Annotated Report
Sun Feb 28 22:41:07 2021

400066cc <MD5Final>:                                                                      
400066cc:   9d e3 bf 60     save  %sp, -160, %sp                                          
  in[14] = mdContext->i[0];                                                               
400066d0:   d4 06 40 00     ld  [ %i1 ], %o2                                              
  in[15] = mdContext->i[1];                                                               
400066d4:   c2 06 60 04     ld  [ %i1 + 4 ], %g1                                          
  in[14] = mdContext->i[0];                                                               
400066d8:   d4 27 bf f8     st  %o2, [ %fp + -8 ]                                         
  mdi = (int)((mdContext->i[0] >> 3) & 0x3F);                                             
400066dc:   95 32 a0 03     srl  %o2, 3, %o2                                              
400066e0:   94 0a a0 3f     and  %o2, 0x3f, %o2                                           
  padLen = (mdi < 56) ? (56 - mdi) : (120 - mdi);                                         
400066e4:   80 a2 a0 37     cmp  %o2, 0x37                                                
400066e8:   14 80 00 2e     bg  400067a0 <MD5Final+0xd4>                                  <== NEVER TAKEN
400066ec:   c2 27 bf fc     st  %g1, [ %fp + -4 ]                                         
400066f0:   82 10 20 38     mov  0x38, %g1                                                
400066f4:   94 20 40 0a     sub  %g1, %o2, %o2                                            
  MD5Update (mdContext, PADDING, padLen);                                                 
400066f8:   90 10 00 19     mov  %i1, %o0                                                 
400066fc:   13 10 00 93     sethi  %hi(0x40024c00), %o1                                   
40006700:   7f ff ff bf     call  400065fc <MD5Update>                                    
40006704:   92 12 61 78     or  %o1, 0x178, %o1 ! 40024d78 <PADDING>                      
  for (i = 0, ii = 0; i < 14; i++, ii += 4)                                               
40006708:   b4 06 60 18     add  %i1, 0x18, %i2                                           
4000670c:   86 07 bf c0     add  %fp, -64, %g3                                            
40006710:   84 10 00 1a     mov  %i2, %g2                                                 
40006714:   b6 07 bf f8     add  %fp, -8, %i3                                             
    in[i] = (((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+3]) << 24) |                                        
40006718:   c2 08 a0 03     ldub  [ %g2 + 3 ], %g1                                        
            (((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+2]) << 16) |                                        
4000671c:   fa 08 a0 02     ldub  [ %g2 + 2 ], %i5                                        
40006720:   f8 08 80 00     ldub  [ %g2 ], %i4                                            
            (((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+1]) << 8) |                                         
40006724:   c8 08 a0 01     ldub  [ %g2 + 1 ], %g4                                        
    in[i] = (((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+3]) << 24) |                                        
40006728:   83 28 60 18     sll  %g1, 0x18, %g1                                           
            (((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+2]) << 16) |                                        
4000672c:   bb 2f 60 10     sll  %i5, 0x10, %i5                                           
            (((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+1]) << 8) |                                         
40006730:   89 29 20 08     sll  %g4, 8, %g4                                              
    in[i] = (((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+3]) << 24) |                                        
40006734:   82 10 40 1d     or  %g1, %i5, %g1                                             
            (((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+1]) << 8) |                                         
40006738:   82 10 40 1c     or  %g1, %i4, %g1                                             
4000673c:   82 10 40 04     or  %g1, %g4, %g1                                             
    in[i] = (((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+3]) << 24) |                                        
40006740:   c2 20 c0 00     st  %g1, [ %g3 ]                                              
  for (i = 0, ii = 0; i < 14; i++, ii += 4)                                               
40006744:   86 00 e0 04     add  %g3, 4, %g3                                              
40006748:   80 a6 c0 03     cmp  %i3, %g3                                                 
4000674c:   12 bf ff f3     bne  40006718 <MD5Final+0x4c>                                 
40006750:   84 00 a0 04     add  %g2, 4, %g2                                              
  Transform (mdContext->buf, in);                                                         
40006754:   90 06 60 08     add  %i1, 8, %o0                                              
40006758:   92 07 bf c0     add  %fp, -64, %o1                                            
4000675c:   7f ff fc 58     call  400058bc <Transform>                                    
40006760:   ba 10 00 08     mov  %o0, %i5                                                 
  for (i = 0, ii = 0; i < 4; i++, ii += 4) {                                              
40006764:   90 10 00 1d     mov  %i5, %o0                                                 
    mdContext->digest[ii] = (unsigned char)(mdContext->buf[i] & 0xFF);                    
40006768:   c2 02 00 00     ld  [ %o0 ], %g1                                              
4000676c:   c2 2a 20 50     stb  %g1, [ %o0 + 0x50 ]                                      
      (unsigned char)((mdContext->buf[i] >> 8) & 0xFF);                                   
40006770:   87 30 60 08     srl  %g1, 8, %g3                                              
      (unsigned char)((mdContext->buf[i] >> 16) & 0xFF);                                  
40006774:   85 30 60 10     srl  %g1, 0x10, %g2                                           
      (unsigned char)((mdContext->buf[i] >> 8) & 0xFF);                                   
40006778:   c6 2a 20 51     stb  %g3, [ %o0 + 0x51 ]                                      
      (unsigned char)((mdContext->buf[i] >> 24) & 0xFF);                                  
4000677c:   83 30 60 18     srl  %g1, 0x18, %g1                                           
      (unsigned char)((mdContext->buf[i] >> 16) & 0xFF);                                  
40006780:   c4 2a 20 52     stb  %g2, [ %o0 + 0x52 ]                                      
  for (i = 0, ii = 0; i < 4; i++, ii += 4) {                                              
40006784:   90 02 20 04     add  %o0, 4, %o0                                              
40006788:   80 a6 80 08     cmp  %i2, %o0                                                 
4000678c:   12 bf ff f7     bne  40006768 <MD5Final+0x9c>                                 
40006790:   c2 2a 20 4f     stb  %g1, [ %o0 + 0x4f ]                                      
  memcpy(hash, mdContext->digest, 16);                                                    
40006794:   b4 10 20 10     mov  0x10, %i2                                                
40006798:   40 00 4e d4     call  4001a2e8 <memcpy>                                       
4000679c:   93 ee 60 58     restore  %i1, 0x58, %o1                                       
  padLen = (mdi < 56) ? (56 - mdi) : (120 - mdi);                                         
400067a0:   82 10 20 78     mov  0x78, %g1                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
400067a4:   10 bf ff d5     b  400066f8 <MD5Final+0x2c>                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
400067a8:   94 20 40 0a     sub  %g1, %o2, %o2                                            <== NOT EXECUTED

400065fc <MD5Update>: {
400065fc:   9d e3 bf 60     save  %sp, -160, %sp                                          
  mdi = (int)((mdContext->i[0] >> 3) & 0x3F);                                             
40006600:   c2 06 00 00     ld  [ %i0 ], %g1                                              
40006604:   c6 06 20 04     ld  [ %i0 + 4 ], %g3                                          
  if ((mdContext->i[0] + ((UINT4)inLen << 3)) < mdContext->i[0])                          
40006608:   85 2e a0 03     sll  %i2, 3, %g2                                              
  mdContext->i[1] += ((UINT4)inLen >> 29);                                                
4000660c:   89 36 a0 1d     srl  %i2, 0x1d, %g4                                           
40006610:   84 80 40 02     addcc  %g1, %g2, %g2                                          
40006614:   86 40 c0 04     addx  %g3, %g4, %g3                                           
  mdContext->i[0] += ((UINT4)inLen << 3);                                                 
40006618:   c4 26 00 00     st  %g2, [ %i0 ]                                              
  mdi = (int)((mdContext->i[0] >> 3) & 0x3F);                                             
4000661c:   83 30 60 03     srl  %g1, 3, %g1                                              
  mdContext->i[1] += ((UINT4)inLen >> 29);                                                
40006620:   c6 26 20 04     st  %g3, [ %i0 + 4 ]                                          
40006624:   a0 06 40 1a     add  %i1, %i2, %l0                                            
  mdi = (int)((mdContext->i[0] >> 3) & 0x3F);                                             
40006628:   82 08 60 3f     and  %g1, 0x3f, %g1                                           
  while (inLen--) {                                                                       
4000662c:   b6 10 00 1e     mov  %fp, %i3                                                 
40006630:   80 a6 a0 00     cmp  %i2, 0                                                   
40006634:   12 80 00 06     bne  4000664c <MD5Update+0x50>                                <== ALWAYS TAKEN
40006638:   a2 06 20 08     add  %i0, 8, %l1                                              
4000663c:   30 80 00 22     b,a   400066c4 <MD5Update+0xc8>                               <== NOT EXECUTED
40006640:   80 a6 40 10     cmp  %i1, %l0                                                 
40006644:   02 80 00 20     be  400066c4 <MD5Update+0xc8>                                 
40006648:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           
    mdContext->in[mdi++] = *inBuf++;                                                      
4000664c:   c6 0e 40 00     ldub  [ %i1 ], %g3                                            
40006650:   84 06 00 01     add  %i0, %g1, %g2                                            
40006654:   c6 28 a0 18     stb  %g3, [ %g2 + 0x18 ]                                      
40006658:   82 00 60 01     inc  %g1                                                      
    if (mdi == 0x40) {                                                                    
4000665c:   80 a0 60 40     cmp  %g1, 0x40                                                
40006660:   12 bf ff f8     bne  40006640 <MD5Update+0x44>                                
40006664:   b2 06 60 01     inc  %i1                                                      
40006668:   84 06 20 18     add  %i0, 0x18, %g2                                           
4000666c:   86 07 bf c0     add  %fp, -64, %g3                                            
        in[i] = (((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+3]) << 24) |                                    
40006670:   c2 08 a0 03     ldub  [ %g2 + 3 ], %g1                                        
                (((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+2]) << 16) |                                    
40006674:   fa 08 a0 02     ldub  [ %g2 + 2 ], %i5                                        
40006678:   f8 08 80 00     ldub  [ %g2 ], %i4                                            
                (((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+1]) << 8) |                                     
4000667c:   c8 08 a0 01     ldub  [ %g2 + 1 ], %g4                                        
        in[i] = (((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+3]) << 24) |                                    
40006680:   83 28 60 18     sll  %g1, 0x18, %g1                                           
                (((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+2]) << 16) |                                    
40006684:   bb 2f 60 10     sll  %i5, 0x10, %i5                                           
                (((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+1]) << 8) |                                     
40006688:   89 29 20 08     sll  %g4, 8, %g4                                              
        in[i] = (((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+3]) << 24) |                                    
4000668c:   82 10 40 1d     or  %g1, %i5, %g1                                             
                (((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+1]) << 8) |                                     
40006690:   82 10 40 1c     or  %g1, %i4, %g1                                             
40006694:   82 10 40 04     or  %g1, %g4, %g1                                             
        in[i] = (((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+3]) << 24) |                                    
40006698:   c2 20 c0 00     st  %g1, [ %g3 ]                                              
      for (i = 0, ii = 0; i < 16; i++, ii += 4)                                           
4000669c:   86 00 e0 04     add  %g3, 4, %g3                                              
400066a0:   80 a6 c0 03     cmp  %i3, %g3                                                 
400066a4:   12 bf ff f3     bne  40006670 <MD5Update+0x74>                                
400066a8:   84 00 a0 04     add  %g2, 4, %g2                                              
      Transform (mdContext->buf, in);                                                     
400066ac:   92 07 bf c0     add  %fp, -64, %o1                                            
400066b0:   7f ff fc 83     call  400058bc <Transform>                                    
400066b4:   90 10 00 11     mov  %l1, %o0                                                 
  while (inLen--) {                                                                       
400066b8:   80 a6 40 10     cmp  %i1, %l0                                                 
400066bc:   12 bf ff e4     bne  4000664c <MD5Update+0x50>                                
400066c0:   82 10 20 00     clr  %g1                                                      
400066c4:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
400066c8:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       

4000902c <SHA256_Update>: /* Add bytes into the hash */ void SHA256_Update(SHA256_CTX * ctx, const void *in, size_t len) {
4000902c:   9d e3 bf a0     save  %sp, -96, %sp                                           
    uint64_t bitlen;                                                                      
    uint32_t r;                                                                           
    const unsigned char *src = in;                                                        
    /* Number of bytes left in the buffer from previous updates */                        
    r = (ctx->count >> 3) & 0x3f;                                                         
40009030:   c4 1e 20 20     ldd  [ %i0 + 0x20 ], %g2                                      
    /* Convert the length into a number of bits */                                        
    bitlen = len << 3;                                                                    
40009034:   83 2e a0 03     sll  %i2, 3, %g1                                              
    /* Update number of bits */                                                           
    ctx->count += bitlen;                                                                 
40009038:   9a 80 c0 01     addcc  %g3, %g1, %o5                                          
4000903c:   98 40 a0 00     addx  %g2, 0, %o4                                             
40009040:   d8 3e 20 20     std  %o4, [ %i0 + 0x20 ]                                      
    r = (ctx->count >> 3) & 0x3f;                                                         
40009044:   b7 30 e0 03     srl  %g3, 3, %i3                                              
    /* Handle the case where we don't need to perform any transforms */                   
    if (len < 64 - r) {                                                                   
40009048:   ba 10 20 40     mov  0x40, %i5                                                
    r = (ctx->count >> 3) & 0x3f;                                                         
4000904c:   b6 0e e0 3f     and  %i3, 0x3f, %i3                                           
40009050:   b8 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %i4                                                 
    if (len < 64 - r) {                                                                   
40009054:   ba 27 40 1b     sub  %i5, %i3, %i5                                            
        memcpy(&ctx->buf[r], src, len);                                                   
40009058:   90 06 e0 28     add  %i3, 0x28, %o0                                           
    if (len < 64 - r) {                                                                   
4000905c:   80 a7 40 1a     cmp  %i5, %i2                                                 
40009060:   18 80 00 1c     bgu  400090d0 <SHA256_Update+0xa4>                            
40009064:   90 06 00 08     add  %i0, %o0, %o0                                            
    /* Finish the current block */                                                        
    memcpy(&ctx->buf[r], src, 64 - r);                                                    
40009068:   94 10 00 1d     mov  %i5, %o2                                                 
4000906c:   40 00 44 9f     call  4001a2e8 <memcpy>                                       
40009070:   92 10 00 19     mov  %i1, %o1                                                 
    SHA256_Transform(ctx->state, ctx->buf);                                               
40009074:   b0 06 20 28     add  %i0, 0x28, %i0                                           
40009078:   90 10 00 1c     mov  %i4, %o0                                                 
4000907c:   7f ff f5 cc     call  400067ac <SHA256_Transform>                             
40009080:   92 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o1                                                 
    src += 64 - r;                                                                        
40009084:   b4 06 bf c0     add  %i2, -64, %i2                                            
    len -= 64 - r;                                                                        
40009088:   b4 06 80 1b     add  %i2, %i3, %i2                                            
    /* Perform complete blocks */                                                         
    while (len >= 64) {                                                                   
4000908c:   80 a6 a0 3f     cmp  %i2, 0x3f                                                
40009090:   08 80 00 12     bleu  400090d8 <SHA256_Update+0xac>                           
40009094:   ba 06 40 1d     add  %i1, %i5, %i5                                            
40009098:   b2 06 bf c0     add  %i2, -64, %i1                                            
4000909c:   b2 0e 7f c0     and  %i1, -64, %i1                                            
400090a0:   b2 06 60 40     add  %i1, 0x40, %i1                                           
400090a4:   b2 07 40 19     add  %i5, %i1, %i1                                            
        SHA256_Transform(ctx->state, src);                                                
400090a8:   92 10 00 1d     mov  %i5, %o1                                                 
400090ac:   7f ff f5 c0     call  400067ac <SHA256_Transform>                             
400090b0:   90 10 00 1c     mov  %i4, %o0                                                 
        src += 64;                                                                        
400090b4:   ba 07 60 40     add  %i5, 0x40, %i5                                           
    while (len >= 64) {                                                                   
400090b8:   80 a7 40 19     cmp  %i5, %i1                                                 
400090bc:   12 bf ff fc     bne  400090ac <SHA256_Update+0x80>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
400090c0:   92 10 00 1d     mov  %i5, %o1                                                 
        len -= 64;                                                                        
400090c4:   b4 0e a0 3f     and  %i2, 0x3f, %i2                                           
    /* Copy left over data into buffer */                                                 
    memcpy(ctx->buf, src, len);                                                           
400090c8:   40 00 44 88     call  4001a2e8 <memcpy>                                       
400090cc:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       
        memcpy(&ctx->buf[r], src, len);                                                   
400090d0:   40 00 44 86     call  4001a2e8 <memcpy>                                       
400090d4:   91 e8 00 08     restore  %g0, %o0, %o0                                        
    memcpy(ctx->buf, src, len);                                                           
400090d8:   40 00 44 84     call  4001a2e8 <memcpy>                                       
400090dc:   93 e8 00 1d     restore  %g0, %i5, %o1                                        

40010900 <SHA512_Final>: * SHA-512 finalization. Pads the input data, exports the hash value, * and clears the context state. */ void SHA512_Final(unsigned char digest[64], SHA512_CTX * ctx) {
40010900:   9d e3 bf 90     save  %sp, -112, %sp                                          
    be64enc_vect(len, ctx->count, 16);                                                    
40010904:   94 10 20 10     mov  0x10, %o2                                                
40010908:   92 06 60 40     add  %i1, 0x40, %o1                                           
4001090c:   40 00 26 77     call  4001a2e8 <memcpy>                                       
40010910:   90 07 bf f0     add  %fp, -16, %o0                                            
    r = (ctx->count[1] >> 3) & 0x7f;                                                      
40010914:   c2 06 60 4c     ld  [ %i1 + 0x4c ], %g1                                       
40010918:   83 30 60 03     srl  %g1, 3, %g1                                              
4001091c:   84 10 20 00     clr  %g2                                                      
40010920:   ba 10 00 19     mov  %i1, %i5                                                 
    plen = (r < 112) ? (112 - r) : (240 - r);                                             
40010924:   80 a0 a0 00     cmp  %g2, 0                                                   
40010928:   12 80 00 18     bne  40010988 <SHA512_Final+0x88>                             <== NEVER TAKEN
4001092c:   86 08 60 7f     and  %g1, 0x7f, %g3                                           
40010930:   80 a0 e0 6f     cmp  %g3, 0x6f                                                
40010934:   18 80 00 16     bgu  4001098c <SHA512_Final+0x8c>                             
40010938:   9a 10 20 f0     mov  0xf0, %o5                                                
4001093c:   9a 10 20 70     mov  0x70, %o5                                                
40010940:   b6 a3 40 03     subcc  %o5, %g3, %i3                                          
    SHA512_Update(ctx, PAD, (size_t)plen);                                                
40010944:   94 10 00 1b     mov  %i3, %o2                                                 
40010948:   90 10 00 1d     mov  %i5, %o0                                                 
4001094c:   13 10 00 87     sethi  %hi(0x40021c00), %o1                                   
40010950:   7f ff ff af     call  4001080c <SHA512_Update>                                
40010954:   92 12 63 20     or  %o1, 0x320, %o1 ! 40021f20 <PAD>                          
    SHA512_Update(ctx, len, 16);                                                          
40010958:   94 10 20 10     mov  0x10, %o2                                                
4001095c:   92 07 bf f0     add  %fp, -16, %o1                                            
40010960:   7f ff ff ab     call  4001080c <SHA512_Update>                                
40010964:   90 10 00 1d     mov  %i5, %o0                                                 
    /* Add padding */                                                                     
    /* Write the hash */                                                                  
    be64enc_vect(digest, ctx->state, 64);                                                 
40010968:   90 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o0                                                 
4001096c:   94 10 20 40     mov  0x40, %o2                                                
40010970:   92 10 00 1d     mov  %i5, %o1                                                 
40010974:   40 00 26 5d     call  4001a2e8 <memcpy>                                       
40010978:   b4 10 20 d0     mov  0xd0, %i2                                                
    /* Clear the context state */                                                         
    memset((void *)ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));                                                 
4001097c:   b2 10 20 00     clr  %i1                                                      
40010980:   40 00 26 99     call  4001a3e4 <memset>                                       
40010984:   91 e8 00 1d     restore  %g0, %i5, %o0                                        
    plen = (r < 112) ? (112 - r) : (240 - r);                                             
40010988:   9a 10 20 f0     mov  0xf0, %o5                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
4001098c:   10 bf ff ee     b  40010944 <SHA512_Final+0x44>                               
40010990:   b6 a3 40 03     subcc  %o5, %g3, %i3                                          

4001080c <SHA512_Update>: /* Add bytes into the hash */ void SHA512_Update(SHA512_CTX * ctx, const void *in, size_t len) {
4001080c:   9d e3 bf a0     save  %sp, -96, %sp                                           
    uint64_t bitlen[2];                                                                   
    uint64_t r;                                                                           
    const unsigned char *src = in;                                                        
    /* Number of bytes left in the buffer from previous updates */                        
    r = (ctx->count[1] >> 3) & 0x7f;                                                      
40010810:   c4 1e 20 48     ldd  [ %i0 + 0x48 ], %g2                                      
    /* Convert the length into a number of bits */                                        
    bitlen[1] = ((uint64_t)len) << 3;                                                     
40010814:   99 36 a0 1d     srl  %i2, 0x1d, %o4                                           
40010818:   9b 2e a0 03     sll  %i2, 3, %o5                                              
4001081c:   96 80 c0 0d     addcc  %g3, %o5, %o3                                          
40010820:   94 c0 80 0c     addxcc  %g2, %o4, %o2                                         
    bitlen[0] = ((uint64_t)len) >> 61;                                                    
    /* Update number of bits */                                                           
    if ((ctx->count[1] += bitlen[1]) < bitlen[1])                                         
40010824:   d4 3e 20 48     std  %o2, [ %i0 + 0x48 ]                                      
    r = (ctx->count[1] >> 3) & 0x7f;                                                      
40010828:   83 30 e0 03     srl  %g3, 3, %g1                                              
4001082c:   b8 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %i4                                                 
    r = (ctx->count[1] >> 3) & 0x7f;                                                      
40010830:   84 10 20 00     clr  %g2                                                      
    if ((ctx->count[1] += bitlen[1]) < bitlen[1])                                         
40010834:   1a 80 00 06     bcc  4001084c <SHA512_Update+0x40>                            <== ALWAYS TAKEN
40010838:   86 08 60 7f     and  %g1, 0x7f, %g3                                           
4001083c:   d8 1e 20 40     ldd  [ %i0 + 0x40 ], %o4                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
40010840:   96 83 60 01     addcc  %o5, 1, %o3                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
40010844:   94 43 20 00     addx  %o4, 0, %o2                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
40010848:   d4 3e 20 40     std  %o2, [ %i0 + 0x40 ]                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    ctx->count[0] += bitlen[0];                                                           
    /* Handle the case where we don't need to perform any transforms */                   
    if (len < 128 - r) {                                                                  
4001084c:   96 10 20 80     mov  0x80, %o3                                                
40010850:   9a a2 c0 03     subcc  %o3, %g3, %o5                                          
        memcpy(&ctx->buf[r], src, len);                                                   
40010854:   90 00 e0 50     add  %g3, 0x50, %o0                                           
    if (len < 128 - r) {                                                                  
40010858:   94 10 20 00     clr  %o2                                                      
4001085c:   b6 10 00 03     mov  %g3, %i3                                                 
40010860:   98 62 80 02     subx  %o2, %g2, %o4                                           
40010864:   80 a3 20 00     cmp  %o4, 0                                                   
40010868:   18 80 00 22     bgu  400108f0 <SHA512_Update+0xe4>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
4001086c:   90 07 00 08     add  %i4, %o0, %o0                                            
40010870:   02 80 00 1e     be  400108e8 <SHA512_Update+0xdc>                             <== ALWAYS TAKEN
40010874:   80 a3 40 1a     cmp  %o5, %i2                                                 
    /* Finish the current block */                                                        
    memcpy(&ctx->buf[r], src, 128 - r);                                                   
40010878:   92 10 00 19     mov  %i1, %o1                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
4001087c:   ba 10 20 80     mov  0x80, %i5                                                
40010880:   ba 27 40 1b     sub  %i5, %i3, %i5                                            
40010884:   40 00 26 99     call  4001a2e8 <memcpy>                                       
40010888:   94 10 00 1d     mov  %i5, %o2                                                 
    SHA512_Transform(ctx->state, ctx->buf);                                               
4001088c:   b0 07 20 50     add  %i4, 0x50, %i0                                           
40010890:   90 10 00 1c     mov  %i4, %o0                                                 
40010894:   7f ff e2 3e     call  4000918c <SHA512_Transform>                             
40010898:   92 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o1                                                 
    src += 128 - r;                                                                       
4001089c:   b4 06 bf 80     add  %i2, -128, %i2                                           
    len -= 128 - r;                                                                       
400108a0:   b4 06 c0 1a     add  %i3, %i2, %i2                                            
    /* Perform complete blocks */                                                         
    while (len >= 128) {                                                                  
400108a4:   80 a6 a0 7f     cmp  %i2, 0x7f                                                
400108a8:   08 80 00 14     bleu  400108f8 <SHA512_Update+0xec>                           <== ALWAYS TAKEN
400108ac:   ba 06 40 1d     add  %i1, %i5, %i5                                            
400108b0:   b2 06 bf 80     add  %i2, -128, %i1                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
400108b4:   b2 0e 7f 80     and  %i1, -128, %i1                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
400108b8:   b2 06 60 80     add  %i1, 0x80, %i1                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
400108bc:   b2 07 40 19     add  %i5, %i1, %i1                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
        SHA512_Transform(ctx->state, src);                                                
400108c0:   92 10 00 1d     mov  %i5, %o1                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
400108c4:   7f ff e2 32     call  4000918c <SHA512_Transform>                             <== NOT EXECUTED
400108c8:   90 10 00 1c     mov  %i4, %o0                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
        src += 128;                                                                       
400108cc:   ba 07 60 80     add  %i5, 0x80, %i5                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    while (len >= 128) {                                                                  
400108d0:   80 a7 40 19     cmp  %i5, %i1                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
400108d4:   12 bf ff fc     bne  400108c4 <SHA512_Update+0xb8>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
400108d8:   92 10 00 1d     mov  %i5, %o1                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
        len -= 128;                                                                       
400108dc:   b4 0e a0 7f     and  %i2, 0x7f, %i2                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    /* Copy left over data into buffer */                                                 
    memcpy(ctx->buf, src, len);                                                           
400108e0:   40 00 26 82     call  4001a2e8 <memcpy>                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
400108e4:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    if (len < 128 - r) {                                                                  
400108e8:   08 bf ff e5     bleu  4001087c <SHA512_Update+0x70>                           
400108ec:   92 10 00 19     mov  %i1, %o1                                                 
        memcpy(&ctx->buf[r], src, len);                                                   
400108f0:   40 00 26 7e     call  4001a2e8 <memcpy>                                       
400108f4:   91 e8 00 08     restore  %g0, %o0, %o0                                        
    memcpy(ctx->buf, src, len);                                                           
400108f8:   40 00 26 7c     call  4001a2e8 <memcpy>                                       
400108fc:   93 e8 00 1d     restore  %g0, %i5, %o1