b000 <bsp_section_rodata_begin+0x48>          
    40022070:   913b6108    add x8, x8, #0xed8                                            
    40022074:   52800006    mov w6, #0x0                    // #0                         
        **cp = itoa64[w&0x3f];                                                            
    40022078:   f94000a0    ldr x0, [x5]                                                  
    4002207c:   14000003    b   40022088 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit+0x38>                     
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {                                                             
    40022080:   6b06007f    cmp w3, w6                                                    
    40022084:   540001a0    b.eq    400220b8 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit+0x68>  // b.none      
        **cp = itoa64[w&0x3f];                                                            
    40022088:   12001441    and w1, w2, #0x3f                                             
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {                                                             
    4002208c:   110004c6    add w6, w6, #0x1                                              
        **cp = itoa64[w&0x3f];                                                            
    40022090:   53067c42    lsr w2, w2, #6                                                
    40022094:   38614901    ldrb    w1, [x8, w1, uxtw]                                    
    40022098:   39000001    strb    w1, [x0]                                              
    4002209c:   f94000a0    ldr x0, [x5]                                                  
        if ((*buflen)-- < 0)                                                              
    400220a0:   b9400081    ldr w1, [x4]                                                  
    400220a4:   91000400    add x0, x0, #0x1                                              
    400220a8:   f90000a0    str x0, [x5]                                                  
        if ((*buflen)-- < 0)                                                              
    400220ac:   51000427    sub w7, w1, #0x1                                              
    400220b0:   b9000087    str w7, [x4]                                                  
    400220b4:   36fffe61    tbz w1, #31, 40022080 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit+0x30>            <== ALWAYS TAKEN
        w >>= 6;                                                                          
    400220b8:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    400220bc:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

0000000040022010 <_crypt_to64>: "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; void _crypt_to64(char *s, u_long v, int n) { while (--n >= 0) {
    40022010:   7100005f    cmp w2, #0x0                                                  
    40022014:   540001ad    b.le    40022048 <_crypt_to64+0x38>                           <== NEVER TAKEN
    40022018:   51000442    sub w2, w2, #0x1                                              
    4002201c:   b00000c4    adrp    x4, 4003b000 <bsp_section_rodata_begin+0x48>          
    40022020:   913b6084    add x4, x4, #0xed8                                            
    40022024:   91000442    add x2, x2, #0x1                                              
    40022028:   8b020002    add x2, x0, x2                                                
    4002202c:   d503201f    nop                                                           
        *s++ = itoa64[v&0x3f];                                                            
    40022030:   92401423    and x3, x1, #0x3f                                             
        v >>= 6;                                                                          
    40022034:   d346fc21    lsr x1, x1, #6                                                
        *s++ = itoa64[v&0x3f];                                                            
    40022038:   38636883    ldrb    w3, [x4, x3]                                          
    4002203c:   38001403    strb    w3, [x0], #1                                          
    while (--n >= 0) {                                                                    
    40022040:   eb02001f    cmp x0, x2                                                    
    40022044:   54ffff61    b.ne    40022030 <_crypt_to64+0x20>  // b.any                 
    40022048:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
    4002204c:   00000000    udf #0                                                        

0000000040020cf0 <crypt_add_format>: &cf_default }; void crypt_add_format(struct crypt_format *cf) { if (cf->link.sle_next == NULL)
    40020cf0:   f9400001    ldr x1, [x0]                                                  
    40020cf4:   b4000041    cbz x1, 40020cfc <crypt_add_format+0xc>                       <== ALWAYS TAKEN
        SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&cf_head, cf, link);                                            
    40020cf8:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
        SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&cf_head, cf, link);                                            
    40020cfc:   90000701    adrp    x1, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>               
    40020d00:   f9408022    ldr x2, [x1, #256]                                            
    40020d04:   f9008020    str x0, [x1, #256]                                            
    40020d08:   f9000002    str x2, [x0]                                                  
    40020d0c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           

0000000040020d90 <crypt_md5_r>: * UNIX password */ char * crypt_md5_r(const char *pw, const char *salt, struct crypt_data *data) {
    40020d90:   a9ac7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-320]!                                    
    40020d94:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40020d98:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40020d9c:   aa0003f4    mov x20, x0                                                   
    40020da0:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40020da4:   a90363f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    40020da8:   a9046bf9    stp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    40020dac:   aa0103fa    mov x26, x1                                                   
    40020db0:   a90573fb    stp x27, x28, [sp, #80]                                       
    40020db4:   aa0203fc    mov x28, x2                                                   
    /* Refine the Salt first */                                                           
    sp = salt;                                                                            
    /* If it starts with the magic string, then skip that */                              
    if(!strncmp(sp, magic, strlen(magic)))                                                
    40020db8:   39400020    ldrb    w0, [x1]                                              
    40020dbc:   7100901f    cmp w0, #0x24                                                 
    40020dc0:   54000081    b.ne    40020dd0 <crypt_md5_r+0x40>  // b.any                 <== NEVER TAKEN
    40020dc4:   39400420    ldrb    w0, [x1, #1]                                          
    40020dc8:   7100c41f    cmp w0, #0x31                                                 
    40020dcc:   54001dc0    b.eq    40021184 <crypt_md5_r+0x3f4>  // b.none               <== ALWAYS TAKEN
        sp += strlen(magic);                                                              
    /* It stops at the first '$', max 8 chars */                                          
    for(ep = sp; *ep && *ep != '$' && ep < (sp + 8); ep++)                                
    40020dd0:   39400340    ldrb    w0, [x26]                                             
    40020dd4:   7100901f    cmp w0, #0x24                                                 
    40020dd8:   7a401804    ccmp    w0, #0x0, #0x4, ne  // ne = any                       
    40020ddc:   54001de0    b.eq    40021198 <crypt_md5_r+0x408>  // b.none               <== NEVER TAKEN
    40020de0:   91002342    add x2, x26, #0x8                                             
    40020de4:   aa1a03e0    mov x0, x26                                                   
    40020de8:   38401c01    ldrb    w1, [x0, #1]!                                         
    40020dec:   7100903f    cmp w1, #0x24                                                 
    40020df0:   7a401824    ccmp    w1, #0x0, #0x4, ne  // ne = any                       
    40020df4:   54000060    b.eq    40020e00 <crypt_md5_r+0x70>  // b.none                
    40020df8:   eb02001f    cmp x0, x2                                                    
    40020dfc:   54ffff61    b.ne    40020de8 <crypt_md5_r+0x58>  // b.any                 <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    /* get the length of the true salt */                                                 
    sl = ep - sp;                                                                         
    40020e00:   cb1a0000    sub x0, x0, x26                                               
    /* Then our magic string */                                                           
    MD5Update(&ctx, (const u_char *)magic, strlen(magic));                                
    /* Then the raw salt */                                                               
    MD5Update(&ctx, (const u_char *)sp, (u_int)sl);                                       
    40020e04:   2a0003fb    mov w27, w0                                                   
            MD5Update(&ctx, (const u_char *)pw, 1);                                       
    /* Now make the output string */                                                      
    strcpy(passwd, magic);                                                                
    strncat(passwd, sp, (u_int)sl);                                                       
    40020e08:   92407c15    and x21, x0, #0xffffffff                                      
    40020e0c:   9101c3e0    add x0, sp, #0x70                                             
    40020e10:   94001384    bl  40025c20 <MD5Init>                                        
    MD5Update(&ctx, (const u_char *)pw, strlen(pw));                                      
    40020e14:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40020e18:   94004aa2    bl  400338a0 <strlen>                                         
    40020e1c:   aa1403e1    mov x1, x20                                                   
    40020e20:   2a0003e2    mov w2, w0                                                    
    40020e24:   9101c3e0    add x0, sp, #0x70                                             
    40020e28:   9400138a    bl  40025c50 <MD5Update>                                      
    MD5Update(&ctx, (const u_char *)magic, strlen(magic));                                
    40020e2c:   9101c3e0    add x0, sp, #0x70                                             
    40020e30:   52800062    mov w2, #0x3                    // #3                         
    40020e34:   f00000c1    adrp    x1, 4003b000 <bsp_section_rodata_begin+0x48>          
    40020e38:   913a4021    add x1, x1, #0xe90                                            
    40020e3c:   94001385    bl  40025c50 <MD5Update>                                      
    MD5Update(&ctx, (const u_char *)sp, (u_int)sl);                                       
    40020e40:   2a1b03e2    mov w2, w27                                                   
    40020e44:   aa1a03e1    mov x1, x26                                                   
    40020e48:   9101c3e0    add x0, sp, #0x70                                             
    40020e4c:   94001381    bl  40025c50 <MD5Update>                                      
    40020e50:   910363e0    add x0, sp, #0xd8                                             
    40020e54:   94001373    bl  40025c20 <MD5Init>                                        
    MD5Update(&ctx1, (const u_char *)pw, strlen(pw));                                     
    40020e58:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40020e5c:   94004a91    bl  400338a0 <strlen>                                         
    40020e60:   aa1403e1    mov x1, x20                                                   
    40020e64:   2a0003e2    mov w2, w0                                                    
    40020e68:   910363e0    add x0, sp, #0xd8                                             
    40020e6c:   94001379    bl  40025c50 <MD5Update>                                      
    MD5Update(&ctx1, (const u_char *)sp, (u_int)sl);                                      
    40020e70:   2a1b03e2    mov w2, w27                                                   
    40020e74:   aa1a03e1    mov x1, x26                                                   
    40020e78:   910363e0    add x0, sp, #0xd8                                             
    40020e7c:   94001375    bl  40025c50 <MD5Update>                                      
    MD5Update(&ctx1, (const u_char *)pw, strlen(pw));                                     
    40020e80:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40020e84:   94004a87    bl  400338a0 <strlen>                                         
    40020e88:   2a0003e2    mov w2, w0                                                    
    40020e8c:   aa1403e1    mov x1, x20                                                   
    40020e90:   910363e0    add x0, sp, #0xd8                                             
    40020e94:   9400136f    bl  40025c50 <MD5Update>                                      
    MD5Final(final, &ctx1);                                                               
    40020e98:   910363e1    add x1, sp, #0xd8                                             
    40020e9c:   910183e0    add x0, sp, #0x60                                             
    40020ea0:   9400139c    bl  40025d10 <MD5Final>                                       
    for(pl = (int)strlen(pw); pl > 0; pl -= MD5_SIZE)                                     
    40020ea4:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40020ea8:   94004a7e    bl  400338a0 <strlen>                                         
    40020eac:   7100001f    cmp w0, #0x0                                                  
    40020eb0:   2a0003f3    mov w19, w0                                                   
    40020eb4:   540001ed    b.le    40020ef0 <crypt_md5_r+0x160>                          <== NEVER TAKEN
    40020eb8:   51000416    sub w22, w0, #0x1                                             
    40020ebc:   51004000    sub w0, w0, #0x10                                             
    40020ec0:   121c6ed6    and w22, w22, #0xfffffff0                                     
            (u_int)(pl > MD5_SIZE ? MD5_SIZE : pl));                                      
    40020ec4:   52800217    mov w23, #0x10                      // #16                    
    40020ec8:   4b160016    sub w22, w0, w22                                              
    40020ecc:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    40020ed0:   7100427f    cmp w19, #0x10                                                
        MD5Update(&ctx, (const u_char *)final,                                            
    40020ed4:   910183e1    add x1, sp, #0x60                                             
    40020ed8:   1a97d262    csel    w2, w19, w23, le                                      
    40020edc:   9101c3e0    add x0, sp, #0x70                                             
    for(pl = (int)strlen(pw); pl > 0; pl -= MD5_SIZE)                                     
    40020ee0:   51004273    sub w19, w19, #0x10                                           
        MD5Update(&ctx, (const u_char *)final,                                            
    40020ee4:   9400135b    bl  40025c50 <MD5Update>                                      
    for(pl = (int)strlen(pw); pl > 0; pl -= MD5_SIZE)                                     
    40020ee8:   6b16027f    cmp w19, w22                                                  
    40020eec:   54ffff21    b.ne    40020ed0 <crypt_md5_r+0x140>  // b.any                <== NEVER TAKEN
    for (i = strlen(pw); i; i >>= 1)                                                      
    40020ef0:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    memset(final, 0, sizeof(final));                                                      
    40020ef4:   a9067fff    stp xzr, xzr, [sp, #96]                                       
    for (i = strlen(pw); i; i >>= 1)                                                      
    40020ef8:   94004a6a    bl  400338a0 <strlen>                                         
    40020efc:   2a0003f3    mov w19, w0                                                   
    40020f00:   350000e0    cbnz    w0, 40020f1c <crypt_md5_r+0x18c>                      <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    40020f04:   1400000d    b   40020f38 <crypt_md5_r+0x1a8>                              <== NOT EXECUTED
            MD5Update(&ctx, (const u_char *)final, 1);                                    
    40020f08:   910183e1    add x1, sp, #0x60                                             
    40020f0c:   9101c3e0    add x0, sp, #0x70                                             
    for (i = strlen(pw); i; i >>= 1)                                                      
    40020f10:   53017e73    lsr w19, w19, #1                                              
            MD5Update(&ctx, (const u_char *)final, 1);                                    
    40020f14:   9400134f    bl  40025c50 <MD5Update>                                      
    for (i = strlen(pw); i; i >>= 1)                                                      
    40020f18:   34000113    cbz w19, 40020f38 <crypt_md5_r+0x1a8>                         
            MD5Update(&ctx, (const u_char *)final, 1);                                    
    40020f1c:   52800022    mov w2, #0x1                    // #1                         
        if(i & 1)                                                                         
    40020f20:   3707ff53    tbnz    w19, #0, 40020f08 <crypt_md5_r+0x178>                 
            MD5Update(&ctx, (const u_char *)pw, 1);                                       
    40020f24:   aa1403e1    mov x1, x20                                                   
    40020f28:   9101c3e0    add x0, sp, #0x70                                             
    for (i = strlen(pw); i; i >>= 1)                                                      
    40020f2c:   53017e73    lsr w19, w19, #1                                              
            MD5Update(&ctx, (const u_char *)pw, 1);                                       
    40020f30:   94001348    bl  40025c50 <MD5Update>                                      
    for (i = strlen(pw); i; i >>= 1)                                                      
    40020f34:   35ffff53    cbnz    w19, 40020f1c <crypt_md5_r+0x18c>                     <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    strncat(passwd, sp, (u_int)sl);                                                       
    40020f38:   aa1503e2    mov x2, x21                                                   
    strcpy(passwd, magic);                                                                
    40020f3c:   52800623    mov w3, #0x31                   // #49                        
    strncat(passwd, sp, (u_int)sl);                                                       
    40020f40:   aa1a03e1    mov x1, x26                                                   
    strcpy(passwd, magic);                                                                
    40020f44:   52800495    mov w21, #0x24                      // #36                    
    40020f48:   39000395    strb    w21, [x28]                                            
    strncat(passwd, sp, (u_int)sl);                                                       
    40020f4c:   aa1c03e0    mov x0, x28                                                   
    strcpy(passwd, magic);                                                                
    40020f50:   39000783    strb    w3, [x28, #1]                                         
    for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {                                                           
        if(i & 1)                                                                         
            MD5Update(&ctx1, (const u_char *)pw, strlen(pw));                             
            MD5Update(&ctx1, (const u_char *)final, MD5_SIZE);                            
    40020f54:   52955579    mov w25, #0xaaab                    // #43691                 
    40020f58:   72b55559    movk    w25, #0xaaaa, lsl #16                                 
    strcpy(passwd, magic);                                                                
    40020f5c:   39000b95    strb    w21, [x28, #2]                                        
    40020f60:   39000f9f    strb    wzr, [x28, #3]                                        
        if(i % 3)                                                                         
            MD5Update(&ctx1, (const u_char *)sp, (u_int)sl);                              
    40020f64:   528db6f7    mov w23, #0x6db7                    // #28087                 
    40020f68:   72b6db77    movk    w23, #0xb6db, lsl #16                                 
        if(i % 7)                                                                         
    40020f6c:   52892496    mov w22, #0x4924                    // #18724                 
    40020f70:   72a49256    movk    w22, #0x2492, lsl #16                                 
    strncat(passwd, sp, (u_int)sl);                                                       
    40020f74:   94004a5c    bl  400338e4 <strncat>                                        
    strcat(passwd, "$");                                                                  
    40020f78:   aa1c03e0    mov x0, x28                                                   
    40020f7c:   94004a49    bl  400338a0 <strlen>                                         
    40020f80:   aa0003e2    mov x2, x0                                                    
    40020f84:   8b000383    add x3, x28, x0                                               
    MD5Final(final, &ctx);                                                                
    40020f88:   9101c3e1    add x1, sp, #0x70                                             
    40020f8c:   910183e0    add x0, sp, #0x60                                             
    for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {                                                           
    40020f90:   52800013    mov w19, #0x0                       // #0                     
        if(i % 3)                                                                         
    40020f94:   3200f3f8    mov w24, #0x55555555                // #1431655765            
    strcat(passwd, "$");                                                                  
    40020f98:   38226b95    strb    w21, [x28, x2]                                        
    40020f9c:   3900047f    strb    wzr, [x3, #1]                                         
    MD5Final(final, &ctx);                                                                
    40020fa0:   9400135c    bl  40025d10 <MD5Final>                                       
    for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {                                                           
    40020fa4:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    40020fa8:   910363e0    add x0, sp, #0xd8                                             
        if(i & 1)                                                                         
    40020fac:   12000275    and w21, w19, #0x1                                            
    40020fb0:   9400131c    bl  40025c20 <MD5Init>                                        
        if(i & 1)                                                                         
    40020fb4:   36000d13    tbz w19, #0, 40021154 <crypt_md5_r+0x3c4>                     
            MD5Update(&ctx1, (const u_char *)pw, strlen(pw));                             
    40020fb8:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40020fbc:   94004a39    bl  400338a0 <strlen>                                         
    40020fc0:   aa1403e1    mov x1, x20                                                   
    40020fc4:   2a0003e2    mov w2, w0                                                    
    40020fc8:   910363e0    add x0, sp, #0xd8                                             
    40020fcc:   94001321    bl  40025c50 <MD5Update>                                      
            MD5Update(&ctx1, (const u_char *)final, MD5_SIZE);                            
    40020fd0:   1b197e60    mul w0, w19, w25                                              
        if(i % 3)                                                                         
    40020fd4:   6b18001f    cmp w0, w24                                                   
    40020fd8:   54000cc8    b.hi    40021170 <crypt_md5_r+0x3e0>  // b.pmore              
            MD5Update(&ctx1, (const u_char *)sp, (u_int)sl);                              
    40020fdc:   1b177e60    mul w0, w19, w23                                              
        if(i % 7)                                                                         
    40020fe0:   6b16001f    cmp w0, w22                                                   
    40020fe4:   540009c8    b.hi    4002111c <crypt_md5_r+0x38c>  // b.pmore              
            MD5Update(&ctx1, (const u_char *)pw, strlen(pw));                             
        if(i & 1)                                                                         
    40020fe8:   34000a95    cbz w21, 40021138 <crypt_md5_r+0x3a8>                         
            MD5Update(&ctx1, (const u_char *)final, MD5_SIZE);                            
    40020fec:   910183e1    add x1, sp, #0x60                                             
    40020ff0:   910363e0    add x0, sp, #0xd8                                             
    40020ff4:   52800202    mov w2, #0x10                   // #16                        
    40020ff8:   94001316    bl  40025c50 <MD5Update>                                      
    for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {                                                           
    40020ffc:   11000673    add w19, w19, #0x1                                            
            MD5Update(&ctx1, (const u_char *)pw, strlen(pw));                             
        MD5Final(final, &ctx1);                                                           
    40021000:   910363e1    add x1, sp, #0xd8                                             
    40021004:   910183e0    add x0, sp, #0x60                                             
    40021008:   94001342    bl  40025d10 <MD5Final>                                       
    for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {                                                           
    4002100c:   710fa27f    cmp w19, #0x3e8                                               
    40021010:   54fffcc1    b.ne    40020fa8 <crypt_md5_r+0x218>  // b.any                
    p = passwd + strlen(passwd);                                                          
    40021014:   aa1c03e0    mov x0, x28                                                   
    40021018:   94004a22    bl  400338a0 <strlen>                                         
    l = (final[ 0]<<16) | (final[ 6]<<8) | final[12];                                     
    4002101c:   39419be3    ldrb    w3, [sp, #102]                                        
    p = passwd + strlen(passwd);                                                          
    40021020:   8b000393    add x19, x28, x0                                              
    l = (final[ 0]<<16) | (final[ 6]<<8) | final[12];                                     
    40021024:   394183e1    ldrb    w1, [sp, #96]                                         
    _crypt_to64(p, l, 4); p += 4;                                                         
    40021028:   aa1303e0    mov x0, x19                                                   
    l = (final[ 0]<<16) | (final[ 6]<<8) | final[12];                                     
    4002102c:   3941b3e4    ldrb    w4, [sp, #108]                                        
    _crypt_to64(p, l, 4); p += 4;                                                         
    40021030:   52800082    mov w2, #0x4                    // #4                         
    l = (final[ 0]<<16) | (final[ 6]<<8) | final[12];                                     
    40021034:   53185c63    lsl w3, w3, #8                                                
    40021038:   2a014061    orr w1, w3, w1, lsl #16                                       
    4002103c:   2a040021    orr w1, w1, w4                                                
    _crypt_to64(p, l, 4); p += 4;                                                         
    40021040:   92405c21    and x1, x1, #0xffffff                                         
    40021044:   940003f3    bl  40022010 <_crypt_to64>                                    
    l = (final[ 1]<<16) | (final[ 7]<<8) | final[13];                                     
    40021048:   39419fe3    ldrb    w3, [sp, #103]                                        
    _crypt_to64(p, l, 4); p += 4;                                                         
    4002104c:   91001260    add x0, x19, #0x4                                             
    l = (final[ 1]<<16) | (final[ 7]<<8) | final[13];                                     
    40021050:   394187e1    ldrb    w1, [sp, #97]                                         
    _crypt_to64(p, l, 4); p += 4;                                                         
    40021054:   52800082    mov w2, #0x4                    // #4                         
    l = (final[ 1]<<16) | (final[ 7]<<8) | final[13];                                     
    40021058:   3941b7e4    ldrb    w4, [sp, #109]                                        
    4002105c:   53185c63    lsl w3, w3, #8                                                
    40021060:   2a014061    orr w1, w3, w1, lsl #16                                       
    40021064:   2a040021    orr w1, w1, w4                                                
    _crypt_to64(p, l, 4); p += 4;                                                         
    40021068:   92405c21    and x1, x1, #0xffffff                                         
    4002106c:   940003e9    bl  40022010 <_crypt_to64>                                    
    l = (final[ 2]<<16) | (final[ 8]<<8) | final[14];                                     
    40021070:   3941a3e3    ldrb    w3, [sp, #104]                                        
    _crypt_to64(p, l, 4); p += 4;                                                         
    40021074:   91002260    add x0, x19, #0x8                                             
    l = (final[ 2]<<16) | (final[ 8]<<8) | final[14];                                     
    40021078:   39418be1    ldrb    w1, [sp, #98]                                         
    _crypt_to64(p, l, 4); p += 4;                                                         
    4002107c:   52800082    mov w2, #0x4                    // #4                         
    l = (final[ 2]<<16) | (final[ 8]<<8) | final[14];                                     
    40021080:   3941bbe4    ldrb    w4, [sp, #110]                                        
    40021084:   53185c63    lsl w3, w3, #8                                                
    40021088:   2a014061    orr w1, w3, w1, lsl #16                                       
    4002108c:   2a040021    orr w1, w1, w4                                                
    _crypt_to64(p, l, 4); p += 4;                                                         
    40021090:   92405c21    and x1, x1, #0xffffff                                         
    40021094:   940003df    bl  40022010 <_crypt_to64>                                    
    l = (final[ 3]<<16) | (final[ 9]<<8) | final[15];                                     
    40021098:   3941a7e3    ldrb    w3, [sp, #105]                                        
    _crypt_to64(p, l, 4); p += 4;                                                         
    4002109c:   91003260    add x0, x19, #0xc                                             
    l = (final[ 3]<<16) | (final[ 9]<<8) | final[15];                                     
    400210a0:   39418fe1    ldrb    w1, [sp, #99]                                         
    _crypt_to64(p, l, 4); p += 4;                                                         
    400210a4:   52800082    mov w2, #0x4                    // #4                         
    l = (final[ 3]<<16) | (final[ 9]<<8) | final[15];                                     
    400210a8:   3941bfe4    ldrb    w4, [sp, #111]                                        
    400210ac:   53185c63    lsl w3, w3, #8                                                
    400210b0:   2a014061    orr w1, w3, w1, lsl #16                                       
    400210b4:   2a040021    orr w1, w1, w4                                                
    _crypt_to64(p, l, 4); p += 4;                                                         
    400210b8:   92405c21    and x1, x1, #0xffffff                                         
    400210bc:   940003d5    bl  40022010 <_crypt_to64>                                    
    l = (final[ 4]<<16) | (final[10]<<8) | final[ 5];                                     
    400210c0:   3941abe3    ldrb    w3, [sp, #106]                                        
    _crypt_to64(p, l, 4); p += 4;                                                         
    400210c4:   91004260    add x0, x19, #0x10                                            
    l = (final[ 4]<<16) | (final[10]<<8) | final[ 5];                                     
    400210c8:   394193e1    ldrb    w1, [sp, #100]                                        
    _crypt_to64(p, l, 4); p += 4;                                                         
    400210cc:   52800082    mov w2, #0x4                    // #4                         
    l = (final[ 4]<<16) | (final[10]<<8) | final[ 5];                                     
    400210d0:   394197e4    ldrb    w4, [sp, #101]                                        
    400210d4:   53185c63    lsl w3, w3, #8                                                
    400210d8:   2a014061    orr w1, w3, w1, lsl #16                                       
    400210dc:   2a040021    orr w1, w1, w4                                                
    _crypt_to64(p, l, 4); p += 4;                                                         
    400210e0:   92405c21    and x1, x1, #0xffffff                                         
    400210e4:   940003cb    bl  40022010 <_crypt_to64>                                    
    l = final[11];                                                                        
    _crypt_to64(p, l, 2); p += 2;                                                         
    400210e8:   3941afe1    ldrb    w1, [sp, #107]                                        
    400210ec:   91005260    add x0, x19, #0x14                                            
    400210f0:   52800042    mov w2, #0x2                    // #2                         
    400210f4:   940003c7    bl  40022010 <_crypt_to64>                                    
    *p = '\0';                                                                            
    400210f8:   39005a7f    strb    wzr, [x19, #22]                                       
    /* Don't leave anything around in vm they could use. */                               
    memset(final, 0, sizeof(final));                                                      
    return (passwd);                                                                      
    400210fc:   aa1c03e0    mov x0, x28                                                   
    40021100:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40021104:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40021108:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    4002110c:   a9446bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    40021110:   a94573fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #80]                                       
    40021114:   a8d47bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #320                                      
    40021118:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
            MD5Update(&ctx1, (const u_char *)pw, strlen(pw));                             
    4002111c:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40021120:   940049e0    bl  400338a0 <strlen>                                         
    40021124:   aa1403e1    mov x1, x20                                                   
    40021128:   2a0003e2    mov w2, w0                                                    
    4002112c:   910363e0    add x0, sp, #0xd8                                             
    40021130:   940012c8    bl  40025c50 <MD5Update>                                      
        if(i & 1)                                                                         
    40021134:   35fff5d5    cbnz    w21, 40020fec <crypt_md5_r+0x25c>                     
            MD5Update(&ctx1, (const u_char *)pw, strlen(pw));                             
    40021138:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    4002113c:   940049d9    bl  400338a0 <strlen>                                         
    40021140:   aa1403e1    mov x1, x20                                                   
    40021144:   2a0003e2    mov w2, w0                                                    
    40021148:   910363e0    add x0, sp, #0xd8                                             
    4002114c:   940012c1    bl  40025c50 <MD5Update>                                      
    40021150:   17ffffab    b   40020ffc <crypt_md5_r+0x26c>                              
            MD5Update(&ctx1, (const u_char *)final, MD5_SIZE);                            
    40021154:   910363e0    add x0, sp, #0xd8                                             
    40021158:   910183e1    add x1, sp, #0x60                                             
    4002115c:   52800202    mov w2, #0x10                   // #16                        
    40021160:   940012bc    bl  40025c50 <MD5Update>                                      
    40021164:   1b197e60    mul w0, w19, w25                                              
        if(i % 3)                                                                         
    40021168:   6b18001f    cmp w0, w24                                                   
    4002116c:   54fff389    b.ls    40020fdc <crypt_md5_r+0x24c>  // b.plast              
            MD5Update(&ctx1, (const u_char *)sp, (u_int)sl);                              
    40021170:   2a1b03e2    mov w2, w27                                                   
    40021174:   aa1a03e1    mov x1, x26                                                   
    40021178:   910363e0    add x0, sp, #0xd8                                             
    4002117c:   940012b5    bl  40025c50 <MD5Update>                                      
    40021180:   17ffff97    b   40020fdc <crypt_md5_r+0x24c>                              
    if(!strncmp(sp, magic, strlen(magic)))                                                
    40021184:   39400821    ldrb    w1, [x1, #2]                                          
        sp += strlen(magic);                                                              
    40021188:   91000f40    add x0, x26, #0x3                                             
    4002118c:   7100903f    cmp w1, #0x24                                                 
    40021190:   9a9a001a    csel    x26, x0, x26, eq  // eq = none                        
    40021194:   17ffff0f    b   40020dd0 <crypt_md5_r+0x40>                               
    for(ep = sp; *ep && *ep != '$' && ep < (sp + 8); ep++)                                
    40021198:   d2800015    mov x21, #0x0                       // #0                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002119c:   5280001b    mov w27, #0x0                       // #0                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    400211a0:   17ffff1b    b   40020e0c <crypt_md5_r+0x7c>                               <== NOT EXECUTED

0000000040020d10 <crypt_r>: char * crypt_r(const char *passwd, const char *salt, struct crypt_data *data) {
    40020d10:   a9bc7bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-64]!                                     
    40020d14:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40020d18:   f9001bf7    str x23, [sp, #48]                                            
    const struct crypt_format *cf;                                                        
    SLIST_FOREACH(cf, &cf_head, link)                                                     
    40020d1c:   90000703    adrp    x3, 40100000 <_RTEMS_tasks_Information>               
    40020d20:   f9408077    ldr x23, [x3, #256]                                           
    40020d24:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40020d28:   aa0103f4    mov x20, x1                                                   
    40020d2c:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40020d30:   aa0003f5    mov x21, x0                                                   
    40020d34:   aa0203f6    mov x22, x2                                                   
    SLIST_FOREACH(cf, &cf_head, link)                                                     
    40020d38:   b4000157    cbz x23, 40020d60 <crypt_r+0x50>                              <== NEVER TAKEN
    40020d3c:   aa1703f3    mov x19, x23                                                  
        if (cf->magic != NULL && strstr(salt, cf->magic) == salt)                         
    40020d40:   f9400a61    ldr x1, [x19, #16]                                            
    40020d44:   aa1403e0    mov x0, x20                                                   
    40020d48:   b4000081    cbz x1, 40020d58 <crypt_r+0x48>                               
    40020d4c:   94004b5f    bl  40033ac8 <strstr>                                         
    40020d50:   eb00029f    cmp x20, x0                                                   
    40020d54:   540001a0    b.eq    40020d88 <crypt_r+0x78>  // b.none                    
    SLIST_FOREACH(cf, &cf_head, link)                                                     
    40020d58:   f9400273    ldr x19, [x19]                                                
    40020d5c:   b5ffff33    cbnz    x19, 40020d40 <crypt_r+0x30>                          
            return (cf->func(passwd, salt, data));                                        
    cf = SLIST_FIRST(&cf_head);                                                           
    return (cf->func(passwd, salt, data));                                                
    40020d60:   f94006e3    ldr x3, [x23, #8]                                             
    40020d64:   aa1603e2    mov x2, x22                                                   
    40020d68:   aa1403e1    mov x1, x20                                                   
    40020d6c:   aa1503e0    mov x0, x21                                                   
    40020d70:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    return (cf->func(passwd, salt, data));                                                
    40020d74:   aa0303f0    mov x16, x3                                                   
    40020d78:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40020d7c:   f9401bf7    ldr x23, [sp, #48]                                            
    40020d80:   a8c47bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #64                                       
    return (cf->func(passwd, salt, data));                                                
    40020d84:   d61f0200    br  x16                                                       
            return (cf->func(passwd, salt, data));                                        
    40020d88:   f9400663    ldr x3, [x19, #8]                                             
    40020d8c:   17fffff6    b   40020d64 <crypt_r+0x54>                                   

00000000400211b0 <crypt_sha256_r>: /* Maximum number of rounds. */ #define ROUNDS_MAX 999999999 char * crypt_sha256_r(const char *key, const char *salt, struct crypt_data *data) {
    400211b0:   a9a57bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp, #-432]!                                    
    size_t salt_len, key_len, cnt, rounds;                                                
    char *cp, *copied_key, *copied_salt, *p_bytes, *s_bytes, *endp;                       
    const char *num;                                                                      
    bool rounds_custom;                                                                   
    char *buffer = &data->buffer[0];                                                      
    int buflen = (int)sizeof(data->buffer);                                               
    400211b4:   52802003    mov w3, #0x100                  // #256                       
    400211b8:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    400211bc:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400211c0:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400211c4:   aa0103f6    mov x22, x1                                                   
    400211c8:   a90363f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    400211cc:   aa0003f7    mov x23, x0                                                   
    rounds = ROUNDS_DEFAULT;                                                              
    rounds_custom = false;                                                                
    /* Find beginning of salt string. The prefix should normally always                   
     * be present. Just in case it is not. */                                             
    if (strncmp(sha256_salt_prefix, salt, sizeof(sha256_salt_prefix) - 1) == 0)           
    400211d0:   52800480    mov w0, #0x24                   // #36                        
    400211d4:   a9046bf9    stp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    400211d8:   a90573fb    stp x27, x28, [sp, #80]                                       
    if (strncmp(sha256_salt_prefix, salt, sizeof(sha256_salt_prefix) - 1) == 0)           
    400211dc:   39400021    ldrb    w1, [x1]                                              
    400211e0:   f9003fa2    str x2, [x29, #120]                                           
    int buflen = (int)sizeof(data->buffer);                                               
    400211e4:   b9008fa3    str w3, [x29, #140]                                           
    if (strncmp(sha256_salt_prefix, salt, sizeof(sha256_salt_prefix) - 1) == 0)           
    400211e8:   6b01001f    cmp w0, w1                                                    
    400211ec:   54000081    b.ne    400211fc <crypt_sha256_r+0x4c>  // b.any              <== NEVER TAKEN
    400211f0:   394006c1    ldrb    w1, [x22, #1]                                         
    400211f4:   7100d43f    cmp w1, #0x35                                                 
    400211f8:   54002a20    b.eq    4002173c <crypt_sha256_r+0x58c>  // b.none            <== ALWAYS TAKEN
        /* Skip salt prefix. */                                                           
        salt += sizeof(sha256_salt_prefix) - 1;                                           
    if (strncmp(salt, sha256_rounds_prefix, sizeof(sha256_rounds_prefix) - 1)             
    400211fc:   d00000c0    adrp    x0, 4003b000 <bsp_section_rodata_begin+0x48>          
    40021200:   913ac000    add x0, x0, #0xeb0                                            
    40021204:   aa0003e1    mov x1, x0                                                    
    40021208:   d28000e2    mov x2, #0x7                    // #7                         
    rounds = ROUNDS_DEFAULT;                                                              
    4002120c:   d2827119    mov x25, #0x1388                    // #5000                  
    if (strncmp(salt, sha256_rounds_prefix, sizeof(sha256_rounds_prefix) - 1)             
    40021210:   f90037a0    str x0, [x29, #104]                                           
    40021214:   aa1603e0    mov x0, x22                                                   
    rounds_custom = false;                                                                
    40021218:   b90077bf    str wzr, [x29, #116]                                          
    if (strncmp(salt, sha256_rounds_prefix, sizeof(sha256_rounds_prefix) - 1)             
    4002121c:   940049d9    bl  40033980 <strncmp>                                        
    40021220:   34002b60    cbz w0, 4002178c <crypt_sha256_r+0x5dc>                       
            rounds = MAX(ROUNDS_MIN, MIN(srounds, ROUNDS_MAX));                           
            rounds_custom = true;                                                         
    salt_len = MIN(strcspn(salt, "$"), SALT_LEN_MAX);                                     
    40021224:   aa1603e0    mov x0, x22                                                   
    40021228:   d00000c1    adrp    x1, 4003b000 <bsp_section_rodata_begin+0x48>          
    4002122c:   913a6021    add x1, x1, #0xe98                                            
    40021230:   94004945    bl  40033744 <strcspn>                                        
    40021234:   aa0003f5    mov x21, x0                                                   
    40021238:   d2800201    mov x1, #0x10                   // #16                        
    4002123c:   eb0102bf    cmp x21, x1                                                   
    key_len = strlen(key);                                                                
    40021240:   aa1703e0    mov x0, x23                                                   
    salt_len = MIN(strcspn(salt, "$"), SALT_LEN_MAX);                                     
    40021244:   9a8132b5    csel    x21, x21, x1, cc  // cc = lo, ul, last                
    key_len = strlen(key);                                                                
    40021248:   94004996    bl  400338a0 <strlen>                                         
    4002124c:   aa0003f4    mov x20, x0                                                   
    /* Prepare for the real work. */                                                      
    40021250:   910383a0    add x0, x29, #0xe0                                            
    40021254:   940018eb    bl  40027600 <SHA256_Init>                                    
    /* Add the key string. */                                                             
    SHA256_Update(&ctx, key, key_len);                                                    
    40021258:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    4002125c:   aa1703e1    mov x1, x23                                                   
    40021260:   910383a0    add x0, x29, #0xe0                                            
    40021264:   940018fb    bl  40027650 <SHA256_Update>                                  
    /* The last part is the salt string. This must be at most 8                           
     * characters and it ends at the first `$' character (for                             
     * compatibility with existing implementations). */                                   
    SHA256_Update(&ctx, salt, salt_len);                                                  
    40021268:   aa1503e2    mov x2, x21                                                   
    4002126c:   aa1603e1    mov x1, x22                                                   
    40021270:   910383a0    add x0, x29, #0xe0                                            
    40021274:   940018f7    bl  40027650 <SHA256_Update>                                  
    /* Compute alternate SHA256 sum with input KEY, SALT, and KEY. The                    
     * final result will be added to the first context. */                                
    40021278:   910523a0    add x0, x29, #0x148                                           
    4002127c:   940018e1    bl  40027600 <SHA256_Init>                                    
    /* Add key. */                                                                        
    SHA256_Update(&alt_ctx, key, key_len);                                                
    40021280:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    40021284:   aa1703e1    mov x1, x23                                                   
    40021288:   910523a0    add x0, x29, #0x148                                           
    4002128c:   940018f1    bl  40027650 <SHA256_Update>                                  
    /* Add salt. */                                                                       
    SHA256_Update(&alt_ctx, salt, salt_len);                                              
    40021290:   aa1503e2    mov x2, x21                                                   
    40021294:   aa1603e1    mov x1, x22                                                   
    40021298:   910523a0    add x0, x29, #0x148                                           
    4002129c:   940018ed    bl  40027650 <SHA256_Update>                                  
    /* Add key again. */                                                                  
    SHA256_Update(&alt_ctx, key, key_len);                                                
    400212a0:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    400212a4:   aa1703e1    mov x1, x23                                                   
    400212a8:   910523a0    add x0, x29, #0x148                                           
    400212ac:   940018e9    bl  40027650 <SHA256_Update>                                  
    /* Now get result of this (32 bytes) and add it to the other context. */              
    SHA256_Final(alt_result, &alt_ctx);                                                   
    400212b0:   910523a1    add x1, x29, #0x148                                           
    400212b4:   910283a0    add x0, x29, #0xa0                                            
    400212b8:   9400191a    bl  40027720 <SHA256_Final>                                   
    /* Add for any character in the key one byte of the alternate sum. */                 
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt > 32; cnt -= 32)                                              
    400212bc:   f100829f    cmp x20, #0x20                                                
    400212c0:   54002969    b.ls    400217ec <crypt_sha256_r+0x63c>  // b.plast           
    400212c4:   aa1403f3    mov x19, x20                                                  
    400212c8:   d1008273    sub x19, x19, #0x20                                           
        SHA256_Update(&ctx, alt_result, 32);                                              
    400212cc:   910283a1    add x1, x29, #0xa0                                            
    400212d0:   910383a0    add x0, x29, #0xe0                                            
    400212d4:   d2800402    mov x2, #0x20                   // #32                        
    400212d8:   940018de    bl  40027650 <SHA256_Update>                                  
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt > 32; cnt -= 32)                                              
    400212dc:   f100827f    cmp x19, #0x20                                                
    400212e0:   54ffff48    b.hi    400212c8 <crypt_sha256_r+0x118>  // b.pmore           
    400212e4:   d1008683    sub x3, x20, #0x21                                            
    400212e8:   d1008282    sub x2, x20, #0x20                                            
    SHA256_Update(&ctx, alt_result, cnt);                                                 
    400212ec:   910283a1    add x1, x29, #0xa0                                            
    400212f0:   910383a0    add x0, x29, #0xe0                                            
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt > 32; cnt -= 32)                                              
    400212f4:   cb4317e3    neg x3, x3, lsr #5                                            
    SHA256_Update(&ctx, alt_result, cnt);                                                 
    400212f8:   8b031442    add x2, x2, x3, lsl #5                                        
    400212fc:   940018d5    bl  40027650 <SHA256_Update>                                  
    key_len = strlen(key);                                                                
    40021300:   aa1403f3    mov x19, x20                                                  
    40021304:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    /* Take the binary representation of the length of the key and for                    
     * every 1 add the alternate sum, for every 0 the key. */                             
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt > 0; cnt >>= 1)                                               
        if ((cnt & 1) != 0)                                                               
    40021308:   36002113    tbz w19, #0, 40021728 <crypt_sha256_r+0x578>                  
            SHA256_Update(&ctx, alt_result, 32);                                          
    4002130c:   910283a1    add x1, x29, #0xa0                                            
    40021310:   910383a0    add x0, x29, #0xe0                                            
    40021314:   d2800402    mov x2, #0x20                   // #32                        
    40021318:   940018ce    bl  40027650 <SHA256_Update>                                  
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt > 0; cnt >>= 1)                                               
    4002131c:   d341fe73    lsr x19, x19, #1                                              
    40021320:   b5ffff53    cbnz    x19, 40021308 <crypt_sha256_r+0x158>                  
            SHA256_Update(&ctx, key, key_len);                                            
    /* Create intermediate result. */                                                     
    SHA256_Final(alt_result, &ctx);                                                       
    40021324:   910383a1    add x1, x29, #0xe0                                            
    40021328:   910283a0    add x0, x29, #0xa0                                            
    4002132c:   940018fd    bl  40027720 <SHA256_Final>                                   
    /* Start computation of P byte sequence. */                                           
    40021330:   910523a0    add x0, x29, #0x148                                           
    40021334:   940018b3    bl  40027600 <SHA256_Init>                                    
    /* For every character in the password add the entire password. */                    
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < key_len; ++cnt)                                                   
    40021338:   91000673    add x19, x19, #0x1                                            
        SHA256_Update(&alt_ctx, key, key_len);                                            
    4002133c:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    40021340:   aa1703e1    mov x1, x23                                                   
    40021344:   910523a0    add x0, x29, #0x148                                           
    40021348:   940018c2    bl  40027650 <SHA256_Update>                                  
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < key_len; ++cnt)                                                   
    4002134c:   eb13029f    cmp x20, x19                                                  
    40021350:   54ffff48    b.hi    40021338 <crypt_sha256_r+0x188>  // b.pmore           
    /* Finish the digest. */                                                              
    SHA256_Final(temp_result, &alt_ctx);                                                  
    40021354:   910303b7    add x23, x29, #0xc0                                           
    40021358:   910523a1    add x1, x29, #0x148                                           
    4002135c:   aa1703e0    mov x0, x23                                                   
    40021360:   940018f0    bl  40027720 <SHA256_Final>                                   
    /* Create byte sequence P. */                                                         
    cp = p_bytes = alloca(key_len);                                                       
    40021364:   91003e80    add x0, x20, #0xf                                             
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt >= 32; cnt -= 32) {                                           
    40021368:   f1007e9f    cmp x20, #0x1f                                                
    cp = p_bytes = alloca(key_len);                                                       
    4002136c:   927cec00    and x0, x0, #0xfffffffffffffff0                               
    40021370:   cb2063ff    sub sp, sp, x0                                                
    40021374:   910003f8    mov x24, sp                                                   
    40021378:   f9004bb8    str x24, [x29, #144]                                          
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt >= 32; cnt -= 32) {                                           
    4002137c:   aa1803e0    mov x0, x24                                                   
    40021380:   540025c9    b.ls    40021838 <crypt_sha256_r+0x688>  // b.plast           
    40021384:   aa1403f3    mov x19, x20                                                  
        memcpy(cp, temp_result, 32);                                                      
    40021388:   aa1703e1    mov x1, x23                                                   
    4002138c:   d2800402    mov x2, #0x20                   // #32                        
    40021390:   940047a3    bl  4003321c <memcpy>                                         
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt >= 32; cnt -= 32) {                                           
    40021394:   d1008273    sub x19, x19, #0x20                                           
        cp += 32;                                                                         
    40021398:   f9404ba0    ldr x0, [x29, #144]                                           
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt >= 32; cnt -= 32) {                                           
    4002139c:   f1007e7f    cmp x19, #0x1f                                                
        cp += 32;                                                                         
    400213a0:   91008000    add x0, x0, #0x20                                             
    400213a4:   f9004ba0    str x0, [x29, #144]                                           
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt >= 32; cnt -= 32) {                                           
    400213a8:   54ffff08    b.hi    40021388 <crypt_sha256_r+0x1d8>  // b.pmore           
    400213ac:   92401282    and x2, x20, #0x1f                                            
    memcpy(cp, temp_result, cnt);                                                         
    400213b0:   aa1703e1    mov x1, x23                                                   
    400213b4:   9400479a    bl  4003321c <memcpy>                                         
    /* Start computation of S byte sequence. */                                           
    400213b8:   910523a0    add x0, x29, #0x148                                           
    /* For every character in the password add the entire password. */                    
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < 16 + alt_result[0]; ++cnt)                                        
    400213bc:   d2800013    mov x19, #0x0                       // #0                     
    400213c0:   94001890    bl  40027600 <SHA256_Init>                                    
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < 16 + alt_result[0]; ++cnt)                                        
    400213c4:   d503201f    nop                                                           
        SHA256_Update(&alt_ctx, salt, salt_len);                                          
    400213c8:   910523a0    add x0, x29, #0x148                                           
    400213cc:   aa1503e2    mov x2, x21                                                   
    400213d0:   aa1603e1    mov x1, x22                                                   
    400213d4:   9400189f    bl  40027650 <SHA256_Update>                                  
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < 16 + alt_result[0]; ++cnt)                                        
    400213d8:   394283a0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #160]                                       
    400213dc:   91000673    add x19, x19, #0x1                                            
    400213e0:   91004000    add x0, x0, #0x10                                             
    400213e4:   eb13001f    cmp x0, x19                                                   
    400213e8:   54ffff08    b.hi    400213c8 <crypt_sha256_r+0x218>  // b.pmore           
    /* Finish the digest. */                                                              
    SHA256_Final(temp_result, &alt_ctx);                                                  
    400213ec:   910523a1    add x1, x29, #0x148                                           
    400213f0:   aa1703e0    mov x0, x23                                                   
    400213f4:   940018cb    bl  40027720 <SHA256_Final>                                   
        /* Add key or last result. */                                                     
        if ((cnt & 1) != 0)                                                               
            SHA256_Update(&ctx, p_bytes, key_len);                                        
            SHA256_Update(&ctx, alt_result, 32);                                          
    400213f8:   b201f3fb    mov x27, #0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa        // #-6148914691236517206  
    cp = s_bytes = alloca(salt_len);                                                      
    400213fc:   91003ea0    add x0, x21, #0xf                                             
    memcpy(cp, temp_result, cnt);                                                         
    40021400:   aa1703e1    mov x1, x23                                                   
    cp = s_bytes = alloca(salt_len);                                                      
    40021404:   927cec00    and x0, x0, #0xfffffffffffffff0                               
    memcpy(cp, temp_result, cnt);                                                         
    40021408:   aa1503e2    mov x2, x21                                                   
    cp = s_bytes = alloca(salt_len);                                                      
    4002140c:   cb2063ff    sub sp, sp, x0                                                
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < rounds; ++cnt) {                                                  
    40021410:   d2800013    mov x19, #0x0                       // #0                     
    cp = s_bytes = alloca(salt_len);                                                      
    40021414:   910003fc    mov x28, sp                                                   
            SHA256_Update(&ctx, alt_result, 32);                                          
    40021418:   f295557b    movk    x27, #0xaaab                                          
    memcpy(cp, temp_result, cnt);                                                         
    4002141c:   aa1c03e0    mov x0, x28                                                   
        /* Add salt for numbers not divisible by 3. */                                    
        if (cnt % 3 != 0)                                                                 
    40021420:   b200f3fa    mov x26, #0x5555555555555555        // #6148914691236517205   
    cp = s_bytes = alloca(salt_len);                                                      
    40021424:   f9004bbc    str x28, [x29, #144]                                          
    memcpy(cp, temp_result, cnt);                                                         
    40021428:   9400477d    bl  4003321c <memcpy>                                         
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < rounds; ++cnt) {                                                  
    4002142c:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    40021430:   910383a0    add x0, x29, #0xe0                                            
        if ((cnt & 1) != 0)                                                               
    40021434:   92400277    and x23, x19, #0x1                                            
    40021438:   94001872    bl  40027600 <SHA256_Init>                                    
        if ((cnt & 1) != 0)                                                               
    4002143c:   360015f3    tbz w19, #0, 400216f8 <crypt_sha256_r+0x548>                  
            SHA256_Update(&ctx, p_bytes, key_len);                                        
    40021440:   910383a0    add x0, x29, #0xe0                                            
    40021444:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    40021448:   aa1803e1    mov x1, x24                                                   
    4002144c:   94001881    bl  40027650 <SHA256_Update>                                  
            SHA256_Update(&ctx, alt_result, 32);                                          
    40021450:   9b1b7e60    mul x0, x19, x27                                              
        if (cnt % 3 != 0)                                                                 
    40021454:   eb1a001f    cmp x0, x26                                                   
    40021458:   540015e8    b.hi    40021714 <crypt_sha256_r+0x564>  // b.pmore           
            SHA256_Update(&ctx, s_bytes, salt_len);                                       
    4002145c:   d28db6e0    mov x0, #0x6db7                 // #28087                     
    40021460:   f2b6db60    movk    x0, #0xb6db, lsl #16                                  
    40021464:   f2db6da0    movk    x0, #0xdb6d, lsl #32                                  
    40021468:   f2edb6c0    movk    x0, #0x6db6, lsl #48                                  
        /* Add key for numbers not divisible by 7. */                                     
        if (cnt % 7 != 0)                                                                 
    4002146c:   d2849241    mov x1, #0x2492                 // #9362                      
    40021470:   f2b24921    movk    x1, #0x9249, lsl #16                                  
            SHA256_Update(&ctx, s_bytes, salt_len);                                       
    40021474:   9b007e60    mul x0, x19, x0                                               
        if (cnt % 7 != 0)                                                                 
    40021478:   f2c92481    movk    x1, #0x4924, lsl #32                                  
    4002147c:   f2e49241    movk    x1, #0x2492, lsl #48                                  
    40021480:   eb01001f    cmp x0, x1                                                    
    40021484:   54001268    b.hi    400216d0 <crypt_sha256_r+0x520>  // b.pmore           
            SHA256_Update(&ctx, p_bytes, key_len);                                        
        /* Add key or last result. */                                                     
        if ((cnt & 1) != 0)                                                               
    40021488:   b40012f7    cbz x23, 400216e4 <crypt_sha256_r+0x534>                      
            SHA256_Update(&ctx, alt_result, 32);                                          
    4002148c:   910283a1    add x1, x29, #0xa0                                            
    40021490:   910383a0    add x0, x29, #0xe0                                            
    40021494:   d2800402    mov x2, #0x20                   // #32                        
    40021498:   9400186e    bl  40027650 <SHA256_Update>                                  
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < rounds; ++cnt) {                                                  
    4002149c:   91000673    add x19, x19, #0x1                                            
            SHA256_Update(&ctx, p_bytes, key_len);                                        
        /* Create intermediate result. */                                                 
        SHA256_Final(alt_result, &ctx);                                                   
    400214a0:   910383a1    add x1, x29, #0xe0                                            
    400214a4:   910283a0    add x0, x29, #0xa0                                            
    400214a8:   9400189e    bl  40027720 <SHA256_Final>                                   
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < rounds; ++cnt) {                                                  
    400214ac:   eb13033f    cmp x25, x19                                                  
    400214b0:   54fffc01    b.ne    40021430 <crypt_sha256_r+0x280>  // b.any             
    /* Now we can construct the result string. It consists of three                       
     * parts. */                                                                          
    cp = stpncpy(buffer, sha256_salt_prefix, MAX(0, buflen));                             
    400214b4:   b9408fb3    ldr w19, [x29, #140]                                          
    400214b8:   d00000c1    adrp    x1, 4003b000 <bsp_section_rodata_begin+0x48>          
    400214bc:   913ae021    add x1, x1, #0xeb8                                            
    400214c0:   f9403fa0    ldr x0, [x29, #120]                                           
    400214c4:   7100027f    cmp w19, #0x0                                                 
    400214c8:   1a9fa262    csel    w2, w19, wzr, ge  // ge = tcont                       
    400214cc:   93407c42    sxtw    x2, w2                                                
    400214d0:   94004840    bl  400335d0 <stpncpy>                                        
    buflen -= sizeof(sha256_salt_prefix) - 1;                                             
    if (rounds_custom) {                                                                  
    400214d4:   b94077a1    ldr w1, [x29, #116]                                           
    buflen -= sizeof(sha256_salt_prefix) - 1;                                             
    400214d8:   71000e73    subs    w19, w19, #0x3                                        
        n = snprintf(cp, MAX(0, buflen), "%s%zu$",                                        
    400214dc:   1a9f5262    csel    w2, w19, wzr, pl  // pl = nfrst                       
    buflen -= sizeof(sha256_salt_prefix) - 1;                                             
    400214e0:   b9008fb3    str w19, [x29, #140]                                          
    cp = stpncpy(buffer, sha256_salt_prefix, MAX(0, buflen));                             
    400214e4:   f9004ba0    str x0, [x29, #144]                                           
    400214e8:   aa0003e3    mov x3, x0                                                    
        n = snprintf(cp, MAX(0, buflen), "%s%zu$",                                        
    400214ec:   93407c42    sxtw    x2, w2                                                
    if (rounds_custom) {                                                                  
    400214f0:   35001301    cbnz    w1, 40021750 <crypt_sha256_r+0x5a0>                   
        cp += n;                                                                          
        buflen -= n;                                                                      
    cp = stpncpy(cp, salt, MIN((size_t)MAX(0, buflen), salt_len));                        
    400214f4:   eb0202bf    cmp x21, x2                                                   
    400214f8:   aa1603e1    mov x1, x22                                                   
    400214fc:   9a8292a2    csel    x2, x21, x2, ls  // ls = plast                        
    40021500:   aa0303e0    mov x0, x3                                                    
    40021504:   94004833    bl  400335d0 <stpncpy>                                        
    40021508:   f9004ba0    str x0, [x29, #144]                                           
    buflen -= MIN((size_t)MAX(0, buflen), salt_len);                                      
    4002150c:   b9408fa1    ldr w1, [x29, #140]                                           
    40021510:   7100003f    cmp w1, #0x0                                                  
    40021514:   1a9fa022    csel    w2, w1, wzr, ge  // ge = tcont                        
    40021518:   93407c42    sxtw    x2, w2                                                
    4002151c:   eb15005f    cmp x2, x21                                                   
    40021520:   9a959055    csel    x21, x2, x21, ls  // ls = plast                       
    40021524:   4b150021    sub w1, w1, w21                                               
    40021528:   b9008fa1    str w1, [x29, #140]                                           
    if (buflen > 0) {                                                                     
    4002152c:   7100003f    cmp w1, #0x0                                                  
    40021530:   5400010d    b.le    40021550 <crypt_sha256_r+0x3a0>                       <== NEVER TAKEN
        *cp++ = '$';                                                                      
    40021534:   91000401    add x1, x0, #0x1                                              
    40021538:   f9004ba1    str x1, [x29, #144]                                           
    4002153c:   52800481    mov w1, #0x24                   // #36                        
    40021540:   39000001    strb    w1, [x0]                                              
    40021544:   b9408fa0    ldr w0, [x29, #140]                                           
    40021548:   51000400    sub w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    4002154c:   b9008fa0    str w0, [x29, #140]                                           
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[0], alt_result[10], alt_result[20], 4, &buflen, &cp);       
    40021550:   394283a0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #160]                                       
    40021554:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021558:   3942aba1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #170]                                       
    4002155c:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021560:   3942d3a2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #180]                                       
    40021564:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021568:   940002ba    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[21], alt_result[1], alt_result[11], 4, &buflen, &cp);       
    4002156c:   394287a1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #161]                                       
    40021570:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021574:   3942afa2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #171]                                       
    40021578:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    4002157c:   3942d7a0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #181]                                       
    40021580:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021584:   940002b3    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[12], alt_result[22], alt_result[2], 4, &buflen, &cp);       
    40021588:   39428ba2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #162]                                       
    4002158c:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021590:   3942b3a0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #172]                                       
    40021594:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021598:   3942dba1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #182]                                       
    4002159c:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    400215a0:   940002ac    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[3], alt_result[13], alt_result[23], 4, &buflen, &cp);       
    400215a4:   39428fa0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #163]                                       
    400215a8:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    400215ac:   3942b7a1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #173]                                       
    400215b0:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    400215b4:   3942dfa2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #183]                                       
    400215b8:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    400215bc:   940002a5    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[24], alt_result[4], alt_result[14], 4, &buflen, &cp);       
    400215c0:   394293a1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #164]                                       
    400215c4:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    400215c8:   3942bba2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #174]                                       
    400215cc:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    400215d0:   3942e3a0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #184]                                       
    400215d4:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    400215d8:   9400029e    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[15], alt_result[25], alt_result[5], 4, &buflen, &cp);       
    400215dc:   394297a2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #165]                                       
    400215e0:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    400215e4:   3942bfa0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #175]                                       
    400215e8:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    400215ec:   3942e7a1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #185]                                       
    400215f0:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    400215f4:   94000297    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[6], alt_result[16], alt_result[26], 4, &buflen, &cp);       
    400215f8:   39429ba0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #166]                                       
    400215fc:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021600:   3942c3a1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #176]                                       
    40021604:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021608:   3942eba2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #186]                                       
    4002160c:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021610:   94000290    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[27], alt_result[7], alt_result[17], 4, &buflen, &cp);       
    40021614:   39429fa1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #167]                                       
    40021618:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    4002161c:   3942c7a2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #177]                                       
    40021620:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021624:   3942efa0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #187]                                       
    40021628:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    4002162c:   94000289    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[18], alt_result[28], alt_result[8], 4, &buflen, &cp);       
    40021630:   3942a3a2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #168]                                       
    40021634:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021638:   3942cba0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #178]                                       
    4002163c:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021640:   3942f3a1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #188]                                       
    40021644:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021648:   94000282    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[9], alt_result[19], alt_result[29], 4, &buflen, &cp);       
    4002164c:   3942a7a0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #169]                                       
    40021650:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021654:   3942cfa1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #179]                                       
    40021658:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    4002165c:   3942f7a2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #189]                                       
    40021660:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021664:   9400027b    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(0, alt_result[31], alt_result[30], 3, &buflen, &cp);                   
    40021668:   3942fba2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #190]                                       
    4002166c:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40021670:   3942ffa1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #191]                                       
    40021674:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021678:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    4002167c:   52800063    mov w3, #0x3                    // #3                         
    40021680:   94000274    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    if (buflen <= 0) {                                                                    
    40021684:   b9408fa0    ldr w0, [x29, #140]                                           
    40021688:   7100001f    cmp w0, #0x0                                                  
    4002168c:   54000a6d    b.le    400217d8 <crypt_sha256_r+0x628>                       <== NEVER TAKEN
        errno = ERANGE;                                                                   
        buffer = NULL;                                                                    
        *cp = '\0'; /* Terminate the string. */                                           
    40021690:   f9404ba0    ldr x0, [x29, #144]                                           
    40021694:   3900001f    strb    wzr, [x0]                                             
    /* Clear the buffer for the intermediate result so that people                        
     * attaching to processes or reading core dumps cannot get any                        
     * information. We do it in this way to clear correct_words[] inside                  
     * the SHA256 implementation as well. */                                              
    40021698:   910383a0    add x0, x29, #0xe0                                            
    4002169c:   940017d9    bl  40027600 <SHA256_Init>                                    
    SHA256_Final(alt_result, &ctx);                                                       
    400216a0:   910383a1    add x1, x29, #0xe0                                            
    400216a4:   910283a0    add x0, x29, #0xa0                                            
    400216a8:   9400181e    bl  40027720 <SHA256_Final>                                   
        memset(copied_key, '\0', key_len);                                                
    if (copied_salt != NULL)                                                              
        memset(copied_salt, '\0', salt_len);                                              
    return buffer;                                                                        
    400216ac:   f9403fa0    ldr x0, [x29, #120]                                           
    400216b0:   910003bf    mov sp, x29                                                   
    400216b4:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    400216b8:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    400216bc:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    400216c0:   a9446bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    400216c4:   a94573fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #80]                                       
    400216c8:   a8db7bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp], #432                                      
    400216cc:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
            SHA256_Update(&ctx, p_bytes, key_len);                                        
    400216d0:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    400216d4:   aa1803e1    mov x1, x24                                                   
    400216d8:   910383a0    add x0, x29, #0xe0                                            
    400216dc:   940017dd    bl  40027650 <SHA256_Update>                                  
        if ((cnt & 1) != 0)                                                               
    400216e0:   b5ffed77    cbnz    x23, 4002148c <crypt_sha256_r+0x2dc>                  
            SHA256_Update(&ctx, p_bytes, key_len);                                        
    400216e4:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    400216e8:   aa1803e1    mov x1, x24                                                   
    400216ec:   910383a0    add x0, x29, #0xe0                                            
    400216f0:   940017d8    bl  40027650 <SHA256_Update>                                  
    400216f4:   17ffff6a    b   4002149c <crypt_sha256_r+0x2ec>                           
            SHA256_Update(&ctx, alt_result, 32);                                          
    400216f8:   910383a0    add x0, x29, #0xe0                                            
    400216fc:   910283a1    add x1, x29, #0xa0                                            
    40021700:   d2800402    mov x2, #0x20                   // #32                        
    40021704:   940017d3    bl  40027650 <SHA256_Update>                                  
    40021708:   9b1b7e60    mul x0, x19, x27                                              
        if (cnt % 3 != 0)                                                                 
    4002170c:   eb1a001f    cmp x0, x26                                                   
    40021710:   54ffea69    b.ls    4002145c <crypt_sha256_r+0x2ac>  // b.plast           
            SHA256_Update(&ctx, s_bytes, salt_len);                                       
    40021714:   aa1503e2    mov x2, x21                                                   
    40021718:   aa1c03e1    mov x1, x28                                                   
    4002171c:   910383a0    add x0, x29, #0xe0                                            
    40021720:   940017cc    bl  40027650 <SHA256_Update>                                  
    40021724:   17ffff4e    b   4002145c <crypt_sha256_r+0x2ac>                           
            SHA256_Update(&ctx, key, key_len);                                            
    40021728:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    4002172c:   aa1703e1    mov x1, x23                                                   
    40021730:   910383a0    add x0, x29, #0xe0                                            
    40021734:   940017c7    bl  40027650 <SHA256_Update>                                  
    40021738:   17fffef9    b   4002131c <crypt_sha256_r+0x16c>                           
    if (strncmp(sha256_salt_prefix, salt, sizeof(sha256_salt_prefix) - 1) == 0)           
    4002173c:   39400ac2    ldrb    w2, [x22, #2]                                         
        salt += sizeof(sha256_salt_prefix) - 1;                                           
    40021740:   91000ec1    add x1, x22, #0x3                                             
    40021744:   6b02001f    cmp w0, w2                                                    
    40021748:   9a960036    csel    x22, x1, x22, eq  // eq = none                        
    4002174c:   17fffeac    b   400211fc <crypt_sha256_r+0x4c>                            
        n = snprintf(cp, MAX(0, buflen), "%s%zu$",                                        
    40021750:   f94037a3    ldr x3, [x29, #104]                                           
    40021754:   aa0203e1    mov x1, x2                                                    
    40021758:   aa1903e4    mov x4, x25                                                   
    4002175c:   d00000c2    adrp    x2, 4003b000 <bsp_section_rodata_begin+0x48>          
    40021760:   913a8042    add x2, x2, #0xea0                                            
    40021764:   94004744    bl  40033474 <snprintf>                                       
        buflen -= n;                                                                      
    40021768:   b9408fa2    ldr w2, [x29, #140]                                           
        cp += n;                                                                          
    4002176c:   f9404ba3    ldr x3, [x29, #144]                                           
        buflen -= n;                                                                      
    40021770:   6b000042    subs    w2, w2, w0                                            
    40021774:   b9008fa2    str w2, [x29, #140]                                           
    cp = stpncpy(cp, salt, MIN((size_t)MAX(0, buflen), salt_len));                        
    40021778:   1a9f5042    csel    w2, w2, wzr, pl  // pl = nfrst                        
        cp += n;                                                                          
    4002177c:   8b20c063    add x3, x3, w0, sxtw                                          
    cp = stpncpy(cp, salt, MIN((size_t)MAX(0, buflen), salt_len));                        
    40021780:   93407c42    sxtw    x2, w2                                                
        cp += n;                                                                          
    40021784:   f9004ba3    str x3, [x29, #144]                                           
        buflen -= n;                                                                      
    40021788:   17ffff5b    b   400214f4 <crypt_sha256_r+0x344>                           
        srounds = strtoul(num, &endp, 10);                                                
    4002178c:   910263a1    add x1, x29, #0x98                                            
    40021790:   52800142    mov w2, #0xa                    // #10                        
    40021794:   91001ec0    add x0, x22, #0x7                                             
    40021798:   940049ab    bl  40033e44 <strtoul>                                        
        if (*endp == '$') {                                                               
    4002179c:   f9404fa1    ldr x1, [x29, #152]                                           
    400217a0:   39400022    ldrb    w2, [x1]                                              
    400217a4:   7100905f    cmp w2, #0x24                                                 
    400217a8:   54ffd3e1    b.ne    40021224 <crypt_sha256_r+0x74>  // b.any              <== NEVER TAKEN
            rounds = MAX(ROUNDS_MIN, MIN(srounds, ROUNDS_MAX));                           
    400217ac:   d2993ff9    mov x25, #0xc9ff                    // #51711                 
    400217b0:   f2a77359    movk    x25, #0x3b9a, lsl #16                                 
    400217b4:   eb19001f    cmp x0, x25                                                   
            salt = endp + 1;                                                              
    400217b8:   91000436    add x22, x1, #0x1                                             
            rounds = MAX(ROUNDS_MIN, MIN(srounds, ROUNDS_MAX));                           
    400217bc:   9a999019    csel    x25, x0, x25, ls  // ls = plast                       
    400217c0:   d2807d00    mov x0, #0x3e8                  // #1000                      
    400217c4:   f10fa33f    cmp x25, #0x3e8                                               
    400217c8:   9a802339    csel    x25, x25, x0, cs  // cs = hs, nlast                   
            rounds_custom = true;                                                         
    400217cc:   52800020    mov w0, #0x1                    // #1                         
    400217d0:   b90077a0    str w0, [x29, #116]                                           
    400217d4:   17fffe94    b   40021224 <crypt_sha256_r+0x74>                            
        errno = ERANGE;                                                                   
    400217d8:   94004631    bl  4003309c <__errno>                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
        buffer = NULL;                                                                    
    400217dc:   f9003fbf    str xzr, [x29, #120]                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
        errno = ERANGE;                                                                   
    400217e0:   52800441    mov w1, #0x22                   // #34                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    400217e4:   b9000001    str w1, [x0]                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
        buffer = NULL;                                                                    
    400217e8:   17ffffac    b   40021698 <crypt_sha256_r+0x4e8>                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    SHA256_Update(&ctx, alt_result, cnt);                                                 
    400217ec:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    400217f0:   910283a1    add x1, x29, #0xa0                                            
    400217f4:   910383a0    add x0, x29, #0xe0                                            
    400217f8:   94001796    bl  40027650 <SHA256_Update>                                  
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt > 0; cnt >>= 1)                                               
    400217fc:   b5ffd834    cbnz    x20, 40021300 <crypt_sha256_r+0x150>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    SHA256_Final(alt_result, &ctx);                                                       
    40021800:   910383a1    add x1, x29, #0xe0                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    40021804:   910283a0    add x0, x29, #0xa0                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    40021808:   940017c6    bl  40027720 <SHA256_Final>                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    SHA256_Final(temp_result, &alt_ctx);                                                  
    4002180c:   910303b7    add x23, x29, #0xc0                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    40021810:   910523a0    add x0, x29, #0x148                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    cp = p_bytes = alloca(key_len);                                                       
    40021814:   910003f8    mov x24, sp                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    40021818:   9400177a    bl  40027600 <SHA256_Init>                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    SHA256_Final(temp_result, &alt_ctx);                                                  
    4002181c:   aa1703e0    mov x0, x23                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    40021820:   910523a1    add x1, x29, #0x148                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    40021824:   940017bf    bl  40027720 <SHA256_Final>                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    cp = p_bytes = alloca(key_len);                                                       
    40021828:   f9004bb8    str x24, [x29, #144]                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    4002182c:   910003e0    mov x0, sp                                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    40021830:   d2800002    mov x2, #0x0                    // #0                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    40021834:   17fffedf    b   400213b0 <crypt_sha256_r+0x200>                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt >= 32; cnt -= 32) {                                           
    40021838:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    4002183c:   17fffedd    b   400213b0 <crypt_sha256_r+0x200>                           

0000000040021840 <crypt_sha512_r>: /* Maximum number of rounds. */ #define ROUNDS_MAX 999999999 char * crypt_sha512_r(const char *key, const char *salt, struct crypt_data *data) {
    40021840:   d10b03ff    sub sp, sp, #0x2c0                                            
    size_t salt_len, key_len, cnt, rounds;                                                
    char *cp, *copied_key, *copied_salt, *p_bytes, *s_bytes, *endp;                       
    const char *num;                                                                      
    bool rounds_custom;                                                                   
    char *buffer = &data->buffer[0];                                                      
    int buflen = (int)sizeof(data->buffer);                                               
    40021844:   52802003    mov w3, #0x100                  // #256                       
    40021848:   a9007bfd    stp x29, x30, [sp]                                            
    4002184c:   910003fd    mov x29, sp                                                   
    40021850:   a90153f3    stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40021854:   a9025bf5    stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40021858:   aa0103f6    mov x22, x1                                                   
    4002185c:   a90363f7    stp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    40021860:   aa0003f7    mov x23, x0                                                   
    rounds = ROUNDS_DEFAULT;                                                              
    rounds_custom = false;                                                                
    /* Find beginning of salt string. The prefix should normally always                   
     * be present. Just in case it is not. */                                             
    if (strncmp(sha512_salt_prefix, salt, sizeof(sha512_salt_prefix) - 1) == 0)           
    40021864:   52800480    mov w0, #0x24                   // #36                        
    40021868:   a9046bf9    stp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    4002186c:   a90573fb    stp x27, x28, [sp, #80]                                       
    if (strncmp(sha512_salt_prefix, salt, sizeof(sha512_salt_prefix) - 1) == 0)           
    40021870:   39400021    ldrb    w1, [x1]                                              
    40021874:   f9003fa2    str x2, [x29, #120]                                           
    int buflen = (int)sizeof(data->buffer);                                               
    40021878:   b9008fa3    str w3, [x29, #140]                                           
    if (strncmp(sha512_salt_prefix, salt, sizeof(sha512_salt_prefix) - 1) == 0)           
    4002187c:   6b01001f    cmp w0, w1                                                    
    40021880:   54000081    b.ne    40021890 <crypt_sha512_r+0x50>  // b.any              
    40021884:   394006c1    ldrb    w1, [x22, #1]                                         
    40021888:   7100d83f    cmp w1, #0x36                                                 
    4002188c:   54003400    b.eq    40021f0c <crypt_sha512_r+0x6cc>  // b.none            <== ALWAYS TAKEN
        /* Skip salt prefix. */                                                           
        salt += sizeof(sha512_salt_prefix) - 1;                                           
    if (strncmp(salt, sha512_rounds_prefix, sizeof(sha512_rounds_prefix) - 1)             
    40021890:   d00000c0    adrp    x0, 4003b000 <bsp_section_rodata_begin+0x48>          
    40021894:   913b2000    add x0, x0, #0xec8                                            
    40021898:   aa0003e1    mov x1, x0                                                    
    4002189c:   d28000e2    mov x2, #0x7                    // #7                         
    rounds = ROUNDS_DEFAULT;                                                              
    400218a0:   d2827119    mov x25, #0x1388                    // #5000                  
    if (strncmp(salt, sha512_rounds_prefix, sizeof(sha512_rounds_prefix) - 1)             
    400218a4:   f90037a0    str x0, [x29, #104]                                           
    400218a8:   aa1603e0    mov x0, x22                                                   
    rounds_custom = false;                                                                
    400218ac:   b90077bf    str wzr, [x29, #116]                                          
    if (strncmp(salt, sha512_rounds_prefix, sizeof(sha512_rounds_prefix) - 1)             
    400218b0:   94004834    bl  40033980 <strncmp>                                        
    400218b4:   34003540    cbz w0, 40021f5c <crypt_sha512_r+0x71c>                       
            rounds = MAX(ROUNDS_MIN, MIN(srounds, ROUNDS_MAX));                           
            rounds_custom = true;                                                         
    salt_len = MIN(strcspn(salt, "$"), SALT_LEN_MAX);                                     
    400218b8:   aa1603e0    mov x0, x22                                                   
    400218bc:   d00000c1    adrp    x1, 4003b000 <bsp_section_rodata_begin+0x48>          
    400218c0:   913a6021    add x1, x1, #0xe98                                            
    400218c4:   940047a0    bl  40033744 <strcspn>                                        
    400218c8:   aa0003f5    mov x21, x0                                                   
    400218cc:   d2800201    mov x1, #0x10                   // #16                        
    400218d0:   eb0102bf    cmp x21, x1                                                   
    key_len = strlen(key);                                                                
    400218d4:   aa1703e0    mov x0, x23                                                   
    salt_len = MIN(strcspn(salt, "$"), SALT_LEN_MAX);                                     
    400218d8:   9a8132b5    csel    x21, x21, x1, cc  // cc = lo, ul, last                
    key_len = strlen(key);                                                                
    400218dc:   940047f1    bl  400338a0 <strlen>                                         
    400218e0:   aa0003f4    mov x20, x0                                                   
    /* Prepare for the real work. */                                                      
    400218e4:   910483a0    add x0, x29, #0x120                                           
    400218e8:   94001fe2    bl  40029870 <SHA512_Init>                                    
    /* Add the key string. */                                                             
    SHA512_Update(&ctx, key, key_len);                                                    
    400218ec:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    400218f0:   aa1703e1    mov x1, x23                                                   
    400218f4:   910483a0    add x0, x29, #0x120                                           
    400218f8:   94002006    bl  40029910 <SHA512_Update>                                  
    /* The last part is the salt string. This must be at most 8                           
     * characters and it ends at the first `$' character (for                             
     * compatibility with existing implementations). */                                   
    SHA512_Update(&ctx, salt, salt_len);                                                  
    400218fc:   aa1503e2    mov x2, x21                                                   
    40021900:   aa1603e1    mov x1, x22                                                   
    40021904:   910483a0    add x0, x29, #0x120                                           
    40021908:   94002002    bl  40029910 <SHA512_Update>                                  
    /* Compute alternate SHA512 sum with input KEY, SALT, and KEY. The                    
     * final result will be added to the first context. */                                
    4002190c:   9107c3a0    add x0, x29, #0x1f0                                           
    40021910:   94001fd8    bl  40029870 <SHA512_Init>                                    
    /* Add key. */                                                                        
    SHA512_Update(&alt_ctx, key, key_len);                                                
    40021914:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    40021918:   aa1703e1    mov x1, x23                                                   
    4002191c:   9107c3a0    add x0, x29, #0x1f0                                           
    40021920:   94001ffc    bl  40029910 <SHA512_Update>                                  
    /* Add salt. */                                                                       
    SHA512_Update(&alt_ctx, salt, salt_len);                                              
    40021924:   aa1503e2    mov x2, x21                                                   
    40021928:   aa1603e1    mov x1, x22                                                   
    4002192c:   9107c3a0    add x0, x29, #0x1f0                                           
    40021930:   94001ff8    bl  40029910 <SHA512_Update>                                  
    /* Add key again. */                                                                  
    SHA512_Update(&alt_ctx, key, key_len);                                                
    40021934:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    40021938:   aa1703e1    mov x1, x23                                                   
    4002193c:   9107c3a0    add x0, x29, #0x1f0                                           
    40021940:   94001ff4    bl  40029910 <SHA512_Update>                                  
    /* Now get result of this (64 bytes) and add it to the other context. */              
    SHA512_Final(alt_result, &alt_ctx);                                                   
    40021944:   9107c3a1    add x1, x29, #0x1f0                                           
    40021948:   910283a0    add x0, x29, #0xa0                                            
    4002194c:   94002029    bl  400299f0 <SHA512_Final>                                   
    /* Add for any character in the key one byte of the alternate sum. */                 
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt > 64; cnt -= 64)                                              
    40021950:   f101029f    cmp x20, #0x40                                                
    40021954:   54003349    b.ls    40021fbc <crypt_sha512_r+0x77c>  // b.plast           
    40021958:   aa1403f3    mov x19, x20                                                  
    4002195c:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    40021960:   d1010273    sub x19, x19, #0x40                                           
        SHA512_Update(&ctx, alt_result, 64);                                              
    40021964:   910283a1    add x1, x29, #0xa0                                            
    40021968:   910483a0    add x0, x29, #0x120                                           
    4002196c:   d2800802    mov x2, #0x40                   // #64                        
    40021970:   94001fe8    bl  40029910 <SHA512_Update>                                  
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt > 64; cnt -= 64)                                              
    40021974:   f101027f    cmp x19, #0x40                                                
    40021978:   54ffff48    b.hi    40021960 <crypt_sha512_r+0x120>  // b.pmore           <== NEVER TAKEN
    4002197c:   d1010683    sub x3, x20, #0x41                                            
    40021980:   d1010282    sub x2, x20, #0x40                                            
    SHA512_Update(&ctx, alt_result, cnt);                                                 
    40021984:   910283a1    add x1, x29, #0xa0                                            
    40021988:   910483a0    add x0, x29, #0x120                                           
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt > 64; cnt -= 64)                                              
    4002198c:   cb431be3    neg x3, x3, lsr #6                                            
    SHA512_Update(&ctx, alt_result, cnt);                                                 
    40021990:   8b031842    add x2, x2, x3, lsl #6                                        
    40021994:   94001fdf    bl  40029910 <SHA512_Update>                                  
    key_len = strlen(key);                                                                
    40021998:   aa1403f3    mov x19, x20                                                  
    4002199c:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    /* Take the binary representation of the length of the key and for                    
     * every 1 add the alternate sum, for every 0 the key. */                             
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt > 0; cnt >>= 1)                                               
        if ((cnt & 1) != 0)                                                               
    400219a0:   36002ad3    tbz w19, #0, 40021ef8 <crypt_sha512_r+0x6b8>                  
            SHA512_Update(&ctx, alt_result, 64);                                          
    400219a4:   910283a1    add x1, x29, #0xa0                                            
    400219a8:   910483a0    add x0, x29, #0x120                                           
    400219ac:   d2800802    mov x2, #0x40                   // #64                        
    400219b0:   94001fd8    bl  40029910 <SHA512_Update>                                  
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt > 0; cnt >>= 1)                                               
    400219b4:   d341fe73    lsr x19, x19, #1                                              
    400219b8:   b5ffff53    cbnz    x19, 400219a0 <crypt_sha512_r+0x160>                  
            SHA512_Update(&ctx, key, key_len);                                            
    /* Create intermediate result. */                                                     
    SHA512_Final(alt_result, &ctx);                                                       
    400219bc:   910483a1    add x1, x29, #0x120                                           
    400219c0:   910283a0    add x0, x29, #0xa0                                            
    400219c4:   9400200b    bl  400299f0 <SHA512_Final>                                   
    /* Start computation of P byte sequence. */                                           
    400219c8:   9107c3a0    add x0, x29, #0x1f0                                           
    400219cc:   94001fa9    bl  40029870 <SHA512_Init>                                    
    /* For every character in the password add the entire password. */                    
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < key_len; ++cnt)                                                   
    400219d0:   91000673    add x19, x19, #0x1                                            
        SHA512_Update(&alt_ctx, key, key_len);                                            
    400219d4:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    400219d8:   aa1703e1    mov x1, x23                                                   
    400219dc:   9107c3a0    add x0, x29, #0x1f0                                           
    400219e0:   94001fcc    bl  40029910 <SHA512_Update>                                  
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < key_len; ++cnt)                                                   
    400219e4:   eb13029f    cmp x20, x19                                                  
    400219e8:   54ffff48    b.hi    400219d0 <crypt_sha512_r+0x190>  // b.pmore           
    /* Finish the digest. */                                                              
    SHA512_Final(temp_result, &alt_ctx);                                                  
    400219ec:   910383b7    add x23, x29, #0xe0                                           
    400219f0:   9107c3a1    add x1, x29, #0x1f0                                           
    400219f4:   aa1703e0    mov x0, x23                                                   
    400219f8:   94001ffe    bl  400299f0 <SHA512_Final>                                   
    /* Create byte sequence P. */                                                         
    cp = p_bytes = alloca(key_len);                                                       
    400219fc:   91003e80    add x0, x20, #0xf                                             
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt >= 64; cnt -= 64) {                                           
    40021a00:   f100fe9f    cmp x20, #0x3f                                                
    cp = p_bytes = alloca(key_len);                                                       
    40021a04:   927cec00    and x0, x0, #0xfffffffffffffff0                               
    40021a08:   cb2063ff    sub sp, sp, x0                                                
    40021a0c:   910003f8    mov x24, sp                                                   
    40021a10:   f9004bb8    str x24, [x29, #144]                                          
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt >= 64; cnt -= 64) {                                           
    40021a14:   aa1803e0    mov x0, x24                                                   
    40021a18:   54002f89    b.ls    40022008 <crypt_sha512_r+0x7c8>  // b.plast           
    40021a1c:   aa1403f3    mov x19, x20                                                  
        memcpy(cp, temp_result, 64);                                                      
    40021a20:   aa1703e1    mov x1, x23                                                   
    40021a24:   d2800802    mov x2, #0x40                   // #64                        
    40021a28:   940045fd    bl  4003321c <memcpy>                                         
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt >= 64; cnt -= 64) {                                           
    40021a2c:   d1010273    sub x19, x19, #0x40                                           
        cp += 64;                                                                         
    40021a30:   f9404ba0    ldr x0, [x29, #144]                                           
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt >= 64; cnt -= 64) {                                           
    40021a34:   f100fe7f    cmp x19, #0x3f                                                
        cp += 64;                                                                         
    40021a38:   91010000    add x0, x0, #0x40                                             
    40021a3c:   f9004ba0    str x0, [x29, #144]                                           
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt >= 64; cnt -= 64) {                                           
    40021a40:   54ffff08    b.hi    40021a20 <crypt_sha512_r+0x1e0>  // b.pmore           <== NEVER TAKEN
    40021a44:   92401682    and x2, x20, #0x3f                                            
    memcpy(cp, temp_result, cnt);                                                         
    40021a48:   aa1703e1    mov x1, x23                                                   
    40021a4c:   940045f4    bl  4003321c <memcpy>                                         
    /* Start computation of S byte sequence. */                                           
    40021a50:   9107c3a0    add x0, x29, #0x1f0                                           
    /* For every character in the password add the entire password. */                    
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < 16 + alt_result[0]; ++cnt)                                        
    40021a54:   d2800013    mov x19, #0x0                       // #0                     
    40021a58:   94001f86    bl  40029870 <SHA512_Init>                                    
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < 16 + alt_result[0]; ++cnt)                                        
    40021a5c:   d503201f    nop                                                           
        SHA512_Update(&alt_ctx, salt, salt_len);                                          
    40021a60:   9107c3a0    add x0, x29, #0x1f0                                           
    40021a64:   aa1503e2    mov x2, x21                                                   
    40021a68:   aa1603e1    mov x1, x22                                                   
    40021a6c:   94001fa9    bl  40029910 <SHA512_Update>                                  
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < 16 + alt_result[0]; ++cnt)                                        
    40021a70:   394283a0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #160]                                       
    40021a74:   91000673    add x19, x19, #0x1                                            
    40021a78:   91004000    add x0, x0, #0x10                                             
    40021a7c:   eb13001f    cmp x0, x19                                                   
    40021a80:   54ffff08    b.hi    40021a60 <crypt_sha512_r+0x220>  // b.pmore           
    /* Finish the digest. */                                                              
    SHA512_Final(temp_result, &alt_ctx);                                                  
    40021a84:   9107c3a1    add x1, x29, #0x1f0                                           
    40021a88:   aa1703e0    mov x0, x23                                                   
    40021a8c:   94001fd9    bl  400299f0 <SHA512_Final>                                   
        /* Add key or last result. */                                                     
        if ((cnt & 1) != 0)                                                               
            SHA512_Update(&ctx, p_bytes, key_len);                                        
            SHA512_Update(&ctx, alt_result, 64);                                          
    40021a90:   b201f3fb    mov x27, #0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa        // #-6148914691236517206  
    cp = s_bytes = alloca(salt_len);                                                      
    40021a94:   91003ea0    add x0, x21, #0xf                                             
    memcpy(cp, temp_result, cnt);                                                         
    40021a98:   aa1703e1    mov x1, x23                                                   
    cp = s_bytes = alloca(salt_len);                                                      
    40021a9c:   927cec00    and x0, x0, #0xfffffffffffffff0                               
    memcpy(cp, temp_result, cnt);                                                         
    40021aa0:   aa1503e2    mov x2, x21                                                   
    cp = s_bytes = alloca(salt_len);                                                      
    40021aa4:   cb2063ff    sub sp, sp, x0                                                
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < rounds; ++cnt) {                                                  
    40021aa8:   d2800013    mov x19, #0x0                       // #0                     
    cp = s_bytes = alloca(salt_len);                                                      
    40021aac:   910003fc    mov x28, sp                                                   
            SHA512_Update(&ctx, alt_result, 64);                                          
    40021ab0:   f295557b    movk    x27, #0xaaab                                          
    memcpy(cp, temp_result, cnt);                                                         
    40021ab4:   aa1c03e0    mov x0, x28                                                   
        /* Add salt for numbers not divisible by 3. */                                    
        if (cnt % 3 != 0)                                                                 
    40021ab8:   b200f3fa    mov x26, #0x5555555555555555        // #6148914691236517205   
    cp = s_bytes = alloca(salt_len);                                                      
    40021abc:   f9004bbc    str x28, [x29, #144]                                          
    memcpy(cp, temp_result, cnt);                                                         
    40021ac0:   940045d7    bl  4003321c <memcpy>                                         
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < rounds; ++cnt) {                                                  
    40021ac4:   d503201f    nop                                                           
    40021ac8:   910483a0    add x0, x29, #0x120                                           
        if ((cnt & 1) != 0)                                                               
    40021acc:   92400277    and x23, x19, #0x1                                            
    40021ad0:   94001f68    bl  40029870 <SHA512_Init>                                    
        if ((cnt & 1) != 0)                                                               
    40021ad4:   36001fb3    tbz w19, #0, 40021ec8 <crypt_sha512_r+0x688>                  
            SHA512_Update(&ctx, p_bytes, key_len);                                        
    40021ad8:   910483a0    add x0, x29, #0x120                                           
    40021adc:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    40021ae0:   aa1803e1    mov x1, x24                                                   
    40021ae4:   94001f8b    bl  40029910 <SHA512_Update>                                  
            SHA512_Update(&ctx, alt_result, 64);                                          
    40021ae8:   9b1b7e60    mul x0, x19, x27                                              
        if (cnt % 3 != 0)                                                                 
    40021aec:   eb1a001f    cmp x0, x26                                                   
    40021af0:   54001fa8    b.hi    40021ee4 <crypt_sha512_r+0x6a4>  // b.pmore           
            SHA512_Update(&ctx, s_bytes, salt_len);                                       
    40021af4:   d28db6e0    mov x0, #0x6db7                 // #28087                     
    40021af8:   f2b6db60    movk    x0, #0xb6db, lsl #16                                  
    40021afc:   f2db6da0    movk    x0, #0xdb6d, lsl #32                                  
    40021b00:   f2edb6c0    movk    x0, #0x6db6, lsl #48                                  
        /* Add key for numbers not divisible by 7. */                                     
        if (cnt % 7 != 0)                                                                 
    40021b04:   d2849241    mov x1, #0x2492                 // #9362                      
    40021b08:   f2b24921    movk    x1, #0x9249, lsl #16                                  
            SHA512_Update(&ctx, s_bytes, salt_len);                                       
    40021b0c:   9b007e60    mul x0, x19, x0                                               
        if (cnt % 7 != 0)                                                                 
    40021b10:   f2c92481    movk    x1, #0x4924, lsl #32                                  
    40021b14:   f2e49241    movk    x1, #0x2492, lsl #48                                  
    40021b18:   eb01001f    cmp x0, x1                                                    
    40021b1c:   54001c28    b.hi    40021ea0 <crypt_sha512_r+0x660>  // b.pmore           
            SHA512_Update(&ctx, p_bytes, key_len);                                        
        /* Add key or last result. */                                                     
        if ((cnt & 1) != 0)                                                               
    40021b20:   b4001cb7    cbz x23, 40021eb4 <crypt_sha512_r+0x674>                      
            SHA512_Update(&ctx, alt_result, 64);                                          
    40021b24:   910283a1    add x1, x29, #0xa0                                            
    40021b28:   910483a0    add x0, x29, #0x120                                           
    40021b2c:   d2800802    mov x2, #0x40                   // #64                        
    40021b30:   94001f78    bl  40029910 <SHA512_Update>                                  
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < rounds; ++cnt) {                                                  
    40021b34:   91000673    add x19, x19, #0x1                                            
            SHA512_Update(&ctx, p_bytes, key_len);                                        
        /* Create intermediate result. */                                                 
        SHA512_Final(alt_result, &ctx);                                                   
    40021b38:   910483a1    add x1, x29, #0x120                                           
    40021b3c:   910283a0    add x0, x29, #0xa0                                            
    40021b40:   94001fac    bl  400299f0 <SHA512_Final>                                   
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < rounds; ++cnt) {                                                  
    40021b44:   eb13033f    cmp x25, x19                                                  
    40021b48:   54fffc01    b.ne    40021ac8 <crypt_sha512_r+0x288>  // b.any             
    /* Now we can construct the result string. It consists of three                       
     * parts. */                                                                          
    cp = stpncpy(buffer, sha512_salt_prefix, MAX(0, buflen));                             
    40021b4c:   b9408fb3    ldr w19, [x29, #140]                                          
    40021b50:   d00000c1    adrp    x1, 4003b000 <bsp_section_rodata_begin+0x48>          
    40021b54:   913b4021    add x1, x1, #0xed0                                            
    40021b58:   f9403fa0    ldr x0, [x29, #120]                                           
    40021b5c:   7100027f    cmp w19, #0x0                                                 
    40021b60:   1a9fa262    csel    w2, w19, wzr, ge  // ge = tcont                       
    40021b64:   93407c42    sxtw    x2, w2                                                
    40021b68:   9400469a    bl  400335d0 <stpncpy>                                        
    buflen -= sizeof(sha512_salt_prefix) - 1;                                             
    if (rounds_custom) {                                                                  
    40021b6c:   b94077a1    ldr w1, [x29, #116]                                           
    buflen -= sizeof(sha512_salt_prefix) - 1;                                             
    40021b70:   71000e73    subs    w19, w19, #0x3                                        
        n = snprintf(cp, MAX(0, buflen), "%s%zu$",                                        
    40021b74:   1a9f5262    csel    w2, w19, wzr, pl  // pl = nfrst                       
    buflen -= sizeof(sha512_salt_prefix) - 1;                                             
    40021b78:   b9008fb3    str w19, [x29, #140]                                          
    cp = stpncpy(buffer, sha512_salt_prefix, MAX(0, buflen));                             
    40021b7c:   f9004ba0    str x0, [x29, #144]                                           
    40021b80:   aa0003e3    mov x3, x0                                                    
        n = snprintf(cp, MAX(0, buflen), "%s%zu$",                                        
    40021b84:   93407c42    sxtw    x2, w2                                                
    if (rounds_custom) {                                                                  
    40021b88:   35001cc1    cbnz    w1, 40021f20 <crypt_sha512_r+0x6e0>                   
        cp += n;                                                                          
        buflen -= n;                                                                      
    cp = stpncpy(cp, salt, MIN((size_t)MAX(0, buflen), salt_len));                        
    40021b8c:   eb0202bf    cmp x21, x2                                                   
    40021b90:   aa1603e1    mov x1, x22                                                   
    40021b94:   9a8292a2    csel    x2, x21, x2, ls  // ls = plast                        
    40021b98:   aa0303e0    mov x0, x3                                                    
    40021b9c:   9400468d    bl  400335d0 <stpncpy>                                        
    40021ba0:   f9004ba0    str x0, [x29, #144]                                           
    buflen -= MIN((size_t)MAX(0, buflen), salt_len);                                      
    40021ba4:   b9408fa1    ldr w1, [x29, #140]                                           
    40021ba8:   7100003f    cmp w1, #0x0                                                  
    40021bac:   1a9fa022    csel    w2, w1, wzr, ge  // ge = tcont                        
    40021bb0:   93407c42    sxtw    x2, w2                                                
    40021bb4:   eb15005f    cmp x2, x21                                                   
    40021bb8:   9a959055    csel    x21, x2, x21, ls  // ls = plast                       
    40021bbc:   4b150021    sub w1, w1, w21                                               
    40021bc0:   b9008fa1    str w1, [x29, #140]                                           
    if (buflen > 0) {                                                                     
    40021bc4:   7100003f    cmp w1, #0x0                                                  
    40021bc8:   5400010d    b.le    40021be8 <crypt_sha512_r+0x3a8>                       <== NEVER TAKEN
        *cp++ = '$';                                                                      
    40021bcc:   91000401    add x1, x0, #0x1                                              
    40021bd0:   f9004ba1    str x1, [x29, #144]                                           
    40021bd4:   52800481    mov w1, #0x24                   // #36                        
    40021bd8:   39000001    strb    w1, [x0]                                              
    40021bdc:   b9408fa0    ldr w0, [x29, #140]                                           
    40021be0:   51000400    sub w0, w0, #0x1                                              
    40021be4:   b9008fa0    str w0, [x29, #140]                                           
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[0], alt_result[21], alt_result[42], 4, &buflen, &cp);       
    40021be8:   394283a0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #160]                                       
    40021bec:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021bf0:   3942d7a1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #181]                                       
    40021bf4:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021bf8:   39432ba2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #202]                                       
    40021bfc:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021c00:   94000114    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[22], alt_result[43], alt_result[1], 4, &buflen, &cp);       
    40021c04:   394287a2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #161]                                       
    40021c08:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021c0c:   3942dba0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #182]                                       
    40021c10:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021c14:   39432fa1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #203]                                       
    40021c18:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021c1c:   9400010d    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[44], alt_result[2], alt_result[23], 4, &buflen, &cp);       
    40021c20:   39428ba1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #162]                                       
    40021c24:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021c28:   3942dfa2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #183]                                       
    40021c2c:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021c30:   394333a0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #204]                                       
    40021c34:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021c38:   94000106    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[3], alt_result[24], alt_result[45], 4, &buflen, &cp);       
    40021c3c:   39428fa0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #163]                                       
    40021c40:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021c44:   3942e3a1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #184]                                       
    40021c48:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021c4c:   394337a2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #205]                                       
    40021c50:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021c54:   940000ff    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[25], alt_result[46], alt_result[4], 4, &buflen, &cp);       
    40021c58:   394293a2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #164]                                       
    40021c5c:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021c60:   3942e7a0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #185]                                       
    40021c64:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021c68:   39433ba1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #206]                                       
    40021c6c:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021c70:   940000f8    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[47], alt_result[5], alt_result[26], 4, &buflen, &cp);       
    40021c74:   394297a1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #165]                                       
    40021c78:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021c7c:   3942eba2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #186]                                       
    40021c80:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021c84:   39433fa0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #207]                                       
    40021c88:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021c8c:   940000f1    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[6], alt_result[27], alt_result[48], 4, &buflen, &cp);       
    40021c90:   39429ba0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #166]                                       
    40021c94:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021c98:   3942efa1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #187]                                       
    40021c9c:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021ca0:   394343a2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #208]                                       
    40021ca4:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021ca8:   940000ea    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[28], alt_result[49], alt_result[7], 4, &buflen, &cp);       
    40021cac:   39429fa2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #167]                                       
    40021cb0:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021cb4:   3942f3a0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #188]                                       
    40021cb8:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021cbc:   394347a1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #209]                                       
    40021cc0:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021cc4:   940000e3    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[50], alt_result[8], alt_result[29], 4, &buflen, &cp);       
    40021cc8:   3942a3a1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #168]                                       
    40021ccc:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021cd0:   3942f7a2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #189]                                       
    40021cd4:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021cd8:   39434ba0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #210]                                       
    40021cdc:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021ce0:   940000dc    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[9], alt_result[30], alt_result[51], 4, &buflen, &cp);       
    40021ce4:   3942a7a0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #169]                                       
    40021ce8:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021cec:   3942fba1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #190]                                       
    40021cf0:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021cf4:   39434fa2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #211]                                       
    40021cf8:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021cfc:   940000d5    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[31], alt_result[52], alt_result[10], 4, &buflen, &cp);      
    40021d00:   3942aba2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #170]                                       
    40021d04:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021d08:   3942ffa0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #191]                                       
    40021d0c:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021d10:   394353a1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #212]                                       
    40021d14:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021d18:   940000ce    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[53], alt_result[11], alt_result[32], 4, &buflen, &cp);      
    40021d1c:   3942afa1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #171]                                       
    40021d20:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021d24:   394303a2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #192]                                       
    40021d28:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021d2c:   394357a0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #213]                                       
    40021d30:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021d34:   940000c7    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[12], alt_result[33], alt_result[54], 4, &buflen, &cp);      
    40021d38:   3942b3a0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #172]                                       
    40021d3c:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021d40:   394307a1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #193]                                       
    40021d44:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021d48:   39435ba2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #214]                                       
    40021d4c:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021d50:   940000c0    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[34], alt_result[55], alt_result[13], 4, &buflen, &cp);      
    40021d54:   3942b7a2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #173]                                       
    40021d58:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021d5c:   39430ba0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #194]                                       
    40021d60:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021d64:   39435fa1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #215]                                       
    40021d68:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021d6c:   940000b9    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[56], alt_result[14], alt_result[35], 4, &buflen, &cp);      
    40021d70:   3942bba1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #174]                                       
    40021d74:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021d78:   39430fa2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #195]                                       
    40021d7c:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021d80:   394363a0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #216]                                       
    40021d84:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021d88:   940000b2    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[15], alt_result[36], alt_result[57], 4, &buflen, &cp);      
    40021d8c:   3942bfa0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #175]                                       
    40021d90:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021d94:   394313a1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #196]                                       
    40021d98:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021d9c:   394367a2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #217]                                       
    40021da0:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021da4:   940000ab    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[37], alt_result[58], alt_result[16], 4, &buflen, &cp);      
    40021da8:   3942c3a2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #176]                                       
    40021dac:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021db0:   394317a0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #197]                                       
    40021db4:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021db8:   39436ba1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #218]                                       
    40021dbc:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021dc0:   940000a4    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[59], alt_result[17], alt_result[38], 4, &buflen, &cp);      
    40021dc4:   3942c7a1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #177]                                       
    40021dc8:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021dcc:   39431ba2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #198]                                       
    40021dd0:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021dd4:   39436fa0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #219]                                       
    40021dd8:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021ddc:   9400009d    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[18], alt_result[39], alt_result[60], 4, &buflen, &cp);      
    40021de0:   3942cba0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #178]                                       
    40021de4:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021de8:   39431fa1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #199]                                       
    40021dec:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021df0:   394373a2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #220]                                       
    40021df4:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021df8:   94000096    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[40], alt_result[61], alt_result[19], 4, &buflen, &cp);      
    40021dfc:   3942cfa2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #179]                                       
    40021e00:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021e04:   394323a0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #200]                                       
    40021e08:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021e0c:   394377a1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #221]                                       
    40021e10:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021e14:   9400008f    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(alt_result[62], alt_result[20], alt_result[41], 4, &buflen, &cp);      
    40021e18:   3942d3a1    ldrb    w1, [x29, #180]                                       
    40021e1c:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021e20:   394327a2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #201]                                       
    40021e24:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021e28:   39437ba0    ldrb    w0, [x29, #222]                                       
    40021e2c:   52800083    mov w3, #0x4                    // #4                         
    40021e30:   94000088    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    b64_from_24bit(0, 0, alt_result[63], 2, &buflen, &cp);                                
    40021e34:   39437fa2    ldrb    w2, [x29, #223]                                       
    40021e38:   52800000    mov w0, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40021e3c:   910243a5    add x5, x29, #0x90                                            
    40021e40:   910233a4    add x4, x29, #0x8c                                            
    40021e44:   52800043    mov w3, #0x2                    // #2                         
    40021e48:   52800001    mov w1, #0x0                    // #0                         
    40021e4c:   94000081    bl  40022050 <_crypt_b64_from_24bit>                          
    if (buflen <= 0) {                                                                    
    40021e50:   b9408fa0    ldr w0, [x29, #140]                                           
    40021e54:   7100001f    cmp w0, #0x0                                                  
    40021e58:   54000a8d    b.le    40021fa8 <crypt_sha512_r+0x768>                       <== NEVER TAKEN
        errno = ERANGE;                                                                   
        buffer = NULL;                                                                    
        *cp = '\0'; /* Terminate the string. */                                           
    40021e5c:   f9404ba0    ldr x0, [x29, #144]                                           
    40021e60:   3900001f    strb    wzr, [x0]                                             
    /* Clear the buffer for the intermediate result so that people                        
     * attaching to processes or reading core dumps cannot get any                        
     * information. We do it in this way to clear correct_words[] inside                  
     * the SHA512 implementation as well. */                                              
    40021e64:   910483a0    add x0, x29, #0x120                                           
    40021e68:   94001e82    bl  40029870 <SHA512_Init>                                    
    SHA512_Final(alt_result, &ctx);                                                       
    40021e6c:   910483a1    add x1, x29, #0x120                                           
    40021e70:   910283a0    add x0, x29, #0xa0                                            
    40021e74:   94001edf    bl  400299f0 <SHA512_Final>                                   
        memset(copied_key, '\0', key_len);                                                
    if (copied_salt != NULL)                                                              
        memset(copied_salt, '\0', salt_len);                                              
    return buffer;                                                                        
    40021e78:   f9403fa0    ldr x0, [x29, #120]                                           
    40021e7c:   910003bf    mov sp, x29                                                   
    40021e80:   a9407bfd    ldp x29, x30, [sp]                                            
    40021e84:   a94153f3    ldp x19, x20, [sp, #16]                                       
    40021e88:   a9425bf5    ldp x21, x22, [sp, #32]                                       
    40021e8c:   a94363f7    ldp x23, x24, [sp, #48]                                       
    40021e90:   a9446bf9    ldp x25, x26, [sp, #64]                                       
    40021e94:   a94573fb    ldp x27, x28, [sp, #80]                                       
    40021e98:   910b03ff    add sp, sp, #0x2c0                                            
    40021e9c:   d65f03c0    ret                                                           
            SHA512_Update(&ctx, p_bytes, key_len);                                        
    40021ea0:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    40021ea4:   aa1803e1    mov x1, x24                                                   
    40021ea8:   910483a0    add x0, x29, #0x120                                           
    40021eac:   94001e99    bl  40029910 <SHA512_Update>                                  
        if ((cnt & 1) != 0)                                                               
    40021eb0:   b5ffe3b7    cbnz    x23, 40021b24 <crypt_sha512_r+0x2e4>                  
            SHA512_Update(&ctx, p_bytes, key_len);                                        
    40021eb4:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    40021eb8:   aa1803e1    mov x1, x24                                                   
    40021ebc:   910483a0    add x0, x29, #0x120                                           
    40021ec0:   94001e94    bl  40029910 <SHA512_Update>                                  
    40021ec4:   17ffff1c    b   40021b34 <crypt_sha512_r+0x2f4>                           
            SHA512_Update(&ctx, alt_result, 64);                                          
    40021ec8:   910483a0    add x0, x29, #0x120                                           
    40021ecc:   910283a1    add x1, x29, #0xa0                                            
    40021ed0:   d2800802    mov x2, #0x40                   // #64                        
    40021ed4:   94001e8f    bl  40029910 <SHA512_Update>                                  
    40021ed8:   9b1b7e60    mul x0, x19, x27                                              
        if (cnt % 3 != 0)                                                                 
    40021edc:   eb1a001f    cmp x0, x26                                                   
    40021ee0:   54ffe0a9    b.ls    40021af4 <crypt_sha512_r+0x2b4>  // b.plast           
            SHA512_Update(&ctx, s_bytes, salt_len);                                       
    40021ee4:   aa1503e2    mov x2, x21                                                   
    40021ee8:   aa1c03e1    mov x1, x28                                                   
    40021eec:   910483a0    add x0, x29, #0x120                                           
    40021ef0:   94001e88    bl  40029910 <SHA512_Update>                                  
    40021ef4:   17ffff00    b   40021af4 <crypt_sha512_r+0x2b4>                           
            SHA512_Update(&ctx, key, key_len);                                            
    40021ef8:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    40021efc:   aa1703e1    mov x1, x23                                                   
    40021f00:   910483a0    add x0, x29, #0x120                                           
    40021f04:   94001e83    bl  40029910 <SHA512_Update>                                  
    40021f08:   17fffeab    b   400219b4 <crypt_sha512_r+0x174>                           
    if (strncmp(sha512_salt_prefix, salt, sizeof(sha512_salt_prefix) - 1) == 0)           
    40021f0c:   39400ac2    ldrb    w2, [x22, #2]                                         
        salt += sizeof(sha512_salt_prefix) - 1;                                           
    40021f10:   91000ec1    add x1, x22, #0x3                                             
    40021f14:   6b02001f    cmp w0, w2                                                    
    40021f18:   9a960036    csel    x22, x1, x22, eq  // eq = none                        
    40021f1c:   17fffe5d    b   40021890 <crypt_sha512_r+0x50>                            
        n = snprintf(cp, MAX(0, buflen), "%s%zu$",                                        
    40021f20:   f94037a3    ldr x3, [x29, #104]                                           
    40021f24:   aa0203e1    mov x1, x2                                                    
    40021f28:   aa1903e4    mov x4, x25                                                   
    40021f2c:   d00000c2    adrp    x2, 4003b000 <bsp_section_rodata_begin+0x48>          
    40021f30:   913a8042    add x2, x2, #0xea0                                            
    40021f34:   94004550    bl  40033474 <snprintf>                                       
        buflen -= n;                                                                      
    40021f38:   b9408fa2    ldr w2, [x29, #140]                                           
        cp += n;                                                                          
    40021f3c:   f9404ba3    ldr x3, [x29, #144]                                           
        buflen -= n;                                                                      
    40021f40:   6b000042    subs    w2, w2, w0                                            
    40021f44:   b9008fa2    str w2, [x29, #140]                                           
    cp = stpncpy(cp, salt, MIN((size_t)MAX(0, buflen), salt_len));                        
    40021f48:   1a9f5042    csel    w2, w2, wzr, pl  // pl = nfrst                        
        cp += n;                                                                          
    40021f4c:   8b20c063    add x3, x3, w0, sxtw                                          
    cp = stpncpy(cp, salt, MIN((size_t)MAX(0, buflen), salt_len));                        
    40021f50:   93407c42    sxtw    x2, w2                                                
        cp += n;                                                                          
    40021f54:   f9004ba3    str x3, [x29, #144]                                           
        buflen -= n;                                                                      
    40021f58:   17ffff0d    b   40021b8c <crypt_sha512_r+0x34c>                           
        srounds = strtoul(num, &endp, 10);                                                
    40021f5c:   910263a1    add x1, x29, #0x98                                            
    40021f60:   52800142    mov w2, #0xa                    // #10                        
    40021f64:   91001ec0    add x0, x22, #0x7                                             
    40021f68:   940047b7    bl  40033e44 <strtoul>                                        
        if (*endp == '$') {                                                               
    40021f6c:   f9404fa1    ldr x1, [x29, #152]                                           
    40021f70:   39400022    ldrb    w2, [x1]                                              
    40021f74:   7100905f    cmp w2, #0x24                                                 
    40021f78:   54ffca01    b.ne    400218b8 <crypt_sha512_r+0x78>  // b.any              <== NEVER TAKEN
            rounds = MAX(ROUNDS_MIN, MIN(srounds, ROUNDS_MAX));                           
    40021f7c:   d2993ff9    mov x25, #0xc9ff                    // #51711                 
    40021f80:   f2a77359    movk    x25, #0x3b9a, lsl #16                                 
    40021f84:   eb19001f    cmp x0, x25                                                   
            salt = endp + 1;                                                              
    40021f88:   91000436    add x22, x1, #0x1                                             
            rounds = MAX(ROUNDS_MIN, MIN(srounds, ROUNDS_MAX));                           
    40021f8c:   9a999019    csel    x25, x0, x25, ls  // ls = plast                       
    40021f90:   d2807d00    mov x0, #0x3e8                  // #1000                      
    40021f94:   f10fa33f    cmp x25, #0x3e8                                               
    40021f98:   9a802339    csel    x25, x25, x0, cs  // cs = hs, nlast                   
            rounds_custom = true;                                                         
    40021f9c:   52800020    mov w0, #0x1                    // #1                         
    40021fa0:   b90077a0    str w0, [x29, #116]                                           
    40021fa4:   17fffe45    b   400218b8 <crypt_sha512_r+0x78>                            
        errno = ERANGE;                                                                   
    40021fa8:   9400443d    bl  4003309c <__errno>                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
        buffer = NULL;                                                                    
    40021fac:   f9003fbf    str xzr, [x29, #120]                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
        errno = ERANGE;                                                                   
    40021fb0:   52800441    mov w1, #0x22                   // #34                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    40021fb4:   b9000001    str w1, [x0]                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
        buffer = NULL;                                                                    
    40021fb8:   17ffffab    b   40021e64 <crypt_sha512_r+0x624>                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    SHA512_Update(&ctx, alt_result, cnt);                                                 
    40021fbc:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    40021fc0:   910283a1    add x1, x29, #0xa0                                            
    40021fc4:   910483a0    add x0, x29, #0x120                                           
    40021fc8:   94001e52    bl  40029910 <SHA512_Update>                                  
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt > 0; cnt >>= 1)                                               
    40021fcc:   b5ffce74    cbnz    x20, 40021998 <crypt_sha512_r+0x158>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    SHA512_Final(alt_result, &ctx);                                                       
    40021fd0:   910483a1    add x1, x29, #0x120                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    40021fd4:   910283a0    add x0, x29, #0xa0                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    40021fd8:   94001e86    bl  400299f0 <SHA512_Final>                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    SHA512_Final(temp_result, &alt_ctx);                                                  
    40021fdc:   910383b7    add x23, x29, #0xe0                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    40021fe0:   9107c3a0    add x0, x29, #0x1f0                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    cp = p_bytes = alloca(key_len);                                                       
    40021fe4:   910003f8    mov x24, sp                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    40021fe8:   94001e22    bl  40029870 <SHA512_Init>                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    SHA512_Final(temp_result, &alt_ctx);                                                  
    40021fec:   aa1703e0    mov x0, x23                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    40021ff0:   9107c3a1    add x1, x29, #0x1f0                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    40021ff4:   94001e7f    bl  400299f0 <SHA512_Final>                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    cp = p_bytes = alloca(key_len);                                                       
    40021ff8:   f9004bb8    str x24, [x29, #144]                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    40021ffc:   910003e0    mov x0, sp                                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    40022000:   d2800002    mov x2, #0x0                    // #0                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    40022004:   17fffe91    b   40021a48 <crypt_sha512_r+0x208>                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    for (cnt = key_len; cnt >= 64; cnt -= 64) {                                           
    40022008:   aa1403e2    mov x2, x20                                                   
    4002200c:   17fffe8f    b   40021a48 <crypt_sha512_r+0x208>