Annotated Report
Sun Feb 28 23:08:24 2021

0010e920 <_fat_block_read>:                                                               
    uint32_t                              start,                                          
    uint32_t                              offset,                                         
    uint32_t                              count,                                          
    void                                 *buff                                            
  10e920:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  10e921:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10e923:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  10e924:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  10e925:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  10e926:   83 ec 2c                sub    $0x2c,%esp                                     
    uint32_t                sec_num = start;                                              
    uint32_t                ofs = offset;                                                 
    uint8_t                *sec_buf;                                                      
    uint32_t                c = 0;                                                        
    while (count > 0)                                                                     
  10e929:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
    ssize_t                 cmpltd = 0;                                                   
  10e92c:   c7 45 e4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  10e933:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  10e936:   8b 7d 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edi                                
    while (count > 0)                                                                     
  10e939:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10e93b:   0f 84 05 01 00 00       je     10ea46 <_fat_block_read+0x126>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
            sc = rtems_bdbuf_read(fs_info->vol.dd, blk, &fs_info->c.buf);                 
  10e941:   8d 83 9c 00 00 00       lea    0x9c(%ebx),%eax                                
  10e947:   89 45 d8                mov    %eax,-0x28(%ebp)                               
  10e94a:   eb 17                   jmp    10e963 <_fat_block_read+0x43>                  
  10e94c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
        rc = fat_buf_access(fs_info, sec_num, FAT_OP_TYPE_READ, &sec_buf);                
        if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                  
            return -1;                                                                    
        c = MIN(count, (fs_info->vol.bps - ofs));                                         
        memcpy((buff + cmpltd), (sec_buf + ofs), c);                                      
  10e950:   f3 a4                   rep movsb %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi)                       
        count -= c;                                                                       
        cmpltd += c;                                                                      
        ofs = 0;                                                                          
  10e952:   31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi                                      
        cmpltd += c;                                                                      
  10e954:   01 45 e4                add    %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  10e957:   ff 45 0c                incl   0xc(%ebp)                                      
    while (count > 0)                                                                     
  10e95a:   29 45 14                sub    %eax,0x14(%ebp)                                
  10e95d:   0f 84 e3 00 00 00       je     10ea46 <_fat_block_read+0x126>                 
  return sector_number >> (fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2 - fs_info->vol.sec_log2);    
  10e963:   0f b6 43 02             movzbl 0x2(%ebx),%eax                                 
  10e967:   0f b6 4b 14             movzbl 0x14(%ebx),%ecx                                
  10e96b:   8b 75 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%esi                                 
  10e96e:   29 c1                   sub    %eax,%ecx                                      
  10e970:   d3 ee                   shr    %cl,%esi                                       
  return block_number << (fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2 - fs_info->vol.sec_log2);     
  10e972:   89 f2                   mov    %esi,%edx                                      
  10e974:   d3 e2                   shl    %cl,%edx                                       
  10e976:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      
           ((sector -                                                                     
  10e978:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  10e97b:   29 ca                   sub    %ecx,%edx                                      
            << fs_info->vol.sec_log2);                                                    
  10e97d:   88 c1                   mov    %al,%cl                                        
  10e97f:   d3 e2                   shl    %cl,%edx                                       
    if (fs_info->c.state == FAT_CACHE_EMPTY || fs_info->c.blk_num != sec_num)             
  10e981:   80 bb 99 00 00 00 00    cmpb   $0x0,0x99(%ebx)                                
  10e988:   89 55 e0                mov    %edx,-0x20(%ebp)                               
  10e98b:   74 12                   je     10e99f <_fat_block_read+0x7f>                  
  10e98d:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10e990:   39 83 94 00 00 00       cmp    %eax,0x94(%ebx)                                
  10e996:   74 3a                   je     10e9d2 <_fat_block_read+0xb2>                  
    if (fs_info->c.state == FAT_CACHE_EMPTY)                                              
  10e998:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  10e99a:   e8 f1 fb ff ff          call   10e590 <fat_buf_release.part.0>                
            sc = rtems_bdbuf_read(fs_info->vol.dd, blk, &fs_info->c.buf);                 
  10e99f:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10e9a3:   8b 45 d8                mov    -0x28(%ebp),%eax                               
  10e9a6:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10e9aa:   8b 43 6c                mov    0x6c(%ebx),%eax                                
  10e9ad:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10e9b0:   e8 7b 96 00 00          call   118030 <rtems_bdbuf_read>                      
        if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)                                                       
  10e9b5:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10e9b7:   0f 85 d3 00 00 00       jne    10ea90 <_fat_block_read+0x170>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
        fs_info->c.blk_num = sec_num;                                                     
  10e9bd:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10e9c0:   89 83 94 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0x94(%ebx)                                
        fs_info->c.modified = 0;                                                          
  10e9c6:   b8 00 01 00 00          mov    $0x100,%eax                                    
  10e9cb:   66 89 83 98 00 00 00    mov    %ax,0x98(%ebx)                                 
        c = MIN(count, (fs_info->vol.bps - ofs));                                         
  10e9d2:   0f b7 03                movzwl (%ebx),%eax                                    
  10e9d5:   29 f8                   sub    %edi,%eax                                      
  10e9d7:   3b 45 14                cmp    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  10e9da:   76 03                   jbe    10e9df <_fat_block_read+0xbf>                  
  10e9dc:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
        memcpy((buff + cmpltd), (sec_buf + ofs), c);                                      
  10e9df:   8b 55 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%edx                                
  10e9e2:   8b 75 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%esi                               
    *sec_buf = &fs_info->c.buf->buffer[blk_ofs];                                          
  10e9e5:   8b 8b 9c 00 00 00       mov    0x9c(%ebx),%ecx                                
        memcpy((buff + cmpltd), (sec_buf + ofs), c);                                      
  10e9eb:   01 d6                   add    %edx,%esi                                      
  10e9ed:   8b 55 e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%edx                               
  10e9f0:   89 75 dc                mov    %esi,-0x24(%ebp)                               
  10e9f3:   01 fa                   add    %edi,%edx                                      
  10e9f5:   8b 79 1c                mov    0x1c(%ecx),%edi                                
  10e9f8:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
  10e9fa:   01 fa                   add    %edi,%edx                                      
  10e9fc:   83 f8 08                cmp    $0x8,%eax                                      
  10e9ff:   89 f7                   mov    %esi,%edi                                      
  10ea01:   89 d6                   mov    %edx,%esi                                      
  10ea03:   0f 82 47 ff ff ff       jb     10e950 <_fat_block_read+0x30>                  
  10ea09:   f7 c7 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%edi                                      
  10ea0f:   75 6f                   jne    10ea80 <_fat_block_read+0x160>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
  10ea11:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      
  10ea17:   75 47                   jne    10ea60 <_fat_block_read+0x140>                 
  10ea19:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      
  10ea1f:   0f 84 2b ff ff ff       je     10e950 <_fat_block_read+0x30>                  
  10ea25:   8b 16                   mov    (%esi),%edx                                    
  10ea27:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      
  10ea2a:   83 c6 04                add    $0x4,%esi                                      
  10ea2d:   83 e9 04                sub    $0x4,%ecx                                      
  10ea30:   89 57 fc                mov    %edx,-0x4(%edi)                                
  10ea33:   f3 a4                   rep movsb %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi)                       
        ofs = 0;                                                                          
  10ea35:   31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi                                      
        cmpltd += c;                                                                      
  10ea37:   01 45 e4                add    %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  10ea3a:   ff 45 0c                incl   0xc(%ebp)                                      
    while (count > 0)                                                                     
  10ea3d:   29 45 14                sub    %eax,0x14(%ebp)                                
  10ea40:   0f 85 1d ff ff ff       jne    10e963 <_fat_block_read+0x43>                  
    return cmpltd;                                                                        
  10ea46:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10ea49:   83 c4 2c                add    $0x2c,%esp                                     
  10ea4c:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10ea4d:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10ea4e:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  10ea4f:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10ea50:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10ea51:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10ea58:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10ea5f:   90                      nop                                                   
        memcpy((buff + cmpltd), (sec_buf + ofs), c);                                      
  10ea60:   0f b7 16                movzwl (%esi),%edx                                    
  10ea63:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      
  10ea66:   83 c6 02                add    $0x2,%esi                                      
  10ea69:   83 e9 02                sub    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  10ea6c:   66 89 57 fe             mov    %dx,-0x2(%edi)                                 
  10ea70:   eb a7                   jmp    10ea19 <_fat_block_read+0xf9>                  
  10ea72:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10ea79:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10ea80:   0f b6 12                movzbl (%edx),%edx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ea83:   47                      inc    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ea84:   46                      inc    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ea85:   8d 48 ff                lea    -0x1(%eax),%ecx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ea88:   88 55 e0                mov    %dl,-0x20(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ea8b:   88 57 ff                mov    %dl,-0x1(%edi)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ea8e:   eb 81                   jmp    10ea11 <_fat_block_read+0xf1>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ea90:   e8 0b 7e 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
            return -1;                                                                    
  10ea95:   c7 45 e4 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x1c(%ebp)                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ea9c:   c7 00 05 00 00 00       movl   $0x5,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
        if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                  
  10eaa2:   eb a2                   jmp    10ea46 <_fat_block_read+0x126>                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10eaa4:   90                      nop                                                   
  10eaa5:   90                      nop                                                   
  10eaa6:   90                      nop                                                   
  10eaa7:   90                      nop                                                   
  10eaa8:   90                      nop                                                   
  10eaa9:   90                      nop                                                   
  10eaaa:   90                      nop                                                   
  10eaab:   90                      nop                                                   
  10eaac:   90                      nop                                                   
  10eaad:   90                      nop                                                   
  10eaae:   90                      nop                                                   
  10eaaf:   90                      nop                                                   

0010e820 <fat_buf_access>: {
  10e820:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  10e821:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10e823:   83 ec 38                sub    $0x38,%esp                                     
  10e826:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  10e829:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  10e82c:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  10e82f:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  10e832:   8b 7d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edi                                 
  return sector_number >> (fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2 - fs_info->vol.sec_log2);    
  10e835:   0f b6 43 02             movzbl 0x2(%ebx),%eax                                 
  10e839:   0f b6 4b 14             movzbl 0x14(%ebx),%ecx                                
  10e83d:   89 fa                   mov    %edi,%edx                                      
  10e83f:   29 c1                   sub    %eax,%ecx                                      
  10e841:   d3 ea                   shr    %cl,%edx                                       
  return block_number << (fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2 - fs_info->vol.sec_log2);     
  10e843:   89 d6                   mov    %edx,%esi                                      
  10e845:   d3 e6                   shl    %cl,%esi                                       
  10e847:   89 f1                   mov    %esi,%ecx                                      
           ((sector -                                                                     
  10e849:   89 fe                   mov    %edi,%esi                                      
  10e84b:   29 ce                   sub    %ecx,%esi                                      
            << fs_info->vol.sec_log2);                                                    
  10e84d:   88 c1                   mov    %al,%cl                                        
  10e84f:   d3 e6                   shl    %cl,%esi                                       
    if (fs_info->c.state == FAT_CACHE_EMPTY || fs_info->c.blk_num != sec_num)             
  10e851:   80 bb 99 00 00 00 00    cmpb   $0x0,0x99(%ebx)                                
  10e858:   74 15                   je     10e86f <fat_buf_access+0x4f>                   
  10e85a:   39 bb 94 00 00 00       cmp    %edi,0x94(%ebx)                                
  10e860:   89 55 e4                mov    %edx,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  10e863:   74 3f                   je     10e8a4 <fat_buf_access+0x84>                   
    if (fs_info->c.state == FAT_CACHE_EMPTY)                                              
  10e865:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  10e867:   e8 24 fd ff ff          call   10e590 <fat_buf_release.part.0>                
  10e86c:   8b 55 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%edx                               
            sc = rtems_bdbuf_read(fs_info->vol.dd, blk, &fs_info->c.buf);                 
  10e86f:   8b 43 6c                mov    0x6c(%ebx),%eax                                
  10e872:   8d 8b 9c 00 00 00       lea    0x9c(%ebx),%ecx                                
        if (op_type == FAT_OP_TYPE_READ)                                                  
  10e878:   83 7d 10 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x10(%ebp)                                
            sc = rtems_bdbuf_read(fs_info->vol.dd, blk, &fs_info->c.buf);                 
  10e87c:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10e880:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10e884:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
        if (op_type == FAT_OP_TYPE_READ)                                                  
  10e887:   74 47                   je     10e8d0 <fat_buf_access+0xb0>                   
            sc = rtems_bdbuf_get(fs_info->vol.dd, blk, &fs_info->c.buf);                  
  10e889:   e8 c2 96 00 00          call   117f50 <rtems_bdbuf_get>                       
        if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)                                                       
  10e88e:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10e890:   75 45                   jne    10e8d7 <fat_buf_access+0xb7>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
        fs_info->c.blk_num = sec_num;                                                     
  10e892:   89 bb 94 00 00 00       mov    %edi,0x94(%ebx)                                
        fs_info->c.modified = 0;                                                          
  10e898:   b9 00 01 00 00          mov    $0x100,%ecx                                    
  10e89d:   66 89 8b 98 00 00 00    mov    %cx,0x98(%ebx)                                 
    *sec_buf = &fs_info->c.buf->buffer[blk_ofs];                                          
  10e8a4:   8b 83 9c 00 00 00       mov    0x9c(%ebx),%eax                                
  10e8aa:   8b 50 1c                mov    0x1c(%eax),%edx                                
  10e8ad:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  10e8b0:   01 d6                   add    %edx,%esi                                      
  10e8b2:   89 30                   mov    %esi,(%eax)                                    
    return RC_OK;                                                                         
  10e8b4:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10e8b6:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  10e8b9:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  10e8bc:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  10e8bf:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10e8c1:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10e8c2:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10e8c3:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10e8ca:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
            sc = rtems_bdbuf_read(fs_info->vol.dd, blk, &fs_info->c.buf);                 
  10e8d0:   e8 5b 97 00 00          call   118030 <rtems_bdbuf_read>                      
  10e8d5:   eb b7                   jmp    10e88e <fat_buf_access+0x6e>                   
  10e8d7:   e8 c4 7f 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10e8dc:   c7 00 05 00 00 00       movl   $0x5,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10e8e2:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10e8e7:   eb cd                   jmp    10e8b6 <fat_buf_access+0x96>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10e8e9:   90                      nop                                                   
  10e8ea:   90                      nop                                                   
  10e8eb:   90                      nop                                                   
  10e8ec:   90                      nop                                                   
  10e8ed:   90                      nop                                                   
  10e8ee:   90                      nop                                                   
  10e8ef:   90                      nop                                                   

0010e590 <fat_buf_release.part.0>: *sec_buf = &fs_info->c.buf->buffer[blk_ofs]; return RC_OK; } int fat_buf_release(fat_fs_info_t *fs_info)
  10e590:   55                      push   %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10e591:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10e593:   57                      push   %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10e594:   56                      push   %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10e595:   53                      push   %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10e596:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10e598:   83 ec 3c                sub    $0x3c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    rtems_status_code sc = RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL;                                              
    if (fs_info->c.state == FAT_CACHE_EMPTY)                                              
        return RC_OK;                                                                     
    if (fs_info->c.modified)                                                              
  10e59b:   80 b8 98 00 00 00 00    cmpb   $0x0,0x98(%eax)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
        if (sec_of_fat && !fs_info->vol.mirror)                                           
                   fs_info->c.buf->buffer + blk_ofs,                                      
  10e5a2:   8b 90 9c 00 00 00       mov    0x9c(%eax),%edx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    if (fs_info->c.modified)                                                              
  10e5a8:   0f 84 52 01 00 00       je     10e700 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x170>          <== NOT EXECUTED
        uint32_t sec_num = fs_info->c.blk_num;                                            
  10e5ae:   8b b0 94 00 00 00       mov    0x94(%eax),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
        bool     sec_of_fat = ((sec_num >= fs_info->vol.fat_loc) &&                       
  10e5b4:   0f b7 40 20             movzwl 0x20(%eax),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10e5b8:   39 c6                   cmp    %eax,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10e5ba:   73 34                   jae    10e5f0 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x60>           <== NOT EXECUTED
        sc = rtems_bdbuf_release_modified(fs_info->c.buf);                                
  10e5bc:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10e5bf:   e8 5c 9d 00 00          call   118320 <rtems_bdbuf_release_modified>          <== NOT EXECUTED
        if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)                                                       
  10e5c4:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10e5c6:   0f 85 44 01 00 00       jne    10e710 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x180>          <== NOT EXECUTED
        fs_info->c.modified = 0;                                                          
  10e5cc:   c6 83 98 00 00 00 00    movb   $0x0,0x98(%ebx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
        sc = rtems_bdbuf_release(fs_info->c.buf);                                         
        if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)                                                       
    fs_info->c.state = FAT_CACHE_EMPTY;                                                   
  10e5d3:   c6 83 99 00 00 00 00    movb   $0x0,0x99(%ebx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    return RC_OK;                                                                         
  10e5da:   83 c4 3c                add    $0x3c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    return RC_OK;                                                                         
  10e5dd:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10e5df:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10e5e0:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10e5e1:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  10e5e2:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10e5e3:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10e5e4:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10e5eb:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10e5ef:   90                      nop                                                   
        bool     sec_of_fat = ((sec_num >= fs_info->vol.fat_loc) &&                       
  10e5f0:   3b 73 28                cmp    0x28(%ebx),%esi                                
  10e5f3:   73 c7                   jae    10e5bc <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x2c>           
        if (sec_of_fat && !fs_info->vol.mirror)                                           
  10e5f5:   80 7b 5c 00             cmpb   $0x0,0x5c(%ebx)                                
  10e5f9:   0f 84 41 01 00 00       je     10e740 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x1b0>          
        sc = rtems_bdbuf_release_modified(fs_info->c.buf);                                
  10e5ff:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    
  10e602:   e8 19 9d 00 00          call   118320 <rtems_bdbuf_release_modified>          
        if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)                                                       
  10e607:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10e609:   0f 85 01 01 00 00       jne    10e710 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x180>          
        if (sec_of_fat && !fs_info->vol.mirror)                                           
  10e60f:   80 7b 5c 00             cmpb   $0x0,0x5c(%ebx)                                
        fs_info->c.modified = 0;                                                          
  10e613:   c6 83 98 00 00 00 00    movb   $0x0,0x98(%ebx)                                
        if (sec_of_fat && !fs_info->vol.mirror)                                           
  10e61a:   75 b7                   jne    10e5d3 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x43>           
            for (i = 1; i < fs_info->vol.fats; i++)                                       
  10e61c:   80 7b 15 01             cmpb   $0x1,0x15(%ebx)                                
  10e620:   c6 45 d7 01             movb   $0x1,-0x29(%ebp)                               
  10e624:   77 2b                   ja     10e651 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0xc1>           
  10e626:   eb ab                   jmp    10e5d3 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x43>           
  10e628:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10e62f:   90                      nop                                                   
                memcpy(bd->buffer + blk_ofs, fs_info->sec_buf, fs_info->vol.bps);         
  10e630:   f3 a4                   rep movsb %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi)                       
                sc = rtems_bdbuf_release_modified(bd);                                    
  10e632:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10e635:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10e638:   e8 e3 9c 00 00          call   118320 <rtems_bdbuf_release_modified>          
                if ( sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)                                              
  10e63d:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10e63f:   0f 85 3b 01 00 00       jne    10e780 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x1f0>          
            for (i = 1; i < fs_info->vol.fats; i++)                                       
  10e645:   fe 45 d7                incb   -0x29(%ebp)                                    
  10e648:   0f b6 45 d7             movzbl -0x29(%ebp),%eax                               
  10e64c:   3a 43 15                cmp    0x15(%ebx),%al                                 
  10e64f:   73 82                   jae    10e5d3 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x43>           
                sec_num = fs_info->c.blk_num + fs_info->vol.fat_length * i,               
  10e651:   8b 43 24                mov    0x24(%ebx),%eax                                
  10e654:   0f b6 75 d7             movzbl -0x29(%ebp),%esi                               
  10e658:   8b 93 94 00 00 00       mov    0x94(%ebx),%edx                                
static inline uint32_t                                                                    
 fat_sector_num_to_block_num (const fat_fs_info_t *fs_info,                               
                              const uint32_t sector_number)                               
  return sector_number >> (fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2 - fs_info->vol.sec_log2);    
  10e65e:   0f b6 4b 14             movzbl 0x14(%ebx),%ecx                                
  10e662:   0f af f0                imul   %eax,%esi                                      
  10e665:   0f b6 43 02             movzbl 0x2(%ebx),%eax                                 
  10e669:   01 d6                   add    %edx,%esi                                      
  10e66b:   29 c1                   sub    %eax,%ecx                                      
  10e66d:   89 f7                   mov    %esi,%edi                                      
  10e66f:   d3 ef                   shr    %cl,%edi                                       
  return block_number << (fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2 - fs_info->vol.sec_log2);     
  10e671:   89 fa                   mov    %edi,%edx                                      
  10e673:   d3 e2                   shl    %cl,%edx                                       
  return sector_offset +                                                                  
           ((sector -                                                                     
              fat_block_num_to_sector_num (fs_info,                                       
                  fat_sector_num_to_block_num (fs_info, sector)))                         
            << fs_info->vol.sec_log2);                                                    
  10e675:   88 c1                   mov    %al,%cl                                        
                    sc = rtems_bdbuf_get(fs_info->vol.dd, blk, &bd);                      
  10e677:   8b 43 6c                mov    0x6c(%ebx),%eax                                
           ((sector -                                                                     
  10e67a:   29 d6                   sub    %edx,%esi                                      
            << fs_info->vol.sec_log2);                                                    
  10e67c:   d3 e6                   shl    %cl,%esi                                       
  10e67e:   8d 55 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%edx                               
                if (blk_ofs == 0                                                          
  10e681:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  10e683:   75 0c                   jne    10e691 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x101>          
                    && fs_info->vol.bps == fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block)                  
  10e685:   0f b7 0b                movzwl (%ebx),%ecx                                    
  10e688:   3b 4b 10                cmp    0x10(%ebx),%ecx                                
  10e68b:   0f 84 8f 00 00 00       je     10e720 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x190>          
                    sc = rtems_bdbuf_read(fs_info->vol.dd, blk, &bd);                     
  10e691:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10e695:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10e699:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10e69c:   e8 8f 99 00 00          call   118030 <rtems_bdbuf_read>                      
                if ( sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)                                              
  10e6a1:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10e6a3:   0f 85 d7 00 00 00       jne    10e780 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x1f0>          
                memcpy(bd->buffer + blk_ofs, fs_info->sec_buf, fs_info->vol.bps);         
  10e6a9:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10e6ac:   0f b7 0b                movzwl (%ebx),%ecx                                    
  10e6af:   8b 50 1c                mov    0x1c(%eax),%edx                                
  10e6b2:   8b 83 a0 00 00 00       mov    0xa0(%ebx),%eax                                
  10e6b8:   01 f2                   add    %esi,%edx                                      
  10e6ba:   83 f9 08                cmp    $0x8,%ecx                                      
  10e6bd:   89 d7                   mov    %edx,%edi                                      
  10e6bf:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
  10e6c1:   0f 82 69 ff ff ff       jb     10e630 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0xa0>           
  10e6c7:   f6 c2 01                test   $0x1,%dl                                       
  10e6ca:   0f 85 f0 00 00 00       jne    10e7c0 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x230>          
  10e6d0:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      
  10e6d6:   0f 85 c4 00 00 00       jne    10e7a0 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x210>          
  10e6dc:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      
  10e6e2:   0f 84 48 ff ff ff       je     10e630 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0xa0>           
  10e6e8:   8b 06                   mov    (%esi),%eax                                    
  10e6ea:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      
  10e6ed:   83 c6 04                add    $0x4,%esi                                      
  10e6f0:   83 e9 04                sub    $0x4,%ecx                                      
  10e6f3:   89 47 fc                mov    %eax,-0x4(%edi)                                
  10e6f6:   e9 35 ff ff ff          jmp    10e630 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0xa0>           
  10e6fb:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10e6ff:   90                      nop                                                   
        sc = rtems_bdbuf_release(fs_info->c.buf);                                         
  10e700:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    
  10e703:   e8 18 9b 00 00          call   118220 <rtems_bdbuf_release>                   
        if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)                                                       
  10e708:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10e70a:   0f 84 c3 fe ff ff       je     10e5d3 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x43>           
  10e710:   e8 8b 81 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               
  10e715:   c7 00 05 00 00 00       movl   $0x5,(%eax)                                    
  10e71b:   eb 6e                   jmp    10e78b <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x1fb>          
  10e71d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
                    sc = rtems_bdbuf_get(fs_info->vol.dd, blk, &bd);                      
  10e720:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10e724:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10e728:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10e72b:   e8 20 98 00 00          call   117f50 <rtems_bdbuf_get>                       
  10e730:   e9 6c ff ff ff          jmp    10e6a1 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x111>          
  10e735:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10e73c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  return sector_number >> (fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2 - fs_info->vol.sec_log2);    
  10e740:   0f b6 43 02             movzbl 0x2(%ebx),%eax                                 
  10e744:   89 f7                   mov    %esi,%edi                                      
  10e746:   0f b6 4b 14             movzbl 0x14(%ebx),%ecx                                
  10e74a:   29 c1                   sub    %eax,%ecx                                      
  10e74c:   d3 ef                   shr    %cl,%edi                                       
  return block_number << (fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2 - fs_info->vol.sec_log2);     
  10e74e:   d3 e7                   shl    %cl,%edi                                       
            << fs_info->vol.sec_log2);                                                    
  10e750:   88 c1                   mov    %al,%cl                                        
  10e752:   8b 42 1c                mov    0x1c(%edx),%eax                                
           ((sector -                                                                     
  10e755:   29 fe                   sub    %edi,%esi                                      
  10e757:   8b bb a0 00 00 00       mov    0xa0(%ebx),%edi                                
            << fs_info->vol.sec_log2);                                                    
  10e75d:   d3 e6                   shl    %cl,%esi                                       
  10e75f:   0f b7 0b                movzwl (%ebx),%ecx                                    
  10e762:   01 c6                   add    %eax,%esi                                      
  10e764:   83 f9 08                cmp    $0x8,%ecx                                      
  10e767:   73 67                   jae    10e7d0 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x240>          
  10e769:   f3 a4                   rep movsb %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi)                       
        sc = rtems_bdbuf_release_modified(fs_info->c.buf);                                
  10e76b:   8b 93 9c 00 00 00       mov    0x9c(%ebx),%edx                                
  10e771:   e9 89 fe ff ff          jmp    10e5ff <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x6f>           
  10e776:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10e77d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  10e780:   e8 1b 81 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               
  10e785:   c7 00 0c 00 00 00       movl   $0xc,(%eax)                                    
  10e78b:   83 c4 3c                add    $0x3c,%esp                                     
  10e78e:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  10e793:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10e794:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10e795:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  10e796:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10e797:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10e798:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10e79f:   90                      nop                                                   
                memcpy(bd->buffer + blk_ofs, fs_info->sec_buf, fs_info->vol.bps);         
  10e7a0:   0f b7 06                movzwl (%esi),%eax                                    
  10e7a3:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      
  10e7a6:   83 c6 02                add    $0x2,%esi                                      
  10e7a9:   83 e9 02                sub    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  10e7ac:   66 89 47 fe             mov    %ax,-0x2(%edi)                                 
  10e7b0:   e9 27 ff ff ff          jmp    10e6dc <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x14c>          
  10e7b5:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10e7bc:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10e7c0:   0f b6 00                movzbl (%eax),%eax                                    
  10e7c3:   47                      inc    %edi                                           
  10e7c4:   46                      inc    %esi                                           
  10e7c5:   49                      dec    %ecx                                           
  10e7c6:   88 02                   mov    %al,(%edx)                                     
  10e7c8:   e9 03 ff ff ff          jmp    10e6d0 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x140>          
  10e7cd:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  10e7d0:   f7 c7 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%edi                                      
  10e7d6:   75 23                   jne    10e7fb <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x26b>          
  10e7d8:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      
  10e7de:   75 26                   jne    10e806 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x276>          
  10e7e0:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      
  10e7e6:   74 81                   je     10e769 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x1d9>          
  10e7e8:   8b 06                   mov    (%esi),%eax                                    
  10e7ea:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      
  10e7ed:   83 c6 04                add    $0x4,%esi                                      
  10e7f0:   83 e9 04                sub    $0x4,%ecx                                      
  10e7f3:   89 47 fc                mov    %eax,-0x4(%edi)                                
  10e7f6:   e9 6e ff ff ff          jmp    10e769 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x1d9>          
  10e7fb:   0f b6 06                movzbl (%esi),%eax                                    
  10e7fe:   47                      inc    %edi                                           
  10e7ff:   46                      inc    %esi                                           
  10e800:   49                      dec    %ecx                                           
  10e801:   88 47 ff                mov    %al,-0x1(%edi)                                 
  10e804:   eb d2                   jmp    10e7d8 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x248>          
  10e806:   0f b7 06                movzwl (%esi),%eax                                    
  10e809:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      
  10e80c:   83 c6 02                add    $0x2,%esi                                      
  10e80f:   83 e9 02                sub    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  10e812:   66 89 47 fe             mov    %ax,-0x2(%edi)                                 
  10e816:   eb c8                   jmp    10e7e0 <fat_buf_release.part.0+0x250>          
  10e818:   90                      nop                                                   
  10e819:   90                      nop                                                   
  10e81a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10e81b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10e81c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10e81d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10e81e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10e81f:   90                      nop                                                   

0010ebf0 <fat_cluster_set>: fat_fs_info_t *fs_info, const uint32_t start_cln, const uint32_t offset, const uint32_t count, const uint8_t pattern) {
  10ebf0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  10ebf1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10ebf3:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  10ebf4:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  10ebf5:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  10ebf6:   83 ec 4c                sub    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  10ebf9:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 
  10ebfc:   8b 7d 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edi                                
  10ebff:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  10ec02:   0f b6 55 18             movzbl 0x18(%ebp),%edx                                
  ssize_t             rc               = RC_OK;                                           
  uint32_t            bytes_to_write   = MIN(count, (fs_info->vol.bpc - offset));         
  10ec06:   8b 4e 08                mov    0x8(%esi),%ecx                                 
  10ec09:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  10ec0c:   88 55 cc                mov    %dl,-0x34(%ebp)                                
  uint32_t            bytes_to_write   = MIN(count, (fs_info->vol.bpc - offset));         
  10ec0f:   29 f9                   sub    %edi,%ecx                                      
  10ec11:   89 4d d0                mov    %ecx,-0x30(%ebp)                               
  10ec14:   39 c1                   cmp    %eax,%ecx                                      
  10ec16:   76 03                   jbe    10ec1b <fat_cluster_set+0x2b>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10ec18:   89 45 d0                mov    %eax,-0x30(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    if ( (cln == 0) && (fs_info->vol.type & (FAT_FAT12 | FAT_FAT16)) )                    
  10ec1b:   0f b6 46 14             movzbl 0x14(%esi),%eax                                
  10ec1f:   0f b6 4e 02             movzbl 0x2(%esi),%ecx                                 
  10ec23:   88 45 c6                mov    %al,-0x3a(%ebp)                                
  return sector_number >> (fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2 - fs_info->vol.sec_log2);    
  10ec26:   89 45 d4                mov    %eax,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  10ec29:   29 c8                   sub    %ecx,%eax                                      
  10ec2b:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  10ec2d:   88 4d c7                mov    %cl,-0x39(%ebp)                                
  10ec30:   75 0a                   jne    10ec3c <fat_cluster_set+0x4c>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10ec32:   f6 46 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%esi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ec36:   0f 85 74 01 00 00       jne    10edb0 <fat_cluster_set+0x1c0>                 <== NOT EXECUTED
        blk = cln << (fs_info->vol.bpc_log2 - fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2);         
  10ec3c:   8b 55 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edx                               
        cln -= FAT_RSRVD_CLN;                                                             
  10ec3f:   83 eb 02                sub    $0x2,%ebx                                      
        blk = cln << (fs_info->vol.bpc_log2 - fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2);         
  10ec42:   0f b6 4e 0c             movzbl 0xc(%esi),%ecx                                 
  10ec46:   29 d1                   sub    %edx,%ecx                                      
  10ec48:   8b 56 3c                mov    0x3c(%esi),%edx                                
  10ec4b:   d3 e3                   shl    %cl,%ebx                                       
  10ec4d:   88 c1                   mov    %al,%cl                                        
  10ec4f:   d3 ea                   shr    %cl,%edx                                       
        blk += fat_sector_num_to_block_num(fs_info, fs_info->vol.data_fsec);              
  10ec51:   01 d3                   add    %edx,%ebx                                      
  uint32_t            cur_blk          = fat_cluster_num_to_block_num(fs_info, start_cln);
  uint32_t            blocks_in_offset = offset >> fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2;     
  10ec53:   0f b6 4d d4             movzbl -0x2c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  10ec57:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  10ec59:   d3 e8                   shr    %cl,%eax                                       
  uint32_t            ofs_blk          = offset - (blocks_in_offset << fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2);
  10ec5b:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  ssize_t             bytes_written    = 0;                                               
  ssize_t             ret;                                                                
  cur_blk += blocks_in_offset;                                                            
  10ec5d:   01 d8                   add    %ebx,%eax                                      
  10ec5f:   89 45 c8                mov    %eax,-0x38(%ebp)                               
  uint32_t            ofs_blk          = offset - (blocks_in_offset << fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2);
  10ec62:   d3 e2                   shl    %cl,%edx                                       
  while (   (RC_OK == rc)                                                                 
  10ec64:   8b 4d d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%ecx                               
  uint32_t            ofs_blk          = offset - (blocks_in_offset << fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2);
  10ec67:   29 d7                   sub    %edx,%edi                                      
  while (   (RC_OK == rc)                                                                 
  10ec69:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  10ec6b:   0f 84 4f 01 00 00       je     10edc0 <fat_cluster_set+0x1d0>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
         && (0 < bytes_to_write))                                                         
    uint32_t c = MIN(bytes_to_write, (fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block - ofs_blk));           
    ret = fat_block_set(                                                                  
  10ec71:   0f b6 4d cc             movzbl -0x34(%ebp),%ecx                               
  ssize_t             bytes_written    = 0;                                               
  10ec75:   c7 45 cc 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x34(%ebp)                               
    ret = fat_block_set(                                                                  
  10ec7c:   89 4d c0                mov    %ecx,-0x40(%ebp)                               
            memset(blk_buf + offset, pattern, bytes_to_write);                            
  10ec7f:   69 c1 01 01 01 01       imul   $0x1010101,%ecx,%eax                           
  10ec85:   0f b6 4d c6             movzbl -0x3a(%ebp),%ecx                               
  10ec89:   89 45 bc                mov    %eax,-0x44(%ebp)                               
  10ec8c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    uint32_t c = MIN(bytes_to_write, (fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block - ofs_blk));           
  10ec90:   8b 46 10                mov    0x10(%esi),%eax                                
  10ec93:   8b 55 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%edx                               
  10ec96:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  10ec98:   29 fb                   sub    %edi,%ebx                                      
  10ec9a:   89 5d d4                mov    %ebx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  10ec9d:   39 d3                   cmp    %edx,%ebx                                      
  10ec9f:   76 03                   jbe    10eca4 <fat_cluster_set+0xb4>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10eca1:   89 55 d4                mov    %edx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    uint32_t            bytes_to_write = MIN(count, (fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block - offset));
  10eca4:   8b 55 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edx                               
  10eca7:   39 d3                   cmp    %edx,%ebx                                      
  10eca9:   76 02                   jbe    10ecad <fat_cluster_set+0xbd>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10ecab:   89 d3                   mov    %edx,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    if (0 < bytes_to_write)                                                               
  10ecad:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  10ecaf:   0f 84 a2 00 00 00       je     10ed57 <fat_cluster_set+0x167>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
  return block_number << (fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2 - fs_info->vol.sec_log2);     
  10ecb5:   0f b6 55 c7             movzbl -0x39(%ebp),%edx                               
  10ecb9:   28 d1                   sub    %dl,%cl                                        
  10ecbb:   8b 55 c8                mov    -0x38(%ebp),%edx                               
  10ecbe:   d3 e2                   shl    %cl,%edx                                       
        if (bytes_to_write == fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block)                               
  10ecc0:   39 d8                   cmp    %ebx,%eax                                      
            rc = fat_buf_access(fs_info, sec_num, FAT_OP_TYPE_GET, &blk_buf);             
  10ecc2:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10ecc5:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
        if (bytes_to_write == fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block)                               
  10ecc9:   0f 84 91 00 00 00       je     10ed60 <fat_cluster_set+0x170>                 
            rc = fat_buf_access(fs_info, sec_num, FAT_OP_TYPE_READ, &blk_buf);            
  10eccf:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10ecd3:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  10ecd8:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10ecdc:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  10ecdf:   e8 3c fb ff ff          call   10e820 <fat_buf_access>                        
        if (RC_OK == rc)                                                                  
  10ece4:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10ece6:   74 48                   je     10ed30 <fat_cluster_set+0x140>                 <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    if (c != ret)                                                                         
  10ece8:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ecea:   39 5d d4                cmp    %ebx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  10eced:   74 21                   je     10ed10 <fat_cluster_set+0x120>                 <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10ecef:   c7 45 cc ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x34(%ebp)                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  if (RC_OK != rc)                                                                        
    return rc;                                                                            
    return bytes_written;                                                                 
  10ecf6:   8b 45 cc                mov    -0x34(%ebp),%eax                               
  10ecf9:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  10ecfc:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10ecfd:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10ecfe:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  10ecff:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10ed00:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10ed01:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10ed08:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10ed0f:   90                      nop                                                   
  while (   (RC_OK == rc)                                                                 
  10ed10:   8b 7d d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edi                               
        bytes_written  += ret;                                                            
  10ed13:   01 45 cc                add    %eax,-0x34(%ebp)                               
  10ed16:   ff 45 c8                incl   -0x38(%ebp)                                    
  while (   (RC_OK == rc)                                                                 
  10ed19:   29 7d d0                sub    %edi,-0x30(%ebp)                               
  10ed1c:   74 d8                   je     10ecf6 <fat_cluster_set+0x106>                 
  10ed1e:   0f b6 46 02             movzbl 0x2(%esi),%eax                                 
  10ed22:   31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi                                      
  10ed24:   0f b6 4e 14             movzbl 0x14(%esi),%ecx                                
  10ed28:   88 45 c7                mov    %al,-0x39(%ebp)                                
  10ed2b:   e9 60 ff ff ff          jmp    10ec90 <fat_cluster_set+0xa0>                  
            memset(blk_buf + offset, pattern, bytes_to_write);                            
  10ed30:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10ed33:   89 da                   mov    %ebx,%edx                                      
  10ed35:   01 f8                   add    %edi,%eax                                      
  10ed37:   83 fb 08                cmp    $0x8,%ebx                                      
  10ed3a:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      
  10ed3c:   73 42                   jae    10ed80 <fat_cluster_set+0x190>                 <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10ed3e:   83 e2 07                and    $0x7,%edx                                      
  10ed41:   74 0d                   je     10ed50 <fat_cluster_set+0x160>                 <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10ed43:   8b 4d c0                mov    -0x40(%ebp),%ecx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ed46:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ed48:   88 0c 07                mov    %cl,(%edi,%eax,1)                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ed4b:   40                      inc    %eax                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ed4c:   39 d0                   cmp    %edx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ed4e:   72 f8                   jb     10ed48 <fat_cluster_set+0x158>                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    fs_info->c.modified = true;                                                           
  10ed50:   c6 86 98 00 00 00 01    movb   $0x1,0x98(%esi)                                
        return bytes_to_write;                                                            
  10ed57:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  10ed59:   eb 8f                   jmp    10ecea <fat_cluster_set+0xfa>                  
  10ed5b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10ed5f:   90                      nop                                                   
            rc = fat_buf_access(fs_info, sec_num, FAT_OP_TYPE_GET, &blk_buf);             
  10ed60:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10ed64:   b9 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  10ed69:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10ed6d:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  10ed70:   e8 ab fa ff ff          call   10e820 <fat_buf_access>                        
  10ed75:   e9 6a ff ff ff          jmp    10ece4 <fat_cluster_set+0xf4>                  
  10ed7a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
            memset(blk_buf + offset, pattern, bytes_to_write);                            
  10ed80:   a8 01                   test   $0x1,%al                                       
  10ed82:   75 6b                   jne    10edef <fat_cluster_set+0x1ff>                 
  10ed84:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      
  10ed8a:   75 46                   jne    10edd2 <fat_cluster_set+0x1e2>                 
  10ed8c:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      
  10ed92:   75 4d                   jne    10ede1 <fat_cluster_set+0x1f1>                 
  10ed94:   8b 45 bc                mov    -0x44(%ebp),%eax                               
  10ed97:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      
  10ed99:   83 e2 03                and    $0x3,%edx                                      
  10ed9c:   c1 e9 02                shr    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  10ed9f:   f3 ab                   rep stos %eax,%es:(%edi)                              
  10eda1:   eb 9b                   jmp    10ed3e <fat_cluster_set+0x14e>                 
  10eda3:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10edaa:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  return sector_number >> (fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2 - fs_info->vol.sec_log2);    
  10edb0:   8b 5e 28                mov    0x28(%esi),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10edb3:   88 c1                   mov    %al,%cl                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  10edb5:   d3 eb                   shr    %cl,%ebx                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    return blk;                                                                           
  10edb7:   e9 97 fe ff ff          jmp    10ec53 <fat_cluster_set+0x63>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  10edbc:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  ssize_t             bytes_written    = 0;                                               
  10edc0:   c7 45 cc 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x34(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10edc7:   8b 45 cc                mov    -0x34(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10edca:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  10edcd:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10edce:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10edcf:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10edd0:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10edd1:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
            memset(blk_buf + offset, pattern, bytes_to_write);                            
  10edd2:   8b 45 bc                mov    -0x44(%ebp),%eax                               
  10edd5:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      
  10edd8:   83 ea 02                sub    $0x2,%edx                                      
  10eddb:   66 89 47 fe             mov    %ax,-0x2(%edi)                                 
  10eddf:   eb ab                   jmp    10ed8c <fat_cluster_set+0x19c>                 
  10ede1:   8b 45 bc                mov    -0x44(%ebp),%eax                               
  10ede4:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      
  10ede7:   83 ea 04                sub    $0x4,%edx                                      
  10edea:   89 47 fc                mov    %eax,-0x4(%edi)                                
  10eded:   eb a5                   jmp    10ed94 <fat_cluster_set+0x1a4>                 
  10edef:   0f b6 55 bc             movzbl -0x44(%ebp),%edx                               
  10edf3:   47                      inc    %edi                                           
  10edf4:   88 10                   mov    %dl,(%eax)                                     
  10edf6:   8d 53 ff                lea    -0x1(%ebx),%edx                                
  10edf9:   eb 89                   jmp    10ed84 <fat_cluster_set+0x194>                 
  10edfb:   90                      nop                                                   
  10edfc:   90                      nop                                                   
  10edfd:   90                      nop                                                   
  10edfe:   90                      nop                                                   
  10edff:   90                      nop                                                   

0010ee00 <fat_cluster_write>: fat_fs_info_t *fs_info, const uint32_t start_cln, const uint32_t offset, const uint32_t count, const void *buff) {
  10ee00:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  10ee01:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10ee03:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  10ee04:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  10ee05:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  10ee06:   83 ec 4c                sub    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  10ee09:   8b 55 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%edx                                 
  10ee0c:   8b 75 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%esi                                
  10ee0f:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  10ee12:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
    ssize_t             rc               = RC_OK;                                         
    uint32_t            bytes_to_write   = MIN(count, (fs_info->vol.bpc - offset));       
  10ee15:   8b 4a 08                mov    0x8(%edx),%ecx                                 
  10ee18:   29 f1                   sub    %esi,%ecx                                      
  10ee1a:   89 4d d0                mov    %ecx,-0x30(%ebp)                               
  10ee1d:   39 c1                   cmp    %eax,%ecx                                      
  10ee1f:   76 03                   jbe    10ee24 <fat_cluster_write+0x24>                
  10ee21:   89 45 d0                mov    %eax,-0x30(%ebp)                               
    if ( (cln == 0) && (fs_info->vol.type & (FAT_FAT12 | FAT_FAT16)) )                    
  10ee24:   0f b6 7a 14             movzbl 0x14(%edx),%edi                                
  10ee28:   0f b6 4a 02             movzbl 0x2(%edx),%ecx                                 
  10ee2c:   89 7d d4                mov    %edi,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  10ee2f:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  10ee31:   88 4d c4                mov    %cl,-0x3c(%ebp)                                
  10ee34:   29 cf                   sub    %ecx,%edi                                      
  10ee36:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  10ee38:   88 45 c3                mov    %al,-0x3d(%ebp)                                
  10ee3b:   89 f9                   mov    %edi,%ecx                                      
  10ee3d:   89 7d cc                mov    %edi,-0x34(%ebp)                               
  10ee40:   75 0a                   jne    10ee4c <fat_cluster_write+0x4c>                
  10ee42:   f6 42 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%edx)                                
  10ee46:   0f 85 54 01 00 00       jne    10efa0 <fat_cluster_write+0x1a0>               <== ALWAYS TAKEN
        blk = cln << (fs_info->vol.bpc_log2 - fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2);         
  10ee4c:   8b 45 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
        cln -= FAT_RSRVD_CLN;                                                             
  10ee4f:   83 eb 02                sub    $0x2,%ebx                                      
        blk = cln << (fs_info->vol.bpc_log2 - fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2);         
  10ee52:   0f b6 4a 0c             movzbl 0xc(%edx),%ecx                                 
  10ee56:   29 c1                   sub    %eax,%ecx                                      
  10ee58:   8b 42 3c                mov    0x3c(%edx),%eax                                
  10ee5b:   d3 e3                   shl    %cl,%ebx                                       
  10ee5d:   0f b6 4d cc             movzbl -0x34(%ebp),%ecx                               
  10ee61:   d3 e8                   shr    %cl,%eax                                       
        blk += fat_sector_num_to_block_num(fs_info, fs_info->vol.data_fsec);              
  10ee63:   01 c3                   add    %eax,%ebx                                      
    uint32_t            cur_blk          = fat_cluster_num_to_block_num(fs_info, start_cln);
    uint32_t            blocks_in_offset = (offset >> fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2); 
    uint32_t            ofs_blk          = offset - (blocks_in_offset << fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2);
    ssize_t             bytes_written    = 0;                                             
  10ee65:   c7 45 cc 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x34(%ebp)                               
    uint32_t            blocks_in_offset = (offset >> fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2); 
  10ee6c:   0f b6 4d d4             movzbl -0x2c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  10ee70:   89 f7                   mov    %esi,%edi                                      
  10ee72:   d3 ef                   shr    %cl,%edi                                       
    uint32_t            ofs_blk          = offset - (blocks_in_offset << fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2);
  10ee74:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  10ee76:   d3 e0                   shl    %cl,%eax                                       
  10ee78:   29 c6                   sub    %eax,%esi                                      
    uint8_t             *buffer          = (uint8_t*)buff;                                
    ssize_t             ret;                                                              
    uint32_t            c;                                                                
    cur_blk += blocks_in_offset;                                                          
  10ee7a:   8d 04 1f                lea    (%edi,%ebx,1),%eax                             
  10ee7d:   89 45 c8                mov    %eax,-0x38(%ebp)                               
    while (   (RC_OK == rc)                                                               
  10ee80:   8b 45 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%eax                               
  10ee83:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10ee85:   74 75                   je     10eefc <fat_cluster_write+0xfc>                <== NEVER TAKEN
            rc = fat_buf_access(fs_info, sec_num, FAT_OP_TYPE_READ, &blk_buf);            
  10ee87:   0f b6 4d c3             movzbl -0x3d(%ebp),%ecx                               
  10ee8b:   89 f7                   mov    %esi,%edi                                      
  10ee8d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
           && (0 < bytes_to_write))                                                       
      c = MIN(bytes_to_write, (fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block - ofs_blk));                  
  10ee90:   8b 72 10                mov    0x10(%edx),%esi                                
  10ee93:   8b 45 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%eax                               
  10ee96:   89 f3                   mov    %esi,%ebx                                      
  10ee98:   29 fb                   sub    %edi,%ebx                                      
  10ee9a:   89 5d d4                mov    %ebx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  10ee9d:   39 c3                   cmp    %eax,%ebx                                      
  10ee9f:   76 03                   jbe    10eea4 <fat_cluster_write+0xa4>                
  10eea1:   89 45 d4                mov    %eax,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
    uint32_t            bytes_to_write = MIN(count, (fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block - offset));
  10eea4:   8b 45 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10eea7:   39 c3                   cmp    %eax,%ebx                                      
  10eea9:   76 02                   jbe    10eead <fat_cluster_write+0xad>                
  10eeab:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
    if (0 < bytes_to_write)                                                               
  10eead:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  10eeaf:   0f 84 9d 00 00 00       je     10ef52 <fat_cluster_write+0x152>               <== NEVER TAKEN
  return block_number << (fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2 - fs_info->vol.sec_log2);     
  10eeb5:   0f b6 45 c4             movzbl -0x3c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10eeb9:   28 c1                   sub    %al,%cl                                        
  10eebb:   8b 45 c8                mov    -0x38(%ebp),%eax                               
  10eebe:   d3 e0                   shl    %cl,%eax                                       
        if (bytes_to_write == fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block)                               
  10eec0:   39 de                   cmp    %ebx,%esi                                      
            rc = fat_buf_access(fs_info, sec_num, FAT_OP_TYPE_GET, &blk_buf);             
  10eec2:   8d 75 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%esi                               
  10eec5:   89 74 24 0c             mov    %esi,0xc(%esp)                                 
        if (bytes_to_write == fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block)                               
  10eec9:   0f 84 91 00 00 00       je     10ef60 <fat_cluster_write+0x160>               
            rc = fat_buf_access(fs_info, sec_num, FAT_OP_TYPE_READ, &blk_buf);            
  10eecf:   be 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%esi                                      
  10eed4:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10eed8:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    
  10eedb:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10eedf:   89 55 08                mov    %edx,0x8(%ebp)                                 
  10eee2:   e8 39 f9 ff ff          call   10e820 <fat_buf_access>                        
  10eee7:   8b 55 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%edx                                 
        if (RC_OK == rc)                                                                  
  10eeea:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10eeec:   74 42                   je     10ef30 <fat_cluster_write+0x130>               <== ALWAYS TAKEN
      if (c != ret)                                                                       
  10eeee:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10eef0:   39 5d d4                cmp    %ebx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  10eef3:   74 1b                   je     10ef10 <fat_cluster_write+0x110>               <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10eef5:   c7 45 cc ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x34(%ebp)                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    if (RC_OK != rc)                                                                      
      return rc;                                                                          
      return bytes_written;                                                               
  10eefc:   8b 45 cc                mov    -0x34(%ebp),%eax                               
  10eeff:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  10ef02:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10ef03:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10ef04:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  10ef05:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10ef06:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10ef07:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10ef0e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
    while (   (RC_OK == rc)                                                               
  10ef10:   8b 4d d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%ecx                               
          bytes_written  += ret;                                                          
  10ef13:   01 45 cc                add    %eax,-0x34(%ebp)                               
  10ef16:   ff 45 c8                incl   -0x38(%ebp)                                    
    while (   (RC_OK == rc)                                                               
  10ef19:   29 4d d0                sub    %ecx,-0x30(%ebp)                               
  10ef1c:   74 de                   je     10eefc <fat_cluster_write+0xfc>                <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10ef1e:   0f b6 42 02             movzbl 0x2(%edx),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ef22:   31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ef24:   0f b6 4a 14             movzbl 0x14(%edx),%ecx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ef28:   88 45 c4                mov    %al,-0x3c(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ef2b:   e9 60 ff ff ff          jmp    10ee90 <fat_cluster_write+0x90>                <== NOT EXECUTED
            memcpy(blk_buf + offset, buf, bytes_to_write);                                
  10ef30:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10ef33:   8b 4d 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%ecx                                
            memcpy(blk_buf + offset, buf, bytes_to_write);                                
  10ef36:   01 c7                   add    %eax,%edi                                      
  10ef38:   8b 45 cc                mov    -0x34(%ebp),%eax                               
            memcpy(blk_buf + offset, buf, bytes_to_write);                                
  10ef3b:   89 7d c4                mov    %edi,-0x3c(%ebp)                               
  10ef3e:   01 c8                   add    %ecx,%eax                                      
            memcpy(blk_buf + offset, buf, bytes_to_write);                                
  10ef40:   83 fb 08                cmp    $0x8,%ebx                                      
  10ef43:   89 d9                   mov    %ebx,%ecx                                      
  10ef45:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
  10ef47:   73 27                   jae    10ef70 <fat_cluster_write+0x170>               
  10ef49:   f3 a4                   rep movsb %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi)                       
    fs_info->c.modified = true;                                                           
  10ef4b:   c6 82 98 00 00 00 01    movb   $0x1,0x98(%edx)                                
        return bytes_to_write;                                                            
  10ef52:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  10ef54:   eb 9a                   jmp    10eef0 <fat_cluster_write+0xf0>                
  10ef56:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10ef5d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
            rc = fat_buf_access(fs_info, sec_num, FAT_OP_TYPE_GET, &blk_buf);             
  10ef60:   b9 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  10ef65:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10ef69:   e9 6a ff ff ff          jmp    10eed8 <fat_cluster_write+0xd8>                
  10ef6e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
            memcpy(blk_buf + offset, buf, bytes_to_write);                                
  10ef70:   f7 c7 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%edi                                      
  10ef76:   75 32                   jne    10efaa <fat_cluster_write+0x1aa>               
  10ef78:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      
  10ef7e:   75 3a                   jne    10efba <fat_cluster_write+0x1ba>               
  10ef80:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      
  10ef86:   74 c1                   je     10ef49 <fat_cluster_write+0x149>               
  10ef88:   8b 06                   mov    (%esi),%eax                                    
  10ef8a:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      
  10ef8d:   83 c6 04                add    $0x4,%esi                                      
  10ef90:   83 e9 04                sub    $0x4,%ecx                                      
  10ef93:   89 47 fc                mov    %eax,-0x4(%edi)                                
  10ef96:   eb b1                   jmp    10ef49 <fat_cluster_write+0x149>               
  10ef98:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10ef9f:   90                      nop                                                   
  return sector_number >> (fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block_log2 - fs_info->vol.sec_log2);    
  10efa0:   8b 5a 28                mov    0x28(%edx),%ebx                                
  10efa3:   d3 eb                   shr    %cl,%ebx                                       
    return blk;                                                                           
  10efa5:   e9 bb fe ff ff          jmp    10ee65 <fat_cluster_write+0x65>                
            memcpy(blk_buf + offset, buf, bytes_to_write);                                
  10efaa:   0f b6 00                movzbl (%eax),%eax                                    
  10efad:   47                      inc    %edi                                           
  10efae:   46                      inc    %esi                                           
  10efaf:   8d 4b ff                lea    -0x1(%ebx),%ecx                                
  10efb2:   88 45 c3                mov    %al,-0x3d(%ebp)                                
  10efb5:   88 47 ff                mov    %al,-0x1(%edi)                                 
  10efb8:   eb be                   jmp    10ef78 <fat_cluster_write+0x178>               
  10efba:   0f b7 06                movzwl (%esi),%eax                                    
  10efbd:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      
  10efc0:   83 c6 02                add    $0x2,%esi                                      
  10efc3:   83 e9 02                sub    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  10efc6:   66 89 47 fe             mov    %ax,-0x2(%edi)                                 
  10efca:   eb b4                   jmp    10ef80 <fat_cluster_write+0x180>               
  10efcc:   90                      nop                                                   
  10efcd:   90                      nop                                                   
  10efce:   90                      nop                                                   
  10efcf:   90                      nop                                                   

00110950 <fat_file_close>: {
  110950:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  110951:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  110953:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp                                     
  110956:   89 5d f8                mov    %ebx,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  110959:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  11095c:   89 75 fc                mov    %esi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  11095f:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 
    if (fat_fd->links_num > 1)                                                            
  110962:   8b 43 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%eax                                 
  110965:   83 f8 01                cmp    $0x1,%eax                                      
  110968:   76 16                   jbe    110980 <fat_file_close+0x30>                   
  11096a:   48                      dec    %eax                                           
  11096b:   89 43 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%ebx)                                 
    rc = fat_buf_release(fs_info);                                                        
  11096e:   89 75 08                mov    %esi,0x8(%ebp)                                 
  110971:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                
  110974:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                
  110977:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  110979:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
    rc = fat_buf_release(fs_info);                                                        
  11097a:   e9 71 df ff ff          jmp    10e8f0 <fat_buf_release>                       
  11097f:   90                      nop                                                   
        fat_file_update(fs_info, fat_fd);                                                 
  110980:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  110984:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  110987:   e8 54 fc ff ff          call   1105e0 <fat_file_update>                       
        if (fat_fd->flags & FAT_FILE_REMOVED)                                             
  11098c:   f6 43 30 01             testb  $0x1,0x30(%ebx)                                
  110990:   75 1e                   jne    1109b0 <fat_file_close+0x60>                   
            if (fat_ino_is_unique(fs_info, fat_fd->ino))                                  
  110992:   8b 43 0c                mov    0xc(%ebx),%eax                                 
  110995:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  110998:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  11099c:   e8 8f f1 ff ff          call   10fb30 <fat_ino_is_unique>                     
  1109a1:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  1109a3:   74 4b                   je     1109f0 <fat_file_close+0xa0>                   
                fat_fd->links_num = 0;                                                    
  1109a5:   c7 43 08 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x8(%ebx)                                 
  1109ac:   eb c0                   jmp    11096e <fat_file_close+0x1e>                   
  1109ae:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
            rc = fat_file_truncate(fs_info, fat_fd, 0);                                   
  1109b0:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1109b4:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1109b6:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1109ba:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  1109bd:   e8 8e fe ff ff          call   110850 <fat_file_truncate>                     
            if (rc == RC_OK)                                                              
  1109c2:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1109c4:   75 a8                   jne    11096e <fat_file_close+0x1e>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
                _hash_delete(fs_info->rhash, key, fat_fd->ino, fat_fd);                   
  1109c6:   8b 4b 0c                mov    0xc(%ebx),%ecx                                 
  next           = the_node->next;                                                        
  1109c9:   8b 13                   mov    (%ebx),%edx                                    
  previous       = the_node->previous;                                                    
  1109cb:   8b 43 04                mov    0x4(%ebx),%eax                                 
  next->previous = previous;                                                              
  1109ce:   89 42 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%edx)                                 
  previous->next = next;                                                                  
  1109d1:   89 10                   mov    %edx,(%eax)                                    
                if (fat_ino_is_unique(fs_info, fat_fd->ino))                              
  1109d3:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1109d7:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  1109da:   e8 51 f1 ff ff          call   10fb30 <fat_ino_is_unique>                     
  1109df:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  1109e1:   75 1d                   jne    110a00 <fat_file_close+0xb0>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
  1109e3:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  1109e6:   e8 65 12 ff ff          call   101c50 <free>                                  
  1109eb:   eb 81                   jmp    11096e <fat_file_close+0x1e>                   
  1109ed:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  next           = the_node->next;                                                        
  1109f0:   8b 13                   mov    (%ebx),%edx                                    
  previous       = the_node->previous;                                                    
  1109f2:   8b 43 04                mov    0x4(%ebx),%eax                                 
  next->previous = previous;                                                              
  1109f5:   89 42 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%edx)                                 
  previous->next = next;                                                                  
  1109f8:   89 10                   mov    %edx,(%eax)                                    
  1109fa:   eb e7                   jmp    1109e3 <fat_file_close+0x93>                   
  1109fc:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
                    fat_free_unique_ino(fs_info, fat_fd->ino);                            
  110a00:   8b 43 0c                mov    0xc(%ebx),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110a03:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  110a06:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110a0a:   e8 f1 f0 ff ff          call   10fb00 <fat_free_unique_ino>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  110a0f:   eb d2                   jmp    1109e3 <fat_file_close+0x93>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  110a11:   90                      nop                                                   
  110a12:   90                      nop                                                   
  110a13:   90                      nop                                                   
  110a14:   90                      nop                                                   
  110a15:   90                      nop                                                   
  110a16:   90                      nop                                                   
  110a17:   90                      nop                                                   
  110a18:   90                      nop                                                   
  110a19:   90                      nop                                                   
  110a1a:   90                      nop                                                   
  110a1b:   90                      nop                                                   
  110a1c:   90                      nop                                                   
  110a1d:   90                      nop                                                   
  110a1e:   90                      nop                                                   
  110a1f:   90                      nop                                                   

00110ad0 <fat_file_extend>: {
  110ad0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  110ad1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  110ad3:   83 ec 58                sub    $0x58,%esp                                     
  110ad6:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
    *a_length = new_length;                                                               
  110ad9:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                
  110adc:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
    *a_length = new_length;                                                               
  110adf:   8b 75 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%esi                                
  110ae2:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  110ae5:   8b 7d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edi                                 
    uint32_t       chain = 0;                                                             
  110ae8:   c7 45 d8 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x28(%ebp)                               
  110aef:   0f b6 5d 10             movzbl 0x10(%ebp),%ebx                                
    uint32_t       last_cl = 0;                                                           
  110af3:   c7 45 e0 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x20(%ebp)                               
    *a_length = new_length;                                                               
  110afa:   89 30                   mov    %esi,(%eax)                                    
    if (new_length <= fat_fd->fat_file_size)                                              
  110afc:   8b 47 18                mov    0x18(%edi),%eax                                
  110aff:   39 f0                   cmp    %esi,%eax                                      
  110b01:   0f 83 5d 01 00 00       jae    110c64 <fat_file_extend+0x194>                 
    if ((FAT_FD_OF_ROOT_DIR(fat_fd)) &&                                                   
  110b07:   83 7f 20 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x20(%edi)                                
  110b0b:   0f 84 6f 01 00 00       je     110c80 <fat_file_extend+0x1b0>                 
    bytes_remain = (fs_info->vol.bpc -                                                    
  110b11:   8b 4d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  110b14:   8b 71 08                mov    0x8(%ecx),%esi                                 
                   (fat_fd->fat_file_size & (fs_info->vol.bpc - 1))) &                    
  110b17:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
  110b19:   8d 56 ff                lea    -0x1(%esi),%edx                                
  110b1c:   21 d1                   and    %edx,%ecx                                      
  110b1e:   89 4d d0                mov    %ecx,-0x30(%ebp)                               
    bytes_remain = (fs_info->vol.bpc -                                                    
  110b21:   29 ce                   sub    %ecx,%esi                                      
  110b23:   21 d6                   and    %edx,%esi                                      
    bytes2add = new_length - fat_fd->fat_file_size;                                       
  110b25:   8b 55 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%edx                                
  110b28:   29 c2                   sub    %eax,%edx                                      
    if (bytes2add > bytes_remain)                                                         
  110b2a:   39 d6                   cmp    %edx,%esi                                      
  110b2c:   0f 83 2e 01 00 00       jae    110c60 <fat_file_extend+0x190>                 
        bytes2add -= bytes_remain;                                                        
  110b32:   29 f2                   sub    %esi,%edx                                      
    if (zero_fill && bytes_remain > 0) {                                                  
  110b34:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
        bytes2add -= bytes_remain;                                                        
  110b36:   89 55 d4                mov    %edx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
    if (zero_fill && bytes_remain > 0) {                                                  
  110b39:   74 08                   je     110b43 <fat_file_extend+0x73>                  
  110b3b:   84 db                   test   %bl,%bl                                        
  110b3d:   0f 85 74 01 00 00       jne    110cb7 <fat_file_extend+0x1e7>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
    if (bytes2add == 0)                                                                   
  110b43:   8b 45 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
  110b46:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110b48:   0f 84 16 01 00 00       je     110c64 <fat_file_extend+0x194>                 
    cls2add = ((bytes2add - 1) >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2) + 1;                             
  110b4e:   8b 4d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  110b51:   48                      dec    %eax                                           
  110b52:   0f b6 49 0c             movzbl 0xc(%ecx),%ecx                                 
    rc = fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters(fs_info, &chain, cls2add,                         
  110b56:   89 5c 24 14             mov    %ebx,0x14(%esp)                                
    cls2add = ((bytes2add - 1) >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2) + 1;                             
  110b5a:   d3 e8                   shr    %cl,%eax                                       
  110b5c:   8d 48 01                lea    0x1(%eax),%ecx                                 
    rc = fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters(fs_info, &chain, cls2add,                         
  110b5f:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  110b63:   8d 45 e0                lea    -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               
  110b66:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  110b6a:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  110b6d:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  110b71:   8d 45 d8                lea    -0x28(%ebp),%eax                               
  110b74:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  110b78:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  110b7b:   89 4d d0                mov    %ecx,-0x30(%ebp)                               
  110b7e:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  110b81:   e8 ba f4 ff ff          call   110040 <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters>        
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  110b86:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    rc = fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters(fs_info, &chain, cls2add,                         
  110b88:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  110b8a:   0f 85 d6 00 00 00       jne    110c66 <fat_file_extend+0x196>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
    if ((cls_added == 0) && (bytes_remain == 0))                                          
  110b90:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  110b93:   8b 4d d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%ecx                               
  110b96:   09 c6                   or     %eax,%esi                                      
  110b98:   0f 84 fa 00 00 00       je     110c98 <fat_file_extend+0x1c8>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
    if (cls2add != cls_added)                                                             
  110b9e:   39 c8                   cmp    %ecx,%eax                                      
  110ba0:   74 19                   je     110bbb <fat_file_extend+0xeb>                  
        uint32_t missing = (cls2add - cls_added) << fs_info->vol.bpc_log2;                
  110ba2:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 
  110ba5:   89 cb                   mov    %ecx,%ebx                                      
  110ba7:   29 c3                   sub    %eax,%ebx                                      
  110ba9:   0f b6 4e 0c             movzbl 0xc(%esi),%ecx                                 
        new_length -= bytes2add < missing ? bytes2add : missing;                          
  110bad:   8b 75 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%esi                               
  110bb0:   d3 e3                   shl    %cl,%ebx                                       
  110bb2:   39 f3                   cmp    %esi,%ebx                                      
  110bb4:   76 02                   jbe    110bb8 <fat_file_extend+0xe8>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
  110bb6:   89 f3                   mov    %esi,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  110bb8:   29 5d 14                sub    %ebx,0x14(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    if (cls_added > 0)                                                                    
  110bbb:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110bbd:   0f 84 4d 01 00 00       je     110d10 <fat_file_extend+0x240>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
        if ( fat_fd->fat_file_size == 0 )                                                 
  110bc3:   8b 47 18                mov    0x18(%edi),%eax                                
  110bc6:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110bc8:   0f 84 62 01 00 00       je     110d30 <fat_file_extend+0x260>                 
            if (fat_fd->map.last_cln != FAT_UNDEFINED_VALUE)                              
  110bce:   8b 4f 3c                mov    0x3c(%edi),%ecx                                
  110bd1:   83 f9 ff                cmp    $0xffffffff,%ecx                               
  110bd4:   0f 84 6f 01 00 00       je     110d49 <fat_file_extend+0x279>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
                old_last_cl = fat_fd->map.last_cln;                                       
  110bda:   89 4d dc                mov    %ecx,-0x24(%ebp)                               
            rc = fat_set_fat_cluster(fs_info, old_last_cl, chain);                        
  110bdd:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  110be1:   8b 45 d8                mov    -0x28(%ebp),%eax                               
  110be4:   89 55 d4                mov    %edx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  110be7:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  110beb:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  110bee:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  110bf1:   e8 1a f1 ff ff          call   10fd10 <fat_set_fat_cluster>                   
            if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                            
  110bf6:   8b 55 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edx                               
  110bf9:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
            rc = fat_set_fat_cluster(fs_info, old_last_cl, chain);                        
  110bfb:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
            if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                            
  110bfd:   75 44                   jne    110c43 <fat_file_extend+0x173>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
  110bff:   89 55 d4                mov    %edx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  110c02:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  110c05:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  110c08:   e8 e3 dc ff ff          call   10e8f0 <fat_buf_release>                       
  110c0d:   8b 55 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edx                               
        fat_fd->map.last_cln = last_cl;                                                   
  110c10:   8b 45 e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               
  110c13:   89 47 3c                mov    %eax,0x3c(%edi)                                
        if (fat_fd->fat_file_type == FAT_DIRECTORY)                                       
  110c16:   8b 47 10                mov    0x10(%edi),%eax                                
  110c19:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110c1b:   0f 85 ef 00 00 00       jne    110d10 <fat_file_extend+0x240>                 
  110c21:   89 55 d4                mov    %edx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
            rc = fat_init_clusters_chain(fs_info, chain);                                 
  110c24:   8b 45 d8                mov    -0x28(%ebp),%eax                               
  110c27:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  110c2b:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  110c2e:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  110c31:   e8 4a ed ff ff          call   10f980 <fat_init_clusters_chain>               
            if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                            
  110c36:   8b 55 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edx                               
  110c39:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
            rc = fat_init_clusters_chain(fs_info, chain);                                 
  110c3b:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
            if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                            
  110c3d:   0f 84 cd 00 00 00       je     110d10 <fat_file_extend+0x240>                 <== ALWAYS TAKEN
                fat_free_fat_clusters_chain(fs_info, chain);                              
  110c43:   8b 45 d8                mov    -0x28(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  110c46:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110c4a:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110c4d:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  110c50:   e8 1b f3 ff ff          call   10ff70 <fat_free_fat_clusters_chain>           <== NOT EXECUTED
                return rc;                                                                
  110c55:   89 da                   mov    %ebx,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  110c57:   eb 0d                   jmp    110c66 <fat_file_extend+0x196>                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110c59:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    if (zero_fill && bytes_remain > 0) {                                                  
  110c60:   84 db                   test   %bl,%bl                                        
  110c62:   75 4c                   jne    110cb0 <fat_file_extend+0x1e0>                 
        return RC_OK;                                                                     
  110c64:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  110c66:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  110c69:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
  110c6b:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  110c6e:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  110c71:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  110c73:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  110c74:   c3                      ret                                                   
  110c75:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  110c7c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    if ((FAT_FD_OF_ROOT_DIR(fat_fd)) &&                                                   
  110c80:   8b 77 24                mov    0x24(%edi),%esi                                
  110c83:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  110c85:   0f 85 86 fe ff ff       jne    110b11 <fat_file_extend+0x41>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
  110c8b:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 
  110c8e:   f6 46 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%esi)                                
  110c92:   0f 84 79 fe ff ff       je     110b11 <fat_file_extend+0x41>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
  110c98:   e8 03 5c 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               
  110c9d:   ba ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%edx                               
  110ca2:   c7 00 1c 00 00 00       movl   $0x1c,(%eax)                                   
  110ca8:   eb bc                   jmp    110c66 <fat_file_extend+0x196>                 
  110caa:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
        bytes2add = 0;                                                                    
  110cb0:   c7 45 d4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
        uint32_t cl_start = start >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2;                               
  110cb7:   8b 4d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ecx                                 
        rc = fat_file_lseek(fs_info, fat_fd, cl_start, &cur_cln);                         
  110cba:   89 fa                   mov    %edi,%edx                                      
        uint32_t cl_start = start >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2;                               
  110cbc:   0f b6 49 0c             movzbl 0xc(%ecx),%ecx                                 
  110cc0:   d3 e8                   shr    %cl,%eax                                       
  110cc2:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
        rc = fat_file_lseek(fs_info, fat_fd, cl_start, &cur_cln);                         
  110cc4:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  110cc7:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  110cca:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  110ccd:   e8 7e f5 ff ff          call   110250 <fat_file_lseek>                        
        if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                  
  110cd2:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
        rc = fat_file_lseek(fs_info, fat_fd, cl_start, &cur_cln);                         
  110cd4:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
        if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                  
  110cd6:   75 8e                   jne    110c66 <fat_file_extend+0x196>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
        bytes_written = fat_cluster_set (fs_info, cur_cln, ofs, bytes_remain, 0);         
  110cd8:   89 74 24 0c             mov    %esi,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110cdc:   8b 45 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  110cdf:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  110ce1:   89 4c 24 10             mov    %ecx,0x10(%esp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  110ce5:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110ce9:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  110cec:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110cf0:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110cf3:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  110cf6:   e8 f5 de ff ff          call   10ebf0 <fat_cluster_set>                       <== NOT EXECUTED
            return -1;                                                                    
  110cfb:   ba ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%edx                               
        if (bytes_remain != bytes_written)                                                
  110d00:   39 f0                   cmp    %esi,%eax                                      
  110d02:   0f 85 5e ff ff ff       jne    110c66 <fat_file_extend+0x196>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
  110d08:   e9 36 fe ff ff          jmp    110b43 <fat_file_extend+0x73>                  
  110d0d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    *a_length = new_length;                                                               
  110d10:   8b 5d 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%ebx                                
  110d13:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                
  110d16:   89 18                   mov    %ebx,(%eax)                                    
  110d18:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
    fat_fd->flags |= FAT_FILE_META_DATA_CHANGED;                                          
  110d1a:   80 4f 30 02             orb    $0x2,0x30(%edi)                                
    fat_fd->fat_file_size = s;                                                            
  110d1e:   89 5f 18                mov    %ebx,0x18(%edi)                                
  110d21:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  110d24:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  110d27:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  110d2a:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  110d2c:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  110d2d:   c3                      ret                                                   
  110d2e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
            fat_fd->map.file_cln = 0;                                                     
  110d30:   c7 47 34 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x34(%edi)                                
            fat_fd->map.disk_cln = chain;                                                 
  110d37:   8b 45 d8                mov    -0x28(%ebp),%eax                               
    fat_fd->flags |= FAT_FILE_META_DATA_CHANGED;                                          
  110d3a:   80 4f 30 02             orb    $0x2,0x30(%edi)                                
  110d3e:   89 47 38                mov    %eax,0x38(%edi)                                
    fat_fd->cln = cln;                                                                    
  110d41:   89 47 1c                mov    %eax,0x1c(%edi)                                
  110d44:   e9 c7 fe ff ff          jmp    110c10 <fat_file_extend+0x140>                 
  110d49:   89 55 d4                mov    %edx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
                rc = fat_file_ioctl(fs_info, fat_fd, F_CLU_NUM,                           
  110d4c:   48                      dec    %eax                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  110d4d:   ba 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  110d52:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110d56:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110d59:   8d 4d dc                lea    -0x24(%ebp),%ecx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  110d5c:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110d60:   89 4c 24 10             mov    %ecx,0x10(%esp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  110d64:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110d68:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  110d6b:   e8 b0 fc ff ff          call   110a20 <fat_file_ioctl>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
                if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                        
  110d70:   8b 55 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  110d73:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
                rc = fat_file_ioctl(fs_info, fat_fd, F_CLU_NUM,                           
  110d75:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
                if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                        
  110d77:   0f 85 c6 fe ff ff       jne    110c43 <fat_file_extend+0x173>                 <== NOT EXECUTED
            rc = fat_set_fat_cluster(fs_info, old_last_cl, chain);                        
  110d7d:   8b 4d dc                mov    -0x24(%ebp),%ecx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  110d80:   e9 58 fe ff ff          jmp    110bdd <fat_file_extend+0x10d>                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110d85:   90                      nop                                                   
  110d86:   90                      nop                                                   
  110d87:   90                      nop                                                   
  110d88:   90                      nop                                                   
  110d89:   90                      nop                                                   
  110d8a:   90                      nop                                                   
  110d8b:   90                      nop                                                   
  110d8c:   90                      nop                                                   
  110d8d:   90                      nop                                                   
  110d8e:   90                      nop                                                   
  110d8f:   90                      nop                                                   

00110a20 <fat_file_ioctl>: {
  110a20:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  110a21:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  110a23:   83 ec 28                sub    $0x28,%esp                                     
    switch (cmd)                                                                          
  110a26:   83 7d 10 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x10(%ebp)                                
  110a2a:   89 75 fc                mov    %esi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  110a2d:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  110a30:   89 5d f8                mov    %ebx,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  110a33:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 
    uint32_t       cur_cln = 0;                                                           
  110a36:   c7 45 f4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0xc(%ebp)                                
    switch (cmd)                                                                          
  110a3d:   75 41                   jne    110a80 <fat_file_ioctl+0x60>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
            pos = va_arg(ap, uint32_t);                                                   
  110a3f:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
            if ( pos >= fat_fd->fat_file_size ) {                                         
  110a42:   39 42 18                cmp    %eax,0x18(%edx)                                
            ret = va_arg(ap, uint32_t *);                                                 
  110a45:   8b 5d 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%ebx                                
            if ( pos >= fat_fd->fat_file_size ) {                                         
  110a48:   76 66                   jbe    110ab0 <fat_file_ioctl+0x90>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
            if ((FAT_FD_OF_ROOT_DIR(fat_fd)) &&                                           
  110a4a:   83 7a 20 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x20(%edx)                                
  110a4e:   75 07                   jne    110a57 <fat_file_ioctl+0x37>                   
  110a50:   8b 4a 24                mov    0x24(%edx),%ecx                                
  110a53:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  110a55:   74 49                   je     110aa0 <fat_file_ioctl+0x80>                   <== ALWAYS TAKEN
            cl_start = pos >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2;                                      
  110a57:   0f b6 4e 0c             movzbl 0xc(%esi),%ecx                                 
  110a5b:   d3 e8                   shr    %cl,%eax                                       
  110a5d:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
            rc = fat_file_lseek(fs_info, fat_fd, cl_start, &cur_cln);                     
  110a5f:   8d 45 f4                lea    -0xc(%ebp),%eax                                
  110a62:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  110a65:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      
  110a67:   e8 e4 f7 ff ff          call   110250 <fat_file_lseek>                        
            if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                            
  110a6c:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110a6e:   75 05                   jne    110a75 <fat_file_ioctl+0x55>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
            *ret = cur_cln;                                                               
  110a70:   8b 55 f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%edx                                
  110a73:   89 13                   mov    %edx,(%ebx)                                    
  110a75:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                
  110a78:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                
  110a7b:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  110a7d:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  110a7e:   c3                      ret                                                   
  110a7f:   90                      nop                                                   
            errno = EINVAL;                                                               
  110a80:   e8 1b 5e 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  110a85:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  110a88:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
            errno = EINVAL;                                                               
  110a8b:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  110a91:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
            rc = -1;                                                                      
  110a93:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  110a98:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  110a99:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  110a9a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
            if ((FAT_FD_OF_ROOT_DIR(fat_fd)) &&                                           
  110aa0:   f6 46 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%esi)                                
  110aa4:   74 b1                   je     110a57 <fat_file_ioctl+0x37>                   
                *ret  = 0;                                                                
  110aa6:   c7 03 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%ebx)                                    
                rc = RC_OK;                                                               
  110aac:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  110aae:   eb c5                   jmp    110a75 <fat_file_ioctl+0x55>                   
                rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EIO );                              
  110ab0:   e8 eb 5d 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  110ab5:   c7 00 05 00 00 00       movl   $0x5,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  110abb:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  110ac0:   eb b3                   jmp    110a75 <fat_file_ioctl+0x55>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  110ac2:   90                      nop                                                   
  110ac3:   90                      nop                                                   
  110ac4:   90                      nop                                                   
  110ac5:   90                      nop                                                   
  110ac6:   90                      nop                                                   
  110ac7:   90                      nop                                                   
  110ac8:   90                      nop                                                   
  110ac9:   90                      nop                                                   
  110aca:   90                      nop                                                   
  110acb:   90                      nop                                                   
  110acc:   90                      nop                                                   
  110acd:   90                      nop                                                   
  110ace:   90                      nop                                                   
  110acf:   90                      nop                                                   

00111010 <fat_file_mark_removed>: {
  111010:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  111011:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  111013:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  111014:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  111017:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  111018:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  11101b:   8b 48 20                mov    0x20(%eax),%ecx                                
  11101e:   8b 50 24                mov    0x24(%eax),%edx                                
    if (cln == 1)                                                                         
  111021:   83 f9 01                cmp    $0x1,%ecx                                      
  111024:   74 00                   je     111026 <fat_file_mark_removed+0x16>            <== NEVER TAKEN
  next           = the_node->next;                                                        
  111026:   8b 30                   mov    (%eax),%esi                                    
              ((pos->ofs >> 5) & (FAT_DIRENTRIES_PER_SEC512 - 1)) );                      
  111028:   c1 ea 05                shr    $0x5,%edx                                      
  previous       = the_node->previous;                                                    
  11102b:   8b 48 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%ecx                                 
    rtems_chain_append_unprotected((hash) + ((key1) % FAT_HASH_MODULE), &(el)->link);     
  11102e:   83 e2 01                and    $0x1,%edx                                      
  next->previous = previous;                                                              
  111031:   89 4e 04                mov    %ecx,0x4(%esi)                                 
  previous->next = next;                                                                  
  111034:   89 31                   mov    %esi,(%ecx)                                    
  111036:   8d 0c 52                lea    (%edx,%edx,2),%ecx                             
  111039:   8b 93 80 00 00 00       mov    0x80(%ebx),%edx                                
  11103f:   8d 14 8a                lea    (%edx,%ecx,4),%edx                             
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
  111042:   8b 4a 08                mov    0x8(%edx),%ecx                                 
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  111045:   8d 5a 04                lea    0x4(%edx),%ebx                                 
  111048:   89 18                   mov    %ebx,(%eax)                                    
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
  11104a:   89 42 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%edx)                                 
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
  11104d:   89 01                   mov    %eax,(%ecx)                                    
    fat_fd->flags |= FAT_FILE_REMOVED;                                                    
  11104f:   80 48 30 01             orb    $0x1,0x30(%eax)                                
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
  111053:   89 48 04                mov    %ecx,0x4(%eax)                                 
  111056:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  111057:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  111058:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  111059:   c3                      ret                                                   
  11105a:   90                      nop                                                   
  11105b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11105c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11105d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11105e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11105f:   90                      nop                                                   

00110310 <fat_file_open>: {
  110310:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  110311:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  110313:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  110314:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  110315:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  110316:   83 ec 2c                sub    $0x2c,%esp                                     
  110319:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  11031c:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  11031f:   8b 10                   mov    (%eax),%edx                                    
  110321:   8b 40 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%eax                                 
    if (cln == 1)                                                                         
  110324:   83 fa 01                cmp    $0x1,%edx                                      
  110327:   74 1c                   je     110345 <fat_file_open+0x35>                    
    if ( (cln == 0) && (fs_info->vol.type & (FAT_FAT12 | FAT_FAT16)) )                    
  110329:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  11032b:   0f 84 bf 01 00 00       je     1104f0 <fat_file_open+0x1e0>                   
    return (((cln - FAT_RSRVD_CLN) << fs_info->vol.spc_log2) +                            
  110331:   0f b6 4b 05             movzbl 0x5(%ebx),%ecx                                 
  110335:   83 ea 02                sub    $0x2,%edx                                      
  110338:   d3 e2                   shl    %cl,%edx                                       
  11033a:   8b 4b 3c                mov    0x3c(%ebx),%ecx                                
  11033d:   01 ca                   add    %ecx,%edx                                      
  11033f:   0f b6 4b 03             movzbl 0x3(%ebx),%ecx                                 
    return (fat_cluster_num_to_sector_num(fs_info, cln) <<                                
  110343:   d3 e2                   shl    %cl,%edx                                       
              (pos->ofs >> FAT_SECTOR512_BITS)) << 4)              +                      
  110345:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
    rtems_chain_node *the_node = rtems_chain_first(hash + mod);                           
  110347:   8b 7b 7c                mov    0x7c(%ebx),%edi                                
  11034a:   c1 e9 09                shr    $0x9,%ecx                                      
              ((pos->ofs >> 5) & (FAT_DIRENTRIES_PER_SEC512 - 1)) );                      
  11034d:   c1 e8 05                shr    $0x5,%eax                                      
    return ( ((fat_cluster_num_to_sector512_num(fs_info, pos->cln) +                      
  110350:   01 ca                   add    %ecx,%edx                                      
              (pos->ofs >> FAT_SECTOR512_BITS)) << 4)              +                      
  110352:   c1 e2 04                shl    $0x4,%edx                                      
              ((pos->ofs >> 5) & (FAT_DIRENTRIES_PER_SEC512 - 1)) );                      
  110355:   83 e0 0f                and    $0xf,%eax                                      
              (pos->ofs >> FAT_SECTOR512_BITS)) << 4)              +                      
  110358:   8d 34 02                lea    (%edx,%eax,1),%esi                             
    uint32_t          mod = (key1) % FAT_HASH_MODULE;                                     
  11035b:   83 e0 01                and    $0x1,%eax                                      
    rtems_chain_node *the_node = rtems_chain_first(hash + mod);                           
  11035e:   8d 04 40                lea    (%eax,%eax,2),%eax                             
  110361:   c1 e0 02                shl    $0x2,%eax                                      
  110364:   89 45 d8                mov    %eax,-0x28(%ebp)                               
  110367:   01 f8                   add    %edi,%eax                                      
  110369:   89 45 dc                mov    %eax,-0x24(%ebp)                               
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  11036c:   8b 38                   mov    (%eax),%edi                                    
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  11036e:   83 c0 04                add    $0x4,%eax                                      
  110371:   89 45 e0                mov    %eax,-0x20(%ebp)                               
    for ( ; !rtems_chain_is_tail((hash) + mod, the_node) ; )                              
  110374:   39 c7                   cmp    %eax,%edi                                      
  110376:   74 4e                   je     1103c6 <fat_file_open+0xb6>                    
        uint32_t       ck =  fat_construct_key(fs_info, &ffd->dir_pos.sname);             
  110378:   8b 47 20                mov    0x20(%edi),%eax                                
  11037b:   8b 57 24                mov    0x24(%edi),%edx                                
    if (cln == 1)                                                                         
  11037e:   83 f8 01                cmp    $0x1,%eax                                      
  110381:   74 22                   je     1103a5 <fat_file_open+0x95>                    
    if ( (cln == 0) && (fs_info->vol.type & (FAT_FAT12 | FAT_FAT16)) )                    
  110383:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110385:   75 0a                   jne    110391 <fat_file_open+0x81>                    
  110387:   f6 43 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%ebx)                                
  11038b:   0f 85 8f 01 00 00       jne    110520 <fat_file_open+0x210>                   <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    return (((cln - FAT_RSRVD_CLN) << fs_info->vol.spc_log2) +                            
  110391:   0f b6 4b 05             movzbl 0x5(%ebx),%ecx                                 
  110395:   83 e8 02                sub    $0x2,%eax                                      
  110398:   d3 e0                   shl    %cl,%eax                                       
  11039a:   8b 4b 3c                mov    0x3c(%ebx),%ecx                                
  11039d:   01 c8                   add    %ecx,%eax                                      
  11039f:   0f b6 4b 03             movzbl 0x3(%ebx),%ecx                                 
    return (fat_cluster_num_to_sector_num(fs_info, cln) <<                                
  1103a3:   d3 e0                   shl    %cl,%eax                                       
  1103a5:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      
  1103a7:   c1 e9 09                shr    $0x9,%ecx                                      
              ((pos->ofs >> 5) & (FAT_DIRENTRIES_PER_SEC512 - 1)) );                      
  1103aa:   c1 ea 05                shr    $0x5,%edx                                      
    return ( ((fat_cluster_num_to_sector512_num(fs_info, pos->cln) +                      
  1103ad:   01 c1                   add    %eax,%ecx                                      
              (pos->ofs >> FAT_SECTOR512_BITS)) << 4)              +                      
  1103af:   c1 e1 04                shl    $0x4,%ecx                                      
              ((pos->ofs >> 5) & (FAT_DIRENTRIES_PER_SEC512 - 1)) );                      
  1103b2:   83 e2 0f                and    $0xf,%edx                                      
              (pos->ofs >> FAT_SECTOR512_BITS)) << 4)              +                      
  1103b5:   01 d1                   add    %edx,%ecx                                      
        if ( (key1) == ck)                                                                
  1103b7:   39 ce                   cmp    %ecx,%esi                                      
  1103b9:   0f 84 11 01 00 00       je     1104d0 <fat_file_open+0x1c0>                   
        the_node = the_node->next;                                                        
  1103bf:   8b 3f                   mov    (%edi),%edi                                    
    for ( ; !rtems_chain_is_tail((hash) + mod, the_node) ; )                              
  1103c1:   3b 7d e0                cmp    -0x20(%ebp),%edi                               
  1103c4:   75 b2                   jne    110378 <fat_file_open+0x68>                    
    rtems_chain_node *the_node = rtems_chain_first(hash + mod);                           
  1103c6:   8b 45 d8                mov    -0x28(%ebp),%eax                               
  1103c9:   8b 93 80 00 00 00       mov    0x80(%ebx),%edx                                
  1103cf:   01 d0                   add    %edx,%eax                                      
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  1103d1:   8b 38                   mov    (%eax),%edi                                    
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  1103d3:   83 c0 04                add    $0x4,%eax                                      
  1103d6:   89 45 e4                mov    %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
    for ( ; !rtems_chain_is_tail((hash) + mod, the_node) ; )                              
  1103d9:   39 c7                   cmp    %eax,%edi                                      
  1103db:   75 1e                   jne    1103fb <fat_file_open+0xeb>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  1103dd:   e9 4e 01 00 00          jmp    110530 <fat_file_open+0x220>                   
  1103e2:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1103e9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
        the_node = the_node->next;                                                        
  1103f0:   8b 3f                   mov    (%edi),%edi                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    for ( ; !rtems_chain_is_tail((hash) + mod, the_node) ; )                              
  1103f2:   3b 7d e4                cmp    -0x1c(%ebp),%edi                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1103f5:   0f 84 35 01 00 00       je     110530 <fat_file_open+0x220>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
        uint32_t       ck =  fat_construct_key(fs_info, &ffd->dir_pos.sname);             
  1103fb:   8b 47 20                mov    0x20(%edi),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1103fe:   8b 57 24                mov    0x24(%edi),%edx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    if (cln == 1)                                                                         
  110401:   83 f8 01                cmp    $0x1,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  110404:   74 22                   je     110428 <fat_file_open+0x118>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    if ( (cln == 0) && (fs_info->vol.type & (FAT_FAT12 | FAT_FAT16)) )                    
  110406:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  110408:   75 0a                   jne    110414 <fat_file_open+0x104>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  11040a:   f6 43 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%ebx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  11040e:   0f 85 fc 00 00 00       jne    110510 <fat_file_open+0x200>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    return (((cln - FAT_RSRVD_CLN) << fs_info->vol.spc_log2) +                            
  110414:   0f b6 4b 05             movzbl 0x5(%ebx),%ecx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110418:   83 e8 02                sub    $0x2,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11041b:   d3 e0                   shl    %cl,%eax                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  11041d:   8b 4b 3c                mov    0x3c(%ebx),%ecx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  110420:   01 c8                   add    %ecx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  110422:   0f b6 4b 03             movzbl 0x3(%ebx),%ecx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    return (fat_cluster_num_to_sector_num(fs_info, cln) <<                                
  110426:   d3 e0                   shl    %cl,%eax                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  110428:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11042a:   c1 e9 09                shr    $0x9,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
              ((pos->ofs >> 5) & (FAT_DIRENTRIES_PER_SEC512 - 1)) );                      
  11042d:   c1 ea 05                shr    $0x5,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    return ( ((fat_cluster_num_to_sector512_num(fs_info, pos->cln) +                      
  110430:   01 c1                   add    %eax,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
              (pos->ofs >> FAT_SECTOR512_BITS)) << 4)              +                      
  110432:   c1 e1 04                shl    $0x4,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
              ((pos->ofs >> 5) & (FAT_DIRENTRIES_PER_SEC512 - 1)) );                      
  110435:   83 e2 0f                and    $0xf,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
              (pos->ofs >> FAT_SECTOR512_BITS)) << 4)              +                      
  110438:   01 d1                   add    %edx,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
        if ( (key1) == ck)                                                                
  11043a:   39 ce                   cmp    %ecx,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11043c:   75 b2                   jne    1103f0 <fat_file_open+0xe0>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
            if ( ((key2) == 0) || ((key2) == ffd->ino) )                                  
  11043e:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  110440:   74 05                   je     110447 <fat_file_open+0x137>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  110442:   3b 77 0c                cmp    0xc(%edi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110445:   75 a9                   jne    1103f0 <fat_file_open+0xe0>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    lfat_fd = (*fat_fd) = (fat_file_fd_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(fat_file_fd_t));               
  110447:   c7 04 24 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  11044e:   b9 50 00 00 00          mov    $0x50,%ecx                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  110453:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110457:   e8 64 d4 ff ff          call   10d8c0 <calloc>                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  11045c:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11045e:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    if ( lfat_fd == NULL )                                                                
  110461:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    lfat_fd = (*fat_fd) = (fat_file_fd_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(fat_file_fd_t));               
  110463:   89 38                   mov    %edi,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    if ( lfat_fd == NULL )                                                                
  110465:   0f 84 47 01 00 00       je     1105b2 <fat_file_open+0x2a2>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    lfat_fd->links_num = 1;                                                               
  11046b:   c7 47 08 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,0x8(%edi)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    lfat_fd->dir_pos = *dir_pos;                                                          
  110472:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    lfat_fd->flags &= ~FAT_FILE_REMOVED;                                                  
  110475:   80 67 30 fe             andb   $0xfe,0x30(%edi)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    lfat_fd->map.last_cln = FAT_UNDEFINED_VALUE;                                          
  110479:   c7 47 3c ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x3c(%edi)                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    lfat_fd->dir_pos = *dir_pos;                                                          
  110480:   8b 00                   mov    (%eax),%eax                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  110482:   89 47 20                mov    %eax,0x20(%edi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  110485:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110488:   8b 40 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  11048b:   89 47 24                mov    %eax,0x24(%edi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  11048e:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110491:   8b 40 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110494:   89 47 28                mov    %eax,0x28(%edi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  110497:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  11049a:   8b 40 0c                mov    0xc(%eax),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  11049d:   89 47 2c                mov    %eax,0x2c(%edi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
        lfat_fd->ino = fat_get_unique_ino(fs_info);                                       
  1104a0:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1104a3:   e8 68 f5 ff ff          call   10fa10 <fat_get_unique_ino>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1104a8:   89 47 0c                mov    %eax,0xc(%edi)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
        if ( lfat_fd->ino == 0 )                                                          
  1104ab:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1104ad:   0f 84 f2 00 00 00       je     1105a5 <fat_file_open+0x295>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    rtems_chain_append_unprotected((hash) + ((key1) % FAT_HASH_MODULE), &(el)->link);     
  1104b3:   8b 45 d8                mov    -0x28(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1104b6:   8b 73 7c                mov    0x7c(%ebx),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1104b9:   01 f0                   add    %esi,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1104bb:   89 45 dc                mov    %eax,-0x24(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  1104be:   83 c0 04                add    $0x4,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1104c1:   89 45 e0                mov    %eax,-0x20(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1104c4:   e9 bf 00 00 00          jmp    110588 <fat_file_open+0x278>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  1104c9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
        (*fat_fd) = lfat_fd;                                                              
  1104d0:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  1104d3:   89 38                   mov    %edi,(%eax)                                    
        return rc;                                                                        
  1104d5:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1104d7:   ff 47 08                incl   0x8(%edi)                                      
  1104da:   83 c4 2c                add    $0x2c,%esp                                     
  1104dd:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  1104de:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  1104df:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  1104e0:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1104e1:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1104e2:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1104e9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    if ( (cln == 0) && (fs_info->vol.type & (FAT_FAT12 | FAT_FAT16)) )                    
  1104f0:   f6 43 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%ebx)                                
  1104f4:   0f 84 37 fe ff ff       je     110331 <fat_file_open+0x21>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
        return fs_info->vol.rdir_loc;                                                     
  1104fa:   8b 53 28                mov    0x28(%ebx),%edx                                
  1104fd:   e9 3d fe ff ff          jmp    11033f <fat_file_open+0x2f>                    
  110502:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  110509:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  110510:   8b 43 28                mov    0x28(%ebx),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  110513:   e9 0a ff ff ff          jmp    110422 <fat_file_open+0x112>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  110518:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  11051f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  110520:   8b 43 28                mov    0x28(%ebx),%eax                                
  110523:   e9 77 fe ff ff          jmp    11039f <fat_file_open+0x8f>                    
  110528:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11052f:   90                      nop                                                   
    lfat_fd = (*fat_fd) = (fat_file_fd_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(fat_file_fd_t));               
  110530:   c7 04 24 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,(%esp)                                    
  110537:   bb 50 00 00 00          mov    $0x50,%ebx                                     
  11053c:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  110540:   e8 7b d3 ff ff          call   10d8c0 <calloc>                                
  110545:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      
  110547:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
    if ( lfat_fd == NULL )                                                                
  11054a:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      
    lfat_fd = (*fat_fd) = (fat_file_fd_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(fat_file_fd_t));               
  11054c:   89 38                   mov    %edi,(%eax)                                    
    if ( lfat_fd == NULL )                                                                
  11054e:   74 62                   je     1105b2 <fat_file_open+0x2a2>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
    lfat_fd->links_num = 1;                                                               
  110550:   c7 47 08 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,0x8(%edi)                                 
    lfat_fd->dir_pos = *dir_pos;                                                          
  110557:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
    lfat_fd->flags &= ~FAT_FILE_REMOVED;                                                  
  11055a:   80 67 30 fe             andb   $0xfe,0x30(%edi)                               
    lfat_fd->map.last_cln = FAT_UNDEFINED_VALUE;                                          
  11055e:   c7 47 3c ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x3c(%edi)                         
        lfat_fd->ino = key;                                                               
  110565:   89 77 0c                mov    %esi,0xc(%edi)                                 
    lfat_fd->dir_pos = *dir_pos;                                                          
  110568:   8b 00                   mov    (%eax),%eax                                    
  11056a:   89 47 20                mov    %eax,0x20(%edi)                                
  11056d:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  110570:   8b 40 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%eax                                 
  110573:   89 47 24                mov    %eax,0x24(%edi)                                
  110576:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  110579:   8b 40 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%eax                                 
  11057c:   89 47 28                mov    %eax,0x28(%edi)                                
  11057f:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  110582:   8b 40 0c                mov    0xc(%eax),%eax                                 
  110585:   89 47 2c                mov    %eax,0x2c(%edi)                                
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
  110588:   8b 75 dc                mov    -0x24(%ebp),%esi                               
  the_node->next = tail;                                                                  
  11058b:   8b 5d e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%ebx                               
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
  11058e:   8b 46 08                mov    0x8(%esi),%eax                                 
  the_node->next = tail;                                                                  
  110591:   89 1f                   mov    %ebx,(%edi)                                    
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
  110593:   89 7e 08                mov    %edi,0x8(%esi)                                 
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
  110596:   89 38                   mov    %edi,(%eax)                                    
  the_node->previous = old_last;                                                          
  110598:   89 47 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%edi)                                 
  11059b:   83 c4 2c                add    $0x2c,%esp                                     
    return RC_OK;                                                                         
  11059e:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1105a0:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  1105a1:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  1105a2:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  1105a3:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1105a4:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1105a5:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1105a8:   8b 00                   mov    (%eax),%eax                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1105aa:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1105ad:   e8 9e 16 ff ff          call   101c50 <free>                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
            rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( ENOMEM );                               
  1105b2:   e8 e9 62 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1105b7:   c7 00 0c 00 00 00       movl   $0xc,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1105bd:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1105c2:   e9 13 ff ff ff          jmp    1104da <fat_file_open+0x1ca>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  1105c7:   90                      nop                                                   
  1105c8:   90                      nop                                                   
  1105c9:   90                      nop                                                   
  1105ca:   90                      nop                                                   
  1105cb:   90                      nop                                                   
  1105cc:   90                      nop                                                   
  1105cd:   90                      nop                                                   
  1105ce:   90                      nop                                                   
  1105cf:   90                      nop                                                   

00110660 <fat_file_read>: {
  110660:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  110661:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  110663:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  110664:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  110665:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  110666:   83 ec 4c                sub    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  110669:   8b 75 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%esi                                
    uint32_t       cur_cln = 0;                                                           
  11066c:   c7 45 e4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  110673:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  110676:   8b 7d 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edi                                
    if (count == 0)                                                                       
  110679:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  11067b:   0f 84 0f 01 00 00       je     110790 <fat_file_read+0x130>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
    if ( start >= fat_fd->fat_file_size )                                                 
  110681:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  110684:   8b 40 18                mov    0x18(%eax),%eax                                
  110687:   39 f8                   cmp    %edi,%eax                                      
  110689:   0f 86 01 01 00 00       jbe    110790 <fat_file_read+0x130>                   
    if ((count > fat_fd->fat_file_size) ||                                                
  11068f:   39 f0                   cmp    %esi,%eax                                      
  110691:   0f 82 09 01 00 00       jb     1107a0 <fat_file_read+0x140>                   
        (start > fat_fd->fat_file_size - count))                                          
  110697:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  110699:   29 f2                   sub    %esi,%edx                                      
    if ((count > fat_fd->fat_file_size) ||                                                
  11069b:   39 fa                   cmp    %edi,%edx                                      
  11069d:   0f 82 fd 00 00 00       jb     1107a0 <fat_file_read+0x140>                   
    if ((FAT_FD_OF_ROOT_DIR(fat_fd)) &&                                                   
  1106a3:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1106a6:   83 78 20 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x20(%eax)                                
  1106aa:   75 0b                   jne    1106b7 <fat_file_read+0x57>                    
  1106ac:   8b 48 24                mov    0x24(%eax),%ecx                                
  1106af:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  1106b1:   0f 84 f9 00 00 00       je     1107b0 <fat_file_read+0x150>                   <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    cl_start = start >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2;                                            
  1106b7:   0f b6 4b 0c             movzbl 0xc(%ebx),%ecx                                 
    rc = fat_file_lseek(fs_info, fat_fd, cl_start, &cur_cln);                             
  1106bb:   8d 55 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%edx                               
    cl_start = start >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2;                                            
  1106be:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  1106c0:   d3 e8                   shr    %cl,%eax                                       
  1106c2:   89 45 d0                mov    %eax,-0x30(%ebp)                               
  1106c5:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
    save_ofs = ofs = start & (fs_info->vol.bpc - 1);                                      
  1106c7:   8b 43 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%eax                                 
    rc = fat_file_lseek(fs_info, fat_fd, cl_start, &cur_cln);                             
  1106ca:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    
  1106cd:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
    save_ofs = ofs = start & (fs_info->vol.bpc - 1);                                      
  1106d0:   89 45 d4                mov    %eax,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
    rc = fat_file_lseek(fs_info, fat_fd, cl_start, &cur_cln);                             
  1106d3:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  1106d5:   e8 76 fb ff ff          call   110250 <fat_file_lseek>                        
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  1106da:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1106dc:   0f 85 b0 00 00 00       jne    110792 <fat_file_read+0x132>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
    save_ofs = ofs = start & (fs_info->vol.bpc - 1);                                      
  1106e2:   8b 45 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
    uint32_t       cmpltd = 0;                                                            
  1106e5:   c7 45 d4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
    save_ofs = ofs = start & (fs_info->vol.bpc - 1);                                      
  1106ec:   48                      dec    %eax                                           
  1106ed:   21 f8                   and    %edi,%eax                                      
  1106ef:   89 45 cc                mov    %eax,-0x34(%ebp)                               
  1106f2:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  1106f4:   eb 75                   jmp    11076b <fat_file_read+0x10b>                   
  1106f6:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1106fd:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    return (((cln - FAT_RSRVD_CLN) << fs_info->vol.spc_log2) +                            
  110700:   0f b6 4b 05             movzbl 0x5(%ebx),%ecx                                 
  110704:   83 e8 02                sub    $0x2,%eax                                      
  110707:   d3 e0                   shl    %cl,%eax                                       
  110709:   8b 4b 3c                mov    0x3c(%ebx),%ecx                                
  11070c:   01 c8                   add    %ecx,%eax                                      
        ret = _fat_block_read(fs_info, sec, byte, c, buf + cmpltd);                       
  11070e:   89 7c 24 0c             mov    %edi,0xc(%esp)                                 
  110712:   8b 4d d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  110715:   03 4d 18                add    0x18(%ebp),%ecx                                
  110718:   89 4c 24 10             mov    %ecx,0x10(%esp)                                
        byte = ofs & (fs_info->vol.bps - 1);                                              
  11071c:   0f b7 0b                movzwl (%ebx),%ecx                                    
  11071f:   49                      dec    %ecx                                           
  110720:   21 d1                   and    %edx,%ecx                                      
        ret = _fat_block_read(fs_info, sec, byte, c, buf + cmpltd);                       
  110722:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 
        sec += (ofs >> fs_info->vol.sec_log2);                                            
  110726:   0f b6 4b 02             movzbl 0x2(%ebx),%ecx                                 
        ret = _fat_block_read(fs_info, sec, byte, c, buf + cmpltd);                       
  11072a:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
        sec += (ofs >> fs_info->vol.sec_log2);                                            
  11072d:   d3 ea                   shr    %cl,%edx                                       
  11072f:   01 d0                   add    %edx,%eax                                      
        ret = _fat_block_read(fs_info, sec, byte, c, buf + cmpltd);                       
  110731:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  110735:   e8 e6 e1 ff ff          call   10e920 <_fat_block_read>                       
        if ( ret < 0 )                                                                    
  11073a:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  11073c:   0f 88 ba 00 00 00       js     1107fc <fat_file_read+0x19c>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
        cmpltd += c;                                                                      
  110742:   01 7d d4                add    %edi,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
        count -= c;                                                                       
  110745:   29 fe                   sub    %edi,%esi                                      
        save_cln = cur_cln;                                                               
  110747:   8b 7d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%edi                               
        rc = fat_get_fat_cluster(fs_info, cur_cln, &cur_cln);                             
  11074a:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  11074d:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  110751:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  110754:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  110758:   e8 f3 f3 ff ff          call   10fb50 <fat_get_fat_cluster>                   
        if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                                
  11075d:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  11075f:   75 31                   jne    110792 <fat_file_read+0x132>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
        ofs = 0;                                                                          
  110761:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
    while (count > 0)                                                                     
  110763:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  110765:   0f 84 a5 00 00 00       je     110810 <fat_file_read+0x1b0>                   
        c = MIN(count, (fs_info->vol.bpc - ofs));                                         
  11076b:   8b 7b 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%edi                                 
  11076e:   29 d7                   sub    %edx,%edi                                      
  110770:   39 f7                   cmp    %esi,%edi                                      
  110772:   76 02                   jbe    110776 <fat_file_read+0x116>                   
  110774:   89 f7                   mov    %esi,%edi                                      
        sec = fat_cluster_num_to_sector_num(fs_info, cur_cln);                            
  110776:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
    if ( (cln == 0) && (fs_info->vol.type & (FAT_FAT12 | FAT_FAT16)) )                    
  110779:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  11077b:   75 83                   jne    110700 <fat_file_read+0xa0>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  11077d:   f6 43 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%ebx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  110781:   0f 84 79 ff ff ff       je     110700 <fat_file_read+0xa0>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
        return fs_info->vol.rdir_loc;                                                     
  110787:   8b 43 28                mov    0x28(%ebx),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  11078a:   eb 82                   jmp    11070e <fat_file_read+0xae>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  11078c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
        return cmpltd;                                                                    
  110790:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  110792:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  110795:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  110796:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  110797:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  110798:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  110799:   c3                      ret                                                   
  11079a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
        count = fat_fd->fat_file_size - start;                                            
  1107a0:   29 f8                   sub    %edi,%eax                                      
  1107a2:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
  1107a4:   e9 fa fe ff ff          jmp    1106a3 <fat_file_read+0x43>                    
  1107a9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    if ((FAT_FD_OF_ROOT_DIR(fat_fd)) &&                                                   
  1107b0:   f6 43 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%ebx)                                
  1107b4:   0f 84 fd fe ff ff       je     1106b7 <fat_file_read+0x57>                    
        sec = fat_cluster_num_to_sector_num(fs_info, fat_fd->cln);                        
  1107ba:   8b 40 1c                mov    0x1c(%eax),%eax                                
    if ( (cln == 0) && (fs_info->vol.type & (FAT_FAT12 | FAT_FAT16)) )                    
  1107bd:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1107bf:   74 7f                   je     110840 <fat_file_read+0x1e0>                   <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    return (((cln - FAT_RSRVD_CLN) << fs_info->vol.spc_log2) +                            
  1107c1:   0f b6 4b 05             movzbl 0x5(%ebx),%ecx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1107c5:   83 e8 02                sub    $0x2,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1107c8:   8b 53 3c                mov    0x3c(%ebx),%edx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1107cb:   d3 e0                   shl    %cl,%eax                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  1107cd:   01 d0                   add    %edx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
        ret = _fat_block_read(fs_info, sec, byte, count, buf);                            
  1107cf:   89 74 24 0c             mov    %esi,0xc(%esp)                                 
  1107d3:   8b 55 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%edx                                
  1107d6:   89 54 24 10             mov    %edx,0x10(%esp)                                
        byte = start & (fs_info->vol.bps - 1);                                            
  1107da:   0f b7 13                movzwl (%ebx),%edx                                    
  1107dd:   4a                      dec    %edx                                           
  1107de:   21 fa                   and    %edi,%edx                                      
        ret = _fat_block_read(fs_info, sec, byte, count, buf);                            
  1107e0:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
        sec += (start >> fs_info->vol.sec_log2);                                          
  1107e4:   0f b6 4b 02             movzbl 0x2(%ebx),%ecx                                 
        ret = _fat_block_read(fs_info, sec, byte, count, buf);                            
  1107e8:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
        sec += (start >> fs_info->vol.sec_log2);                                          
  1107eb:   d3 ef                   shr    %cl,%edi                                       
  1107ed:   01 f8                   add    %edi,%eax                                      
        ret = _fat_block_read(fs_info, sec, byte, count, buf);                            
  1107ef:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1107f3:   e8 28 e1 ff ff          call   10e920 <_fat_block_read>                       
        if ( ret < 0 )                                                                    
  1107f8:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1107fa:   79 96                   jns    110792 <fat_file_read+0x132>                   <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  1107fc:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
            return -1;                                                                    
  1107ff:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  110804:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  110805:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  110806:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  110807:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  110808:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  110809:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
                           ((save_ofs + cmpltd - 1) >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2);            
  110810:   8b 75 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%esi                               
  110813:   8b 45 cc                mov    -0x34(%ebp),%eax                               
  110816:   0f b6 4b 0c             movzbl 0xc(%ebx),%ecx                                 
    fat_fd->map.file_cln = cl_start +                                                     
  11081a:   8b 55 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%edx                               
                           ((save_ofs + cmpltd - 1) >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2);            
  11081d:   8d 44 30 ff             lea    -0x1(%eax,%esi,1),%eax                         
  110821:   d3 e8                   shr    %cl,%eax                                       
    fat_fd->map.file_cln = cl_start +                                                     
  110823:   01 d0                   add    %edx,%eax                                      
  110825:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  110828:   89 42 34                mov    %eax,0x34(%edx)                                
    return cmpltd;                                                                        
  11082b:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      
    fat_fd->map.disk_cln = save_cln;                                                      
  11082d:   89 7a 38                mov    %edi,0x38(%edx)                                
    return cmpltd;                                                                        
  110830:   e9 5d ff ff ff          jmp    110792 <fat_file_read+0x132>                   
  110835:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11083c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
        return fs_info->vol.rdir_loc;                                                     
  110840:   8b 43 28                mov    0x28(%ebx),%eax                                
  110843:   eb 8a                   jmp    1107cf <fat_file_read+0x16f>                   
  110845:   90                      nop                                                   
  110846:   90                      nop                                                   
  110847:   90                      nop                                                   
  110848:   90                      nop                                                   
  110849:   90                      nop                                                   
  11084a:   90                      nop                                                   
  11084b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11084c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11084d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11084e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11084f:   90                      nop                                                   

00111060 <fat_file_size>: {
  111060:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  111061:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  111063:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  111064:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  111065:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  111066:   83 ec 2c                sub    $0x2c,%esp                                     
  111069:   8b 7d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edi                                 
  11106c:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
    uint32_t       cur_cln = fat_fd->cln;                                                 
  11106f:   8b 77 1c                mov    0x1c(%edi),%esi                                
    if ((FAT_FD_OF_ROOT_DIR(fat_fd)) &&                                                   
  111072:   83 7f 20 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x20(%edi)                                
    uint32_t       cur_cln = fat_fd->cln;                                                 
  111076:   89 75 e4                mov    %esi,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
    if ((FAT_FD_OF_ROOT_DIR(fat_fd)) &&                                                   
  111079:   74 65                   je     1110e0 <fat_file_size+0x80>                    
    fat_fd->fat_file_size = 0;                                                            
  11107b:   c7 47 18 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x18(%edi)                                
    while ((cur_cln & fs_info->vol.mask) < fs_info->vol.eoc_val)                          
  111082:   8b 43 18                mov    0x18(%ebx),%eax                                
  111085:   21 f0                   and    %esi,%eax                                      
  111087:   39 43 1c                cmp    %eax,0x1c(%ebx)                                
  11108a:   77 19                   ja     1110a5 <fat_file_size+0x45>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  11108c:   eb 36                   jmp    1110c4 <fat_file_size+0x64>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  11108e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
        fat_fd->fat_file_size += fs_info->vol.bpc;                                        
  111090:   8b 43 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%eax                                 
  111093:   01 47 18                add    %eax,0x18(%edi)                                
    while ((cur_cln & fs_info->vol.mask) < fs_info->vol.eoc_val)                          
  111096:   8b 4b 18                mov    0x18(%ebx),%ecx                                
  111099:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  11109c:   21 c1                   and    %eax,%ecx                                      
  11109e:   3b 4b 1c                cmp    0x1c(%ebx),%ecx                                
  1110a1:   73 23                   jae    1110c6 <fat_file_size+0x66>                    
  1110a3:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
        rc = fat_get_fat_cluster(fs_info, cur_cln, &cur_cln);                             
  1110a5:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1110a9:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1110ac:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1110b0:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  1110b3:   e8 98 ea ff ff          call   10fb50 <fat_get_fat_cluster>                   
        if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                                
  1110b8:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1110ba:   74 d4                   je     111090 <fat_file_size+0x30>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  1110bc:   83 c4 2c                add    $0x2c,%esp                                     
  1110bf:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  1110c0:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  1110c1:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  1110c2:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1110c3:   c3                      ret                                                   
    uint32_t       save_cln = 0;                                                          
  1110c4:   31 f6                   xor    %esi,%esi                                      
    fat_fd->map.last_cln = save_cln;                                                      
  1110c6:   89 77 3c                mov    %esi,0x3c(%edi)                                
  1110c9:   83 c4 2c                add    $0x2c,%esp                                     
    return rc;                                                                            
  1110cc:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1110ce:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  1110cf:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  1110d0:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  1110d1:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1110d2:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1110d3:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1110da:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    if ((FAT_FD_OF_ROOT_DIR(fat_fd)) &&                                                   
  1110e0:   8b 47 24                mov    0x24(%edi),%eax                                
  1110e3:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1110e5:   75 94                   jne    11107b <fat_file_size+0x1b>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  1110e7:   f6 43 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%ebx)                                
  1110eb:   74 8e                   je     11107b <fat_file_size+0x1b>                    
        fat_fd->fat_file_size = fs_info->vol.rdir_size;                                   
  1110ed:   8b 43 34                mov    0x34(%ebx),%eax                                
  1110f0:   89 47 18                mov    %eax,0x18(%edi)                                
        return rc;                                                                        
  1110f3:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1110f5:   eb c5                   jmp    1110bc <fat_file_size+0x5c>                    
  1110f7:   90                      nop                                                   
  1110f8:   90                      nop                                                   
  1110f9:   90                      nop                                                   
  1110fa:   90                      nop                                                   
  1110fb:   90                      nop                                                   
  1110fc:   90                      nop                                                   
  1110fd:   90                      nop                                                   
  1110fe:   90                      nop                                                   
  1110ff:   90                      nop                                                   

00110850 <fat_file_truncate>: {
  110850:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  110851:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  110853:   83 ec 38                sub    $0x38,%esp                                     
  110856:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  110859:   8b 75 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%esi                                 
  11085c:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  11085f:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  110862:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  110865:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
    uint32_t       cur_cln = 0;                                                           
  110868:   c7 45 e0 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x20(%ebp)                               
    uint32_t       new_last_cln = FAT_UNDEFINED_VALUE;                                    
  11086f:   c7 45 e4 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x1c(%ebp)                        
    if ( new_length >= fat_fd->fat_file_size )                                            
  110876:   8b 56 18                mov    0x18(%esi),%edx                                
  110879:   39 c2                   cmp    %eax,%edx                                      
  11087b:   76 73                   jbe    1108f0 <fat_file_truncate+0xa0>                
  11087d:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  11087f:   0f 84 a6 00 00 00       je     11092b <fat_file_truncate+0xdb>                <== NEVER TAKEN
    cl_start = (new_length + fs_info->vol.bpc - 1) >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2;              
  110885:   8b 7b 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%edi                                 
  110888:   0f b6 4b 0c             movzbl 0xc(%ebx),%ecx                                 
  11088c:   01 f8                   add    %edi,%eax                                      
  11088e:   8d 78 ff                lea    -0x1(%eax),%edi                                
  110891:   d3 ef                   shr    %cl,%edi                                       
    if ((cl_start << fs_info->vol.bpc_log2) >= fat_fd->fat_file_size)                     
  110893:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  110895:   d3 e0                   shl    %cl,%eax                                       
  110897:   39 c2                   cmp    %eax,%edx                                      
  110899:   76 55                   jbe    1108f0 <fat_file_truncate+0xa0>                
    if (cl_start != 0)                                                                    
  11089b:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      
  11089d:   74 16                   je     1108b5 <fat_file_truncate+0x65>                
        rc = fat_file_lseek(fs_info, fat_fd, cl_start - 1, &new_last_cln);                
  11089f:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1108a2:   89 f2                   mov    %esi,%edx                                      
  1108a4:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1108a7:   8d 4f ff                lea    -0x1(%edi),%ecx                                
  1108aa:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  1108ac:   e8 9f f9 ff ff          call   110250 <fat_file_lseek>                        
        if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                  
  1108b1:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1108b3:   75 3d                   jne    1108f2 <fat_file_truncate+0xa2>                <== NEVER TAKEN
    rc = fat_file_lseek(fs_info, fat_fd, cl_start, &cur_cln);                             
  1108b5:   8d 45 e0                lea    -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               
  1108b8:   89 f9                   mov    %edi,%ecx                                      
  1108ba:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1108bd:   89 f2                   mov    %esi,%edx                                      
  1108bf:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  1108c1:   e8 8a f9 ff ff          call   110250 <fat_file_lseek>                        
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  1108c6:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1108c8:   75 28                   jne    1108f2 <fat_file_truncate+0xa2>                <== NEVER TAKEN
    rc = fat_free_fat_clusters_chain(fs_info, cur_cln);                                   
  1108ca:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  1108cd:   8b 45 e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               
  1108d0:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1108d4:   e8 97 f6 ff ff          call   10ff70 <fat_free_fat_clusters_chain>           
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  1108d9:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1108db:   75 15                   jne    1108f2 <fat_file_truncate+0xa2>                <== NEVER TAKEN
    if (cl_start != 0)                                                                    
  1108dd:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      
  1108df:   75 1f                   jne    110900 <fat_file_truncate+0xb0>                
  1108e1:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1108e8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1108ef:   90                      nop                                                   
        return rc;                                                                        
  1108f0:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1108f2:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  1108f5:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  1108f8:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  1108fb:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  1108fd:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1108fe:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1108ff:   90                      nop                                                   
        rc = fat_set_fat_cluster(fs_info, new_last_cln, FAT_GENFAT_EOC);                  
  110900:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  110903:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  110908:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  11090c:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  11090f:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  110913:   e8 f8 f3 ff ff          call   10fd10 <fat_set_fat_cluster>                   
        if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                                
  110918:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  11091a:   75 d6                   jne    1108f2 <fat_file_truncate+0xa2>                <== NEVER TAKEN
        fat_fd->map.disk_cln = new_last_cln;                                              
  11091c:   8b 55 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%edx                               
        fat_fd->map.file_cln = cl_start - 1;                                              
  11091f:   4f                      dec    %edi                                           
  110920:   89 7e 34                mov    %edi,0x34(%esi)                                
        fat_fd->map.disk_cln = new_last_cln;                                              
  110923:   89 56 38                mov    %edx,0x38(%esi)                                
        fat_fd->map.last_cln = new_last_cln;                                              
  110926:   89 56 3c                mov    %edx,0x3c(%esi)                                
  110929:   eb c7                   jmp    1108f2 <fat_file_truncate+0xa2>                
  11092b:   c7 44 24 0c 72 35 13    movl   $0x133572,0xc(%esp)                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  110932:   00                                                                            
  110933:   c7 44 24 08 b4 35 13    movl   $0x1335b4,0x8(%esp)                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  11093a:   00                                                                            
  11093b:   c7 44 24 04 e4 02 00    movl   $0x2e4,0x4(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  110942:   00                                                                            
  110943:   c7 04 24 88 35 13 00    movl   $0x133588,(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  11094a:   e8 61 7d 00 00          call   1186b0 <__assert_func>                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  11094f:   90                      nop                                                   

001105e0 <fat_file_update>: {
  1105e0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  1105e1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  1105e3:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp                                     
  1105e6:   89 5d f8                mov    %ebx,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  1105e9:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  1105ec:   89 75 fc                mov    %esi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
    int ret_rc = RC_OK;                                                                   
  1105ef:   be 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%esi                                      
     return (fat_fd->flags & FAT_FILE_REMOVED) != 0;                                      
  1105f4:   0f b6 43 30             movzbl 0x30(%ebx),%eax                                
  1105f8:   88 c2                   mov    %al,%dl                                        
  1105fa:   80 e2 01                and    $0x1,%dl                                       
    if (!FAT_FILE_IS_REMOVED(fat_fd) &&                                                   
  1105fd:   75 4c                   jne    11064b <fat_file_update+0x6b>                  
  1105ff:   24 02                   and    $0x2,%al                                       
  110601:   74 48                   je     11064b <fat_file_update+0x6b>                  
        FAT_FILE_HAS_META_DATA_CHANGED(fat_fd) &&                                         
  110603:   83 7b 20 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x20(%ebx)                                
  110607:   75 07                   jne    110610 <fat_file_update+0x30>                  
  110609:   8b 43 24                mov    0x24(%ebx),%eax                                
  11060c:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  11060e:   74 3b                   je     11064b <fat_file_update+0x6b>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
        rc = fat_file_write_first_cluster_num(fs_info, fat_fd);                           
  110610:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  110614:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  110617:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  11061a:   e8 91 1b 00 00          call   1121b0 <fat_file_write_first_cluster_num>      
        rc = fat_file_write_file_size(fs_info, fat_fd);                                   
  11061f:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
        rc = fat_file_write_first_cluster_num(fs_info, fat_fd);                           
  110623:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
        rc = fat_file_write_file_size(fs_info, fat_fd);                                   
  110625:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  110628:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  11062b:   e8 50 1c 00 00          call   112280 <fat_file_write_file_size>              
        if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                  
  110630:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110632:   74 02                   je     110636 <fat_file_update+0x56>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  110634:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
        rc = fat_file_write_time_and_date(fs_info, fat_fd);                               
  110636:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  11063a:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  11063d:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  110640:   e8 db 19 00 00          call   112020 <fat_file_write_time_and_date>          
        if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                  
  110645:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110647:   74 02                   je     11064b <fat_file_update+0x6b>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  110649:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11064b:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                
  11064e:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      
  110650:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                
  110653:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  110655:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  110656:   c3                      ret                                                   
  110657:   90                      nop                                                   
  110658:   90                      nop                                                   
  110659:   90                      nop                                                   
  11065a:   90                      nop                                                   
  11065b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11065c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11065d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11065e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11065f:   90                      nop                                                   

00110d90 <fat_file_write>: {
  110d90:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  110d91:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  110d93:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  110d94:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  110d95:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  110d96:   83 ec 4c                sub    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  110d99:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
    uint32_t       c = 0;                                                                 
  110d9c:   c7 45 e0 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x20(%ebp)                               
  110da3:   8b 7d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%edi                                 
  110da6:   8b 75 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%esi                                
    if ( count == 0 )                                                                     
  110da9:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110dab:   0f 84 4f 01 00 00       je     110f00 <fat_file_write+0x170>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
    if (start >= fat_fd->size_limit)                                                      
  110db1:   8b 4d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  110db4:   8b 59 14                mov    0x14(%ecx),%ebx                                
  110db7:   39 f3                   cmp    %esi,%ebx                                      
  110db9:   0f 86 2f 02 00 00       jbe    110fee <fat_file_write+0x25e>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
    if (count > fat_fd->size_limit - start)                                               
  110dbf:   29 f3                   sub    %esi,%ebx                                      
  110dc1:   39 c3                   cmp    %eax,%ebx                                      
  110dc3:   0f 87 27 01 00 00       ja     110ef0 <fat_file_write+0x160>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    rc = fat_file_extend(fs_info, fat_fd, zero_fill, start + count, &c);                  
  110dc9:   8d 45 e0                lea    -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               
  110dcc:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
    bool           zero_fill = start > fat_fd->fat_file_size;                             
  110dd0:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
    rc = fat_file_extend(fs_info, fat_fd, zero_fill, start + count, &c);                  
  110dd3:   8d 14 33                lea    (%ebx,%esi,1),%edx                             
  110dd6:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  110dda:   89 55 d4                mov    %edx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
    bool           zero_fill = start > fat_fd->fat_file_size;                             
  110ddd:   39 70 18                cmp    %esi,0x18(%eax)                                
    rc = fat_file_extend(fs_info, fat_fd, zero_fill, start + count, &c);                  
  110de0:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
    bool           zero_fill = start > fat_fd->fat_file_size;                             
  110de3:   0f 92 c0                setb   %al                                            
  110de6:   0f b6 c0                movzbl %al,%eax                                       
    rc = fat_file_extend(fs_info, fat_fd, zero_fill, start + count, &c);                  
  110de9:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  110ded:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  110df0:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  110df4:   e8 d7 fc ff ff          call   110ad0 <fat_file_extend>                       
    if (RC_OK == rc)                                                                      
  110df9:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110dfb:   0f 85 e6 00 00 00       jne    110ee7 <fat_file_write+0x157>                  
        if (c != (start + count))                                                         
  110e01:   8b 45 e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               
  110e04:   8b 55 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edx                               
  110e07:   39 c2                   cmp    %eax,%edx                                      
  110e09:   74 04                   je     110e0f <fat_file_write+0x7f>                   
            count = c - start;                                                            
  110e0b:   29 f0                   sub    %esi,%eax                                      
  110e0d:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
            cln += (start >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2);                                      
  110e0f:   0f b6 47 0c             movzbl 0xc(%edi),%eax                                 
  110e13:   89 f2                   mov    %esi,%edx                                      
  110e15:   89 45 d4                mov    %eax,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  110e18:   88 c1                   mov    %al,%cl                                        
    return (FAT_FD_OF_ROOT_DIR(fat_fd)) && (volume_type & (FAT_FAT12 | FAT_FAT16));       
  110e1a:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
            cln += (start >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2);                                      
  110e1d:   d3 ea                   shr    %cl,%edx                                       
  110e1f:   89 55 d0                mov    %edx,-0x30(%ebp)                               
    return (FAT_FD_OF_ROOT_DIR(fat_fd)) && (volume_type & (FAT_FAT12 | FAT_FAT16));       
  110e22:   83 78 20 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x20(%eax)                                
  110e26:   0f 84 24 01 00 00       je     110f50 <fat_file_write+0x1c0>                  
    rc = fat_file_lseek(fs_info, fat_fd, start_cln, &cur_cln);                            
  110e2c:   8b 4d d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%ecx                               
  110e2f:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  110e32:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  110e35:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  110e38:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
    uint32_t       cur_cln = 0;                                                           
  110e3a:   c7 45 e4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
    rc = fat_file_lseek(fs_info, fat_fd, start_cln, &cur_cln);                            
  110e41:   e8 0a f4 ff ff          call   110250 <fat_file_lseek>                        
    if (RC_OK == rc)                                                                      
  110e46:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110e48:   0f 85 91 00 00 00       jne    110edf <fat_file_write+0x14f>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
    uint32_t       ofs_cln = start - (start_cln << fs_info->vol.bpc_log2);                
  110e4e:   0f b6 4d d4             movzbl -0x2c(%ebp),%ecx                               
    uint32_t       save_cln = 0; /* FIXME: This might be incorrect, cf. below */          
  110e52:   c7 45 d4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
    uint32_t       ofs_cln = start - (start_cln << fs_info->vol.bpc_log2);                
  110e59:   8b 55 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%edx                               
  110e5c:   d3 e2                   shl    %cl,%edx                                       
  110e5e:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      
  110e60:   89 f2                   mov    %esi,%edx                                      
  110e62:   29 ca                   sub    %ecx,%edx                                      
    uint32_t       cmpltd = 0;                                                            
  110e64:   31 f6                   xor    %esi,%esi                                      
                               ((ofs_cln_save + cmpltd - 1) >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2);    
  110e66:   8d 4a ff                lea    -0x1(%edx),%ecx                                
        while (   (RC_OK == rc)                                                           
  110e69:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
                               ((ofs_cln_save + cmpltd - 1) >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2);    
  110e6b:   89 4d cc                mov    %ecx,-0x34(%ebp)                               
        while (   (RC_OK == rc)                                                           
  110e6e:   0f 84 5a 01 00 00       je     110fce <fat_file_write+0x23e>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
  110e74:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  110e7b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  110e7f:   90                      nop                                                   
  110e80:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                
  110e83:   01 f0                   add    %esi,%eax                                      
            ret = fat_cluster_write(fs_info,                                              
  110e85:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
            c = MIN(bytes_to_write, (fs_info->vol.bpc - ofs_cln));                        
  110e89:   8b 47 08                mov    0x8(%edi),%eax                                 
  110e8c:   29 d0                   sub    %edx,%eax                                      
  110e8e:   39 d8                   cmp    %ebx,%eax                                      
  110e90:   76 02                   jbe    110e94 <fat_file_write+0x104>                  
  110e92:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
            ret = fat_cluster_write(fs_info,                                              
  110e94:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  110e98:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  110e9b:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  110e9f:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  110ea2:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  110ea6:   e8 55 df ff ff          call   10ee00 <fat_cluster_write>                     
            if (0 > ret)                                                                  
  110eab:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110ead:   0f 88 fd 00 00 00       js     110fb0 <fat_file_write+0x220>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
                save_cln = cur_cln;                                                       
  110eb3:   8b 4d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%ecx                               
                cmpltd += ret;                                                            
  110eb6:   01 c6                   add    %eax,%esi                                      
                if (0 < bytes_to_write)                                                   
  110eb8:   29 c3                   sub    %eax,%ebx                                      
                save_cln = cur_cln;                                                       
  110eba:   89 4d d4                mov    %ecx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
                if (0 < bytes_to_write)                                                   
  110ebd:   75 51                   jne    110f10 <fat_file_write+0x180>                  
                               ((ofs_cln_save + cmpltd - 1) >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2);    
  110ebf:   8b 45 cc                mov    -0x34(%ebp),%eax                               
  110ec2:   0f b6 4f 0c             movzbl 0xc(%edi),%ecx                                 
  110ec6:   01 f0                   add    %esi,%eax                                      
  110ec8:   d3 e8                   shr    %cl,%eax                                       
        fat_fd->map.file_cln = start_cln +                                                
  110eca:   8b 4d d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%ecx                               
  110ecd:   01 c8                   add    %ecx,%eax                                      
  110ecf:   8b 4d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  110ed2:   89 41 34                mov    %eax,0x34(%ecx)                                
        fat_fd->map.disk_cln = save_cln;                                                  
  110ed5:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax                                      
  110ed7:   8b 4d d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  110eda:   89 48 38                mov    %ecx,0x38(%eax)                                
      return cmpltd;                                                                      
  110edd:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      
            if (0 > ret)                                                                  
  110edf:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110ee1:   0f 88 b2 00 00 00       js     110f99 <fat_file_write+0x209>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
  110ee7:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  110eea:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  110eeb:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  110eec:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  110eed:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  110eee:   c3                      ret                                                   
  110eef:   90                      nop                                                   
  110ef0:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  110ef2:   e9 d2 fe ff ff          jmp    110dc9 <fat_file_write+0x39>                   
  110ef7:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  110efe:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  110f00:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
        return cmpltd;                                                                    
  110f03:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  110f05:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  110f06:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  110f07:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  110f08:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  110f09:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  110f0a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
                  rc = fat_get_fat_cluster(fs_info, cur_cln, &cur_cln);                   
  110f10:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  110f14:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  110f17:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  110f1b:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  110f1e:   e8 2d ec ff ff          call   10fb50 <fat_get_fat_cluster>                   
                ofs_cln = 0;                                                              
  110f23:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
        while (   (RC_OK == rc)                                                           
  110f25:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110f27:   0f 84 53 ff ff ff       je     110e80 <fat_file_write+0xf0>                   <== ALWAYS TAKEN
                               ((ofs_cln_save + cmpltd - 1) >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2);    
  110f2d:   0f b6 4f 0c             movzbl 0xc(%edi),%ecx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110f31:   03 75 cc                add    -0x34(%ebp),%esi                               <== NOT EXECUTED
        fat_fd->map.file_cln = start_cln +                                                
  110f34:   8b 55 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
        fat_fd->map.disk_cln = save_cln;                                                  
  110f37:   8b 7d d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edi                               <== NOT EXECUTED
                               ((ofs_cln_save + cmpltd - 1) >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2);    
  110f3a:   d3 ee                   shr    %cl,%esi                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
        fat_fd->map.file_cln = start_cln +                                                
  110f3c:   8b 4d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ecx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110f3f:   01 f2                   add    %esi,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  110f41:   89 51 34                mov    %edx,0x34(%ecx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
        fat_fd->map.disk_cln = save_cln;                                                  
  110f44:   89 79 38                mov    %edi,0x38(%ecx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    if (RC_OK != rc)                                                                      
  110f47:   eb 96                   jmp    110edf <fat_file_write+0x14f>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  110f49:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    return (FAT_FD_OF_ROOT_DIR(fat_fd)) && (volume_type & (FAT_FAT12 | FAT_FAT16));       
  110f50:   8b 40 24                mov    0x24(%eax),%eax                                
  110f53:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110f55:   0f 85 d1 fe ff ff       jne    110e2c <fat_file_write+0x9c>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
  110f5b:   f6 47 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%edi)                                
  110f5f:   0f 84 c7 fe ff ff       je     110e2c <fat_file_write+0x9c>                   
            ret = fat_cluster_write(fs_info,                                              
  110f65:   89 5c 24 0c             mov    %ebx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  110f69:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                
            cln += (start >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2);                                      
  110f6c:   8b 4d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ecx                                 
            ret = fat_cluster_write(fs_info,                                              
  110f6f:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
            byte = start & (fs_info->vol.bpc -1);                                         
  110f73:   8b 47 08                mov    0x8(%edi),%eax                                 
  110f76:   48                      dec    %eax                                           
  110f77:   21 c6                   and    %eax,%esi                                      
            cln += (start >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2);                                      
  110f79:   8b 45 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%eax                               
            ret = fat_cluster_write(fs_info,                                              
  110f7c:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 
            cln += (start >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2);                                      
  110f80:   8b 71 1c                mov    0x1c(%ecx),%esi                                
            ret = fat_cluster_write(fs_info,                                              
  110f83:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
            cln += (start >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2);                                      
  110f86:   01 f0                   add    %esi,%eax                                      
            ret = fat_cluster_write(fs_info,                                              
  110f88:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  110f8c:   e8 6f de ff ff          call   10ee00 <fat_cluster_write>                     
            if (0 > ret)                                                                  
  110f91:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110f93:   0f 89 4e ff ff ff       jns    110ee7 <fat_file_write+0x157>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
              rc = -1;                                                                    
  110f99:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  110f9e:   e9 44 ff ff ff          jmp    110ee7 <fat_file_write+0x157>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  110fa3:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  110faa:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
                               ((ofs_cln_save + cmpltd - 1) >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2);    
  110fb0:   8b 45 cc                mov    -0x34(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  110fb3:   0f b6 4f 0c             movzbl 0xc(%edi),%ecx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
        fat_fd->map.file_cln = start_cln +                                                
  110fb7:   8b 55 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
                               ((ofs_cln_save + cmpltd - 1) >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2);    
  110fba:   01 c6                   add    %eax,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
        fat_fd->map.file_cln = start_cln +                                                
  110fbc:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
                               ((ofs_cln_save + cmpltd - 1) >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2);    
  110fbf:   d3 ee                   shr    %cl,%esi                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
        fat_fd->map.disk_cln = save_cln;                                                  
  110fc1:   8b 4d d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%ecx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
        fat_fd->map.file_cln = start_cln +                                                
  110fc4:   01 d6                   add    %edx,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  110fc6:   89 70 34                mov    %esi,0x34(%eax)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
        fat_fd->map.disk_cln = save_cln;                                                  
  110fc9:   89 48 38                mov    %ecx,0x38(%eax)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
            if (0 > ret)                                                                  
  110fcc:   eb cb                   jmp    110f99 <fat_file_write+0x209>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
                               ((ofs_cln_save + cmpltd - 1) >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2);    
  110fce:   0f b6 4f 0c             movzbl 0xc(%edi),%ecx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110fd2:   8b 55 cc                mov    -0x34(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
        fat_fd->map.file_cln = start_cln +                                                
  110fd5:   8b 5d d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%ebx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
                               ((ofs_cln_save + cmpltd - 1) >> fs_info->vol.bpc_log2);    
  110fd8:   d3 ea                   shr    %cl,%edx                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
        fat_fd->map.file_cln = start_cln +                                                
  110fda:   8b 4d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ecx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110fdd:   01 da                   add    %ebx,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  110fdf:   89 51 34                mov    %edx,0x34(%ecx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
        fat_fd->map.disk_cln = save_cln;                                                  
  110fe2:   c7 41 38 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x38(%ecx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
            if (0 > ret)                                                                  
  110fe9:   e9 f9 fe ff ff          jmp    110ee7 <fat_file_write+0x157>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  110fee:   e8 ad 58 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  110ff3:   c7 00 1b 00 00 00       movl   $0x1b,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  110ff9:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  110ffe:   e9 e4 fe ff ff          jmp    110ee7 <fat_file_write+0x157>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  111003:   90                      nop                                                   
  111004:   90                      nop                                                   
  111005:   90                      nop                                                   
  111006:   90                      nop                                                   
  111007:   90                      nop                                                   
  111008:   90                      nop                                                   
  111009:   90                      nop                                                   
  11100a:   90                      nop                                                   
  11100b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11100c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11100d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11100e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11100f:   90                      nop                                                   

00112280 <fat_file_write_file_size>: {
  112280:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  112281:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  112283:   83 ec 48                sub    $0x48,%esp                                     
  112286:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  112289:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  11228c:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  11228f:   8b 55 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%edx                                 
  112292:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
    uint32_t         le_new_length = 0;                                                   
  112295:   c7 45 e4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
    sec = fat_cluster_num_to_sector_num(fs_info, fat_fd->dir_pos.sname.cln);              
  11229c:   8b 4b 20                mov    0x20(%ebx),%ecx                                
    if ( (cln == 0) && (fs_info->vol.type & (FAT_FAT12 | FAT_FAT16)) )                    
  11229f:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  1122a1:   75 06                   jne    1122a9 <fat_file_write_file_size+0x29>         
  1122a3:   f6 42 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%edx)                                
  1122a7:   75 67                   jne    112310 <fat_file_write_file_size+0x90>         <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    return (((cln - FAT_RSRVD_CLN) << fs_info->vol.spc_log2) +                            
  1122a9:   8d 41 fe                lea    -0x2(%ecx),%eax                                
  1122ac:   0f b6 4a 05             movzbl 0x5(%edx),%ecx                                 
  1122b0:   8b 7a 3c                mov    0x3c(%edx),%edi                                
  1122b3:   d3 e0                   shl    %cl,%eax                                       
  1122b5:   01 f8                   add    %edi,%eax                                      
    sec += (fat_fd->dir_pos.sname.ofs >> fs_info->vol.sec_log2);                          
  1122b7:   8b 73 24                mov    0x24(%ebx),%esi                                
  1122ba:   0f b6 4a 02             movzbl 0x2(%edx),%ecx                                 
  1122be:   89 f7                   mov    %esi,%edi                                      
  1122c0:   d3 ef                   shr    %cl,%edi                                       
  1122c2:   89 f9                   mov    %edi,%ecx                                      
  1122c4:   01 c1                   add    %eax,%ecx                                      
    byte = (fat_fd->dir_pos.sname.ofs & (fs_info->vol.bps - 1));                          
  1122c6:   0f b7 02                movzwl (%edx),%eax                                    
  1122c9:   48                      dec    %eax                                           
  1122ca:   21 f0                   and    %esi,%eax                                      
    if (fat_fd->fat_file_type == FAT_DIRECTORY) {                                         
  1122cc:   8b 73 10                mov    0x10(%ebx),%esi                                
  1122cf:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  1122d1:   74 06                   je     1122d9 <fat_file_write_file_size+0x59>         
      le_new_length = CT_LE_L(fat_fd->fat_file_size);                                     
  1122d3:   8b 5b 18                mov    0x18(%ebx),%ebx                                
  1122d6:   89 5d e4                mov    %ebx,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
    ret = fat_sector_write(fs_info, sec, byte + MSDOS_FILE_SIZE_OFFSET, 4,                
  1122d9:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1122dd:   8d 5d e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%ebx                               
  1122e0:   83 c0 1c                add    $0x1c,%eax                                     
  1122e3:   89 5c 24 10             mov    %ebx,0x10(%esp)                                
  1122e7:   bb 04 00 00 00          mov    $0x4,%ebx                                      
  1122ec:   89 5c 24 0c             mov    %ebx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  1122f0:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1122f4:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    
  1122f7:   e8 b4 c7 ff ff          call   10eab0 <fat_sector_write>                      
  1122fc:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  1122ff:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  112302:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  112305:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  112307:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
    if ( ret < 0 )                                                                        
  112308:   c1 f8 1f                sar    $0x1f,%eax                                     
  11230b:   c3                      ret                                                   
  11230c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
        return fs_info->vol.rdir_loc;                                                     
  112310:   8b 42 28                mov    0x28(%edx),%eax                                
  112313:   eb a2                   jmp    1122b7 <fat_file_write_file_size+0x37>         
  112315:   90                      nop                                                   
  112316:   90                      nop                                                   
  112317:   90                      nop                                                   
  112318:   90                      nop                                                   
  112319:   90                      nop                                                   
  11231a:   90                      nop                                                   
  11231b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11231c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11231d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11231e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11231f:   90                      nop                                                   

001121b0 <fat_file_write_first_cluster_num>: {
  1121b0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  1121b1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  1121b3:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  1121b4:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  1121b5:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  1121b6:   83 ec 4c                sub    $0x4c,%esp                                     
    uint16_t         le_cl_hi = 0;                                                        
  1121b9:   66 c7 45 e6 00 00       movw   $0x0,-0x1a(%ebp)                               
  1121bf:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  1121c2:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 
    sec = fat_cluster_num_to_sector_num(fs_info, fat_fd->dir_pos.sname.cln);              
  1121c5:   8b 43 20                mov    0x20(%ebx),%eax                                
    uint32_t         new_cln = fat_fd->cln;                                               
  1121c8:   8b 53 1c                mov    0x1c(%ebx),%edx                                
    if ( (cln == 0) && (fs_info->vol.type & (FAT_FAT12 | FAT_FAT16)) )                    
  1121cb:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1121cd:   75 0a                   jne    1121d9 <fat_file_write_first_cluster_num+0x29> 
  1121cf:   f6 46 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%esi)                                
  1121d3:   0f 85 97 00 00 00       jne    112270 <fat_file_write_first_cluster_num+0xc0> <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    return (((cln - FAT_RSRVD_CLN) << fs_info->vol.spc_log2) +                            
  1121d9:   0f b6 4e 05             movzbl 0x5(%esi),%ecx                                 
  1121dd:   83 e8 02                sub    $0x2,%eax                                      
  1121e0:   d3 e0                   shl    %cl,%eax                                       
  1121e2:   8b 4e 3c                mov    0x3c(%esi),%ecx                                
  1121e5:   01 c8                   add    %ecx,%eax                                      
    le_cl_low = CT_LE_W((uint16_t  )(new_cln & 0x0000FFFF));                              
  1121e7:   66 89 55 e4             mov    %dx,-0x1c(%ebp)                                
    sec += (fat_fd->dir_pos.sname.ofs >> fs_info->vol.sec_log2);                          
  1121eb:   8b 7b 24                mov    0x24(%ebx),%edi                                
    le_cl_low = CT_LE_W((uint16_t  )(new_cln & 0x0000FFFF));                              
  1121ee:   89 55 d0                mov    %edx,-0x30(%ebp)                               
    sec += (fat_fd->dir_pos.sname.ofs >> fs_info->vol.sec_log2);                          
  1121f1:   0f b6 4e 02             movzbl 0x2(%esi),%ecx                                 
  1121f5:   89 fb                   mov    %edi,%ebx                                      
  1121f7:   d3 eb                   shr    %cl,%ebx                                       
  1121f9:   89 d9                   mov    %ebx,%ecx                                      
    byte = fat_fd->dir_pos.sname.ofs & (fs_info->vol.bps - 1);                            
  1121fb:   0f b7 1e                movzwl (%esi),%ebx                                    
    ret1 = fat_sector_write(fs_info, sec,                                                 
  1121fe:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
    sec += (fat_fd->dir_pos.sname.ofs >> fs_info->vol.sec_log2);                          
  112201:   01 c1                   add    %eax,%ecx                                      
    ret1 = fat_sector_write(fs_info, sec,                                                 
  112203:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  112207:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  11220a:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  11220e:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      
  112213:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
    byte = fat_fd->dir_pos.sname.ofs & (fs_info->vol.bps - 1);                            
  112217:   4b                      dec    %ebx                                           
    ret1 = fat_sector_write(fs_info, sec,                                                 
  112218:   89 4d d4                mov    %ecx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
    byte = fat_fd->dir_pos.sname.ofs & (fs_info->vol.bps - 1);                            
  11221b:   21 fb                   and    %edi,%ebx                                      
    ret1 = fat_sector_write(fs_info, sec,                                                 
  11221d:   8d 43 1a                lea    0x1a(%ebx),%eax                                
    ret2 = fat_sector_write(fs_info, sec,                                                 
  112220:   83 c3 14                add    $0x14,%ebx                                     
    ret1 = fat_sector_write(fs_info, sec,                                                 
  112223:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  112227:   e8 84 c8 ff ff          call   10eab0 <fat_sector_write>                      
    le_cl_hi = CT_LE_W((uint16_t  )((new_cln & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16));                       
  11222c:   8b 55 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%edx                               
    ret2 = fat_sector_write(fs_info, sec,                                                 
  11222f:   89 5c 24 08             mov    %ebx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  112233:   8b 4d d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  112236:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
    le_cl_hi = CT_LE_W((uint16_t  )((new_cln & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16));                       
  112239:   c1 ea 10                shr    $0x10,%edx                                     
  11223c:   66 89 55 e6             mov    %dx,-0x1a(%ebp)                                
    ret2 = fat_sector_write(fs_info, sec,                                                 
  112240:   ba 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%edx                                      
  112245:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 
    ret1 = fat_sector_write(fs_info, sec,                                                 
  112249:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      
    ret2 = fat_sector_write(fs_info, sec,                                                 
  11224b:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  11224f:   8d 45 e6                lea    -0x1a(%ebp),%eax                               
  112252:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  112256:   e8 55 c8 ff ff          call   10eab0 <fat_sector_write>                      
  11225b:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  11225e:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  11225f:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
    if ( (ret1 < 0) || (ret2 < 0) )                                                       
  112260:   09 f8                   or     %edi,%eax                                      
  112262:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
    if ( (ret1 < 0) || (ret2 < 0) )                                                       
  112263:   c1 f8 1f                sar    $0x1f,%eax                                     
  112266:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  112267:   c3                      ret                                                   
  112268:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11226f:   90                      nop                                                   
        return fs_info->vol.rdir_loc;                                                     
  112270:   8b 46 28                mov    0x28(%esi),%eax                                
  112273:   e9 6f ff ff ff          jmp    1121e7 <fat_file_write_first_cluster_num+0x37> 
  112278:   90                      nop                                                   
  112279:   90                      nop                                                   
  11227a:   90                      nop                                                   
  11227b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11227c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11227d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11227e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11227f:   90                      nop                                                   

00112020 <fat_file_write_time_and_date>: {
  112020:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  112021:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  112023:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  112024:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  112025:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  112026:   83 ec 4c                sub    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  112029:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  11202c:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
    sec = fat_cluster_num_to_sector_num(fs_info, fat_fd->dir_pos.sname.cln);              
  11202f:   8b 72 20                mov    0x20(%edx),%esi                                
    if ( (cln == 0) && (fs_info->vol.type & (FAT_FAT12 | FAT_FAT16)) )                    
  112032:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  112034:   75 0a                   jne    112040 <fat_file_write_time_and_date+0x20>     
  112036:   f6 43 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%ebx)                                
  11203a:   0f 85 50 01 00 00       jne    112190 <fat_file_write_time_and_date+0x170>    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    return (((cln - FAT_RSRVD_CLN) << fs_info->vol.spc_log2) +                            
  112040:   0f b6 4b 05             movzbl 0x5(%ebx),%ecx                                 
  112044:   83 ee 02                sub    $0x2,%esi                                      
  112047:   8b 43 3c                mov    0x3c(%ebx),%eax                                
  11204a:   d3 e6                   shl    %cl,%esi                                       
  11204c:   01 c6                   add    %eax,%esi                                      
    msdos_date_unix2dos(fat_fd->mtime, &date, &time_val);                                 
  11204e:   89 55 0c                mov    %edx,0xc(%ebp)                                 
    sec += (fat_fd->dir_pos.sname.ofs >> fs_info->vol.sec_log2);                          
  112051:   8b 42 24                mov    0x24(%edx),%eax                                
  112054:   0f b6 4b 02             movzbl 0x2(%ebx),%ecx                                 
  112058:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      
  11205a:   d3 ef                   shr    %cl,%edi                                       
    byte = fat_fd->dir_pos.sname.ofs & (fs_info->vol.bps - 1);                            
  11205c:   0f b7 0b                movzwl (%ebx),%ecx                                    
    sec += (fat_fd->dir_pos.sname.ofs >> fs_info->vol.sec_log2);                          
  11205f:   01 fe                   add    %edi,%esi                                      
    msdos_date_unix2dos(fat_fd->mtime, &date, &time_val);                                 
  112061:   8d 7d e6                lea    -0x1a(%ebp),%edi                               
  112064:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
    byte = fat_fd->dir_pos.sname.ofs & (fs_info->vol.bps - 1);                            
  112068:   49                      dec    %ecx                                           
  112069:   21 c1                   and    %eax,%ecx                                      
  11206b:   89 4d d4                mov    %ecx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
    msdos_date_unix2dos(fat_fd->mtime, &date, &time_val);                                 
  11206e:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  112071:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  112075:   8b 42 48                mov    0x48(%edx),%eax                                
  112078:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  11207b:   e8 40 6a 00 00          call   118ac0 <msdos_date_unix2dos>                   
    ret = fat_sector_write(fs_info, sec, byte + MSDOS_FILE_WTIME_OFFSET,                  
  112080:   8b 4d d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  112083:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  112086:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  11208a:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      
  11208f:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  112093:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  112097:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  11209a:   8d 41 16                lea    0x16(%ecx),%eax                                
  11209d:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1120a1:   e8 0a ca ff ff          call   10eab0 <fat_sector_write>                      
    ret = fat_sector_write(fs_info, sec, byte + MSDOS_FILE_WDATE_OFFSET,                  
  1120a6:   8b 4d d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  1120a9:   89 7c 24 10             mov    %edi,0x10(%esp)                                
  1120ad:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1120b1:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
    ret = fat_sector_write(fs_info, sec, byte + MSDOS_FILE_WTIME_OFFSET,                  
  1120b4:   89 45 cc                mov    %eax,-0x34(%ebp)                               
    ret = fat_sector_write(fs_info, sec, byte + MSDOS_FILE_WDATE_OFFSET,                  
  1120b7:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      
  1120bc:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  1120c0:   8d 41 18                lea    0x18(%ecx),%eax                                
  1120c3:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1120c7:   e8 e4 c9 ff ff          call   10eab0 <fat_sector_write>                      
    if ( ret < 0 )                                                                        
  1120cc:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
        rc = -1;                                                                          
  1120cf:   c7 45 d0 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x30(%ebp)                        
    if ( ret < 0 )                                                                        
  1120d6:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1120d8:   78 09                   js     1120e3 <fat_file_write_time_and_date+0xc3>     <== NEVER TAKEN
    if ( ret < 0 )                                                                        
  1120da:   8b 45 cc                mov    -0x34(%ebp),%eax                               
  1120dd:   c1 f8 1f                sar    $0x1f,%eax                                     
  1120e0:   89 45 d0                mov    %eax,-0x30(%ebp)                               
    ret = fat_sector_write(fs_info, sec, byte + MSDOS_FILE_ADATE_OFFSET,                  
  1120e3:   89 7c 24 10             mov    %edi,0x10(%esp)                                
  1120e7:   8b 45 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1120ea:   b9 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  1120ef:   89 4c 24 0c             mov    %ecx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  1120f3:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1120f7:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  1120fa:   89 55 0c                mov    %edx,0xc(%ebp)                                 
  1120fd:   83 c0 12                add    $0x12,%eax                                     
  112100:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  112104:   e8 a7 c9 ff ff          call   10eab0 <fat_sector_write>                      
    if ( ret < 0 )                                                                        
  112109:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  11210c:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  11210e:   79 07                   jns    112117 <fat_file_write_time_and_date+0xf7>     <== ALWAYS TAKEN
        rc = -1;                                                                          
  112110:   c7 45 d0 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x30(%ebp)                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    msdos_date_unix2dos(fat_fd->ctime, &date, &time_val);                                 
  112117:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  11211b:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  11211e:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  112122:   8b 42 40                mov    0x40(%edx),%eax                                
  112125:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  112128:   e8 93 69 00 00          call   118ac0 <msdos_date_unix2dos>                   
    ret = fat_sector_write(fs_info, sec, byte + MSDOS_FILE_CTIME_OFFSET,                  
  11212d:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  112130:   ba 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%edx                                      
  112135:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  112139:   8b 45 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
  11213c:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  112140:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  112144:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  112147:   83 c0 0e                add    $0xe,%eax                                      
  11214a:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  11214e:   e8 5d c9 ff ff          call   10eab0 <fat_sector_write>                      
    if ( ret < 0 )                                                                        
  112153:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  112155:   79 07                   jns    11215e <fat_file_write_time_and_date+0x13e>    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
        rc = -1;                                                                          
  112157:   c7 45 d0 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x30(%ebp)                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    ret = fat_sector_write(fs_info, sec, byte + MSDOS_FILE_CDATE_OFFSET,                  
  11215e:   89 7c 24 10             mov    %edi,0x10(%esp)                                
  112162:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      
  112167:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  11216b:   8b 45 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
  11216e:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  112172:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  112175:   83 c0 10                add    $0x10,%eax                                     
  112178:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  11217c:   e8 2f c9 ff ff          call   10eab0 <fat_sector_write>                      
    if ( ret < 0 )                                                                        
  112181:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  112183:   78 1b                   js     1121a0 <fat_file_write_time_and_date+0x180>    <== NEVER TAKEN
  112185:   8b 45 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%eax                               
  112188:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  11218b:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  11218c:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  11218d:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  11218e:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  11218f:   c3                      ret                                                   
        return fs_info->vol.rdir_loc;                                                     
  112190:   8b 73 28                mov    0x28(%ebx),%esi                                
  112193:   e9 b6 fe ff ff          jmp    11204e <fat_file_write_time_and_date+0x2e>     
  112198:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11219f:   90                      nop                                                   
        rc = -1;                                                                          
  1121a0:   c7 45 d0 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x30(%ebp)                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    return rc;                                                                            
  1121a7:   eb dc                   jmp    112185 <fat_file_write_time_and_date+0x165>    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1121a9:   90                      nop                                                   
  1121aa:   90                      nop                                                   
  1121ab:   90                      nop                                                   
  1121ac:   90                      nop                                                   
  1121ad:   90                      nop                                                   
  1121ae:   90                      nop                                                   
  1121af:   90                      nop                                                   

0010ff70 <fat_free_fat_clusters_chain>: {
  10ff70:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  10ff71:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10ff73:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  10ff74:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  10ff75:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  10ff76:   83 ec 3c                sub    $0x3c,%esp                                     
    uint32_t       next_cln = 0;                                                          
  10ff79:   c7 45 e4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  10ff80:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
    while ((cur_cln & fs_info->vol.mask) < fs_info->vol.eoc_val)                          
  10ff83:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10ff86:   8b 53 18                mov    0x18(%ebx),%edx                                
  10ff89:   21 d0                   and    %edx,%eax                                      
  10ff8b:   39 43 1c                cmp    %eax,0x1c(%ebx)                                
  10ff8e:   76 73                   jbe    110003 <fat_free_fat_clusters_chain+0x93>      <== NEVER TAKEN
    int            rc = RC_OK, rc1 = RC_OK;                                               
  10ff90:   c7 45 d4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
    uint32_t       cur_cln = chain;                                                       
  10ff97:   8b 7d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edi                                 
    uint32_t       freed_cls_cnt = 0;                                                     
  10ff9a:   31 f6                   xor    %esi,%esi                                      
  10ff9c:   eb 29                   jmp    10ffc7 <fat_free_fat_clusters_chain+0x57>      
  10ff9e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
        rc = fat_set_fat_cluster(fs_info, cur_cln, FAT_GENFAT_FREE);                      
  10ffa0:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10ffa4:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10ffa6:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10ffaa:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  10ffad:   e8 5e fd ff ff          call   10fd10 <fat_set_fat_cluster>                   
        if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                                
  10ffb2:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10ffb4:   74 03                   je     10ffb9 <fat_free_fat_clusters_chain+0x49>      <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10ffb6:   89 45 d4                mov    %eax,-0x2c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
        cur_cln = next_cln;                                                               
  10ffb9:   8b 7d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%edi                               
  10ffbc:   46                      inc    %esi                                           
    while ((cur_cln & fs_info->vol.mask) < fs_info->vol.eoc_val)                          
  10ffbd:   8b 43 18                mov    0x18(%ebx),%eax                                
  10ffc0:   21 f8                   and    %edi,%eax                                      
  10ffc2:   3b 43 1c                cmp    0x1c(%ebx),%eax                                
  10ffc5:   73 49                   jae    110010 <fat_free_fat_clusters_chain+0xa0>      
        rc = fat_get_fat_cluster(fs_info, cur_cln, &next_cln);                            
  10ffc7:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10ffcb:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10ffce:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10ffd2:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  10ffd5:   e8 76 fb ff ff          call   10fb50 <fat_get_fat_cluster>                   
        if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                                
  10ffda:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10ffdc:   74 c2                   je     10ffa0 <fat_free_fat_clusters_chain+0x30>      <== ALWAYS TAKEN
              if(fs_info->vol.free_cls != FAT_UNDEFINED_VALUE)                            
  10ffde:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ffe0:   8b 43 4c                mov    0x4c(%ebx),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ffe3:   83 f8 ff                cmp    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ffe6:   74 05                   je     10ffed <fat_free_fat_clusters_chain+0x7d>      <== NOT EXECUTED
                fs_info->vol.free_cls += freed_cls_cnt;                                   
  10ffe8:   01 f0                   add    %esi,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ffea:   89 43 4c                mov    %eax,0x4c(%ebx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ffed:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fff0:   89 55 d4                mov    %edx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fff3:   e8 f8 e8 ff ff          call   10e8f0 <fat_buf_release>                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fff8:   8b 45 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fffb:   83 c4 3c                add    $0x3c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fffe:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ffff:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  110000:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  110001:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  110002:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    int            rc = RC_OK, rc1 = RC_OK;                                               
  110003:   c7 45 d4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x2c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    uint32_t       freed_cls_cnt = 0;                                                     
  11000a:   31 f6                   xor    %esi,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11000c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
        fs_info->vol.next_cl = chain;                                                     
  110010:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  110013:   89 43 54                mov    %eax,0x54(%ebx)                                
        if (fs_info->vol.free_cls != FAT_UNDEFINED_VALUE)                                 
  110016:   8b 43 4c                mov    0x4c(%ebx),%eax                                
  110019:   83 f8 ff                cmp    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  11001c:   74 05                   je     110023 <fat_free_fat_clusters_chain+0xb3>      <== ALWAYS TAKEN
            fs_info->vol.free_cls += freed_cls_cnt;                                       
  11001e:   01 f0                   add    %esi,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  110020:   89 43 4c                mov    %eax,0x4c(%ebx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  110023:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  110026:   e8 c5 e8 ff ff          call   10e8f0 <fat_buf_release>                       
  11002b:   8b 45 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
  11002e:   83 c4 3c                add    $0x3c,%esp                                     
  110031:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  110032:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  110033:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  110034:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  110035:   c3                      ret                                                   
  110036:   90                      nop                                                   
  110037:   90                      nop                                                   
  110038:   90                      nop                                                   
  110039:   90                      nop                                                   
  11003a:   90                      nop                                                   
  11003b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11003c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11003d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11003e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11003f:   90                      nop                                                   

0010fb00 <fat_free_unique_ino>: void fat_free_unique_ino( fat_fs_info_t *fs_info, uint32_t ino ) {
  10fb00:   55                      push   %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fb01:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fb03:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    FAT_SET_UNIQ_INO_FREE((ino - fs_info->uino_base), fs_info->uino);                     
  10fb06:   8b 4d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ecx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fb09:   8b 90 90 00 00 00       mov    0x90(%eax),%edx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fb0f:   29 d1                   sub    %edx,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fb11:   89 ca                   mov    %ecx,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fb13:   83 e1 07                and    $0x7,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fb16:   c1 ea 03                shr    $0x3,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fb19:   03 90 84 00 00 00       add    0x84(%eax),%edx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fb1f:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fb24:   d3 e0                   shl    %cl,%eax                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fb26:   f6 d0                   not    %al                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fb28:   20 02                   and    %al,(%edx)                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fb2a:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fb2b:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fb2c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fb2d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fb2e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fb2f:   90                      nop                                                   

0010fb50 <fat_get_fat_cluster>: fat_get_fat_cluster( fat_fs_info_t *fs_info, uint32_t cln, uint32_t *ret_val ) {
  10fb50:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  10fb51:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10fb53:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  10fb54:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  10fb55:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  10fb56:   83 ec 3c                sub    $0x3c,%esp                                     
    uint8_t                *sec_buf;                                                      
    uint32_t                sec = 0;                                                      
    uint32_t                ofs = 0;                                                      
    /* sanity check */                                                                    
    if ( (cln < 2) || (cln > (fs_info->vol.data_cls + 1)) )                               
  10fb59:   83 7d 0c 01             cmpl   $0x1,0xc(%ebp)                                 
  10fb5d:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
    if ( (cln < 2) || (cln > (fs_info->vol.data_cls + 1)) )                               
  10fb60:   76 71                   jbe    10fbd3 <fat_get_fat_cluster+0x83>              <== NEVER TAKEN
  10fb62:   8b 43 40                mov    0x40(%ebx),%eax                                
  10fb65:   40                      inc    %eax                                           
  10fb66:   3b 45 0c                cmp    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10fb69:   72 68                   jb     10fbd3 <fat_get_fat_cluster+0x83>              <== NEVER TAKEN
    sec = (FAT_FAT_OFFSET(fs_info->vol.type, cln) >> fs_info->vol.sec_log2) +             
  10fb6b:   0f b6 43 16             movzbl 0x16(%ebx),%eax                                
  10fb6f:   8b 73 60                mov    0x60(%ebx),%esi                                
    sec = (FAT_FAT_OFFSET(fs_info->vol.type, cln) >> fs_info->vol.sec_log2) +             
  10fb72:   0f b6 4b 02             movzbl 0x2(%ebx),%ecx                                 
  10fb76:   88 c2                   mov    %al,%dl                                        
  10fb78:   80 e2 01                and    $0x1,%dl                                       
  10fb7b:   75 73                   jne    10fbf0 <fat_get_fat_cluster+0xa0>              
  10fb7d:   24 02                   and    $0x2,%al                                       
  10fb7f:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10fb82:   0f 84 88 00 00 00       je     10fc10 <fat_get_fat_cluster+0xc0>              
  10fb88:   8d 3c 00                lea    (%eax,%eax,1),%edi                             
  10fb8b:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  10fb8d:   d3 e8                   shr    %cl,%eax                                       
  10fb8f:   01 f0                   add    %esi,%eax                                      
  10fb91:   89 45 d4                mov    %eax,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
    ofs = FAT_FAT_OFFSET(fs_info->vol.type, cln) & (fs_info->vol.bps - 1);                
    rc = fat_buf_access(fs_info, sec, FAT_OP_TYPE_READ, &sec_buf);                        
  10fb94:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
    ofs = FAT_FAT_OFFSET(fs_info->vol.type, cln) & (fs_info->vol.bps - 1);                
  10fb97:   0f b7 33                movzwl (%ebx),%esi                                    
    rc = fat_buf_access(fs_info, sec, FAT_OP_TYPE_READ, &sec_buf);                        
  10fb9a:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  10fb9e:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  10fba3:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10fba7:   8b 45 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10fbaa:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  10fbad:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10fbb1:   e8 6a ec ff ff          call   10e820 <fat_buf_access>                        
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  10fbb6:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    rc = fat_buf_access(fs_info, sec, FAT_OP_TYPE_READ, &sec_buf);                        
  10fbb8:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  10fbba:   75 27                   jne    10fbe3 <fat_get_fat_cluster+0x93>              <== NEVER TAKEN
        return rc;                                                                        
    switch ( fs_info->vol.type )                                                          
  10fbbc:   0f b6 43 16             movzbl 0x16(%ebx),%eax                                
    ofs = FAT_FAT_OFFSET(fs_info->vol.type, cln) & (fs_info->vol.bps - 1);                
  10fbc0:   4e                      dec    %esi                                           
  10fbc1:   21 f7                   and    %esi,%edi                                      
    switch ( fs_info->vol.type )                                                          
  10fbc3:   3c 02                   cmp    $0x2,%al                                       
  10fbc5:   74 69                   je     10fc30 <fat_get_fat_cluster+0xe0>              
  10fbc7:   3c 04                   cmp    $0x4,%al                                       
  10fbc9:   0f 84 c1 00 00 00       je     10fc90 <fat_get_fat_cluster+0x140>             
  10fbcf:   fe c8                   dec    %al                                            
  10fbd1:   74 7d                   je     10fc50 <fat_get_fat_cluster+0x100>             <== ALWAYS TAKEN
            *ret_val = *((uint32_t   *)(sec_buf + ofs));                                  
            *ret_val = CF_LE_L(*ret_val);                                                 
  10fbd3:   e8 c8 6c 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fbd8:   ba ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fbdd:   c7 00 05 00 00 00       movl   $0x5,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    return RC_OK;                                                                         
  10fbe3:   83 c4 3c                add    $0x3c,%esp                                     
  10fbe6:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
  10fbe8:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10fbe9:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10fbea:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  10fbeb:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10fbec:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10fbed:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    sec = (FAT_FAT_OFFSET(fs_info->vol.type, cln) >> fs_info->vol.sec_log2) +             
  10fbf0:   8b 7d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edi                                 
  10fbf3:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10fbf6:   d1 ef                   shr    %edi                                           
  10fbf8:   01 c7                   add    %eax,%edi                                      
  10fbfa:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  10fbfc:   d3 e8                   shr    %cl,%eax                                       
  10fbfe:   01 f0                   add    %esi,%eax                                      
  10fc00:   89 45 d4                mov    %eax,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
    ofs = FAT_FAT_OFFSET(fs_info->vol.type, cln) & (fs_info->vol.bps - 1);                
  10fc03:   eb 8f                   jmp    10fb94 <fat_get_fat_cluster+0x44>              
  10fc05:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10fc0c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    sec = (FAT_FAT_OFFSET(fs_info->vol.type, cln) >> fs_info->vol.sec_log2) +             
  10fc10:   8d 3c 85 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(,%eax,4),%edi                              
  10fc17:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  10fc19:   d3 e8                   shr    %cl,%eax                                       
  10fc1b:   01 f0                   add    %esi,%eax                                      
  10fc1d:   89 45 d4                mov    %eax,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
    ofs = FAT_FAT_OFFSET(fs_info->vol.type, cln) & (fs_info->vol.bps - 1);                
  10fc20:   e9 6f ff ff ff          jmp    10fb94 <fat_get_fat_cluster+0x44>              
  10fc25:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10fc2c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
            *ret_val = *((uint16_t   *)(sec_buf + ofs));                                  
  10fc30:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fc33:   8b 4d 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%ecx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fc36:   0f b7 04 38             movzwl (%eax,%edi,1),%eax                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fc3a:   89 01                   mov    %eax,(%ecx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fc3c:   83 c4 3c                add    $0x3c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fc3f:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fc41:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fc42:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fc43:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fc44:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fc45:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fc46:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fc4d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
            *ret_val = (*(sec_buf + ofs));                                                
  10fc50:   8b 4d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  10fc53:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  10fc56:   0f b6 34 39             movzbl (%ecx,%edi,1),%esi                             
  10fc5a:   89 30                   mov    %esi,(%eax)                                    
            if ( ofs == (fs_info->vol.bps - 1) )                                          
  10fc5c:   0f b7 03                movzwl (%ebx),%eax                                    
  10fc5f:   48                      dec    %eax                                           
  10fc60:   39 f8                   cmp    %edi,%eax                                      
  10fc62:   74 5c                   je     10fcc0 <fat_get_fat_cluster+0x170>             
                *ret_val |= *(sec_buf + ofs + 1) << 8;                                    
  10fc64:   0f b6 44 39 01          movzbl 0x1(%ecx,%edi,1),%eax                          
  10fc69:   c1 e0 08                shl    $0x8,%eax                                      
  10fc6c:   09 c6                   or     %eax,%esi                                      
            if ( FAT_CLUSTER_IS_ODD(cln) )                                                
  10fc6e:   f6 45 0c 01             testb  $0x1,0xc(%ebp)                                 
  10fc72:   74 3c                   je     10fcb0 <fat_get_fat_cluster+0x160>             
                *ret_val = (*ret_val) >> FAT12_SHIFT;                                     
  10fc74:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  10fc77:   c1 ee 04                shr    $0x4,%esi                                      
  10fc7a:   89 30                   mov    %esi,(%eax)                                    
  10fc7c:   e9 62 ff ff ff          jmp    10fbe3 <fat_get_fat_cluster+0x93>              
  10fc81:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10fc88:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10fc8f:   90                      nop                                                   
            *ret_val = *((uint32_t   *)(sec_buf + ofs));                                  
  10fc90:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10fc93:   8b 4d 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%ecx                                
  10fc96:   8b 04 38                mov    (%eax,%edi,1),%eax                             
  10fc99:   89 01                   mov    %eax,(%ecx)                                    
  10fc9b:   83 c4 3c                add    $0x3c,%esp                                     
  10fc9e:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
  10fca0:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10fca1:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10fca2:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  10fca3:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10fca4:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10fca5:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10fcac:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
                *ret_val = (*ret_val) & FAT_FAT12_MASK;                                   
  10fcb0:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  10fcb3:   81 e6 ff 0f 00 00       and    $0xfff,%esi                                    
  10fcb9:   89 30                   mov    %esi,(%eax)                                    
  10fcbb:   e9 23 ff ff ff          jmp    10fbe3 <fat_get_fat_cluster+0x93>              
                rc = fat_buf_access(fs_info, sec + 1, FAT_OP_TYPE_READ,                   
  10fcc0:   8b 75 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%esi                               
  10fcc3:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10fcc6:   b9 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ecx                                      
  10fccb:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  10fccf:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10fcd3:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  10fcd6:   89 55 d0                mov    %edx,-0x30(%ebp)                               
  10fcd9:   46                      inc    %esi                                           
  10fcda:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10fcde:   e8 3d eb ff ff          call   10e820 <fat_buf_access>                        
                if (rc != RC_OK)                                                          
  10fce3:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10fce5:   75 19                   jne    10fd00 <fat_get_fat_cluster+0x1b0>             <== NEVER TAKEN
                *ret_val |= *sec_buf << 8;                                                
  10fce7:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10fcea:   0f b6 30                movzbl (%eax),%esi                                    
  10fced:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  10fcf0:   c1 e6 08                shl    $0x8,%esi                                      
  10fcf3:   8b 10                   mov    (%eax),%edx                                    
  10fcf5:   09 d6                   or     %edx,%esi                                      
  10fcf7:   8b 55 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%edx                               
  10fcfa:   e9 6f ff ff ff          jmp    10fc6e <fat_get_fat_cluster+0x11e>             
  10fcff:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fd00:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fd02:   e9 dc fe ff ff          jmp    10fbe3 <fat_get_fat_cluster+0x93>              <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fd07:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fd08:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fd09:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fd0a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fd0b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fd0c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fd0d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fd0e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fd0f:   90                      nop                                                   

0010fa10 <fat_get_unique_ino>: * 0 means FAILED !!! * */ uint32_t fat_get_unique_ino(fat_fs_info_t *fs_info) {
  10fa10:   55                      push   %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa11:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa13:   57                      push   %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa14:   56                      push   %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa15:   53                      push   %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa16:   83 ec 2c                sub    $0x2c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa19:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    uint32_t                j = 0;                                                        
    bool                    resrc_unsuff = false;                                         
    while (!resrc_unsuff)                                                                 
        for (j = 0; j < fs_info->uino_pool_size; j++)                                     
  10fa1c:   8b be 8c 00 00 00       mov    0x8c(%esi),%edi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa22:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa24:   74 5e                   je     10fa84 <fat_get_unique_ino+0x74>               <== NOT EXECUTED
            if (!FAT_UNIQ_INO_IS_BUSY(fs_info->index, fs_info->uino))                     
  10fa26:   8b 86 84 00 00 00       mov    0x84(%esi),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
        for (j = 0; j < fs_info->uino_pool_size; j++)                                     
  10fa2c:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
            if (!FAT_UNIQ_INO_IS_BUSY(fs_info->index, fs_info->uino))                     
  10fa2e:   89 45 e4                mov    %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa31:   eb 18                   jmp    10fa4b <fat_get_unique_ino+0x3b>               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa33:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa3a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
                FAT_SET_UNIQ_INO_BUSY(fs_info->index, fs_info->uino);                     
                return (fs_info->uino_base + fs_info->index);                             
  10fa40:   89 86 88 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0x88(%esi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
        for (j = 0; j < fs_info->uino_pool_size; j++)                                     
  10fa46:   43                      inc    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa47:   39 fb                   cmp    %edi,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa49:   74 37                   je     10fa82 <fat_get_unique_ino+0x72>               <== NOT EXECUTED
            if (!FAT_UNIQ_INO_IS_BUSY(fs_info->index, fs_info->uino))                     
  10fa4b:   8b 86 88 00 00 00       mov    0x88(%esi),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa51:   8b 4d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%ecx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa54:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa56:   c1 ea 03                shr    $0x3,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa59:   01 ca                   add    %ecx,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa5b:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa5d:   89 55 e0                mov    %edx,-0x20(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa60:   0f be 12                movsbl (%edx),%edx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa63:   83 e1 07                and    $0x7,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa66:   88 55 df                mov    %dl,-0x21(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa69:   d3 fa                   sar    %cl,%edx                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa6b:   f6 c2 01                test   $0x1,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa6e:   74 60                   je     10fad0 <fat_get_unique_ino+0xc0>               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa70:   40                      inc    %eax                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
            if (fs_info->index >= fs_info->uino_pool_size)                                
  10fa71:   39 f8                   cmp    %edi,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa73:   72 cb                   jb     10fa40 <fat_get_unique_ino+0x30>               <== NOT EXECUTED
        for (j = 0; j < fs_info->uino_pool_size; j++)                                     
  10fa75:   43                      inc    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
                fs_info->index = 0;                                                       
  10fa76:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa78:   89 8e 88 00 00 00       mov    %ecx,0x88(%esi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
        for (j = 0; j < fs_info->uino_pool_size; j++)                                     
  10fa7e:   39 fb                   cmp    %edi,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa80:   75 c9                   jne    10fa4b <fat_get_unique_ino+0x3b>               <== NOT EXECUTED
        if ((fs_info->uino_pool_size << 1) < (0x0FFFFFFF - fs_info->uino_base))           
  10fa82:   01 ff                   add    %edi,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa84:   8b 96 90 00 00 00       mov    0x90(%esi),%edx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa8a:   b8 ff ff ff 0f          mov    $0xfffffff,%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa8f:   29 d0                   sub    %edx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa91:   39 f8                   cmp    %edi,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa93:   76 63                   jbe    10faf8 <fat_get_unique_ino+0xe8>               <== NOT EXECUTED
            fs_info->uino_pool_size <<= 1;                                                
  10fa95:   89 be 8c 00 00 00       mov    %edi,0x8c(%esi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
            fs_info->uino = realloc(fs_info->uino, fs_info->uino_pool_size);              
  10fa9b:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa9f:   8b 86 84 00 00 00       mov    0x84(%esi),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10faa5:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10faa8:   e8 b3 8c 00 00          call   118760 <realloc>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10faad:   89 86 84 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0x84(%esi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
            if (fs_info->uino != NULL)                                                    
  10fab3:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fab5:   74 41                   je     10faf8 <fat_get_unique_ino+0xe8>               <== NOT EXECUTED
                fs_info->index = fs_info->uino_pool_size;                                 
  10fab7:   8b be 8c 00 00 00       mov    0x8c(%esi),%edi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fabd:   89 be 88 00 00 00       mov    %edi,0x88(%esi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fac3:   e9 5a ff ff ff          jmp    10fa22 <fat_get_unique_ino+0x12>               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fac8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10facf:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
                FAT_SET_UNIQ_INO_BUSY(fs_info->index, fs_info->uino);                     
  10fad0:   0f b6 5d df             movzbl -0x21(%ebp),%ebx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fad4:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fad9:   d3 e0                   shl    %cl,%eax                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fadb:   08 d8                   or     %bl,%al                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fadd:   8b 5d e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%ebx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fae0:   88 03                   mov    %al,(%ebx)                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
                return (fs_info->uino_base + fs_info->index);                             
  10fae2:   8b 86 88 00 00 00       mov    0x88(%esi),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fae8:   8b be 90 00 00 00       mov    0x90(%esi),%edi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10faee:   01 f8                   add    %edi,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
            resrc_unsuff = true;                                                          
    return 0;                                                                             
  10faf0:   83 c4 2c                add    $0x2c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  10faf3:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10faf4:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10faf5:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10faf6:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10faf7:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    return 0;                                                                             
  10faf8:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fafa:   eb f4                   jmp    10faf0 <fat_get_unique_ino+0xe0>               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fafc:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fafd:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fafe:   90                      nop                                                   
  10faff:   90                      nop                                                   

0010f980 <fat_init_clusters_chain>: int fat_init_clusters_chain( fat_fs_info_t *fs_info, uint32_t start_cln ) {
  10f980:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  10f981:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10f983:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  10f984:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
        if ( ret != fs_info->vol.bpc )                                                    
            return -1;                                                                    
        rc  = fat_get_fat_cluster(fs_info, cur_cln, &cur_cln);                            
  10f985:   8d 75 f4                lea    -0xc(%ebp),%esi                                
  10f988:   83 ec 30                sub    $0x30,%esp                                     
  10f98b:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10f98e:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
    uint32_t                cur_cln = start_cln;                                          
  10f991:   89 45 f4                mov    %eax,-0xc(%ebp)                                
    while ((cur_cln & fs_info->vol.mask) < fs_info->vol.eoc_val)                          
  10f994:   eb 48                   jmp    10f9de <fat_init_clusters_chain+0x5e>          
  10f996:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10f99d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
        ret = fat_cluster_set(fs_info, cur_cln, 0, fs_info->vol.bpc, 0);                  
  10f9a0:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f9a2:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f9a4:   89 54 24 10             mov    %edx,0x10(%esp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f9a8:   8b 53 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%edx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f9ab:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f9af:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f9b3:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f9b6:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f9ba:   e8 31 f2 ff ff          call   10ebf0 <fat_cluster_set>                       <== NOT EXECUTED
        if ( ret != fs_info->vol.bpc )                                                    
  10f9bf:   39 43 08                cmp    %eax,0x8(%ebx)                                 
  10f9c2:   75 3c                   jne    10fa00 <fat_init_clusters_chain+0x80>          <== NEVER TAKEN
        rc  = fat_get_fat_cluster(fs_info, cur_cln, &cur_cln);                            
  10f9c4:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10f9c8:   8b 45 f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%eax                                
  10f9cb:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  10f9ce:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10f9d2:   e8 79 01 00 00          call   10fb50 <fat_get_fat_cluster>                   
        if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                                
  10f9d7:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10f9d9:   75 0f                   jne    10f9ea <fat_init_clusters_chain+0x6a>          <== NEVER TAKEN
    while ((cur_cln & fs_info->vol.mask) < fs_info->vol.eoc_val)                          
  10f9db:   8b 45 f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%eax                                
  10f9de:   8b 53 18                mov    0x18(%ebx),%edx                                
  10f9e1:   21 c2                   and    %eax,%edx                                      
  10f9e3:   3b 53 1c                cmp    0x1c(%ebx),%edx                                
  10f9e6:   72 b8                   jb     10f9a0 <fat_init_clusters_chain+0x20>          
            return rc;                                                                    
    return rc;                                                                            
  10f9e8:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10f9ea:   83 c4 30                add    $0x30,%esp                                     
  10f9ed:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10f9ee:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10f9ef:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10f9f0:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10f9f1:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10f9f8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10f9ff:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fa00:   83 c4 30                add    $0x30,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
            return -1;                                                                    
  10fa03:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa08:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa09:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa0a:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa0b:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fa0c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fa0d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fa0e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10fa0f:   90                      nop                                                   

0010efd0 <fat_init_volume_info>: * RC_OK on success, or -1 if error occured * and errno set appropriately */ int fat_init_volume_info(fat_fs_info_t *fs_info, const char *device) {
  10efd0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
    ssize_t             ret = 0;                                                          
    struct stat         stat_buf;                                                         
    int                 i = 0;                                                            
    rtems_bdbuf_buffer *block = NULL;                                                     
    vol->fd = open(device, O_RDWR);                                                       
  10efd1:   ba 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%edx                                      
  10efd6:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10efd8:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  10efd9:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  10efda:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  10efdb:   81 ec cc 00 00 00       sub    $0xcc,%esp                                     
    vol->fd = open(device, O_RDWR);                                                       
  10efe1:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10efe5:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
    rtems_bdbuf_buffer *block = NULL;                                                     
  10efe8:   c7 45 80 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x80(%ebp)                               
  10efef:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
    vol->fd = open(device, O_RDWR);                                                       
  10eff2:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10eff5:   e8 46 3b ff ff          call   102b40 <open>                                  
  10effa:   89 43 68                mov    %eax,0x68(%ebx)                                
    if (vol->fd < 0)                                                                      
  10effd:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10efff:   0f 88 e8 05 00 00       js     10f5ed <fat_init_volume_info+0x61d>            <== NEVER TAKEN
    rc = fstat(vol->fd, &stat_buf);                                                       
  10f005:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10f008:   8d 55 90                lea    -0x70(%ebp),%edx                               
  10f00b:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10f00f:   e8 fc 2c ff ff          call   101d10 <fstat>                                 
    if (rc != 0)                                                                          
  10f014:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10f016:   0f 85 c6 05 00 00       jne    10f5e2 <fat_init_volume_info+0x612>            <== NEVER TAKEN
    /* Must be a block device. */                                                         
    if (!S_ISBLK(stat_buf.st_mode))                                                       
  10f01c:   8b 45 a0                mov    -0x60(%ebp),%eax                               
  10f01f:   8b 53 68                mov    0x68(%ebx),%edx                                
    if (!S_ISBLK(stat_buf.st_mode))                                                       
  10f022:   25 00 f0 00 00          and    $0xf000,%eax                                   
  10f027:   3d 00 60 00 00          cmp    $0x6000,%eax                                   
  10f02c:   0f 85 d6 05 00 00       jne    10f608 <fat_init_volume_info+0x638>            <== NEVER TAKEN
  return ioctl(fd, RTEMS_BLKIO_GETDISKDEV, dd_ptr);                                       
  10f032:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    
    /* check that device is registred as block device and lock it */                      
    rc = rtems_disk_fd_get_disk_device(vol->fd, &vol->dd);                                
  10f035:   8d 43 6c                lea    0x6c(%ebx),%eax                                
  10f038:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10f03c:   b8 09 42 04 40          mov    $0x40044209,%eax                               
  10f041:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10f045:   e8 06 eb ff ff          call   10db50 <ioctl>                                 
  10f04a:   89 85 64 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x9c(%ebp)                               
    if (rc != 0) {                                                                        
  10f050:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10f052:   0f 85 8a 05 00 00       jne    10f5e2 <fat_init_volume_info+0x612>            <== NEVER TAKEN
    vol->dev = stat_buf.st_rdev;                                                          
  10f058:   8b 45 ac                mov    -0x54(%ebp),%eax                               
  10f05b:   8b 55 b0                mov    -0x50(%ebp),%edx                               
  10f05e:   89 43 70                mov    %eax,0x70(%ebx)                                
    /* Read boot record */                                                                
    /* FIXME: Asserts FAT_MAX_BPB_SIZE < bdbuf block size */                              
    sc = rtems_bdbuf_read( vol->dd, 0, &block);                                           
  10f061:   8d 45 80                lea    -0x80(%ebp),%eax                               
    vol->dev = stat_buf.st_rdev;                                                          
  10f064:   89 53 74                mov    %edx,0x74(%ebx)                                
    sc = rtems_bdbuf_read( vol->dd, 0, &block);                                           
  10f067:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10f06b:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10f06d:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10f071:   8b 43 6c                mov    0x6c(%ebx),%eax                                
  10f074:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10f077:   e8 b4 8f 00 00          call   118030 <rtems_bdbuf_read>                      
    if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)                                                           
  10f07c:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10f07e:   0f 85 a7 05 00 00       jne    10f62b <fat_init_volume_info+0x65b>            <== NEVER TAKEN
        rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EIO);                                       
    memcpy( boot_rec, block->buffer, FAT_MAX_BPB_SIZE);                                   
  10f084:   8b 55 80                mov    -0x80(%ebp),%edx                               
  10f087:   8b 42 1c                mov    0x1c(%edx),%eax                                
  10f08a:   0f b7 78 0e             movzwl 0xe(%eax),%edi                                 
  10f08e:   0f b6 48 0d             movzbl 0xd(%eax),%ecx                                 
  10f092:   0f b7 70 0b             movzwl 0xb(%eax),%esi                                 
  10f096:   89 bd 74 ff ff ff       mov    %edi,-0x8c(%ebp)                               
  10f09c:   0f b7 78 11             movzwl 0x11(%eax),%edi                                
  10f0a0:   88 8d 72 ff ff ff       mov    %cl,-0x8e(%ebp)                                
  10f0a6:   0f b6 48 10             movzbl 0x10(%eax),%ecx                                
  10f0aa:   89 bd 60 ff ff ff       mov    %edi,-0xa0(%ebp)                               
  10f0b0:   0f b7 78 13             movzwl 0x13(%eax),%edi                                
  10f0b4:   88 8d 73 ff ff ff       mov    %cl,-0x8d(%ebp)                                
  10f0ba:   0f b6 48 28             movzbl 0x28(%eax),%ecx                                
  10f0be:   89 bd 5c ff ff ff       mov    %edi,-0xa4(%ebp)                               
  10f0c4:   0f b7 78 16             movzwl 0x16(%eax),%edi                                
  10f0c8:   88 8d 71 ff ff ff       mov    %cl,-0x8f(%ebp)                                
  10f0ce:   89 bd 58 ff ff ff       mov    %edi,-0xa8(%ebp)                               
    vol->rdir_loc = vol->fat_loc + vol->fats * vol->fat_length;                           
    if ( (FAT_GET_BR_TOTAL_SECTORS_NUM16(boot_rec)) != 0)                                 
        vol->tot_secs = FAT_GET_BR_TOTAL_SECTORS_NUM16(boot_rec);                         
        vol->tot_secs = FAT_GET_BR_TOTAL_SECTORS_NUM32(boot_rec);                         
  10f0d4:   8b 78 20                mov    0x20(%eax),%edi                                
  10f0d7:   89 bd 68 ff ff ff       mov    %edi,-0x98(%ebp)                               
        vol->fat_length = FAT_GET_BR_SECTORS_PER_FAT32(boot_rec);                         
  10f0dd:   8b 78 24                mov    0x24(%eax),%edi                                
  10f0e0:   89 bd 6c ff ff ff       mov    %edi,-0x94(%ebp)                               
    if (vol->type == FAT_FAT32)                                                           
        vol->rdir_cl = FAT_GET_BR_FAT32_ROOT_CLUSTER(boot_rec);                           
  10f0e6:   8b 78 2c                mov    0x2c(%eax),%edi                                
  10f0e9:   0f b7 40 30             movzwl 0x30(%eax),%eax                                
    sc = rtems_bdbuf_release( block);                                                     
  10f0ed:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    
        vol->rdir_cl = FAT_GET_BR_FAT32_ROOT_CLUSTER(boot_rec);                           
  10f0f0:   89 bd 50 ff ff ff       mov    %edi,-0xb0(%ebp)                               
  10f0f6:   89 85 54 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xac(%ebp)                               
    sc = rtems_bdbuf_release( block);                                                     
  10f0fc:   e8 1f 91 00 00          call   118220 <rtems_bdbuf_release>                   
    if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)                                                           
  10f101:   0f b6 8d 72 ff ff ff    movzbl -0x8e(%ebp),%ecx                               
  10f108:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10f10a:   0f 85 1b 05 00 00       jne    10f62b <fat_init_volume_info+0x65b>            <== NEVER TAKEN
    vol->bps = FAT_GET_BR_BYTES_PER_SECTOR(boot_rec);                                     
  10f110:   66 89 33                mov    %si,(%ebx)                                     
         (vol->bps != 1024) &&                                                            
  10f113:   8d 86 00 f8 ff ff       lea    -0x800(%esi),%eax                              
         (vol->bps != 2048) &&                                                            
  10f119:   a9 ff f7 00 00          test   $0xf7ff,%eax                                   
  10f11e:   74 11                   je     10f131 <fat_init_volume_info+0x161>            <== NEVER TAKEN
    if ( (vol->bps != 512)  &&                                                            
  10f120:   8d 86 00 fe ff ff       lea    -0x200(%esi),%eax                              
         (vol->bps != 2048) &&                                                            
  10f126:   a9 ff fd 00 00          test   $0xfdff,%eax                                   
  10f12b:   0f 85 8b 04 00 00       jne    10f5bc <fat_init_volume_info+0x5ec>            <== NEVER TAKEN
    for (vol->sec_mul = 0, i = (vol->bps >> FAT_SECTOR512_BITS); (i & 1) == 0;            
  10f131:   c6 43 03 00             movb   $0x0,0x3(%ebx)                                 
  10f135:   89 f7                   mov    %esi,%edi                                      
  10f137:   c1 ef 09                shr    $0x9,%edi                                      
  10f13a:   f7 c6 00 02 00 00       test   $0x200,%esi                                    
  10f140:   75 1f                   jne    10f161 <fat_init_volume_info+0x191>            <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10f142:   b0 01                   mov    $0x1,%al                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f144:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f14b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f14f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
         i >>= 1, vol->sec_mul++);                                                        
  10f150:   d1 ff                   sar    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    for (vol->sec_mul = 0, i = (vol->bps >> FAT_SECTOR512_BITS); (i & 1) == 0;            
  10f152:   88 c2                   mov    %al,%dl                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f154:   fe c0                   inc    %al                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f156:   f7 c7 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f15c:   74 f2                   je     10f150 <fat_init_volume_info+0x180>            <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f15e:   88 53 03                mov    %dl,0x3(%ebx)                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    for (vol->sec_log2 = 0, i = vol->bps; (i & 1) == 0;                                   
  10f161:   c6 43 02 00             movb   $0x0,0x2(%ebx)                                 
  10f165:   f7 c6 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%esi                                      
  10f16b:   89 f7                   mov    %esi,%edi                                      
  10f16d:   75 22                   jne    10f191 <fat_init_volume_info+0x1c1>            <== NEVER TAKEN
  10f16f:   b0 01                   mov    $0x1,%al                                       
  10f171:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10f178:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10f17f:   90                      nop                                                   
         i >>= 1, vol->sec_log2++);                                                       
  10f180:   d1 ff                   sar    %edi                                           
    for (vol->sec_log2 = 0, i = vol->bps; (i & 1) == 0;                                   
  10f182:   88 c2                   mov    %al,%dl                                        
  10f184:   fe c0                   inc    %al                                            
  10f186:   f7 c7 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%edi                                      
  10f18c:   74 f2                   je     10f180 <fat_init_volume_info+0x1b0>            
  10f18e:   88 53 02                mov    %dl,0x2(%ebx)                                  
    sc = rtems_bdbuf_set_block_size (vol->dd, vol->bps, true);                            
  10f191:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10f195:   bf 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edi                                      
  10f19a:   89 7c 24 08             mov    %edi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10f19e:   88 8d 72 ff ff ff       mov    %cl,-0x8e(%ebp)                                
  10f1a4:   8b 43 6c                mov    0x6c(%ebx),%eax                                
  10f1a7:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10f1aa:   e8 e1 92 00 00          call   118490 <rtems_bdbuf_set_block_size>            
    if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)                                                           
  10f1af:   0f b6 8d 72 ff ff ff    movzbl -0x8e(%ebp),%ecx                               
  10f1b6:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10f1b8:   0f 85 fe 03 00 00       jne    10f5bc <fat_init_volume_info+0x5ec>            <== NEVER TAKEN
    vol->bytes_per_block_log2 = vol->sec_log2;                                            
  10f1be:   0f b6 43 02             movzbl 0x2(%ebx),%eax                                 
    if (vol->spc == 0)                                                                    
  10f1c2:   84 c9                   test   %cl,%cl                                        
    vol->sectors_per_block = 1;                                                           
  10f1c4:   c6 43 0d 01             movb   $0x1,0xd(%ebx)                                 
    vol->bytes_per_block = vol->bps;                                                      
  10f1c8:   0f b7 33                movzwl (%ebx),%esi                                    
    vol->spc = FAT_GET_BR_SECTORS_PER_CLUSTER(boot_rec);                                  
  10f1cb:   88 4b 04                mov    %cl,0x4(%ebx)                                  
    vol->bytes_per_block_log2 = vol->sec_log2;                                            
  10f1ce:   88 85 72 ff ff ff       mov    %al,-0x8e(%ebp)                                
    vol->bytes_per_block = vol->bps;                                                      
  10f1d4:   89 73 10                mov    %esi,0x10(%ebx)                                
    vol->bytes_per_block_log2 = vol->sec_log2;                                            
  10f1d7:   88 43 14                mov    %al,0x14(%ebx)                                 
    if (vol->spc == 0)                                                                    
  10f1da:   0f 84 dc 03 00 00       je     10f5bc <fat_init_volume_info+0x5ec>            <== NEVER TAKEN
    for (vol->spc_log2 = 0, i = vol->spc; (i & 1) == 0;                                   
  10f1e0:   c6 43 05 00             movb   $0x0,0x5(%ebx)                                 
  10f1e4:   0f b6 f9                movzbl %cl,%edi                                       
  10f1e7:   80 e1 01                and    $0x1,%cl                                       
  10f1ea:   89 fa                   mov    %edi,%edx                                      
  10f1ec:   0f 85 ae 03 00 00       jne    10f5a0 <fat_init_volume_info+0x5d0>            
  10f1f2:   b0 01                   mov    $0x1,%al                                       
  10f1f4:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10f1fb:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10f1ff:   90                      nop                                                   
         i >>= 1, vol->spc_log2++);                                                       
  10f200:   d1 fa                   sar    %edx                                           
    for (vol->spc_log2 = 0, i = vol->spc; (i & 1) == 0;                                   
  10f202:   88 c1                   mov    %al,%cl                                        
  10f204:   fe c0                   inc    %al                                            
  10f206:   f6 c2 01                test   $0x1,%dl                                       
  10f209:   74 f5                   je     10f200 <fat_init_volume_info+0x230>            
  10f20b:   88 4b 05                mov    %cl,0x5(%ebx)                                  
    if (vol->spc != UINT32_C(1) << vol->spc_log2)                                         
  10f20e:   ba 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edx                                      
  10f213:   0f b6 c1                movzbl %cl,%eax                                       
  10f216:   d3 e2                   shl    %cl,%edx                                       
  10f218:   39 d7                   cmp    %edx,%edi                                      
  10f21a:   0f 85 9c 03 00 00       jne    10f5bc <fat_init_volume_info+0x5ec>            <== NEVER TAKEN
    for (vol->bpc_log2 = 0, i = vol->bpc; (i & 1) == 0;                                   
  10f220:   c6 43 0c 00             movb   $0x0,0xc(%ebx)                                 
    vol->bpc = ((uint32_t) vol->bps) << vol->spc_log2;                                    
  10f224:   88 c1                   mov    %al,%cl                                        
  10f226:   89 f2                   mov    %esi,%edx                                      
  10f228:   d3 e2                   shl    %cl,%edx                                       
  10f22a:   89 53 08                mov    %edx,0x8(%ebx)                                 
    for (vol->bpc_log2 = 0, i = vol->bpc; (i & 1) == 0;                                   
  10f22d:   f6 c2 01                test   $0x1,%dl                                       
    vol->bpc = ((uint32_t) vol->bps) << vol->spc_log2;                                    
  10f230:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      
    for (vol->bpc_log2 = 0, i = vol->bpc; (i & 1) == 0;                                   
  10f232:   75 1a                   jne    10f24e <fat_init_volume_info+0x27e>            <== NEVER TAKEN
  10f234:   b0 01                   mov    $0x1,%al                                       
  10f236:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10f23d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
         i >>= 1, vol->bpc_log2++);                                                       
  10f240:   d1 f9                   sar    %ecx                                           
    for (vol->bpc_log2 = 0, i = vol->bpc; (i & 1) == 0;                                   
  10f242:   88 c2                   mov    %al,%dl                                        
  10f244:   fe c0                   inc    %al                                            
  10f246:   f6 c1 01                test   $0x1,%cl                                       
  10f249:   74 f5                   je     10f240 <fat_init_volume_info+0x270>            
  10f24b:   88 53 0c                mov    %dl,0xc(%ebx)                                  
    vol->fats = FAT_GET_BR_FAT_NUM(boot_rec);                                             
  10f24e:   0f b6 85 73 ff ff ff    movzbl -0x8d(%ebp),%eax                               
    vol->rdir_size = vol->rdir_secs << vol->sec_log2;                                     
  10f255:   0f b6 8d 72 ff ff ff    movzbl -0x8e(%ebp),%ecx                               
    vol->fats = FAT_GET_BR_FAT_NUM(boot_rec);                                             
  10f25c:   88 43 15                mov    %al,0x15(%ebx)                                 
    vol->fat_loc = FAT_GET_BR_RESERVED_SECTORS_NUM(boot_rec);                             
  10f25f:   8b 85 74 ff ff ff       mov    -0x8c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10f265:   66 89 43 20             mov    %ax,0x20(%ebx)                                 
    vol->rdir_entrs = FAT_GET_BR_FILES_PER_ROOT_DIR(boot_rec);                            
  10f269:   8b 85 60 ff ff ff       mov    -0xa0(%ebp),%eax                               
  10f26f:   66 89 43 2c             mov    %ax,0x2c(%ebx)                                 
    vol->rdir_secs = ((vol->rdir_entrs * FAT_DIRENTRY_SIZE) + (vol->bps - 1)) /           
  10f273:   c1 e0 05                shl    $0x5,%eax                                      
  10f276:   8d 44 06 ff             lea    -0x1(%esi,%eax,1),%eax                         
  10f27a:   99                      cltd                                                  
  10f27b:   f7 fe                   idiv   %esi                                           
    if ( (FAT_GET_BR_SECTORS_PER_FAT(boot_rec)) != 0)                                     
  10f27d:   8b b5 58 ff ff ff       mov    -0xa8(%ebp),%esi                               
    vol->rdir_secs = ((vol->rdir_entrs * FAT_DIRENTRY_SIZE) + (vol->bps - 1)) /           
  10f283:   89 43 30                mov    %eax,0x30(%ebx)                                
    vol->rdir_size = vol->rdir_secs << vol->sec_log2;                                     
  10f286:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  10f288:   d3 e2                   shl    %cl,%edx                                       
    if ( (FAT_GET_BR_SECTORS_PER_FAT(boot_rec)) != 0)                                     
  10f28a:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
    vol->rdir_size = vol->rdir_secs << vol->sec_log2;                                     
  10f28c:   89 53 34                mov    %edx,0x34(%ebx)                                
    if ( (FAT_GET_BR_SECTORS_PER_FAT(boot_rec)) != 0)                                     
  10f28f:   74 06                   je     10f297 <fat_init_volume_info+0x2c7>            
        vol->fat_length = FAT_GET_BR_SECTORS_PER_FAT(boot_rec);                           
  10f291:   89 b5 6c ff ff ff       mov    %esi,-0x94(%ebp)                               
  10f297:   8b b5 6c ff ff ff       mov    -0x94(%ebp),%esi                               
    vol->data_fsec = vol->fat_loc + vol->fats * vol->fat_length +                         
  10f29d:   0f b6 95 73 ff ff ff    movzbl -0x8d(%ebp),%edx                               
  10f2a4:   8b 8d 74 ff ff ff       mov    -0x8c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  10f2aa:   89 73 24                mov    %esi,0x24(%ebx)                                
  10f2ad:   0f af d6                imul   %esi,%edx                                      
  10f2b0:   01 ca                   add    %ecx,%edx                                      
    vol->rdir_loc = vol->fat_loc + vol->fats * vol->fat_length;                           
  10f2b2:   89 53 28                mov    %edx,0x28(%ebx)                                
    vol->data_fsec = vol->fat_loc + vol->fats * vol->fat_length +                         
  10f2b5:   8d 0c 10                lea    (%eax,%edx,1),%ecx                             
    if ( (FAT_GET_BR_TOTAL_SECTORS_NUM16(boot_rec)) != 0)                                 
  10f2b8:   8b 85 5c ff ff ff       mov    -0xa4(%ebp),%eax                               
    vol->data_fsec = vol->fat_loc + vol->fats * vol->fat_length +                         
  10f2be:   89 4b 3c                mov    %ecx,0x3c(%ebx)                                
    if ( (FAT_GET_BR_TOTAL_SECTORS_NUM16(boot_rec)) != 0)                                 
  10f2c1:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10f2c3:   74 06                   je     10f2cb <fat_init_volume_info+0x2fb>            
        vol->tot_secs = FAT_GET_BR_TOTAL_SECTORS_NUM16(boot_rec);                         
  10f2c5:   89 85 68 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x98(%ebp)                               
  10f2cb:   8b 85 68 ff ff ff       mov    -0x98(%ebp),%eax                               
    vol->data_cls = data_secs / vol->spc;                                                 
  10f2d1:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  10f2d3:   89 43 38                mov    %eax,0x38(%ebx)                                
    data_secs = vol->tot_secs - vol->data_fsec;                                           
  10f2d6:   29 c8                   sub    %ecx,%eax                                      
    vol->data_cls = data_secs / vol->spc;                                                 
  10f2d8:   f7 f7                   div    %edi                                           
  10f2da:   89 43 40                mov    %eax,0x40(%ebx)                                
    if ( vol->data_cls < FAT_FAT12_MAX_CLN)                                               
  10f2dd:   3d f4 0f 00 00          cmp    $0xff4,%eax                                    
  10f2e2:   0f 86 b8 01 00 00       jbe    10f4a0 <fat_init_volume_info+0x4d0>            
        if ( vol->data_cls < FAT_FAT16_MAX_CLN)                                           
  10f2e8:   3d f4 ff 00 00          cmp    $0xfff4,%eax                                   
  10f2ed:   0f 87 cd 01 00 00       ja     10f4c0 <fat_init_volume_info+0x4f0>            
            vol->type = FAT_FAT16;                                                        
  10f2f3:   c6 43 16 02             movb   $0x2,0x16(%ebx)                                
            vol->mask = FAT_FAT16_MASK;                                                   
  10f2f7:   c7 43 18 ff ff 00 00    movl   $0xffff,0x18(%ebx)                             
            vol->eoc_val = FAT_FAT16_EOC;                                                 
  10f2fe:   c7 43 1c f8 ff 00 00    movl   $0xfff8,0x1c(%ebx)                             
        vol->rdir_cl = 0;                                                                 
  10f305:   c7 43 44 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x44(%ebx)                                
        vol->mirror = 0;                                                                  
  10f30c:   c6 43 5c 00             movb   $0x0,0x5c(%ebx)                                
        vol->afat = 0;                                                                    
  10f310:   c6 43 64 00             movb   $0x0,0x64(%ebx)                                
        vol->free_cls = FAT_UNDEFINED_VALUE;                                              
  10f314:   c7 43 4c ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x4c(%ebx)                         
        vol->next_cl = FAT_UNDEFINED_VALUE;                                               
  10f31b:   c7 43 54 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x54(%ebx)                         
    if (fs_info->c.state == FAT_CACHE_EMPTY)                                              
  10f322:   80 bb 99 00 00 00 00    cmpb   $0x0,0x99(%ebx)                                
  10f329:   74 07                   je     10f332 <fat_init_volume_info+0x362>            
  10f32b:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  10f32d:   e8 5e f2 ff ff          call   10e590 <fat_buf_release.part.0>                
    vol->afat_loc = vol->fat_loc + vol->fat_length * vol->afat;                           
  10f332:   8b 53 24                mov    0x24(%ebx),%edx                                
    /* set up collection of fat-files fd */                                               
    fs_info->vhash = calloc(FAT_HASH_SIZE, sizeof(rtems_chain_control));                  
  10f335:   b9 0c 00 00 00          mov    $0xc,%ecx                                      
    vol->afat_loc = vol->fat_loc + vol->fat_length * vol->afat;                           
  10f33a:   0f b6 43 64             movzbl 0x64(%ebx),%eax                                
  10f33e:   0f af c2                imul   %edx,%eax                                      
  10f341:   0f b7 53 20             movzwl 0x20(%ebx),%edx                                
  10f345:   01 d0                   add    %edx,%eax                                      
  10f347:   89 43 60                mov    %eax,0x60(%ebx)                                
    fs_info->vhash = calloc(FAT_HASH_SIZE, sizeof(rtems_chain_control));                  
  10f34a:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10f34e:   c7 04 24 02 00 00 00    movl   $0x2,(%esp)                                    
  10f355:   e8 66 e5 ff ff          call   10d8c0 <calloc>                                
  10f35a:   89 43 7c                mov    %eax,0x7c(%ebx)                                
    if ( fs_info->vhash == NULL )                                                         
  10f35d:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10f35f:   0f 84 92 03 00 00       je     10f6f7 <fat_init_volume_info+0x727>            <== NEVER TAKEN
  head->previous = NULL;                                                                  
  10f365:   c7 40 04 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x4(%eax)                                 
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  10f36c:   8d 50 04                lea    0x4(%eax),%edx                                 
  10f36f:   89 10                   mov    %edx,(%eax)                                    
  10f371:   8d 48 10                lea    0x10(%eax),%ecx                                
  tail->previous = head;                                                                  
  10f374:   89 40 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%eax)                                 
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  10f377:   8d 50 0c                lea    0xc(%eax),%edx                                 
  10f37a:   89 48 0c                mov    %ecx,0xc(%eax)                                 
  head->previous = NULL;                                                                  
  10f37d:   c7 40 10 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x10(%eax)                                
  return &the_chain->Head.Node;                                                           
  10f384:   89 50 14                mov    %edx,0x14(%eax)                                
    for (i = 0; i < FAT_HASH_SIZE; i++)                                                   
        rtems_chain_initialize_empty(fs_info->vhash + i);                                 
    fs_info->rhash = calloc(FAT_HASH_SIZE, sizeof(rtems_chain_control));                  
  10f387:   b8 0c 00 00 00          mov    $0xc,%eax                                      
  10f38c:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10f390:   c7 04 24 02 00 00 00    movl   $0x2,(%esp)                                    
  10f397:   e8 24 e5 ff ff          call   10d8c0 <calloc>                                
  10f39c:   89 83 80 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0x80(%ebx)                                
    if ( fs_info->rhash == NULL )                                                         
  10f3a2:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10f3a4:   0f 84 d2 02 00 00       je     10f67c <fat_init_volume_info+0x6ac>            <== NEVER TAKEN
  head->previous = NULL;                                                                  
  10f3aa:   c7 40 04 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x4(%eax)                                 
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  10f3b1:   8d 50 04                lea    0x4(%eax),%edx                                 
    for (i = 0; i < FAT_HASH_SIZE; i++)                                                   
        rtems_chain_initialize_empty(fs_info->rhash + i);                                 
    fs_info->uino_pool_size = FAT_UINO_POOL_INIT_SIZE;                                    
    fs_info->uino_base = (vol->tot_secs << vol->sec_mul) << 4;                            
    fs_info->index = 0;                                                                   
  10f3b4:   31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi                                      
  10f3b6:   89 10                   mov    %edx,(%eax)                                    
  10f3b8:   8d 48 10                lea    0x10(%eax),%ecx                                
    fs_info->uino_pool_size = FAT_UINO_POOL_INIT_SIZE;                                    
  10f3bb:   be 00 01 00 00          mov    $0x100,%esi                                    
  10f3c0:   89 48 0c                mov    %ecx,0xc(%eax)                                 
  10f3c3:   8d 50 0c                lea    0xc(%eax),%edx                                 
    fs_info->uino_base = (vol->tot_secs << vol->sec_mul) << 4;                            
  10f3c6:   0f b6 4b 03             movzbl 0x3(%ebx),%ecx                                 
  tail->previous = head;                                                                  
  10f3ca:   89 40 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%eax)                                 
  head->previous = NULL;                                                                  
  10f3cd:   c7 40 10 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x10(%eax)                                
  return &the_chain->Head.Node;                                                           
  10f3d4:   89 50 14                mov    %edx,0x14(%eax)                                
  10f3d7:   8b 43 38                mov    0x38(%ebx),%eax                                
    fs_info->uino_pool_size = FAT_UINO_POOL_INIT_SIZE;                                    
  10f3da:   89 b3 8c 00 00 00       mov    %esi,0x8c(%ebx)                                
    fs_info->index = 0;                                                                   
  10f3e0:   89 bb 88 00 00 00       mov    %edi,0x88(%ebx)                                
    fs_info->uino_base = (vol->tot_secs << vol->sec_mul) << 4;                            
  10f3e6:   d3 e0                   shl    %cl,%eax                                       
  10f3e8:   c1 e0 04                shl    $0x4,%eax                                      
  10f3eb:   89 83 90 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0x90(%ebx)                                
    fs_info->uino = (char *)calloc(fs_info->uino_pool_size, sizeof(char));                
  10f3f1:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  10f3f6:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10f3fa:   c7 04 24 00 01 00 00    movl   $0x100,(%esp)                                  
  10f401:   e8 ba e4 ff ff          call   10d8c0 <calloc>                                
  10f406:   89 83 84 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0x84(%ebx)                                
    if ( fs_info->uino == NULL )                                                          
  10f40c:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10f40e:   0f 84 c5 02 00 00       je     10f6d9 <fat_init_volume_info+0x709>            <== NEVER TAKEN
        rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( ENOMEM );                                   
    fs_info->sec_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(vol->bps, sizeof(uint8_t));                      
  10f414:   b9 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ecx                                      
  10f419:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10f41d:   0f b7 03                movzwl (%ebx),%eax                                    
  10f420:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10f423:   e8 98 e4 ff ff          call   10d8c0 <calloc>                                
  10f428:   89 83 a0 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0xa0(%ebx)                                
    if (fs_info->sec_buf == NULL)                                                         
  10f42e:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10f430:   0f 84 77 02 00 00       je     10f6ad <fat_init_volume_info+0x6dd>            <== NEVER TAKEN
    return (sec_num & (vol->spc - 1)) == 0;                                               
  10f436:   0f b6 43 04             movzbl 0x4(%ebx),%eax                                 
  10f43a:   48                      dec    %eax                                           
  10f43b:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  10f43d:   23 53 3c                and    0x3c(%ebx),%edx                                
     * If possible we will use the cluster size as bdbuf block size for faster            
     * file access. This requires that certain sectors are aligned to cluster             
     * borders.                                                                           
    if (is_cluster_aligned(vol, vol->data_fsec)                                           
  10f440:   75 3e                   jne    10f480 <fat_init_volume_info+0x4b0>            <== NEVER TAKEN
        && (FAT_FAT32 == vol->type || is_cluster_aligned(vol, vol->rdir_loc)))            
  10f442:   80 7b 16 04             cmpb   $0x4,0x16(%ebx)                                
  10f446:   74 05                   je     10f44d <fat_init_volume_info+0x47d>            
    return (sec_num & (vol->spc - 1)) == 0;                                               
  10f448:   23 43 28                and    0x28(%ebx),%eax                                
        && (FAT_FAT32 == vol->type || is_cluster_aligned(vol, vol->rdir_loc)))            
  10f44b:   75 33                   jne    10f480 <fat_init_volume_info+0x4b0>            <== NEVER TAKEN
        sc = rtems_bdbuf_set_block_size (vol->dd, vol->bpc, true);                        
  10f44d:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  10f452:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10f456:   8b 43 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%eax                                 
  10f459:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10f45d:   8b 43 6c                mov    0x6c(%ebx),%eax                                
  10f460:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10f463:   e8 28 90 00 00          call   118490 <rtems_bdbuf_set_block_size>            
        if (sc == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)                                                       
  10f468:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10f46a:   75 14                   jne    10f480 <fat_init_volume_info+0x4b0>            
            vol->bytes_per_block = vol->bpc;                                              
  10f46c:   8b 43 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%eax                                 
  10f46f:   89 43 10                mov    %eax,0x10(%ebx)                                
            vol->bytes_per_block_log2 = vol->bpc_log2;                                    
  10f472:   0f b6 43 0c             movzbl 0xc(%ebx),%eax                                 
  10f476:   88 43 14                mov    %al,0x14(%ebx)                                 
            vol->sectors_per_block = vol->spc;                                            
  10f479:   0f b6 43 04             movzbl 0x4(%ebx),%eax                                 
  10f47d:   88 43 0d                mov    %al,0xd(%ebx)                                  
    return RC_OK;                                                                         
  10f480:   8b 85 64 ff ff ff       mov    -0x9c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10f486:   81 c4 cc 00 00 00       add    $0xcc,%esp                                     
  10f48c:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10f48d:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10f48e:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  10f48f:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10f490:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10f491:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10f498:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10f49f:   90                      nop                                                   
        vol->type = FAT_FAT12;                                                            
  10f4a0:   c6 43 16 01             movb   $0x1,0x16(%ebx)                                
        vol->mask = FAT_FAT12_MASK;                                                       
  10f4a4:   c7 43 18 ff 0f 00 00    movl   $0xfff,0x18(%ebx)                              
        vol->eoc_val = FAT_FAT12_EOC;                                                     
  10f4ab:   c7 43 1c f8 0f 00 00    movl   $0xff8,0x1c(%ebx)                              
  10f4b2:   e9 4e fe ff ff          jmp    10f305 <fat_init_volume_info+0x335>            
  10f4b7:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10f4be:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
        else if ( vol->data_cls < FAT_FAT32_MASK - 1 )                                    
  10f4c0:   3d fd ff ff 0f          cmp    $0xffffffd,%eax                                
  10f4c5:   0f 87 f1 00 00 00       ja     10f5bc <fat_init_volume_info+0x5ec>            <== NEVER TAKEN
            vol->type = FAT_FAT32;                                                        
  10f4cb:   c6 43 16 04             movb   $0x4,0x16(%ebx)                                
        vol->mirror = FAT_GET_BR_EXT_FLAGS(boot_rec) & FAT_BR_EXT_FLAGS_MIRROR;           
  10f4cf:   0f b6 8d 71 ff ff ff    movzbl -0x8f(%ebp),%ecx                               
            vol->mask = FAT_FAT32_MASK;                                                   
  10f4d6:   c7 43 18 ff ff ff 0f    movl   $0xfffffff,0x18(%ebx)                          
        vol->rdir_cl = FAT_GET_BR_FAT32_ROOT_CLUSTER(boot_rec);                           
  10f4dd:   8b 85 50 ff ff ff       mov    -0xb0(%ebp),%eax                               
            vol->eoc_val = FAT_FAT32_EOC;                                                 
  10f4e3:   c7 43 1c f8 ff ff 0f    movl   $0xffffff8,0x1c(%ebx)                          
            vol->afat = 0;                                                                
  10f4ea:   88 ca                   mov    %cl,%dl                                        
        vol->rdir_cl = FAT_GET_BR_FAT32_ROOT_CLUSTER(boot_rec);                           
  10f4ec:   89 43 44                mov    %eax,0x44(%ebx)                                
            vol->afat = 0;                                                                
  10f4ef:   c0 fa 07                sar    $0x7,%dl                                       
        vol->mirror = FAT_GET_BR_EXT_FLAGS(boot_rec) & FAT_BR_EXT_FLAGS_MIRROR;           
  10f4f2:   88 c8                   mov    %cl,%al                                        
  10f4f4:   24 80                   and    $0x80,%al                                      
  10f4f6:   88 43 5c                mov    %al,0x5c(%ebx)                                 
            vol->afat = 0;                                                                
  10f4f9:   88 c8                   mov    %cl,%al                                        
  10f4fb:   24 0f                   and    $0xf,%al                                       
  10f4fd:   20 d0                   and    %dl,%al                                        
  10f4ff:   88 43 64                mov    %al,0x64(%ebx)                                 
        vol->info_sec = FAT_GET_BR_FAT32_FS_INFO_SECTOR(boot_rec);                        
  10f502:   8b 85 54 ff ff ff       mov    -0xac(%ebp),%eax                               
  10f508:   66 89 43 48             mov    %ax,0x48(%ebx)                                 
        if( vol->info_sec == 0 )                                                          
  10f50c:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10f50e:   0f 84 a8 00 00 00       je     10f5bc <fat_init_volume_info+0x5ec>            <== NEVER TAKEN
            ret = _fat_block_read(fs_info, vol->info_sec , 0,                             
  10f514:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  10f517:   8d 75 84                lea    -0x7c(%ebp),%esi                               
  10f51a:   b8 04 00 00 00          mov    $0x4,%eax                                      
  10f51f:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  10f523:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10f525:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10f529:   8b 85 54 ff ff ff       mov    -0xac(%ebp),%eax                               
  10f52f:   89 74 24 10             mov    %esi,0x10(%esp)                                
  10f533:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10f537:   e8 e4 f3 ff ff          call   10e920 <_fat_block_read>                       
            if ( ret < 0 )                                                                
  10f53c:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10f53e:   0f 88 1d 01 00 00       js     10f661 <fat_init_volume_info+0x691>            <== NEVER TAKEN
            if (FAT_GET_FSINFO_LEAD_SIGNATURE(fs_info_sector) !=                          
  10f544:   81 7d 84 52 52 61 41    cmpl   $0x41615252,-0x7c(%ebp)                        
  10f54b:   75 5f                   jne    10f5ac <fat_init_volume_info+0x5dc>            <== NEVER TAKEN
                ret = _fat_block_read(fs_info, vol->info_sec , FAT_FSI_INFO,              
  10f54d:   89 74 24 10             mov    %esi,0x10(%esp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f551:   bf e4 01 00 00          mov    $0x1e4,%edi                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f556:   be 0c 00 00 00          mov    $0xc,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f55b:   89 74 24 0c             mov    %esi,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f55f:   89 7c 24 08             mov    %edi,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f563:   0f b7 43 48             movzwl 0x48(%ebx),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f567:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f56a:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f56e:   e8 ad f3 ff ff          call   10e920 <_fat_block_read>                       <== NOT EXECUTED
                if ( ret < 0 )                                                            
  10f573:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10f575:   0f 88 d6 00 00 00       js     10f651 <fat_init_volume_info+0x681>            <== NEVER TAKEN
  10f57b:   8b 45 88                mov    -0x78(%ebp),%eax                               
                vol->free_cls_in_fs_info =                                                
  10f57e:   89 43 50                mov    %eax,0x50(%ebx)                                
                vol->free_cls = vol->free_cls_in_fs_info;                                 
  10f581:   89 43 4c                mov    %eax,0x4c(%ebx)                                
  10f584:   8b 45 8c                mov    -0x74(%ebp),%eax                               
                vol->next_cl_in_fs_info =                                                 
  10f587:   89 43 58                mov    %eax,0x58(%ebx)                                
                vol->next_cl = vol->next_cl_in_fs_info;                                   
  10f58a:   89 43 54                mov    %eax,0x54(%ebx)                                
  10f58d:   e9 90 fd ff ff          jmp    10f322 <fat_init_volume_info+0x352>            
  10f592:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10f599:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    for (vol->spc_log2 = 0, i = vol->spc; (i & 1) == 0;                                   
  10f5a0:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10f5a2:   ba 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edx                                      
  10f5a7:   e9 6c fc ff ff          jmp    10f218 <fat_init_volume_info+0x248>            
    if (fs_info->c.state == FAT_CACHE_EMPTY)                                              
  10f5ac:   80 bb 99 00 00 00 00    cmpb   $0x0,0x99(%ebx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f5b3:   74 07                   je     10f5bc <fat_init_volume_info+0x5ec>            <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f5b5:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f5b7:   e8 d4 ef ff ff          call   10e590 <fat_buf_release.part.0>                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f5bc:   8b 43 68                mov    0x68(%ebx),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f5bf:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f5c2:   e8 e9 24 ff ff          call   101ab0 <close>                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
                rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                           
  10f5c7:   e8 d4 72 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f5cc:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f5d2:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f5d7:   89 85 64 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x9c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f5dd:   e9 9e fe ff ff          jmp    10f480 <fat_init_volume_info+0x4b0>            <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f5e2:   8b 43 68                mov    0x68(%ebx),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f5e5:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f5e8:   e8 c3 24 ff ff          call   101ab0 <close>                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f5ed:   e8 ae 72 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f5f2:   c7 00 06 00 00 00       movl   $0x6,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f5f8:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f5fd:   89 85 64 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x9c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f603:   e9 78 fe ff ff          jmp    10f480 <fat_init_volume_info+0x4b0>            <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f608:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f60b:   e8 a0 24 ff ff          call   101ab0 <close>                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f610:   e8 8b 72 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f615:   c7 00 06 00 00 00       movl   $0x6,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f61b:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f620:   89 85 64 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x9c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f626:   e9 55 fe ff ff          jmp    10f480 <fat_init_volume_info+0x4b0>            <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f62b:   8b 43 68                mov    0x68(%ebx),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f62e:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f631:   e8 7a 24 ff ff          call   101ab0 <close>                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
        rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EIO );                                      
  10f636:   e8 65 72 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f63b:   c7 00 05 00 00 00       movl   $0x5,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f641:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f646:   89 85 64 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x9c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f64c:   e9 2f fe ff ff          jmp    10f480 <fat_init_volume_info+0x4b0>            <== NOT EXECUTED
    if (fs_info->c.state == FAT_CACHE_EMPTY)                                              
  10f651:   80 bb 99 00 00 00 00    cmpb   $0x0,0x99(%ebx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f658:   74 07                   je     10f661 <fat_init_volume_info+0x691>            <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f65a:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f65c:   e8 2f ef ff ff          call   10e590 <fat_buf_release.part.0>                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f661:   8b 43 68                mov    0x68(%ebx),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
                    return -1;                                                            
  10f664:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f669:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f66c:   e8 3f 24 ff ff          call   101ab0 <close>                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
                    return -1;                                                            
  10f671:   89 9d 64 ff ff ff       mov    %ebx,-0x9c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f677:   e9 04 fe ff ff          jmp    10f480 <fat_init_volume_info+0x4b0>            <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f67c:   8b 43 68                mov    0x68(%ebx),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f67f:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f682:   e8 29 24 ff ff          call   101ab0 <close>                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f687:   8b 43 7c                mov    0x7c(%ebx),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f68a:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f68d:   e8 be 25 ff ff          call   101c50 <free>                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
        rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( ENOMEM );                                   
  10f692:   e8 09 72 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f697:   ba ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f69c:   c7 00 0c 00 00 00       movl   $0xc,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6a2:   89 95 64 ff ff ff       mov    %edx,-0x9c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6a8:   e9 d3 fd ff ff          jmp    10f480 <fat_init_volume_info+0x4b0>            <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6ad:   8b 43 68                mov    0x68(%ebx),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6b0:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6b3:   e8 f8 23 ff ff          call   101ab0 <close>                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6b8:   8b 43 7c                mov    0x7c(%ebx),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6bb:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6be:   e8 8d 25 ff ff          call   101c50 <free>                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6c3:   8b 83 80 00 00 00       mov    0x80(%ebx),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6c9:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6cc:   e8 7f 25 ff ff          call   101c50 <free>                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6d1:   8b 83 84 00 00 00       mov    0x84(%ebx),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6d7:   eb b1                   jmp    10f68a <fat_init_volume_info+0x6ba>            <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6d9:   8b 43 68                mov    0x68(%ebx),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6dc:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6df:   e8 cc 23 ff ff          call   101ab0 <close>                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6e4:   8b 43 7c                mov    0x7c(%ebx),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6e7:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6ea:   e8 61 25 ff ff          call   101c50 <free>                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6ef:   8b 83 80 00 00 00       mov    0x80(%ebx),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6f5:   eb 93                   jmp    10f68a <fat_init_volume_info+0x6ba>            <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6f7:   8b 43 68                mov    0x68(%ebx),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6fa:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f6fd:   e8 ae 23 ff ff          call   101ab0 <close>                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
        rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( ENOMEM );                                   
  10f702:   e8 99 71 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f707:   c7 00 0c 00 00 00       movl   $0xc,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f70d:   c7 85 64 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x9c(%ebp)                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f714:   ff ff ff                                                                      
  10f717:   e9 64 fd ff ff          jmp    10f480 <fat_init_volume_info+0x4b0>            <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f71c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10f71d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10f71e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10f71f:   90                      nop                                                   

00110040 <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters>: {
  110040:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  110041:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  110043:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  110044:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  110045:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  110046:   83 ec 4c                sub    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  110049:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 
  11004c:   0f b6 45 1c             movzbl 0x1c(%ebp),%eax                                
  110050:   8b 7d 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%edi                                
    if (fs_info->vol.next_cl - 2 < fs_info->vol.data_cls)                                 
  110053:   8b 5e 54                mov    0x54(%esi),%ebx                                
  110056:   88 45 cb                mov    %al,-0x35(%ebp)                                
    uint32_t       data_cls_val = fs_info->vol.data_cls + 2;                              
  110059:   8b 46 40                mov    0x40(%esi),%eax                                
  11005c:   8d 50 02                lea    0x2(%eax),%edx                                 
  11005f:   89 55 d4                mov    %edx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
    if (fs_info->vol.next_cl - 2 < fs_info->vol.data_cls)                                 
  110062:   8d 53 fe                lea    -0x2(%ebx),%edx                                
  110065:   39 d0                   cmp    %edx,%eax                                      
  110067:   77 05                   ja     11006e <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters+0x2e>   
    uint32_t       cl4find = 2;                                                           
  110069:   bb 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%ebx                                      
    while (*cls_added != count && i < data_cls_val)                                       
  11006e:   83 7d d4 02             cmpl   $0x2,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
    *cls_added = 0;                                                                       
  110072:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    
    while (*cls_added != count && i < data_cls_val)                                       
  110078:   0f 86 51 01 00 00       jbe    1101cf <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters+0x18f>  <== NEVER TAKEN
  11007e:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  110081:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110083:   0f 84 46 01 00 00       je     1101cf <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters+0x18f>  <== NEVER TAKEN
    uint32_t       i = 2;                                                                 
  110089:   c7 45 d0 02 00 00 00    movl   $0x2,-0x30(%ebp)                               
    uint32_t       save_cln = FAT_UNDEFINED_VALUE;                                        
  110090:   c7 45 cc ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x34(%ebp)                        
  110097:   eb 5e                   jmp    1100f7 <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters+0xb7>   
  110099:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
                *chain = cl4find;                                                         
  1100a0:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1100a3:   89 18                   mov    %ebx,(%eax)                                    
                rc = fat_set_fat_cluster(fs_info, cl4find, FAT_GENFAT_EOC);               
  1100a5:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  1100aa:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1100ae:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1100b2:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  1100b5:   e8 56 fc ff ff          call   10fd10 <fat_set_fat_cluster>                   
                if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                        
  1100ba:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1100bc:   0f 85 77 01 00 00       jne    110239 <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters+0x1f9>  <== NEVER TAKEN
            if (zero_fill)                                                                
  1100c2:   80 7d cb 00             cmpb   $0x0,-0x35(%ebp)                               
  1100c6:   0f 85 d4 00 00 00       jne    1101a0 <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters+0x160>  
  1100cc:   89 5d cc                mov    %ebx,-0x34(%ebp)                               
  1100cf:   8b 07                   mov    (%edi),%eax                                    
  1100d1:   40                      inc    %eax                                           
  1100d2:   89 07                   mov    %eax,(%edi)                                    
  1100d4:   ff 45 d0                incl   -0x30(%ebp)                                    
  1100d7:   43                      inc    %ebx                                           
        if (cl4find >= data_cls_val)                                                      
  1100d8:   39 5d d4                cmp    %ebx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  1100db:   77 05                   ja     1100e2 <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters+0xa2>   
            cl4find = 2;                                                                  
  1100dd:   bb 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%ebx                                      
    while (*cls_added != count && i < data_cls_val)                                       
  1100e2:   8b 4d d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%ecx                               
  1100e5:   39 4d d4                cmp    %ecx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  1100e8:   0f 86 f2 00 00 00       jbe    1101e0 <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters+0x1a0>  
  1100ee:   39 45 10                cmp    %eax,0x10(%ebp)                                
  1100f1:   0f 84 e9 00 00 00       je     1101e0 <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters+0x1a0>  
        rc = fat_get_fat_cluster(fs_info, cl4find, &next_cln);                            
  1100f7:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1100fb:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1100fe:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  110102:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
        uint32_t next_cln = 0;                                                            
  110105:   c7 45 e4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
        rc = fat_get_fat_cluster(fs_info, cl4find, &next_cln);                            
  11010c:   e8 3f fa ff ff          call   10fb50 <fat_get_fat_cluster>                   
        if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                                
  110111:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110113:   0f 85 f7 00 00 00       jne    110210 <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters+0x1d0>  <== NEVER TAKEN
        if (next_cln == FAT_GENFAT_FREE)                                                  
  110119:   8b 55 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%edx                               
            if (*cls_added != 0)                                                          
  11011c:   8b 07                   mov    (%edi),%eax                                    
        if (next_cln == FAT_GENFAT_FREE)                                                  
  11011e:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  110120:   75 b2                   jne    1100d4 <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters+0x94>   
            if (*cls_added == 0)                                                          
  110122:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110124:   0f 84 76 ff ff ff       je     1100a0 <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters+0x60>   
                rc = fat_set_fat_cluster(fs_info, cl4find, FAT_GENFAT_EOC);               
  11012a:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  11012e:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  110133:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  110137:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  11013a:   e8 d1 fb ff ff          call   10fd10 <fat_set_fat_cluster>                   
                if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                        
  11013f:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  110141:   0f 85 f6 00 00 00       jne    11023d <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters+0x1fd>  <== NEVER TAKEN
                rc = fat_set_fat_cluster(fs_info, save_cln, cl4find);                     
  110147:   89 5c 24 08             mov    %ebx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  11014b:   8b 45 cc                mov    -0x34(%ebp),%eax                               
  11014e:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  110151:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  110155:   e8 b6 fb ff ff          call   10fd10 <fat_set_fat_cluster>                   
                if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                        
  11015a:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  11015c:   0f 84 60 ff ff ff       je     1100c2 <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters+0x82>   <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  110162:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  110164:   89 55 d4                mov    %edx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    fat_free_fat_clusters_chain(fs_info, (*chain));                                       
  110167:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  11016a:   8b 00                   mov    (%eax),%eax                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  11016c:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  11016f:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110173:   e8 f8 fd ff ff          call   10ff70 <fat_free_fat_clusters_chain>           <== NOT EXECUTED
    (void) fat_set_fat_cluster(fs_info, cl4find, FAT_GENFAT_FREE);                        
  110178:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11017a:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  11017e:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110182:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  110185:   e8 86 fb ff ff          call   10fd10 <fat_set_fat_cluster>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  11018a:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  11018d:   e8 5e e7 ff ff          call   10e8f0 <fat_buf_release>                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    return rc;                                                                            
  110192:   8b 55 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  110195:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  110198:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  110199:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  11019a:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11019c:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  11019d:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  11019e:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  11019f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
                    fat_cluster_set(fs_info, cl4find, 0, fs_info->vol.bpc, 0);            
  1101a0:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1101a2:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  1101a6:   8b 46 08                mov    0x8(%esi),%eax                                 
  1101a9:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1101ad:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  1101b0:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  1101b4:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1101b6:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1101ba:   e8 31 ea ff ff          call   10ebf0 <fat_cluster_set>                       
                if (fs_info->vol.bpc != bytes_written)                                    
  1101bf:   39 46 08                cmp    %eax,0x8(%esi)                                 
  1101c2:   0f 84 04 ff ff ff       je     1100cc <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters+0x8c>   <== ALWAYS TAKEN
                    rc = -1;                                                              
  1101c8:   ba ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1101cd:   eb 95                   jmp    110164 <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters+0x124>  <== NOT EXECUTED
    uint32_t       save_cln = FAT_UNDEFINED_VALUE;                                        
  1101cf:   c7 45 cc ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x34(%ebp)                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  1101d6:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  1101dd:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    *last_cl = save_cln;                                                                  
  1101e0:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                
  1101e3:   8b 55 cc                mov    -0x34(%ebp),%edx                               
  1101e6:   89 10                   mov    %edx,(%eax)                                    
    fs_info->vol.next_cl = save_cln;                                                      
  1101e8:   89 56 54                mov    %edx,0x54(%esi)                                
    if (fs_info->vol.free_cls != FAT_UNDEFINED_VALUE)                                     
  1101eb:   8b 46 4c                mov    0x4c(%esi),%eax                                
  1101ee:   83 f8 ff                cmp    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  1101f1:   74 07                   je     1101fa <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters+0x1ba>  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
        fs_info->vol.free_cls -= (*cls_added);                                            
  1101f3:   8b 17                   mov    (%edi),%edx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1101f5:   29 d0                   sub    %edx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1101f7:   89 46 4c                mov    %eax,0x4c(%esi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1101fa:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  1101fd:   e8 ee e6 ff ff          call   10e8f0 <fat_buf_release>                       
    return RC_OK;                                                                         
  110202:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  110204:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  110207:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
  110209:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  11020a:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  11020b:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  11020c:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  11020d:   c3                      ret                                                   
  11020e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
            if (*cls_added != 0)                                                          
  110210:   8b 0f                   mov    (%edi),%ecx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  110212:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  110214:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  110216:   74 ec                   je     110204 <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters+0x1c4>  <== NOT EXECUTED
                    fat_free_fat_clusters_chain(fs_info, (*chain));                       
  110218:   89 55 d4                mov    %edx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  11021b:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  11021e:   8b 00                   mov    (%eax),%eax                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  110220:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  110223:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  110227:   e8 44 fd ff ff          call   10ff70 <fat_free_fat_clusters_chain>           <== NOT EXECUTED
                    return rc;                                                            
  11022c:   8b 55 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  11022f:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  110232:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  110233:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  110234:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  110236:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  110237:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  110238:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  110239:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11023b:   eb c7                   jmp    110204 <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters+0x1c4>  <== NOT EXECUTED
                    fat_free_fat_clusters_chain(fs_info, (*chain));                       
  11023d:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11023f:   eb d7                   jmp    110218 <fat_scan_fat_for_free_clusters+0x1d8>  <== NOT EXECUTED
  110241:   90                      nop                                                   
  110242:   90                      nop                                                   
  110243:   90                      nop                                                   
  110244:   90                      nop                                                   
  110245:   90                      nop                                                   
  110246:   90                      nop                                                   
  110247:   90                      nop                                                   
  110248:   90                      nop                                                   
  110249:   90                      nop                                                   
  11024a:   90                      nop                                                   
  11024b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11024c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11024d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11024e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11024f:   90                      nop                                                   

0010eab0 <fat_sector_write>: fat_fs_info_t *fs_info, uint32_t start, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count, const void *buff) {
  10eab0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  10eab1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10eab3:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  10eab4:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  10eab5:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  10eab6:   83 ec 3c                sub    $0x3c,%esp                                     
    uint32_t            sec_num = start;                                                  
    uint32_t            ofs = offset;                                                     
    uint8_t            *sec_buf;                                                          
    uint32_t            c = 0;                                                            
    while(count > 0)                                                                      
  10eab9:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
    ssize_t             cmpltd = 0;                                                       
  10eabc:   c7 45 d4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  10eac3:   8b 55 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%edx                                 
  10eac6:   8b 75 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%esi                                
    while(count > 0)                                                                      
  10eac9:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10eacb:   75 2d                   jne    10eafa <fat_sector_write+0x4a>                 <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10eacd:   e9 c5 00 00 00          jmp    10eb97 <fat_sector_write+0xe7>                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ead2:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ead9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
            rc = fat_buf_access(fs_info, sec_num, FAT_OP_TYPE_READ, &sec_buf);            
        if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                  
            return -1;                                                                    
        memcpy((sec_buf + ofs), (buff + cmpltd), c);                                      
  10eae0:   f3 a4                   rep movsb %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi)                       
        count -= c;                                                                       
        cmpltd +=c;                                                                       
        ofs = 0;                                                                          
  10eae2:   31 f6                   xor    %esi,%esi                                      
static inline void                                                                        
fat_buf_mark_modified(fat_fs_info_t *fs_info)                                             
    fs_info->c.modified = true;                                                           
  10eae4:   c6 82 98 00 00 00 01    movb   $0x1,0x98(%edx)                                
        cmpltd +=c;                                                                       
  10eaeb:   01 5d d4                add    %ebx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  10eaee:   ff 45 0c                incl   0xc(%ebp)                                      
    while(count > 0)                                                                      
  10eaf1:   29 5d 14                sub    %ebx,0x14(%ebp)                                
  10eaf4:   0f 84 9d 00 00 00       je     10eb97 <fat_sector_write+0xe7>                 <== ALWAYS TAKEN
        c = MIN(count, (fs_info->vol.bps - ofs));                                         
  10eafa:   0f b7 1a                movzwl (%edx),%ebx                                    
  10eafd:   29 f3                   sub    %esi,%ebx                                      
  10eaff:   3b 5d 14                cmp    0x14(%ebp),%ebx                                
  10eb02:   76 03                   jbe    10eb07 <fat_sector_write+0x57>                 
  10eb04:   8b 5d 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%ebx                                
        if (c == fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block)                                            
  10eb07:   39 5a 10                cmp    %ebx,0x10(%edx)                                
            rc = fat_buf_access(fs_info, sec_num, FAT_OP_TYPE_GET, &sec_buf);             
  10eb0a:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10eb0d:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
        if (c == fs_info->vol.bytes_per_block)                                            
  10eb11:   74 6d                   je     10eb80 <fat_sector_write+0xd0>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
            rc = fat_buf_access(fs_info, sec_num, FAT_OP_TYPE_READ, &sec_buf);            
  10eb13:   bf 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edi                                      
  10eb18:   89 7c 24 08             mov    %edi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10eb1c:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    
  10eb1f:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10eb22:   89 55 08                mov    %edx,0x8(%ebp)                                 
  10eb25:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10eb29:   e8 f2 fc ff ff          call   10e820 <fat_buf_access>                        
  10eb2e:   8b 55 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%edx                                 
        if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                  
  10eb31:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10eb33:   75 5b                   jne    10eb90 <fat_sector_write+0xe0>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
        memcpy((sec_buf + ofs), (buff + cmpltd), c);                                      
  10eb35:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10eb38:   8b 4d 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%ecx                                
  10eb3b:   01 c6                   add    %eax,%esi                                      
  10eb3d:   8b 45 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10eb40:   89 75 d0                mov    %esi,-0x30(%ebp)                               
  10eb43:   89 f7                   mov    %esi,%edi                                      
  10eb45:   01 c8                   add    %ecx,%eax                                      
  10eb47:   83 fb 08                cmp    $0x8,%ebx                                      
  10eb4a:   89 d9                   mov    %ebx,%ecx                                      
  10eb4c:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
  10eb4e:   72 90                   jb     10eae0 <fat_sector_write+0x30>                 <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10eb50:   f7 c7 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10eb56:   75 78                   jne    10ebd0 <fat_sector_write+0x120>                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10eb58:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10eb5e:   75 50                   jne    10ebb0 <fat_sector_write+0x100>                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10eb60:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10eb66:   0f 84 74 ff ff ff       je     10eae0 <fat_sector_write+0x30>                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10eb6c:   8b 06                   mov    (%esi),%eax                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10eb6e:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10eb71:   83 c6 04                add    $0x4,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10eb74:   83 e9 04                sub    $0x4,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10eb77:   89 47 fc                mov    %eax,-0x4(%edi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10eb7a:   e9 61 ff ff ff          jmp    10eae0 <fat_sector_write+0x30>                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10eb7f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
            rc = fat_buf_access(fs_info, sec_num, FAT_OP_TYPE_GET, &sec_buf);             
  10eb80:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10eb85:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10eb89:   eb 91                   jmp    10eb1c <fat_sector_write+0x6c>                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10eb8b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10eb8f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
            return -1;                                                                    
  10eb90:   c7 45 d4 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x2c(%ebp)                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    return cmpltd;                                                                        
  10eb97:   8b 45 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10eb9a:   83 c4 3c                add    $0x3c,%esp                                     
  10eb9d:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10eb9e:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10eb9f:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  10eba0:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10eba1:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10eba2:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10eba9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
        memcpy((sec_buf + ofs), (buff + cmpltd), c);                                      
  10ebb0:   0f b7 06                movzwl (%esi),%eax                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ebb3:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ebb6:   83 c6 02                add    $0x2,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ebb9:   83 e9 02                sub    $0x2,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ebbc:   66 89 47 fe             mov    %ax,-0x2(%edi)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ebc0:   eb 9e                   jmp    10eb60 <fat_sector_write+0xb0>                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ebc2:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ebc9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ebd0:   0f b6 00                movzbl (%eax),%eax                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ebd3:   47                      inc    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ebd4:   46                      inc    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ebd5:   8d 4b ff                lea    -0x1(%ebx),%ecx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ebd8:   88 45 cf                mov    %al,-0x31(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ebdb:   88 47 ff                mov    %al,-0x1(%edi)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ebde:   e9 75 ff ff ff          jmp    10eb58 <fat_sector_write+0xa8>                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ebe3:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ebe4:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ebe5:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ebe6:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ebe7:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ebe8:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ebe9:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ebea:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ebeb:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ebec:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ebed:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ebee:   90                      nop                                                   
  10ebef:   90                      nop                                                   

0010fd10 <fat_set_fat_cluster>: fat_set_fat_cluster( fat_fs_info_t *fs_info, uint32_t cln, uint32_t in_val ) {
  10fd10:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  10fd11:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10fd13:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  10fd14:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  10fd15:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  10fd16:   83 ec 3c                sub    $0x3c,%esp                                     
    uint16_t            fat16_clv = 0;                                                    
    uint32_t            fat32_clv = 0;                                                    
    uint8_t            *sec_buf = NULL;                                                   
    /* sanity check */                                                                    
    if ( (cln < 2) || (cln > (fs_info->vol.data_cls + 1)) )                               
  10fd19:   83 7d 0c 01             cmpl   $0x1,0xc(%ebp)                                 
    uint8_t            *sec_buf = NULL;                                                   
  10fd1d:   c7 45 e4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  10fd24:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
    if ( (cln < 2) || (cln > (fs_info->vol.data_cls + 1)) )                               
  10fd27:   76 75                   jbe    10fd9e <fat_set_fat_cluster+0x8e>              <== NEVER TAKEN
  10fd29:   8b 43 40                mov    0x40(%ebx),%eax                                
  10fd2c:   40                      inc    %eax                                           
  10fd2d:   3b 45 0c                cmp    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10fd30:   72 6c                   jb     10fd9e <fat_set_fat_cluster+0x8e>              <== NEVER TAKEN
    sec = (FAT_FAT_OFFSET(fs_info->vol.type, cln) >> fs_info->vol.sec_log2) +             
  10fd32:   0f b6 43 16             movzbl 0x16(%ebx),%eax                                
  10fd36:   8b 73 60                mov    0x60(%ebx),%esi                                
    sec = (FAT_FAT_OFFSET(fs_info->vol.type, cln) >> fs_info->vol.sec_log2) +             
  10fd39:   0f b6 4b 02             movzbl 0x2(%ebx),%ecx                                 
  10fd3d:   88 c2                   mov    %al,%dl                                        
  10fd3f:   80 e2 01                and    $0x1,%dl                                       
  10fd42:   75 7c                   jne    10fdc0 <fat_set_fat_cluster+0xb0>              
  10fd44:   24 02                   and    $0x2,%al                                       
  10fd46:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10fd49:   0f 84 91 00 00 00       je     10fde0 <fat_set_fat_cluster+0xd0>              
  10fd4f:   8d 3c 00                lea    (%eax,%eax,1),%edi                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fd52:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fd54:   d3 e8                   shr    %cl,%eax                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fd56:   01 f0                   add    %esi,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fd58:   89 45 d4                mov    %eax,-0x2c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    ofs = FAT_FAT_OFFSET(fs_info->vol.type, cln) & (fs_info->vol.bps - 1);                
    rc = fat_buf_access(fs_info, sec, FAT_OP_TYPE_READ, &sec_buf);                        
  10fd5b:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
    ofs = FAT_FAT_OFFSET(fs_info->vol.type, cln) & (fs_info->vol.bps - 1);                
  10fd5e:   0f b7 33                movzwl (%ebx),%esi                                    
    rc = fat_buf_access(fs_info, sec, FAT_OP_TYPE_READ, &sec_buf);                        
  10fd61:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  10fd65:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  10fd6a:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10fd6e:   8b 45 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10fd71:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  10fd74:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10fd78:   e8 a3 ea ff ff          call   10e820 <fat_buf_access>                        
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  10fd7d:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10fd7f:   75 2f                   jne    10fdb0 <fat_set_fat_cluster+0xa0>              <== NEVER TAKEN
        return rc;                                                                        
    switch ( fs_info->vol.type )                                                          
  10fd81:   0f b6 53 16             movzbl 0x16(%ebx),%edx                                
    ofs = FAT_FAT_OFFSET(fs_info->vol.type, cln) & (fs_info->vol.bps - 1);                
  10fd85:   4e                      dec    %esi                                           
  10fd86:   21 f7                   and    %esi,%edi                                      
    switch ( fs_info->vol.type )                                                          
  10fd88:   80 fa 02                cmp    $0x2,%dl                                       
  10fd8b:   74 73                   je     10fe00 <fat_set_fat_cluster+0xf0>              
  10fd8d:   80 fa 04                cmp    $0x4,%dl                                       
  10fd90:   0f 84 ea 00 00 00       je     10fe80 <fat_set_fat_cluster+0x170>             
  10fd96:   fe ca                   dec    %dl                                            
  10fd98:   0f 84 82 00 00 00       je     10fe20 <fat_set_fat_cluster+0x110>             <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10fd9e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  10fda0:   e8 fb 6a 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fda5:   c7 00 05 00 00 00       movl   $0x5,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10fdab:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    return RC_OK;                                                                         
  10fdb0:   83 c4 3c                add    $0x3c,%esp                                     
  10fdb3:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10fdb4:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10fdb5:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  10fdb6:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10fdb7:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10fdb8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10fdbf:   90                      nop                                                   
    sec = (FAT_FAT_OFFSET(fs_info->vol.type, cln) >> fs_info->vol.sec_log2) +             
  10fdc0:   8b 7d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edi                                 
  10fdc3:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10fdc6:   d1 ef                   shr    %edi                                           
  10fdc8:   01 c7                   add    %eax,%edi                                      
  10fdca:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  10fdcc:   d3 e8                   shr    %cl,%eax                                       
  10fdce:   01 f0                   add    %esi,%eax                                      
  10fdd0:   89 45 d4                mov    %eax,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
    ofs = FAT_FAT_OFFSET(fs_info->vol.type, cln) & (fs_info->vol.bps - 1);                
  10fdd3:   eb 86                   jmp    10fd5b <fat_set_fat_cluster+0x4b>              
  10fdd5:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10fddc:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    sec = (FAT_FAT_OFFSET(fs_info->vol.type, cln) >> fs_info->vol.sec_log2) +             
  10fde0:   8d 3c 85 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(,%eax,4),%edi                              
  10fde7:   89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax                                      
  10fde9:   d3 e8                   shr    %cl,%eax                                       
  10fdeb:   01 f0                   add    %esi,%eax                                      
  10fded:   89 45 d4                mov    %eax,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
    ofs = FAT_FAT_OFFSET(fs_info->vol.type, cln) & (fs_info->vol.bps - 1);                
  10fdf0:   e9 66 ff ff ff          jmp    10fd5b <fat_set_fat_cluster+0x4b>              
  10fdf5:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10fdfc:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
            *((uint16_t   *)(sec_buf + ofs)) =                                            
  10fe00:   8b 55 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%edx                               
                    (uint16_t  )(CT_LE_W(in_val));                                        
  10fe03:   8b 4d 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%ecx                                
  10fe06:   66 89 0c 3a             mov    %cx,(%edx,%edi,1)                              
    fs_info->c.modified = true;                                                           
  10fe0a:   c6 83 98 00 00 00 01    movb   $0x1,0x98(%ebx)                                
  10fe11:   83 c4 3c                add    $0x3c,%esp                                     
  10fe14:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10fe15:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10fe16:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  10fe17:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10fe18:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10fe19:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
                *(sec_buf + ofs) &= 0x0F;                                                 
  10fe20:   8b 75 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%esi                               
                fat16_clv = ((uint16_t  )in_val) << FAT_FAT12_SHIFT;                      
  10fe23:   0f b7 55 10             movzwl 0x10(%ebp),%edx                                
                *(sec_buf + ofs) &= 0x0F;                                                 
  10fe27:   01 fe                   add    %edi,%esi                                      
            if ( FAT_CLUSTER_IS_ODD(cln) )                                                
  10fe29:   f6 45 0c 01             testb  $0x1,0xc(%ebp)                                 
                fat16_clv = ((uint16_t  )in_val) << FAT_FAT12_SHIFT;                      
  10fe2d:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      
            if ( FAT_CLUSTER_IS_ODD(cln) )                                                
  10fe2f:   74 7f                   je     10feb0 <fat_set_fat_cluster+0x1a0>             
                *(sec_buf + ofs) &= 0x0F;                                                 
  10fe31:   80 26 0f                andb   $0xf,(%esi)                                    
                fat16_clv = ((uint16_t  )in_val) << FAT_FAT12_SHIFT;                      
  10fe34:   c1 e1 04                shl    $0x4,%ecx                                      
  10fe37:   0f b7 d1                movzwl %cx,%edx                                       
  10fe3a:   89 55 d0                mov    %edx,-0x30(%ebp)                               
                *(sec_buf + ofs) |= (uint8_t)(fat16_clv & 0x00F0);                        
  10fe3d:   8b 55 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%edx                               
  10fe40:   01 fa                   add    %edi,%edx                                      
  10fe42:   08 0a                   or     %cl,(%edx)                                     
  10fe44:   c6 83 98 00 00 00 01    movb   $0x1,0x98(%ebx)                                
                if ( ofs == (fs_info->vol.bps - 1) )                                      
  10fe4b:   0f b7 13                movzwl (%ebx),%edx                                    
  10fe4e:   4a                      dec    %edx                                           
  10fe4f:   39 fa                   cmp    %edi,%edx                                      
  10fe51:   0f 84 99 00 00 00       je     10fef0 <fat_set_fat_cluster+0x1e0>             
                    *(sec_buf + ofs + 1) &= 0x00;                                         
  10fe57:   8b 55 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%edx                               
                    *(sec_buf + ofs + 1) |= (uint8_t  )((fat16_clv & 0xFF00)>>8);         
  10fe5a:   8b 4d d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%ecx                               
                    *(sec_buf + ofs + 1) &= 0x00;                                         
  10fe5d:   c6 44 3a 01 00          movb   $0x0,0x1(%edx,%edi,1)                          
  10fe62:   47                      inc    %edi                                           
                    *(sec_buf + ofs + 1) |= (uint8_t  )((fat16_clv & 0xFF00)>>8);         
  10fe63:   8b 5d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%ebx                               
  10fe66:   0f b6 d5                movzbl %ch,%edx                                       
  10fe69:   01 df                   add    %ebx,%edi                                      
  10fe6b:   08 17                   or     %dl,(%edi)                                     
  10fe6d:   e9 3e ff ff ff          jmp    10fdb0 <fat_set_fat_cluster+0xa0>              
  10fe72:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10fe79:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
            *((uint32_t *)(sec_buf + ofs)) &= CT_LE_L(0xF0000000);                        
  10fe80:   8b 55 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%edx                               
  10fe83:   01 d7                   add    %edx,%edi                                      
            fat32_clv = CT_LE_L((in_val & FAT_FAT32_MASK));                               
  10fe85:   8b 55 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edx                                
            *((uint32_t *)(sec_buf + ofs)) &= CT_LE_L(0xF0000000);                        
  10fe88:   8b 0f                   mov    (%edi),%ecx                                    
            fat32_clv = CT_LE_L((in_val & FAT_FAT32_MASK));                               
  10fe8a:   81 e2 ff ff ff 0f       and    $0xfffffff,%edx                                
            *((uint32_t *)(sec_buf + ofs)) &= CT_LE_L(0xF0000000);                        
  10fe90:   81 e1 00 00 00 f0       and    $0xf0000000,%ecx                               
            *((uint32_t *)(sec_buf + ofs)) |= fat32_clv;                                  
  10fe96:   09 ca                   or     %ecx,%edx                                      
  10fe98:   89 17                   mov    %edx,(%edi)                                    
  10fe9a:   c6 83 98 00 00 00 01    movb   $0x1,0x98(%ebx)                                
  10fea1:   83 c4 3c                add    $0x3c,%esp                                     
  10fea4:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10fea5:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10fea6:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  10fea7:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10fea8:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10fea9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
                *(sec_buf + ofs) &= 0x00;                                                 
  10feb0:   c6 06 00                movb   $0x0,(%esi)                                    
                fat16_clv = ((uint16_t  )in_val) & FAT_FAT12_MASK;                        
  10feb3:   81 e1 ff 0f 00 00       and    $0xfff,%ecx                                    
  10feb9:   89 4d d0                mov    %ecx,-0x30(%ebp)                               
                *(sec_buf + ofs) |= (uint8_t)(fat16_clv & 0x00FF);                        
  10febc:   8b 75 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%esi                               
  10febf:   01 fe                   add    %edi,%esi                                      
  10fec1:   08 16                   or     %dl,(%esi)                                     
  10fec3:   c6 83 98 00 00 00 01    movb   $0x1,0x98(%ebx)                                
                if ( ofs == (fs_info->vol.bps - 1) )                                      
  10feca:   0f b7 13                movzwl (%ebx),%edx                                    
  10fecd:   4a                      dec    %edx                                           
  10fece:   39 fa                   cmp    %edi,%edx                                      
  10fed0:   74 6e                   je     10ff40 <fat_set_fat_cluster+0x230>             <== NEVER TAKEN
                    *(sec_buf + ofs + 1) &= 0xF0;                                         
  10fed2:   8b 55 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%edx                               
                    *(sec_buf + ofs+1) |= (uint8_t)((fat16_clv & 0xFF00)>>8);             
  10fed5:   8b 5d d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%ebx                               
                    *(sec_buf + ofs + 1) &= 0xF0;                                         
  10fed8:   80 64 3a 01 f0          andb   $0xf0,0x1(%edx,%edi,1)                         
                    *(sec_buf + ofs+1) |= (uint8_t)((fat16_clv & 0xFF00)>>8);             
  10fedd:   0f b6 d7                movzbl %bh,%edx                                       
  10fee0:   8b 4d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  10fee3:   08 54 39 01             or     %dl,0x1(%ecx,%edi,1)                           
  10fee7:   e9 c4 fe ff ff          jmp    10fdb0 <fat_set_fat_cluster+0xa0>              
  10feec:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
                    rc = fat_buf_access(fs_info, sec + 1, FAT_OP_TYPE_READ,               
  10fef0:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  10fef3:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10fef6:   be 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%esi                                      
  10fefb:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10feff:   8b 75 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%esi                               
  10ff02:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  10ff06:   46                      inc    %esi                                           
  10ff07:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10ff0b:   e8 10 e9 ff ff          call   10e820 <fat_buf_access>                        
                    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                      
  10ff10:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10ff12:   0f 85 98 fe ff ff       jne    10fdb0 <fat_set_fat_cluster+0xa0>              <== NEVER TAKEN
                     *sec_buf &= 0x00;                                                    
  10ff18:   8b 55 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%edx                               
  10ff1b:   c6 02 00                movb   $0x0,(%edx)                                    
                    *sec_buf |= (uint8_t)((fat16_clv & 0xFF00)>>8);                       
  10ff1e:   8b 4d d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%ecx                               
  10ff21:   8b 55 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%edx                               
  10ff24:   0f b6 cd                movzbl %ch,%ecx                                       
  10ff27:   08 0a                   or     %cl,(%edx)                                     
  10ff29:   c6 83 98 00 00 00 01    movb   $0x1,0x98(%ebx)                                
  10ff30:   e9 7b fe ff ff          jmp    10fdb0 <fat_set_fat_cluster+0xa0>              
  10ff35:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10ff3c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
                    rc = fat_buf_access(fs_info, sec + 1, FAT_OP_TYPE_READ,               
  10ff40:   8b 75 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%esi                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ff43:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ff46:   b9 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ff4b:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ff4f:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ff53:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ff56:   46                      inc    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ff57:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ff5b:   e8 c0 e8 ff ff          call   10e820 <fat_buf_access>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
                    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                      
  10ff60:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ff62:   0f 85 48 fe ff ff       jne    10fdb0 <fat_set_fat_cluster+0xa0>              <== NOT EXECUTED
                    *sec_buf &= 0xF0;                                                     
  10ff68:   8b 55 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ff6b:   80 22 f0                andb   $0xf0,(%edx)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10ff6e:   eb ae                   jmp    10ff1e <fat_set_fat_cluster+0x20e>             <== NOT EXECUTED

0010f820 <fat_shutdown_drive>: * RC_OK on success, or -1 if error occured * and errno set appropriately */ int fat_shutdown_drive(fat_fs_info_t *fs_info) {
  10f820:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  10f821:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10f823:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  10f824:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  10f825:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  10f826:   83 ec 2c                sub    $0x2c,%esp                                     
  10f829:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
    int            rc = RC_OK;                                                            
    int            i = 0;                                                                 
    rc = fat_sync(fs_info);                                                               
  10f82c:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  10f82f:   e8 ec fe ff ff          call   10f720 <fat_sync>                              
        rc = -1;                                                                          
    for (i = 0; i < FAT_HASH_SIZE; i++)                                                   
        rtems_chain_node    *node = NULL;                                                 
        rtems_chain_control *the_chain = fs_info->vhash + i;                              
  10f834:   8b 7b 7c                mov    0x7c(%ebx),%edi                                
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  10f837:   8b 17                   mov    (%edi),%edx                                    
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  10f839:   8d 77 04                lea    0x4(%edi),%esi                                 
    rc = fat_sync(fs_info);                                                               
  10f83c:   89 45 e4                mov    %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
    if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                                    
  10f83f:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10f841:   0f 95 c0                setne  %al                                            
  10f844:   0f b6 c0                movzbl %al,%eax                                       
  10f847:   f7 d8                   neg    %eax                                           
  if ( !_Chain_Is_empty(the_chain))                                                       
  10f849:   39 d6                   cmp    %edx,%esi                                      
  10f84b:   89 45 e0                mov    %eax,-0x20(%ebp)                               
  10f84e:   74 18                   je     10f868 <fat_shutdown_drive+0x48>               
  new_first = old_first->next;                                                            
  10f850:   8b 02                   mov    (%edx),%eax                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  head->next = new_first;                                                                 
  10f852:   89 07                   mov    %eax,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  new_first->previous = head;                                                             
  10f854:   89 78 04                mov    %edi,0x4(%eax)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
        while ( (node = rtems_chain_get_unprotected(the_chain)) != NULL )                 
  10f857:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f85a:   e8 f1 23 ff ff          call   101c50 <free>                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  10f85f:   8b 17                   mov    (%edi),%edx                                    
  if ( !_Chain_Is_empty(the_chain))                                                       
  10f861:   39 d6                   cmp    %edx,%esi                                      
  10f863:   75 eb                   jne    10f850 <fat_shutdown_drive+0x30>               
        rtems_chain_control *the_chain = fs_info->vhash + i;                              
  10f865:   8b 7b 7c                mov    0x7c(%ebx),%edi                                
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  10f868:   8b 57 0c                mov    0xc(%edi),%edx                                 
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  10f86b:   8d 47 10                lea    0x10(%edi),%eax                                
  10f86e:   8d 77 0c                lea    0xc(%edi),%esi                                 
  if ( !_Chain_Is_empty(the_chain))                                                       
  10f871:   39 c2                   cmp    %eax,%edx                                      
  10f873:   74 25                   je     10f89a <fat_shutdown_drive+0x7a>               <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10f875:   89 5d 08                mov    %ebx,0x8(%ebp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f878:   89 fb                   mov    %edi,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f87a:   89 f7                   mov    %esi,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f87c:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f87e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  new_first = old_first->next;                                                            
  10f880:   8b 02                   mov    (%edx),%eax                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  head->next = new_first;                                                                 
  10f882:   89 43 0c                mov    %eax,0xc(%ebx)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  new_first->previous = head;                                                             
  10f885:   89 78 04                mov    %edi,0x4(%eax)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f888:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f88b:   e8 c0 23 ff ff          call   101c50 <free>                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  10f890:   8b 53 0c                mov    0xc(%ebx),%edx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  if ( !_Chain_Is_empty(the_chain))                                                       
  10f893:   39 d6                   cmp    %edx,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f895:   75 e9                   jne    10f880 <fat_shutdown_drive+0x60>               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f897:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    for (i = 0; i < FAT_HASH_SIZE; i++)                                                   
        rtems_chain_node    *node = NULL;                                                 
        rtems_chain_control *the_chain = fs_info->rhash + i;                              
  10f89a:   8b bb 80 00 00 00       mov    0x80(%ebx),%edi                                
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  10f8a0:   8b 17                   mov    (%edi),%edx                                    
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  10f8a2:   8d 77 04                lea    0x4(%edi),%esi                                 
  if ( !_Chain_Is_empty(the_chain))                                                       
  10f8a5:   39 d6                   cmp    %edx,%esi                                      
  10f8a7:   74 22                   je     10f8cb <fat_shutdown_drive+0xab>               <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10f8a9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  new_first = old_first->next;                                                            
  10f8b0:   8b 02                   mov    (%edx),%eax                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  head->next = new_first;                                                                 
  10f8b2:   89 07                   mov    %eax,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  new_first->previous = head;                                                             
  10f8b4:   89 78 04                mov    %edi,0x4(%eax)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
        while ( (node = rtems_chain_get_unprotected(the_chain)) != NULL )                 
  10f8b7:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f8ba:   e8 91 23 ff ff          call   101c50 <free>                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  10f8bf:   8b 17                   mov    (%edi),%edx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  if ( !_Chain_Is_empty(the_chain))                                                       
  10f8c1:   39 f2                   cmp    %esi,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f8c3:   75 eb                   jne    10f8b0 <fat_shutdown_drive+0x90>               <== NOT EXECUTED
        rtems_chain_control *the_chain = fs_info->rhash + i;                              
  10f8c5:   8b bb 80 00 00 00       mov    0x80(%ebx),%edi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  10f8cb:   8b 57 0c                mov    0xc(%edi),%edx                                 
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
  10f8ce:   8d 47 10                lea    0x10(%edi),%eax                                
  10f8d1:   8d 77 0c                lea    0xc(%edi),%esi                                 
  if ( !_Chain_Is_empty(the_chain))                                                       
  10f8d4:   39 d0                   cmp    %edx,%eax                                      
  10f8d6:   74 32                   je     10f90a <fat_shutdown_drive+0xea>               <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10f8d8:   89 5d 08                mov    %ebx,0x8(%ebp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f8db:   89 fb                   mov    %edi,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f8dd:   89 f7                   mov    %esi,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f8df:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f8e1:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f8e8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f8ef:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  new_first = old_first->next;                                                            
  10f8f0:   8b 02                   mov    (%edx),%eax                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  head->next = new_first;                                                                 
  10f8f2:   89 43 0c                mov    %eax,0xc(%ebx)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  new_first->previous = head;                                                             
  10f8f5:   89 78 04                mov    %edi,0x4(%eax)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f8f8:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f8fb:   e8 50 23 ff ff          call   101c50 <free>                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
  10f900:   8b 53 0c                mov    0xc(%ebx),%edx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  if ( !_Chain_Is_empty(the_chain))                                                       
  10f903:   39 d6                   cmp    %edx,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f905:   75 e9                   jne    10f8f0 <fat_shutdown_drive+0xd0>               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f907:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f90a:   8b 43 7c                mov    0x7c(%ebx),%eax                                
  10f90d:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10f910:   e8 3b 23 ff ff          call   101c50 <free>                                  
  10f915:   8b 83 80 00 00 00       mov    0x80(%ebx),%eax                                
  10f91b:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10f91e:   e8 2d 23 ff ff          call   101c50 <free>                                  
  10f923:   8b 83 84 00 00 00       mov    0x84(%ebx),%eax                                
  10f929:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10f92c:   e8 1f 23 ff ff          call   101c50 <free>                                  
  10f931:   8b 83 a0 00 00 00       mov    0xa0(%ebx),%eax                                
  10f937:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10f93a:   e8 11 23 ff ff          call   101c50 <free>                                  
  10f93f:   8b 43 68                mov    0x68(%ebx),%eax                                
  10f942:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10f945:   e8 66 21 ff ff          call   101ab0 <close>                                 
    if (rc)                                                                               
  10f94a:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10f94d:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10f94f:   75 0f                   jne    10f960 <fat_shutdown_drive+0x140>              <== NEVER TAKEN
        errno = EIO;                                                                      
    return rc;                                                                            
  10f951:   8b 45 e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               
  10f954:   83 c4 2c                add    $0x2c,%esp                                     
  10f957:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  10f958:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  10f959:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  10f95a:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10f95b:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10f95c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
        errno = EIO;                                                                      
  10f960:   e8 3b 6f 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f965:   c7 00 05 00 00 00       movl   $0x5,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f96b:   8b 45 e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f96e:   83 c4 2c                add    $0x2c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f971:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f972:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f973:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f974:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f975:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f976:   90                      nop                                                   
  10f977:   90                      nop                                                   
  10f978:   90                      nop                                                   
  10f979:   90                      nop                                                   
  10f97a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10f97b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10f97c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10f97d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10f97e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10f97f:   90                      nop                                                   

0010f720 <fat_sync>: return RC_OK; } int fat_sync(fat_fs_info_t *fs_info) {
  10f720:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  10f721:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  10f723:   83 ec 58                sub    $0x58,%esp                                     
  10f726:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  10f729:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 
  10f72c:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
    return RC_OK;                                                                         
  10f72f:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
  10f731:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
    if (fs_info->vol.type == FAT_FAT32)                                                   
  10f734:   80 7e 16 04             cmpb   $0x4,0x16(%esi)                                
  10f738:   74 36                   je     10f770 <fat_sync+0x50>                         
    if (fs_info->c.state == FAT_CACHE_EMPTY)                                              
  10f73a:   80 be 99 00 00 00 00    cmpb   $0x0,0x99(%esi)                                
  10f741:   74 07                   je     10f74a <fat_sync+0x2a>                         
  10f743:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      
  10f745:   e8 46 ee ff ff          call   10e590 <fat_buf_release.part.0>                
    if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                                    
        rc = -1;                                                                          
    if (rtems_bdbuf_syncdev(fs_info->vol.dd) != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)                         
  10f74a:   8b 46 6c                mov    0x6c(%esi),%eax                                
  10f74d:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10f750:   e8 4b 8c 00 00          call   1183a0 <rtems_bdbuf_syncdev>                   
  10f755:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10f757:   0f 85 b3 00 00 00       jne    10f810 <fat_sync+0xf0>                         <== NEVER TAKEN
        rc = -1;                                                                          
    return rc;                                                                            
  10f75d:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  10f760:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  10f762:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  10f765:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  10f768:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  10f76a:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  10f76b:   c3                      ret                                                   
  10f76c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
        uint32_t free_count = fs_info->vol.free_cls;                                      
  10f770:   8b 46 4c                mov    0x4c(%esi),%eax                                
        if (free_count != fs_info->vol.free_cls_in_fs_info)                               
  10f773:   3b 46 50                cmp    0x50(%esi),%eax                                
        uint32_t next_free = fs_info->vol.next_cl;                                        
  10f776:   8b 7e 54                mov    0x54(%esi),%edi                                
        if (free_count != fs_info->vol.free_cls_in_fs_info)                               
  10f779:   75 45                   jne    10f7c0 <fat_sync+0xa0>                         <== NEVER TAKEN
        if (next_free != fs_info->vol.next_cl_in_fs_info)                                 
  10f77b:   3b 7e 58                cmp    0x58(%esi),%edi                                
  10f77e:   74 ba                   je     10f73a <fat_sync+0x1a>                         
  10f780:   8d 55 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%edx                               
  10f783:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
            fs_info->vol.next_cl_in_fs_info = next_free;                                  
  10f785:   89 7e 58                mov    %edi,0x58(%esi)                                
            ret2 = fat_sector_write(fs_info,                                              
  10f788:   b8 04 00 00 00          mov    $0x4,%eax                                      
  10f78d:   89 54 24 10             mov    %edx,0x10(%esp)                                
  10f791:   ba ec 01 00 00          mov    $0x1ec,%edx                                    
  10f796:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  10f79a:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
            uint32_t le_next_free = CT_LE_L(next_free);                                   
  10f79e:   89 7d e4                mov    %edi,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
            ret2 = fat_sector_write(fs_info,                                              
  10f7a1:   0f b7 46 48             movzwl 0x48(%esi),%eax                                
  10f7a5:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  10f7a8:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10f7ac:   e8 ff f2 ff ff          call   10eab0 <fat_sector_write>                      
    if ( (ret1 < 0) || (ret2 < 0) )                                                       
  10f7b1:   c1 e8 1f                shr    $0x1f,%eax                                     
  10f7b4:   08 c3                   or     %al,%bl                                        
  10f7b6:   0f b6 db                movzbl %bl,%ebx                                       
  10f7b9:   f7 db                   neg    %ebx                                           
  10f7bb:   e9 7a ff ff ff          jmp    10f73a <fat_sync+0x1a>                         
            ret1 = fat_sector_write(fs_info,                                              
  10f7c0:   8d 55 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f7c3:   b9 04 00 00 00          mov    $0x4,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
            fs_info->vol.free_cls_in_fs_info = free_count;                                
  10f7c8:   89 46 50                mov    %eax,0x50(%esi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
            ret1 = fat_sector_write(fs_info,                                              
  10f7cb:   bb e8 01 00 00          mov    $0x1e8,%ebx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f7d0:   89 54 24 10             mov    %edx,0x10(%esp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f7d4:   89 5c 24 08             mov    %ebx,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f7d8:   89 4c 24 0c             mov    %ecx,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
            uint32_t le_free_count = CT_LE_L(free_count);                                 
  10f7dc:   89 45 e4                mov    %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
            ret1 = fat_sector_write(fs_info,                                              
  10f7df:   0f b7 46 48             movzwl 0x48(%esi),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f7e3:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f7e6:   89 55 d4                mov    %edx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f7e9:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f7ed:   e8 be f2 ff ff          call   10eab0 <fat_sector_write>                      <== NOT EXECUTED
        if (next_free != fs_info->vol.next_cl_in_fs_info)                                 
  10f7f2:   8b 55 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
            ret1 = fat_sector_write(fs_info,                                              
  10f7f5:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    if ( (ret1 < 0) || (ret2 < 0) )                                                       
  10f7f7:   c1 eb 1f                shr    $0x1f,%ebx                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
        if (next_free != fs_info->vol.next_cl_in_fs_info)                                 
  10f7fa:   3b 7e 58                cmp    0x58(%esi),%edi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f7fd:   74 b7                   je     10f7b6 <fat_sync+0x96>                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f7ff:   eb 84                   jmp    10f785 <fat_sync+0x65>                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f801:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f808:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f80f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
        rc = -1;                                                                          
  10f810:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    return rc;                                                                            
  10f815:   e9 43 ff ff ff          jmp    10f75d <fat_sync+0x3d>                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  10f81a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10f81b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10f81c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10f81d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10f81e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10f81f:   90                      nop                                                   

00111380 <msdos_creat_node>: fat_file_type_t type, const char *name, int name_len, mode_t mode, const fat_file_fd_t *link_fd) {
  111380:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
    msdos_fs_info_t  *fs_info = parent_loc->mt_entry->fs_info;                            
    fat_file_fd_t    *parent_fat_fd = parent_loc->node_access;                            
    fat_file_fd_t    *fat_fd = NULL;                                                      
    time_t            now;                                                                
    uint16_t          time_val = 0;                                                       
    uint16_t          date = 0;                                                           
  111381:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  111383:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  dir_pos->sname.cln = 0;                                                                 
  111385:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      
  111387:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  dir_pos->sname.ofs = 0;                                                                 
  111388:   31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi                                      
  11138a:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  11138b:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  11138c:   81 ec dc 00 00 00       sub    $0xdc,%esp                                     
    uint16_t          date = 0;                                                           
  111392:   66 89 95 52 ff ff ff    mov    %dx,-0xae(%ebp)                                
    msdos_fs_info_t  *fs_info = parent_loc->mt_entry->fs_info;                            
  111399:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
    uint32_t          sec = 0;                                                            
    uint32_t          byte = 0;                                                           
    memset(short_node, 0, MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE);                             
  11139c:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  11139e:   89 bd 5c ff ff ff       mov    %edi,-0xa4(%ebp)                               
  1113a4:   8d bd 68 ff ff ff       lea    -0x98(%ebp),%edi                               
  dir_pos->sname.cln = 0;                                                                 
  1113aa:   89 8d 58 ff ff ff       mov    %ecx,-0xa8(%ebp)                               
    msdos_fs_info_t  *fs_info = parent_loc->mt_entry->fs_info;                            
  1113b0:   8b 40 14                mov    0x14(%eax),%eax                                
  1113b3:   8b 70 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%esi                                 
    fat_file_fd_t    *parent_fat_fd = parent_loc->node_access;                            
  1113b6:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1113b9:   8b 58 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%ebx                                 
    fat_file_fd_t    *fat_fd = NULL;                                                      
  1113bc:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1113be:   89 85 54 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xac(%ebp)                               
    uint16_t          time_val = 0;                                                       
  1113c4:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1113c6:   66 89 85 50 ff ff ff    mov    %ax,-0xb0(%ebp)                                
  dir_pos->lname.cln = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                               
  1113cd:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  1113d2:   89 85 60 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xa0(%ebp)                               
  dir_pos->lname.ofs = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                               
  1113d8:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  1113dd:   89 85 64 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x9c(%ebp)                               
    memset(short_node, 0, MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE);                             
  1113e3:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1113e5:   89 14 07                mov    %edx,(%edi,%eax,1)                             
  1113e8:   89 54 07 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%edi,%eax,1)                          
  1113ec:   83 c0 08                add    $0x8,%eax                                      
  1113ef:   83 f8 20                cmp    $0x20,%eax                                     
  1113f2:   72 f1                   jb     1113e5 <msdos_creat_node+0x65>                 
    memset(dot_dotdot, 0, MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE * 2);                         
  1113f4:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  1113f6:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1113f8:   89 54 05 a8             mov    %edx,-0x58(%ebp,%eax,1)                        
  1113fc:   89 54 05 ac             mov    %edx,-0x54(%ebp,%eax,1)                        
  111400:   83 c0 08                add    $0x8,%eax                                      
  111403:   83 f8 40                cmp    $0x40,%eax                                     
  111406:   72 f0                   jb     1113f8 <msdos_creat_node+0x78>                 
    if (name_len > MSDOS_NAME_MAX_LFN_WITH_DOT) {                                         
  111408:   81 7d 14 04 01 00 00    cmpl   $0x104,0x14(%ebp)                              
  11140f:   0f 8f 39 04 00 00       jg     11184e <msdos_creat_node+0x4ce>                <== NEVER TAKEN
    name_type = msdos_long_to_short (fs_info->converter,                                  
  111415:   89 7c 24 0c             mov    %edi,0xc(%esp)                                 
  111419:   b8 0b 00 00 00          mov    $0xb,%eax                                      
  11141e:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  111422:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  111425:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  111429:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  11142c:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  111430:   8b 86 c8 00 00 00       mov    0xc8(%esi),%eax                                
  111436:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  111439:   e8 f2 08 00 00          call   111d30 <msdos_long_to_short>                   
  11143e:   89 85 44 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xbc(%ebp)                               
                                     name, name_len,                                      
    if (name_type == MSDOS_NAME_INVALID) {                                                
  111444:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  111446:   0f 84 24 04 00 00       je     111870 <msdos_creat_node+0x4f0>                <== NEVER TAKEN
    /* fill reserved field */                                                             
    *MSDOS_DIR_NT_RES(short_node) = MSDOS_RES_NT_VALUE;                                   
    /* set up last write date and time */                                                 
    now = time(NULL);                                                                     
  11144c:   c7 04 24 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,(%esp)                                    
    *MSDOS_DIR_NT_RES(short_node) = MSDOS_RES_NT_VALUE;                                   
  111453:   c6 85 74 ff ff ff 00    movb   $0x0,-0x8c(%ebp)                               
    now = time(NULL);                                                                     
  11145a:   e8 21 a8 01 00          call   12bc80 <time>                                  
static inline void fat_file_set_ctime_mtime(fat_file_fd_t *fat_fd, time_t t)              
    fat_fd->ctime = t;                                                                    
    fat_fd->mtime = t;                                                                    
    fat_fd->flags |= FAT_FILE_META_DATA_CHANGED;                                          
  11145f:   80 4b 30 02             orb    $0x2,0x30(%ebx)                                
    fat_fd->ctime = t;                                                                    
  111463:   89 43 40                mov    %eax,0x40(%ebx)                                
  111466:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
    fat_fd->mtime = t;                                                                    
  111468:   89 43 48                mov    %eax,0x48(%ebx)                                
  11146b:   89 85 3c ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xc4(%ebp)                               
    fat_file_set_ctime_mtime(parent_fat_fd, now);                                         
    msdos_date_unix2dos(now, &date, &time_val);                                           
  111471:   8d 85 50 ff ff ff       lea    -0xb0(%ebp),%eax                               
    fat_fd->ctime = t;                                                                    
  111477:   89 53 44                mov    %edx,0x44(%ebx)                                
    fat_fd->mtime = t;                                                                    
  11147a:   89 53 4c                mov    %edx,0x4c(%ebx)                                
  11147d:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  111481:   8d 85 52 ff ff ff       lea    -0xae(%ebp),%eax                               
  111487:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  11148b:   89 0c 24                mov    %ecx,(%esp)                                    
  11148e:   89 95 40 ff ff ff       mov    %edx,-0xc0(%ebp)                               
  111494:   e8 27 76 00 00          call   118ac0 <msdos_date_unix2dos>                   
    *MSDOS_DIR_CRT_TIME(short_node) = CT_LE_W(time_val);                                  
    *MSDOS_DIR_CRT_DATE(short_node) = CT_LE_W(date);                                      
  111499:   0f b7 85 52 ff ff ff    movzwl -0xae(%ebp),%eax                               
    *MSDOS_DIR_WRITE_TIME(short_node) = CT_LE_W(time_val);                                
    *MSDOS_DIR_WRITE_DATE(short_node) = CT_LE_W(date);                                    
    *MSDOS_DIR_LAST_ACCESS_DATE(short_node) = CT_LE_W(date);                              
    /* initialize directory/file size */                                                  
    *MSDOS_DIR_FILE_SIZE(short_node) = MSDOS_INIT_DIR_SIZE;                               
  1114a0:   c7 45 84 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x7c(%ebp)                               
    *MSDOS_DIR_CRT_TIME(short_node) = CT_LE_W(time_val);                                  
  1114a7:   0f b7 8d 50 ff ff ff    movzwl -0xb0(%ebp),%ecx                               
    *MSDOS_DIR_CRT_DATE(short_node) = CT_LE_W(date);                                      
  1114ae:   66 89 85 78 ff ff ff    mov    %ax,-0x88(%ebp)                                
    *MSDOS_DIR_WRITE_DATE(short_node) = CT_LE_W(date);                                    
  1114b5:   66 89 45 80             mov    %ax,-0x80(%ebp)                                
    *MSDOS_DIR_LAST_ACCESS_DATE(short_node) = CT_LE_W(date);                              
  1114b9:   66 89 85 7a ff ff ff    mov    %ax,-0x86(%ebp)                                
    if (type == FAT_DIRECTORY) {                                                          
  1114c0:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
    *MSDOS_DIR_CRT_TIME(short_node) = CT_LE_W(time_val);                                  
  1114c3:   66 89 8d 76 ff ff ff    mov    %cx,-0x8a(%ebp)                                
    *MSDOS_DIR_WRITE_TIME(short_node) = CT_LE_W(time_val);                                
  1114ca:   66 89 8d 7e ff ff ff    mov    %cx,-0x82(%ebp)                                
    if (type == FAT_DIRECTORY) {                                                          
  1114d1:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1114d3:   75 5b                   jne    111530 <msdos_creat_node+0x1b0>                
     * find free space in the parent directory and write new initialized                  
     * FAT 32 Bytes Directory Entry Structure to the disk                                 
    rc = msdos_get_name_node(parent_loc, true, name, name_len,                            
  1114d5:   89 7c 24 18             mov    %edi,0x18(%esp)                                
  1114d9:   8b 85 44 ff ff ff       mov    -0xbc(%ebp),%eax                               
  1114df:   8d bd 58 ff ff ff       lea    -0xa8(%ebp),%edi                               
  1114e5:   89 7c 24 14             mov    %edi,0x14(%esp)                                
      *MSDOS_DIR_ATTR(short_node) |= MSDOS_ATTR_DIRECTORY;                                
  1114e9:   80 8d 73 ff ff ff 10    orb    $0x10,-0x8d(%ebp)                              
    rc = msdos_get_name_node(parent_loc, true, name, name_len,                            
  1114f0:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  1114f4:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  1114f7:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  1114fb:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  1114fe:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  111502:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  111507:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  11150b:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  11150e:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  111511:   e8 6a 24 00 00          call   113980 <msdos_get_name_node>                   
                             name_type, &dir_pos, short_node);                            
    if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                                    
  111516:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    rc = msdos_get_name_node(parent_loc, true, name, name_len,                            
  111518:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
    if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                                    
  11151a:   74 74                   je     111590 <msdos_creat_node+0x210>                <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    /* mark the used 32bytes structure on the disk as free */                             
    msdos_set_first_char4file_name(parent_loc->mt_entry, &dir_pos, 0xE5);                 
    return rc;                                                                            
  11151c:   81 c4 dc 00 00 00       add    $0xdc,%esp                                     
  111522:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax                                      
  111524:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  111525:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  111526:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  111527:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  111528:   c3                      ret                                                   
  111529:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    else if (type == FAT_HARD_LINK) {                                                     
  111530:   83 7d 0c 02             cmpl   $0x2,0xc(%ebp)                                 
  111534:   0f 84 16 02 00 00       je     111750 <msdos_creat_node+0x3d0>                <== NEVER TAKEN
        *MSDOS_DIR_ATTR(short_node) |= MSDOS_ATTR_ARCHIVE;                                
  11153a:   80 8d 73 ff ff ff 20    orb    $0x20,-0x8d(%ebp)                              
    rc = msdos_get_name_node(parent_loc, true, name, name_len,                            
  111541:   8d 85 58 ff ff ff       lea    -0xa8(%ebp),%eax                               
  111547:   89 44 24 14             mov    %eax,0x14(%esp)                                
  11154b:   8b 85 44 ff ff ff       mov    -0xbc(%ebp),%eax                               
  111551:   89 7c 24 18             mov    %edi,0x18(%esp)                                
  111555:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  111559:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  11155c:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  111560:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  111563:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  111567:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  11156c:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  111570:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  111573:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  111576:   e8 05 24 00 00          call   113980 <msdos_get_name_node>                   
  11157b:   81 c4 dc 00 00 00       add    $0xdc,%esp                                     
  111581:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  111582:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
    rc = msdos_get_name_node(parent_loc, true, name, name_len,                            
  111583:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
  111585:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  111586:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax                                      
  111588:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  111589:   c3                      ret                                                   
  11158a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
        rc = fat_file_open(&fs_info->fat, &dir_pos, &fat_fd);                             
  111590:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  111594:   8b 95 40 ff ff ff       mov    -0xc0(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  11159a:   8d 85 54 ff ff ff       lea    -0xac(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1115a0:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1115a4:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1115a7:   89 95 44 ff ff ff       mov    %edx,-0xbc(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1115ad:   e8 5e ed ff ff          call   110310 <fat_file_open>                         <== NOT EXECUTED
        if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                  
  1115b2:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
        rc = fat_file_open(&fs_info->fat, &dir_pos, &fat_fd);                             
  1115b4:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
        if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                  
  1115b6:   74 38                   je     1115f0 <msdos_creat_node+0x270>                <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    msdos_set_first_char4file_name(parent_loc->mt_entry, &dir_pos, 0xE5);                 
  1115b8:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1115bc:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1115bf:   ba e5 00 00 00          mov    $0xe5,%edx                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  1115c4:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1115c8:   89 8d 44 ff ff ff       mov    %ecx,-0xbc(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1115ce:   8b 40 14                mov    0x14(%eax),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1115d1:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1115d4:   e8 47 0d 00 00          call   112320 <msdos_set_first_char4file_name>        <== NOT EXECUTED
    return rc;                                                                            
  1115d9:   8b 8d 44 ff ff ff       mov    -0xbc(%ebp),%ecx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1115df:   81 c4 dc 00 00 00       add    $0xdc,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  1115e5:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1115e6:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1115e7:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1115e9:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1115ea:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1115eb:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  1115ec:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
        fat_fd->fat_file_type = FAT_DIRECTORY;                                            
  1115f0:   8b 85 54 ff ff ff       mov    -0xac(%ebp),%eax                               
    fat_fd->ctime = t;                                                                    
  1115f6:   8b 95 44 ff ff ff       mov    -0xbc(%ebp),%edx                               
  1115fc:   8b 8d 3c ff ff ff       mov    -0xc4(%ebp),%ecx                               
    fat_fd->flags |= FAT_FILE_META_DATA_CHANGED;                                          
  111602:   80 48 30 02             orb    $0x2,0x30(%eax)                                
    fat_fd->ctime = t;                                                                    
  111606:   89 50 44                mov    %edx,0x44(%eax)                                
    fat_fd->mtime = t;                                                                    
  111609:   89 50 4c                mov    %edx,0x4c(%eax)                                
        rc = fat_file_extend(&fs_info->fat,                                               
  11160c:   8d 55 88                lea    -0x78(%ebp),%edx                               
    fat_fd->ctime = t;                                                                    
  11160f:   89 48 40                mov    %ecx,0x40(%eax)                                
    fat_fd->mtime = t;                                                                    
  111612:   89 48 48                mov    %ecx,0x48(%eax)                                
        fat_fd->fat_file_type = FAT_DIRECTORY;                                            
  111615:   c7 40 10 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x10(%eax)                                
        fat_fd->size_limit = MSDOS_MAX_DIR_LENGTH;                                        
  11161c:   c7 40 14 00 00 20 00    movl   $0x200000,0x14(%eax)                           
        rc = fat_file_extend(&fs_info->fat,                                               
  111623:   89 54 24 10             mov    %edx,0x10(%esp)                                
  111627:   8b 56 08                mov    0x8(%esi),%edx                                 
  11162a:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  11162e:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  111631:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  111635:   ba 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edx                                      
  11163a:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  11163e:   e8 8d f4 ff ff          call   110ad0 <fat_file_extend>                       
        if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                  
  111643:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
        rc = fat_file_extend(&fs_info->fat,                                               
  111645:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
        if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                  
  111647:   0f 85 6b ff ff ff       jne    1115b8 <msdos_creat_node+0x238>                <== NEVER TAKEN
        memcpy(DOT_NODE_P(dot_dotdot), short_node,                                        
  11164d:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  11164f:   8b 94 05 68 ff ff ff    mov    -0x98(%ebp,%eax,1),%edx                        
  111656:   89 54 05 a8             mov    %edx,-0x58(%ebp,%eax,1)                        
  11165a:   83 c0 04                add    $0x4,%eax                                      
  11165d:   83 f8 20                cmp    $0x20,%eax                                     
  111660:   72 ed                   jb     11164f <msdos_creat_node+0x2cf>                
        memcpy(DOTDOT_NODE_P(dot_dotdot), short_node,                                     
  111662:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  111664:   8b 94 05 68 ff ff ff    mov    -0x98(%ebp,%eax,1),%edx                        
  11166b:   89 54 05 c8             mov    %edx,-0x38(%ebp,%eax,1)                        
  11166f:   83 c0 04                add    $0x4,%eax                                      
  111672:   83 f8 20                cmp    $0x20,%eax                                     
  111675:   72 ed                   jb     111664 <msdos_creat_node+0x2e4>                
        memcpy(MSDOS_DIR_NAME(DOT_NODE_P(dot_dotdot)), MSDOS_DOT_NAME,                    
  111677:   a1 e0 37 13 00          mov    0x1337e0,%eax                                  
  11167c:   8b 10                   mov    (%eax),%edx                                    
  11167e:   89 55 a8                mov    %edx,-0x58(%ebp)                               
  111681:   8b 50 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%edx                                 
  111684:   89 55 ac                mov    %edx,-0x54(%ebp)                               
  111687:   0f b7 50 08             movzwl 0x8(%eax),%edx                                 
  11168b:   66 89 55 b0             mov    %dx,-0x50(%ebp)                                
  11168f:   0f b6 40 0a             movzbl 0xa(%eax),%eax                                 
  111693:   88 45 b2                mov    %al,-0x4e(%ebp)                                
        memcpy(MSDOS_DIR_NAME(DOTDOT_NODE_P(dot_dotdot)), MSDOS_DOTDOT_NAME,              
  111696:   a1 dc 37 13 00          mov    0x1337dc,%eax                                  
  11169b:   8b 10                   mov    (%eax),%edx                                    
  11169d:   89 55 c8                mov    %edx,-0x38(%ebp)                               
  1116a0:   8b 50 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%edx                                 
  1116a3:   89 55 cc                mov    %edx,-0x34(%ebp)                               
  1116a6:   0f b7 50 08             movzwl 0x8(%eax),%edx                                 
  1116aa:   66 89 55 d0             mov    %dx,-0x30(%ebp)                                
  1116ae:   0f b6 40 0a             movzbl 0xa(%eax),%eax                                 
  1116b2:   88 45 d2                mov    %al,-0x2e(%ebp)                                
        if ((FAT_FD_OF_ROOT_DIR(parent_fat_fd)) &&                                        
  1116b5:   83 7b 20 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x20(%ebx)                                
  1116b9:   0f 84 69 01 00 00       je     111828 <msdos_creat_node+0x4a8>                
                CT_LE_W((uint16_t  )((parent_fat_fd->cln) & 0x0000FFFF));                 
  1116bf:   8b 43 1c                mov    0x1c(%ebx),%eax                                
  1116c2:   66 89 45 e2             mov    %ax,-0x1e(%ebp)                                
                CT_LE_W((uint16_t  )(((parent_fat_fd->cln) & 0xFFFF0000)>>16));           
  1116c6:   c1 e8 10                shr    $0x10,%eax                                     
  1116c9:   66 89 45 dc             mov    %ax,-0x24(%ebp)                                
                CT_LE_W((uint16_t  )((fat_fd->cln) & 0x0000FFFF));                        
  1116cd:   8b 95 54 ff ff ff       mov    -0xac(%ebp),%edx                               
        ret = fat_file_write(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, 0,                                    
  1116d3:   b9 40 00 00 00          mov    $0x40,%ecx                                     
  1116d8:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
                CT_LE_W((uint16_t  )((fat_fd->cln) & 0x0000FFFF));                        
  1116da:   8b 42 1c                mov    0x1c(%edx),%eax                                
        ret = fat_file_write(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, 0,                                    
  1116dd:   89 4c 24 0c             mov    %ecx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  1116e1:   89 5c 24 08             mov    %ebx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1116e5:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
                CT_LE_W((uint16_t  )((fat_fd->cln) & 0x0000FFFF));                        
  1116e9:   66 89 45 c2             mov    %ax,-0x3e(%ebp)                                
                CT_LE_W((uint16_t  )(((fat_fd->cln) & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16));                
  1116ed:   c1 e8 10                shr    $0x10,%eax                                     
  1116f0:   66 89 45 bc             mov    %ax,-0x44(%ebp)                                
        ret = fat_file_write(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, 0,                                    
  1116f4:   8d 45 a8                lea    -0x58(%ebp),%eax                               
  1116f7:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  1116fb:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  1116fe:   e8 8d f6 ff ff          call   110d90 <fat_file_write>                        
        if (ret < 0)                                                                      
  111703:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  111705:   0f 88 e5 00 00 00       js     1117f0 <msdos_creat_node+0x470>                <== NEVER TAKEN
        rc = fat_file_write_first_cluster_num(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                     
  11170b:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  11170e:   8b 85 54 ff ff ff       mov    -0xac(%ebp),%eax                               
  111714:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  111718:   e8 93 0a 00 00          call   1121b0 <fat_file_write_first_cluster_num>      
        if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                  
  11171d:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
        rc = fat_file_write_first_cluster_num(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                     
  11171f:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
        if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                  
  111721:   0f 85 ce 00 00 00       jne    1117f5 <msdos_creat_node+0x475>                <== NEVER TAKEN
  111727:   89 85 44 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xbc(%ebp)                               
        fat_file_close(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                            
  11172d:   8b 85 54 ff ff ff       mov    -0xac(%ebp),%eax                               
  111733:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  111736:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  11173a:   e8 11 f2 ff ff          call   110950 <fat_file_close>                        
  11173f:   8b 8d 44 ff ff ff       mov    -0xbc(%ebp),%ecx                               
  111745:   e9 d2 fd ff ff          jmp    11151c <msdos_creat_node+0x19c>                
  11174a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
      sec = fat_cluster_num_to_sector_num(&fs_info->fat,                                  
  111750:   8b 45 1c                mov    0x1c(%ebp),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  111753:   8b 40 20                mov    0x20(%eax),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    if ( (cln == 0) && (fs_info->vol.type & (FAT_FAT12 | FAT_FAT16)) )                    
  111756:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  111758:   75 0a                   jne    111764 <msdos_creat_node+0x3e4>                <== NOT EXECUTED
  11175a:   f6 46 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%esi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  11175e:   0f 85 bc 00 00 00       jne    111820 <msdos_creat_node+0x4a0>                <== NOT EXECUTED
    return (((cln - FAT_RSRVD_CLN) << fs_info->vol.spc_log2) +                            
  111764:   0f b6 4e 05             movzbl 0x5(%esi),%ecx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  111768:   83 e8 02                sub    $0x2,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11176b:   8b 5e 3c                mov    0x3c(%esi),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  11176e:   d3 e0                   shl    %cl,%eax                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  111770:   01 d8                   add    %ebx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
      sec += (link_fd->dir_pos.sname.ofs >> fs_info->fat.vol.sec_log2);                   
  111772:   8b 5d 1c                mov    0x1c(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
      ret = _fat_block_read(&fs_info->fat,                                                
  111775:   8d 4d 88                lea    -0x78(%ebp),%ecx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
      sec += (link_fd->dir_pos.sname.ofs >> fs_info->fat.vol.sec_log2);                   
  111778:   8b 53 24                mov    0x24(%ebx),%edx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
      ret = _fat_block_read(&fs_info->fat,                                                
  11177b:   89 4c 24 10             mov    %ecx,0x10(%esp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  11177f:   b9 20 00 00 00          mov    $0x20,%ecx                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  111784:   89 4c 24 0c             mov    %ecx,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
      byte = (link_fd->dir_pos.sname.ofs & (fs_info->fat.vol.bps - 1));                   
  111788:   0f b7 0e                movzwl (%esi),%ecx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  11178b:   49                      dec    %ecx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  11178c:   21 d1                   and    %edx,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
      ret = _fat_block_read(&fs_info->fat,                                                
  11178e:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
      sec += (link_fd->dir_pos.sname.ofs >> fs_info->fat.vol.sec_log2);                   
  111792:   0f b6 4e 02             movzbl 0x2(%esi),%ecx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
      ret = _fat_block_read(&fs_info->fat,                                                
  111796:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
      sec += (link_fd->dir_pos.sname.ofs >> fs_info->fat.vol.sec_log2);                   
  111799:   d3 ea                   shr    %cl,%edx                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  11179b:   01 d0                   add    %edx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
      ret = _fat_block_read(&fs_info->fat,                                                
  11179d:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1117a1:   e8 7a d1 ff ff          call   10e920 <_fat_block_read>                       <== NOT EXECUTED
      if (ret < 0) {                                                                      
  1117a6:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1117a8:   0f 88 d7 00 00 00       js     111885 <msdos_creat_node+0x505>                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1117ae:   8b 45 95                mov    -0x6b(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1117b1:   89 85 75 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x8b(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
      *MSDOS_DIR_CRT_DATE(short_node)      =*MSDOS_DIR_CRT_DATE(link_node);               
  1117b7:   0f b6 45 99             movzbl -0x67(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1117bb:   88 85 79 ff ff ff       mov    %al,-0x87(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
      *MSDOS_DIR_FILE_SIZE(short_node)     =*MSDOS_DIR_FILE_SIZE(link_node);              
  1117c1:   8b 45 a4                mov    -0x5c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1117c4:   89 45 84                mov    %eax,-0x7c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
      *MSDOS_DIR_FIRST_CLUSTER_LOW(short_node) =                                          
  1117c7:   0f b7 45 a2             movzwl -0x5e(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1117cb:   66 89 45 82             mov    %ax,-0x7e(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
      *MSDOS_DIR_FIRST_CLUSTER_HI(short_node) =                                           
  1117cf:   8b 45 9c                mov    -0x64(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1117d2:   66 89 85 7c ff ff ff    mov    %ax,-0x84(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
      *MSDOS_DIR_ATTR(short_node) |= MSDOS_ATTR_ARCHIVE;                                  
  1117d9:   0f b6 45 93             movzbl -0x6d(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1117dd:   0c 20                   or     $0x20,%al                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1117df:   88 85 73 ff ff ff       mov    %al,-0x8d(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1117e5:   e9 57 fd ff ff          jmp    111541 <msdos_creat_node+0x1c1>                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1117ea:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
            rc = -1;                                                                      
  1117f0:   b9 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ecx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    fat_file_close(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                                
  1117f5:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1117f8:   8b 85 54 ff ff ff       mov    -0xac(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1117fe:   89 8d 44 ff ff ff       mov    %ecx,-0xbc(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  111804:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  111808:   e8 43 f1 ff ff          call   110950 <fat_file_close>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  11180d:   8b 8d 44 ff ff ff       mov    -0xbc(%ebp),%ecx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  111813:   e9 a0 fd ff ff          jmp    1115b8 <msdos_creat_node+0x238>                <== NOT EXECUTED
  111818:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  11181f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
        return fs_info->vol.rdir_loc;                                                     
  111820:   8b 46 28                mov    0x28(%esi),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  111823:   e9 4a ff ff ff          jmp    111772 <msdos_creat_node+0x3f2>                <== NOT EXECUTED
        if ((FAT_FD_OF_ROOT_DIR(parent_fat_fd)) &&                                        
  111828:   8b 43 24                mov    0x24(%ebx),%eax                                
  11182b:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  11182d:   0f 85 8c fe ff ff       jne    1116bf <msdos_creat_node+0x33f>                <== NEVER TAKEN
  111833:   f6 46 16 04             testb  $0x4,0x16(%esi)                                
  111837:   0f 84 82 fe ff ff       je     1116bf <msdos_creat_node+0x33f>                <== ALWAYS TAKEN
            *MSDOS_DIR_FIRST_CLUSTER_LOW(DOTDOT_NODE_P(dot_dotdot)) = 0x0000;             
  11183d:   66 c7 45 e2 00 00       movw   $0x0,-0x1e(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
            *MSDOS_DIR_FIRST_CLUSTER_HI(DOTDOT_NODE_P(dot_dotdot)) = 0x0000;              
  111843:   66 c7 45 dc 00 00       movw   $0x0,-0x24(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  111849:   e9 7f fe ff ff          jmp    1116cd <msdos_creat_node+0x34d>                <== NOT EXECUTED
  11184e:   e8 4d 50 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  111853:   b9 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ecx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  111858:   c7 00 5b 00 00 00       movl   $0x5b,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  11185e:   e9 b9 fc ff ff          jmp    11151c <msdos_creat_node+0x19c>                <== NOT EXECUTED
  111863:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  11186a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  111870:   e8 2b 50 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  111875:   b9 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ecx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  11187a:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  111880:   e9 97 fc ff ff          jmp    11151c <msdos_creat_node+0x19c>                <== NOT EXECUTED
          return -1;                                                                      
  111885:   b9 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ecx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  11188a:   e9 8d fc ff ff          jmp    11151c <msdos_creat_node+0x19c>                <== NOT EXECUTED
  11188f:   90                      nop                                                   

00118c20 <msdos_date_dos2unix>: * called from the stat(), and fstat() system calls and so probably need * not be too efficient. */ unsigned int msdos_date_dos2unix(unsigned int dd, unsigned int dt) {
  118c20:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  118c21:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  118c23:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  118c24:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  118c25:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  118c26:   83 ec 04                sub    $0x4,%esp                                      
  118c29:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  118c2c:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 
    uint32_t days;                                                                        
    uint16_t *months;                                                                     
    seconds = 2 * ((dt & MSDOS_DT_2SECONDS_MASK) >> MSDOS_DT_2SECONDS_SHIFT)              
        + ((dt & MSDOS_DT_MINUTES_MASK) >> MSDOS_DT_MINUTES_SHIFT) * 60                   
        + ((dt & MSDOS_DT_HOURS_MASK) >> MSDOS_DT_HOURS_SHIFT) * 3600;                    
  118c2f:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
        + ((dt & MSDOS_DT_MINUTES_MASK) >> MSDOS_DT_MINUTES_SHIFT) * 60                   
  118c31:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
        + ((dt & MSDOS_DT_HOURS_MASK) >> MSDOS_DT_HOURS_SHIFT) * 3600;                    
  118c33:   c1 ea 0b                shr    $0xb,%edx                                      
    seconds = 2 * ((dt & MSDOS_DT_2SECONDS_MASK) >> MSDOS_DT_2SECONDS_SHIFT)              
  118c36:   83 e0 1f                and    $0x1f,%eax                                     
        + ((dt & MSDOS_DT_MINUTES_MASK) >> MSDOS_DT_MINUTES_SHIFT) * 60                   
  118c39:   c1 e9 05                shr    $0x5,%ecx                                      
        + ((dt & MSDOS_DT_HOURS_MASK) >> MSDOS_DT_HOURS_SHIFT) * 3600;                    
  118c3c:   83 e2 1f                and    $0x1f,%edx                                     
  118c3f:   69 d2 08 07 00 00       imul   $0x708,%edx,%edx                               
        + ((dt & MSDOS_DT_MINUTES_MASK) >> MSDOS_DT_MINUTES_SHIFT) * 60                   
  118c45:   83 e1 3f                and    $0x3f,%ecx                                     
  118c48:   89 cb                   mov    %ecx,%ebx                                      
  118c4a:   c1 e3 04                shl    $0x4,%ebx                                      
  118c4d:   29 cb                   sub    %ecx,%ebx                                      
        + ((dt & MSDOS_DT_HOURS_MASK) >> MSDOS_DT_HOURS_SHIFT) * 3600;                    
  118c4f:   8d 14 5a                lea    (%edx,%ebx,2),%edx                             
  118c52:   01 d0                   add    %edx,%eax                                      
    seconds = 2 * ((dt & MSDOS_DT_2SECONDS_MASK) >> MSDOS_DT_2SECONDS_SHIFT)              
  118c54:   01 c0                   add    %eax,%eax                                      
  118c56:   89 45 f0                mov    %eax,-0x10(%ebp)                               
     * If the year, month, and day from the last conversion are the                       
     * same then use the saved value.                                                     
    if (lastdosdate != dd) {                                                              
  118c59:   0f b7 05 1c c2 13 00    movzwl 0x13c21c,%eax                                  
  118c60:   39 f0                   cmp    %esi,%eax                                      
  118c62:   0f 84 c8 00 00 00       je     118d30 <msdos_date_dos2unix+0x110>             
        lastdosdate = dd;                                                                 
  118c68:   66 89 35 1c c2 13 00    mov    %si,0x13c21c                                   
        days = 0;                                                                         
        year = (dd & MSDOS_DD_YEAR_MASK) >> MSDOS_DD_YEAR_SHIFT;                          
  118c6f:   89 f7                   mov    %esi,%edi                                      
        days = 0;                                                                         
  118c71:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
        year = (dd & MSDOS_DD_YEAR_MASK) >> MSDOS_DD_YEAR_SHIFT;                          
  118c73:   c1 ef 09                shr    $0x9,%edi                                      
        for (y = 0; y < year; y++)                                                        
  118c76:   89 fb                   mov    %edi,%ebx                                      
  118c78:   83 e3 7f                and    $0x7f,%ebx                                     
  118c7b:   74 2a                   je     118ca7 <msdos_date_dos2unix+0x87>              <== NEVER TAKEN
  118c7d:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      
            days += y & 0x03 ? 365 : 366;                                                 
  118c7f:   b8 6e 01 00 00          mov    $0x16e,%eax                                    
  118c84:   eb 1a                   jmp    118ca0 <msdos_date_dos2unix+0x80>              
  118c86:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  118c8d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  118c90:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax                                      
  118c92:   83 e0 03                and    $0x3,%eax                                      
  118c95:   83 f8 01                cmp    $0x1,%eax                                      
  118c98:   b8 6d 01 00 00          mov    $0x16d,%eax                                    
  118c9d:   83 d0 00                adc    $0x0,%eax                                      
        for (y = 0; y < year; y++)                                                        
  118ca0:   41                      inc    %ecx                                           
            days += y & 0x03 ? 365 : 366;                                                 
  118ca1:   01 c2                   add    %eax,%edx                                      
        for (y = 0; y < year; y++)                                                        
  118ca3:   39 cb                   cmp    %ecx,%ebx                                      
  118ca5:   75 e9                   jne    118c90 <msdos_date_dos2unix+0x70>              
        months = year & 0x03 ? regyear : leapyear;                                        
  118ca7:   83 e7 03                and    $0x3,%edi                                      
  118caa:   b8 4c 84 13 00          mov    $0x13844c,%eax                                 
  118caf:   74 5f                   je     118d10 <msdos_date_dos2unix+0xf0>              
         * Prevent going from 0 to 0xffffffff in the following                            
         * loop.                                                                          
        month = (dd & MSDOS_DD_MONTH_MASK) >> MSDOS_DD_MONTH_SHIFT;                       
  118cb1:   89 f3                   mov    %esi,%ebx                                      
  118cb3:   c1 eb 05                shr    $0x5,%ebx                                      
        if (month == 0) {                                                                 
  118cb6:   89 d9                   mov    %ebx,%ecx                                      
  118cb8:   83 e1 0f                and    $0xf,%ecx                                      
  118cbb:   74 43                   je     118d00 <msdos_date_dos2unix+0xe0>              <== NEVER TAKEN
            month = 1;                                                                    
        for (m = 0; m < month - 1; m++)                                                   
  118cbd:   f6 c3 0e                test   $0xe,%bl                                       
  118cc0:   74 1a                   je     118cdc <msdos_date_dos2unix+0xbc>              
  118cc2:   8d 5c 48 fe             lea    -0x2(%eax,%ecx,2),%ebx                         
  118cc6:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  118ccd:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
            days += months[m];                                                            
  118cd0:   0f b7 08                movzwl (%eax),%ecx                                    
        for (m = 0; m < month - 1; m++)                                                   
  118cd3:   83 c0 02                add    $0x2,%eax                                      
            days += months[m];                                                            
  118cd6:   01 ca                   add    %ecx,%edx                                      
        for (m = 0; m < month - 1; m++)                                                   
  118cd8:   39 c3                   cmp    %eax,%ebx                                      
  118cda:   75 f4                   jne    118cd0 <msdos_date_dos2unix+0xb0>              <== NEVER TAKEN
        days += ((dd & MSDOS_DD_DAY_MASK) >> MSDOS_DD_DAY_SHIFT) - 1;                     
  118cdc:   83 e6 1f                and    $0x1f,%esi                                     
  118cdf:   8d 44 32 ff             lea    -0x1(%edx,%esi,1),%eax                         
        lastseconds = (days + DAYSTO1980) * SECONDSPERDAY;                                
    return seconds + lastseconds;                                                         
  118ce3:   8b 55 f0                mov    -0x10(%ebp),%edx                               
        lastseconds = (days + DAYSTO1980) * SECONDSPERDAY;                                
  118ce6:   69 c0 80 51 01 00       imul   $0x15180,%eax,%eax                             
  118cec:   05 00 a6 ce 12          add    $0x12cea600,%eax                               
  118cf1:   a3 18 c2 13 00          mov    %eax,0x13c218                                  
    return seconds + lastseconds;                                                         
  118cf6:   01 d0                   add    %edx,%eax                                      
  118cf8:   59                      pop    %ecx                                           
  118cf9:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  118cfa:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  118cfb:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  118cfc:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  118cfd:   c3                      ret                                                   
  118cfe:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  118d00:   b9 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  118d05:   eb b6                   jmp    118cbd <msdos_date_dos2unix+0x9d>              <== NOT EXECUTED
  118d07:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  118d0e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
        month = (dd & MSDOS_DD_MONTH_MASK) >> MSDOS_DD_MONTH_SHIFT;                       
  118d10:   89 f3                   mov    %esi,%ebx                                      
        months = year & 0x03 ? regyear : leapyear;                                        
  118d12:   b8 34 84 13 00          mov    $0x138434,%eax                                 
        month = (dd & MSDOS_DD_MONTH_MASK) >> MSDOS_DD_MONTH_SHIFT;                       
  118d17:   c1 eb 05                shr    $0x5,%ebx                                      
        if (month == 0) {                                                                 
  118d1a:   89 d9                   mov    %ebx,%ecx                                      
  118d1c:   83 e1 0f                and    $0xf,%ecx                                      
  118d1f:   75 9c                   jne    118cbd <msdos_date_dos2unix+0x9d>              <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  118d21:   eb dd                   jmp    118d00 <msdos_date_dos2unix+0xe0>              <== NOT EXECUTED
  118d23:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  118d2a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    return seconds + lastseconds;                                                         
  118d30:   8b 55 f0                mov    -0x10(%ebp),%edx                               
  118d33:   a1 18 c2 13 00          mov    0x13c218,%eax                                  
  118d38:   59                      pop    %ecx                                           
  118d39:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
    return seconds + lastseconds;                                                         
  118d3a:   01 d0                   add    %edx,%eax                                      
  118d3c:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  118d3d:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  118d3e:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  118d3f:   c3                      ret                                                   

00118ac0 <msdos_date_unix2dos>: * file timestamps. The passed in unix time is assumed to be in GMT. */ void msdos_date_unix2dos(unsigned int t, uint16_t *ddp, uint16_t *dtp) {
  118ac0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  118ac1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  118ac3:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  118ac4:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  118ac5:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  118ac6:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
     * If the time from the last conversion is the same as now, then                      
     * skip the computations and use the saved result.                                    
    if (lasttime != t) {                                                                  
  118ac9:   39 1d 28 c2 13 00       cmp    %ebx,0x13c228                                  
  118acf:   0f 84 2b 01 00 00       je     118c00 <msdos_date_unix2dos+0x140>             
        lasttime = t;                                                                     
  118ad5:   89 1d 28 c2 13 00       mov    %ebx,0x13c228                                  
        lastdtime = (((t % 60) >> 1) << MSDOS_DT_2SECONDS_SHIFT)                          
            + (((t / 60) % 60) << MSDOS_DT_MINUTES_SHIFT)                                 
  118adb:   b9 89 88 88 88          mov    $0x88888889,%ecx                               
  118ae0:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  118ae2:   f7 e1                   mul    %ecx                                           
  118ae4:   89 d6                   mov    %edx,%esi                                      
  118ae6:   c1 ee 05                shr    $0x5,%esi                                      
  118ae9:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      
  118aeb:   89 f7                   mov    %esi,%edi                                      
  118aed:   f7 e1                   mul    %ecx                                           
  118aef:   c1 ea 05                shr    $0x5,%edx                                      
  118af2:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
  118af4:   c1 e0 04                shl    $0x4,%eax                                      
  118af7:   29 d0                   sub    %edx,%eax                                      
            + (((t / 3600) % 24) << MSDOS_DT_HOURS_SHIFT);                                
  118af9:   ba c5 b3 a2 91          mov    $0x91a2b3c5,%edx                               
            + (((t / 60) % 60) << MSDOS_DT_MINUTES_SHIFT)                                 
  118afe:   c1 e0 02                shl    $0x2,%eax                                      
  118b01:   29 c7                   sub    %eax,%edi                                      
            + (((t / 3600) % 24) << MSDOS_DT_HOURS_SHIFT);                                
  118b03:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  118b05:   f7 e2                   mul    %edx                                           
            + (((t / 60) % 60) << MSDOS_DT_MINUTES_SHIFT)                                 
  118b07:   c1 e7 05                shl    $0x5,%edi                                      
            + (((t / 3600) % 24) << MSDOS_DT_HOURS_SHIFT);                                
  118b0a:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      
  118b0c:   ba ab aa aa aa          mov    $0xaaaaaaab,%edx                               
  118b11:   c1 e9 0b                shr    $0xb,%ecx                                      
  118b14:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax                                      
  118b16:   f7 e2                   mul    %edx                                           
  118b18:   c1 ea 04                shr    $0x4,%edx                                      
  118b1b:   8d 04 52                lea    (%edx,%edx,2),%eax                             
         * If the number of days since 1970 is the same as the last                       
         * time we did the computation then skip all this leap year                       
         * and month stuff.                                                               
        days = t / (SECONDSPERDAY);                                                       
  118b1e:   ba 07 45 2e c2          mov    $0xc22e4507,%edx                               
            + (((t / 3600) % 24) << MSDOS_DT_HOURS_SHIFT);                                
  118b23:   c1 e0 03                shl    $0x3,%eax                                      
  118b26:   29 c1                   sub    %eax,%ecx                                      
        lastdtime = (((t % 60) >> 1) << MSDOS_DT_2SECONDS_SHIFT)                          
  118b28:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      
  118b2a:   c1 e0 04                shl    $0x4,%eax                                      
            + (((t / 3600) % 24) << MSDOS_DT_HOURS_SHIFT);                                
  118b2d:   c1 e1 0b                shl    $0xb,%ecx                                      
        lastdtime = (((t % 60) >> 1) << MSDOS_DT_2SECONDS_SHIFT)                          
  118b30:   29 f0                   sub    %esi,%eax                                      
  118b32:   c1 e0 02                shl    $0x2,%eax                                      
            + (((t / 3600) % 24) << MSDOS_DT_HOURS_SHIFT);                                
  118b35:   01 cf                   add    %ecx,%edi                                      
        lastdtime = (((t % 60) >> 1) << MSDOS_DT_2SECONDS_SHIFT)                          
  118b37:   89 d9                   mov    %ebx,%ecx                                      
  118b39:   29 c1                   sub    %eax,%ecx                                      
        days = t / (SECONDSPERDAY);                                                       
  118b3b:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  118b3d:   f7 e2                   mul    %edx                                           
        lastdtime = (((t % 60) >> 1) << MSDOS_DT_2SECONDS_SHIFT)                          
  118b3f:   d1 e9                   shr    %ecx                                           
            + (((t / 3600) % 24) << MSDOS_DT_HOURS_SHIFT);                                
  118b41:   01 f9                   add    %edi,%ecx                                      
  118b43:   0f b7 c9                movzwl %cx,%ecx                                       
        lastdtime = (((t % 60) >> 1) << MSDOS_DT_2SECONDS_SHIFT)                          
  118b46:   66 89 0d 1e c2 13 00    mov    %cx,0x13c21e                                   
        days = t / (SECONDSPERDAY);                                                       
  118b4d:   c1 ea 10                shr    $0x10,%edx                                     
        if (days != lastday) {                                                            
  118b50:   39 15 24 c2 13 00       cmp    %edx,0x13c224                                  
  118b56:   0f 84 84 00 00 00       je     118be0 <msdos_date_unix2dos+0x120>             
            lastday = days;                                                               
  118b5c:   89 15 24 c2 13 00       mov    %edx,0x13c224                                  
            for (year = 1970;; year++) {                                                  
  118b62:   bb b2 07 00 00          mov    $0x7b2,%ebx                                    
  118b67:   eb 0a                   jmp    118b73 <msdos_date_unix2dos+0xb3>              
  118b69:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
                inc = year & 0x03 ? 365 : 366;                                            
                if (days < inc)                                                           
                days -= inc;                                                              
  118b70:   29 c2                   sub    %eax,%edx                                      
            for (year = 1970;; year++) {                                                  
  118b72:   43                      inc    %ebx                                           
                inc = year & 0x03 ? 365 : 366;                                            
  118b73:   89 de                   mov    %ebx,%esi                                      
  118b75:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  118b77:   83 e6 03                and    $0x3,%esi                                      
  118b7a:   0f 94 c0                sete   %al                                            
  118b7d:   05 6d 01 00 00          add    $0x16d,%eax                                    
                if (days < inc)                                                           
  118b82:   39 c2                   cmp    %eax,%edx                                      
  118b84:   73 ea                   jae    118b70 <msdos_date_unix2dos+0xb0>              
            months = year & 0x03 ? regyear : leapyear;                                    
  118b86:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  118b88:   bf 4c 84 13 00          mov    $0x13844c,%edi                                 
  118b8d:   75 05                   jne    118b94 <msdos_date_unix2dos+0xd4>              <== NEVER TAKEN
  118b8f:   bf 34 84 13 00          mov    $0x138434,%edi                                 
            for (month = 0; month < 12; month++) {                                        
  118b94:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  118b96:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  118b9d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
                if (days < months[month])                                                 
  118ba0:   0f b7 34 47             movzwl (%edi,%eax,2),%esi                             
  118ba4:   39 d6                   cmp    %edx,%esi                                      
  118ba6:   77 68                   ja     118c10 <msdos_date_unix2dos+0x150>             <== ALWAYS TAKEN
            for (month = 0; month < 12; month++) {                                        
  118ba8:   40                      inc    %eax                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
                days -= months[month];                                                    
  118ba9:   29 f2                   sub    %esi,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
            for (month = 0; month < 12; month++) {                                        
  118bab:   83 f8 0c                cmp    $0xc,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  118bae:   75 f0                   jne    118ba0 <msdos_date_unix2dos+0xe0>              <== NOT EXECUTED
  118bb0:   b8 a0 01 00 00          mov    $0x1a0,%eax                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
            lastddate = ((days + 1) << MSDOS_DD_DAY_SHIFT)                                
                + ((month + 1) << MSDOS_DD_MONTH_SHIFT);                                  
  118bb5:   8d 44 02 01             lea    0x1(%edx,%eax,1),%eax                          
             * Remember dos's idea of time is relative to 1980.                           
             * unix's is relative to 1970.  If somehow we get a                           
             * time before 1980 then don't give totally crazy                             
             * results.                                                                   
            if (year > 1980)                                                              
  118bb9:   81 fb bc 07 00 00       cmp    $0x7bc,%ebx                                    
                + ((month + 1) << MSDOS_DD_MONTH_SHIFT);                                  
  118bbf:   0f b7 c0                movzwl %ax,%eax                                       
            if (year > 1980)                                                              
  118bc2:   76 0e                   jbe    118bd2 <msdos_date_unix2dos+0x112>             <== NEVER TAKEN
                lastddate += (year - 1980) <<                                             
  118bc4:   81 eb bc 07 00 00       sub    $0x7bc,%ebx                                    
  118bca:   c1 e3 09                shl    $0x9,%ebx                                      
  118bcd:   01 d8                   add    %ebx,%eax                                      
  118bcf:   0f b7 c0                movzwl %ax,%eax                                       
  118bd2:   66 a3 20 c2 13 00       mov    %ax,0x13c220                                   
  118bd8:   eb 0d                   jmp    118be7 <msdos_date_unix2dos+0x127>             
  118bda:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    *dtp = lastdtime;                                                                     
    *ddp = lastddate;                                                                     
  118be0:   0f b7 05 20 c2 13 00    movzwl 0x13c220,%eax                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    *dtp = lastdtime;                                                                     
  118be7:   8b 55 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edx                                
  118bea:   66 89 0a                mov    %cx,(%edx)                                     
    *ddp = lastddate;                                                                     
  118bed:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  118bf0:   66 89 02                mov    %ax,(%edx)                                     
  118bf3:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  118bf4:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  118bf5:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  118bf6:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  118bf7:   c3                      ret                                                   
  118bf8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  118bff:   90                      nop                                                   
    *dtp = lastdtime;                                                                     
  118c00:   0f b7 0d 1e c2 13 00    movzwl 0x13c21e,%ecx                                  
    *ddp = lastddate;                                                                     
  118c07:   0f b7 05 20 c2 13 00    movzwl 0x13c220,%eax                                  
  118c0e:   eb d7                   jmp    118be7 <msdos_date_unix2dos+0x127>             
                + ((month + 1) << MSDOS_DD_MONTH_SHIFT);                                  
  118c10:   40                      inc    %eax                                           
  118c11:   c1 e0 05                shl    $0x5,%eax                                      
  118c14:   0f b7 c0                movzwl %ax,%eax                                       
  118c17:   eb 9c                   jmp    118bb5 <msdos_date_unix2dos+0xf5>              
  118c19:   90                      nop                                                   
  118c1a:   90                      nop                                                   
  118c1b:   90                      nop                                                   
  118c1c:   90                      nop                                                   
  118c1d:   90                      nop                                                   
  118c1e:   90                      nop                                                   
  118c1f:   90                      nop                                                   

00112460 <msdos_dir_is_empty>: {
  112460:   55                      push   %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  112461:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  112463:   57                      push   %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  112464:   56                      push   %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  112465:   53                      push   %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  112466:   83 ec 3c                sub    $0x3c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    uint32_t         j = 0, i = 0;                                                        
  112469:   c7 45 d8 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x28(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    msdos_fs_info_t *fs_info = mt_entry->fs_info;                                         
  112470:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    *ret_val = false;                                                                     
  112473:   8b 7d 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    msdos_fs_info_t *fs_info = mt_entry->fs_info;                                         
  112476:   8b 40 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    *ret_val = false;                                                                     
  112479:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    msdos_fs_info_t *fs_info = mt_entry->fs_info;                                         
  11247c:   89 45 e4                mov    %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  11247f:   0f b7 18                movzwl (%eax),%ebx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    while ((ret = fat_file_read(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, j * fs_info->fat.vol.bps,          
  112482:   8b 80 c4 00 00 00       mov    0xc4(%eax),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  112488:   89 45 dc                mov    %eax,-0x24(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  11248b:   89 5c 24 0c             mov    %ebx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  11248f:   8b 45 dc                mov    -0x24(%ebp),%eax                               
  112492:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  112496:   8b 45 d8                mov    -0x28(%ebp),%eax                               
  112499:   0f af d8                imul   %eax,%ebx                                      
  11249c:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  11249f:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1124a3:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1124a6:   89 5c 24 08             mov    %ebx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1124aa:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1124ad:   e8 ae e1 ff ff          call   110660 <fat_file_read>                         
  1124b2:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1124b4:   0f 84 a6 00 00 00       je     112560 <msdos_dir_is_empty+0x100>              <== NEVER TAKEN
        if (ret < MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE)                                      
  1124ba:   83 f8 1f                cmp    $0x1f,%eax                                     
  1124bd:   0f 8e ad 00 00 00       jle    112570 <msdos_dir_is_empty+0x110>              <== NEVER TAKEN
        assert(ret == fs_info->fat.vol.bps);                                              
  1124c3:   8b 7d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%edi                               
  1124c6:   0f b7 1f                movzwl (%edi),%ebx                                    
  1124c9:   39 c3                   cmp    %eax,%ebx                                      
  1124cb:   0f 85 a6 00 00 00       jne    112577 <msdos_dir_is_empty+0x117>              <== NEVER TAKEN
            char* entry = (char*) fs_info->cl_buf + i;                                    
  1124d1:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
        for (i = 0;                                                                       
  1124d4:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  1124d6:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
            char* entry = (char*) fs_info->cl_buf + i;                                    
  1124d8:   8b 80 c4 00 00 00       mov    0xc4(%eax),%eax                                
  1124de:   89 45 dc                mov    %eax,-0x24(%ebp)                               
        for (i = 0;                                                                       
  1124e1:   74 6b                   je     11254e <msdos_dir_is_empty+0xee>               <== NEVER TAKEN
  1124e3:   89 5d e0                mov    %ebx,-0x20(%ebp)                               
  1124e6:   89 d3                   mov    %edx,%ebx                                      
            if (((*MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry)) ==                                        
  1124e8:   0f b6 10                movzbl (%eax),%edx                                    
  1124eb:   80 fa e5                cmp    $0xe5,%dl                                      
  1124ee:   74 50                   je     112540 <msdos_dir_is_empty+0xe0>               
                 MSDOS_THIS_DIR_ENTRY_EMPTY) ||                                           
  1124f0:   0f b6 48 0b             movzbl 0xb(%eax),%ecx                                 
  1124f4:   80 e1 3f                and    $0x3f,%cl                                      
  1124f7:   80 f9 0f                cmp    $0xf,%cl                                       
  1124fa:   74 44                   je     112540 <msdos_dir_is_empty+0xe0>               
                (strncmp(MSDOS_DIR_NAME((entry)), MSDOS_DOT_NAME,                         
  1124fc:   b9 0b 00 00 00          mov    $0xb,%ecx                                      
  112501:   bf b5 36 13 00          mov    $0x1336b5,%edi                                 
  112506:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
  112508:   f3 a6                   repz cmpsb %es:(%edi),%ds:(%esi)                      
  11250a:   0f 97 c1                seta   %cl                                            
  11250d:   80 d9 00                sbb    $0x0,%cl                                       
                 MSDOS_ATTR_LFN) ||                                                       
  112510:   84 c9                   test   %cl,%cl                                        
  112512:   74 2c                   je     112540 <msdos_dir_is_empty+0xe0>               
  112514:   b9 0b 00 00 00          mov    $0xb,%ecx                                      
  112519:   bf c1 36 13 00          mov    $0x1336c1,%edi                                 
  11251e:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
  112520:   f3 a6                   repz cmpsb %es:(%edi),%ds:(%esi)                      
  112522:   0f 97 c1                seta   %cl                                            
  112525:   80 d9 00                sbb    $0x0,%cl                                       
                         MSDOS_SHORT_NAME_LEN) == 0) ||                                   
  112528:   84 c9                   test   %cl,%cl                                        
  11252a:   74 14                   je     112540 <msdos_dir_is_empty+0xe0>               
            return RC_OK;                                                                 
  11252c:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
            if ((*MSDOS_DIR_NAME(entry)) ==                                               
  11252e:   84 d2                   test   %dl,%dl                                        
  112530:   74 2e                   je     112560 <msdos_dir_is_empty+0x100>              
  112532:   83 c4 3c                add    $0x3c,%esp                                     
  112535:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  112536:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  112537:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  112538:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  112539:   c3                      ret                                                   
  11253a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
             i += MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE)                                      
  112540:   83 c3 20                add    $0x20,%ebx                                     
        for (i = 0;                                                                       
  112543:   83 c0 20                add    $0x20,%eax                                     
  112546:   3b 5d e0                cmp    -0x20(%ebp),%ebx                               
  112549:   72 9d                   jb     1124e8 <msdos_dir_is_empty+0x88>               
  11254b:   8b 5d e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%ebx                               
  11254e:   ff 45 d8                incl   -0x28(%ebp)                                    
  112551:   e9 35 ff ff ff          jmp    11248b <msdos_dir_is_empty+0x2b>               
  112556:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11255d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
                *ret_val = true;                                                          
  112560:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  112563:   c6 00 01                movb   $0x1,(%eax)                                    
  112566:   83 c4 3c                add    $0x3c,%esp                                     
                return RC_OK;                                                             
  112569:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  11256b:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  11256c:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  11256d:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  11256e:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  11256f:   c3                      ret                                                   
            return -1;                                                                    
  112570:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  112575:   eb bb                   jmp    112532 <msdos_dir_is_empty+0xd2>               <== NOT EXECUTED
        assert(ret == fs_info->fat.vol.bps);                                              
  112577:   c7 44 24 0c 99 36 13    movl   $0x133699,0xc(%esp)                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  11257e:   00                                                                            
  11257f:   c7 44 24 08 c8 37 13    movl   $0x1337c8,0x8(%esp)                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  112586:   00                                                                            
  112587:   c7 44 24 04 c6 03 00    movl   $0x3c6,0x4(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  11258e:   00                                                                            
  11258f:   c7 04 24 d0 36 13 00    movl   $0x1336d0,(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  112596:   e8 15 61 00 00          call   1186b0 <__assert_func>                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  11259b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11259c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11259d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11259e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11259f:   90                      nop                                                   

00119420 <msdos_dir_read>: * the number of bytes read on success, or -1 if error occured (errno * set apropriately). */ ssize_t msdos_dir_read(rtems_libio_t *iop, void *buffer, size_t count) {
  119420:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
    int                eno = 0;                                                           
    msdos_fs_info_t   *fs_info = iop->pathinfo.mt_entry->fs_info;                         
    rtems_dosfs_convert_control *converter = fs_info->converter;                          
    const rtems_dosfs_convert_handler *convert_handler = converter->handler;              
    fat_file_fd_t     *fat_fd = iop->pathinfo.node_access;                                
    fat_file_fd_t     *tmp_fat_fd = NULL;                                                 
  119421:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      
  119423:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  119425:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  119426:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  119427:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
    uint32_t           start = 0;                                                         
    ssize_t            ret = 0;                                                           
    ssize_t            cmpltd = 0;                                                        
    uint32_t           j = 0, i = 0;                                                      
    uint32_t           bts2rd = 0;                                                        
    uint32_t           cur_cln = 0;                                                       
  119428:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
  11942a:   81 ec bc 01 00 00       sub    $0x1bc,%esp                                    
    msdos_fs_info_t   *fs_info = iop->pathinfo.mt_entry->fs_info;                         
  119430:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  119433:   8b 40 20                mov    0x20(%eax),%eax                                
  119436:   8b 78 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%edi                                 
    rtems_dosfs_convert_control *converter = fs_info->converter;                          
  119439:   8b 87 c8 00 00 00       mov    0xc8(%edi),%eax                                
  11943f:   89 85 78 fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x188(%ebp)                              
    const rtems_dosfs_convert_handler *convert_handler = converter->handler;              
  119445:   8b 30                   mov    (%eax),%esi                                    
    fat_file_fd_t     *tmp_fat_fd = NULL;                                                 
  119447:   89 8d b4 fe ff ff       mov    %ecx,-0x14c(%ebp)                              
    uint16_t          *lfn_buf = converter->buffer.data;                                  
  11944d:   8b 48 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%ecx                                 
    uint32_t           cur_cln = 0;                                                       
  119450:   89 9d b8 fe ff ff       mov    %ebx,-0x148(%ebp)                              
    const size_t       buf_size = converter->buffer.size;                                 
  119456:   8b 40 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%eax                                 
     * cast start and count - protect against using sizes that are not exact              
     * multiples of the -dirent- size. These could result in unexpected                   
     * results                                                                            
    start = iop->offset / sizeof(struct dirent);                                          
  119459:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
    const rtems_dosfs_convert_handler *convert_handler = converter->handler;              
  11945b:   89 b5 74 fe ff ff       mov    %esi,-0x18c(%ebp)                              
    fat_file_fd_t     *fat_fd = iop->pathinfo.node_access;                                
  119461:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 
    uint16_t          *lfn_buf = converter->buffer.data;                                  
  119464:   89 8d 7c fe ff ff       mov    %ecx,-0x184(%ebp)                              
    const size_t       buf_size = converter->buffer.size;                                 
  11946a:   89 85 60 fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x1a0(%ebp)                              
  119470:   8d 87 ac 00 00 00       lea    0xac(%edi),%eax                                
  119476:   89 85 64 fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x19c(%ebp)                              
    fat_file_fd_t     *fat_fd = iop->pathinfo.node_access;                                
  11947c:   8b 76 14                mov    0x14(%esi),%esi                                
  _Mutex_recursive_Acquire( mutex );                                                      
  11947f:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  119482:   89 b5 84 fe ff ff       mov    %esi,-0x17c(%ebp)                              
  119488:   e8 73 08 ff ff          call   109d00 <_Mutex_recursive_Acquire>              
    start = iop->offset / sizeof(struct dirent);                                          
  11948d:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  119490:   b9 18 01 00 00          mov    $0x118,%ecx                                    
  119495:   8b 50 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%edx                                 
  119498:   8b 40 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%eax                                 
  11949b:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  11949f:   89 5c 24 0c             mov    %ebx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  1194a3:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1194a7:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1194aa:   e8 e1 c1 00 00          call   125690 <__divdi3>                              
    count = (count / sizeof(struct dirent)) * sizeof(struct dirent);                      
  1194af:   ba 0f ea a0 0e          mov    $0xea0ea0f,%edx                                
    start = iop->offset / sizeof(struct dirent);                                          
  1194b4:   89 85 90 fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x170(%ebp)                              
    count = (count / sizeof(struct dirent)) * sizeof(struct dirent);                      
  1194ba:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  1194bd:   c1 e8 03                shr    $0x3,%eax                                      
  1194c0:   f7 e2                   mul    %edx                                           
  1194c2:   d1 ea                   shr    %edx                                           
  1194c4:   69 c2 18 01 00 00       imul   $0x118,%edx,%eax                               
     * too, so read such set of sectors is quick operation for low-level IO               
     * layer.                                                                             
    bts2rd = (FAT_FD_OF_ROOT_DIR(fat_fd) &&                                               
             (fs_info->fat.vol.type & (FAT_FAT12 | FAT_FAT16))) ?                         
             fat_fd->fat_file_size                              :                         
  1194ca:   83 7e 20 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x20(%esi)                                
    count = (count / sizeof(struct dirent)) * sizeof(struct dirent);                      
  1194ce:   89 85 80 fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x180(%ebp)                              
             fat_fd->fat_file_size                              :                         
  1194d4:   0f 84 76 06 00 00       je     119b50 <msdos_dir_read+0x730>                  
  1194da:   8b 47 08                mov    0x8(%edi),%eax                                 
  1194dd:   89 85 6c fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x194(%ebp)                              
    while (count > 0 && cmpltd >= 0)                                                      
  1194e3:   8b 85 80 fe ff ff       mov    -0x180(%ebp),%eax                              
  1194e9:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1194eb:   0f 84 03 07 00 00       je     119bf4 <msdos_dir_read+0x7d4>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
         * fat-file is already opened by open call, so read it                            
         * Always read directory fat-file from the beggining because of MSDOS             
         * directories feature :( - we should count elements currently                    
         * present in the directory because there may be holes :)                         
        ret = fat_file_read(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, (j * bts2rd),                          
  1194f1:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
    int                lfn_entries = 0;                                                   
  1194f3:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
    uint32_t           lfn_start = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                   
  1194f5:   b9 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ecx                               
    ssize_t            cmpltd = 0;                                                        
  1194fa:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
        ret = fat_file_read(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, (j * bts2rd),                          
  1194fc:   89 85 88 fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x178(%ebp)                              
    size_t             lfn_len = 0;                                                       
  119502:   31 f6                   xor    %esi,%esi                                      
    int                lfn_entries = 0;                                                   
  119504:   89 95 8c fe ff ff       mov    %edx,-0x174(%ebp)                              
    uint8_t            lfn_checksum = 0;                                                  
  11950a:   c6 85 73 fe ff ff 00    movb   $0x0,-0x18d(%ebp)                              
    uint32_t           lfn_start = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                   
  119511:   89 8d 94 fe ff ff       mov    %ecx,-0x16c(%ebp)                              
    ssize_t            cmpltd = 0;                                                        
  119517:   89 9d a0 fe ff ff       mov    %ebx,-0x160(%ebp)                              
    size_t             lfn_len = 0;                                                       
  11951d:   89 b5 68 fe ff ff       mov    %esi,-0x198(%ebp)                              
                    lfn_entries = (*MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry) &                         
                    lfn_len = 0;                                                          
                    lfn_checksum = *MSDOS_DIR_LFN_CHECKSUM(entry);                        
                    memset (tmp_dirent.d_name, 0, sizeof(tmp_dirent.d_name));             
  119523:   89 bd a4 fe ff ff       mov    %edi,-0x15c(%ebp)                              
        ret = fat_file_read(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, (j * bts2rd),                          
  119529:   8b bd a4 fe ff ff       mov    -0x15c(%ebp),%edi                              
  11952f:   8b 87 c4 00 00 00       mov    0xc4(%edi),%eax                                
  119535:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  119538:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  11953c:   8b 85 6c fe ff ff       mov    -0x194(%ebp),%eax                              
  119542:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  119546:   8b 85 88 fe ff ff       mov    -0x178(%ebp),%eax                              
  11954c:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  119550:   8b 85 84 fe ff ff       mov    -0x17c(%ebp),%eax                              
  119556:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  11955a:   e8 01 71 ff ff          call   110660 <fat_file_read>                         
  11955f:   89 85 98 fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x168(%ebp)                              
        if (ret < MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE)                                      
  119565:   83 f8 1f                cmp    $0x1f,%eax                                     
  119568:   0f 8e 42 06 00 00       jle    119bb0 <msdos_dir_read+0x790>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
        for (i = 0; i < ret && cmpltd >= 0; i += MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE)       
  11956e:   8b 85 a0 fe ff ff       mov    -0x160(%ebp),%eax                              
  119574:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  119576:   0f 88 48 04 00 00       js     1199c4 <msdos_dir_read+0x5a4>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
  11957c:   bf 20 00 00 00          mov    $0x20,%edi                                     
  119581:   89 fe                   mov    %edi,%esi                                      
  119583:   eb 76                   jmp    1195fb <msdos_dir_read+0x1db>                  
  119585:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11958c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  119590:   8b 95 a0 fe ff ff       mov    -0x160(%ebp),%edx                              
  119596:   f7 d2                   not    %edx                                           
  119598:   c1 ea 1f                shr    $0x1f,%edx                                     
  11959b:   3b b5 98 fe ff ff       cmp    -0x168(%ebp),%esi                              
  1195a1:   0f 92 c3                setb   %bl                                            
  1195a4:   20 d3                   and    %dl,%bl                                        
            if (((*MSDOS_DIR_ATTR(entry)) & MSDOS_ATTR_VOLUME_ID) &&                      
  1195a6:   80 f9 0f                cmp    $0xf,%cl                                       
  1195a9:   75 45                   jne    1195f0 <msdos_dir_read+0x1d0>                  
                    is_first_entry = false;                                               
  1195ab:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      
                if (lfn_start == FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME)                                     
  1195ad:   83 bd 94 fe ff ff ff    cmpl   $0xffffffff,-0x16c(%ebp)                       
  1195b4:   0f 84 36 03 00 00       je     1198f0 <msdos_dir_read+0x4d0>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
                 * If the entry number or the check sum do not match                      
                 * forget this series of long directory entries. These could              
                 * be orphaned entries depending on the history of the                    
                 * disk.                                                                  
                if ((lfn_entries != (*MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry) &                       
  1195ba:   24 3f                   and    $0x3f,%al                                      
  1195bc:   0f b6 c0                movzbl %al,%eax                                       
  1195bf:   3b 85 8c fe ff ff       cmp    -0x174(%ebp),%eax                              
  1195c5:   75 10                   jne    1195d7 <msdos_dir_read+0x1b7>                  
                                     MSDOS_LAST_LONG_ENTRY_MASK)) ||                      
  1195c7:   0f b6 85 73 fe ff ff    movzbl -0x18d(%ebp),%eax                              
  1195ce:   38 47 0d                cmp    %al,0xd(%edi)                                  
  1195d1:   0f 84 99 04 00 00       je     119a70 <msdos_dir_read+0x650>                  
                    (lfn_checksum != *MSDOS_DIR_LFN_CHECKSUM(entry)))                     
                    lfn_start = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                      
  1195d7:   b9 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ecx                               
  1195dc:   89 8d 94 fe ff ff       mov    %ecx,-0x16c(%ebp)                              
  1195e2:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1195e9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
        for (i = 0; i < ret && cmpltd >= 0; i += MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE)       
  1195f0:   83 c6 20                add    $0x20,%esi                                     
  1195f3:   84 db                   test   %bl,%bl                                        
  1195f5:   0f 84 c7 04 00 00       je     119ac2 <msdos_dir_read+0x6a2>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
  1195fb:   8d 46 e0                lea    -0x20(%esi),%eax                               
  1195fe:   89 85 9c fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x164(%ebp)                              
            char* entry = (char*) fs_info->cl_buf + i;                                    
  119604:   8b 85 a4 fe ff ff       mov    -0x15c(%ebp),%eax                              
  11960a:   8b 80 c4 00 00 00       mov    0xc4(%eax),%eax                                
  119610:   8d 7c 30 e0             lea    -0x20(%eax,%esi,1),%edi                        
            if ((*MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry)) ==                                         
  119614:   0f b6 07                movzbl (%edi),%eax                                    
  119617:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  119619:   0f 84 a5 03 00 00       je     1199c4 <msdos_dir_read+0x5a4>                  
            if ((*MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry)) == MSDOS_THIS_DIR_ENTRY_EMPTY)             
  11961f:   3c e5                   cmp    $0xe5,%al                                      
  119621:   0f 84 73 02 00 00       je     11989a <msdos_dir_read+0x47a>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
            if (((*MSDOS_DIR_ATTR(entry)) & MSDOS_ATTR_VOLUME_ID) &&                      
  119627:   0f b6 57 0b             movzbl 0xb(%edi),%edx                                 
  11962b:   88 d1                   mov    %dl,%cl                                        
  11962d:   88 d3                   mov    %dl,%bl                                        
  11962f:   80 e1 3f                and    $0x3f,%cl                                      
  119632:   80 e3 08                and    $0x8,%bl                                       
  119635:   0f 85 55 ff ff ff       jne    119590 <msdos_dir_read+0x170>                  
            if ((*MSDOS_DIR_ATTR(entry) & MSDOS_ATTR_LFN_MASK) ==                         
  11963b:   80 f9 0f                cmp    $0xf,%cl                                       
  11963e:   0f 84 95 05 00 00       je     119bd9 <msdos_dir_read+0x7b9>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
                fat_dir_pos_t dir_pos;                                                    
                 * Skip active entries until get the entry to start from.                 
                if (start)                                                                
  119644:   8b 9d 90 fe ff ff       mov    -0x170(%ebp),%ebx                              
  11964a:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  11964c:   0f 85 6e 02 00 00       jne    1198c0 <msdos_dir_read+0x4a0>                  
#ifdef DT_DIR                                                                             
                if ((*MSDOS_DIR_ATTR(entry)) & MSDOS_ATTR_DIRECTORY)                      
  119652:   80 e2 10                and    $0x10,%dl                                      
                    tmp_dirent.d_type = DT_DIR;                                           
                    tmp_dirent.d_type = DT_REG;                                           
  119655:   80 fa 01                cmp    $0x1,%dl                                       
                 * unfortunately there is no method to extract ino except to              
                 * open fat-file descriptor :( ... so, open it                            
                /* get number of cluster we are working with */                           
                rc = fat_file_ioctl(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, F_CLU_NUM,                     
  119658:   ba 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edx                                      
  11965d:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
                    tmp_dirent.d_type = DT_REG;                                           
  119661:   19 c0                   sbb    %eax,%eax                                      
  119663:   24 04                   and    $0x4,%al                                       
  119665:   04 04                   add    $0x4,%al                                       
  119667:   88 85 e2 fe ff ff       mov    %al,-0x11e(%ebp)                               
                rc = fat_file_ioctl(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, F_CLU_NUM,                     
  11966d:   8d 85 b8 fe ff ff       lea    -0x148(%ebp),%eax                              
  119673:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  119677:   8b 85 88 fe ff ff       mov    -0x178(%ebp),%eax                              
  11967d:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  119681:   8b 85 84 fe ff ff       mov    -0x17c(%ebp),%eax                              
  119687:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  11968b:   8b 85 a4 fe ff ff       mov    -0x15c(%ebp),%eax                              
  119691:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  119694:   e8 87 73 ff ff          call   110a20 <fat_file_ioctl>                        
                                    j * bts2rd, &cur_cln);                                
                if (rc != RC_OK)                                                          
  119699:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  11969b:   0f 85 7f 04 00 00       jne    119b20 <msdos_dir_read+0x700>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
  dir_pos->lname.cln = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                               
  1196a1:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  1196a6:   89 85 c8 fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x138(%ebp)                              
  dir_pos->lname.ofs = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                               
  1196ac:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  1196b1:   89 85 cc fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x134(%ebp)                              
                    return rc;                                                            
                dir_pos.sname.cln = cur_cln;                                              
  1196b7:   8b 85 b8 fe ff ff       mov    -0x148(%ebp),%eax                              
  1196bd:   89 85 c0 fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x140(%ebp)                              
                dir_pos.sname.ofs = i;                                                    
  1196c3:   8d 46 e0                lea    -0x20(%esi),%eax                               
  1196c6:   89 85 c4 fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x13c(%ebp)                              
                rc = fat_file_open(&fs_info->fat, &dir_pos, &tmp_fat_fd);                 
  1196cc:   8d 85 b4 fe ff ff       lea    -0x14c(%ebp),%eax                              
  1196d2:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1196d6:   8d 85 c0 fe ff ff       lea    -0x140(%ebp),%eax                              
  1196dc:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1196e0:   8b 85 a4 fe ff ff       mov    -0x15c(%ebp),%eax                              
  1196e6:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1196e9:   e8 22 6c ff ff          call   110310 <fat_file_open>                         
                if (rc != RC_OK)                                                          
  1196ee:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1196f0:   0f 85 2a 04 00 00       jne    119b20 <msdos_dir_read+0x700>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
                    return rc;                                                            
                /* fill in dirent structure */                                            
                /* XXX: from what and in what d_off should be computed ?! */              
                tmp_dirent.d_off = start + cmpltd;                                        
  1196f6:   8b 85 a0 fe ff ff       mov    -0x160(%ebp),%eax                              
  1196fc:   8d 9d bc fe ff ff       lea    -0x144(%ebp),%ebx                              
  119702:   89 85 d8 fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x128(%ebp)                              
  119708:   c1 f8 1f                sar    $0x1f,%eax                                     
  11970b:   89 85 dc fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x124(%ebp)                              
                tmp_dirent.d_reclen = sizeof(struct dirent);                              
  119711:   b8 18 01 00 00          mov    $0x118,%eax                                    
  119716:   66 89 85 e0 fe ff ff    mov    %ax,-0x120(%ebp)                               
                tmp_dirent.d_ino = tmp_fat_fd->ino;                                       
  11971d:   8b 85 b4 fe ff ff       mov    -0x14c(%ebp),%eax                              
  119723:   8b 40 0c                mov    0xc(%eax),%eax                                 
  119726:   89 85 d0 fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x130(%ebp)                              
  11972c:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
                 * convertable to utf8 string.  If not return the short file              
                 * name.                                                                  
                if (lfn_start != FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME)                                     
                    if (lfn_entries == 0 &&                                               
  11972e:   83 bd 94 fe ff ff ff    cmpl   $0xffffffff,-0x16c(%ebp)                       
                tmp_dirent.d_ino = tmp_fat_fd->ino;                                       
  119735:   89 85 d4 fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x12c(%ebp)                              
                    if (lfn_entries == 0 &&                                               
  11973b:   74 0e                   je     11974b <msdos_dir_read+0x32b>                  
  11973d:   8b 85 8c fe ff ff       mov    -0x174(%ebp),%eax                              
  119743:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  119745:   0f 84 a5 02 00 00       je     1199f0 <msdos_dir_read+0x5d0>                  
                     * convert dir entry from fixed 8+3 format (without dot)              
                     * to 0..8 + 1dot + 0..3 format                                       
                    tmp_dirent.d_namlen = msdos_format_dirent_with_dot(                   
  11974b:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  11974f:   8b bd 7c fe ff ff       mov    -0x184(%ebp),%edi                              
                    size_t len = sizeof(tmp_dirent.d_name) - 1;                           
  119755:   b8 ff 00 00 00          mov    $0xff,%eax                                     
  11975a:   89 85 bc fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x144(%ebp)                              
                    tmp_dirent.d_namlen = msdos_format_dirent_with_dot(                   
  119760:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  119763:   e8 68 8e ff ff          call   1125d0 <msdos_format_dirent_with_dot>          
                        sfn_buf, entry); /* src text */                                   
                    eno = (*convert_handler->codepage_to_utf8) (                          
  119768:   8d 8d e6 fe ff ff       lea    -0x11a(%ebp),%ecx                              
  11976e:   89 5c 24 10             mov    %ebx,0x10(%esp)                                
  119772:   89 4c 24 0c             mov    %ecx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  119776:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
                    tmp_dirent.d_namlen = msdos_format_dirent_with_dot(                   
  11977a:   66 89 85 e4 fe ff ff    mov    %ax,-0x11c(%ebp)                               
                    eno = (*convert_handler->codepage_to_utf8) (                          
  119781:   0f b7 c0                movzwl %ax,%eax                                       
  119784:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  119788:   8b 85 78 fe ff ff       mov    -0x188(%ebp),%eax                              
  11978e:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  119791:   8b 85 74 fe ff ff       mov    -0x18c(%ebp),%eax                              
  119797:   ff 50 04                call   *0x4(%eax)                                     
                        (uint8_t *) &tmp_dirent.d_name[0],                                
                    if ( 0 == eno ) {                                                     
  11979a:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  11979c:   0f 85 0e 02 00 00       jne    1199b0 <msdos_dir_read+0x590>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
                      tmp_dirent.d_namlen = len;                                          
  1197a2:   8b 85 bc fe ff ff       mov    -0x144(%ebp),%eax                              
                      tmp_dirent.d_name[len] = '\0';                                      
  1197a8:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  1197aa:   b9 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ecx                               
  1197af:   89 8d 94 fe ff ff       mov    %ecx,-0x16c(%ebp)                              
                      tmp_dirent.d_namlen = len;                                          
  1197b5:   66 89 85 e4 fe ff ff    mov    %ax,-0x11c(%ebp)                               
                      tmp_dirent.d_name[len] = '\0';                                      
  1197bc:   88 94 05 e6 fe ff ff    mov    %dl,-0x11a(%ebp,%eax,1)                        
                        errno  = eno;                                                     
                if ( cmpltd >= 0 ) {                                                      
                    memcpy(buffer + cmpltd, &tmp_dirent, sizeof(struct dirent));          
  1197c3:   8b 7d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edi                                 
  1197c6:   8d 8d d0 fe ff ff       lea    -0x130(%ebp),%ecx                              
  1197cc:   8b 85 a0 fe ff ff       mov    -0x160(%ebp),%eax                              
  1197d2:   01 f8                   add    %edi,%eax                                      
  1197d4:   bf 18 01 00 00          mov    $0x118,%edi                                    
  1197d9:   a8 01                   test   $0x1,%al                                       
  1197db:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  1197dd:   0f 85 fd 02 00 00       jne    119ae0 <msdos_dir_read+0x6c0>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
  1197e3:   f6 c2 02                test   $0x2,%dl                                       
  1197e6:   0f 85 14 03 00 00       jne    119b00 <msdos_dir_read+0x6e0>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
  1197ec:   89 b5 9c fe ff ff       mov    %esi,-0x164(%ebp)                              
  1197f2:   89 fb                   mov    %edi,%ebx                                      
  1197f4:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1197f6:   83 e3 f8                and    $0xfffffff8,%ebx                               
  1197f9:   8b 34 01                mov    (%ecx,%eax,1),%esi                             
  1197fc:   89 34 02                mov    %esi,(%edx,%eax,1)                             
  1197ff:   8b 74 01 04             mov    0x4(%ecx,%eax,1),%esi                          
  119803:   89 74 02 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%edx,%eax,1)                          
  119807:   83 c0 08                add    $0x8,%eax                                      
  11980a:   39 d8                   cmp    %ebx,%eax                                      
  11980c:   72 eb                   jb     1197f9 <msdos_dir_read+0x3d9>                  
  11980e:   01 c2                   add    %eax,%edx                                      
  119810:   01 c1                   add    %eax,%ecx                                      
  119812:   8b b5 9c fe ff ff       mov    -0x164(%ebp),%esi                              
  119818:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  11981a:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      
  119820:   74 09                   je     11982b <msdos_dir_read+0x40b>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  119822:   8b 01                   mov    (%ecx),%eax                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  119824:   89 02                   mov    %eax,(%edx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  119826:   b8 04 00 00 00          mov    $0x4,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11982b:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      
  119831:   74 0b                   je     11983e <msdos_dir_read+0x41e>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  119833:   0f b7 1c 01             movzwl (%ecx,%eax,1),%ebx                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  119837:   66 89 1c 02             mov    %bx,(%edx,%eax,1)                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  11983b:   83 c0 02                add    $0x2,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11983e:   83 e7 01                and    $0x1,%edi                                      
  119841:   74 07                   je     11984a <msdos_dir_read+0x42a>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  119843:   0f b6 0c 01             movzbl (%ecx,%eax,1),%ecx                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  119847:   88 0c 02                mov    %cl,(%edx,%eax,1)                              <== NOT EXECUTED
                    iop->offset = iop->offset + sizeof(struct dirent);                    
  11984a:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  11984d:   81 40 04 18 01 00 00    addl   $0x118,0x4(%eax)                               
  119854:   83 50 08 00             adcl   $0x0,0x8(%eax)                                 
                    cmpltd += (sizeof(struct dirent));                                    
                    count -= (sizeof(struct dirent));                                     
                    /* inode number extracted, close fat-file */                          
                    rc = fat_file_close(&fs_info->fat, tmp_fat_fd);                       
  119858:   8b 85 b4 fe ff ff       mov    -0x14c(%ebp),%eax                              
                    cmpltd += (sizeof(struct dirent));                                    
  11985e:   81 85 a0 fe ff ff 18    addl   $0x118,-0x160(%ebp)                            
  119865:   01 00 00                                                                      
                    count -= (sizeof(struct dirent));                                     
  119868:   81 ad 80 fe ff ff 18    subl   $0x118,-0x180(%ebp)                            
  11986f:   01 00 00                                                                      
                    rc = fat_file_close(&fs_info->fat, tmp_fat_fd);                       
  119872:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  119876:   8b 85 a4 fe ff ff       mov    -0x15c(%ebp),%eax                              
  11987c:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  11987f:   e8 cc 70 ff ff          call   110950 <fat_file_close>                        
                    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                      
  119884:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  119886:   0f 85 94 02 00 00       jne    119b20 <msdos_dir_read+0x700>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
                        return rc;                                                        
            if (count <= 0)                                                               
  11988c:   8b 9d 80 fe ff ff       mov    -0x180(%ebp),%ebx                              
  119892:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  119894:   0f 84 2a 01 00 00       je     1199c4 <msdos_dir_read+0x5a4>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
        for (i = 0; i < ret && cmpltd >= 0; i += MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE)       
  11989a:   8b 85 a0 fe ff ff       mov    -0x160(%ebp),%eax                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  1198a0:   f7 d0                   not    %eax                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1198a2:   c1 e8 1f                shr    $0x1f,%eax                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  1198a5:   3b b5 98 fe ff ff       cmp    -0x168(%ebp),%esi                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  1198ab:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1198ad:   0f 92 c3                setb   %bl                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  1198b0:   20 c3                   and    %al,%bl                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  1198b2:   e9 39 fd ff ff          jmp    1195f0 <msdos_dir_read+0x1d0>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  1198b7:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  1198be:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  1198c0:   8b 85 a0 fe ff ff       mov    -0x160(%ebp),%eax                              
                    lfn_start = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                      
  1198c6:   b9 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ecx                               
  1198cb:   ff 8d 90 fe ff ff       decl   -0x170(%ebp)                                   
                    lfn_start = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                      
  1198d1:   89 8d 94 fe ff ff       mov    %ecx,-0x16c(%ebp)                              
        for (i = 0; i < ret && cmpltd >= 0; i += MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE)       
  1198d7:   f7 d0                   not    %eax                                           
  1198d9:   c1 e8 1f                shr    $0x1f,%eax                                     
  1198dc:   3b b5 98 fe ff ff       cmp    -0x168(%ebp),%esi                              
  1198e2:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  1198e4:   0f 92 c3                setb   %bl                                            
  1198e7:   20 c3                   and    %al,%bl                                        
  1198e9:   e9 02 fd ff ff          jmp    1195f0 <msdos_dir_read+0x1d0>                  
  1198ee:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
                    if ((*MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry) &                                   
  1198f0:   88 c1                   mov    %al,%cl                                        
  1198f2:   80 e1 40                and    $0x40,%cl                                      
  1198f5:   0f 84 f5 fc ff ff       je     1195f0 <msdos_dir_read+0x1d0>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
                    lfn_entries = (*MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry) &                         
  1198fb:   24 3f                   and    $0x3f,%al                                      
                    lfn_start =                                                           
  1198fd:   8b 8d 88 fe ff ff       mov    -0x178(%ebp),%ecx                              
                    lfn_entries = (*MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry) &                         
  119903:   0f b6 c0                movzbl %al,%eax                                       
  119906:   89 85 8c fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x174(%ebp)                              
                    lfn_checksum = *MSDOS_DIR_LFN_CHECKSUM(entry);                        
  11990c:   0f b6 47 0d             movzbl 0xd(%edi),%eax                                 
                    lfn_start =                                                           
  119910:   8d 4c 0e e0             lea    -0x20(%esi,%ecx,1),%ecx                        
  119914:   c1 e9 05                shr    $0x5,%ecx                                      
                    lfn_checksum = *MSDOS_DIR_LFN_CHECKSUM(entry);                        
  119917:   88 85 73 fe ff ff       mov    %al,-0x18d(%ebp)                               
                    memset (tmp_dirent.d_name, 0, sizeof(tmp_dirent.d_name));             
  11991d:   b8 00 01 00 00          mov    $0x100,%eax                                    
  119922:   89 85 9c fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x164(%ebp)                              
  119928:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      
                    lfn_start =                                                           
  11992d:   89 8d 94 fe ff ff       mov    %ecx,-0x16c(%ebp)                              
                    memset (tmp_dirent.d_name, 0, sizeof(tmp_dirent.d_name));             
  119933:   8d 8d e6 fe ff ff       lea    -0x11a(%ebp),%ecx                              
  119939:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  11993b:   0f 85 38 02 00 00       jne    119b79 <msdos_dir_read+0x759>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  119941:   88 95 72 fe ff ff       mov    %dl,-0x18e(%ebp)                               
  119947:   8b 85 9c fe ff ff       mov    -0x164(%ebp),%eax                              
  11994d:   83 e0 f8                and    $0xfffffff8,%eax                               
  119950:   89 85 68 fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x198(%ebp)                              
  119956:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  119958:   8b 95 68 fe ff ff       mov    -0x198(%ebp),%edx                              
  11995e:   c7 04 01 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,(%ecx,%eax,1)                             
  119965:   c7 44 01 04 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x4(%ecx,%eax,1)                          
  11996c:   00                                                                            
  11996d:   83 c0 08                add    $0x8,%eax                                      
  119970:   39 d0                   cmp    %edx,%eax                                      
  119972:   72 ea                   jb     11995e <msdos_dir_read+0x53e>                  
  119974:   01 c1                   add    %eax,%ecx                                      
  119976:   0f b6 95 72 fe ff ff    movzbl -0x18e(%ebp),%edx                              
  11997d:   f6 85 9c fe ff ff 04    testb  $0x4,-0x164(%ebp)                              
  119984:   0f 85 18 02 00 00       jne    119ba2 <msdos_dir_read+0x782>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  11998a:   f6 85 9c fe ff ff 02    testb  $0x2,-0x164(%ebp)                              
  119991:   0f 85 01 02 00 00       jne    119b98 <msdos_dir_read+0x778>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
                    lfn_len = 0;                                                          
  119997:   c7 85 68 fe ff ff 00    movl   $0x0,-0x198(%ebp)                              
  11999e:   00 00 00                                                                      
                if ((lfn_entries != (*MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry) &                       
  1199a1:   0f b6 07                movzbl (%edi),%eax                                    
                    is_first_entry = true;                                                
  1199a4:   b1 01                   mov    $0x1,%cl                                       
  1199a6:   e9 0f fc ff ff          jmp    1195ba <msdos_dir_read+0x19a>                  
  1199ab:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1199af:   90                      nop                                                   
                        errno  = eno;                                                     
  1199b0:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1199b2:   e8 e9 ce 00 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1199b7:   89 30                   mov    %esi,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
                        cmpltd = -1;                                                      
  1199b9:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1199be:   89 85 a0 fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x160(%ebp)                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  _Mutex_recursive_Release( mutex );                                                      
  1199c4:   8b 85 64 fe ff ff       mov    -0x19c(%ebp),%eax                              
  1199ca:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1199cd:   e8 ae 03 ff ff          call   109d80 <_Mutex_recursive_Release>              
    return cmpltd;                                                                        
  1199d2:   8b 85 a0 fe ff ff       mov    -0x160(%ebp),%eax                              
  1199d8:   81 c4 bc 01 00 00       add    $0x1bc,%esp                                    
  1199de:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  1199df:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  1199e0:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  1199e1:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1199e2:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1199e3:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1199ea:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
                        lfn_checksum == msdos_lfn_checksum(entry)) {                      
  1199f0:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  1199f3:   e8 08 83 ff ff          call   111d00 <msdos_lfn_checksum>                    
                    if (lfn_entries == 0 &&                                               
  1199f8:   3a 85 73 fe ff ff       cmp    -0x18d(%ebp),%al                               
  1199fe:   0f 85 47 fd ff ff       jne    11974b <msdos_dir_read+0x32b>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
                        eno = (*convert_handler->utf16_to_utf8) (                         
  119a04:   89 5c 24 10             mov    %ebx,0x10(%esp)                                
  119a08:   8d 85 e6 fe ff ff       lea    -0x11a(%ebp),%eax                              
                        size_t len = sizeof(tmp_dirent.d_name) - 1;                       
  119a0e:   b9 ff 00 00 00          mov    $0xff,%ecx                                     
                        eno = (*convert_handler->utf16_to_utf8) (                         
  119a13:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  119a17:   8b 85 68 fe ff ff       mov    -0x198(%ebp),%eax                              
                        size_t len = sizeof(tmp_dirent.d_name) - 1;                       
  119a1d:   89 8d bc fe ff ff       mov    %ecx,-0x144(%ebp)                              
                        eno = (*convert_handler->utf16_to_utf8) (                         
  119a23:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  119a27:   8b 85 7c fe ff ff       mov    -0x184(%ebp),%eax                              
  119a2d:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  119a31:   8b 85 78 fe ff ff       mov    -0x188(%ebp),%eax                              
  119a37:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  119a3a:   8b 85 74 fe ff ff       mov    -0x18c(%ebp),%eax                              
  119a40:   ff 50 0c                call   *0xc(%eax)                                     
                        if (eno == 0) {                                                   
  119a43:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  119a45:   0f 85 00 fd ff ff       jne    11974b <msdos_dir_read+0x32b>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
                            tmp_dirent.d_namlen = len;                                    
  119a4b:   8b 85 bc fe ff ff       mov    -0x144(%ebp),%eax                              
                            tmp_dirent.d_name[len] = '\0';                                
  119a51:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
                            tmp_dirent.d_namlen = len;                                    
  119a53:   66 89 85 e4 fe ff ff    mov    %ax,-0x11c(%ebp)                               
                            tmp_dirent.d_name[len] = '\0';                                
  119a5a:   88 94 05 e6 fe ff ff    mov    %dl,-0x11a(%ebp,%eax,1)                        
                if (lfn_start == FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME) {                                   
  119a61:   e9 5d fd ff ff          jmp    1197c3 <msdos_dir_read+0x3a3>                  
  119a66:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  119a6d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  119a70:   ff 8d 8c fe ff ff       decl   -0x174(%ebp)                                   
  119a76:   88 95 9c fe ff ff       mov    %dl,-0x164(%ebp)                               
                lfn_len += msdos_get_utf16_string_from_long_entry (                       
  119a7c:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  119a7f:   8b 95 8c fe ff ff       mov    -0x174(%ebp),%edx                              
                offset_lfn = lfn_entries * MSDOS_LFN_LEN_PER_ENTRY;                       
  119a85:   8d 04 52                lea    (%edx,%edx,2),%eax                             
  119a88:   8d 14 82                lea    (%edx,%eax,4),%edx                             
                lfn_len += msdos_get_utf16_string_from_long_entry (                       
  119a8b:   0f b6 c1                movzbl %cl,%eax                                       
  119a8e:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  119a92:   8b 85 60 fe ff ff       mov    -0x1a0(%ebp),%eax                              
  119a98:   29 d0                   sub    %edx,%eax                                      
  119a9a:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  119a9e:   8b 85 7c fe ff ff       mov    -0x184(%ebp),%eax                              
  119aa4:   8d 04 50                lea    (%eax,%edx,2),%eax                             
  119aa7:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  119aab:   e8 f0 8a ff ff          call   1125a0 <msdos_get_utf16_string_from_long_entry>
            if (count <= 0)                                                               
  119ab0:   0f b6 95 9c fe ff ff    movzbl -0x164(%ebp),%edx                              
                lfn_len += msdos_get_utf16_string_from_long_entry (                       
  119ab7:   01 85 68 fe ff ff       add    %eax,-0x198(%ebp)                              
  119abd:   e9 2e fb ff ff          jmp    1195f0 <msdos_dir_read+0x1d0>                  
    while (count > 0 && cmpltd >= 0)                                                      
  119ac2:   8b bd 6c fe ff ff       mov    -0x194(%ebp),%edi                              
  119ac8:   01 bd 88 fe ff ff       add    %edi,-0x178(%ebp)                              
  119ace:   84 d2                   test   %dl,%dl                                        
  119ad0:   0f 85 53 fa ff ff       jne    119529 <msdos_dir_read+0x109>                  
  119ad6:   e9 e9 fe ff ff          jmp    1199c4 <msdos_dir_read+0x5a4>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  119adb:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  119adf:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
                    memcpy(buffer + cmpltd, &tmp_dirent, sizeof(struct dirent));          
  119ae0:   0f b6 8d d0 fe ff ff    movzbl -0x130(%ebp),%ecx                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  119ae7:   42                      inc    %edx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  119ae8:   bf 17 01 00 00          mov    $0x117,%edi                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  119aed:   f6 c2 02                test   $0x2,%dl                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  119af0:   88 08                   mov    %cl,(%eax)                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  119af2:   8d 8d d1 fe ff ff       lea    -0x12f(%ebp),%ecx                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  119af8:   0f 84 ee fc ff ff       je     1197ec <msdos_dir_read+0x3cc>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  119afe:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  119b00:   0f b7 01                movzwl (%ecx),%eax                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  119b03:   83 c2 02                add    $0x2,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  119b06:   83 c1 02                add    $0x2,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  119b09:   83 ef 02                sub    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  119b0c:   66 89 42 fe             mov    %ax,-0x2(%edx)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  119b10:   e9 d7 fc ff ff          jmp    1197ec <msdos_dir_read+0x3cc>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  119b15:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  119b1c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  119b20:   89 85 a4 fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x15c(%ebp)                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  119b26:   8b 85 64 fe ff ff       mov    -0x19c(%ebp),%eax                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  119b2c:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  119b2f:   e8 4c 02 ff ff          call   109d80 <_Mutex_recursive_Release>              <== NOT EXECUTED
                    rc = fat_file_close(&fs_info->fat, tmp_fat_fd);                       
  119b34:   8b 85 a4 fe ff ff       mov    -0x15c(%ebp),%eax                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  119b3a:   89 85 a0 fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x160(%ebp)                              <== NOT EXECUTED
                        return rc;                                                        
  119b40:   e9 8d fe ff ff          jmp    1199d2 <msdos_dir_read+0x5b2>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  119b45:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  119b4c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    bts2rd = (FAT_FD_OF_ROOT_DIR(fat_fd) &&                                               
  119b50:   8b 85 84 fe ff ff       mov    -0x17c(%ebp),%eax                              
  119b56:   8b 50 24                mov    0x24(%eax),%edx                                
  119b59:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  119b5b:   0f 85 79 f9 ff ff       jne    1194da <msdos_dir_read+0xba>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
  119b61:   f6 47 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%edi)                                
  119b65:   0f 84 6f f9 ff ff       je     1194da <msdos_dir_read+0xba>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
             fat_fd->fat_file_size                              :                         
  119b6b:   8b 40 18                mov    0x18(%eax),%eax                                
  119b6e:   89 85 6c fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x194(%ebp)                              
  119b74:   e9 6a f9 ff ff          jmp    1194e3 <msdos_dir_read+0xc3>                   
                    memset (tmp_dirent.d_name, 0, sizeof(tmp_dirent.d_name));             
  119b79:   8d 8d e8 fe ff ff       lea    -0x118(%ebp),%ecx                              
  119b7f:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  119b81:   66 89 85 e6 fe ff ff    mov    %ax,-0x11a(%ebp)                               
  119b88:   b8 fe 00 00 00          mov    $0xfe,%eax                                     
  119b8d:   89 85 9c fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x164(%ebp)                              
  119b93:   e9 a9 fd ff ff          jmp    119941 <msdos_dir_read+0x521>                  
  119b98:   66 c7 01 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%ecx)                                    
  119b9d:   e9 f5 fd ff ff          jmp    119997 <msdos_dir_read+0x577>                  
  119ba2:   c7 01 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%ecx)                                    
  119ba8:   83 c1 04                add    $0x4,%ecx                                      
  119bab:   e9 da fd ff ff          jmp    11998a <msdos_dir_read+0x56a>                  
  119bb0:   8b 85 64 fe ff ff       mov    -0x19c(%ebp),%eax                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  119bb6:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  119bb9:   e8 c2 01 ff ff          call   109d80 <_Mutex_recursive_Release>              <== NOT EXECUTED
  119bbe:   e8 dd cc 00 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  119bc3:   c7 00 05 00 00 00       movl   $0x5,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  119bc9:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  119bce:   89 85 a0 fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x160(%ebp)                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  119bd4:   e9 f9 fd ff ff          jmp    1199d2 <msdos_dir_read+0x5b2>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
        for (i = 0; i < ret && cmpltd >= 0; i += MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE)       
  119bd9:   8b 95 a0 fe ff ff       mov    -0x160(%ebp),%edx                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  119bdf:   f7 d2                   not    %edx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  119be1:   c1 ea 1f                shr    $0x1f,%edx                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  119be4:   3b b5 98 fe ff ff       cmp    -0x168(%ebp),%esi                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  119bea:   0f 92 c3                setb   %bl                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  119bed:   20 d3                   and    %dl,%bl                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  119bef:   e9 b7 f9 ff ff          jmp    1195ab <msdos_dir_read+0x18b>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
    ssize_t            cmpltd = 0;                                                        
  119bf4:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  119bf6:   89 85 a0 fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x160(%ebp)                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  119bfc:   e9 c3 fd ff ff          jmp    1199c4 <msdos_dir_read+0x5a4>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  119c01:   90                      nop                                                   
  119c02:   90                      nop                                                   
  119c03:   90                      nop                                                   
  119c04:   90                      nop                                                   
  119c05:   90                      nop                                                   
  119c06:   90                      nop                                                   
  119c07:   90                      nop                                                   
  119c08:   90                      nop                                                   
  119c09:   90                      nop                                                   
  119c0a:   90                      nop                                                   
  119c0b:   90                      nop                                                   
  119c0c:   90                      nop                                                   
  119c0d:   90                      nop                                                   
  119c0e:   90                      nop                                                   
  119c0f:   90                      nop                                                   

00119ef0 <msdos_file_ftruncate>: * RETURNS: * RC_OK on success, or -1 if error occured (errno set appropriately). */ int msdos_file_ftruncate(rtems_libio_t *iop, off_t length) {
  119ef0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  119ef1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  119ef3:   83 ec 58                sub    $0x58,%esp                                     
  119ef6:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  119ef9:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  119efc:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  119eff:   8b 5d 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%ebx                                
  119f02:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  119f05:   8b 75 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%esi                                 
    int                rc = RC_OK;                                                        
    msdos_fs_info_t   *fs_info = iop->pathinfo.mt_entry->fs_info;                         
  119f08:   8b 50 20                mov    0x20(%eax),%edx                                
  119f0b:   89 5d d4                mov    %ebx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
    fat_file_fd_t     *fat_fd = iop->pathinfo.node_access;                                
  119f0e:   8b 58 14                mov    0x14(%eax),%ebx                                
    msdos_fs_info_t   *fs_info = iop->pathinfo.mt_entry->fs_info;                         
  119f11:   8b 7a 08                mov    0x8(%edx),%edi                                 
  119f14:   89 7d d0                mov    %edi,-0x30(%ebp)                               
  119f17:   81 c7 ac 00 00 00       add    $0xac,%edi                                     
  _Mutex_recursive_Acquire( mutex );                                                      
  119f1d:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  119f20:   e8 db fd fe ff          call   109d00 <_Mutex_recursive_Acquire>              
    uint32_t old_length;                                                                  
    old_length = fat_fd->fat_file_size;                                                   
  119f25:   8b 53 18                mov    0x18(%ebx),%edx                                
    if (length < old_length) {                                                            
  119f28:   8b 4d d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  119f2b:   39 d6                   cmp    %edx,%esi                                      
  119f2d:   83 d9 00                sbb    $0x0,%ecx                                      
  119f30:   7d 3e                   jge    119f70 <msdos_file_ftruncate+0x80>             
        rc = fat_file_truncate(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, length);                            
  119f32:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  119f36:   8b 45 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%eax                               
  119f39:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  119f3d:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  119f40:   e8 0b 69 ff ff          call   110850 <fat_file_truncate>                     
            errno = ENOSPC;                                                               
            rc = -1;                                                                      
    if (rc == RC_OK)                                                                      
  119f45:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
        rc = fat_file_truncate(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, length);                            
  119f47:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
    if (rc == RC_OK)                                                                      
  119f49:   74 60                   je     119fab <msdos_file_ftruncate+0xbb>             <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  _Mutex_recursive_Release( mutex );                                                      
  119f4b:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  119f4e:   89 4d d4                mov    %ecx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  119f51:   e8 2a fe fe ff          call   109d80 <_Mutex_recursive_Release>              
    return rc;                                                                            
  119f56:   8b 4d d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  119f59:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  119f5c:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  119f5f:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  119f62:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  119f64:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  119f65:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax                                      
  119f67:   c3                      ret                                                   
  119f68:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  119f6f:   90                      nop                                                   
        rc = fat_file_extend(&fs_info->fat,                                               
  119f70:   89 74 24 0c             mov    %esi,0xc(%esp)                                 
  119f74:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  119f77:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  119f7b:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  119f80:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  119f84:   8b 45 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%eax                               
  119f87:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  119f8b:   89 55 cc                mov    %edx,-0x34(%ebp)                               
  119f8e:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  119f91:   e8 3a 6b ff ff          call   110ad0 <fat_file_extend>                       
        if (rc == RC_OK && length != new_length) {                                        
  119f96:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
        rc = fat_file_extend(&fs_info->fat,                                               
  119f98:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
        if (rc == RC_OK && length != new_length) {                                        
  119f9a:   75 af                   jne    119f4b <msdos_file_ftruncate+0x5b>             <== NEVER TAKEN
  119f9c:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  119f9f:   8b 55 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edx                               
  119fa2:   31 f0                   xor    %esi,%eax                                      
  119fa4:   09 c2                   or     %eax,%edx                                      
  119fa6:   8b 55 cc                mov    -0x34(%ebp),%edx                               
  119fa9:   75 2e                   jne    119fd9 <msdos_file_ftruncate+0xe9>             <== NEVER TAKEN
    fat_fd->flags |= FAT_FILE_META_DATA_CHANGED;                                          
  119fab:   80 4b 30 02             orb    $0x2,0x30(%ebx)                                
    fat_fd->fat_file_size = s;                                                            
  119faf:   89 73 18                mov    %esi,0x18(%ebx)                                
        fat_file_set_ctime_mtime(fat_fd, time(NULL));                                     
  119fb2:   c7 04 24 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,(%esp)                                    
  119fb9:   89 4d d4                mov    %ecx,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  119fbc:   e8 bf 1c 01 00          call   12bc80 <time>                                  
    fat_fd->flags |= FAT_FILE_META_DATA_CHANGED;                                          
  119fc1:   8b 4d d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  119fc4:   80 4b 30 02             orb    $0x2,0x30(%ebx)                                
    fat_fd->ctime = t;                                                                    
  119fc8:   89 43 40                mov    %eax,0x40(%ebx)                                
  119fcb:   89 53 44                mov    %edx,0x44(%ebx)                                
    fat_fd->mtime = t;                                                                    
  119fce:   89 43 48                mov    %eax,0x48(%ebx)                                
  119fd1:   89 53 4c                mov    %edx,0x4c(%ebx)                                
  119fd4:   e9 72 ff ff ff          jmp    119f4b <msdos_file_ftruncate+0x5b>             
            fat_file_truncate(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, old_length);                         
  119fd9:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  119fdd:   8b 45 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  119fe0:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  119fe4:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  119fe7:   e8 64 68 ff ff          call   110850 <fat_file_truncate>                     <== NOT EXECUTED
            errno = ENOSPC;                                                               
  119fec:   e8 af c8 00 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
            rc = -1;                                                                      
  119ff1:   b9 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ecx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
            errno = ENOSPC;                                                               
  119ff6:   c7 00 1c 00 00 00       movl   $0x1c,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    if (rc == RC_OK)                                                                      
  119ffc:   e9 4a ff ff ff          jmp    119f4b <msdos_file_ftruncate+0x5b>             <== NOT EXECUTED
  11a001:   90                      nop                                                   
  11a002:   90                      nop                                                   
  11a003:   90                      nop                                                   
  11a004:   90                      nop                                                   
  11a005:   90                      nop                                                   
  11a006:   90                      nop                                                   
  11a007:   90                      nop                                                   
  11a008:   90                      nop                                                   
  11a009:   90                      nop                                                   
  11a00a:   90                      nop                                                   
  11a00b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11a00c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11a00d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11a00e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11a00f:   90                      nop                                                   

00119cc0 <msdos_file_read>: * the number of bytes read on success, or -1 if error occured (errno set * appropriately) */ ssize_t msdos_file_read(rtems_libio_t *iop, void *buffer, size_t count) {
  119cc0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  119cc1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  119cc3:   83 ec 48                sub    $0x48,%esp                                     
  119cc6:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  119cc9:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 
  119ccc:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  119ccf:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
    ssize_t            ret = 0;                                                           
    msdos_fs_info_t   *fs_info = iop->pathinfo.mt_entry->fs_info;                         
  119cd2:   8b 46 20                mov    0x20(%esi),%eax                                
  119cd5:   8b 58 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%ebx                                 
    fat_file_fd_t     *fat_fd = iop->pathinfo.node_access;                                
  119cd8:   8b 46 14                mov    0x14(%esi),%eax                                
  119cdb:   8d bb ac 00 00 00       lea    0xac(%ebx),%edi                                
  _Mutex_recursive_Acquire( mutex );                                                      
  119ce1:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  119ce4:   89 45 e4                mov    %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  119ce7:   e8 14 00 ff ff          call   109d00 <_Mutex_recursive_Acquire>              
    ret = fat_file_read(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, iop->offset, count,                        
  119cec:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  119cef:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  119cf2:   89 54 24 10             mov    %edx,0x10(%esp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  119cf6:   8b 55 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  119cf9:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  119cfd:   8b 56 04                mov    0x4(%esi),%edx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  119d00:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  119d03:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  119d07:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  119d0b:   e8 50 69 ff ff          call   110660 <fat_file_read>                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    if (ret > 0)                                                                          
  119d10:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    ret = fat_file_read(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, iop->offset, count,                        
  119d12:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
    if (ret > 0)                                                                          
  119d14:   7e 07                   jle    119d1d <msdos_file_read+0x5d>                  
        iop->offset += ret;                                                               
  119d16:   99                      cltd                                                  
  119d17:   01 46 04                add    %eax,0x4(%esi)                                 
  119d1a:   11 56 08                adc    %edx,0x8(%esi)                                 
  _Mutex_recursive_Release( mutex );                                                      
  119d1d:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  119d20:   e8 5b 00 ff ff          call   109d80 <_Mutex_recursive_Release>              
    return ret;                                                                           
  119d25:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  119d28:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  119d2a:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  119d2d:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  119d30:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  119d32:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  119d33:   c3                      ret                                                   
  119d34:   90                      nop                                                   
  119d35:   90                      nop                                                   
  119d36:   90                      nop                                                   
  119d37:   90                      nop                                                   
  119d38:   90                      nop                                                   
  119d39:   90                      nop                                                   
  119d3a:   90                      nop                                                   
  119d3b:   90                      nop                                                   
  119d3c:   90                      nop                                                   
  119d3d:   90                      nop                                                   
  119d3e:   90                      nop                                                   
  119d3f:   90                      nop                                                   

0011a010 <msdos_file_sync>: * RETURNS: * RC_OK on success, or -1 if error occured (errno set appropriately) */ int msdos_file_sync(rtems_libio_t *iop) {
  11a010:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  11a011:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  11a013:   83 ec 28                sub    $0x28,%esp                                     
  11a016:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  11a019:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  11a01c:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  11a01f:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
    int                rc = RC_OK;                                                        
    msdos_fs_info_t   *fs_info = iop->pathinfo.mt_entry->fs_info;                         
  11a022:   8b 50 20                mov    0x20(%eax),%edx                                
    fat_file_fd_t     *fat_fd = iop->pathinfo.node_access;                                
  11a025:   8b 58 14                mov    0x14(%eax),%ebx                                
    msdos_fs_info_t   *fs_info = iop->pathinfo.mt_entry->fs_info;                         
  11a028:   8b 72 08                mov    0x8(%edx),%esi                                 
  11a02b:   8d be ac 00 00 00       lea    0xac(%esi),%edi                                
  _Mutex_recursive_Acquire( mutex );                                                      
  11a031:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  11a034:   e8 c7 fc fe ff          call   109d00 <_Mutex_recursive_Acquire>              
    rc = fat_file_update(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                          
  11a039:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  11a03d:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  11a040:   e8 9b 65 ff ff          call   1105e0 <fat_file_update>                       
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  11a045:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    rc = fat_file_update(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                          
  11a047:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  11a049:   75 08                   jne    11a053 <msdos_file_sync+0x43>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
        return rc;                                                                        
    rc = fat_sync(&fs_info->fat);                                                         
  11a04b:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  11a04e:   e8 cd 56 ff ff          call   10f720 <fat_sync>                              
  _Mutex_recursive_Release( mutex );                                                      
  11a053:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  11a056:   e8 25 fd fe ff          call   109d80 <_Mutex_recursive_Release>              
    return RC_OK;                                                                         
  11a05b:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  11a05e:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  11a060:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  11a063:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  11a066:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  11a068:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  11a069:   c3                      ret                                                   
  11a06a:   90                      nop                                                   
  11a06b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11a06c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11a06d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11a06e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11a06f:   90                      nop                                                   

00119d40 <msdos_file_write>: * the number of bytes written on success, or -1 if error occured * and errno set appropriately */ ssize_t msdos_file_write(rtems_libio_t *iop,const void *buffer, size_t count) {
  119d40:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  119d41:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  119d43:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  119d44:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  119d45:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  119d46:   83 ec 3c                sub    $0x3c,%esp                                     
  119d49:   8b 7d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%edi                                 
    ssize_t            ret = 0;                                                           
    msdos_fs_info_t   *fs_info = iop->pathinfo.mt_entry->fs_info;                         
  119d4c:   8b 47 20                mov    0x20(%edi),%eax                                
    fat_file_fd_t     *fat_fd = iop->pathinfo.node_access;                                
  119d4f:   8b 5f 14                mov    0x14(%edi),%ebx                                
    msdos_fs_info_t   *fs_info = iop->pathinfo.mt_entry->fs_info;                         
  119d52:   8b 70 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%esi                                 
  119d55:   8d 86 ac 00 00 00       lea    0xac(%esi),%eax                                
  _Mutex_recursive_Acquire( mutex );                                                      
  119d5b:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  119d5e:   89 45 dc                mov    %eax,-0x24(%ebp)                               
  119d61:   e8 9a ff fe ff          call   109d00 <_Mutex_recursive_Acquire>              
  119d66:   8b 07                   mov    (%edi),%eax                                    
    if (rtems_libio_iop_is_append(iop))                                                   
  119d68:   f6 c4 02                test   $0x2,%ah                                       
  119d6b:   75 73                   jne    119de0 <msdos_file_write+0xa0>                 
        iop->offset = fat_fd->fat_file_size;                                              
    ret = fat_file_write(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, iop->offset, count,                       
  119d6d:   8b 47 04                mov    0x4(%edi),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  119d70:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  119d73:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  119d76:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  119d7a:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  119d7e:   89 54 24 10             mov    %edx,0x10(%esp)                                
  119d82:   8b 55 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edx                                
  119d85:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  119d89:   e8 02 70 ff ff          call   110d90 <fat_file_write>                        
    if (ret < 0)                                                                          
  119d8e:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    ret = fat_file_write(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, iop->offset, count,                       
  119d90:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
    if (ret < 0)                                                                          
  119d92:   0f 88 81 00 00 00       js     119e19 <msdos_file_write+0xd9>                 
     * update file size in both fat-file descriptor and file control block if             
     * file was extended                                                                  
    iop->offset += ret;                                                                   
  119d98:   99                      cltd                                                  
  119d99:   03 47 04                add    0x4(%edi),%eax                                 
  119d9c:   13 57 08                adc    0x8(%edi),%edx                                 
  119d9f:   89 45 e0                mov    %eax,-0x20(%ebp)                               
  119da2:   89 47 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%edi)                                 
    if (iop->offset > fat_fd->fat_file_size)                                              
  119da5:   8b 4d e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%ecx                               
    iop->offset += ret;                                                                   
  119da8:   89 55 e4                mov    %edx,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  119dab:   89 57 08                mov    %edx,0x8(%edi)                                 
    if (iop->offset > fat_fd->fat_file_size)                                              
  119dae:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  119db0:   39 4b 18                cmp    %ecx,0x18(%ebx)                                
  119db3:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
  119db5:   8b 4d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  119db8:   8b 55 e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%edx                               
  119dbb:   19 c8                   sbb    %ecx,%eax                                      
  119dbd:   7c 31                   jl     119df0 <msdos_file_write+0xb0>                 
        fat_file_set_file_size(fat_fd, (uint32_t) iop->offset);                           
    if (ret > 0)                                                                          
  119dbf:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  119dc1:   75 38                   jne    119dfb <msdos_file_write+0xbb>                 <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  _Mutex_recursive_Release( mutex );                                                      
  119dc3:   8b 45 dc                mov    -0x24(%ebp),%eax                               
  119dc6:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  119dc9:   e8 b2 ff fe ff          call   109d80 <_Mutex_recursive_Release>              
        fat_file_set_ctime_mtime(fat_fd, time(NULL));                                     
    return ret;                                                                           
  119dce:   83 c4 3c                add    $0x3c,%esp                                     
  119dd1:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      
  119dd3:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  119dd4:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  119dd5:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  119dd6:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  119dd7:   c3                      ret                                                   
  119dd8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  119ddf:   90                      nop                                                   
        iop->offset = fat_fd->fat_file_size;                                              
  119de0:   8b 43 18                mov    0x18(%ebx),%eax                                
  119de3:   c7 47 08 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x8(%edi)                                 
  119dea:   89 47 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%edi)                                 
  119ded:   eb 81                   jmp    119d70 <msdos_file_write+0x30>                 
  119def:   90                      nop                                                   
    fat_fd->flags |= FAT_FILE_META_DATA_CHANGED;                                          
  119df0:   80 4b 30 02             orb    $0x2,0x30(%ebx)                                
    if (ret > 0)                                                                          
  119df4:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
        fat_file_set_file_size(fat_fd, (uint32_t) iop->offset);                           
  119df6:   89 53 18                mov    %edx,0x18(%ebx)                                
    if (ret > 0)                                                                          
  119df9:   74 c8                   je     119dc3 <msdos_file_write+0x83>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
        fat_file_set_ctime_mtime(fat_fd, time(NULL));                                     
  119dfb:   c7 04 24 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,(%esp)                                    
  119e02:   e8 79 1e 01 00          call   12bc80 <time>                                  
    fat_fd->flags |= FAT_FILE_META_DATA_CHANGED;                                          
  119e07:   80 4b 30 02             orb    $0x2,0x30(%ebx)                                
    fat_fd->ctime = t;                                                                    
  119e0b:   89 43 40                mov    %eax,0x40(%ebx)                                
  119e0e:   89 53 44                mov    %edx,0x44(%ebx)                                
    fat_fd->mtime = t;                                                                    
  119e11:   89 43 48                mov    %eax,0x48(%ebx)                                
  119e14:   89 53 4c                mov    %edx,0x4c(%ebx)                                
  119e17:   eb aa                   jmp    119dc3 <msdos_file_write+0x83>                 
  119e19:   8b 45 dc                mov    -0x24(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
        return -1;                                                                        
  119e1c:   be ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%esi                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  119e21:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  119e24:   e8 57 ff fe ff          call   109d80 <_Mutex_recursive_Release>              <== NOT EXECUTED
  119e29:   eb a3                   jmp    119dce <msdos_file_write+0x8e>                 
  119e2b:   90                      nop                                                   
  119e2c:   90                      nop                                                   
  119e2d:   90                      nop                                                   
  119e2e:   90                      nop                                                   
  119e2f:   90                      nop                                                   

00118d40 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_compare>: rtems_dosfs_convert_control *converter, const uint8_t *utf8_name, const size_t utf8_name_size, uint8_t *long_name, const size_t long_name_size) {
  118d40:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  118d41:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  118d43:   83 ec 38                sub    $0x38,%esp                                     
  118d46:   89 5d fc                mov    %ebx,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  118d49:   8b 4d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  118d4c:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                
  118d4f:   8b 55 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edx                                
   if (    src_name[0] == UTF8_FULL_STOP                                                  
  118d52:   80 39 2e                cmpb   $0x2e,(%ecx)                                   
    ssize_t        returned_size = 0;                                                     
    int            eno           = 0;                                                     
    size_t         name_size;                                                             
    size_t         dest_size     = long_name_size;                                        
  118d55:   89 45 f4                mov    %eax,-0xc(%ebp)                                
   if (    src_name[0] == UTF8_FULL_STOP                                                  
  118d58:   74 66                   je     118dc0 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_compare+0x80><== NEVER TAKEN
  for ( i = size_returned - UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE;                                          
  118d5a:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  ssize_t      size_returned = filename_size;                                             
  118d5c:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
  for ( i = size_returned - UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE;                                          
  118d5e:   7f 53                   jg     118db3 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_compare+0x73><== ALWAYS TAKEN
    if (returned_size == 0) {                                                             
      name_size = msdos_filename_delete_trailing_dots (                                   
      if (name_size > 0) {                                                                
  118d60:   0f 84 9a 00 00 00       je     118e00 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_compare+0xc0><== NOT EXECUTED
        eno = (*converter->handler->utf8_normalize_and_fold) (                            
  118d66:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  118d69:   8d 5d f4                lea    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  118d6c:   8b 00                   mov    (%eax),%eax                                    
  118d6e:   89 5c 24 10             mov    %ebx,0x10(%esp)                                
  118d72:   8b 5d 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%ebx                                
  118d75:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  118d79:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  118d7d:   89 5c 24 0c             mov    %ebx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  118d81:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  118d84:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  118d87:   ff 50 10                call   *0x10(%eax)                                    
        if (eno == 0) {                                                                   
  118d8a:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
        eno = (*converter->handler->utf8_normalize_and_fold) (                            
  118d8c:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
        if (eno == 0) {                                                                   
  118d8e:   74 60                   je     118df0 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_compare+0xb0><== ALWAYS TAKEN
        eno = EINVAL;                                                                     
    if ( eno != 0 ) {                                                                     
      errno         = eno;                                                                
  118d90:   e8 0b db 00 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  118d95:   89 18                   mov    %ebx,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
      returned_size = -1;                                                                 
  118d97:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    return returned_size;                                                                 
  118d9c:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  118d9f:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  118da1:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  118da2:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  118da3:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  118daa:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  for ( i = size_returned - UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE;                                          
  118db0:   48                      dec    %eax                                           
  118db1:   74 4d                   je     118e00 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_compare+0xc0><== NEVER TAKEN
        && filename_utf8[i] == UTF8_FULL_STOP;) {                                         
  118db3:   80 7c 01 ff 2e          cmpb   $0x2e,-0x1(%ecx,%eax,1)                        
  118db8:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  118dba:   74 f4                   je     118db0 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_compare+0x70>
  118dbc:   eb a8                   jmp    118d66 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_compare+0x26>
  118dbe:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
        && src_size    == UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE) {                                          
  118dc0:   83 fa 01                cmp    $0x1,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  118dc3:   74 4b                   je     118e10 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_compare+0xd0><== NOT EXECUTED
             && src_size      == ( 2 * UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE ) ) {                          
  118dc5:   80 79 01 2e             cmpb   $0x2e,0x1(%ecx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  118dc9:   75 8f                   jne    118d5a <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_compare+0x1a><== NOT EXECUTED
  118dcb:   83 fa 02                cmp    $0x2,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  118dce:   75 8a                   jne    118d5a <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_compare+0x1a><== NOT EXECUTED
     if (dest_size >= 2 * UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE) {                                          
  118dd0:   83 f8 01                cmp    $0x1,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  118dd3:   76 51                   jbe    118e26 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_compare+0xe6><== NOT EXECUTED
       dest_name[0]  = UTF8_FULL_STOP;                                                    
  118dd5:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  118dd8:   66 c7 00 2e 2e          movw   $0x2e2e,(%eax)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
       returned_size = 2 * UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE;                                           
  118ddd:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  118de2:   eb b8                   jmp    118d9c <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_compare+0x5c><== NOT EXECUTED
  118de4:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  118deb:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  118def:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
          returned_size = (ssize_t)dest_size;                                             
  118df0:   8b 45 f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%eax                                
  118df3:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  118df6:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  118df8:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  118df9:   c3                      ret                                                   
  118dfa:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
        eno = EINVAL;                                                                     
  118e00:   bb 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%ebx                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  118e05:   eb 89                   jmp    118d90 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_compare+0x50><== NOT EXECUTED
  118e07:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  118e0e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
     if (dest_size >= UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE) {                                              
  118e10:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  118e12:   74 12                   je     118e26 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_compare+0xe6><== NOT EXECUTED
       dest_name[0]  = UTF8_FULL_STOP;                                                    
  118e14:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  118e17:   c6 00 2e                movb   $0x2e,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
       returned_size = UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE;                                               
  118e1a:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  118e1f:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  118e22:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  118e24:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  118e25:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
     errno         = eno;                                                                 
  118e26:   e8 75 da 00 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  118e2b:   c7 00 5b 00 00 00       movl   $0x5b,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  118e31:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  118e36:   e9 61 ff ff ff          jmp    118d9c <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_compare+0x5c><== NOT EXECUTED
  118e3b:   90                      nop                                                   
  118e3c:   90                      nop                                                   
  118e3d:   90                      nop                                                   
  118e3e:   90                      nop                                                   
  118e3f:   90                      nop                                                   

00118e40 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save>: rtems_dosfs_convert_control *converter, const uint8_t *utf8_name, const size_t utf8_name_size, uint16_t *long_name, const size_t long_name_size) {
  118e40:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  118e41:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  118e43:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  118e44:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  118e45:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  118e46:   83 ec 3c                sub    $0x3c,%esp                                     
  118e49:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
    size_t       name_size_tmp;                                                           
    int          i;                                                                       
    uint16_t     c;                                                                       
    unsigned int chars_written;                                                           
    name_size_tmp = long_name_size;                                                       
  118e4c:   8b 7d 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%edi                                
  118e4f:   8b 4d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  118e52:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  for ( i = size_returned - UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE;                                          
  118e55:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  118e57:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
    name_size_tmp = long_name_size;                                                       
  118e59:   89 7d e4                mov    %edi,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  for ( i = size_returned - UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE;                                          
  118e5c:   7f 19                   jg     118e77 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0x37><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  118e5e:   e9 94 00 00 00          jmp    118ef7 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0xb7><== NOT EXECUTED
  118e63:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  118e6a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  118e70:   4b                      dec    %ebx                                           
  118e71:   0f 84 29 01 00 00       je     118fa0 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0x160><== NEVER TAKEN
        && filename_utf8[i] == UTF8_FULL_STOP;) {                                         
  118e77:   80 7c 1a ff 2e          cmpb   $0x2e,-0x1(%edx,%ebx,1)                        
  118e7c:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  118e7e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  118e80:   74 ee                   je     118e70 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0x30>
    if (name_size > 0) {                                                                  
       * Finally convert from UTF-8 to UTF-16                                             
      eno = (*converter->handler->utf8_to_utf16) (                                        
  118e82:   8b 7d 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%edi                                
  118e85:   8d 75 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%esi                               
  118e88:   8b 19                   mov    (%ecx),%ebx                                    
  118e8a:   89 74 24 10             mov    %esi,0x10(%esp)                                
  118e8e:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  118e92:   89 7c 24 0c             mov    %edi,0xc(%esp)                                 
  118e96:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  118e9a:   89 0c 24                mov    %ecx,(%esp)                                    
  118e9d:   ff 53 08                call   *0x8(%ebx)                                     
      if (eno == 0) {                                                                     
  118ea0:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
      eno = (*converter->handler->utf8_to_utf16) (                                        
  118ea2:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
      if (eno == 0) {                                                                     
  118ea4:   0f 85 bb 00 00 00       jne    118f65 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0x125><== NEVER TAKEN
        if (name_size_tmp <= (MSDOS_NAME_MAX_LNF_LEN * MSDOS_NAME_LFN_BYTES_PER_CHAR))    
  118eaa:   8b 4d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  118ead:   81 f9 fe 01 00 00       cmp    $0x1fe,%ecx                                    
  118eb3:   0f 87 a7 00 00 00       ja     118f60 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0x120>
      if ( eno == 0 )                                                                     
         * Validate the characters and assign them to the UTF-16 file name                
        for ( i = 0;                                                                      
  118eb9:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  118ebb:   8b 55 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%edx                                
  118ebe:   b8 fe ff ff ff          mov    $0xfffffffe,%eax                               
  118ec3:   74 75                   je     118f3a <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0xfa><== NEVER TAKEN
  118ec5:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  118ecc:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
              && (c = msdos_get_valid_utf16_filename_character ( long_name[i]) );         
  118ed0:   0f b7 02                movzwl (%edx),%eax                                    
  if ( char_num <= 0x00ff ) {                                                             
  118ed3:   3d ff 00 00 00          cmp    $0xff,%eax                                     
  118ed8:   77 4a                   ja     118f24 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0xe4>
    switch ( char_num )                                                                   
  118eda:   83 f8 5d                cmp    $0x5d,%eax                                     
  118edd:   77 31                   ja     118f10 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0xd0>
  118edf:   83 f8 2a                cmp    $0x2a,%eax                                     
  118ee2:   76 35                   jbe    118f19 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0xd9>
  118ee4:   8d 70 d5                lea    -0x2b(%eax),%esi                               
  118ee7:   66 83 fe 32             cmp    $0x32,%si                                      
  118eeb:   0f b7 fe                movzwl %si,%edi                                       
  118eee:   77 29                   ja     118f19 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0xd9><== NEVER TAKEN
  118ef0:   ff 24 bd 48 39 13 00    jmp    *0x133948(,%edi,4)                             
    if (name_size > 0) {                                                                  
  118ef7:   75 89                   jne    118e82 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0x42><== NOT EXECUTED
  118ef9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  118f00:   e9 9b 00 00 00          jmp    118fa0 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0x160><== NOT EXECUTED
  118f05:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  118f0c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
    switch ( char_num )                                                                   
  118f10:   8d 70 9f                lea    -0x61(%eax),%esi                               
  118f13:   66 83 fe 19             cmp    $0x19,%si                                      
  118f17:   76 0b                   jbe    118f24 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0xe4>
        retval = codepage_valid_char_map[char_num];                                       
  118f19:   0f b6 80 20 3a 13 00    movzbl 0x133a20(%eax),%eax                            
              && (c = msdos_get_valid_utf16_filename_character ( long_name[i]) );         
  118f20:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  118f22:   74 2c                   je     118f50 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0x110>
              ++i ) {                                                                     
          long_name[i]   = c;                                                             
  118f24:   66 89 02                mov    %ax,(%edx)                                     
          returned_size += MSDOS_NAME_LFN_BYTES_PER_CHAR;                                 
  118f27:   83 c3 02                add    $0x2,%ebx                                      
        for ( i = 0;                                                                      
  118f2a:   83 c2 02                add    $0x2,%edx                                      
  118f2d:   83 e9 02                sub    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  118f30:   75 9e                   jne    118ed0 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0x90>
          long_name[i]   = c;                                                             
          returned_size += MSDOS_NAME_LFN_BYTES_PER_CHAR;                                 
        else if ( name_size != 0 )                                                        
          eno = EINVAL;                                                                   
        chars_written = returned_size / MSDOS_NAME_LFN_BYTES_PER_CHAR;                    
  118f32:   89 d9                   mov    %ebx,%ecx                                      
  118f34:   d1 f9                   sar    %ecx                                           
        if (   long_name [chars_written - 1] != UTF16_NULL                                
  118f36:   8d 44 09 fe             lea    -0x2(%ecx,%ecx,1),%eax                         
  118f3a:   8b 7d 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%edi                                
  118f3d:   66 83 3c 07 00          cmpw   $0x0,(%edi,%eax,1)                             
  118f42:   75 63                   jne    118fa7 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0x167><== ALWAYS TAKEN
      errno         = eno;                                                                
      returned_size = -1;                                                                 
    return returned_size;                                                                 
  118f44:   83 c4 3c                add    $0x3c,%esp                                     
  118f47:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  118f49:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  118f4a:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  118f4b:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  118f4c:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  118f4d:   c3                      ret                                                   
  118f4e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
        if ( name_size == UTF16_NULL_SIZE && c == UTF16_NULL ) {                          
  118f50:   83 f9 02                cmp    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  118f53:   75 1e                   jne    118f73 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0x133><== ALWAYS TAKEN
          long_name[i]   = c;                                                             
  118f55:   66 c7 02 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
          returned_size += MSDOS_NAME_LFN_BYTES_PER_CHAR;                                 
  118f5a:   83 c3 02                add    $0x2,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  118f5d:   eb d3                   jmp    118f32 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0xf2><== NOT EXECUTED
  118f5f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
          eno = ENAMETOOLONG;                                                             
  118f60:   bb 5b 00 00 00          mov    $0x5b,%ebx                                     
      errno         = eno;                                                                
  118f65:   e8 36 d9 00 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               
  118f6a:   89 18                   mov    %ebx,(%eax)                                    
      returned_size = -1;                                                                 
  118f6c:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               
    return returned_size;                                                                 
  118f71:   eb d1                   jmp    118f44 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0x104>
        if (   long_name [chars_written - 1] != UTF16_NULL                                
  118f73:   8b 7d 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%edi                                
        chars_written = returned_size / MSDOS_NAME_LFN_BYTES_PER_CHAR;                    
  118f76:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  118f78:   d1 f8                   sar    %eax                                           
        if (   long_name [chars_written - 1] != UTF16_NULL                                
  118f7a:   66 83 7c 47 fe 00       cmpw   $0x0,-0x2(%edi,%eax,2)                         
  118f80:   74 1e                   je     118fa0 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0x160><== NEVER TAKEN
            && (returned_size + UTF16_NULL_SIZE ) <= long_name_size ) {                   
  118f82:   83 c3 02                add    $0x2,%ebx                                      
  118f85:   3b 5d 18                cmp    0x18(%ebp),%ebx                                
  118f88:   77 16                   ja     118fa0 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0x160><== NEVER TAKEN
          long_name[chars_written] = UTF16_NULL;                                          
  118f8a:   8b 7d 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%edi                                
  118f8d:   66 c7 04 47 00 00       movw   $0x0,(%edi,%eax,2)                             
  118f93:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  118f9a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
          eno = EINVAL;                                                                   
  118fa0:   bb 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%ebx                                     
  118fa5:   eb be                   jmp    118f65 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0x125>
            && (returned_size + UTF16_NULL_SIZE ) <= long_name_size ) {                   
  118fa7:   8d 43 02                lea    0x2(%ebx),%eax                                 
  118faa:   3b 45 18                cmp    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                
  118fad:   77 95                   ja     118f44 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0x104><== NEVER TAKEN
          long_name[chars_written] = UTF16_NULL;                                          
  118faf:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  118fb2:   66 c7 04 48 00 00       movw   $0x0,(%eax,%ecx,2)                             
    if ( eno != 0 ) {                                                                     
  118fb8:   eb 8a                   jmp    118f44 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save+0x104>
  118fba:   90                      nop                                                   
  118fbb:   90                      nop                                                   
  118fbc:   90                      nop                                                   
  118fbd:   90                      nop                                                   
  118fbe:   90                      nop                                                   
  118fbf:   90                      nop                                                   

00118fc0 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare>: rtems_dosfs_convert_control *converter, const uint8_t *utf8_name, const size_t utf8_name_size, void *short_name, const size_t short_name_size) {
  118fc0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  118fc1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  118fc3:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  118fc4:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  118fc5:   83 ec 60                sub    $0x60,%esp                                     
  int            eno                     = 0;                                             
  const uint8_t *name_ptr                = utf8_name;                                     
  char          *dest_ptr                = (char*)short_name;                             
  size_t         name_size               = utf8_name_size;                                
  uint8_t        name_normalized_buf[(MSDOS_SHORT_NAME_LEN +1) * MSDOS_NAME_MAX_UTF8_BYTES_PER_CHAR];
  size_t         name_size_tmp           = sizeof(name_normalized_buf);                   
  118fc8:   c7 45 c4 30 00 00 00    movl   $0x30,-0x3c(%ebp)                              
  118fcf:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  118fd2:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
   if (    src_name[0] == UTF8_FULL_STOP                                                  
  118fd5:   80 3a 2e                cmpb   $0x2e,(%edx)                                   
  118fd8:   74 76                   je     119050 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0x90>
  while (    *name_size >= UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE                                            
  118fda:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  118fdc:   75 22                   jne    119000 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0x40><== ALWAYS TAKEN
      if ( eno == 0 ) {                                                                   
        memcpy (&dest_ptr[0], &name_ptr[0], name_size);                                   
        returned_size = name_size;                                                        
    } else                                                                                
      eno = EINVAL;                                                                       
  118fde:   bf 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%edi                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  if ( eno != 0 ) {                                                                       
    errno         = eno;                                                                  
  118fe3:   e8 b8 d8 00 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  118fe8:   89 38                   mov    %edi,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    returned_size = -1;                                                                   
  118fea:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  return returned_size;                                                                   
  118fef:   83 c4 60                add    $0x60,%esp                                     
  118ff2:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  118ff3:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  118ff4:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  118ff5:   c3                      ret                                                   
  118ff6:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  118ffd:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
      eno = (*converter->handler->utf8_normalize_and_fold) (                              
  119000:   8b 4d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  119003:   8d 75 c4                lea    -0x3c(%ebp),%esi                               
  119006:   8b 09                   mov    (%ecx),%ecx                                    
  119008:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  11900c:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  11900f:   89 74 24 10             mov    %esi,0x10(%esp)                                
  119013:   8d 75 c8                lea    -0x38(%ebp),%esi                               
  119016:   89 74 24 0c             mov    %esi,0xc(%esp)                                 
  11901a:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  11901e:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  119021:   ff 51 10                call   *0x10(%ecx)                                    
  119024:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      
      name_size = name_size_tmp;                                                          
  119026:   8b 45 c4                mov    -0x3c(%ebp),%eax                               
      if ( eno == ENOMEM ) {                                                              
  119029:   83 ff 0c                cmp    $0xc,%edi                                      
  11902c:   74 04                   je     119032 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0x72><== NEVER TAKEN
      if ( eno == 0 ) {                                                                   
  11902e:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      
  119030:   75 b1                   jne    118fe3 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0x23><== NEVER TAKEN
        memcpy (&dest_ptr[0], &name_ptr[0], name_size);                                   
  119032:   83 f8 08                cmp    $0x8,%eax                                      
  119035:   8b 7d 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%edi                                
  119038:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
  11903a:   73 44                   jae    119080 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0xc0>
  11903c:   f3 a4                   rep movsb %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi)                       
  11903e:   83 c4 60                add    $0x60,%esp                                     
  119041:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  119042:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  119043:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  119044:   c3                      ret                                                   
  119045:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11904c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
        && src_size    == UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE) {                                          
  119050:   83 f8 01                cmp    $0x1,%eax                                      
  119053:   74 5b                   je     1190b0 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0xf0>
             && src_size      == ( 2 * UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE ) ) {                          
  119055:   80 7a 01 2e             cmpb   $0x2e,0x1(%edx)                                
  119059:   75 05                   jne    119060 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0xa0><== NEVER TAKEN
  11905b:   83 f8 02                cmp    $0x2,%eax                                      
  11905e:   74 69                   je     1190c9 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0x109><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  while (    *name_size >= UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE                                            
  119060:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  119062:   75 11                   jne    119075 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0xb5><== NOT EXECUTED
  119064:   e9 75 ff ff ff          jmp    118fde <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0x1e><== NOT EXECUTED
  119069:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
         && **name_utf8 == UTF8_FULL_STOP) {                                              
  119070:   80 3a 2e                cmpb   $0x2e,(%edx)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  119073:   75 8b                   jne    119000 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0x40><== NOT EXECUTED
    *name_utf8  += UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE;                                                   
  119075:   42                      inc    %edx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  while (    *name_size >= UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE                                            
  119076:   48                      dec    %eax                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  119077:   75 f7                   jne    119070 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0xb0><== NOT EXECUTED
  119079:   e9 60 ff ff ff          jmp    118fde <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0x1e><== NOT EXECUTED
  11907e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
        memcpy (&dest_ptr[0], &name_ptr[0], name_size);                                   
  119080:   f7 c7 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%edi                                      
  119086:   75 6b                   jne    1190f3 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0x133><== NEVER TAKEN
  119088:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      
  11908e:   75 51                   jne    1190e1 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0x121><== NEVER TAKEN
  119090:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      
  119096:   74 a4                   je     11903c <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0x7c>
  119098:   8b 16                   mov    (%esi),%edx                                    
  11909a:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      
  11909d:   83 c6 04                add    $0x4,%esi                                      
  1190a0:   83 e9 04                sub    $0x4,%ecx                                      
  1190a3:   89 57 fc                mov    %edx,-0x4(%edi)                                
  1190a6:   f3 a4                   rep movsb %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi)                       
  if ( eno != 0 ) {                                                                       
  1190a8:   eb 94                   jmp    11903e <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0x7e>
  1190aa:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
     if (dest_size >= UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE) {                                              
  1190b0:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                
  1190b3:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1190b5:   74 4b                   je     119102 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0x142><== NEVER TAKEN
       dest_name[0]  = UTF8_FULL_STOP;                                                    
  1190b7:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  1190ba:   c6 00 2e                movb   $0x2e,(%eax)                                   
  1190bd:   83 c4 60                add    $0x60,%esp                                     
       returned_size = UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE;                                               
  1190c0:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  1190c5:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  1190c6:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  1190c7:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1190c8:   c3                      ret                                                   
     if (dest_size >= 2 * UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE) {                                          
  1190c9:   83 7d 18 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x18(%ebp)                                
  1190cd:   76 33                   jbe    119102 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0x142><== NEVER TAKEN
       dest_name[0]  = UTF8_FULL_STOP;                                                    
  1190cf:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  1190d2:   66 c7 00 2e 2e          movw   $0x2e2e,(%eax)                                 
       returned_size = 2 * UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE;                                           
  1190d7:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      
  1190dc:   e9 0e ff ff ff          jmp    118fef <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0x2f>
        memcpy (&dest_ptr[0], &name_ptr[0], name_size);                                   
  1190e1:   0f b7 16                movzwl (%esi),%edx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1190e4:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1190e7:   83 c6 02                add    $0x2,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1190ea:   83 e9 02                sub    $0x2,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1190ed:   66 89 57 fe             mov    %dx,-0x2(%edi)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1190f1:   eb 9d                   jmp    119090 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0xd0><== NOT EXECUTED
  1190f3:   0f b6 0e                movzbl (%esi),%ecx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1190f6:   8d 75 c9                lea    -0x37(%ebp),%esi                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1190f9:   47                      inc    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1190fa:   88 4f ff                mov    %cl,-0x1(%edi)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1190fd:   8d 48 ff                lea    -0x1(%eax),%ecx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  119100:   eb 86                   jmp    119088 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0xc8><== NOT EXECUTED
     errno         = eno;                                                                 
  119102:   e8 99 d7 00 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  119107:   c7 00 5b 00 00 00       movl   $0x5b,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  11910d:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  119112:   e9 d8 fe ff ff          jmp    118fef <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare+0x2f><== NOT EXECUTED
  119117:   90                      nop                                                   
  119118:   90                      nop                                                   
  119119:   90                      nop                                                   
  11911a:   90                      nop                                                   
  11911b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11911c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11911d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11911e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11911f:   90                      nop                                                   

00119120 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save>: rtems_dosfs_convert_control *converter, const uint8_t *utf8_name, const size_t utf8_name_size, void *short_name, const size_t short_name_size) {
  119120:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  119121:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  119123:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  119124:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  119125:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  119126:   83 ec 4c                sub    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  119129:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  11912c:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  11912f:   8b 7d 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%edi                                
   if (    src_name[0] == UTF8_FULL_STOP                                                  
  119132:   80 3a 2e                cmpb   $0x2e,(%edx)                                   
  119135:   0f 84 a5 00 00 00       je     1191e0 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0xc0><== NEVER TAKEN
  while (    *name_size >= UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE                                            
  11913b:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  11913d:   75 21                   jne    119160 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x40><== ALWAYS TAKEN
      eno = EINVAL;                                                                       
  if ( eno != 0 ) {                                                                       
    errno = eno;                                                                          
  11913f:   e8 5c d7 00 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    return -1;                                                                            
  119144:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    errno = eno;                                                                          
  119149:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    return -1;                                                                            
  11914f:   e9 bd 01 00 00          jmp    119311 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x1f1><== NOT EXECUTED
  119154:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  11915b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  11915f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
      name_size_tmp = sizeof ( name_to_format_buf );                                      
  119160:   c7 45 d8 0c 00 00 00    movl   $0xc,-0x28(%ebp)                               
      eno = (*converter->handler->utf8_to_codepage) (                                     
  119167:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 
  11916a:   8d 5d d8                lea    -0x28(%ebp),%ebx                               
  11916d:   8b 0e                   mov    (%esi),%ecx                                    
  11916f:   89 5c 24 10             mov    %ebx,0x10(%esp)                                
  119173:   8d 5d dc                lea    -0x24(%ebp),%ebx                               
  119176:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  119179:   89 5c 24 0c             mov    %ebx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  11917d:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  119181:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  119185:   ff 11                   call   *(%ecx)                                        
      name_size = name_size_tmp;                                                          
  119187:   8b 45 d8                mov    -0x28(%ebp),%eax                               
  11918a:   89 45 d4                mov    %eax,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
      for (i = 0; i < name_size; ++i)                                                     
  11918d:   8d 34 03                lea    (%ebx,%eax,1),%esi                             
  119190:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  119192:   0f 84 18 02 00 00       je     1193b0 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x290><== NEVER TAKEN
  119198:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11919f:   90                      nop                                                   
        name_to_format_buf[i] = toupper ( (unsigned char)(name_to_format_buf[i]) );       
  1191a0:   0f b6 0b                movzbl (%ebx),%ecx                                    
  1191a3:   0f b6 81 e1 6a 13 00    movzbl 0x136ae1(%ecx),%eax                            
  1191aa:   89 ca                   mov    %ecx,%edx                                      
  1191ac:   24 03                   and    $0x3,%al                                       
  1191ae:   3c 02                   cmp    $0x2,%al                                       
  1191b0:   75 03                   jne    1191b5 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x95>
  1191b2:   80 ea 20                sub    $0x20,%dl                                      
  1191b5:   88 13                   mov    %dl,(%ebx)                                     
      for (i = 0; i < name_size; ++i)                                                     
  1191b7:   43                      inc    %ebx                                           
  1191b8:   39 f3                   cmp    %esi,%ebx                                      
  1191ba:   75 e4                   jne    1191a0 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x80>
        if ( 0x20 == *name_ptr )                                                          
  1191bc:   0f b6 45 dc             movzbl -0x24(%ebp),%eax                               
  1191c0:   3c 20                   cmp    $0x20,%al                                      
  1191c2:   74 7c                   je     119240 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x120>
        else if ( 0xE5 == *name_ptr )                                                     
  1191c4:   3c e5                   cmp    $0xe5,%al                                      
  1191c6:   0f 84 d4 01 00 00       je     1193a0 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x280><== NEVER TAKEN
  char c = codepage_valid_char_map[character];                                            
  1191cc:   0f b6 80 20 3a 13 00    movzbl 0x133a20(%eax),%eax                            
  if (c == 0) {                                                                           
  1191d3:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  1191d5:   0f 84 dc 01 00 00       je     1193b7 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x297>
          dest_ptr[0] = msdos_get_valid_codepage_filename_character(*name_ptr);           
  1191db:   88 07                   mov    %al,(%edi)                                     
  1191dd:   eb 64                   jmp    119243 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x123>
  1191df:   90                      nop                                                   
        && src_size    == UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE) {                                          
  1191e0:   83 f8 01                cmp    $0x1,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1191e3:   0f 84 47 01 00 00       je     119330 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x210><== NOT EXECUTED
             && src_size      == ( 2 * UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE ) ) {                          
  1191e9:   80 7a 01 2e             cmpb   $0x2e,0x1(%edx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1191ed:   75 09                   jne    1191f8 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0xd8><== NOT EXECUTED
  1191ef:   83 f8 02                cmp    $0x2,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1191f2:   0f 84 c8 01 00 00       je     1193c0 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x2a0><== NOT EXECUTED
  while (    *name_size >= UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE                                            
  1191f8:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1191fa:   75 1d                   jne    119219 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0xf9><== NOT EXECUTED
  1191fc:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  119200:   e9 3a ff ff ff          jmp    11913f <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x1f><== NOT EXECUTED
  119205:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  11920c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
         && **name_utf8 == UTF8_FULL_STOP) {                                              
  119210:   80 3a 2e                cmpb   $0x2e,(%edx)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  119213:   0f 85 47 ff ff ff       jne    119160 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x40><== NOT EXECUTED
    *name_utf8  += UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE;                                                   
  119219:   42                      inc    %edx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  while (    *name_size >= UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE                                            
  11921a:   48                      dec    %eax                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  11921b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  11921f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  119220:   75 ee                   jne    119210 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0xf0><== NOT EXECUTED
    errno = eno;                                                                          
  119222:   e8 79 d6 00 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    return -1;                                                                            
  119227:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    errno = eno;                                                                          
  11922c:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    return -1;                                                                            
  119232:   e9 da 00 00 00          jmp    119311 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x1f1><== NOT EXECUTED
  119237:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  11923e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
          dest_ptr[0] = '_';                                                              
  119240:   c6 07 5f                movb   $0x5f,(%edi)                                   
  119243:   8b 4d d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  119246:   8d 75 dd                lea    -0x23(%ebp),%esi                               
  119249:   bb 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ebx                                      
  11924e:   49                      dec    %ecx                                           
        for (i = 1; i <= 7 && name_size && *name_ptr != '.'; ++i) {                       
  11924f:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  119251:   74 33                   je     119286 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x166>
  119253:   0f b6 06                movzbl (%esi),%eax                                    
  119256:   3c 2e                   cmp    $0x2e,%al                                      
  119258:   0f 84 b4 01 00 00       je     119412 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x2f2>
  char c = codepage_valid_char_map[character];                                            
  11925e:   0f b6 80 20 3a 13 00    movzbl 0x133a20(%eax),%eax                            
  if (c == 0) {                                                                           
  119265:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  119267:   75 02                   jne    11926b <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x14b>
    c = '_';                                                                              
  119269:   b0 5f                   mov    $0x5f,%al                                      
          dest_ptr[i] = msdos_get_valid_codepage_filename_character(*name_ptr);           
  11926b:   88 04 1f                mov    %al,(%edi,%ebx,1)                              
  11926e:   8d 56 01                lea    0x1(%esi),%edx                                 
  119271:   43                      inc    %ebx                                           
  119272:   8d 41 ff                lea    -0x1(%ecx),%eax                                
        for (i = 1; i <= 7 && name_size && *name_ptr != '.'; ++i) {                       
  119275:   83 fb 08                cmp    $0x8,%ebx                                      
  119278:   0f 84 a2 00 00 00       je     119320 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x200>
  11927e:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
  119280:   89 d6                   mov    %edx,%esi                                      
        for (i = 1; i <= 7 && name_size && *name_ptr != '.'; ++i) {                       
  119282:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  119284:   75 cd                   jne    119253 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x133>
          dest_ptr[i] = ' ';                                                              
  119286:   8d 14 1f                lea    (%edi,%ebx,1),%edx                             
  119289:   b8 08 00 00 00          mov    $0x8,%eax                                      
  11928e:   29 d8                   sub    %ebx,%eax                                      
  119290:   74 0b                   je     11929d <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x17d><== NEVER TAKEN
  119292:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
  119294:   c6 04 1a 20             movb   $0x20,(%edx,%ebx,1)                            
  119298:   43                      inc    %ebx                                           
  119299:   39 c3                   cmp    %eax,%ebx                                      
  11929b:   72 f7                   jb     119294 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x174>
  11929d:   83 c1 08                add    $0x8,%ecx                                      
        if ( name_size > 0 && *name_ptr == '.' ) {                                        
  1192a0:   ba 08 00 00 00          mov    $0x8,%edx                                      
  1192a5:   bb 08 00 00 00          mov    $0x8,%ebx                                      
  1192aa:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
        for (; i <= 10 && name_size ; i++) {                                              
  1192b0:   39 d1                   cmp    %edx,%ecx                                      
  1192b2:   74 1c                   je     1192d0 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x1b0>
          dest_ptr[i] = msdos_get_valid_codepage_filename_character(*name_ptr);           
  1192b4:   0f b6 44 16 f8          movzbl -0x8(%esi,%edx,1),%eax                         
  char c = codepage_valid_char_map[character];                                            
  1192b9:   0f b6 80 20 3a 13 00    movzbl 0x133a20(%eax),%eax                            
  if (c == 0) {                                                                           
  1192c0:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  1192c2:   75 02                   jne    1192c6 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x1a6>
    c = '_';                                                                              
  1192c4:   b0 5f                   mov    $0x5f,%al                                      
          dest_ptr[i] = msdos_get_valid_codepage_filename_character(*name_ptr);           
  1192c6:   88 04 17                mov    %al,(%edi,%edx,1)                              
        for (; i <= 10 && name_size ; i++) {                                              
  1192c9:   42                      inc    %edx                                           
  1192ca:   43                      inc    %ebx                                           
        for (; i <= 10 && name_size ; i++) {                                              
  1192cb:   83 fa 0b                cmp    $0xb,%edx                                      
  1192ce:   75 e0                   jne    1192b0 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x190>
        for ( ; i < short_name_size; ++i ) {                                              
  1192d0:   39 55 18                cmp    %edx,0x18(%ebp)                                
  1192d3:   76 3c                   jbe    119311 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x1f1>
          dest_ptr[i] = ' ';                                                              
  1192d5:   8b 75 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%esi                                
  1192d8:   01 d7                   add    %edx,%edi                                      
  1192da:   29 d6                   sub    %edx,%esi                                      
  1192dc:   83 fe 08                cmp    $0x8,%esi                                      
  1192df:   73 6f                   jae    119350 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x230><== NEVER TAKEN
  1192e1:   f7 c6 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%esi                                      
  1192e7:   74 09                   je     1192f2 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x1d2><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  1192e9:   c7 07 20 20 20 20       movl   $0x20202020,(%edi)                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  1192ef:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1192f2:   f7 c6 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%esi                                      
  1192f8:   74 08                   je     119302 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x1e2>
  1192fa:   66 c7 07 20 20          movw   $0x2020,(%edi)                                 
  1192ff:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      
  119302:   83 e6 01                and    $0x1,%esi                                      
  119305:   74 03                   je     11930a <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x1ea>
  119307:   c6 07 20                movb   $0x20,(%edi)                                   
  11930a:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                
  11930d:   29 d3                   sub    %edx,%ebx                                      
  11930f:   01 c3                   add    %eax,%ebx                                      
  return returned_size;                                                                   
  119311:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  119314:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  119316:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  119317:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  119318:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  119319:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  11931a:   c3                      ret                                                   
  11931b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11931f:   90                      nop                                                   
        if ( name_size > 0 && *name_ptr == '.' ) {                                        
  119320:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  119322:   75 5c                   jne    119380 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x260>
  119324:   ba 08 00 00 00          mov    $0x8,%edx                                      
  119329:   eb a5                   jmp    1192d0 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x1b0>
  11932b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11932f:   90                      nop                                                   
     if (dest_size >= UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE) {                                              
  119330:   8b 55 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%edx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  119333:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  119335:   0f 84 c2 00 00 00       je     1193fd <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x2dd><== NOT EXECUTED
       dest_name[0]  = UTF8_FULL_STOP;                                                    
  11933b:   c6 07 2e                movb   $0x2e,(%edi)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
       returned_size = UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE;                                               
  11933e:   bb 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  119343:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  119346:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  119348:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  119349:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  11934a:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  11934b:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  11934c:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  11934d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
          dest_ptr[i] = ' ';                                                              
  119350:   f7 c7 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  119356:   0f 85 97 00 00 00       jne    1193f3 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x2d3><== NOT EXECUTED
  11935c:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  119362:   75 7f                   jne    1193e3 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x2c3><== NOT EXECUTED
  119364:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11936a:   75 69                   jne    1193d5 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x2b5><== NOT EXECUTED
  11936c:   89 f1                   mov    %esi,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11936e:   b8 20 20 20 20          mov    $0x20202020,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  119373:   c1 e9 02                shr    $0x2,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  119376:   83 e6 03                and    $0x3,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  119379:   f3 ab                   rep stos %eax,%es:(%edi)                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  11937b:   e9 61 ff ff ff          jmp    1192e1 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x1c1><== NOT EXECUTED
  119380:   83 c6 02                add    $0x2,%esi                                      
  119383:   83 e9 02                sub    $0x2,%ecx                                      
        if ( name_size > 0 && *name_ptr == '.' ) {                                        
  119386:   80 3a 2e                cmpb   $0x2e,(%edx)                                   
  119389:   0f 84 0e ff ff ff       je     11929d <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x17d>
  11938f:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
  119391:   89 d6                   mov    %edx,%esi                                      
  119393:   e9 05 ff ff ff          jmp    11929d <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x17d>
  119398:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11939f:   90                      nop                                                   
          dest_ptr[0] = 0x05;                                                             
  1193a0:   c6 07 05                movb   $0x5,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1193a3:   e9 9b fe ff ff          jmp    119243 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x123><== NOT EXECUTED
  1193a8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  1193af:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  returned_size = msdos_filename_process_dot_names (                                      
  1193b0:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1193b2:   e9 5a ff ff ff          jmp    119311 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x1f1><== NOT EXECUTED
    c = '_';                                                                              
  1193b7:   b0 5f                   mov    $0x5f,%al                                      
          dest_ptr[0] = msdos_get_valid_codepage_filename_character(*name_ptr);           
  1193b9:   88 07                   mov    %al,(%edi)                                     
  1193bb:   e9 83 fe ff ff          jmp    119243 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x123>
     if (dest_size >= 2 * UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE) {                                          
  1193c0:   83 7d 18 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x18(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1193c4:   76 37                   jbe    1193fd <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x2dd><== NOT EXECUTED
       dest_name[0]  = UTF8_FULL_STOP;                                                    
  1193c6:   66 c7 07 2e 2e          movw   $0x2e2e,(%edi)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
       returned_size = 2 * UTF8_FULL_STOP_SIZE;                                           
  1193cb:   bb 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1193d0:   e9 3c ff ff ff          jmp    119311 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x1f1><== NOT EXECUTED
          dest_ptr[i] = ' ';                                                              
  1193d5:   c7 07 20 20 20 20       movl   $0x20202020,(%edi)                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  1193db:   83 ee 04                sub    $0x4,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1193de:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1193e1:   eb 89                   jmp    11936c <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x24c><== NOT EXECUTED
  1193e3:   66 c7 07 20 20          movw   $0x2020,(%edi)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1193e8:   83 ee 02                sub    $0x2,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1193eb:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1193ee:   e9 71 ff ff ff          jmp    119364 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x244><== NOT EXECUTED
  1193f3:   c6 07 20                movb   $0x20,(%edi)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  1193f6:   4e                      dec    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1193f7:   47                      inc    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1193f8:   e9 5f ff ff ff          jmp    11935c <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x23c><== NOT EXECUTED
     errno         = eno;                                                                 
  1193fd:   e8 9e d4 00 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  119402:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  119407:   c7 00 5b 00 00 00       movl   $0x5b,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  if (returned_size == 0) {                                                               
  11940d:   e9 ff fe ff ff          jmp    119311 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x1f1><== NOT EXECUTED
  119412:   46                      inc    %esi                                           
  119413:   49                      dec    %ecx                                           
  119414:   e9 6d fe ff ff          jmp    119286 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save+0x166>
  119419:   90                      nop                                                   
  11941a:   90                      nop                                                   
  11941b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11941c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11941d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11941e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11941f:   90                      nop                                                   

00113a80 <msdos_find_name>: {
  113a80:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
    memset(node_entry, 0, MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE);                             
  113a81:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  113a83:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  113a85:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  113a86:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  113a87:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
    memset(node_entry, 0, MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE);                             
  113a88:   8d 7d c8                lea    -0x38(%ebp),%edi                               
  113a8b:   83 ec 7c                sub    $0x7c,%esp                                     
    fat_file_fd_t     *fat_fd = NULL;                                                     
  113a8e:   c7 45 b4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x4c(%ebp)                               
  113a95:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
    msdos_fs_info_t   *fs_info = parent_loc->mt_entry->fs_info;                           
  113a98:   8b 43 14                mov    0x14(%ebx),%eax                                
  113a9b:   8b 70 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%esi                                 
    memset(node_entry, 0, MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE);                             
  113a9e:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  113aa0:   89 14 07                mov    %edx,(%edi,%eax,1)                             
  113aa3:   89 54 07 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%edi,%eax,1)                          
  113aa7:   83 c0 08                add    $0x8,%eax                                      
  113aaa:   83 f8 20                cmp    $0x20,%eax                                     
  113aad:   72 f1                   jb     113aa0 <msdos_find_name+0x20>                  
    name_type = msdos_long_to_short (                                                     
  113aaf:   89 7c 24 0c             mov    %edi,0xc(%esp)                                 
  113ab3:   b8 0b 00 00 00          mov    $0xb,%eax                                      
  113ab8:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  113abc:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  113abf:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  113ac3:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  113ac6:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  113aca:   8b 86 c8 00 00 00       mov    0xc8(%esi),%eax                                
  113ad0:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  113ad3:   e8 58 e2 ff ff          call   111d30 <msdos_long_to_short>                   
    rc = msdos_get_name_node(parent_loc, false, name, name_len, name_type,                
  113ad8:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  113ada:   89 7c 24 18             mov    %edi,0x18(%esp)                                
  113ade:   8d 7d b8                lea    -0x48(%ebp),%edi                               
  113ae1:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  113ae5:   89 7c 24 14             mov    %edi,0x14(%esp)                                
  113ae9:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  113aec:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  113af0:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  113af3:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  113af7:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  113afa:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  113afe:   e8 7d fe ff ff          call   113980 <msdos_get_name_node>                   
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  113b03:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    rc = msdos_get_name_node(parent_loc, false, name, name_len, name_type,                
  113b05:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  113b07:   75 6a                   jne    113b73 <msdos_find_name+0xf3>                  
    if (((*MSDOS_DIR_ATTR(node_entry)) & MSDOS_ATTR_VOLUME_ID) ||                         
  113b09:   0f b6 45 d3             movzbl -0x2d(%ebp),%eax                               
  113b0d:   88 c2                   mov    %al,%dl                                        
  113b0f:   80 e2 08                and    $0x8,%dl                                       
  113b12:   75 6c                   jne    113b80 <msdos_find_name+0x100>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
  113b14:   24 3f                   and    $0x3f,%al                                      
  113b16:   3c 0f                   cmp    $0xf,%al                                       
  113b18:   74 66                   je     113b80 <msdos_find_name+0x100>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
    rc = fat_file_open(&fs_info->fat, &dir_pos, &fat_fd);                                 
  113b1a:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  113b1e:   8d 45 b4                lea    -0x4c(%ebp),%eax                               
  113b21:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  113b25:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  113b28:   e8 e3 c7 ff ff          call   110310 <fat_file_open>                         
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  113b2d:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    rc = fat_file_open(&fs_info->fat, &dir_pos, &fat_fd);                                 
  113b2f:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  113b31:   75 40                   jne    113b73 <msdos_find_name+0xf3>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
    fat_fd->dir_pos = dir_pos;                                                            
  113b33:   8b 45 b4                mov    -0x4c(%ebp),%eax                               
  113b36:   8b 55 b8                mov    -0x48(%ebp),%edx                               
    if (fat_fd->links_num == 1)                                                           
  113b39:   83 78 08 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x8(%eax)                                 
    fat_fd->dir_pos = dir_pos;                                                            
  113b3d:   89 50 20                mov    %edx,0x20(%eax)                                
  113b40:   8b 55 bc                mov    -0x44(%ebp),%edx                               
  113b43:   89 50 24                mov    %edx,0x24(%eax)                                
  113b46:   8b 55 c0                mov    -0x40(%ebp),%edx                               
  113b49:   89 50 28                mov    %edx,0x28(%eax)                                
  113b4c:   8b 55 c4                mov    -0x3c(%ebp),%edx                               
  113b4f:   89 50 2c                mov    %edx,0x2c(%eax)                                
    if (fat_fd->links_num == 1)                                                           
  113b52:   74 3c                   je     113b90 <msdos_find_name+0x110>                 
    rc = fat_file_close(&fs_info->fat, parent_loc->node_access);                          
  113b54:   8b 43 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%eax                                 
  113b57:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  113b5a:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  113b5e:   e8 ed cd ff ff          call   110950 <fat_file_close>                        
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  113b63:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    rc = fat_file_close(&fs_info->fat, parent_loc->node_access);                          
  113b65:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  113b67:   0f 85 c3 00 00 00       jne    113c30 <msdos_find_name+0x1b0>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
    parent_loc->node_access = fat_fd;                                                     
  113b6d:   8b 45 b4                mov    -0x4c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  113b70:   89 43 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%ebx)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  113b73:   83 c4 7c                add    $0x7c,%esp                                     
  113b76:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
  113b78:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  113b79:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  113b7a:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  113b7b:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  113b7c:   c3                      ret                                                   
  113b7d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  113b80:   83 c4 7c                add    $0x7c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
        return MSDOS_NAME_NOT_FOUND_ERR;                                                  
  113b83:   ba 01 7d 00 00          mov    $0x7d01,%edx                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  113b88:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  113b89:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  113b8b:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  113b8c:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  113b8d:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  113b8e:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  113b8f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
        fat_fd->cln = MSDOS_EXTRACT_CLUSTER_NUM(node_entry);                              
  113b90:   0f b7 55 dc             movzwl -0x24(%ebp),%edx                               
  113b94:   0f b7 4d e2             movzwl -0x1e(%ebp),%ecx                               
  113b98:   c1 e2 10                shl    $0x10,%edx                                     
  113b9b:   09 ca                   or     %ecx,%edx                                      
  113b9d:   89 50 1c                mov    %edx,0x1c(%eax)                                
        fat_fd->mtime = msdos_date_dos2unix(CF_LE_W(date), CF_LE_W(time_val));            
  113ba0:   0f b7 45 de             movzwl -0x22(%ebp),%eax                               
  113ba4:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  113ba8:   0f b7 45 e0             movzwl -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               
  113bac:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  113baf:   e8 6c 50 00 00          call   118c20 <msdos_date_dos2unix>                   
  113bb4:   8b 55 b4                mov    -0x4c(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  113bb7:   c7 42 4c 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x4c(%edx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  113bbe:   89 42 48                mov    %eax,0x48(%edx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
        fat_fd->ctime = msdos_date_dos2unix(CF_LE_W(date), CF_LE_W(time_val));            
  113bc1:   0f b7 45 d6             movzwl -0x2a(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  113bc5:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  113bc9:   0f b7 45 d8             movzwl -0x28(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  113bcd:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  113bd0:   e8 4b 50 00 00          call   118c20 <msdos_date_dos2unix>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
        if ((*MSDOS_DIR_ATTR(node_entry)) & MSDOS_ATTR_DIRECTORY)                         
  113bd5:   f6 45 d3 10             testb  $0x10,-0x2d(%ebp)                              
        fat_fd->ctime = msdos_date_dos2unix(CF_LE_W(date), CF_LE_W(time_val));            
  113bd9:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  113bdb:   8b 45 b4                mov    -0x4c(%ebp),%eax                               
  113bde:   89 50 40                mov    %edx,0x40(%eax)                                
  113be1:   c7 40 44 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x44(%eax)                                
        if ((*MSDOS_DIR_ATTR(node_entry)) & MSDOS_ATTR_DIRECTORY)                         
  113be8:   75 66                   jne    113c50 <msdos_find_name+0x1d0>                 
            fat_fd->fat_file_size = CF_LE_L(*MSDOS_DIR_FILE_SIZE(node_entry));            
  113bea:   8b 55 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%edx                               
            fat_fd->fat_file_type = FAT_FILE;                                             
  113bed:   c7 40 10 04 00 00 00    movl   $0x4,0x10(%eax)                                
            fat_fd->size_limit = MSDOS_MAX_FILE_SIZE;                                     
  113bf4:   c7 40 14 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x14(%eax)                         
            fat_fd->fat_file_size = CF_LE_L(*MSDOS_DIR_FILE_SIZE(node_entry));            
  113bfb:   89 50 18                mov    %edx,0x18(%eax)                                
        fat_fd->map.file_cln = 0;                                                         
  113bfe:   c7 40 34 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x34(%eax)                                
        fat_fd->map.disk_cln = fat_fd->cln;                                               
  113c05:   8b 48 1c                mov    0x1c(%eax),%ecx                                
        if ((fat_fd->fat_file_size != 0) &&                                               
  113c08:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
        fat_fd->map.disk_cln = fat_fd->cln;                                               
  113c0a:   89 48 38                mov    %ecx,0x38(%eax)                                
        if ((fat_fd->fat_file_size != 0) &&                                               
  113c0d:   74 11                   je     113c20 <msdos_find_name+0x1a0>                 
  113c0f:   39 56 08                cmp    %edx,0x8(%esi)                                 
  113c12:   72 0c                   jb     113c20 <msdos_find_name+0x1a0>                 
            fat_fd->map.last_cln = fat_fd->cln;                                           
  113c14:   89 48 3c                mov    %ecx,0x3c(%eax)                                
  113c17:   e9 38 ff ff ff          jmp    113b54 <msdos_find_name+0xd4>                  
  113c1c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
            fat_fd->map.last_cln = FAT_UNDEFINED_VALUE;                                   
  113c20:   c7 40 3c ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x3c(%eax)                         
  113c27:   e9 28 ff ff ff          jmp    113b54 <msdos_find_name+0xd4>                  
  113c2c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
        fat_file_close(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                            
  113c30:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  113c33:   8b 45 b4                mov    -0x4c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  113c36:   89 55 a4                mov    %edx,-0x5c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  113c39:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  113c3d:   e8 0e cd ff ff          call   110950 <fat_file_close>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
        return rc;                                                                        
  113c42:   8b 55 a4                mov    -0x5c(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  113c45:   e9 29 ff ff ff          jmp    113b73 <msdos_find_name+0xf3>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  113c4a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
            fat_fd->fat_file_type = FAT_DIRECTORY;                                        
  113c50:   c7 40 10 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x10(%eax)                                
            fat_fd->size_limit = MSDOS_MAX_DIR_LENGTH;                                    
  113c57:   c7 40 14 00 00 20 00    movl   $0x200000,0x14(%eax)                           
            rc = fat_file_size(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                    
  113c5e:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  113c62:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  113c65:   e8 f6 d3 ff ff          call   111060 <fat_file_size>                         
            if (rc != RC_OK)                                                              
  113c6a:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
            rc = fat_file_size(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                    
  113c6c:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
            if (rc != RC_OK)                                                              
  113c6e:   75 c0                   jne    113c30 <msdos_find_name+0x1b0>                 <== NEVER TAKEN
        fat_fd->map.file_cln = 0;                                                         
  113c70:   8b 45 b4                mov    -0x4c(%ebp),%eax                               
        if ((fat_fd->fat_file_size != 0) &&                                               
  113c73:   8b 50 18                mov    0x18(%eax),%edx                                
  113c76:   eb 86                   jmp    113bfe <msdos_find_name+0x17e>                 
  113c78:   90                      nop                                                   
  113c79:   90                      nop                                                   
  113c7a:   90                      nop                                                   
  113c7b:   90                      nop                                                   
  113c7c:   90                      nop                                                   
  113c7d:   90                      nop                                                   
  113c7e:   90                      nop                                                   
  113c7f:   90                      nop                                                   

00112720 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file>: const uint8_t *name_utf8, int name_utf8_len, msdos_name_type_t name_type, fat_dir_pos_t *dir_pos, char *name_dir_entry) {
  112720:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  112721:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  112723:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  112724:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  112725:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  112726:   81 ec 1c 01 00 00       sub    $0x11c,%esp                                    
  11272c:   0f b6 45 10             movzbl 0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
    unsigned int                       lfn_entries;                                       
    rtems_dosfs_convert_control       *converter = fs_info->converter;                    
    void                              *buffer = converter->buffer.data;                   
    size_t                             buffer_size = converter->buffer.size;              
    assert(name_utf8_len > 0);                                                            
  112730:   8b 5d 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%ebx                                
  112733:   88 85 38 ff ff ff       mov    %al,-0xc8(%ebp)                                
    msdos_fs_info_t                   *fs_info                    = mt_entry->fs_info;    
  112739:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
    assert(name_utf8_len > 0);                                                            
  11273c:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
    msdos_fs_info_t                   *fs_info                    = mt_entry->fs_info;    
  11273e:   8b 40 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%eax                                 
  112741:   89 85 24 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xdc(%ebp)                               
    rtems_dosfs_convert_control       *converter = fs_info->converter;                    
  112747:   8b 80 c8 00 00 00       mov    0xc8(%eax),%eax                                
  11274d:   89 85 08 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xf8(%ebp)                               
    void                              *buffer = converter->buffer.data;                   
  112753:   8b 78 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%edi                                 
    size_t                             buffer_size = converter->buffer.size;              
  112756:   8b 40 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%eax                                 
    void                              *buffer = converter->buffer.data;                   
  112759:   89 bd 0c ff ff ff       mov    %edi,-0xf4(%ebp)                               
    size_t                             buffer_size = converter->buffer.size;              
  11275f:   89 85 04 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xfc(%ebp)                               
    assert(name_utf8_len > 0);                                                            
  112765:   0f 8e ec 0c 00 00       jle    113457 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xd37>     <== NEVER TAKEN
  dir_pos->sname.cln = 0;                                                                 
  11276b:   8b 45 20                mov    0x20(%ebp),%eax                                
  11276e:   c7 00 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%eax)                                    
  dir_pos->sname.ofs = 0;                                                                 
  112774:   c7 40 04 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x4(%eax)                                 
  dir_pos->lname.cln = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                               
  11277b:   c7 40 08 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x8(%eax)                          
  dir_pos->lname.ofs = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                               
  112782:   c7 40 0c ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0xc(%eax)                          
    if (FAT_FD_OF_ROOT_DIR(fat_fd) &&                                                     
  112789:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  11278c:   83 78 20 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x20(%eax)                                
  112790:   0f 84 84 00 00 00       je     11281a <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xfa>      
        (fs_info->fat.vol.type & (FAT_FAT12 | FAT_FAT16)))                                
        bts2rd = fat_fd->fat_file_size;                                                   
        bts2rd = fs_info->fat.vol.bpc;                                                    
  112796:   8b 85 24 ff ff ff       mov    -0xdc(%ebp),%eax                               
  11279c:   8b 40 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%eax                                 
  11279f:   89 85 44 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xbc(%ebp)                               
    switch ( name_type ) {                                                                
  1127a5:   83 7d 1c 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x1c(%ebp)                                
  1127a9:   0f 84 97 00 00 00       je     112846 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x126>     
  1127af:   83 7d 1c 02             cmpl   $0x2,0x1c(%ebp)                                
  1127b3:   74 1b                   je     1127d0 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xb0>      
                  retval = -1;                                                            
              errno = EINVAL;                                                             
  1127b5:   e8 e6 40 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               
  1127ba:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
              retval = -1;                                                                
  1127c0:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
    return retval;                                                                        
  1127c5:   81 c4 1c 01 00 00       add    $0x11c,%esp                                    
  1127cb:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  1127cc:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  1127cd:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  1127ce:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1127cf:   c3                      ret                                                   
            name_len_for_save = msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save (               
  1127d0:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                
  1127d3:   8b bd 04 ff ff ff       mov    -0xfc(%ebp),%edi                               
  1127d9:   8b b5 0c ff ff ff       mov    -0xf4(%ebp),%esi                               
  1127df:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1127e3:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  1127e6:   89 7c 24 10             mov    %edi,0x10(%esp)                                
  1127ea:   89 74 24 0c             mov    %esi,0xc(%esp)                                 
  1127ee:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1127f2:   8b 85 08 ff ff ff       mov    -0xf8(%ebp),%eax                               
  1127f8:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1127fb:   e8 40 66 00 00          call   118e40 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save>
            if (name_len_for_save > 0) {                                                  
  112800:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
            name_len_for_save = msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save (               
  112802:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
            if (name_len_for_save > 0) {                                                  
  112804:   0f 8f 7e 0a 00 00       jg     113288 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xb68>     
  11280a:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  11280f:   81 c4 1c 01 00 00       add    $0x11c,%esp                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  112815:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  112816:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  112817:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  112818:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  112819:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    if (FAT_FD_OF_ROOT_DIR(fat_fd) &&                                                     
  11281a:   8b 48 24                mov    0x24(%eax),%ecx                                
  11281d:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  11281f:   0f 85 71 ff ff ff       jne    112796 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x76>      <== NEVER TAKEN
  112825:   8b 85 24 ff ff ff       mov    -0xdc(%ebp),%eax                               
  11282b:   f6 40 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%eax)                                
  11282f:   0f 84 61 ff ff ff       je     112796 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x76>      
        bts2rd = fat_fd->fat_file_size;                                                   
  112835:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  112838:   8b 40 18                mov    0x18(%eax),%eax                                
  11283b:   89 85 44 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xbc(%ebp)                               
  112841:   e9 5f ff ff ff          jmp    1127a5 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x85>      
            name_len_for_compare = msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare (        
  112846:   b8 0b 00 00 00          mov    $0xb,%eax                                      
  11284b:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  11284f:   8b 85 0c ff ff ff       mov    -0xf4(%ebp),%eax                               
  112855:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  112859:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                
  11285c:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  112860:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  112863:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  112867:   8b 85 08 ff ff ff       mov    -0xf8(%ebp),%eax                               
  11286d:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  112870:   e8 4b 67 00 00          call   118fc0 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare>
                lfn_entries = 0;                                                          
  112875:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  112877:   89 95 18 ff ff ff       mov    %edx,-0xe8(%ebp)                               
            name_len_for_compare = msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_compare (        
  11287d:   89 85 30 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xd0(%ebp)                               
            if (name_len_for_compare > 0) {                                               
  112883:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  112885:   7e 83                   jle    11280a <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xea>      <== NEVER TAKEN
    uint32_t          entries_per_block = bts2rd / MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE;     
  112887:   8b 85 44 ff ff ff       mov    -0xbc(%ebp),%eax                               
  11288d:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
    uint32_t                           empty_file_offset          = 0;                    
  11288f:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      
    *entry_matched = false;                                                               
  112891:   c6 85 4f ff ff ff 00    movb   $0x0,-0xb1(%ebp)                               
    uint32_t          dir_offset = 0;                                                     
  112898:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
    uint32_t                           empty_entry_count          = 0;                    
  11289a:   31 f6                   xor    %esi,%esi                                      
  11289c:   89 95 2c ff ff ff       mov    %edx,-0xd4(%ebp)                               
    uint32_t                           empty_file_offset          = 0;                    
  1128a2:   89 8d 34 ff ff ff       mov    %ecx,-0xcc(%ebp)                               
    uint32_t          dir_offset = 0;                                                     
  1128a8:   89 9d 14 ff ff ff       mov    %ebx,-0xec(%ebp)                               
    uint32_t          entries_per_block = bts2rd / MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE;     
  1128ae:   c1 e8 05                shr    $0x5,%eax                                      
  1128b1:   89 85 fc fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x104(%ebp)                              
    rtems_dosfs_convert_control *converter = fs_info->converter;                          
  1128b7:   8b 85 24 ff ff ff       mov    -0xdc(%ebp),%eax                               
    bool              empty_space_found = false;                                          
  1128bd:   c6 85 28 ff ff ff 00    movb   $0x0,-0xd8(%ebp)                               
    uint8_t           lfn_checksum      = 0;                                              
  1128c4:   c6 85 13 ff ff ff 00    movb   $0x0,-0xed(%ebp)                               
    rtems_dosfs_convert_control *converter = fs_info->converter;                          
  1128cb:   8b b8 c8 00 00 00       mov    0xc8(%eax),%edi                                
  1128d1:   8b 80 c4 00 00 00       mov    0xc4(%eax),%eax                                
  1128d7:   89 bd 1c ff ff ff       mov    %edi,-0xe4(%ebp)                               
    lfn_start->cln = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                                 
  1128dd:   bf ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%edi                               
  1128e2:   89 bd 54 ff ff ff       mov    %edi,-0xac(%ebp)                               
  1128e8:   8b bd 30 ff ff ff       mov    -0xd0(%ebp),%edi                               
  1128ee:   89 85 40 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xc0(%ebp)                               
  1128f4:   89 bd 3c ff ff ff       mov    %edi,-0xc4(%ebp)                               
    int               lfn_entry         = 0;                                              
  1128fa:   31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi                                      
  1128fc:   89 bd 20 ff ff ff       mov    %edi,-0xe0(%ebp)                               
  112902:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  112909:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    while (   (bytes_read = fat_file_read (&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, (dir_offset * bts2rd),  
  112910:   8b 85 40 ff ff ff       mov    -0xc0(%ebp),%eax                               
  112916:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  11291a:   8b 85 44 ff ff ff       mov    -0xbc(%ebp),%eax                               
  112920:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  112924:   8b 85 2c ff ff ff       mov    -0xd4(%ebp),%eax                               
  11292a:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  11292e:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  112931:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  112935:   8b 85 24 ff ff ff       mov    -0xdc(%ebp),%eax                               
  11293b:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  11293e:   e8 1d dd ff ff          call   110660 <fat_file_read>                         
           && rc == RC_OK)                                                                
  112943:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  112945:   0f 84 a0 09 00 00       je     1132eb <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xbcb>     <== NEVER TAKEN
        if (bytes_read < MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE)                               
  11294b:   83 f8 1f                cmp    $0x1f,%eax                                     
  11294e:   0f 8e 1f 09 00 00       jle    113273 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xb53>     <== NEVER TAKEN
        assert(bytes_read == bts2rd);                                                     
  112954:   8b 9d 44 ff ff ff       mov    -0xbc(%ebp),%ebx                               
  11295a:   39 d8                   cmp    %ebx,%eax                                      
  11295c:   0f 85 be 0a 00 00       jne    113420 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xd00>     <== NEVER TAKEN
        for (dir_entry = 0;                                                               
  112962:   85 db                   test   %ebx,%ebx                                      
  112964:   0f 84 6a 09 00 00       je     1132d4 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xbb4>     <== NEVER TAKEN
  11296a:   8b 85 24 ff ff ff       mov    -0xdc(%ebp),%eax                               
  112970:   31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi                                      
  112972:   8b 80 c4 00 00 00       mov    0xc4(%eax),%eax                                
  112978:   89 85 40 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xc0(%ebp)                               
  11297e:   e9 9a 00 00 00          jmp    112a1d <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x2fd>     
  112983:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11298a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
                if (create_node && !empty_space_found)                                    
  112990:   80 bd 28 ff ff ff 01    cmpb   $0x1,-0xd8(%ebp)                               
  112997:   74 13                   je     1129ac <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x28c>     <== NEVER TAKEN
  112999:   80 bd 38 ff ff ff 00    cmpb   $0x0,-0xc8(%ebp)                               
  1129a0:   74 0a                   je     1129ac <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x28c>     
                    *empty_file_offset = 0;                                               
  1129a2:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
                    *empty_entry_count = 0;                                               
  1129a4:   31 f6                   xor    %esi,%esi                                      
                    *empty_file_offset = 0;                                               
  1129a6:   89 95 34 ff ff ff       mov    %edx,-0xcc(%ebp)                               
                if ((*MSDOS_DIR_ATTR(entry) & MSDOS_ATTR_LFN_MASK) ==                     
  1129ac:   0f b6 53 0b             movzbl 0xb(%ebx),%edx                                 
  1129b0:   88 d1                   mov    %dl,%cl                                        
  1129b2:   80 e1 3f                and    $0x3f,%cl                                      
  1129b5:   80 f9 0f                cmp    $0xf,%cl                                       
  1129b8:   0f 84 c2 00 00 00       je     112a80 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x360>     
                    if (entry_matched)                                                    
  1129be:   80 bd 4f ff ff ff 00    cmpb   $0x0,-0xb1(%ebp)                               
  1129c5:   0f 84 f5 00 00 00       je     112ac0 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x3a0>     
                        if (lfn_entry ||                                                  
  1129cb:   8b 8d 3c ff ff ff       mov    -0xc4(%ebp),%ecx                               
  1129d1:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  1129d3:   7f 1b                   jg     1129f0 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x2d0>     
  1129d5:   8b 95 20 ff ff ff       mov    -0xe0(%ebp),%edx                               
  1129db:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  1129dd:   0f 84 9d 06 00 00       je     113080 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x960>     <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  1129e3:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1129ea:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    *entry_matched = false;                                                               
  1129f0:   c6 85 4f ff ff ff 00    movb   $0x0,-0xb1(%ebp)                               
  1129f7:   8b 85 30 ff ff ff       mov    -0xd0(%ebp),%eax                               
    lfn_start->cln = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                                 
  1129fd:   b9 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ecx                               
  112a02:   89 8d 54 ff ff ff       mov    %ecx,-0xac(%ebp)                               
  112a08:   89 85 3c ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xc4(%ebp)                               
             dir_entry += MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE)                              
  112a0e:   83 c7 20                add    $0x20,%edi                                     
        for (dir_entry = 0;                                                               
  112a11:   39 bd 44 ff ff ff       cmp    %edi,-0xbc(%ebp)                               
  112a17:   0f 86 d3 01 00 00       jbe    112bf0 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x4d0>     
            char* entry = (char*) fs_info->cl_buf + dir_entry;                            
  112a1d:   8b 85 40 ff ff ff       mov    -0xc0(%ebp),%eax                               
            if (*empty_entry_count == 0)                                                  
  112a23:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
            char* entry = (char*) fs_info->cl_buf + dir_entry;                            
  112a25:   8d 1c 38                lea    (%eax,%edi,1),%ebx                             
            bool entry_empty = (*MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry) ==                           
  112a28:   0f b6 03                movzbl (%ebx),%eax                                    
            if (*empty_entry_count == 0)                                                  
  112a2b:   75 0f                   jne    112a3c <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x31c>     
                *empty_file_offset = dir_offset * bts2rd + dir_entry;                     
  112a2d:   8b 8d 2c ff ff ff       mov    -0xd4(%ebp),%ecx                               
  112a33:   8d 14 39                lea    (%ecx,%edi,1),%edx                             
  112a36:   89 95 34 ff ff ff       mov    %edx,-0xcc(%ebp)                               
            if (remainder_empty)                                                          
  112a3c:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  112a3e:   0f 84 0c 03 00 00       je     112d50 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x630>     
            else if (entry_empty)                                                         
  112a44:   3c e5                   cmp    $0xe5,%al                                      
  112a46:   0f 85 44 ff ff ff       jne    112990 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x270>     
                if (create_node)                                                          
  112a4c:   80 bd 38 ff ff ff 00    cmpb   $0x0,-0xc8(%ebp)                               
  112a53:   74 9b                   je     1129f0 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x2d0>     
                    if (*empty_entry_count == (lfn_entries + 1))                          
  112a55:   3b b5 18 ff ff ff       cmp    -0xe8(%ebp),%esi                               
  112a5b:   8d 46 01                lea    0x1(%esi),%eax                                 
  112a5e:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
                    if (*empty_entry_count == (lfn_entries + 1))                          
  112a60:   75 8e                   jne    1129f0 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x2d0>     
                        empty_space_found = true;                                         
  112a62:   0f b6 85 38 ff ff ff    movzbl -0xc8(%ebp),%eax                               
  112a69:   88 85 28 ff ff ff       mov    %al,-0xd8(%ebp)                                
  112a6f:   e9 7c ff ff ff          jmp    1129f0 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x2d0>     
  112a74:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  112a7b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  112a7f:   90                      nop                                                   
                        (lfn_start.cln == FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME);                           
  112a80:   8b 95 54 ff ff ff       mov    -0xac(%ebp),%edx                               
                    if (is_first_lfn_entry)                                               
  112a86:   83 fa ff                cmp    $0xffffffff,%edx                               
  112a89:   0f 84 81 01 00 00       je     112c10 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x4f0>     
                    if ((lfn_entry != (*MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry) &                     
  112a8f:   24 3f                   and    $0x3f,%al                                      
  112a91:   0f b6 c0                movzbl %al,%eax                                       
  112a94:   3b 85 20 ff ff ff       cmp    -0xe0(%ebp),%eax                               
  112a9a:   0f 85 50 ff ff ff       jne    1129f0 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x2d0>     <== NEVER TAKEN
                                       MSDOS_LAST_LONG_ENTRY_MASK)) ||                    
  112aa0:   0f b6 85 13 ff ff ff    movzbl -0xed(%ebp),%eax                               
  112aa7:   38 43 0d                cmp    %al,0xd(%ebx)                                  
  112aaa:   0f 85 40 ff ff ff       jne    1129f0 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x2d0>     <== NEVER TAKEN
  112ab0:   e9 93 01 00 00          jmp    112c48 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x528>     
  112ab5:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  112abc:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
                    } else if ((*MSDOS_DIR_ATTR(entry) & MSDOS_ATTR_VOLUME_ID)            
  112ac0:   80 e2 08                and    $0x8,%dl                                       
  112ac3:   0f 85 45 ff ff ff       jne    112a0e <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x2ee>     
  ssize_t      bytes_written   = msdos_format_dirent_with_dot(char_buf, entry);           
  112ac9:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  112acd:   8d 85 5e ff ff ff       lea    -0xa2(%ebp),%eax                               
  size_t       bytes_converted = buf_size;                                                
  112ad3:   ba 0c 00 00 00          mov    $0xc,%edx                                      
  ssize_t      bytes_written   = msdos_format_dirent_with_dot(char_buf, entry);           
  112ad8:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  size_t       bytes_converted = buf_size;                                                
  112adb:   89 95 50 ff ff ff       mov    %edx,-0xb0(%ebp)                               
  ssize_t      bytes_written   = msdos_format_dirent_with_dot(char_buf, entry);           
  112ae1:   e8 ea fa ff ff          call   1125d0 <msdos_format_dirent_with_dot>          
  if (bytes_written > 0) {                                                                
  112ae6:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  112ae8:   0f 8e ce 08 00 00       jle    1133bc <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xc9c>     <== NEVER TAKEN
    if (char_buf[0] == 0x05)                                                              
  112aee:   80 bd 5e ff ff ff 05    cmpb   $0x5,-0xa2(%ebp)                               
  112af5:   75 07                   jne    112afe <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x3de>     <== ALWAYS TAKEN
      char_buf[0] = 0xE5;                                                                 
  112af7:   c6 85 5e ff ff ff e5    movb   $0xe5,-0xa2(%ebp)                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    eno = (*converter->handler->codepage_to_utf8) (                                       
  112afe:   8b 95 1c ff ff ff       mov    -0xe4(%ebp),%edx                               
  112b04:   8b 0a                   mov    (%edx),%ecx                                    
  112b06:   8d 95 50 ff ff ff       lea    -0xb0(%ebp),%edx                               
  112b0c:   89 54 24 10             mov    %edx,0x10(%esp)                                
  112b10:   8d 95 78 ff ff ff       lea    -0x88(%ebp),%edx                               
  112b16:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  112b1a:   89 95 40 ff ff ff       mov    %edx,-0xc0(%ebp)                               
  112b20:   8b 95 1c ff ff ff       mov    -0xe4(%ebp),%edx                               
  112b26:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  112b2a:   8d 85 5e ff ff ff       lea    -0xa2(%ebp),%eax                               
  112b30:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  112b34:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    
  112b37:   ff 51 04                call   *0x4(%ecx)                                     
    if (eno == 0)                                                                         
  112b3a:   8b 95 40 ff ff ff       mov    -0xc0(%ebp),%edx                               
  112b40:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    eno = (*converter->handler->codepage_to_utf8) (                                       
  112b42:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
    if (eno == 0)                                                                         
  112b44:   0f 84 e6 01 00 00       je     112d30 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x610>     <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  112b4a:   89 95 3c ff ff ff       mov    %edx,-0xc4(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  112b50:   89 8d 40 ff ff ff       mov    %ecx,-0xc0(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
      errno         = eno;                                                                
  112b56:   e8 45 3d 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  112b5b:   8b 8d 40 ff ff ff       mov    -0xc0(%ebp),%ecx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
                        bytes_in_entry = msdos_short_entry_to_utf8_name (                 
  112b61:   8b 95 3c ff ff ff       mov    -0xc4(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
      errno         = eno;                                                                
  112b67:   89 08                   mov    %ecx,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
                        bytes_in_entry = msdos_short_entry_to_utf8_name (                 
  112b69:   b9 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ecx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  112b6e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
                            name_len_remaining = msdos_compare_entry_against_filename (   
  112b70:   8d 85 4f ff ff ff       lea    -0xb1(%ebp),%eax                               
  112b76:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  112b7a:   8b 85 30 ff ff ff       mov    -0xd0(%ebp),%eax                               
  112b80:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  112b84:   8b 85 0c ff ff ff       mov    -0xf4(%ebp),%eax                               
  112b8a:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  112b8d:   8b 85 1c ff ff ff       mov    -0xe4(%ebp),%eax                               
  112b93:   e8 b8 ee ff ff          call   111a50 <msdos_compare_entry_against_filename>  
                            if (entry_matched && name_len_remaining == 0) {               
  112b98:   80 bd 4f ff ff ff 00    cmpb   $0x0,-0xb1(%ebp)                               
  112b9f:   74 0f                   je     112bb0 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x490>     
  112ba1:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  112ba3:   0f 84 15 05 00 00       je     1130be <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x99e>     
  112ba9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    *entry_matched = false;                                                               
  112bb0:   c6 85 4f ff ff ff 00    movb   $0x0,-0xb1(%ebp)                               
  112bb7:   8b 85 30 ff ff ff       mov    -0xd0(%ebp),%eax                               
    lfn_start->cln = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                                 
  112bbd:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               
  112bc2:   89 9d 54 ff ff ff       mov    %ebx,-0xac(%ebp)                               
  112bc8:   89 85 3c ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xc4(%ebp)                               
  112bce:   8b 85 24 ff ff ff       mov    -0xdc(%ebp),%eax                               
             dir_entry += MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE)                              
  112bd4:   83 c7 20                add    $0x20,%edi                                     
        for (dir_entry = 0;                                                               
  112bd7:   39 bd 44 ff ff ff       cmp    %edi,-0xbc(%ebp)                               
  112bdd:   8b 80 c4 00 00 00       mov    0xc4(%eax),%eax                                
  112be3:   89 85 40 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xc0(%ebp)                               
  112be9:   0f 87 2e fe ff ff       ja     112a1d <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x2fd>     
  112bef:   90                      nop                                                   
  112bf0:   8b bd 44 ff ff ff       mov    -0xbc(%ebp),%edi                               
  112bf6:   ff 85 14 ff ff ff       incl   -0xec(%ebp)                                    
  112bfc:   01 bd 2c ff ff ff       add    %edi,-0xd4(%ebp)                               
  112c02:   e9 09 fd ff ff          jmp    112910 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x1f0>     
  112c07:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  112c0e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
                        entry_matched = false;                                            
  112c10:   c6 85 4f ff ff ff 00    movb   $0x0,-0xb1(%ebp)                               
                        if ((*MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry) &                               
  112c17:   f6 03 40                testb  $0x40,(%ebx)                                   
  112c1a:   0f 84 ee fd ff ff       je     112a0e <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x2ee>     
                        lfn_start.ofs = dir_entry;                                        
  112c20:   89 bd 58 ff ff ff       mov    %edi,-0xa8(%ebp)                               
                        lfn_start.cln = dir_offset;                                       
  112c26:   8b 85 14 ff ff ff       mov    -0xec(%ebp),%eax                               
  112c2c:   89 85 54 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xac(%ebp)                               
                        lfn_entry = (*MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry)                         
  112c32:   0f b6 03                movzbl (%ebx),%eax                                    
  112c35:   83 e0 3f                and    $0x3f,%eax                                     
  112c38:   89 85 20 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xe0(%ebp)                               
                        lfn_checksum = *MSDOS_DIR_LFN_CHECKSUM(entry);                    
  112c3e:   0f b6 43 0d             movzbl 0xd(%ebx),%eax                                 
  112c42:   88 85 13 ff ff ff       mov    %al,-0xed(%ebp)                                
  112c48:   ff 8d 20 ff ff ff       decl   -0xe0(%ebp)                                    
    size_t       bytes_in_utf8  = buf_size;                                               
  112c4e:   b8 70 00 00 00          mov    $0x70,%eax                                     
                    bool is_first_lfn_entry =                                             
  112c53:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      
  112c55:   42                      inc    %edx                                           
    size_t       bytes_in_utf8  = buf_size;                                               
  112c56:   89 85 50 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xb0(%ebp)                               
                    bool is_first_lfn_entry =                                             
  112c5c:   0f 94 c1                sete   %cl                                            
  112c5f:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  112c61:   8d 95 5e ff ff ff       lea    -0xa2(%ebp),%edx                               
  112c67:   e8 24 f0 ff ff          call   111c90 <msdos_get_utf16_string_from_long_entry.part.0>
  112c6c:   8d 95 78 ff ff ff       lea    -0x88(%ebp),%edx                               
    if (retval >= 0) {                                                                    
  112c72:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  112c74:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
  112c76:   78 68                   js     112ce0 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x5c0>     <== NEVER TAKEN
        eno = (*converter->handler->utf16_to_utf8) (                                      
  112c78:   8b 9d 1c ff ff ff       mov    -0xe4(%ebp),%ebx                               
  112c7e:   8d 95 50 ff ff ff       lea    -0xb0(%ebp),%edx                               
  112c84:   8b 03                   mov    (%ebx),%eax                                    
  112c86:   89 54 24 10             mov    %edx,0x10(%esp)                                
  112c8a:   8d 95 78 ff ff ff       lea    -0x88(%ebp),%edx                               
  112c90:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  112c94:   89 95 40 ff ff ff       mov    %edx,-0xc0(%ebp)                               
  112c9a:   8d 95 5e ff ff ff       lea    -0xa2(%ebp),%edx                               
  112ca0:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  112ca4:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  112ca7:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  112cab:   ff 50 0c                call   *0xc(%eax)                                     
        if ( eno == 0 ) {                                                                 
  112cae:   8b 95 40 ff ff ff       mov    -0xc0(%ebp),%edx                               
  112cb4:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
        eno = (*converter->handler->utf16_to_utf8) (                                      
  112cb6:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
        if ( eno == 0 ) {                                                                 
  112cb8:   0f 84 a0 03 00 00       je     11305e <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x93e>     
  112cbe:   89 95 40 ff ff ff       mov    %edx,-0xc0(%ebp)                               
        errno  = eno;                                                                     
  112cc4:   e8 d7 3b 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               
  112cc9:   8b 95 40 ff ff ff       mov    -0xc0(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
                    bytes_in_entry = msdos_long_entry_to_utf8_name (                      
  112ccf:   b9 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ecx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
        errno  = eno;                                                                     
  112cd4:   89 18                   mov    %ebx,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
                    if (bytes_in_entry > 0) {                                             
  112cd6:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  112cdd:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
                        name_len_remaining = msdos_compare_entry_against_filename (       
  112ce0:   8d 85 4f ff ff ff       lea    -0xb1(%ebp),%eax                               
  112ce6:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  112cea:   8b 85 3c ff ff ff       mov    -0xc4(%ebp),%eax                               
  112cf0:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  112cf4:   8b 85 0c ff ff ff       mov    -0xf4(%ebp),%eax                               
  112cfa:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  112cfd:   8b 85 1c ff ff ff       mov    -0xe4(%ebp),%eax                               
  112d03:   e8 48 ed ff ff          call   111a50 <msdos_compare_entry_against_filename>  
  112d08:   89 85 3c ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xc4(%ebp)                               
                        if (name_len_remaining < 0 || !entry_matched) {                   
  112d0e:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  112d10:   0f 88 9a fe ff ff       js     112bb0 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x490>     <== NEVER TAKEN
  112d16:   80 bd 4f ff ff ff 00    cmpb   $0x0,-0xb1(%ebp)                               
  112d1d:   0f 84 8d fe ff ff       je     112bb0 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x490>     
  112d23:   e9 a6 fe ff ff          jmp    112bce <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x4ae>     
  112d28:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  112d2f:   90                      nop                                                   
        bytes_written = bytes_converted;                                                  
  112d30:   8b 8d 50 ff ff ff       mov    -0xb0(%ebp),%ecx                               
                        if (bytes_in_entry > 0) {                                         
  112d36:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  112d38:   0f 84 72 fe ff ff       je     112bb0 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x490>     <== NEVER TAKEN
  112d3e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  112d40:   e9 2b fe ff ff          jmp    112b70 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x450>     
  112d45:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  112d4c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
                if (!create_node)                                                         
  112d50:   80 bd 38 ff ff ff 00    cmpb   $0x0,-0xc8(%ebp)                               
            rc = MSDOS_NAME_NOT_FOUND_ERR;                                                
  112d57:   b8 01 7d 00 00          mov    $0x7d01,%eax                                   
                if (!create_node)                                                         
  112d5c:   0f 84 63 fa ff ff       je     1127c5 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xa5>      
                if (   !empty_space_found                                                 
  112d62:   80 bd 28 ff ff ff 00    cmpb   $0x0,-0xd8(%ebp)                               
  112d69:   75 0f                   jne    112d7a <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x65a>     
                    *empty_entry_count +=                                                 
  112d6b:   8b 85 fc fe ff ff       mov    -0x104(%ebp),%eax                              
                    entries_per_block - (dir_entry / MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE);  
  112d71:   c1 ef 05                shr    $0x5,%edi                                      
                    *empty_entry_count +=                                                 
  112d74:   01 f0                   add    %esi,%eax                                      
  112d76:   29 f8                   sub    %edi,%eax                                      
  112d78:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
        switch (name_type) {                                                              
  112d7a:   83 7d 1c 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x1c(%ebp)                                
  112d7e:   0f 84 a5 03 00 00       je     113129 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xa09>     
  112d84:   83 7d 1c 02             cmpl   $0x2,0x1c(%ebp)                                
  112d88:   0f 85 27 fa ff ff       jne    1127b5 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x95>      <== NEVER TAKEN
              name_len_for_save = msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save (             
  112d8e:   8b 85 04 ff ff ff       mov    -0xfc(%ebp),%eax                               
  112d94:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  112d98:   8b 85 0c ff ff ff       mov    -0xf4(%ebp),%eax                               
  112d9e:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  112da2:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                
  112da5:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  112da9:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  112dac:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  112db0:   8b 85 08 ff ff ff       mov    -0xf8(%ebp),%eax                               
  112db6:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  112db9:   e8 82 60 00 00          call   118e40 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_save>
              if (name_len_for_save > 0) {                                                
  112dbe:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  112dc0:   0f 8e 44 fa ff ff       jle    11280a <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xea>      <== NEVER TAKEN
                  lfn_entries = (name_len_for_save + MSDOS_LFN_ENTRY_SIZE - 1)            
  112dc6:   83 c0 19                add    $0x19,%eax                                     
                    / MSDOS_LFN_ENTRY_SIZE;                                               
  112dc9:   ba 4f ec c4 4e          mov    $0x4ec4ec4f,%edx                               
  112dce:   f7 e2                   mul    %edx                                           
  112dd0:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
  112dd2:   c1 e8 03                shr    $0x3,%eax                                      
  112dd5:   89 85 40 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xc0(%ebp)                               
    if (empty_entry_count < lfn_entries + 1)                                              
  112ddb:   8d 78 01                lea    0x1(%eax),%edi                                 
  112dde:   39 f7                   cmp    %esi,%edi                                      
  112de0:   76 4c                   jbe    112e2e <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x70e>     
        empty_file_offset = fat_fd->fat_file_size -                                       
  112de2:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
        ret = fat_file_extend(&fs_info->fat,                                              
  112de5:   b9 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ecx                                      
  112dea:   8b 95 24 ff ff ff       mov    -0xdc(%ebp),%edx                               
        empty_file_offset = fat_fd->fat_file_size -                                       
  112df0:   8b 58 18                mov    0x18(%eax),%ebx                                
        ret = fat_file_extend(&fs_info->fat,                                              
  112df3:   8d 85 78 ff ff ff       lea    -0x88(%ebp),%eax                               
  112df9:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  112dfd:   8b 42 08                mov    0x8(%edx),%eax                                 
  112e00:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  112e04:   89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp)                                    
  112e07:   01 d8                   add    %ebx,%eax                                      
  112e09:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  112e0d:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  112e10:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  112e14:   e8 b7 dc ff ff          call   110ad0 <fat_file_extend>                       
        if (ret != RC_OK)                                                                 
  112e19:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  112e1b:   0f 85 a4 f9 ff ff       jne    1127c5 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xa5>      <== NEVER TAKEN
            empty_entry_count * MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE;                        
  112e21:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      
  112e23:   c1 e0 05                shl    $0x5,%eax                                      
        empty_file_offset = fat_fd->fat_file_size -                                       
  112e26:   29 c3                   sub    %eax,%ebx                                      
  112e28:   89 9d 34 ff ff ff       mov    %ebx,-0xcc(%ebp)                               
      if ((*c == ' ') || (*c == '.'))                                                     
  112e2e:   8b 45 24                mov    0x24(%ebp),%eax                                
        slot = (empty_file_offset /                                                       
  112e31:   8b 9d 34 ff ff ff       mov    -0xcc(%ebp),%ebx                               
      if ((*c == ' ') || (*c == '.'))                                                     
  112e37:   0f b6 00                movzbl (%eax),%eax                                    
        slot = (empty_file_offset /                                                       
  112e3a:   c1 eb 05                shr    $0x5,%ebx                                      
  112e3d:   01 fb                   add    %edi,%ebx                                      
      if ((*c == ' ') || (*c == '.'))                                                     
  112e3f:   3c 20                   cmp    $0x20,%al                                      
  112e41:   0f 84 0a 05 00 00       je     113351 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xc31>     <== NEVER TAKEN
  112e47:   3c 2e                   cmp    $0x2e,%al                                      
  112e49:   0f 84 02 05 00 00       je     113351 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xc31>     <== NEVER TAKEN
  112e4f:   8b 45 24                mov    0x24(%ebp),%eax                                
  112e52:   0f b6 40 01             movzbl 0x1(%eax),%eax                                 
  112e56:   3c 20                   cmp    $0x20,%al                                      
  112e58:   0f 84 2b 05 00 00       je     113389 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xc69>     
  112e5e:   3c 2e                   cmp    $0x2e,%al                                      
  112e60:   0f 84 23 05 00 00       je     113389 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xc69>     <== NEVER TAKEN
    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++, c++)                                                          
  112e66:   8b 45 24                mov    0x24(%ebp),%eax                                
  112e69:   b9 0c 00 00 00          mov    $0xc,%ecx                                      
  112e6e:   83 c0 02                add    $0x2,%eax                                      
      *c = hex[(num >> ((3 - i) * 4)) & 0xf];                                             
  112e71:   89 da                   mov    %ebx,%edx                                      
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, c++)                                                          
  112e73:   40                      inc    %eax                                           
      *c = hex[(num >> ((3 - i) * 4)) & 0xf];                                             
  112e74:   d3 ea                   shr    %cl,%edx                                       
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, c++)                                                          
  112e76:   83 e9 04                sub    $0x4,%ecx                                      
      *c = hex[(num >> ((3 - i) * 4)) & 0xf];                                             
  112e79:   83 e2 0f                and    $0xf,%edx                                      
  112e7c:   0f b6 92 24 37 13 00    movzbl 0x133724(%edx),%edx                            
  112e83:   88 50 ff                mov    %dl,-0x1(%eax)                                 
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, c++)                                                          
  112e86:   83 f9 fc                cmp    $0xfffffffc,%ecx                               
  112e89:   75 e6                   jne    112e71 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x751>     
    *c++ = '~';                                                                           
  112e8b:   8b 45 24                mov    0x24(%ebp),%eax                                
    cs = 0;                                                                               
  112e8e:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
    *c++ = '~';                                                                           
  112e90:   66 c7 40 06 7e 31       movw   $0x317e,0x6(%eax)                              
    for (i = 0; i < MSDOS_SHORT_NAME_LEN; ++i) {                                          
  112e96:   8d 58 0b                lea    0xb(%eax),%ebx                                 
  112e99:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
        cs = ((cs & 1) ? 0x80 : 0) + (cs >> 1) + name[i];                                 
  112ea0:   88 d1                   mov    %dl,%cl                                        
    for (i = 0; i < MSDOS_SHORT_NAME_LEN; ++i) {                                          
  112ea2:   40                      inc    %eax                                           
        cs = ((cs & 1) ? 0x80 : 0) + (cs >> 1) + name[i];                                 
  112ea3:   d0 ea                   shr    %dl                                            
  112ea5:   02 50 ff                add    -0x1(%eax),%dl                                 
  112ea8:   c0 e1 07                shl    $0x7,%cl                                       
  112eab:   00 ca                   add    %cl,%dl                                        
    for (i = 0; i < MSDOS_SHORT_NAME_LEN; ++i) {                                          
  112ead:   39 c3                   cmp    %eax,%ebx                                      
  112eaf:   75 ef                   jne    112ea0 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x780>     
    pos->ofs = file_offset & (bts2rd - 1);                                                
  112eb1:   88 95 30 ff ff ff       mov    %dl,-0xd0(%ebp)                                
  112eb7:   8b 9d 34 ff ff ff       mov    -0xcc(%ebp),%ebx                               
  112ebd:   8b b5 44 ff ff ff       mov    -0xbc(%ebp),%esi                               
  112ec3:   8b 55 20                mov    0x20(%ebp),%edx                                
  112ec6:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  112ec8:   4e                      dec    %esi                                           
  112ec9:   21 f0                   and    %esi,%eax                                      
  112ecb:   89 42 0c                mov    %eax,0xc(%edx)                                 
    return fat_file_ioctl(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, F_CLU_NUM,                               
  112ece:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
  112ed0:   89 5c 24 0c             mov    %ebx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  112ed4:   83 c0 08                add    $0x8,%eax                                      
  112ed7:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  112edb:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  112ee0:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  112ee4:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  112ee7:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  112eeb:   8b 85 24 ff ff ff       mov    -0xdc(%ebp),%eax                               
  112ef1:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  112ef4:   e8 27 db ff ff          call   110a20 <fat_file_ioctl>                        
        if (ret != RC_OK)                                                                 
  112ef9:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  112efb:   0f 85 c4 f8 ff ff       jne    1127c5 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xa5>      <== NEVER TAKEN
            * MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE;                                          
  112f01:   8b 9d 40 ff ff ff       mov    -0xc0(%ebp),%ebx                               
    length = (lfn_entries + 1) * MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE;                       
  112f07:   c1 e7 05                shl    $0x5,%edi                                      
    pos->ofs = file_offset & (bts2rd - 1);                                                
  112f0a:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      
    length = (lfn_entries + 1) * MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE;                       
  112f0c:   89 bd 28 ff ff ff       mov    %edi,-0xd8(%ebp)                               
        short_file_offset = empty_file_offset + lfn_entries                               
  112f12:   8b 8d 34 ff ff ff       mov    -0xcc(%ebp),%ecx                               
    if (bytes_written == (ssize_t) length)                                                
  112f18:   89 bd 2c ff ff ff       mov    %edi,-0xd4(%ebp)                               
    pos->ofs = file_offset & (bts2rd - 1);                                                
  112f1e:   8b 75 20                mov    0x20(%ebp),%esi                                
    return fat_file_ioctl(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, F_CLU_NUM,                               
  112f21:   8b bd 24 ff ff ff       mov    -0xdc(%ebp),%edi                               
            * MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE;                                          
  112f27:   c1 e3 05                shl    $0x5,%ebx                                      
        short_file_offset = empty_file_offset + lfn_entries                               
  112f2a:   8d 14 0b                lea    (%ebx,%ecx,1),%edx                             
    pos->ofs = file_offset & (bts2rd - 1);                                                
  112f2d:   21 d0                   and    %edx,%eax                                      
  112f2f:   89 46 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%esi)                                 
    return fat_file_ioctl(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, F_CLU_NUM,                               
  112f32:   89 74 24 10             mov    %esi,0x10(%esp)                                
  112f36:   be 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%esi                                      
  112f3b:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  112f3f:   8b 75 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%esi                                 
  112f42:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  112f46:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  112f49:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  112f4d:   e8 ce da ff ff          call   110a20 <fat_file_ioctl>                        
        *MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry) = lfn_entries - lfn_entry;                           
  112f52:   8b 95 40 ff ff ff       mov    -0xc0(%ebp),%edx                               
  112f58:   8b b5 0c ff ff ff       mov    -0xf4(%ebp),%esi                               
    entry = fs_info->cl_buf;                                                              
  112f5e:   8b bf c4 00 00 00       mov    0xc4(%edi),%edi                                
        *MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry) = lfn_entries - lfn_entry;                           
  112f64:   88 95 40 ff ff ff       mov    %dl,-0xc0(%ebp)                                
  112f6a:   8d 04 52                lea    (%edx,%edx,2),%eax                             
  112f6d:   8d 04 82                lea    (%edx,%eax,4),%eax                             
  112f70:   8d 44 46 e6             lea    -0x1a(%esi,%eax,2),%eax                        
  112f74:   89 85 3c ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xc4(%ebp)                               
  112f7a:   8d 04 1f                lea    (%edi,%ebx,1),%eax                             
  112f7d:   89 85 38 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xc8(%ebp)                               
    for (lfn_entry = 0; lfn_entry < lfn_entries; ++lfn_entry) {                           
  112f83:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  112f85:   89 85 44 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xbc(%ebp)                               
  112f8b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  112f8f:   90                      nop                                                   
        memset (entry, 0, MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE);                             
  112f90:   f7 c7 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%edi                                      
  112f96:   89 f9                   mov    %edi,%ecx                                      
  112f98:   8d 47 01                lea    0x1(%edi),%eax                                 
  112f9b:   bb 20 00 00 00          mov    $0x20,%ebx                                     
  112fa0:   0f 85 d4 03 00 00       jne    11337a <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xc5a>     <== NEVER TAKEN
  112fa6:   f6 c1 02                test   $0x2,%cl                                       
  112fa9:   0f 85 bb 03 00 00       jne    11336a <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xc4a>     <== NEVER TAKEN
  112faf:   89 de                   mov    %ebx,%esi                                      
  112fb1:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  112fb3:   83 e6 f8                and    $0xfffffff8,%esi                               
  112fb6:   c7 04 11 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,(%ecx,%edx,1)                             
  112fbd:   c7 44 11 04 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x4(%ecx,%edx,1)                          
  112fc4:   00                                                                            
  112fc5:   83 c2 08                add    $0x8,%edx                                      
  112fc8:   39 f2                   cmp    %esi,%edx                                      
  112fca:   72 ea                   jb     112fb6 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x896>     
  112fcc:   01 d1                   add    %edx,%ecx                                      
  112fce:   f6 c3 04                test   $0x4,%bl                                       
  112fd1:   74 09                   je     112fdc <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x8bc>     <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  112fd3:   c7 01 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%ecx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  112fd9:   83 c1 04                add    $0x4,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  112fdc:   f6 c3 02                test   $0x2,%bl                                       
  112fdf:   74 08                   je     112fe9 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x8c9>     <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  112fe1:   66 c7 01 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%ecx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  112fe6:   83 c1 02                add    $0x2,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  112fe9:   f6 c3 01                test   $0x1,%bl                                       
  112fec:   74 03                   je     112ff1 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x8d1>     <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  112fee:   c6 01 00                movb   $0x0,(%ecx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
        *MSDOS_DIR_LFN_CHECKSUM(entry) = lfn_checksum;                                    
  112ff1:   0f b6 9d 30 ff ff ff    movzbl -0xd0(%ebp),%ebx                               
        for (i = 0; i < MSDOS_LFN_LEN_PER_ENTRY; ++i)                                     
  112ff8:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
        n = (const uint8_t *) name_converted +                                            
  112ffa:   8b b5 3c ff ff ff       mov    -0xc4(%ebp),%esi                               
        *MSDOS_DIR_LFN_CHECKSUM(entry) = lfn_checksum;                                    
  113000:   88 5f 0d                mov    %bl,0xd(%edi)                                  
        uint8_t        fill = 0;                                                          
  113003:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
            if (*n != 0 || *(n + 1) != 0)                                                 
  113005:   0f b6 0e                movzbl (%esi),%ecx                                    
  113008:   84 c9                   test   %cl,%cl                                        
  11300a:   75 37                   jne    113043 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x923>     <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  11300c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  113010:   80 7e 01 00             cmpb   $0x0,0x1(%esi)                                 
  113014:   75 2d                   jne    113043 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x923>     
                p [0] = fill;                                                             
  113016:   88 18                   mov    %bl,(%eax)                                     
        for (i = 0; i < MSDOS_LFN_LEN_PER_ENTRY; ++i)                                     
  113018:   8d 4a 01                lea    0x1(%edx),%ecx                                 
            switch (i)                                                                    
  11301b:   83 fa 04                cmp    $0x4,%edx                                      
                p [1] = fill;                                                             
  11301e:   88 58 01                mov    %bl,0x1(%eax)                                  
                fill = 0xff;                                                              
  113021:   b3 ff                   mov    $0xff,%bl                                      
            switch (i)                                                                    
  113023:   74 32                   je     113057 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x937>     
  113025:   83 fa 0a                cmp    $0xa,%edx                                      
  113028:   0f 84 32 03 00 00       je     113360 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xc40>     
                    p += 2;                                                               
  11302e:   83 c0 02                add    $0x2,%eax                                      
        for (i = 0; i < MSDOS_LFN_LEN_PER_ENTRY; ++i)                                     
  113031:   83 f9 0d                cmp    $0xd,%ecx                                      
  113034:   0f 84 d6 02 00 00       je     113310 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xbf0>     
  11303a:   89 ca                   mov    %ecx,%edx                                      
            if (*n != 0 || *(n + 1) != 0)                                                 
  11303c:   0f b6 0e                movzbl (%esi),%ecx                                    
  11303f:   84 c9                   test   %cl,%cl                                        
  113041:   74 cd                   je     113010 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x8f0>     
                *p = *n;                                                                  
  113043:   88 08                   mov    %cl,(%eax)                                     
                n += MSDOS_NAME_LFN_BYTES_PER_CHAR;                                       
  113045:   83 c6 02                add    $0x2,%esi                                      
                *(p + 1) = *(n + 1);                                                      
  113048:   0f b6 4e ff             movzbl -0x1(%esi),%ecx                                
            switch (i)                                                                    
  11304c:   83 fa 04                cmp    $0x4,%edx                                      
                *(p + 1) = *(n + 1);                                                      
  11304f:   88 48 01                mov    %cl,0x1(%eax)                                  
        for (i = 0; i < MSDOS_LFN_LEN_PER_ENTRY; ++i)                                     
  113052:   8d 4a 01                lea    0x1(%edx),%ecx                                 
            switch (i)                                                                    
  113055:   75 ce                   jne    113025 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x905>     
                    p += 5;                                                               
  113057:   83 c0 05                add    $0x5,%eax                                      
        for (i = 0; i < MSDOS_LFN_LEN_PER_ENTRY; ++i)                                     
  11305a:   89 ca                   mov    %ecx,%edx                                      
  11305c:   eb de                   jmp    11303c <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x91c>     
            retval = bytes_in_utf8;                                                       
  11305e:   8b 8d 50 ff ff ff       mov    -0xb0(%ebp),%ecx                               
                    if (bytes_in_entry > 0) {                                             
  113064:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  113066:   0f 84 44 fb ff ff       je     112bb0 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x490>     <== NEVER TAKEN
  11306c:   e9 6f fc ff ff          jmp    112ce0 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x5c0>     
  113071:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  113078:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11307f:   90                      nop                                                   
    cs = 0;                                                                               
  113080:   89 9d 00 ff ff ff       mov    %ebx,-0x100(%ebp)                              
  113086:   8d 4b 0b                lea    0xb(%ebx),%ecx                                 
  113089:   89 8d 3c ff ff ff       mov    %ecx,-0xc4(%ebp)                               
  11308f:   8d 53 01                lea    0x1(%ebx),%edx                                 
  113092:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      
  113094:   8b 9d 3c ff ff ff       mov    -0xc4(%ebp),%ebx                               
  11309a:   eb 08                   jmp    1130a4 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x984>     
  11309c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
        cs = ((cs & 1) ? 0x80 : 0) + (cs >> 1) + name[i];                                 
  1130a0:   0f b6 02                movzbl (%edx),%eax                                    
  1130a3:   42                      inc    %edx                                           
  1130a4:   d0 c9                   ror    %cl                                            
  1130a6:   00 c1                   add    %al,%cl                                        
    for (i = 0; i < MSDOS_SHORT_NAME_LEN; ++i) {                                          
  1130a8:   39 d3                   cmp    %edx,%ebx                                      
  1130aa:   75 f4                   jne    1130a0 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x980>     
                            name_len_remaining > 0 ||                                     
  1130ac:   3a 8d 13 ff ff ff       cmp    -0xed(%ebp),%cl                                
  1130b2:   8b 9d 00 ff ff ff       mov    -0x100(%ebp),%ebx                              
  1130b8:   0f 85 32 f9 ff ff       jne    1129f0 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x2d0>     <== NEVER TAKEN
                                rc = msdos_on_entry_found (                               
  1130be:   8d 85 54 ff ff ff       lea    -0xac(%ebp),%eax                               
  1130c4:   8b 8d 44 ff ff ff       mov    -0xbc(%ebp),%ecx                               
  1130ca:   89 44 24 14             mov    %eax,0x14(%esp)                                
  1130ce:   8b 85 14 ff ff ff       mov    -0xec(%ebp),%eax                               
  1130d4:   89 7c 24 10             mov    %edi,0x10(%esp)                                
  1130d8:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
             dir_entry += MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE)                              
  1130db:   83 c7 20                add    $0x20,%edi                                     
                                rc = msdos_on_entry_found (                               
  1130de:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1130e2:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  1130e6:   8b 45 20                mov    0x20(%ebp),%eax                                
  1130e9:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1130ed:   8b 45 24                mov    0x24(%ebp),%eax                                
  1130f0:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1130f3:   8b 85 24 ff ff ff       mov    -0xdc(%ebp),%eax                               
  1130f9:   e8 22 ea ff ff          call   111b20 <msdos_on_entry_found>                  
        for (dir_entry = 0;                                                               
  1130fe:   39 bd 44 ff ff ff       cmp    %edi,-0xbc(%ebp)                               
  113104:   0f 86 3d 03 00 00       jbe    113447 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xd27>     
  11310a:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  11310c:   0f 85 35 03 00 00       jne    113447 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xd27>     <== NEVER TAKEN
    if (   retval == RC_OK                                                                
  113112:   80 bd 38 ff ff ff 00    cmpb   $0x0,-0xc8(%ebp)                               
  113119:   0f 84 a6 f6 ff ff       je     1127c5 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xa5>      <== ALWAYS TAKEN
        switch (name_type) {                                                              
  11311f:   83 7d 1c 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x1c(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  113123:   0f 85 5b fc ff ff       jne    112d84 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x664>     <== NOT EXECUTED
              name_len_for_save = msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save (            
  113129:   b8 0b 00 00 00          mov    $0xb,%eax                                      
  11312e:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  113132:   8b 85 0c ff ff ff       mov    -0xf4(%ebp),%eax                               
  113138:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  11313c:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                
  11313f:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  113143:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  113146:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  11314a:   8b 85 08 ff ff ff       mov    -0xf8(%ebp),%eax                               
  113150:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  113153:   e8 c8 5f 00 00          call   119120 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save>
              if (name_len_for_save > 0 ) {                                               
  113158:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  11315a:   0f 8e aa f6 ff ff       jle    11280a <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xea>      <== NEVER TAKEN
    if (empty_entry_count < lfn_entries + 1)                                              
  113160:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  113162:   0f 84 64 02 00 00       je     1133cc <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xcac>     
        dir_pos->lname.cln = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                         
  113168:   8b 45 20                mov    0x20(%ebp),%eax                                
    pos->ofs = file_offset & (bts2rd - 1);                                                
  11316b:   8b bd 34 ff ff ff       mov    -0xcc(%ebp),%edi                               
  113171:   8b 75 20                mov    0x20(%ebp),%esi                                
        dir_pos->lname.cln = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                         
  113174:   c7 40 08 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x8(%eax)                          
        dir_pos->lname.ofs = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                         
  11317b:   c7 40 0c ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0xc(%eax)                          
    pos->ofs = file_offset & (bts2rd - 1);                                                
  113182:   8b 85 44 ff ff ff       mov    -0xbc(%ebp),%eax                               
  113188:   48                      dec    %eax                                           
  113189:   21 f8                   and    %edi,%eax                                      
  11318b:   89 46 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%esi)                                 
    return fat_file_ioctl(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, F_CLU_NUM,                               
  11318e:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  113193:   89 7c 24 0c             mov    %edi,0xc(%esp)                                 
  113197:   8b bd 24 ff ff ff       mov    -0xdc(%ebp),%edi                               
  11319d:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1131a1:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1131a4:   89 74 24 10             mov    %esi,0x10(%esp)                                
  1131a8:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  1131ab:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1131af:   e8 6c d8 ff ff          call   110a20 <fat_file_ioctl>                        
    entry = fs_info->cl_buf;                                                              
  1131b4:   8b 87 c4 00 00 00       mov    0xc4(%edi),%eax                                
  1131ba:   ba 20 00 00 00          mov    $0x20,%edx                                     
  1131bf:   89 95 2c ff ff ff       mov    %edx,-0xd4(%ebp)                               
  1131c5:   b9 20 00 00 00          mov    $0x20,%ecx                                     
  1131ca:   89 8d 28 ff ff ff       mov    %ecx,-0xd8(%ebp)                               
  1131d0:   89 85 38 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xc8(%ebp)                               
    memcpy(entry, name_dir_entry, MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE);                     
  1131d6:   8b 85 38 ff ff ff       mov    -0xc8(%ebp),%eax                               
  1131dc:   be 20 00 00 00          mov    $0x20,%esi                                     
  1131e1:   8b 4d 24                mov    0x24(%ebp),%ecx                                
  1131e4:   a8 01                   test   $0x1,%al                                       
  1131e6:   0f 85 be 01 00 00       jne    1133aa <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xc8a>     <== NEVER TAKEN
  1131ec:   a8 02                   test   $0x2,%al                                       
  1131ee:   0f 85 a1 01 00 00       jne    113395 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xc75>     <== NEVER TAKEN
  1131f4:   89 f3                   mov    %esi,%ebx                                      
  1131f6:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  1131f8:   83 e3 fc                and    $0xfffffffc,%ebx                               
  1131fb:   8b 3c 11                mov    (%ecx,%edx,1),%edi                             
  1131fe:   89 3c 10                mov    %edi,(%eax,%edx,1)                             
  113201:   83 c2 04                add    $0x4,%edx                                      
  113204:   39 da                   cmp    %ebx,%edx                                      
  113206:   72 f3                   jb     1131fb <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xadb>     
  113208:   01 d0                   add    %edx,%eax                                      
  11320a:   01 d1                   add    %edx,%ecx                                      
  11320c:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  11320e:   f7 c6 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%esi                                      
  113214:   74 0b                   je     113221 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xb01>     <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  113216:   0f b7 11                movzwl (%ecx),%edx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  113219:   66 89 10                mov    %dx,(%eax)                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  11321c:   ba 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  113221:   83 e6 01                and    $0x1,%esi                                      
  113224:   74 07                   je     11322d <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xb0d>     <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  113226:   0f b6 1c 11             movzbl (%ecx,%edx,1),%ebx                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  11322a:   88 1c 10                mov    %bl,(%eax,%edx,1)                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    bytes_written = fat_file_write(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd,                                 
  11322d:   8b bd 24 ff ff ff       mov    -0xdc(%ebp),%edi                               
  113233:   8b 87 c4 00 00 00       mov    0xc4(%edi),%eax                                
  113239:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  11323c:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  113240:   8b 85 28 ff ff ff       mov    -0xd8(%ebp),%eax                               
  113246:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  11324a:   8b 85 34 ff ff ff       mov    -0xcc(%ebp),%eax                               
  113250:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  113254:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  113257:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  11325b:   e8 30 db ff ff          call   110d90 <fat_file_write>                        
    if (bytes_written == (ssize_t) length)                                                
  113260:   3b 85 2c ff ff ff       cmp    -0xd4(%ebp),%eax                               
  113266:   0f 84 96 00 00 00       je     113302 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xbe2>     <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    else if (bytes_written == -1)                                                         
  11326c:   40                      inc    %eax                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  11326d:   0f 84 97 f5 ff ff       je     11280a <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xea>      <== NOT EXECUTED
  113273:   e8 28 36 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  113278:   c7 00 05 00 00 00       movl   $0x5,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  11327e:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  113283:   e9 87 f5 ff ff          jmp    11280f <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xef>      <== NOT EXECUTED
                name_len_for_compare = msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_compare (     
  113288:   89 7c 24 10             mov    %edi,0x10(%esp)                                
  11328c:   8b 7d 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%edi                                
  11328f:   89 74 24 0c             mov    %esi,0xc(%esp)                                 
  113293:   8b 85 08 ff ff ff       mov    -0xf8(%ebp),%eax                               
  113299:   89 7c 24 08             mov    %edi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  11329d:   8b 7d 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%edi                                
  1132a0:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1132a3:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1132a7:   e8 94 5a 00 00          call   118d40 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_long_name_for_compare>
  1132ac:   89 85 30 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xd0(%ebp)                               
                if (0 >= name_len_for_compare) {                                          
  1132b2:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1132b4:   0f 8e 50 f5 ff ff       jle    11280a <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xea>      <== NEVER TAKEN
                lfn_entries = (name_len_for_save + MSDOS_LFN_ENTRY_SIZE - 1)              
  1132ba:   8d 53 19                lea    0x19(%ebx),%edx                                
                    / MSDOS_LFN_ENTRY_SIZE;                                               
  1132bd:   b9 4f ec c4 4e          mov    $0x4ec4ec4f,%ecx                               
  1132c2:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
  1132c4:   f7 e1                   mul    %ecx                                           
  1132c6:   c1 ea 03                shr    $0x3,%edx                                      
  1132c9:   89 95 18 ff ff ff       mov    %edx,-0xe8(%ebp)                               
  1132cf:   e9 b3 f5 ff ff          jmp    112887 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x167>     
  1132d4:   8b 85 24 ff ff ff       mov    -0xdc(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1132da:   8b 80 c4 00 00 00       mov    0xc4(%eax),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1132e0:   89 85 40 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xc0(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1132e6:   e9 05 f9 ff ff          jmp    112bf0 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x4d0>     <== NOT EXECUTED
        if (!create_node)                                                                 
  1132eb:   80 bd 38 ff ff ff 00    cmpb   $0x0,-0xc8(%ebp)                               
  1132f2:   0f 85 82 fa ff ff       jne    112d7a <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x65a>     <== NEVER TAKEN
            rc = MSDOS_NAME_NOT_FOUND_ERR;                                                
  1132f8:   b8 01 7d 00 00          mov    $0x7d01,%eax                                   
    if (   retval == RC_OK                                                                
  1132fd:   e9 c3 f4 ff ff          jmp    1127c5 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xa5>      
        return 0;                                                                         
  113302:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
    return retval;                                                                        
  113304:   e9 bc f4 ff ff          jmp    1127c5 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xa5>      
  113309:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
        if (lfn_entry == 0)                                                               
  113310:   8b b5 44 ff ff ff       mov    -0xbc(%ebp),%esi                               
            *MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry) |= MSDOS_LAST_LONG_ENTRY;                        
  113316:   0f b6 85 40 ff ff ff    movzbl -0xc0(%ebp),%eax                               
        if (lfn_entry == 0)                                                               
  11331d:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      
  11331f:   75 02                   jne    113323 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xc03>     
            *MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry) |= MSDOS_LAST_LONG_ENTRY;                        
  113321:   0c 40                   or     $0x40,%al                                      
        *MSDOS_DIR_ATTR(entry) |= MSDOS_ATTR_LFN;                                         
  113323:   80 4f 0b 0f             orb    $0xf,0xb(%edi)                                 
        entry += MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE;                                       
  113327:   83 c7 20                add    $0x20,%edi                                     
    for (lfn_entry = 0; lfn_entry < lfn_entries; ++lfn_entry) {                           
  11332a:   ff 85 44 ff ff ff       incl   -0xbc(%ebp)                                    
  113330:   fe 8d 40 ff ff ff       decb   -0xc0(%ebp)                                    
  113336:   83 ad 3c ff ff ff 1a    subl   $0x1a,-0xc4(%ebp)                              
            *MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry) |= MSDOS_LAST_LONG_ENTRY;                        
  11333d:   88 47 e0                mov    %al,-0x20(%edi)                                
    for (lfn_entry = 0; lfn_entry < lfn_entries; ++lfn_entry) {                           
  113340:   3b bd 38 ff ff ff       cmp    -0xc8(%ebp),%edi                               
  113346:   0f 85 44 fc ff ff       jne    112f90 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x870>     
  11334c:   e9 85 fe ff ff          jmp    1131d6 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xab6>     
        *c = '_';                                                                         
  113351:   8b 45 24                mov    0x24(%ebp),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  113354:   c6 00 5f                movb   $0x5f,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  113357:   e9 f3 fa ff ff          jmp    112e4f <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x72f>     <== NOT EXECUTED
  11335c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
                    p += 4;                                                               
  113360:   83 c0 04                add    $0x4,%eax                                      
        for (i = 0; i < MSDOS_LFN_LEN_PER_ENTRY; ++i)                                     
  113363:   89 ca                   mov    %ecx,%edx                                      
  113365:   e9 d2 fc ff ff          jmp    11303c <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x91c>     
        memset (entry, 0, MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE);                             
  11336a:   66 c7 01 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%ecx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  11336f:   83 eb 02                sub    $0x2,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  113372:   83 c1 02                add    $0x2,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  113375:   e9 35 fc ff ff          jmp    112faf <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x88f>     <== NOT EXECUTED
  11337a:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  11337d:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11337f:   bb 1f 00 00 00          mov    $0x1f,%ebx                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  113384:   e9 1d fc ff ff          jmp    112fa6 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x886>     <== NOT EXECUTED
        *c = '_';                                                                         
  113389:   8b 45 24                mov    0x24(%ebp),%eax                                
  11338c:   c6 40 01 5f             movb   $0x5f,0x1(%eax)                                
  113390:   e9 d1 fa ff ff          jmp    112e66 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x746>     
    memcpy(entry, name_dir_entry, MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE);                     
  113395:   0f b7 11                movzwl (%ecx),%edx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  113398:   83 c0 02                add    $0x2,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11339b:   83 c1 02                add    $0x2,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11339e:   83 ee 02                sub    $0x2,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1133a1:   66 89 50 fe             mov    %dx,-0x2(%eax)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1133a5:   e9 4a fe ff ff          jmp    1131f4 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xad4>     <== NOT EXECUTED
  1133aa:   0f b6 19                movzbl (%ecx),%ebx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1133ad:   40                      inc    %eax                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1133ae:   41                      inc    %ecx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1133af:   be 1f 00 00 00          mov    $0x1f,%esi                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  1133b4:   88 58 ff                mov    %bl,-0x1(%eax)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1133b7:   e9 30 fe ff ff          jmp    1131ec <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xacc>     <== NOT EXECUTED
  1133bc:   8d 95 78 ff ff ff       lea    -0x88(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
      eno = EINVAL;                                                                       
  1133c2:   b9 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%ecx                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  1133c7:   e9 7e f7 ff ff          jmp    112b4a <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x42a>     <== NOT EXECUTED
        empty_file_offset = fat_fd->fat_file_size -                                       
  1133cc:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
        ret = fat_file_extend(&fs_info->fat,                                              
  1133cf:   8b b5 24 ff ff ff       mov    -0xdc(%ebp),%esi                               <== NOT EXECUTED
        empty_file_offset = fat_fd->fat_file_size -                                       
  1133d5:   8b 78 18                mov    0x18(%eax),%edi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
        ret = fat_file_extend(&fs_info->fat,                                              
  1133d8:   8d 85 78 ff ff ff       lea    -0x88(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1133de:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1133e2:   8b 46 08                mov    0x8(%esi),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1133e5:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
        empty_file_offset = fat_fd->fat_file_size -                                       
  1133e8:   89 bd 34 ff ff ff       mov    %edi,-0xcc(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
        ret = fat_file_extend(&fs_info->fat,                                              
  1133ee:   01 f8                   add    %edi,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1133f0:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1133f4:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1133f9:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1133fd:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  113400:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  113404:   e8 c7 d6 ff ff          call   110ad0 <fat_file_extend>                       <== NOT EXECUTED
        if (ret != RC_OK)                                                                 
  113409:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  11340b:   0f 84 57 fd ff ff       je     113168 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xa48>     <== NEVER TAKEN
  113411:   e9 af f3 ff ff          jmp    1127c5 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0xa5>      <== NOT EXECUTED
  113416:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  11341d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
        assert(bytes_read == bts2rd);                                                     
  113420:   b9 0f 37 13 00          mov    $0x13370f,%ecx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  113425:   bb 8c 37 13 00          mov    $0x13378c,%ebx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  11342a:   89 4c 24 0c             mov    %ecx,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  11342e:   be 4d 05 00 00          mov    $0x54d,%esi                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  113433:   89 5c 24 08             mov    %ebx,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  113437:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  11343b:   c7 04 24 d0 36 13 00    movl   $0x1336d0,(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  113442:   e8 69 52 00 00          call   1186b0 <__assert_func>                         <== NOT EXECUTED
    if (   retval == RC_OK                                                                
  113447:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  113449:   0f 94 c2                sete   %dl                                            
        && create_node) {                                                                 
  11344c:   20 95 38 ff ff ff       and    %dl,-0xc8(%ebp)                                
  113452:   e9 bb fc ff ff          jmp    113112 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file+0x9f2>     
    assert(name_utf8_len > 0);                                                            
  113457:   c7 44 24 0c fd 36 13    movl   $0x1336fd,0xc(%esp)                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  11345e:   00                                                                            
  11345f:   c7 44 24 08 ac 37 13    movl   $0x1337ac,0x8(%esp)                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  113466:   00                                                                            
  113467:   c7 44 24 04 46 07 00    movl   $0x746,0x4(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  11346e:   00                                                                            
  11346f:   c7 04 24 d0 36 13 00    movl   $0x1336d0,(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  113476:   e8 35 52 00 00          call   1186b0 <__assert_func>                         <== NOT EXECUTED
  11347b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11347c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11347d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11347e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11347f:   90                      nop                                                   

00113480 <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file>: fat_file_fd_t *fat_fd, uint32_t cl4find, fat_dir_pos_t *dir_pos, char *dir_entry ) {
  113480:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  113481:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  113483:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  113484:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  113485:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  113486:   83 ec 3c                sub    $0x3c,%esp                                     
    int              rc = RC_OK;                                                          
    ssize_t          ret = 0;                                                             
    msdos_fs_info_t *fs_info = mt_entry->fs_info;                                         
  113489:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  11348c:   8b 55 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%edx                                
    msdos_fs_info_t *fs_info = mt_entry->fs_info;                                         
  11348f:   8b 40 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%eax                                 
  113492:   89 45 e4                mov    %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
    uint32_t         bts2rd = 0;                                                          
    uint32_t         i = 0, j = 0;                                                        
    if (FAT_FD_OF_ROOT_DIR(fat_fd) &&                                                     
  113495:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  113498:   83 78 20 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x20(%eax)                                
  11349c:   0f 84 5e 01 00 00       je     113600 <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0x180>
       (fs_info->fat.vol.type & (FAT_FAT12 | FAT_FAT16)))                                 
        bts2rd = fat_fd->fat_file_size;                                                   
        bts2rd = fs_info->fat.vol.bpc;                                                    
  1134a2:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1134a5:   8b 78 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%edi                                 
    while ((ret = fat_file_read(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, j * bts2rd, bts2rd,                
  1134a8:   c7 45 dc 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x24(%ebp)                               
  1134af:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1134b2:   89 d6                   mov    %edx,%esi                                      
  1134b4:   8b 80 c4 00 00 00       mov    0xc4(%eax),%eax                                
  1134ba:   89 45 e0                mov    %eax,-0x20(%ebp)                               
  1134bd:   89 7c 24 0c             mov    %edi,0xc(%esp)                                 
  1134c1:   8b 45 e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               
  1134c4:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  1134c8:   8b 45 dc                mov    -0x24(%ebp),%eax                               
  1134cb:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1134cf:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1134d2:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1134d6:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1134d9:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1134dc:   e8 7f d1 ff ff          call   110660 <fat_file_read>                         
  1134e1:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1134e3:   74 51                   je     113536 <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0xb6><== NEVER TAKEN
                                  fs_info->cl_buf)) != FAT_EOF)                           
        if ( ret < MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE )                                    
  1134e5:   83 f8 1f                cmp    $0x1f,%eax                                     
  1134e8:   0f 8e 42 01 00 00       jle    113630 <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0x1b0><== NEVER TAKEN
            rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EIO );                                  
        assert(ret == bts2rd);                                                            
  1134ee:   39 c7                   cmp    %eax,%edi                                      
  1134f0:   0f 85 76 01 00 00       jne    11366c <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0x1ec><== NEVER TAKEN
        for (i = 0; i < bts2rd; i += MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE)                   
            char* entry = (char*) fs_info->cl_buf + i;                                    
  1134f6:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
        for (i = 0; i < bts2rd; i += MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE)                   
  1134f9:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  1134fb:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      
            char* entry = (char*) fs_info->cl_buf + i;                                    
  1134fd:   8b 80 c4 00 00 00       mov    0xc4(%eax),%eax                                
  113503:   89 45 e0                mov    %eax,-0x20(%ebp)                               
  113506:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
        for (i = 0; i < bts2rd; i += MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE)                   
  113508:   75 25                   jne    11352f <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0xaf><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  11350a:   eb 44                   jmp    113550 <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0xd0><== NOT EXECUTED
  11350c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
            if ((*MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry)) ==                                         
                return MSDOS_NAME_NOT_FOUND_ERR;                                          
            /* if this entry is empty - skip it */                                        
            if ((*MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry)) ==                                         
  113510:   3c e5                   cmp    $0xe5,%al                                      
  113512:   74 11                   je     113525 <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0xa5><== NEVER TAKEN
            /* if get a non-empty entry - compare clusters num */                         
            if (MSDOS_EXTRACT_CLUSTER_NUM(entry) == cl4find)                              
  113514:   0f b7 43 14             movzwl 0x14(%ebx),%eax                                
  113518:   0f b7 4b 1a             movzwl 0x1a(%ebx),%ecx                                
  11351c:   c1 e0 10                shl    $0x10,%eax                                     
  11351f:   09 c8                   or     %ecx,%eax                                      
  113521:   39 f0                   cmp    %esi,%eax                                      
  113523:   74 3b                   je     113560 <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0xe0>
        for (i = 0; i < bts2rd; i += MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE)                   
  113525:   83 c2 20                add    $0x20,%edx                                     
  113528:   83 c3 20                add    $0x20,%ebx                                     
  11352b:   39 fa                   cmp    %edi,%edx                                      
  11352d:   73 21                   jae    113550 <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0xd0><== NEVER TAKEN
            if ((*MSDOS_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE(entry)) ==                                         
  11352f:   0f b6 03                movzbl (%ebx),%eax                                    
  113532:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
  113534:   75 da                   jne    113510 <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0x90><== ALWAYS TAKEN
                return MSDOS_NAME_NOT_FOUND_ERR;                                          
  113536:   b8 01 7d 00 00          mov    $0x7d01,%eax                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    return MSDOS_NAME_NOT_FOUND_ERR;                                                      
  11353b:   83 c4 3c                add    $0x3c,%esp                                     
  11353e:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  11353f:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  113540:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  113541:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  113542:   c3                      ret                                                   
  113543:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11354a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  113550:   01 7d dc                add    %edi,-0x24(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  113553:   e9 65 ff ff ff          jmp    1134bd <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0x3d><== NOT EXECUTED
  113558:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  11355f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
                rc = fat_file_ioctl(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd, F_CLU_NUM, j * bts2rd,         
  113560:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  113563:   89 d6                   mov    %edx,%esi                                      
  113565:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  113569:   8b 45 dc                mov    -0x24(%ebp),%eax                               
  11356c:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  113570:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  113575:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  113579:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  11357c:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  113580:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  113583:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  113586:   e8 95 d4 ff ff          call   110a20 <fat_file_ioctl>                        
                if (rc != RC_OK)                                                          
  11358b:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  11358d:   75 ac                   jne    11353b <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0xbb><== NEVER TAKEN
                dir_pos->sname.ofs = i;                                                   
  11358f:   8b 4d 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%ecx                                
                memcpy(dir_entry, entry,                                                  
  113592:   bf 20 00 00 00          mov    $0x20,%edi                                     
                dir_pos->sname.ofs = i;                                                   
  113597:   89 71 04                mov    %esi,0x4(%ecx)                                 
                dir_pos->lname.cln = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                 
  11359a:   c7 41 08 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x8(%ecx)                          
                dir_pos->lname.ofs = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                 
  1135a1:   c7 41 0c ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0xc(%ecx)                          
                memcpy(dir_entry, entry,                                                  
  1135a8:   8b 4d 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%ecx                                
  1135ab:   f6 c1 01                test   $0x1,%cl                                       
  1135ae:   0f 85 a6 00 00 00       jne    11365a <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0x1da><== NEVER TAKEN
  1135b4:   f6 c1 02                test   $0x2,%cl                                       
  1135b7:   0f 85 88 00 00 00       jne    113645 <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0x1c5><== NEVER TAKEN
  1135bd:   89 45 e4                mov    %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  1135c0:   89 fe                   mov    %edi,%esi                                      
  1135c2:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  1135c4:   83 e6 fc                and    $0xfffffffc,%esi                               
  1135c7:   8b 04 13                mov    (%ebx,%edx,1),%eax                             
  1135ca:   89 04 11                mov    %eax,(%ecx,%edx,1)                             
  1135cd:   83 c2 04                add    $0x4,%edx                                      
  1135d0:   39 f2                   cmp    %esi,%edx                                      
  1135d2:   72 f3                   jb     1135c7 <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0x147>
  1135d4:   01 d1                   add    %edx,%ecx                                      
  1135d6:   01 d3                   add    %edx,%ebx                                      
  1135d8:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1135db:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  1135dd:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      
  1135e3:   75 3e                   jne    113623 <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0x1a3><== NEVER TAKEN
  1135e5:   83 e7 01                and    $0x1,%edi                                      
  1135e8:   0f 84 4d ff ff ff       je     11353b <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0xbb><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  1135ee:   0f b6 1c 13             movzbl (%ebx,%edx,1),%ebx                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  1135f2:   88 1c 11                mov    %bl,(%ecx,%edx,1)                              <== NOT EXECUTED
                return RC_OK;                                                             
  1135f5:   e9 41 ff ff ff          jmp    11353b <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0xbb><== NOT EXECUTED
  1135fa:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    if (FAT_FD_OF_ROOT_DIR(fat_fd) &&                                                     
  113600:   8b 48 24                mov    0x24(%eax),%ecx                                
  113603:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  113605:   0f 85 97 fe ff ff       jne    1134a2 <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0x22><== NEVER TAKEN
  11360b:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  11360e:   f6 40 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%eax)                                
  113612:   0f 84 8a fe ff ff       je     1134a2 <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0x22><== NEVER TAKEN
        bts2rd = fat_fd->fat_file_size;                                                   
  113618:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  11361b:   8b 78 18                mov    0x18(%eax),%edi                                
  11361e:   e9 85 fe ff ff          jmp    1134a8 <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0x28>
                memcpy(dir_entry, entry,                                                  
  113623:   0f b7 13                movzwl (%ebx),%edx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  113626:   66 89 11                mov    %dx,(%ecx)                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  113629:   ba 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11362e:   eb b5                   jmp    1135e5 <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0x165><== NOT EXECUTED
            rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EIO );                                  
  113630:   e8 6b 32 01 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  113635:   c7 00 05 00 00 00       movl   $0x5,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  11363b:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  113640:   e9 f6 fe ff ff          jmp    11353b <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0xbb><== NOT EXECUTED
                memcpy(dir_entry, entry,                                                  
  113645:   0f b7 13                movzwl (%ebx),%edx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  113648:   83 c1 02                add    $0x2,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11364b:   83 c3 02                add    $0x2,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11364e:   83 ef 02                sub    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  113651:   66 89 51 fe             mov    %dx,-0x2(%ecx)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  113655:   e9 63 ff ff ff          jmp    1135bd <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0x13d><== NOT EXECUTED
  11365a:   0f b6 13                movzbl (%ebx),%edx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  11365d:   41                      inc    %ecx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  11365e:   43                      inc    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  11365f:   bf 1f 00 00 00          mov    $0x1f,%edi                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  113664:   88 51 ff                mov    %dl,-0x1(%ecx)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  113667:   e9 48 ff ff ff          jmp    1135b4 <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file+0x134><== NOT EXECUTED
        assert(ret == bts2rd);                                                            
  11366c:   c7 44 24 0c 35 37 13    movl   $0x133735,0xc(%esp)                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  113673:   00                                                                            
  113674:   c7 44 24 08 60 37 13    movl   $0x133760,0x8(%esp)                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  11367b:   00                                                                            
  11367c:   c7 44 24 04 f1 07 00    movl   $0x7f1,0x4(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  113683:   00                                                                            
  113684:   c7 04 24 d0 36 13 00    movl   $0x1336d0,(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  11368b:   e8 20 50 00 00          call   1186b0 <__assert_func>                         <== NOT EXECUTED

00104600 <msdos_format>: ) /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ | Return Value: | | 0, if success, -1 and errno if failed | \*=========================================================================*/ {
  104600:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  int                  ret_val   = 0;                                                     
  int                  fd        = -1;                                                    
  int                  i;                                                                 
  msdos_format_param_t fmt_params;                                                        
  memset(&fmt_params, 0, sizeof(fmt_params));                                             
  104601:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  104603:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  memset(&fmt_params, 0, sizeof(fmt_params));                                             
  104605:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  104607:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  104608:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  104609:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  10460a:   81 ec 1c 01 00 00       sub    $0x11c,%esp                                    
  104610:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  memset(&fmt_params, 0, sizeof(fmt_params));                                             
  104613:   89 54 05 90             mov    %edx,-0x70(%ebp,%eax,1)                        
  104617:   89 54 05 94             mov    %edx,-0x6c(%ebp,%eax,1)                        
  10461b:   83 c0 08                add    $0x8,%eax                                      
  10461e:   83 f8 58                cmp    $0x58,%eax                                     
  104621:   72 f0                   jb     104613 <msdos_format+0x13>                     
   * open device for writing                                                              
  msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL, "open device\n");             
  104623:   b8 4e 2d 13 00          mov    $0x132d4e,%eax                                 
  104628:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10462c:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      
  104631:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104635:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  104638:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10463b:   e8 e0 fc ff ff          call   104320 <msdos_format_printf>                   
  fd = open(devname, O_RDWR);                                                             
  104640:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      
  104645:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104649:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  10464c:   e8 ef e4 ff ff          call   102b40 <open>                                  
   * sanity check on device                                                               
  msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                               
  104651:   ba 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%edx                                      
  104656:   89 5c 24 0c             mov    %ebx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  10465a:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  fd = open(devname, O_RDWR);                                                             
  10465e:   89 85 fc fe ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x104(%ebp)                              
  104664:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      
  msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                               
  104666:   b8 5b 2d 13 00          mov    $0x132d5b,%eax                                 
  10466b:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10466f:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  if (fd == -1) {                                                                         
  104672:   83 ff ff                cmp    $0xffffffff,%edi                               
  msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                               
  104675:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  if (fd == -1) {                                                                         
  104678:   0f 84 9c 00 00 00       je     10471a <msdos_format+0x11a>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                               
  10467e:   e8 9d fc ff ff          call   104320 <msdos_format_printf>                   
                       "stat check: %s\n", devname);                                      
  if (ret_val == 0) {                                                                     
    ret_val = fstat(fd, &stat_buf);                                                       
  104683:   8d 85 38 ff ff ff       lea    -0xc8(%ebp),%eax                               
  msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_INFO,                                 
  104689:   be 6b 2d 13 00          mov    $0x132d6b,%esi                                 
    ret_val = fstat(fd, &stat_buf);                                                       
  10468e:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  104691:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104695:   e8 76 d6 ff ff          call   101d10 <fstat>                                 
  msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_INFO,                                 
  10469a:   89 5c 24 0c             mov    %ebx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  10469e:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 
    ret_val = fstat(fd, &stat_buf);                                                       
  1046a2:   89 85 00 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x100(%ebp)                              
  1046a8:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      
  msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_INFO,                                 
  1046aa:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  1046af:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1046b3:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1046b6:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1046b9:   e8 62 fc ff ff          call   104320 <msdos_format_printf>                   
                       "formating: %s\n", devname);                                       
  /* rtems feature: no block devices, all are character devices */                        
  if ((ret_val == 0) && (!S_ISBLK(stat_buf.st_mode))) {                                   
  1046be:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      
  1046c0:   75 2e                   jne    1046f0 <msdos_format+0xf0>                     <== NEVER TAKEN
  1046c2:   8b 85 48 ff ff ff       mov    -0xb8(%ebp),%eax                               
  1046c8:   25 00 f0 00 00          and    $0xf000,%eax                                   
  1046cd:   3d 00 60 00 00          cmp    $0x6000,%eax                                   
  1046d2:   74 7c                   je     104750 <msdos_format+0x150>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    errno = ENOTTY;                                                                       
  1046d4:   e8 c7 21 02 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1046d9:   c7 00 19 00 00 00       movl   $0x19,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    ret_val = -1;                                                                         
  1046df:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1046e4:   89 85 00 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x100(%ebp)                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  1046ea:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
   * cleanup:                                                                             
   * sync and unlock disk                                                                 
   * free any data structures (not needed now)                                            
  if (fd != -1) {                                                                         
  1046f0:   8b 85 fc fe ff ff       mov    -0x104(%ebp),%eax                              
  1046f6:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1046f9:   e8 b2 d3 ff ff          call   101ab0 <close>                                 
  1046fe:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  104701:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  104704:   e8 47 d5 ff ff          call   101c50 <free>                                  
  return ret_val;                                                                         
  104709:   8b 85 00 ff ff ff       mov    -0x100(%ebp),%eax                              
  10470f:   81 c4 1c 01 00 00       add    $0x11c,%esp                                    
  104715:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  104716:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  104717:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  104718:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  104719:   c3                      ret                                                   
  msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                               
  10471a:   e8 01 fc ff ff          call   104320 <msdos_format_printf>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_INFO,                                 
  10471f:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  104722:   ba 6b 2d 13 00          mov    $0x132d6b,%edx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  104727:   89 5c 24 0c             mov    %ebx,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10472b:   b9 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    ret_val= -1;                                                                          
  104730:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_INFO,                                 
  104735:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  104739:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10473d:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104740:   e8 db fb ff ff          call   104320 <msdos_format_printf>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    ret_val= -1;                                                                          
  104745:   89 9d 00 ff ff ff       mov    %ebx,-0x100(%ebp)                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  10474b:   eb b1                   jmp    1046fe <msdos_format+0xfe>                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  10474d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  104750:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  104752:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  104754:   89 54 05 90             mov    %edx,-0x70(%ebp,%eax,1)                        
  104758:   89 54 05 94             mov    %edx,-0x6c(%ebp,%eax,1)                        
  10475c:   83 c0 08                add    $0x8,%eax                                      
  10475f:   83 f8 58                cmp    $0x58,%eax                                     
  104762:   72 f0                   jb     104754 <msdos_format+0x154>                    
static inline int rtems_disk_fd_get_media_block_size(                                     
  int fd,                                                                                 
  uint32_t *media_block_size                                                              
  return ioctl(fd, RTEMS_BLKIO_GETMEDIABLKSIZE, media_block_size);                        
  104764:   8d 45 90                lea    -0x70(%ebp),%eax                               
  104767:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10476b:   b8 02 42 04 40          mov    $0x40044202,%eax                               
  104770:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104774:   8b 85 fc fe ff ff       mov    -0x104(%ebp),%eax                              
  10477a:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10477d:   e8 ce 93 00 00          call   10db50 <ioctl>                                 
  104782:   89 85 00 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x100(%ebp)                              
  if (ret_val == 0) {                                                                     
  104788:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10478a:   0f 84 1d 06 00 00       je     104dad <msdos_format+0x7ad>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  if ( fmt_params->totl_sector_cnt == 0 )                                                 
  104790:   8b 45 94                mov    -0x6c(%ebp),%eax                               
  104793:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104795:   0f 85 80 09 00 00       jne    10511b <msdos_format+0xb1b>                    
        errno = EINVAL;                                                                   
  10479b:   e8 00 21 02 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               
        ret_val = -1;                                                                     
  1047a0:   bb ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ebx                               
        errno = EINVAL;                                                                   
  1047a5:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
        ret_val = -1;                                                                     
  1047ab:   89 9d 00 ff ff ff       mov    %ebx,-0x100(%ebp)                              
  1047b1:   8b 75 98                mov    -0x68(%ebp),%esi                               
      + (fmt_params-> fat_num*fmt_params->sectors_per_fat);                               
  1047b4:   0f b6 45 c0             movzbl -0x40(%ebp),%eax                               
  1047b8:   8b 4d a0                mov    -0x60(%ebp),%ecx                               
  if (fmt_params->root_dir_sectors > 0) {                                                 
  1047bb:   8b 55 ac                mov    -0x54(%ebp),%edx                               
      + (fmt_params-> fat_num*fmt_params->sectors_per_fat);                               
  1047be:   0f af c1                imul   %ecx,%eax                                      
  1047c1:   01 f0                   add    %esi,%eax                                      
  if (fmt_params->root_dir_sectors > 0) {                                                 
  1047c3:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
    fmt_params->root_dir_start_sec =                                                      
  1047c5:   89 45 b0                mov    %eax,-0x50(%ebp)                               
  if (fmt_params->root_dir_sectors > 0) {                                                 
  1047c8:   0f 84 42 09 00 00       je     105110 <msdos_format+0xb10>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
    fmt_params->root_dir_fmt_sec_cnt = fmt_params->root_dir_sectors;                      
  1047ce:   89 55 b4                mov    %edx,-0x4c(%ebp)                               
  if (ret_val == 0) {                                                                     
  1047d1:   8b 85 00 ff ff ff       mov    -0x100(%ebp),%eax                              
  1047d7:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1047d9:   0f 85 11 ff ff ff       jne    1046f0 <msdos_format+0xf0>                     
    if ((rqdata != NULL) && (rqdata->OEMName != NULL)) {                                  
  1047df:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1047e2:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1047e4:   0f 84 c2 0a 00 00       je     1052ac <msdos_format+0xcac>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  1047ea:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1047ed:   8b 08                   mov    (%eax),%ecx                                    
  1047ef:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  1047f1:   0f 84 b5 0a 00 00       je     1052ac <msdos_format+0xcac>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
      if (isprint((unsigned char)*from)) {                                                
  1047f7:   0f b6 11                movzbl (%ecx),%edx                                    
      from = "RTEMS"; /* default: make "from" point to OS Name */                         
  1047fa:   8d 45 c3                lea    -0x3d(%ebp),%eax                               
  1047fd:   8d 75 cb                lea    -0x35(%ebp),%esi                               
  104800:   eb 1c                   jmp    10481e <msdos_format+0x21e>                    
  104802:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  104809:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
        *to++ = *from++;                                                                  
  104810:   88 50 ff                mov    %dl,-0x1(%eax)                                 
  104813:   41                      inc    %ecx                                           
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < (sizeof(fmt_params->OEMName)-1); cnt++) {                         
  104814:   39 f0                   cmp    %esi,%eax                                      
      *to = '\0';                                                                         
  104816:   c6 00 00                movb   $0x0,(%eax)                                    
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < (sizeof(fmt_params->OEMName)-1); cnt++) {                         
  104819:   74 1f                   je     10483a <msdos_format+0x23a>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
      if (isprint((unsigned char)*from)) {                                                
  10481b:   0f b6 11                movzbl (%ecx),%edx                                    
  10481e:   0f b6 da                movzbl %dl,%ebx                                       
        *to++ = *from++;                                                                  
  104821:   40                      inc    %eax                                           
      if (isprint((unsigned char)*from)) {                                                
  104822:   0f be 9b e1 6a 13 00    movsbl 0x136ae1(%ebx),%ebx                            
  104829:   f6 c3 97                test   $0x97,%bl                                      
  10482c:   75 e2                   jne    104810 <msdos_format+0x210>                    
      *to = '\0';                                                                         
  10482e:   c6 00 00                movb   $0x0,(%eax)                                    
        *to++=' ';                                                                        
  104831:   b2 20                   mov    $0x20,%dl                                      
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < (sizeof(fmt_params->OEMName)-1); cnt++) {                         
  104833:   39 f0                   cmp    %esi,%eax                                      
  104835:   88 50 ff                mov    %dl,-0x1(%eax)                                 
  104838:   75 e1                   jne    10481b <msdos_format+0x21b>                    
    if ((rqdata != NULL) &&                                                               
  10483a:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10483d:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10483f:   0f 84 5b 0a 00 00       je     1052a0 <msdos_format+0xca0>                    
        (rqdata->VolLabel != NULL)) {                                                     
  104845:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  104848:   8b 48 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%ecx                                 
    if ((rqdata != NULL) &&                                                               
  10484b:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  10484d:   0f 84 4d 0a 00 00       je     1052a0 <msdos_format+0xca0>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
      fmt_params->VolLabel_present = true;                                                
  104853:   c6 45 d8 01             movb   $0x1,-0x28(%ebp)                               
      if (isprint((unsigned char)*from)) {                                                
  104857:   0f b6 11                movzbl (%ecx),%edx                                    
      from = ""; /* default: make "from" point to empty string */                         
  10485a:   8d 45 cc                lea    -0x34(%ebp),%eax                               
  10485d:   8d 75 d7                lea    -0x29(%ebp),%esi                               
  104860:   eb 1c                   jmp    10487e <msdos_format+0x27e>                    
  104862:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  104869:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
        *to++ = *from++;                                                                  
  104870:   88 50 ff                mov    %dl,-0x1(%eax)                                 
  104873:   41                      inc    %ecx                                           
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < (sizeof(fmt_params->VolLabel)-1); cnt++) {                        
  104874:   39 f0                   cmp    %esi,%eax                                      
      *to = '\0';                                                                         
  104876:   c6 00 00                movb   $0x0,(%eax)                                    
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < (sizeof(fmt_params->VolLabel)-1); cnt++) {                        
  104879:   74 1f                   je     10489a <msdos_format+0x29a>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
      if (isprint((unsigned char)*from)) {                                                
  10487b:   0f b6 11                movzbl (%ecx),%edx                                    
  10487e:   0f b6 da                movzbl %dl,%ebx                                       
        *to++ = *from++;                                                                  
  104881:   40                      inc    %eax                                           
      if (isprint((unsigned char)*from)) {                                                
  104882:   0f be 9b e1 6a 13 00    movsbl 0x136ae1(%ebx),%ebx                            
  104889:   f6 c3 97                test   $0x97,%bl                                      
  10488c:   75 e2                   jne    104870 <msdos_format+0x270>                    
      *to = '\0';                                                                         
  10488e:   c6 00 00                movb   $0x0,(%eax)                                    
        *to++=' ';                                                                        
  104891:   b2 20                   mov    $0x20,%dl                                      
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < (sizeof(fmt_params->VolLabel)-1); cnt++) {                        
  104893:   39 f0                   cmp    %esi,%eax                                      
  104895:   88 50 ff                mov    %dl,-0x1(%eax)                                 
  104898:   75 e1                   jne    10487b <msdos_format+0x27b>                    
  rc = rtems_clock_get_tod_timeval(&time_value);                                          
  10489a:   8d 85 2c ff ff ff       lea    -0xd4(%ebp),%eax                               
  1048a0:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1048a3:   e8 88 35 00 00          call   107e30 <rtems_clock_get_tod_timeval>           
  if (rc == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) {                                                           
  1048a8:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1048aa:   0f 85 37 10 00 00       jne    1058e7 <msdos_format+0x12e7>                   
    *volid_ptr = time_value.tv_sec + time_value.tv_sec;                                   
  1048b0:   8b 85 2c ff ff ff       mov    -0xd4(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1048b6:   01 c0                   add    %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1048b8:   89 45 dc                mov    %eax,-0x24(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    fmt_params.sec = malloc(fmt_params.bytes_per_sector);                                 
  1048bb:   8b 45 90                mov    -0x70(%ebp),%eax                               
  1048be:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1048c1:   e8 5a d8 ff ff          call   102120 <malloc>                                
  1048c6:   89 45 e4                mov    %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
    if (fmt_params.sec == NULL) {                                                         
  1048c9:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1048cb:   0f 84 8f 09 00 00       je     105260 <msdos_format+0xc60>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  if ((ret_val == 0) &&                                                                   
  1048d1:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1048d4:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1048d6:   0f 85 54 08 00 00       jne    105130 <msdos_format+0xb30>                    
      (rqdata != NULL) &&                                                                 
  1048dc:   c6 85 1c ff ff ff 00    movb   $0x0,-0xe4(%ebp)                               
    msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                             
  1048e3:   b8 a7 2d 13 00          mov    $0x132da7,%eax                                 
  if (0 > lseek(fd,((off_t)start_sector)*sector_size,SEEK_SET)) {                         
  1048e8:   31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi                                      
    msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                             
  1048ea:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1048ee:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      
  1048f3:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1048f7:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1048fa:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1048fd:   e8 1e fa ff ff          call   104320 <msdos_format_printf>                   
  if (0 > lseek(fd,((off_t)start_sector)*sector_size,SEEK_SET)) {                         
  104902:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  104904:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      
  104906:   89 7c 24 08             mov    %edi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10490a:   8b bd fc fe ff ff       mov    -0x104(%ebp),%edi                              
  104910:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 
    ret_val = msdos_format_read_sec(fd,                                                   
  104914:   8b 5d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%ebx                               
  if (0 > lseek(fd,((off_t)start_sector)*sector_size,SEEK_SET)) {                         
  104917:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
    ret_val = msdos_format_read_sec(fd,                                                   
  10491b:   8b 75 90                mov    -0x70(%ebp),%esi                               
  if (0 > lseek(fd,((off_t)start_sector)*sector_size,SEEK_SET)) {                         
  10491e:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  104921:   e8 ea 92 00 00          call   10dc10 <lseek>                                 
  104926:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  104928:   0f 88 32 09 00 00       js     105260 <msdos_format+0xc60>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
    if (0 > read(fd,buffer,sector_size)) {                                                
  10492e:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  104932:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104936:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  104939:   e8 02 95 00 00          call   10de40 <read>                                  
  10493e:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104940:   0f 88 1a 09 00 00       js     105260 <msdos_format+0xc60>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
      msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                           
  104946:   b8 b8 2d 13 00          mov    $0x132db8,%eax                                 
  10494b:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10494f:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      
  104954:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104958:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  10495b:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  10495e:   e8 bd f9 ff ff          call   104320 <msdos_format_printf>                   
  if (fmt_params->totl_sector_cnt < 0x10000) {                                            
  104963:   8b 45 94                mov    -0x6c(%ebp),%eax                               
  104966:   3d ff ff 00 00          cmp    $0xffff,%eax                                   
  10496b:   0f 86 ff 08 00 00       jbe    105270 <msdos_format+0xc70>                    
  FAT_SET_BR_TOTAL_SECTORS_NUM32(mbr , total_sectors_num32);                              
  104971:   88 85 0c ff ff ff       mov    %al,-0xf4(%ebp)                                
  104977:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  104979:   0f b6 dc                movzbl %ah,%ebx                                       
  10497c:   89 9d 10 ff ff ff       mov    %ebx,-0xf0(%ebp)                               
  104982:   c1 ea 10                shr    $0x10,%edx                                     
  104985:   88 95 14 ff ff ff       mov    %dl,-0xec(%ebp)                                
  10498b:   c1 e8 18                shr    $0x18,%eax                                     
  10498e:   89 85 24 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xdc(%ebp)                               
  104994:   c6 85 20 ff ff ff 00    movb   $0x0,-0xe0(%ebp)                               
  10499b:   c6 85 18 ff ff ff 00    movb   $0x0,-0xe8(%ebp)                               
      ret_val = msdos_format_gen_mbr(fmt_params.sec,&fmt_params);                         
  1049a2:   8b 4d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%ecx                               
  1049a5:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  1049a7:   bf be 01 00 00          mov    $0x1be,%edi                                    
  1049ac:   f6 c1 01                test   $0x1,%cl                                       
  1049af:   89 ce                   mov    %ecx,%esi                                      
  1049b1:   0f 85 ae 0f 00 00       jne    105965 <msdos_format+0x1365>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
  1049b7:   f7 c6 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%esi                                      
  1049bd:   0f 85 b2 0f 00 00       jne    105975 <msdos_format+0x1375>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
  1049c3:   89 fb                   mov    %edi,%ebx                                      
  1049c5:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1049c7:   83 e3 f8                and    $0xfffffff8,%ebx                               
  1049ca:   89 14 06                mov    %edx,(%esi,%eax,1)                             
  1049cd:   89 54 06 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esi,%eax,1)                          
  1049d1:   83 c0 08                add    $0x8,%eax                                      
  1049d4:   39 d8                   cmp    %ebx,%eax                                      
  1049d6:   72 f2                   jb     1049ca <msdos_format+0x3ca>                    
  1049d8:   01 c6                   add    %eax,%esi                                      
  1049da:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      
  1049e0:   74 09                   je     1049eb <msdos_format+0x3eb>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  1049e2:   c7 06 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%esi)                                    
  1049e8:   83 c6 04                add    $0x4,%esi                                      
  1049eb:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      
  1049f1:   74 08                   je     1049fb <msdos_format+0x3fb>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  1049f3:   66 c7 06 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%esi)                                    
  1049f8:   83 c6 02                add    $0x2,%esi                                      
  1049fb:   83 e7 01                and    $0x1,%edi                                      
  1049fe:   74 03                   je     104a03 <msdos_format+0x403>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  104a00:   c6 06 00                movb   $0x0,(%esi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104a03:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  104a05:   66 89 81 fe 01 00 00    mov    %ax,0x1fe(%ecx)                                
  104a0c:   8b 45 c3                mov    -0x3d(%ebp),%eax                               
  104a0f:   8b 55 c7                mov    -0x39(%ebp),%edx                               
  FAT_SET_BR_FAT_NUM(mbr             , 2); /* standard/recommended value */               
  104a12:   c6 41 10 02             movb   $0x2,0x10(%ecx)                                
  104a16:   89 41 03                mov    %eax,0x3(%ecx)                                 
  FAT_SET_BR_BYTES_PER_SECTOR(mbr    , fmt_params->bytes_per_sector);                     
  104a19:   8b 45 90                mov    -0x70(%ebp),%eax                               
  104a1c:   89 51 07                mov    %edx,0x7(%ecx)                                 
  FAT_SET_BR_BYTES_PER_SECTOR(mbr    , fmt_params->bytes_per_sector);                     
  104a1f:   66 89 41 0b             mov    %ax,0xb(%ecx)                                  
  FAT_SET_BR_SECTORS_PER_CLUSTER(mbr , fmt_params->sectors_per_cluster);                  
  104a23:   0f b6 45 9c             movzbl -0x64(%ebp),%eax                               
  104a27:   88 41 0d                mov    %al,0xd(%ecx)                                  
  FAT_SET_BR_RESERVED_SECTORS_NUM(mbr, fmt_params->rsvd_sector_cnt);                      
  104a2a:   8b 45 98                mov    -0x68(%ebp),%eax                               
  104a2d:   66 89 41 0e             mov    %ax,0xe(%ecx)                                  
  FAT_SET_BR_FILES_PER_ROOT_DIR(mbr  , fmt_params->files_per_root_dir);                   
  104a31:   0f b6 45 a8             movzbl -0x58(%ebp),%eax                               
  104a35:   88 41 11                mov    %al,0x11(%ecx)                                 
  104a38:   8b 45 a8                mov    -0x58(%ebp),%eax                               
  104a3b:   88 61 12                mov    %ah,0x12(%ecx)                                 
  FAT_SET_BR_TOTAL_SECTORS_NUM16(mbr , total_sectors_num16);                              
  104a3e:   0f b6 85 18 ff ff ff    movzbl -0xe8(%ebp),%eax                               
  104a45:   88 41 13                mov    %al,0x13(%ecx)                                 
  104a48:   0f b6 85 20 ff ff ff    movzbl -0xe0(%ebp),%eax                               
  104a4f:   88 41 14                mov    %al,0x14(%ecx)                                 
  FAT_SET_BR_MEDIA(mbr               , fmt_params->media_code);                           
  104a52:   0f b6 45 c1             movzbl -0x3f(%ebp),%eax                               
  FAT_SET_BR_SECTORS_PER_TRACK(mbr   , 255); /* only needed for INT13... */               
  104a56:   c6 41 18 ff             movb   $0xff,0x18(%ecx)                               
  FAT_SET_BR_NUMBER_OF_HEADS(mbr     , 6);   /* only needed for INT13... */               
  104a5a:   c6 41 1a 06             movb   $0x6,0x1a(%ecx)                                
  FAT_SET_BR_HIDDEN_SECTORS(mbr      , 1);   /* only needed for INT13... */               
  104a5e:   c6 41 1c 01             movb   $0x1,0x1c(%ecx)                                
  FAT_SET_BR_MEDIA(mbr               , fmt_params->media_code);                           
  104a62:   88 41 15                mov    %al,0x15(%ecx)                                 
  FAT_SET_BR_TOTAL_SECTORS_NUM32(mbr , total_sectors_num32);                              
  104a65:   0f b6 85 0c ff ff ff    movzbl -0xf4(%ebp),%eax                               
  104a6c:   88 41 20                mov    %al,0x20(%ecx)                                 
  104a6f:   0f b6 85 10 ff ff ff    movzbl -0xf0(%ebp),%eax                               
  104a76:   88 41 21                mov    %al,0x21(%ecx)                                 
  104a79:   0f b6 85 14 ff ff ff    movzbl -0xec(%ebp),%eax                               
  104a80:   88 41 22                mov    %al,0x22(%ecx)                                 
  104a83:   0f b6 85 24 ff ff ff    movzbl -0xdc(%ebp),%eax                               
  104a8a:   88 41 23                mov    %al,0x23(%ecx)                                 
  if (fmt_params->fattype != FAT_FAT32) {                                                 
  104a8d:   80 7d c2 04             cmpb   $0x4,-0x3e(%ebp)                               
  104a91:   0f 84 c0 0d 00 00       je     105857 <msdos_format+0x1257>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
    FAT_SET_BR_BOOTSIG(mbr           , FAT_BR_BOOTSIG_VAL);                               
  104a97:   c6 41 26 29             movb   $0x29,0x26(%ecx)                               
    FAT_SET_BR_SECTORS_PER_FAT(mbr   ,fmt_params->sectors_per_fat);                       
  104a9b:   8b 45 a0                mov    -0x60(%ebp),%eax                               
  104a9e:   66 89 41 16             mov    %ax,0x16(%ecx)                                 
    FAT_SET_BR_VOLID(mbr             , fmt_params->vol_id); /* volume id */               
  104aa2:   8b 45 dc                mov    -0x24(%ebp),%eax                               
  104aa5:   89 41 27                mov    %eax,0x27(%ecx)                                
  104aa8:   b8 46 41 54 31          mov    $0x31544146,%eax                               
  104aad:   8b 55 cc                mov    -0x34(%ebp),%edx                               
  104ab0:   89 51 2b                mov    %edx,0x2b(%ecx)                                
  104ab3:   8b 55 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%edx                               
  104ab6:   89 51 2f                mov    %edx,0x2f(%ecx)                                
  104ab9:   8b 55 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edx                               
  104abc:   66 89 51 33             mov    %dx,0x33(%ecx)                                 
  104ac0:   0f b6 5d d6             movzbl -0x2a(%ebp),%ebx                               
  104ac4:   88 59 35                mov    %bl,0x35(%ecx)                                 
  104ac7:   80 7d c2 01             cmpb   $0x1,-0x3e(%ebp)                               
  104acb:   0f 84 24 0e 00 00       je     1058f5 <msdos_format+0x12f5>                   
  104ad1:   ba 36 20 20 20          mov    $0x20202036,%edx                               
  104ad6:   89 41 36                mov    %eax,0x36(%ecx)                                
  104ad9:   89 51 3a                mov    %edx,0x3a(%ecx)                                
  104adc:   66 c7 01 eb 3c          movw   $0x3ceb,(%ecx)                                 
  FAT_SET_BR_SIGNATURE(mbr,      FAT_BR_SIGNATURE_VAL);                                   
  104ae1:   b8 55 aa ff ff          mov    $0xffffaa55,%eax                               
  if (0 > lseek(fd,((off_t)start_sector)*sector_size,SEEK_SET)) {                         
  104ae6:   31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi                                      
  FAT_SET_BR_SIGNATURE(mbr,      FAT_BR_SIGNATURE_VAL);                                   
  104ae8:   66 89 81 fe 01 00 00    mov    %ax,0x1fe(%ecx)                                
      msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                           
  104aef:   b8 cd 2d 13 00          mov    $0x132dcd,%eax                                 
  104af4:   c6 41 02 90             movb   $0x90,0x2(%ecx)                                
      msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                           
  104af8:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  104afc:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      
  104b01:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104b05:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  104b08:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  104b0b:   e8 10 f8 ff ff          call   104320 <msdos_format_printf>                   
  if (0 > lseek(fd,((off_t)start_sector)*sector_size,SEEK_SET)) {                         
  104b10:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  104b12:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      
  104b14:   89 7c 24 08             mov    %edi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  104b18:   8b bd fc fe ff ff       mov    -0x104(%ebp),%edi                              
  104b1e:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  104b22:   8b 5d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%ebx                               
  if (0 > lseek(fd,((off_t)start_sector)*sector_size,SEEK_SET)) {                         
  104b25:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
      ret_val = msdos_format_write_sec(fd,                                                
  104b29:   8b 75 90                mov    -0x70(%ebp),%esi                               
  if (0 > lseek(fd,((off_t)start_sector)*sector_size,SEEK_SET)) {                         
  104b2c:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  104b2f:   e8 dc 90 00 00          call   10dc10 <lseek>                                 
  104b34:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  104b36:   0f 88 24 07 00 00       js     105260 <msdos_format+0xc60>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
    if (0 > write(fd,buffer,sector_size)) {                                               
  104b3c:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  104b40:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104b44:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  104b47:   e8 34 f4 ff ff          call   103f80 <write>                                 
  104b4c:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104b4e:   0f 88 0c 07 00 00       js     105260 <msdos_format+0xc60>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
    if ((ret_val == 0) &&                                                                 
  104b54:   8b 45 b8                mov    -0x48(%ebp),%eax                               
  104b57:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104b59:   74 64                   je     104bbf <msdos_format+0x5bf>                    
      msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                           
  104b5b:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  104b5e:   b9 df 2d 13 00          mov    $0x132ddf,%ecx                                 
  104b63:   bb 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%ebx                                      
  104b68:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  if (0 > lseek(fd,((off_t)start_sector)*sector_size,SEEK_SET)) {                         
  104b6c:   31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi                                      
      msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                           
  104b6e:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104b72:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  104b75:   e8 a6 f7 ff ff          call   104320 <msdos_format_printf>                   
      ret_val = msdos_format_write_sec(fd,                                                
  104b7a:   8b 5d 90                mov    -0x70(%ebp),%ebx                               
  if (0 > lseek(fd,((off_t)start_sector)*sector_size,SEEK_SET)) {                         
  104b7d:   89 7c 24 0c             mov    %edi,0xc(%esp)                                 
  104b81:   8b bd fc fe ff ff       mov    -0x104(%ebp),%edi                              
  104b87:   8b 75 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%esi                               
  if (0 > lseek(fd,((off_t)start_sector)*sector_size,SEEK_SET)) {                         
  104b8a:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  104b8c:   f7 65 b8                mull   -0x48(%ebp)                                    
  104b8f:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  104b92:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104b96:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  104b9a:   e8 71 90 00 00          call   10dc10 <lseek>                                 
  104b9f:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  104ba1:   0f 88 b9 06 00 00       js     105260 <msdos_format+0xc60>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
    if (0 > write(fd,buffer,sector_size)) {                                               
  104ba7:   89 5c 24 08             mov    %ebx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  104bab:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104baf:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  104bb2:   e8 c9 f3 ff ff          call   103f80 <write>                                 
  104bb7:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104bb9:   0f 88 a1 06 00 00       js     105260 <msdos_format+0xc60>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  if ((ret_val == 0) &&                                                                   
  104bbf:   8b 45 bc                mov    -0x44(%ebp),%eax                               
  104bc2:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104bc4:   0f 85 b6 05 00 00       jne    105180 <msdos_format+0xb80>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
    ret_val = msdos_format_fill_sectors                                                   
  104bca:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  104bcc:   8b 55 a0                mov    -0x60(%ebp),%edx                               
  104bcf:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
       fmt_params.fat_num*fmt_params.sectors_per_fat,/* sector count */                   
  104bd3:   0f b6 45 c0             movzbl -0x40(%ebp),%eax                               
    ret_val = msdos_format_fill_sectors                                                   
  104bd7:   8b 8d fc fe ff ff       mov    -0x104(%ebp),%ecx                              
  104bdd:   0f af c2                imul   %edx,%eax                                      
  104be0:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  104be3:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104be7:   8b 45 98                mov    -0x68(%ebp),%eax                               
  104bea:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  104bed:   8d 45 90                lea    -0x70(%ebp),%eax                               
  104bf0:   e8 0b f8 ff ff          call   104400 <msdos_format_fill_sectors>             
  104bf5:   89 85 00 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x100(%ebp)                              
  if (ret_val == 0) {                                                                     
  104bfb:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104bfd:   0f 85 ed fa ff ff       jne    1046f0 <msdos_format+0xf0>                     <== NEVER TAKEN
    ret_val = msdos_format_fill_sectors                                                   
  104c03:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  104c05:   8b 8d fc fe ff ff       mov    -0x104(%ebp),%ecx                              
  104c0b:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  104c0f:   8b 45 b4                mov    -0x4c(%ebp),%eax                               
  104c12:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
  104c15:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104c19:   8b 45 b0                mov    -0x50(%ebp),%eax                               
  104c1c:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  104c1f:   8d 45 90                lea    -0x70(%ebp),%eax                               
  104c22:   e8 d9 f7 ff ff          call   104400 <msdos_format_fill_sectors>             
  104c27:   89 85 00 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x100(%ebp)                              
  if ((ret_val == 0) && fmt_params.VolLabel_present) {                                    
  104c2d:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104c2f:   0f 85 bb fa ff ff       jne    1046f0 <msdos_format+0xf0>                     <== NEVER TAKEN
  104c35:   80 7d d8 00             cmpb   $0x0,-0x28(%ebp)                               
  104c39:   8b 55 90                mov    -0x70(%ebp),%edx                               
  104c3c:   8b 7d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%edi                               
  if ((ret_val == 0) && fmt_params.VolLabel_present) {                                    
  104c3f:   0f 85 db 08 00 00       jne    105520 <msdos_format+0xf20>                    
  104c45:   83 fa 08                cmp    $0x8,%edx                                      
  104c48:   0f 83 77 09 00 00       jae    1055c5 <msdos_format+0xfc5>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  104c4e:   f6 c2 04                test   $0x4,%dl                                       
  104c51:   74 09                   je     104c5c <msdos_format+0x65c>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  104c53:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c59:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c5c:   f6 c2 02                test   $0x2,%dl                                       
  104c5f:   74 08                   je     104c69 <msdos_format+0x669>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  104c61:   66 c7 07 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c66:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c69:   f6 c2 01                test   $0x1,%dl                                       
  104c6c:   74 03                   je     104c71 <msdos_format+0x671>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  104c6e:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    switch(fmt_params.fattype) {                                                          
  104c71:   0f b6 45 c2             movzbl -0x3e(%ebp),%eax                               
  104c75:   3c 02                   cmp    $0x2,%al                                       
  104c77:   0f 84 45 0a 00 00       je     1056c2 <msdos_format+0x10c2>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
  104c7d:   3c 04                   cmp    $0x4,%al                                       
  104c7f:   0f 84 f6 09 00 00       je     10567b <msdos_format+0x107b>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
  104c85:   fe c8                   dec    %al                                            
  104c87:   0f 84 ca 09 00 00       je     105657 <msdos_format+0x1057>                   <== ALWAYS TAKEN
      errno = EINVAL;                                                                     
  104c8d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  104c90:   e8 0b 1c 02 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
      ret_val = -1;                                                                       
  104c95:   b9 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ecx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  104c9a:   89 8d 18 ff ff ff       mov    %ecx,-0xe8(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
      errno = EINVAL;                                                                     
  104ca0:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    if (fmt_params.fattype == FAT_FAT32) {                                                
  104ca6:   80 7d c2 04             cmpb   $0x4,-0x3e(%ebp)                               
  104caa:   75 1c                   jne    104cc8 <msdos_format+0x6c8>                    
  104cac:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  104caf:   c6 40 08 f8             movb   $0xf8,0x8(%eax)                                
  104cb3:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  104cb6:   c6 40 09 ff             movb   $0xff,0x9(%eax)                                
  104cba:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  104cbd:   c6 40 0a ff             movb   $0xff,0xa(%eax)                                
  104cc1:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  104cc4:   c6 40 0b 0f             movb   $0xf,0xb(%eax)                                 
    start_sector = loc_align_object (fmt_params.rsvd_sector_cnt,                          
  104cc8:   8b 5d 98                mov    -0x68(%ebp),%ebx                               
  if (! skip_alignment)                                                                   
  104ccb:   80 7d e0 00             cmpb   $0x0,-0x20(%ebp)                               
    start_sector = loc_align_object (fmt_params.rsvd_sector_cnt,                          
  104ccf:   8b 45 9c                mov    -0x64(%ebp),%eax                               
  104cd2:   89 9d 20 ff ff ff       mov    %ebx,-0xe0(%ebp)                               
  if (! skip_alignment)                                                                   
  104cd8:   75 0e                   jne    104ce8 <msdos_format+0x6e8>                    
    return (sectors + clustersize - 1) & ~(clustersize - 1);                              
  104cda:   8d 7c 18 ff             lea    -0x1(%eax,%ebx,1),%edi                         
  104cde:   f7 d8                   neg    %eax                                           
  104ce0:   21 c7                   and    %eax,%edi                                      
  104ce2:   89 bd 20 ff ff ff       mov    %edi,-0xe0(%ebp)                               
    for (i = 0;                                                                           
  104ce8:   80 7d c0 00             cmpb   $0x0,-0x40(%ebp)                               
  104cec:   0f 84 0d 0c 00 00       je     1058ff <msdos_format+0x12ff>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
         (i < fmt_params.fat_num) && (ret_val == 0);                                      
  104cf2:   8b bd 18 ff ff ff       mov    -0xe8(%ebp),%edi                               
    for (i = 0;                                                                           
  104cf8:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
  104cfa:   8b b5 fc fe ff ff       mov    -0x104(%ebp),%esi                              
         (i < fmt_params.fat_num) && (ret_val == 0);                                      
  104d00:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi                                      
  104d02:   0f 85 58 05 00 00       jne    105260 <msdos_format+0xc60>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  104d08:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  104d0f:   90                      nop                                                   
  104d10:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  if (0 > lseek(fd,((off_t)start_sector)*sector_size,SEEK_SET)) {                         
  104d13:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
      ret_val = msdos_format_write_sec                                                    
  104d16:   8b 95 20 ff ff ff       mov    -0xe0(%ebp),%edx                               
  104d1c:   8b 7d 90                mov    -0x70(%ebp),%edi                               
  104d1f:   89 85 24 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xdc(%ebp)                               
  if (0 > lseek(fd,((off_t)start_sector)*sector_size,SEEK_SET)) {                         
  104d25:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  104d27:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
         + (i * fmt_params.sectors_per_fat),                                              
  104d2b:   8b 45 a0                mov    -0x60(%ebp),%eax                               
  104d2e:   0f af c3                imul   %ebx,%eax                                      
      ret_val = msdos_format_write_sec                                                    
  104d31:   01 d0                   add    %edx,%eax                                      
  if (0 > lseek(fd,((off_t)start_sector)*sector_size,SEEK_SET)) {                         
  104d33:   f7 e7                   mul    %edi                                           
  104d35:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104d39:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  104d3d:   e8 ce 8e 00 00          call   10dc10 <lseek>                                 
  104d42:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  104d44:   0f 88 16 05 00 00       js     105260 <msdos_format+0xc60>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
    if (0 > write(fd,buffer,sector_size)) {                                               
  104d4a:   89 7c 24 08             mov    %edi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  104d4e:   8b 85 24 ff ff ff       mov    -0xdc(%ebp),%eax                               
  104d54:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  104d57:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104d5b:   e8 20 f2 ff ff          call   103f80 <write>                                 
  104d60:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104d62:   0f 88 f8 04 00 00       js     105260 <msdos_format+0xc60>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
         (i < fmt_params.fat_num) && (ret_val == 0);                                      
  104d68:   0f b6 45 c0             movzbl -0x40(%ebp),%eax                               
         i++) {                                                                           
  104d6c:   43                      inc    %ebx                                           
    for (i = 0;                                                                           
  104d6d:   39 c3                   cmp    %eax,%ebx                                      
  104d6f:   7c 9f                   jl     104d10 <msdos_format+0x710>                    
  if (ret_val == 0 && rqdata != NULL && rqdata->sync_device) {                            
  104d71:   80 bd 1c ff ff ff 00    cmpb   $0x0,-0xe4(%ebp)                               
  104d78:   0f 84 32 0c 00 00       je     1059b0 <msdos_format+0x13b0>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
  104d7e:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  104d81:   80 78 17 00             cmpb   $0x0,0x17(%eax)                                
  104d85:   0f 84 65 f9 ff ff       je     1046f0 <msdos_format+0xf0>                     
  return ioctl(fd, RTEMS_BLKIO_GETDISKDEV, dd_ptr);                                       
static inline int rtems_disk_fd_sync(int fd)                                              
  return ioctl(fd, RTEMS_BLKIO_SYNCDEV);                                                  
  104d8b:   8b 85 fc fe ff ff       mov    -0x104(%ebp),%eax                              
  104d91:   bb 06 42 00 20          mov    $0x20004206,%ebx                               
  104d96:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104d9a:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  104d9d:   e8 ae 8d 00 00          call   10db50 <ioctl>                                 
  104da2:   89 85 00 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x100(%ebp)                              
  104da8:   e9 43 f9 ff ff          jmp    1046f0 <msdos_format+0xf0>                     
  return ioctl(fd, RTEMS_BLKIO_GETSIZE, block_count);                                     
  104dad:   8d 45 94                lea    -0x6c(%ebp),%eax                               
  104db0:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  104db4:   b8 05 42 04 40          mov    $0x40044205,%eax                               
  104db9:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104dbd:   8b 85 fc fe ff ff       mov    -0x104(%ebp),%eax                              
  104dc3:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  104dc6:   e8 85 8d 00 00          call   10db50 <ioctl>                                 
  104dcb:   89 85 00 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x100(%ebp)                              
  if (ret_val == 0) {                                                                     
  104dd1:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104dd3:   0f 85 b7 f9 ff ff       jne    104790 <msdos_format+0x190>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
    total_size = (uint64_t)fmt_params->bytes_per_sector * fmt_params->totl_sector_cnt;    
  104dd9:   8b 4d 90                mov    -0x70(%ebp),%ecx                               
  104ddc:   8b 5d 94                mov    -0x6c(%ebp),%ebx                               
    msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                             
  104ddf:   89 4c 24 0c             mov    %ecx,0xc(%esp)                                 
    total_size = (uint64_t)fmt_params->bytes_per_sector * fmt_params->totl_sector_cnt;    
  104de3:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax                                      
    msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                             
  104de5:   89 5c 24 10             mov    %ebx,0x10(%esp)                                
    total_size = (uint64_t)fmt_params->bytes_per_sector * fmt_params->totl_sector_cnt;    
  104de9:   f7 e3                   mul    %ebx                                           
    msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                             
  104deb:   bb fc 2d 13 00          mov    $0x132dfc,%ebx                                 
  104df0:   89 5c 24 08             mov    %ebx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  104df4:   89 44 24 14             mov    %eax,0x14(%esp)                                
    total_size = (uint64_t)fmt_params->bytes_per_sector * fmt_params->totl_sector_cnt;    
  104df8:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
    msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                             
  104dfa:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      
  104dff:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104e03:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
    total_size = (uint64_t)fmt_params->bytes_per_sector * fmt_params->totl_sector_cnt;    
  104e06:   89 d7                   mov    %edx,%edi                                      
    msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                             
  104e08:   89 54 24 18             mov    %edx,0x18(%esp)                                
  104e0c:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  104e0f:   e8 0c f5 ff ff          call   104320 <msdos_format_printf>                   
    if ((rqdata == NULL) || (rqdata->fat_num == 0)) {                                     
  104e14:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  104e17:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104e19:   0f 84 ce 08 00 00       je     1056ed <msdos_format+0x10ed>                   
  104e1f:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  104e22:   8b 40 0c                mov    0xc(%eax),%eax                                 
  104e25:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104e27:   0f 84 8b 04 00 00       je     1052b8 <msdos_format+0xcb8>                    
    else if (rqdata->fat_num <= 6) {                                                      
  104e2d:   83 f8 06                cmp    $0x6,%eax                                      
  104e30:   0f 87 df 0a 00 00       ja     105915 <msdos_format+0x1315>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
      fmt_params->fat_num = rqdata->fat_num;                                              
  104e36:   88 45 c0                mov    %al,-0x40(%ebp)                                
    msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                             
  104e39:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  104e3d:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      
  104e42:   bb 7a 2d 13 00          mov    $0x132d7a,%ebx                                 
  104e47:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104e4b:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  104e4e:   89 5c 24 08             mov    %ebx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  104e52:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  104e55:   e8 c6 f4 ff ff          call   104320 <msdos_format_printf>                   
    if (rqdata != NULL && rqdata->sectors_per_cluster != 0) {                             
  104e5a:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  104e5d:   8b 40 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%eax                                 
  104e60:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104e62:   0f 84 b0 08 00 00       je     105718 <msdos_format+0x1118>                   
    if (fmt_params->totl_sector_cnt < FAT_FAT12_MAX_CLN * fat12_sect_per_clust) {         
  104e68:   69 c8 f5 0f 00 00       imul   $0xff5,%eax,%ecx                               
  104e6e:   8b 55 94                mov    -0x6c(%ebp),%edx                               
  104e71:   39 d1                   cmp    %edx,%ecx                                      
  104e73:   0f 86 e3 08 00 00       jbe    10575c <msdos_format+0x115c>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
      fmt_params->fattype = FAT_FAT12;                                                    
  104e79:   c6 45 c2 01             movb   $0x1,-0x3e(%ebp)                               
      fmt_params->sectors_per_cluster = 2;                                                
  104e7d:   c7 45 9c 02 00 00 00    movl   $0x2,-0x64(%ebp)                               
    ret_val = msdos_set_sectors_per_cluster_from_request( rqdata, fmt_params );           
  104e84:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  104e87:   8d 55 90                lea    -0x70(%ebp),%edx                               
  104e8a:   e8 f1 f4 ff ff          call   104380 <msdos_set_sectors_per_cluster_from_request>
  104e8f:   89 85 00 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x100(%ebp)                              
    if (ret_val == 0) {                                                                   
  104e95:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104e97:   0f 85 f3 f8 ff ff       jne    104790 <msdos_format+0x190>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
          && fmt_params->totl_sector_cnt > 0 ) {                                          
  104e9d:   c6 85 07 ff ff ff ff    movb   $0xff,-0xf9(%ebp)                              
  104ea4:   8b 45 94                mov    -0x6c(%ebp),%eax                               
    uint32_t gigs = ( total_size + ONE_GB ) / ONE_GB;                                     
  104ea7:   81 c6 00 00 00 40       add    $0x40000000,%esi                               
          && fmt_params->totl_sector_cnt > 0 ) {                                          
  104ead:   c6 85 06 ff ff ff 00    movb   $0x0,-0xfa(%ebp)                               
    uint32_t gigs = ( total_size + ONE_GB ) / ONE_GB;                                     
  104eb4:   83 d7 00                adc    $0x0,%edi                                      
  104eb7:   0f ac fe 1e             shrd   $0x1e,%edi,%esi                                
  104ebb:   89 b5 f8 fe ff ff       mov    %esi,-0x108(%ebp)                              
          && fmt_params->totl_sector_cnt > 0 ) {                                          
  104ec1:   89 85 14 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xec(%ebp)                               
  104ec7:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  104ece:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
          && fmt_params->fattype != fat_type                                              
  104ed0:   0f b6 85 07 ff ff ff    movzbl -0xf9(%ebp),%eax                               
  104ed7:   38 45 c2                cmp    %al,-0x3e(%ebp)                                
  104eda:   0f 84 a4 08 00 00       je     105784 <msdos_format+0x1184>                   
          && fmt_params->totl_sector_cnt > 0 ) {                                          
  104ee0:   8b 85 14 ff ff ff       mov    -0xec(%ebp),%eax                               
  104ee6:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  104ee8:   0f 84 ad f8 ff ff       je     10479b <msdos_format+0x19b>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
      if (ret_val == 0 && rqdata != NULL)                                                 
  104eee:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 
        msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                         
  104ef1:   8b 45 9c                mov    -0x64(%ebp),%eax                               
      if (ret_val == 0 && rqdata != NULL)                                                 
  104ef4:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  104ef6:   0f 84 64 05 00 00       je     105460 <msdos_format+0xe60>                    
        fmt_params->skip_alignment = rqdata->skip_alignment;                              
  104efc:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  104eff:   0f b6 5b 16             movzbl 0x16(%ebx),%ebx                                
        msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                         
  104f03:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  104f07:   b8 8e 2d 13 00          mov    $0x132d8e,%eax                                 
  104f0c:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  104f10:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      
  104f15:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  104f19:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
        fmt_params->skip_alignment = rqdata->skip_alignment;                              
  104f1c:   88 9d 24 ff ff ff       mov    %bl,-0xdc(%ebp)                                
  104f22:   88 5d e0                mov    %bl,-0x20(%ebp)                                
        msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                         
  104f25:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  104f28:   e8 f3 f3 ff ff          call   104320 <msdos_format_printf>                   
        if (fmt_params->fattype == FAT_FAT32) {                                           
  104f2d:   0f b6 45 c2             movzbl -0x3e(%ebp),%eax                               
  104f31:   88 85 07 ff ff ff       mov    %al,-0xf9(%ebp)                                
  104f37:   3c 04                   cmp    $0x4,%al                                       
  104f39:   0f 84 51 05 00 00       je     105490 <msdos_format+0xe90>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
          fmt_params->rsvd_sector_cnt = 1;                                                
  104f3f:   c7 45 98 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,-0x68(%ebp)                               
              (rqdata->files_per_root_dir > 0)) {                                         
  104f46:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  104f49:   8b 48 10                mov    0x10(%eax),%ecx                                
          if ((rqdata != NULL) &&                                                         
  104f4c:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  104f4e:   0f 84 93 05 00 00       je     1054e7 <msdos_format+0xee7>                    
        ret_val = msdos_format_eval_sectors_per_cluster(fmt_params->fattype,              
  104f54:   0f b6 9d 07 ff ff ff    movzbl -0xf9(%ebp),%ebx                               
            fmt_params->files_per_root_dir = rqdata->files_per_root_dir;                  
  104f5b:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  104f60:   49                      dec    %ecx                                           
  104f61:   89 85 10 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xf0(%ebp)                               
  104f67:   8b 45 90                mov    -0x70(%ebp),%eax                               
          fmt_params->files_per_root_dir -= (fmt_params->files_per_root_dir %             
  104f6a:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  104f6c:   89 85 20 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xe0(%ebp)                               
  104f72:   01 c0                   add    %eax,%eax                                      
  104f74:   c1 e8 05                shr    $0x5,%eax                                      
          fmt_params->files_per_root_dir = (fmt_params->files_per_root_dir +              
  104f77:   01 c1                   add    %eax,%ecx                                      
  104f79:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
          fmt_params->files_per_root_dir -= (fmt_params->files_per_root_dir %             
  104f7b:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax                                      
  104f7d:   f7 f6                   div    %esi                                           
  104f7f:   29 d1                   sub    %edx,%ecx                                      
  104f81:   89 4d a8                mov    %ecx,-0x58(%ebp)                               
          (((fmt_params->files_per_root_dir * FAT_DIRENTRY_SIZE)                          
  104f84:   c1 e1 05                shl    $0x5,%ecx                                      
        fmt_params->root_dir_sectors =                                                    
  104f87:   8b bd 20 ff ff ff       mov    -0xe0(%ebp),%edi                               
           / fmt_params->bytes_per_sector);                                               
  104f8d:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
        ret_val = msdos_format_eval_sectors_per_cluster(fmt_params->fattype,              
  104f8f:   8b 75 9c                mov    -0x64(%ebp),%esi                               
  104f92:   8d 47 ff                lea    -0x1(%edi),%eax                                
  104f95:   89 85 18 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xe8(%ebp)                               
            + fmt_params->bytes_per_sector - 1)                                           
  104f9b:   8d 44 0f ff             lea    -0x1(%edi,%ecx,1),%eax                         
  104f9f:   0f b6 4d c0             movzbl -0x40(%ebp),%ecx                               
           / fmt_params->bytes_per_sector);                                               
  104fa3:   f7 f7                   div    %edi                                           
  while (MS_BYTES_PER_CLUSTER_LIMIT / bytes_per_sector < sectors_per_cluster) {           
  104fa5:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
           / fmt_params->bytes_per_sector);                                               
  104fa7:   89 85 0c ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xf4(%ebp)                               
        fmt_params->root_dir_sectors =                                                    
  104fad:   89 45 ac                mov    %eax,-0x54(%ebp)                               
  104fb0:   0f b6 45 e0             movzbl -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               
  104fb4:   88 85 24 ff ff ff       mov    %al,-0xdc(%ebp)                                
        ret_val = msdos_format_eval_sectors_per_cluster(fmt_params->fattype,              
  104fba:   8b 45 94                mov    -0x6c(%ebp),%eax                               
  104fbd:   89 85 14 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xec(%ebp)                               
  while (MS_BYTES_PER_CLUSTER_LIMIT / bytes_per_sector < sectors_per_cluster) {           
  104fc3:   b8 00 00 01 00          mov    $0x10000,%eax                                  
  104fc8:   f7 f7                   div    %edi                                           
  104fca:   39 c6                   cmp    %eax,%esi                                      
  104fcc:   76 08                   jbe    104fd6 <msdos_format+0x9d6>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  104fce:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
    sectors_per_cluster /= 2;                                                             
  104fd0:   d1 ee                   shr    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  while (MS_BYTES_PER_CLUSTER_LIMIT / bytes_per_sector < sectors_per_cluster) {           
  104fd2:   39 c6                   cmp    %eax,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  104fd4:   77 fa                   ja     104fd0 <msdos_format+0x9d0>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    fat_sectors_cnt = loc_align_object (sectors_per_fat * fat_num,                        
  104fd6:   0f b6 c1                movzbl %cl,%eax                                       
    fatdata_sect_cnt = total_sector_cnt                                                   
  104fd9:   8b bd 10 ff ff ff       mov    -0xf0(%ebp),%edi                               
    fat_sectors_cnt = loc_align_object (sectors_per_fat * fat_num,                        
  104fdf:   89 85 1c ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xe4(%ebp)                               
    fatdata_sect_cnt = total_sector_cnt                                                   
  104fe5:   8b 85 14 ff ff ff       mov    -0xec(%ebp),%eax                               
  104feb:   29 f8                   sub    %edi,%eax                                      
  104fed:   89 85 08 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xf8(%ebp)                               
  104ff3:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  104ffa:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  if (! skip_alignment)                                                                   
  105000:   80 bd 24 ff ff ff 00    cmpb   $0x0,-0xdc(%ebp)                               
  105007:   0f 85 c3 02 00 00       jne    1052d0 <msdos_format+0xcd0>                    
    return (sectors + clustersize - 1) & ~(clustersize - 1);                              
  10500d:   8b 85 10 ff ff ff       mov    -0xf0(%ebp),%eax                               
  105013:   89 f1                   mov    %esi,%ecx                                      
  105015:   f7 d9                   neg    %ecx                                           
  105017:   8d 54 06 ff             lea    -0x1(%esi,%eax,1),%edx                         
    fatdata_sect_cnt = total_sector_cnt                                                   
  10501b:   8b 85 14 ff ff ff       mov    -0xec(%ebp),%eax                               
    return (sectors + clustersize - 1) & ~(clustersize - 1);                              
  105021:   21 ca                   and    %ecx,%edx                                      
    fatdata_sect_cnt = total_sector_cnt                                                   
  105023:   29 d0                   sub    %edx,%eax                                      
    if (fattype == FAT_FAT12) {                                                           
  105025:   83 fb 01                cmp    $0x1,%ebx                                      
  105028:   0f 84 02 04 00 00       je     105430 <msdos_format+0xe30>                    
    else if (fattype == FAT_FAT16) {                                                      
  10502e:   83 fb 02                cmp    $0x2,%ebx                                      
  105031:   0f 84 09 04 00 00       je     105440 <msdos_format+0xe40>                    
      fatdata_cluster_cnt = fatdata_sect_cnt/sectors_per_cluster;                         
  105037:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  105039:   f7 f6                   div    %esi                                           
  10503b:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      
      fat_capacity        = fatdata_cluster_cnt * 4;                                      
  10503d:   8d 04 85 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(,%eax,4),%eax                              
                        + (bytes_per_sector - 1))                                         
  105044:   8b 95 18 ff ff ff       mov    -0xe8(%ebp),%edx                               
    fat_sectors_cnt = loc_align_object (sectors_per_fat * fat_num,                        
  10504a:   8b 8d 1c ff ff ff       mov    -0xe4(%ebp),%ecx                               
                        + (bytes_per_sector - 1))                                         
  105050:   01 d0                   add    %edx,%eax                                      
    sectors_per_fat = ((fat_capacity                                                      
  105052:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  105054:   f7 b5 20 ff ff ff       divl   -0xe0(%ebp)                                    
  10505a:   8d 56 ff                lea    -0x1(%esi),%edx                                
    fat_sectors_cnt = loc_align_object (sectors_per_fat * fat_num,                        
  10505d:   0f af c1                imul   %ecx,%eax                                      
  if (! skip_alignment)                                                                   
  105060:   80 bd 24 ff ff ff 00    cmpb   $0x0,-0xdc(%ebp)                               
    fat_sectors_cnt = loc_align_object (sectors_per_fat * fat_num,                        
  105067:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
    return (sectors + clustersize - 1) & ~(clustersize - 1);                              
  105069:   8d 44 06 ff             lea    -0x1(%esi,%eax,1),%eax                         
  if (! skip_alignment)                                                                   
  10506d:   75 09                   jne    105078 <msdos_format+0xa78>                    
    return (sectors + clustersize - 1) & ~(clustersize - 1);                              
  10506f:   89 f1                   mov    %esi,%ecx                                      
  105071:   f7 d9                   neg    %ecx                                           
  105073:   21 c1                   and    %eax,%ecx                                      
                          + (sectors_per_cluster - 1))                                    
  105075:   8d 04 11                lea    (%ecx,%edx,1),%eax                             
                         / sectors_per_cluster));                                         
  105078:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  10507a:   f7 f6                   div    %esi                                           
    *data_cluster_cnt = (fatdata_cluster_cnt -                                            
  10507c:   29 c7                   sub    %eax,%edi                                      
    if (((fattype == FAT_FAT12) && (*data_cluster_cnt > FAT_FAT12_MAX_CLN)) ||            
  10507e:   83 fb 01                cmp    $0x1,%ebx                                      
  105081:   0f 84 79 02 00 00       je     105300 <msdos_format+0xd00>                    
  105087:   83 fb 02                cmp    $0x2,%ebx                                      
  10508a:   0f 85 78 02 00 00       jne    105308 <msdos_format+0xd08>                    
        ((fattype == FAT_FAT16) && (*data_cluster_cnt > FAT_FAT16_MAX_CLN))) {            
  105090:   81 ff f5 ff 00 00       cmp    $0xfff5,%edi                                   
  105096:   0f 86 d4 02 00 00       jbe    105370 <msdos_format+0xd70>                    
    } else if ((sectors_per_cluster * bytes_per_sector)                                   
  10509c:   8b 85 20 ff ff ff       mov    -0xe0(%ebp),%eax                               
      sectors_per_cluster *= 2;                                                           
  1050a2:   01 f6                   add    %esi,%esi                                      
    } else if ((sectors_per_cluster * bytes_per_sector)                                   
  1050a4:   0f af c6                imul   %esi,%eax                                      
  1050a7:   3d 00 00 01 00          cmp    $0x10000,%eax                                  
  1050ac:   0f 86 4e ff ff ff       jbe    105000 <msdos_format+0xa00>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
        fmt_params->sectors_per_cluster = sectors_per_cluster_adj;                        
  1050b2:   89 75 9c                mov    %esi,-0x64(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  *sectors_per_fat_ptr     = fat_sectors_cnt / fat_num;                                   
  1050b5:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1050b7:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1050b9:   f7 b5 1c ff ff ff       divl   -0xe4(%ebp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  uint32_t ms_sectors_per_cluster_limit_FAT16 =                                           
  1050bf:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  *sectors_per_fat_ptr     = fat_sectors_cnt / fat_num;                                   
  1050c1:   89 45 a0                mov    %eax,-0x60(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  uint32_t ms_sectors_per_cluster_limit_FAT16 =                                           
  1050c4:   b8 01 80 00 00          mov    $0x8001,%eax                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  1050c9:   f7 b5 20 ff ff ff       divl   -0xe0(%ebp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1050cf:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  if (   number_of_clusters < FAT_FAT12_MAX_CLN                                           
  1050d1:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  1050d8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  1050df:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  else if (   number_of_clusters < FAT_FAT16_MAX_CLN                                      
  1050e0:   81 ff f4 ff 00 00       cmp    $0xfff4,%edi                                   
  1050e6:   0f 87 23 05 00 00       ja     10560f <msdos_format+0x100f>                   
  1050ec:   39 ce                   cmp    %ecx,%esi                                      
    fattype = FAT_FAT16;                                                                  
  1050ee:   b0 02                   mov    $0x2,%al                                       
  else if (   number_of_clusters < FAT_FAT16_MAX_CLN                                      
  1050f0:   0f 87 19 05 00 00       ja     10560f <msdos_format+0x100f>                   
          if (fat_type != fmt_params->fattype) {                                          
  1050f6:   3a 85 07 ff ff ff       cmp    -0xf9(%ebp),%al                                
          fmt_params->fattype = msdos_get_fat_type(                                       
  1050fc:   88 45 c2                mov    %al,-0x3e(%ebp)                                
          if (fat_type != fmt_params->fattype) {                                          
  1050ff:   0f 85 ad 02 00 00       jne    1053b2 <msdos_format+0xdb2>                    
  105105:   fe 85 06 ff ff ff       incb   -0xfa(%ebp)                                    
  10510b:   e9 c0 fd ff ff          jmp    104ed0 <msdos_format+0x8d0>                    
    fmt_params->root_dir_fmt_sec_cnt = fmt_params->sectors_per_cluster;                   
  105110:   8b 45 9c                mov    -0x64(%ebp),%eax                               
  105113:   89 45 b4                mov    %eax,-0x4c(%ebp)                               
  105116:   e9 b6 f6 ff ff          jmp    1047d1 <msdos_format+0x1d1>                    
  10511b:   8b 75 98                mov    -0x68(%ebp),%esi                               
  10511e:   e9 91 f6 ff ff          jmp    1047b4 <msdos_format+0x1b4>                    
  105123:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10512a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
      (rqdata != NULL) &&                                                                 
  105130:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  105133:   80 78 15 00             cmpb   $0x0,0x15(%eax)                                
  105137:   75 36                   jne    10516f <msdos_format+0xb6f>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    ret_val = msdos_format_fill_sectors                                                   
  105139:   b8 e5 ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffe5,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10513e:   8b 8d fc fe ff ff       mov    -0x104(%ebp),%ecx                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  105144:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105148:   8b 45 94                mov    -0x6c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10514b:   c7 04 24 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105152:   8b 55 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105155:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105159:   8d 45 90                lea    -0x70(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10515c:   e8 9f f2 ff ff          call   104400 <msdos_format_fill_sectors>             <== NOT EXECUTED
  105161:   89 85 00 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x100(%ebp)                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  if (ret_val == 0) {                                                                     
  105167:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105169:   0f 85 81 f5 ff ff       jne    1046f0 <msdos_format+0xf0>                     <== NOT EXECUTED
        *to++=' ';                                                                        
  10516f:   c6 85 1c ff ff ff 01    movb   $0x1,-0xe4(%ebp)                               
  105176:   e9 68 f7 ff ff          jmp    1048e3 <msdos_format+0x2e3>                    
  10517b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10517f:   90                      nop                                                   
      ret_val = msdos_format_gen_fsinfo(fmt_params.sec);                                  
  105180:   8b 75 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%esi                               
  105183:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      
  105185:   bf 00 02 00 00          mov    $0x200,%edi                                    
  10518a:   f7 c6 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%esi                                      
  105190:   89 f2                   mov    %esi,%edx                                      
  105192:   0f 85 af 06 00 00       jne    105847 <msdos_format+0x1247>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
  105198:   f6 c2 02                test   $0x2,%dl                                       
  10519b:   0f 85 96 06 00 00       jne    105837 <msdos_format+0x1237>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
  1051a1:   89 fb                   mov    %edi,%ebx                                      
  1051a3:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1051a5:   83 e3 f8                and    $0xfffffff8,%ebx                               
  1051a8:   89 0c 02                mov    %ecx,(%edx,%eax,1)                             
  1051ab:   89 4c 02 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%edx,%eax,1)                          
  1051af:   83 c0 08                add    $0x8,%eax                                      
  1051b2:   39 d8                   cmp    %ebx,%eax                                      
  1051b4:   72 f2                   jb     1051a8 <msdos_format+0xba8>                    
  1051b6:   01 c2                   add    %eax,%edx                                      
  1051b8:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      
  1051be:   74 09                   je     1051c9 <msdos_format+0xbc9>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  1051c0:   c7 02 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1051c6:   83 c2 04                add    $0x4,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1051c9:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      
  1051cf:   74 08                   je     1051d9 <msdos_format+0xbd9>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  1051d1:   66 c7 02 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1051d6:   83 c2 02                add    $0x2,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1051d9:   83 e7 01                and    $0x1,%edi                                      
  1051dc:   74 03                   je     1051e1 <msdos_format+0xbe1>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  1051de:   c6 02 00                movb   $0x0,(%edx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1051e1:   c7 06 52 52 61 41       movl   $0x41615252,(%esi)                             
  FAT_SET_FSINFO_NEXT_FREE_CLUSTER (fsinfo+FAT_FSI_INFO, 0xffffffff);                     
  1051e7:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  1051ec:   b9 55 aa ff ff          mov    $0xffffaa55,%ecx                               
  FAT_SET_FSINFO_NEXT_FREE_CLUSTER (fsinfo+FAT_FSI_INFO, 0xffffffff);                     
  1051f1:   89 86 ec 01 00 00       mov    %eax,0x1ec(%esi)                               
      (fmt_params.fsinfo_sec != 0)) {                                                     
  1051f7:   8b 45 bc                mov    -0x44(%ebp),%eax                               
  1051fa:   bb 72 72 41 61          mov    $0x61417272,%ebx                               
  1051ff:   66 89 8e fe 01 00 00    mov    %cx,0x1fe(%esi)                                
  FAT_SET_FSINFO_FREE_CLUSTER_COUNT(fsinfo+FAT_FSI_INFO, 0xffffffff);                     
  105206:   bf ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%edi                               
  10520b:   89 9e e4 01 00 00       mov    %ebx,0x1e4(%esi)                               
  FAT_SET_FSINFO_FREE_CLUSTER_COUNT(fsinfo+FAT_FSI_INFO, 0xffffffff);                     
  105211:   89 be e8 01 00 00       mov    %edi,0x1e8(%esi)                               
  if ((ret_val == 0) &&                                                                   
  105217:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105219:   0f 84 ab f9 ff ff       je     104bca <msdos_format+0x5ca>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
    ret_val = msdos_format_write_sec(fd,                                                  
  10521f:   8b 75 90                mov    -0x70(%ebp),%esi                               
  if (0 > lseek(fd,((off_t)start_sector)*sector_size,SEEK_SET)) {                         
  105222:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  105224:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  105228:   8b bd fc fe ff ff       mov    -0x104(%ebp),%edi                              
  10522e:   8b 5d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%ebx                               
  if (0 > lseek(fd,((off_t)start_sector)*sector_size,SEEK_SET)) {                         
  105231:   f7 e6                   mul    %esi                                           
  105233:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  105236:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10523a:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10523e:   e8 cd 89 00 00          call   10dc10 <lseek>                                 
  105243:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  105245:   78 19                   js     105260 <msdos_format+0xc60>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
    if (0 > write(fd,buffer,sector_size)) {                                               
  105247:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  10524b:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10524f:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  105252:   e8 29 ed ff ff          call   103f80 <write>                                 
  105257:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105259:   0f 89 6b f9 ff ff       jns    104bca <msdos_format+0x5ca>                    
  10525f:   90                      nop                                                   
      ret_val = -1;                                                                       
  105260:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105265:   89 85 00 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x100(%ebp)                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  10526b:   e9 80 f4 ff ff          jmp    1046f0 <msdos_format+0xf0>                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  FAT_SET_BR_TOTAL_SECTORS_NUM16(mbr , total_sectors_num16);                              
  105270:   88 85 18 ff ff ff       mov    %al,-0xe8(%ebp)                                
  105276:   0f b6 c4                movzbl %ah,%eax                                       
  105279:   89 85 20 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xe0(%ebp)                               
  10527f:   c6 85 24 ff ff ff 00    movb   $0x0,-0xdc(%ebp)                               
  105286:   c6 85 14 ff ff ff 00    movb   $0x0,-0xec(%ebp)                               
  10528d:   c6 85 10 ff ff ff 00    movb   $0x0,-0xf0(%ebp)                               
  105294:   c6 85 0c ff ff ff 00    movb   $0x0,-0xf4(%ebp)                               
  10529b:   e9 02 f7 ff ff          jmp    1049a2 <msdos_format+0x3a2>                    
  1052a0:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
      from = ""; /* default: make "from" point to empty string */                         
  1052a2:   b9 cd 2a 13 00          mov    $0x132acd,%ecx                                 
  1052a7:   e9 ae f5 ff ff          jmp    10485a <msdos_format+0x25a>                    
  1052ac:   b2 52                   mov    $0x52,%dl                                      
      from = "RTEMS"; /* default: make "from" point to OS Name */                         
  1052ae:   b9 48 2d 13 00          mov    $0x132d48,%ecx                                 
  1052b3:   e9 42 f5 ff ff          jmp    1047fa <msdos_format+0x1fa>                    
      fmt_params->fat_num = 2;                                                            
  1052b8:   c6 45 c0 02             movb   $0x2,-0x40(%ebp)                               
    msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                             
  1052bc:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      
  1052c1:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  1052c5:   e9 73 fb ff ff          jmp    104e3d <msdos_format+0x83d>                    
  1052ca:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    if (fattype == FAT_FAT12) {                                                           
  1052d0:   83 fb 01                cmp    $0x1,%ebx                                      
    fatdata_sect_cnt = total_sector_cnt                                                   
  1052d3:   8b 85 08 ff ff ff       mov    -0xf8(%ebp),%eax                               
    if (fattype == FAT_FAT12) {                                                           
  1052d9:   0f 84 31 01 00 00       je     105410 <msdos_format+0xe10>                    
    else if (fattype == FAT_FAT16) {                                                      
  1052df:   83 fb 02                cmp    $0x2,%ebx                                      
  1052e2:   0f 85 4f fd ff ff       jne    105037 <msdos_format+0xa37>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
    return sectors;                                                                       
  1052e8:   8b 95 0c ff ff ff       mov    -0xf4(%ebp),%edx                               
      fatdata_sect_cnt    = fatdata_sect_cnt                                              
  1052ee:   29 d0                   sub    %edx,%eax                                      
      fatdata_cluster_cnt = fatdata_sect_cnt/sectors_per_cluster;                         
  1052f0:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  1052f2:   f7 f6                   div    %esi                                           
  1052f4:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      
      fat_capacity        = fatdata_cluster_cnt * 2;                                      
  1052f6:   01 c0                   add    %eax,%eax                                      
  1052f8:   e9 47 fd ff ff          jmp    105044 <msdos_format+0xa44>                    
  1052fd:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    if (((fattype == FAT_FAT12) && (*data_cluster_cnt > FAT_FAT12_MAX_CLN)) ||            
  105300:   81 ff f5 0f 00 00       cmp    $0xff5,%edi                                    
  105306:   77 48                   ja     105350 <msdos_format+0xd50>                    
  *sectors_per_fat_ptr     = fat_sectors_cnt / fat_num;                                   
  105308:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax                                      
  10530a:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  uint32_t ms_sectors_per_cluster_limit_FAT16 =                                           
  10530c:   8b 9d 20 ff ff ff       mov    -0xe0(%ebp),%ebx                               
  *sectors_per_fat_ptr     = fat_sectors_cnt / fat_num;                                   
  105312:   f7 b5 1c ff ff ff       divl   -0xe4(%ebp)                                    
  uint32_t ms_sectors_per_cluster_limit_FAT16 =                                           
  105318:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
        fmt_params->sectors_per_cluster = sectors_per_cluster_adj;                        
  10531a:   89 75 9c                mov    %esi,-0x64(%ebp)                               
  *sectors_per_fat_ptr     = fat_sectors_cnt / fat_num;                                   
  10531d:   89 45 a0                mov    %eax,-0x60(%ebp)                               
  uint32_t ms_sectors_per_cluster_limit_FAT16 =                                           
  105320:   b8 01 80 00 00          mov    $0x8001,%eax                                   
  105325:   f7 f3                   div    %ebx                                           
  uint32_t ms_sectors_per_cluster_limit_FAT12 =                                           
  105327:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  uint32_t ms_sectors_per_cluster_limit_FAT16 =                                           
  105329:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
  uint32_t ms_sectors_per_cluster_limit_FAT12 =                                           
  10532b:   b8 01 10 00 00          mov    $0x1001,%eax                                   
  105330:   f7 f3                   div    %ebx                                           
  if (   number_of_clusters < FAT_FAT12_MAX_CLN                                           
  105332:   39 c6                   cmp    %eax,%esi                                      
  105334:   0f 87 a6 fd ff ff       ja     1050e0 <msdos_format+0xae0>                    
  10533a:   81 ff f4 0f 00 00       cmp    $0xff4,%edi                                    
    fattype = FAT_FAT12;                                                                  
  105340:   b0 01                   mov    $0x1,%al                                       
  if (   number_of_clusters < FAT_FAT12_MAX_CLN                                           
  105342:   0f 86 ae fd ff ff       jbe    1050f6 <msdos_format+0xaf6>                    
  105348:   e9 93 fd ff ff          jmp    1050e0 <msdos_format+0xae0>                    
  10534d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
      if (MS_BYTES_PER_CLUSTER_LIMIT_FAT12 < (sectors_per_cluster * bytes_per_sector)) {  
  105350:   8b 85 20 ff ff ff       mov    -0xe0(%ebp),%eax                               
      sectors_per_cluster *= 2;                                                           
  105356:   01 f6                   add    %esi,%esi                                      
      if (MS_BYTES_PER_CLUSTER_LIMIT_FAT12 < (sectors_per_cluster * bytes_per_sector)) {  
  105358:   0f af c6                imul   %esi,%eax                                      
  10535b:   3d 00 10 00 00          cmp    $0x1000,%eax                                   
  105360:   0f 86 9a fc ff ff       jbe    105000 <msdos_format+0xa00>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  105366:   e9 47 fd ff ff          jmp    1050b2 <msdos_format+0xab2>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10536b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10536f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  *sectors_per_fat_ptr     = fat_sectors_cnt / fat_num;                                   
  105370:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax                                      
  105372:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  uint32_t ms_sectors_per_cluster_limit_FAT16 =                                           
  105374:   8b 9d 20 ff ff ff       mov    -0xe0(%ebp),%ebx                               
  *sectors_per_fat_ptr     = fat_sectors_cnt / fat_num;                                   
  10537a:   f7 b5 1c ff ff ff       divl   -0xe4(%ebp)                                    
  uint32_t ms_sectors_per_cluster_limit_FAT16 =                                           
  105380:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
        fmt_params->sectors_per_cluster = sectors_per_cluster_adj;                        
  105382:   89 75 9c                mov    %esi,-0x64(%ebp)                               
  *sectors_per_fat_ptr     = fat_sectors_cnt / fat_num;                                   
  105385:   89 45 a0                mov    %eax,-0x60(%ebp)                               
  uint32_t ms_sectors_per_cluster_limit_FAT16 =                                           
  105388:   b8 01 80 00 00          mov    $0x8001,%eax                                   
  10538d:   f7 f3                   div    %ebx                                           
  uint32_t ms_sectors_per_cluster_limit_FAT12 =                                           
  10538f:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  uint32_t ms_sectors_per_cluster_limit_FAT16 =                                           
  105391:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx                                      
  uint32_t ms_sectors_per_cluster_limit_FAT12 =                                           
  105393:   b8 01 10 00 00          mov    $0x1001,%eax                                   
  105398:   f7 f3                   div    %ebx                                           
  if (   number_of_clusters < FAT_FAT12_MAX_CLN                                           
  10539a:   39 f0                   cmp    %esi,%eax                                      
  10539c:   0f 82 3e fd ff ff       jb     1050e0 <msdos_format+0xae0>                    
  1053a2:   81 ff f4 0f 00 00       cmp    $0xff4,%edi                                    
  1053a8:   0f 87 32 fd ff ff       ja     1050e0 <msdos_format+0xae0>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
          fmt_params->fattype = msdos_get_fat_type(                                       
  1053ae:   c6 45 c2 01             movb   $0x1,-0x3e(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    fmt_params->sectors_per_cluster = 2;                                                  
  1053b2:   c7 45 9c 02 00 00 00    movl   $0x2,-0x64(%ebp)                               
            ret_val = msdos_set_sectors_per_cluster_from_request( rqdata,                 
  1053b9:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1053bc:   8d 55 90                lea    -0x70(%ebp),%edx                               
  1053bf:   e8 bc ef ff ff          call   104380 <msdos_set_sectors_per_cluster_from_request>
        if (fat_type != fmt_params->fattype && 1 < iteration_cnt) {                       
  1053c4:   0f b6 9d 07 ff ff ff    movzbl -0xf9(%ebp),%ebx                               
  1053cb:   38 5d c2                cmp    %bl,-0x3e(%ebp)                                
  1053ce:   8b 5d 94                mov    -0x6c(%ebp),%ebx                               
        if (fat_type != fmt_params->fattype && 1 < iteration_cnt) {                       
  1053d1:   0f 84 39 01 00 00       je     105510 <msdos_format+0xf10>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  1053d7:   80 bd 06 ff ff ff 01    cmpb   $0x1,-0xfa(%ebp)                               
  1053de:   0f 86 2c 01 00 00       jbe    105510 <msdos_format+0xf10>                    
  1053e4:   4b                      dec    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1053e5:   89 9d 14 ff ff ff       mov    %ebx,-0xec(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1053eb:   89 5d 94                mov    %ebx,-0x6c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1053ee:   fe 85 06 ff ff ff       incb   -0xfa(%ebp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    while(   ret_val == 0                                                                 
  1053f4:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1053f6:   0f 84 d4 fa ff ff       je     104ed0 <msdos_format+0x8d0>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1053fc:   89 85 00 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x100(%ebp)                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  105402:   e9 89 f3 ff ff          jmp    104790 <msdos_format+0x190>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105407:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  10540e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    return sectors;                                                                       
  105410:   8b 95 0c ff ff ff       mov    -0xf4(%ebp),%edx                               
      fatdata_sect_cnt    = fatdata_sect_cnt                                              
  105416:   29 d0                   sub    %edx,%eax                                      
      fatdata_cluster_cnt = fatdata_sect_cnt/sectors_per_cluster;                         
  105418:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  10541a:   f7 f6                   div    %esi                                           
  10541c:   89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi                                      
      fat_capacity        = fatdata_cluster_cnt * 3 / 2;                                  
  10541e:   8d 04 40                lea    (%eax,%eax,2),%eax                             
  105421:   d1 e8                   shr    %eax                                           
  105423:   e9 1c fc ff ff          jmp    105044 <msdos_format+0xa44>                    
  105428:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10542f:   90                      nop                                                   
    return (sectors + clustersize - 1) & ~(clustersize - 1);                              
  105430:   8b bd 0c ff ff ff       mov    -0xf4(%ebp),%edi                               
  105436:   8d 54 3e ff             lea    -0x1(%esi,%edi,1),%edx                         
  10543a:   21 ca                   and    %ecx,%edx                                      
  10543c:   eb d8                   jmp    105416 <msdos_format+0xe16>                    
  10543e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  105440:   8b bd 0c ff ff ff       mov    -0xf4(%ebp),%edi                               
  105446:   8d 54 3e ff             lea    -0x1(%esi,%edi,1),%edx                         
  10544a:   21 ca                   and    %ecx,%edx                                      
  10544c:   e9 9d fe ff ff          jmp    1052ee <msdos_format+0xcee>                    
  105451:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105458:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10545f:   90                      nop                                                   
        msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                         
  105460:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  105464:   ba 8e 2d 13 00          mov    $0x132d8e,%edx                                 
  105469:   b9 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  10546e:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  105472:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105476:   c7 04 24 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,(%esp)                                    
  10547d:   e8 9e ee ff ff          call   104320 <msdos_format_printf>                   
        if (fmt_params->fattype == FAT_FAT32) {                                           
  105482:   0f b6 45 c2             movzbl -0x3e(%ebp),%eax                               
  105486:   88 85 07 ff ff ff       mov    %al,-0xf9(%ebp)                                
  10548c:   3c 04                   cmp    $0x4,%al                                       
  10548e:   75 50                   jne    1054e0 <msdos_format+0xee0>                    
            + fmt_params->bytes_per_sector - 1)                                           
  105490:   8b 45 90                mov    -0x70(%ebp),%eax                               
  105493:   bb 04 00 00 00          mov    $0x4,%ebx                                      
  105498:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      
          fmt_params->rsvd_sector_cnt = 32;                                               
  10549a:   c7 45 98 20 00 00 00    movl   $0x20,-0x68(%ebp)                              
          fmt_params->files_per_root_dir = 0;                                             
  1054a1:   c7 45 a8 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x58(%ebp)                               
          fmt_params->mbr_copy_sec = 6;                                                   
  1054a8:   c7 45 b8 06 00 00 00    movl   $0x6,-0x48(%ebp)                               
            + fmt_params->bytes_per_sector - 1)                                           
  1054af:   89 85 20 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xe0(%ebp)                               
  1054b5:   b8 20 00 00 00          mov    $0x20,%eax                                     
          fmt_params->fsinfo_sec = 1;                                                     
  1054ba:   c7 45 bc 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,-0x44(%ebp)                               
  1054c1:   89 85 10 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xf0(%ebp)                               
  1054c7:   c6 85 07 ff ff ff 04    movb   $0x4,-0xf9(%ebp)                               
  1054ce:   e9 b4 fa ff ff          jmp    104f87 <msdos_format+0x987>                    
  1054d3:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1054da:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
          fmt_params->rsvd_sector_cnt = 1;                                                
  1054e0:   c7 45 98 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,-0x68(%ebp)                               
        ret_val = msdos_format_eval_sectors_per_cluster(fmt_params->fattype,              
  1054e7:   8b 45 98                mov    -0x68(%ebp),%eax                               
            if (fmt_params->fattype == FAT_FAT16) {                                       
  1054ea:   80 bd 07 ff ff ff 02    cmpb   $0x2,-0xf9(%ebp)                               
        ret_val = msdos_format_eval_sectors_per_cluster(fmt_params->fattype,              
  1054f1:   89 85 10 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xf0(%ebp)                               
            if (fmt_params->fattype == FAT_FAT16) {                                       
  1054f7:   0f 84 03 01 00 00       je     105600 <msdos_format+0x1000>                   
        ret_val = msdos_format_eval_sectors_per_cluster(fmt_params->fattype,              
  1054fd:   0f b6 9d 07 ff ff ff    movzbl -0xf9(%ebp),%ebx                               
  105504:   b9 3f 00 00 00          mov    $0x3f,%ecx                                     
  105509:   e9 59 fa ff ff          jmp    104f67 <msdos_format+0x967>                    
  10550e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  if ( fmt_params->totl_sector_cnt == 0 )                                                 
  105510:   89 9d 14 ff ff ff       mov    %ebx,-0xec(%ebp)                               
  105516:   e9 d3 fe ff ff          jmp    1053ee <msdos_format+0xdee>                    
  10551b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  10551f:   90                      nop                                                   
  105520:   83 fa 08                cmp    $0x8,%edx                                      
  105523:   0f 83 fe 01 00 00       jae    105727 <msdos_format+0x1127>                   <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  105529:   f6 c2 04                test   $0x4,%dl                                       
  10552c:   74 09                   je     105537 <msdos_format+0xf37>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10552e:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105534:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105537:   f6 c2 02                test   $0x2,%dl                                       
  10553a:   74 08                   je     105544 <msdos_format+0xf44>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  10553c:   66 c7 07 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105541:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105544:   f6 c2 01                test   $0x1,%dl                                       
  105547:   74 03                   je     10554c <msdos_format+0xf4c>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  105549:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10554c:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10554f:   8b 55 cc                mov    -0x34(%ebp),%edx                               
  if (0 > lseek(fd,((off_t)start_sector)*sector_size,SEEK_SET)) {                         
  105552:   8b bd fc fe ff ff       mov    -0x104(%ebp),%edi                              
  105558:   89 10                   mov    %edx,(%eax)                                    
  10555a:   8b 55 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%edx                               
    ret_val = msdos_format_write_sec                                                      
  10555d:   8b 75 90                mov    -0x70(%ebp),%esi                               
  105560:   89 50 04                mov    %edx,0x4(%eax)                                 
  105563:   8b 55 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edx                               
  105566:   66 89 50 08             mov    %dx,0x8(%eax)                                  
  10556a:   0f b6 5d d6             movzbl -0x2a(%ebp),%ebx                               
  10556e:   88 58 0a                mov    %bl,0xa(%eax)                                  
    *MSDOS_DIR_ATTR(fmt_params.sec) = MSDOS_ATTR_VOLUME_ID;                               
  105571:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  105574:   c6 40 0b 08             movb   $0x8,0xb(%eax)                                 
  if (0 > lseek(fd,((off_t)start_sector)*sector_size,SEEK_SET)) {                         
  105578:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10557a:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  10557e:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      
  105580:   8b 5d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%ebx                               
  if (0 > lseek(fd,((off_t)start_sector)*sector_size,SEEK_SET)) {                         
  105583:   f7 65 b0                mull   -0x50(%ebp)                                    
  105586:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  105589:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10558d:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  105591:   e8 7a 86 00 00          call   10dc10 <lseek>                                 
  105596:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  105598:   0f 88 c2 fc ff ff       js     105260 <msdos_format+0xc60>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
    if (0 > write(fd,buffer,sector_size)) {                                               
  10559e:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1055a2:   89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1055a6:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  1055a9:   e8 d2 e9 ff ff          call   103f80 <write>                                 
  1055ae:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1055b0:   0f 88 aa fc ff ff       js     105260 <msdos_format+0xc60>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  1055b6:   8b 55 90                mov    -0x70(%ebp),%edx                               
  1055b9:   8b 7d e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%edi                               
  1055bc:   83 fa 08                cmp    $0x8,%edx                                      
  1055bf:   0f 82 89 f6 ff ff       jb     104c4e <msdos_format+0x64e>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
  1055c5:   f7 c7 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%edi                                      
  1055cb:   0f 85 80 03 00 00       jne    105951 <msdos_format+0x1351>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
  1055d1:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      
  1055d7:   0f 85 64 03 00 00       jne    105941 <msdos_format+0x1341>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
  1055dd:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      
  1055e3:   0f 85 47 03 00 00       jne    105930 <msdos_format+0x1330>                   
  1055e9:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      
  1055eb:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1055ed:   c1 e9 02                shr    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  1055f0:   83 e2 03                and    $0x3,%edx                                      
  1055f3:   f3 ab                   rep stos %eax,%es:(%edi)                              
  1055f5:   e9 54 f6 ff ff          jmp    104c4e <msdos_format+0x64e>                    
  1055fa:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
              fmt_params->files_per_root_dir = 512;                                       
  105600:   bb 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105605:   b9 ff 01 00 00          mov    $0x1ff,%ecx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10560a:   e9 58 f9 ff ff          jmp    104f67 <msdos_format+0x967>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
          if (fat_type != fmt_params->fattype) {                                          
  10560f:   80 bd 07 ff ff ff 04    cmpb   $0x4,-0xf9(%ebp)                               
          fmt_params->fattype = msdos_get_fat_type(                                       
  105616:   c6 45 c2 04             movb   $0x4,-0x3e(%ebp)                               
          if (fat_type != fmt_params->fattype) {                                          
  10561a:   0f 84 e5 fa ff ff       je     105105 <msdos_format+0xb05>                    
      if ( (gigs & ( 1 << b) ) != 0 )                                                     
  105620:   8b 9d f8 fe ff ff       mov    -0x108(%ebp),%ebx                              
    for ( b = 31; b > 0; b-- ) {                                                          
  105626:   b9 1f 00 00 00          mov    $0x1f,%ecx                                     
      if ( (gigs & ( 1 << b) ) != 0 )                                                     
  10562b:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  105630:   eb 15                   jmp    105647 <msdos_format+0x1047>                   
  105632:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105639:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    for ( b = 31; b > 0; b-- ) {                                                          
  105640:   49                      dec    %ecx                                           
  105641:   0f 84 33 01 00 00       je     10577a <msdos_format+0x117a>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
      if ( (gigs & ( 1 << b) ) != 0 )                                                     
  105647:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  105649:   d3 e2                   shl    %cl,%edx                                       
  10564b:   85 d3                   test   %edx,%ebx                                      
  10564d:   74 f1                   je     105640 <msdos_format+0x1040>                   
    fmt_params->sectors_per_cluster = 1 << b;                                             
  10564f:   89 55 9c                mov    %edx,-0x64(%ebp)                               
  105652:   e9 62 fd ff ff          jmp    1053b9 <msdos_format+0xdb9>                    
  105657:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10565a:   31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi                                      
  10565c:   89 bd 18 ff ff ff       mov    %edi,-0xe8(%ebp)                               
  105662:   0f b6 5d c1             movzbl -0x3f(%ebp),%ebx                               
  105666:   88 18                   mov    %bl,(%eax)                                     
      FAT_SET_VAL8(fmt_params.sec,1,(0x0f | (FAT_FAT12_EOC << 4)));                       
  105668:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  10566b:   c6 40 01 8f             movb   $0x8f,0x1(%eax)                                
      FAT_SET_VAL8(fmt_params.sec,2,(FAT_FAT12_EOC >> 4));                                
  10566f:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  105672:   c6 40 02 ff             movb   $0xff,0x2(%eax)                                
  105676:   e9 2b f6 ff ff          jmp    104ca6 <msdos_format+0x6a6>                    
  10567b:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10567e:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105680:   89 9d 18 ff ff ff       mov    %ebx,-0xe8(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105686:   0f b6 55 c1             movzbl -0x3f(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10568a:   88 10                   mov    %dl,(%eax)                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  10568c:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10568f:   c6 40 01 ff             movb   $0xff,0x1(%eax)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105693:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105696:   c6 40 02 ff             movb   $0xff,0x2(%eax)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  10569a:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10569d:   c6 40 03 ff             movb   $0xff,0x3(%eax)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1056a1:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1056a4:   c6 40 04 f8             movb   $0xf8,0x4(%eax)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1056a8:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1056ab:   c6 40 05 ff             movb   $0xff,0x5(%eax)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1056af:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1056b2:   c6 40 06 ff             movb   $0xff,0x6(%eax)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1056b6:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  1056b9:   c6 40 07 cf             movb   $0xcf,0x7(%eax)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1056bd:   e9 e4 f5 ff ff          jmp    104ca6 <msdos_format+0x6a6>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1056c2:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1056c5:   31 f6                   xor    %esi,%esi                                      
  1056c7:   89 b5 18 ff ff ff       mov    %esi,-0xe8(%ebp)                               
  1056cd:   0f b6 5d c1             movzbl -0x3f(%ebp),%ebx                               
  1056d1:   88 18                   mov    %bl,(%eax)                                     
  1056d3:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1056d6:   c6 40 01 ff             movb   $0xff,0x1(%eax)                                
  1056da:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1056dd:   c6 40 02 f8             movb   $0xf8,0x2(%eax)                                
  1056e1:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1056e4:   c6 40 03 ff             movb   $0xff,0x3(%eax)                                
  1056e8:   e9 b9 f5 ff ff          jmp    104ca6 <msdos_format+0x6a6>                    
    msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                             
  1056ed:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      
  1056f2:   ba 7a 2d 13 00          mov    $0x132d7a,%edx                                 
  1056f7:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  1056fb:   b9 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  105700:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  105704:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105708:   c7 04 24 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,(%esp)                                    
      fmt_params->fat_num = 2;                                                            
  10570f:   c6 45 c0 02             movb   $0x2,-0x40(%ebp)                               
    msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                             
  105713:   e8 08 ec ff ff          call   104320 <msdos_format_printf>                   
  105718:   b9 a8 7f 00 00          mov    $0x7fa8,%ecx                                   
    uint32_t fat16_sect_per_clust = 32;                                                   
  10571d:   b8 20 00 00 00          mov    $0x20,%eax                                     
  105722:   e9 47 f7 ff ff          jmp    104e6e <msdos_format+0x86e>                    
  105727:   f7 c7 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%edi                                      
  10572d:   0f 85 62 02 00 00       jne    105995 <msdos_format+0x1395>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
  105733:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      
  105739:   0f 85 46 02 00 00       jne    105985 <msdos_format+0x1385>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
  10573f:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      
  105745:   0f 85 54 02 00 00       jne    10599f <msdos_format+0x139f>                   <== NEVER TAKEN
  10574b:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      
  10574d:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  10574f:   c1 e9 02                shr    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  105752:   83 e2 03                and    $0x3,%edx                                      
  105755:   f3 ab                   rep stos %eax,%es:(%edi)                              
  105757:   e9 cd fd ff ff          jmp    105529 <msdos_format+0xf29>                    
    else if (fmt_params->totl_sector_cnt < FAT_FAT16_MAX_CLN * fat16_sect_per_clust) {    
  10575c:   69 c0 f5 ff 00 00       imul   $0xfff5,%eax,%eax                              
  105762:   39 c2                   cmp    %eax,%edx                                      
  105764:   0f 83 46 01 00 00       jae    1058b0 <msdos_format+0x12b0>                   
      fmt_params->fattype = FAT_FAT16;                                                    
  10576a:   c6 45 c2 02             movb   $0x2,-0x3e(%ebp)                               
      fmt_params->sectors_per_cluster = 2;                                                
  10576e:   c7 45 9c 02 00 00 00    movl   $0x2,-0x64(%ebp)                               
  105775:   e9 0a f7 ff ff          jmp    104e84 <msdos_format+0x884>                    
  10577a:   ba 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10577f:   e9 cb fe ff ff          jmp    10564f <msdos_format+0x104f>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  if ( fmt_params->totl_sector_cnt == 0 )                                                 
  105784:   8b 85 14 ff ff ff       mov    -0xec(%ebp),%eax                               
  10578a:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  10578c:   0f 84 09 f0 ff ff       je     10479b <msdos_format+0x19b>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
    if (FAT_FAT32 != fmt_params->fattype)                                                 
  105792:   80 bd 07 ff ff ff 04    cmpb   $0x4,-0xf9(%ebp)                               
  105799:   0f b6 45 e0             movzbl -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               
        msdos_format_printf (rqdata, MSDOS_FMT_INFO_LEVEL_DETAIL,                         
  10579d:   8b 4d 9c                mov    -0x64(%ebp),%ecx                               
    if (FAT_FAT32 != fmt_params->fattype)                                                 
  1057a0:   74 1d                   je     1057bf <msdos_format+0x11bf>                   
  if (! skip_alignment)                                                                   
  1057a2:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
      fmt_params->files_per_root_dir = loc_align_object (fmt_params->root_dir_sectors,    
  1057a4:   8b 5d ac                mov    -0x54(%ebp),%ebx                               
  if (! skip_alignment)                                                                   
  1057a7:   75 0a                   jne    1057b3 <msdos_format+0x11b3>                   
    return (sectors + clustersize - 1) & ~(clustersize - 1);                              
  1057a9:   8d 5c 19 ff             lea    -0x1(%ecx,%ebx,1),%ebx                         
  1057ad:   89 ca                   mov    %ecx,%edx                                      
  1057af:   f7 da                   neg    %edx                                           
  1057b1:   21 d3                   and    %edx,%ebx                                      
                                       * (fmt_params->bytes_per_sector / FAT_DIRENTRY_SIZE);
  1057b3:   8b 55 90                mov    -0x70(%ebp),%edx                               
  1057b6:   c1 ea 05                shr    $0x5,%edx                                      
  1057b9:   0f af d3                imul   %ebx,%edx                                      
      fmt_params->files_per_root_dir = loc_align_object (fmt_params->root_dir_sectors,    
  1057bc:   89 55 a8                mov    %edx,-0x58(%ebp)                               
  if (! skip_alignment)                                                                   
  1057bf:   84 c0                   test   %al,%al                                        
    fmt_params->rsvd_sector_cnt = loc_align_object (fmt_params->rsvd_sector_cnt,          
  1057c1:   8b 75 98                mov    -0x68(%ebp),%esi                               
  if (! skip_alignment)                                                                   
  1057c4:   75 08                   jne    1057ce <msdos_format+0x11ce>                   
    return (sectors + clustersize - 1) & ~(clustersize - 1);                              
  1057c6:   8d 74 31 ff             lea    -0x1(%ecx,%esi,1),%esi                         
  1057ca:   f7 d9                   neg    %ecx                                           
  1057cc:   21 ce                   and    %ecx,%esi                                      
    fmt_params->rsvd_sector_cnt = loc_align_object (fmt_params->rsvd_sector_cnt,          
  1057ce:   89 75 98                mov    %esi,-0x68(%ebp)                               
    if ((rqdata != NULL) && (rqdata->media != 0)) {                                       
  1057d1:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1057d4:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1057d6:   74 56                   je     10582e <msdos_format+0x122e>                   
  1057d8:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1057db:   0f b6 58 14             movzbl 0x14(%eax),%ebx                                
  1057df:   84 db                   test   %bl,%bl                                        
  1057e1:   74 4b                   je     10582e <msdos_format+0x122e>                   
      const char valid_media_codes[] =                                                    
  1057e3:   c6 85 34 ff ff ff ff    movb   $0xff,-0xcc(%ebp)                              
  1057ea:   b8 fb fc fd fe          mov    $0xfefdfcfb,%eax                               
  1057ef:   bf f0 f8 f9 fa          mov    $0xfaf9f8f0,%edi                               
  1057f4:   89 85 30 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0xd0(%ebp)                               
      if (NULL==memchr(valid_media_codes,                                                 
  1057fa:   b8 09 00 00 00          mov    $0x9,%eax                                      
  1057ff:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  105803:   0f b6 c3                movzbl %bl,%eax                                       
  105806:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10580a:   8d 85 2c ff ff ff       lea    -0xd4(%ebp),%eax                               
  105810:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
      const char valid_media_codes[] =                                                    
  105813:   89 bd 2c ff ff ff       mov    %edi,-0xd4(%ebp)                               
      if (NULL==memchr(valid_media_codes,                                                 
  105819:   e8 02 18 02 00          call   127020 <memchr>                                
  10581e:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105820:   0f 84 75 ef ff ff       je     10479b <msdos_format+0x19b>                    
        fmt_params->media_code = rqdata->media;                                           
  105826:   88 5d c1                mov    %bl,-0x3f(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    if ((rqdata != NULL) && (rqdata->media != 0)) {                                       
  105829:   e9 86 ef ff ff          jmp    1047b4 <msdos_format+0x1b4>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
      fmt_params->media_code = FAT_BR_MEDIA_FIXED;                                        
  10582e:   c6 45 c1 f8             movb   $0xf8,-0x3f(%ebp)                              
  105832:   e9 7d ef ff ff          jmp    1047b4 <msdos_format+0x1b4>                    
  105837:   66 c7 02 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10583c:   83 ef 02                sub    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10583f:   83 c2 02                add    $0x2,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105842:   e9 5a f9 ff ff          jmp    1051a1 <msdos_format+0xba1>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105847:   c6 06 00                movb   $0x0,(%esi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10584a:   8d 56 01                lea    0x1(%esi),%edx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10584d:   bf ff 01 00 00          mov    $0x1ff,%edi                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105852:   e9 41 f9 ff ff          jmp    105198 <msdos_format+0xb98>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
    FAT_SET_BR_FAT32_ROOT_CLUSTER(mbr  , 2); /* put root dir to cluster 2 */              
  105857:   c6 41 2c 02             movb   $0x2,0x2c(%ecx)                                
    FAT_SET_BR_SECTORS_PER_FAT32(mbr   ,fmt_params->sectors_per_fat);                     
  10585b:   8b 45 a0                mov    -0x60(%ebp),%eax                               
    FAT_SET_BR_FAT32_FS_INFO_SECTOR(mbr, 1); /* Put fsinfo  to rsrvd sec 1*/              
  10585e:   c6 41 30 01             movb   $0x1,0x30(%ecx)                                
    FAT_SET_BR_FAT32_BOOTSIG(mbr     ,FAT_BR_FAT32_BOOTSIG_VAL);                          
  105862:   c6 41 42 29             movb   $0x29,0x42(%ecx)                               
    FAT_SET_BR_SECTORS_PER_FAT32(mbr   ,fmt_params->sectors_per_fat);                     
  105866:   89 41 24                mov    %eax,0x24(%ecx)                                
    FAT_SET_BR_FAT32_BK_BOOT_SECTOR(mbr, fmt_params->mbr_copy_sec ); /* Put MBR copy to rsrvd sec */
  105869:   8b 45 b8                mov    -0x48(%ebp),%eax                               
  10586c:   c7 41 34 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x34(%ecx)                                
  105873:   c7 41 38 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x38(%ecx)                                
  10587a:   c7 41 3c 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x3c(%ecx)                                
    FAT_SET_BR_FAT32_BK_BOOT_SECTOR(mbr, fmt_params->mbr_copy_sec ); /* Put MBR copy to rsrvd sec */
  105881:   66 89 41 32             mov    %ax,0x32(%ecx)                                 
    memset(FAT_GET_ADDR_BR_FAT32_VOLLAB(mbr)   ,0,FAT_BR_VOLLAB_SIZE);                    
  105885:   c7 41 47 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x47(%ecx)                                
  10588c:   c7 41 4b 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x4b(%ecx)                                
  105893:   66 c7 41 4f 00 00       movw   $0x0,0x4f(%ecx)                                
  105899:   c6 41 51 00             movb   $0x0,0x51(%ecx)                                
  10589d:   c7 41 52 46 41 54 33    movl   $0x33544146,0x52(%ecx)                         
  1058a4:   c7 41 56 32 20 20 20    movl   $0x20202032,0x56(%ecx)                         
  1058ab:   e9 2c f2 ff ff          jmp    104adc <msdos_format+0x4dc>                    
      fmt_params->fattype = FAT_FAT32;                                                    
  1058b0:   c6 45 c2 04             movb   $0x4,-0x3e(%ebp)                               
      uint32_t gigs = (total_size + ONE_GB) / ONE_GB;                                     
  1058b4:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      
  1058b6:   89 fa                   mov    %edi,%edx                                      
  1058b8:   05 00 00 00 40          add    $0x40000000,%eax                               
      for (b = 31; b > 0; b--)                                                            
  1058bd:   b9 1f 00 00 00          mov    $0x1f,%ecx                                     
      uint32_t gigs = (total_size + ONE_GB) / ONE_GB;                                     
  1058c2:   83 d2 00                adc    $0x0,%edx                                      
  1058c5:   0f ac d0 1e             shrd   $0x1e,%edx,%eax                                
        if ((gigs & (1 << b)) != 0)                                                       
  1058c9:   ba 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edx                                      
  1058ce:   eb 07                   jmp    1058d7 <msdos_format+0x12d7>                   
      for (b = 31; b > 0; b--)                                                            
  1058d0:   49                      dec    %ecx                                           
  1058d1:   0f 84 84 00 00 00       je     10595b <msdos_format+0x135b>                   
        if ((gigs & (1 << b)) != 0)                                                       
  1058d7:   89 d3                   mov    %edx,%ebx                                      
  1058d9:   d3 e3                   shl    %cl,%ebx                                       
  1058db:   85 d8                   test   %ebx,%eax                                      
  1058dd:   74 f1                   je     1058d0 <msdos_format+0x12d0>                   
      fmt_params->sectors_per_cluster = 1 << b;                                           
  1058df:   89 5d 9c                mov    %ebx,-0x64(%ebp)                               
  1058e2:   e9 9d f5 ff ff          jmp    104e84 <msdos_format+0x884>                    
    *volid_ptr = rand();                                                                  
  1058e7:   e8 a4 22 02 00          call   127b90 <rand>                                  
  1058ec:   89 45 dc                mov    %eax,-0x24(%ebp)                               
  1058ef:   90                      nop                                                   
  1058f0:   e9 c6 ef ff ff          jmp    1048bb <msdos_format+0x2bb>                    
  1058f5:   ba 32 20 20 20          mov    $0x20202032,%edx                               
  1058fa:   e9 d7 f1 ff ff          jmp    104ad6 <msdos_format+0x4d6>                    
  if (ret_val == 0 && rqdata != NULL && rqdata->sync_device) {                            
  1058ff:   8b b5 18 ff ff ff       mov    -0xe8(%ebp),%esi                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105905:   85 f6                   test   %esi,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105907:   0f 94 c0                sete   %al                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
  10590a:   20 85 1c ff ff ff       and    %al,-0xe4(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105910:   e9 5c f4 ff ff          jmp    104d71 <msdos_format+0x771>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
      errno = EINVAL;                                                                     
  105915:   e8 86 0f 02 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               
      ret_val = -1;                                                                       
  10591a:   b9 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%ecx                               
  10591f:   89 8d 00 ff ff ff       mov    %ecx,-0x100(%ebp)                              
      errno = EINVAL;                                                                     
  105925:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   
  if (ret_val == 0) {                                                                     
  10592b:   e9 60 ee ff ff          jmp    104790 <msdos_format+0x190>                    
  105930:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    
  105936:   83 ea 04                sub    $0x4,%edx                                      
  105939:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      
  10593c:   e9 a8 fc ff ff          jmp    1055e9 <msdos_format+0xfe9>                    
  105941:   66 c7 07 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105946:   83 ea 02                sub    $0x2,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105949:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10594c:   e9 8c fc ff ff          jmp    1055dd <msdos_format+0xfdd>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105951:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105954:   4a                      dec    %edx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105955:   47                      inc    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105956:   e9 76 fc ff ff          jmp    1055d1 <msdos_format+0xfd1>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10595b:   bb 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ebx                                      
  105960:   e9 7a ff ff ff          jmp    1058df <msdos_format+0x12df>                   
  105965:   c6 01 00                movb   $0x0,(%ecx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105968:   8d 71 01                lea    0x1(%ecx),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  10596b:   bf bd 01 00 00          mov    $0x1bd,%edi                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105970:   e9 42 f0 ff ff          jmp    1049b7 <msdos_format+0x3b7>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105975:   66 c7 06 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%esi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10597a:   83 ef 02                sub    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10597d:   83 c6 02                add    $0x2,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105980:   e9 3e f0 ff ff          jmp    1049c3 <msdos_format+0x3c3>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105985:   66 c7 07 00 00          movw   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10598a:   83 ea 02                sub    $0x2,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10598d:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105990:   e9 aa fd ff ff          jmp    10573f <msdos_format+0x113f>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105995:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105998:   4a                      dec    %edx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105999:   47                      inc    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10599a:   e9 94 fd ff ff          jmp    105733 <msdos_format+0x1133>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10599f:   c7 07 00 00 00 00       movl   $0x0,(%edi)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059a5:   83 ea 04                sub    $0x4,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059a8:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059ab:   e9 9b fd ff ff          jmp    10574b <msdos_format+0x114b>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  1059b0:   8b 85 18 ff ff ff       mov    -0xe8(%ebp),%eax                               
  1059b6:   89 85 00 ff ff ff       mov    %eax,-0x100(%ebp)                              
  1059bc:   e9 2f ed ff ff          jmp    1046f0 <msdos_format+0xf0>                     
  1059c1:   90                      nop                                                   
  1059c2:   90                      nop                                                   
  1059c3:   90                      nop                                                   
  1059c4:   90                      nop                                                   
  1059c5:   90                      nop                                                   
  1059c6:   90                      nop                                                   
  1059c7:   90                      nop                                                   
  1059c8:   90                      nop                                                   
  1059c9:   90                      nop                                                   
  1059ca:   90                      nop                                                   
  1059cb:   90                      nop                                                   
  1059cc:   90                      nop                                                   
  1059cd:   90                      nop                                                   
  1059ce:   90                      nop                                                   
  1059cf:   90                      nop                                                   

001125d0 <msdos_format_dirent_with_dot>: {
  1125d0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  for (i = MSDOS_SHORT_BASE_LEN, src_tmp = src + MSDOS_SHORT_BASE_LEN - 1;                
  1125d1:   b8 08 00 00 00          mov    $0x8,%eax                                      
  1125d6:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  1125d8:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  1125d9:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  1125da:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  1125db:   83 ec 08                sub    $0x8,%esp                                      
  1125de:   8b 4d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  1125e1:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1125e8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1125ef:   90                      nop                                                   
       i > 0 && *src_tmp == ' ';                                                          
  1125f0:   0f b6 54 01 ff          movzbl -0x1(%ecx,%eax,1),%edx                         
  1125f5:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  1125f7:   48                      dec    %eax                                           
       i > 0 && *src_tmp == ' ';                                                          
  1125f8:   80 fa 20                cmp    $0x20,%dl                                      
  1125fb:   75 33                   jne    112630 <msdos_format_dirent_with_dot+0x60>     
  for (i = MSDOS_SHORT_BASE_LEN, src_tmp = src + MSDOS_SHORT_BASE_LEN - 1;                
  1125fd:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1125ff:   75 ef                   jne    1125f0 <msdos_format_dirent_with_dot+0x20>     <== ALWAYS TAKEN
       i > 0 && *src_tmp == ' ';                                                          
  112601:   8b 7d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edi                                 
  112604:   80 7f 0a 20             cmpb   $0x20,0xa(%edi)                                
  112608:   75 6b                   jne    112675 <msdos_format_dirent_with_dot+0xa5>     
  11260a:   80 7f 09 20             cmpb   $0x20,0x9(%edi)                                
  11260e:   0f 85 cb 00 00 00       jne    1126df <msdos_format_dirent_with_dot+0x10f>    
  112614:   80 7f 08 20             cmpb   $0x20,0x8(%edi)                                
  112618:   0f 85 de 00 00 00       jne    1126fc <msdos_format_dirent_with_dot+0x12c>    
  *dst = '\0'; /* terminate string */                                                     
  11261e:   8b 7d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%edi                                 
  112621:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    
  112624:   83 c4 08                add    $0x8,%esp                                      
  112627:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  112628:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  112629:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  11262a:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  11262b:   c3                      ret                                                   
  11262c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  112630:   89 5d f0                mov    %ebx,-0x10(%ebp)                               
  112633:   8b 75 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%esi                                 
  112636:   8b 7d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%edi                                 
  112639:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    *dst++ = tolower((unsigned char)(*src_tmp++));                                        
  112640:   0f b6 1e                movzbl (%esi),%ebx                                    
  112643:   46                      inc    %esi                                           
  112644:   0f b6 93 e1 6a 13 00    movzbl 0x136ae1(%ebx),%edx                            
  11264b:   89 d9                   mov    %ebx,%ecx                                      
  11264d:   80 e2 03                and    $0x3,%dl                                       
  112650:   fe ca                   dec    %dl                                            
  112652:   75 03                   jne    112657 <msdos_format_dirent_with_dot+0x87>     
  112654:   80 c1 20                add    $0x20,%cl                                      
  while (i-- > 0) {                                                                       
  112657:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  11265a:   ba 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edx                                      
    *dst++ = tolower((unsigned char)(*src_tmp++));                                        
  11265f:   47                      inc    %edi                                           
  112660:   88 4f ff                mov    %cl,-0x1(%edi)                                 
  while (i-- > 0) {                                                                       
  112663:   29 f2                   sub    %esi,%edx                                      
  112665:   01 da                   add    %ebx,%edx                                      
  112667:   01 c2                   add    %eax,%edx                                      
  112669:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  11266b:   7f d3                   jg     112640 <msdos_format_dirent_with_dot+0x70>     
    *dst++ = tolower((unsigned char)(*src_tmp++));                                        
  11266d:   8b 45 f0                mov    -0x10(%ebp),%eax                               
  112670:   01 45 08                add    %eax,0x8(%ebp)                                 
  112673:   eb 8c                   jmp    112601 <msdos_format_dirent_with_dot+0x31>     
    *dst++ = '.'; /* append dot */                                                        
  112675:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
    ++len;        /* dot */                                                               
  112678:   40                      inc    %eax                                           
       --i, --src_tmp)                                                                    
  112679:   bf 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%edi                                      
    ++len;        /* dot */                                                               
  11267e:   89 45 ec                mov    %eax,-0x14(%ebp)                               
    src_tmp = src + MSDOS_SHORT_BASE_LEN;                                                 
  112681:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
    *dst++ = '.'; /* append dot */                                                        
  112684:   43                      inc    %ebx                                           
  112685:   89 5d f0                mov    %ebx,-0x10(%ebp)                               
  112688:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
    src_tmp = src + MSDOS_SHORT_BASE_LEN;                                                 
  11268b:   83 c0 08                add    $0x8,%eax                                      
    *dst++ = '.'; /* append dot */                                                        
  11268e:   c6 03 2e                movb   $0x2e,(%ebx)                                   
       --i, --src_tmp)                                                                    
  112691:   8b 75 f0                mov    -0x10(%ebp),%esi                               
      *dst++ = tolower((unsigned char)(*src_tmp++));                                      
  112694:   0f b6 18                movzbl (%eax),%ebx                                    
  112697:   40                      inc    %eax                                           
  112698:   0f b6 93 e1 6a 13 00    movzbl 0x136ae1(%ebx),%edx                            
  11269f:   89 d9                   mov    %ebx,%ecx                                      
  1126a1:   80 e2 03                and    $0x3,%dl                                       
  1126a4:   fe ca                   dec    %dl                                            
  1126a6:   75 03                   jne    1126ab <msdos_format_dirent_with_dot+0xdb>     
  1126a8:   80 c1 20                add    $0x20,%cl                                      
  1126ab:   88 0e                   mov    %cl,(%esi)                                     
    while (i-- > 0) {                                                                     
  1126ad:   8b 4d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ecx                                 
      *dst++ = tolower((unsigned char)(*src_tmp++));                                      
  1126b0:   46                      inc    %esi                                           
    while (i-- > 0) {                                                                     
  1126b1:   ba 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%edx                                      
  1126b6:   29 f2                   sub    %esi,%edx                                      
  1126b8:   01 ca                   add    %ecx,%edx                                      
  1126ba:   01 fa                   add    %edi,%edx                                      
  1126bc:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  1126be:   7f d4                   jg     112694 <msdos_format_dirent_with_dot+0xc4>     
      *dst++ = tolower((unsigned char)(*src_tmp++));                                      
  1126c0:   8b 45 f0                mov    -0x10(%ebp),%eax                               
  1126c3:   8d 44 38 01             lea    0x1(%eax,%edi,1),%eax                          
  1126c7:   89 45 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%ebp)                                 
  1126ca:   8b 45 ec                mov    -0x14(%ebp),%eax                               
  1126cd:   8d 44 38 01             lea    0x1(%eax,%edi,1),%eax                          
  *dst = '\0'; /* terminate string */                                                     
  1126d1:   8b 7d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%edi                                 
  1126d4:   c6 07 00                movb   $0x0,(%edi)                                    
  1126d7:   83 c4 08                add    $0x8,%esp                                      
  1126da:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  1126db:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  1126dc:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  1126dd:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1126de:   c3                      ret                                                   
    *dst++ = '.'; /* append dot */                                                        
  1126df:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
    ++len;        /* dot */                                                               
  1126e2:   40                      inc    %eax                                           
  1126e3:   89 45 ec                mov    %eax,-0x14(%ebp)                               
    src_tmp = src + MSDOS_SHORT_BASE_LEN;                                                 
  1126e6:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
    *dst++ = '.'; /* append dot */                                                        
  1126e9:   c6 03 2e                movb   $0x2e,(%ebx)                                   
  1126ec:   8d 7b 01                lea    0x1(%ebx),%edi                                 
  1126ef:   89 7d f0                mov    %edi,-0x10(%ebp)                               
    src_tmp = src + MSDOS_SHORT_BASE_LEN;                                                 
  1126f2:   83 c0 08                add    $0x8,%eax                                      
       --i, --src_tmp)                                                                    
  1126f5:   bf 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edi                                      
  1126fa:   eb 95                   jmp    112691 <msdos_format_dirent_with_dot+0xc1>     
    *dst++ = '.'; /* append dot */                                                        
  1126fc:   8b 7d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%edi                                 
    ++len;        /* dot */                                                               
  1126ff:   40                      inc    %eax                                           
  112700:   89 45 ec                mov    %eax,-0x14(%ebp)                               
    src_tmp = src + MSDOS_SHORT_BASE_LEN;                                                 
  112703:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
    *dst++ = '.'; /* append dot */                                                        
  112706:   c6 07 2e                movb   $0x2e,(%edi)                                   
  112709:   8d 5f 01                lea    0x1(%edi),%ebx                                 
       --i, --src_tmp)                                                                    
  11270c:   31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi                                      
    *dst++ = '.'; /* append dot */                                                        
  11270e:   89 5d f0                mov    %ebx,-0x10(%ebp)                               
    src_tmp = src + MSDOS_SHORT_BASE_LEN;                                                 
  112711:   83 c0 08                add    $0x8,%eax                                      
    while (i-- > 0) {                                                                     
  112714:   e9 78 ff ff ff          jmp    112691 <msdos_format_dirent_with_dot+0xc1>     
  112719:   90                      nop                                                   
  11271a:   90                      nop                                                   
  11271b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11271c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11271d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11271e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11271f:   90                      nop                                                   

00113690 <msdos_get_dotdot_dir_info_cluster_num_and_offset>: {
  113690:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  113691:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  113693:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  113694:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  113695:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
    rc = fat_file_open(&fs_info->fat, dir_pos, &fat_fd);                                  
  113696:   8d 5d a4                lea    -0x5c(%ebp),%ebx                               
  113699:   81 ec 8c 00 00 00       sub    $0x8c,%esp                                     
    fat_file_fd_t   *fat_fd = NULL;                                                       
  11369f:   c7 45 a4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x5c(%ebp)                               
    msdos_fs_info_t *fs_info = mt_entry->fs_info;                                         
  1136a6:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1136a9:   8b 78 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%edi                                 
    rc = fat_file_open(&fs_info->fat, dir_pos, &fat_fd);                                  
  1136ac:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
    rtems_dosfs_convert_control *converter = fs_info->converter;                          
  1136af:   8b b7 c8 00 00 00       mov    0xc8(%edi),%esi                                
    rc = fat_file_open(&fs_info->fat, dir_pos, &fat_fd);                                  
  1136b5:   89 5c 24 08             mov    %ebx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1136b9:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1136bd:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  1136c0:   e8 4b cc ff ff          call   110310 <fat_file_open>                         
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  1136c5:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    rc = fat_file_open(&fs_info->fat, dir_pos, &fat_fd);                                  
  1136c7:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  1136c9:   74 15                   je     1136e0 <msdos_get_dotdot_dir_info_cluster_num_and_offset+0x50><== ALWAYS TAKEN
  1136cb:   81 c4 8c 00 00 00       add    $0x8c,%esp                                     
  1136d1:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      
  1136d3:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  1136d4:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  1136d5:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  1136d6:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1136d7:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1136d8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1136df:   90                      nop                                                   
    fat_fd->cln = cln;                                                                    
  1136e0:   8b 45 a4                mov    -0x5c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1136e3:   8b 4d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ecx                                 
    fat_fd->fat_file_type = FAT_DIRECTORY;                                                
  1136e6:   c7 40 10 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x10(%eax)                                
    fat_fd->cln = cln;                                                                    
  1136ed:   89 48 1c                mov    %ecx,0x1c(%eax)                                
    fat_fd->size_limit = MSDOS_MAX_DIR_LENGTH;                                            
  1136f0:   c7 40 14 00 00 20 00    movl   $0x200000,0x14(%eax)                           
    fat_fd->map.file_cln = 0;                                                             
  1136f7:   c7 40 34 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x34(%eax)                                
    fat_fd->map.disk_cln = fat_fd->cln;                                                   
  1136fe:   89 48 38                mov    %ecx,0x38(%eax)                                
    rc = fat_file_size(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                            
  113701:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  113705:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  113708:   e8 53 d9 ff ff          call   111060 <fat_file_size>                         
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  11370d:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    rc = fat_file_size(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                            
  11370f:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  113711:   0f 85 f9 01 00 00       jne    113910 <msdos_get_dotdot_dir_info_cluster_num_and_offset+0x280><== NEVER TAKEN
    memset(dot_node, 0, MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE);                               
  113717:   8d 55 a8                lea    -0x58(%ebp),%edx                               
  11371a:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      
  11371c:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  11371e:   89 0c 02                mov    %ecx,(%edx,%eax,1)                             
  113721:   89 4c 02 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%edx,%eax,1)                          
  113725:   83 c0 08                add    $0x8,%eax                                      
  113728:   83 f8 20                cmp    $0x20,%eax                                     
  11372b:   72 f1                   jb     11371e <msdos_get_dotdot_dir_info_cluster_num_and_offset+0x8e>
  11372d:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  113731:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  113736:   b9 0b 00 00 00          mov    $0xb,%ecx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11373b:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  11373f:   b8 12 4c 13 00          mov    $0x134c12,%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  113744:   89 4c 24 10             mov    %ecx,0x10(%esp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  113748:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  11374c:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  11374f:   e8 dc e5 ff ff          call   111d30 <msdos_long_to_short>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    rc = msdos_find_name_in_fat_file(mt_entry, fat_fd, false, (const uint8_t*)".", 1,     
  113754:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  113757:   8d 55 a8                lea    -0x58(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  11375a:   89 54 24 1c             mov    %edx,0x1c(%esp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  11375e:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  113760:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  113764:   89 44 24 18             mov    %eax,0x18(%esp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  113768:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11376d:   89 44 24 14             mov    %eax,0x14(%esp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  113771:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  113776:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  11377a:   b8 12 4c 13 00          mov    $0x134c12,%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  11377f:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  113783:   8b 45 a4                mov    -0x5c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  113786:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  11378a:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  11378d:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  113790:   e8 8b ef ff ff          call   112720 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file>           <== NOT EXECUTED
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  113795:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    rc = msdos_find_name_in_fat_file(mt_entry, fat_fd, false, (const uint8_t*)".", 1,     
  113797:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  113799:   0f 85 71 01 00 00       jne    113910 <msdos_get_dotdot_dir_info_cluster_num_and_offset+0x280><== NEVER TAKEN
    memset(dotdot_node, 0, MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE);                            
  11379f:   8d 55 c8                lea    -0x38(%ebp),%edx                               
  1137a2:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      
  1137a4:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1137a6:   89 0c 02                mov    %ecx,(%edx,%eax,1)                             
  1137a9:   89 4c 02 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%edx,%eax,1)                          
  1137ad:   83 c0 08                add    $0x8,%eax                                      
  1137b0:   83 f8 20                cmp    $0x20,%eax                                     
  1137b3:   72 f1                   jb     1137a6 <msdos_get_dotdot_dir_info_cluster_num_and_offset+0x116>
  1137b5:   89 54 24 0c             mov    %edx,0xc(%esp)                                 
  1137b9:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      
  1137be:   b9 0b 00 00 00          mov    $0xb,%ecx                                      
  1137c3:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1137c7:   b8 11 4c 13 00          mov    $0x134c11,%eax                                 
  1137cc:   89 4c 24 10             mov    %ecx,0x10(%esp)                                
  1137d0:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1137d4:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  1137d7:   e8 54 e5 ff ff          call   111d30 <msdos_long_to_short>                   
    rc = msdos_find_name_in_fat_file(mt_entry, fat_fd, false, (const uint8_t*)"..", 2,    
  1137dc:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  1137df:   8d 55 c8                lea    -0x38(%ebp),%edx                               
  1137e2:   89 54 24 1c             mov    %edx,0x1c(%esp)                                
  1137e6:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  1137e8:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1137ec:   89 44 24 18             mov    %eax,0x18(%esp)                                
  1137f0:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax                                      
  1137f5:   89 44 24 14             mov    %eax,0x14(%esp)                                
  1137f9:   b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax                                      
  1137fe:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  113802:   b8 11 4c 13 00          mov    $0x134c11,%eax                                 
  113807:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  11380b:   8b 45 a4                mov    -0x5c(%ebp),%eax                               
  11380e:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  113812:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  113815:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  113818:   e8 03 ef ff ff          call   112720 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file>           
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  11381d:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    rc = msdos_find_name_in_fat_file(mt_entry, fat_fd, false, (const uint8_t*)"..", 2,    
  11381f:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  113821:   0f 85 e9 00 00 00       jne    113910 <msdos_get_dotdot_dir_info_cluster_num_and_offset+0x280><== NEVER TAKEN
    rc = fat_file_close(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                           
  113827:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
    cl4find = MSDOS_EXTRACT_CLUSTER_NUM(dot_node);                                        
  11382a:   0f b7 45 c2             movzwl -0x3e(%ebp),%eax                               
  11382e:   0f b7 75 bc             movzwl -0x44(%ebp),%esi                               
  113832:   89 45 94                mov    %eax,-0x6c(%ebp)                               
    rc = fat_file_close(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                           
  113835:   8b 45 a4                mov    -0x5c(%ebp),%eax                               
  113838:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  11383c:   e8 0f d1 ff ff          call   110950 <fat_file_close>                        
    if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                                    
  113841:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    rc = fat_file_close(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                           
  113843:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
    if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                                    
  113845:   0f 85 80 fe ff ff       jne    1136cb <msdos_get_dotdot_dir_info_cluster_num_and_offset+0x3b><== NEVER TAKEN
    if ( (MSDOS_EXTRACT_CLUSTER_NUM(dotdot_node)) == 0)                                   
  11384b:   0f b7 45 dc             movzwl -0x24(%ebp),%eax                               
  11384f:   0f b7 55 e2             movzwl -0x1e(%ebp),%edx                               
  113853:   c1 e0 10                shl    $0x10,%eax                                     
  113856:   09 d0                   or     %edx,%eax                                      
  113858:   0f 84 e2 00 00 00       je     113940 <msdos_get_dotdot_dir_info_cluster_num_and_offset+0x2b0>
    rc = fat_file_open(&fs_info->fat, dir_pos, &fat_fd);                                  
  11385e:   89 5c 24 08             mov    %ebx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  113862:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  113865:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  113868:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  11386c:   e8 9f ca ff ff          call   110310 <fat_file_open>                         
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  113871:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    rc = fat_file_open(&fs_info->fat, dir_pos, &fat_fd);                                  
  113873:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  113875:   0f 85 50 fe ff ff       jne    1136cb <msdos_get_dotdot_dir_info_cluster_num_and_offset+0x3b><== NEVER TAKEN
    if ((MSDOS_EXTRACT_CLUSTER_NUM(dotdot_node)) == 0)                                    
  11387b:   0f b7 45 dc             movzwl -0x24(%ebp),%eax                               
  11387f:   0f b7 4d e2             movzwl -0x1e(%ebp),%ecx                               
        fat_fd->cln = fs_info->fat.vol.rdir_cl;                                           
  113883:   8b 55 a4                mov    -0x5c(%ebp),%edx                               
    if ((MSDOS_EXTRACT_CLUSTER_NUM(dotdot_node)) == 0)                                    
  113886:   c1 e0 10                shl    $0x10,%eax                                     
  113889:   09 c8                   or     %ecx,%eax                                      
  11388b:   0f 84 df 00 00 00       je     113970 <msdos_get_dotdot_dir_info_cluster_num_and_offset+0x2e0>
        fat_fd->cln = MSDOS_EXTRACT_CLUSTER_NUM(dotdot_node);                             
  113891:   89 42 1c                mov    %eax,0x1c(%edx)                                
    fat_fd->fat_file_type = FAT_DIRECTORY;                                                
  113894:   c7 42 10 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x10(%edx)                                
    fat_fd->size_limit = MSDOS_MAX_DIR_LENGTH;                                            
  11389b:   c7 42 14 00 00 20 00    movl   $0x200000,0x14(%edx)                           
    fat_fd->map.file_cln = 0;                                                             
  1138a2:   c7 42 34 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x34(%edx)                                
    fat_fd->map.disk_cln = fat_fd->cln;                                                   
  1138a9:   89 42 38                mov    %eax,0x38(%edx)                                
    rc = fat_file_size(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                            
  1138ac:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1138b0:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  1138b3:   e8 a8 d7 ff ff          call   111060 <fat_file_size>                         
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  1138b8:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    rc = fat_file_size(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                            
  1138ba:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  1138bc:   75 52                   jne    113910 <msdos_get_dotdot_dir_info_cluster_num_and_offset+0x280><== NEVER TAKEN
    rc = msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file(mt_entry, fat_fd, cl4find,            
  1138be:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
    cl4find = MSDOS_EXTRACT_CLUSTER_NUM(dot_node);                                        
  1138c1:   c1 e6 10                shl    $0x10,%esi                                     
    rc = msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file(mt_entry, fat_fd, cl4find,            
  1138c4:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  1138c8:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  1138cb:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
    cl4find = MSDOS_EXTRACT_CLUSTER_NUM(dot_node);                                        
  1138cf:   8b 45 94                mov    -0x6c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1138d2:   09 c6                   or     %eax,%esi                                      
    rc = msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file(mt_entry, fat_fd, cl4find,            
  1138d4:   8b 45 a4                mov    -0x5c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1138d7:   89 74 24 08             mov    %esi,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1138db:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1138df:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  1138e2:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1138e5:   e8 96 fb ff ff          call   113480 <msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file>
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  1138ea:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    rc = msdos_find_node_by_cluster_num_in_fat_file(mt_entry, fat_fd, cl4find,            
  1138ec:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  1138ee:   75 20                   jne    113910 <msdos_get_dotdot_dir_info_cluster_num_and_offset+0x280><== NEVER TAKEN
    rc = fat_file_close(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                           
  1138f0:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  1138f3:   8b 45 a4                mov    -0x5c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1138f6:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1138fa:   e8 51 d0 ff ff          call   110950 <fat_file_close>                        
  1138ff:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
    return rc;                                                                            
  113901:   e9 c5 fd ff ff          jmp    1136cb <msdos_get_dotdot_dir_info_cluster_num_and_offset+0x3b>
  113906:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11390d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
        fat_file_close(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                            
  113910:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  113913:   8b 45 a4                mov    -0x5c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  113916:   89 55 94                mov    %edx,-0x6c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  113919:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  11391d:   e8 2e d0 ff ff          call   110950 <fat_file_close>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
        return rc;                                                                        
  113922:   8b 55 94                mov    -0x6c(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  113925:   81 c4 8c 00 00 00       add    $0x8c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  11392b:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  11392c:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  11392d:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11392f:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  113930:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  113931:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  113932:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  113939:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  dir_pos->sname.ofs = 0;                                                                 
  113940:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  113943:   c7 40 04 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x4(%eax)                                 
  dir_pos->lname.cln = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                               
  11394a:   c7 40 08 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x8(%eax)                          
  dir_pos->lname.ofs = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                               
  113951:   c7 40 0c ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0xc(%eax)                          
        dir_pos->sname.cln = FAT_ROOTDIR_CLUSTER_NUM;                                     
  113958:   c7 00 01 00 00 00       movl   $0x1,(%eax)                                    
  11395e:   e9 fb fe ff ff          jmp    11385e <msdos_get_dotdot_dir_info_cluster_num_and_offset+0x1ce>
  113963:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11396a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
        fat_fd->cln = fs_info->fat.vol.rdir_cl;                                           
  113970:   8b 47 44                mov    0x44(%edi),%eax                                
  113973:   89 42 1c                mov    %eax,0x1c(%edx)                                
  113976:   e9 19 ff ff ff          jmp    113894 <msdos_get_dotdot_dir_info_cluster_num_and_offset+0x204>
  11397b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11397c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11397d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11397e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11397f:   90                      nop                                                   

00113980 <msdos_get_name_node>: {
  113980:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  113981:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  113983:   83 ec 48                sub    $0x48,%esp                                     
  113986:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  113989:   8b 45 20                mov    0x20(%ebp),%eax                                
  11398c:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  11398f:   0f b6 4d 0c             movzbl 0xc(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  113993:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
  113996:   8b 75 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%esi                                
  113999:   8b 7d 1c                mov    0x1c(%ebp),%edi                                
    rc = msdos_find_name_in_fat_file(parent_loc->mt_entry, fat_fd,                        
  11399c:   89 44 24 1c             mov    %eax,0x1c(%esp)                                
  1139a0:   8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                 
    rc = msdos_find_name_in_fat_file(parent_loc->mt_entry, fat_fd,                        
  1139a3:   89 45 e0                mov    %eax,-0x20(%ebp)                               
  1139a6:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                
  1139a9:   89 74 24 0c             mov    %esi,0xc(%esp)                                 
  1139ad:   89 7c 24 18             mov    %edi,0x18(%esp)                                
  1139b1:   88 4d e7                mov    %cl,-0x19(%ebp)                                
  1139b4:   89 44 24 14             mov    %eax,0x14(%esp)                                
  1139b8:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  1139bb:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  1139bf:   0f b6 c1                movzbl %cl,%eax                                       
  1139c2:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  1139c6:   8b 43 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%eax                                 
  1139c9:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1139cd:   8b 43 14                mov    0x14(%ebx),%eax                                
  1139d0:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  1139d3:   e8 48 ed ff ff          call   112720 <msdos_find_name_in_fat_file>           
    if ((rc != RC_OK) && (rc != MSDOS_NAME_NOT_FOUND_ERR))                                
  1139d8:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1139da:   0f 95 c1                setne  %cl                                            
  1139dd:   3d 01 7d 00 00          cmp    $0x7d01,%eax                                   
  1139e2:   0f 95 c2                setne  %dl                                            
    if (!create_node)                                                                     
  1139e5:   84 d1                   test   %dl,%cl                                        
  1139e7:   75 06                   jne    1139ef <msdos_get_name_node+0x6f>              
  1139e9:   80 7d e7 00             cmpb   $0x0,-0x19(%ebp)                               
  1139ed:   74 11                   je     113a00 <msdos_get_name_node+0x80>              
  1139ef:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  1139f2:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  1139f5:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  1139f8:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  1139fa:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1139fb:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1139fc:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
        if (rc == MSDOS_NAME_NOT_FOUND_ERR)                                               
  113a00:   3d 01 7d 00 00          cmp    $0x7d01,%eax                                   
  113a05:   74 e8                   je     1139ef <msdos_get_name_node+0x6f>              
        if (rc == RC_OK)                                                                  
  113a07:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  113a09:   75 e4                   jne    1139ef <msdos_get_name_node+0x6f>              <== NEVER TAKEN
            if (strncmp(name, "..", 2) == 0)                                              
  113a0b:   80 3e 2e                cmpb   $0x2e,(%esi)                                   
  113a0e:   75 df                   jne    1139ef <msdos_get_name_node+0x6f>              
  113a10:   80 7e 01 2e             cmpb   $0x2e,0x1(%esi)                                
  113a14:   75 d9                   jne    1139ef <msdos_get_name_node+0x6f>              <== NEVER TAKEN
                dotdot_cln = MSDOS_EXTRACT_CLUSTER_NUM((name_dir_entry));                 
  113a16:   8b 75 e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%esi                               
  113a19:   0f b7 56 14             movzwl 0x14(%esi),%edx                                
  113a1d:   c1 e2 10                shl    $0x10,%edx                                     
  113a20:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      
  113a22:   0f b7 56 1a             movzwl 0x1a(%esi),%edx                                
                if (dotdot_cln == 0)                                                      
  113a26:   09 ca                   or     %ecx,%edx                                      
  113a28:   75 26                   jne    113a50 <msdos_get_name_node+0xd0>              
  dir_pos->sname.ofs = 0;                                                                 
  113a2a:   c7 47 04 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x4(%edi)                                 
  dir_pos->lname.cln = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                               
  113a31:   c7 47 08 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x8(%edi)                          
  dir_pos->lname.ofs = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                               
  113a38:   c7 47 0c ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0xc(%edi)                          
                    dir_pos->sname.cln = FAT_ROOTDIR_CLUSTER_NUM;                         
  113a3f:   c7 07 01 00 00 00       movl   $0x1,(%edi)                                    
  113a45:   eb a8                   jmp    1139ef <msdos_get_name_node+0x6f>              
  113a47:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  113a4e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  113a50:   89 7d 10                mov    %edi,0x10(%ebp)                                
  113a53:   8b 45 e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               
  113a56:   89 55 0c                mov    %edx,0xc(%ebp)                                 
  113a59:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  113a5c:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  113a5f:   89 45 14                mov    %eax,0x14(%ebp)                                
  113a62:   8b 43 14                mov    0x14(%ebx),%eax                                
  113a65:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  113a68:   89 45 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%ebp)                                 
  113a6b:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  113a6d:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  113a6e:   e9 1d fc ff ff          jmp    113690 <msdos_get_dotdot_dir_info_cluster_num_and_offset>
  113a73:   90                      nop                                                   
  113a74:   90                      nop                                                   
  113a75:   90                      nop                                                   
  113a76:   90                      nop                                                   
  113a77:   90                      nop                                                   
  113a78:   90                      nop                                                   
  113a79:   90                      nop                                                   
  113a7a:   90                      nop                                                   
  113a7b:   90                      nop                                                   
  113a7c:   90                      nop                                                   
  113a7d:   90                      nop                                                   
  113a7e:   90                      nop                                                   
  113a7f:   90                      nop                                                   

00111c90 <msdos_get_utf16_string_from_long_entry.part.0>: msdos_get_utf16_string_from_long_entry (
  111c90:   55                      push   %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
        if (is_first_entry) {                                                             
  111c91:   84 c9                   test   %cl,%cl                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
msdos_get_utf16_string_from_long_entry (                                                  
  111c93:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  111c95:   57                      push   %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  111c96:   56                      push   %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  111c97:   53                      push   %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
        memcpy (&entry_string_buf[0],  &entry[1],  10 );                                  
  111c98:   8b 70 01                mov    0x1(%eax),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  111c9b:   89 32                   mov    %esi,(%edx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  111c9d:   8b 70 05                mov    0x5(%eax),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  111ca0:   89 72 04                mov    %esi,0x4(%edx)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  111ca3:   0f b7 58 09             movzwl 0x9(%eax),%ebx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  111ca7:   66 89 5a 08             mov    %bx,0x8(%edx)                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
        memcpy (&entry_string_buf[5],  &entry[14], 12 );                                  
  111cab:   8b 78 0e                mov    0xe(%eax),%edi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  111cae:   89 7a 0a                mov    %edi,0xa(%edx)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  111cb1:   8b 78 12                mov    0x12(%eax),%edi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  111cb4:   89 7a 0e                mov    %edi,0xe(%edx)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  111cb7:   8b 70 16                mov    0x16(%eax),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  111cba:   89 72 12                mov    %esi,0x12(%edx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
        memcpy (&entry_string_buf[11], &entry[28],  4 );                                  
  111cbd:   8b 40 1c                mov    0x1c(%eax),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  111cc0:   89 42 16                mov    %eax,0x16(%edx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
        if (is_first_entry) {                                                             
  111cc3:   74 18                   je     111cdd <msdos_get_utf16_string_from_long_entry.part.0+0x4d><== NOT EXECUTED
            for (chars_in_entry = 0;                                                      
  111cc5:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  111cc7:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  111cce:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
                  && entry_string_buf[chars_in_entry] != 0x0000);                         
  111cd0:   66 83 3c 42 00          cmpw   $0x0,(%edx,%eax,2)                             
  111cd5:   74 19                   je     111cf0 <msdos_get_utf16_string_from_long_entry.part.0+0x60>
                  ++chars_in_entry) {                                                     
  111cd7:   40                      inc    %eax                                           
            for (chars_in_entry = 0;                                                      
  111cd8:   83 f8 0d                cmp    $0xd,%eax                                      
  111cdb:   75 f3                   jne    111cd0 <msdos_get_utf16_string_from_long_entry.part.0+0x40>
  111cdd:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  111cde:   b8 1a 00 00 00          mov    $0x1a,%eax                                     
  111ce3:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  111ce4:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  111ce5:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  111ce6:   c3                      ret                                                   
  111ce7:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  111cee:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
  111cf0:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
        return chars_in_entry * MSDOS_NAME_LFN_BYTES_PER_CHAR;                            
  111cf1:   01 c0                   add    %eax,%eax                                      
  111cf3:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  111cf4:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  111cf5:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  111cf6:   c3                      ret                                                   
  111cf7:   90                      nop                                                   
  111cf8:   90                      nop                                                   
  111cf9:   90                      nop                                                   
  111cfa:   90                      nop                                                   
  111cfb:   90                      nop                                                   
  111cfc:   90                      nop                                                   
  111cfd:   90                      nop                                                   
  111cfe:   90                      nop                                                   
  111cff:   90                      nop                                                   

00105b30 <msdos_initialize_support>: const rtems_filesystem_operations_table *op_table, const rtems_filesystem_file_handlers_r *file_handlers, const rtems_filesystem_file_handlers_r *directory_handlers, rtems_dosfs_convert_control *converter ) {
  105b30:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
    msdos_fs_info_t   *fs_info = NULL;                                                    
    fat_file_fd_t     *fat_fd = NULL;                                                     
    fat_dir_pos_t      root_pos;                                                          
    uint32_t           cl_buf_size;                                                       
    fs_info = (msdos_fs_info_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(msdos_fs_info_t));                      
  105b31:   b9 cc 00 00 00          mov    $0xcc,%ecx                                     
  105b36:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  105b38:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  105b39:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  105b3a:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  105b3b:   83 ec 4c                sub    $0x4c,%esp                                     
    fs_info = (msdos_fs_info_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(msdos_fs_info_t));                      
  105b3e:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105b42:   8b 7d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%edi                                 
    fs_info = (msdos_fs_info_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(msdos_fs_info_t));                      
  105b45:   c7 04 24 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,(%esp)                                    
    fat_file_fd_t     *fat_fd = NULL;                                                     
  105b4c:   c7 45 d4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
    fs_info = (msdos_fs_info_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(msdos_fs_info_t));                      
  105b53:   e8 68 7d 00 00          call   10d8c0 <calloc>                                
    if (!fs_info)                                                                         
  105b58:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105b5a:   0f 84 c8 01 00 00       je     105d28 <msdos_initialize_support+0x1f8>        <== NEVER TAKEN
    temp_mt_entry->fs_info = fs_info;                                                     
  105b60:   89 47 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%edi)                                 
  105b63:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
    fs_info->converter = converter;                                                       
  105b65:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                
  105b68:   89 83 c8 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0xc8(%ebx)                                
    rc = fat_init_volume_info(&fs_info->fat, temp_mt_entry->dev);                         
  105b6e:   8b 47 38                mov    0x38(%edi),%eax                                
  105b71:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  105b74:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105b78:   e8 53 94 00 00          call   10efd0 <fat_init_volume_info>                  
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  105b7d:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    rc = fat_init_volume_info(&fs_info->fat, temp_mt_entry->dev);                         
  105b7f:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  105b81:   0f 85 11 01 00 00       jne    105c98 <msdos_initialize_support+0x168>        <== NEVER TAKEN
    fat_dir_pos_t *dir_pos                                                                
  dir_pos->sname.cln = 0;                                                                 
  dir_pos->sname.ofs = 0;                                                                 
  105b87:   c7 45 dc 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x24(%ebp)                               
        return rc;                                                                        
    fs_info->file_handlers      = file_handlers;                                          
  105b8e:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  dir_pos->lname.cln = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                               
  105b91:   c7 45 e0 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x20(%ebp)                        
  dir_pos->lname.ofs = FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME;                                               
  105b98:   c7 45 e4 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x1c(%ebp)                        
     * open fat-file which correspondes to  root directory                                
     * (so inode number 0x00000010 is always used for root directory)                     
    root_pos.sname.cln = FAT_ROOTDIR_CLUSTER_NUM;                                         
  105b9f:   c7 45 d8 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,-0x28(%ebp)                               
    fs_info->file_handlers      = file_handlers;                                          
  105ba6:   89 83 a8 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0xa8(%ebx)                                
    fs_info->directory_handlers = directory_handlers;                                     
  105bac:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  105baf:   89 83 a4 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0xa4(%ebx)                                
    rc = fat_file_open(&fs_info->fat, &root_pos, &fat_fd);                                
  105bb5:   8d 45 d4                lea    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
  105bb8:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  105bbc:   8d 45 d8                lea    -0x28(%ebp),%eax                               
  105bbf:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105bc3:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  105bc6:   e8 45 a7 00 00          call   110310 <fat_file_open>                         
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  105bcb:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    rc = fat_file_open(&fs_info->fat, &root_pos, &fat_fd);                                
  105bcd:   89 c6                   mov    %eax,%esi                                      
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  105bcf:   0f 85 bb 00 00 00       jne    105c90 <msdos_initialize_support+0x160>        <== NEVER TAKEN
    /* again: unfortunately "fat-file" is just almost fat file :( */                      
    fat_fd->fat_file_type = FAT_DIRECTORY;                                                
    fat_fd->size_limit = MSDOS_MAX_DIR_LENGTH;                                            
    fat_fd->cln = fs_info->fat.vol.rdir_cl;                                               
  105bd5:   8b 43 44                mov    0x44(%ebx),%eax                                
    fat_fd->fat_file_type = FAT_DIRECTORY;                                                
  105bd8:   8b 55 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edx                               
    fat_fd->map.file_cln = 0;                                                             
    fat_fd->map.disk_cln = fat_fd->cln;                                                   
    /* if we have FAT12/16 */                                                             
    if ( fat_fd->cln == 0 )                                                               
  105bdb:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
    fat_fd->fat_file_type = FAT_DIRECTORY;                                                
  105bdd:   c7 42 10 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x10(%edx)                                
    fat_fd->size_limit = MSDOS_MAX_DIR_LENGTH;                                            
  105be4:   c7 42 14 00 00 20 00    movl   $0x200000,0x14(%edx)                           
    fat_fd->cln = fs_info->fat.vol.rdir_cl;                                               
  105beb:   89 42 1c                mov    %eax,0x1c(%edx)                                
    fat_fd->map.file_cln = 0;                                                             
  105bee:   c7 42 34 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x34(%edx)                                
    fat_fd->map.disk_cln = fat_fd->cln;                                                   
  105bf5:   89 42 38                mov    %eax,0x38(%edx)                                
    if ( fat_fd->cln == 0 )                                                               
  105bf8:   0f 85 c2 00 00 00       jne    105cc0 <msdos_initialize_support+0x190>        
        fat_fd->fat_file_size = fs_info->fat.vol.rdir_size;                               
  105bfe:   8b 4b 34                mov    0x34(%ebx),%ecx                                
        cl_buf_size = (fs_info->fat.vol.bpc > fs_info->fat.vol.rdir_size) ?               
  105c01:   8b 43 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%eax                                 
        fat_fd->fat_file_size = fs_info->fat.vol.rdir_size;                               
  105c04:   89 4a 18                mov    %ecx,0x18(%edx)                                
        cl_buf_size = (fs_info->fat.vol.bpc > fs_info->fat.vol.rdir_size) ?               
  105c07:   39 c8                   cmp    %ecx,%eax                                      
  105c09:   0f 82 a1 00 00 00       jb     105cb0 <msdos_initialize_support+0x180>        
  105c0f:   89 55 c4                mov    %edx,-0x3c(%ebp)                               
            return rc;                                                                    
        cl_buf_size = fs_info->fat.vol.bpc;                                               
    fs_info->cl_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(cl_buf_size, sizeof(char));                       
  105c12:   ba 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edx                                      
  105c17:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105c1b:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  105c1e:   e8 9d 7c 00 00          call   10d8c0 <calloc>                                
    if (fs_info->cl_buf == NULL)                                                          
  105c23:   8b 55 c4                mov    -0x3c(%ebp),%edx                               
    fs_info->cl_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(cl_buf_size, sizeof(char));                       
  105c26:   89 83 c4 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0xc4(%ebx)                                
    if (fs_info->cl_buf == NULL)                                                          
  105c2c:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105c2e:   0f 84 d8 00 00 00       je     105d0c <msdos_initialize_support+0x1dc>        <== NEVER TAKEN
    const char *_name)                                                                    
    struct _Mutex_recursive_Control _init =                                               
    *_mutex = _init;                                                                      
  105c34:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  105c36:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx                                      
  105c38:   89 83 ac 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0xac(%ebx)                                
  105c3e:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  105c40:   89 83 b4 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0xb4(%ebx)                                
  105c46:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  105c48:   89 83 b8 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0xb8(%ebx)                                
  105c4e:   b8 14 26 13 00          mov    $0x132614,%eax                                 
  105c53:   89 83 bc 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0xbc(%ebx)                                
  105c59:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  105c5b:   89 8b b0 00 00 00       mov    %ecx,0xb0(%ebx)                                
    temp_mt_entry->mt_fs_root->location.node_access = fat_fd;                             
    temp_mt_entry->mt_fs_root->location.handlers = directory_handlers;                    
  105c61:   8b 4d 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%ecx                                
  105c64:   89 83 c0 00 00 00       mov    %eax,0xc0(%ebx)                                
    temp_mt_entry->mt_fs_root->location.node_access = fat_fd;                             
  105c6a:   8b 47 24                mov    0x24(%edi),%eax                                
  105c6d:   89 50 08                mov    %edx,0x8(%eax)                                 
    temp_mt_entry->mt_fs_root->location.handlers = directory_handlers;                    
  105c70:   89 48 10                mov    %ecx,0x10(%eax)                                
    temp_mt_entry->ops = op_table;                                                        
  105c73:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  105c76:   89 47 0c                mov    %eax,0xc(%edi)                                 
    return rc;                                                                            
  105c79:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  105c7c:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      
  105c7e:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  105c7f:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  105c80:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  105c81:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105c82:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105c83:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105c8a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
  105c90:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c93:   e8 88 9b 00 00          call   10f820 <fat_shutdown_drive>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c98:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105c9b:   e8 b0 bf ff ff          call   101c50 <free>                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ca0:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ca3:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ca5:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ca6:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ca7:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ca8:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ca9:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105caa:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
        cl_buf_size = (fs_info->fat.vol.bpc > fs_info->fat.vol.rdir_size) ?               
  105cb0:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax                                      
  105cb2:   e9 58 ff ff ff          jmp    105c0f <msdos_initialize_support+0xdf>         
  105cb7:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105cbe:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
        rc = fat_file_size(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                        
  105cc0:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105cc4:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  105cc7:   e8 94 b3 00 00          call   111060 <fat_file_size>                         
        if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                                
  105ccc:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105cce:   75 10                   jne    105ce0 <msdos_initialize_support+0x1b0>        <== NEVER TAKEN
        cl_buf_size = fs_info->fat.vol.bpc;                                               
  105cd0:   8b 43 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%eax                                 
        fat_file_close(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                            
  105cd3:   8b 55 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edx                               
  105cd6:   e9 34 ff ff ff          jmp    105c0f <msdos_initialize_support+0xdf>         
  105cdb:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105cdf:   90                      nop                                                   
  105ce0:   89 45 c4                mov    %eax,-0x3c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
            fat_file_close(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                        
  105ce3:   8b 45 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ce6:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ce9:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ced:   e8 5e ac 00 00          call   110950 <fat_file_close>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  105cf2:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105cf5:   e8 26 9b 00 00          call   10f820 <fat_shutdown_drive>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105cfa:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105cfd:   e8 4e bf ff ff          call   101c50 <free>                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
            return rc;                                                                    
  105d02:   8b 55 c4                mov    -0x3c(%ebp),%edx                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d05:   89 d6                   mov    %edx,%esi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d07:   e9 6d ff ff ff          jmp    105c79 <msdos_initialize_support+0x149>        <== NOT EXECUTED
        fat_file_close(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                            
  105d0c:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d10:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d13:   e8 38 ac 00 00          call   110950 <fat_file_close>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d18:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d1b:   e8 00 9b 00 00          call   10f820 <fat_shutdown_drive>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d20:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d23:   e8 28 bf ff ff          call   101c50 <free>                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d28:   e8 73 0b 02 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d2d:   83 ce ff                or     $0xffffffff,%esi                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d30:   c7 00 0c 00 00 00       movl   $0xc,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d36:   e9 3e ff ff ff          jmp    105c79 <msdos_initialize_support+0x149>        <== NOT EXECUTED
  105d3b:   90                      nop                                                   
  105d3c:   90                      nop                                                   
  105d3d:   90                      nop                                                   
  105d3e:   90                      nop                                                   
  105d3f:   90                      nop                                                   

00111d00 <msdos_lfn_checksum>: {
  111d00:   55                      push   %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    cs = 0;                                                                               
  111d01:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  111d03:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  111d05:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  111d06:   8b 55 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%edx                                 
  111d09:   8d 5a 0b                lea    0xb(%edx),%ebx                                 
  111d0c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
        cs = ((cs & 1) ? 0x80 : 0) + (cs >> 1) + name[i];                                 
  111d10:   88 c1                   mov    %al,%cl                                        
    for (i = 0; i < MSDOS_SHORT_NAME_LEN; ++i) {                                          
  111d12:   42                      inc    %edx                                           
        cs = ((cs & 1) ? 0x80 : 0) + (cs >> 1) + name[i];                                 
  111d13:   d0 e8                   shr    %al                                            
  111d15:   02 42 ff                add    -0x1(%edx),%al                                 
  111d18:   c0 e1 07                shl    $0x7,%cl                                       
  111d1b:   00 c8                   add    %cl,%al                                        
    for (i = 0; i < MSDOS_SHORT_NAME_LEN; ++i) {                                          
  111d1d:   39 d3                   cmp    %edx,%ebx                                      
  111d1f:   75 ef                   jne    111d10 <msdos_lfn_checksum+0x10>               
  111d21:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  111d22:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  111d23:   c3                      ret                                                   
  111d24:   90                      nop                                                   
  111d25:   90                      nop                                                   
  111d26:   90                      nop                                                   
  111d27:   90                      nop                                                   
  111d28:   90                      nop                                                   
  111d29:   90                      nop                                                   
  111d2a:   90                      nop                                                   
  111d2b:   90                      nop                                                   
  111d2c:   90                      nop                                                   
  111d2d:   90                      nop                                                   
  111d2e:   90                      nop                                                   
  111d2f:   90                      nop                                                   

00111d30 <msdos_long_to_short>: {
  111d30:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  111d31:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  111d33:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  111d34:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  111d35:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  111d36:   83 ec 4c                sub    $0x4c,%esp                                     
    void             *buffer = converter->buffer.data;                                    
  111d39:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
    memset (sfn, ' ', sfn_len);                                                           
  111d3c:   8b 55 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%edx                                
  111d3f:   8b 7d 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%edi                                
    void             *buffer = converter->buffer.data;                                    
  111d42:   8b 40 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%eax                                 
    memset (sfn, ' ', sfn_len);                                                           
  111d45:   83 fa 08                cmp    $0x8,%edx                                      
    void             *buffer = converter->buffer.data;                                    
  111d48:   89 45 d0                mov    %eax,-0x30(%ebp)                               
    size_t            codepage_name_len = converter->buffer.size;                         
  111d4b:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  111d4e:   8b 40 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%eax                                 
  111d51:   89 45 e4                mov    %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
    memset (sfn, ' ', sfn_len);                                                           
  111d54:   0f 83 f6 01 00 00       jae    111f50 <msdos_long_to_short+0x220>             <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  111d5a:   f6 c2 04                test   $0x4,%dl                                       
  111d5d:   74 09                   je     111d68 <msdos_long_to_short+0x38>              <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  111d5f:   c7 07 20 20 20 20       movl   $0x20202020,(%edi)                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  111d65:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  111d68:   f6 c2 02                test   $0x2,%dl                                       
  111d6b:   74 08                   je     111d75 <msdos_long_to_short+0x45>              <== NEVER TAKEN
  111d6d:   66 c7 07 20 20          movw   $0x2020,(%edi)                                 
  111d72:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      
  111d75:   f6 c2 01                test   $0x1,%dl                                       
  111d78:   74 03                   je     111d7d <msdos_long_to_short+0x4d>              <== NEVER TAKEN
  111d7a:   c6 07 20                movb   $0x20,(%edi)                                   
    if ((lfn[0] == '.') && (lfn_len == 1))                                                
  111d7d:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  111d80:   0f b6 10                movzbl (%eax),%edx                                    
  111d83:   80 fa 2e                cmp    $0x2e,%dl                                      
  111d86:   0f 84 04 02 00 00       je     111f90 <msdos_long_to_short+0x260>             
    for (i = 0; i < lfn_len; i++)                                                         
  111d8c:   8b 4d 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%ecx                                
  111d8f:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  111d91:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  111d93:   0f 8e 27 02 00 00       jle    111fc0 <msdos_long_to_short+0x290>             <== NEVER TAKEN
  111d99:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  111d9c:   8b 4d 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%ecx                                
  111d9f:   eb 1c                   jmp    111dbd <msdos_long_to_short+0x8d>              
  111da1:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  111da8:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  111daf:   90                      nop                                                   
  111db0:   40                      inc    %eax                                           
  111db1:   39 c1                   cmp    %eax,%ecx                                      
  111db3:   0f 84 bf 00 00 00       je     111e78 <msdos_long_to_short+0x148>             
        if ((lfn[i] != ' ') && (lfn[i] != '.'))                                           
  111db9:   0f b6 14 03             movzbl (%ebx,%eax,1),%edx                             
  111dbd:   80 fa 20                cmp    $0x20,%dl                                      
  111dc0:   74 ee                   je     111db0 <msdos_long_to_short+0x80>              
  111dc2:   80 fa 2e                cmp    $0x2e,%dl                                      
  111dc5:   74 e9                   je     111db0 <msdos_long_to_short+0x80>              
    eno = (*converter->handler->utf8_to_codepage) (                                       
  111dc7:   8b 4d 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%ecx                                
  111dca:   8d 55 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%edx                               
  111dcd:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  111dd0:   8b 7d d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%edi                               
  111dd3:   8b 00                   mov    (%eax),%eax                                    
  111dd5:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  111dd9:   8b 4d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  111ddc:   89 54 24 10             mov    %edx,0x10(%esp)                                
  111de0:   89 7c 24 0c             mov    %edi,0xc(%esp)                                 
  111de4:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  111de8:   8b 4d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  111deb:   89 0c 24                mov    %ecx,(%esp)                                    
  111dee:   ff 10                   call   *(%eax)                                        
    if (eno == EINVAL)                                                                    
  111df0:   83 f8 16                cmp    $0x16,%eax                                     
  111df3:   0f 84 f7 00 00 00       je     111ef0 <msdos_long_to_short+0x1c0>             
    while (*name && (count < name_len))                                                   
  111df9:   0f b6 1f                movzbl (%edi),%ebx                                    
        type = msdos_name_type (                                                          
  111dfc:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
    while (*name && (count < name_len))                                                   
  111dff:   84 db                   test   %bl,%bl                                        
        type = msdos_name_type (                                                          
  111e01:   89 45 cc                mov    %eax,-0x34(%ebp)                               
    while (*name && (count < name_len))                                                   
  111e04:   0f 95 c2                setne  %dl                                            
  111e07:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  111e09:   0f 9f c0                setg   %al                                            
  111e0c:   20 c2                   and    %al,%dl                                        
  111e0e:   88 55 cb                mov    %dl,-0x35(%ebp)                                
  111e11:   0f 84 c7 00 00 00       je     111ede <msdos_long_to_short+0x1ae>             <== NEVER TAKEN
    bool uppercase = false;                                                               
  111e17:   c6 45 ca 00             movb   $0x0,-0x36(%ebp)                               
    int  count = 0;                                                                       
  111e1b:   31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi                                      
    bool lowercase = false;                                                               
  111e1d:   c6 45 c9 00             movb   $0x0,-0x37(%ebp)                               
    int  dot_at = -1;                                                                     
  111e21:   89 fe                   mov    %edi,%esi                                      
  111e23:   c7 45 d4 ff ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,-0x2c(%ebp)                        
  111e2a:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
    if (strchr(" +,;=[]", ch) != NULL)                                                    
  111e30:   c7 04 24 80 36 13 00    movl   $0x133680,(%esp)                               
        msdos_name_type_t type = msdos_is_valid_name_char(*name);                         
  111e37:   0f be fb                movsbl %bl,%edi                                       
    if (strchr(" +,;=[]", ch) != NULL)                                                    
  111e3a:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  111e3e:   e8 ad 61 01 00          call   127ff0 <strchr>                                
  111e43:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  111e45:   0f 85 a5 00 00 00       jne    111ef0 <msdos_long_to_short+0x1c0>             
    if ((ch == '.') || isalnum((unsigned char)ch) ||                                      
  111e4b:   80 fb 2e                cmp    $0x2e,%bl                                      
  111e4e:   0f 84 ec 00 00 00       je     111f40 <msdos_long_to_short+0x210>             
  111e54:   0f b6 c3                movzbl %bl,%eax                                       
  111e57:   f6 80 e1 6a 13 00 07    testb  $0x7,0x136ae1(%eax)                            
  111e5e:   75 30                   jne    111e90 <msdos_long_to_short+0x160>             
        (strchr("$%'-_@~`!(){}^#&", ch) != NULL) || (unsigned char) ch > 127)             
  111e60:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  111e64:   c7 04 24 88 36 13 00    movl   $0x133688,(%esp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  111e6b:   e8 80 61 01 00          call   127ff0 <strchr>                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  111e70:   84 db                   test   %bl,%bl                                        
  111e72:   78 1c                   js     111e90 <msdos_long_to_short+0x160>             
  111e74:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  111e76:   75 18                   jne    111e90 <msdos_long_to_short+0x160>             
        return MSDOS_NAME_INVALID;                                                        
  111e78:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      
  111e7a:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  111e7d:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  111e7f:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  111e80:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  111e81:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  111e82:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  111e83:   c3                      ret                                                   
  111e84:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  111e8b:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  111e8f:   90                      nop                                                   
        if (dot_at >= 0)                                                                  
  111e90:   83 7d d4 ff             cmpl   $0xffffffff,-0x2c(%ebp)                        
  111e94:   74 4f                   je     111ee5 <msdos_long_to_short+0x1b5>             
            if (is_dot || ((count - dot_at) > 3))                                         
  111e96:   8b 55 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%edx                               
  111e99:   89 f0                   mov    %esi,%eax                                      
  111e9b:   29 d0                   sub    %edx,%eax                                      
  111e9d:   83 f8 03                cmp    $0x3,%eax                                      
  111ea0:   7f 4e                   jg     111ef0 <msdos_long_to_short+0x1c0>             
        else if ((*name >= 'A') && (*name <= 'Z'))                                        
  111ea2:   88 d8                   mov    %bl,%al                                        
  111ea4:   2c 41                   sub    $0x41,%al                                      
  111ea6:   3c 19                   cmp    $0x19,%al                                      
  111ea8:   0f 86 82 00 00 00       jbe    111f30 <msdos_long_to_short+0x200>             
        else if ((*name >= 'a') && (*name <= 'z'))                                        
  111eae:   80 eb 61                sub    $0x61,%bl                                      
  111eb1:   80 fb 19                cmp    $0x19,%bl                                      
  111eb4:   77 07                   ja     111ebd <msdos_long_to_short+0x18d>             
            lowercase = true;                                                             
  111eb6:   0f b6 45 cb             movzbl -0x35(%ebp),%eax                               
  111eba:   88 45 c9                mov    %al,-0x37(%ebp)                                
  111ebd:   46                      inc    %esi                                           
    while (*name && (count < name_len))                                                   
  111ebe:   8b 45 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%eax                               
  111ec1:   39 75 cc                cmp    %esi,-0x34(%ebp)                               
  111ec4:   0f b6 1c 30             movzbl (%eax,%esi,1),%ebx                             
  111ec8:   7e 08                   jle    111ed2 <msdos_long_to_short+0x1a2>             
  111eca:   84 db                   test   %bl,%bl                                        
  111ecc:   0f 85 5e ff ff ff       jne    111e30 <msdos_long_to_short+0x100>             <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    if (lowercase && uppercase)                                                           
  111ed2:   80 7d c9 00             cmpb   $0x0,-0x37(%ebp)                               
  111ed6:   74 06                   je     111ede <msdos_long_to_short+0x1ae>             
  111ed8:   80 7d ca 00             cmpb   $0x0,-0x36(%ebp)                               
  111edc:   75 12                   jne    111ef0 <msdos_long_to_short+0x1c0>             
    return MSDOS_NAME_SHORT;                                                              
  111ede:   bb 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ebx                                      
  111ee3:   eb 10                   jmp    111ef5 <msdos_long_to_short+0x1c5>             
            if (count == 8 && !is_dot)                                                    
  111ee5:   83 fe 08                cmp    $0x8,%esi                                      
  111ee8:   75 b8                   jne    111ea2 <msdos_long_to_short+0x172>             
  111eea:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 
        type = MSDOS_NAME_LONG;                                                           
  111ef0:   bb 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%ebx                                      
        short_filename_length = msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save (              
  111ef5:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                
  111ef8:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  111efc:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  111eff:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  111f03:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                
  111f06:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  111f0a:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  111f0d:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  111f11:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  111f14:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  111f17:   e8 04 72 00 00          call   119120 <msdos_filename_utf8_to_short_name_for_save>
        if (short_filename_length < 0 ) {                                                 
  111f1c:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  111f1e:   0f 88 54 ff ff ff       js     111e78 <msdos_long_to_short+0x148>             <== NEVER TAKEN
  111f24:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  111f27:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
  111f29:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  111f2a:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  111f2b:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  111f2c:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  111f2d:   c3                      ret                                                   
  111f2e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
            uppercase = true;                                                             
  111f30:   0f b6 45 cb             movzbl -0x35(%ebp),%eax                               
  111f34:   88 45 ca                mov    %al,-0x36(%ebp)                                
  111f37:   eb 84                   jmp    111ebd <msdos_long_to_short+0x18d>             
  111f39:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
        if (dot_at >= 0)                                                                  
  111f40:   83 7d d4 ff             cmpl   $0xffffffff,-0x2c(%ebp)                        
  111f44:   75 aa                   jne    111ef0 <msdos_long_to_short+0x1c0>             <== NEVER TAKEN
  111f46:   89 75 d4                mov    %esi,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  111f49:   e9 6f ff ff ff          jmp    111ebd <msdos_long_to_short+0x18d>             
  111f4e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
    memset (sfn, ' ', sfn_len);                                                           
  111f50:   f7 c7 01 00 00 00       test   $0x1,%edi                                      
  111f56:   0f 85 84 00 00 00       jne    111fe0 <msdos_long_to_short+0x2b0>             <== NEVER TAKEN
  111f5c:   f7 c7 02 00 00 00       test   $0x2,%edi                                      
  111f62:   0f 85 8c 00 00 00       jne    111ff4 <msdos_long_to_short+0x2c4>             <== NEVER TAKEN
  111f68:   f7 c7 04 00 00 00       test   $0x4,%edi                                      
  111f6e:   0f 85 90 00 00 00       jne    112004 <msdos_long_to_short+0x2d4>             <== NEVER TAKEN
  111f74:   89 d1                   mov    %edx,%ecx                                      
  111f76:   b8 20 20 20 20          mov    $0x20202020,%eax                               
  111f7b:   c1 e9 02                shr    $0x2,%ecx                                      
  111f7e:   83 e2 03                and    $0x3,%edx                                      
  111f81:   f3 ab                   rep stos %eax,%es:(%edi)                              
  111f83:   e9 d2 fd ff ff          jmp    111d5a <msdos_long_to_short+0x2a>              
  111f88:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  111f8f:   90                      nop                                                   
    if ((lfn[0] == '.') && (lfn_len == 1))                                                
  111f90:   83 7d 10 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x10(%ebp)                                
  111f94:   74 3a                   je     111fd0 <msdos_long_to_short+0x2a0>             
    if ((lfn[0] == '.') && (lfn[1] == '.') && (lfn_len == 2))                             
  111f96:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  111f99:   80 78 01 2e             cmpb   $0x2e,0x1(%eax)                                
  111f9d:   0f 85 e9 fd ff ff       jne    111d8c <msdos_long_to_short+0x5c>              <== NEVER TAKEN
  111fa3:   83 7d 10 02             cmpl   $0x2,0x10(%ebp)                                
  111fa7:   0f 85 df fd ff ff       jne    111d8c <msdos_long_to_short+0x5c>              
        sfn[0] = sfn[1] = '.';                                                            
  111fad:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
        return MSDOS_NAME_SHORT;                                                          
  111fb0:   bb 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ebx                                      
        sfn[0] = sfn[1] = '.';                                                            
  111fb5:   66 c7 00 2e 2e          movw   $0x2e2e,(%eax)                                 
        return MSDOS_NAME_SHORT;                                                          
  111fba:   e9 bb fe ff ff          jmp    111e7a <msdos_long_to_short+0x14a>             
  111fbf:   90                      nop                                                   
    if (i == lfn_len)                                                                     
  111fc0:   0f 85 01 fe ff ff       jne    111dc7 <msdos_long_to_short+0x97>              <== NOT EXECUTED
  111fc6:   e9 ad fe ff ff          jmp    111e78 <msdos_long_to_short+0x148>             <== NOT EXECUTED
  111fcb:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  111fcf:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
        sfn[0] = '.';                                                                     
  111fd0:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
        return MSDOS_NAME_SHORT;                                                          
  111fd3:   bb 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ebx                                      
        sfn[0] = '.';                                                                     
  111fd8:   c6 00 2e                movb   $0x2e,(%eax)                                   
        return MSDOS_NAME_SHORT;                                                          
  111fdb:   e9 9a fe ff ff          jmp    111e7a <msdos_long_to_short+0x14a>             
    memset (sfn, ' ', sfn_len);                                                           
  111fe0:   c6 07 20                movb   $0x20,(%edi)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  111fe3:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  111fe6:   8d 78 01                lea    0x1(%eax),%edi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  111fe9:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  111fec:   8d 50 ff                lea    -0x1(%eax),%edx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  111fef:   e9 68 ff ff ff          jmp    111f5c <msdos_long_to_short+0x22c>             <== NOT EXECUTED
  111ff4:   66 c7 07 20 20          movw   $0x2020,(%edi)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  111ff9:   83 ea 02                sub    $0x2,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  111ffc:   83 c7 02                add    $0x2,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  111fff:   e9 64 ff ff ff          jmp    111f68 <msdos_long_to_short+0x238>             <== NOT EXECUTED
  112004:   c7 07 20 20 20 20       movl   $0x20202020,(%edi)                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  11200a:   83 ea 04                sub    $0x4,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  11200d:   83 c7 04                add    $0x4,%edi                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  112010:   e9 5f ff ff ff          jmp    111f74 <msdos_long_to_short+0x244>             <== NOT EXECUTED
  112015:   90                      nop                                                   
  112016:   90                      nop                                                   
  112017:   90                      nop                                                   
  112018:   90                      nop                                                   
  112019:   90                      nop                                                   
  11201a:   90                      nop                                                   
  11201b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11201c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11201d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11201e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11201f:   90                      nop                                                   

00105d40 <msdos_mknod>: const char *name, size_t namelen, mode_t mode, dev_t dev ) {
  105d40:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  105d41:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  105d43:   83 ec 08                sub    $0x8,%esp                                      
  105d46:   89 5d f8                mov    %ebx,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  105d49:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                
  105d4c:   89 75 fc                mov    %esi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  105d4f:   8b 4d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ecx                                 
  105d52:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  105d55:   8b 75 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%esi                                
    fat_file_type_t      type = 0;                                                        
     *  Figure out what type of msdos node this is.                                       
    if (S_ISDIR(mode))                                                                    
  105d58:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx                                      
  105d5a:   81 e2 00 f0 00 00       and    $0xf000,%edx                                   
  105d60:   81 fa 00 40 00 00       cmp    $0x4000,%edx                                   
  105d66:   74 38                   je     105da0 <msdos_mknod+0x60>                      
       type = FAT_DIRECTORY;                                                              
    else if (S_ISREG(mode))                                                               
  105d68:   81 fa 00 80 00 00       cmp    $0x8000,%edx                                   
  105d6e:   75 34                   jne    105da4 <msdos_mknod+0x64>                      <== NEVER TAKEN
        type = FAT_FILE;                                                                  
  105d70:   ba 04 00 00 00          mov    $0x4,%edx                                      
    /* Create an MSDOS node */                                                            
    rc = msdos_creat_node(parentloc, type, name, namelen, mode, NULL);                    
  105d75:   89 75 14                mov    %esi,0x14(%ebp)                                
    return rc;                                                                            
  105d78:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                
    rc = msdos_creat_node(parentloc, type, name, namelen, mode, NULL);                    
  105d7b:   89 5d 10                mov    %ebx,0x10(%ebp)                                
  105d7e:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                
    rc = msdos_creat_node(parentloc, type, name, namelen, mode, NULL);                    
  105d81:   c7 45 1c 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x1c(%ebp)                                
  105d88:   89 45 18                mov    %eax,0x18(%ebp)                                
  105d8b:   89 55 0c                mov    %edx,0xc(%ebp)                                 
  105d8e:   89 4d 08                mov    %ecx,0x8(%ebp)                                 
  105d91:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  105d93:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
    rc = msdos_creat_node(parentloc, type, name, namelen, mode, NULL);                    
  105d94:   e9 e7 b5 00 00          jmp    111380 <msdos_creat_node>                      
  105d99:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
       type = FAT_DIRECTORY;                                                              
  105da0:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      
  105da2:   eb d1                   jmp    105d75 <msdos_mknod+0x35>                      
  105da4:   e8 f7 0a 02 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105da9:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105dac:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105daf:   c7 00 16 00 00 00       movl   $0x16,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105db5:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105db7:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105dbc:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105dbd:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105dbe:   90                      nop                                                   
  105dbf:   90                      nop                                                   

00105dc0 <msdos_rename>: const rtems_filesystem_location_info_t *old_loc, const rtems_filesystem_location_info_t *new_parent_loc, const char *new_name, size_t new_namelen ) {
  105dc0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
     * create new directory entry as "hard link", copying relevant info from              
     * existing file                                                                      
    rc = msdos_creat_node(new_parent_loc,                                                 
  105dc1:   b8 00 80 00 00          mov    $0x8000,%eax                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105dc6:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105dc8:   83 ec 28                sub    $0x28,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  105dcb:   89 75 fc                mov    %esi,-0x4(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105dce:   8b 75 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    rc = msdos_creat_node(new_parent_loc,                                                 
  105dd1:   ba 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105dd6:   89 5d f8                mov    %ebx,-0x8(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    fat_file_fd_t     *old_fat_fd  = old_loc->node_access;                                
  105dd9:   8b 5e 08                mov    0x8(%esi),%ebx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    rc = msdos_creat_node(new_parent_loc,                                                 
  105ddc:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105de0:   8b 45 18                mov    0x18(%ebp),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105de3:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105de7:   89 5c 24 14             mov    %ebx,0x14(%esp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105deb:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105def:   8b 45 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105df2:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105df6:   8b 45 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105df9:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105dfc:   e8 7f b5 00 00          call   111380 <msdos_creat_node>                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  105e01:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e03:   74 0b                   je     105e10 <msdos_rename+0x50>                     <== NOT EXECUTED
    rc = msdos_set_first_char4file_name(old_loc->mt_entry,                                
    return rc;                                                                            
  105e05:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e08:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e0b:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e0d:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e0e:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e0f:   90                      nop                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    rc = msdos_set_first_char4file_name(old_loc->mt_entry,                                
  105e10:   c7 45 10 e5 00 00 00    movl   $0xe5,0x10(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e17:   83 c3 20                add    $0x20,%ebx                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e1a:   89 5d 0c                mov    %ebx,0xc(%ebp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e1d:   8b 5d f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    rc = msdos_set_first_char4file_name(old_loc->mt_entry,                                
  105e20:   8b 46 14                mov    0x14(%esi),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e23:   8b 75 fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%esi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    rc = msdos_set_first_char4file_name(old_loc->mt_entry,                                
  105e26:   89 45 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%ebp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e29:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e2b:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    rc = msdos_set_first_char4file_name(old_loc->mt_entry,                                
  105e2c:   e9 ef c4 00 00          jmp    112320 <msdos_set_first_char4file_name>        <== NOT EXECUTED
  105e31:   90                      nop                                                   
  105e32:   90                      nop                                                   
  105e33:   90                      nop                                                   
  105e34:   90                      nop                                                   
  105e35:   90                      nop                                                   
  105e36:   90                      nop                                                   
  105e37:   90                      nop                                                   
  105e38:   90                      nop                                                   
  105e39:   90                      nop                                                   
  105e3a:   90                      nop                                                   
  105e3b:   90                      nop                                                   
  105e3c:   90                      nop                                                   
  105e3d:   90                      nop                                                   
  105e3e:   90                      nop                                                   
  105e3f:   90                      nop                                                   

00105e40 <msdos_rmnod>: #include "msdos.h" int msdos_rmnod(const rtems_filesystem_location_info_t *parent_pathloc, const rtems_filesystem_location_info_t *pathloc) {
  105e40:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  105e41:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  105e43:   83 ec 48                sub    $0x48,%esp                                     
  105e46:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  105e49:   8b 7d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%edi                                 
  105e4c:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                
  105e4f:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                
    int                rc = RC_OK;                                                        
    msdos_fs_info_t   *fs_info = pathloc->mt_entry->fs_info;                              
    fat_file_fd_t     *fat_fd = pathloc->node_access;                                     
  105e52:   8b 77 08                mov    0x8(%edi),%esi                                 
    msdos_fs_info_t   *fs_info = pathloc->mt_entry->fs_info;                              
  105e55:   8b 47 14                mov    0x14(%edi),%eax                                
    if (fat_fd->fat_file_type == FAT_DIRECTORY)                                           
  105e58:   8b 4e 10                mov    0x10(%esi),%ecx                                
    msdos_fs_info_t   *fs_info = pathloc->mt_entry->fs_info;                              
  105e5b:   8b 58 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%ebx                                 
    if (fat_fd->fat_file_type == FAT_DIRECTORY)                                           
  105e5e:   85 c9                   test   %ecx,%ecx                                      
  105e60:   75 2a                   jne    105e8c <msdos_rmnod+0x4c>                      
        bool is_empty = false;                                                            
         * You cannot remove a node that still has children                               
        rc = msdos_dir_is_empty(pathloc->mt_entry, fat_fd, &is_empty);                    
  105e62:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105e66:   8d 55 e7                lea    -0x19(%ebp),%edx                               
  105e69:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  105e6d:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
        bool is_empty = false;                                                            
  105e70:   c6 45 e7 00             movb   $0x0,-0x19(%ebp)                               
        rc = msdos_dir_is_empty(pathloc->mt_entry, fat_fd, &is_empty);                    
  105e74:   e8 e7 c5 00 00          call   112460 <msdos_dir_is_empty>                    
        if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                  
  105e79:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105e7b:   75 2b                   jne    105ea8 <msdos_rmnod+0x68>                      <== NEVER TAKEN
            return rc;                                                                    
        if (!is_empty)                                                                    
  105e7d:   80 7d e7 00             cmpb   $0x0,-0x19(%ebp)                               
  105e81:   74 7d                   je     105f00 <msdos_rmnod+0xc0>                      
         * We deny attempts to delete open directory (if directory is current             
         * directory we assume it is open one)                                            
        if (fat_fd->links_num > 1)                                                        
  105e83:   83 7e 08 01             cmpl   $0x1,0x8(%esi)                                 
  105e87:   77 57                   ja     105ee0 <msdos_rmnod+0xa0>                      <== NEVER TAKEN
         * not used - mount() not implemenetd yet.                                        
    /* mark file removed */                                                               
    rc = msdos_set_first_char4file_name(pathloc->mt_entry, &fat_fd->dir_pos,              
  105e89:   8b 47 14                mov    0x14(%edi),%eax                                
  105e8c:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  105e8f:   ba e5 00 00 00          mov    $0xe5,%edx                                     
  105e94:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  105e98:   8d 56 20                lea    0x20(%esi),%edx                                
  105e9b:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105e9f:   e8 7c c4 00 00          call   112320 <msdos_set_first_char4file_name>        
    if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                      
  105ea4:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105ea6:   74 18                   je     105ec0 <msdos_rmnod+0x80>                      <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    fat_file_mark_removed(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                         
    return rc;                                                                            
  105ea8:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  105eab:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  105eae:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  105eb1:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  105eb3:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105eb4:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105eb5:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105ebc:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    fat_file_mark_removed(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                         
  105ec0:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105ec4:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  105ec7:   89 45 d4                mov    %eax,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  105eca:   e8 41 b1 00 00          call   111010 <fat_file_mark_removed>                 
  105ecf:   8b 45 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               
  105ed2:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  105ed5:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  105ed8:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  105edb:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  105edd:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105ede:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105edf:   90                      nop                                                   
  105ee0:   e8 bb 09 02 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ee5:   c7 00 10 00 00 00       movl   $0x10,(%eax)                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  105eeb:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ef0:   eb b6                   jmp    105ea8 <msdos_rmnod+0x68>                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ef2:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  105ef9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  105f00:   e8 9b 09 02 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               
  105f05:   c7 00 5a 00 00 00       movl   $0x5a,(%eax)                                   
  105f0b:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  105f10:   eb 96                   jmp    105ea8 <msdos_rmnod+0x68>                      
  105f12:   90                      nop                                                   
  105f13:   90                      nop                                                   
  105f14:   90                      nop                                                   
  105f15:   90                      nop                                                   
  105f16:   90                      nop                                                   
  105f17:   90                      nop                                                   
  105f18:   90                      nop                                                   
  105f19:   90                      nop                                                   
  105f1a:   90                      nop                                                   
  105f1b:   90                      nop                                                   
  105f1c:   90                      nop                                                   
  105f1d:   90                      nop                                                   
  105f1e:   90                      nop                                                   
  105f1f:   90                      nop                                                   

00112320 <msdos_set_first_char4file_name>: {
  112320:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  112321:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  112323:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  112324:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  112325:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  112326:   83 ec 4c                sub    $0x4c,%esp                                     
  112329:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
  11232c:   0f b6 5d 10             movzbl 0x10(%ebp),%ebx                                
    msdos_fs_info_t *fs_info = mt_entry->fs_info;                                         
  112330:   8b 55 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%edx                                 
    fat_pos_t        start = dir_pos->lname;                                              
  112333:   8b 48 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%ecx                                 
  112336:   88 5d d4                mov    %bl,-0x2c(%ebp)                                
    fat_pos_t        start = dir_pos->lname;                                              
  112339:   8b 58 0c                mov    0xc(%eax),%ebx                                 
    msdos_fs_info_t *fs_info = mt_entry->fs_info;                                         
  11233c:   8b 7a 08                mov    0x8(%edx),%edi                                 
    fat_pos_t        end = dir_pos->sname;                                                
  11233f:   8b 70 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%esi                                 
    fat_pos_t        start = dir_pos->lname;                                              
  112342:   89 4d e0                mov    %ecx,-0x20(%ebp)                               
  112345:   89 5d e4                mov    %ebx,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
    fat_pos_t        end = dir_pos->sname;                                                
  112348:   8b 18                   mov    (%eax),%ebx                                    
    if ((end.cln == fs_info->fat.vol.rdir_cl) &&                                          
  11234a:   39 5f 44                cmp    %ebx,0x44(%edi)                                
    fat_pos_t        end = dir_pos->sname;                                                
  11234d:   89 75 cc                mov    %esi,-0x34(%ebp)                               
    if ((end.cln == fs_info->fat.vol.rdir_cl) &&                                          
  112350:   0f 84 ea 00 00 00       je     112440 <msdos_set_first_char4file_name+0x120>  
      dir_block_size = fs_info->fat.vol.bpc;                                              
  112356:   8b 77 08                mov    0x8(%edi),%esi                                 
  112359:   89 75 d0                mov    %esi,-0x30(%ebp)                               
    if (dir_pos->lname.cln == FAT_FILE_SHORT_NAME)                                        
  11235c:   83 78 08 ff             cmpl   $0xffffffff,0x8(%eax)                          
  112360:   75 0b                   jne    11236d <msdos_set_first_char4file_name+0x4d>   
      start = dir_pos->sname;                                                             
  112362:   8b 50 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%edx                                 
  112365:   8b 00                   mov    (%eax),%eax                                    
  112367:   89 55 e4                mov    %edx,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  11236a:   89 45 e0                mov    %eax,-0x20(%ebp)                               
                      (start.ofs >> fs_info->fat.vol.sec_log2));                          
  11236d:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  112370:   8d 75 d4                lea    -0x2c(%ebp),%esi                               
      uint32_t sec = (fat_cluster_num_to_sector_num(&fs_info->fat, start.cln) +           
  112373:   8b 55 e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%edx                               
  112376:   eb 17                   jmp    11238f <msdos_set_first_char4file_name+0x6f>   
  112378:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  11237f:   90                      nop                                                   
      start.ofs += MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE;                                     
  112380:   83 c0 20                add    $0x20,%eax                                     
      if (start.ofs >= dir_block_size)                                                    
  112383:   3b 45 d0                cmp    -0x30(%ebp),%eax                               
      start.ofs += MSDOS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_STRUCT_SIZE;                                     
  112386:   89 45 e4                mov    %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
      if (start.ofs >= dir_block_size)                                                    
  112389:   0f 83 81 00 00 00       jae    112410 <msdos_set_first_char4file_name+0xf0>   
    if ( (cln == 0) && (fs_info->vol.type & (FAT_FAT12 | FAT_FAT16)) )                    
  11238f:   85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx                                      
  112391:   75 06                   jne    112399 <msdos_set_first_char4file_name+0x79>   
  112393:   f6 47 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%edi)                                
  112397:   75 57                   jne    1123f0 <msdos_set_first_char4file_name+0xd0>   <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    return (((cln - FAT_RSRVD_CLN) << fs_info->vol.spc_log2) +                            
  112399:   0f b6 4f 05             movzbl 0x5(%edi),%ecx                                 
  11239d:   83 ea 02                sub    $0x2,%edx                                      
  1123a0:   d3 e2                   shl    %cl,%edx                                       
  1123a2:   8b 4f 3c                mov    0x3c(%edi),%ecx                                
  1123a5:   01 ca                   add    %ecx,%edx                                      
      ret = fat_sector_write(&fs_info->fat, sec, byte + MSDOS_FILE_NAME_OFFSET,           
  1123a7:   89 74 24 10             mov    %esi,0x10(%esp)                                
  1123ab:   b9 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%ecx                                      
  1123b0:   89 4c 24 0c             mov    %ecx,0xc(%esp)                                 
      uint32_t byte = (start.ofs & (fs_info->fat.vol.bps - 1));                           
  1123b4:   0f b7 0f                movzwl (%edi),%ecx                                    
  1123b7:   49                      dec    %ecx                                           
  1123b8:   21 c1                   and    %eax,%ecx                                      
      ret = fat_sector_write(&fs_info->fat, sec, byte + MSDOS_FILE_NAME_OFFSET,           
  1123ba:   89 4c 24 08             mov    %ecx,0x8(%esp)                                 
                      (start.ofs >> fs_info->fat.vol.sec_log2));                          
  1123be:   0f b6 4f 02             movzbl 0x2(%edi),%ecx                                 
      ret = fat_sector_write(&fs_info->fat, sec, byte + MSDOS_FILE_NAME_OFFSET,           
  1123c2:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
                      (start.ofs >> fs_info->fat.vol.sec_log2));                          
  1123c5:   d3 e8                   shr    %cl,%eax                                       
      uint32_t sec = (fat_cluster_num_to_sector_num(&fs_info->fat, start.cln) +           
  1123c7:   01 c2                   add    %eax,%edx                                      
      ret = fat_sector_write(&fs_info->fat, sec, byte + MSDOS_FILE_NAME_OFFSET,           
  1123c9:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1123cd:   e8 de c6 ff ff          call   10eab0 <fat_sector_write>                      
      if (ret < 0)                                                                        
  1123d2:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  1123d4:   78 2a                   js     112400 <msdos_set_first_char4file_name+0xe0>   <== NEVER TAKEN
      if ((start.cln == end.cln) && (start.ofs == end.ofs))                               
  1123d6:   8b 55 e0                mov    -0x20(%ebp),%edx                               
  1123d9:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  1123dc:   39 d3                   cmp    %edx,%ebx                                      
  1123de:   75 a0                   jne    112380 <msdos_set_first_char4file_name+0x60>   
  1123e0:   39 45 cc                cmp    %eax,-0x34(%ebp)                               
  1123e3:   75 9b                   jne    112380 <msdos_set_first_char4file_name+0x60>   
  1123e5:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     
    return  RC_OK;                                                                        
  1123e8:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  1123ea:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  1123eb:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  1123ec:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  1123ed:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  1123ee:   c3                      ret                                                   
  1123ef:   90                      nop                                                   
        return fs_info->vol.rdir_loc;                                                     
  1123f0:   8b 57 28                mov    0x28(%edi),%edx                                
  1123f3:   eb b2                   jmp    1123a7 <msdos_set_first_char4file_name+0x87>   
  1123f5:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  1123fc:   8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
        return -1;                                                                        
  112400:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  112405:   83 c4 4c                add    $0x4c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  112408:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  112409:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  11240a:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  11240b:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  11240c:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  11240d:   8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
        if ((end.cln == fs_info->fat.vol.rdir_cl) &&                                      
  112410:   3b 5f 44                cmp    0x44(%edi),%ebx                                
  112413:   75 06                   jne    11241b <msdos_set_first_char4file_name+0xfb>   <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  112415:   f6 47 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%edi)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  112419:   75 ca                   jne    1123e5 <msdos_set_first_char4file_name+0xc5>   <== NOT EXECUTED
        rc = fat_get_fat_cluster(&fs_info->fat, start.cln, &start.cln);                   
  11241b:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  11241f:   8d 45 e0                lea    -0x20(%ebp),%eax                               
  112422:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  112426:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  112429:   e8 22 d7 ff ff          call   10fb50 <fat_get_fat_cluster>                   
        if ( rc != RC_OK )                                                                
  11242e:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  112430:   75 d3                   jne    112405 <msdos_set_first_char4file_name+0xe5>   <== NEVER TAKEN
        start.ofs = 0;                                                                    
  112432:   c7 45 e4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
  112439:   e9 35 ff ff ff          jmp    112373 <msdos_set_first_char4file_name+0x53>   
  11243e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
    if ((end.cln == fs_info->fat.vol.rdir_cl) &&                                          
  112440:   f6 47 16 03             testb  $0x3,0x16(%edi)                                
  112444:   0f 84 0c ff ff ff       je     112356 <msdos_set_first_char4file_name+0x36>   <== NEVER TAKEN
      dir_block_size = fs_info->fat.vol.rdir_size;                                        
  11244a:   8b 77 34                mov    0x34(%edi),%esi                                
  11244d:   89 75 d0                mov    %esi,-0x30(%ebp)                               
  112450:   e9 07 ff ff ff          jmp    11235c <msdos_set_first_char4file_name+0x3c>   
  112455:   90                      nop                                                   
  112456:   90                      nop                                                   
  112457:   90                      nop                                                   
  112458:   90                      nop                                                   
  112459:   90                      nop                                                   
  11245a:   90                      nop                                                   
  11245b:   90                      nop                                                   
  11245c:   90                      nop                                                   
  11245d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11245e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11245f:   90                      nop                                                   

001119e0 <msdos_shut_down>: * temp_mt_entry - mount table entry * */ void msdos_shut_down(rtems_filesystem_mount_table_entry_t *temp_mt_entry) {
  1119e0:   55                      push   %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  1119e1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  1119e3:   83 ec 28                sub    $0x28,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  1119e6:   89 75 f8                mov    %esi,-0x8(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1119e9:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  1119ec:   89 5d f4                mov    %ebx,-0xc(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  1119ef:   89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    msdos_fs_info_t *fs_info = temp_mt_entry->fs_info;                                    
    fat_file_fd_t   *fat_fd = temp_mt_entry->mt_fs_root->location.node_access;            
  1119f2:   8b 46 24                mov    0x24(%esi),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    msdos_fs_info_t *fs_info = temp_mt_entry->fs_info;                                    
  1119f5:   8b 5e 08                mov    0x8(%esi),%ebx                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    rtems_dosfs_convert_control *converter = fs_info->converter;                          
    /* close fat-file which corresponds to root directory */                              
    fat_file_close(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                                
  1119f8:   8b 40 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%eax                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    rtems_dosfs_convert_control *converter = fs_info->converter;                          
  1119fb:   8b bb c8 00 00 00       mov    0xc8(%ebx),%edi                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    fat_file_close(&fs_info->fat, fat_fd);                                                
  111a01:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  111a04:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  111a08:   e8 43 ef ff ff          call   110950 <fat_file_close>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  111a0d:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    
  111a10:   e8 0b de ff ff          call   10f820 <fat_shutdown_drive>                    
    (*converter->handler->destroy)( converter );                                          
  111a15:   8b 07                   mov    (%edi),%eax                                    
  111a17:   89 3c 24                mov    %edi,(%esp)                                    
  111a1a:   ff 50 14                call   *0x14(%eax)                                    
  111a1d:   8b 83 c4 00 00 00       mov    0xc4(%ebx),%eax                                
  111a23:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  111a26:   e8 25 02 ff ff          call   101c50 <free>                                  
  111a2b:   8b 46 08                mov    0x8(%esi),%eax                                 
  111a2e:   8b 5d f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                
  111a31:   8b 75 f8                mov    -0x8(%ebp),%esi                                
  111a34:   8b 7d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%edi                                
  111a37:   89 45 08                mov    %eax,0x8(%ebp)                                 
  111a3a:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  111a3c:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  111a3d:   e9 0e 02 ff ff          jmp    101c50 <free>                                  
  111a42:   90                      nop                                                   
  111a43:   90                      nop                                                   
  111a44:   90                      nop                                                   
  111a45:   90                      nop                                                   
  111a46:   90                      nop                                                   
  111a47:   90                      nop                                                   
  111a48:   90                      nop                                                   
  111a49:   90                      nop                                                   
  111a4a:   90                      nop                                                   
  111a4b:   90                      nop                                                   
  111a4c:   90                      nop                                                   
  111a4d:   90                      nop                                                   
  111a4e:   90                      nop                                                   
  111a4f:   90                      nop                                                   

00105f20 <msdos_statvfs>: #include "msdos.h" int msdos_statvfs( const rtems_filesystem_location_info_t *__restrict root_loc, struct statvfs *__restrict sb) {
  105f20:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  105f21:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  105f23:   57                      push   %edi                                           
  105f24:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  105f25:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  105f26:   83 ec 3c                sub    $0x3c,%esp                                     
  msdos_fs_info_t *fs_info = root_loc->mt_entry->fs_info;                                 
  105f29:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  105f2c:   8b 5d 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%ebx                                 
  msdos_fs_info_t *fs_info = root_loc->mt_entry->fs_info;                                 
  105f2f:   8b 40 14                mov    0x14(%eax),%eax                                
  105f32:   8b 70 08                mov    0x8(%eax),%esi                                 
  105f35:   8d 86 ac 00 00 00       lea    0xac(%esi),%eax                                
  _Mutex_recursive_Acquire( mutex );                                                      
  105f3b:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  105f3e:   89 45 d0                mov    %eax,-0x30(%ebp)                               
  105f41:   e8 ba 3d 00 00          call   109d00 <_Mutex_recursive_Acquire>              
  fat_vol_t *vol = &fs_info->fat.vol;                                                     
  sb->f_bsize = FAT_SECTOR512_SIZE;                                                       
  sb->f_frsize = vol->bpc;                                                                
  105f46:   8b 46 08                mov    0x8(%esi),%eax                                 
  sb->f_bsize = FAT_SECTOR512_SIZE;                                                       
  105f49:   c7 03 00 02 00 00       movl   $0x200,(%ebx)                                  
  sb->f_blocks = vol->data_cls;                                                           
  105f4f:   8b 56 40                mov    0x40(%esi),%edx                                
  105f52:   c7 43 0c 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0xc(%ebx)                                 
  sb->f_bfree = 0;                                                                        
  105f59:   c7 43 10 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x10(%ebx)                                
  sb->f_frsize = vol->bpc;                                                                
  105f60:   89 43 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%ebx)                                 
  sb->f_ffree = 0;                                                                        
  sb->f_favail = 0;                                                                       
  sb->f_flag = 0;                                                                         
  sb->f_namemax = MSDOS_NAME_MAX_LNF_LEN;                                                 
  if (vol->free_cls == FAT_UNDEFINED_VALUE)                                               
  105f63:   8b 46 4c                mov    0x4c(%esi),%eax                                
  sb->f_blocks = vol->data_cls;                                                           
  105f66:   89 53 08                mov    %edx,0x8(%ebx)                                 
  sb->f_bfree = 0;                                                                        
  105f69:   c7 43 14 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x14(%ebx)                                
  sb->f_bavail = 0;                                                                       
  105f70:   c7 43 18 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x18(%ebx)                                
  105f77:   c7 43 1c 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x1c(%ebx)                                
  if (vol->free_cls == FAT_UNDEFINED_VALUE)                                               
  105f7e:   83 f8 ff                cmp    $0xffffffff,%eax                               
  sb->f_files = 0;    // FAT doesn't store inodes                                         
  105f81:   c7 43 20 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x20(%ebx)                                
  sb->f_ffree = 0;                                                                        
  105f88:   c7 43 24 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x24(%ebx)                                
  sb->f_favail = 0;                                                                       
  105f8f:   c7 43 28 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x28(%ebx)                                
  sb->f_flag = 0;                                                                         
  105f96:   c7 43 30 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0x30(%ebx)                                
  sb->f_namemax = MSDOS_NAME_MAX_LNF_LEN;                                                 
  105f9d:   c7 43 34 ff 00 00 00    movl   $0xff,0x34(%ebx)                               
  if (vol->free_cls == FAT_UNDEFINED_VALUE)                                               
  105fa4:   74 2a                   je     105fd0 <msdos_statvfs+0xb0>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
    sb->f_bfree = vol->free_cls;                                                          
  105fa6:   89 43 10                mov    %eax,0x10(%ebx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105fa9:   31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105fab:   89 53 14                mov    %edx,0x14(%ebx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
    sb->f_bavail = vol->free_cls;                                                         
  105fae:   89 43 18                mov    %eax,0x18(%ebx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105fb1:   89 53 1c                mov    %edx,0x1c(%ebx)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  _Mutex_recursive_Release( mutex );                                                      
  105fb4:   8b 45 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%eax                               
  105fb7:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  105fba:   e8 c1 3d 00 00          call   109d80 <_Mutex_recursive_Release>              
  return RC_OK;                                                                           
  105fbf:   83 c4 3c                add    $0x3c,%esp                                     
  return RC_OK;                                                                           
  105fc2:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax                                      
  105fc4:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  105fc5:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  105fc6:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           
  105fc7:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105fc8:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105fc9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
    uint32_t value = 0;                                                                   
  105fd0:   c7 45 e4 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x1c(%ebp)                               
    uint32_t data_cls_val = vol->data_cls + 2;                                            
  105fd7:   8d 42 02                lea    0x2(%edx),%eax                                 
    uint32_t cur_cl = 2;                                                                  
  105fda:   bf 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%edi                                      
    uint32_t data_cls_val = vol->data_cls + 2;                                            
  105fdf:   89 45 d4                mov    %eax,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
    for (; cur_cl < data_cls_val; ++cur_cl)                                               
  105fe2:   83 f8 02                cmp    $0x2,%eax                                      
  105fe5:   77 26                   ja     10600d <msdos_statvfs+0xed>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  105fe7:   eb cb                   jmp    105fb4 <msdos_statvfs+0x94>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105fe9:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          <== NOT EXECUTED
      if (value == FAT_GENFAT_FREE)                                                       
  105ff0:   8b 45 e4                mov    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  105ff3:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105ff5:   75 10                   jne    106007 <msdos_statvfs+0xe7>                    
  105ff7:   83 43 10 01             addl   $0x1,0x10(%ebx)                                
  105ffb:   83 53 14 00             adcl   $0x0,0x14(%ebx)                                
  105fff:   83 43 18 01             addl   $0x1,0x18(%ebx)                                
  106003:   83 53 1c 00             adcl   $0x0,0x1c(%ebx)                                
    for (; cur_cl < data_cls_val; ++cur_cl)                                               
  106007:   47                      inc    %edi                                           
  106008:   39 7d d4                cmp    %edi,-0x2c(%ebp)                               
  10600b:   74 a7                   je     105fb4 <msdos_statvfs+0x94>                    
      rc = fat_get_fat_cluster(&fs_info->fat, cur_cl, &value);                            
  10600d:   89 7c 24 04             mov    %edi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  106011:   8d 45 e4                lea    -0x1c(%ebp),%eax                               
  106014:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  106018:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  10601b:   e8 30 9b 00 00          call   10fb50 <fat_get_fat_cluster>                   
      if (rc != RC_OK)                                                                    
  106020:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  106022:   74 cc                   je     105ff0 <msdos_statvfs+0xd0>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  106024:   89 45 d4                mov    %eax,-0x2c(%ebp)                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  106027:   8b 45 d0                mov    -0x30(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  10602a:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10602d:   e8 4e 3d 00 00          call   109d80 <_Mutex_recursive_Release>              <== NOT EXECUTED
        return rc;                                                                        
  106032:   8b 45 d4                mov    -0x2c(%ebp),%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  106035:   83 c4 3c                add    $0x3c,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  106038:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  106039:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10603a:   5f                      pop    %edi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10603b:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  10603c:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  10603d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10603e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10603f:   90                      nop                                                   

00111350 <rtems_dosfs_create_default_converter>: rtems_dosfs_convert_control super; uint8_t buffer[MSDOS_NAME_MAX_LFN_BYTES]; } msdos_default_convert_control; rtems_dosfs_convert_control *rtems_dosfs_create_default_converter(void) {
  111350:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  111351:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  111353:   83 ec 18                sub    $0x18,%esp                                     
  msdos_default_convert_control *self = malloc( sizeof( *self ) );                        
  111356:   c7 04 24 14 02 00 00    movl   $0x214,(%esp)                                  
  11135d:   e8 be 0d ff ff          call   102120 <malloc>                                
  if ( self != NULL ) {                                                                   
  111362:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  111364:   74 13                   je     111379 <rtems_dosfs_create_default_converter+0x29><== NEVER TAKEN
    rtems_dosfs_convert_control *super = &self->super;                                    
    super->handler = &msdos_default_convert_handler;                                      
  111366:   c7 00 c8 35 13 00       movl   $0x1335c8,(%eax)                               
    super->buffer.data = &self->buffer;                                                   
  11136c:   8d 50 0c                lea    0xc(%eax),%edx                                 
  11136f:   89 50 04                mov    %edx,0x4(%eax)                                 
    super->buffer.size = sizeof( self->buffer );                                          
  111372:   c7 40 08 08 02 00 00    movl   $0x208,0x8(%eax)                               
  return &self->super;                                                                    
  111379:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  11137b:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  11137c:   c3                      ret                                                   
  11137d:   90                      nop                                                   
  11137e:   90                      nop                                                   
  11137f:   90                      nop                                                   

00106360 <rtems_dosfs_create_utf8_converter>: }; rtems_dosfs_convert_control *rtems_dosfs_create_utf8_converter( const char *codepage ) {
  106360:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  106361:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  106363:   56                      push   %esi                                           
  106364:   53                      push   %ebx                                           
  106365:   83 ec 10                sub    $0x10,%esp                                     
  msdos_utf8_convert_control *self = malloc( sizeof( *self ) );                           
  106368:   c7 04 24 2c 04 00 00    movl   $0x42c,(%esp)                                  
  10636f:   8b 75 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi                                 
  msdos_utf8_convert_control *self = malloc( sizeof( *self ) );                           
  106372:   e8 e9 cf ff ff          call   103360 <malloc>                                
  if ( self != NULL ) {                                                                   
  106377:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  msdos_utf8_convert_control *self = malloc( sizeof( *self ) );                           
  106379:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
  if ( self != NULL ) {                                                                   
  10637b:   0f 84 99 00 00 00       je     10641a <rtems_dosfs_create_utf8_converter+0xba><== NEVER TAKEN
    self->desc_codepage_to_utf8 = iconv_open( "UTF-8", codepage );                        
  106381:   89 74 24 04             mov    %esi,0x4(%esp)                                 
  106385:   c7 04 24 5a 0b 14 00    movl   $0x140b5a,(%esp)                               
  10638c:   e8 af 54 02 00          call   12b840 <iconv_open>                            
  106391:   89 43 0c                mov    %eax,0xc(%ebx)                                 
    self->desc_utf8_to_codepage = iconv_open( codepage, "UTF-8" );                        
  106394:   b8 5a 0b 14 00          mov    $0x140b5a,%eax                                 
  106399:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  10639d:   89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp)                                    
  1063a0:   e8 9b 54 02 00          call   12b840 <iconv_open>                            
    self->desc_utf16_to_utf8    = iconv_open( "UTF-8", "UTF-16LE" );                      
  1063a5:   ba 60 0b 14 00          mov    $0x140b60,%edx                                 
    self->desc_utf8_to_codepage = iconv_open( codepage, "UTF-8" );                        
  1063aa:   89 43 10                mov    %eax,0x10(%ebx)                                
    self->desc_utf16_to_utf8    = iconv_open( "UTF-8", "UTF-16LE" );                      
  1063ad:   89 54 24 04             mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1063b1:   c7 04 24 5a 0b 14 00    movl   $0x140b5a,(%esp)                               
  1063b8:   e8 83 54 02 00          call   12b840 <iconv_open>                            
    self->desc_utf8_to_utf16    = iconv_open( "UTF-16LE", "UTF-8" );                      
  1063bd:   b9 5a 0b 14 00          mov    $0x140b5a,%ecx                                 
    self->desc_utf16_to_utf8    = iconv_open( "UTF-8", "UTF-16LE" );                      
  1063c2:   89 43 14                mov    %eax,0x14(%ebx)                                
    self->desc_utf8_to_utf16    = iconv_open( "UTF-16LE", "UTF-8" );                      
  1063c5:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  1063c9:   c7 04 24 60 0b 14 00    movl   $0x140b60,(%esp)                               
  1063d0:   e8 6b 54 02 00          call   12b840 <iconv_open>                            
    if (                                                                                  
  1063d5:   83 7b 14 ff             cmpl   $0xffffffff,0x14(%ebx)                         
    self->desc_utf8_to_utf16    = iconv_open( "UTF-16LE", "UTF-8" );                      
  1063d9:   89 43 18                mov    %eax,0x18(%ebx)                                
    if (                                                                                  
  1063dc:   74 32                   je     106410 <rtems_dosfs_create_utf8_converter+0xb0><== NEVER TAKEN
      self->desc_utf16_to_utf8 != INVALID_ICONV_DESC                                      
        && self->desc_utf8_to_codepage != INVALID_ICONV_DESC                              
  1063de:   83 7b 10 ff             cmpl   $0xffffffff,0x10(%ebx)                         
  1063e2:   74 2c                   je     106410 <rtems_dosfs_create_utf8_converter+0xb0><== NEVER TAKEN
        && self->desc_codepage_to_utf8 != INVALID_ICONV_DESC                              
        && self->desc_utf8_to_utf16 != INVALID_ICONV_DESC                                 
  1063e4:   83 7b 0c ff             cmpl   $0xffffffff,0xc(%ebx)                          
  1063e8:   74 26                   je     106410 <rtems_dosfs_create_utf8_converter+0xb0><== NEVER TAKEN
  1063ea:   40                      inc    %eax                                           
  1063eb:   74 23                   je     106410 <rtems_dosfs_create_utf8_converter+0xb0><== NEVER TAKEN
    ) {                                                                                   
      rtems_dosfs_convert_control *super = &self->super;                                  
      super->handler = &msdos_utf8_convert_handler;                                       
  1063ed:   c7 03 98 0b 14 00       movl   $0x140b98,(%ebx)                               
      super->buffer.data = &self->buffer;                                                 
  1063f3:   8d 43 1c                lea    0x1c(%ebx),%eax                                
  1063f6:   89 43 04                mov    %eax,0x4(%ebx)                                 
      self = NULL;                                                                        
  return &self->super;                                                                    
  1063f9:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      
      super->buffer.size = sizeof( self->buffer );                                        
  1063fb:   c7 43 08 10 04 00 00    movl   $0x410,0x8(%ebx)                               
  106402:   83 c4 10                add    $0x10,%esp                                     
  106405:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           
  106406:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           
  106407:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  106408:   c3                      ret                                                   
  106409:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
      msdos_utf8_destroy( &self->super );                                                 
  106410:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
      self = NULL;                                                                        
  106413:   31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
      msdos_utf8_destroy( &self->super );                                                 
  106415:   e8 f6 fc ff ff          call   106110 <msdos_utf8_destroy>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  10641a:   83 c4 10                add    $0x10,%esp                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
  10641d:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  10641f:   5b                      pop    %ebx                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  106420:   5e                      pop    %esi                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  106421:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  106422:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  106423:   90                      nop                                                   
  106424:   90                      nop                                                   
  106425:   90                      nop                                                   
  106426:   90                      nop                                                   
  106427:   90                      nop                                                   
  106428:   90                      nop                                                   
  106429:   90                      nop                                                   
  10642a:   90                      nop                                                   
  10642b:   90                      nop                                                   
  10642c:   90                      nop                                                   
  10642d:   90                      nop                                                   
  10642e:   90                      nop                                                   
  10642f:   90                      nop                                                   

00105a80 <rtems_dosfs_initialize>: */ int rtems_dosfs_initialize( rtems_filesystem_mount_table_entry_t *mt_entry, const void *data ) {
  105a80:   55                      push   %ebp                                           
  105a81:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                                      
  105a83:   83 ec 38                sub    $0x38,%esp                                     
  105a86:   89 5d fc                mov    %ebx,-0x4(%ebp)                                
  105a89:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                                 
    const rtems_dosfs_mount_options   *mount_options = data;                              
    rtems_dosfs_convert_control       *converter;                                         
    bool                               converter_created = false;                         
    if (mount_options == NULL || mount_options->converter == NULL) {                      
  105a8c:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105a8e:   74 40                   je     105ad0 <rtems_dosfs_initialize+0x50>           
  105a90:   8b 00                   mov    (%eax),%eax                                    
  105a92:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105a94:   74 3a                   je     105ad0 <rtems_dosfs_initialize+0x50>           <== NEVER TAKEN
    } else {                                                                              
        converter = mount_options->converter;                                             
    if (converter != NULL) {                                                              
        rc = msdos_initialize_support(mt_entry,                                           
  105a96:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  105a9a:   b8 00 36 13 00          mov    $0x133600,%eax                                 
  105a9f:   ba 40 36 13 00          mov    $0x133640,%edx                                 
  105aa4:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  105aa8:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  105aab:   b9 40 2e 13 00          mov    $0x132e40,%ecx                                 
  105ab0:   89 54 24 08             mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)                                 
  105ab4:   89 4c 24 04             mov    %ecx,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105ab8:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  105abb:   e8 70 00 00 00          call   105b30 <msdos_initialize_support>              
        errno = ENOMEM;                                                                   
        rc = -1;                                                                          
    return rc;                                                                            
  105ac0:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                
  105ac3:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      
  105ac5:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           
  105ac6:   c3                      ret                                                   
  105ac7:   8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi                          
  105ace:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax                                        
        converter = rtems_dosfs_create_default_converter();                               
  105ad0:   e8 7b b8 00 00          call   111350 <rtems_dosfs_create_default_converter>  
    if (converter != NULL) {                                                              
  105ad5:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
        converter = rtems_dosfs_create_default_converter();                               
  105ad7:   89 c3                   mov    %eax,%ebx                                      
    if (converter != NULL) {                                                              
  105ad9:   74 43                   je     105b1e <rtems_dosfs_initialize+0x9e>           <== NEVER TAKEN
        rc = msdos_initialize_support(mt_entry,                                           
  105adb:   89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp)                                
  105adf:   b8 00 36 13 00          mov    $0x133600,%eax                                 
  105ae4:   89 44 24 0c             mov    %eax,0xc(%esp)                                 
  105ae8:   b8 40 36 13 00          mov    $0x133640,%eax                                 
  105aed:   89 44 24 08             mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)                                 
  105af1:   b8 40 2e 13 00          mov    $0x132e40,%eax                                 
  105af6:   89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)                                 
  105afa:   8b 45 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax                                 
  105afd:   89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)                                    
  105b00:   e8 2b 00 00 00          call   105b30 <msdos_initialize_support>              
        if (rc != 0 && converter_created) {                                               
  105b05:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax                                      
  105b07:   74 b7                   je     105ac0 <rtems_dosfs_initialize+0x40>           <== ALWAYS TAKEN
  105b09:   89 45 f4                mov    %eax,-0xc(%ebp)                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105b0c:   8b 13                   mov    (%ebx),%edx                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105b0e:   89 1c 24                mov    %ebx,(%esp)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105b11:   ff 52 14                call   *0x14(%edx)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
  105b14:   8b 45 f4                mov    -0xc(%ebp),%eax                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105b17:   8b 5d fc                mov    -0x4(%ebp),%ebx                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  105b1a:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  105b1c:   5d                      pop    %ebp                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  105b1d:   c3                      ret                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
        errno = ENOMEM;                                                                   
  105b1e:   e8 7d 0d 02 00          call   1268a0 <__errno>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
  105b23:   c7 00 0c 00 00 00       movl   $0xc,(%eax)                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
        rc = -1;                                                                          
  105b29:   b8 ff ff ff ff          mov    $0xffffffff,%eax                               <== NOT EXECUTED
    return rc;                                                                            
  105b2e:   eb 90                   jmp    105ac0 <rtems_dosfs_initialize+0x40>           <== NOT EXECUTED