Annotated Report
Sun Feb 28 23:03:23 2021

001052f0 <_POSIX_Condition_variables_Wait_support>:                                       
int _POSIX_Condition_variables_Wait_support(                                              
  pthread_cond_t            *cond,                                                        
  pthread_mutex_t           *mutex,                                                       
  const struct timespec     *abstime                                                      
  1052f0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  1052f1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  1052f3:   83 ec 58                sub    $0x58,%esp                                     
  1052f6:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  1052f9:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  1052fc:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  1052ff:   8b 75 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%esi                                 
  105302:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  Thread_queue_Context               queue_context;                                       
  int                                error;                                               
  Thread_Control                    *executing;                                           
  the_cond = _POSIX_Condition_variables_Get( cond );                                      
  POSIX_CONDITION_VARIABLES_VALIDATE_OBJECT( the_cond, flags );                           
  105305:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  105307:   0f 84 b8 00 00 00       je     1053c5 <_POSIX_Condition_variables_Wait_support+0xd5>
  10530d:   8b 3b                   mov    (%ebx),%edi                                    
  10530f:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  105311:   31 f8                   xor    %edi,%eax                                      
  105313:   35 fe b1 df 18          xor    $0x18dfb1fe,%eax                               
  105318:   83 e0 fe                and    $0xfffffffe,%eax                               
  10531b:   0f 85 bf 00 00 00       jne    1053e0 <_POSIX_Condition_variables_Wait_support+0xf0>
  _Thread_queue_Context_initialize( &queue_context );                                     
  if ( abstime != NULL ) {                                                                
  105321:   8b 55 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edx                                
  105324:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  105326:   0f 84 cb 00 00 00       je     1053f7 <_POSIX_Condition_variables_Wait_support+0x107>
  queue_context->Timeout.arg = arg;                                                       
  10532c:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  if ( ( flags & POSIX_CONDITION_VARIABLES_CLOCK_MONOTONIC ) != 0 ) {                     
  10532f:   83 e7 01                and    $0x1,%edi                                      
  105332:   89 45 d0                mov    %eax,-0x30(%ebp)                               
  105335:   0f 85 d5 00 00 00       jne    105410 <_POSIX_Condition_variables_Wait_support+0x120><== NEVER TAKEN
  queue_context->enqueue_callout = enqueue_callout;                                       
  10533b:   c7 45 cc c0 51 10 00    movl   $0x1051c0,-0x34(%ebp)                          
  _Thread_queue_Context_ISR_disable( queue_context, level );                              
  105342:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  105343:   fa                      cli                                                   
  105344:   58                      pop    %eax                                           
  105345:   89 45 c4                mov    %eax,-0x3c(%ebp)                               
  executing = _POSIX_Condition_variables_Acquire( the_cond, &queue_context );             
  if (                                                                                    
    the_cond->mutex != POSIX_CONDITION_VARIABLES_NO_MUTEX                                 
  105348:   8b 43 18                mov    0x18(%ebx),%eax                                
      && the_cond->mutex != mutex                                                         
  10534b:   39 f0                   cmp    %esi,%eax                                      
  10534d:   74 21                   je     105370 <_POSIX_Condition_variables_Wait_support+0x80>
  10534f:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105351:   74 1d                   je     105370 <_POSIX_Condition_variables_Wait_support+0x80>
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( lock_context );                                                   
  105353:   ff 75 c4                push   -0x3c(%ebp)                                    
  105356:   9d                      popf                                                  
  ) {                                                                                     
    _POSIX_Condition_variables_Release( the_cond, &queue_context );                       
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  105357:   bb 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%ebx                                     
      error = EINVAL;                                                                     
  return error;                                                                           
  10535c:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  10535f:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  105361:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  105364:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  105367:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  105369:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10536a:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10536b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10536f:   90                      nop                                                   
static inline struct _Thread_Control *_Per_CPU_Get_executing(                             
  const Per_CPU_Control *cpu                                                              
  return cpu->executing;                                                                  
  105370:   8b 3d b8 c1 12 00       mov    0x12c1b8,%edi                                  
  105376:   8d 45 c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%eax                               
  105379:   83 c3 0c                add    $0xc,%ebx                                      
  the_cond->mutex = mutex;                                                                
  10537c:   89 73 0c                mov    %esi,0xc(%ebx)                                 
  10537f:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  105383:   b8 90 2d 12 00          mov    $0x122d90,%eax                                 
  105388:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10538c:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  10538f:   89 7c 24 08             mov    %edi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  queue_context->thread_state = thread_state;                                             
  105393:   c7 45 c8 20 00 00 00    movl   $0x20,-0x38(%ebp)                              
  10539a:   e8 81 3a 00 00          call   108e20 <_Thread_queue_Enqueue>                 
  return _POSIX_Get_by_name_error_table[ error ];                                         
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE int _POSIX_Get_error( Status_Control status )                        
  return STATUS_GET_POSIX( status );                                                      
  10539f:   8b 57 4c                mov    0x4c(%edi),%edx                                
  1053a2:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
  1053a4:   c1 f8 1f                sar    $0x1f,%eax                                     
  1053a7:   0f b6 d8                movzbl %al,%ebx                                       
  1053aa:   01 d3                   add    %edx,%ebx                                      
  1053ac:   c1 fb 08                sar    $0x8,%ebx                                      
  if ( error == EINTR ) {                                                                 
  1053af:   83 fb 04                cmp    $0x4,%ebx                                      
  1053b2:   74 6c                   je     105420 <_POSIX_Condition_variables_Wait_support+0x130><== NEVER TAKEN
  if ( error != EPERM ) {                                                                 
  1053b4:   83 fb 01                cmp    $0x1,%ebx                                      
  1053b7:   74 a3                   je     10535c <_POSIX_Condition_variables_Wait_support+0x6c>
    mutex_error = pthread_mutex_lock( mutex );                                            
  1053b9:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  1053bc:   e8 ff 01 00 00          call   1055c0 <pthread_mutex_lock>                    
    if ( mutex_error != 0 ) {                                                             
  1053c1:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1053c3:   74 97                   je     10535c <_POSIX_Condition_variables_Wait_support+0x6c>
      error = EINVAL;                                                                     
  1053c5:   bb 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%ebx                                     
  1053ca:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  1053cd:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  1053d0:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  1053d2:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  1053d5:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  1053d7:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1053d8:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1053d9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  POSIX_CONDITION_VARIABLES_VALIDATE_OBJECT( the_cond, flags );                           
  1053e0:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  1053e3:   e8 38 fd ff ff          call   105120 <_POSIX_Condition_variables_Auto_initialization>
  1053e8:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  1053ea:   74 d9                   je     1053c5 <_POSIX_Condition_variables_Wait_support+0xd5>
  if ( abstime != NULL ) {                                                                
  1053ec:   8b 55 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edx                                
  1053ef:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  1053f1:   0f 85 35 ff ff ff       jne    10532c <_POSIX_Condition_variables_Wait_support+0x3c><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  queue_context->enqueue_callout = enqueue_callout;                                       
  1053f7:   c7 45 cc 30 52 10 00    movl   $0x105230,-0x34(%ebp)                          
  1053fe:   e9 3f ff ff ff          jmp    105342 <_POSIX_Condition_variables_Wait_support+0x52>
  105403:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10540a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  queue_context->enqueue_callout = enqueue_callout;                                       
  105410:   c7 45 cc 80 52 10 00    movl   $0x105280,-0x34(%ebp)                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  105417:   e9 26 ff ff ff          jmp    105342 <_POSIX_Condition_variables_Wait_support+0x52><== NOT EXECUTED
  10541c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    error = 0;                                                                            
  105420:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105422:   eb 95                   jmp    1053b9 <_POSIX_Condition_variables_Wait_support+0xc9><== NOT EXECUTED
  105424:   90                      nop                                                   
  105425:   90                      nop                                                   
  105426:   90                      nop                                                   
  105427:   90                      nop                                                   
  105428:   90                      nop                                                   
  105429:   90                      nop                                                   
  10542a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10542b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10542c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10542d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10542e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10542f:   90                      nop                                                   

00105500 <_POSIX_Message_queue_Receive_support>: size_t msg_len, unsigned int *msg_prio, const struct timespec *abstime, Thread_queue_Enqueue_callout enqueue_callout ) {
  105500:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  return (POSIX_Message_queue_Control *) _Objects_Get(                                    
  105501:   ba 40 91 12 00          mov    $0x129140,%edx                                 
  105506:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  105508:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  105509:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  10550a:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  10550b:   8d 5d c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%ebx                               
  10550e:   83 ec 5c                sub    $0x5c,%esp                                     
  105511:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  105515:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  105518:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10551c:   8b 75 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%esi                                
  10551f:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  105522:   e8 29 3c 00 00          call   109150 <_Objects_Get>                          
  Thread_Control              *executing;                                                 
  Status_Control               status;                                                    
  the_mq = _POSIX_Message_queue_Get( mqdes, &queue_context );                             
  if ( the_mq == NULL ) {                                                                 
  105527:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105529:   0f 84 95 00 00 00       je     1055c4 <_POSIX_Message_queue_Receive_support+0xc4>
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EBADF );                                        
  if ( ( the_mq->oflag & O_ACCMODE ) == O_WRONLY ) {                                      
  10552f:   8b 48 6c                mov    0x6c(%eax),%ecx                                
  105532:   89 ca                   mov    %ecx,%edx                                      
  105534:   83 e2 03                and    $0x3,%edx                                      
  105537:   4a                      dec    %edx                                           
  105538:   0f 84 82 00 00 00       je     1055c0 <_POSIX_Message_queue_Receive_support+0xc0>
    _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context.Lock_context.Lock_context );                     
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EBADF );                                        
  if ( msg_len < the_mq->Message_queue.maximum_message_size ) {                           
  10553e:   8b 7d 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edi                                
  105541:   39 78 28                cmp    %edi,0x28(%eax)                                
  105544:   0f 87 8c 00 00 00       ja     1055d6 <_POSIX_Message_queue_Receive_support+0xd6>
   *  Now if something goes wrong, we return a "length" of -1                             
   *  to indicate an error.                                                               
  length_out = -1;                                                                        
  10554a:   c7 45 c0 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x40(%ebp)                        
  queue_context->enqueue_callout = enqueue_callout;                                       
  105551:   8b 55 1c                mov    0x1c(%ebp),%edx                                
  105554:   89 55 cc                mov    %edx,-0x34(%ebp)                               
  queue_context->Timeout.arg = arg;                                                       
  105557:   8b 55 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%edx                                
  10555a:   89 55 d0                mov    %edx,-0x30(%ebp)                               
  10555d:   8d 50 10                lea    0x10(%eax),%edx                                
  if ( the_mq->open_count == 0 ) {                                                        
  105560:   8b 40 54                mov    0x54(%eax),%eax                                
  105563:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105565:   74 59                   je     1055c0 <_POSIX_Message_queue_Receive_support+0xc0>
   *  Now perform the actual message receive                                              
  executing = _Thread_Executing;                                                          
  status = _CORE_message_queue_Seize(                                                     
  105567:   89 5c 24 14             mov    %ebx,0x14(%esp)                                
  10556b:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10556d:   f6 c5 40                test   $0x40,%ch                                      
  105570:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    
  105573:   0f 94 c0                sete   %al                                            
  105576:   8b 3d d8 d1 12 00       mov    0x12d1d8,%edi                                  
  10557c:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  105580:   8d 45 c0                lea    -0x40(%ebp),%eax                               
  105583:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  105587:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10558a:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10558e:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  105592:   e8 19 1f 00 00          call   1074b0 <_CORE_message_queue_Seize>             
    ( the_mq->oflag & O_NONBLOCK ) == 0,                                                  
  if ( status != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ) {                                                    
  105597:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  status = _CORE_message_queue_Seize(                                                     
  105599:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  if ( status != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ) {                                                    
  10559b:   75 4f                   jne    1055ec <_POSIX_Message_queue_Receive_support+0xec>
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( _POSIX_Get_error( status ) );                   
  if ( msg_prio != NULL ) {                                                               
  10559d:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  10559f:   74 0f                   je     1055b0 <_POSIX_Message_queue_Receive_support+0xb0><== NEVER TAKEN
  return (unsigned int) ((priority >= 0) ? priority : -priority);                         
  1055a1:   8b 47 3c                mov    0x3c(%edi),%eax                                
  1055a4:   8b 57 3c                mov    0x3c(%edi),%edx                                
  1055a7:   c1 f8 1f                sar    $0x1f,%eax                                     
  1055aa:   31 c2                   xor    %eax,%edx                                      
  1055ac:   29 c2                   sub    %eax,%edx                                      
  1055ae:   89 16                   mov    %edx,(%esi)                                    
    *msg_prio = _POSIX_Message_queue_Priority_from_core(                                  
  return length_out;                                                                      
  1055b0:   8b 45 c0                mov    -0x40(%ebp),%eax                               
  1055b3:   83 c4 5c                add    $0x5c,%esp                                     
  1055b6:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  1055b7:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  1055b8:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  1055b9:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1055ba:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1055bb:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1055bf:   90                      nop                                                   
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                      
  1055c0:   ff 75 c4                push   -0x3c(%ebp)                                    
  1055c3:   9d                      popf                                                  
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EBADF );                                        
  1055c4:   e8 57 77 01 00          call   11cd20 <__errno>                               
  1055c9:   c7 00 09 00 00 00       movl   $0x9,(%eax)                                    
  1055cf:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  1055d4:   eb dd                   jmp    1055b3 <_POSIX_Message_queue_Receive_support+0xb3>
    _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context.Lock_context.Lock_context );                     
  1055d6:   ff 75 c4                push   -0x3c(%ebp)                                    
  1055d9:   9d                      popf                                                  
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EMSGSIZE );                                     
  1055da:   e8 41 77 01 00          call   11cd20 <__errno>                               
  1055df:   c7 00 7a 00 00 00       movl   $0x7a,(%eax)                                   
  1055e5:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  1055ea:   eb c7                   jmp    1055b3 <_POSIX_Message_queue_Receive_support+0xb3>
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( _POSIX_Get_error( status ) );                   
  1055ec:   e8 2f 77 01 00          call   11cd20 <__errno>                               
  1055f1:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  1055f3:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  1055f5:   c1 f8 1f                sar    $0x1f,%eax                                     
  1055f8:   0f b6 c0                movzbl %al,%eax                                       
  1055fb:   01 c3                   add    %eax,%ebx                                      
  1055fd:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  105602:   c1 fb 08                sar    $0x8,%ebx                                      
  105605:   89 1a                   mov    %ebx,(%edx)                                    
  105607:   eb aa                   jmp    1055b3 <_POSIX_Message_queue_Receive_support+0xb3>
  105609:   90                      nop                                                   
  10560a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10560b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10560c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10560d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10560e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10560f:   90                      nop                                                   

00105650 <_POSIX_Message_queue_Send_support>: size_t msg_len, unsigned int msg_prio, const struct timespec *abstime, Thread_queue_Enqueue_callout enqueue_callout ) {
  105650:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  105651:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  105653:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  105654:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  105655:   83 ec 50                sub    $0x50,%esp                                     
  105658:   8b 5d 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%ebx                                
   * Validate the priority.                                                               
   * XXX - Do not validate msg_prio is not less than 0.                                   
  if ( msg_prio > MQ_PRIO_MAX ) {                                                         
  10565b:   83 fb 20                cmp    $0x20,%ebx                                     
  10565e:   0f 87 cc 00 00 00       ja     105730 <_POSIX_Message_queue_Send_support+0xe0>
  return (POSIX_Message_queue_Control *) _Objects_Get(                                    
  105664:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  105667:   8d 75 d4                lea    -0x2c(%ebp),%esi                               
  10566a:   ba 40 91 12 00          mov    $0x129140,%edx                                 
  10566f:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  105673:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105677:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10567a:   e8 d1 3a 00 00          call   109150 <_Objects_Get>                          
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  the_mq = _POSIX_Message_queue_Get( mqdes, &queue_context );                             
  if ( the_mq == NULL ) {                                                                 
  10567f:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105681:   0f 84 8d 00 00 00       je     105714 <_POSIX_Message_queue_Send_support+0xc4><== NEVER TAKEN
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EBADF );                                        
  if ( ( the_mq->oflag & O_ACCMODE ) == O_RDONLY ) {                                      
  105687:   8b 48 6c                mov    0x6c(%eax),%ecx                                
  10568a:   f6 c1 03                test   $0x3,%cl                                       
  10568d:   0f 84 7d 00 00 00       je     105710 <_POSIX_Message_queue_Send_support+0xc0>
  queue_context->enqueue_callout = enqueue_callout;                                       
  105693:   8b 55 1c                mov    0x1c(%ebp),%edx                                
  105696:   89 55 dc                mov    %edx,-0x24(%ebp)                               
  queue_context->Timeout.arg = arg;                                                       
  105699:   8b 55 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%edx                                
  10569c:   89 55 e0                mov    %edx,-0x20(%ebp)                               
  _Thread_queue_Context_set_enqueue_callout( &queue_context, enqueue_callout );           
  _Thread_queue_Context_set_timeout_argument( &queue_context, abstime );                  
  10569f:   8d 50 10                lea    0x10(%eax),%edx                                
  if ( the_mq->open_count == 0 ) {                                                        
  1056a2:   8b 40 54                mov    0x54(%eax),%eax                                
  1056a5:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1056a7:   74 67                   je     105710 <_POSIX_Message_queue_Send_support+0xc0>
   *  Now perform the actual message receive                                              
  executing = _Thread_Executing;                                                          
  status = _CORE_message_queue_Submit(                                                    
  1056a9:   89 74 24 18             mov    %esi,0x18(%esp)                                
  1056ad:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1056af:   f6 c5 40                test   $0x40,%ch                                      
  1056b2:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    
  1056b5:   0f 94 c0                sete   %al                                            
  return (CORE_message_queue_Submit_types) priority * -1;                                 
  1056b8:   f7 db                   neg    %ebx                                           
  1056ba:   89 44 24 14             mov    %eax,0x14(%esp)                                
  1056be:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  1056c1:   89 5c 24 10             mov    %ebx,0x10(%esp)                                
  1056c5:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  1056c9:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1056cc:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1056d0:   a1 d8 d1 12 00          mov    0x12d1d8,%eax                                  
  1056d5:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1056d9:   e8 72 1f 00 00          call   107650 <_CORE_message_queue_Submit>            
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE int _POSIX_Zero_or_minus_one_plus_errno(                             
  Status_Control status                                                                   
  if ( status == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ) {                                                    
  1056de:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1056e0:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  1056e2:   75 0c                   jne    1056f0 <_POSIX_Message_queue_Send_support+0xa0>
    _POSIX_Message_queue_Priority_to_core( msg_prio ),                                    
    ( the_mq->oflag & O_NONBLOCK ) == 0,                                                  
  return _POSIX_Zero_or_minus_one_plus_errno( status );                                   
  1056e4:   83 c4 50                add    $0x50,%esp                                     
  1056e7:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  1056e9:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  1056ea:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  1056eb:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1056ec:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1056ed:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    return 0;                                                                             
  rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( _POSIX_Get_error( status ) );                     
  1056f0:   e8 2b 76 01 00          call   11cd20 <__errno>                               
  1056f5:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  return STATUS_GET_POSIX( status );                                                      
  1056f7:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  1056f9:   c1 f8 1f                sar    $0x1f,%eax                                     
  1056fc:   0f b6 c0                movzbl %al,%eax                                       
  1056ff:   01 c3                   add    %eax,%ebx                                      
  105701:   c1 fb 08                sar    $0x8,%ebx                                      
  rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( _POSIX_Get_error( status ) );                     
  105704:   89 1a                   mov    %ebx,(%edx)                                    
  105706:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               
  10570b:   eb d7                   jmp    1056e4 <_POSIX_Message_queue_Send_support+0x94>
  10570d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context.Lock_context.Lock_context );                     
  105710:   ff 75 d4                push   -0x2c(%ebp)                                    
  105713:   9d                      popf                                                  
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EBADF );                                        
  105714:   e8 07 76 01 00          call   11cd20 <__errno>                               
  105719:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               
  10571e:   c7 00 09 00 00 00       movl   $0x9,(%eax)                                    
  105724:   eb be                   jmp    1056e4 <_POSIX_Message_queue_Send_support+0x94>
  105726:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10572d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  105730:   e8 eb 75 01 00          call   11cd20 <__errno>                               
  105735:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               
  10573a:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  105740:   eb a2                   jmp    1056e4 <_POSIX_Message_queue_Send_support+0x94>
  105742:   90                      nop                                                   
  105743:   90                      nop                                                   
  105744:   90                      nop                                                   
  105745:   90                      nop                                                   
  105746:   90                      nop                                                   
  105747:   90                      nop                                                   
  105748:   90                      nop                                                   
  105749:   90                      nop                                                   
  10574a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10574b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10574c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10574d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10574e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10574f:   90                      nop                                                   

00107940 <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support>: int _POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support( pthread_mutex_t *mutex, const struct timespec *abstime, Thread_queue_Enqueue_callout enqueue_callout ) {
  107940:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  107941:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  107943:   83 ec 58                sub    $0x58,%esp                                     
  107946:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  107949:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  10794c:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  10794f:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  Thread_queue_Context  queue_context;                                                    
  Thread_Control       *executing;                                                        
  Status_Control        status;                                                           
  the_mutex = _POSIX_Mutex_Get( mutex );                                                  
  POSIX_MUTEX_VALIDATE_OBJECT( the_mutex, flags );                                        
  107952:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  107954:   0f 84 36 01 00 00       je     107a90 <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0x150>       
  10795a:   8b 33                   mov    (%ebx),%esi                                    
  10795c:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  10795e:   31 f0                   xor    %esi,%eax                                      
  107960:   35 b8 13 1c 96          xor    $0x961c13b8,%eax                               
  107965:   83 e0 f8                and    $0xfffffff8,%eax                               
  107968:   0f 85 12 01 00 00       jne    107a80 <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0x140>       
  _Thread_queue_Context_ISR_disable( queue_context, level );                              
  10796e:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  10796f:   fa                      cli                                                   
  107970:   58                      pop    %eax                                           
#if defined( RTEMS_SMP )                                                                  
  context->Lock_context.isr_level = level;                                                
  context->isr_level = level;                                                             
  107971:   89 45 c4                mov    %eax,-0x3c(%ebp)                               
  queue_context->enqueue_callout = enqueue_callout;                                       
  107974:   8b 55 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edx                                
  queue_context->Timeout.arg = arg;                                                       
  107977:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
static inline struct _Thread_Control *_Per_CPU_Get_executing(                             
  const Per_CPU_Control *cpu                                                              
  return cpu->executing;                                                                  
  10797a:   8b 3d 78 3c 13 00       mov    0x133c78,%edi                                  
  queue_context->enqueue_callout = enqueue_callout;                                       
  107980:   89 55 cc                mov    %edx,-0x34(%ebp)                               
  executing = _POSIX_Mutex_Acquire( the_mutex, &queue_context );                          
  _Thread_queue_Context_set_enqueue_callout( &queue_context, enqueue_callout);            
  _Thread_queue_Context_set_timeout_argument( &queue_context, abstime );                  
  switch ( _POSIX_Mutex_Get_protocol( flags ) ) {                                         
  107983:   89 f2                   mov    %esi,%edx                                      
  queue_context->Timeout.arg = arg;                                                       
  107985:   89 45 d0                mov    %eax,-0x30(%ebp)                               
  107988:   83 e2 03                and    $0x3,%edx                                      
  10798b:   0f 84 bf 00 00 00       je     107a50 <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0x110>       
  107991:   83 fa 02                cmp    $0x2,%edx                                      
  107994:   74 4a                   je     1079e0 <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0xa0>        
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Thread_Control *_POSIX_Mutex_Get_owner(                              
  const POSIX_Mutex_Control *the_mutex                                                    
  return the_mutex->Recursive.Mutex.Queue.Queue.owner;                                    
  107996:   8b 53 10                mov    0x10(%ebx),%edx                                
  Thread_Control *owner;                                                                  
  owner = _POSIX_Mutex_Get_owner( the_mutex );                                            
  if ( owner == NULL ) {                                                                  
  107999:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  10799b:   0f 84 6f 01 00 00       je     107b10 <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0x1d0>       
    _Thread_Resource_count_increment( executing );                                        
    _POSIX_Mutex_Release( the_mutex, queue_context );                                     
    return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                             
  if ( owner == executing ) {                                                             
  1079a1:   39 d7                   cmp    %edx,%edi                                      
  1079a3:   0f 84 b6 00 00 00       je     107a5f <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0x11f>       
  if ( (uintptr_t) abstime != POSIX_MUTEX_ABSTIME_TRY_LOCK ) {                            
  1079a9:   83 7d 0c 01             cmpl   $0x1,0xc(%ebp)                                 
  1079ad:   0f 84 3d 01 00 00       je     107af0 <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0x1b0>       
  queue_context->thread_state = thread_state;                                             
  1079b3:   c7 45 c8 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,-0x38(%ebp)                               
  1079ba:   8d 55 c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%edx                               
  1079bd:   b8 28 a3 12 00          mov    $0x12a328,%eax                                 
  queue_context->deadlock_callout = deadlock_callout;                                     
  1079c2:   c7 45 e4 50 bb 10 00    movl   $0x10bb50,-0x1c(%ebp)                          
  1079c9:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  1079cd:   89 7c 24 08             mov    %edi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1079d1:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1079d5:   eb 44                   jmp    107a1b <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0xdb>        
  1079d7:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1079de:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  return the_mutex->Recursive.Mutex.Queue.Queue.owner;                                    
  1079e0:   8b 53 10                mov    0x10(%ebx),%edx                                
  Thread_Control *owner;                                                                  
  owner = _POSIX_Mutex_Get_owner( the_mutex );                                            
  if ( owner == NULL ) {                                                                  
  1079e3:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  1079e5:   0f 84 45 01 00 00       je     107b30 <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0x1f0>       
  if ( owner == executing ) {                                                             
  1079eb:   39 d7                   cmp    %edx,%edi                                      
  1079ed:   74 70                   je     107a5f <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0x11f>       <== NEVER TAKEN
  if ( (uintptr_t) abstime != POSIX_MUTEX_ABSTIME_TRY_LOCK ) {                            
  1079ef:   83 7d 0c 01             cmpl   $0x1,0xc(%ebp)                                 
  1079f3:   0f 84 f7 00 00 00       je     107af0 <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0x1b0>       <== NEVER TAKEN
  queue_context->thread_state = thread_state;                                             
  1079f9:   c7 45 c8 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,-0x38(%ebp)                               
  107a00:   8d 55 c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%edx                               
  107a03:   b9 3c a3 12 00          mov    $0x12a33c,%ecx                                 
  queue_context->deadlock_callout = deadlock_callout;                                     
  107a08:   c7 45 e4 50 bb 10 00    movl   $0x10bb50,-0x1c(%ebp)                          
  107a0f:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  107a13:   89 7c 24 08             mov    %edi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  107a17:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  107a1b:   83 c3 0c                add    $0xc,%ebx                                      
  107a1e:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  107a21:   e8 5a 41 00 00          call   10bb80 <_Thread_queue_Enqueue>                 
  return _POSIX_Get_by_name_error_table[ error ];                                         
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE int _POSIX_Get_error( Status_Control status )                        
  return STATUS_GET_POSIX( status );                                                      
  107a26:   8b 4f 4c                mov    0x4c(%edi),%ecx                                
  107a29:   89 ca                   mov    %ecx,%edx                                      
  107a2b:   c1 fa 1f                sar    $0x1f,%edx                                     
  107a2e:   0f b6 c2                movzbl %dl,%eax                                       
  107a31:   01 c8                   add    %ecx,%eax                                      
  107a33:   c1 f8 08                sar    $0x8,%eax                                      
  return _POSIX_Get_error( status );                                                      
  107a36:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  107a39:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  107a3c:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  107a3f:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  107a41:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  107a42:   c3                      ret                                                   
  107a43:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  107a4a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  return the_mutex->Recursive.Mutex.Queue.Queue.owner;                                    
  107a50:   8b 53 10                mov    0x10(%ebx),%edx                                
  if ( owner == NULL ) {                                                                  
  107a53:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  107a55:   0f 84 b5 00 00 00       je     107b10 <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0x1d0>       
  if ( owner == executing ) {                                                             
  107a5b:   39 d7                   cmp    %edx,%edi                                      
  107a5d:   75 51                   jne    107ab0 <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0x170>       
  if ( _POSIX_Mutex_Is_recursive( flags ) ) {                                             
  107a5f:   83 e6 04                and    $0x4,%esi                                      
  107a62:   74 7c                   je     107ae0 <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0x1a0>       <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  107a64:   ff 43 18                incl   0x18(%ebx)                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                             
  107a67:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( lock_context );                                                   
  107a69:   ff 75 c4                push   -0x3c(%ebp)                                    
  107a6c:   9d                      popf                                                  
  107a6d:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  107a70:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  107a73:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  107a76:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  107a78:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  107a79:   c3                      ret                                                   
  107a7a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  POSIX_MUTEX_VALIDATE_OBJECT( the_mutex, flags );                                        
  107a80:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  107a83:   e8 b8 02 00 00          call   107d40 <_POSIX_Mutex_Auto_initialization>      
  107a88:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  107a8a:   0f 85 de fe ff ff       jne    10796e <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0x2e>        
  107a90:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
    return STATUS_MUTEX_CEILING_VIOLATED;                                                 
  107a93:   b8 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%eax                                     
  107a98:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  107a9b:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  107a9e:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  107aa0:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  107aa1:   c3                      ret                                                   
  107aa2:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  107aa9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  if ( (uintptr_t) abstime != POSIX_MUTEX_ABSTIME_TRY_LOCK ) {                            
  107ab0:   83 7d 0c 01             cmpl   $0x1,0xc(%ebp)                                 
  107ab4:   74 3a                   je     107af0 <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0x1b0>       <== NEVER TAKEN
  queue_context->thread_state = thread_state;                                             
  107ab6:   c7 45 c8 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,-0x38(%ebp)                               
  107abd:   8d 55 c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%edx                               
  107ac0:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  107ac4:   ba 50 a3 12 00          mov    $0x12a350,%edx                                 
  queue_context->deadlock_callout = deadlock_callout;                                     
  107ac9:   c7 45 e4 50 bb 10 00    movl   $0x10bb50,-0x1c(%ebp)                          
  107ad0:   89 7c 24 08             mov    %edi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  107ad4:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  107ad8:   e9 3e ff ff ff          jmp    107a1b <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0xdb>        
  107add:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  107ae0:   b8 2d 00 00 00          mov    $0x2d,%eax                                     
  107ae5:   e9 7f ff ff ff          jmp    107a69 <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0x129>       
  107aea:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( lock_context );                                                   
  107af0:   ff 75 c4                push   -0x3c(%ebp)                                    
  107af3:   9d                      popf                                                  
  107af4:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  107af7:   b8 10 00 00 00          mov    $0x10,%eax                                     
  107afc:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  107aff:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  107b02:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  107b04:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  107b05:   c3                      ret                                                   
  107b06:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  107b0d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  the_mutex->Recursive.Mutex.Queue.Queue.owner = owner;                                   
  107b10:   89 7b 10                mov    %edi,0x10(%ebx)                                
  107b13:   ff 75 c4                push   -0x3c(%ebp)                                    
  107b16:   9d                      popf                                                  
  107b17:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
    return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                             
  107b1a:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  107b1c:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  107b1f:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  107b22:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  107b24:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  107b25:   c3                      ret                                                   
  107b26:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  107b2d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  queue_context->Priority.update_count = 0;                                               
  107b30:   c7 45 d8 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x28(%ebp)                               
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Priority_Control _Priority_Get_priority(                             
  const Priority_Aggregation *aggregation                                                 
  return aggregation->Node.priority;                                                      
  107b37:   8b 57 38                mov    0x38(%edi),%edx                                
  if (                                                                                    
  107b3a:   8b 43 2c                mov    0x2c(%ebx),%eax                                
  107b3d:   39 42 14                cmp    %eax,0x14(%edx)                                
  107b40:   8b 4a 18                mov    0x18(%edx),%ecx                                
  107b43:   1b 4b 30                sbb    0x30(%ebx),%ecx                                
  107b46:   72 43                   jb     107b8b <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0x24b>       
  the_mutex->Recursive.Mutex.Queue.Queue.owner = owner;                                   
  107b48:   89 7b 10                mov    %edi,0x10(%ebx)                                
  107b4b:   8d 75 c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%esi                               
  107b4e:   83 c3 1c                add    $0x1c,%ebx                                     
  107b51:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  107b55:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  107b59:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  107b5c:   e8 ef 36 00 00          call   10b250 <_Thread_Priority_add>                  
  const ISR_lock_Context *lock_context                                                    
  uint32_t disable_level;                                                                 
  disable_level = cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level;                                
  107b61:   a1 70 3c 13 00          mov    0x133c70,%eax                                  
  cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level = disable_level + 1;                            
  107b66:   40                      inc    %eax                                           
  107b67:   a3 70 3c 13 00          mov    %eax,0x133c70                                  
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( lock_context );                                                   
  107b6c:   ff 75 c4                push   -0x3c(%ebp)                                    
  107b6f:   9d                      popf                                                  
  _Thread_Priority_update( queue_context );                                               
  107b70:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  107b73:   e8 58 38 00 00          call   10b3d0 <_Thread_Priority_update>               
  _Thread_Dispatch_enable( cpu_self );                                                    
  107b78:   c7 04 24 60 3c 13 00    movl   $0x133c60,(%esp)                               
  107b7f:   e8 cc 3a 00 00          call   10b650 <_Thread_Dispatch_enable>               
  return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                               
  107b84:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  107b86:   e9 ab fe ff ff          jmp    107a36 <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0xf6>        
  107b8b:   ff 75 c4                push   -0x3c(%ebp)                                    
  107b8e:   9d                      popf                                                  
  107b8f:   e9 fc fe ff ff          jmp    107a90 <_POSIX_Mutex_Lock_support+0x150>       
  107b94:   90                      nop                                                   
  107b95:   90                      nop                                                   
  107b96:   90                      nop                                                   
  107b97:   90                      nop                                                   
  107b98:   90                      nop                                                   
  107b99:   90                      nop                                                   
  107b9a:   90                      nop                                                   
  107b9b:   90                      nop                                                   
  107b9c:   90                      nop                                                   
  107b9d:   90                      nop                                                   
  107b9e:   90                      nop                                                   
  107b9f:   90                      nop                                                   

00106310 <_POSIX_RWLock_Auto_initialization>: #include <rtems/posix/posixapi.h> #include <string.h> bool _POSIX_RWLock_Auto_initialization( POSIX_RWLock_Control *the_rwlock ) {
  106310:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  POSIX_RWLock_Control zero;                                                              
  memset( &zero, 0, sizeof( zero ) );                                                     
  106311:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  106313:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  106315:   83 ec 38                sub    $0x38,%esp                                     
  106318:   89 5d fc                mov    %ebx,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  10631b:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  memset( &zero, 0, sizeof( zero ) );                                                     
  10631e:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  106320:   89 54 05 d8             mov    %edx,-0x28(%ebp,%eax,1)                        
  106324:   89 54 05 dc             mov    %edx,-0x24(%ebp,%eax,1)                        
  106328:   83 c0 08                add    $0x8,%eax                                      
  10632b:   83 f8 20                cmp    $0x20,%eax                                     
  10632e:   72 f0                   jb     106320 <_POSIX_RWLock_Auto_initialization+0x10>
  if ( memcmp( the_rwlock, &zero, sizeof( *the_rwlock ) ) != 0 ) {                        
  106330:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  106333:   b8 20 00 00 00          mov    $0x20,%eax                                     
  106338:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10633c:   8d 45 d8                lea    -0x28(%ebp),%eax                               
  10633f:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  106343:   e8 e7 69 01 00          call   11cd2f <memcmp>                                
  106348:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10634a:   75 14                   jne    106360 <_POSIX_RWLock_Auto_initialization+0x50>
    return false;                                                                         
  the_rwlock->flags = (uintptr_t) the_rwlock ^ POSIX_RWLOCK_MAGIC;                        
  10634c:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10634e:   35 bd da 21 96          xor    $0x9621dabd,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  106353:   89 03                   mov    %eax,(%ebx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  return true;                                                                            
  106355:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  106358:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10635a:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  return true;                                                                            
  10635b:   b0 01                   mov    $0x1,%al                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  10635d:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10635e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  106360:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  106363:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
    return false;                                                                         
  106365:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  106367:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  106368:   c3                      ret                                                   
  106369:   90                      nop                                                   
  10636a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10636b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10636c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10636d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10636e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10636f:   90                      nop                                                   

001048e0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_heap>: int _POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_heap( POSIX_Shm_Object *shm_obj, size_t size ) {
  1048e0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1048e1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1048e3:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  1048e6:   89 5d f8                mov    %ebx,-0x8(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1048e9:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  void *p = calloc( 1, size ); /* get zero'd memory */                                    
  1048ec:   c7 04 24 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1048f3:   89 75 fc                mov    %esi,-0x4(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1048f6:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  void *p = calloc( 1, size ); /* get zero'd memory */                                    
  1048f9:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1048fd:   e8 fe 50 00 00          call   109a00 <calloc>                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  if ( p != NULL ) {                                                                      
  104902:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104904:   74 11                   je     104917 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_heap+0x37><== NOT EXECUTED
    shm_obj->handle = p;                                                                  
  104906:   89 06                   mov    %eax,(%esi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    shm_obj->size = size;                                                                 
  104908:   89 5e 04                mov    %ebx,0x4(%esi)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  } else {                                                                                
    errno = EIO;                                                                          
  return 0;                                                                               
  10490b:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10490e:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104910:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  104913:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104915:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  104916:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    errno = EIO;                                                                          
  104917:   e8 74 59 01 00          call   11a290 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10491c:   c7 00 05 00 00 00       movl   $0x5,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104922:   eb e7                   jmp    10490b <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_heap+0x2b><== NOT EXECUTED
  104924:   90                      nop                                                   
  104925:   90                      nop                                                   
  104926:   90                      nop                                                   
  104927:   90                      nop                                                   
  104928:   90                      nop                                                   
  104929:   90                      nop                                                   
  10492a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10492b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10492c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10492d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10492e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10492f:   90                      nop                                                   

00105c60 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace>: int _POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace( POSIX_Shm_Object *shm_obj, size_t size ) {
  105c60:   55                      push   %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c61:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c63:   83 ec 28                sub    $0x28,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c66:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c69:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c6c:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c6f:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c72:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  shm_obj->handle = _Workspace_Allocate( size );                                          
  105c75:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c78:   e8 d3 43 00 00          call   10a050 <_Workspace_Allocate>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c7d:   89 06                   mov    %eax,(%esi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  if ( shm_obj->handle == NULL ) {                                                        
  105c7f:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c81:   0f 84 99 00 00 00       je     105d20 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace+0xc0><== NOT EXECUTED
    return ENOMEM;                                                                        
  memset( shm_obj->handle, 0, size );                                                     
  105c87:   83 fb 08                cmp    $0x8,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c8a:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c8c:   89 da                   mov    %ebx,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c8e:   73 60                   jae    105cf0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace+0x90><== NOT EXECUTED
  105c90:   f6 c2 04                test   $0x4,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c93:   75 4b                   jne    105ce0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace+0x80><== NOT EXECUTED
  105c95:   f6 c2 02                test   $0x2,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c98:   75 36                   jne    105cd0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace+0x70><== NOT EXECUTED
  105c9a:   f6 c2 01                test   $0x1,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c9d:   75 21                   jne    105cc0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace+0x60><== NOT EXECUTED
  shm_obj->size = size;                                                                   
  105c9f:   89 5e 04                mov    %ebx,0x4(%esi)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  return 0;                                                                               
  105ca2:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  return 0;                                                                               
  105ca5:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ca7:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105caa:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105cad:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105caf:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105cb0:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105cb1:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  105cb8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  105cbf:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  memset( shm_obj->handle, 0, size );                                                     
  105cc0:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105cc3:   eb da                   jmp    105c9f <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace+0x3f><== NOT EXECUTED
  105cc5:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ccc:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  105cd0:   66 c7 07 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105cd5:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105cd8:   f6 c2 01                test   $0x1,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  105cdb:   74 c2                   je     105c9f <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace+0x3f><== NOT EXECUTED
  105cdd:   eb e1                   jmp    105cc0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace+0x60><== NOT EXECUTED
  105cdf:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ce0:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ce6:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ce9:   f6 c2 02                test   $0x2,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  105cec:   74 ac                   je     105c9a <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace+0x3a><== NOT EXECUTED
  105cee:   eb e0                   jmp    105cd0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace+0x70><== NOT EXECUTED
  105cf0:   a8 01                   test   $0x1,%al                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  105cf2:   75 5c                   jne    105d50 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace+0xf0><== NOT EXECUTED
  105cf4:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105cfa:   75 64                   jne    105d60 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace+0x100><== NOT EXECUTED
  105cfc:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d02:   75 3c                   jne    105d40 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace+0xe0><== NOT EXECUTED
  105d04:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d06:   83 e2 03                and    $0x3,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d09:   c1 e9 02                shr    $0x2,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d0c:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d0e:   f3 ab                   rep stos %eax,%es:(%edi)                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d10:   f6 c2 04                test   $0x4,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d13:   74 80                   je     105c95 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace+0x35><== NOT EXECUTED
  105d15:   eb c9                   jmp    105ce0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace+0x80><== NOT EXECUTED
  105d17:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d1e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d20:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    return ENOMEM;                                                                        
  105d23:   b8 0c 00 00 00          mov    $0xc,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d28:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d2b:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d2e:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d30:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d31:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d32:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d39:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  memset( shm_obj->handle, 0, size );                                                     
  105d40:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d46:   83 ea 04                sub    $0x4,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d49:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d4c:   eb b6                   jmp    105d04 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace+0xa4><== NOT EXECUTED
  105d4e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d50:   c6 00 00                movb   $0x0,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d53:   8d 53 ff                lea    -0x1(%ebx),%edx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d56:   47                      inc    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d57:   eb 9b                   jmp    105cf4 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace+0x94><== NOT EXECUTED
  105d59:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d60:   66 c7 07 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d65:   83 ea 02                sub    $0x2,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d68:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d6b:   eb 8f                   jmp    105cfc <_POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace+0x9c><== NOT EXECUTED
  105d6d:   90                      nop                                                   
  105d6e:   90                      nop                                                   
  105d6f:   90                      nop                                                   

00104930 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_heap>: int _POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_heap( POSIX_Shm_Object *shm_obj ) {
  104930:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  104931:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  104933:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  104934:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  104935:   83 ec 10                sub    $0x10,%esp                                     
  104938:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  /* zero out memory before releasing it. */                                              
  memset( shm_obj->handle, 0, shm_obj->size );                                            
  10493b:   8b 53 04                mov    0x4(%ebx),%edx                                 
  10493e:   8b 3b                   mov    (%ebx),%edi                                    
  104940:   83 fa 08                cmp    $0x8,%edx                                      
  104943:   73 4b                   jae    104990 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_heap+0x60><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  104945:   f6 c2 04                test   $0x4,%dl                                       
  104948:   74 09                   je     104953 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_heap+0x23><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10494a:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104950:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104953:   f6 c2 02                test   $0x2,%dl                                       
  104956:   74 08                   je     104960 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_heap+0x30><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  104958:   66 c7 07 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10495d:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104960:   f6 c2 01                test   $0x1,%dl                                       
  104963:   74 03                   je     104968 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_heap+0x38><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  104965:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  free( shm_obj->handle );                                                                
  104968:   8b 03                   mov    (%ebx),%eax                                    
  10496a:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10496d:   e8 be 51 00 00          call   109b30 <free>                                  
  shm_obj->handle = NULL;                                                                 
  shm_obj->size = 0;                                                                      
  return 0;                                                                               
  104972:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  shm_obj->handle = NULL;                                                                 
  104974:   c7 03 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%ebx)                                    
  shm_obj->size = 0;                                                                      
  10497a:   c7 43 04 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x4(%ebx)                                 
  104981:   83 c4 10                add    $0x10,%esp                                     
  104984:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  104985:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  104986:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  104987:   c3                      ret                                                   
  104988:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10498f:   90                      nop                                                   
  memset( shm_obj->handle, 0, shm_obj->size );                                            
  104990:   f7 c7 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%edi                                      
  104996:   75 28                   jne    1049c0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_heap+0x90><== NEVER TAKEN
  104998:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      
  10499e:   75 30                   jne    1049d0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_heap+0xa0><== NEVER TAKEN
  1049a0:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      
  1049a6:   75 38                   jne    1049e0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_heap+0xb0><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  1049a8:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      
  1049aa:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1049ac:   c1 e9 02                shr    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  1049af:   83 e2 03                and    $0x3,%edx                                      
  1049b2:   f3 ab                   rep stos %eax,%es:(%edi)                              
  1049b4:   eb 8f                   jmp    104945 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_heap+0x15>
  1049b6:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1049bd:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  1049c0:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1049c3:   4a                      dec    %edx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1049c4:   47                      inc    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1049c5:   eb d1                   jmp    104998 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_heap+0x68><== NOT EXECUTED
  1049c7:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  1049ce:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  1049d0:   66 c7 07 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1049d5:   83 ea 02                sub    $0x2,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1049d8:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1049db:   eb c3                   jmp    1049a0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_heap+0x70><== NOT EXECUTED
  1049dd:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1049e0:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    
  1049e6:   83 ea 04                sub    $0x4,%edx                                      
  1049e9:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      
  1049ec:   eb ba                   jmp    1049a8 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_heap+0x78>
  1049ee:   90                      nop                                                   
  1049ef:   90                      nop                                                   

00105d70 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_workspace>: int _POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_workspace( POSIX_Shm_Object *shm_obj ) {
  105d70:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  105d71:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  105d73:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  105d74:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  105d75:   83 ec 10                sub    $0x10,%esp                                     
  105d78:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  /* zero out memory before releasing it. */                                              
  memset( shm_obj->handle, 0, shm_obj->size );                                            
  105d7b:   8b 53 04                mov    0x4(%ebx),%edx                                 
  105d7e:   8b 3b                   mov    (%ebx),%edi                                    
  105d80:   83 fa 08                cmp    $0x8,%edx                                      
  105d83:   73 4b                   jae    105dd0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_workspace+0x60>
  105d85:   f6 c2 04                test   $0x4,%dl                                       
  105d88:   74 09                   je     105d93 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_workspace+0x23><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  105d8a:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d90:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d93:   f6 c2 02                test   $0x2,%dl                                       
  105d96:   74 08                   je     105da0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_workspace+0x30><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  105d98:   66 c7 07 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d9d:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105da0:   f6 c2 01                test   $0x1,%dl                                       
  105da3:   74 03                   je     105da8 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_workspace+0x38><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  105da5:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  _Workspace_Free( shm_obj->handle );                                                     
  105da8:   8b 03                   mov    (%ebx),%eax                                    
  105daa:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  105dad:   e8 ce 42 00 00          call   10a080 <_Workspace_Free>                       
  shm_obj->handle = NULL;                                                                 
  shm_obj->size = 0;                                                                      
  return 0;                                                                               
  105db2:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  shm_obj->handle = NULL;                                                                 
  105db4:   c7 03 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%ebx)                                    
  shm_obj->size = 0;                                                                      
  105dba:   c7 43 04 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x4(%ebx)                                 
  105dc1:   83 c4 10                add    $0x10,%esp                                     
  105dc4:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  105dc5:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  105dc6:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105dc7:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105dc8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105dcf:   90                      nop                                                   
  memset( shm_obj->handle, 0, shm_obj->size );                                            
  105dd0:   f7 c7 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%edi                                      
  105dd6:   75 28                   jne    105e00 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_workspace+0x90><== NEVER TAKEN
  105dd8:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      
  105dde:   75 30                   jne    105e10 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_workspace+0xa0><== NEVER TAKEN
  105de0:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      
  105de6:   75 38                   jne    105e20 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_workspace+0xb0><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  105de8:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      
  105dea:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  105dec:   c1 e9 02                shr    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  105def:   83 e2 03                and    $0x3,%edx                                      
  105df2:   f3 ab                   rep stos %eax,%es:(%edi)                              
  105df4:   eb 8f                   jmp    105d85 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_workspace+0x15>
  105df6:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105dfd:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  105e00:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e03:   4a                      dec    %edx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e04:   47                      inc    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e05:   eb d1                   jmp    105dd8 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_workspace+0x68><== NOT EXECUTED
  105e07:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e0e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e10:   66 c7 07 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e15:   83 ea 02                sub    $0x2,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e18:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e1b:   eb c3                   jmp    105de0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_workspace+0x70><== NOT EXECUTED
  105e1d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e20:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    
  105e26:   83 ea 04                sub    $0x4,%edx                                      
  105e29:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      
  105e2c:   eb ba                   jmp    105de8 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_workspace+0x78>
  105e2e:   90                      nop                                                   
  105e2f:   90                      nop                                                   

00104c60 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_mmap_from_heap>: POSIX_Shm_Object *shm_obj, size_t len, int prot, off_t off ) {
  104c60:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  104c61:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  104c63:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp                                     
  104c66:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  104c69:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  104c6c:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  104c6f:   8b 75 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%esi                                
  104c72:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  104c75:   8b 7d 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%edi                                
  if ( shm_obj == NULL || shm_obj->handle == NULL )                                       
  104c78:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104c7a:   74 44                   je     104cc0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_mmap_from_heap+0x60> <== NEVER TAKEN
  104c7c:   8b 10                   mov    (%eax),%edx                                    
  104c7e:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  104c80:   74 20                   je     104ca2 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_mmap_from_heap+0x42> <== NEVER TAKEN
    return 0;                                                                             
  /* This is already checked by mmap. Maybe make it a debug assert? */                    
  if ( shm_obj->size < len + off ) {                                                      
  104c82:   8b 48 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%ecx                                 
  104c85:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
  104c87:   89 5d ec                mov    %ebx,-0x14(%ebp)                               
  104c8a:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
  104c8c:   89 4d e8                mov    %ecx,-0x18(%ebp)                               
  104c8f:   8b 4d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  104c92:   01 f1                   add    %esi,%ecx                                      
  104c94:   11 fb                   adc    %edi,%ebx                                      
  104c96:   39 48 04                cmp    %ecx,0x4(%eax)                                 
  104c99:   8b 45 ec                mov    -0x14(%ebp),%eax                               
  104c9c:   19 d8                   sbb    %ebx,%eax                                      
  104c9e:   7c 20                   jl     104cc0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_mmap_from_heap+0x60> <== NEVER TAKEN
    return NULL;                                                                          
  return (char*)shm_obj->handle + off;                                                    
  104ca0:   01 f2                   add    %esi,%edx                                      
  104ca2:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  104ca5:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
  104ca7:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  104caa:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  104cad:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  104caf:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  104cb0:   c3                      ret                                                   
  104cb1:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  104cb8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  104cbf:   90                      nop                                                   
  104cc0:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    return 0;                                                                             
  104cc3:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104cc5:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  104cc8:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104cca:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  104ccd:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104ccf:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  104cd0:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  104cd1:   90                      nop                                                   
  104cd2:   90                      nop                                                   
  104cd3:   90                      nop                                                   
  104cd4:   90                      nop                                                   
  104cd5:   90                      nop                                                   
  104cd6:   90                      nop                                                   
  104cd7:   90                      nop                                                   
  104cd8:   90                      nop                                                   
  104cd9:   90                      nop                                                   
  104cda:   90                      nop                                                   
  104cdb:   90                      nop                                                   
  104cdc:   90                      nop                                                   
  104cdd:   90                      nop                                                   
  104cde:   90                      nop                                                   
  104cdf:   90                      nop                                                   

001060d0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_mmap_from_workspace>: POSIX_Shm_Object *shm_obj, size_t len, int prot, off_t off ) {
  1060d0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  1060d1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  1060d3:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp                                     
  1060d6:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  1060d9:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1060dc:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  1060df:   8b 75 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%esi                                
  1060e2:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  1060e5:   8b 7d 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%edi                                
  if ( shm_obj == NULL || shm_obj->handle == NULL )                                       
  1060e8:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1060ea:   74 44                   je     106130 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_mmap_from_workspace+0x60><== NEVER TAKEN
  1060ec:   8b 10                   mov    (%eax),%edx                                    
  1060ee:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  1060f0:   74 20                   je     106112 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_mmap_from_workspace+0x42><== NEVER TAKEN
    return 0;                                                                             
  /* This is already checked by mmap. Maybe make it a debug assert? */                    
  if ( shm_obj->size < len + off ) {                                                      
  1060f2:   8b 48 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%ecx                                 
  1060f5:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
  1060f7:   89 5d ec                mov    %ebx,-0x14(%ebp)                               
  1060fa:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
  1060fc:   89 4d e8                mov    %ecx,-0x18(%ebp)                               
  1060ff:   8b 4d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  106102:   01 f1                   add    %esi,%ecx                                      
  106104:   11 fb                   adc    %edi,%ebx                                      
  106106:   39 48 04                cmp    %ecx,0x4(%eax)                                 
  106109:   8b 45 ec                mov    -0x14(%ebp),%eax                               
  10610c:   19 d8                   sbb    %ebx,%eax                                      
  10610e:   7c 20                   jl     106130 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_mmap_from_workspace+0x60><== NEVER TAKEN
    return NULL;                                                                          
  return (char*)shm_obj->handle + off;                                                    
  106110:   01 f2                   add    %esi,%edx                                      
  106112:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  106115:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
  106117:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  10611a:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  10611d:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10611f:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  106120:   c3                      ret                                                   
  106121:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  106128:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10612f:   90                      nop                                                   
  106130:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    return 0;                                                                             
  106133:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  106135:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  106138:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10613a:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10613d:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10613f:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  106140:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  106141:   90                      nop                                                   
  106142:   90                      nop                                                   
  106143:   90                      nop                                                   
  106144:   90                      nop                                                   
  106145:   90                      nop                                                   
  106146:   90                      nop                                                   
  106147:   90                      nop                                                   
  106148:   90                      nop                                                   
  106149:   90                      nop                                                   
  10614a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10614b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10614c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10614d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10614e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10614f:   90                      nop                                                   

00104ba0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_heap>: int _POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_heap( POSIX_Shm_Object *shm_obj, void *buf, size_t count ) {
  104ba0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  104ba1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104ba3:   83 ec 08                sub    $0x8,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104ba6:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  104ba9:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bac:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  if ( shm_obj == NULL || shm_obj->handle == NULL )                                       
  104baf:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bb1:   74 6d                   je     104c20 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_heap+0x80> <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bb3:   8b 30                   mov    (%eax),%esi                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bb5:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bb7:   74 67                   je     104c20 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_heap+0x80> <== NOT EXECUTED
    return 0;                                                                             
  if ( shm_obj->size < count ) {                                                          
  104bb9:   8b 40 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bbc:   3b 45 10                cmp    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bbf:   77 1f                   ja     104be0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_heap+0x40> <== NOT EXECUTED
    count = shm_obj->size;                                                                
  memcpy( buf, shm_obj->handle, count );                                                  
  104bc1:   83 f8 08                cmp    $0x8,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bc4:   8b 7d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bc7:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bc9:   73 22                   jae    104bed <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_heap+0x4d> <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bcb:   f3 a4                   rep movsb %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi)                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  return count;                                                                           
  104bcd:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bd0:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bd3:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bd5:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bd6:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bd7:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bde:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  104be0:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  memcpy( buf, shm_obj->handle, count );                                                  
  104be3:   8b 7d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  104be6:   83 f8 08                cmp    $0x8,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104be9:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104beb:   72 de                   jb     104bcb <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_heap+0x2b> <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bed:   f7 c7 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bf3:   75 3b                   jne    104c30 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_heap+0x90> <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bf5:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bfb:   75 43                   jne    104c40 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_heap+0xa0> <== NOT EXECUTED
  104bfd:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c03:   74 c6                   je     104bcb <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_heap+0x2b> <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c05:   8b 16                   mov    (%esi),%edx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c07:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c0a:   83 c6 04                add    $0x4,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c0d:   83 e9 04                sub    $0x4,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c10:   89 57 fc                mov    %edx,-0x4(%edi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c13:   eb b6                   jmp    104bcb <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_heap+0x2b> <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c15:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c1c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c20:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    return 0;                                                                             
  104c23:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c25:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c28:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c2a:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c2b:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c2c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  memcpy( buf, shm_obj->handle, count );                                                  
  104c30:   0f b6 16                movzbl (%esi),%edx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c33:   47                      inc    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c34:   46                      inc    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c35:   8d 48 ff                lea    -0x1(%eax),%ecx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c38:   88 57 ff                mov    %dl,-0x1(%edi)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c3b:   eb b8                   jmp    104bf5 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_heap+0x55> <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c3d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c40:   0f b7 16                movzwl (%esi),%edx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c43:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c46:   83 c6 02                add    $0x2,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c49:   83 e9 02                sub    $0x2,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c4c:   66 89 57 fe             mov    %dx,-0x2(%edi)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c50:   eb ab                   jmp    104bfd <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_heap+0x5d> <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c52:   90                      nop                                                   
  104c53:   90                      nop                                                   
  104c54:   90                      nop                                                   
  104c55:   90                      nop                                                   
  104c56:   90                      nop                                                   
  104c57:   90                      nop                                                   
  104c58:   90                      nop                                                   
  104c59:   90                      nop                                                   
  104c5a:   90                      nop                                                   
  104c5b:   90                      nop                                                   
  104c5c:   90                      nop                                                   
  104c5d:   90                      nop                                                   
  104c5e:   90                      nop                                                   
  104c5f:   90                      nop                                                   

00106010 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_workspace>: int _POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_workspace( POSIX_Shm_Object *shm_obj, void *buf, size_t count ) {
  106010:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  106011:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  106013:   83 ec 08                sub    $0x8,%esp                                      
  106016:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  106019:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10601c:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  if ( shm_obj == NULL || shm_obj->handle == NULL )                                       
  10601f:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  106021:   74 6d                   je     106090 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_workspace+0x80><== NEVER TAKEN
  106023:   8b 30                   mov    (%eax),%esi                                    
  106025:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  106027:   74 67                   je     106090 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_workspace+0x80><== NEVER TAKEN
    return 0;                                                                             
  if ( shm_obj->size < count ) {                                                          
  106029:   8b 40 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%eax                                 
  10602c:   3b 45 10                cmp    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  10602f:   77 1f                   ja     106050 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_workspace+0x40><== NEVER TAKEN
    count = shm_obj->size;                                                                
  memcpy( buf, shm_obj->handle, count );                                                  
  106031:   83 f8 08                cmp    $0x8,%eax                                      
  106034:   8b 7d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edi                                 
  106037:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
  106039:   73 22                   jae    10605d <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_workspace+0x4d><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10603b:   f3 a4                   rep movsb %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi)                       
  return count;                                                                           
  10603d:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  106040:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  106043:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  106045:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  106046:   c3                      ret                                                   
  106047:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10604e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  106050:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  memcpy( buf, shm_obj->handle, count );                                                  
  106053:   8b 7d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  106056:   83 f8 08                cmp    $0x8,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  106059:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10605b:   72 de                   jb     10603b <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_workspace+0x2b><== NOT EXECUTED
  10605d:   f7 c7 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%edi                                      
  106063:   75 3b                   jne    1060a0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_workspace+0x90><== NEVER TAKEN
  106065:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      
  10606b:   75 43                   jne    1060b0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_workspace+0xa0><== NEVER TAKEN
  10606d:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      
  106073:   74 c6                   je     10603b <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_workspace+0x2b><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  106075:   8b 16                   mov    (%esi),%edx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  106077:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10607a:   83 c6 04                add    $0x4,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10607d:   83 e9 04                sub    $0x4,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  106080:   89 57 fc                mov    %edx,-0x4(%edi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  106083:   eb b6                   jmp    10603b <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_workspace+0x2b><== NOT EXECUTED
  106085:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10608c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  106090:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    return 0;                                                                             
  106093:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  106095:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  106098:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10609a:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10609b:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10609c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  memcpy( buf, shm_obj->handle, count );                                                  
  1060a0:   0f b6 16                movzbl (%esi),%edx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1060a3:   47                      inc    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1060a4:   46                      inc    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1060a5:   8d 48 ff                lea    -0x1(%eax),%ecx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1060a8:   88 57 ff                mov    %dl,-0x1(%edi)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1060ab:   eb b8                   jmp    106065 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_workspace+0x55><== NOT EXECUTED
  1060ad:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1060b0:   0f b7 16                movzwl (%esi),%edx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1060b3:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1060b6:   83 c6 02                add    $0x2,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1060b9:   83 e9 02                sub    $0x2,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1060bc:   66 89 57 fe             mov    %dx,-0x2(%edi)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1060c0:   eb ab                   jmp    10606d <_POSIX_Shm_Object_read_from_workspace+0x5d><== NOT EXECUTED
  1060c2:   90                      nop                                                   
  1060c3:   90                      nop                                                   
  1060c4:   90                      nop                                                   
  1060c5:   90                      nop                                                   
  1060c6:   90                      nop                                                   
  1060c7:   90                      nop                                                   
  1060c8:   90                      nop                                                   
  1060c9:   90                      nop                                                   
  1060ca:   90                      nop                                                   
  1060cb:   90                      nop                                                   
  1060cc:   90                      nop                                                   
  1060cd:   90                      nop                                                   
  1060ce:   90                      nop                                                   
  1060cf:   90                      nop                                                   

001049f0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap>: int _POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap( POSIX_Shm_Object *shm_obj, size_t size ) {
  1049f0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  1049f1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  1049f3:   83 ec 28                sub    $0x28,%esp                                     
  1049f6:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  1049f9:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  1049fc:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  1049ff:   8b 75 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%esi                                 
  104a02:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  void *p;                                                                                
  int err = 0;                                                                            
  if ( size < shm_obj->size ) {                                                           
  104a05:   8b 53 04                mov    0x4(%ebx),%edx                                 
    /* zero out if shrinking */                                                           
    p = (void*)((uintptr_t)shm_obj->handle + (uintptr_t)size);                            
  104a08:   8b 03                   mov    (%ebx),%eax                                    
  if ( size < shm_obj->size ) {                                                           
  104a0a:   39 f2                   cmp    %esi,%edx                                      
  104a0c:   77 32                   ja     104a40 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x50><== NEVER TAKEN
    memset( p, 0, shm_obj->size - size );                                                 
  p = realloc( shm_obj->handle, size );                                                   
  104a0e:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104a12:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  104a15:   e8 06 5b 00 00          call   10a520 <realloc>                               
  if ( p != NULL ) {                                                                      
  104a1a:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  p = realloc( shm_obj->handle, size );                                                   
  104a1c:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      
  if ( p != NULL ) {                                                                      
  104a1e:   0f 84 69 01 00 00       je     104b8d <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x19d><== NEVER TAKEN
    shm_obj->handle = p;                                                                  
  104a24:   89 03                   mov    %eax,(%ebx)                                    
    if ( size > shm_obj->size ) {                                                         
  104a26:   8b 43 04                mov    0x4(%ebx),%eax                                 
  104a29:   39 f0                   cmp    %esi,%eax                                      
  104a2b:   72 43                   jb     104a70 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x80><== ALWAYS TAKEN
      /* initialize added memory */                                                       
      memset( p, 0, size - shm_obj->size );                                               
    shm_obj->size = size;                                                                 
  104a2d:   89 73 04                mov    %esi,0x4(%ebx)                                 
  int err = 0;                                                                            
  104a30:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  } else {                                                                                
    err = EIO;                                                                            
  return err;                                                                             
  104a32:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  104a35:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  104a38:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  104a3b:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  104a3d:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  104a3e:   c3                      ret                                                   
  104a3f:   90                      nop                                                   
    memset( p, 0, shm_obj->size - size );                                                 
  104a40:   8d 3c 30                lea    (%eax,%esi,1),%edi                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  104a43:   29 f2                   sub    %esi,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104a45:   83 fa 08                cmp    $0x8,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104a48:   0f 83 b2 00 00 00       jae    104b00 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x110><== NOT EXECUTED
  104a4e:   f6 c2 04                test   $0x4,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  104a51:   75 6d                   jne    104ac0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0xd0><== NOT EXECUTED
  104a53:   f6 c2 02                test   $0x2,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  104a56:   75 58                   jne    104ab0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0xc0><== NOT EXECUTED
  104a58:   f6 c2 01                test   $0x1,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  104a5b:   75 43                   jne    104aa0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0xb0><== NOT EXECUTED
  p = realloc( shm_obj->handle, size );                                                   
  104a5d:   8b 03                   mov    (%ebx),%eax                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104a5f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  104a60:   eb ac                   jmp    104a0e <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x1e><== NOT EXECUTED
  104a62:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  104a69:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
      memset( p, 0, size - shm_obj->size );                                               
  104a70:   89 f2                   mov    %esi,%edx                                      
  104a72:   29 c2                   sub    %eax,%edx                                      
  104a74:   83 fa 08                cmp    $0x8,%edx                                      
  104a77:   0f 83 b3 00 00 00       jae    104b30 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x140><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  104a7d:   f6 c2 04                test   $0x4,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  104a80:   75 6e                   jne    104af0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x100><== NOT EXECUTED
  104a82:   f6 c2 02                test   $0x2,%dl                                       
  104a85:   75 49                   jne    104ad0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0xe0><== NEVER TAKEN
  104a87:   f6 c2 01                test   $0x1,%dl                                       
  104a8a:   74 a1                   je     104a2d <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x3d><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  104a8c:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104a8f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  104a90:   eb 9b                   jmp    104a2d <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x3d><== NOT EXECUTED
  104a92:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  104a99:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    memset( p, 0, shm_obj->size - size );                                                 
  104aa0:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  p = realloc( shm_obj->handle, size );                                                   
  104aa3:   8b 03                   mov    (%ebx),%eax                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104aa5:   e9 64 ff ff ff          jmp    104a0e <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x1e><== NOT EXECUTED
  104aaa:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    memset( p, 0, shm_obj->size - size );                                                 
  104ab0:   66 c7 07 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104ab5:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104ab8:   f6 c2 01                test   $0x1,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  104abb:   74 a0                   je     104a5d <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x6d><== NOT EXECUTED
  104abd:   eb e1                   jmp    104aa0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0xb0><== NOT EXECUTED
  104abf:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  104ac0:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104ac6:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104ac9:   f6 c2 02                test   $0x2,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  104acc:   74 8a                   je     104a58 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x68><== NOT EXECUTED
  104ace:   eb e0                   jmp    104ab0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0xc0><== NOT EXECUTED
      memset( p, 0, size - shm_obj->size );                                               
  104ad0:   66 c7 07 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104ad5:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104ad8:   f6 c2 01                test   $0x1,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  104adb:   0f 84 4c ff ff ff       je     104a2d <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x3d><== NOT EXECUTED
  104ae1:   eb a9                   jmp    104a8c <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x9c><== NOT EXECUTED
  104ae3:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  104aea:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  104af0:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104af6:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104af9:   f6 c2 02                test   $0x2,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  104afc:   74 89                   je     104a87 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x97><== NOT EXECUTED
  104afe:   eb d0                   jmp    104ad0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0xe0><== NOT EXECUTED
    memset( p, 0, shm_obj->size - size );                                                 
  104b00:   f7 c7 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104b06:   75 48                   jne    104b50 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x160><== NOT EXECUTED
  104b08:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104b0e:   75 70                   jne    104b80 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x190><== NOT EXECUTED
  104b10:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104b16:   75 58                   jne    104b70 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x180><== NOT EXECUTED
  104b18:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104b1a:   83 e2 03                and    $0x3,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104b1d:   c1 e9 02                shr    $0x2,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104b20:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104b22:   f3 ab                   rep stos %eax,%es:(%edi)                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  104b24:   f6 c2 04                test   $0x4,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  104b27:   0f 84 26 ff ff ff       je     104a53 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x63><== NOT EXECUTED
  104b2d:   eb 91                   jmp    104ac0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0xd0><== NOT EXECUTED
  104b2f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
      memset( p, 0, size - shm_obj->size );                                               
  104b30:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      
  104b36:   75 28                   jne    104b60 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x170><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  104b38:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      
  104b3a:   83 e2 03                and    $0x3,%edx                                      
  104b3d:   c1 e9 02                shr    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  104b40:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  104b42:   f3 ab                   rep stos %eax,%es:(%edi)                              
  104b44:   f6 c2 04                test   $0x4,%dl                                       
  104b47:   0f 84 35 ff ff ff       je     104a82 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x92><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  104b4d:   eb a1                   jmp    104af0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x100><== NOT EXECUTED
  104b4f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    memset( p, 0, shm_obj->size - size );                                                 
  104b50:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104b53:   4a                      dec    %edx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  104b54:   47                      inc    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  104b55:   eb b1                   jmp    104b08 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x118><== NOT EXECUTED
  104b57:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  104b5e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
      memset( p, 0, size - shm_obj->size );                                               
  104b60:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    
  104b66:   83 ea 04                sub    $0x4,%edx                                      
  104b69:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      
  104b6c:   eb ca                   jmp    104b38 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x148>
  104b6e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
    memset( p, 0, shm_obj->size - size );                                                 
  104b70:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104b76:   83 ea 04                sub    $0x4,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104b79:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104b7c:   eb 9a                   jmp    104b18 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x128><== NOT EXECUTED
  104b7e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  104b80:   66 c7 07 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104b85:   83 ea 02                sub    $0x2,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104b88:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104b8b:   eb 83                   jmp    104b10 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x120><== NOT EXECUTED
    err = EIO;                                                                            
  104b8d:   b8 05 00 00 00          mov    $0x5,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  return err;                                                                             
  104b92:   e9 9b fe ff ff          jmp    104a32 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_heap+0x42><== NOT EXECUTED
  104b97:   90                      nop                                                   
  104b98:   90                      nop                                                   
  104b99:   90                      nop                                                   
  104b9a:   90                      nop                                                   
  104b9b:   90                      nop                                                   
  104b9c:   90                      nop                                                   
  104b9d:   90                      nop                                                   
  104b9e:   90                      nop                                                   
  104b9f:   90                      nop                                                   

00105e30 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace>: int _POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace( POSIX_Shm_Object *shm_obj, size_t size ) {
  105e30:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  105e31:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  105e33:   83 ec 28                sub    $0x28,%esp                                     
  105e36:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  105e39:   8b 75 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%esi                                 
  105e3c:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  105e3f:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  105e42:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  int err;                                                                                
  if ( size == 0 ) {                                                                      
  105e45:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  memset( shm_obj->handle, 0, shm_obj->size );                                            
  105e47:   8b 3b                   mov    (%ebx),%edi                                    
  if ( size == 0 ) {                                                                      
  105e49:   0f 84 81 00 00 00       je     105ed0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0xa0><== NEVER TAKEN
    err = _POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_workspace( shm_obj );                             
  } else if ( shm_obj->handle == NULL && shm_obj->size == 0 ) {                           
  105e4f:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      
    err = _POSIX_Shm_Object_create_from_workspace( shm_obj, size );                       
  } else {                                                                                
    /* Refuse to resize a workspace object. */                                            
    err = EIO;                                                                            
  105e51:   b8 05 00 00 00          mov    $0x5,%eax                                      
  } else if ( shm_obj->handle == NULL && shm_obj->size == 0 ) {                           
  105e56:   74 18                   je     105e70 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x40><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  return err;                                                                             
  105e58:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e5b:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e5e:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e61:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e63:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e64:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e65:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e6c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  } else if ( shm_obj->handle == NULL && shm_obj->size == 0 ) {                           
  105e70:   8b 53 04                mov    0x4(%ebx),%edx                                 
  105e73:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  105e75:   75 e1                   jne    105e58 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x28><== NEVER TAKEN
  shm_obj->handle = _Workspace_Allocate( size );                                          
  105e77:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  105e7a:   e8 d1 41 00 00          call   10a050 <_Workspace_Allocate>                   
  105e7f:   89 03                   mov    %eax,(%ebx)                                    
  if ( shm_obj->handle == NULL ) {                                                        
  105e81:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  shm_obj->handle = _Workspace_Allocate( size );                                          
  105e83:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      
  if ( shm_obj->handle == NULL ) {                                                        
  105e85:   0f 84 15 01 00 00       je     105fa0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x170><== NEVER TAKEN
  memset( shm_obj->handle, 0, size );                                                     
  105e8b:   83 fe 08                cmp    $0x8,%esi                                      
  105e8e:   89 f2                   mov    %esi,%edx                                      
  105e90:   0f 83 da 00 00 00       jae    105f70 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x140><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  105e96:   f6 c2 04                test   $0x4,%dl                                       
  105e99:   74 09                   je     105ea4 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x74><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  105e9b:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ea1:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ea4:   f6 c2 02                test   $0x2,%dl                                       
  105ea7:   74 08                   je     105eb1 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x81><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  105ea9:   66 c7 07 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105eae:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105eb1:   f6 c2 01                test   $0x1,%dl                                       
  105eb4:   74 03                   je     105eb9 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x89><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  105eb6:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  shm_obj->size = size;                                                                   
  105eb9:   89 73 04                mov    %esi,0x4(%ebx)                                 
  105ebc:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  return 0;                                                                               
  105ebf:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  105ec1:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  105ec4:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  105ec7:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  105ec9:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105eca:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105ecb:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105ecf:   90                      nop                                                   
  memset( shm_obj->handle, 0, shm_obj->size );                                            
  105ed0:   8b 53 04                mov    0x4(%ebx),%edx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ed3:   83 fa 08                cmp    $0x8,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ed6:   73 68                   jae    105f40 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x110><== NOT EXECUTED
  105ed8:   f6 c2 04                test   $0x4,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  105edb:   75 53                   jne    105f30 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x100><== NOT EXECUTED
  105edd:   f6 c2 02                test   $0x2,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ee0:   75 3e                   jne    105f20 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0xf0><== NOT EXECUTED
  105ee2:   f6 c2 01                test   $0x1,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ee5:   75 29                   jne    105f10 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0xe0><== NOT EXECUTED
  _Workspace_Free( shm_obj->handle );                                                     
  105ee7:   8b 03                   mov    (%ebx),%eax                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ee9:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105eec:   e8 8f 41 00 00          call   10a080 <_Workspace_Free>                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ef1:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    err = _POSIX_Shm_Object_delete_from_workspace( shm_obj );                             
  105ef4:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  shm_obj->handle = NULL;                                                                 
  105ef6:   c7 03 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%ebx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105efc:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  shm_obj->size = 0;                                                                      
  105eff:   c7 43 04 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x4(%ebx)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f06:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f09:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f0b:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f0c:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f0d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  memset( shm_obj->handle, 0, shm_obj->size );                                            
  105f10:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f13:   eb d2                   jmp    105ee7 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0xb7><== NOT EXECUTED
  105f15:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f1c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f20:   66 c7 07 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f25:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f28:   f6 c2 01                test   $0x1,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f2b:   74 ba                   je     105ee7 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0xb7><== NOT EXECUTED
  105f2d:   eb e1                   jmp    105f10 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0xe0><== NOT EXECUTED
  105f2f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f30:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f36:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f39:   f6 c2 02                test   $0x2,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f3c:   74 a4                   je     105ee2 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0xb2><== NOT EXECUTED
  105f3e:   eb e0                   jmp    105f20 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0xf0><== NOT EXECUTED
  105f40:   f7 c7 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f46:   75 78                   jne    105fc0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x190><== NOT EXECUTED
  105f48:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f4e:   75 60                   jne    105fb0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x180><== NOT EXECUTED
  105f50:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f56:   75 78                   jne    105fd0 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x1a0><== NOT EXECUTED
  105f58:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f5a:   83 e2 03                and    $0x3,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f5d:   c1 e9 02                shr    $0x2,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f60:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f62:   f3 ab                   rep stos %eax,%es:(%edi)                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f64:   f6 c2 04                test   $0x4,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f67:   0f 84 70 ff ff ff       je     105edd <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0xad><== NOT EXECUTED
  105f6d:   eb c1                   jmp    105f30 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x100><== NOT EXECUTED
  105f6f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  memset( shm_obj->handle, 0, size );                                                     
  105f70:   a8 01                   test   $0x1,%al                                       
  105f72:   0f 85 84 00 00 00       jne    105ffc <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x1cc><== NEVER TAKEN
  105f78:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      
  105f7e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  105f80:   75 6d                   jne    105fef <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x1bf><== NEVER TAKEN
  105f82:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      
  105f88:   75 57                   jne    105fe1 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x1b1><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  105f8a:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      
  105f8c:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  105f8e:   c1 e9 02                shr    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  105f91:   83 e2 03                and    $0x3,%edx                                      
  105f94:   f3 ab                   rep stos %eax,%es:(%edi)                              
  105f96:   e9 fb fe ff ff          jmp    105e96 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x66>
  105f9b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105f9f:   90                      nop                                                   
    return ENOMEM;                                                                        
  105fa0:   b8 0c 00 00 00          mov    $0xc,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  return err;                                                                             
  105fa5:   e9 ae fe ff ff          jmp    105e58 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x28><== NOT EXECUTED
  105faa:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  memset( shm_obj->handle, 0, shm_obj->size );                                            
  105fb0:   66 c7 07 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105fb5:   83 ea 02                sub    $0x2,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105fb8:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105fbb:   eb 93                   jmp    105f50 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x120><== NOT EXECUTED
  105fbd:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105fc0:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105fc3:   4a                      dec    %edx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105fc4:   47                      inc    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105fc5:   eb 81                   jmp    105f48 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x118><== NOT EXECUTED
  105fc7:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  105fce:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  105fd0:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105fd6:   83 ea 04                sub    $0x4,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105fd9:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105fdc:   e9 77 ff ff ff          jmp    105f58 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x128><== NOT EXECUTED
  memset( shm_obj->handle, 0, size );                                                     
  105fe1:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    
  105fe7:   83 ea 04                sub    $0x4,%edx                                      
  105fea:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      
  105fed:   eb 9b                   jmp    105f8a <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x15a>
  105fef:   66 c7 07 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ff4:   83 ea 02                sub    $0x2,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ff7:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ffa:   eb 86                   jmp    105f82 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x152><== NOT EXECUTED
  105ffc:   c6 00 00                movb   $0x0,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105fff:   8d 56 ff                lea    -0x1(%esi),%edx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  106002:   47                      inc    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  106003:   e9 70 ff ff ff          jmp    105f78 <_POSIX_Shm_Object_resize_from_workspace+0x148><== NOT EXECUTED
  106008:   90                      nop                                                   
  106009:   90                      nop                                                   
  10600a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10600b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10600c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10600d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10600e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10600f:   90                      nop                                                   

00106a70 <_POSIX_Threads_Sporadic_budget_callout>: {
  106a70:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  106a71:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  106a73:   83 ec 48                sub    $0x48,%esp                                     
  106a76:   89 5d f8                mov    %ebx,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  106a79:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  106a7c:   89 75 fc                mov    %esi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  106a7f:   c7 45 e8 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x18(%ebp)                               
  api = the_thread->API_Extensions[ THREAD_API_POSIX ];                                   
  106a86:   8b 83 0c 01 00 00       mov    0x10c(%ebx),%eax                               
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                     
  106a8c:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  106a8d:   fa                      cli                                                   
  106a8e:   5a                      pop    %edx                                           
  106a8f:   89 55 d4                mov    %edx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  if ( !_Priority_Node_is_active( &api->Sporadic.Low_priority ) ) {                       
  106a92:   83 78 2c ff             cmpl   $0xffffffff,0x2c(%eax)                         
  the_thread->cpu_time_budget = UINT32_MAX;                                               
  106a96:   ba ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%edx                               
  106a9b:   89 93 84 00 00 00       mov    %edx,0x84(%ebx)                                
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE bool _RBTree_Is_node_off_tree(                                       
  const RBTree_Node *the_node                                                             
  return RB_COLOR( the_node, Node ) == -1;                                                
  106aa1:   8d 75 d4                lea    -0x2c(%ebp),%esi                               
  if ( !_Priority_Node_is_active( &api->Sporadic.Low_priority ) ) {                       
  106aa4:   74 1a                   je     106ac0 <_POSIX_Threads_Sporadic_budget_callout+0x50><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                      
  106aa6:   ff 75 d4                push   -0x2c(%ebp)                                    
  106aa9:   9d                      popf                                                  
  _Thread_Priority_update( &queue_context );                                              
  106aaa:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  106aad:   e8 0e 2c 00 00          call   1096c0 <_Thread_Priority_update>               
  106ab2:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                
  106ab5:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                
  106ab8:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  106aba:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  106abb:   c3                      ret                                                   
  106abc:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  106ac0:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  106ac4:   83 c0 20                add    $0x20,%eax                                     
  106ac7:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  106acb:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  106ace:   e8 ed 2a 00 00          call   1095c0 <_Thread_Priority_add>                  
  106ad3:   8d 43 20                lea    0x20(%ebx),%eax                                
  106ad6:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  106ada:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  106ade:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  106ae1:   e8 5a 2b 00 00          call   109640 <_Thread_Priority_remove>               
  106ae6:   eb be                   jmp    106aa6 <_POSIX_Threads_Sporadic_budget_callout+0x36>
  106ae8:   90                      nop                                                   
  106ae9:   90                      nop                                                   
  106aea:   90                      nop                                                   
  106aeb:   90                      nop                                                   
  106aec:   90                      nop                                                   
  106aed:   90                      nop                                                   
  106aee:   90                      nop                                                   
  106aef:   90                      nop                                                   

001065b0 <_POSIX_Threads_Sporadic_timer>: {
  1065b0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  1065b1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  1065b3:   83 ec 58                sub    $0x58,%esp                                     
  1065b6:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  1065b9:   8b 7d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%edi                                 
  1065bc:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  1065bf:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  queue_context->Priority.update_count = 0;                                               
  1065c2:   c7 45 d8 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x28(%ebp)                               
  the_thread = api->Sporadic.thread;                                                      
  1065c9:   8b 77 fc                mov    -0x4(%edi),%esi                                
  api = RTEMS_CONTAINER_OF( watchdog, POSIX_API_Control, Sporadic.Timer );                
  1065cc:   8d 5f fc                lea    -0x4(%edi),%ebx                                
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Thread_Wait_acquire(                                           
  Thread_Control       *the_thread,                                                       
  Thread_queue_Context *queue_context                                                     
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                     
  1065cf:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  1065d0:   fa                      cli                                                   
  1065d1:   58                      pop    %eax                                           
  1065d2:   89 45 c4                mov    %eax,-0x3c(%ebp)                               
  if ( _Priority_Node_is_active( &api->Sporadic.Low_priority ) ) {                        
  1065d5:   83 7b 2c ff             cmpl   $0xffffffff,0x2c(%ebx)                         
  1065d9:   74 33                   je     10660e <_POSIX_Threads_Sporadic_timer+0x5e>    
  1065db:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1065de:   8d 45 c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1065e1:   83 c7 1c                add    $0x1c,%edi                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  1065e4:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1065e8:   8d 46 20                lea    0x20(%esi),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1065eb:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1065ef:   e8 cc 2f 00 00          call   1095c0 <_Thread_Priority_add>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  1065f4:   8d 45 c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1065f7:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1065fb:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1065ff:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  106602:   e8 39 30 00 00          call   109640 <_Thread_Priority_remove>               <== NOT EXECUTED
  106607:   c7 43 2c ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x2c(%ebx)                         
  10660e:   c7 04 24 90 92 1a 00    movl   $0x1a9290,(%esp)                               
  _Watchdog_Per_CPU_remove_ticks( &api->Sporadic.Timer );                                 
  106615:   8d 7b 04                lea    0x4(%ebx),%edi                                 
  106618:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10661c:   e8 0f 56 00 00          call   10bc30 <_Watchdog_Remove>                      
  Thread_Control    *the_thread,                                                          
  POSIX_API_Control *api                                                                  
  the_thread->cpu_time_budget =                                                           
    _Timespec_To_ticks( &api->Sporadic.sched_ss_init_budget );                            
  106621:   8d 43 44                lea    0x44(%ebx),%eax                                
    _Timespec_To_ticks( &api->Sporadic.sched_ss_repl_period )                             
  106624:   83 c3 38                add    $0x38,%ebx                                     
    _Timespec_To_ticks( &api->Sporadic.sched_ss_init_budget );                            
  106627:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10662a:   e8 01 51 00 00          call   10b730 <_Timespec_To_ticks>                    
  the_thread->cpu_time_budget =                                                           
  10662f:   89 86 84 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0x84(%esi)                                
    _Timespec_To_ticks( &api->Sporadic.sched_ss_repl_period )                             
  106635:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  106638:   e8 f3 50 00 00          call   10b730 <_Timespec_To_ticks>                    
  expire = ticks + cpu->Watchdog.ticks;                                                   
  10663d:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  _Watchdog_Insert(header, the_watchdog, expire);                                         
  10663f:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  106643:   c7 04 24 90 92 1a 00    movl   $0x1a9290,(%esp)                               
  expire = ticks + cpu->Watchdog.ticks;                                                   
  10664a:   03 05 88 92 1a 00       add    0x1a9288,%eax                                  
  106650:   13 15 8c 92 1a 00       adc    0x1a928c,%edx                                  
  _Watchdog_Insert(header, the_watchdog, expire);                                         
  106656:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10665a:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  10665e:   e8 2d 55 00 00          call   10bb90 <_Watchdog_Insert>                      
  Thread_Control       *the_thread,                                                       
  Thread_queue_Context *queue_context                                                     
  _Thread_Wait_release_critical( the_thread, queue_context );                             
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                      
  106663:   ff 75 c4                push   -0x3c(%ebp)                                    
  106666:   9d                      popf                                                  
  _Thread_Priority_update( &queue_context );                                              
  106667:   8d 45 c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10666a:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10666d:   e8 4e 30 00 00          call   1096c0 <_Thread_Priority_update>               
  106672:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  106675:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  106678:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  10667b:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10667d:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10667e:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10667f:   90                      nop                                                   

0010d4e0 <_POSIX_Timer_TSR>: /* * This is the operation that is run when a timer expires */ void _POSIX_Timer_TSR( Watchdog_Control *the_watchdog ) {
  10d4e0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  10d4e1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10d4e3:   83 ec 28                sub    $0x28,%esp                                     
  10d4e6:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  POSIX_Timer_Control *ptimer;                                                            
  ISR_lock_Context     lock_context;                                                      
  Per_CPU_Control     *cpu;                                                               
  ptimer = RTEMS_CONTAINER_OF( the_watchdog, POSIX_Timer_Control, Timer );                
  10d4e9:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10d4ec:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  10d4ef:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  ptimer = RTEMS_CONTAINER_OF( the_watchdog, POSIX_Timer_Control, Timer );                
  10d4f2:   8d 58 f0                lea    -0x10(%eax),%ebx                               
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable( &lock_context );                                                 
  10d4f5:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  10d4f6:   fa                      cli                                                   
  10d4f7:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  /* Increment the number of expirations. */                                              
  ptimer->overrun = ptimer->overrun + 1;                                                  
  /* The timer must be reprogrammed */                                                    
  if ( ( ptimer->timer_data.it_interval.tv_sec  != 0 ) ||                                 
  10d4f8:   8b 43 4c                mov    0x4c(%ebx),%eax                                
  ptimer->overrun = ptimer->overrun + 1;                                                  
  10d4fb:   ff 43 64                incl   0x64(%ebx)                                     
  if ( ( ptimer->timer_data.it_interval.tv_sec  != 0 ) ||                                 
  10d4fe:   0b 43 48                or     0x48(%ebx),%eax                                
  10d501:   75 07                   jne    10d50a <_POSIX_Timer_TSR+0x2a>                 
  10d503:   8b 43 50                mov    0x50(%ebx),%eax                                
  10d506:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10d508:   74 66                   je     10d570 <_POSIX_Timer_TSR+0x90>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
  ptimer->state = POSIX_TIMER_STATE_CREATE_RUN;                                           
  10d50a:   c6 43 30 03             movb   $0x3,0x30(%ebx)                                
       ( ptimer->timer_data.it_interval.tv_nsec != 0 ) ) {                                
    _POSIX_Timer_Insert( ptimer, cpu, ptimer->ticks );                                    
  10d50e:   8b 7b 60                mov    0x60(%ebx),%edi                                
  _TOD_Get( &ptimer->time );                                                              
  10d511:   8d 43 68                lea    0x68(%ebx),%eax                                
  10d514:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  _Timecounter_Nanotime( tod );                                                           
  10d517:   e8 34 b5 ff ff          call   108a50 <_Timecounter_Nanotime>                 
  10d51c:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  10d51e:   c7 04 24 50 bb 13 00    movl   $0x13bb50,(%esp)                               
  10d525:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  10d527:   03 05 48 bb 13 00       add    0x13bb48,%eax                                  
  10d52d:   13 15 4c bb 13 00       adc    0x13bb4c,%edx                                  
  10d533:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10d537:   8d 43 10                lea    0x10(%ebx),%eax                                
  10d53a:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10d53e:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  10d542:   e8 b9 f1 ff ff          call   10c700 <_Watchdog_Insert>                      
  Per_CPU_Control  *cpu,                                                                  
  ISR_lock_Context *lock_context                                                          
  _Watchdog_Per_CPU_release_critical( cpu, lock_context );                                
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( lock_context );                                                   
  10d547:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  10d548:   9d                      popf                                                  
   * The sending of the signal to the process running the handling function               
   * specified for that signal is simulated                                               
  if ( pthread_kill ( ptimer->thread_id, ptimer->inf.sigev_signo ) ) {                    
  10d549:   8b 43 38                mov    0x38(%ebx),%eax                                
  10d54c:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10d550:   8b 43 2c                mov    0x2c(%ebx),%eax                                
  10d553:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10d556:   e8 85 25 00 00          call   10fae0 <pthread_kill>                          
  /* After the signal handler returns, the count of expirations of the                    
   * timer must be set to 0.                                                              
  ptimer->overrun = 0;                                                                    
  10d55b:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  ptimer->overrun = 0;                                                                    
  10d55e:   c7 43 64 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x64(%ebx)                                
  10d565:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  10d568:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  10d56b:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10d56d:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10d56e:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10d56f:   90                      nop                                                   
   ptimer->state = POSIX_TIMER_STATE_CREATE_STOP;                                         
  10d570:   c6 43 30 04             movb   $0x4,0x30(%ebx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10d574:   eb d1                   jmp    10d547 <_POSIX_Timer_TSR+0x67>                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10d576:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d577:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d578:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d579:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d57a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d57b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d57c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d57d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d57e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d57f:   90                      nop                                                   

0011b700 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_process_signals>: #include <rtems/score/assert.h> void _POSIX_signals_Clear_process_signals( int signo ) {
  11b700:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  11b701:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  11b706:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  11b708:   8b 55 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%edx                                 
  11b70b:   8d 4a ff                lea    -0x1(%edx),%ecx                                
  _Assert( _ISR_Get_level() != 0 );                                                       
  clear_signal = true;                                                                    
  mask         = signo_to_mask( signo );                                                  
  if ( _POSIX_signals_Vectors[ signo ].sa_flags == SA_SIGINFO ) {                         
  11b70e:   8d 14 52                lea    (%edx,%edx,2),%edx                             
  11b711:   d3 e0                   shl    %cl,%eax                                       
  11b713:   83 3c 95 80 50 14 00    cmpl   $0x2,0x145080(,%edx,4)                         
  11b71a:   02                                                                            
  11b71b:   74 13                   je     11b730 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_process_signals+0x30>
  if ( clear_signal ) {                                                                   
    _POSIX_signals_Pending &= ~mask;                                                      
  11b71d:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
    _POSIX_signals_Pending &= ~mask;                                                      
  11b71e:   f7 d0                   not    %eax                                           
  11b720:   21 05 00 52 14 00       and    %eax,0x145200                                  
  11b726:   c3                      ret                                                   
  11b727:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11b72e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  11b730:   8d 0c 95 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(,%edx,4),%ecx                              
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  11b737:   8d 91 e4 4e 14 00       lea    0x144ee4(%ecx),%edx                            
    if ( !_Chain_Is_empty( &_POSIX_signals_Siginfo[ signo ] ) )                           
  11b73d:   39 91 e0 4e 14 00       cmp    %edx,0x144ee0(%ecx)                            
  11b743:   74 d8                   je     11b71d <_POSIX_signals_Clear_process_signals+0x1d><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  11b745:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  11b746:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  11b747:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b748:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b749:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b74a:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b74b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b74c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b74d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b74e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b74f:   90                      nop                                                   

0011b750 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_signals>: siginfo_t *info, bool is_global, bool check_blocked, bool do_signals_acquire_release ) {
  11b750:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  11b751:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  11b756:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  11b758:   83 ec 38                sub    $0x38,%esp                                     
  11b75b:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  11b75e:   8b 75 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%esi                                 
  11b761:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  11b764:   0f b6 55 14             movzbl 0x14(%ebp),%edx                                
  11b768:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  11b76b:   0f b6 5d 1c             movzbl 0x1c(%ebp),%ebx                                
  11b76f:   bf ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%edi                               
  11b774:   8d 4e ff                lea    -0x1(%esi),%ecx                                
  11b777:   d3 e0                   shl    %cl,%eax                                       
  /* set blocked signals based on if checking for them, SIGNAL_ALL_MASK                   
   * insures that no signals are blocked and all are checked.                             
  if ( check_blocked )                                                                    
  11b779:   80 7d 18 00             cmpb   $0x0,0x18(%ebp)                                
  11b77d:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
  11b77f:   74 06                   je     11b787 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_signals+0x37>     
    signals_unblocked = api->signals_unblocked;                                           
  11b781:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  11b784:   8b 78 54                mov    0x54(%eax),%edi                                
    signals_unblocked = SIGNAL_ALL_MASK;                                                  
  /* XXX is this right for siginfo type signals? */                                       
  /* XXX are we sure they can be cleared the same way? */                                 
  if ( do_signals_acquire_release ) {                                                     
  11b787:   84 db                   test   %bl,%bl                                        
  11b789:   74 06                   je     11b791 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_signals+0x41>     
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                     
  11b78b:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  11b78c:   fa                      cli                                                   
  11b78d:   58                      pop    %eax                                           
  11b78e:   89 45 e4                mov    %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
    _Thread_queue_Context_initialize( &queue_context );                                   
    _POSIX_signals_Acquire( &queue_context );                                             
    if ( is_global ) {                                                                    
  11b791:   84 d2                   test   %dl,%dl                                        
  11b793:   74 2b                   je     11b7c0 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_signals+0x70>     
       if ( mask & (_POSIX_signals_Pending & signals_unblocked) ) {                       
  11b795:   a1 00 52 14 00          mov    0x145200,%eax                                  
  11b79a:   21 c1                   and    %eax,%ecx                                      
  do_callout = false;                                                                     
  11b79c:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
       if ( mask & (_POSIX_signals_Pending & signals_unblocked) ) {                       
  11b79e:   85 f9                   test   %edi,%ecx                                      
  11b7a0:   75 3e                   jne    11b7e0 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_signals+0x90>     
        api->signals_pending &= ~mask;                                                    
        do_callout = true;                                                                
  if ( do_signals_acquire_release ) {                                                     
  11b7a2:   84 db                   test   %bl,%bl                                        
  11b7a4:   74 04                   je     11b7aa <_POSIX_signals_Clear_signals+0x5a>     
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                      
  11b7a6:   ff 75 e4                push   -0x1c(%ebp)                                    
  11b7a9:   9d                      popf                                                  
    _POSIX_signals_Release( &queue_context );                                             
  return do_callout;                                                                      
  11b7aa:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  11b7ad:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  11b7b0:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  11b7b3:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  11b7b5:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  11b7b6:   c3                      ret                                                   
  11b7b7:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11b7be:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
      if ( mask & (api->signals_pending & signals_unblocked) ) {                          
  11b7c0:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  11b7c3:   8b 50 58                mov    0x58(%eax),%edx                                
  do_callout = false;                                                                     
  11b7c6:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
      if ( mask & (api->signals_pending & signals_unblocked) ) {                          
  11b7c8:   89 d6                   mov    %edx,%esi                                      
  11b7ca:   21 ce                   and    %ecx,%esi                                      
  11b7cc:   85 fe                   test   %edi,%esi                                      
  11b7ce:   74 d2                   je     11b7a2 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_signals+0x52>     
        api->signals_pending &= ~mask;                                                    
  11b7d0:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  11b7d3:   f7 d1                   not    %ecx                                           
  11b7d5:   21 ca                   and    %ecx,%edx                                      
  11b7d7:   89 50 58                mov    %edx,0x58(%eax)                                
        do_callout = true;                                                                
  11b7da:   b0 01                   mov    $0x1,%al                                       
  11b7dc:   eb c4                   jmp    11b7a2 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_signals+0x52>     
  11b7de:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
         if ( _POSIX_signals_Vectors[ signo ].sa_flags == SA_SIGINFO ) {                  
  11b7e0:   8d 0c 76                lea    (%esi,%esi,2),%ecx                             
  11b7e3:   83 3c 8d 80 50 14 00    cmpl   $0x2,0x145080(,%ecx,4)                         
  11b7ea:   02                                                                            
  11b7eb:   8d 04 8d 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(,%ecx,4),%eax                              
  11b7f2:   74 1c                   je     11b810 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_signals+0xc0>     
         _POSIX_signals_Clear_process_signals( signo );                                   
  11b7f4:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  11b7f7:   88 55 e0                mov    %dl,-0x20(%ebp)                                
  11b7fa:   e8 01 ff ff ff          call   11b700 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_process_signals>  
         do_callout = true;                                                               
  11b7ff:   0f b6 55 e0             movzbl -0x20(%ebp),%edx                               
  11b803:   88 d0                   mov    %dl,%al                                        
  11b805:   eb 9b                   jmp    11b7a2 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_signals+0x52>     
  11b807:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11b80e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
             _Chain_Get_unprotected( &_POSIX_signals_Siginfo[ signo ] );                  
  11b810:   8d b8 e0 4e 14 00       lea    0x144ee0(%eax),%edi                            
  11b816:   89 7d e0                mov    %edi,-0x20(%ebp)                               
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  11b819:   8b b8 e0 4e 14 00       mov    0x144ee0(%eax),%edi                            
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  11b81f:   8d 88 e4 4e 14 00       lea    0x144ee4(%eax),%ecx                            
  if ( !_Chain_Is_empty(the_chain))                                                       
  11b825:   39 cf                   cmp    %ecx,%edi                                      
  11b827:   74 57                   je     11b880 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_signals+0x130>    
  11b829:   88 55 df                mov    %dl,-0x21(%ebp)                                
  new_first = old_first->next;                                                            
  11b82c:   8b 0f                   mov    (%edi),%ecx                                    
  head->next = new_first;                                                                 
  11b82e:   89 88 e0 4e 14 00       mov    %ecx,0x144ee0(%eax)                            
  new_first->previous = head;                                                             
  11b834:   8b 45 e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               
  11b837:   89 41 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%ecx)                                 
           _POSIX_signals_Clear_process_signals( signo );                                 
  11b83a:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  11b83d:   e8 be fe ff ff          call   11b700 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_process_signals>  
             *info = psiginfo->Info;                                                      
  11b842:   8b 47 08                mov    0x8(%edi),%eax                                 
  11b845:   8b 55 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edx                                
  11b848:   89 02                   mov    %eax,(%edx)                                    
  11b84a:   8b 47 0c                mov    0xc(%edi),%eax                                 
  11b84d:   89 42 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%edx)                                 
  11b850:   8b 47 10                mov    0x10(%edi),%eax                                
  11b853:   89 42 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%edx)                                 
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
  11b856:   a1 68 50 14 00          mov    0x145068,%eax                                  
  the_node->next = tail;                                                                  
  11b85b:   c7 07 64 50 14 00       movl   $0x145064,(%edi)                               
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
  11b861:   0f b6 55 df             movzbl -0x21(%ebp),%edx                               
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
  11b865:   89 3d 68 50 14 00       mov    %edi,0x145068                                  
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
  11b86b:   89 38                   mov    %edi,(%eax)                                    
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
  11b86d:   89 47 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%edi)                                 
  11b870:   eb 82                   jmp    11b7f4 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_signals+0xa4>     
  11b872:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11b879:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
           _POSIX_signals_Clear_process_signals( signo );                                 
  11b880:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  11b883:   88 55 e0                mov    %dl,-0x20(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  11b886:   e8 75 fe ff ff          call   11b700 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_process_signals>  <== NOT EXECUTED
           if ( psiginfo ) {                                                              
  11b88b:   0f b6 55 e0             movzbl -0x20(%ebp),%edx                               
  11b88f:   e9 60 ff ff ff          jmp    11b7f4 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_signals+0xa4>     
  11b894:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b895:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b896:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b897:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b898:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b899:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b89a:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b89b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b89c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b89d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b89e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b89f:   90                      nop                                                   

0011b300 <_POSIX_signals_Send>: int _POSIX_signals_Send( pid_t pid, int sig, const union sigval *value ) {
  11b300:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  11b301:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  11b303:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  11b304:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  11b305:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  11b306:   83 ec 4c                sub    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  11b309:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 
  11b30c:   8b 7d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edi                                 
  11b30f:   8b 5d 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%ebx                                
  Per_CPU_Control             *cpu_self;                                                  
   *  Only supported for the "calling process" (i.e. this node).                          
  if ( pid != getpid() )                                                                  
  11b312:   e8 09 5b fe ff          call   100e20 <getpid>                                
  11b317:   39 f0                   cmp    %esi,%eax                                      
  11b319:   0f 85 f9 02 00 00       jne    11b618 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x318>             
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( ESRCH );                                        
   *  Validate the signal passed.                                                         
  if ( !sig )                                                                             
  11b31f:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      
  11b321:   0f 84 dc 02 00 00       je     11b603 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x303>             
static inline bool is_valid_signo(                                                        
  int signo                                                                               
  return ((signo) >= 1 && (signo) <= 32 );                                                
  11b327:   8d 4f ff                lea    -0x1(%edi),%ecx                                
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  if ( !is_valid_signo(sig) )                                                             
  11b32a:   83 f9 1f                cmp    $0x1f,%ecx                                     
  11b32d:   0f 87 d0 02 00 00       ja     11b603 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x303>             
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
   *  If the signal is being ignored, then we are out of here.                            
  if ( _POSIX_signals_Vectors[ sig ].sa_handler == SIG_IGN )                              
  11b333:   8d 04 7f                lea    (%edi,%edi,2),%eax                             
  11b336:   83 3c 85 88 50 14 00    cmpl   $0x1,0x145088(,%eax,4)                         
  11b33d:   01                                                                            
  11b33e:   0f 84 6c 01 00 00       je     11b4b0 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x1b0>             
   *  P1003.1c/Draft 10, p. 33 says that certain signals should always                    
   *  be directed to the executing thread such as those caused by hardware                
   *  faults.                                                                             
  if ( (sig == SIGFPE) || (sig == SIGILL) || (sig == SIGSEGV ) )                          
  11b344:   8d 47 fc                lea    -0x4(%edi),%eax                                
  11b347:   83 e0 fb                and    $0xfffffffb,%eax                               
  11b34a:   0f 84 30 01 00 00       je     11b480 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x180>             
  11b350:   83 ff 0b                cmp    $0xb,%edi                                      
  11b353:   0f 84 27 01 00 00       je     11b480 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x180>             
   *  Build up a siginfo structure                                                        
  siginfo = &siginfo_struct;                                                              
  siginfo->si_signo = sig;                                                                
  11b359:   89 7d dc                mov    %edi,-0x24(%ebp)                               
  return 1u << (sig - 1);                                                                 
  11b35c:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  siginfo->si_code = SI_USER;                                                             
  11b361:   c7 45 e0 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,-0x20(%ebp)                               
  11b368:   d3 e0                   shl    %cl,%eax                                       
  if ( !value ) {                                                                         
  11b36a:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  11b36c:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
  11b36e:   0f 84 2c 01 00 00       je     11b4a0 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x1a0>             
    siginfo->si_value.sival_int = 0;                                                      
  } else {                                                                                
    siginfo->si_value = *value;                                                           
  11b374:   8b 03                   mov    (%ebx),%eax                                    
  11b376:   89 45 e4                mov    %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  disable_level = cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level;                                
  11b379:   a1 30 4d 14 00          mov    0x144d30,%eax                                  
   *  get it an execute it as soon as the dispatcher executes.                            
  the_thread = _Per_CPU_Get_executing( cpu_self );                                        
  api = the_thread->API_Extensions[ THREAD_API_POSIX ];                                   
  if ( _POSIX_signals_Is_interested( api, mask ) ) {                                      
  11b37e:   89 f1                   mov    %esi,%ecx                                      
  11b380:   8b 1d 38 4d 14 00       mov    0x144d38,%ebx                                  
  cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level = disable_level + 1;                            
  11b386:   40                      inc    %eax                                           
  11b387:   a3 30 4d 14 00          mov    %eax,0x144d30                                  
  11b38c:   8b 83 0c 01 00 00       mov    0x10c(%ebx),%eax                               
  11b392:   23 48 54                and    0x54(%eax),%ecx                                
  11b395:   75 4d                   jne    11b3e4 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0xe4>              
   *  There is no requirement on the order of threads pending on a sigwait().             
  /* XXX violation of visibility -- need to define thread queue support */                
  heads = _POSIX_signals_Wait_queue.Queue.heads;                                          
  11b397:   8b 1d 98 14 14 00       mov    0x141498,%ebx                                  
  if ( heads != NULL ) {                                                                  
  11b39d:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  11b39f:   0f 84 1b 01 00 00       je     11b4c0 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x1c0>             
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  11b3a5:   8b 03                   mov    (%ebx),%eax                                    
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  11b3a7:   83 c3 04                add    $0x4,%ebx                                      
    Chain_Control *the_chain = &heads->Heads.Fifo;                                        
    for ( the_node = _Chain_First( the_chain );                                           
  11b3aa:   39 d8                   cmp    %ebx,%eax                                      
  11b3ac:   0f 84 11 02 00 00       je     11b5c3 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x2c3>             <== NEVER TAKEN
  11b3b2:   89 7d d4                mov    %edi,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  11b3b5:   89 df                   mov    %ebx,%edi                                      
  11b3b7:   eb 18                   jmp    11b3d1 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0xd1>              
  11b3b9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
       * Is this thread is blocked waiting for another signal but has                     
       * not blocked this one?                                                            
      if (api->signals_unblocked & mask)                                                  
  11b3c0:   89 f2                   mov    %esi,%edx                                      
  11b3c2:   23 51 54                and    0x54(%ecx),%edx                                
  11b3c5:   75 1a                   jne    11b3e1 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0xe1>              
          the_node = the_node->next ) {                                                   
  11b3c7:   8b 00                   mov    (%eax),%eax                                    
    for ( the_node = _Chain_First( the_chain );                                           
  11b3c9:   39 f8                   cmp    %edi,%eax                                      
  11b3cb:   0f 84 ef 01 00 00       je     11b5c0 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x2c0>             <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  return node->owner;                                                                     
  11b3d1:   8b 58 fc                mov    -0x4(%eax),%ebx                                
      if (the_thread->Wait.option & mask)                                                 
  11b3d4:   89 f2                   mov    %esi,%edx                                      
  11b3d6:   23 53 48                and    0x48(%ebx),%edx                                
      api = the_thread->API_Extensions[ THREAD_API_POSIX ];                               
  11b3d9:   8b 8b 0c 01 00 00       mov    0x10c(%ebx),%ecx                               
      if (the_thread->Wait.option & mask)                                                 
  11b3df:   74 df                   je     11b3c0 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0xc0>              
  11b3e1:   8b 7d d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edi                               
   *  Returns true if the signal was synchronously given to a thread                      
   *  blocked waiting for the signal.                                                     
  if ( _POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread( the_thread, sig, siginfo ) ) {                      
  11b3e4:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  11b3e8:   8d 45 dc                lea    -0x24(%ebp),%eax                               
  11b3eb:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  11b3ef:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  11b3f2:   e8 39 06 00 00          call   11ba30 <_POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread>         
  11b3f7:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  11b3f9:   75 6e                   jne    11b469 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x169>             
   *  We may have woken up a thread but we definitely need to post the                    
   *  signal to the process wide information set.                                         
  _POSIX_signals_Set_process_signals( mask );                                             
  11b3fb:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  11b3fe:   e8 9d 04 00 00          call   11b8a0 <_POSIX_signals_Set_process_signals>    
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                     
  11b403:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  11b404:   fa                      cli                                                   
  11b405:   59                      pop    %ecx                                           
  _Thread_queue_Context_initialize( &queue_context );                                     
  _POSIX_signals_Acquire( &queue_context );                                               
  if ( _POSIX_signals_Vectors[ sig ].sa_flags == SA_SIGINFO ) {                           
  11b406:   8d 04 7f                lea    (%edi,%edi,2),%eax                             
  11b409:   83 3c 85 80 50 14 00    cmpl   $0x2,0x145080(,%eax,4)                         
  11b410:   02                                                                            
  11b411:   8d 14 85 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(,%eax,4),%edx                              
  11b418:   75 4d                   jne    11b467 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x167>             
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  11b41a:   a1 60 50 14 00          mov    0x145060,%eax                                  
  if ( !_Chain_Is_empty(the_chain))                                                       
  11b41f:   3d 64 50 14 00          cmp    $0x145064,%eax                                 
  11b424:   0f 84 b6 01 00 00       je     11b5e0 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x2e0>             
  new_first = old_first->next;                                                            
  11b42a:   8b 18                   mov    (%eax),%ebx                                    
      rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EAGAIN );                                     
    psiginfo->Info = *siginfo;                                                            
  11b42c:   8d b2 e0 4e 14 00       lea    0x144ee0(%edx),%esi                            
  new_first->previous = head;                                                             
  11b432:   c7 43 04 60 50 14 00    movl   $0x145060,0x4(%ebx)                            
  head->next = new_first;                                                                 
  11b439:   89 1d 60 50 14 00       mov    %ebx,0x145060                                  
    psiginfo->Info = *siginfo;                                                            
  11b43f:   8b 5d dc                mov    -0x24(%ebp),%ebx                               
  11b442:   89 58 08                mov    %ebx,0x8(%eax)                                 
  11b445:   8b 5d e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%ebx                               
  11b448:   89 58 0c                mov    %ebx,0xc(%eax)                                 
  11b44b:   8b 5d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%ebx                               
  11b44e:   89 58 10                mov    %ebx,0x10(%eax)                                
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
  11b451:   8b 9a e8 4e 14 00       mov    0x144ee8(%edx),%ebx                            
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  11b457:   81 c2 e4 4e 14 00       add    $0x144ee4,%edx                                 
  11b45d:   89 10                   mov    %edx,(%eax)                                    
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
  11b45f:   89 46 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%esi)                                 
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
  11b462:   89 03                   mov    %eax,(%ebx)                                    
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
  11b464:   89 58 04                mov    %ebx,0x4(%eax)                                 
  Thread_queue_Context *queue_context                                                     
  (void) the_thread_queue;                                                                
  _Assert( _Thread_queue_Is_lock_owner( the_thread_queue ) );                             
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                      
  11b467:   51                      push   %ecx                                           
  11b468:   9d                      popf                                                  
  _POSIX_signals_Release( &queue_context );                                               
  _Thread_Dispatch_enable( cpu_self );                                                    
  11b469:   c7 04 24 20 4d 14 00    movl   $0x144d20,(%esp)                               
  11b470:   e8 9b 02 ff ff          call   10b710 <_Thread_Dispatch_enable>               
  return 0;                                                                               
  11b475:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  11b477:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  11b47a:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  11b47b:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  11b47c:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  11b47d:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  11b47e:   c3                      ret                                                   
  11b47f:   90                      nop                                                   
      return pthread_kill( pthread_self(), sig );                                         
  11b480:   e8 7b bc fe ff          call   107100 <pthread_self>                          
  11b485:   89 7d 0c                mov    %edi,0xc(%ebp)                                 
  11b488:   89 45 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%ebp)                                 
  11b48b:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  11b48e:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  11b48f:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  11b490:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  11b491:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
      return pthread_kill( pthread_self(), sig );                                         
  11b492:   e9 f9 06 00 00          jmp    11bb90 <pthread_kill>                          
  11b497:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11b49e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
    siginfo->si_value.sival_int = 0;                                                      
  11b4a0:   c7 45 e4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  11b4a7:   e9 cd fe ff ff          jmp    11b379 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x79>              
  11b4ac:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11b4b0:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     
    return 0;                                                                             
  11b4b3:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  11b4b5:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  11b4b6:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  11b4b7:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  11b4b8:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  11b4b9:   c3                      ret                                                   
  11b4ba:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  11b4c0:   c7 45 d0 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x30(%ebp)                        
  11b4c7:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  11b4cc:   89 7d bc                mov    %edi,-0x44(%ebp)                               
  11b4cf:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      
    for ( the_node = _Chain_First( the_chain );                                           
  11b4d1:   c7 45 c0 02 00 00 00    movl   $0x2,-0x40(%ebp)                               
  11b4d8:   89 5d c4                mov    %ebx,-0x3c(%ebp)                               
  11b4db:   89 75 c8                mov    %esi,-0x38(%ebp)                               
    the_info = _Objects_Information_table[ the_api ][ 1 ];                                
  11b4de:   8b 45 c0                mov    -0x40(%ebp),%eax                               
  11b4e1:   8b 04 85 98 9b 13 00    mov    0x139b98(,%eax,4),%eax                         
  11b4e8:   8b 40 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%eax                                 
    if ( !the_info )                                                                      
  11b4eb:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  11b4ed:   0f 84 88 00 00 00       je     11b57b <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x27b>             
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Objects_Maximum _Objects_Get_index(                                  
  Objects_Id id                                                                           
  11b4f3:   0f b7 10                movzwl (%eax),%edx                                    
    object_table = the_info->local_table;                                                 
  11b4f6:   8b 40 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%eax                                 
    for ( index = 0 ; index < maximum ; ++index ) {                                       
  11b4f9:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  11b4fb:   74 7e                   je     11b57b <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x27b>             
  11b4fd:   89 7d d4                mov    %edi,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  11b500:   8d 34 90                lea    (%eax,%edx,4),%esi                             
  11b503:   89 75 cc                mov    %esi,-0x34(%ebp)                               
  11b506:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11b50d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
      the_thread = (Thread_Control *) object_table[ index ];                              
  11b510:   8b 10                   mov    (%eax),%edx                                    
      if ( !the_thread )                                                                  
  11b512:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  11b514:   74 5a                   je     11b570 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x270>             
  return aggregation->Node.priority;                                                      
  11b516:   8b 4a 38                mov    0x38(%edx),%ecx                                
      if ( _Thread_Get_priority( the_thread ) > interested_priority )                     
  11b519:   8b 7d d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edi                               
  11b51c:   8b 59 14                mov    0x14(%ecx),%ebx                                
  11b51f:   8b 49 18                mov    0x18(%ecx),%ecx                                
  11b522:   39 5d d0                cmp    %ebx,-0x30(%ebp)                               
  11b525:   19 cf                   sbb    %ecx,%edi                                      
  11b527:   72 47                   jb     11b570 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x270>             
      if ( !_POSIX_signals_Is_interested( api, mask ) )                                   
  11b529:   8b b2 0c 01 00 00       mov    0x10c(%edx),%esi                               
  11b52f:   8b 7d c8                mov    -0x38(%ebp),%edi                               
  11b532:   23 7e 54                and    0x54(%esi),%edi                                
  11b535:   74 39                   je     11b570 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x270>             
      if ( _Thread_Get_priority( the_thread ) < interested_priority ) {                   
  11b537:   3b 5d d0                cmp    -0x30(%ebp),%ebx                               
  11b53a:   89 cf                   mov    %ecx,%edi                                      
  11b53c:   1b 7d d4                sbb    -0x2c(%ebp),%edi                               
  11b53f:   72 5f                   jb     11b5a0 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x2a0>             
      if ( interested && !_States_Is_ready( interested->current_state ) ) {               
  11b541:   8b 7d c4                mov    -0x3c(%ebp),%edi                               
  11b544:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      
  11b546:   74 28                   je     11b570 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x270>             <== NEVER TAKEN
  11b548:   8b 77 1c                mov    0x1c(%edi),%esi                                
  11b54b:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  11b54d:   74 21                   je     11b570 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x270>             
        if ( _States_Is_ready( the_thread->current_state ) ) {                            
  11b54f:   8b 7a 1c                mov    0x1c(%edx),%edi                                
  11b552:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      
  11b554:   74 4a                   je     11b5a0 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x2a0>             
        if ( !_States_Is_interruptible_by_signal(interested->current_state) ) {           
  11b556:   81 e6 00 00 00 10       and    $0x10000000,%esi                               
  11b55c:   75 12                   jne    11b570 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x270>             
          if ( _States_Is_interruptible_by_signal(the_thread->current_state) ) {          
  11b55e:   81 e7 00 00 00 10       and    $0x10000000,%edi                               
  11b564:   75 3a                   jne    11b5a0 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x2a0>             
  11b566:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11b56d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    for ( index = 0 ; index < maximum ; ++index ) {                                       
  11b570:   83 c0 04                add    $0x4,%eax                                      
  11b573:   39 45 cc                cmp    %eax,-0x34(%ebp)                               
  11b576:   75 98                   jne    11b510 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x210>             
  11b578:   8b 7d d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edi                               
  for (the_api = OBJECTS_CLASSIC_API; the_api <= OBJECTS_APIS_LAST; the_api++) {          
  11b57b:   83 7d c0 03             cmpl   $0x3,-0x40(%ebp)                               
  11b57f:   75 2f                   jne    11b5b0 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x2b0>             
  if ( interested ) {                                                                     
  11b581:   8b 5d c4                mov    -0x3c(%ebp),%ebx                               
  11b584:   8b 75 c8                mov    -0x38(%ebp),%esi                               
  11b587:   8b 7d bc                mov    -0x44(%ebp),%edi                               
  11b58a:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  11b58c:   0f 85 52 fe ff ff       jne    11b3e4 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0xe4>              
  11b592:   e9 64 fe ff ff          jmp    11b3fb <_POSIX_signals_Send+0xfb>              
  11b597:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11b59e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  11b5a0:   89 5d d0                mov    %ebx,-0x30(%ebp)                               
  11b5a3:   89 4d d4                mov    %ecx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  11b5a6:   89 55 c4                mov    %edx,-0x3c(%ebp)                               
  11b5a9:   eb c5                   jmp    11b570 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x270>             
  11b5ab:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11b5af:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b5b0:   c7 45 c0 03 00 00 00    movl   $0x3,-0x40(%ebp)                               
  11b5b7:   e9 22 ff ff ff          jmp    11b4de <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x1de>             
  11b5bc:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11b5c0:   8b 7d d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edi                               
    for ( the_node = _Chain_First( the_chain );                                           
  11b5c3:   c7 45 d0 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x30(%ebp)                        
  11b5ca:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  11b5cf:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
  11b5d1:   e9 f6 fe ff ff          jmp    11b4cc <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x1cc>             
  11b5d6:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11b5dd:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  11b5e0:   51                      push   %ecx                                           
  11b5e1:   9d                      popf                                                  
      _Thread_Dispatch_enable( cpu_self );                                                
  11b5e2:   c7 04 24 20 4d 14 00    movl   $0x144d20,(%esp)                               
  11b5e9:   e8 22 01 ff ff          call   10b710 <_Thread_Dispatch_enable>               
      rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EAGAIN );                                     
  11b5ee:   e8 ad ed 00 00          call   12a3a0 <__errno>                               
  11b5f3:   c7 00 0b 00 00 00       movl   $0xb,(%eax)                                    
  11b5f9:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  11b5fe:   e9 74 fe ff ff          jmp    11b477 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x177>             
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  11b603:   e8 98 ed 00 00          call   12a3a0 <__errno>                               
  11b608:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  11b60e:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  11b613:   e9 5f fe ff ff          jmp    11b477 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x177>             
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( ESRCH );                                        
  11b618:   e8 83 ed 00 00          call   12a3a0 <__errno>                               
  11b61d:   c7 00 03 00 00 00       movl   $0x3,(%eax)                                    
  11b623:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  11b628:   e9 4a fe ff ff          jmp    11b477 <_POSIX_signals_Send+0x177>             
  11b62d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b62e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11b62f:   90                      nop                                                   

0011ba30 <_POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread>: bool _POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread( Thread_Control *the_thread, int signo, siginfo_t *info ) {
  11ba30:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  11ba31:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  11ba33:   83 ec 28                sub    $0x28,%esp                                     
  11ba36:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  11ba39:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 
  11ba3c:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  11ba3f:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  11ba42:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
   *  Is the thread is specifically waiting for a signal?                                 
  if ( _States_Is_interruptible_signal( the_thread->current_state ) ) {                   
  11ba45:   8b 56 1c                mov    0x1c(%esi),%edx                                
  11ba48:   8d 48 ff                lea    -0x1(%eax),%ecx                                
  api = the_thread->API_Extensions[ THREAD_API_POSIX ];                                   
  11ba4b:   8b 9e 0c 01 00 00       mov    0x10c(%esi),%ebx                               
  11ba51:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  11ba56:   d3 e0                   shl    %cl,%eax                                       
  if ( _States_Is_interruptible_signal( the_thread->current_state ) ) {                   
  11ba58:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      
  11ba5a:   8d 7b 5c                lea    0x5c(%ebx),%edi                                
  11ba5d:   81 e1 00 04 00 10       and    $0x10000400,%ecx                               
  11ba63:   81 f9 00 04 00 10       cmp    $0x10000400,%ecx                               
  11ba69:   74 55                   je     11bac0 <_POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread+0x90>    
   *  Thread is not waiting due to a sigwait.                                             
  if ( api->signals_unblocked & mask ) {                                                  
  11ba6b:   23 43 54                and    0x54(%ebx),%eax                                
  11ba6e:   75 30                   jne    11baa0 <_POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread+0x70>    
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable( lock_context );                                                  
  11ba70:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  11ba71:   fa                      cli                                                   
  11ba72:   58                      pop    %eax                                           
  action->handler = handler;                                                              
  11ba73:   c7 43 64 70 b9 11 00    movl   $0x11b970,0x64(%ebx)                           
  if ( _Chain_Is_node_off_chain( the_node ) ) {                                           
  11ba7a:   8b 4b 5c                mov    0x5c(%ebx),%ecx                                
 cpu_self->dispatch_necessary = true;                                                     
  11ba7d:   b2 01                   mov    $0x1,%dl                                       
  11ba7f:   88 15 34 4d 14 00       mov    %dl,0x144d34                                   
  11ba85:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  11ba87:   0f 84 a3 00 00 00       je     11bb30 <_POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread+0x100>   
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( lock_context );                                                   
  11ba8d:   50                      push   %eax                                           
  11ba8e:   9d                      popf                                                  
      the_thread->Wait.return_code = STATUS_INTERRUPTED;                                  
      _Thread_queue_Extract_with_proxy( the_thread );                                     
  return _POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread_done( the_thread, api, false );                    
  11ba8f:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  return _POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread_done( the_thread, api, false );                    
  11ba92:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  11ba94:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  11ba97:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  11ba9a:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  11ba9c:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  11ba9d:   c3                      ret                                                   
  11ba9e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
    if ( _States_Is_interruptible_by_signal( the_thread->current_state ) ) {              
  11baa0:   81 e2 00 00 00 10       and    $0x10000000,%edx                               
  11baa6:   74 c8                   je     11ba70 <_POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread+0x40>    
      the_thread->Wait.return_code = STATUS_INTERRUPTED;                                  
  11baa8:   c7 46 4c 0d 04 00 00    movl   $0x40d,0x4c(%esi)                              
      _Thread_queue_Extract_with_proxy( the_thread );                                     
  11baaf:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  11bab2:   e8 79 06 ff ff          call   10c130 <_Thread_queue_Extract_with_proxy>      
  11bab7:   eb b7                   jmp    11ba70 <_POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread+0x40>    
  11bab9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    if ( (the_thread->Wait.option & mask) || (api->signals_unblocked & mask) ) {          
  11bac0:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  11bac2:   23 56 48                and    0x48(%esi),%edx                                
  11bac5:   75 05                   jne    11bacc <_POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread+0x9c>    
  11bac7:   23 43 54                and    0x54(%ebx),%eax                                
  11baca:   74 a4                   je     11ba70 <_POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread+0x40>    
      the_thread->Wait.return_code = STATUS_INTERRUPTED;                                  
  11bacc:   c7 46 4c 0d 04 00 00    movl   $0x40d,0x4c(%esi)                              
      if ( !info ) {                                                                      
  11bad3:   8b 55 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edx                                
      the_info = (siginfo_t *) the_thread->Wait.return_argument;                          
  11bad6:   8b 46 40                mov    0x40(%esi),%eax                                
      if ( !info ) {                                                                      
  11bad9:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  11badb:   74 73                   je     11bb50 <_POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread+0x120>   
        *the_info = *info;                                                                
  11badd:   8b 55 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edx                                
  11bae0:   8b 12                   mov    (%edx),%edx                                    
  11bae2:   89 10                   mov    %edx,(%eax)                                    
  11bae4:   8b 55 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edx                                
  11bae7:   8b 52 04                mov    0x4(%edx),%edx                                 
  11baea:   89 50 04                mov    %edx,0x4(%eax)                                 
  11baed:   8b 55 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edx                                
  11baf0:   8b 52 08                mov    0x8(%edx),%edx                                 
  11baf3:   89 50 08                mov    %edx,0x8(%eax)                                 
      _Thread_queue_Extract_with_proxy( the_thread );                                     
  11baf6:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  11baf9:   e8 32 06 ff ff          call   10c130 <_Thread_queue_Extract_with_proxy>      
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable( lock_context );                                                  
  11bafe:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  11baff:   fa                      cli                                                   
  11bb00:   58                      pop    %eax                                           
  action->handler = handler;                                                              
  11bb01:   c7 43 64 70 b9 11 00    movl   $0x11b970,0x64(%ebx)                           
  11bb08:   8b 4b 5c                mov    0x5c(%ebx),%ecx                                
  11bb0b:   b2 01                   mov    $0x1,%dl                                       
  11bb0d:   88 15 34 4d 14 00       mov    %dl,0x144d34                                   
  11bb13:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  11bb15:   74 59                   je     11bb70 <_POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread+0x140>   <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( lock_context );                                                   
  11bb17:   50                      push   %eax                                           
  11bb18:   9d                      popf                                                  
  11bb19:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
      return _POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread_done( the_thread, api, true );                 
  11bb1c:   b0 01                   mov    $0x1,%al                                       
  11bb1e:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  11bb21:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  11bb24:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  11bb26:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  11bb27:   c3                      ret                                                   
  11bb28:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11bb2f:   90                      nop                                                   
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
  11bb30:   8b 96 d8 00 00 00       mov    0xd8(%esi),%edx                                
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  11bb36:   8d 8e d4 00 00 00       lea    0xd4(%esi),%ecx                                
  11bb3c:   89 4b 5c                mov    %ecx,0x5c(%ebx)                                
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
  11bb3f:   89 be d8 00 00 00       mov    %edi,0xd8(%esi)                                
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
  11bb45:   89 3a                   mov    %edi,(%edx)                                    
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
  11bb47:   89 53 60                mov    %edx,0x60(%ebx)                                
  11bb4a:   e9 3e ff ff ff          jmp    11ba8d <_POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread+0x5d>    
  11bb4f:   90                      nop                                                   
        the_info->si_code = SI_USER;                                                      
  11bb50:   c7 40 04 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,0x4(%eax)                                 
        the_info->si_signo = signo;                                                       
  11bb57:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
        the_info->si_value.sival_int = 0;                                                 
  11bb5a:   c7 40 08 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x8(%eax)                                 
        the_info->si_signo = signo;                                                       
  11bb61:   89 10                   mov    %edx,(%eax)                                    
        the_info->si_value.sival_int = 0;                                                 
  11bb63:   eb 91                   jmp    11baf6 <_POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread+0xc6>    
  11bb65:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11bb6c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
  11bb70:   8b 96 d8 00 00 00       mov    0xd8(%esi),%edx                                
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  11bb76:   8d 8e d4 00 00 00       lea    0xd4(%esi),%ecx                                
  11bb7c:   89 4b 5c                mov    %ecx,0x5c(%ebx)                                
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
  11bb7f:   89 be d8 00 00 00       mov    %edi,0xd8(%esi)                                
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
  11bb85:   89 3a                   mov    %edi,(%edx)                                    
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
  11bb87:   89 53 60                mov    %edx,0x60(%ebx)                                
  11bb8a:   eb 8b                   jmp    11bb17 <_POSIX_signals_Unblock_thread+0xe7>    
  11bb8c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11bb8d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11bb8e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11bb8f:   90                      nop                                                   

00109780 <aio_cancel>: #include <errno.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <rtems/seterr.h> int aio_cancel(int fildes, struct aiocb *aiocbp) {
  109780:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  109781:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  109783:   83 ec 28                sub    $0x28,%esp                                     
  109786:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  109789:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 
  rtems_chain_control *idle_req_chain = &aio_request_queue.idle_req;                      
  rtems_chain_control *work_req_chain = &aio_request_queue.work_req;                      
  rtems_aio_request_chain *r_chain;                                                       
  int result;                                                                             
  pthread_mutex_lock (&aio_request_queue.mutex);                                          
  10978c:   c7 04 24 00 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131c00,(%esp)                               
  109793:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  109796:   8b 7d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edi                                 
  109799:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  pthread_mutex_lock (&aio_request_queue.mutex);                                          
  10979c:   e8 7f 25 00 00          call   10bd20 <pthread_mutex_lock>                    
  if (fcntl (fildes, F_GETFD) < 0) {                                                      
  1097a1:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  1097a6:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1097aa:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  1097ad:   e8 be 0f 00 00          call   10a770 <fcntl>                                 
  1097b2:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1097b4:   0f 88 d7 01 00 00       js     109991 <aio_cancel+0x211>                      
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one (EBADF);                                         
  /* if aiocbp is NULL remove all request for given file descriptor */                    
  if (aiocbp == NULL) {                                                                   
  1097ba:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      
  1097bc:   0f 84 de 00 00 00       je     1098a0 <aio_cancel+0x120>                      
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&aio_request_queue.mutex);                                      
    return AIO_CANCELED;                                                                  
  } else {                                                                                
    AIO_printf ("Cancel request\n");                                                      
    if (aiocbp->aio_fildes != fildes) {                                                   
  1097c2:   39 37                   cmp    %esi,(%edi)                                    
  1097c4:   0f 85 a6 01 00 00       jne    109970 <aio_cancel+0x1f0>                      
      pthread_mutex_unlock (&aio_request_queue.mutex);                                    
      rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one (EINVAL);                                      
    r_chain = rtems_aio_search_fd (work_req_chain, fildes, 0);                            
  1097ca:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1097ce:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  1097d0:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1097d4:   c7 04 24 a8 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131ca8,(%esp)                               
  1097db:   e8 50 07 00 00          call   109f30 <rtems_aio_search_fd>                   
    if (r_chain == NULL) {                                                                
  1097e0:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    r_chain = rtems_aio_search_fd (work_req_chain, fildes, 0);                            
  1097e2:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
    if (r_chain == NULL) {                                                                
  1097e4:   75 5a                   jne    109840 <aio_cancel+0xc0>                       
      if (!rtems_chain_is_empty (idle_req_chain)) {                                       
  1097e6:   81 3d b4 1c 13 00 b8    cmpl   $0x131cb8,0x131cb4                             
  1097ed:   1c 13 00                                                                      
  1097f0:   0f 84 8a 00 00 00       je     109880 <aio_cancel+0x100>                      <== NEVER TAKEN
        r_chain = rtems_aio_search_fd (idle_req_chain, fildes, 0);                        
  1097f6:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1097fa:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1097fc:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  109800:   c7 04 24 b4 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131cb4,(%esp)                               
  109807:   e8 24 07 00 00          call   109f30 <rtems_aio_search_fd>                   
        if (r_chain == NULL) {                                                            
  10980c:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10980e:   0f 84 5c 01 00 00       je     109970 <aio_cancel+0x1f0>                      
          rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one (EINVAL);                                  
        AIO_printf ("Request on [IQ]\n");                                                 
        result = rtems_aio_remove_req (&r_chain->perfd, aiocbp);                          
  109814:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  109818:   83 c0 08                add    $0x8,%eax                                      
  10981b:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10981e:   e8 cd 08 00 00          call   10a0f0 <rtems_aio_remove_req>                  
        pthread_mutex_unlock (&aio_request_queue.mutex);                                  
  109823:   c7 04 24 00 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131c00,(%esp)                               
        result = rtems_aio_remove_req (&r_chain->perfd, aiocbp);                          
  10982a:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
        pthread_mutex_unlock (&aio_request_queue.mutex);                                  
  10982c:   e8 ef 27 00 00          call   10c020 <pthread_mutex_unlock>                  
      pthread_mutex_unlock (&r_chain->mutex);                                             
      pthread_mutex_unlock (&aio_request_queue.mutex);                                    
      return result;                                                                      
  return AIO_ALLDONE;                                                                     
  109831:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  109834:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  109836:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  109839:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  10983c:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10983e:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10983f:   c3                      ret                                                   
      pthread_mutex_lock (&r_chain->mutex);                                               
  109840:   8d 70 1c                lea    0x1c(%eax),%esi                                
      result = rtems_aio_remove_req (&r_chain->perfd, aiocbp);                            
  109843:   83 c3 08                add    $0x8,%ebx                                      
      pthread_mutex_lock (&r_chain->mutex);                                               
  109846:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  109849:   e8 d2 24 00 00          call   10bd20 <pthread_mutex_lock>                    
      result = rtems_aio_remove_req (&r_chain->perfd, aiocbp);                            
  10984e:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  109852:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  109855:   e8 96 08 00 00          call   10a0f0 <rtems_aio_remove_req>                  
      pthread_mutex_unlock (&r_chain->mutex);                                             
  10985a:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
      result = rtems_aio_remove_req (&r_chain->perfd, aiocbp);                            
  10985d:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
      pthread_mutex_unlock (&r_chain->mutex);                                             
  10985f:   e8 bc 27 00 00          call   10c020 <pthread_mutex_unlock>                  
      pthread_mutex_unlock (&aio_request_queue.mutex);                                    
  109864:   c7 04 24 00 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131c00,(%esp)                               
  10986b:   e8 b0 27 00 00          call   10c020 <pthread_mutex_unlock>                  
  109870:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  109873:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  109875:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  109878:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  10987b:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10987d:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10987e:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10987f:   90                      nop                                                   
  109880:   c7 04 24 00 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131c00,(%esp)                               
          return AIO_ALLDONE;                                                             
  109887:   bb 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%ebx                                      
  10988c:   e8 8f 27 00 00          call   10c020 <pthread_mutex_unlock>                  
          return AIO_ALLDONE;                                                             
  109891:   eb 9e                   jmp    109831 <aio_cancel+0xb1>                       
  109893:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10989a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    r_chain = rtems_aio_search_fd (work_req_chain, fildes, 0);                            
  1098a0:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1098a4:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
  1098a6:   89 5c 24 08             mov    %ebx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1098aa:   c7 04 24 a8 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131ca8,(%esp)                               
  1098b1:   e8 7a 06 00 00          call   109f30 <rtems_aio_search_fd>                   
    if (r_chain == NULL) {                                                                
  1098b6:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    r_chain = rtems_aio_search_fd (work_req_chain, fildes, 0);                            
  1098b8:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
    if (r_chain == NULL) {                                                                
  1098ba:   75 74                   jne    109930 <aio_cancel+0x1b0>                      
      if (!rtems_chain_is_empty (idle_req_chain)) {                                       
  1098bc:   81 3d b4 1c 13 00 b8    cmpl   $0x131cb8,0x131cb4                             
  1098c3:   1c 13 00                                                                      
  1098c6:   74 b8                   je     109880 <aio_cancel+0x100>                      <== NEVER TAKEN
        r_chain = rtems_aio_search_fd (idle_req_chain, fildes, 0);                        
  1098c8:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1098cc:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      
  1098ce:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1098d2:   c7 04 24 b4 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131cb4,(%esp)                               
  1098d9:   e8 52 06 00 00          call   109f30 <rtems_aio_search_fd>                   
        if (r_chain == NULL) {                                                            
  1098de:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
        r_chain = rtems_aio_search_fd (idle_req_chain, fildes, 0);                        
  1098e0:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
        if (r_chain == NULL) {                                                            
  1098e2:   74 9c                   je     109880 <aio_cancel+0x100>                      
        rtems_chain_extract (&r_chain->next_fd);                                          
  1098e4:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1098e7:   e8 b4 35 00 00          call   10cea0 <rtems_chain_extract>                   
        rtems_aio_remove_fd (r_chain);                                                    
  1098ec:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  1098ef:   e8 9c 07 00 00          call   10a090 <rtems_aio_remove_fd>                   
        pthread_mutex_destroy (&r_chain->mutex);                                          
  1098f4:   8d 43 1c                lea    0x1c(%ebx),%eax                                
  1098f7:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1098fa:   e8 91 22 00 00          call   10bb90 <pthread_mutex_destroy>                 
        pthread_cond_destroy (&r_chain->cond);                                            
  1098ff:   8d 43 54                lea    0x54(%ebx),%eax                                
  109902:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  109905:   e8 d6 1d 00 00          call   10b6e0 <pthread_cond_destroy>                  
        free (r_chain);                                                                   
  10990a:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
        return AIO_CANCELED;                                                              
  10990d:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
        free (r_chain);                                                                   
  10990f:   e8 1c 71 ff ff          call   100a30 <free>                                  
        pthread_mutex_unlock (&aio_request_queue.mutex);                                  
  109914:   c7 04 24 00 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131c00,(%esp)                               
  10991b:   e8 00 27 00 00          call   10c020 <pthread_mutex_unlock>                  
        return AIO_CANCELED;                                                              
  109920:   e9 0c ff ff ff          jmp    109831 <aio_cancel+0xb1>                       
  109925:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10992c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    pthread_mutex_lock (&r_chain->mutex);                                                 
  109930:   8d 70 1c                lea    0x1c(%eax),%esi                                
  109933:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  109936:   e8 e5 23 00 00          call   10bd20 <pthread_mutex_lock>                    
    rtems_chain_extract (&r_chain->next_fd);                                              
  10993b:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  10993e:   e8 5d 35 00 00          call   10cea0 <rtems_chain_extract>                   
    rtems_aio_remove_fd (r_chain);                                                        
  109943:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
    return AIO_CANCELED;                                                                  
  109946:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
    rtems_aio_remove_fd (r_chain);                                                        
  109948:   e8 43 07 00 00          call   10a090 <rtems_aio_remove_fd>                   
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&r_chain->mutex);                                               
  10994d:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  109950:   e8 cb 26 00 00          call   10c020 <pthread_mutex_unlock>                  
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&aio_request_queue.mutex);                                      
  109955:   c7 04 24 00 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131c00,(%esp)                               
  10995c:   e8 bf 26 00 00          call   10c020 <pthread_mutex_unlock>                  
    return AIO_CANCELED;                                                                  
  109961:   e9 cb fe ff ff          jmp    109831 <aio_cancel+0xb1>                       
  109966:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10996d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
          pthread_mutex_unlock (&aio_request_queue.mutex);                                
  109970:   c7 04 24 00 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131c00,(%esp)                               
          rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one (EINVAL);                                  
  109977:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               
          pthread_mutex_unlock (&aio_request_queue.mutex);                                
  10997c:   e8 9f 26 00 00          call   10c020 <pthread_mutex_unlock>                  
          rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one (EINVAL);                                  
  109981:   e8 7a 1b 01 00          call   11b500 <__errno>                               
  109986:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  10998c:   e9 a0 fe ff ff          jmp    109831 <aio_cancel+0xb1>                       
  109991:   c7 04 24 00 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131c00,(%esp)                               
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one (EBADF);                                         
  109998:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               
  10999d:   e8 7e 26 00 00          call   10c020 <pthread_mutex_unlock>                  
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one (EBADF);                                         
  1099a2:   e8 59 1b 01 00          call   11b500 <__errno>                               
  1099a7:   c7 00 09 00 00 00       movl   $0x9,(%eax)                                    
  1099ad:   e9 7f fe ff ff          jmp    109831 <aio_cancel+0xb1>                       
  1099b2:   90                      nop                                                   
  1099b3:   90                      nop                                                   
  1099b4:   90                      nop                                                   
  1099b5:   90                      nop                                                   
  1099b6:   90                      nop                                                   
  1099b7:   90                      nop                                                   
  1099b8:   90                      nop                                                   
  1099b9:   90                      nop                                                   
  1099ba:   90                      nop                                                   
  1099bb:   90                      nop                                                   
  1099bc:   90                      nop                                                   
  1099bd:   90                      nop                                                   
  1099be:   90                      nop                                                   
  1099bf:   90                      nop                                                   

001099d0 <aio_fsync>: int aio_fsync( int op, struct aiocb *aiocbp ) {
  1099d0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  1099d1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  1099d3:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp                                     
  rtems_aio_request *req;                                                                 
  int mode;                                                                               
  if (op != O_SYNC)                                                                       
  1099d6:   81 7d 08 00 20 00 00    cmpl   $0x2000,0x8(%ebp)                              
  1099dd:   89 5d fc                mov    %ebx,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  1099e0:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  if (op != O_SYNC)                                                                       
  1099e3:   75 4b                   jne    109a30 <aio_fsync+0x60>                        
    rtems_aio_set_errno_return_minus_one (EINVAL, aiocbp);                                
  mode = fcntl (aiocbp->aio_fildes, F_GETFL);                                             
  1099e5:   b8 03 00 00 00          mov    $0x3,%eax                                      
  1099ea:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1099ee:   8b 03                   mov    (%ebx),%eax                                    
  1099f0:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1099f3:   e8 78 0d 00 00          call   10a770 <fcntl>                                 
  if (!(((mode & O_ACCMODE) == O_WRONLY) || ((mode & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDWR)))              
  1099f8:   83 e0 03                and    $0x3,%eax                                      
  1099fb:   48                      dec    %eax                                           
  1099fc:   83 f8 01                cmp    $0x1,%eax                                      
  1099ff:   77 5f                   ja     109a60 <aio_fsync+0x90>                        
    rtems_aio_set_errno_return_minus_one (EBADF, aiocbp);                                 
  req = malloc (sizeof (rtems_aio_request));                                              
  109a01:   c7 04 24 18 00 00 00    movl   $0x18,(%esp)                                   
  109a08:   e8 93 73 ff ff          call   100da0 <malloc>                                
  if (req == NULL)                                                                        
  109a0d:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  109a0f:   74 6a                   je     109a7b <aio_fsync+0xab>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
    rtems_aio_set_errno_return_minus_one (EAGAIN, aiocbp);                                
  req->aiocbp = aiocbp;                                                                   
  109a11:   89 58 14                mov    %ebx,0x14(%eax)                                
  req->aiocbp->aio_lio_opcode = LIO_SYNC;                                                 
  109a14:   c7 43 2c 03 00 00 00    movl   $0x3,0x2c(%ebx)                                
  return rtems_aio_enqueue (req);                                                         
  109a1b:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  return rtems_aio_enqueue (req);                                                         
  109a1e:   89 45 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%ebp)                                 
  109a21:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  109a23:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  return rtems_aio_enqueue (req);                                                         
  109a24:   e9 47 07 00 00          jmp    10a170 <rtems_aio_enqueue>                     
  109a29:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    rtems_aio_set_errno_return_minus_one (EINVAL, aiocbp);                                
  109a30:   c7 43 30 16 00 00 00    movl   $0x16,0x30(%ebx)                               
  109a37:   c7 43 34 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x34(%ebx)                         
  109a3e:   e8 bd 1a 01 00          call   11b500 <__errno>                               
  109a43:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  109a49:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  109a4c:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  109a4e:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  109a53:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  109a54:   c3                      ret                                                   
  109a55:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  109a5c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    rtems_aio_set_errno_return_minus_one (EBADF, aiocbp);                                 
  109a60:   c7 43 30 09 00 00 00    movl   $0x9,0x30(%ebx)                                
  109a67:   c7 43 34 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x34(%ebx)                         
  109a6e:   e8 8d 1a 01 00          call   11b500 <__errno>                               
  109a73:   c7 00 09 00 00 00       movl   $0x9,(%eax)                                    
  109a79:   eb ce                   jmp    109a49 <aio_fsync+0x79>                        
    rtems_aio_set_errno_return_minus_one (EAGAIN, aiocbp);                                
  109a7b:   c7 43 30 0b 00 00 00    movl   $0xb,0x30(%ebx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  109a82:   c7 43 34 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x34(%ebx)                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  109a89:   e8 72 1a 01 00          call   11b500 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  109a8e:   c7 00 0b 00 00 00       movl   $0xb,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  109a94:   eb b3                   jmp    109a49 <aio_fsync+0x79>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  109a96:   90                      nop                                                   
  109a97:   90                      nop                                                   
  109a98:   90                      nop                                                   
  109a99:   90                      nop                                                   
  109a9a:   90                      nop                                                   
  109a9b:   90                      nop                                                   
  109a9c:   90                      nop                                                   
  109a9d:   90                      nop                                                   
  109a9e:   90                      nop                                                   
  109a9f:   90                      nop                                                   

0010a3b0 <aio_read>: * 0 - otherwise */ int aio_read (struct aiocb *aiocbp) {
  10a3b0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  rtems_aio_request *req;                                                                 
  int mode;                                                                               
  mode = fcntl (aiocbp->aio_fildes, F_GETFL);                                             
  10a3b1:   b9 03 00 00 00          mov    $0x3,%ecx                                      
  10a3b6:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10a3b8:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp                                     
  10a3bb:   89 5d fc                mov    %ebx,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  10a3be:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  mode = fcntl (aiocbp->aio_fildes, F_GETFL);                                             
  10a3c1:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10a3c5:   8b 03                   mov    (%ebx),%eax                                    
  10a3c7:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10a3ca:   e8 a1 03 00 00          call   10a770 <fcntl>                                 
  if (!(((mode & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDONLY) || ((mode & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDWR)))              
  10a3cf:   a8 01                   test   $0x1,%al                                       
  10a3d1:   75 62                   jne    10a435 <aio_read+0x85>                         
    rtems_aio_set_errno_return_minus_one (EBADF, aiocbp);                                 
  if (aiocbp->aio_reqprio < 0 || aiocbp->aio_reqprio > AIO_PRIO_DELTA_MAX)                
  10a3d3:   8b 53 14                mov    0x14(%ebx),%edx                                
  10a3d6:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  10a3d8:   75 36                   jne    10a410 <aio_read+0x60>                         
    rtems_aio_set_errno_return_minus_one (EINVAL, aiocbp);                                
  if (aiocbp->aio_offset < 0)                                                             
  10a3da:   8b 43 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%eax                                 
  10a3dd:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10a3df:   78 2f                   js     10a410 <aio_read+0x60>                         
    rtems_aio_set_errno_return_minus_one (EINVAL, aiocbp);                                
  req = malloc (sizeof (rtems_aio_request));                                              
  10a3e1:   c7 04 24 18 00 00 00    movl   $0x18,(%esp)                                   
  10a3e8:   e8 b3 69 ff ff          call   100da0 <malloc>                                
  if (req == NULL)                                                                        
  10a3ed:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10a3ef:   74 5f                   je     10a450 <aio_read+0xa0>                         <== NEVER TAKEN
    rtems_aio_set_errno_return_minus_one (EAGAIN, aiocbp);                                
  req->aiocbp = aiocbp;                                                                   
  10a3f1:   89 58 14                mov    %ebx,0x14(%eax)                                
  req->aiocbp->aio_lio_opcode = LIO_READ;                                                 
  10a3f4:   c7 43 2c 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,0x2c(%ebx)                                
  return rtems_aio_enqueue (req);                                                         
  10a3fb:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  return rtems_aio_enqueue (req);                                                         
  10a3fe:   89 45 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%ebp)                                 
  10a401:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10a403:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  return rtems_aio_enqueue (req);                                                         
  10a404:   e9 67 fd ff ff          jmp    10a170 <rtems_aio_enqueue>                     
  10a409:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    rtems_aio_set_errno_return_minus_one (EINVAL, aiocbp);                                
  10a410:   c7 43 30 16 00 00 00    movl   $0x16,0x30(%ebx)                               
  10a417:   c7 43 34 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x34(%ebx)                         
  10a41e:   e8 dd 10 01 00          call   11b500 <__errno>                               
  10a423:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  10a429:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  10a42c:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10a42e:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  10a433:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10a434:   c3                      ret                                                   
    rtems_aio_set_errno_return_minus_one (EBADF, aiocbp);                                 
  10a435:   c7 43 30 09 00 00 00    movl   $0x9,0x30(%ebx)                                
  10a43c:   c7 43 34 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x34(%ebx)                         
  10a443:   e8 b8 10 01 00          call   11b500 <__errno>                               
  10a448:   c7 00 09 00 00 00       movl   $0x9,(%eax)                                    
  10a44e:   eb d9                   jmp    10a429 <aio_read+0x79>                         
    rtems_aio_set_errno_return_minus_one (EAGAIN, aiocbp);                                
  10a450:   c7 43 30 0b 00 00 00    movl   $0xb,0x30(%ebx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a457:   c7 43 34 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x34(%ebx)                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a45e:   e8 9d 10 01 00          call   11b500 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a463:   c7 00 0b 00 00 00       movl   $0xb,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a469:   eb be                   jmp    10a429 <aio_read+0x79>                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a46b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a46c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a46d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a46e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a46f:   90                      nop                                                   

0010a480 <aio_write>: * 0 - otherwise */ int aio_write (struct aiocb *aiocbp) {
  10a480:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  rtems_aio_request *req;                                                                 
  int mode;                                                                               
  mode = fcntl (aiocbp->aio_fildes, F_GETFL);                                             
  10a481:   b9 03 00 00 00          mov    $0x3,%ecx                                      
  10a486:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10a488:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp                                     
  10a48b:   89 5d fc                mov    %ebx,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  10a48e:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  mode = fcntl (aiocbp->aio_fildes, F_GETFL);                                             
  10a491:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10a495:   8b 03                   mov    (%ebx),%eax                                    
  10a497:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10a49a:   e8 d1 02 00 00          call   10a770 <fcntl>                                 
  if (!(((mode & O_ACCMODE) == O_WRONLY) || ((mode & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDWR)))              
  10a49f:   83 e0 03                and    $0x3,%eax                                      
  10a4a2:   48                      dec    %eax                                           
  10a4a3:   83 f8 01                cmp    $0x1,%eax                                      
  10a4a6:   77 5d                   ja     10a505 <aio_write+0x85>                        
    rtems_aio_set_errno_return_minus_one (EBADF, aiocbp);                                 
  if (aiocbp->aio_reqprio < 0 || aiocbp->aio_reqprio > AIO_PRIO_DELTA_MAX)                
  10a4a8:   8b 53 14                mov    0x14(%ebx),%edx                                
  10a4ab:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  10a4ad:   75 31                   jne    10a4e0 <aio_write+0x60>                        
    rtems_aio_set_errno_return_minus_one (EINVAL, aiocbp);                                
  if (aiocbp->aio_offset < 0)                                                             
  10a4af:   8b 43 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%eax                                 
  10a4b2:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10a4b4:   78 2a                   js     10a4e0 <aio_write+0x60>                        
    rtems_aio_set_errno_return_minus_one (EINVAL, aiocbp);                                
  req = malloc (sizeof (rtems_aio_request));                                              
  10a4b6:   c7 04 24 18 00 00 00    movl   $0x18,(%esp)                                   
  10a4bd:   e8 de 68 ff ff          call   100da0 <malloc>                                
  if (req == NULL)                                                                        
  10a4c2:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10a4c4:   74 5a                   je     10a520 <aio_write+0xa0>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
    rtems_aio_set_errno_return_minus_one (EAGAIN, aiocbp);                                
  req->aiocbp = aiocbp;                                                                   
  10a4c6:   89 58 14                mov    %ebx,0x14(%eax)                                
  req->aiocbp->aio_lio_opcode = LIO_WRITE;                                                
  10a4c9:   c7 43 2c 02 00 00 00    movl   $0x2,0x2c(%ebx)                                
  return rtems_aio_enqueue (req);                                                         
  10a4d0:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  return rtems_aio_enqueue (req);                                                         
  10a4d3:   89 45 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%ebp)                                 
  10a4d6:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10a4d8:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  return rtems_aio_enqueue (req);                                                         
  10a4d9:   e9 92 fc ff ff          jmp    10a170 <rtems_aio_enqueue>                     
  10a4de:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
    rtems_aio_set_errno_return_minus_one (EINVAL, aiocbp);                                
  10a4e0:   c7 43 30 16 00 00 00    movl   $0x16,0x30(%ebx)                               
  10a4e7:   c7 43 34 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x34(%ebx)                         
  10a4ee:   e8 0d 10 01 00          call   11b500 <__errno>                               
  10a4f3:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  10a4f9:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  10a4fc:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10a4fe:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  10a503:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10a504:   c3                      ret                                                   
    rtems_aio_set_errno_return_minus_one (EBADF, aiocbp);                                 
  10a505:   c7 43 30 09 00 00 00    movl   $0x9,0x30(%ebx)                                
  10a50c:   c7 43 34 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x34(%ebx)                         
  10a513:   e8 e8 0f 01 00          call   11b500 <__errno>                               
  10a518:   c7 00 09 00 00 00       movl   $0x9,(%eax)                                    
  10a51e:   eb d9                   jmp    10a4f9 <aio_write+0x79>                        
    rtems_aio_set_errno_return_minus_one (EAGAIN, aiocbp);                                
  10a520:   c7 43 30 0b 00 00 00    movl   $0xb,0x30(%ebx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a527:   c7 43 34 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x34(%ebx)                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a52e:   e8 cd 0f 01 00          call   11b500 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a533:   c7 00 0b 00 00 00       movl   $0xb,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a539:   eb be                   jmp    10a4f9 <aio_write+0x79>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a53b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a53c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a53d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a53e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a53f:   90                      nop                                                   

001204c0 <clock_nanosleep>: clockid_t clock_id, int flags, const struct timespec *rqtp, struct timespec *rmtp ) {
  1204c0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  1204c1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  1204c3:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  1204c4:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  1204c5:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  1204c6:   83 ec 5c                sub    $0x5c,%esp                                     
  1204c9:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1204cc:   8b 75 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%esi                                
  struct timespec        uptime;                                                          
  const struct timespec *end;                                                             
  Thread_Control        *executing;                                                       
  int                    eno;                                                             
  if ( clock_id != CLOCK_REALTIME && clock_id != CLOCK_MONOTONIC ) {                      
  1204cf:   83 f8 01                cmp    $0x1,%eax                                      
  1204d2:   74 09                   je     1204dd <clock_nanosleep+0x1d>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  1204d4:   83 f8 04                cmp    $0x4,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1204d7:   0f 85 93 00 00 00       jne    120570 <clock_nanosleep+0xb0>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  queue_context->thread_state = thread_state;                                             
  1204dd:   c7 45 c8 00 01 00 10    movl   $0x10000100,-0x38(%ebp)                        
  if ( ( flags & TIMER_ABSTIME ) != 0 ) {                                                 
  1204e4:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  1204e7:   83 e3 04                and    $0x4,%ebx                                      
  1204ea:   0f 84 c0 00 00 00       je     1205b0 <clock_nanosleep+0xf0>                  
  queue_context->Timeout.arg = abstime;                                                   
  1204f0:   89 75 d0                mov    %esi,-0x30(%ebp)                               
    end = rqtp;                                                                           
    if ( clock_id == CLOCK_REALTIME ) {                                                   
  1204f3:   48                      dec    %eax                                           
  1204f4:   0f 84 56 01 00 00       je     120650 <clock_nanosleep+0x190>                 <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  queue_context->enqueue_callout =                                                        
  1204fa:   c7 45 cc 70 96 10 00    movl   $0x109670,-0x34(%ebp)                          
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                     
  120501:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  120502:   fa                      cli                                                   
  120503:   58                      pop    %eax                                           
  120504:   89 45 c4                mov    %eax,-0x3c(%ebp)                               
  _Thread_queue_Acquire( &_Nanosleep_Pseudo_queue, &queue_context );                      
  executing = _Thread_Executing;                                                          
  120507:   c7 04 24 ac 75 12 00    movl   $0x1275ac,(%esp)                               
  12050e:   8b 3d 58 b3 12 00       mov    0x12b358,%edi                                  
  120514:   8d 45 c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%eax                               
  120517:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  12051b:   b8 d0 14 12 00          mov    $0x1214d0,%eax                                 
  120520:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  120524:   89 7c 24 08             mov    %edi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  120528:   e8 c3 82 fe ff          call   1087f0 <_Thread_queue_Enqueue>                 
  return _POSIX_Get_by_name_error_table[ error ];                                         
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE int _POSIX_Get_error( Status_Control status )                        
  return STATUS_GET_POSIX( status );                                                      
  12052d:   8b 57 4c                mov    0x4c(%edi),%edx                                
  120530:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
  120532:   c1 f8 1f                sar    $0x1f,%eax                                     
  120535:   0f b6 f8                movzbl %al,%edi                                       
  120538:   01 d7                   add    %edx,%edi                                      
  if ( eno == ETIMEDOUT ) {                                                               
    eno = 0;                                                                              
  if ( rmtp != NULL && ( flags & TIMER_ABSTIME ) == 0 ) {                                 
  12053a:   8b 55 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%edx                                
  12053d:   c1 ff 08                sar    $0x8,%edi                                      
  120540:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  120542:   0f 94 c0                sete   %al                                            
  120545:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  120547:   0f 95 c2                setne  %dl                                            
  12054a:   20 d0                   and    %dl,%al                                        
  if ( eno == ETIMEDOUT ) {                                                               
  12054c:   83 ff 74                cmp    $0x74,%edi                                     
  12054f:   74 2f                   je     120580 <clock_nanosleep+0xc0>                  
  if ( rmtp != NULL && ( flags & TIMER_ABSTIME ) == 0 ) {                                 
  120551:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  120553:   0f 85 b7 00 00 00       jne    120610 <clock_nanosleep+0x150>                 
      _Timespec_Set_to_zero( rmtp );                                                      
  return eno;                                                                             
  120559:   83 c4 5c                add    $0x5c,%esp                                     
  12055c:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  12055e:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  12055f:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  120560:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  120561:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  120562:   c3                      ret                                                   
  120563:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  12056a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  120570:   83 c4 5c                add    $0x5c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    return ENOTSUP;                                                                       
  120573:   bf 86 00 00 00          mov    $0x86,%edi                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  120578:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  120579:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  12057b:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  12057c:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  12057d:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  12057e:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  12057f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    eno = 0;                                                                              
  120580:   31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi                                      
  if ( rmtp != NULL && ( flags & TIMER_ABSTIME ) == 0 ) {                                 
  120582:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  120584:   74 d3                   je     120559 <clock_nanosleep+0x99>                  
      _Timespec_Set_to_zero( rmtp );                                                      
  120586:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  120589:   c7 00 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%eax)                                    
  12058f:   c7 40 04 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x4(%eax)                                 
  120596:   c7 40 08 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x8(%eax)                                 
  12059d:   83 c4 5c                add    $0x5c,%esp                                     
  1205a0:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  1205a2:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  1205a3:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  1205a4:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  1205a5:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1205a6:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1205a7:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1205ae:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
    _Timecounter_Nanouptime( &uptime );                                                   
  1205b0:   8d 7d ac                lea    -0x54(%ebp),%edi                               
  1205b3:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  1205b6:   e8 25 72 fe ff          call   1077e0 <_Timecounter_Nanouptime>               
    && (unsigned long) ts->tv_nsec < WATCHDOG_NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND;                     
  1205bb:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  1205bd:   74 46                   je     120605 <clock_nanosleep+0x145>                 
  1205bf:   8b 4e 08                mov    0x8(%esi),%ecx                                 
  1205c2:   81 f9 ff c9 9a 3b       cmp    $0x3b9ac9ff,%ecx                               
  1205c8:   0f 87 92 00 00 00       ja     120660 <clock_nanosleep+0x1a0>                 
  return _Watchdog_Is_valid_timespec( ts ) && ts->tv_sec >= 0;                            
  1205ce:   8b 56 04                mov    0x4(%esi),%edx                                 
  1205d1:   8b 06                   mov    (%esi),%eax                                    
  1205d3:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  1205d5:   0f 88 85 00 00 00       js     120660 <clock_nanosleep+0x1a0>                 
  now->tv_nsec += delta->tv_nsec;                                                         
  1205db:   8b 75 b4                mov    -0x4c(%ebp),%esi                               
  sec += (uint64_t) delta->tv_sec;                                                        
  1205de:   03 45 ac                add    -0x54(%ebp),%eax                               
  1205e1:   13 55 b0                adc    -0x50(%ebp),%edx                               
  now->tv_nsec += delta->tv_nsec;                                                         
  1205e4:   01 f1                   add    %esi,%ecx                                      
  if ( now->tv_nsec >= WATCHDOG_NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND ) {                                
  1205e6:   81 f9 ff c9 9a 3b       cmp    $0x3b9ac9ff,%ecx                               
  1205ec:   0f 8f 7e 00 00 00       jg     120670 <clock_nanosleep+0x1b0>                 
  now->tv_nsec += delta->tv_nsec;                                                         
  1205f2:   89 4d b4                mov    %ecx,-0x4c(%ebp)                               
  if ( sec <= INT64_MAX ) {                                                               
  1205f5:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  1205f7:   0f 88 93 00 00 00       js     120690 <clock_nanosleep+0x1d0>                 
    now->tv_sec = sec;                                                                    
  1205fd:   89 45 ac                mov    %eax,-0x54(%ebp)                               
  return now;                                                                             
  120600:   89 fe                   mov    %edi,%esi                                      
    now->tv_sec = sec;                                                                    
  120602:   89 55 b0                mov    %edx,-0x50(%ebp)                               
  queue_context->Timeout.arg = abstime;                                                   
  120605:   89 75 d0                mov    %esi,-0x30(%ebp)                               
  120608:   e9 ed fe ff ff          jmp    1204fa <clock_nanosleep+0x3a>                  
  12060d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    if ( eno == EINTR ) {                                                                 
  120610:   83 ff 04                cmp    $0x4,%edi                                      
  120613:   0f 85 6d ff ff ff       jne    120586 <clock_nanosleep+0xc6>                  
      _Timecounter_Nanouptime( &actual_end );                                             
  120619:   8d 5d b8                lea    -0x48(%ebp),%ebx                               
  12061c:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  12061f:   e8 bc 71 fe ff          call   1077e0 <_Timecounter_Nanouptime>               
      if ( _Timespec_Less_than( &actual_end, end ) ) {                                    
  120624:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  120628:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  12062b:   e8 d0 00 00 00          call   120700 <_Timespec_Less_than>                   
  120630:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
        _Timespec_Subtract( &actual_end, end, rmtp );                                     
  120632:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
      if ( _Timespec_Less_than( &actual_end, end ) ) {                                    
  120635:   0f 84 4e ff ff ff       je     120589 <clock_nanosleep+0xc9>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
        _Timespec_Subtract( &actual_end, end, rmtp );                                     
  12063b:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  12063f:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  120643:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  120646:   e8 25 01 00 00          call   120770 <_Timespec_Subtract>                    
  12064b:   e9 09 ff ff ff          jmp    120559 <clock_nanosleep+0x99>                  
  queue_context->enqueue_callout = _Thread_queue_Add_timeout_realtime_timespec;           
  120650:   c7 45 cc b0 96 10 00    movl   $0x1096b0,-0x34(%ebp)                          
  120657:   e9 a5 fe ff ff          jmp    120501 <clock_nanosleep+0x41>                  
  12065c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    return NULL;                                                                          
  120660:   31 f6                   xor    %esi,%esi                                      
  queue_context->Timeout.arg = abstime;                                                   
  120662:   89 75 d0                mov    %esi,-0x30(%ebp)                               
  120665:   e9 90 fe ff ff          jmp    1204fa <clock_nanosleep+0x3a>                  
  12066a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    now->tv_nsec -= WATCHDOG_NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND;                                      
  120670:   81 e9 00 ca 9a 3b       sub    $0x3b9aca00,%ecx                               
  120676:   83 c0 01                add    $0x1,%eax                                      
    now->tv_nsec -= WATCHDOG_NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND;                                      
  120679:   89 4d b4                mov    %ecx,-0x4c(%ebp)                               
  12067c:   83 d2 00                adc    $0x0,%edx                                      
  12067f:   e9 71 ff ff ff          jmp    1205f5 <clock_nanosleep+0x135>                 
  120684:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  12068b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  12068f:   90                      nop                                                   
    now->tv_sec = INT64_MAX;                                                              
  120690:   c7 45 ac ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x54(%ebp)                        
  return now;                                                                             
  120697:   89 fe                   mov    %edi,%esi                                      
    now->tv_sec = INT64_MAX;                                                              
  120699:   c7 45 b0 ff ff ff 7f    movl   $0x7fffffff,-0x50(%ebp)                        
  1206a0:   e9 60 ff ff ff          jmp    120605 <clock_nanosleep+0x145>                 
  1206a5:   90                      nop                                                   
  1206a6:   90                      nop                                                   
  1206a7:   90                      nop                                                   
  1206a8:   90                      nop                                                   
  1206a9:   90                      nop                                                   
  1206aa:   90                      nop                                                   
  1206ab:   90                      nop                                                   
  1206ac:   90                      nop                                                   
  1206ad:   90                      nop                                                   
  1206ae:   90                      nop                                                   
  1206af:   90                      nop                                                   

00112550 <clock_settime>: int clock_settime( clockid_t clock_id, const struct timespec *tp ) {
  112550:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  112551:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  112553:   83 ec 28                sub    $0x28,%esp                                     
  112556:   89 5d fc                mov    %ebx,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  112559:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  11255c:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  Status_Control status;                                                                  
  if ( !tp )                                                                              
  11255f:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  112561:   74 0f                   je     112572 <clock_settime+0x22>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  if ( clock_id == CLOCK_REALTIME ) {                                                     
  112563:   83 f8 01                cmp    $0x1,%eax                                      
  112566:   74 48                   je     1125b0 <clock_settime+0x60>                    
    if ( status != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ) {                                                  
      rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( STATUS_GET_POSIX( status ) );                 
#ifdef _POSIX_CPUTIME                                                                     
  else if ( clock_id == CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID ) {                                      
  112568:   83 f8 02                cmp    $0x2,%eax                                      
  11256b:   74 23                   je     112590 <clock_settime+0x40>                    
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( ENOSYS );                                       
#ifdef _POSIX_THREAD_CPUTIME                                                              
  else if ( clock_id == CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID ) {                                       
  11256d:   83 f8 03                cmp    $0x3,%eax                                      
  112570:   74 1e                   je     112590 <clock_settime+0x40>                    
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( ENOSYS );                                       
  else {                                                                                  
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  112572:   e8 79 6c 04 00          call   1591f0 <__errno>                               
  112577:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               
  11257c:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  return 0;                                                                               
  112582:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  112584:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  112587:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  112589:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  11258a:   c3                      ret                                                   
  11258b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11258f:   90                      nop                                                   
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( ENOSYS );                                       
  112590:   e8 5b 6c 04 00          call   1591f0 <__errno>                               
  112595:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               
  11259a:   c7 00 58 00 00 00       movl   $0x58,(%eax)                                   
  1125a0:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  1125a2:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  1125a5:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  1125a7:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1125a8:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1125a9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1125b0:   e8 ab 2a 00 00          call   115060 <_TOD_Lock>                             
  _Timecounter_Acquire( lock_context );                                                   
  1125b5:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  1125b6:   fa                      cli                                                   
  1125b7:   58                      pop    %eax                                           
  1125b8:   89 45 f4                mov    %eax,-0xc(%ebp)                                
      status = _TOD_Set( tp, &lock_context );                                             
  1125bb:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  1125be:   8d 45 f4                lea    -0xc(%ebp),%eax                                
  1125c1:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1125c5:   e8 26 2b 00 00          call   1150f0 <_TOD_Set>                              
  1125ca:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  1125cc:   e8 af 2a 00 00          call   115080 <_TOD_Unlock>                           
    if ( status != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ) {                                                  
  1125d1:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  1125d3:   74 ad                   je     112582 <clock_settime+0x32>                    
      rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( STATUS_GET_POSIX( status ) );                 
  1125d5:   e8 16 6c 04 00          call   1591f0 <__errno>                               
  1125da:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  1125dc:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  1125de:   c1 f8 1f                sar    $0x1f,%eax                                     
  1125e1:   0f b6 c0                movzbl %al,%eax                                       
  1125e4:   01 d8                   add    %ebx,%eax                                      
  1125e6:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               
  1125eb:   c1 f8 08                sar    $0x8,%eax                                      
  1125ee:   89 02                   mov    %eax,(%edx)                                    
  1125f0:   eb 90                   jmp    112582 <clock_settime+0x32>                    
  1125f2:   90                      nop                                                   
  1125f3:   90                      nop                                                   
  1125f4:   90                      nop                                                   
  1125f5:   90                      nop                                                   
  1125f6:   90                      nop                                                   
  1125f7:   90                      nop                                                   
  1125f8:   90                      nop                                                   
  1125f9:   90                      nop                                                   
  1125fa:   90                      nop                                                   
  1125fb:   90                      nop                                                   
  1125fc:   90                      nop                                                   
  1125fd:   90                      nop                                                   
  1125fe:   90                      nop                                                   
  1125ff:   90                      nop                                                   

00104e20 <mmap>: CHAIN_DEFINE_EMPTY( mmap_mappings ); void *mmap( void *addr, size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fildes, off_t off ) {
  104e20:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  104e21:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  104e23:   81 ec b8 00 00 00       sub    $0xb8,%esp                                     
  104e29:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  104e2c:   8b 45 1c                mov    0x1c(%ebp),%eax                                
  104e2f:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  104e32:   8b 55 20                mov    0x20(%ebp),%edx                                
  104e35:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  104e38:   8b 7d 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%edi                                
  104e3b:   89 45 80                mov    %eax,-0x80(%ebp)                               
  104e3e:   89 55 84                mov    %edx,-0x7c(%ebp)                               
  map_anonymous = (flags & MAP_ANON) == MAP_ANON;                                         
  map_shared = (flags & MAP_SHARED) == MAP_SHARED;                                        
  map_private = (flags & MAP_PRIVATE) == MAP_PRIVATE;                                     
  /* Clear errno. */                                                                      
  errno = 0;                                                                              
  104e41:   e8 6a 61 01 00          call   11afb0 <__errno>                               
  iop = NULL;                                                                             
  if ( len == 0 ) {                                                                       
  104e46:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  104e49:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  errno = 0;                                                                              
  104e4b:   c7 00 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%eax)                                    
  if ( len == 0 ) {                                                                       
  104e51:   0f 84 99 01 00 00       je     104ff0 <mmap+0x1d0>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
   * We can provide read, write and execute because the memory in RTEMS does              
   * not normally have protections but we cannot hide access to memory.                   
  if ( prot == PROT_NONE ) {                                                              
  104e57:   8b 4d 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%ecx                                
  104e5a:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  104e5c:   0f 84 de 02 00 00       je     105140 <mmap+0x320>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
   * We can not normally provide restriction of write access. Reject any                  
   * attempt to map without write permission, since we are not able to                    
   * prevent a write from succeeding.                                                     
  if ( PROT_WRITE != (prot & PROT_WRITE) ) {                                              
  104e62:   f6 45 10 02             testb  $0x2,0x10(%ebp)                                
  104e66:   0f 84 d4 02 00 00       je     105140 <mmap+0x320>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
  map_fixed = (flags & MAP_FIXED) == MAP_FIXED;                                           
  104e6c:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  map_shared = (flags & MAP_SHARED) == MAP_SHARED;                                        
  104e6e:   89 fb                   mov    %edi,%ebx                                      
  map_fixed = (flags & MAP_FIXED) == MAP_FIXED;                                           
  104e70:   83 e0 10                and    $0x10,%eax                                     
  map_private = (flags & MAP_PRIVATE) == MAP_PRIVATE;                                     
  104e73:   89 f9                   mov    %edi,%ecx                                      
  map_fixed = (flags & MAP_FIXED) == MAP_FIXED;                                           
  104e75:   89 85 7c ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x84(%ebp)                               
   * Anonymous mappings must have file descriptor set to -1 and the offset                
   * set to 0. Shared mappings are not supported with Anonymous mappings at               
   * this time                                                                            
  if ( map_anonymous && (fildes != -1 || off != 0 || map_shared) ) {                      
  104e7b:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  map_shared = (flags & MAP_SHARED) == MAP_SHARED;                                        
  104e7d:   83 e3 01                and    $0x1,%ebx                                      
  104e80:   89 9d 78 ff ff ff       mov    %ebx,-0x88(%ebp)                               
  map_private = (flags & MAP_PRIVATE) == MAP_PRIVATE;                                     
  104e86:   83 e1 02                and    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  if ( map_anonymous && (fildes != -1 || off != 0 || map_shared) ) {                      
  104e89:   25 00 10 00 00          and    $0x1000,%eax                                   
  104e8e:   89 85 74 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x8c(%ebp)                               
  104e94:   0f 85 36 01 00 00       jne    104fd0 <mmap+0x1b0>                            
    flags |= MAP_PRIVATE;                                                                 
    map_private = true;                                                                   
  /* Check for supported flags */                                                         
  if ((flags & ~(MAP_SHARED | MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_FIXED | MAP_ANON)) != 0) {                
  104e9a:   f7 c7 ec ef ff ff       test   $0xffffefec,%edi                               
  104ea0:   0f 85 4a 01 00 00       jne    104ff0 <mmap+0x1d0>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
    errno = EINVAL;                                                                       
    return MAP_FAILED;                                                                    
  /* Either MAP_SHARED or MAP_PRIVATE must be defined, but not both */                    
  if ( map_shared ) {                                                                     
  104ea6:   8b 95 78 ff ff ff       mov    -0x88(%ebp),%edx                               
  104eac:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  104eae:   0f 85 5c 01 00 00       jne    105010 <mmap+0x1f0>                            
    if ( map_private ) {                                                                  
      errno = EINVAL;                                                                     
      return MAP_FAILED;                                                                  
  } else if ( !map_private ) {                                                            
  104eb4:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  104eb6:   0f 84 34 01 00 00       je     104ff0 <mmap+0x1d0>                            
    errno = EINVAL;                                                                       
    return MAP_FAILED;                                                                    
  /* Check for illegal addresses. Watch out for address wrap. */                          
  if ( map_fixed ) {                                                                      
  104ebc:   c6 85 73 ff ff ff 01    movb   $0x1,-0x8d(%ebp)                               
  104ec3:   8b 85 7c ff ff ff       mov    -0x84(%ebp),%eax                               
  104ec9:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104ecb:   74 23                   je     104ef0 <mmap+0xd0>                             
    if ((uintptr_t)addr & PAGE_MASK) {                                                    
  104ecd:   f7 45 08 ff 0f 00 00    testl  $0xfff,0x8(%ebp)                               
  104ed4:   0f 85 16 01 00 00       jne    104ff0 <mmap+0x1d0>                            
      errno = EINVAL;                                                                     
      return MAP_FAILED;                                                                  
    if ( addr == NULL ) {                                                                 
  104eda:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  104edd:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104edf:   0f 84 0b 01 00 00       je     104ff0 <mmap+0x1d0>                            
      errno = EINVAL;                                                                     
      return MAP_FAILED;                                                                  
    if (addr + len < addr) {                                                              
  104ee5:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  104ee8:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104eea:   0f 88 00 01 00 00       js     104ff0 <mmap+0x1d0>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
      errno = EINVAL;                                                                     
      return MAP_FAILED;                                                                  
  if ( !map_anonymous ) {                                                                 
  104ef0:   8b 85 74 ff ff ff       mov    -0x8c(%ebp),%eax                               
  104ef6:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104ef8:   0f 84 2b 01 00 00       je     105029 <mmap+0x209>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
      return MAP_FAILED;                                                                  
  /* Create the mapping */                                                                
  mapping = malloc( sizeof( mmap_mapping ));                                              
  104efe:   c7 04 24 18 00 00 00    movl   $0x18,(%esp)                                   
  104f05:   b9 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ecx                                      
  104f0a:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104f0e:   e8 0d 5a 00 00          call   10a920 <calloc>                                
  if ( !mapping ) {                                                                       
  104f13:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  mapping = malloc( sizeof( mmap_mapping ));                                              
  104f15:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  if ( !mapping ) {                                                                       
  104f17:   0f 84 73 03 00 00       je     105290 <mmap+0x470>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
    errno = ENOMEM;                                                                       
    return MAP_FAILED;                                                                    
  memset( mapping, 0, sizeof( mmap_mapping ));                                            
  mapping->len = len;                                                                     
  mapping->flags = flags;                                                                 
  104f1d:   89 7b 10                mov    %edi,0x10(%ebx)                                
  } else {                                                                                
    is_shared_shm = false;                                                                
  if ( map_fixed ) {                                                                      
  104f20:   8b bd 7c ff ff ff       mov    -0x84(%ebp),%edi                               
  mapping->len = len;                                                                     
  104f26:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  if ( map_fixed ) {                                                                      
  104f29:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      
  mapping->len = len;                                                                     
  104f2b:   89 43 0c                mov    %eax,0xc(%ebx)                                 
  if ( map_fixed ) {                                                                      
  104f2e:   0f 84 7c 03 00 00       je     1052b0 <mmap+0x490>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
    mapping->addr = addr;                                                                 
  104f34:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  iop = NULL;                                                                             
  104f37:   31 f6                   xor    %esi,%esi                                      
  104f39:   89 b5 6c ff ff ff       mov    %esi,-0x94(%ebp)                               
    mapping->addr = addr;                                                                 
  104f3f:   89 43 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%ebx)                                 
extern rtems_chain_control mmap_mappings;                                                 
static inline void mmap_mappings_lock_obtain( void )                                      
  104f42:   e8 a9 c1 ff ff          call   1010f0 <rtems_libio_lock>                      
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  104f47:   a1 a0 b3 12 00          mov    0x12b3a0,%eax                                  
  if ( map_fixed ) {                                                                      
    rtems_chain_node* node = rtems_chain_first (&mmap_mappings);                          
    while ( !rtems_chain_is_tail( &mmap_mappings, node )) {                               
  104f4c:   3d a4 b3 12 00          cmp    $0x12b3a4,%eax                                 
  104f51:   74 2c                   je     104f7f <mmap+0x15f>                            
  104f53:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  104f5a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
       * point in time if there is an overlap in the mappings we return an                
       * error. POSIX allows us to also return successfully by unmapping                  
       * the overlapping prior mappings.                                                  
      current_mapping = (mmap_mapping*) node;                                             
      if ( ( addr >= current_mapping->addr ) &&                                           
  104f60:   8b 50 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%edx                                 
  104f63:   3b 55 08                cmp    0x8(%ebp),%edx                                 
  104f66:   77 0e                   ja     104f76 <mmap+0x156>                            
           ( addr < ( current_mapping->addr + current_mapping->len )) ) {                 
  104f68:   8b 48 0c                mov    0xc(%eax),%ecx                                 
  104f6b:   01 ca                   add    %ecx,%edx                                      
      if ( ( addr >= current_mapping->addr ) &&                                           
  104f6d:   39 55 08                cmp    %edx,0x8(%ebp)                                 
  104f70:   0f 82 1a 04 00 00       jb     105390 <mmap+0x570>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
  return the_node->next;                                                                  
  104f76:   8b 00                   mov    (%eax),%eax                                    
    while ( !rtems_chain_is_tail( &mmap_mappings, node )) {                               
  104f78:   3d a4 b3 12 00          cmp    $0x12b3a4,%eax                                 
  104f7d:   75 e1                   jne    104f60 <mmap+0x140>                            
      node = rtems_chain_next( node );                                                    
  /* Populate the data */                                                                 
  if ( map_private ) {                                                                    
  104f7f:   80 bd 73 ff ff ff 00    cmpb   $0x0,-0x8d(%ebp)                               
  104f86:   0f 84 16 05 00 00       je     1054a2 <mmap+0x682>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
    if ( !map_anonymous ) {                                                               
  104f8c:   8b 85 74 ff ff ff       mov    -0x8c(%ebp),%eax                               
  104f92:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104f94:   0f 84 26 04 00 00       je     1053c0 <mmap+0x5a0>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
        free( mapping );                                                                  
        errno = ENXIO;                                                                    
        return MAP_FAILED;                                                                
    } else if ( !map_fixed ) {                                                            
  104f9a:   8b 85 7c ff ff ff       mov    -0x84(%ebp),%eax                               
  104fa0:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104fa2:   0f 84 8d 04 00 00       je     105435 <mmap+0x615>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
  the_node->next = tail;                                                                  
  104fa8:   c7 03 a4 b3 12 00       movl   $0x12b3a4,(%ebx)                               
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
  104fae:   a1 a8 b3 12 00          mov    0x12b3a8,%eax                                  
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
  104fb3:   89 1d a8 b3 12 00       mov    %ebx,0x12b3a8                                  
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
  104fb9:   89 18                   mov    %ebx,(%eax)                                    
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
  104fbb:   89 43 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%ebx)                                 
static inline void mmap_mappings_lock_release( void )                                     
  104fbe:   e8 4d c1 ff ff          call   101110 <rtems_libio_unlock>                    
  rtems_chain_append_unprotected( &mmap_mappings, &mapping->node );                       
  mmap_mappings_lock_release( );                                                          
  return mapping->addr;                                                                   
  104fc3:   8b 43 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%eax                                 
  104fc6:   eb 38                   jmp    105000 <mmap+0x1e0>                            
  104fc8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  104fcf:   90                      nop                                                   
  if ( map_anonymous && (fildes != -1 || off != 0 || map_shared) ) {                      
  104fd0:   83 7d 18 ff             cmpl   $0xffffffff,0x18(%ebp)                         
  104fd4:   8b 45 80                mov    -0x80(%ebp),%eax                               
  104fd7:   0f 95 c2                setne  %dl                                            
  104fda:   0b 45 84                or     -0x7c(%ebp),%eax                               
  104fdd:   0f 95 c0                setne  %al                                            
  104fe0:   08 c2                   or     %al,%dl                                        
  104fe2:   0f 84 78 01 00 00       je     105160 <mmap+0x340>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
  104fe8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  104fef:   90                      nop                                                   
      errno = EINVAL;                                                                     
  104ff0:   e8 bb 5f 01 00          call   11afb0 <__errno>                               
  104ff5:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
      return MAP_FAILED;                                                                  
  104ffb:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  105000:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  105003:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  105006:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  105009:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10500b:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10500c:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10500d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    if ( map_private ) {                                                                  
  105010:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  105012:   75 dc                   jne    104ff0 <mmap+0x1d0>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
  if ( map_fixed ) {                                                                      
  105014:   c6 85 73 ff ff ff 00    movb   $0x0,-0x8d(%ebp)                               
  10501b:   8b 95 7c ff ff ff       mov    -0x84(%ebp),%edx                               
  105021:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  105023:   0f 85 a4 fe ff ff       jne    104ecd <mmap+0xad>                             <== NEVER TAKEN
    if ( fstat( fildes, &sb ) < 0 ) {                                                     
  105029:   8d 45 90                lea    -0x70(%ebp),%eax                               
  10502c:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105030:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                
  105033:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  105036:   e8 15 5b 00 00          call   10ab50 <fstat>                                 
  10503b:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10503d:   0f 88 2d 03 00 00       js     105370 <mmap+0x550>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
  return &rtems_libio_iops[ fd ];                                                         
  105043:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                
  105046:   8b 75 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%esi                                
  105049:   8d 04 80                lea    (%eax,%eax,4),%eax                             
  10504c:   8d 04 46                lea    (%esi,%eax,2),%eax                             
    if ( S_ISDIR( sb.st_mode ) || S_ISLNK( sb.st_mode )) {                                
  10504f:   8b 75 a0                mov    -0x60(%ebp),%esi                               
  105052:   8d 04 85 e0 ea 12 00    lea    0x12eae0(,%eax,4),%eax                         
  105059:   89 85 6c ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x94(%ebp)                               
  10505f:   81 e6 00 f0 00 00       and    $0xf000,%esi                                   
  105065:   81 fe 00 40 00 00       cmp    $0x4000,%esi                                   
  10506b:   0f 84 df 02 00 00       je     105350 <mmap+0x530>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
  105071:   81 fe 00 a0 00 00       cmp    $0xa000,%esi                                   
  105077:   0f 84 d3 02 00 00       je     105350 <mmap+0x530>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
    if ( S_ISREG( sb.st_mode )                                                            
  10507d:   81 fe 00 80 00 00       cmp    $0x8000,%esi                                   
  105083:   0f 84 77 01 00 00       je     105200 <mmap+0x3e0>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
    if ( !S_ISCHR( sb.st_mode ) && sb.st_size < off + len ) {                             
  105089:   81 fe 00 20 00 00       cmp    $0x2000,%esi                                   
  10508f:   0f 84 ca 01 00 00       je     10525f <mmap+0x43f>                            
         && (( off >= sb.st_size ) || (( off + len ) >= sb.st_size ))) {                  
  105095:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  105098:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  10509a:   03 45 80                add    -0x80(%ebp),%eax                               
  10509d:   13 55 84                adc    -0x7c(%ebp),%edx                               
    if ( !S_ISCHR( sb.st_mode ) && sb.st_size < off + len ) {                             
  1050a0:   39 45 b4                cmp    %eax,-0x4c(%ebp)                               
  1050a3:   8b 45 b8                mov    -0x48(%ebp),%eax                               
  1050a6:   19 d0                   sbb    %edx,%eax                                      
  1050a8:   0f 8c 4f 03 00 00       jl     1053fd <mmap+0x5dd>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
    if ( S_ISREG( sb.st_mode ) || S_ISBLK( sb.st_mode ) ) {                               
  1050ae:   8d 86 00 a0 ff ff       lea    -0x6000(%esi),%eax                             
    if ( S_ISCHR( sb.st_mode ) && map_private ) {                                         
  1050b4:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      
    if ( S_ISREG( sb.st_mode ) || S_ISBLK( sb.st_mode ) ) {                               
  1050b6:   a9 00 d0 ff ff          test   $0xffffd000,%eax                               
  1050bb:   0f 84 6e 01 00 00       je     10522f <mmap+0x40f>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
  mapping = malloc( sizeof( mmap_mapping ));                                              
  1050c1:   c7 04 24 18 00 00 00    movl   $0x18,(%esp)                                   
  1050c8:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  1050cd:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1050d1:   88 8d 72 ff ff ff       mov    %cl,-0x8e(%ebp)                                
  1050d7:   e8 44 58 00 00          call   10a920 <calloc>                                
  if ( !mapping ) {                                                                       
  1050dc:   0f b6 8d 72 ff ff ff    movzbl -0x8e(%ebp),%ecx                               
  1050e3:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  mapping = malloc( sizeof( mmap_mapping ));                                              
  1050e5:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  if ( !mapping ) {                                                                       
  1050e7:   0f 84 a3 01 00 00       je     105290 <mmap+0x470>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
  mapping->flags = flags;                                                                 
  1050ed:   89 7b 10                mov    %edi,0x10(%ebx)                                
  mapping->len = len;                                                                     
  1050f0:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
    if ( S_ISREG( sb.st_mode ) || S_ISBLK( sb.st_mode ) ||                                
  1050f3:   81 fe 00 60 00 00       cmp    $0x6000,%esi                                   
  mapping->len = len;                                                                     
  1050f9:   89 43 0c                mov    %eax,0xc(%ebx)                                 
    if ( S_ISREG( sb.st_mode ) || S_ISBLK( sb.st_mode ) ||                                
  1050fc:   0f 94 c0                sete   %al                                            
         S_ISCHR( sb.st_mode ) || S_ISFIFO( sb.st_mode ) ||                               
  1050ff:   81 fe 00 10 00 00       cmp    $0x1000,%esi                                   
  105105:   0f 94 c2                sete   %dl                                            
    if ( S_ISREG( sb.st_mode ) || S_ISBLK( sb.st_mode ) ||                                
  105108:   81 e6 ff bf ff ff       and    $0xffffbfff,%esi                               
         S_ISCHR( sb.st_mode ) || S_ISFIFO( sb.st_mode ) ||                               
  10510e:   08 d0                   or     %dl,%al                                        
  if ( map_fixed ) {                                                                      
  105110:   8b 95 7c ff ff ff       mov    -0x84(%ebp),%edx                               
         S_ISCHR( sb.st_mode ) || S_ISFIFO( sb.st_mode ) ||                               
  105116:   08 c8                   or     %cl,%al                                        
    if ( S_ISREG( sb.st_mode ) || S_ISBLK( sb.st_mode ) ||                                
  105118:   81 fe 00 80 00 00       cmp    $0x8000,%esi                                   
  10511e:   0f 94 c1                sete   %cl                                            
         S_ISCHR( sb.st_mode ) || S_ISFIFO( sb.st_mode ) ||                               
  105121:   08 c8                   or     %cl,%al                                        
  105123:   34 01                   xor    $0x1,%al                                       
  if ( map_fixed ) {                                                                      
  105125:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  105127:   0f 84 8d 01 00 00       je     1052ba <mmap+0x49a>                            <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  if ( map_fixed && is_shared_shm ) {                                                     
  10512d:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  10512f:   0f 84 a2 03 00 00       je     1054d7 <mmap+0x6b7>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    free( mapping );                                                                      
  105135:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105138:   e8 13 59 00 00          call   10aa50 <free>                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  10513d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    errno = ENOTSUP;                                                                      
  105140:   e8 6b 5e 01 00          call   11afb0 <__errno>                               
  105145:   c7 00 86 00 00 00       movl   $0x86,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10514b:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
        return MAP_FAILED;                                                                
  10514e:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105153:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105156:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105159:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10515b:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10515c:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10515d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  if ( map_anonymous && (fildes != -1 || off != 0 || map_shared) ) {                      
  105160:   84 db                   test   %bl,%bl                                        
  105162:   0f 85 88 fe ff ff       jne    104ff0 <mmap+0x1d0>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
  if ( map_anonymous && !map_private && !map_shared ) {                                   
  105168:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  10516a:   25 ec ef ff ff          and    $0xffffefec,%eax                               
  10516f:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  105171:   0f 85 6b 03 00 00       jne    1054e2 <mmap+0x6c2>                            
    flags |= MAP_PRIVATE;                                                                 
  105177:   83 cf 02                or     $0x2,%edi                                      
  if ((flags & ~(MAP_SHARED | MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_FIXED | MAP_ANON)) != 0) {                
  10517a:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10517c:   0f 85 6e fe ff ff       jne    104ff0 <mmap+0x1d0>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
  if ( map_fixed ) {                                                                      
  105182:   8b 9d 7c ff ff ff       mov    -0x84(%ebp),%ebx                               
  105188:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  10518a:   75 64                   jne    1051f0 <mmap+0x3d0>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
  mapping = malloc( sizeof( mmap_mapping ));                                              
  10518c:   c7 04 24 18 00 00 00    movl   $0x18,(%esp)                                   
  105193:   b9 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ecx                                      
  105198:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10519c:   e8 7f 57 00 00          call   10a920 <calloc>                                
  if ( !mapping ) {                                                                       
  1051a1:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  mapping = malloc( sizeof( mmap_mapping ));                                              
  1051a3:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  if ( !mapping ) {                                                                       
  1051a5:   0f 84 e5 00 00 00       je     105290 <mmap+0x470>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
  mapping->flags = flags;                                                                 
  1051ab:   89 7b 10                mov    %edi,0x10(%ebx)                                
  mapping->len = len;                                                                     
  1051ae:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1051b1:   89 43 0c                mov    %eax,0xc(%ebx)                                 
    err = posix_memalign( &mapping->addr, PAGE_SIZE, len );                               
  1051b4:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1051b7:   be 00 10 00 00          mov    $0x1000,%esi                                   
  1051bc:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1051c0:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1051c4:   8d 43 08                lea    0x8(%ebx),%eax                                 
  1051c7:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1051ca:   e8 b1 5e 00 00          call   10b080 <posix_memalign>                        
  1051cf:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1051d1:   0f 84 39 02 00 00       je     105410 <mmap+0x5f0>                            <== ALWAYS TAKEN
      free( mapping );                                                                    
  1051d7:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1051da:   e8 71 58 00 00          call   10aa50 <free>                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
      errno = ENOMEM;                                                                     
  1051df:   e8 cc 5d 01 00          call   11afb0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1051e4:   c7 00 0c 00 00 00       movl   $0xc,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
      return MAP_FAILED;                                                                  
  1051ea:   e9 5c ff ff ff          jmp    10514b <mmap+0x32b>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  1051ef:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    map_private = true;                                                                   
  1051f0:   c6 85 73 ff ff ff 01    movb   $0x1,-0x8d(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1051f7:   e9 d1 fc ff ff          jmp    104ecd <mmap+0xad>                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  1051fc:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
         && (( off >= sb.st_size ) || (( off + len ) >= sb.st_size ))) {                  
  105200:   8b 4d b4                mov    -0x4c(%ebp),%ecx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105203:   8b 45 80                mov    -0x80(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105206:   8b 55 84                mov    -0x7c(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105209:   8b 5d b8                mov    -0x48(%ebp),%ebx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10520c:   39 c8                   cmp    %ecx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10520e:   89 d6                   mov    %edx,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105210:   19 de                   sbb    %ebx,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105212:   0f 8d 08 02 00 00       jge    105420 <mmap+0x600>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  105218:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10521b:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10521d:   03 45 80                add    -0x80(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105220:   13 55 84                adc    -0x7c(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105223:   39 c8                   cmp    %ecx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105225:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105227:   19 d8                   sbb    %ebx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105229:   0f 8d f1 01 00 00       jge    105420 <mmap+0x600>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
      if ( lseek( fildes, off, SEEK_SET ) < 0 ) {                                         
  10522f:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105231:   8b 55 84                mov    -0x7c(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105234:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105238:   8b 45 80                mov    -0x80(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10523b:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10523f:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105243:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105246:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105249:   e8 82 5b 00 00          call   10add0 <lseek>                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10524e:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105250:   0f 88 f5 fe ff ff       js     10514b <mmap+0x32b>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    if ( S_ISCHR( sb.st_mode ) && map_private ) {                                         
  105256:   8b 75 a0                mov    -0x60(%ebp),%esi                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105259:   81 e6 00 f0 00 00       and    $0xf000,%esi                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10525f:   81 fe 00 20 00 00       cmp    $0x2000,%esi                                   
  105265:   0f 94 c0                sete   %al                                            
  105268:   80 bd 73 ff ff ff 00    cmpb   $0x0,-0x8d(%ebp)                               
  10526f:   88 c1                   mov    %al,%cl                                        
  105271:   0f 84 4a fe ff ff       je     1050c1 <mmap+0x2a1>                            
  105277:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  105279:   0f 84 42 fe ff ff       je     1050c1 <mmap+0x2a1>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
  10527f:   e9 6c fd ff ff          jmp    104ff0 <mmap+0x1d0>                            
  105284:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10528b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10528f:   90                      nop                                                   
    errno = ENOMEM;                                                                       
  105290:   e8 1b 5d 01 00          call   11afb0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105295:   c7 00 0c 00 00 00       movl   $0xc,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    return MAP_FAILED;                                                                    
  10529b:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1052a0:   e9 5b fd ff ff          jmp    105000 <mmap+0x1e0>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  1052a5:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  1052ac:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  iop = NULL;                                                                             
  1052b0:   31 f6                   xor    %esi,%esi                                      
    is_shared_shm = false;                                                                
  1052b2:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  iop = NULL;                                                                             
  1052b4:   89 b5 6c ff ff ff       mov    %esi,-0x94(%ebp)                               
  } else if ( map_private ) {                                                             
  1052ba:   80 bd 73 ff ff ff 00    cmpb   $0x0,-0x8d(%ebp)                               
  1052c1:   0f 85 ed fe ff ff       jne    1051b4 <mmap+0x394>                            
  1052c7:   88 85 7c ff ff ff       mov    %al,-0x84(%ebp)                                
  1052cd:   e8 1e be ff ff          call   1010f0 <rtems_libio_lock>                      
  } else if ( map_shared ) {                                                              
  1052d2:   8b 85 78 ff ff ff       mov    -0x88(%ebp),%eax                               
  1052d8:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1052da:   0f b6 85 7c ff ff ff    movzbl -0x84(%ebp),%eax                               
  1052e1:   0f 84 c1 fc ff ff       je     104fa8 <mmap+0x188>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
    if ( is_shared_shm ) {                                                                
  1052e7:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  1052e9:   74 0c                   je     1052f7 <mmap+0x4d7>                            
      mapping->shm = iop_to_shm( iop );                                                   
  1052eb:   8b 85 6c ff ff ff       mov    -0x94(%ebp),%eax                               
  1052f1:   8b 40 28                mov    0x28(%eax),%eax                                
  1052f4:   89 43 14                mov    %eax,0x14(%ebx)                                
    err = (*iop->pathinfo.handlers->mmap_h)(                                              
  1052f7:   8b 8d 6c ff ff ff       mov    -0x94(%ebp),%ecx                               
  1052fd:   8d 53 08                lea    0x8(%ebx),%edx                                 
  105300:   8b 75 80                mov    -0x80(%ebp),%esi                               
  105303:   8b 7d 84                mov    -0x7c(%ebp),%edi                               
  105306:   8b 41 1c                mov    0x1c(%ecx),%eax                                
  105309:   89 74 24 10             mov    %esi,0x10(%esp)                                
  10530d:   8b 75 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%esi                                
  105310:   89 7c 24 14             mov    %edi,0x14(%esp)                                
  105314:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105318:   89 0c 24                mov    %ecx,(%esp)                                    
  10531b:   89 74 24 0c             mov    %esi,0xc(%esp)                                 
  10531f:   8b 75 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%esi                                 
  105322:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  105326:   ff 50 3c                call   *0x3c(%eax)                                    
    if ( err != 0 ) {                                                                     
  105329:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10532b:   0f 84 77 fc ff ff       je     104fa8 <mmap+0x188>                            
  105331:   e8 da bd ff ff          call   101110 <rtems_libio_unlock>                    
      free( mapping );                                                                    
  105336:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  105339:   e8 12 57 00 00          call   10aa50 <free>                                  
      return MAP_FAILED;                                                                  
  10533e:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  105343:   e9 b8 fc ff ff          jmp    105000 <mmap+0x1e0>                            
  105348:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10534f:   90                      nop                                                   
      errno = ENODEV;                                                                     
  105350:   e8 5b 5c 01 00          call   11afb0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105355:   c7 00 13 00 00 00       movl   $0x13,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
      return MAP_FAILED;                                                                  
  10535b:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105360:   e9 9b fc ff ff          jmp    105000 <mmap+0x1e0>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  105365:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10536c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
      errno = EBADF;                                                                      
  105370:   e8 3b 5c 01 00          call   11afb0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105375:   c7 00 09 00 00 00       movl   $0x9,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
      return MAP_FAILED;                                                                  
  10537b:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105380:   e9 7b fc ff ff          jmp    105000 <mmap+0x1e0>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  105385:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10538c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
        free( mapping );                                                                  
  105390:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105393:   e8 b8 56 00 00          call   10aa50 <free>                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  105398:   e8 73 bd ff ff          call   101110 <rtems_libio_unlock>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
        errno = ENXIO;                                                                    
  10539d:   e8 0e 5c 01 00          call   11afb0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1053a2:   c7 00 06 00 00 00       movl   $0x6,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
        return MAP_FAILED;                                                                
  1053a8:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1053ad:   e9 4e fc ff ff          jmp    105000 <mmap+0x1e0>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  1053b2:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  1053b9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
      r = read( fildes, mapping->addr, len );                                             
  1053c0:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1053c3:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1053c7:   8b 43 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%eax                                 
  1053ca:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1053ce:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                
  1053d1:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1053d4:   e8 67 5d 00 00          call   10b140 <read>                                  
      if ( r != len ) {                                                                   
  1053d9:   39 45 0c                cmp    %eax,0xc(%ebp)                                 
  1053dc:   0f 84 c6 fb ff ff       je     104fa8 <mmap+0x188>                            
  1053e2:   e8 29 bd ff ff          call   101110 <rtems_libio_unlock>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
        if ( !map_fixed ) {                                                               
  1053e7:   8b 85 7c ff ff ff       mov    -0x84(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1053ed:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1053ef:   0f 84 9d 00 00 00       je     105492 <mmap+0x672>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
        free( mapping );                                                                  
  1053f5:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1053f8:   e8 53 56 00 00          call   10aa50 <free>                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
        errno = ENXIO;                                                                    
  1053fd:   e8 ae 5b 01 00          call   11afb0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105402:   c7 00 06 00 00 00       movl   $0x6,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105408:   e9 3e fd ff ff          jmp    10514b <mmap+0x32b>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  10540d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105410:   e8 db bc ff ff          call   1010f0 <rtems_libio_lock>                      
  if ( map_private ) {                                                                    
  105415:   e9 72 fb ff ff          jmp    104f8c <mmap+0x16c>                            
  10541a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
      errno = EOVERFLOW;                                                                  
  105420:   e8 8b 5b 01 00          call   11afb0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105425:   c7 00 8b 00 00 00       movl   $0x8b,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
      return MAP_FAILED;                                                                  
  10542b:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105430:   e9 cb fb ff ff          jmp    105000 <mmap+0x1e0>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
      memset( mapping->addr, 0, len );                                                    
  105435:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  105438:   8b 7b 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%edi                                 
  10543b:   83 fa 08                cmp    $0x8,%edx                                      
  10543e:   73 2c                   jae    10546c <mmap+0x64c>                            <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  105440:   f6 c2 04                test   $0x4,%dl                                       
  105443:   74 09                   je     10544e <mmap+0x62e>                            <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  105445:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10544b:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10544e:   f6 c2 02                test   $0x2,%dl                                       
  105451:   74 08                   je     10545b <mmap+0x63b>                            <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  105453:   66 c7 07 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105458:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10545b:   f6 c2 01                test   $0x1,%dl                                       
  10545e:   0f 84 44 fb ff ff       je     104fa8 <mmap+0x188>                            
  105464:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105467:   e9 3c fb ff ff          jmp    104fa8 <mmap+0x188>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  10546c:   f7 c7 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%edi                                      
  105472:   75 5c                   jne    1054d0 <mmap+0x6b0>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
  105474:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      
  10547a:   75 47                   jne    1054c3 <mmap+0x6a3>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
  10547c:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      
  105482:   75 31                   jne    1054b5 <mmap+0x695>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
  105484:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      
  105486:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  105488:   c1 e9 02                shr    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  10548b:   83 e2 03                and    $0x3,%edx                                      
  10548e:   f3 ab                   rep stos %eax,%es:(%edi)                              
  105490:   eb ae                   jmp    105440 <mmap+0x620>                            
          free( mapping->addr );                                                          
  105492:   8b 43 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105495:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105498:   e8 b3 55 00 00          call   10aa50 <free>                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  10549d:   e9 53 ff ff ff          jmp    1053f5 <mmap+0x5d5>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  } else if ( map_shared ) {                                                              
  1054a2:   8b 85 78 ff ff ff       mov    -0x88(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1054a8:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1054aa:   0f 85 47 fe ff ff       jne    1052f7 <mmap+0x4d7>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  1054b0:   e9 f3 fa ff ff          jmp    104fa8 <mmap+0x188>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
      memset( mapping->addr, 0, len );                                                    
  1054b5:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1054bb:   83 ea 04                sub    $0x4,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1054be:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1054c1:   eb c1                   jmp    105484 <mmap+0x664>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  1054c3:   66 c7 07 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1054c8:   83 ea 02                sub    $0x2,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1054cb:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1054ce:   eb ac                   jmp    10547c <mmap+0x65c>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  1054d0:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1054d3:   4a                      dec    %edx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1054d4:   47                      inc    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1054d5:   eb 9d                   jmp    105474 <mmap+0x654>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    mapping->addr = addr;                                                                 
  1054d7:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1054da:   89 43 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%ebx)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1054dd:   e9 60 fa ff ff          jmp    104f42 <mmap+0x122>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  if ((flags & ~(MAP_SHARED | MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_FIXED | MAP_ANON)) != 0) {                
  1054e2:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1054e4:   0f 84 d2 f9 ff ff       je     104ebc <mmap+0x9c>                             
  1054ea:   e9 01 fb ff ff          jmp    104ff0 <mmap+0x1d0>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  1054ef:   90                      nop                                                   

00105180 <mq_close>: */ int mq_close( mqd_t mqdes ) {
  105180:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  105181:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  105183:   83 ec 48                sub    $0x48,%esp                                     
  105186:   89 5d fc                mov    %ebx,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  Objects_Id            id,                                                               
  Thread_queue_Context *queue_context                                                     
  _Thread_queue_Context_initialize( queue_context );                                      
  return (POSIX_Message_queue_Control *) _Objects_Get(                                    
  105189:   8d 5d d4                lea    -0x2c(%ebp),%ebx                               
 * @see _Objects_Allocator_unlock() and _Objects_Allocate().                              
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Objects_Allocator_lock( void )                                 
  10518c:   e8 7f 20 00 00          call   107210 <_RTEMS_Lock_allocator>                 
  105191:   b8 40 91 12 00          mov    $0x129140,%eax                                 
  105196:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10519a:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10519d:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1051a1:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1051a4:   e8 a7 3f 00 00          call   109150 <_Objects_Get>                          
  Thread_queue_Context         queue_context;                                             
  the_mq = _POSIX_Message_queue_Get( mqdes, &queue_context );                             
  if ( the_mq == NULL ) {                                                                 
  1051a9:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1051ab:   74 37                   je     1051e4 <mq_close+0x64>                         <== NEVER TAKEN
  if ( the_mq->open_count == 0 ) {                                                        
  1051ad:   8b 50 54                mov    0x54(%eax),%edx                                
  1051b0:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  1051b2:   74 2c                   je     1051e0 <mq_close+0x60>                         
    _CORE_message_queue_Release( &the_mq->Message_queue, &queue_context );                
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EBADF );                                        
  the_mq->open_count -= 1;                                                                
  1051b4:   4a                      dec    %edx                                           
  1051b5:   89 50 54                mov    %edx,0x54(%eax)                                
  _POSIX_Message_queue_Delete( the_mq, &queue_context );                                  
  1051b8:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1051bb:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1051bf:   e8 3c 00 00 00          call   105200 <_POSIX_Message_queue_Delete>           
 * previous thread life protection state and thus may not return if the                   
 * executing thread was restarted or deleted in the mean-time.                            
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Objects_Allocator_unlock( void )                               
  1051c4:   e8 67 20 00 00          call   107230 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
  return 0;                                                                               
  1051c9:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1051cb:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  1051ce:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  1051d0:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1051d1:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1051d2:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1051d9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  Thread_queue_Context *queue_context                                                     
  (void) the_thread_queue;                                                                
  _Assert( _Thread_queue_Is_lock_owner( the_thread_queue ) );                             
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                      
  1051e0:   ff 75 d4                push   -0x2c(%ebp)                                    
  1051e3:   9d                      popf                                                  
  1051e4:   e8 47 20 00 00          call   107230 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EBADF );                                        
  1051e9:   e8 32 7b 01 00          call   11cd20 <__errno>                               
  1051ee:   c7 00 09 00 00 00       movl   $0x9,(%eax)                                    
  1051f4:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  1051f9:   eb d0                   jmp    1051cb <mq_close+0x4b>                         
  1051fb:   90                      nop                                                   
  1051fc:   90                      nop                                                   
  1051fd:   90                      nop                                                   
  1051fe:   90                      nop                                                   
  1051ff:   90                      nop                                                   

00109560 <mq_getattr>: int mq_getattr( mqd_t mqdes, struct mq_attr *mqstat ) {
  109560:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  109561:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  109563:   83 ec 48                sub    $0x48,%esp                                     
  109566:   89 5d fc                mov    %ebx,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  109569:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  POSIX_Message_queue_Control *the_mq;                                                    
  Thread_queue_Context         queue_context;                                             
  if ( mqstat == NULL ) {                                                                 
  10956c:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  10956e:   74 60                   je     1095d0 <mq_getattr+0x70>                       
  109570:   8d 45 d4                lea    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
  109573:   b9 e0 5a 13 00          mov    $0x135ae0,%ecx                                 
  109578:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10957c:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10957f:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  109583:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  109586:   e8 e5 2e 00 00          call   10c470 <_Objects_Get>                          
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  the_mq = _POSIX_Message_queue_Get( mqdes, &queue_context );                             
  if ( the_mq == NULL ) {                                                                 
  10958b:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10958d:   74 2f                   je     1095be <mq_getattr+0x5e>                       <== NEVER TAKEN
  if ( the_mq->open_count == 0 ) {                                                        
  10958f:   8b 50 54                mov    0x54(%eax),%edx                                
  109592:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  109594:   74 24                   je     1095ba <mq_getattr+0x5a>                       
   *  Return the old values.                                                              
  mqstat->mq_flags   = the_mq->oflag;                                                     
  109596:   8b 50 6c                mov    0x6c(%eax),%edx                                
  109599:   89 13                   mov    %edx,(%ebx)                                    
  mqstat->mq_msgsize = the_mq->Message_queue.maximum_message_size;                        
  10959b:   8b 50 28                mov    0x28(%eax),%edx                                
  10959e:   89 53 08                mov    %edx,0x8(%ebx)                                 
  mqstat->mq_maxmsg  = the_mq->Message_queue.maximum_pending_messages;                    
  1095a1:   8b 50 20                mov    0x20(%eax),%edx                                
  mqstat->mq_curmsgs = the_mq->Message_queue.number_of_pending_messages;                  
  1095a4:   8b 40 24                mov    0x24(%eax),%eax                                
  mqstat->mq_maxmsg  = the_mq->Message_queue.maximum_pending_messages;                    
  1095a7:   89 53 04                mov    %edx,0x4(%ebx)                                 
  mqstat->mq_curmsgs = the_mq->Message_queue.number_of_pending_messages;                  
  1095aa:   89 43 0c                mov    %eax,0xc(%ebx)                                 
  1095ad:   ff 75 d4                push   -0x2c(%ebp)                                    
  1095b0:   9d                      popf                                                  
  _CORE_message_queue_Release( &the_mq->Message_queue, &queue_context );                  
  return 0;                                                                               
  1095b1:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1095b3:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  1095b6:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  1095b8:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1095b9:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1095ba:   ff 75 d4                push   -0x2c(%ebp)                                    
  1095bd:   9d                      popf                                                  
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EBADF );                                        
  1095be:   e8 ed 76 01 00          call   120cb0 <__errno>                               
  1095c3:   c7 00 09 00 00 00       movl   $0x9,(%eax)                                    
  1095c9:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  1095ce:   eb e3                   jmp    1095b3 <mq_getattr+0x53>                       
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  1095d0:   e8 db 76 01 00          call   120cb0 <__errno>                               
  1095d5:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  1095db:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  1095e0:   eb d1                   jmp    1095b3 <mq_getattr+0x53>                       
  1095e2:   90                      nop                                                   
  1095e3:   90                      nop                                                   
  1095e4:   90                      nop                                                   
  1095e5:   90                      nop                                                   
  1095e6:   90                      nop                                                   
  1095e7:   90                      nop                                                   
  1095e8:   90                      nop                                                   
  1095e9:   90                      nop                                                   
  1095ea:   90                      nop                                                   
  1095eb:   90                      nop                                                   
  1095ec:   90                      nop                                                   
  1095ed:   90                      nop                                                   
  1095ee:   90                      nop                                                   
  1095ef:   90                      nop                                                   

00110470 <mq_notify>: int mq_notify( mqd_t mqdes, const struct sigevent *notification ) {
  110470:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  return (POSIX_Message_queue_Control *) _Objects_Get(                                    
  110471:   b8 e0 5a 13 00          mov    $0x135ae0,%eax                                 
  110476:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  110478:   83 ec 48                sub    $0x48,%esp                                     
  11047b:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  11047f:   8d 45 d4                lea    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
  110482:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  110486:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  110489:   89 5d fc                mov    %ebx,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  11048c:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  11048f:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  110492:   e8 d9 bf ff ff          call   10c470 <_Objects_Get>                          
  POSIX_Message_queue_Control *the_mq;                                                    
  Thread_queue_Context         queue_context;                                             
  the_mq = _POSIX_Message_queue_Get( mqdes, &queue_context );                             
  if ( the_mq == NULL ) {                                                                 
  110497:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110499:   74 68                   je     110503 <mq_notify+0x93>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
  if ( the_mq->open_count == 0 ) {                                                        
  11049b:   8b 48 54                mov    0x54(%eax),%ecx                                
  11049e:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  1104a0:   74 5d                   je     1104ff <mq_notify+0x8f>                        
    _CORE_message_queue_Release( &the_mq->Message_queue, &queue_context );                
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EBADF );                                        
  if ( notification != NULL ) {                                                           
  1104a2:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  1104a4:   74 3a                   je     1104e0 <mq_notify+0x70>                        
    if ( _CORE_message_queue_Is_notify_enabled( &the_mq->Message_queue ) ) {              
  1104a6:   8b 50 40                mov    0x40(%eax),%edx                                
  1104a9:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  1104ab:   75 3c                   jne    1104e9 <mq_notify+0x79>                        
      _CORE_message_queue_Release( &the_mq->Message_queue, &queue_context );              
      rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EBUSY );                                      
    the_mq->notification = *notification;                                                 
  1104ad:   8b 13                   mov    (%ebx),%edx                                    
  1104af:   89 50 58                mov    %edx,0x58(%eax)                                
  1104b2:   8b 53 04                mov    0x4(%ebx),%edx                                 
  1104b5:   89 50 5c                mov    %edx,0x5c(%eax)                                
  1104b8:   8b 53 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%edx                                 
  1104bb:   89 50 60                mov    %edx,0x60(%eax)                                
  1104be:   8b 53 0c                mov    0xc(%ebx),%edx                                 
  1104c1:   89 50 64                mov    %edx,0x64(%eax)                                
  1104c4:   8b 53 10                mov    0x10(%ebx),%edx                                
  1104c7:   c7 40 40 30 04 11 00    movl   $0x110430,0x40(%eax)                           
  1104ce:   89 50 68                mov    %edx,0x68(%eax)                                
  1104d1:   ff 75 d4                push   -0x2c(%ebp)                                    
  1104d4:   9d                      popf                                                  
  } else {                                                                                
    _CORE_message_queue_Set_notify( &the_mq->Message_queue, NULL );                       
  _CORE_message_queue_Release( &the_mq->Message_queue, &queue_context );                  
  return 0;                                                                               
  1104d5:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1104d7:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  1104da:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  1104dc:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1104dd:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1104de:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  1104e0:   c7 40 40 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x40(%eax)                                
  1104e7:   eb e8                   jmp    1104d1 <mq_notify+0x61>                        
  1104e9:   ff 75 d4                push   -0x2c(%ebp)                                    
  1104ec:   9d                      popf                                                  
      rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EBUSY );                                      
  1104ed:   e8 be 07 01 00          call   120cb0 <__errno>                               
  1104f2:   c7 00 10 00 00 00       movl   $0x10,(%eax)                                   
  1104f8:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  1104fd:   eb d8                   jmp    1104d7 <mq_notify+0x67>                        
  1104ff:   ff 75 d4                push   -0x2c(%ebp)                                    
  110502:   9d                      popf                                                  
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EBADF );                                        
  110503:   e8 a8 07 01 00          call   120cb0 <__errno>                               
  110508:   c7 00 09 00 00 00       movl   $0x9,(%eax)                                    
  11050e:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  110513:   eb c2                   jmp    1104d7 <mq_notify+0x67>                        
  110515:   90                      nop                                                   
  110516:   90                      nop                                                   
  110517:   90                      nop                                                   
  110518:   90                      nop                                                   
  110519:   90                      nop                                                   
  11051a:   90                      nop                                                   
  11051b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11051c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11051d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11051e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11051f:   90                      nop                                                   

00105280 <mq_open>: {
  105280:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  105281:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  105283:   83 ec 58                sub    $0x58,%esp                                     
  105286:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  105289:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  10528c:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  10528f:   e8 7c 1f 00 00          call   107210 <_RTEMS_Lock_allocator>                 
  const char                *name,                                                        
  size_t                    *name_length_p,                                               
  Objects_Get_by_name_error *error                                                        
  return (POSIX_Message_queue_Control *) _Objects_Get_by_name(                            
  105294:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  105297:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  10529b:   8d 45 e0                lea    -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               
  10529e:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1052a2:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1052a5:   c7 04 24 40 91 12 00    movl   $0x129140,(%esp)                               
  1052ac:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1052b0:   e8 db 3f 00 00          call   109290 <_Objects_Get_by_name>                  
  if ( the_mq == NULL ) {                                                                 
  1052b5:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1052b7:   74 37                   je     1052f0 <mq_open+0x70>                          
    if ( ( oflag & ( O_CREAT | O_EXCL ) ) == ( O_CREAT | O_EXCL ) ) {                     
  1052b9:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  1052bc:   81 e2 00 0a 00 00       and    $0xa00,%edx                                    
  1052c2:   81 fa 00 0a 00 00       cmp    $0xa00,%edx                                    
  1052c8:   0f 84 22 01 00 00       je     1053f0 <mq_open+0x170>                         
    the_mq->open_count += 1;                                                              
  1052ce:   ff 40 54                incl   0x54(%eax)                                     
    status = the_mq->Object.id;                                                           
  1052d1:   8b 40 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%eax                                 
  1052d4:   89 45 d4                mov    %eax,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  1052d7:   e8 54 1f 00 00          call   107230 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
  return status;                                                                          
  1052dc:   8b 45 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1052df:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  1052e2:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  1052e5:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  1052e8:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  1052ea:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1052eb:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1052ec:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    if ( error != OBJECTS_GET_BY_NAME_NO_OBJECT || ( oflag & O_CREAT ) == 0 ) {           
  1052f0:   83 7d e4 02             cmpl   $0x2,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  1052f4:   0f 85 c6 00 00 00       jne    1053c0 <mq_open+0x140>                         
  1052fa:   f7 45 0c 00 02 00 00    testl  $0x200,0xc(%ebp)                               
  105301:   0f 84 b9 00 00 00       je     1053c0 <mq_open+0x140>                         
    attr = va_arg( ap, const struct mq_attr * );                                          
  105307:   8b 7d 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%edi                                
    status = _POSIX_Message_queue_Create( name, name_len, oflag, attr );                  
  10530a:   8b 5d e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%ebx                               
    if ( attr == NULL ) {                                                                 
  10530d:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      
  10530f:   0f 84 fb 00 00 00       je     105410 <mq_open+0x190>                         
  if ( attr->mq_maxmsg <= 0 ){                                                            
  105315:   8b 47 04                mov    0x4(%edi),%eax                                 
  105318:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10531a:   0f 8e 00 01 00 00       jle    105420 <mq_open+0x1a0>                         
  if ( attr->mq_msgsize <= 0 ){                                                           
  105320:   8b 77 08                mov    0x8(%edi),%esi                                 
  105323:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  105325:   0f 8e f5 00 00 00       jle    105420 <mq_open+0x1a0>                         
  return ( *information->allocate )( information );                                       
  10532b:   c7 04 24 40 91 12 00    movl   $0x129140,(%esp)                               
  105332:   ff 15 48 91 12 00       call   *0x129148                                      
  if ( !the_mq ) {                                                                        
  105338:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10533a:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
  10533c:   0f 84 5e 01 00 00       je     1054a0 <mq_open+0x220>                         
  name = _Workspace_String_duplicate( name_arg, name_len );                               
  105342:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105346:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  105349:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10534c:   e8 af 7a 00 00          call   10ce00 <_Workspace_String_duplicate>           
  if ( !name ) {                                                                          
  105351:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  name = _Workspace_String_duplicate( name_arg, name_len );                               
  105353:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  if ( !name ) {                                                                          
  105355:   0f 84 e5 00 00 00       je     105440 <mq_open+0x1c0>                         
  the_mq->oflag = oflag;                                                                  
  10535b:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  status = _CORE_message_queue_Initialize(                                                
  10535e:   ba 60 78 10 00          mov    $0x107860,%edx                                 
  105363:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      
  the_mq->open_count = 1;                                                                 
  105365:   c7 46 54 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,0x54(%esi)                                
  the_mq->linked = true;                                                                  
  10536c:   c6 46 50 01             movb   $0x1,0x50(%esi)                                
  the_mq->oflag = oflag;                                                                  
  105370:   89 46 6c                mov    %eax,0x6c(%esi)                                
  status = _CORE_message_queue_Initialize(                                                
  105373:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  105375:   89 44 24 14             mov    %eax,0x14(%esp)                                
  105379:   89 54 24 10             mov    %edx,0x10(%esp)                                
  10537d:   8b 47 08                mov    0x8(%edi),%eax                                 
  105380:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  105384:   8b 47 04                mov    0x4(%edi),%eax                                 
  105387:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10538b:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10538f:   8d 46 10                lea    0x10(%esi),%eax                                
  105392:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  105395:   e8 a6 1f 00 00          call   107340 <_CORE_message_queue_Initialize>        
  if ( status != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ) {                                                    
  10539a:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10539c:   0f 85 ce 00 00 00       jne    105470 <mq_open+0x1f0>                         <== NEVER TAKEN
  the_object->name.name_p = name;                                                         
  1053a2:   89 5e 0c                mov    %ebx,0xc(%esi)                                 
    _Objects_Get_index( the_object->id ),                                                 
  1053a5:   8b 46 08                mov    0x8(%esi),%eax                                 
  information->local_table[ index - OBJECTS_INDEX_MINIMUM ] = the_object;                 
  1053a8:   8b 15 44 91 12 00       mov    0x129144,%edx                                  
  1053ae:   0f b7 c8                movzwl %ax,%ecx                                       
  1053b1:   89 74 8a fc             mov    %esi,-0x4(%edx,%ecx,4)                         
  return the_mq->Object.id;                                                               
  1053b5:   e9 1a ff ff ff          jmp    1052d4 <mq_open+0x54>                          
  1053ba:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  1053c0:   e8 6b 1e 00 00          call   107230 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
  1053c5:   8b 5d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%ebx                               
  1053c8:   e8 53 79 01 00          call   11cd20 <__errno>                               
  1053cd:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  1053d0:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  1053d3:   8b 14 9d 4c 44 12 00    mov    0x12444c(,%ebx,4),%edx                         
  1053da:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  1053dd:   89 10                   mov    %edx,(%eax)                                    
  1053df:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  1053e1:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  1053e6:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1053e7:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1053e8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1053ef:   90                      nop                                                   
  1053f0:   e8 3b 1e 00 00          call   107230 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
      rtems_set_errno_and_return_value( EEXIST, MQ_OPEN_FAILED );                         
  1053f5:   e8 26 79 01 00          call   11cd20 <__errno>                               
  1053fa:   c7 00 11 00 00 00       movl   $0x11,(%eax)                                   
  105400:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  105405:   e9 d5 fe ff ff          jmp    1052df <mq_open+0x5f>                          
  10540a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
      attr = &_POSIX_Message_queue_Default_attributes;                                    
  105410:   bf 30 44 12 00          mov    $0x124430,%edi                                 
  105415:   e9 11 ff ff ff          jmp    10532b <mq_open+0xab>                          
  10541a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_value( EINVAL, MQ_OPEN_FAILED );                           
  105420:   e8 fb 78 01 00          call   11cd20 <__errno>                               
  105425:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  10542b:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  105430:   e9 9f fe ff ff          jmp    1052d4 <mq_open+0x54>                          
  105435:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10543c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  ( *information->deallocate )( information, the_object );                                
  105440:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105444:   c7 04 24 40 91 12 00    movl   $0x129140,(%esp)                               
  10544b:   ff 15 4c 91 12 00       call   *0x12914c                                      
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_value( ENOMEM, MQ_OPEN_FAILED );                           
  105451:   e8 ca 78 01 00          call   11cd20 <__errno>                               
  105456:   c7 00 0c 00 00 00       movl   $0xc,(%eax)                                    
  10545c:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  105461:   e9 6e fe ff ff          jmp    1052d4 <mq_open+0x54>                          
  105466:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10546d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  105470:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105474:   c7 04 24 40 91 12 00    movl   $0x129140,(%esp)                               
  10547b:   ff 15 4c 91 12 00       call   *0x12914c                                      
    _Workspace_Free( name );                                                              
  105481:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105484:   e8 57 79 00 00          call   10cde0 <_Workspace_Free>                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_value( ENOSPC, MQ_OPEN_FAILED );                           
  105489:   e8 92 78 01 00          call   11cd20 <__errno>                               
  10548e:   c7 00 1c 00 00 00       movl   $0x1c,(%eax)                                   
  105494:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  105499:   e9 36 fe ff ff          jmp    1052d4 <mq_open+0x54>                          
  10549e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_value( ENFILE, MQ_OPEN_FAILED );                           
  1054a0:   e8 7b 78 01 00          call   11cd20 <__errno>                               
  1054a5:   c7 00 17 00 00 00       movl   $0x17,(%eax)                                   
  1054ab:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  1054b0:   e9 1f fe ff ff          jmp    1052d4 <mq_open+0x54>                          
  1054b5:   90                      nop                                                   
  1054b6:   90                      nop                                                   
  1054b7:   90                      nop                                                   
  1054b8:   90                      nop                                                   
  1054b9:   90                      nop                                                   
  1054ba:   90                      nop                                                   
  1054bb:   90                      nop                                                   
  1054bc:   90                      nop                                                   
  1054bd:   90                      nop                                                   
  1054be:   90                      nop                                                   
  1054bf:   90                      nop                                                   

00109ae0 <mq_setattr>: int mq_setattr( mqd_t mqdes, const struct mq_attr *__restrict mqstat, struct mq_attr *__restrict omqstat ) {
  109ae0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  109ae1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  109ae3:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  109ae4:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  109ae5:   83 ec 40                sub    $0x40,%esp                                     
  109ae8:   8b 75 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%esi                                 
  109aeb:   8b 5d 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%ebx                                
  POSIX_Message_queue_Control *the_mq;                                                    
  Thread_queue_Context         queue_context;                                             
  if ( mqstat == NULL ) {                                                                 
  109aee:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  109af0:   74 69                   je     109b5b <mq_setattr+0x7b>                       
  return (POSIX_Message_queue_Control *) _Objects_Get(                                    
  109af2:   8d 45 d4                lea    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
  109af5:   b9 e0 5a 13 00          mov    $0x135ae0,%ecx                                 
  109afa:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  109afe:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  109b01:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  109b05:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  109b08:   e8 63 29 00 00          call   10c470 <_Objects_Get>                          
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  the_mq = _POSIX_Message_queue_Get( mqdes, &queue_context );                             
  if ( the_mq == NULL ) {                                                                 
  109b0d:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  109b0f:   74 38                   je     109b49 <mq_setattr+0x69>                       <== NEVER TAKEN
  if ( the_mq->open_count == 0 ) {                                                        
  109b11:   8b 50 54                mov    0x54(%eax),%edx                                
  109b14:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  109b16:   74 2d                   je     109b45 <mq_setattr+0x65>                       
   *  Return the old values.                                                              
  if ( omqstat != NULL ) {                                                                
  109b18:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  109b1a:   74 17                   je     109b33 <mq_setattr+0x53>                       
    omqstat->mq_flags   = the_mq->oflag;                                                  
  109b1c:   8b 50 6c                mov    0x6c(%eax),%edx                                
  109b1f:   89 13                   mov    %edx,(%ebx)                                    
    omqstat->mq_msgsize = the_mq->Message_queue.maximum_message_size;                     
  109b21:   8b 50 28                mov    0x28(%eax),%edx                                
  109b24:   89 53 08                mov    %edx,0x8(%ebx)                                 
    omqstat->mq_maxmsg  = the_mq->Message_queue.maximum_pending_messages;                 
  109b27:   8b 50 20                mov    0x20(%eax),%edx                                
  109b2a:   89 53 04                mov    %edx,0x4(%ebx)                                 
    omqstat->mq_curmsgs = the_mq->Message_queue.number_of_pending_messages;               
  109b2d:   8b 50 24                mov    0x24(%eax),%edx                                
  109b30:   89 53 0c                mov    %edx,0xc(%ebx)                                 
  the_mq->oflag = mqstat->mq_flags;                                                       
  109b33:   8b 16                   mov    (%esi),%edx                                    
  109b35:   89 50 6c                mov    %edx,0x6c(%eax)                                
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                      
  109b38:   ff 75 d4                push   -0x2c(%ebp)                                    
  109b3b:   9d                      popf                                                  
  _CORE_message_queue_Release( &the_mq->Message_queue, &queue_context );                  
  return 0;                                                                               
  109b3c:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  109b3e:   83 c4 40                add    $0x40,%esp                                     
  109b41:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  109b42:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  109b43:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  109b44:   c3                      ret                                                   
  109b45:   ff 75 d4                push   -0x2c(%ebp)                                    
  109b48:   9d                      popf                                                  
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EBADF );                                        
  109b49:   e8 62 71 01 00          call   120cb0 <__errno>                               
  109b4e:   c7 00 09 00 00 00       movl   $0x9,(%eax)                                    
  109b54:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  109b59:   eb e3                   jmp    109b3e <mq_setattr+0x5e>                       
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  109b5b:   e8 50 71 01 00          call   120cb0 <__errno>                               
  109b60:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  109b66:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  109b6b:   eb d1                   jmp    109b3e <mq_setattr+0x5e>                       
  109b6d:   90                      nop                                                   
  109b6e:   90                      nop                                                   
  109b6f:   90                      nop                                                   

001057d0 <mq_unlink>: */ int mq_unlink( const char *name ) {
  1057d0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  1057d1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  1057d3:   83 ec 48                sub    $0x48,%esp                                     
  1057d6:   89 5d fc                mov    %ebx,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  1057d9:   e8 32 1a 00 00          call   107210 <_RTEMS_Lock_allocator>                 
  return (POSIX_Message_queue_Control *) _Objects_Get_by_name(                            
  1057de:   8d 45 d0                lea    -0x30(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1057e1:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1057e5:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1057e7:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1057eb:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1057ee:   c7 04 24 40 91 12 00    movl   $0x129140,(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1057f5:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1057f9:   e8 92 3a 00 00          call   109290 <_Objects_Get_by_name>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  Thread_queue_Context         queue_context;                                             
  the_mq = _POSIX_Message_queue_Get_by_name( name, NULL, &error );                        
  if ( the_mq == NULL ) {                                                                 
  1057fe:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105800:   74 39                   je     10583b <mq_unlink+0x6b>                        
  105802:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105806:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  105808:   c7 04 24 40 91 12 00    movl   $0x129140,(%esp)                               
  10580f:   e8 5c 3a 00 00          call   109270 <_Objects_Namespace_remove_string>      
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                     
  105814:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  105815:   fa                      cli                                                   
  105816:   58                      pop    %eax                                           
  105817:   89 45 d4                mov    %eax,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  _POSIX_Message_queue_Namespace_remove( the_mq );                                        
  _CORE_message_queue_Acquire( &the_mq->Message_queue, &queue_context );                  
  the_mq->linked = false;                                                                 
  10581a:   c6 43 50 00             movb   $0x0,0x50(%ebx)                                
  _POSIX_Message_queue_Delete( the_mq, &queue_context );                                  
  10581e:   8d 45 d4                lea    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
  105821:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105825:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  105828:   e8 d3 f9 ff ff          call   105200 <_POSIX_Message_queue_Delete>           
  10582d:   e8 fe 19 00 00          call   107230 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
  return 0;                                                                               
  105832:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  105834:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  105837:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  105839:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10583a:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10583b:   e8 f0 19 00 00          call   107230 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( _POSIX_Get_by_name_error( error ) );            
  105840:   8b 5d d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%ebx                               
  105843:   e8 d8 74 01 00          call   11cd20 <__errno>                               
  105848:   8b 14 9d 4c 44 12 00    mov    0x12444c(,%ebx,4),%edx                         
  10584f:   89 10                   mov    %edx,(%eax)                                    
  105851:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  105856:   eb dc                   jmp    105834 <mq_unlink+0x64>                        
  105858:   90                      nop                                                   
  105859:   90                      nop                                                   
  10585a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10585b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10585c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10585d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10585e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10585f:   90                      nop                                                   

001054f0 <munmap>: #include <rtems/posix/mmanimpl.h> #include <rtems/posix/shmimpl.h> int munmap(void *addr, size_t len) {
  1054f0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  1054f1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  1054f3:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  1054f4:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  1054f5:   83 ec 20                sub    $0x20,%esp                                     
  1054f8:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 
  rtems_chain_node *node;                                                                 
   * Clear errno.                                                                         
  errno = 0;                                                                              
  1054fb:   e8 b0 5a 01 00          call   11afb0 <__errno>                               
   * Length cannot be 0.                                                                  
  if ( len == 0 ) {                                                                       
  105500:   8b 4d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  105503:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  errno = 0;                                                                              
  105505:   c7 00 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%eax)                                    
  if ( len == 0 ) {                                                                       
  10550b:   0f 84 ce 00 00 00       je     1055df <munmap+0xef>                           <== NEVER TAKEN
    errno = EINVAL;                                                                       
    return -1;                                                                            
  /* Check for illegal addresses. Watch out for address wrap. */                          
  if (addr + len < addr) {                                                                
  105511:   0f 88 c8 00 00 00       js     1055df <munmap+0xef>                           <== NEVER TAKEN
  105517:   e8 d4 bb ff ff          call   1010f0 <rtems_libio_lock>                      
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  10551c:   8b 1d a0 b3 12 00       mov    0x12b3a0,%ebx                                  
  node = rtems_chain_first (&mmap_mappings);                                              
  while ( !rtems_chain_is_tail( &mmap_mappings, node )) {                                 
  105522:   81 fb a4 b3 12 00       cmp    $0x12b3a4,%ebx                                 
  105528:   74 20                   je     10554a <munmap+0x5a>                           <== NEVER TAKEN
  10552a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    mapping = (mmap_mapping*) node;                                                       
    if ( ( addr >= mapping->addr ) &&                                                     
  105530:   8b 43 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%eax                                 
  105533:   39 f0                   cmp    %esi,%eax                                      
  105535:   77 09                   ja     105540 <munmap+0x50>                           
         ( addr < ( mapping->addr + mapping->len )) ) {                                   
  105537:   8b 53 0c                mov    0xc(%ebx),%edx                                 
  10553a:   01 d0                   add    %edx,%eax                                      
    if ( ( addr >= mapping->addr ) &&                                                     
  10553c:   39 c6                   cmp    %eax,%esi                                      
  10553e:   72 20                   jb     105560 <munmap+0x70>                           
  return the_node->next;                                                                  
  105540:   8b 1b                   mov    (%ebx),%ebx                                    
  while ( !rtems_chain_is_tail( &mmap_mappings, node )) {                                 
  105542:   81 fb a4 b3 12 00       cmp    $0x12b3a4,%ebx                                 
  105548:   75 e6                   jne    105530 <munmap+0x40>                           <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10554a:   e8 c1 bb ff ff          call   101110 <rtems_libio_unlock>                    
    node = rtems_chain_next( node );                                                      
  mmap_mappings_lock_release( );                                                          
  return 0;                                                                               
  10554f:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  105551:   83 c4 20                add    $0x20,%esp                                     
  105554:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  105555:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  105556:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105557:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105558:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10555f:   90                      nop                                                   
      if ( mapping->shm != NULL ) {                                                       
  105560:   8b 73 14                mov    0x14(%ebx),%esi                                
  next           = the_node->next;                                                        
  105563:   8b 13                   mov    (%ebx),%edx                                    
  previous       = the_node->previous;                                                    
  105565:   8b 43 04                mov    0x4(%ebx),%eax                                 
  105568:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  next->previous = previous;                                                              
  10556a:   89 42 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%edx)                                 
  previous->next = next;                                                                  
  10556d:   89 10                   mov    %edx,(%eax)                                    
  10556f:   74 3e                   je     1055af <munmap+0xbf>                           
 * @see _Objects_Allocator_unlock() and _Objects_Allocate().                              
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Objects_Allocator_lock( void )                                 
  105571:   e8 9a 0d 00 00          call   106310 <_RTEMS_Lock_allocator>                 
  int err;                                                                                
  err = 0;                                                                                
  105576:   ff 4e 1c                decl   0x1c(%esi)                                     
  if ( shm->reference_count == 0 ) {                                                      
  105579:   75 0c                   jne    105587 <munmap+0x97>                           <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    if ( (*shm->shm_object.ops->object_delete)( &shm->shm_object ) != 0 ) {               
  10557b:   8b 46 28                mov    0x28(%esi),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10557e:   8d 56 20                lea    0x20(%esi),%edx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105581:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105584:   ff 50 08                call   *0x8(%eax)                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
      err = EIO;                                                                          
  /* check if the object has been unlinked yet. */                                        
  obj = _Objects_Get( shm->Object.id, &lock_ctx, &_POSIX_Shm_Information );               
  105587:   b8 40 b1 12 00          mov    $0x12b140,%eax                                 
  10558c:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  105590:   8d 45 f4                lea    -0xc(%ebp),%eax                                
  105593:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105597:   8b 46 08                mov    0x8(%esi),%eax                                 
  10559a:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10559d:   e8 2e 22 00 00          call   1077d0 <_Objects_Get>                          
  if ( obj == NULL ) {                                                                    
  1055a2:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1055a4:   74 26                   je     1055cc <munmap+0xdc>                           <== NEVER TAKEN
    /* if it was unlinked, then it can be freed. */                                       
    _POSIX_Shm_Free( shm );                                                               
  } else {                                                                                
    /* it will be freed when it is unlinked. */                                           
    _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &lock_ctx );                                                    
  1055a6:   ff 75 f4                push   -0xc(%ebp)                                     
  1055a9:   9d                      popf                                                  
 * previous thread life protection state and thus may not return if the                   
 * executing thread was restarted or deleted in the mean-time.                            
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Objects_Allocator_unlock( void )                               
  1055aa:   e8 81 0d 00 00          call   106330 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
        if (( mapping->flags & MAP_SHARED ) != MAP_SHARED ) {                             
  1055af:   f6 43 10 11             testb  $0x11,0x10(%ebx)                               
  1055b3:   74 0a                   je     1055bf <munmap+0xcf>                           
      free( mapping );                                                                    
  1055b5:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  1055b8:   e8 93 54 00 00          call   10aa50 <free>                                  
  1055bd:   eb 8b                   jmp    10554a <munmap+0x5a>                           
          free( mapping->addr );                                                          
  1055bf:   8b 43 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%eax                                 
  1055c2:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1055c5:   e8 86 54 00 00          call   10aa50 <free>                                  
  1055ca:   eb e9                   jmp    1055b5 <munmap+0xc5>                           
  Objects_Control     *the_object                                                         
  _Assert( _Objects_Allocator_is_owner() );                                               
  _Assert( information->deallocate != NULL );                                             
  ( *information->deallocate )( information, the_object );                                
  1055cc:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1055d0:   c7 04 24 40 b1 12 00    movl   $0x12b140,(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1055d7:   ff 15 4c b1 12 00       call   *0x12b14c                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1055dd:   eb cb                   jmp    1055aa <munmap+0xba>                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    errno = EINVAL;                                                                       
  1055df:   e8 cc 59 01 00          call   11afb0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1055e4:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    return -1;                                                                            
  1055ea:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1055ef:   e9 5d ff ff ff          jmp    105551 <munmap+0x61>                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1055f4:   90                      nop                                                   
  1055f5:   90                      nop                                                   
  1055f6:   90                      nop                                                   
  1055f7:   90                      nop                                                   
  1055f8:   90                      nop                                                   
  1055f9:   90                      nop                                                   
  1055fa:   90                      nop                                                   
  1055fb:   90                      nop                                                   
  1055fc:   90                      nop                                                   
  1055fd:   90                      nop                                                   
  1055fe:   90                      nop                                                   
  1055ff:   90                      nop                                                   

00104390 <pthread_attr_getaffinity_np>: int pthread_attr_getaffinity_np( const pthread_attr_t *attr, size_t cpusetsize, cpu_set_t *cpuset ) {
  104390:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  104391:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  104393:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  104396:   8b 55 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edx                                
  if ( attr == NULL || !attr->is_initialized ) {                                          
  104399:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10439b:   74 23                   je     1043c0 <pthread_attr_getaffinity_np+0x30>      <== NEVER TAKEN
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  if ( cpuset == NULL || cpusetsize != attr->affinitysetsize ) {                          
  10439d:   8b 08                   mov    (%eax),%ecx                                    
  10439f:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  1043a1:   74 1d                   je     1043c0 <pthread_attr_getaffinity_np+0x30>      <== NEVER TAKEN
  1043a3:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  1043a5:   74 19                   je     1043c0 <pthread_attr_getaffinity_np+0x30>      <== NEVER TAKEN
  1043a7:   8b 4d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  1043aa:   39 48 48                cmp    %ecx,0x48(%eax)                                
  1043ad:   75 11                   jne    1043c0 <pthread_attr_getaffinity_np+0x30>      <== NEVER TAKEN
  return CPU_ISSET_S(cpu, sizeof(*set), set);                                             
static __inline void CPU_COPY(const cpu_set_t *src, cpu_set_t *dest)                      
  BIT_COPY(_cpu_set_bits(setsize), src, dest);                                            
  1043af:   8b 40 4c                mov    0x4c(%eax),%eax                                
  1043b2:   8b 00                   mov    (%eax),%eax                                    
  1043b4:   89 02                   mov    %eax,(%edx)                                    
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  CPU_COPY( attr->affinityset, cpuset );                                                  
  return 0;                                                                               
  1043b6:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1043b8:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1043b9:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1043ba:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  1043c0:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  1043c1:   b8 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%eax                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  1043c6:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  1043c7:   90                      nop                                                   
  1043c8:   90                      nop                                                   
  1043c9:   90                      nop                                                   
  1043ca:   90                      nop                                                   
  1043cb:   90                      nop                                                   
  1043cc:   90                      nop                                                   
  1043cd:   90                      nop                                                   
  1043ce:   90                      nop                                                   
  1043cf:   90                      nop                                                   

00104540 <pthread_attr_setaffinity_np>: int pthread_attr_setaffinity_np( pthread_attr_t *attr, size_t cpusetsize, const cpu_set_t *cpuset ) {
  104540:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  104541:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  104543:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  104546:   8b 55 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edx                                
  if ( attr == NULL || !attr->is_initialized ) {                                          
  104549:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10454b:   74 23                   je     104570 <pthread_attr_setaffinity_np+0x30>      <== NEVER TAKEN
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  if ( cpuset == NULL || cpusetsize != attr->affinitysetsize ) {                          
  10454d:   8b 08                   mov    (%eax),%ecx                                    
  10454f:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  104551:   74 1d                   je     104570 <pthread_attr_setaffinity_np+0x30>      <== NEVER TAKEN
  104553:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  104555:   74 19                   je     104570 <pthread_attr_setaffinity_np+0x30>      <== NEVER TAKEN
  104557:   8b 4d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  10455a:   39 48 48                cmp    %ecx,0x48(%eax)                                
  10455d:   75 11                   jne    104570 <pthread_attr_setaffinity_np+0x30>      <== NEVER TAKEN
  10455f:   8b 40 4c                mov    0x4c(%eax),%eax                                
  104562:   8b 12                   mov    (%edx),%edx                                    
  104564:   89 10                   mov    %edx,(%eax)                                    
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  CPU_COPY( cpuset, attr->affinityset );                                                  
  return 0;                                                                               
  104566:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  104568:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  104569:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10456a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  104570:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  104571:   b8 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%eax                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  104576:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  104577:   90                      nop                                                   
  104578:   90                      nop                                                   
  104579:   90                      nop                                                   
  10457a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10457b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10457c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10457d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10457e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10457f:   90                      nop                                                   

00106480 <pthread_attr_setschedpolicy>: int pthread_attr_setschedpolicy( pthread_attr_t *attr, int policy ) {
  106480:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  106481:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  106483:   8b 55 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%edx                                 
  106486:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )                                                   
  106489:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  10648b:   74 33                   je     1064c0 <pthread_attr_setschedpolicy+0x40>      
  10648d:   8b 0a                   mov    (%edx),%ecx                                    
  10648f:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  106491:   74 2d                   je     1064c0 <pthread_attr_setschedpolicy+0x40>      
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  switch ( policy ) {                                                                     
  106493:   83 f8 02                cmp    $0x2,%eax                                      
  106496:   7e 18                   jle    1064b0 <pthread_attr_setschedpolicy+0x30>      
  106498:   83 f8 04                cmp    $0x4,%eax                                      
  10649b:   75 17                   jne    1064b4 <pthread_attr_setschedpolicy+0x34>      <== NEVER TAKEN
    case SCHED_OTHER:                                                                     
    case SCHED_FIFO:                                                                      
    case SCHED_RR:                                                                        
    case SCHED_SPORADIC:                                                                  
      attr->schedpolicy = policy;                                                         
  10649d:   89 42 14                mov    %eax,0x14(%edx)                                
      return 0;                                                                           
  1064a0:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
      return ENOTSUP;                                                                     
  1064a2:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1064a3:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1064a4:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1064ab:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1064af:   90                      nop                                                   
  switch ( policy ) {                                                                     
  1064b0:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1064b2:   79 e9                   jns    10649d <pthread_attr_setschedpolicy+0x1d>      
  1064b4:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  switch ( policy ) {                                                                     
  1064b5:   b8 86 00 00 00          mov    $0x86,%eax                                     
  1064ba:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1064bb:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1064bf:   90                      nop                                                   
  1064c0:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  1064c1:   b8 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%eax                                     
  1064c6:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1064c7:   90                      nop                                                   
  1064c8:   90                      nop                                                   
  1064c9:   90                      nop                                                   
  1064ca:   90                      nop                                                   
  1064cb:   90                      nop                                                   
  1064cc:   90                      nop                                                   
  1064cd:   90                      nop                                                   
  1064ce:   90                      nop                                                   
  1064cf:   90                      nop                                                   

00104ee0 <pthread_cancel>: /* * 18.2.1 Canceling Execution of a Thread, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p. 181 */ int pthread_cancel( pthread_t thread ) {
  104ee0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  104ee1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  104ee3:   83 ec 28                sub    $0x28,%esp                                     
   *  Don't even think about deleting a resource from an ISR.                             
  if ( _ISR_Is_in_progress() ) {                                                          
  104ee6:   e8 15 1f 00 00          call   106e00 <_ISR_Is_in_progress>                   
  104eeb:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  104eed:   75 61                   jne    104f50 <pthread_cancel+0x70>                   
    return EPROTO;                                                                        
  the_thread = _Thread_Get( thread, &lock_context );                                      
  104eef:   8d 45 f4                lea    -0xc(%ebp),%eax                                
  104ef2:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104ef6:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  104ef9:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  104efc:   e8 8f 39 00 00          call   108890 <_Thread_Get>                           
  if ( the_thread == NULL ) {                                                             
  104f01:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104f03:   74 7b                   je     104f80 <pthread_cancel+0xa0>                   
  const ISR_lock_Context *lock_context                                                    
  uint32_t disable_level;                                                                 
  disable_level = cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level;                                
  104f05:   8b 15 d0 d0 12 00       mov    0x12d0d0,%edx                                  
  cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level = disable_level + 1;                            
  104f0b:   42                      inc    %edx                                           
  104f0c:   89 15 d0 d0 12 00       mov    %edx,0x12d0d0                                  
    return ESRCH;                                                                         
  cpu_self = _Thread_Dispatch_disable_critical( &lock_context );                          
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &lock_context );                                                  
  104f12:   ff 75 f4                push   -0xc(%ebp)                                     
  104f15:   9d                      popf                                                  
static inline struct _Thread_Control *_Per_CPU_Get_executing(                             
  const Per_CPU_Control *cpu                                                              
  return cpu->executing;                                                                  
  104f16:   8b 15 d8 d0 12 00       mov    0x12d0d8,%edx                                  
  executing = _Per_CPU_Get_executing( cpu_self );                                         
  if ( the_thread == executing ) {                                                        
    _Thread_Exit( executing, THREAD_LIFE_TERMINATING, PTHREAD_CANCELED );                 
  104f1c:   b9 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ecx                               
  104f21:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  if ( the_thread == executing ) {                                                        
  104f25:   39 d0                   cmp    %edx,%eax                                      
  104f27:   74 37                   je     104f60 <pthread_cancel+0x80>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
  } else {                                                                                
    _Thread_Cancel( the_thread, executing, PTHREAD_CANCELED );                            
  104f29:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104f2d:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  104f30:   e8 6b 51 00 00          call   10a0a0 <_Thread_Cancel>                        
  _Thread_Dispatch_enable( cpu_self );                                                    
  104f35:   c7 04 24 c0 d0 12 00    movl   $0x12d0c0,(%esp)                               
  104f3c:   e8 cf 38 00 00          call   108810 <_Thread_Dispatch_enable>               
  return 0;                                                                               
  104f41:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  104f43:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  104f45:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  104f46:   c3                      ret                                                   
  104f47:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  104f4e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  104f50:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
    return EPROTO;                                                                        
  104f52:   b8 47 00 00 00          mov    $0x47,%eax                                     
  104f57:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  104f58:   c3                      ret                                                   
  104f59:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    _Thread_Exit( executing, THREAD_LIFE_TERMINATING, PTHREAD_CANCELED );                 
  104f60:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104f63:   ba 04 00 00 00          mov    $0x4,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104f68:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  104f6c:   e8 2f 53 00 00          call   10a2a0 <_Thread_Exit>                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  104f71:   eb c2                   jmp    104f35 <pthread_cancel+0x55>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  104f73:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  104f7a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    return ESRCH;                                                                         
  104f80:   b8 03 00 00 00          mov    $0x3,%eax                                      
  104f85:   eb bc                   jmp    104f43 <pthread_cancel+0x63>                   
  104f87:   90                      nop                                                   
  104f88:   90                      nop                                                   
  104f89:   90                      nop                                                   
  104f8a:   90                      nop                                                   
  104f8b:   90                      nop                                                   
  104f8c:   90                      nop                                                   
  104f8d:   90                      nop                                                   
  104f8e:   90                      nop                                                   
  104f8f:   90                      nop                                                   

00104fc0 <pthread_cond_init>: */ int pthread_cond_init( pthread_cond_t *cond, const pthread_condattr_t *attr ) {
  104fc0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  104fc1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  104fc3:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  104fc4:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  104fc7:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  POSIX_Condition_variables_Control *the_cond;                                            
  the_cond = _POSIX_Condition_variables_Get( cond );                                      
  if ( the_cond == NULL ) {                                                               
  104fca:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104fcc:   74 52                   je     105020 <pthread_cond_init+0x60>                <== NEVER TAKEN
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  if ( attr == NULL ) {                                                                   
  104fce:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  104fd0:   74 5e                   je     105030 <pthread_cond_init+0x70>                
    attr = &_POSIX_Condition_variables_Default_attributes;                                
  if ( !attr->is_initialized ) {                                                          
  104fd2:   8b 0a                   mov    (%edx),%ecx                                    
  104fd4:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  104fd6:   74 48                   je     105020 <pthread_cond_init+0x60>                <== NEVER TAKEN
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  if ( !_POSIX_Is_valid_pshared( attr->process_shared ) ) {                               
  104fd8:   83 7a 0c 01             cmpl   $0x1,0xc(%edx)                                 
  104fdc:   77 42                   ja     105020 <pthread_cond_init+0x60>                <== NEVER TAKEN
  queue->heads = NULL;                                                                    
  104fde:   c7 40 0c 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0xc(%eax)                                 
  if ( the_attr->clock == CLOCK_MONOTONIC ) {                                             
  104fe5:   8b 5a 04                mov    0x4(%edx),%ebx                                 
  flags = (uintptr_t) the_cond ^ POSIX_CONDITION_VARIABLES_MAGIC;                         
  104fe8:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
  queue->owner = NULL;                                                                    
  104fea:   c7 40 10 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x10(%eax)                                
  104ff1:   81 f1 fe b1 df 18       xor    $0x18dfb1fe,%ecx                               
  queue->name = name;                                                                     
  104ff7:   c7 40 14 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x14(%eax)                                
  flags &= ~POSIX_CONDITION_VARIABLES_FLAGS_MASK;                                         
  104ffe:   83 e1 fe                and    $0xfffffffe,%ecx                               
  the_cond->mutex = POSIX_CONDITION_VARIABLES_NO_MUTEX;                                   
  105001:   c7 40 18 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x18(%eax)                                
  if ( the_attr->clock == CLOCK_MONOTONIC ) {                                             
  105008:   83 f3 04                xor    $0x4,%ebx                                      
  10500b:   0b 5a 08                or     0x8(%edx),%ebx                                 
  10500e:   75 03                   jne    105013 <pthread_cond_init+0x53>                <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    flags |= POSIX_CONDITION_VARIABLES_CLOCK_MONOTONIC;                                   
  105010:   83 c9 01                or     $0x1,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  the_cond->flags = flags;                                                                
  105013:   89 08                   mov    %ecx,(%eax)                                    
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  _POSIX_Condition_variables_Initialize( the_cond, attr );                                
  return 0;                                                                               
  105015:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  105017:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  105018:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105019:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10501a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  105020:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  105021:   b8 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%eax                                     
  105026:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105027:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105028:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10502f:   90                      nop                                                   
    attr = &_POSIX_Condition_variables_Default_attributes;                                
  105030:   ba b0 2b 12 00          mov    $0x122bb0,%edx                                 
  105035:   eb 9b                   jmp    104fd2 <pthread_cond_init+0x12>                
  105037:   90                      nop                                                   
  105038:   90                      nop                                                   
  105039:   90                      nop                                                   
  10503a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10503b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10503c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10503d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10503e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10503f:   90                      nop                                                   

00104e60 <pthread_condattr_destroy>: */ int pthread_condattr_destroy( pthread_condattr_t *attr ) {
  104e60:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  104e61:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  104e63:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  if ( attr == NULL || !attr->is_initialized )                                            
  104e66:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104e68:   74 16                   je     104e80 <pthread_condattr_destroy+0x20>         
  104e6a:   8b 10                   mov    (%eax),%edx                                    
  104e6c:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  104e6e:   74 10                   je     104e80 <pthread_condattr_destroy+0x20>         <== NEVER TAKEN
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  attr->is_initialized = false;                                                           
  104e70:   c7 00 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%eax)                                    
  return 0;                                                                               
  104e76:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  104e78:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  104e79:   c3                      ret                                                   
  104e7a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  104e80:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  104e81:   b8 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%eax                                     
  104e86:   c3                      ret                                                   
  104e87:   90                      nop                                                   
  104e88:   90                      nop                                                   
  104e89:   90                      nop                                                   
  104e8a:   90                      nop                                                   
  104e8b:   90                      nop                                                   
  104e8c:   90                      nop                                                   
  104e8d:   90                      nop                                                   
  104e8e:   90                      nop                                                   
  104e8f:   90                      nop                                                   

00103fe0 <pthread_condattr_getclock>: int pthread_condattr_getclock( const pthread_condattr_t *__restrict attr, clockid_t *__restrict clock ) {
  103fe0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  103fe1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  103fe3:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  103fe6:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  if ( attr == NULL ) {                                                                   
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  if ( clock == NULL ) {                                                                  
  103fe9:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  103feb:   74 13                   je     104000 <pthread_condattr_getclock+0x20>        <== NEVER TAKEN
  103fed:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  103fef:   74 0f                   je     104000 <pthread_condattr_getclock+0x20>        
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  *clock = attr->clock;                                                                   
  103ff1:   8b 40 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  103ff4:   89 02                   mov    %eax,(%edx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  return 0;                                                                               
  103ff6:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  103ff8:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  103ff9:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  103ffa:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  104000:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  104001:   b8 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%eax                                     
  104006:   c3                      ret                                                   
  104007:   90                      nop                                                   
  104008:   90                      nop                                                   
  104009:   90                      nop                                                   
  10400a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10400b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10400c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10400d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10400e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10400f:   90                      nop                                                   

001066e0 <pthread_create>: {
  1066e0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  1066e1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  1066e3:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  1066e4:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  1066e5:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  1066e6:   81 ec 9c 00 00 00       sub    $0x9c,%esp                                     
  1066ec:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  Thread_Entry_information entry = {                                                      
  1066ef:   c7 45 8c b0 99 10 00    movl   $0x1099b0,-0x74(%ebp)                          
  1066f6:   8b 55 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%edx                                
  int                                 schedpolicy = SCHED_RR;                             
  1066f9:   c7 45 84 02 00 00 00    movl   $0x2,-0x7c(%ebp)                               
  106700:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  Thread_Entry_information entry = {                                                      
  106703:   89 45 90                mov    %eax,-0x70(%ebp)                               
  if ( !start_routine )                                                                   
  106706:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  Thread_Entry_information entry = {                                                      
  106708:   89 55 94                mov    %edx,-0x6c(%ebp)                               
  if ( !start_routine )                                                                   
  10670b:   0f 84 ff 02 00 00       je     106a10 <pthread_create+0x330>                  
  the_attr = (attr) ? attr : &_POSIX_Threads_Default_attributes;                          
  106711:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  106713:   0f 84 87 02 00 00       je     1069a0 <pthread_create+0x2c0>                  
  if ( !the_attr->is_initialized )                                                        
  106719:   8b 33                   mov    (%ebx),%esi                                    
  10671b:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  10671d:   0f 84 5d 02 00 00       je     106980 <pthread_create+0x2a0>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
  memset( &config, 0, sizeof( config ) );                                                 
  106723:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  106725:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  106727:   89 54 05 bc             mov    %edx,-0x44(%ebp,%eax,1)                        
  10672b:   89 54 05 c0             mov    %edx,-0x40(%ebp,%eax,1)                        
  10672f:   83 c0 08                add    $0x8,%eax                                      
  106732:   83 f8 28                cmp    $0x28,%eax                                     
  106735:   72 f0                   jb     106727 <pthread_create+0x47>                   
  if ( the_attr->stackaddr != NULL ) {                                                    
  106737:   8b 4b 04                mov    0x4(%ebx),%ecx                                 
  memset( &config, 0, sizeof( config ) );                                                 
  10673a:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  10673c:   89 54 05 bc             mov    %edx,-0x44(%ebp,%eax,1)                        
    if ( !_Stack_Is_enough( the_attr->stacksize, config.is_fp ) ) {                       
  106740:   8b 73 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%esi                                 
  config.is_fp = true;                                                                    
  106743:   66 c7 45 e4 01 01       movw   $0x101,-0x1c(%ebp)                             
  if ( the_attr->stackaddr != NULL ) {                                                    
  106749:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  10674b:   0f 84 5f 02 00 00       je     1069b0 <pthread_create+0x2d0>                  
  bool   is_fp                                                                            
  size_t minimum;                                                                         
  minimum = _TLS_Get_allocation_size();                                                   
  106751:   e8 3a 50 00 00          call   10b790 <_TLS_Get_allocation_size>              
  minimum += _Stack_Minimum();                                                            
#if ( CPU_HARDWARE_FP == TRUE ) || ( CPU_SOFTWARE_FP == TRUE )                            
  if ( is_fp ) {                                                                          
    minimum += CONTEXT_FP_SIZE;                                                           
  106756:   8b 15 54 43 1a 00       mov    0x1a4354,%edx                                  
  10675c:   8d 44 02 6c             lea    0x6c(%edx,%eax,1),%eax                         
    if ( !_Stack_Is_enough( the_attr->stacksize, config.is_fp ) ) {                       
  106760:   39 c6                   cmp    %eax,%esi                                      
  106762:   0f 82 18 02 00 00       jb     106980 <pthread_create+0x2a0>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
    config.stack_area = the_attr->stackaddr;                                              
  106768:   8b 43 04                mov    0x4(%ebx),%eax                                 
  10676b:   89 45 c0                mov    %eax,-0x40(%ebp)                               
    config.stack_size = the_attr->stacksize;                                              
  10676e:   8b 43 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%eax                                 
  106771:   89 45 c4                mov    %eax,-0x3c(%ebp)                               
  switch ( the_attr->inheritsched ) {                                                     
  106774:   8b 43 10                mov    0x10(%ebx),%eax                                
  106777:   83 f8 01                cmp    $0x1,%eax                                      
  10677a:   0f 84 57 02 00 00       je     1069d7 <pthread_create+0x2f7>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  106780:   83 f8 02                cmp    $0x2,%eax                                      
  106783:   0f 85 f7 01 00 00       jne    106980 <pthread_create+0x2a0>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
      schedpolicy = the_attr->schedpolicy;                                                
  106789:   8b 43 14                mov    0x14(%ebx),%eax                                
  10678c:   89 45 84                mov    %eax,-0x7c(%ebp)                               
      schedparam  = the_attr->schedparam;                                                 
  10678f:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  106791:   8b 54 03 18             mov    0x18(%ebx,%eax,1),%edx                         
  106795:   89 54 05 98             mov    %edx,-0x68(%ebp,%eax,1)                        
  106799:   83 c0 04                add    $0x4,%eax                                      
  10679c:   83 f8 24                cmp    $0x24,%eax                                     
  10679f:   72 f0                   jb     106791 <pthread_create+0xb1>                   
  if ( the_attr->contentionscope != PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS )                               
  1067a1:   8b 7b 0c                mov    0xc(%ebx),%edi                                 
  1067a4:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      
  1067a6:   0f 85 51 02 00 00       jne    1069fd <pthread_create+0x31d>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
  error = _POSIX_Thread_Translate_sched_param(                                            
  1067ac:   8d 45 d8                lea    -0x28(%ebp),%eax                               
  1067af:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  1067b3:   8d 45 d4                lea    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1067b6:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1067ba:   8d 45 98                lea    -0x68(%ebp),%eax                               
  1067bd:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1067c1:   8b 45 84                mov    -0x7c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1067c4:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1067c7:   e8 34 6c 00 00          call   10d400 <_POSIX_Thread_Translate_sched_param>   
  if ( error != 0 ) {                                                                     
  1067cc:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  error = _POSIX_Thread_Translate_sched_param(                                            
  1067ce:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      
  if ( error != 0 ) {                                                                     
  1067d0:   0f 85 af 01 00 00       jne    106985 <pthread_create+0x2a5>                  
  config.priority = _POSIX_Priority_To_core(                                              
  1067d6:   c7 04 24 c0 6c 18 00    movl   $0x186cc0,(%esp)                               
  normal_prio = schedparam.sched_priority;                                                
  1067dd:   8b 75 98                mov    -0x68(%ebp),%esi                               
  config.priority = _POSIX_Priority_To_core(                                              
  1067e0:   8d 4d 83                lea    -0x7d(%ebp),%ecx                               
  1067e3:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  config.scheduler = _Thread_Scheduler_get_home( executing );                             
  1067e7:   c7 45 bc c0 6c 18 00    movl   $0x186cc0,-0x44(%ebp)                          
  config.priority = _POSIX_Priority_To_core(                                              
  1067ee:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1067f2:   e8 29 5d 00 00          call   10c520 <_POSIX_Priority_To_core>               
  if ( !valid ) {                                                                         
  1067f7:   80 7d 83 00             cmpb   $0x0,-0x7d(%ebp)                               
  config.priority = _POSIX_Priority_To_core(                                              
  1067fb:   89 45 cc                mov    %eax,-0x34(%ebp)                               
  1067fe:   89 55 d0                mov    %edx,-0x30(%ebp)                               
  if ( !valid ) {                                                                         
  106801:   0f 84 79 01 00 00       je     106980 <pthread_create+0x2a0>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
  if ( schedpolicy == SCHED_SPORADIC ) {                                                  
  106807:   83 7d 84 04             cmpl   $0x4,-0x7c(%ebp)                               
  10680b:   8d 4d 83                lea    -0x7d(%ebp),%ecx                               
  10680e:   75 03                   jne    106813 <pthread_create+0x133>                  
    low_prio = schedparam.sched_ss_low_priority;                                          
  106810:   8b 75 9c                mov    -0x64(%ebp),%esi                               
  core_low_prio = _POSIX_Priority_To_core( config.scheduler, low_prio, &valid );          
  106813:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  106817:   8b 45 bc                mov    -0x44(%ebp),%eax                               
  10681a:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10681e:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  106821:   e8 fa 5c 00 00          call   10c520 <_POSIX_Priority_To_core>               
  if ( !valid ) {                                                                         
  106826:   80 7d 83 00             cmpb   $0x0,-0x7d(%ebp)                               
  core_low_prio = _POSIX_Priority_To_core( config.scheduler, low_prio, &valid );          
  10682a:   89 85 70 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x90(%ebp)                               
  106830:   89 95 74 ff ff ff       mov    %edx,-0x8c(%ebp)                               
  if ( !valid ) {                                                                         
  106836:   0f 84 44 01 00 00       je     106980 <pthread_create+0x2a0>                  
  if ( the_attr->affinityset == NULL ) {                                                  
  10683c:   8b 73 4c                mov    0x4c(%ebx),%esi                                
  10683f:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  106841:   0f 84 39 01 00 00       je     106980 <pthread_create+0x2a0>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
 * @see _Objects_Allocator_unlock() and _Objects_Allocate().                              
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Objects_Allocator_lock( void )                                 
  106847:   e8 e4 0a 00 00          call   107330 <_RTEMS_Lock_allocator>                 
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Thread_Control *_POSIX_Threads_Allocate(void)                        
  10684c:   e8 9f 48 00 00          call   10b0f0 <_Thread_Kill_zombies>                  
      || !_System_state_Is_up( _System_state_Get() )                                      
  return ( *information->allocate )( information );                                       
  106851:   c7 04 24 60 43 1a 00    movl   $0x1a4360,(%esp)                               
  106858:   ff 15 68 43 1a 00       call   *0x1a4368                                      
  if ( !the_thread ) {                                                                    
  10685e:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  106860:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
  106862:   0f 84 e8 01 00 00       je     106a50 <pthread_create+0x370>                  
  if ( config.stack_area == NULL ) {                                                      
  106868:   8b 4d c0                mov    -0x40(%ebp),%ecx                               
  10686b:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  10686d:   0f 84 af 01 00 00       je     106a22 <pthread_create+0x342>                  
    config.stack_free = _Stack_Free_nothing;                                              
  106873:   c7 45 c8 70 92 10 00    movl   $0x109270,-0x38(%ebp)                          
    status = _Thread_Initialize(                                                          
  10687a:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10687e:   8d 45 bc                lea    -0x44(%ebp),%eax                               
  106881:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  106885:   c7 04 24 60 43 1a 00    movl   $0x1a4360,(%esp)                               
  10688c:   e8 9f 32 00 00          call   109b30 <_Thread_Initialize>                    
  if ( !status ) {                                                                        
  106891:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  106893:   0f 84 a6 01 00 00       je     106a3f <pthread_create+0x35f>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
  if ( the_attr->detachstate == PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED ) {                               
  106899:   8b 53 44                mov    0x44(%ebx),%edx                                
    the_thread->Life.state |= THREAD_LIFE_DETACHED;                                       
  10689c:   8b 86 20 01 00 00       mov    0x120(%esi),%eax                               
  if ( the_attr->detachstate == PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED ) {                               
  1068a2:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  1068a4:   75 03                   jne    1068a9 <pthread_create+0x1c9>                  
    the_thread->Life.state |= THREAD_LIFE_DETACHED;                                       
  1068a6:   83 c8 10                or     $0x10,%eax                                     
  the_thread->Life.state |= THREAD_LIFE_CHANGE_DEFERRED;                                  
  1068a9:   83 c8 08                or     $0x8,%eax                                      
  1068ac:   89 86 20 01 00 00       mov    %eax,0x120(%esi)                               
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable( &lock_context );                                                 
  1068b2:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  1068b3:   fa                      cli                                                   
  1068b4:   58                      pop    %eax                                           
  1068b5:   89 45 88                mov    %eax,-0x78(%ebp)                               
   status = _Scheduler_Set_affinity(                                                      
  1068b8:   8b 43 4c                mov    0x4c(%ebx),%eax                                
  1068bb:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1068bf:   8b 43 48                mov    0x48(%ebx),%eax                                
  1068c2:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  1068c5:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1068c9:   e8 52 29 00 00          call   109220 <_Scheduler_Set_affinity>               
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &lock_context );                                                  
  1068ce:   ff 75 88                push   -0x78(%ebp)                                    
  1068d1:   9d                      popf                                                  
   if ( !status ) {                                                                       
  1068d2:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  1068d4:   0f 84 82 00 00 00       je     10695c <pthread_create+0x27c>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
  api = the_thread->API_Extensions[ THREAD_API_POSIX ];                                   
  1068da:   8b 86 0c 01 00 00       mov    0x10c(%esi),%eax                               
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Priority_Node_set_priority(                                    
  Priority_Node    *node,                                                                 
  Priority_Control  priority                                                              
  node->priority = priority;                                                              
  1068e0:   8b 95 70 ff ff ff       mov    -0x90(%ebp),%edx                               
    ( the_attr->inheritsched == PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED );                                  
  1068e6:   83 7b 10 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x10(%ebx)                                
  1068ea:   8b 8d 74 ff ff ff       mov    -0x8c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  the_thread->was_created_with_inherited_scheduler =                                      
  1068f0:   0f 94 86 83 00 00 00    sete   0x83(%esi)                                     
  if ( schedpolicy == SCHED_SPORADIC ) {                                                  
  1068f7:   83 7d 84 04             cmpl   $0x4,-0x7c(%ebp)                               
  1068fb:   89 50 30                mov    %edx,0x30(%eax)                                
  api->Sporadic.sched_ss_repl_period =                                                    
  1068fe:   8b 53 20                mov    0x20(%ebx),%edx                                
  106901:   89 48 34                mov    %ecx,0x34(%eax)                                
  106904:   89 50 38                mov    %edx,0x38(%eax)                                
  106907:   8b 53 24                mov    0x24(%ebx),%edx                                
  10690a:   89 50 3c                mov    %edx,0x3c(%eax)                                
  10690d:   8b 53 28                mov    0x28(%ebx),%edx                                
  106910:   89 50 40                mov    %edx,0x40(%eax)                                
  api->Sporadic.sched_ss_init_budget =                                                    
  106913:   8b 53 2c                mov    0x2c(%ebx),%edx                                
  106916:   89 50 44                mov    %edx,0x44(%eax)                                
  106919:   8b 53 30                mov    0x30(%ebx),%edx                                
  10691c:   89 50 48                mov    %edx,0x48(%eax)                                
  10691f:   8b 53 34                mov    0x34(%ebx),%edx                                
  api->Sporadic.sched_ss_max_repl =                                                       
  106922:   8b 5b 38                mov    0x38(%ebx),%ebx                                
  api->Sporadic.sched_ss_init_budget =                                                    
  106925:   89 50 4c                mov    %edx,0x4c(%eax)                                
  api->Sporadic.sched_ss_max_repl =                                                       
  106928:   89 58 50                mov    %ebx,0x50(%eax)                                
  if ( schedpolicy == SCHED_SPORADIC ) {                                                  
  10692b:   0f 84 2e 01 00 00       je     106a5f <pthread_create+0x37f>                  
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable( &lock_context );                                                 
  106931:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  106932:   fa                      cli                                                   
  106933:   58                      pop    %eax                                           
  106934:   89 45 88                mov    %eax,-0x78(%ebp)                               
  status = _Thread_Start( the_thread, &entry, &lock_context );                            
  106937:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  10693a:   8d 45 88                lea    -0x78(%ebp),%eax                               
  10693d:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  106941:   8d 45 8c                lea    -0x74(%ebp),%eax                               
  106944:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  106948:   e8 13 4b 00 00          call   10b460 <_Thread_Start>                         
  *thread = the_thread->Object.id;                                                        
  10694d:   8b 56 08                mov    0x8(%esi),%edx                                 
  106950:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  106953:   89 10                   mov    %edx,(%eax)                                    
  106955:   e8 f6 09 00 00          call   107350 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
  return 0;                                                                               
  10695a:   eb 29                   jmp    106985 <pthread_create+0x2a5>                  
  Objects_Control     *the_object                                                         
  _Assert( _Objects_Allocator_is_owner() );                                               
  _Assert( information->deallocate != NULL );                                             
  ( *information->deallocate )( information, the_object );                                
  10695c:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  106960:   c7 04 24 60 43 1a 00    movl   $0x1a4360,(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  106967:   ff 15 6c 43 1a 00       call   *0x1a436c                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10696d:   e8 de 09 00 00          call   107350 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               <== NOT EXECUTED
  106972:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  106979:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
     return EINVAL;                                                                       
  106980:   bf 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%edi                                     
  106985:   81 c4 9c 00 00 00       add    $0x9c,%esp                                     
  10698b:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  10698d:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10698e:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10698f:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  106990:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  106991:   c3                      ret                                                   
  106992:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  106999:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  the_attr = (attr) ? attr : &_POSIX_Threads_Default_attributes;                          
  1069a0:   bb 60 7d 18 00          mov    $0x187d60,%ebx                                 
  1069a5:   e9 6f fd ff ff          jmp    106719 <pthread_create+0x39>                   
  1069aa:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  if ( size >= PTHREAD_MINIMUM_STACK_SIZE )                                               
  1069b0:   a1 6c 6c 18 00          mov    0x186c6c,%eax                                  
  1069b5:   39 f0                   cmp    %esi,%eax                                      
  1069b7:   73 02                   jae    1069bb <pthread_create+0x2db>                  
  1069b9:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      
    config.stack_size = _POSIX_Threads_Ensure_minimum_stack(                              
  1069bb:   89 45 c4                mov    %eax,-0x3c(%ebp)                               
  bool   is_fp                                                                            
#if ( CPU_HARDWARE_FP == TRUE ) || ( CPU_SOFTWARE_FP == TRUE )                            
  if ( is_fp ) {                                                                          
    stack_size += CONTEXT_FP_SIZE;                                                        
  1069be:   8d 70 6c                lea    0x6c(%eax),%esi                                
  (void) is_fp;                                                                           
  stack_size += _TLS_Get_allocation_size();                                               
  1069c1:   e8 ca 4d 00 00          call   10b790 <_TLS_Get_allocation_size>              
  1069c6:   01 f0                   add    %esi,%eax                                      
  1069c8:   89 45 c4                mov    %eax,-0x3c(%ebp)                               
  switch ( the_attr->inheritsched ) {                                                     
  1069cb:   8b 43 10                mov    0x10(%ebx),%eax                                
  1069ce:   83 f8 01                cmp    $0x1,%eax                                      
  1069d1:   0f 85 a9 fd ff ff       jne    106780 <pthread_create+0xa0>                   
      error = pthread_getschedparam(                                                      
  1069d7:   e8 24 06 00 00          call   107000 <pthread_self>                          
  1069dc:   8d 55 98                lea    -0x68(%ebp),%edx                               
  1069df:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1069e3:   8d 55 84                lea    -0x7c(%ebp),%edx                               
  1069e6:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1069ea:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1069ed:   e8 ee 03 00 00          call   106de0 <pthread_getschedparam>                 
  if ( the_attr->contentionscope != PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS )                               
  1069f2:   8b 7b 0c                mov    0xc(%ebx),%edi                                 
  1069f5:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      
  1069f7:   0f 84 af fd ff ff       je     1067ac <pthread_create+0xcc>                   
  1069fd:   81 c4 9c 00 00 00       add    $0x9c,%esp                                     
    return ENOTSUP;                                                                       
  106a03:   bf 86 00 00 00          mov    $0x86,%edi                                     
  106a08:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  106a09:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  106a0b:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  106a0c:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  106a0d:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  106a0e:   c3                      ret                                                   
  106a0f:   90                      nop                                                   
  106a10:   81 c4 9c 00 00 00       add    $0x9c,%esp                                     
    return EFAULT;                                                                        
  106a16:   bf 0e 00 00 00          mov    $0xe,%edi                                      
  106a1b:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  106a1c:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  106a1e:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  106a1f:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  106a20:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  106a21:   c3                      ret                                                   
    config.stack_free = _Stack_Free;                                                      
  106a22:   c7 45 c8 50 b4 10 00    movl   $0x10b450,-0x38(%ebp)                          
    config.stack_area = _Stack_Allocate( config.stack_size );                             
  106a29:   8b 45 c4                mov    -0x3c(%ebp),%eax                               
  106a2c:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  106a2f:   e8 0c 4a 00 00          call   10b440 <_Stack_Allocate>                       
  106a34:   89 45 c0                mov    %eax,-0x40(%ebp)                               
  if ( status ) {                                                                         
  106a37:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  106a39:   0f 85 3b fe ff ff       jne    10687a <pthread_create+0x19a>                  
  106a3f:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  106a43:   c7 04 24 60 43 1a 00    movl   $0x1a4360,(%esp)                               
  106a4a:   ff 15 6c 43 1a 00       call   *0x1a436c                                      
  106a50:   e8 fb 08 00 00          call   107350 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
    return EAGAIN;                                                                        
  106a55:   bf 0b 00 00 00          mov    $0xb,%edi                                      
  106a5a:   e9 26 ff ff ff          jmp    106985 <pthread_create+0x2a5>                  
    _POSIX_Threads_Sporadic_timer( &api->Sporadic.Timer );                                
  106a5f:   83 c0 04                add    $0x4,%eax                                      
  106a62:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  106a65:   e8 46 fb ff ff          call   1065b0 <_POSIX_Threads_Sporadic_timer>         
  106a6a:   e9 c2 fe ff ff          jmp    106931 <pthread_create+0x251>                  
  106a6f:   90                      nop                                                   

00106ba0 <pthread_getaffinity_np>: int pthread_getaffinity_np( pthread_t thread, size_t cpusetsize, cpu_set_t *cpuset ) {
  106ba0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  106ba1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  106ba3:   83 ec 28                sub    $0x28,%esp                                     
  106ba6:   89 5d fc                mov    %ebx,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  106ba9:   8b 5d 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%ebx                                
  Thread_Control   *the_thread;                                                           
  ISR_lock_Context  lock_context;                                                         
  Per_CPU_Control  *cpu_self;                                                             
  bool              ok;                                                                   
  if ( cpuset == NULL ) {                                                                 
  106bac:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  106bae:   74 60                   je     106c10 <pthread_getaffinity_np+0x70>           
    return EFAULT;                                                                        
  the_thread = _Thread_Get( thread, &lock_context );                                      
  106bb0:   8d 45 f4                lea    -0xc(%ebp),%eax                                
  106bb3:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  106bb7:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  106bba:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  106bbd:   e8 3e 49 00 00          call   10b500 <_Thread_Get>                           
  if ( the_thread == NULL ) {                                                             
  106bc2:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  106bc4:   74 5a                   je     106c20 <pthread_getaffinity_np+0x80>           
  cpu_self = _Thread_Dispatch_disable_critical( &lock_context );                          
  _Thread_State_acquire_critical( the_thread, &lock_context );                            
  ok = _Scheduler_Get_affinity(                                                           
  106bc6:   89 5c 24 08             mov    %ebx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  const ISR_lock_Context *lock_context                                                    
  uint32_t disable_level;                                                                 
  disable_level = cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level;                                
  106bca:   8b 15 30 cf 12 00       mov    0x12cf30,%edx                                  
  106bd0:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level = disable_level + 1;                            
  106bd3:   42                      inc    %edx                                           
  106bd4:   89 15 30 cf 12 00       mov    %edx,0x12cf30                                  
  106bda:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  106bdd:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  106be1:   e8 3a 3a 00 00          call   10a620 <_Scheduler_Get_affinity>               
  106be6:   88 c3                   mov    %al,%bl                                        
  Thread_Control   *the_thread,                                                           
  ISR_lock_Context *lock_context                                                          
  _Thread_State_release_critical( the_thread, lock_context );                             
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( lock_context );                                                   
  106be8:   ff 75 f4                push   -0xc(%ebp)                                     
  106beb:   9d                      popf                                                  
  _Thread_State_release( the_thread, &lock_context );                                     
  _Thread_Dispatch_enable( cpu_self );                                                    
  106bec:   c7 04 24 20 cf 12 00    movl   $0x12cf20,(%esp)                               
  106bf3:   e8 98 48 00 00          call   10b490 <_Thread_Dispatch_enable>               
  return ok ? 0 : EINVAL;                                                                 
  106bf8:   80 fb 01                cmp    $0x1,%bl                                       
  106bfb:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  return ok ? 0 : EINVAL;                                                                 
  106bfe:   19 c0                   sbb    %eax,%eax                                      
  106c00:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  106c02:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  return ok ? 0 : EINVAL;                                                                 
  106c03:   83 e0 16                and    $0x16,%eax                                     
  106c06:   c3                      ret                                                   
  106c07:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  106c0e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  106c10:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  106c13:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
    return EFAULT;                                                                        
  106c15:   b8 0e 00 00 00          mov    $0xe,%eax                                      
  106c1a:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  106c1b:   c3                      ret                                                   
  106c1c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  106c20:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  106c23:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    return ESRCH;                                                                         
  106c25:   b8 03 00 00 00          mov    $0x3,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  106c2a:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  106c2b:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  106c2c:   90                      nop                                                   
  106c2d:   90                      nop                                                   
  106c2e:   90                      nop                                                   
  106c2f:   90                      nop                                                   

00106b30 <pthread_getattr_np>: int pthread_getattr_np( pthread_t thread, pthread_attr_t *attr ) {
  106b30:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  106b31:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  106b33:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  106b34:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  106b35:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  106b36:   83 ec 3c                sub    $0x3c,%esp                                     
  106b39:   8b 7d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edi                                 
  Thread_CPU_budget_algorithms  budget_algorithm;                                         
  const Scheduler_Control      *scheduler;                                                
  Priority_Control              priority;                                                 
  bool                          ok;                                                       
  if ( attr == NULL ) {                                                                   
  106b3c:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      
  106b3e:   0f 84 7c 01 00 00       je     106cc0 <pthread_getattr_np+0x190>              
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  attr = memset( attr, 0, sizeof( *attr ) );                                              
  106b44:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
  106b46:   f7 c7 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%edi                                      
  106b4c:   89 f9                   mov    %edi,%ecx                                      
  106b4e:   be 54 00 00 00          mov    $0x54,%esi                                     
  106b53:   0f 85 d7 01 00 00       jne    106d30 <pthread_getattr_np+0x200>              <== NEVER TAKEN
  106b59:   f6 c1 02                test   $0x2,%cl                                       
  106b5c:   0f 85 de 01 00 00       jne    106d40 <pthread_getattr_np+0x210>              <== NEVER TAKEN
  106b62:   89 f2                   mov    %esi,%edx                                      
  106b64:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  106b66:   83 e2 f8                and    $0xfffffff8,%edx                               
  106b69:   89 1c 01                mov    %ebx,(%ecx,%eax,1)                             
  106b6c:   89 5c 01 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%ecx,%eax,1)                          
  106b70:   83 c0 08                add    $0x8,%eax                                      
  106b73:   39 d0                   cmp    %edx,%eax                                      
  106b75:   72 f2                   jb     106b69 <pthread_getattr_np+0x39>               
  106b77:   01 c1                   add    %eax,%ecx                                      
  106b79:   f7 c6 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%esi                                      
  106b7f:   0f 85 7b 01 00 00       jne    106d00 <pthread_getattr_np+0x1d0>              <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  106b85:   f7 c6 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  106b8b:   0f 85 4f 01 00 00       jne    106ce0 <pthread_getattr_np+0x1b0>              <== NOT EXECUTED
  106b91:   83 e6 01                and    $0x1,%esi                                      
  106b94:   0f 85 36 01 00 00       jne    106cd0 <pthread_getattr_np+0x1a0>              <== NEVER TAKEN
  the_thread = _Thread_Get( thread, &lock_context );                                      
  106b9a:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  106b9d:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  106ba1:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  106ba4:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  106ba7:   e8 34 2e 00 00          call   1099e0 <_Thread_Get>                           
  if ( the_thread == NULL ) {                                                             
  106bac:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  the_thread = _Thread_Get( thread, &lock_context );                                      
  106bae:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
  if ( the_thread == NULL ) {                                                             
  106bb0:   0f 84 6a 01 00 00       je     106d20 <pthread_getattr_np+0x1f0>              
    return ESRCH;                                                                         
  _Thread_State_acquire_critical( the_thread, &lock_context );                            
  attr->stackaddr = the_thread->Start.Initial_stack.area;                                 
  106bb6:   8b 80 c4 00 00 00       mov    0xc4(%eax),%eax                                
#if defined(RTEMS_POSIX_API)                                                              
  const POSIX_API_Control *api;                                                           
  api = the_thread->API_Extensions[ THREAD_API_POSIX ];                                   
  106bbc:   8b 9e 0c 01 00 00       mov    0x10c(%esi),%ebx                               
  attr->stacksize = the_thread->Start.Initial_stack.size;                                 
  if ( the_thread->was_created_with_inherited_scheduler ) {                               
    attr->inheritsched = PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED;                                           
  } else {                                                                                
    attr->inheritsched = PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED;                                          
  106bc2:   80 be 83 00 00 00 01    cmpb   $0x1,0x83(%esi)                                
  attr->stackaddr = the_thread->Start.Initial_stack.area;                                 
  106bc9:   89 47 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%edi)                                 
  attr->stacksize = the_thread->Start.Initial_stack.size;                                 
  106bcc:   8b 86 c0 00 00 00       mov    0xc0(%esi),%eax                                
  param->sched_ss_low_priority = _POSIX_Priority_From_core(                               
  106bd2:   8b 53 34                mov    0x34(%ebx),%edx                                
  106bd5:   89 47 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%edi)                                 
    attr->inheritsched = PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED;                                          
  106bd8:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      
  106bdd:   83 d0 ff                adc    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  106be0:   89 47 10                mov    %eax,0x10(%edi)                                
  106be3:   8b 43 30                mov    0x30(%ebx),%eax                                
  106be6:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  106bea:   c7 04 24 c0 6c 18 00    movl   $0x186cc0,(%esp)                               
  106bf1:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  106bf5:   e8 86 59 00 00          call   10c580 <_POSIX_Priority_From_core>             
  priority = the_thread->Real_priority.priority;                                          
  if ( _Thread_Is_joinable( the_thread ) ) {                                              
  106bfa:   8b 8e 20 01 00 00       mov    0x120(%esi),%ecx                               
  priority = the_thread->Real_priority.priority;                                          
  106c00:   8b 56 34                mov    0x34(%esi),%edx                                
  if ( _Thread_Is_joinable( the_thread ) ) {                                              
  106c03:   c1 e9 04                shr    $0x4,%ecx                                      
  priority = the_thread->Real_priority.priority;                                          
  106c06:   89 55 d4                mov    %edx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  106c09:   89 47 1c                mov    %eax,0x1c(%edi)                                
  param->sched_ss_repl_period = api->Sporadic.sched_ss_repl_period;                       
  106c0c:   8b 43 38                mov    0x38(%ebx),%eax                                
  106c0f:   89 47 20                mov    %eax,0x20(%edi)                                
  106c12:   8b 43 3c                mov    0x3c(%ebx),%eax                                
  106c15:   89 47 24                mov    %eax,0x24(%edi)                                
  106c18:   8b 43 40                mov    0x40(%ebx),%eax                                
  106c1b:   89 47 28                mov    %eax,0x28(%edi)                                
  param->sched_ss_init_budget = api->Sporadic.sched_ss_init_budget;                       
  106c1e:   8b 43 44                mov    0x44(%ebx),%eax                                
  106c21:   89 47 2c                mov    %eax,0x2c(%edi)                                
  106c24:   8b 43 48                mov    0x48(%ebx),%eax                                
  106c27:   89 47 30                mov    %eax,0x30(%edi)                                
  106c2a:   8b 43 4c                mov    0x4c(%ebx),%eax                                
  106c2d:   89 47 34                mov    %eax,0x34(%edi)                                
  param->sched_ss_max_repl = api->Sporadic.sched_ss_max_repl;                             
  106c30:   8b 43 50                mov    0x50(%ebx),%eax                                
  106c33:   89 47 38                mov    %eax,0x38(%edi)                                
  106c36:   8b 46 30                mov    0x30(%esi),%eax                                
  } else {                                                                                
    attr->detachstate = PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED;                                          
  attr->affinityset = &attr->affinitysetpreallocated;                                     
  attr->affinitysetsize = sizeof( attr->affinitysetpreallocated );                        
  106c39:   c7 47 48 04 00 00 00    movl   $0x4,0x48(%edi)                                
  priority = the_thread->Real_priority.priority;                                          
  106c40:   89 45 d0                mov    %eax,-0x30(%ebp)                               
  if ( _Thread_Is_joinable( the_thread ) ) {                                              
  106c43:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax                                      
  106c45:   83 f0 01                xor    $0x1,%eax                                      
  106c48:   83 e0 01                and    $0x1,%eax                                      
  106c4b:   89 47 44                mov    %eax,0x44(%edi)                                
  attr->affinityset = &attr->affinitysetpreallocated;                                     
  106c4e:   8d 47 50                lea    0x50(%edi),%eax                                
  106c51:   89 47 4c                mov    %eax,0x4c(%edi)                                
  ok = _Scheduler_Get_affinity(                                                           
  106c54:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  106c58:   b8 04 00 00 00          mov    $0x4,%eax                                      
  106c5d:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  106c60:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  106c64:   e8 57 1e 00 00          call   108ac0 <_Scheduler_Get_affinity>               
  budget_algorithm = the_thread->budget_algorithm;                                        
  106c69:   8b b6 88 00 00 00       mov    0x88(%esi),%esi                                
  ok = _Scheduler_Get_affinity(                                                           
  106c6f:   88 c3                   mov    %al,%bl                                        
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( lock_context );                                                   
  106c71:   ff 75 e4                push   -0x1c(%ebp)                                    
  106c74:   9d                      popf                                                  
  _Thread_State_release( the_thread, &lock_context );                                     
  attr->is_initialized = true;                                                            
  106c75:   c7 07 01 00 00 00       movl   $0x1,(%edi)                                    
  attr->contentionscope = PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS;                                          
  attr->cputime_clock_allowed = 1;                                                        
  attr->schedparam.sched_priority = _POSIX_Priority_From_core(                            
  106c7b:   8b 55 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edx                               
  attr->contentionscope = PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS;                                          
  106c7e:   c7 47 0c 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0xc(%edi)                                 
  attr->schedparam.sched_priority = _POSIX_Priority_From_core(                            
  106c85:   8b 45 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%eax                               
  attr->cputime_clock_allowed = 1;                                                        
  106c88:   c7 47 40 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,0x40(%edi)                                
  attr->schedparam.sched_priority = _POSIX_Priority_From_core(                            
  106c8f:   c7 04 24 c0 6c 18 00    movl   $0x186cc0,(%esp)                               
  106c96:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  106c9a:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  106c9e:   e8 dd 58 00 00          call   10c580 <_POSIX_Priority_From_core>             
  106ca3:   89 47 18                mov    %eax,0x18(%edi)                                
  attr->schedpolicy =                                                                     
    _POSIX_Thread_Translate_to_sched_policy( budget_algorithm );                          
  106ca6:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  106ca9:   e8 32 67 00 00          call   10d3e0 <_POSIX_Thread_Translate_to_sched_policy>
  attr->schedpolicy =                                                                     
  106cae:   89 47 14                mov    %eax,0x14(%edi)                                
  return ok ? 0 : EINVAL;                                                                 
  106cb1:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  106cb3:   84 db                   test   %bl,%bl                                        
  106cb5:   74 09                   je     106cc0 <pthread_getattr_np+0x190>              <== NEVER TAKEN
  106cb7:   83 c4 3c                add    $0x3c,%esp                                     
  106cba:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  106cbb:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  106cbc:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  106cbd:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  106cbe:   c3                      ret                                                   
  106cbf:   90                      nop                                                   
  106cc0:   83 c4 3c                add    $0x3c,%esp                                     
  return ok ? 0 : EINVAL;                                                                 
  106cc3:   b8 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%eax                                     
  106cc8:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  106cc9:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  106cca:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  106ccb:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  106ccc:   c3                      ret                                                   
  106ccd:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  attr = memset( attr, 0, sizeof( *attr ) );                                              
  106cd0:   c6 01 00                movb   $0x0,(%ecx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  106cd3:   e9 c2 fe ff ff          jmp    106b9a <pthread_getattr_np+0x6a>               <== NOT EXECUTED
  106cd8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  106cdf:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  106ce0:   66 c7 01 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%ecx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  106ce5:   83 c1 02                add    $0x2,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  106ce8:   83 e6 01                and    $0x1,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  106ceb:   0f 84 a9 fe ff ff       je     106b9a <pthread_getattr_np+0x6a>               <== NOT EXECUTED
  106cf1:   eb dd                   jmp    106cd0 <pthread_getattr_np+0x1a0>              <== NOT EXECUTED
  106cf3:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  106cfa:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  106d00:   c7 01 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%ecx)                                    
  106d06:   83 c1 04                add    $0x4,%ecx                                      
  106d09:   f7 c6 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%esi                                      
  106d0f:   0f 84 7c fe ff ff       je     106b91 <pthread_getattr_np+0x61>               <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  106d15:   eb c9                   jmp    106ce0 <pthread_getattr_np+0x1b0>              <== NOT EXECUTED
  106d17:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  106d1e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    return ESRCH;                                                                         
  106d20:   b8 03 00 00 00          mov    $0x3,%eax                                      
  106d25:   eb 90                   jmp    106cb7 <pthread_getattr_np+0x187>              
  106d27:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  106d2e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  attr = memset( attr, 0, sizeof( *attr ) );                                              
  106d30:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  106d33:   8d 4f 01                lea    0x1(%edi),%ecx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  106d36:   be 53 00 00 00          mov    $0x53,%esi                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  106d3b:   e9 19 fe ff ff          jmp    106b59 <pthread_getattr_np+0x29>               <== NOT EXECUTED
  106d40:   66 c7 01 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%ecx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  106d45:   83 ee 02                sub    $0x2,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  106d48:   83 c1 02                add    $0x2,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  106d4b:   e9 12 fe ff ff          jmp    106b62 <pthread_getattr_np+0x32>               <== NOT EXECUTED

00107650 <pthread_getspecific>: */ void *pthread_getspecific( pthread_key_t key ) {
  107650:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
static inline struct _Thread_Control *_Per_CPU_Get_executing(                             
  const Per_CPU_Control *cpu                                                              
  return cpu->executing;                                                                  
  107651:   a1 98 de 15 00          mov    0x15de98,%eax                                  
  107656:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  107658:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  107659:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  10765a:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable_and_acquire( &the_thread->Keys.Lock, lock_context );              
  10765d:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  10765e:   fa                      cli                                                   
  10765f:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  RBTree_Node         *parent;                                                            
  link = _RBTree_Root_const_reference( the_rbtree );                                      
  parent = NULL;                                                                          
  while ( *link != NULL ) {                                                               
  107660:   8b 80 10 01 00 00       mov    0x110(%eax),%eax                               
  107666:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  107668:   75 13                   jne    10767d <pthread_getspecific+0x2d>              
  10766a:   eb 1e                   jmp    10768a <pthread_getspecific+0x3a>              
  10766c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  return &RB_RIGHT( the_node, Node );                                                     
  107670:   8d 48 04                lea    0x4(%eax),%ecx                                 
    parent = *link;                                                                       
    if ( ( *equal )( key, parent ) ) {                                                    
      return ( *map )( parent );                                                          
    } else if ( ( *less )( key, parent ) ) {                                              
  107673:   73 02                   jae    107677 <pthread_getspecific+0x27>              <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  return &RB_LEFT( the_node, Node );                                                      
  107675:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  while ( *link != NULL ) {                                                               
  107677:   8b 01                   mov    (%ecx),%eax                                    
  107679:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10767b:   74 0d                   je     10768a <pthread_getspecific+0x3a>              <== NEVER TAKEN
  const POSIX_Keys_Key_value_pair *the_right;                                             
  the_left = left;                                                                        
  the_right = POSIX_KEYS_RBTREE_NODE_TO_KEY_VALUE_PAIR( right );                          
  return *the_left == the_right->key;                                                     
  10767d:   8b 50 10                mov    0x10(%eax),%edx                                
  the_right = POSIX_KEYS_RBTREE_NODE_TO_KEY_VALUE_PAIR( right );                          
  107680:   8d 48 f8                lea    -0x8(%eax),%ecx                                
    if ( ( *equal )( key, parent ) ) {                                                    
  107683:   39 d3                   cmp    %edx,%ebx                                      
  107685:   75 e9                   jne    107670 <pthread_getspecific+0x20>              
  _POSIX_Keys_Key_value_acquire( executing, &lock_context );                              
  key_value_pair = _POSIX_Keys_Key_value_find( key, executing );                          
  if ( key_value_pair != NULL ) {                                                         
    value = key_value_pair->value;                                                        
  107687:   8b 41 20                mov    0x20(%ecx),%eax                                
  _ISR_lock_Release_and_ISR_enable( &the_thread->Keys.Lock, lock_context );               
  10768a:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  10768b:   9d                      popf                                                  
  _POSIX_Keys_Key_value_release( executing, &lock_context );                              
  return value;                                                                           
  10768c:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10768d:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10768e:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10768f:   c3                      ret                                                   

00107580 <pthread_key_delete>: * 17.1.3 Thread-Specific Data Key Deletion, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p. 167 */ int pthread_key_delete( pthread_key_t key ) {
  107580:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  107581:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  107583:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  107584:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  107585:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  107586:   83 ec 2c                sub    $0x2c,%esp                                     
  107589:   e8 82 0c 00 00          call   108210 <_RTEMS_Lock_allocator>                 
    _Objects_Get_no_protection( (Objects_Id) key, &_POSIX_Keys_Information );             
  10758e:   b8 40 a1 15 00          mov    $0x15a140,%eax                                 
  107593:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  107597:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10759a:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10759d:   e8 8e 33 00 00          call   10a930 <_Objects_Get_no_protection>            
  int                 eno;                                                                
  the_key = _POSIX_Keys_Get( key );                                                       
  if ( the_key != NULL ) {                                                                
  1075a2:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1075a4:   0f 84 86 00 00 00       je     107630 <pthread_key_delete+0xb0>               
  _Objects_Close( &_POSIX_Keys_Information, &the_key->Object );                           
  1075aa:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1075ae:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      
  1075b0:   c7 04 24 40 a1 15 00    movl   $0x15a140,(%esp)                               
  1075b7:   e8 a4 31 00 00          call   10a760 <_Objects_Close>                        
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  1075bc:   8b 5f 14                mov    0x14(%edi),%ebx                                
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  1075bf:   8d 47 18                lea    0x18(%edi),%eax                                
  1075c2:   89 45 e4                mov    %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  while ( !_Chain_Is_empty( &the_key->Key_value_pairs ) ) {                               
  1075c5:   39 d8                   cmp    %ebx,%eax                                      
  1075c7:   74 45                   je     10760e <pthread_key_delete+0x8e>               
  1075c9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    the_thread = key_value_pair->thread;                                                  
  1075d0:   8b 43 1c                mov    0x1c(%ebx),%eax                                
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable_and_acquire( &the_thread->Keys.Lock, lock_context );              
  1075d3:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  1075d4:   fa                      cli                                                   
  1075d5:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  1075d6:   8d 4b 08                lea    0x8(%ebx),%ecx                                 
  1075d9:   05 10 01 00 00          add    $0x110,%eax                                    
  1075de:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1075e2:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1075e5:   e8 56 35 00 00          call   10ab40 <_RBTree_Extract>                       
  _ISR_lock_Release_and_ISR_enable( &the_thread->Keys.Lock, lock_context );               
  1075ea:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  1075eb:   9d                      popf                                                  
  next           = the_node->next;                                                        
  1075ec:   8b 0b                   mov    (%ebx),%ecx                                    
  previous       = the_node->previous;                                                    
  1075ee:   8b 43 04                mov    0x4(%ebx),%eax                                 
  next->previous = previous;                                                              
  1075f1:   89 41 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%ecx)                                 
  previous->next = next;                                                                  
  1075f4:   89 08                   mov    %ecx,(%eax)                                    
  _Freechain_Put( &_POSIX_Keys_Keypool, key_value_pair );                                 
  1075f6:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1075fa:   c7 04 24 04 de 15 00    movl   $0x15de04,(%esp)                               
  107601:   e8 1a 0f 00 00          call   108520 <_Freechain_Put>                        
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  107606:   8b 5f 14                mov    0x14(%edi),%ebx                                
  while ( !_Chain_Is_empty( &the_key->Key_value_pairs ) ) {                               
  107609:   3b 5d e4                cmp    -0x1c(%ebp),%ebx                               
  10760c:   75 c2                   jne    1075d0 <pthread_key_delete+0x50>               <== NEVER TAKEN
  Objects_Control     *the_object                                                         
  _Assert( _Objects_Allocator_is_owner() );                                               
  _Assert( information->deallocate != NULL );                                             
  ( *information->deallocate )( information, the_object );                                
  10760e:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
    _POSIX_Keys_Destroy( the_key );                                                       
    eno = 0;                                                                              
  107612:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
  107614:   c7 04 24 40 a1 15 00    movl   $0x15a140,(%esp)                               
  10761b:   ff 15 4c a1 15 00       call   *0x15a14c                                      
  107621:   e8 0a 0c 00 00          call   108230 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
  return eno;                                                                             
  107626:   83 c4 2c                add    $0x2c,%esp                                     
  107629:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  10762b:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10762c:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10762d:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  10762e:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10762f:   c3                      ret                                                   
  107630:   e8 fb 0b 00 00          call   108230 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
    eno = EINVAL;                                                                         
  107635:   bb 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%ebx                                     
  10763a:   83 c4 2c                add    $0x2c,%esp                                     
  10763d:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  10763f:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  107640:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  107641:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  107642:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  107643:   c3                      ret                                                   
  107644:   90                      nop                                                   
  107645:   90                      nop                                                   
  107646:   90                      nop                                                   
  107647:   90                      nop                                                   
  107648:   90                      nop                                                   
  107649:   90                      nop                                                   
  10764a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10764b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10764c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10764d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10764e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10764f:   90                      nop                                                   

00107750 <pthread_mutex_getprioceiling>: #else pthread_mutex_t *mutex, #endif int *prioceiling ) {
  107750:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  107751:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  107753:   83 ec 38                sub    $0x38,%esp                                     
  107756:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  107759:   8b 75 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%esi                                 
  10775c:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  10775f:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  107762:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  if ( prioceiling == NULL ) {                                                            
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  the_mutex = _POSIX_Mutex_Get( RTEMS_DECONST( pthread_mutex_t *, mutex ) );              
  POSIX_MUTEX_VALIDATE_OBJECT( the_mutex, flags );                                        
  107765:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  107767:   74 49                   je     1077b2 <pthread_mutex_getprioceiling+0x62>     
  107769:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  10776b:   74 45                   je     1077b2 <pthread_mutex_getprioceiling+0x62>     
  10776d:   8b 13                   mov    (%ebx),%edx                                    
  10776f:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  107771:   31 d0                   xor    %edx,%eax                                      
  107773:   35 b8 13 1c 96          xor    $0x961c13b8,%eax                               
  107778:   83 e0 f8                and    $0xfffffff8,%eax                               
  10777b:   75 23                   jne    1077a0 <pthread_mutex_getprioceiling+0x50>     
  10777d:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  10777e:   fa                      cli                                                   
  10777f:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE POSIX_Mutex_Protocol _POSIX_Mutex_Get_protocol(                      
  unsigned long flags                                                                     
  return flags & POSIX_MUTEX_PROTOCOL_MASK;                                               
  107780:   83 e2 03                and    $0x3,%edx                                      
  _POSIX_Mutex_Acquire( the_mutex, &queue_context );                                      
  if ( _POSIX_Mutex_Get_protocol( flags ) == POSIX_MUTEX_PRIORITY_CEILING ) {             
  107783:   83 fa 02                cmp    $0x2,%edx                                      
  107786:   74 48                   je     1077d0 <pthread_mutex_getprioceiling+0x80>     
    *prioceiling = _POSIX_Priority_From_core(                                             
      _POSIX_Mutex_Get_scheduler( the_mutex ),                                            
      _POSIX_Mutex_Get_priority( the_mutex )                                              
  } else {                                                                                
    *prioceiling = 0;                                                                     
  107788:   c7 06 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%esi)                                    
  10778e:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  10778f:   9d                      popf                                                  
  _POSIX_Mutex_Release( the_mutex, &queue_context );                                      
  return 0;                                                                               
  107790:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  return 0;                                                                               
  107793:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  107795:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  107798:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  10779b:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10779d:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10779e:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10779f:   90                      nop                                                   
  POSIX_MUTEX_VALIDATE_OBJECT( the_mutex, flags );                                        
  1077a0:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  1077a3:   89 55 e4                mov    %edx,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  1077a6:   e8 95 05 00 00          call   107d40 <_POSIX_Mutex_Auto_initialization>      
  1077ab:   8b 55 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%edx                               
  1077ae:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  1077b0:   75 cb                   jne    10777d <pthread_mutex_getprioceiling+0x2d>     <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  1077b2:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  POSIX_MUTEX_VALIDATE_OBJECT( the_mutex, flags );                                        
  1077b5:   b8 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%eax                                     
  1077ba:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  1077bd:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  1077c0:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  1077c2:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1077c3:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1077c4:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1077cb:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1077cf:   90                      nop                                                   
    *prioceiling = _POSIX_Priority_From_core(                                             
  1077d0:   8b 43 2c                mov    0x2c(%ebx),%eax                                
  1077d3:   8b 53 30                mov    0x30(%ebx),%edx                                
  1077d6:   c7 04 24 40 9a 12 00    movl   $0x129a40,(%esp)                               
  1077dd:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1077e1:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1077e5:   e8 16 08 00 00          call   108000 <_POSIX_Priority_From_core>             
  1077ea:   89 06                   mov    %eax,(%esi)                                    
  1077ec:   eb a0                   jmp    10778e <pthread_mutex_getprioceiling+0x3e>     
  1077ee:   90                      nop                                                   
  1077ef:   90                      nop                                                   

001077f0 <pthread_mutex_init>: int pthread_mutex_init( pthread_mutex_t *mutex, const pthread_mutexattr_t *attr ) {
  1077f0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  1077f1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  1077f3:   83 ec 38                sub    $0x38,%esp                                     
  1077f6:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  1077f9:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  1077fc:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  1077ff:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  107802:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  POSIX_Mutex_Protocol       protocol;                                                    
  unsigned long              flags;                                                       
  Priority_Control           priority;                                                    
  const Scheduler_Control   *scheduler;                                                   
  if ( attr ) the_attr = attr;                                                            
  107805:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  107807:   74 37                   je     107840 <pthread_mutex_init+0x50>               
  else        the_attr = &_POSIX_Mutex_Default_attributes;                                
  /* Check for NULL mutex */                                                              
  if ( !mutex )                                                                           
  107809:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  10780b:   0f 84 da 00 00 00       je     1078eb <pthread_mutex_init+0xfb>               
   *  value in an uninitialized variable to make this fail.                               
   *  Thus, we do not look at *mutex.                                                     
  if ( !the_attr->is_initialized )                                                        
  107811:   8b 0a                   mov    (%edx),%ecx                                    
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  107813:   b8 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%eax                                     
  if ( !the_attr->is_initialized )                                                        
  107818:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  10781a:   74 0e                   je     10782a <pthread_mutex_init+0x3a>               
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  if ( !_POSIX_Is_valid_pshared( the_attr->process_shared ) ) {                           
  10781c:   83 7a 04 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x4(%edx)                                 
  107820:   77 08                   ja     10782a <pthread_mutex_init+0x3a>               
  107822:   8b 4a 0c                mov    0xc(%edx),%ecx                                 
   *  Determine the discipline of the mutex                                               
  switch ( the_attr->protocol ) {                                                         
  107825:   83 f9 02                cmp    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  107828:   76 66                   jbe    107890 <pthread_mutex_init+0xa0>               
  the_mutex->Recursive.nest_level = 0;                                                    
  _Priority_Node_initialize( &the_mutex->Priority_ceiling, priority );                    
  the_mutex->scheduler = scheduler;                                                       
  return 0;                                                                               
  10782a:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  10782d:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  107830:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  107833:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  107835:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  107836:   c3                      ret                                                   
  107837:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10783e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  if ( !mutex )                                                                           
  107840:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  107842:   0f 84 a3 00 00 00       je     1078eb <pthread_mutex_init+0xfb>               
  flags = (uintptr_t) the_mutex ^ POSIX_MUTEX_MAGIC;                                      
  107848:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
    priority = 0;                                                                         
  10784a:   31 f6                   xor    %esi,%esi                                      
  flags = (uintptr_t) the_mutex ^ POSIX_MUTEX_MAGIC;                                      
  10784c:   35 b8 13 1c 96          xor    $0x961c13b8,%eax                               
    priority = 0;                                                                         
  107851:   31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi                                      
  flags &= ~POSIX_MUTEX_FLAGS_MASK;                                                       
  107853:   83 e0 f8                and    $0xfffffff8,%eax                               
  107856:   89 03                   mov    %eax,(%ebx)                                    
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Priority_Node_initialize(                                      
  Priority_Node    *node,                                                                 
  Priority_Control  priority                                                              
  node->priority = priority;                                                              
  107858:   89 73 2c                mov    %esi,0x2c(%ebx)                                
  10785b:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  return 0;                                                                               
  10785e:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  107860:   89 7b 30                mov    %edi,0x30(%ebx)                                
  107863:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  queue->heads = NULL;                                                                    
  107866:   c7 43 0c 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0xc(%ebx)                                 
  queue->owner = NULL;                                                                    
  10786d:   c7 43 10 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x10(%ebx)                                
  queue->name = name;                                                                     
  107874:   c7 43 14 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x14(%ebx)                                
  the_mutex->Recursive.nest_level = 0;                                                    
  10787b:   c7 43 18 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x18(%ebx)                                
  the_mutex->scheduler = scheduler;                                                       
  107882:   89 53 34                mov    %edx,0x34(%ebx)                                
  107885:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  107888:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10788a:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10788b:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10788c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  switch ( the_attr->type ) {                                                             
  107890:   8b 72 10                mov    0x10(%edx),%esi                                
  107893:   83 fe 03                cmp    $0x3,%esi                                      
  107896:   77 92                   ja     10782a <pthread_mutex_init+0x3a>               
  flags = (uintptr_t) the_mutex ^ POSIX_MUTEX_MAGIC;                                      
  107898:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  10789a:   35 b8 13 1c 96          xor    $0x961c13b8,%eax                               
  flags &= ~POSIX_MUTEX_FLAGS_MASK;                                                       
  10789f:   83 e0 f8                and    $0xfffffff8,%eax                               
  flags |= protocol;                                                                      
  1078a2:   09 c8                   or     %ecx,%eax                                      
  if ( the_attr->type == PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE ) {                                      
  1078a4:   4e                      dec    %esi                                           
  1078a5:   75 03                   jne    1078aa <pthread_mutex_init+0xba>               <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    flags |= POSIX_MUTEX_RECURSIVE;                                                       
  1078a7:   83 c8 04                or     $0x4,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  the_mutex->flags = flags;                                                               
  1078aa:   89 03                   mov    %eax,(%ebx)                                    
  if ( protocol == POSIX_MUTEX_PRIORITY_CEILING ) {                                       
  1078ac:   83 f9 02                cmp    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  1078af:   75 4c                   jne    1078fd <pthread_mutex_init+0x10d>              
    prio_ceiling = the_attr->prio_ceiling;                                                
  1078b1:   8b 42 08                mov    0x8(%edx),%eax                                 
    if ( prio_ceiling == INT_MAX ) {                                                      
  1078b4:   3d ff ff ff 7f          cmp    $0x7fffffff,%eax                               
  1078b9:   75 06                   jne    1078c1 <pthread_mutex_init+0xd1>               
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE int _POSIX_Priority_Get_maximum(                                     
  const Scheduler_Control *scheduler                                                      
  _Assert( (int) scheduler->maximum_priority > 1 );                                       
  return (int) scheduler->maximum_priority - 1;                                           
  1078bb:   a1 7c 9a 12 00          mov    0x129a7c,%eax                                  
  1078c0:   48                      dec    %eax                                           
    priority = _POSIX_Priority_To_core( scheduler, prio_ceiling, &valid );                
  1078c1:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1078c5:   8d 55 e7                lea    -0x19(%ebp),%edx                               
  1078c8:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1078cc:   c7 04 24 40 9a 12 00    movl   $0x129a40,(%esp)                               
  1078d3:   e8 c8 06 00 00          call   107fa0 <_POSIX_Priority_To_core>               
    if ( !valid ) {                                                                       
  1078d8:   80 7d e7 00             cmpb   $0x0,-0x19(%ebp)                               
    priority = _POSIX_Priority_To_core( scheduler, prio_ceiling, &valid );                
  1078dc:   89 d7                   mov    %edx,%edi                                      
  1078de:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
    scheduler = _Thread_Scheduler_get_home( _Thread_Get_executing() );                    
  1078e0:   ba 40 9a 12 00          mov    $0x129a40,%edx                                 
    if ( !valid ) {                                                                       
  1078e5:   0f 85 6d ff ff ff       jne    107858 <pthread_mutex_init+0x68>               
  1078eb:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  1078ee:   b8 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%eax                                     
  1078f3:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  1078f6:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  1078f9:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  1078fb:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1078fc:   c3                      ret                                                   
    scheduler = NULL;                                                                     
  1078fd:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
    priority = 0;                                                                         
  1078ff:   31 f6                   xor    %esi,%esi                                      
  107901:   31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi                                      
  107903:   e9 50 ff ff ff          jmp    107858 <pthread_mutex_init+0x68>               
  107908:   90                      nop                                                   
  107909:   90                      nop                                                   
  10790a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10790b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10790c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10790d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10790e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10790f:   90                      nop                                                   

00107ba0 <pthread_mutex_setprioceiling>: int pthread_mutex_setprioceiling( pthread_mutex_t *mutex, int prioceiling, int *old_ceiling ) {
  107ba0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  107ba1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  107ba3:   83 ec 58                sub    $0x58,%esp                                     
  107ba6:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  107ba9:   8b 7d 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edi                                
  107bac:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  107baf:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 
  107bb2:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  POSIX_Mutex_Control *the_mutex;                                                         
  int                  error;                                                             
  int                  unlock_error;                                                      
  if ( old_ceiling == NULL ) {                                                            
  107bb5:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      
  107bb7:   74 37                   je     107bf0 <pthread_mutex_setprioceiling+0x50>     
   *  Must acquire the mutex before we can change it's ceiling.                           
   *  POSIX says block until we acquire it.                                               
  error = pthread_mutex_lock( mutex );                                                    
  107bb9:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  107bbc:   e8 4f fd ff ff          call   107910 <pthread_mutex_lock>                    
  if ( error != 0 ) {                                                                     
  107bc1:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  error = pthread_mutex_lock( mutex );                                                    
  107bc3:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  if ( error != 0 ) {                                                                     
  107bc5:   75 29                   jne    107bf0 <pthread_mutex_setprioceiling+0x50>     
  return flags & POSIX_MUTEX_PROTOCOL_MASK;                                               
  107bc7:   8b 06                   mov    (%esi),%eax                                    
  107bc9:   83 e0 03                and    $0x3,%eax                                      
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  the_mutex = _POSIX_Mutex_Get( mutex );                                                  
  if (                                                                                    
  107bcc:   83 f8 02                cmp    $0x2,%eax                                      
  107bcf:   74 3f                   je     107c10 <pthread_mutex_setprioceiling+0x70>     
      error = 0;                                                                          
    } else {                                                                              
      error = EINVAL;                                                                     
  } else {                                                                                
    *old_ceiling = 0;                                                                     
  107bd1:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    
    error = 0;                                                                            
  unlock_error = pthread_mutex_unlock( mutex );                                           
  107bd7:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  107bda:   e8 d1 01 00 00          call   107db0 <pthread_mutex_unlock>                  
  _Assert( unlock_error == 0 );                                                           
  (void) unlock_error;                                                                    
  return error;                                                                           
  107bdf:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  107be2:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  107be4:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  107be7:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  107bea:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  107bec:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  107bed:   c3                      ret                                                   
  107bee:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  107bf0:   bb 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%ebx                                     
  107bf5:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  107bf8:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  107bfb:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  107bfd:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  107c00:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  107c02:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  107c03:   c3                      ret                                                   
  107c04:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  107c0b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  107c0f:   90                      nop                                                   
    *old_ceiling = _POSIX_Priority_From_core( scheduler, old_priority );                  
  107c10:   8b 56 30                mov    0x30(%esi),%edx                                
  107c13:   8b 46 2c                mov    0x2c(%esi),%eax                                
  107c16:   c7 04 24 40 9a 12 00    movl   $0x129a40,(%esp)                               
  107c1d:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  107c21:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  107c25:   e8 d6 03 00 00          call   108000 <_POSIX_Priority_From_core>             
  107c2a:   89 07                   mov    %eax,(%edi)                                    
    new_priority = _POSIX_Priority_To_core( scheduler, prioceiling, &valid );             
  107c2c:   8d 45 c3                lea    -0x3d(%ebp),%eax                               
  107c2f:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  107c33:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  107c36:   c7 04 24 40 9a 12 00    movl   $0x129a40,(%esp)                               
  107c3d:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  107c41:   e8 5a 03 00 00          call   107fa0 <_POSIX_Priority_To_core>               
    if ( valid ) {                                                                        
  107c46:   80 7d c3 00             cmpb   $0x0,-0x3d(%ebp)                               
  107c4a:   75 14                   jne    107c60 <pthread_mutex_setprioceiling+0xc0>     
      error = EINVAL;                                                                     
  107c4c:   bb 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%ebx                                     
  107c51:   eb 84                   jmp    107bd7 <pthread_mutex_setprioceiling+0x37>     
  107c53:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  107c5a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  queue_context->Priority.update_count = 0;                                               
  107c60:   c7 45 d8 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x28(%ebp)                               
  return the_mutex->Recursive.Mutex.Queue.Queue.owner;                                    
  107c67:   8b 4e 10                mov    0x10(%esi),%ecx                                
  if ( owner != NULL ) {                                                                  
  107c6a:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  107c6c:   74 52                   je     107cc0 <pthread_mutex_setprioceiling+0x120>    <== NEVER TAKEN
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Thread_Wait_acquire(                                           
  Thread_Control       *the_thread,                                                       
  Thread_queue_Context *queue_context                                                     
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                     
  107c6e:   9c                      pushf                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  107c6f:   fa                      cli                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  107c70:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  107c71:   89 7d c4                mov    %edi,-0x3c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  node->priority = priority;                                                              
  107c74:   89 46 2c                mov    %eax,0x2c(%esi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  107c77:   8d 7d c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%edi                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  107c7a:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  107c7c:   89 56 30                mov    %edx,0x30(%esi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  107c7f:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  107c83:   8d 46 1c                lea    0x1c(%esi),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  107c86:   89 7c 24 0c             mov    %edi,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  107c8a:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  107c8e:   89 0c 24                mov    %ecx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  107c91:   e8 ba 36 00 00          call   10b350 <_Thread_Priority_changed>              <== NOT EXECUTED
  Thread_Control       *the_thread,                                                       
  Thread_queue_Context *queue_context                                                     
  _Thread_Wait_release_critical( the_thread, queue_context );                             
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                      
  107c96:   ff 75 c4                push   -0x3c(%ebp)                                    
  107c99:   9d                      popf                                                  
      _Thread_Priority_update( &queue_context );                                          
  107c9a:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  disable_level = cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level;                                
  107c9d:   a1 70 3c 13 00          mov    0x133c70,%eax                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level = disable_level + 1;                            
  107ca2:   40                      inc    %eax                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  107ca3:   a3 70 3c 13 00          mov    %eax,0x133c70                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  107ca8:   e8 23 37 00 00          call   10b3d0 <_Thread_Priority_update>               <== NOT EXECUTED
      _Thread_Dispatch_enable( cpu_self );                                                
  107cad:   c7 04 24 60 3c 13 00    movl   $0x133c60,(%esp)                               
  107cb4:   e8 97 39 00 00          call   10b650 <_Thread_Dispatch_enable>               
      error = 0;                                                                          
  107cb9:   e9 19 ff ff ff          jmp    107bd7 <pthread_mutex_setprioceiling+0x37>     
  107cbe:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
    the_mutex->Priority_ceiling.priority = priority_ceiling;                              
  107cc0:   89 46 2c                mov    %eax,0x2c(%esi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  107cc3:   8d 7d c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%edi                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  107cc6:   89 56 30                mov    %edx,0x30(%esi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  107cc9:   eb cf                   jmp    107c9a <pthread_mutex_setprioceiling+0xfa>     <== NOT EXECUTED
  107ccb:   90                      nop                                                   
  107ccc:   90                      nop                                                   
  107ccd:   90                      nop                                                   
  107cce:   90                      nop                                                   
  107ccf:   90                      nop                                                   

00107db0 <pthread_mutex_unlock>: */ int pthread_mutex_unlock( pthread_mutex_t *mutex ) {
  107db0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  107db1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  107db3:   83 ec 78                sub    $0x78,%esp                                     
  107db6:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  107db9:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  107dbc:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  107dbf:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  Thread_queue_Context  queue_context;                                                    
  Thread_Control       *executing;                                                        
  Status_Control        status;                                                           
  the_mutex = _POSIX_Mutex_Get( mutex );                                                  
  POSIX_MUTEX_VALIDATE_OBJECT( the_mutex, flags );                                        
  107dc2:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  107dc4:   0f 84 36 01 00 00       je     107f00 <pthread_mutex_unlock+0x150>            
  107dca:   8b 33                   mov    (%ebx),%esi                                    
  107dcc:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  107dce:   31 f0                   xor    %esi,%eax                                      
  107dd0:   35 b8 13 1c 96          xor    $0x961c13b8,%eax                               
  107dd5:   83 e0 f8                and    $0xfffffff8,%eax                               
  107dd8:   0f 85 12 01 00 00       jne    107ef0 <pthread_mutex_unlock+0x140>            
  _Thread_queue_Context_ISR_disable( queue_context, level );                              
  107dde:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  107ddf:   fa                      cli                                                   
  107de0:   58                      pop    %eax                                           
  107de1:   89 45 c4                mov    %eax,-0x3c(%ebp)                               
  executing = _POSIX_Mutex_Acquire( the_mutex, &queue_context );                          
  switch ( _POSIX_Mutex_Get_protocol( flags ) ) {                                         
  107de4:   83 e6 03                and    $0x3,%esi                                      
  107de7:   a1 78 3c 13 00          mov    0x133c78,%eax                                  
  107dec:   0f 84 de 00 00 00       je     107ed0 <pthread_mutex_unlock+0x120>            
  107df2:   83 fe 02                cmp    $0x2,%esi                                      
  107df5:   74 39                   je     107e30 <pthread_mutex_unlock+0x80>             
  if ( !_POSIX_Mutex_Is_owner( the_mutex, executing ) ) {                                 
  107df7:   3b 43 10                cmp    0x10(%ebx),%eax                                
  107dfa:   0f 85 d5 00 00 00       jne    107ed5 <pthread_mutex_unlock+0x125>            
  nest_level = the_mutex->Recursive.nest_level;                                           
  107e00:   8b 53 18                mov    0x18(%ebx),%edx                                
  if ( nest_level > 0 ) {                                                                 
  107e03:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  107e05:   0f 85 65 01 00 00       jne    107f70 <pthread_mutex_unlock+0x1c0>            <== NEVER TAKEN
  the_mutex->Recursive.Mutex.Queue.Queue.owner = owner;                                   
  107e0b:   c7 43 10 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x10(%ebx)                                
  heads = the_mutex->Recursive.Mutex.Queue.Queue.heads;                                   
  107e12:   8b 53 0c                mov    0xc(%ebx),%edx                                 
  if ( heads == NULL ) {                                                                  
  107e15:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  107e17:   0f 84 57 01 00 00       je     107f74 <pthread_mutex_unlock+0x1c4>            
  107e1d:   b9 28 a3 12 00          mov    $0x12a328,%ecx                                 
  107e22:   89 4c 24 10             mov    %ecx,0x10(%esp)                                
  107e26:   e9 13 01 00 00          jmp    107f3e <pthread_mutex_unlock+0x18e>            
  107e2b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  107e2f:   90                      nop                                                   
  unsigned int        nest_level;                                                         
  ISR_lock_Context    lock_context;                                                       
  Per_CPU_Control    *cpu_self;                                                           
  Thread_queue_Heads *heads;                                                              
  if ( !_POSIX_Mutex_Is_owner( the_mutex, executing ) ) {                                 
  107e30:   3b 43 10                cmp    0x10(%ebx),%eax                                
  107e33:   0f 85 9c 00 00 00       jne    107ed5 <pthread_mutex_unlock+0x125>            <== NEVER TAKEN
    _POSIX_Mutex_Release( the_mutex, queue_context );                                     
    return STATUS_NOT_OWNER;                                                              
  nest_level = the_mutex->Recursive.nest_level;                                           
  107e39:   8b 53 18                mov    0x18(%ebx),%edx                                
  if ( nest_level > 0 ) {                                                                 
  107e3c:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  107e3e:   0f 85 2c 01 00 00       jne    107f70 <pthread_mutex_unlock+0x1c0>            <== NEVER TAKEN
  _Thread_Resource_count_decrement( executing );                                          
  _Thread_queue_Context_clear_priority_updates( queue_context );                          
  _Thread_Wait_acquire_default_critical( executing, &lock_context );                      
  107e44:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  107e47:   8d 7b 1c                lea    0x1c(%ebx),%edi                                
  107e4a:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  107e4e:   8d 75 c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%esi                               
  107e51:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  107e55:   c7 45 d8 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x28(%ebp)                               
  107e5c:   e8 6f 34 00 00          call   10b2d0 <_Thread_Priority_remove>               
  disable_level = cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level;                                
  107e61:   a1 70 3c 13 00          mov    0x133c70,%eax                                  
  cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level = disable_level + 1;                            
  107e66:   40                      inc    %eax                                           
  107e67:   a3 70 3c 13 00          mov    %eax,0x133c70                                  
  _Thread_Wait_release_default_critical( executing, &lock_context );                      
  cpu_self = _Thread_queue_Dispatch_disable( queue_context );                             
  heads = the_mutex->Recursive.Mutex.Queue.Queue.heads;                                   
  107e6c:   8b 43 0c                mov    0xc(%ebx),%eax                                 
  if ( heads != NULL ) {                                                                  
  107e6f:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  107e71:   0f 84 19 01 00 00       je     107f90 <pthread_mutex_unlock+0x1e0>            
    const Thread_queue_Operations *operations;                                            
    Thread_Control                *new_owner;                                             
    operations = POSIX_MUTEX_PRIORITY_CEILING_TQ_OPERATIONS;                              
    new_owner = ( *operations->first )( heads );                                          
  107e77:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  107e7a:   83 c3 0c                add    $0xc,%ebx                                      
    new_owner = ( *operations->first )( heads );                                          
  107e7d:   ff 15 4c a3 12 00       call   *0x12a34c                                      
  the_mutex->Recursive.Mutex.Queue.Queue.owner = owner;                                   
  107e83:   89 43 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%ebx)                                 
  107e86:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  107e8a:   bf 3c a3 12 00          mov    $0x12a33c,%edi                                 
  107e8f:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  107e92:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  107e96:   89 45 b4                mov    %eax,-0x4c(%ebp)                               
  107e99:   e8 b2 33 00 00          call   10b250 <_Thread_Priority_add>                  
  107e9e:   8b 45 b4                mov    -0x4c(%ebp),%eax                               
  107ea1:   89 74 24 0c             mov    %esi,0xc(%esp)                                 
  107ea5:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  107ea9:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  107eac:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  107eb0:   e8 4b 3e 00 00          call   10bd00 <_Thread_queue_Extract_critical>        
  } else {                                                                                
    _POSIX_Mutex_Set_owner( the_mutex, NULL );                                            
    _POSIX_Mutex_Release( the_mutex, queue_context );                                     
  _Thread_Priority_update( queue_context );                                               
  107eb5:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  107eb8:   e8 13 35 00 00          call   10b3d0 <_Thread_Priority_update>               
  _Thread_Dispatch_enable( cpu_self );                                                    
  107ebd:   c7 04 24 60 3c 13 00    movl   $0x133c60,(%esp)                               
  107ec4:   e8 87 37 00 00          call   10b650 <_Thread_Dispatch_enable>               
  return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                               
  107ec9:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  107ecb:   eb 11                   jmp    107ede <pthread_mutex_unlock+0x12e>            
  107ecd:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  if ( !_POSIX_Mutex_Is_owner( the_mutex, executing ) ) {                                 
  107ed0:   3b 43 10                cmp    0x10(%ebx),%eax                                
  107ed3:   74 4b                   je     107f20 <pthread_mutex_unlock+0x170>            
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( lock_context );                                                   
  107ed5:   ff 75 c4                push   -0x3c(%ebp)                                    
  107ed8:   9d                      popf                                                  
    return STATUS_NOT_OWNER;                                                              
  107ed9:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  return _POSIX_Get_error( status );                                                      
  107ede:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  107ee1:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  107ee4:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  107ee7:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  107ee9:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  107eea:   c3                      ret                                                   
  107eeb:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  107eef:   90                      nop                                                   
  POSIX_MUTEX_VALIDATE_OBJECT( the_mutex, flags );                                        
  107ef0:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  107ef3:   e8 48 fe ff ff          call   107d40 <_POSIX_Mutex_Auto_initialization>      
  107ef8:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  107efa:   0f 85 de fe ff ff       jne    107dde <pthread_mutex_unlock+0x2e>             
  107f00:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  POSIX_MUTEX_VALIDATE_OBJECT( the_mutex, flags );                                        
  107f03:   b8 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%eax                                     
  107f08:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  107f0b:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  107f0e:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  107f10:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  107f11:   c3                      ret                                                   
  107f12:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  107f19:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  nest_level = the_mutex->Recursive.nest_level;                                           
  107f20:   8b 53 18                mov    0x18(%ebx),%edx                                
  if ( nest_level > 0 ) {                                                                 
  107f23:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  107f25:   75 49                   jne    107f70 <pthread_mutex_unlock+0x1c0>            <== NEVER TAKEN
  the_mutex->Recursive.Mutex.Queue.Queue.owner = owner;                                   
  107f27:   c7 43 10 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x10(%ebx)                                
  heads = the_mutex->Recursive.Mutex.Queue.Queue.heads;                                   
  107f2e:   8b 53 0c                mov    0xc(%ebx),%edx                                 
  if ( heads == NULL ) {                                                                  
  107f31:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  107f33:   74 3f                   je     107f74 <pthread_mutex_unlock+0x1c4>            
  107f35:   be 50 a3 12 00          mov    $0x12a350,%esi                                 
  107f3a:   89 74 24 10             mov    %esi,0x10(%esp)                                
  107f3e:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  107f42:   8d 4d c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  107f45:   83 c3 0c                add    $0xc,%ebx                                      
  107f48:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  107f4b:   89 4c 24 0c             mov    %ecx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  107f4f:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  107f53:   e8 c8 3e 00 00          call   10be20 <_Thread_queue_Surrender>               
  107f58:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                               
  107f5b:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  107f5d:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  107f60:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  107f63:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  107f65:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  107f66:   c3                      ret                                                   
  107f67:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  107f6e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
    the_mutex->Recursive.nest_level = nest_level - 1;                                     
  107f70:   4a                      dec    %edx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  107f71:   89 53 18                mov    %edx,0x18(%ebx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  107f74:   ff 75 c4                push   -0x3c(%ebp)                                    
  107f77:   9d                      popf                                                  
  107f78:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
    return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                             
  107f7b:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  107f7d:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  107f80:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  107f83:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  107f85:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  107f86:   c3                      ret                                                   
  107f87:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  107f8e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  the_mutex->Recursive.Mutex.Queue.Queue.owner = owner;                                   
  107f90:   c7 43 10 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x10(%ebx)                                
  107f97:   ff 75 c4                push   -0x3c(%ebp)                                    
  107f9a:   9d                      popf                                                  
  107f9b:   e9 15 ff ff ff          jmp    107eb5 <pthread_mutex_unlock+0x105>            

001076b0 <pthread_mutexattr_setpshared>: int pthread_mutexattr_setpshared( pthread_mutexattr_t *attr, int pshared ) {
  1076b0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )                                                   
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  1076b1:   ba 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%edx                                     
  1076b6:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  1076b8:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )                                                   
  1076bb:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1076bd:   74 14                   je     1076d3 <pthread_mutexattr_setpshared+0x23>     
  1076bf:   8b 08                   mov    (%eax),%ecx                                    
  1076c1:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  1076c3:   74 0e                   je     1076d3 <pthread_mutexattr_setpshared+0x23>     
  switch ( pshared ) {                                                                    
  1076c5:   83 7d 0c 01             cmpl   $0x1,0xc(%ebp)                                 
  1076c9:   77 08                   ja     1076d3 <pthread_mutexattr_setpshared+0x23>     <== NEVER TAKEN
    case PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED:                                                          
    case PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE:                                                         
      attr->process_shared = pshared;                                                     
  1076cb:   8b 4d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ecx                                 
      return 0;                                                                           
  1076ce:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
      attr->process_shared = pshared;                                                     
  1076d0:   89 48 04                mov    %ecx,0x4(%eax)                                 
      return EINVAL;                                                                      
  1076d3:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1076d4:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
  1076d6:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1076d7:   90                      nop                                                   
  1076d8:   90                      nop                                                   
  1076d9:   90                      nop                                                   
  1076da:   90                      nop                                                   
  1076db:   90                      nop                                                   
  1076dc:   90                      nop                                                   
  1076dd:   90                      nop                                                   
  1076de:   90                      nop                                                   
  1076df:   90                      nop                                                   

00103cf0 <pthread_mutexattr_settype>: #if defined(_UNIX98_THREAD_MUTEX_ATTRIBUTES) int pthread_mutexattr_settype( pthread_mutexattr_t *attr, int type ) {
  103cf0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  103cf1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  103cf3:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  if ( !attr || !attr->is_initialized )                                                   
  103cf6:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  103cf8:   74 16                   je     103d10 <pthread_mutexattr_settype+0x20>        
  103cfa:   8b 10                   mov    (%eax),%edx                                    
  103cfc:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  103cfe:   74 10                   je     103d10 <pthread_mutexattr_settype+0x20>        <== NEVER TAKEN
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  switch ( type ) {                                                                       
  103d00:   83 7d 0c 03             cmpl   $0x3,0xc(%ebp)                                 
  103d04:   77 0a                   ja     103d10 <pthread_mutexattr_settype+0x20>        
    case PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL:                                                            
    case PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE:                                                         
    case PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK:                                                        
    case PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT:                                                           
      attr->type = type;                                                                  
  103d06:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  103d09:   89 50 10                mov    %edx,0x10(%eax)                                
      return 0;                                                                           
  103d0c:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
      return EINVAL;                                                                      
  103d0e:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  103d0f:   c3                      ret                                                   
  103d10:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  103d11:   b8 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%eax                                     
  103d16:   c3                      ret                                                   
  103d17:   90                      nop                                                   
  103d18:   90                      nop                                                   
  103d19:   90                      nop                                                   
  103d1a:   90                      nop                                                   
  103d1b:   90                      nop                                                   
  103d1c:   90                      nop                                                   
  103d1d:   90                      nop                                                   
  103d1e:   90                      nop                                                   
  103d1f:   90                      nop                                                   

001061c0 <pthread_rwlock_init>: int pthread_rwlock_init( pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock, const pthread_rwlockattr_t *attr ) {
  1061c0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  1061c1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  1061c3:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp                                     
  1061c6:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1061c9:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  POSIX_RWLock_Control *the_rwlock;                                                       
  the_rwlock = _POSIX_RWLock_Get( rwlock );                                               
  if ( the_rwlock == NULL ) {                                                             
  1061cc:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1061ce:   74 30                   je     106200 <pthread_rwlock_init+0x40>              
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  if ( attr != NULL ) {                                                                   
  1061d0:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  1061d2:   74 0c                   je     1061e0 <pthread_rwlock_init+0x20>              
    if ( !attr->is_initialized ) {                                                        
  1061d4:   8b 0a                   mov    (%edx),%ecx                                    
  1061d6:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  1061d8:   74 26                   je     106200 <pthread_rwlock_init+0x40>              <== NEVER TAKEN
      return EINVAL;                                                                      
    if ( !_POSIX_Is_valid_pshared( attr->process_shared ) ) {                             
  1061da:   83 7a 04 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x4(%edx)                                 
  1061de:   77 20                   ja     106200 <pthread_rwlock_init+0x40>              
      return EINVAL;                                                                      
  the_rwlock->flags = (uintptr_t) the_rwlock ^ POSIX_RWLOCK_MAGIC;                        
  1061e0:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  _CORE_RWLock_Initialize( &the_rwlock->RWLock );                                         
  1061e2:   83 c0 04                add    $0x4,%eax                                      
  the_rwlock->flags = (uintptr_t) the_rwlock ^ POSIX_RWLOCK_MAGIC;                        
  1061e5:   81 f2 bd da 21 96       xor    $0x9621dabd,%edx                               
  1061eb:   89 50 fc                mov    %edx,-0x4(%eax)                                
  _CORE_RWLock_Initialize( &the_rwlock->RWLock );                                         
  1061ee:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1061f1:   e8 8a 16 00 00          call   107880 <_CORE_RWLock_Initialize>               
  return 0;                                                                               
  1061f6:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  return 0;                                                                               
  1061f8:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1061fa:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1061fb:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1061fc:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  106200:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  106202:   b8 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%eax                                     
  106207:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  106208:   c3                      ret                                                   
  106209:   90                      nop                                                   
  10620a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10620b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10620c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10620d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10620e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10620f:   90                      nop                                                   

00106370 <pthread_rwlock_unlock>: int pthread_rwlock_unlock( pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock ) {
  106370:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  106371:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  106373:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  106374:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  106375:   83 ec 30                sub    $0x30,%esp                                     
  106378:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  POSIX_RWLock_Control *the_rwlock;                                                       
  Status_Control        status;                                                           
  the_rwlock = _POSIX_RWLock_Get( rwlock );                                               
  POSIX_RWLOCK_VALIDATE_OBJECT( the_rwlock );                                             
  10637b:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  10637d:   74 61                   je     1063e0 <pthread_rwlock_unlock+0x70>            
  10637f:   89 de                   mov    %ebx,%esi                                      
  106381:   81 f6 bd da 21 96       xor    $0x9621dabd,%esi                               
  106387:   3b 33                   cmp    (%ebx),%esi                                    
  106389:   74 32                   je     1063bd <pthread_rwlock_unlock+0x4d>            
  memset( &zero, 0, sizeof( zero ) );                                                     
  10638b:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  10638d:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10638f:   89 54 05 d8             mov    %edx,-0x28(%ebp,%eax,1)                        
  106393:   89 54 05 dc             mov    %edx,-0x24(%ebp,%eax,1)                        
  106397:   83 c0 08                add    $0x8,%eax                                      
  10639a:   83 f8 20                cmp    $0x20,%eax                                     
  10639d:   72 f0                   jb     10638f <pthread_rwlock_unlock+0x1f>            
  if ( memcmp( the_rwlock, &zero, sizeof( *the_rwlock ) ) != 0 ) {                        
  10639f:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1063a2:   b8 20 00 00 00          mov    $0x20,%eax                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  1063a7:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1063ab:   8d 45 d8                lea    -0x28(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1063ae:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1063b2:   e8 78 69 01 00          call   11cd2f <memcmp>                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1063b7:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1063b9:   75 25                   jne    1063e0 <pthread_rwlock_unlock+0x70>            
  the_rwlock->flags = (uintptr_t) the_rwlock ^ POSIX_RWLOCK_MAGIC;                        
  1063bb:   89 33                   mov    %esi,(%ebx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  status = _CORE_RWLock_Surrender( &the_rwlock->RWLock );                                 
  1063bd:   83 c3 04                add    $0x4,%ebx                                      
  1063c0:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  1063c3:   e8 98 16 00 00          call   107a60 <_CORE_RWLock_Surrender>                
  return _POSIX_Get_error( status );                                                      
  1063c8:   83 c4 30                add    $0x30,%esp                                     
  1063cb:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  1063cc:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  1063cd:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  status = _CORE_RWLock_Surrender( &the_rwlock->RWLock );                                 
  1063cf:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
  1063d1:   c1 fa 1f                sar    $0x1f,%edx                                     
  1063d4:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1063d5:   0f b6 c2                movzbl %dl,%eax                                       
  1063d8:   01 c8                   add    %ecx,%eax                                      
  1063da:   c1 f8 08                sar    $0x8,%eax                                      
  1063dd:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1063de:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  1063e0:   83 c4 30                add    $0x30,%esp                                     
  POSIX_RWLOCK_VALIDATE_OBJECT( the_rwlock );                                             
  1063e3:   b8 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%eax                                     
  1063e8:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  1063e9:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  1063ea:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1063eb:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1063ec:   90                      nop                                                   
  1063ed:   90                      nop                                                   
  1063ee:   90                      nop                                                   
  1063ef:   90                      nop                                                   

00106ee0 <pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared>: int pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared( pthread_rwlockattr_t *attr, int pshared ) {
  106ee0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  if ( !attr )                                                                            
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  106ee1:   ba 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%edx                                     
  106ee6:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  106ee8:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  if ( !attr )                                                                            
  106eeb:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  106eed:   74 14                   je     106f03 <pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared+0x23>    
  if ( !attr->is_initialized )                                                            
  106eef:   8b 08                   mov    (%eax),%ecx                                    
  106ef1:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  106ef3:   74 0e                   je     106f03 <pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared+0x23>    
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  switch ( pshared ) {                                                                    
  106ef5:   83 7d 0c 01             cmpl   $0x1,0xc(%ebp)                                 
  106ef9:   77 08                   ja     106f03 <pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared+0x23>    <== NEVER TAKEN
    case PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED:                                                          
    case PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE:                                                         
      attr->process_shared = pshared;                                                     
  106efb:   8b 4d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ecx                                 
      return 0;                                                                           
  106efe:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
      attr->process_shared = pshared;                                                     
  106f00:   89 48 04                mov    %ecx,0x4(%eax)                                 
      return EINVAL;                                                                      
  106f03:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  106f04:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
  106f06:   c3                      ret                                                   
  106f07:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f08:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f09:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f0a:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f0b:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f0c:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f0d:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f0e:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f0f:   90                      nop                                                   

00105b60 <pthread_setcancelstate>: int pthread_setcancelstate( int state, int *oldstate ) {
  105b60:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  105b61:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  105b63:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp                                     
  105b66:   89 5d f8                mov    %ebx,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  105b69:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  105b6c:   89 75 fc                mov    %esi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  105b6f:   8b 75 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%esi                                 
  Thread_Life_state new_life_protection;                                                  
  Thread_Life_state previous_life_state;                                                  
  if ( _ISR_Is_in_progress() ) {                                                          
  105b72:   e8 89 12 00 00          call   106e00 <_ISR_Is_in_progress>                   
  105b77:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  105b79:   75 55                   jne    105bd0 <pthread_setcancelstate+0x70>           
    return EPROTO;                                                                        
  if ( state == PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE ) {                                                
  105b7b:   83 fb 01                cmp    $0x1,%ebx                                      
  105b7e:   0f 84 7c 00 00 00       je     105c00 <pthread_setcancelstate+0xa0>           <== NEVER TAKEN
    new_life_protection = THREAD_LIFE_PROTECTED;                                          
  } else if ( state == PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE ) {                                          
  105b84:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  105b86:   75 58                   jne    105be0 <pthread_setcancelstate+0x80>           
    new_life_protection = 0;                                                              
  105b88:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  } else {                                                                                
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  previous_life_state = _Thread_Set_life_protection( new_life_protection );               
  105b8a:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  105b8d:   e8 9e 48 00 00          call   10a430 <_Thread_Set_life_protection>           
  if ( oldstate != NULL ) {                                                               
  105b92:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  105b94:   74 5a                   je     105bf0 <pthread_setcancelstate+0x90>           
    if ( ( previous_life_state & THREAD_LIFE_PROTECTED ) != 0 ) {                         
  105b96:   a8 01                   test   $0x1,%al                                       
  105b98:   74 16                   je     105bb0 <pthread_setcancelstate+0x50>           <== ALWAYS TAKEN
      *oldstate = PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE;                                                 
  105b9a:   c7 06 01 00 00 00       movl   $0x1,(%esi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
      *oldstate = PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE;                                                  
  return 0;                                                                               
  105ba0:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  return 0;                                                                               
  105ba3:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ba5:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ba8:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105baa:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105bab:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105bac:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
      *oldstate = PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE;                                                  
  105bb0:   c7 06 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%esi)                                    
  105bb6:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                
  return 0;                                                                               
  105bb9:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  105bbb:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                
  105bbe:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  105bc0:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105bc1:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105bc2:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105bc9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105bd0:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                
    return EPROTO;                                                                        
  105bd3:   b8 47 00 00 00          mov    $0x47,%eax                                     
  105bd8:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                
  105bdb:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  105bdd:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105bde:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105bdf:   90                      nop                                                   
  105be0:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  105be3:   b8 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%eax                                     
  105be8:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                
  105beb:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  105bed:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105bee:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105bef:   90                      nop                                                   
  105bf0:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                
  return 0;                                                                               
  105bf3:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  105bf5:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                
  105bf8:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  105bfa:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105bfb:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105bfc:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    new_life_protection = THREAD_LIFE_PROTECTED;                                          
  105c00:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c05:   eb 83                   jmp    105b8a <pthread_setcancelstate+0x2a>           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c07:   90                      nop                                                   
  105c08:   90                      nop                                                   
  105c09:   90                      nop                                                   
  105c0a:   90                      nop                                                   
  105c0b:   90                      nop                                                   
  105c0c:   90                      nop                                                   
  105c0d:   90                      nop                                                   
  105c0e:   90                      nop                                                   
  105c0f:   90                      nop                                                   

00105c10 <pthread_setcanceltype>: int pthread_setcanceltype( int type, int *oldtype ) {
  105c10:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  105c11:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  105c13:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp                                     
  105c16:   89 5d f8                mov    %ebx,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  105c19:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  105c1c:   89 75 fc                mov    %esi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  105c1f:   8b 75 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%esi                                 
  Thread_Life_state set_life_state;                                                       
  Thread_Life_state previous_life_state;                                                  
  if ( _ISR_Is_in_progress() ) {                                                          
  105c22:   e8 d9 11 00 00          call   106e00 <_ISR_Is_in_progress>                   
  105c27:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  105c29:   75 55                   jne    105c80 <pthread_setcanceltype+0x70>            
    return EPROTO;                                                                        
  if ( type == PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED ) {                                                
  105c2b:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  105c2d:   74 41                   je     105c70 <pthread_setcanceltype+0x60>            
    set_life_state = THREAD_LIFE_CHANGE_DEFERRED;                                         
  } else if ( type == PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS ) {                                     
  105c2f:   4b                      dec    %ebx                                           
  105c30:   75 7e                   jne    105cb0 <pthread_setcanceltype+0xa0>            
    set_life_state = 0;                                                                   
  105c32:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  } else {                                                                                
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  previous_life_state = _Thread_Change_life(                                              
  105c34:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105c38:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  105c3a:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  105c3e:   c7 04 24 08 00 00 00    movl   $0x8,(%esp)                                    
  105c45:   e8 06 47 00 00          call   10a350 <_Thread_Change_life>                   
  if ( oldtype != NULL ) {                                                                
  105c4a:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  105c4c:   74 72                   je     105cc0 <pthread_setcanceltype+0xb0>            
    if ( ( previous_life_state & THREAD_LIFE_CHANGE_DEFERRED ) != 0 ) {                   
  105c4e:   a8 08                   test   $0x8,%al                                       
  105c50:   74 3e                   je     105c90 <pthread_setcanceltype+0x80>            <== NEVER TAKEN
      *oldtype = PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED;                                                 
  105c52:   c7 06 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%esi)                                    
      *oldtype = PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS;                                             
  return 0;                                                                               
  105c58:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                
  return 0;                                                                               
  105c5b:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  105c5d:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                
  105c60:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  105c62:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105c63:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105c64:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105c6b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105c6f:   90                      nop                                                   
    set_life_state = THREAD_LIFE_CHANGE_DEFERRED;                                         
  105c70:   b8 08 00 00 00          mov    $0x8,%eax                                      
  105c75:   eb bd                   jmp    105c34 <pthread_setcanceltype+0x24>            
  105c77:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105c7e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  105c80:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                
    return EPROTO;                                                                        
  105c83:   b8 47 00 00 00          mov    $0x47,%eax                                     
  105c88:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                
  105c8b:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  105c8d:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105c8e:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105c8f:   90                      nop                                                   
      *oldtype = PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS;                                             
  105c90:   c7 06 01 00 00 00       movl   $0x1,(%esi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c96:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  return 0;                                                                               
  105c99:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c9b:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c9e:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ca0:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ca1:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ca2:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ca9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  105cb0:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  105cb3:   b8 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%eax                                     
  105cb8:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                
  105cbb:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  105cbd:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105cbe:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105cbf:   90                      nop                                                   
  105cc0:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                
  return 0;                                                                               
  105cc3:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  105cc5:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                
  105cc8:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  105cca:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105ccb:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105ccc:   90                      nop                                                   
  105ccd:   90                      nop                                                   
  105cce:   90                      nop                                                   
  105ccf:   90                      nop                                                   

00108910 <pthread_setschedparam>: const struct sched_param *param #else struct sched_param *param #endif ) {
  108910:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  108911:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  108913:   81 ec 88 00 00 00       sub    $0x88,%esp                                     
  108919:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  10891c:   8b 75 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%esi                                
  10891f:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  108922:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  Thread_Control                      *the_thread;                                        
  Per_CPU_Control                     *cpu_self;                                          
  Thread_queue_Context                 queue_context;                                     
  int                                  error;                                             
  if ( param == NULL ) {                                                                  
  108925:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  108927:   0f 84 03 02 00 00       je     108b30 <pthread_setschedparam+0x220>           
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  error = _POSIX_Thread_Translate_sched_param(                                            
  10892d:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  108931:   8d 45 c0                lea    -0x40(%ebp),%eax                               
  108934:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  108938:   8d 45 bc                lea    -0x44(%ebp),%eax                               
  10893b:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10893f:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  108942:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  108945:   e8 a6 65 00 00          call   10eef0 <_POSIX_Thread_Translate_sched_param>   
  10894a:   89 45 b4                mov    %eax,-0x4c(%ebp)                               
  if ( error != 0 ) {                                                                     
  10894d:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10894f:   74 1f                   je     108970 <pthread_setschedparam+0x60>            
  cpu_self = _Thread_queue_Dispatch_disable( &queue_context );                            
  _Thread_Wait_release( the_thread, &queue_context );                                     
  _Thread_Priority_update( &queue_context );                                              
  _Thread_Dispatch_enable( cpu_self );                                                    
  return error;                                                                           
  108951:   8b 45 b4                mov    -0x4c(%ebp),%eax                               
  108954:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  108957:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  10895a:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  10895d:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10895f:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  108960:   c3                      ret                                                   
  108961:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  108968:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10896f:   90                      nop                                                   
  queue_context->Priority.update_count = 0;                                               
  108970:   c7 45 d8 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x28(%ebp)                               
  the_thread = _Thread_Get( thread, &queue_context.Lock_context.Lock_context );           
  108977:   8d 45 c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10897a:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10897e:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  108981:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  108984:   e8 47 2d 00 00          call   10b6d0 <_Thread_Get>                           
  if ( the_thread == NULL ) {                                                             
  108989:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  the_thread = _Thread_Get( thread, &queue_context.Lock_context.Lock_context );           
  10898b:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      
  if ( the_thread == NULL ) {                                                             
  10898d:   0f 84 bd 01 00 00       je     108b50 <pthread_setschedparam+0x240>           
  error = _POSIX_Set_sched_param(                                                         
  108993:   8b 45 c0                mov    -0x40(%ebp),%eax                               
  normal_prio = param->sched_priority;                                                    
  108996:   8b 0e                   mov    (%esi),%ecx                                    
  core_normal_prio = _POSIX_Priority_To_core( scheduler, normal_prio, &valid );           
  108998:   c7 04 24 40 9a 12 00    movl   $0x129a40,(%esp)                               
  error = _POSIX_Set_sched_param(                                                         
  10899f:   89 45 b0                mov    %eax,-0x50(%ebp)                               
  1089a2:   8b 45 bc                mov    -0x44(%ebp),%eax                               
  core_normal_prio = _POSIX_Priority_To_core( scheduler, normal_prio, &valid );           
  1089a5:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1089a9:   89 4d a8                mov    %ecx,-0x58(%ebp)                               
  error = _POSIX_Set_sched_param(                                                         
  1089ac:   89 45 a4                mov    %eax,-0x5c(%ebp)                               
  core_normal_prio = _POSIX_Priority_To_core( scheduler, normal_prio, &valid );           
  1089af:   8d 45 bb                lea    -0x45(%ebp),%eax                               
  1089b2:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1089b6:   e8 e5 f5 ff ff          call   107fa0 <_POSIX_Priority_To_core>               
  if ( !valid ) {                                                                         
  1089bb:   8b 4d a8                mov    -0x58(%ebp),%ecx                               
  1089be:   80 7d bb 00             cmpb   $0x0,-0x45(%ebp)                               
  core_normal_prio = _POSIX_Priority_To_core( scheduler, normal_prio, &valid );           
  1089c2:   89 45 98                mov    %eax,-0x68(%ebp)                               
  1089c5:   89 55 9c                mov    %edx,-0x64(%ebp)                               
  if ( !valid ) {                                                                         
  1089c8:   0f 84 42 01 00 00       je     108b10 <pthread_setschedparam+0x200>           <== NEVER TAKEN
  if ( policy == SCHED_SPORADIC ) {                                                       
  1089ce:   83 7d 0c 04             cmpl   $0x4,0xc(%ebp)                                 
  1089d2:   0f 84 48 01 00 00       je     108b20 <pthread_setschedparam+0x210>           
  core_low_prio = _POSIX_Priority_To_core( scheduler, low_prio, &valid );                 
  1089d8:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1089dc:   8d 45 bb                lea    -0x45(%ebp),%eax                               
  1089df:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1089e3:   c7 04 24 40 9a 12 00    movl   $0x129a40,(%esp)                               
  1089ea:   e8 b1 f5 ff ff          call   107fa0 <_POSIX_Priority_To_core>               
  if ( !valid ) {                                                                         
  1089ef:   80 7d bb 00             cmpb   $0x0,-0x45(%ebp)                               
  core_low_prio = _POSIX_Priority_To_core( scheduler, low_prio, &valid );                 
  1089f3:   89 45 a8                mov    %eax,-0x58(%ebp)                               
  1089f6:   89 55 ac                mov    %edx,-0x54(%ebp)                               
  if ( !valid ) {                                                                         
  1089f9:   0f 84 11 01 00 00       je     108b10 <pthread_setschedparam+0x200>           
  api = the_thread->API_Extensions[ THREAD_API_POSIX ];                                   
  1089ff:   8b 97 0c 01 00 00       mov    0x10c(%edi),%edx                               
  108a05:   8d 5d c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%ebx                               
  108a08:   c7 04 24 90 3c 13 00    movl   $0x133c90,(%esp)                               
  _Watchdog_Per_CPU_remove_ticks( &api->Sporadic.Timer );                                 
  108a0f:   89 55 a0                mov    %edx,-0x60(%ebp)                               
  108a12:   8d 42 04                lea    0x4(%edx),%eax                                 
  108a15:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  108a19:   89 45 94                mov    %eax,-0x6c(%ebp)                               
  108a1c:   e8 8f 4d 00 00          call   10d7b0 <_Watchdog_Remove>                      
  108a21:   8b 55 9c                mov    -0x64(%ebp),%edx                               
  108a24:   8b 45 98                mov    -0x68(%ebp),%eax                               
  108a27:   89 57 34                mov    %edx,0x34(%edi)                                
  if ( _Priority_Node_is_active( &api->Sporadic.Low_priority ) ) {                        
  108a2a:   8b 55 a0                mov    -0x60(%ebp),%edx                               
  108a2d:   89 47 30                mov    %eax,0x30(%edi)                                
  108a30:   8d 47 20                lea    0x20(%edi),%eax                                
  if ( _Priority_Node_is_active( &api->Sporadic.Low_priority ) ) {                        
  108a33:   83 7a 2c ff             cmpl   $0xffffffff,0x2c(%edx)                         
  108a37:   89 55 98                mov    %edx,-0x68(%ebp)                               
  108a3a:   0f 84 20 01 00 00       je     108b60 <pthread_setschedparam+0x250>           
  108a40:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  108a44:   89 5c 24 08             mov    %ebx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  108a48:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  108a4b:   e8 00 28 00 00          call   10b250 <_Thread_Priority_add>                  
  108a50:   8b 55 98                mov    -0x68(%ebp),%edx                               
  108a53:   89 5c 24 08             mov    %ebx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  108a57:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  108a5a:   8d 42 20                lea    0x20(%edx),%eax                                
  108a5d:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  108a61:   e8 6a 28 00 00          call   10b2d0 <_Thread_Priority_remove>               
  RB_COLOR( the_node, Node ) = -1;                                                        
  108a66:   8b 55 98                mov    -0x68(%ebp),%edx                               
  108a69:   c7 42 2c ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x2c(%edx)                         
  the_thread->budget_algorithm = budget_algorithm;                                        
  108a70:   8b 45 a4                mov    -0x5c(%ebp),%eax                               
  108a73:   8b 4d a8                mov    -0x58(%ebp),%ecx                               
  108a76:   8b 5d ac                mov    -0x54(%ebp),%ebx                               
  if ( policy == SCHED_SPORADIC ) {                                                       
  108a79:   83 7d 0c 04             cmpl   $0x4,0xc(%ebp)                                 
  the_thread->budget_algorithm = budget_algorithm;                                        
  108a7d:   89 87 88 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0x88(%edi)                                
  the_thread->budget_callout   = budget_callout;                                          
  108a83:   8b 45 b0                mov    -0x50(%ebp),%eax                               
  108a86:   89 87 8c 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0x8c(%edi)                                
  api->Sporadic.sched_ss_repl_period = param->sched_ss_repl_period;                       
  108a8c:   8b 46 08                mov    0x8(%esi),%eax                                 
  108a8f:   89 4a 30                mov    %ecx,0x30(%edx)                                
  108a92:   89 5a 34                mov    %ebx,0x34(%edx)                                
  108a95:   89 42 38                mov    %eax,0x38(%edx)                                
  108a98:   8b 46 0c                mov    0xc(%esi),%eax                                 
  108a9b:   89 42 3c                mov    %eax,0x3c(%edx)                                
  108a9e:   8b 46 10                mov    0x10(%esi),%eax                                
  108aa1:   89 42 40                mov    %eax,0x40(%edx)                                
  api->Sporadic.sched_ss_init_budget = param->sched_ss_init_budget;                       
  108aa4:   8b 46 14                mov    0x14(%esi),%eax                                
  108aa7:   89 42 44                mov    %eax,0x44(%edx)                                
  108aaa:   8b 46 18                mov    0x18(%esi),%eax                                
  108aad:   89 42 48                mov    %eax,0x48(%edx)                                
  108ab0:   8b 46 1c                mov    0x1c(%esi),%eax                                
  108ab3:   89 42 4c                mov    %eax,0x4c(%edx)                                
  api->Sporadic.sched_ss_max_repl = param->sched_ss_max_repl;                             
  108ab6:   8b 46 20                mov    0x20(%esi),%eax                                
  108ab9:   89 42 50                mov    %eax,0x50(%edx)                                
  if ( policy == SCHED_SPORADIC ) {                                                       
  108abc:   0f 84 be 00 00 00       je     108b80 <pthread_setschedparam+0x270>           
    the_thread->cpu_time_budget =                                                         
  108ac2:   a1 78 a3 12 00          mov    0x12a378,%eax                                  
  108ac7:   89 87 84 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0x84(%edi)                                
  disable_level = cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level;                                
  108acd:   a1 70 3c 13 00          mov    0x133c70,%eax                                  
  cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level = disable_level + 1;                            
  108ad2:   40                      inc    %eax                                           
  108ad3:   a3 70 3c 13 00          mov    %eax,0x133c70                                  
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                      
  108ad8:   ff 75 c4                push   -0x3c(%ebp)                                    
  108adb:   9d                      popf                                                  
  _Thread_Priority_update( &queue_context );                                              
  108adc:   8d 45 c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%eax                               
  108adf:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  108ae2:   e8 e9 28 00 00          call   10b3d0 <_Thread_Priority_update>               
  _Thread_Dispatch_enable( cpu_self );                                                    
  108ae7:   c7 04 24 60 3c 13 00    movl   $0x133c60,(%esp)                               
  108aee:   e8 5d 2b 00 00          call   10b650 <_Thread_Dispatch_enable>               
  108af3:   8b 45 b4                mov    -0x4c(%ebp),%eax                               
  108af6:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  108af9:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  108afc:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  108aff:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  108b01:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  108b02:   c3                      ret                                                   
  108b03:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  108b0a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  108b10:   c7 45 b4 16 00 00 00    movl   $0x16,-0x4c(%ebp)                              
  108b17:   eb b4                   jmp    108acd <pthread_setschedparam+0x1bd>           
  108b19:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    low_prio = param->sched_ss_low_priority;                                              
  108b20:   8b 4e 04                mov    0x4(%esi),%ecx                                 
  108b23:   e9 b0 fe ff ff          jmp    1089d8 <pthread_setschedparam+0xc8>            
  108b28:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  108b2f:   90                      nop                                                   
    return EINVAL;                                                                        
  108b30:   c7 45 b4 16 00 00 00    movl   $0x16,-0x4c(%ebp)                              
  108b37:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  108b3a:   8b 45 b4                mov    -0x4c(%ebp),%eax                               
  108b3d:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  108b40:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  108b43:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  108b45:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  108b46:   c3                      ret                                                   
  108b47:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  108b4e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
    return ESRCH;                                                                         
  108b50:   c7 45 b4 03 00 00 00    movl   $0x3,-0x4c(%ebp)                               
  108b57:   e9 f5 fd ff ff          jmp    108951 <pthread_setschedparam+0x41>            
  108b5c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  108b60:   89 5c 24 0c             mov    %ebx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  108b64:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  108b66:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  108b6a:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  108b6e:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  108b71:   e8 da 27 00 00          call   10b350 <_Thread_Priority_changed>              
  108b76:   8b 55 98                mov    -0x68(%ebp),%edx                               
  108b79:   e9 f2 fe ff ff          jmp    108a70 <pthread_setschedparam+0x160>           
  108b7e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
    _Timespec_To_ticks( &api->Sporadic.sched_ss_init_budget );                            
  108b80:   89 55 a8                mov    %edx,-0x58(%ebp)                               
  108b83:   8d 42 44                lea    0x44(%edx),%eax                                
  108b86:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  108b89:   e8 22 47 00 00          call   10d2b0 <_Timespec_To_ticks>                    
    _Timespec_To_ticks( &api->Sporadic.sched_ss_repl_period )                             
  108b8e:   8b 55 a8                mov    -0x58(%ebp),%edx                               
  108b91:   83 c2 38                add    $0x38,%edx                                     
  the_thread->cpu_time_budget =                                                           
  108b94:   89 87 84 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0x84(%edi)                                
    _Timespec_To_ticks( &api->Sporadic.sched_ss_repl_period )                             
  108b9a:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    
  108b9d:   e8 0e 47 00 00          call   10d2b0 <_Timespec_To_ticks>                    
  expire = ticks + cpu->Watchdog.ticks;                                                   
  108ba2:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  _Watchdog_Insert(header, the_watchdog, expire);                                         
  108ba4:   c7 04 24 90 3c 13 00    movl   $0x133c90,(%esp)                               
  expire = ticks + cpu->Watchdog.ticks;                                                   
  108bab:   03 05 88 3c 13 00       add    0x133c88,%eax                                  
  108bb1:   13 15 8c 3c 13 00       adc    0x133c8c,%edx                                  
  _Watchdog_Insert(header, the_watchdog, expire);                                         
  108bb7:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  108bbb:   8b 45 94                mov    -0x6c(%ebp),%eax                               
  108bbe:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  108bc2:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  108bc6:   e8 45 4b 00 00          call   10d710 <_Watchdog_Insert>                      
  108bcb:   e9 fd fe ff ff          jmp    108acd <pthread_setschedparam+0x1bd>           

00107690 <pthread_setspecific>: int pthread_setspecific( pthread_key_t key, const void *value ) {
  107690:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  107691:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  107693:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  107694:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  107695:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  107696:   83 ec 2c                sub    $0x2c,%esp                                     
  Thread_Control   *executing;                                                            
  int               eno;                                                                  
  executing = _Thread_Get_executing();                                                    
  if ( value != NULL ) {                                                                  
  107699:   8b 4d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  10769c:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  10769f:   8b 35 98 de 15 00       mov    0x15de98,%esi                                  
  if ( value != NULL ) {                                                                  
  1076a5:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  1076a7:   74 47                   je     1076f0 <pthread_setspecific+0x60>              
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable_and_acquire( &the_thread->Keys.Lock, lock_context );              
  1076a9:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  1076aa:   fa                      cli                                                   
  1076ab:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  while ( *link != NULL ) {                                                               
  1076ac:   8b 86 10 01 00 00       mov    0x110(%esi),%eax                               
  1076b2:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1076b4:   75 1b                   jne    1076d1 <pthread_setspecific+0x41>              
  1076b6:   e9 e5 00 00 00          jmp    1077a0 <pthread_setspecific+0x110>             
  1076bb:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1076bf:   90                      nop                                                   
  return &RB_RIGHT( the_node, Node );                                                     
  1076c0:   8d 48 04                lea    0x4(%eax),%ecx                                 
    } else if ( ( *less )( key, parent ) ) {                                              
  1076c3:   73 02                   jae    1076c7 <pthread_setspecific+0x37>              <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  return &RB_LEFT( the_node, Node );                                                      
  1076c5:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  while ( *link != NULL ) {                                                               
  1076c7:   8b 01                   mov    (%ecx),%eax                                    
  1076c9:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1076cb:   0f 84 cf 00 00 00       je     1077a0 <pthread_setspecific+0x110>             
  return *the_left == the_right->key;                                                     
  1076d1:   8b 50 10                mov    0x10(%eax),%edx                                
  the_right = POSIX_KEYS_RBTREE_NODE_TO_KEY_VALUE_PAIR( right );                          
  1076d4:   8d 48 f8                lea    -0x8(%eax),%ecx                                
    if ( ( *equal )( key, parent ) ) {                                                    
  1076d7:   39 d3                   cmp    %edx,%ebx                                      
  1076d9:   75 e5                   jne    1076c0 <pthread_setspecific+0x30>              
  key_value_pair->value = RTEMS_DECONST( void *, value );                                 
  1076db:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1076de:   89 41 20                mov    %eax,0x20(%ecx)                                
  _ISR_lock_Release_and_ISR_enable( &the_thread->Keys.Lock, lock_context );               
  1076e1:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  1076e2:   9d                      popf                                                  
  } else {                                                                                
    eno = _POSIX_Keys_Delete_value( key, executing );                                     
  return eno;                                                                             
  1076e3:   83 c4 2c                add    $0x2c,%esp                                     
      eno = _POSIX_Keys_Set_value( key_value_pair, value );                               
  1076e6:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1076e8:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  1076e9:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  1076ea:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  1076eb:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1076ec:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1076ed:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  1076f0:   e8 1b 0b 00 00          call   108210 <_RTEMS_Lock_allocator>                 
    _Objects_Get_no_protection( (Objects_Id) key, &_POSIX_Keys_Information );             
  1076f5:   ba 40 a1 15 00          mov    $0x15a140,%edx                                 
  1076fa:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1076fe:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  107701:   e8 2a 32 00 00          call   10a930 <_Objects_Get_no_protection>            
  if ( the_key != NULL ) {                                                                
  107706:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  107708:   0f 84 82 00 00 00       je     107790 <pthread_setspecific+0x100>             
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable_and_acquire( &the_thread->Keys.Lock, lock_context );              
  10770e:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  10770f:   fa                      cli                                                   
  107710:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  while ( *link != NULL ) {                                                               
  107711:   8b 86 10 01 00 00       mov    0x110(%esi),%eax                               
  107717:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  107719:   75 22                   jne    10773d <pthread_setspecific+0xad>              
  10771b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10771f:   90                      nop                                                   
  _ISR_lock_Release_and_ISR_enable( &the_thread->Keys.Lock, lock_context );               
  107720:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  107721:   9d                      popf                                                  
    eno = 0;                                                                              
  107722:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  107724:   eb 57                   jmp    10777d <pthread_setspecific+0xed>              
  107726:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10772d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  return &RB_RIGHT( the_node, Node );                                                     
  107730:   8d 48 04                lea    0x4(%eax),%ecx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    } else if ( ( *less )( key, parent ) ) {                                              
  107733:   73 02                   jae    107737 <pthread_setspecific+0xa7>              <== NOT EXECUTED
  return &RB_LEFT( the_node, Node );                                                      
  107735:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  while ( *link != NULL ) {                                                               
  107737:   8b 01                   mov    (%ecx),%eax                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  107739:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10773b:   74 e3                   je     107720 <pthread_setspecific+0x90>              <== NOT EXECUTED
  return *the_left == the_right->key;                                                     
  10773d:   8b 50 10                mov    0x10(%eax),%edx                                
  the_right = POSIX_KEYS_RBTREE_NODE_TO_KEY_VALUE_PAIR( right );                          
  107740:   8d 48 f8                lea    -0x8(%eax),%ecx                                
    if ( ( *equal )( key, parent ) ) {                                                    
  107743:   39 d3                   cmp    %edx,%ebx                                      
  107745:   75 e9                   jne    107730 <pthread_setspecific+0xa0>              <== NEVER TAKEN
  107747:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE POSIX_Keys_Key_value_pair *_POSIX_Keys_Key_value_find(               
  pthread_key_t         key,                                                              
  const Thread_Control *the_thread                                                        
  return _RBTree_Find_inline(                                                             
  10774b:   81 c6 10 01 00 00       add    $0x110,%esi                                    
  107751:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  107754:   89 4d e4                mov    %ecx,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  107757:   e8 e4 33 00 00          call   10ab40 <_RBTree_Extract>                       
  _ISR_lock_Release_and_ISR_enable( &the_thread->Keys.Lock, lock_context );               
  10775c:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  10775d:   9d                      popf                                                  
  next           = the_node->next;                                                        
  10775e:   8b 4d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  previous       = the_node->previous;                                                    
  107761:   8b 41 04                mov    0x4(%ecx),%eax                                 
  next           = the_node->next;                                                        
  107764:   8b 11                   mov    (%ecx),%edx                                    
  next->previous = previous;                                                              
  107766:   89 42 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%edx)                                 
  previous->next = next;                                                                  
  107769:   89 10                   mov    %edx,(%eax)                                    
  _Freechain_Put( &_POSIX_Keys_Keypool, key_value_pair );                                 
  10776b:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10776f:   c7 04 24 04 de 15 00    movl   $0x15de04,(%esp)                               
  107776:   e8 a5 0d 00 00          call   108520 <_Freechain_Put>                        
    eno = 0;                                                                              
  10777b:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10777d:   89 45 e4                mov    %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  107780:   e8 ab 0a 00 00          call   108230 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
  return eno;                                                                             
  107785:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  107788:   83 c4 2c                add    $0x2c,%esp                                     
  10778b:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10778c:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10778d:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  10778e:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10778f:   c3                      ret                                                   
    eno = EINVAL;                                                                         
  107790:   b8 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%eax                                     
  107795:   eb e6                   jmp    10777d <pthread_setspecific+0xed>              
  107797:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10779e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  _ISR_lock_Release_and_ISR_enable( &the_thread->Keys.Lock, lock_context );               
  1077a0:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  1077a1:   9d                      popf                                                  
  1077a2:   e8 69 0a 00 00          call   108210 <_RTEMS_Lock_allocator>                 
    _Objects_Get_no_protection( (Objects_Id) key, &_POSIX_Keys_Information );             
  1077a7:   b8 40 a1 15 00          mov    $0x15a140,%eax                                 
  1077ac:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1077b0:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  1077b3:   e8 78 31 00 00          call   10a930 <_Objects_Get_no_protection>            
  if ( the_key != NULL ) {                                                                
  1077b8:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1077ba:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      
  1077bc:   74 d2                   je     107790 <pthread_setspecific+0x100>             
    key_value_pair = _POSIX_Keys_Key_value_allocate();                                    
  1077be:   e8 7d fd ff ff          call   107540 <_POSIX_Keys_Key_value_allocate>        
    if ( key_value_pair != NULL ) {                                                       
  1077c3:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1077c5:   0f 84 8c 00 00 00       je     107857 <pthread_setspecific+0x1c7>             <== NEVER TAKEN
      key_value_pair->key = key;                                                          
  1077cb:   89 58 18                mov    %ebx,0x18(%eax)                                
  return &RB_ROOT( the_rbtree );                                                          
  1077ce:   8d 96 10 01 00 00       lea    0x110(%esi),%edx                               
  1077d4:   89 55 e4                mov    %edx,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
      key_value_pair->value = RTEMS_DECONST( void *, value );                             
  1077d7:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  1077da:   8d 4f 18                lea    0x18(%edi),%ecx                                
      key_value_pair->thread = executing;                                                 
  1077dd:   89 70 1c                mov    %esi,0x1c(%eax)                                
      key_value_pair->value = RTEMS_DECONST( void *, value );                             
  1077e0:   89 50 20                mov    %edx,0x20(%eax)                                
      _RBTree_Initialize_node( &key_value_pair->Lookup_node );                            
  1077e3:   8d 50 08                lea    0x8(%eax),%edx                                 
  1077e6:   89 55 e0                mov    %edx,-0x20(%ebp)                               
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
  1077e9:   8b 57 1c                mov    0x1c(%edi),%edx                                
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  1077ec:   89 08                   mov    %ecx,(%eax)                                    
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
  1077ee:   89 47 1c                mov    %eax,0x1c(%edi)                                
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
  1077f1:   89 02                   mov    %eax,(%edx)                                    
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
  1077f3:   89 50 04                mov    %edx,0x4(%eax)                                 
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable_and_acquire( &the_thread->Keys.Lock, lock_context );              
  1077f6:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  1077f7:   fa                      cli                                                   
  1077f8:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  while ( *link != NULL ) {                                                               
  1077f9:   8b 96 10 01 00 00       mov    0x110(%esi),%edx                               
  1077ff:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  107801:   75 0f                   jne    107812 <pthread_setspecific+0x182>             
  107803:   eb 5c                   jmp    107861 <pthread_setspecific+0x1d1>             
  107805:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10780c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  107810:   89 ca                   mov    %ecx,%edx                                      
    if ( ( *less )( key, parent ) ) {                                                     
  107812:   3b 5a 10                cmp    0x10(%edx),%ebx                                
  return &RB_RIGHT( the_node, Node );                                                     
  107815:   8d 72 04                lea    0x4(%edx),%esi                                 
    if ( ( *less )( key, parent ) ) {                                                     
  107818:   73 02                   jae    10781c <pthread_setspecific+0x18c>             <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  return &RB_LEFT( the_node, Node );                                                      
  10781a:   89 d6                   mov    %edx,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  while ( *link != NULL ) {                                                               
  10781c:   8b 0e                   mov    (%esi),%ecx                                    
  10781e:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  107820:   75 ee                   jne    107810 <pthread_setspecific+0x180>             
  RB_SET( child, parent, Node );                                                          
  107822:   89 50 10                mov    %edx,0x10(%eax)                                
  107825:   c7 40 0c 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0xc(%eax)                                 
  10782c:   c7 40 08 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x8(%eax)                                 
  107833:   c7 40 14 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,0x14(%eax)                                
  *link = child;                                                                          
  10783a:   8b 45 e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               
  10783d:   89 06                   mov    %eax,(%esi)                                    
  _RBTree_Insert_color( the_rbtree, the_node );                                           
  10783f:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  107843:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  107846:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  107849:   e8 82 37 00 00          call   10afd0 <_RBTree_Insert_color>                  
  _ISR_lock_Release_and_ISR_enable( &the_thread->Keys.Lock, lock_context );               
  10784e:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  10784f:   9d                      popf                                                  
      eno = 0;                                                                            
  107850:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  107852:   e9 26 ff ff ff          jmp    10777d <pthread_setspecific+0xed>              
      eno = ENOMEM;                                                                       
  107857:   b8 0c 00 00 00          mov    $0xc,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10785c:   e9 1c ff ff ff          jmp    10777d <pthread_setspecific+0xed>              <== NOT EXECUTED
  link = _RBTree_Root_reference( the_rbtree );                                            
  107861:   8b 75 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%esi                               
  107864:   eb bc                   jmp    107822 <pthread_setspecific+0x192>             
  107866:   90                      nop                                                   
  107867:   90                      nop                                                   
  107868:   90                      nop                                                   
  107869:   90                      nop                                                   
  10786a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10786b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10786c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10786d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10786e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10786f:   90                      nop                                                   

00105cd0 <pthread_testcancel>: /* * 18.2.2 Setting Cancelability State, P1003.1c/Draft 10, p. 183 */ void pthread_testcancel( void ) {
  105cd0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  105cd1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  105cd3:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp                                     
  if ( _ISR_Is_in_progress() ) {                                                          
  105cd6:   e8 25 11 00 00          call   106e00 <_ISR_Is_in_progress>                   
  105cdb:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  105cdd:   75 1b                   jne    105cfa <pthread_testcancel+0x2a>               <== NEVER TAKEN
  _Thread_Change_life( 0, 0, THREAD_LIFE_CHANGE_DEFERRED );                               
  105cdf:   c7 04 24 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,(%esp)                                    
  105ce6:   b8 08 00 00 00          mov    $0x8,%eax                                      
  105ceb:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  105ced:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  105cf1:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105cf5:   e8 56 46 00 00          call   10a350 <_Thread_Change_life>                   
  105cfa:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  105cfc:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105cfd:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105cfe:   90                      nop                                                   
  105cff:   90                      nop                                                   

0010a170 <rtems_aio_enqueue>: {
  10a170:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  10a171:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10a173:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  10a174:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  10a175:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  10a176:   83 ec 5c                sub    $0x5c,%esp                                     
  result = pthread_mutex_lock (&aio_request_queue.mutex);                                 
  10a179:   c7 04 24 00 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131c00,(%esp)                               
  10a180:   8b 7d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%edi                                 
  result = pthread_mutex_lock (&aio_request_queue.mutex);                                 
  10a183:   e8 98 1b 00 00          call   10bd20 <pthread_mutex_lock>                    
  if (result != 0) {                                                                      
  10a188:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  result = pthread_mutex_lock (&aio_request_queue.mutex);                                 
  10a18a:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
  if (result != 0) {                                                                      
  10a18c:   0f 85 1e 01 00 00       jne    10a2b0 <rtems_aio_enqueue+0x140>               <== NEVER TAKEN
  pthread_getschedparam (pthread_self(), &policy, ¶m);                                
  10a192:   e8 59 29 00 00          call   10caf0 <pthread_self>                          
  10a197:   8d 55 c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%edx                               
  10a19a:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10a19e:   8d 55 c0                lea    -0x40(%ebp),%edx                               
  10a1a1:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10a1a5:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10a1a8:   e8 33 28 00 00          call   10c9e0 <pthread_getschedparam>                 
  req->caller_thread = pthread_self ();                                                   
  10a1ad:   e8 3e 29 00 00          call   10caf0 <pthread_self>                          
  req->priority = param.sched_priority - req->aiocbp->aio_reqprio;                        
  10a1b2:   8b 55 c4                mov    -0x3c(%ebp),%edx                               
  if ((aio_request_queue.idle_threads == 0) &&                                            
  10a1b5:   8b 1d c8 1c 13 00       mov    0x131cc8,%ebx                                  
  req->caller_thread = pthread_self ();                                                   
  10a1bb:   89 47 10                mov    %eax,0x10(%edi)                                
  req->priority = param.sched_priority - req->aiocbp->aio_reqprio;                        
  10a1be:   8b 47 14                mov    0x14(%edi),%eax                                
  10a1c1:   8b 48 14                mov    0x14(%eax),%ecx                                
  10a1c4:   29 ca                   sub    %ecx,%edx                                      
  if ((aio_request_queue.idle_threads == 0) &&                                            
  10a1c6:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  req->priority = param.sched_priority - req->aiocbp->aio_reqprio;                        
  10a1c8:   89 57 0c                mov    %edx,0xc(%edi)                                 
  req->policy = policy;                                                                   
  10a1cb:   8b 55 c0                mov    -0x40(%ebp),%edx                               
  10a1ce:   89 57 08                mov    %edx,0x8(%edi)                                 
      r_chain = rtems_aio_search_fd (chain, req->aiocbp->aio_fildes, 1);                  
  10a1d1:   8b 10                   mov    (%eax),%edx                                    
  req->aiocbp->error_code = EINPROGRESS;                                                  
  10a1d3:   c7 40 30 77 00 00 00    movl   $0x77,0x30(%eax)                               
  req->aiocbp->return_value = 0;                                                          
  10a1da:   c7 40 34 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x34(%eax)                                
  if ((aio_request_queue.idle_threads == 0) &&                                            
  10a1e1:   75 0d                   jne    10a1f0 <rtems_aio_enqueue+0x80>                <== NEVER TAKEN
  10a1e3:   83 3d c4 1c 13 00 04    cmpl   $0x4,0x131cc4                                  
  10a1ea:   0f 8e e0 00 00 00       jle    10a2d0 <rtems_aio_enqueue+0x160>               
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  10a1f0:   8b 1d a8 1c 13 00       mov    0x131ca8,%ebx                                  
  while (r_chain->fildes < fildes && !rtems_chain_is_tail (chain, node)) {                
  10a1f6:   8b 43 14                mov    0x14(%ebx),%eax                                
  10a1f9:   39 c2                   cmp    %eax,%edx                                      
  10a1fb:   7f 5c                   jg     10a259 <rtems_aio_enqueue+0xe9>                
  10a1fd:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  if (r_chain->fildes == fildes)                                                          
  10a200:   39 c2                   cmp    %eax,%edx                                      
  10a202:   75 5d                   jne    10a261 <rtems_aio_enqueue+0xf1>                
    r_chain->new_fd = 0;                                                                  
  10a204:   c7 43 18 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x18(%ebx)                                
      pthread_mutex_lock (&r_chain->mutex);                                               
  10a20b:   8d 4b 1c                lea    0x1c(%ebx),%ecx                                
  10a20e:   89 0c 24                mov    %ecx,(%esp)                                    
  10a211:   89 4d b4                mov    %ecx,-0x4c(%ebp)                               
  10a214:   e8 07 1b 00 00          call   10bd20 <pthread_mutex_lock>                    
      rtems_aio_insert_prio (&r_chain->perfd, req);                                       
  10a219:   8d 43 08                lea    0x8(%ebx),%eax                                 
  10a21c:   89 fa                   mov    %edi,%edx                                      
  10a21e:   e8 7d f8 ff ff          call   109aa0 <rtems_aio_insert_prio>                 
      pthread_cond_signal (&r_chain->cond);                                               
  10a223:   83 c3 54                add    $0x54,%ebx                                     
  10a226:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  10a229:   e8 a2 15 00 00          call   10b7d0 <pthread_cond_signal>                   
      pthread_mutex_unlock (&r_chain->mutex);                                             
  10a22e:   8b 4d b4                mov    -0x4c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  10a231:   89 0c 24                mov    %ecx,(%esp)                                    
  10a234:   e8 e7 1d 00 00          call   10c020 <pthread_mutex_unlock>                  
  pthread_mutex_unlock (&aio_request_queue.mutex);                                        
  10a239:   c7 04 24 00 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131c00,(%esp)                               
  10a240:   e8 db 1d 00 00          call   10c020 <pthread_mutex_unlock>                  
  10a245:   83 c4 5c                add    $0x5c,%esp                                     
  10a248:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      
  10a24a:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10a24b:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10a24c:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  10a24d:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10a24e:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10a24f:   90                      nop                                                   
  return the_node->next;                                                                  
  10a250:   8b 1b                   mov    (%ebx),%ebx                                    
  while (r_chain->fildes < fildes && !rtems_chain_is_tail (chain, node)) {                
  10a252:   8b 43 14                mov    0x14(%ebx),%eax                                
  10a255:   39 d0                   cmp    %edx,%eax                                      
  10a257:   7d a7                   jge    10a200 <rtems_aio_enqueue+0x90>                
  10a259:   81 fb ac 1c 13 00       cmp    $0x131cac,%ebx                                 
  10a25f:   75 ef                   jne    10a250 <rtems_aio_enqueue+0xe0>                <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    r_chain = rtems_aio_search_fd (chain, req->aiocbp->aio_fildes, 1);                    
  10a261:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10a265:   bb 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ebx                                      
  10a26a:   89 5c 24 08             mov    %ebx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10a26e:   c7 04 24 b4 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131cb4,(%esp)                               
  10a275:   e8 b6 fc ff ff          call   109f30 <rtems_aio_search_fd>                   
    if (r_chain->new_fd == 1) {                                                           
  10a27a:   83 78 18 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x18(%eax)                                
    r_chain = rtems_aio_search_fd (chain, req->aiocbp->aio_fildes, 1);                    
  10a27e:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
    if (r_chain->new_fd == 1) {                                                           
  10a280:   0f 84 da 00 00 00       je     10a360 <rtems_aio_enqueue+0x1f0>               
      rtems_aio_insert_prio (&r_chain->perfd, req);                                       
  10a286:   8d 40 08                lea    0x8(%eax),%eax                                 
  10a289:   89 fa                   mov    %edi,%edx                                      
  10a28b:   e8 10 f8 ff ff          call   109aa0 <rtems_aio_insert_prio>                 
    if (aio_request_queue.idle_threads > 0)                                               
  10a290:   a1 c8 1c 13 00          mov    0x131cc8,%eax                                  
  10a295:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10a297:   7e a0                   jle    10a239 <rtems_aio_enqueue+0xc9>                <== ALWAYS TAKEN
      pthread_cond_signal (&aio_request_queue.new_req);                                   
  10a299:   c7 04 24 38 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131c38,(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a2a0:   e8 2b 15 00 00          call   10b7d0 <pthread_cond_signal>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a2a5:   eb 92                   jmp    10a239 <rtems_aio_enqueue+0xc9>                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a2a7:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a2ae:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    free (req);                                                                           
  10a2b0:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a2b3:   e8 78 67 ff ff          call   100a30 <free>                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a2b8:   83 c4 5c                add    $0x5c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a2bb:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a2bd:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a2be:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a2bf:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a2c0:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a2c1:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a2c2:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a2c9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
      r_chain = rtems_aio_search_fd (chain, req->aiocbp->aio_fildes, 1);                  
  10a2d0:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10a2d4:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  10a2d9:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10a2dd:   c7 04 24 a8 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131ca8,(%esp)                               
  10a2e4:   e8 47 fc ff ff          call   109f30 <rtems_aio_search_fd>                   
      if (r_chain->new_fd == 1) {                                                         
  10a2e9:   83 78 18 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x18(%eax)                                
      r_chain = rtems_aio_search_fd (chain, req->aiocbp->aio_fildes, 1);                  
  10a2ed:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
      if (r_chain->new_fd == 1) {                                                         
  10a2ef:   0f 85 16 ff ff ff       jne    10a20b <rtems_aio_enqueue+0x9b>                
    rtems_chain_prepend (&r_chain->perfd, &req->next_prio);                               
  10a2f5:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10a2f9:   8d 40 08                lea    0x8(%eax),%eax                                 
    pthread_mutex_init (&r_chain->mutex, NULL);                                           
  10a2fc:   31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi                                      
    rtems_chain_prepend (&r_chain->perfd, &req->next_prio);                               
  10a2fe:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10a301:   e8 da 2b 00 00          call   10cee0 <rtems_chain_prepend>                   
    pthread_mutex_init (&r_chain->mutex, NULL);                                           
  10a306:   8d 43 1c                lea    0x1c(%ebx),%eax                                
    r_chain->new_fd = 0;                                                                  
  10a309:   c7 43 18 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x18(%ebx)                                
    pthread_mutex_init (&r_chain->mutex, NULL);                                           
  10a310:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10a314:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10a317:   e8 e4 18 00 00          call   10bc00 <pthread_mutex_init>                    
    pthread_cond_init (&r_chain->cond, NULL);                                             
  10a31c:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10a31e:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10a322:   8d 43 54                lea    0x54(%ebx),%eax                                
  10a325:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10a328:   e8 23 14 00 00          call   10b750 <pthread_cond_init>                     
    result = pthread_create (&thid, &aio_request_queue.attr,                              
  10a32d:   b8 20 9b 10 00          mov    $0x109b20,%eax                                 
  10a332:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10a336:   b8 54 1c 13 00          mov    $0x131c54,%eax                                 
  10a33b:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10a33f:   8d 45 bc                lea    -0x44(%ebp),%eax                               
  10a342:   89 5c 24 0c             mov    %ebx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  10a346:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10a349:   e8 42 22 00 00          call   10c590 <pthread_create>                        
    if (result != 0) {                                                                    
  10a34e:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    result = pthread_create (&thid, &aio_request_queue.attr,                              
  10a350:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
    if (result != 0) {                                                                    
  10a352:   75 49                   jne    10a39d <rtems_aio_enqueue+0x22d>               <== NEVER TAKEN
  10a354:   ff 05 c4 1c 13 00       incl   0x131cc4                                       
  10a35a:   e9 da fe ff ff          jmp    10a239 <rtems_aio_enqueue+0xc9>                
  10a35f:   90                      nop                                                   
      rtems_chain_prepend (&r_chain->perfd, &req->next_prio);                             
  10a360:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10a364:   8d 40 08                lea    0x8(%eax),%eax                                 
  10a367:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10a36a:   e8 71 2b 00 00          call   10cee0 <rtems_chain_prepend>                   
      pthread_mutex_init (&r_chain->mutex, NULL);                                         
  10a36f:   8d 43 1c                lea    0x1c(%ebx),%eax                                
  10a372:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
      r_chain->new_fd = 0;                                                                
  10a374:   c7 43 18 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x18(%ebx)                                
      pthread_cond_init (&r_chain->cond, NULL);                                           
  10a37b:   83 c3 54                add    $0x54,%ebx                                     
      pthread_mutex_init (&r_chain->mutex, NULL);                                         
  10a37e:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10a382:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10a385:   e8 76 18 00 00          call   10bc00 <pthread_mutex_init>                    
      pthread_cond_init (&r_chain->cond, NULL);                                           
  10a38a:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      
  10a38c:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10a390:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  10a393:   e8 b8 13 00 00          call   10b750 <pthread_cond_init>                     
  10a398:   e9 f3 fe ff ff          jmp    10a290 <rtems_aio_enqueue+0x120>               
      pthread_mutex_unlock (&aio_request_queue.mutex);                                    
  10a39d:   c7 04 24 00 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131c00,(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
      return result;                                                                      
  10a3a4:   89 de                   mov    %ebx,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
      pthread_mutex_unlock (&aio_request_queue.mutex);                                    
  10a3a6:   e8 75 1c 00 00          call   10c020 <pthread_mutex_unlock>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
      return result;                                                                      
  10a3ab:   e9 95 fe ff ff          jmp    10a245 <rtems_aio_enqueue+0xd5>                <== NOT EXECUTED

00109df0 <rtems_aio_init>: {
  109df0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  109df1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  109df3:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp                                     
  result = pthread_attr_init (&aio_request_queue.attr);                                   
  109df6:   c7 04 24 54 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131c54,(%esp)                               
  109dfd:   89 5d fc                mov    %ebx,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  result = pthread_attr_init (&aio_request_queue.attr);                                   
  109e00:   e8 cb 24 00 00          call   10c2d0 <pthread_attr_init>                     
  if (result != 0)                                                                        
  109e05:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  109e07:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  109e09:   74 15                   je     109e20 <rtems_aio_init+0x30>                   <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  109e0b:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  109e0d:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  109e10:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  109e12:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  109e13:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  109e14:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  109e1b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  109e1f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    pthread_attr_setdetachstate (&aio_request_queue.attr,                                 
  109e20:   c7 04 24 54 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131c54,(%esp)                               
  109e27:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  109e29:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  109e2d:   e8 de 24 00 00          call   10c310 <pthread_attr_setdetachstate>           
  if (result != 0)                                                                        
  109e32:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  109e34:   0f 85 96 00 00 00       jne    109ed0 <rtems_aio_init+0xe0>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
  result = pthread_mutex_init (&aio_request_queue.mutex, NULL);                           
  109e3a:   c7 04 24 00 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131c00,(%esp)                               
  109e41:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
  109e43:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  109e47:   e8 b4 1d 00 00          call   10bc00 <pthread_mutex_init>                    
  if (result != 0)                                                                        
  109e4c:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  109e4e:   0f 85 bc 00 00 00       jne    109f10 <rtems_aio_init+0x120>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
  result = pthread_cond_init (&aio_request_queue.new_req, NULL);                          
  109e54:   c7 04 24 38 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131c38,(%esp)                               
  109e5b:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      
  109e5d:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  109e61:   e8 ea 18 00 00          call   10b750 <pthread_cond_init>                     
  if (result != 0) {                                                                      
  109e66:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  result = pthread_cond_init (&aio_request_queue.new_req, NULL);                          
  109e68:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  if (result != 0) {                                                                      
  109e6a:   0f 85 80 00 00 00       jne    109ef0 <rtems_aio_init+0x100>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
  head->next = tail;                                                                      
  109e70:   b8 ac 1c 13 00          mov    $0x131cac,%eax                                 
  head->previous = NULL;                                                                  
  109e75:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  head->next = tail;                                                                      
  109e77:   a3 a8 1c 13 00          mov    %eax,0x131ca8                                  
  109e7c:   b8 b8 1c 13 00          mov    $0x131cb8,%eax                                 
  tail->previous = head;                                                                  
  109e81:   b9 a8 1c 13 00          mov    $0x131ca8,%ecx                                 
  head->next = tail;                                                                      
  109e86:   a3 b4 1c 13 00          mov    %eax,0x131cb4                                  
  head->previous = NULL;                                                                  
  109e8b:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  109e8d:   a3 b8 1c 13 00          mov    %eax,0x131cb8                                  
  tail->previous = head;                                                                  
  109e92:   b8 b4 1c 13 00          mov    $0x131cb4,%eax                                 
  109e97:   a3 bc 1c 13 00          mov    %eax,0x131cbc                                  
  aio_request_queue.active_threads = 0;                                                   
  109e9c:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  head->previous = NULL;                                                                  
  109e9e:   89 15 ac 1c 13 00       mov    %edx,0x131cac                                  
  aio_request_queue.initialized = AIO_QUEUE_INITIALIZED;                                  
  109ea4:   ba 0b b0 00 00          mov    $0xb00b,%edx                                   
  aio_request_queue.active_threads = 0;                                                   
  109ea9:   a3 c4 1c 13 00          mov    %eax,0x131cc4                                  
  aio_request_queue.idle_threads = 0;                                                     
  109eae:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  109eb0:   a3 c8 1c 13 00          mov    %eax,0x131cc8                                  
  109eb5:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  109eb7:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  tail->previous = head;                                                                  
  109eba:   89 0d b0 1c 13 00       mov    %ecx,0x131cb0                                  
  aio_request_queue.initialized = AIO_QUEUE_INITIALIZED;                                  
  109ec0:   89 15 c0 1c 13 00       mov    %edx,0x131cc0                                  
  109ec6:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  109ec8:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  109ec9:   c3                      ret                                                   
  109eca:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    pthread_attr_destroy (&aio_request_queue.attr);                                       
  109ed0:   c7 04 24 54 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131c54,(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  109ed7:   e8 c4 23 00 00          call   10c2a0 <pthread_attr_destroy>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  109edc:   e9 59 ff ff ff          jmp    109e3a <rtems_aio_init+0x4a>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  109ee1:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  109ee8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  109eef:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    pthread_mutex_destroy (&aio_request_queue.mutex);                                     
  109ef0:   c7 04 24 00 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131c00,(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  109ef7:   e8 94 1c 00 00          call   10bb90 <pthread_mutex_destroy>                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    pthread_attr_destroy (&aio_request_queue.attr);                                       
  109efc:   c7 04 24 54 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131c54,(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  109f03:   e8 98 23 00 00          call   10c2a0 <pthread_attr_destroy>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  109f08:   e9 63 ff ff ff          jmp    109e70 <rtems_aio_init+0x80>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  109f0d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    pthread_attr_destroy (&aio_request_queue.attr);                                       
  109f10:   c7 04 24 54 1c 13 00    movl   $0x131c54,(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  109f17:   e8 84 23 00 00          call   10c2a0 <pthread_attr_destroy>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  109f1c:   e9 33 ff ff ff          jmp    109e54 <rtems_aio_init+0x64>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  109f21:   90                      nop                                                   
  109f22:   90                      nop                                                   
  109f23:   90                      nop                                                   
  109f24:   90                      nop                                                   
  109f25:   90                      nop                                                   
  109f26:   90                      nop                                                   
  109f27:   90                      nop                                                   
  109f28:   90                      nop                                                   
  109f29:   90                      nop                                                   
  109f2a:   90                      nop                                                   
  109f2b:   90                      nop                                                   
  109f2c:   90                      nop                                                   
  109f2d:   90                      nop                                                   
  109f2e:   90                      nop                                                   
  109f2f:   90                      nop                                                   

0010a090 <rtems_aio_remove_fd>: {
  10a090:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  10a091:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10a093:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  10a094:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  10a095:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  10a096:   83 ec 1c                sub    $0x1c,%esp                                     
  10a099:   8b 7d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%edi                                 
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  10a09c:   8b 5f 08                mov    0x8(%edi),%ebx                                 
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  10a09f:   83 c7 0c                add    $0xc,%edi                                      
  while (!rtems_chain_is_tail (chain, node))                                              
  10a0a2:   39 fb                   cmp    %edi,%ebx                                      
  10a0a4:   74 33                   je     10a0d9 <rtems_aio_remove_fd+0x49>              <== NEVER TAKEN
  10a0a6:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10a0ad:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  return the_node->next;                                                                  
  10a0b0:   89 de                   mov    %ebx,%esi                                      
  10a0b2:   8b 1b                   mov    (%ebx),%ebx                                    
      rtems_chain_extract (&req->next_prio);                                              
  10a0b4:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  10a0b7:   e8 e4 2d 00 00          call   10cea0 <rtems_chain_extract>                   
      req->aiocbp->error_code = ECANCELED;                                                
  10a0bc:   8b 46 14                mov    0x14(%esi),%eax                                
  10a0bf:   c7 40 30 8c 00 00 00    movl   $0x8c,0x30(%eax)                               
      req->aiocbp->return_value = -1;                                                     
  10a0c6:   c7 40 34 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x34(%eax)                         
      free (req);                                                                         
  10a0cd:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  10a0d0:   e8 5b 69 ff ff          call   100a30 <free>                                  
  while (!rtems_chain_is_tail (chain, node))                                              
  10a0d5:   39 fb                   cmp    %edi,%ebx                                      
  10a0d7:   75 d7                   jne    10a0b0 <rtems_aio_remove_fd+0x20>              
  10a0d9:   83 c4 1c                add    $0x1c,%esp                                     
  10a0dc:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10a0dd:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10a0de:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  10a0df:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10a0e0:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10a0e1:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a0e2:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a0e3:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a0e4:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a0e5:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a0e6:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a0e7:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a0e8:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a0e9:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a0ea:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a0eb:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a0ec:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a0ed:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a0ee:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a0ef:   90                      nop                                                   

0010a0f0 <rtems_aio_remove_req>: {
  10a0f0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  10a0f1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10a0f3:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp                                     
  10a0f6:   89 5d fc                mov    %ebx,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  10a0f9:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10a0fc:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  10a0ff:   8b 18                   mov    (%eax),%ebx                                    
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  10a101:   83 c0 04                add    $0x4,%eax                                      
  if (rtems_chain_is_empty (chain))                                                       
  10a104:   39 d8                   cmp    %ebx,%eax                                      
  10a106:   74 58                   je     10a160 <rtems_aio_remove_req+0x70>             
  10a108:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10a10f:   90                      nop                                                   
  while (!rtems_chain_is_tail (chain, node) && current->aiocbp != aiocbp) {               
  10a110:   39 53 14                cmp    %edx,0x14(%ebx)                                
  10a113:   74 1b                   je     10a130 <rtems_aio_remove_req+0x40>             <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  return the_node->next;                                                                  
  10a115:   8b 1b                   mov    (%ebx),%ebx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a117:   39 c3                   cmp    %eax,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a119:   75 f5                   jne    10a110 <rtems_aio_remove_req+0x20>             <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a11b:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a11e:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    return AIO_NOTCANCELED;                                                               
  10a120:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a125:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a126:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a127:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a12e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  if (rtems_chain_is_tail (chain, node))                                                  
  10a130:   39 d8                   cmp    %ebx,%eax                                      
  10a132:   74 e7                   je     10a11b <rtems_aio_remove_req+0x2b>             <== NEVER TAKEN
      rtems_chain_extract (node);                                                         
  10a134:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  10a137:   e8 64 2d 00 00          call   10cea0 <rtems_chain_extract>                   
      current->aiocbp->error_code = ECANCELED;                                            
  10a13c:   8b 43 14                mov    0x14(%ebx),%eax                                
  10a13f:   c7 40 30 8c 00 00 00    movl   $0x8c,0x30(%eax)                               
      current->aiocbp->return_value = -1;                                                 
  10a146:   c7 40 34 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x34(%eax)                         
      free (current);                                                                     
  10a14d:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  10a150:   e8 db 68 ff ff          call   100a30 <free>                                  
  10a155:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  10a158:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10a15a:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  return AIO_CANCELED;                                                                    
  10a15b:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10a15d:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10a15e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  10a160:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  10a163:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
    return AIO_ALLDONE;                                                                   
  10a165:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      
  10a16a:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10a16b:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10a16c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a16d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a16e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a16f:   90                      nop                                                   

00109f30 <rtems_aio_search_fd>: {
  109f30:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  109f31:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  109f33:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  109f34:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  109f35:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  109f36:   83 ec 2c                sub    $0x2c,%esp                                     
  109f39:   8b 4d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  109f3c:   8b 75 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%esi                                 
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  109f3f:   8b 11                   mov    (%ecx),%edx                                    
  while (r_chain->fildes < fildes && !rtems_chain_is_tail (chain, node)) {                
  109f41:   8b 42 14                mov    0x14(%edx),%eax                                
  109f44:   39 c6                   cmp    %eax,%esi                                      
  109f46:   0f 8e ec 00 00 00       jle    10a038 <rtems_aio_search_fd+0x108>             
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  109f4c:   8d 79 04                lea    0x4(%ecx),%edi                                 
  109f4f:   39 fa                   cmp    %edi,%edx                                      
  109f51:   0f 84 ee 00 00 00       je     10a045 <rtems_aio_search_fd+0x115>             
  109f57:   89 d3                   mov    %edx,%ebx                                      
  109f59:   eb 09                   jmp    109f64 <rtems_aio_search_fd+0x34>              
  109f5b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  109f5f:   90                      nop                                                   
  109f60:   39 fb                   cmp    %edi,%ebx                                      
  109f62:   74 2c                   je     109f90 <rtems_aio_search_fd+0x60>              
  return the_node->next;                                                                  
  109f64:   8b 1b                   mov    (%ebx),%ebx                                    
  109f66:   8b 43 14                mov    0x14(%ebx),%eax                                
  109f69:   39 f0                   cmp    %esi,%eax                                      
  109f6b:   7c f3                   jl     109f60 <rtems_aio_search_fd+0x30>              
  if (r_chain->fildes == fildes)                                                          
  109f6d:   39 c6                   cmp    %eax,%esi                                      
  109f6f:   75 6f                   jne    109fe0 <rtems_aio_search_fd+0xb0>              
    r_chain->new_fd = 0;                                                                  
  109f71:   c7 43 18 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x18(%ebx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  109f78:   83 c4 2c                add    $0x2c,%esp                                     
  109f7b:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  109f7d:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  109f7e:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  109f7f:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  109f80:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  109f81:   c3                      ret                                                   
  109f82:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  109f89:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    if (create == 0)                                                                      
  109f90:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
      r_chain = NULL;                                                                     
  109f93:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
    if (create == 0)                                                                      
  109f95:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  109f97:   74 df                   je     109f78 <rtems_aio_search_fd+0x48>              
      r_chain = malloc (sizeof (rtems_aio_request_chain));                                
  109f99:   c7 04 24 70 00 00 00    movl   $0x70,(%esp)                                   
  109fa0:   e8 fb 6d ff ff          call   100da0 <malloc>                                
  109fa5:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  head->previous = NULL;                                                                  
  109fa7:   c7 43 0c 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0xc(%ebx)                                 
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  109fae:   8d 40 08                lea    0x8(%eax),%eax                                 
  return &the_chain->Head.Node;                                                           
  109fb1:   89 43 10                mov    %eax,0x10(%ebx)                                
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  109fb4:   8d 53 0c                lea    0xc(%ebx),%edx                                 
      rtems_chain_initialize_node (&r_chain->next_fd);                                    
  109fb7:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  109fb9:   89 53 08                mov    %edx,0x8(%ebx)                                 
        rtems_chain_insert (rtems_chain_previous (node), &r_chain->next_fd);              
  109fbc:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  109fc0:   8b 47 04                mov    0x4(%edi),%eax                                 
  109fc3:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  109fc6:   e8 f5 2e 00 00          call   10cec0 <rtems_chain_insert>                    
      r_chain->new_fd = 1;                                                                
  109fcb:   c7 43 18 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,0x18(%ebx)                                
  109fd2:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
      r_chain->fildes = fildes;                                                           
  109fd4:   89 73 14                mov    %esi,0x14(%ebx)                                
  109fd7:   83 c4 2c                add    $0x2c,%esp                                     
  109fda:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  109fdb:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  109fdc:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  109fdd:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  109fde:   c3                      ret                                                   
  109fdf:   90                      nop                                                   
  109fe0:   89 4d 08                mov    %ecx,0x8(%ebp)                                 
    if (create == 0)                                                                      
  109fe3:   8b 4d 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%ecx                                
  109fe6:   89 55 e4                mov    %edx,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  109fe9:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  109feb:   74 44                   je     10a031 <rtems_aio_search_fd+0x101>             
      r_chain = malloc (sizeof (rtems_aio_request_chain));                                
  109fed:   c7 04 24 70 00 00 00    movl   $0x70,(%esp)                                   
  109ff4:   e8 a7 6d ff ff          call   100da0 <malloc>                                
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  109ff9:   8b 4d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  109ffc:   8d 51 04                lea    0x4(%ecx),%edx                                 
      if (rtems_chain_is_empty (chain))                                                   
  109fff:   89 55 e0                mov    %edx,-0x20(%ebp)                               
  10a002:   8b 55 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%edx                               
  10a005:   3b 55 e0                cmp    -0x20(%ebp),%edx                               
      r_chain = malloc (sizeof (rtems_aio_request_chain));                                
  10a008:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      
  head->previous = NULL;                                                                  
  10a00a:   c7 47 0c 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0xc(%edi)                                 
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  10a011:   8d 40 08                lea    0x8(%eax),%eax                                 
  10a014:   89 47 10                mov    %eax,0x10(%edi)                                
  10a017:   8d 47 0c                lea    0xc(%edi),%eax                                 
  10a01a:   89 47 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%edi)                                 
      rtems_chain_initialize_node (&r_chain->next_fd);                                    
  10a01d:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
      if (rtems_chain_is_empty (chain))                                                   
  10a01f:   75 5c                   jne    10a07d <rtems_aio_search_fd+0x14d>             
        rtems_chain_prepend (chain, &r_chain->next_fd);                                   
  10a021:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10a025:   89 fb                   mov    %edi,%ebx                                      
  10a027:   89 0c 24                mov    %ecx,(%esp)                                    
  10a02a:   e8 b1 2e 00 00          call   10cee0 <rtems_chain_prepend>                   
  10a02f:   eb 9a                   jmp    109fcb <rtems_aio_search_fd+0x9b>              
      r_chain = NULL;                                                                     
  10a031:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
  10a033:   e9 40 ff ff ff          jmp    109f78 <rtems_aio_search_fd+0x48>              
  while (r_chain->fildes < fildes && !rtems_chain_is_tail (chain, node)) {                
  10a038:   89 d3                   mov    %edx,%ebx                                      
  10a03a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  10a040:   e9 28 ff ff ff          jmp    109f6d <rtems_aio_search_fd+0x3d>              
    if (create == 0)                                                                      
  10a045:   8b 55 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edx                                
      r_chain = NULL;                                                                     
  10a048:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
    if (create == 0)                                                                      
  10a04a:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  10a04c:   0f 84 26 ff ff ff       je     109f78 <rtems_aio_search_fd+0x48>              <== NEVER TAKEN
      r_chain = malloc (sizeof (rtems_aio_request_chain));                                
  10a052:   c7 04 24 70 00 00 00    movl   $0x70,(%esp)                                   
  10a059:   89 4d 08                mov    %ecx,0x8(%ebp)                                 
  10a05c:   e8 3f 6d ff ff          call   100da0 <malloc>                                
  10a061:   8b 4d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  10a064:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      
  head->previous = NULL;                                                                  
  10a066:   c7 47 0c 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0xc(%edi)                                 
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  10a06d:   8d 40 08                lea    0x8(%eax),%eax                                 
  return &the_chain->Head.Node;                                                           
  10a070:   89 47 10                mov    %eax,0x10(%edi)                                
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  10a073:   8d 57 0c                lea    0xc(%edi),%edx                                 
      rtems_chain_initialize_node (&r_chain->next_fd);                                    
  10a076:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  10a078:   89 57 08                mov    %edx,0x8(%edi)                                 
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  10a07b:   eb a4                   jmp    10a021 <rtems_aio_search_fd+0xf1>              
  10a07d:   89 df                   mov    %ebx,%edi                                      
  10a07f:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  10a081:   e9 36 ff ff ff          jmp    109fbc <rtems_aio_search_fd+0x8c>              
  10a086:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a087:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a088:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a089:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a08a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a08b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a08c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a08d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a08e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10a08f:   90                      nop                                                   

00104830 <sched_get_priority_max>: #include <rtems/score/schedulerimpl.h> int sched_get_priority_max( int policy ) {
  104830:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  104831:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  104833:   83 ec 08                sub    $0x8,%esp                                      
  104836:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  const Scheduler_Control *scheduler;                                                     
  switch ( policy ) {                                                                     
  104839:   83 f8 02                cmp    $0x2,%eax                                      
  10483c:   7e 12                   jle    104850 <sched_get_priority_max+0x20>           
  10483e:   83 f8 04                cmp    $0x4,%eax                                      
  104841:   75 11                   jne    104854 <sched_get_priority_max+0x24>           <== NEVER TAKEN
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE int _POSIX_Priority_Get_maximum(                                     
  const Scheduler_Control *scheduler                                                      
  _Assert( (int) scheduler->maximum_priority > 1 );                                       
  return (int) scheduler->maximum_priority - 1;                                           
  104843:   a1 1c 01 12 00          mov    0x12011c,%eax                                  
  104848:   48                      dec    %eax                                           
      rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                     
  scheduler = _Thread_Scheduler_get_home( _Thread_Get_executing() );                      
  return _POSIX_Priority_Get_maximum( scheduler );                                        
  104849:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10484b:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10484c:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10484d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  switch ( policy ) {                                                                     
  104850:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104852:   79 ef                   jns    104843 <sched_get_priority_max+0x13>           
      rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                     
  104854:   e8 a7 48 01 00          call   119100 <__errno>                               
  104859:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  10485f:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  104864:   eb e3                   jmp    104849 <sched_get_priority_max+0x19>           
  104866:   90                      nop                                                   
  104867:   90                      nop                                                   
  104868:   90                      nop                                                   
  104869:   90                      nop                                                   
  10486a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10486b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10486c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10486d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10486e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10486f:   90                      nop                                                   

00104870 <sched_get_priority_min>: * 13.3.6 Get Scheduling Parameter Limits, P1003.1b-1993, p. 258 */ int sched_get_priority_min( int policy ) {
  104870:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  switch ( policy ) {                                                                     
  104871:   ba 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edx                                      
  104876:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  104878:   83 ec 08                sub    $0x8,%esp                                      
  10487b:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  switch ( policy ) {                                                                     
  10487e:   83 f8 02                cmp    $0x2,%eax                                      
  104881:   7f 1d                   jg     1048a0 <sched_get_priority_min+0x30>           <== NEVER TAKEN
  104883:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104885:   79 10                   jns    104897 <sched_get_priority_min+0x27>           
    case SCHED_RR:                                                                        
    case SCHED_SPORADIC:                                                                  
      rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                     
  104887:   e8 74 48 01 00          call   119100 <__errno>                               
  10488c:   ba ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%edx                               
  104891:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  return POSIX_SCHEDULER_MINIMUM_PRIORITY;                                                
  104897:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  104899:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
  10489b:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10489c:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10489d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  switch ( policy ) {                                                                     
  1048a0:   83 f8 04                cmp    $0x4,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1048a3:   75 e2                   jne    104887 <sched_get_priority_min+0x17>           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1048a5:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1048a7:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1048a9:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1048aa:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  1048ab:   90                      nop                                                   
  1048ac:   90                      nop                                                   
  1048ad:   90                      nop                                                   
  1048ae:   90                      nop                                                   
  1048af:   90                      nop                                                   

001048b0 <sched_rr_get_interval>: int sched_rr_get_interval( pid_t pid, struct timespec *interval ) {
  1048b0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  1048b1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  1048b3:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp                                     
  1048b6:   89 75 fc                mov    %esi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  1048b9:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 
  1048bc:   89 5d f8                mov    %ebx,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  1048bf:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
   *  Only supported for the "calling process" (i.e. this node).                          
  if ( pid && pid != getpid() )                                                           
  1048c2:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  1048c4:   75 2a                   jne    1048f0 <sched_rr_get_interval+0x40>            <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( ESRCH );                                        
  if ( !interval )                                                                        
  1048c6:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  1048c8:   74 41                   je     10490b <sched_rr_get_interval+0x5b>            
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  1048ca:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1048ce:   a1 e4 08 12 00          mov    0x1208e4,%eax                                  
  1048d3:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1048d6:   e8 65 3e 00 00          call   108740 <_Timespec_From_ticks>                  
  return 0;                                                                               
  1048db:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1048dd:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                
  1048e0:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                
  1048e3:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  1048e5:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1048e6:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1048e7:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1048ee:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  if ( pid && pid != getpid() )                                                           
  1048f0:   e8 fb bf ff ff          call   1008f0 <getpid>                                
  1048f5:   39 f0                   cmp    %esi,%eax                                      
  1048f7:   74 cd                   je     1048c6 <sched_rr_get_interval+0x16>            
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( ESRCH );                                        
  1048f9:   e8 02 48 01 00          call   119100 <__errno>                               
  1048fe:   c7 00 03 00 00 00       movl   $0x3,(%eax)                                    
  104904:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  104909:   eb d2                   jmp    1048dd <sched_rr_get_interval+0x2d>            
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  10490b:   e8 f0 47 01 00          call   119100 <__errno>                               
  104910:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  104916:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  10491b:   eb c0                   jmp    1048dd <sched_rr_get_interval+0x2d>            
  10491d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10491e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10491f:   90                      nop                                                   

00109610 <sem_close>: #endif #include <rtems/posix/semaphoreimpl.h> int sem_close( sem_t *sem ) {
  109610:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  109611:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  109613:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  109614:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  109615:   83 ec 10                sub    $0x10,%esp                                     
  109618:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  POSIX_Semaphore_Control *the_semaphore;                                                 
  uint32_t                 open_count;                                                    
  POSIX_SEMAPHORE_VALIDATE_OBJECT( sem );                                                 
  10961b:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  10961d:   74 71                   je     109690 <sem_close+0x80>                        
  10961f:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  109621:   35 e7 7f 36 5d          xor    $0x5d367fe7,%eax                               
  109626:   3b 03                   cmp    (%ebx),%eax                                    
  109628:   75 66                   jne    109690 <sem_close+0x80>                        
  if ( !_POSIX_Semaphore_Is_named( sem ) ) {                                              
  10962a:   8b 4b 14                mov    0x14(%ebx),%ecx                                
  10962d:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  10962f:   74 5f                   je     109690 <sem_close+0x80>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
  109631:   e8 ba 07 00 00          call   109df0 <_RTEMS_Lock_allocator>                 
  the_semaphore = _POSIX_Semaphore_Get( sem );                                            
  open_count = the_semaphore->open_count;                                                 
  109636:   8b 43 20                mov    0x20(%ebx),%eax                                
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE POSIX_Semaphore_Control *_POSIX_Semaphore_Get(                       
  sem_t *sem                                                                              
  return RTEMS_CONTAINER_OF( sem, POSIX_Semaphore_Control, Semaphore );                   
  109639:   8d 73 f0                lea    -0x10(%ebx),%esi                               
  if ( open_count == 0 ) {                                                                
  10963c:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10963e:   74 3d                   je     10967d <sem_close+0x6d>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  if ( open_count == 1 && _POSIX_Semaphore_Is_busy( sem ) ) {                             
  109640:   83 f8 01                cmp    $0x1,%eax                                      
  109643:   75 07                   jne    10964c <sem_close+0x3c>                        
  109645:   8b 53 0c                mov    0xc(%ebx),%edx                                 
  109648:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  10964a:   75 1a                   jne    109666 <sem_close+0x56>                        
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EBUSY );                                        
  the_semaphore->open_count = open_count - 1;                                             
  10964c:   48                      dec    %eax                                           
  10964d:   89 46 30                mov    %eax,0x30(%esi)                                
  _POSIX_Semaphore_Delete( the_semaphore );                                               
  109650:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  109653:   e8 f8 69 00 00          call   110050 <_POSIX_Semaphore_Delete>               
  109658:   e8 b3 07 00 00          call   109e10 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
  return 0;                                                                               
  10965d:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10965f:   83 c4 10                add    $0x10,%esp                                     
  109662:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  109663:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  109664:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  109665:   c3                      ret                                                   
  109666:   e8 a5 07 00 00          call   109e10 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EBUSY );                                        
  10966b:   e8 d0 51 01 00          call   11e840 <__errno>                               
  109670:   c7 00 10 00 00 00       movl   $0x10,(%eax)                                   
  109676:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  10967b:   eb e2                   jmp    10965f <sem_close+0x4f>                        
  10967d:   e8 8e 07 00 00          call   109e10 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               <== NOT EXECUTED
  109682:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  109689:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  109690:   e8 ab 51 01 00          call   11e840 <__errno>                               
  109695:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  10969b:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  1096a0:   eb bd                   jmp    10965f <sem_close+0x4f>                        
  1096a2:   90                      nop                                                   
  1096a3:   90                      nop                                                   
  1096a4:   90                      nop                                                   
  1096a5:   90                      nop                                                   
  1096a6:   90                      nop                                                   
  1096a7:   90                      nop                                                   
  1096a8:   90                      nop                                                   
  1096a9:   90                      nop                                                   
  1096aa:   90                      nop                                                   
  1096ab:   90                      nop                                                   
  1096ac:   90                      nop                                                   
  1096ad:   90                      nop                                                   
  1096ae:   90                      nop                                                   
  1096af:   90                      nop                                                   

00105e60 <sem_open>: {
  105e60:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  105e61:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  105e63:   83 ec 38                sub    $0x38,%esp                                     
  105e66:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  105e69:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  105e6c:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  105e6f:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  if ( oflag & O_CREAT ) {                                                                
  105e72:   f6 c7 02                test   $0x2,%bh                                       
  105e75:   75 69                   jne    105ee0 <sem_open+0x80>                         
  105e77:   e8 b4 10 00 00          call   106f30 <_RTEMS_Lock_allocator>                 
  const char                *name,                                                        
  size_t                    *name_length_p,                                               
  Objects_Get_by_name_error *error                                                        
  return (POSIX_Semaphore_Control *) _Objects_Get_by_name(                                
  105e7c:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e7f:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e83:   8d 45 e0                lea    -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e86:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e8a:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e8d:   c7 04 24 40 97 12 00    movl   $0x129740,(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e94:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e98:   e8 93 31 00 00          call   109030 <_Objects_Get_by_name>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  if ( the_semaphore == NULL ) {                                                          
  105e9d:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105e9f:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
  105ea1:   0f 84 19 01 00 00       je     105fc0 <sem_open+0x160>                        
    if ( (oflag & (O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) == (O_CREAT | O_EXCL) ) {                           
  105ea7:   81 e3 00 0a 00 00       and    $0xa00,%ebx                                    
  105ead:   81 fb 00 0a 00 00       cmp    $0xa00,%ebx                                    
  105eb3:   0f 84 37 01 00 00       je     105ff0 <sem_open+0x190>                        
    the_semaphore->open_count += 1;                                                       
  105eb9:   ff 46 30                incl   0x30(%esi)                                     
    return &the_semaphore->Semaphore;                                                     
  105ebc:   83 c6 10                add    $0x10,%esi                                     
  105ebf:   e8 8c 10 00 00          call   106f50 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
  105ec4:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  105ec7:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      
  105ec9:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  105ecc:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  105ecf:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  105ed1:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105ed2:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105ed3:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105eda:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    value = va_arg( arg, unsigned int );                                                  
  105ee0:   8b 7d 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%edi                                
  105ee3:   e8 48 10 00 00          call   106f30 <_RTEMS_Lock_allocator>                 
  105ee8:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  105eeb:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  105eef:   8d 45 e0                lea    -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               
  105ef2:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  105ef6:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  105ef9:   c7 04 24 40 97 12 00    movl   $0x129740,(%esp)                               
  105f00:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105f04:   e8 27 31 00 00          call   109030 <_Objects_Get_by_name>                  
  if ( the_semaphore == NULL ) {                                                          
  105f09:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105f0b:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
  105f0d:   75 98                   jne    105ea7 <sem_open+0x47>                         
    if ( !( error == OBJECTS_GET_BY_NAME_NO_OBJECT && (oflag & O_CREAT) ) ) {             
  105f0f:   83 7d e4 02             cmpl   $0x2,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  105f13:   0f 85 a7 00 00 00       jne    105fc0 <sem_open+0x160>                        
  if ( value > SEM_VALUE_MAX ) {                                                          
  105f19:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      
  sem = _POSIX_Semaphore_Create_support(                                                  
  105f1b:   8b 45 e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               
  if ( value > SEM_VALUE_MAX ) {                                                          
  105f1e:   0f 88 fc 00 00 00       js     106020 <sem_open+0x1c0>                        
  name = _Workspace_String_duplicate( name_arg, name_len );                               
  105f24:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105f28:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  105f2b:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  105f2e:   e8 1d 6c 00 00          call   10cb50 <_Workspace_String_duplicate>           
  if ( name == NULL ) {                                                                   
  105f33:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  name = _Workspace_String_duplicate( name_arg, name_len );                               
  105f35:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  if ( name == NULL ) {                                                                   
  105f37:   0f 84 f3 00 00 00       je     106030 <sem_open+0x1d0>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
  return ( *information->allocate )( information );                                       
  105f3d:   c7 04 24 40 97 12 00    movl   $0x129740,(%esp)                               
  105f44:   ff 15 48 97 12 00       call   *0x129748                                      
  if ( the_semaphore == NULL ) {                                                          
  105f4a:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105f4c:   0f 84 ee 00 00 00       je     106040 <sem_open+0x1e0>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
    const char *_name, unsigned int _count)                                               
    struct _Semaphore_Control _init =                                                     
        _SEMAPHORE_NAMED_INITIALIZER(_name, _count);                                      
    *_semaphore = _init;                                                                  
  105f52:   89 58 24                mov    %ebx,0x24(%eax)                                
  _POSIX_Semaphore_Initialize( &the_semaphore->Semaphore, name, value );                  
  105f55:   8d 70 10                lea    0x10(%eax),%esi                                
  the_object->name.name_p = name;                                                         
  105f58:   89 58 0c                mov    %ebx,0xc(%eax)                                 
  sem->_flags = (uintptr_t) sem ^ POSIX_SEMAPHORE_MAGIC;                                  
  105f5b:   89 f1                   mov    %esi,%ecx                                      
  information->local_table[ index - OBJECTS_INDEX_MINIMUM ] = the_object;                 
  105f5d:   0f b7 58 08             movzwl 0x8(%eax),%ebx                                 
  the_semaphore->open_count = 1;                                                          
  105f61:   c7 40 30 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,0x30(%eax)                                
  105f68:   81 f1 e7 7f 36 5d       xor    $0x5d367fe7,%ecx                               
  105f6e:   89 48 10                mov    %ecx,0x10(%eax)                                
  105f71:   8b 0d 44 97 12 00       mov    0x129744,%ecx                                  
  the_semaphore->linked = true;                                                           
  105f77:   c6 40 2c 01             movb   $0x1,0x2c(%eax)                                
  105f7b:   c7 40 14 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x14(%eax)                                
  105f82:   c7 40 18 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x18(%eax)                                
  105f89:   c7 40 1c 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x1c(%eax)                                
  105f90:   c7 40 20 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x20(%eax)                                
  105f97:   89 78 28                mov    %edi,0x28(%eax)                                
  105f9a:   89 44 99 fc             mov    %eax,-0x4(%ecx,%ebx,4)                         
  105f9e:   e8 ad 0f 00 00          call   106f50 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
  105fa3:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  105fa6:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      
  105fa8:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  105fab:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  105fae:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  105fb0:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105fb1:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105fb2:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105fb9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105fc0:   e8 8b 0f 00 00          call   106f50 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
  105fc5:   8b 5d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%ebx                               
  105fc8:   31 f6                   xor    %esi,%esi                                      
  105fca:   e8 f1 67 01 00          call   11c7c0 <__errno>                               
  105fcf:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  105fd2:   8b 14 9d 20 42 12 00    mov    0x124220(,%ebx,4),%edx                         
  105fd9:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  105fdc:   89 10                   mov    %edx,(%eax)                                    
  105fde:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      
  105fe0:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  105fe3:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  105fe5:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105fe6:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105fe7:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105fee:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  105ff0:   e8 5b 0f 00 00          call   106f50 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
      rtems_set_errno_and_return_value( EEXIST, SEM_FAILED );                             
  105ff5:   31 f6                   xor    %esi,%esi                                      
  105ff7:   e8 c4 67 01 00          call   11c7c0 <__errno>                               
  105ffc:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  105fff:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
      rtems_set_errno_and_return_value( EEXIST, SEM_FAILED );                             
  106002:   c7 00 11 00 00 00       movl   $0x11,(%eax)                                   
  106008:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      
  10600a:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  10600d:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10600f:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  106010:   c3                      ret                                                   
  106011:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  106018:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10601f:   90                      nop                                                   
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_value( EINVAL, SEM_FAILED );                               
  106020:   e8 9b 67 01 00          call   11c7c0 <__errno>                               
  106025:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  10602b:   e9 6e ff ff ff          jmp    105f9e <sem_open+0x13e>                        
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_value( ENOMEM, SEM_FAILED );                               
  106030:   e8 8b 67 01 00          call   11c7c0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  106035:   c7 00 0c 00 00 00       movl   $0xc,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10603b:   e9 5e ff ff ff          jmp    105f9e <sem_open+0x13e>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    _Workspace_Free( name );                                                              
  106040:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  106043:   e8 e8 6a 00 00          call   10cb30 <_Workspace_Free>                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_value( ENOSPC, SEM_FAILED );                               
  106048:   e8 73 67 01 00          call   11c7c0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10604d:   c7 00 1c 00 00 00       movl   $0x1c,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  106053:   e9 46 ff ff ff          jmp    105f9e <sem_open+0x13e>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  106058:   90                      nop                                                   
  106059:   90                      nop                                                   
  10605a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10605b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10605c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10605d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10605e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10605f:   90                      nop                                                   

00105a50 <sem_post>: #include <rtems/posix/semaphoreimpl.h> #include <limits.h> int sem_post( sem_t *_sem ) {
  105a50:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  105a51:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  105a53:   83 ec 48                sub    $0x48,%esp                                     
  105a56:   89 5d fc                mov    %ebx,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  105a59:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  ISR_Level             level;                                                            
  Thread_queue_Context  queue_context;                                                    
  Thread_queue_Heads   *heads;                                                            
  unsigned int          count;                                                            
  POSIX_SEMAPHORE_VALIDATE_OBJECT( _sem );                                                
  105a5c:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  105a5e:   0f 84 8c 00 00 00       je     105af0 <sem_post+0xa0>                         
  105a64:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  105a66:   35 e7 7f 36 5d          xor    $0x5d367fe7,%eax                               
  105a6b:   3b 03                   cmp    (%ebx),%eax                                    
  105a6d:   0f 85 7d 00 00 00       jne    105af0 <sem_post+0xa0>                         
  sem = _Sem_Get( &_sem->_Semaphore );                                                    
  _Thread_queue_Context_initialize( &queue_context );                                     
  _Thread_queue_Context_ISR_disable( &queue_context, level );                             
  105a73:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  105a74:   fa                      cli                                                   
  105a75:   59                      pop    %ecx                                           
  _Sem_Queue_acquire_critical( sem, &queue_context );                                     
  heads = sem->Queue.Queue.heads;                                                         
  105a76:   8b 53 0c                mov    0xc(%ebx),%edx                                 
  count = sem->count;                                                                     
  105a79:   8b 43 18                mov    0x18(%ebx),%eax                                
  if ( RTEMS_PREDICT_TRUE( heads == NULL && count < SEM_VALUE_MAX ) ) {                   
  105a7c:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  105a7e:   75 20                   jne    105aa0 <sem_post+0x50>                         
  105a80:   3d fe ff ff 7f          cmp    $0x7ffffffe,%eax                               
  105a85:   77 49                   ja     105ad0 <sem_post+0x80>                         
    sem->count = count + 1;                                                               
  105a87:   40                      inc    %eax                                           
  105a88:   89 43 18                mov    %eax,0x18(%ebx)                                
  _ISR_Local_enable( level );                                                             
  105a8b:   51                      push   %ecx                                           
  105a8c:   9d                      popf                                                  
    _Sem_Queue_release( sem, level, &queue_context );                                     
    return 0;                                                                             
  105a8d:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
    return 0;                                                                             
  _Sem_Queue_release( sem, level, &queue_context );                                       
  rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EOVERFLOW );                                      
  105a8f:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  105a92:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  105a94:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105a95:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105a96:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105a9d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
#if defined( RTEMS_SMP )                                                                  
  context->Lock_context.isr_level = level;                                                
  context->isr_level = level;                                                             
  105aa0:   89 4d d4                mov    %ecx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  105aa3:   83 c3 0c                add    $0xc,%ebx                                      
    first = ( *operations->first )( heads );                                              
  105aa6:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    
  105aa9:   ff 15 ec 3d 12 00       call   *0x123dec                                      
  105aaf:   8d 55 d4                lea    -0x2c(%ebp),%edx                               
  105ab2:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  105ab6:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  105ab9:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  105abd:   b8 dc 3d 12 00          mov    $0x123ddc,%eax                                 
  105ac2:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105ac6:   e8 e5 33 00 00          call   108eb0 <_Thread_queue_Extract_critical>        
    return 0;                                                                             
  105acb:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  105acd:   eb c0                   jmp    105a8f <sem_post+0x3f>                         
  105acf:   90                      nop                                                   
  if ( RTEMS_PREDICT_TRUE( heads != NULL ) ) {                                            
  105ad0:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  105ad2:   75 cc                   jne    105aa0 <sem_post+0x50>                         <== NEVER TAKEN
  105ad4:   51                      push   %ecx                                           
  105ad5:   9d                      popf                                                  
  rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EOVERFLOW );                                      
  105ad6:   e8 f5 54 01 00          call   11afd0 <__errno>                               
  105adb:   c7 00 8b 00 00 00       movl   $0x8b,(%eax)                                   
  105ae1:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  105ae6:   eb a7                   jmp    105a8f <sem_post+0x3f>                         
  105ae8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105aef:   90                      nop                                                   
  POSIX_SEMAPHORE_VALIDATE_OBJECT( _sem );                                                
  105af0:   e8 db 54 01 00          call   11afd0 <__errno>                               
  105af5:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  105afb:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  105b00:   eb 8d                   jmp    105a8f <sem_post+0x3f>                         
  105b02:   90                      nop                                                   
  105b03:   90                      nop                                                   
  105b04:   90                      nop                                                   
  105b05:   90                      nop                                                   
  105b06:   90                      nop                                                   
  105b07:   90                      nop                                                   
  105b08:   90                      nop                                                   
  105b09:   90                      nop                                                   
  105b0a:   90                      nop                                                   
  105b0b:   90                      nop                                                   
  105b0c:   90                      nop                                                   
  105b0d:   90                      nop                                                   
  105b0e:   90                      nop                                                   
  105b0f:   90                      nop                                                   

00106eb0 <sem_timedwait>: int sem_timedwait( sem_t *__restrict _sem, const struct timespec *__restrict abstime ) {
  106eb0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  106eb1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  106eb3:   83 ec 48                sub    $0x48,%esp                                     
  106eb6:   89 5d fc                mov    %ebx,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  106eb9:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  Thread_queue_Context  queue_context;                                                    
  ISR_Level             level;                                                            
  Thread_Control       *executing;                                                        
  unsigned int          count;                                                            
  POSIX_SEMAPHORE_VALIDATE_OBJECT( _sem );                                                
  106ebc:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  106ebe:   0f 84 8c 00 00 00       je     106f50 <sem_timedwait+0xa0>                    
  106ec4:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  106ec6:   81 f2 e7 7f 36 5d       xor    $0x5d367fe7,%edx                               
  106ecc:   3b 10                   cmp    (%eax),%edx                                    
  106ece:   0f 85 7c 00 00 00       jne    106f50 <sem_timedwait+0xa0>                    
  sem = _Sem_Get( &_sem->_Semaphore );                                                    
  _Thread_queue_Context_initialize( &queue_context );                                     
  _Thread_queue_Context_ISR_disable( &queue_context, level );                             
  106ed4:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  106ed5:   fa                      cli                                                   
  106ed6:   59                      pop    %ecx                                           
  executing = _Sem_Queue_acquire_critical( sem, &queue_context );                         
  count = sem->count;                                                                     
  106ed7:   8b 50 18                mov    0x18(%eax),%edx                                
  if ( RTEMS_PREDICT_TRUE( count > 0 ) ) {                                                
  106eda:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  106edc:   74 12                   je     106ef0 <sem_timedwait+0x40>                    
    sem->count = count - 1;                                                               
  106ede:   4a                      dec    %edx                                           
  106edf:   89 50 18                mov    %edx,0x18(%eax)                                
  _ISR_Local_enable( level );                                                             
  106ee2:   51                      push   %ecx                                           
  106ee3:   9d                      popf                                                  
    _Sem_Queue_release( sem, level, &queue_context );                                     
    return 0;                                                                             
  106ee4:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
    status = _Thread_Wait_get_status( executing );                                        
    return _POSIX_Zero_or_minus_one_plus_errno( status );                                 
  106ee6:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  106ee8:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  106eeb:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  106eed:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  106eee:   c3                      ret                                                   
  106eef:   90                      nop                                                   
  queue_context->Timeout.arg = abstime;                                                   
  106ef0:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  106ef3:   83 c0 0c                add    $0xc,%eax                                      
  106ef6:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  106ef9:   8b 1d d8 d1 12 00       mov    0x12d1d8,%ebx                                  
  queue_context->thread_state = thread_state;                                             
  106eff:   c7 45 d8 02 00 00 00    movl   $0x2,-0x28(%ebp)                               
  queue_context->enqueue_callout = _Thread_queue_Add_timeout_realtime_timespec;           
  106f06:   c7 45 dc b0 b8 10 00    movl   $0x10b8b0,-0x24(%ebp)                          
  queue_context->Timeout.arg = abstime;                                                   
  106f0d:   89 55 e0                mov    %edx,-0x20(%ebp)                               
  106f10:   8d 55 d4                lea    -0x2c(%ebp),%edx                               
  106f13:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  106f17:   ba 1c 46 12 00          mov    $0x12461c,%edx                                 
  106f1c:   89 5c 24 08             mov    %ebx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  106f20:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  106f24:   89 4d d4                mov    %ecx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  106f27:   e8 74 39 00 00          call   10a8a0 <_Thread_queue_Enqueue>                 
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Status_Control _Thread_Wait_get_status(                              
  const Thread_Control *the_thread                                                        
  return (Status_Control) the_thread->Wait.return_code;                                   
  106f2c:   8b 5b 4c                mov    0x4c(%ebx),%ebx                                
  if ( status == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ) {                                                    
  106f2f:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  106f31:   74 b3                   je     106ee6 <sem_timedwait+0x36>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( _POSIX_Get_error( status ) );                     
  106f33:   e8 e8 5d 01 00          call   11cd20 <__errno>                               
  106f38:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  return STATUS_GET_POSIX( status );                                                      
  106f3a:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  106f3c:   c1 f8 1f                sar    $0x1f,%eax                                     
  106f3f:   0f b6 c0                movzbl %al,%eax                                       
  106f42:   01 d8                   add    %ebx,%eax                                      
  rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( _POSIX_Get_error( status ) );                     
  106f44:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               
  return STATUS_GET_POSIX( status );                                                      
  106f49:   c1 f8 08                sar    $0x8,%eax                                      
  rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( _POSIX_Get_error( status ) );                     
  106f4c:   89 02                   mov    %eax,(%edx)                                    
  106f4e:   eb 96                   jmp    106ee6 <sem_timedwait+0x36>                    
  POSIX_SEMAPHORE_VALIDATE_OBJECT( _sem );                                                
  106f50:   e8 cb 5d 01 00          call   11cd20 <__errno>                               
  106f55:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               
  106f5a:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  106f60:   eb 84                   jmp    106ee6 <sem_timedwait+0x36>                    
  106f62:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f63:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f64:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f65:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f66:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f67:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f68:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f69:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f6a:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f6b:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f6c:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f6d:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f6e:   90                      nop                                                   
  106f6f:   90                      nop                                                   

00105920 <shm_open>: {
  105920:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  105921:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  105923:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  105924:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  105925:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  105926:   83 ec 4c                sub    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  105929:   8b 75 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%esi                                 
  if ( ( oflag & O_ACCMODE ) != O_RDONLY && ( oflag & O_ACCMODE ) != O_RDWR ) {           
  10592c:   89 f7                   mov    %esi,%edi                                      
  10592e:   83 e7 03                and    $0x3,%edi                                      
  105931:   89 7d c4                mov    %edi,-0x3c(%ebp)                               
  105934:   83 ff 02                cmp    $0x2,%edi                                      
  105937:   0f 95 c0                setne  %al                                            
  10593a:   f7 c6 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%esi                                      
  105940:   0f 85 ba 02 00 00       jne    105c00 <shm_open+0x2e0>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
  if ( ( oflag & ~( O_RDONLY | O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_TRUNC ) ) != 0 ) {           
  105946:   f7 c6 fd f1 ff ff       test   $0xfffff1fd,%esi                               
  10594c:   0f 85 ae 02 00 00       jne    105c00 <shm_open+0x2e0>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
  if ( ( oflag & O_TRUNC ) != 0 && ( oflag & O_ACCMODE ) != O_RDWR ) {                    
  105952:   89 f7                   mov    %esi,%edi                                      
  105954:   81 e7 00 04 00 00       and    $0x400,%edi                                    
  10595a:   89 7d c0                mov    %edi,-0x40(%ebp)                               
  10595d:   74 08                   je     105967 <shm_open+0x47>                         <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10595f:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  105961:   0f 85 99 02 00 00       jne    105c00 <shm_open+0x2e0>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  iop = rtems_libio_allocate();                                                           
  105967:   e8 d4 b5 ff ff          call   100f40 <rtems_libio_allocate>                  
  if ( iop == NULL ) {                                                                    
  10596c:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  iop = rtems_libio_allocate();                                                           
  10596e:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  if ( iop == NULL ) {                                                                    
  105970:   0f 84 9f 02 00 00       je     105c15 <shm_open+0x2f5>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
  105976:   e8 95 09 00 00          call   106310 <_RTEMS_Lock_allocator>                 
  return (POSIX_Shm_Control *) _Objects_Get_by_name(                                      
  10597b:   8d 45 d8                lea    -0x28(%ebp),%eax                               
  10597e:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  105982:   8d 45 d4                lea    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
  105985:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  105989:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10598c:   c7 04 24 40 b1 12 00    movl   $0x12b140,(%esp)                               
  105993:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105997:   e8 54 1f 00 00          call   1078f0 <_Objects_Get_by_name>                  
  if ( shm == NULL ) {                                                                    
  10599c:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10599e:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  1059a0:   0f 84 fa 00 00 00       je     105aa0 <shm_open+0x180>                        <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    if ( ( oflag & ( O_EXCL | O_CREAT ) ) == ( O_EXCL | O_CREAT ) ) {                     
  1059a6:   81 e6 00 0a 00 00       and    $0xa00,%esi                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059ac:   81 fe 00 0a 00 00       cmp    $0xa00,%esi                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059b2:   75 2c                   jne    1059e0 <shm_open+0xc0>                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059b4:   e8 77 09 00 00          call   106330 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               <== NOT EXECUTED
      err = EEXIST;                                                                       
  1059b9:   be 11 00 00 00          mov    $0x11,%esi                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    rtems_libio_free( iop );                                                              
  1059be:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059c1:   e8 da b5 ff ff          call   100fa0 <rtems_libio_free>                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( err );                                          
  1059c6:   e8 e5 55 01 00          call   11afb0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059cb:   89 30                   mov    %esi,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059cd:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059d2:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059d5:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059d6:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059d7:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059d8:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059d9:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059da:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    } else if ( !shm_access_ok( shm, oflag ) ) {                                          
  1059e0:   0f b7 48 2c             movzwl 0x2c(%eax),%ecx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059e4:   89 55 bc                mov    %edx,-0x44(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059e7:   0f b7 70 2e             movzwl 0x2e(%eax),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059eb:   8b 40 30                mov    0x30(%eax),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    flags = RTEMS_FS_PERMS_WRITE;                                                         
  1059ee:   83 7d c4 01             cmpl   $0x1,-0x3c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  return rtems_filesystem_check_access( flags, shm->mode, shm->uid, shm->gid );           
  1059f2:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059f6:   89 74 24 0c             mov    %esi,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059fa:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    flags = RTEMS_FS_PERMS_WRITE;                                                         
  1059fe:   19 c0                   sbb    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105a00:   83 e0 02                and    $0x2,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105a03:   83 c0 02                add    $0x2,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  return rtems_filesystem_check_access( flags, shm->mode, shm->uid, shm->gid );           
  105a06:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105a09:   e8 72 58 00 00          call   10b280 <rtems_filesystem_check_access>         <== NOT EXECUTED
    } else if ( !shm_access_ok( shm, oflag ) ) {                                          
  105a0e:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  105a10:   0f 84 8a 01 00 00       je     105ba0 <shm_open+0x280>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  105a16:   8b 55 bc                mov    -0x44(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105a19:   ff 42 1c                incl   0x1c(%edx)                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  105a1c:   e8 0f 09 00 00          call   106330 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               <== NOT EXECUTED
  if ( err != 0 ) {                                                                       
  105a21:   8b 55 bc                mov    -0x44(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  if ( oflag & O_TRUNC ) {                                                                
  105a24:   8b 4d c0                mov    -0x40(%ebp),%ecx                               
  105a27:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  105a29:   0f 85 a1 01 00 00       jne    105bd0 <shm_open+0x2b0>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
  iop->data1 = shm;                                                                       
  105a2f:   89 53 28                mov    %edx,0x28(%ebx)                                
  rtems_filesystem_location_add_to_mt_entry( &iop->pathinfo );                            
  105a32:   8d 73 0c                lea    0xc(%ebx),%esi                                 
  fd = rtems_libio_iop_to_descriptor( iop );                                              
  105a35:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  iop->pathinfo.node_access = shm;                                                        
  105a37:   89 53 14                mov    %edx,0x14(%ebx)                                
  fd = rtems_libio_iop_to_descriptor( iop );                                              
  105a3a:   2d e0 ea 12 00          sub    $0x12eae0,%eax                                 
  iop->pathinfo.handlers = &shm_handlers;                                                 
  105a3f:   c7 43 1c 80 6d 12 00    movl   $0x126d80,0x1c(%ebx)                           
  fd = rtems_libio_iop_to_descriptor( iop );                                              
  105a46:   c1 f8 02                sar    $0x2,%eax                                      
  iop->pathinfo.mt_entry = &rtems_filesystem_null_mt_entry;                               
  105a49:   c7 43 20 60 b3 12 00    movl   $0x12b360,0x20(%ebx)                           
  fd = rtems_libio_iop_to_descriptor( iop );                                              
  105a50:   69 c0 a3 8b 2e ba       imul   $0xba2e8ba3,%eax,%eax                          
  iop->data0 = fd;                                                                        
  105a56:   89 43 24                mov    %eax,0x24(%ebx)                                
  rtems_filesystem_mt_entry_lock( lock_context );                                         
  105a59:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  105a5a:   fa                      cli                                                   
  105a5b:   8f 45 c0                pop    -0x40(%ebp)                                    
  105a5e:   8b 53 20                mov    0x20(%ebx),%edx                                
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
  105a61:   8b 4a 1c                mov    0x1c(%edx),%ecx                                
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  105a64:   8d 7a 18                lea    0x18(%edx),%edi                                
  105a67:   89 7b 0c                mov    %edi,0xc(%ebx)                                 
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
  105a6a:   89 72 1c                mov    %esi,0x1c(%edx)                                
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
  105a6d:   89 31                   mov    %esi,(%ecx)                                    
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
  105a6f:   89 4b 10                mov    %ecx,0x10(%ebx)                                
  rtems_filesystem_mt_entry_unlock( lock_context );                                       
  105a72:   ff 75 c0                push   -0x40(%ebp)                                    
  105a75:   9d                      popf                                                  
    flags |= LIBIO_FLAGS_READ_WRITE;                                                      
  105a76:   83 7d c4 01             cmpl   $0x1,-0x3c(%ebp)                               
  105a7a:   19 d2                   sbb    %edx,%edx                                      
  105a7c:   83 e2 fc                and    $0xfffffffc,%edx                               
  105a7f:   81 c2 06 09 00 00       add    $0x906,%edx                                    
  _ISR_Local_disable( level );                                                            
  105a85:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  105a86:   fa                      cli                                                   
  105a87:   59                      pop    %ecx                                           
  *obj = val | arg;                                                                       
  105a88:   09 13                   or     %edx,(%ebx)                                    
  _ISR_Local_enable( level );                                                             
  105a8a:   51                      push   %ecx                                           
  105a8b:   9d                      popf                                                  
  105a8c:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  105a8f:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  105a90:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  105a91:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  105a92:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105a93:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105a94:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105a9b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105a9f:   90                      nop                                                   
    switch ( obj_err ) {                                                                  
  105aa0:   8b 45 d8                mov    -0x28(%ebp),%eax                               
  105aa3:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105aa5:   0f 84 15 01 00 00       je     105bc0 <shm_open+0x2a0>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
  105aab:   48                      dec    %eax                                           
  105aac:   0f 84 fe 00 00 00       je     105bb0 <shm_open+0x290>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
  if ( name_arg[0] != '/' ) {                                                             
  105ab2:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  105ab5:   80 38 2f                cmpb   $0x2f,(%eax)                                   
  105ab8:   0f 85 02 01 00 00       jne    105bc0 <shm_open+0x2a0>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
  if ( ( oflag & O_CREAT ) != O_CREAT ) {                                                 
  105abe:   f7 c6 00 02 00 00       test   $0x200,%esi                                    
  105ac4:   0f 84 26 01 00 00       je     105bf0 <shm_open+0x2d0>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
  name = _Workspace_String_duplicate( name_arg, name_len );                               
  105aca:   8b 45 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
  105acd:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105ad1:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  105ad4:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  105ad7:   e8 c4 45 00 00          call   10a0a0 <_Workspace_String_duplicate>           
  105adc:   89 45 bc                mov    %eax,-0x44(%ebp)                               
  if ( name == NULL ) {                                                                   
  105adf:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105ae1:   0f 84 43 01 00 00       je     105c2a <shm_open+0x30a>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
  return ( *information->allocate )( information );                                       
  105ae7:   c7 04 24 40 b1 12 00    movl   $0x12b140,(%esp)                               
  105aee:   ff 15 48 b1 12 00       call   *0x12b148                                      
  if ( shm == NULL ) {                                                                    
  105af4:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105af6:   0f 84 3d 01 00 00       je     105c39 <shm_open+0x319>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
  105afc:   89 45 b8                mov    %eax,-0x48(%ebp)                               
  gettimeofday( &tv, 0 );                                                                 
  105aff:   8d 45 dc                lea    -0x24(%ebp),%eax                               
  105b02:   31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi                                      
  105b04:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105b08:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  105b0b:   e8 30 52 00 00          call   10ad40 <gettimeofday>                          
  shm->reference_count = 1;                                                               
  105b10:   8b 55 b8                mov    -0x48(%ebp),%edx                               
  105b13:   c7 42 1c 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,0x1c(%edx)                                
  shm->shm_object.handle = NULL;                                                          
  105b1a:   c7 42 20 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x20(%edx)                                
  shm->shm_object.size = 0;                                                               
  105b21:   c7 42 24 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x24(%edx)                                
  shm->shm_object.ops = &_POSIX_Shm_Object_operations;                                    
  105b28:   c7 42 28 c0 6d 12 00    movl   $0x126dc0,0x28(%edx)                           
  shm->mode = mode & ~rtems_filesystem_umask;                                             
  105b2f:   e8 dc ce ff ff          call   102a10 <rtems_current_user_env_get>            
  105b34:   8b 55 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edx                                
  105b37:   8b 40 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%eax                                 
  105b3a:   f7 d0                   not    %eax                                           
  105b3c:   21 d0                   and    %edx,%eax                                      
  105b3e:   8b 55 b8                mov    -0x48(%ebp),%edx                               
  shm->oflag = oflag;                                                                     
  105b41:   89 72 34                mov    %esi,0x34(%edx)                                
  shm->mode = mode & ~rtems_filesystem_umask;                                             
  105b44:   89 42 30                mov    %eax,0x30(%edx)                                
  shm->uid = geteuid();                                                                   
  105b47:   e8 d4 51 00 00          call   10ad20 <geteuid>                               
  105b4c:   8b 55 b8                mov    -0x48(%ebp),%edx                               
  105b4f:   66 89 42 2c             mov    %ax,0x2c(%edx)                                 
  shm->gid = getegid();                                                                   
  105b53:   e8 a8 51 00 00          call   10ad00 <getegid>                               
  105b58:   8b 55 b8                mov    -0x48(%ebp),%edx                               
  shm->atime = (time_t) tv.tv_sec;                                                        
  105b5b:   8b 75 dc                mov    -0x24(%ebp),%esi                               
  105b5e:   8b 7d e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%edi                               
  information->local_table[ index - OBJECTS_INDEX_MINIMUM ] = the_object;                 
  105b61:   0f b7 4a 08             movzwl 0x8(%edx),%ecx                                 
  105b65:   89 72 38                mov    %esi,0x38(%edx)                                
  shm->gid = getegid();                                                                   
  105b68:   66 89 42 2e             mov    %ax,0x2e(%edx)                                 
  the_object->name.name_p = name;                                                         
  105b6c:   8b 45 bc                mov    -0x44(%ebp),%eax                               
  shm->atime = (time_t) tv.tv_sec;                                                        
  105b6f:   89 7a 3c                mov    %edi,0x3c(%edx)                                
  shm->mtime = (time_t) tv.tv_sec;                                                        
  105b72:   89 72 40                mov    %esi,0x40(%edx)                                
  105b75:   89 7a 44                mov    %edi,0x44(%edx)                                
  105b78:   89 42 0c                mov    %eax,0xc(%edx)                                 
  information->local_table[ index - OBJECTS_INDEX_MINIMUM ] = the_object;                 
  105b7b:   a1 44 b1 12 00          mov    0x12b144,%eax                                  
  shm->ctime = (time_t) tv.tv_sec;                                                        
  105b80:   89 72 48                mov    %esi,0x48(%edx)                                
  105b83:   89 7a 4c                mov    %edi,0x4c(%edx)                                
  105b86:   89 55 bc                mov    %edx,-0x44(%ebp)                               
  105b89:   89 54 88 fc             mov    %edx,-0x4(%eax,%ecx,4)                         
  105b8d:   e8 9e 07 00 00          call   106330 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
  if ( err != 0 ) {                                                                       
  105b92:   8b 55 bc                mov    -0x44(%ebp),%edx                               
  105b95:   e9 8a fe ff ff          jmp    105a24 <shm_open+0x104>                        
  105b9a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  105ba0:   e8 8b 07 00 00          call   106330 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               <== NOT EXECUTED
      err = EACCES;                                                                       
  105ba5:   be 0d 00 00 00          mov    $0xd,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105baa:   e9 0f fe ff ff          jmp    1059be <shm_open+0x9e>                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  105baf:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105bb0:   e8 7b 07 00 00          call   106330 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               <== NOT EXECUTED
        err = ENAMETOOLONG;                                                               
  105bb5:   be 5b 00 00 00          mov    $0x5b,%esi                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  105bba:   e9 ff fd ff ff          jmp    1059be <shm_open+0x9e>                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  105bbf:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105bc0:   e8 6b 07 00 00          call   106330 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               <== NOT EXECUTED
    *error = EINVAL;                                                                      
  105bc5:   be 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%esi                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  105bca:   e9 ef fd ff ff          jmp    1059be <shm_open+0x9e>                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  105bcf:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105bd0:   89 55 c0                mov    %edx,-0x40(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    err = shm_ftruncate( iop, 0 );                                                        
  105bd3:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105bd5:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105bd7:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105bdb:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105bdf:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105be2:   e8 b9 fb ff ff          call   1057a0 <shm_ftruncate>                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  105be7:   8b 55 c0                mov    -0x40(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105bea:   e9 40 fe ff ff          jmp    105a2f <shm_open+0x10f>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  105bef:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105bf0:   e8 3b 07 00 00          call   106330 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               <== NOT EXECUTED
    *error = ENOENT;                                                                      
  105bf5:   be 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105bfa:   e9 bf fd ff ff          jmp    1059be <shm_open+0x9e>                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  105bff:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EACCES );                                       
  105c00:   e8 ab 53 01 00          call   11afb0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c05:   c7 00 0d 00 00 00       movl   $0xd,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    return -1;                                                                            
  105c0b:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c10:   e9 bd fd ff ff          jmp    1059d2 <shm_open+0xb2>                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EMFILE );                                       
  105c15:   e8 96 53 01 00          call   11afb0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c1a:   c7 00 18 00 00 00       movl   $0x18,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c20:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c25:   e9 a8 fd ff ff          jmp    1059d2 <shm_open+0xb2>                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c2a:   e8 01 07 00 00          call   106330 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               <== NOT EXECUTED
    *error = ENOSPC;                                                                      
  105c2f:   be 1c 00 00 00          mov    $0x1c,%esi                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c34:   e9 85 fd ff ff          jmp    1059be <shm_open+0x9e>                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    _Workspace_Free( name );                                                              
  105c39:   8b 45 bc                mov    -0x44(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    *error = ENFILE;                                                                      
  105c3c:   be 17 00 00 00          mov    $0x17,%esi                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    _Workspace_Free( name );                                                              
  105c41:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c44:   e8 37 44 00 00          call   10a080 <_Workspace_Free>                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c49:   e8 e2 06 00 00          call   106330 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               <== NOT EXECUTED
  if ( err != 0 ) {                                                                       
  105c4e:   e9 6b fd ff ff          jmp    1059be <shm_open+0x9e>                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c53:   90                      nop                                                   
  105c54:   90                      nop                                                   
  105c55:   90                      nop                                                   
  105c56:   90                      nop                                                   
  105c57:   90                      nop                                                   
  105c58:   90                      nop                                                   
  105c59:   90                      nop                                                   
  105c5a:   90                      nop                                                   
  105c5b:   90                      nop                                                   
  105c5c:   90                      nop                                                   
  105c5d:   90                      nop                                                   
  105c5e:   90                      nop                                                   
  105c5f:   90                      nop                                                   

001078e0 <shm_unlink>: #include <rtems/seterr.h> #include <rtems/posix/shmimpl.h> int shm_unlink( const char *name ) {
  1078e0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  1078e1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  1078e3:   83 ec 38                sub    $0x38,%esp                                     
  1078e6:   89 5d fc                mov    %ebx,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  1078e9:   e8 62 2d 00 00          call   10a650 <_RTEMS_Lock_allocator>                 
  1078ee:   8d 45 f4                lea    -0xc(%ebp),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1078f1:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1078f5:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1078f7:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1078fb:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1078fe:   c7 04 24 80 e1 12 00    movl   $0x12e180,(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  107905:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  107909:   e8 92 4b 00 00          call   10c4a0 <_Objects_Get_by_name>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  POSIX_Shm_Control *shm;                                                                 
  shm = _POSIX_Shm_Get_by_name( name, 0, &obj_err );                                      
  if ( shm ) {                                                                            
  10790e:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  107910:   74 4c                   je     10795e <shm_unlink+0x7e>                       <== NEVER TAKEN
  107912:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  107916:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  107918:   c7 04 24 80 e1 12 00    movl   $0x12e180,(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10791f:   e8 5c 4b 00 00          call   10c480 <_Objects_Namespace_remove_string>      <== NOT EXECUTED
    if ( shm->reference_count == 0 ) {                                                    
  107924:   8b 43 1c                mov    0x1c(%ebx),%eax                                
  107927:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  107929:   75 25                   jne    107950 <shm_unlink+0x70>                       <== NEVER TAKEN
  ( *information->deallocate )( information, the_object );                                
  10792b:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10792f:   c7 04 24 80 e1 12 00    movl   $0x12e180,(%esp)                               
  107936:   89 45 e4                mov    %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  107939:   ff 15 8c e1 12 00       call   *0x12e18c                                      
  10793f:   e8 2c 2d 00 00          call   10a670 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
  if ( err != 0 )                                                                         
  107944:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( err );                                          
  return 0;                                                                               
  107947:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  10794a:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10794c:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10794d:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10794e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  107950:   e8 1b 2d 00 00          call   10a670 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               <== NOT EXECUTED
  107955:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  107958:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10795a:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  return 0;                                                                               
  10795b:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10795d:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    switch ( obj_err ) {                                                                  
  10795e:   83 7d f4 01             cmpl   $0x1,-0xc(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  107962:   74 18                   je     10797c <shm_unlink+0x9c>                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  107964:   e8 07 2d 00 00          call   10a670 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               <== NOT EXECUTED
        err = ENOENT;                                                                     
  107969:   bb 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( err );                                          
  10796e:   e8 9d 8d 01 00          call   120710 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  107973:   89 18                   mov    %ebx,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  107975:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10797a:   eb cb                   jmp    107947 <shm_unlink+0x67>                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  10797c:   e8 ef 2c 00 00          call   10a670 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               <== NOT EXECUTED
        err = ENAMETOOLONG;                                                               
  107981:   bb 5b 00 00 00          mov    $0x5b,%ebx                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  107986:   eb e6                   jmp    10796e <shm_unlink+0x8e>                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  107988:   90                      nop                                                   
  107989:   90                      nop                                                   
  10798a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10798b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10798c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10798d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10798e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10798f:   90                      nop                                                   

0010fad0 <sigaction>: int sigaction( int sig, const struct sigaction *__restrict act, struct sigaction *__restrict oact ) {
  10fad0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  10fad1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10fad3:   83 ec 28                sub    $0x28,%esp                                     
  10fad6:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  10fad9:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  10fadc:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  10fadf:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  10fae2:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  10fae5:   8b 75 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%esi                                 
  Thread_queue_Context queue_context;                                                     
  if ( !sig )                                                                             
  10fae8:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  10faea:   0f 84 b0 00 00 00       je     10fba0 <sigaction+0xd0>                        
static inline bool is_valid_signo(                                                        
  int signo                                                                               
  return ((signo) >= 1 && (signo) <= 32 );                                                
  10faf0:   8d 53 ff                lea    -0x1(%ebx),%edx                                
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  if ( !is_valid_signo(sig) )                                                             
  10faf3:   83 fa 1f                cmp    $0x1f,%edx                                     
  10faf6:   0f 87 a4 00 00 00       ja     10fba0 <sigaction+0xd0>                        
   *  NOTE: Solaris documentation claims to "silently enforce" this which                 
   *        contradicts the POSIX specification.                                          
  if ( sig == SIGKILL )                                                                   
  10fafc:   83 fb 09                cmp    $0x9,%ebx                                      
  10faff:   0f 84 9b 00 00 00       je     10fba0 <sigaction+0xd0>                        
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                     
  10fb05:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  10fb06:   fa                      cli                                                   
  10fb07:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  _Thread_queue_Context_initialize( &queue_context );                                     
  _POSIX_signals_Acquire( &queue_context );                                               
  if ( oact )                                                                             
  10fb08:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10fb0a:   74 20                   je     10fb2c <sigaction+0x5c>                        
    *oact = _POSIX_signals_Vectors[ sig ];                                                
  10fb0c:   8d 14 5b                lea    (%ebx,%ebx,2),%edx                             
  10fb0f:   c1 e2 02                shl    $0x2,%edx                                      
  10fb12:   8d 8a c0 d4 12 00       lea    0x12d4c0(%edx),%ecx                            
  10fb18:   8b 92 c0 d4 12 00       mov    0x12d4c0(%edx),%edx                            
  10fb1e:   89 10                   mov    %edx,(%eax)                                    
  10fb20:   8b 51 04                mov    0x4(%ecx),%edx                                 
  10fb23:   89 50 04                mov    %edx,0x4(%eax)                                 
  10fb26:   8b 51 08                mov    0x8(%ecx),%edx                                 
  10fb29:   89 50 08                mov    %edx,0x8(%eax)                                 
   *  Evaluate the new action structure and set the global signal vector                  
   *  appropriately.                                                                      
  if ( act ) {                                                                            
  10fb2c:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  10fb2e:   74 2f                   je     10fb5f <sigaction+0x8f>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
     *  Unless the user is installing the default signal actions, then                    
     *  we can just copy the provided sigaction structure into the vectors.               
    if ( act->sa_handler == SIG_DFL ) {                                                   
  10fb30:   8b 46 08                mov    0x8(%esi),%eax                                 
  10fb33:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10fb35:   74 39                   je     10fb70 <sigaction+0xa0>                        
      _POSIX_signals_Vectors[ sig ] = _POSIX_signals_Default_vectors[ sig ];              
    } else {                                                                              
       _POSIX_signals_Clear_process_signals( sig );                                       
  10fb37:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  10fb3a:   e8 81 0d 00 00          call   1108c0 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_process_signals>  
       _POSIX_signals_Vectors[ sig ] = *act;                                              
  10fb3f:   8b 0e                   mov    (%esi),%ecx                                    
  10fb41:   8d 04 5b                lea    (%ebx,%ebx,2),%eax                             
  10fb44:   c1 e0 02                shl    $0x2,%eax                                      
  10fb47:   8d 90 c0 d4 12 00       lea    0x12d4c0(%eax),%edx                            
  10fb4d:   89 88 c0 d4 12 00       mov    %ecx,0x12d4c0(%eax)                            
  10fb53:   8b 46 04                mov    0x4(%esi),%eax                                 
  10fb56:   89 42 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%edx)                                 
  10fb59:   8b 46 08                mov    0x8(%esi),%eax                                 
  10fb5c:   89 42 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%edx)                                 
  Thread_queue_Context *queue_context                                                     
  (void) the_thread_queue;                                                                
  _Assert( _Thread_queue_Is_lock_owner( the_thread_queue ) );                             
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                      
  10fb5f:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  10fb60:   9d                      popf                                                  
  _POSIX_signals_Release( &queue_context );                                               
  return 0;                                                                               
  10fb61:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10fb63:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  10fb66:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  10fb69:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  10fb6c:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10fb6e:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10fb6f:   c3                      ret                                                   
      _POSIX_signals_Vectors[ sig ] = _POSIX_signals_Default_vectors[ sig ];              
  10fb70:   8d 04 5b                lea    (%ebx,%ebx,2),%eax                             
  10fb73:   c1 e0 02                shl    $0x2,%eax                                      
  10fb76:   8b 98 e0 48 12 00       mov    0x1248e0(%eax),%ebx                            
  10fb7c:   8d 90 c0 d4 12 00       lea    0x12d4c0(%eax),%edx                            
  10fb82:   8d 88 e0 48 12 00       lea    0x1248e0(%eax),%ecx                            
  10fb88:   89 98 c0 d4 12 00       mov    %ebx,0x12d4c0(%eax)                            
  10fb8e:   8b 80 e4 48 12 00       mov    0x1248e4(%eax),%eax                            
  10fb94:   89 42 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%edx)                                 
  10fb97:   8b 41 08                mov    0x8(%ecx),%eax                                 
  10fb9a:   89 42 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%edx)                                 
  10fb9d:   eb c0                   jmp    10fb5f <sigaction+0x8f>                        
  10fb9f:   90                      nop                                                   
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  10fba0:   e8 9b c5 00 00          call   11c140 <__errno>                               
  10fba5:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  10fbab:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  10fbb0:   eb b1                   jmp    10fb63 <sigaction+0x93>                        
  10fbb2:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fbb3:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fbb4:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fbb5:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fbb6:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fbb7:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fbb8:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fbb9:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fbba:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fbbb:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fbbc:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fbbd:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fbbe:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fbbf:   90                      nop                                                   

0010a810 <sigtimedwait>: int sigtimedwait( const sigset_t *__restrict set, siginfo_t *__restrict info, const struct timespec *__restrict timeout ) {
  10a810:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  10a811:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10a813:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  10a814:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  10a815:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  10a816:   83 ec 7c                sub    $0x7c,%esp                                     
  int                   error;                                                            
   *  Error check parameters before disabling interrupts.                                 
  if ( !set )                                                                             
  10a819:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10a81c:   8b 75 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%esi                                 
  10a81f:   8b 7d 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edi                                
  if ( !set )                                                                             
  10a822:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10a824:   0f 84 c7 02 00 00       je     10aaf1 <sigtimedwait+0x2e1>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  /*  NOTE: This is very specifically a RELATIVE not ABSOLUTE time                        
   *        in the Open Group specification.                                              
  if ( timeout != NULL ) {                                                                
  10a82a:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      
  10a82c:   0f 84 3e 01 00 00       je     10a970 <sigtimedwait+0x160>                    
    const struct timespec *end;                                                           
    _Timecounter_Nanouptime( &uptime );                                                   
  10a832:   8d 5d b8                lea    -0x48(%ebp),%ebx                               
  10a835:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  10a838:   e8 a3 b7 ff ff          call   105fe0 <_Timecounter_Nanouptime>               
    && (unsigned long) ts->tv_nsec < WATCHDOG_NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND;                     
  10a83d:   8b 4f 08                mov    0x8(%edi),%ecx                                 
  10a840:   81 f9 ff c9 9a 3b       cmp    $0x3b9ac9ff,%ecx                               
  10a846:   0f 86 e4 00 00 00       jbe    10a930 <sigtimedwait+0x120>                    
    return NULL;                                                                          
  10a84c:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
  queue_context->Timeout.arg = abstime;                                                   
  10a84e:   89 5d d0                mov    %ebx,-0x30(%ebp)                               
   *  Initialize local variables.                                                         
  the_info = ( info ) ? info : &signal_information;                                       
  10a851:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  queue_context->enqueue_callout =                                                        
  10a853:   c7 45 cc f0 87 10 00    movl   $0x1087f0,-0x34(%ebp)                          
  10a85a:   0f 84 1f 01 00 00       je     10a97f <sigtimedwait+0x16f>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  10a860:   8b 1d 98 03 13 00       mov    0x130398,%ebx                                  
  executing = _Thread_Get_executing();                                                    
  api = executing->API_Extensions[ THREAD_API_POSIX ];                                    
  10a866:   8b bb 0c 01 00 00       mov    0x10c(%ebx),%edi                               
  10a86c:   89 7d a4                mov    %edi,-0x5c(%ebp)                               
  _ISR_lock_ISR_disable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                     
  10a86f:   9c                      pushf                                                 
  10a870:   fa                      cli                                                   
  10a871:   58                      pop    %eax                                           
  10a872:   89 45 c4                mov    %eax,-0x3c(%ebp)                               
  /* API signals pending? */                                                              
  _POSIX_signals_Acquire( &queue_context );                                               
  if ( *set & api->signals_pending ) {                                                    
  10a875:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10a878:   8b 10                   mov    (%eax),%edx                                    
  10a87a:   8b 47 58                mov    0x58(%edi),%eax                                
  10a87d:   85 c2                   test   %eax,%edx                                      
  10a87f:   0f 85 cb 01 00 00       jne    10aa50 <sigtimedwait+0x240>                    
    return the_info->si_signo;                                                            
  /* Process pending signals? */                                                          
  if ( *set & _POSIX_signals_Pending ) {                                                  
  10a885:   a1 80 07 13 00          mov    0x130780,%eax                                  
  10a88a:   85 c2                   test   %eax,%edx                                      
  10a88c:   0f 85 fe 00 00 00       jne    10a990 <sigtimedwait+0x180>                    
    the_info->si_code = SI_USER;                                                          
    the_info->si_value.sival_int = 0;                                                     
    return signo;                                                                         
  the_info->si_signo = -1;                                                                
  10a892:   c7 06 ff ff ff ff       movl   $0xffffffff,(%esi)                             
  executing->Wait.return_argument = the_info;                                             
  10a898:   8d 45 c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%eax                               
  executing->Wait.option          = *set;                                                 
  10a89b:   89 53 48                mov    %edx,0x48(%ebx)                                
  executing->Wait.return_argument = the_info;                                             
  10a89e:   89 73 40                mov    %esi,0x40(%ebx)                                
  10a8a1:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  10a8a5:   b8 50 78 12 00          mov    $0x127850,%eax                                 
  10a8aa:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10a8ae:   89 5c 24 08             mov    %ebx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10a8b2:   c7 04 24 54 c4 12 00    movl   $0x12c454,(%esp)                               
  queue_context->thread_state = thread_state;                                             
  10a8b9:   c7 45 c8 00 04 00 10    movl   $0x10000400,-0x38(%ebp)                        
  10a8c0:   e8 ab d0 ff ff          call   107970 <_Thread_queue_Enqueue>                 
   * When the thread is set free by a signal, it is need to eliminate                     
   * the signal.                                                                          
  10a8c5:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  10a8ca:   89 44 24 14             mov    %eax,0x14(%esp)                                
  10a8ce:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10a8d0:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  10a8d4:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10a8d6:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  10a8da:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10a8de:   8b 06                   mov    (%esi),%eax                                    
  10a8e0:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10a8e4:   8b 45 a4                mov    -0x5c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10a8e7:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10a8ea:   e8 21 2b 00 00          call   10d410 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_signals>          
  return _POSIX_Get_by_name_error_table[ error ];                                         
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE int _POSIX_Get_error( Status_Control status )                        
  return STATUS_GET_POSIX( status );                                                      
  10a8ef:   8b 53 4c                mov    0x4c(%ebx),%edx                                
  10a8f2:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
  10a8f4:   c1 f8 1f                sar    $0x1f,%eax                                     
  10a8f7:   0f b6 f8                movzbl %al,%edi                                       
  10a8fa:   01 d7                   add    %edx,%edi                                      
  10a8fc:   c1 ff 08                sar    $0x8,%edi                                      
   * was not in our set.                                                                  
  error = _POSIX_Get_error_after_wait( executing );                                       
  if (                                                                                    
  10a8ff:   83 ff 04                cmp    $0x4,%edi                                      
  10a902:   0f 85 ce 01 00 00       jne    10aad6 <sigtimedwait+0x2c6>                    
    error != EINTR                                                                        
     || ( *set & signo_to_mask( the_info->si_signo ) ) == 0                               
  10a908:   8b 1e                   mov    (%esi),%ebx                                    
  return 1u << (sig - 1);                                                                 
  10a90a:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  10a90f:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 
  10a912:   8d 4b ff                lea    -0x1(%ebx),%ecx                                
  10a915:   d3 e0                   shl    %cl,%eax                                       
  10a917:   23 06                   and    (%esi),%eax                                    
  10a919:   0f 84 c1 01 00 00       je     10aae0 <sigtimedwait+0x2d0>                    
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( error );                                        
  return the_info->si_signo;                                                              
  10a91f:   83 c4 7c                add    $0x7c,%esp                                     
  10a922:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  10a924:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10a925:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10a926:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  10a927:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10a928:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10a929:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  return _Watchdog_Is_valid_timespec( ts ) && ts->tv_sec >= 0;                            
  10a930:   8b 57 04                mov    0x4(%edi),%edx                                 
  10a933:   8b 07                   mov    (%edi),%eax                                    
  10a935:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  10a937:   0f 88 0f ff ff ff       js     10a84c <sigtimedwait+0x3c>                     <== NEVER TAKEN
  now->tv_nsec += delta->tv_nsec;                                                         
  10a93d:   8b 7d c0                mov    -0x40(%ebp),%edi                               
  sec += (uint64_t) delta->tv_sec;                                                        
  10a940:   03 45 b8                add    -0x48(%ebp),%eax                               
  10a943:   13 55 bc                adc    -0x44(%ebp),%edx                               
  now->tv_nsec += delta->tv_nsec;                                                         
  10a946:   01 f9                   add    %edi,%ecx                                      
  if ( now->tv_nsec >= WATCHDOG_NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND ) {                                
  10a948:   81 f9 ff c9 9a 3b       cmp    $0x3b9ac9ff,%ecx                               
  10a94e:   0f 8f cc 00 00 00       jg     10aa20 <sigtimedwait+0x210>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  now->tv_nsec += delta->tv_nsec;                                                         
  10a954:   89 4d c0                mov    %ecx,-0x40(%ebp)                               
  if ( sec <= INT64_MAX ) {                                                               
  10a957:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  10a959:   0f 88 d8 00 00 00       js     10aa37 <sigtimedwait+0x227>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
    now->tv_sec = sec;                                                                    
  10a95f:   89 45 b8                mov    %eax,-0x48(%ebp)                               
  10a962:   89 55 bc                mov    %edx,-0x44(%ebp)                               
  10a965:   e9 e4 fe ff ff          jmp    10a84e <sigtimedwait+0x3e>                     
  10a96a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  queue_context->enqueue_callout = _Thread_queue_Enqueue_do_nothing_extra;                
  10a970:   c7 45 cc 40 79 10 00    movl   $0x107940,-0x34(%ebp)                          
  the_info = ( info ) ? info : &signal_information;                                       
  10a977:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  10a979:   0f 85 e1 fe ff ff       jne    10a860 <sigtimedwait+0x50>                     
  10a97f:   8d 75 ac                lea    -0x54(%ebp),%esi                               
  10a982:   e9 d9 fe ff ff          jmp    10a860 <sigtimedwait+0x50>                     
  10a987:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10a98e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  for ( signo = SIGRTMIN ; signo <= SIGRTMAX ; signo++ ) {                                
  10a990:   bb 1b 00 00 00          mov    $0x1b,%ebx                                     
  10a995:   ba 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edx                                      
  10a99a:   8d 4b ff                lea    -0x1(%ebx),%ecx                                
  10a99d:   89 d7                   mov    %edx,%edi                                      
  10a99f:   d3 e7                   shl    %cl,%edi                                       
    if ( set & signo_to_mask( signo ) ) {                                                 
  10a9a1:   85 c7                   test   %eax,%edi                                      
  10a9a3:   75 2c                   jne    10a9d1 <sigtimedwait+0x1c1>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  for ( signo = SIGRTMIN ; signo <= SIGRTMAX ; signo++ ) {                                
  10a9a5:   43                      inc    %ebx                                           
  10a9a6:   83 fb 20                cmp    $0x20,%ebx                                     
  10a9a9:   75 ef                   jne    10a99a <sigtimedwait+0x18a>                    
  for ( signo = SIGHUP ; signo <= __SIGLASTNOTRT ; signo++ ) {                            
  10a9ab:   bb 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ebx                                      
  10a9b0:   ba 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edx                                      
  10a9b5:   eb 0f                   jmp    10a9c6 <sigtimedwait+0x1b6>                    
  10a9b7:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10a9be:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  10a9c0:   43                      inc    %ebx                                           
  10a9c1:   83 fb 1b                cmp    $0x1b,%ebx                                     
  10a9c4:   74 0b                   je     10a9d1 <sigtimedwait+0x1c1>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  10a9c6:   8d 4b ff                lea    -0x1(%ebx),%ecx                                
  10a9c9:   89 d7                   mov    %edx,%edi                                      
  10a9cb:   d3 e7                   shl    %cl,%edi                                       
    if ( set & signo_to_mask( signo ) ) {                                                 
  10a9cd:   85 c7                   test   %eax,%edi                                      
  10a9cf:   74 ef                   je     10a9c0 <sigtimedwait+0x1b0>                    
    _POSIX_signals_Clear_signals( api, signo, the_info, true, false, false );             
  10a9d1:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10a9d3:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a9d5:   89 44 24 14             mov    %eax,0x14(%esp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a9d9:   8b 45 a4                mov    -0x5c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a9dc:   b9 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a9e1:   89 54 24 10             mov    %edx,0x10(%esp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a9e5:   89 4c 24 0c             mov    %ecx,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a9e9:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a9ed:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a9f1:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a9f4:   e8 17 2a 00 00          call   10d410 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_signals>          <== NOT EXECUTED
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );                      
  10a9f9:   ff 75 c4                push   -0x3c(%ebp)                                    
  10a9fc:   9d                      popf                                                  
    the_info->si_signo = signo;                                                           
  10a9fd:   89 1e                   mov    %ebx,(%esi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10a9ff:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    the_info->si_code = SI_USER;                                                          
  10aa01:   c7 46 04 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,0x4(%esi)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    the_info->si_value.sival_int = 0;                                                     
  10aa08:   c7 46 08 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x8(%esi)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10aa0f:   83 c4 7c                add    $0x7c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  10aa12:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10aa13:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10aa14:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10aa15:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10aa16:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10aa17:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10aa1e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    now->tv_nsec -= WATCHDOG_NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND;                                      
  10aa20:   81 e9 00 ca 9a 3b       sub    $0x3b9aca00,%ecx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10aa26:   83 c0 01                add    $0x1,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    now->tv_nsec -= WATCHDOG_NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND;                                      
  10aa29:   89 4d c0                mov    %ecx,-0x40(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10aa2c:   83 d2 00                adc    $0x0,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  if ( sec <= INT64_MAX ) {                                                               
  10aa2f:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10aa31:   0f 89 28 ff ff ff       jns    10a95f <sigtimedwait+0x14f>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    now->tv_sec = INT64_MAX;                                                              
  10aa37:   c7 45 b8 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x48(%ebp)                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  10aa3e:   c7 45 bc ff ff ff 7f    movl   $0x7fffffff,-0x44(%ebp)                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  10aa45:   e9 04 fe ff ff          jmp    10a84e <sigtimedwait+0x3e>                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  10aa4a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  for ( signo = SIGRTMIN ; signo <= SIGRTMAX ; signo++ ) {                                
  10aa50:   ba 1b 00 00 00          mov    $0x1b,%edx                                     
  10aa55:   bb 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ebx                                      
  10aa5a:   8d 4a ff                lea    -0x1(%edx),%ecx                                
  10aa5d:   89 df                   mov    %ebx,%edi                                      
  10aa5f:   d3 e7                   shl    %cl,%edi                                       
    if ( set & signo_to_mask( signo ) ) {                                                 
  10aa61:   85 c7                   test   %eax,%edi                                      
  10aa63:   75 2c                   jne    10aa91 <sigtimedwait+0x281>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  for ( signo = SIGRTMIN ; signo <= SIGRTMAX ; signo++ ) {                                
  10aa65:   42                      inc    %edx                                           
  10aa66:   83 fa 20                cmp    $0x20,%edx                                     
  10aa69:   75 ef                   jne    10aa5a <sigtimedwait+0x24a>                    
  for ( signo = SIGHUP ; signo <= __SIGLASTNOTRT ; signo++ ) {                            
  10aa6b:   ba 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edx                                      
  10aa70:   bb 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ebx                                      
  10aa75:   eb 0f                   jmp    10aa86 <sigtimedwait+0x276>                    
  10aa77:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10aa7e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  10aa80:   42                      inc    %edx                                           
  10aa81:   83 fa 1b                cmp    $0x1b,%edx                                     
  10aa84:   74 0b                   je     10aa91 <sigtimedwait+0x281>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  10aa86:   8d 4a ff                lea    -0x1(%edx),%ecx                                
  10aa89:   89 df                   mov    %ebx,%edi                                      
  10aa8b:   d3 e7                   shl    %cl,%edi                                       
    if ( set & signo_to_mask( signo ) ) {                                                 
  10aa8d:   85 c7                   test   %eax,%edi                                      
  10aa8f:   74 ef                   je     10aa80 <sigtimedwait+0x270>                    
    the_info->si_signo = _POSIX_signals_Get_lowest( api->signals_pending );               
  10aa91:   89 16                   mov    %edx,(%esi)                                    
  10aa93:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10aa95:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
  10aa97:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  10aa9b:   8b 45 a4                mov    -0x5c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10aa9e:   31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi                                      
  10aaa0:   89 5c 24 14             mov    %ebx,0x14(%esp)                                
  10aaa4:   89 7c 24 10             mov    %edi,0x10(%esp)                                
  10aaa8:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10aaac:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10aab0:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10aab3:   e8 58 29 00 00          call   10d410 <_POSIX_signals_Clear_signals>          
  10aab8:   ff 75 c4                push   -0x3c(%ebp)                                    
  10aabb:   9d                      popf                                                  
    the_info->si_code = SI_USER;                                                          
  10aabc:   c7 46 04 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,0x4(%esi)                                 
    return the_info->si_signo;                                                            
  10aac3:   8b 1e                   mov    (%esi),%ebx                                    
    the_info->si_value.sival_int = 0;                                                     
  10aac5:   c7 46 08 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x8(%esi)                                 
  10aacc:   83 c4 7c                add    $0x7c,%esp                                     
  10aacf:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  10aad1:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10aad2:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10aad3:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  10aad4:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10aad5:   c3                      ret                                                   
    if ( error == ETIMEDOUT ) {                                                           
  10aad6:   83 ff 74                cmp    $0x74,%edi                                     
  10aad9:   75 05                   jne    10aae0 <sigtimedwait+0x2d0>                    
      error = EAGAIN;                                                                     
  10aadb:   bf 0b 00 00 00          mov    $0xb,%edi                                      
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( error );                                        
  10aae0:   e8 4b fd 00 00          call   11a830 <__errno>                               
  10aae5:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               
  10aaea:   89 38                   mov    %edi,(%eax)                                    
  10aaec:   e9 2e fe ff ff          jmp    10a91f <sigtimedwait+0x10f>                    
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  10aaf1:   e8 3a fd 00 00          call   11a830 <__errno>                               
  10aaf6:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               
  10aafb:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  10ab01:   e9 19 fe ff ff          jmp    10a91f <sigtimedwait+0x10f>                    
  10ab06:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ab07:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ab08:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ab09:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ab0a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ab0b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ab0c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ab0d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ab0e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ab0f:   90                      nop                                                   

0010c0b0 <sigwait>: int sigwait( const sigset_t *__restrict set, int *__restrict sig ) {
  10c0b0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  int status;                                                                             
  status = sigtimedwait( set, NULL, NULL );                                               
  10c0b1:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10c0b3:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10c0b5:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp                                     
  status = sigtimedwait( set, NULL, NULL );                                               
  10c0b8:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10c0bc:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10c0bf:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  10c0c1:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10c0c5:   89 5d fc                mov    %ebx,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  10c0c8:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  status = sigtimedwait( set, NULL, NULL );                                               
  10c0cb:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10c0ce:   e8 dd fc ff ff          call   10bdb0 <sigtimedwait>                          
  if ( status != -1 ) {                                                                   
  10c0d3:   83 f8 ff                cmp    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  10c0d6:   74 28                   je     10c100 <sigwait+0x50>                          
    if ( sig )                                                                            
  10c0d8:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  10c0da:   74 14                   je     10c0f0 <sigwait+0x40>                          <== NEVER TAKEN
      *sig = status;                                                                      
  10c0dc:   89 03                   mov    %eax,(%ebx)                                    
    return 0;                                                                             
  return errno;                                                                           
  10c0de:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  10c0e1:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10c0e3:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
    return 0;                                                                             
  10c0e4:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10c0e6:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10c0e7:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10c0ee:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  10c0f0:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10c0f3:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    return 0;                                                                             
  10c0f5:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10c0f7:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10c0f8:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10c0f9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  return errno;                                                                           
  10c100:   e8 2b fd 00 00          call   11be30 <__errno>                               
  10c105:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  return errno;                                                                           
  10c108:   8b 00                   mov    (%eax),%eax                                    
  10c10a:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10c10c:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10c10d:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10c10e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10c10f:   90                      nop                                                   

00103ce0 <sysconf>: */ long sysconf( int name ) {
  103ce0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  103ce1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  103ce3:   83 ec 08                sub    $0x8,%esp                                      
  103ce6:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  switch ( name ) {                                                                       
  103ce9:   83 f8 0a                cmp    $0xa,%eax                                      
  103cec:   7f 22                   jg     103d10 <sysconf+0x30>                          
  103cee:   83 f8 08                cmp    $0x8,%eax                                      
  103cf1:   7f 5d                   jg     103d50 <sysconf+0x70>                          
  103cf3:   83 f8 04                cmp    $0x4,%eax                                      
  103cf6:   74 68                   je     103d60 <sysconf+0x80>                          
  103cf8:   83 f8 08                cmp    $0x8,%eax                                      
  103cfb:   75 28                   jne    103d25 <sysconf+0x45>                          
  103cfd:   b8 00 10 00 00          mov    $0x1000,%eax                                   
      return 0;                                                                           
      rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                     
  103d02:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  103d04:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  103d05:   c3                      ret                                                   
  103d06:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  103d0d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  switch ( name ) {                                                                       
  103d10:   83 f8 4f                cmp    $0x4f,%eax                                     
  103d13:   74 2b                   je     103d40 <sysconf+0x60>                          <== NEVER TAKEN
  103d15:   3d 8c 00 00 00          cmp    $0x8c,%eax                                     
  103d1a:   75 15                   jne    103d31 <sysconf+0x51>                          <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  103d1c:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
      return (long) _POSIX_26_VERSION;                                                    
  103d1e:   b8 78 0e 03 00          mov    $0x30e78,%eax                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  103d23:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  103d24:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  switch ( name ) {                                                                       
  103d25:   83 f8 02                cmp    $0x2,%eax                                      
  103d28:   75 3d                   jne    103d67 <sysconf+0x87>                          
      return (long) rtems_clock_get_ticks_per_second();                                   
  103d2a:   a1 ac ff 11 00          mov    0x11ffac,%eax                                  
  103d2f:   eb d1                   jmp    103d02 <sysconf+0x22>                          
  switch ( name ) {                                                                       
  103d31:   83 f8 33                cmp    $0x33,%eax                                     
  103d34:   75 31                   jne    103d67 <sysconf+0x87>                          
      return 1024;                                                                        
  103d36:   b8 00 04 00 00          mov    $0x400,%eax                                    
      rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                     
  103d3b:   eb c5                   jmp    103d02 <sysconf+0x22>                          
  103d3d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
      return RTEMS_FILESYSTEM_SYMLOOP_MAX;                                                
  103d40:   b8 20 00 00 00          mov    $0x20,%eax                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  103d45:   eb bb                   jmp    103d02 <sysconf+0x22>                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  103d47:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  103d4e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
      return (long) rtems_configuration_get_maximum_processors();                         
  103d50:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  103d55:   eb ab                   jmp    103d02 <sysconf+0x22>                          
  103d57:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  103d5e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
      return rtems_libio_number_iops;                                                     
  103d60:   a1 68 fe 11 00          mov    0x11fe68,%eax                                  
  103d65:   eb 9b                   jmp    103d02 <sysconf+0x22>                          
      rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                     
  103d67:   e8 14 4f 01 00          call   118c80 <__errno>                               
  103d6c:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  103d72:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  103d77:   eb 89                   jmp    103d02 <sysconf+0x22>                          
  103d79:   90                      nop                                                   
  103d7a:   90                      nop                                                   
  103d7b:   90                      nop                                                   
  103d7c:   90                      nop                                                   
  103d7d:   90                      nop                                                   
  103d7e:   90                      nop                                                   
  103d7f:   90                      nop                                                   

0010d380 <timer_create>: {
  10d380:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  10d381:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10d383:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  10d384:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  10d385:   83 ec 10                sub    $0x10,%esp                                     
  if ( clock_id != CLOCK_REALTIME )                                                       
  10d388:   83 7d 08 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x8(%ebp)                                 
  10d38c:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  10d38f:   8b 75 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%esi                                
  if ( clock_id != CLOCK_REALTIME )                                                       
  10d392:   0f 85 28 01 00 00       jne    10d4c0 <timer_create+0x140>                    
  if ( !timerid )                                                                         
  10d398:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  10d39a:   0f 84 20 01 00 00       je     10d4c0 <timer_create+0x140>                    
  if (evp != NULL) {                                                                      
  10d3a0:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  10d3a2:   0f 84 c8 00 00 00       je     10d470 <timer_create+0xf0>                     
    if ( ( evp->sigev_notify != SIGEV_NONE ) &&                                           
  10d3a8:   8b 03                   mov    (%ebx),%eax                                    
  10d3aa:   48                      dec    %eax                                           
  10d3ab:   83 f8 01                cmp    $0x1,%eax                                      
  10d3ae:   0f 87 0c 01 00 00       ja     10d4c0 <timer_create+0x140>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
     if ( !evp->sigev_signo )                                                             
  10d3b4:   8b 43 04                mov    0x4(%ebx),%eax                                 
  10d3b7:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10d3b9:   0f 84 01 01 00 00       je     10d4c0 <timer_create+0x140>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
static inline bool is_valid_signo(                                                        
  int signo                                                                               
  return ((signo) >= 1 && (signo) <= 32 );                                                
  10d3bf:   48                      dec    %eax                                           
     if ( !is_valid_signo(evp->sigev_signo) )                                             
  10d3c0:   83 f8 1f                cmp    $0x1f,%eax                                     
  10d3c3:   0f 87 f7 00 00 00       ja     10d4c0 <timer_create+0x140>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
 *  This function allocates a timer control block from                                    
 *  the inactive chain of free timer control blocks.                                      
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE POSIX_Timer_Control *_POSIX_Timer_Allocate( void )                   
  return (POSIX_Timer_Control *) _Objects_Allocate( &_POSIX_Timer_Information );          
  10d3c9:   c7 04 24 00 97 12 00    movl   $0x129700,(%esp)                               
  10d3d0:   e8 6b b9 ff ff          call   108d40 <_Objects_Allocate>                     
  if ( !ptimer ) {                                                                        
  10d3d5:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10d3d7:   0f 84 c3 00 00 00       je     10d4a0 <timer_create+0x120>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  ptimer->state     = POSIX_TIMER_STATE_CREATE_NEW;                                       
  10d3dd:   c6 40 30 02             movb   $0x2,0x30(%eax)                                
  ptimer->thread_id = _Thread_Get_executing()->Object.id;                                 
  10d3e1:   8b 15 38 bb 13 00       mov    0x13bb38,%edx                                  
  10d3e7:   8b 52 08                mov    0x8(%edx),%edx                                 
  10d3ea:   89 50 2c                mov    %edx,0x2c(%eax)                                
    ptimer->inf.sigev_notify = evp->sigev_notify;                                         
  10d3ed:   8b 13                   mov    (%ebx),%edx                                    
  10d3ef:   89 50 34                mov    %edx,0x34(%eax)                                
    ptimer->inf.sigev_signo  = evp->sigev_signo;                                          
  10d3f2:   8b 53 04                mov    0x4(%ebx),%edx                                 
  10d3f5:   89 50 38                mov    %edx,0x38(%eax)                                
    ptimer->inf.sigev_value  = evp->sigev_value;                                          
  10d3f8:   8b 53 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%edx                                 
  10d3fb:   89 50 3c                mov    %edx,0x3c(%eax)                                
  ptimer->overrun  = 0;                                                                   
  10d3fe:   c7 40 64 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x64(%eax)                                
    _Objects_Get_index( the_object->id ),                                                 
  10d405:   8b 50 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%edx                                 
  ptimer->timer_data.it_value.tv_sec     = 0;                                             
  10d408:   c7 40 54 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x54(%eax)                                
  information->local_table[ index - OBJECTS_INDEX_MINIMUM ] = the_object;                 
  10d40f:   8b 0d 04 97 12 00       mov    0x129704,%ecx                                  
  10d415:   c7 40 58 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x58(%eax)                                
  ptimer->timer_data.it_value.tv_nsec    = 0;                                             
  10d41c:   c7 40 5c 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x5c(%eax)                                
  ptimer->timer_data.it_interval.tv_sec  = 0;                                             
  10d423:   c7 40 48 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x48(%eax)                                
  10d42a:   0f b7 da                movzwl %dx,%ebx                                       
  10d42d:   c7 40 4c 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x4c(%eax)                                
  ptimer->timer_data.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0;                                             
  10d434:   c7 40 50 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x50(%eax)                                
  RB_COLOR( &the_watchdog->Node.RBTree, Node ) = state;                                   
  10d43b:   c7 40 1c 02 00 00 00    movl   $0x2,0x1c(%eax)                                
  the_watchdog->routine = routine;                                                        
  10d442:   c7 40 20 e0 d4 10 00    movl   $0x10d4e0,0x20(%eax)                           
  the_object->name.name_u32 = name;                                                       
  10d449:   c7 40 0c 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0xc(%eax)                                 
  *timerid  = ptimer->Object.id;                                                          
  10d450:   89 16                   mov    %edx,(%esi)                                    
  information->local_table[ index - OBJECTS_INDEX_MINIMUM ] = the_object;                 
  10d452:   89 44 99 fc             mov    %eax,-0x4(%ecx,%ebx,4)                         
  10d456:   e8 f5 9a ff ff          call   106f50 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
  return 0;                                                                               
  10d45b:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10d45d:   83 c4 10                add    $0x10,%esp                                     
  10d460:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10d461:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10d462:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10d463:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10d464:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10d46b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10d46f:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d470:   c7 04 24 00 97 12 00    movl   $0x129700,(%esp)                               
  10d477:   e8 c4 b8 ff ff          call   108d40 <_Objects_Allocate>                     
  if ( !ptimer ) {                                                                        
  10d47c:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10d47e:   74 20                   je     10d4a0 <timer_create+0x120>                    
  ptimer->state     = POSIX_TIMER_STATE_CREATE_NEW;                                       
  10d480:   c6 40 30 02             movb   $0x2,0x30(%eax)                                
  ptimer->thread_id = _Thread_Get_executing()->Object.id;                                 
  10d484:   8b 15 38 bb 13 00       mov    0x13bb38,%edx                                  
  10d48a:   8b 52 08                mov    0x8(%edx),%edx                                 
  10d48d:   89 50 2c                mov    %edx,0x2c(%eax)                                
  if ( evp != NULL ) {                                                                    
  10d490:   e9 69 ff ff ff          jmp    10d3fe <timer_create+0x7e>                     
  10d495:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10d49c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10d4a0:   e8 ab 9a ff ff          call   106f50 <_RTEMS_Unlock_allocator>               
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EAGAIN );                                       
  10d4a5:   e8 16 f3 00 00          call   11c7c0 <__errno>                               
  10d4aa:   c7 00 0b 00 00 00       movl   $0xb,(%eax)                                    
  10d4b0:   83 c4 10                add    $0x10,%esp                                     
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EAGAIN );                                       
  10d4b3:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  10d4b8:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10d4b9:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10d4ba:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10d4bb:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10d4bc:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
       rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                    
  10d4c0:   e8 fb f2 00 00          call   11c7c0 <__errno>                               
  10d4c5:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  10d4cb:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  10d4d0:   eb 8b                   jmp    10d45d <timer_create+0xdd>                     
  10d4d2:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d4d3:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d4d4:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d4d5:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d4d6:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d4d7:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d4d8:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d4d9:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d4da:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d4db:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d4dc:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d4dd:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d4de:   90                      nop                                                   
  10d4df:   90                      nop                                                   

0010afe0 <timer_gettime>: int timer_gettime( timer_t timerid, struct itimerspec *value ) {
  10afe0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  10afe1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10afe3:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  10afe4:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  10afe5:   83 ec 20                sub    $0x20,%esp                                     
  10afe8:   8b 75 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%esi                                 
  POSIX_Timer_Control *ptimer;                                                            
  ISR_lock_Context     lock_context;                                                      
  uint64_t             now;                                                               
  uint32_t             remaining;                                                         
  if ( !value )                                                                           
  10afeb:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  10afed:   0f 84 7d 00 00 00       je     10b070 <timer_gettime+0x90>                    
  return (POSIX_Timer_Control *) _Objects_Get(                                            
  10aff3:   b8 40 31 13 00          mov    $0x133140,%eax                                 
  10aff8:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10affc:   8d 45 f4                lea    -0xc(%ebp),%eax                                
  10afff:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10b003:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10b006:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10b009:   e8 d2 1b 00 00          call   10cbe0 <_Objects_Get>                          
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  ptimer = _POSIX_Timer_Get( timerid, &lock_context );                                    
  if ( ptimer != NULL ) {                                                                 
  10b00e:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10b010:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  10b012:   74 5c                   je     10b070 <timer_gettime+0x90>                    
    Per_CPU_Control *cpu;                                                                 
    cpu = _POSIX_Timer_Acquire_critical( ptimer, &lock_context );                         
    now = cpu->Watchdog.ticks;                                                            
    if ( now < ptimer->Timer.expire ) {                                                   
  10b014:   8b 48 24                mov    0x24(%eax),%ecx                                
    now = cpu->Watchdog.ticks;                                                            
  10b017:   8b 15 c8 7d 13 00       mov    0x137dc8,%edx                                  
    if ( now < ptimer->Timer.expire ) {                                                   
  10b01d:   a1 cc 7d 13 00          mov    0x137dcc,%eax                                  
  10b022:   39 ca                   cmp    %ecx,%edx                                      
  10b024:   1b 43 28                sbb    0x28(%ebx),%eax                                
      remaining = (uint32_t) ( ptimer->Timer.expire - now );                              
    } else {                                                                              
      remaining = 0;                                                                      
  10b027:   b8 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%eax                                      
    if ( now < ptimer->Timer.expire ) {                                                   
  10b02c:   72 32                   jb     10b060 <timer_gettime+0x80>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    _Timespec_From_ticks( remaining, &value->it_value );                                  
  10b02e:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10b031:   8d 56 0c                lea    0xc(%esi),%edx                                 
  10b034:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10b038:   e8 23 29 00 00          call   10d960 <_Timespec_From_ticks>                  
    value->it_interval = ptimer->timer_data.it_interval;                                  
  10b03d:   8b 43 48                mov    0x48(%ebx),%eax                                
  10b040:   89 06                   mov    %eax,(%esi)                                    
  10b042:   8b 43 4c                mov    0x4c(%ebx),%eax                                
  10b045:   89 46 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%esi)                                 
  10b048:   8b 43 50                mov    0x50(%ebx),%eax                                
  10b04b:   89 46 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%esi)                                 
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( lock_context );                                                   
  10b04e:   ff 75 f4                push   -0xc(%ebp)                                     
  10b051:   9d                      popf                                                  
    _POSIX_Timer_Release( cpu, &lock_context );                                           
    return 0;                                                                             
  10b052:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                         
  10b054:   83 c4 20                add    $0x20,%esp                                     
  10b057:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10b058:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10b059:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10b05a:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10b05b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10b05f:   90                      nop                                                   
      remaining = (uint32_t) ( ptimer->Timer.expire - now );                              
  10b060:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax                                      
  10b062:   29 d0                   sub    %edx,%eax                                      
  10b064:   eb c8                   jmp    10b02e <timer_gettime+0x4e>                    
  10b066:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10b06d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                         
  10b070:   e8 8b 07 01 00          call   11b800 <__errno>                               
  10b075:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  10b07b:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  10b080:   eb d2                   jmp    10b054 <timer_gettime+0x74>                    
  10b082:   90                      nop                                                   
  10b083:   90                      nop                                                   
  10b084:   90                      nop                                                   
  10b085:   90                      nop                                                   
  10b086:   90                      nop                                                   
  10b087:   90                      nop                                                   
  10b088:   90                      nop                                                   
  10b089:   90                      nop                                                   
  10b08a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10b08b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10b08c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10b08d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10b08e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10b08f:   90                      nop                                                   

00106e90 <timer_settime>: timer_t timerid, int flags, const struct itimerspec *__restrict value, struct itimerspec *__restrict ovalue ) {
  106e90:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  106e91:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  106e93:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  106e94:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  106e95:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  106e96:   83 ec 5c                sub    $0x5c,%esp                                     
  106e99:   8b 5d 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%ebx                                
  106e9c:   8b 7d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edi                                 
  POSIX_Timer_Control *ptimer;                                                            
  ISR_lock_Context     lock_context;                                                      
  uint32_t             initial_period;                                                    
  struct itimerspec    normalize;                                                         
  if ( !value )                                                                           
  106e9f:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  106ea1:   0f 84 99 01 00 00       je     107040 <timer_settime+0x1b0>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
   * First, it verifies if the structure "value" is correct                               
   * if the number of nanoseconds is not correct return EINVAL                            
  if ( !_Timespec_Is_valid( &(value->it_value) ) ) {                                      
  106ea7:   8d 43 0c                lea    0xc(%ebx),%eax                                 
  106eaa:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  106ead:   e8 ee 3e 00 00          call   10ada0 <_Timespec_Is_valid>                    
  106eb2:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  106eb4:   0f 84 86 01 00 00       je     107040 <timer_settime+0x1b0>                   
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  if ( !_Timespec_Is_valid( &(value->it_interval) ) ) {                                   
  106eba:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  106ebd:   e8 de 3e 00 00          call   10ada0 <_Timespec_Is_valid>                    
  106ec2:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  106ec4:   0f 84 76 01 00 00       je     107040 <timer_settime+0x1b0>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  if ( flags != TIMER_ABSTIME && flags != POSIX_TIMER_RELATIVE ) {                        
  106eca:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  106ecc:   83 e0 fb                and    $0xfffffffb,%eax                               
  106ecf:   89 45 b4                mov    %eax,-0x4c(%ebp)                               
  106ed2:   0f 85 68 01 00 00       jne    107040 <timer_settime+0x1b0>                   
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  normalize = *value;                                                                     
  106ed8:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  106eda:   8b 14 03                mov    (%ebx,%eax,1),%edx                             
  106edd:   89 54 05 d0             mov    %edx,-0x30(%ebp,%eax,1)                        
  106ee1:   83 c0 04                add    $0x4,%eax                                      
  106ee4:   83 f8 18                cmp    $0x18,%eax                                     
  106ee7:   72 f1                   jb     106eda <timer_settime+0x4a>                    
  /* Convert absolute to relative time */                                                 
  if (flags == TIMER_ABSTIME) {                                                           
  106ee9:   8d 75 c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%esi                               
  106eec:   83 ff 04                cmp    $0x4,%edi                                      
  106eef:   0f 84 1b 01 00 00       je     107010 <timer_settime+0x180>                   
  return (POSIX_Timer_Control *) _Objects_Get(                                            
  106ef5:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  106ef9:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  106efc:   bf 40 b1 12 00          mov    $0x12b140,%edi                                 
  106f01:   89 7c 24 08             mov    %edi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  106f05:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  106f08:   e8 13 1b 00 00          call   108a20 <_Objects_Get>                          
   * something with the structure of times of the timer: to stop, start                   
   * or start it again                                                                    
  ptimer = _POSIX_Timer_Get( timerid, &lock_context );                                    
  if ( ptimer != NULL ) {                                                                 
  106f0d:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  106f0f:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
  106f11:   0f 84 29 01 00 00       je     107040 <timer_settime+0x1b0>                   
    Per_CPU_Control *cpu;                                                                 
    cpu = _POSIX_Timer_Acquire_critical( ptimer, &lock_context );                         
    /* Stop the timer */                                                                  
  106f17:   c7 04 24 90 ec 12 00    movl   $0x12ec90,(%esp)                               
  106f1e:   8d 78 10                lea    0x10(%eax),%edi                                
  106f21:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  106f25:   e8 66 40 00 00          call   10af90 <_Watchdog_Remove>                      
      &cpu->Watchdog.Header[ PER_CPU_WATCHDOG_TICKS ],                                    
    /* First, it verifies if the timer must be stopped */                                 
    if ( normalize.it_value.tv_sec == 0 && normalize.it_value.tv_nsec == 0 ) {            
  106f2a:   8b 45 e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               
  106f2d:   0b 45 dc                or     -0x24(%ebp),%eax                               
  106f30:   75 4e                   jne    106f80 <timer_settime+0xf0>                    
  106f32:   8b 4d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  106f35:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  106f37:   75 47                   jne    106f80 <timer_settime+0xf0>                    
      /* The old data of the timer are returned */                                        
      if ( ovalue )                                                                       
  106f39:   8b 55 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%edx                                
  106f3c:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  106f3e:   74 14                   je     106f54 <timer_settime+0xc4>                    
        *ovalue = ptimer->timer_data;                                                     
  106f40:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  106f42:   8b 4c 06 48             mov    0x48(%esi,%eax,1),%ecx                         
  106f46:   8b 55 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%edx                                
  106f49:   89 0c 02                mov    %ecx,(%edx,%eax,1)                             
  106f4c:   83 c0 04                add    $0x4,%eax                                      
  106f4f:   83 f8 18                cmp    $0x18,%eax                                     
  106f52:   72 ee                   jb     106f42 <timer_settime+0xb2>                    
      /* The new data are set */                                                          
      ptimer->timer_data = normalize;                                                     
  106f54:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  106f56:   8b 4c 05 d0             mov    -0x30(%ebp,%eax,1),%ecx                        
  106f5a:   89 4c 06 48             mov    %ecx,0x48(%esi,%eax,1)                         
  106f5e:   83 c0 04                add    $0x4,%eax                                      
  106f61:   83 f8 18                cmp    $0x18,%eax                                     
  106f64:   72 f0                   jb     106f56 <timer_settime+0xc6>                    
      /* Indicates that the timer is created and stopped */                               
      ptimer->state = POSIX_TIMER_STATE_CREATE_STOP;                                      
  106f66:   c6 46 30 04             movb   $0x4,0x30(%esi)                                
  _ISR_lock_ISR_enable( lock_context );                                                   
  106f6a:   ff 75 c4                push   -0x3c(%ebp)                                    
  106f6d:   9d                      popf                                                  
      /* Returns with success */                                                          
      _POSIX_Timer_Release( cpu, &lock_context );                                         
      return 0;                                                                           
  106f6e:   c7 45 b4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x4c(%ebp)                               
    _POSIX_Timer_Release( cpu, &lock_context );                                           
    return 0;                                                                             
  rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                         
  106f75:   8b 45 b4                mov    -0x4c(%ebp),%eax                               
  106f78:   83 c4 5c                add    $0x5c,%esp                                     
  106f7b:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  106f7c:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  106f7d:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  106f7e:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  106f7f:   c3                      ret                                                   
    ptimer->ticks  = _Timespec_To_ticks( &value->it_interval );                           
  106f80:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  106f83:   e8 28 3f 00 00          call   10aeb0 <_Timespec_To_ticks>                    
  106f88:   89 46 60                mov    %eax,0x60(%esi)                                
    initial_period = _Timespec_To_ticks( &normalize.it_value );                           
  106f8b:   8d 45 dc                lea    -0x24(%ebp),%eax                               
  106f8e:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  106f91:   e8 1a 3f 00 00          call   10aeb0 <_Timespec_To_ticks>                    
  ptimer->state = POSIX_TIMER_STATE_CREATE_RUN;                                           
  106f96:   c6 46 30 03             movb   $0x3,0x30(%esi)                                
    initial_period = _Timespec_To_ticks( &normalize.it_value );                           
  106f9a:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  _TOD_Get( &ptimer->time );                                                              
  106f9c:   8d 46 68                lea    0x68(%esi),%eax                                
  106f9f:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  106fa2:   e8 a9 df ff ff          call   104f50 <_Timecounter_Nanotime>                 
  106fa7:   89 d9                   mov    %ebx,%ecx                                      
  106fa9:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
  106fab:   03 0d 88 ec 12 00       add    0x12ec88,%ecx                                  
  106fb1:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  106fb5:   13 1d 8c ec 12 00       adc    0x12ec8c,%ebx                                  
  106fbb:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  106fbf:   c7 04 24 90 ec 12 00    movl   $0x12ec90,(%esp)                               
  106fc6:   89 5c 24 0c             mov    %ebx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  106fca:   e8 e1 f2 ff ff          call   1062b0 <_Watchdog_Insert>                      
    if ( ovalue )                                                                         
  106fcf:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  106fd2:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  106fd4:   74 14                   je     106fea <timer_settime+0x15a>                   
      *ovalue = ptimer->timer_data;                                                       
  106fd6:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  106fd8:   8b 4c 06 48             mov    0x48(%esi,%eax,1),%ecx                         
  106fdc:   8b 55 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%edx                                
  106fdf:   89 0c 02                mov    %ecx,(%edx,%eax,1)                             
  106fe2:   83 c0 04                add    $0x4,%eax                                      
  106fe5:   83 f8 18                cmp    $0x18,%eax                                     
  106fe8:   72 ee                   jb     106fd8 <timer_settime+0x148>                   
    ptimer->timer_data = normalize;                                                       
  106fea:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  106fec:   8b 4c 05 d0             mov    -0x30(%ebp,%eax,1),%ecx                        
  106ff0:   89 4c 06 48             mov    %ecx,0x48(%esi,%eax,1)                         
  106ff4:   83 c0 04                add    $0x4,%eax                                      
  106ff7:   83 f8 18                cmp    $0x18,%eax                                     
  106ffa:   72 f0                   jb     106fec <timer_settime+0x15c>                   
  106ffc:   ff 75 c4                push   -0x3c(%ebp)                                    
  106fff:   9d                      popf                                                  
  107000:   8b 45 b4                mov    -0x4c(%ebp),%eax                               
  107003:   83 c4 5c                add    $0x5c,%esp                                     
  107006:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  107007:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  107008:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  107009:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10700a:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10700b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10700f:   90                      nop                                                   
  107010:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
    if ( _Timespec_Greater_than( &now, &normalize.it_value ) )                            
  107013:   8d 7d dc                lea    -0x24(%ebp),%edi                               
  107016:   e8 35 df ff ff          call   104f50 <_Timecounter_Nanotime>                 
  10701b:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10701f:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  107022:   e8 a9 3d 00 00          call   10add0 <_Timespec_Less_than>                   
  107027:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  107029:   75 15                   jne    107040 <timer_settime+0x1b0>                   
    _Timespec_Subtract( &now, &normalize.it_value, &normalize.it_value );                 
  10702b:   89 7c 24 08             mov    %edi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10702f:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  107033:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  107036:   e8 05 3e 00 00          call   10ae40 <_Timespec_Subtract>                    
  10703b:   e9 b5 fe ff ff          jmp    106ef5 <timer_settime+0x65>                    
  rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                         
  107040:   e8 eb 72 01 00          call   11e330 <__errno>                               
  107045:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  10704b:   c7 45 b4 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x4c(%ebp)                        
  107052:   eb ac                   jmp    107000 <timer_settime+0x170>                   
  107054:   90                      nop                                                   
  107055:   90                      nop                                                   
  107056:   90                      nop                                                   
  107057:   90                      nop                                                   
  107058:   90                      nop                                                   
  107059:   90                      nop                                                   
  10705a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10705b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10705c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10705d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10705e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10705f:   90                      nop                                                   

00100210 <wait.part.0>: static void wait(void)
  100210:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  rtems_test_assert(sc == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL);                                              
  100211:   b8 20 2a 12 00          mov    $0x122a20,%eax                                 
static void wait(void)                                                                    
  100216:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  rtems_test_assert(sc == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL);                                              
  100218:   ba 5c 00 00 00          mov    $0x5c,%edx                                     
static void wait(void)                                                                    
  10021d:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp                                     
  rtems_test_assert(sc == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL);                                              
  100220:   b9 44 2a 12 00          mov    $0x122a44,%ecx                                 
  100225:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  100229:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10022d:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  100231:   c7 04 24 37 2a 12 00    movl   $0x122a37,(%esp)                               
  100238:   e8 f3 0f 00 00          call   101230 <__wrap_printf>                         
  10023d:   c7 04 24 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  100244:   e8 b7 0f 00 00          call   101200 <rtems_test_exit>                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  100249:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10024a:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10024b:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10024c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10024d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10024e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10024f:   90                      nop