Annotated Report
Sun Feb 28 22:26:49 2021

40002ed4 <IMFS_add_node>:                                                                 
#include <rtems/imfs.h>                                                                   
int IMFS_add_node( const char *path, IMFS_jnode_t *node, void *arg )                      
40002ed4:   9d e3 bf 58     save  %sp, -168, %sp                                          
  const rtems_filesystem_location_info_t *currentloc;                                     
  int                                     eval_flags;                                     
  int                                     rv;                                             
  mode = node->st_mode;                                                                   
  mode &= ~rtems_filesystem_umask;                                                        
40002ed8:   7f ff ff 63     call  40002c64 <rtems_current_user_env_get>                   
40002edc:   fa 06 60 14     ld  [ %i1 + 0x14 ], %i5                                       
40002ee0:   d8 02 20 08     ld  [ %o0 + 8 ], %o4                                          
40002ee4:   ba 2f 40 0c     andn  %i5, %o4, %i5                                           
  switch (mode & S_IFMT) {                                                                
40002ee8:   03 00 00 3c     sethi  %hi(0xf000), %g1                                       
40002eec:   05 00 00 18     sethi  %hi(0x6000), %g2                                       
40002ef0:   82 0f 40 01     and  %i5, %g1, %g1                                            
40002ef4:   80 a0 40 02     cmp  %g1, %g2                                                 
40002ef8:   02 80 00 14     be  40002f48 <IMFS_add_node+0x74>                             <== NEVER TAKEN
40002efc:   94 10 20 18     mov  0x18, %o2                                                
40002f00:   08 80 00 0e     bleu  40002f38 <IMFS_add_node+0x64>                           <== ALWAYS TAKEN
40002f04:   82 00 70 00     add  %g1, -4096, %g1                                          
40002f08:   03 00 00 2c     sethi  %hi(0xb000), %g1                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
40002f0c:   05 00 00 20     sethi  %hi(0x8000), %g2                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
40002f10:   82 0f 40 01     and  %i5, %g1, %g1                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
40002f14:   80 a0 40 02     cmp  %g1, %g2                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
40002f18:   02 80 00 0d     be  40002f4c <IMFS_add_node+0x78>                             <== NOT EXECUTED
40002f1c:   92 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o1                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    case S_IFIFO:                                                                         
    case S_IFREG:                                                                         
    case S_IFSOCK:                                                                        
      errno = EINVAL;                                                                     
40002f20:   40 00 33 37     call  4000fbfc <__errno>                                      
40002f24:   b0 10 3f ff     mov  -1, %i0                                                  
40002f28:   82 10 20 16     mov  0x16, %g1                                                
40002f2c:   c2 22 00 00     st  %g1, [ %o0 ]                                              
      return -1;                                                                          
40002f30:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
40002f34:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       
  switch (mode & S_IFMT) {                                                                
40002f38:   05 3f ff f8     sethi  %hi(0xffffe000), %g2                                   
40002f3c:   80 88 40 02     btst  %g1, %g2                                                
40002f40:   12 bf ff f8     bne  40002f20 <IMFS_add_node+0x4c>                            
40002f44:   94 10 20 18     mov  0x18, %o2                                                
  eval_flags = RTEMS_FS_FOLLOW_LINK;                                                      
  currentloc = rtems_filesystem_eval_path_start( &ctx, path, eval_flags );                
40002f48:   92 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o1                                                 
40002f4c:   7f ff fd 37     call  40002428 <rtems_filesystem_eval_path_start>             
40002f50:   90 07 bf c8     add  %fp, -56, %o0                                            
static inline bool IMFS_is_imfs_instance(                                                 
  const rtems_filesystem_location_info_t *loc                                             
  return loc->mt_entry->ops->clonenod_h == IMFS_node_clone;                               
40002f54:   c2 02 20 14     ld  [ %o0 + 0x14 ], %g1                                       
40002f58:   c2 00 60 0c     ld  [ %g1 + 0xc ], %g1                                        
  if ( IMFS_is_imfs_instance( currentloc ) ) {                                            
40002f5c:   c4 00 60 24     ld  [ %g1 + 0x24 ], %g2                                       
40002f60:   03 10 00 10     sethi  %hi(0x40004000), %g1                                   
40002f64:   82 10 62 b8     or  %g1, 0x2b8, %g1 ! 400042b8 <IMFS_node_clone>              
40002f68:   80 a0 80 01     cmp  %g2, %g1                                                 
40002f6c:   02 80 00 09     be  40002f90 <IMFS_add_node+0xbc>                             
40002f70:   92 10 20 86     mov  0x86, %o1                                                
      rv = -1;                                                                            
  } else {                                                                                
    rtems_filesystem_eval_path_error( &ctx, ENOTSUP );                                    
40002f74:   90 07 bf c8     add  %fp, -56, %o0                                            
40002f78:   7f ff fd 38     call  40002458 <rtems_filesystem_eval_path_error>             
40002f7c:   b0 10 3f ff     mov  -1, %i0                                                  
    rv = -1;                                                                              
  rtems_filesystem_eval_path_cleanup( &ctx );                                             
40002f80:   7f ff fd 4c     call  400024b0 <rtems_filesystem_eval_path_cleanup>           
40002f84:   90 07 bf c8     add  %fp, -56, %o0                                            
  return rv;                                                                              
40002f88:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
40002f8c:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       
    rtems_filesystem_eval_path_set_path( &ctx, node->name, node->namelen );               
40002f90:   c2 16 60 10     lduh  [ %i1 + 0x10 ], %g1                                     
  ctx->pathlen = pathlen;                                                                 
40002f94:   c2 27 bf cc     st  %g1, [ %fp + -52 ]                                        
  ctx->flags = flags;                                                                     
40002f98:   82 10 20 60     mov  0x60, %g1                                                
  ctx->path = path;                                                                       
40002f9c:   c4 06 60 0c     ld  [ %i1 + 0xc ], %g2                                        
  ctx->flags = flags;                                                                     
40002fa0:   c2 27 bf d8     st  %g1, [ %fp + -40 ]                                        
    rtems_filesystem_eval_path_continue( &ctx );                                          
40002fa4:   90 07 bf c8     add  %fp, -56, %o0                                            
40002fa8:   7f ff fc 92     call  400021f0 <rtems_filesystem_eval_path_continue>          
40002fac:   c4 27 bf c8     st  %g2, [ %fp + -56 ]                                        
  return ctx->token;                                                                      
40002fb0:   c2 07 bf d0     ld  [ %fp + -48 ], %g1                                        
    if ( rtems_filesystem_eval_path_get_token( &ctx ) == node->name ) {                   
40002fb4:   d4 06 60 0c     ld  [ %i1 + 0xc ], %o2                                        
40002fb8:   80 a2 80 01     cmp  %o2, %g1                                                 
40002fbc:   02 80 00 0b     be  40002fe8 <IMFS_add_node+0x114>                            
40002fc0:   80 a0 60 00     cmp  %g1, 0                                                   
      if ( rtems_filesystem_eval_path_get_token( &ctx ) != NULL ) {                       
40002fc4:   02 80 00 12     be  4000300c <IMFS_add_node+0x138>                            <== NEVER TAKEN
40002fc8:   90 07 bf c8     add  %fp, -56, %o0                                            
        rtems_filesystem_eval_path_error( &ctx, EINVAL );                                 
40002fcc:   7f ff fd 23     call  40002458 <rtems_filesystem_eval_path_error>             
40002fd0:   92 10 20 16     mov  0x16, %o1                                                
      rv = -1;                                                                            
40002fd4:   b0 10 3f ff     mov  -1, %i0                                                  
  rtems_filesystem_eval_path_cleanup( &ctx );                                             
40002fd8:   7f ff fd 36     call  400024b0 <rtems_filesystem_eval_path_cleanup>           
40002fdc:   90 07 bf c8     add  %fp, -56, %o0                                            
40002fe0:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
40002fe4:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       
      node = IMFS_initialize_node(                                                        
40002fe8:   d6 16 60 10     lduh  [ %i1 + 0x10 ], %o3                                     
40002fec:   d2 06 60 38     ld  [ %i1 + 0x38 ], %o1                                       
40002ff0:   9a 10 00 1a     mov  %i2, %o5                                                 
40002ff4:   98 10 00 1d     mov  %i5, %o4                                                 
40002ff8:   40 00 04 90     call  40004238 <IMFS_initialize_node>                         
40002ffc:   90 10 00 19     mov  %i1, %o0                                                 
      if ( node != NULL ) {                                                               
40003000:   82 92 20 00     orcc  %o0, 0, %g1                                             
40003004:   12 80 00 07     bne  40003020 <IMFS_add_node+0x14c>                           
40003008:   fa 07 bf e8     ld  [ %fp + -24 ], %i5                                        
        rv = -1;                                                                          
4000300c:   b0 10 3f ff     mov  -1, %i0                                                  
  rtems_filesystem_eval_path_cleanup( &ctx );                                             
40003010:   7f ff fd 28     call  400024b0 <rtems_filesystem_eval_path_cleanup>           
40003014:   90 07 bf c8     add  %fp, -56, %o0                                            
40003018:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
4000301c:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
40003020:   c4 07 60 48     ld  [ %i5 + 0x48 ], %g2                                       
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
40003024:   86 07 60 44     add  %i5, 0x44, %g3                                           
  IMFS_jnode_t *entry_node                                                                
  IMFS_directory_t *dir = (IMFS_directory_t *) dir_node;                                  
  entry_node->Parent = dir_node;                                                          
40003028:   fa 20 60 08     st  %i5, [ %g1 + 8 ]                                          
  _Timecounter_Getbintime( &now );                                                        
4000302c:   90 07 bf b8     add  %fp, -72, %o0                                            
  the_node->next = tail;                                                                  
40003030:   c6 20 40 00     st  %g3, [ %g1 ]                                              
        rv = 0;                                                                           
40003034:   b0 10 20 00     clr  %i0                                                      
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
40003038:   c2 27 60 48     st  %g1, [ %i5 + 0x48 ]                                       
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
4000303c:   c2 20 80 00     st  %g1, [ %g2 ]                                              
40003040:   40 00 07 73     call  40004e0c <_Timecounter_Getbintime>                      
40003044:   c4 20 60 04     st  %g2, [ %g1 + 4 ]                                          
  return now.sec;                                                                         
40003048:   c4 1f bf b8     ldd  [ %fp + -72 ], %g2                                       
  jnode->stat_mtime = now;                                                                
4000304c:   c4 3f 60 28     std  %g2, [ %i5 + 0x28 ]                                      
40003050:   10 bf ff cc     b  40002f80 <IMFS_add_node+0xac>                              
40003054:   c4 3f 60 30     std  %g2, [ %i5 + 0x30 ]                                      

40004330 <IMFS_do_nothing_destroy>: void IMFS_do_nothing_destroy( IMFS_jnode_t *node ) { (void) node; }
40004330:   81 c3 e0 08     retl                                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
40004334:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED

400028b8 <IMFS_eval_path_devfs>: return NULL; } void IMFS_eval_path_devfs( rtems_filesystem_eval_path_context_t *ctx ) {
400028b8:   9d e3 bf a0     save  %sp, -96, %sp                                           
  return ctx->pathlen;                                                                    
400028bc:   f8 06 20 04     ld  [ %i0 + 4 ], %i4                                          
400028c0:   82 10 20 01     mov  1, %g1                                                   
400028c4:   3b 10 00 32     sethi  %hi(0x4000c800), %i5                                   
    match = IMFS_devfs_dirs[ i ].len == pathlen                                           
400028c8:   82 08 60 ff     and  %g1, 0xff, %g1                                           
400028cc:   ba 17 60 51     or  %i5, 0x51, %i5                                            
  rtems_filesystem_location_info_t *currentloc;                                           
  IMFS_directory_t                 *dir;                                                  
  IMFS_jnode_t                     *entry;                                                
  currentloc = rtems_filesystem_eval_path_get_currentloc( ctx );                          
  dir = currentloc->node_access;                                                          
400028d0:   f2 06 20 20     ld  [ %i0 + 0x20 ], %i1                                       
  return ctx->path;                                                                       
400028d4:   f4 06 00 00     ld  [ %i0 ], %i2                                              
      && memcmp( IMFS_devfs_dirs[ i ].name, path, pathlen ) == 0;                         
400028d8:   80 a7 00 01     cmp  %i4, %g1                                                 
400028dc:   02 80 00 0b     be  40002908 <IMFS_eval_path_devfs+0x50>                      <== NEVER TAKEN
400028e0:   b6 07 60 10     add  %i5, 0x10, %i3                                           
  for ( i = 0; i < RTEMS_ARRAY_SIZE( IMFS_devfs_dirs ); ++i ) {                           
400028e4:   ba 07 60 04     add  %i5, 4, %i5                                              
400028e8:   80 a6 c0 1d     cmp  %i3, %i5                                                 
400028ec:   22 80 00 16     be,a   40002944 <IMFS_eval_path_devfs+0x8c>                   
400028f0:   fa 06 60 40     ld  [ %i1 + 0x40 ], %i5                                       
    match = IMFS_devfs_dirs[ i ].len == pathlen                                           
400028f4:   c2 0f 7f ff     ldub  [ %i5 + -1 ], %g1                                       
400028f8:   82 08 60 ff     and  %g1, 0xff, %g1                                           
      && memcmp( IMFS_devfs_dirs[ i ].name, path, pathlen ) == 0;                         
400028fc:   80 a7 00 01     cmp  %i4, %g1                                                 
40002900:   32 bf ff fa     bne,a   400028e8 <IMFS_eval_path_devfs+0x30>                  
40002904:   ba 07 60 04     add  %i5, 4, %i5                                              
40002908:   94 10 00 1c     mov  %i4, %o2                                                 
4000290c:   92 10 00 1a     mov  %i2, %o1                                                 
40002910:   40 00 24 af     call  4000bbcc <memcmp>                                       
40002914:   90 10 00 1d     mov  %i5, %o0                                                 
40002918:   80 a2 20 00     cmp  %o0, 0                                                   
4000291c:   32 bf ff f3     bne,a   400028e8 <IMFS_eval_path_devfs+0x30>                  <== NEVER TAKEN
40002920:   ba 07 60 04     add  %i5, 4, %i5                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
      eval_flags &= ~RTEMS_FS_EXCLUSIVE;                                                  
40002924:   c2 06 20 10     ld  [ %i0 + 0x10 ], %g1                                       
40002928:   82 08 7f bf     and  %g1, -65, %g1                                            
  ctx->pathlen = 0;                                                                       
4000292c:   c0 26 20 04     clr  [ %i0 + 4 ]                                              
40002930:   b8 10 20 00     clr  %i4                                                      
  entry = IMFS_devfs_is_dir( ctx, dir );                                                  
  if ( entry != NULL ) {                                                                  
40002934:   80 a6 60 00     cmp  %i1, 0                                                   
40002938:   12 80 00 28     bne  400029d8 <IMFS_eval_path_devfs+0x120>                    <== ALWAYS TAKEN
4000293c:   c2 26 20 10     st  %g1, [ %i0 + 0x10 ]                                       
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
40002940:   fa 06 60 40     ld  [ %i1 + 0x40 ], %i5                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
40002944:   b6 06 60 44     add  %i1, 0x44, %i3                                           
  while ( current != tail ) {                                                             
40002948:   80 a7 40 1b     cmp  %i5, %i3                                                 
4000294c:   32 80 00 08     bne,a   4000296c <IMFS_eval_path_devfs+0xb4>                  <== ALWAYS TAKEN
40002950:   c2 17 60 10     lduh  [ %i5 + 0x10 ], %g1                                     
  ctx->token = token;                                                                     
40002954:   10 80 00 25     b  400029e8 <IMFS_eval_path_devfs+0x130>                      <== NOT EXECUTED
40002958:   f4 26 20 08     st  %i2, [ %i0 + 8 ]                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
4000295c:   80 a6 c0 1d     cmp  %i3, %i5                                                 
40002960:   22 80 00 22     be,a   400029e8 <IMFS_eval_path_devfs+0x130>                  
40002964:   f4 26 20 08     st  %i2, [ %i0 + 8 ]                                          
    match = entry->namelen == pathlen                                                     
40002968:   c2 17 60 10     lduh  [ %i5 + 0x10 ], %g1                                     
      && memcmp( entry->name, path, pathlen ) == 0;                                       
4000296c:   80 a0 40 1c     cmp  %g1, %i4                                                 
40002970:   32 bf ff fb     bne,a   4000295c <IMFS_eval_path_devfs+0xa4>                  
40002974:   fa 07 40 00     ld  [ %i5 ], %i5                                              
40002978:   d0 07 60 0c     ld  [ %i5 + 0xc ], %o0                                        
4000297c:   94 10 00 1c     mov  %i4, %o2                                                 
40002980:   40 00 24 93     call  4000bbcc <memcmp>                                       
40002984:   92 10 00 1a     mov  %i2, %o1                                                 
40002988:   80 a2 20 00     cmp  %o0, 0                                                   
4000298c:   32 bf ff f4     bne,a   4000295c <IMFS_eval_path_devfs+0xa4>                  
40002990:   fa 07 40 00     ld  [ %i5 ], %i5                                              
  if ( entry != NULL ) {                                                                  
    int eval_flags;                                                                       
    eval_flags = rtems_filesystem_eval_path_get_flags( ctx );                             
    if ( ( eval_flags & RTEMS_FS_EXCLUSIVE ) == 0 ) {                                     
40002994:   c2 06 20 10     ld  [ %i0 + 0x10 ], %g1                                       
40002998:   80 88 60 40     btst  0x40, %g1                                               
4000299c:   12 80 00 11     bne  400029e0 <IMFS_eval_path_devfs+0x128>                    <== NEVER TAKEN
400029a0:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           
400029a4:   c2 16 60 18     lduh  [ %i1 + 0x18 ], %g1                                     
400029a8:   82 00 7f ff     add  %g1, -1, %g1                                             
400029ac:   c2 36 60 18     sth  %g1, [ %i1 + 0x18 ]                                      
  loc->handlers = node->control->handlers;                                                
400029b0:   c4 07 60 38     ld  [ %i5 + 0x38 ], %g2                                       
400029b4:   c2 17 60 18     lduh  [ %i5 + 0x18 ], %g1                                     
400029b8:   c4 00 80 00     ld  [ %g2 ], %g2                                              
      currentloc->node_access = entry;                                                    
      currentloc->node_access_2 = IMFS_generic_get_context_by_node( entry );              
400029bc:   c6 07 60 40     ld  [ %i5 + 0x40 ], %g3                                       
400029c0:   82 00 60 01     inc  %g1                                                      
400029c4:   c2 37 60 18     sth  %g1, [ %i5 + 0x18 ]                                      
      currentloc->node_access = entry;                                                    
400029c8:   fa 26 20 20     st  %i5, [ %i0 + 0x20 ]                                       
      currentloc->node_access_2 = IMFS_generic_get_context_by_node( entry );              
400029cc:   c6 26 20 24     st  %g3, [ %i0 + 0x24 ]                                       
400029d0:   c4 26 20 28     st  %g2, [ %i0 + 0x28 ]                                       
  ctx->pathlen = 0;                                                                       
400029d4:   c0 26 20 04     clr  [ %i0 + 4 ]                                              
400029d8:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
400029dc:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       
      IMFS_Set_handlers( currentloc );                                                    
      rtems_filesystem_eval_path_clear_path( ctx );                                       
    } else {                                                                              
      rtems_filesystem_eval_path_error( ctx, EEXIST );                                    
400029e0:   7f ff fc d2     call  40001d28 <rtems_filesystem_eval_path_error>             <== NOT EXECUTED
400029e4:   93 e8 20 11     restore  %g0, 0x11, %o1                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  ctx->tokenlen = tokenlen;                                                               
400029e8:   f8 26 20 0c     st  %i4, [ %i0 + 0xc ]                                        
  ctx->pathlen = 0;                                                                       
400029ec:   c0 26 20 04     clr  [ %i0 + 4 ]                                              
400029f0:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
400029f4:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       

400079b4 <IMFS_fsunmount>: ((IMFS_jnode_t *)( rtems_chain_head( jnode_get_control( jnode ) )->next)) void IMFS_fsunmount( rtems_filesystem_mount_table_entry_t *temp_mt_entry ) {
400079b4:   9d e3 bf 88     save  %sp, -120, %sp                                          
    * Traverse tree that starts at the mt_fs_root and deallocate memory                   
    * associated memory space                                                             
   loc = temp_mt_entry->mt_fs_root->location;                                             
400079b8:   c2 06 20 24     ld  [ %i0 + 0x24 ], %g1                                       
400079bc:   c4 00 60 08     ld  [ %g1 + 8 ], %g2                                          
400079c0:   f6 00 40 00     ld  [ %g1 ], %i3                                              
400079c4:   f8 00 60 04     ld  [ %g1 + 4 ], %i4                                          
400079c8:   c8 00 60 0c     ld  [ %g1 + 0xc ], %g4                                        
400079cc:   c6 00 60 10     ld  [ %g1 + 0x10 ], %g3                                       
400079d0:   c2 00 60 14     ld  [ %g1 + 0x14 ], %g1                                       
   jnode = (IMFS_jnode_t *)loc.node_access;                                               
400079d4:   ba 10 00 02     mov  %g2, %i5                                                 
   loc = temp_mt_entry->mt_fs_root->location;                                             
400079d8:   c4 27 bf f0     st  %g2, [ %fp + -16 ]                                        
  return S_ISDIR( node->st_mode );                                                        
400079dc:   35 00 00 3c     sethi  %hi(0xf000), %i2                                       
400079e0:   c2 27 bf fc     st  %g1, [ %fp + -4 ]                                         
400079e4:   c2 00 a0 14     ld  [ %g2 + 0x14 ], %g1                                       
  loc->handlers = node->control->handlers;                                                
400079e8:   c4 07 60 38     ld  [ %i5 + 0x38 ], %g2                                       
400079ec:   c4 00 80 00     ld  [ %g2 ], %g2                                              
400079f0:   c6 27 bf f8     st  %g3, [ %fp + -8 ]                                         
  return S_ISDIR( node->st_mode );                                                        
400079f4:   82 08 40 1a     and  %g1, %i2, %g1                                            
400079f8:   f6 27 bf e8     st  %i3, [ %fp + -24 ]                                        
   do {                                                                                   
     next = jnode->Parent;                                                                
     loc.node_access = (void *)jnode;                                                     
     IMFS_Set_handlers( &loc );                                                           
     if ( !IMFS_is_directory( jnode ) || jnode_has_no_children( jnode ) ) {               
400079fc:   37 00 00 10     sethi  %hi(0x4000), %i3                                       
   loc = temp_mt_entry->mt_fs_root->location;                                             
40007a00:   f8 27 bf ec     st  %i4, [ %fp + -20 ]                                        
     if ( !IMFS_is_directory( jnode ) || jnode_has_no_children( jnode ) ) {               
40007a04:   80 a0 40 1b     cmp  %g1, %i3                                                 
     next = jnode->Parent;                                                                
40007a08:   f8 07 60 08     ld  [ %i5 + 8 ], %i4                                          
   loc = temp_mt_entry->mt_fs_root->location;                                             
40007a0c:   c8 27 bf f4     st  %g4, [ %fp + -12 ]                                        
     loc.node_access = (void *)jnode;                                                     
40007a10:   fa 27 bf f0     st  %i5, [ %fp + -16 ]                                        
     if ( !IMFS_is_directory( jnode ) || jnode_has_no_children( jnode ) ) {               
40007a14:   12 80 00 14     bne  40007a64 <IMFS_fsunmount+0xb0>                           <== NEVER TAKEN
40007a18:   c4 27 bf f8     st  %g2, [ %fp + -8 ]                                         
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
40007a1c:   c4 07 60 40     ld  [ %i5 + 0x40 ], %g2                                       
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
40007a20:   82 07 60 44     add  %i5, 0x44, %g1                                           
40007a24:   80 a0 80 01     cmp  %g2, %g1                                                 
40007a28:   02 80 00 10     be  40007a68 <IMFS_fsunmount+0xb4>                            
40007a2c:   92 07 bf e8     add  %fp, -24, %o1                                            
       if ( IMFS_is_directory( jnode ) ) {                                                
         if ( jnode_has_children( jnode ) )                                               
           jnode = jnode_get_first_child( jnode );                                        
   } while (jnode != NULL);                                                               
40007a30:   80 a0 a0 00     cmp  %g2, 0                                                   
40007a34:   02 80 00 23     be  40007ac0 <IMFS_fsunmount+0x10c>                           <== NEVER TAKEN
40007a38:   b8 10 00 02     mov  %g2, %i4                                                 
40007a3c:   c2 00 a0 14     ld  [ %g2 + 0x14 ], %g1                                       
40007a40:   ba 10 00 1c     mov  %i4, %i5                                                 
  loc->handlers = node->control->handlers;                                                
40007a44:   c4 07 60 38     ld  [ %i5 + 0x38 ], %g2                                       
40007a48:   c4 00 80 00     ld  [ %g2 ], %g2                                              
     next = jnode->Parent;                                                                
40007a4c:   f8 07 60 08     ld  [ %i5 + 8 ], %i4                                          
     loc.node_access = (void *)jnode;                                                     
40007a50:   fa 27 bf f0     st  %i5, [ %fp + -16 ]                                        
  return S_ISDIR( node->st_mode );                                                        
40007a54:   82 08 40 1a     and  %g1, %i2, %g1                                            
     if ( !IMFS_is_directory( jnode ) || jnode_has_no_children( jnode ) ) {               
40007a58:   80 a0 40 1b     cmp  %g1, %i3                                                 
40007a5c:   02 bf ff f0     be  40007a1c <IMFS_fsunmount+0x68>                            
40007a60:   c4 27 bf f8     st  %g2, [ %fp + -8 ]                                         
        result = IMFS_rmnod( NULL, &loc );                                                
40007a64:   92 07 bf e8     add  %fp, -24, %o1                                            
40007a68:   7f ff f3 67     call  40004804 <IMFS_rmnod>                                   
40007a6c:   90 10 20 00     clr  %o0                                                      
        if ( result != 0 )                                                                
40007a70:   80 a2 20 00     cmp  %o0, 0                                                   
40007a74:   12 80 00 15     bne  40007ac8 <IMFS_fsunmount+0x114>                          <== NEVER TAKEN
40007a78:   11 37 ab 6f     sethi  %hi(0xdeadbc00), %o0                                   
        IMFS_node_destroy( jnode );                                                       
40007a7c:   7f ff f2 ef     call  40004638 <IMFS_node_destroy>                            
40007a80:   90 10 00 1d     mov  %i5, %o0                                                 
     if ( jnode != NULL ) {                                                               
40007a84:   80 a7 20 00     cmp  %i4, 0                                                   
40007a88:   02 80 00 0e     be  40007ac0 <IMFS_fsunmount+0x10c>                           
40007a8c:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           
40007a90:   c2 07 20 14     ld  [ %i4 + 0x14 ], %g1                                       
40007a94:   84 08 40 1a     and  %g1, %i2, %g2                                            
       if ( IMFS_is_directory( jnode ) ) {                                                
40007a98:   80 a0 80 1b     cmp  %g2, %i3                                                 
40007a9c:   32 bf ff ea     bne,a   40007a44 <IMFS_fsunmount+0x90>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
40007aa0:   ba 10 00 1c     mov  %i4, %i5                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
  return _Chain_Immutable_head( the_chain )->next;                                        
40007aa4:   c4 07 20 40     ld  [ %i4 + 0x40 ], %g2                                       
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
40007aa8:   86 07 20 44     add  %i4, 0x44, %g3                                           
         if ( jnode_has_children( jnode ) )                                               
40007aac:   80 a0 80 03     cmp  %g2, %g3                                                 
40007ab0:   12 bf ff e1     bne  40007a34 <IMFS_fsunmount+0x80>                           
40007ab4:   80 a0 a0 00     cmp  %g2, 0                                                   
40007ab8:   10 bf ff e3     b  40007a44 <IMFS_fsunmount+0x90>                             
40007abc:   ba 10 00 1c     mov  %i4, %i5                                                 
40007ac0:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
40007ac4:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       
      rtems_fatal_error_occurred( 0xdeadbeef );                                           
40007ac8:   7f ff f4 38     call  40004ba8 <rtems_fatal_error_occurred>                   <== NOT EXECUTED
40007acc:   90 12 22 ef     or  %o0, 0x2ef, %o0                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
40007ad0:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED

40006738 <IMFS_make_node>: mode_t mode, const IMFS_node_control *node_control, size_t node_size, void *context ) {
40006738:   9d e3 bf 50     save  %sp, -176, %sp                                          
  int rv = 0;                                                                             
  mode &= ~rtems_filesystem_umask;                                                        
4000673c:   7f ff fd 0c     call  40005b6c <rtems_current_user_env_get>                   
40006740:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           
40006744:   da 02 20 08     ld  [ %o0 + 8 ], %o5                                          
40006748:   b2 2e 40 0d     andn  %i1, %o5, %i1                                           
  switch (mode & S_IFMT) {                                                                
4000674c:   03 00 00 3c     sethi  %hi(0xf000), %g1                                       
40006750:   05 00 00 18     sethi  %hi(0x6000), %g2                                       
40006754:   82 0e 40 01     and  %i1, %g1, %g1                                            
40006758:   80 a0 40 02     cmp  %g1, %g2                                                 
4000675c:   02 80 00 14     be  400067ac <IMFS_make_node+0x74>                            
40006760:   94 10 20 78     mov  0x78, %o2                                                
40006764:   08 80 00 0e     bleu  4000679c <IMFS_make_node+0x64>                          
40006768:   82 00 70 00     add  %g1, -4096, %g1                                          
4000676c:   03 00 00 2c     sethi  %hi(0xb000), %g1                                       
40006770:   05 00 00 20     sethi  %hi(0x8000), %g2                                       
40006774:   82 0e 40 01     and  %i1, %g1, %g1                                            
40006778:   80 a0 40 02     cmp  %g1, %g2                                                 
4000677c:   02 80 00 0d     be  400067b0 <IMFS_make_node+0x78>                            <== ALWAYS TAKEN
40006780:   92 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o1                                                 
    case S_IFIFO:                                                                         
    case S_IFREG:                                                                         
    case S_IFSOCK:                                                                        
      errno = EINVAL;                                                                     
40006784:   40 00 3a 63     call  40015110 <__errno>                                      
40006788:   b0 10 3f ff     mov  -1, %i0                                                  
4000678c:   82 10 20 16     mov  0x16, %g1                                                
40006790:   c2 22 00 00     st  %g1, [ %o0 ]                                              
      rv = -1;                                                                            
  if ( rv == 0 ) {                                                                        
40006794:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
40006798:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       
  switch (mode & S_IFMT) {                                                                
4000679c:   05 3f ff f8     sethi  %hi(0xffffe000), %g2                                   
400067a0:   80 88 40 02     btst  %g1, %g2                                                
400067a4:   12 bf ff f8     bne  40006784 <IMFS_make_node+0x4c>                           
400067a8:   94 10 20 78     mov  0x78, %o2                                                
    rtems_filesystem_eval_path_context_t ctx;                                             
    int eval_flags = RTEMS_FS_FOLLOW_LINK                                                 
      | RTEMS_FS_MAKE                                                                     
      | RTEMS_FS_EXCLUSIVE;                                                               
    const rtems_filesystem_location_info_t *currentloc =                                  
      rtems_filesystem_eval_path_start( &ctx, path, eval_flags );                         
400067ac:   92 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o1                                                 
400067b0:   7f ff fa 86     call  400051c8 <rtems_filesystem_eval_path_start>             
400067b4:   90 07 bf c8     add  %fp, -56, %o0                                            
  return loc->mt_entry->ops->clonenod_h == IMFS_node_clone;                               
400067b8:   c2 02 20 14     ld  [ %o0 + 0x14 ], %g1                                       
400067bc:   c2 00 60 0c     ld  [ %g1 + 0xc ], %g1                                        
    if ( IMFS_is_imfs_instance( currentloc ) ) {                                          
400067c0:   c4 00 60 24     ld  [ %g1 + 0x24 ], %g2                                       
400067c4:   03 10 00 1d     sethi  %hi(0x40007400), %g1                                   
400067c8:   82 10 60 30     or  %g1, 0x30, %g1  ! 40007430 <IMFS_node_clone>              
400067cc:   80 a0 80 01     cmp  %g2, %g1                                                 
400067d0:   02 80 00 0a     be  400067f8 <IMFS_make_node+0xc0>                            
400067d4:   ba 10 00 08     mov  %o0, %i5                                                 
        IMFS_mtime_ctime_update( parent );                                                
      } else {                                                                            
        rv = -1;                                                                          
    } else {                                                                              
      rtems_filesystem_eval_path_error( &ctx, ENOTSUP );                                  
400067d8:   92 10 20 86     mov  0x86, %o1                                                
400067dc:   90 07 bf c8     add  %fp, -56, %o0                                            
400067e0:   7f ff fa ba     call  400052c8 <rtems_filesystem_eval_path_error>             
400067e4:   b0 10 3f ff     mov  -1, %i0                                                  
      rv = -1;                                                                            
    rtems_filesystem_eval_path_cleanup( &ctx );                                           
400067e8:   7f ff fa ce     call  40005320 <rtems_filesystem_eval_path_cleanup>           
400067ec:   90 07 bf c8     add  %fp, -56, %o0                                            
  return rv;                                                                              
400067f0:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
400067f4:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       
      IMFS_jnode_t *new_node = IMFS_create_node(                                          
400067f8:   f8 23 a0 5c     st  %i4, [ %sp + 0x5c ]                                       
400067fc:   9a 10 00 19     mov  %i1, %o5                                                 
40006800:   d8 07 bf d4     ld  [ %fp + -44 ], %o4                                        
40006804:   d6 07 bf d0     ld  [ %fp + -48 ], %o3                                        
40006808:   94 10 00 1b     mov  %i3, %o2                                                 
4000680c:   92 10 00 1a     mov  %i2, %o1                                                 
40006810:   40 00 26 3c     call  40010100 <IMFS_create_node>                             
40006814:   b0 10 3f ff     mov  -1, %i0                                                  
      if ( new_node != NULL ) {                                                           
40006818:   80 a2 20 00     cmp  %o0, 0                                                   
4000681c:   02 bf ff f3     be  400067e8 <IMFS_make_node+0xb0>                            
40006820:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           
        IMFS_jnode_t *parent = currentloc->node_access;                                   
40006824:   fa 07 60 08     ld  [ %i5 + 8 ], %i5                                          
  _Timecounter_Getbintime( &now );                                                        
40006828:   40 00 0b 96     call  40009680 <_Timecounter_Getbintime>                      
4000682c:   90 07 bf b8     add  %fp, -72, %o0                                            
  return now.sec;                                                                         
40006830:   c4 1f bf b8     ldd  [ %fp + -72 ], %g2                                       
  jnode->stat_mtime = now;                                                                
40006834:   c4 3f 60 28     std  %g2, [ %i5 + 0x28 ]                                      
  int rv = 0;                                                                             
40006838:   b0 10 20 00     clr  %i0                                                      
  jnode->stat_ctime = now;                                                                
4000683c:   c4 3f 60 30     std  %g2, [ %i5 + 0x30 ]                                      
    rtems_filesystem_eval_path_cleanup( &ctx );                                           
40006840:   7f ff fa b8     call  40005320 <rtems_filesystem_eval_path_cleanup>           
40006844:   90 07 bf c8     add  %fp, -56, %o0                                            
40006848:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
4000684c:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       

40003ecc <IMFS_memfile_write>: {
40003ecc:   9d e3 bf 88     save  %sp, -120, %sp                                          
  if ( last_byte > memfile->File.size ) {                                                 
40003ed0:   c2 06 20 40     ld  [ %i0 + 0x40 ], %g1                                       
  last_byte = start + my_length;                                                          
40003ed4:   96 07 00 1a     add  %i4, %i2, %o3                                            
  if ( last_byte > memfile->File.size ) {                                                 
40003ed8:   80 a0 40 0b     cmp  %g1, %o3                                                 
40003edc:   0a 80 00 3f     bcs  40003fd8 <IMFS_memfile_write+0x10c>                      
40003ee0:   80 a6 60 00     cmp  %i1, 0                                                   
  start_offset = start % IMFS_MEMFILE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK;                                    
40003ee4:   03 10 00 5e     sethi  %hi(0x40017800), %g1                                   
40003ee8:   fa 00 60 68     ld  [ %g1 + 0x68 ], %i5 ! 40017868 <imfs_memfile_bytes_per_block>
40003eec:   95 3f 60 1f     sra  %i5, 0x1f, %o2                                           
40003ef0:   96 10 00 1d     mov  %i5, %o3                                                 
40003ef4:   d4 27 bf ec     st  %o2, [ %fp + -20 ]                                        
40003ef8:   92 10 00 1a     mov  %i2, %o1                                                 
40003efc:   40 00 2a 73     call  4000e8c8 <__moddi3>                                     
40003f00:   90 10 00 19     mov  %i1, %o0                                                 
  block = start / IMFS_MEMFILE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK;                                           
40003f04:   d4 07 bf ec     ld  [ %fp + -20 ], %o2                                        
  start_offset = start % IMFS_MEMFILE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK;                                    
40003f08:   a2 10 00 09     mov  %o1, %l1                                                 
  block = start / IMFS_MEMFILE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK;                                           
40003f0c:   96 10 00 1d     mov  %i5, %o3                                                 
40003f10:   92 10 00 1a     mov  %i2, %o1                                                 
40003f14:   40 00 29 e2     call  4000e69c <__divdi3>                                     
40003f18:   90 10 00 19     mov  %i1, %o0                                                 
  copied = 0;                                                                             
40003f1c:   a0 10 20 00     clr  %l0                                                      
  if ( start_offset )  {                                                                  
40003f20:   80 a4 60 00     cmp  %l1, 0                                                   
40003f24:   12 80 00 37     bne  40004000 <IMFS_memfile_write+0x134>                      
40003f28:   b4 10 00 09     mov  %o1, %i2                                                 
  while ( my_length >= IMFS_MEMFILE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK ) {                                   
40003f2c:   80 a7 00 1d     cmp  %i4, %i5                                                 
40003f30:   1a 80 00 0d     bcc  40003f64 <IMFS_memfile_write+0x98>                       
40003f34:   92 10 00 1a     mov  %i2, %o1                                                 
  if ( my_length ) {                                                                      
40003f38:   10 80 00 15     b  40003f8c <IMFS_memfile_write+0xc0>                         
40003f3c:   80 a7 20 00     cmp  %i4, 0                                                   
    memcpy( &(*block_ptr)[ 0 ], src, to_copy );                                           
40003f40:   40 00 30 05     call  4000ff54 <memcpy>                                       
40003f44:   d0 02 00 00     ld  [ %o0 ], %o0                                              
    my_length -= to_copy;                                                                 
40003f48:   b8 27 00 1d     sub  %i4, %i5, %i4                                            
    src += to_copy;                                                                       
40003f4c:   b6 06 c0 1d     add  %i3, %i5, %i3                                            
40003f50:   b4 06 a0 01     inc  %i2                                                      
  while ( my_length >= IMFS_MEMFILE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK ) {                                   
40003f54:   80 a7 40 1c     cmp  %i5, %i4                                                 
40003f58:   18 80 00 0c     bgu  40003f88 <IMFS_memfile_write+0xbc>                       
40003f5c:   a0 04 00 1d     add  %l0, %i5, %l0                                            
    block_ptr = IMFS_memfile_get_block_pointer( memfile, block, 0 );                      
40003f60:   92 10 00 1a     mov  %i2, %o1                                                 
40003f64:   94 10 20 00     clr  %o2                                                      
40003f68:   7f ff fe 47     call  40003884 <IMFS_memfile_get_block_pointer>               
40003f6c:   90 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o0                                                 
    memcpy( &(*block_ptr)[ 0 ], src, to_copy );                                           
40003f70:   92 10 00 1b     mov  %i3, %o1                                                 
    if ( !block_ptr )                                                                     
40003f74:   80 a2 20 00     cmp  %o0, 0                                                   
40003f78:   12 bf ff f2     bne  40003f40 <IMFS_memfile_write+0x74>                       <== ALWAYS TAKEN
40003f7c:   94 10 00 1d     mov  %i5, %o2                                                 
40003f80:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
40003f84:   91 e8 00 10     restore  %g0, %l0, %o0                                        
  if ( my_length ) {                                                                      
40003f88:   80 a7 20 00     cmp  %i4, 0                                                   
40003f8c:   02 80 00 0c     be  40003fbc <IMFS_memfile_write+0xf0>                        
40003f90:   94 10 20 00     clr  %o2                                                      
    block_ptr = IMFS_memfile_get_block_pointer( memfile, block, 0 );                      
40003f94:   92 10 00 1a     mov  %i2, %o1                                                 
40003f98:   7f ff fe 3b     call  40003884 <IMFS_memfile_get_block_pointer>               
40003f9c:   90 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o0                                                 
    if ( !block_ptr )                                                                     
40003fa0:   80 a2 20 00     cmp  %o0, 0                                                   
40003fa4:   02 bf ff f7     be  40003f80 <IMFS_memfile_write+0xb4>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
40003fa8:   94 10 00 1c     mov  %i4, %o2                                                 
    memcpy( &(*block_ptr)[ 0 ], src, my_length );                                         
40003fac:   d0 02 00 00     ld  [ %o0 ], %o0                                              
40003fb0:   92 10 00 1b     mov  %i3, %o1                                                 
40003fb4:   40 00 2f e8     call  4000ff54 <memcpy>                                       
40003fb8:   a0 04 00 1c     add  %l0, %i4, %l0                                            
  _Timecounter_Getbintime( &now );                                                        
40003fbc:   40 00 03 94     call  40004e0c <_Timecounter_Getbintime>                      
40003fc0:   90 07 bf f0     add  %fp, -16, %o0                                            
  return now.sec;                                                                         
40003fc4:   c4 1f bf f0     ldd  [ %fp + -16 ], %g2                                       
  jnode->stat_mtime = now;                                                                
40003fc8:   c4 3e 20 28     std  %g2, [ %i0 + 0x28 ]                                      
  jnode->stat_ctime = now;                                                                
40003fcc:   c4 3e 20 30     std  %g2, [ %i0 + 0x30 ]                                      
40003fd0:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
40003fd4:   91 e8 00 10     restore  %g0, %l0, %o0                                        
    bool zero_fill = start > memfile->File.size;                                          
40003fd8:   04 80 00 1d     ble  4000404c <IMFS_memfile_write+0x180>                      <== ALWAYS TAKEN
40003fdc:   92 10 20 01     mov  1, %o1                                                   
    status = IMFS_memfile_extend( memfile, zero_fill, last_byte );                        
40003fe0:   94 10 20 00     clr  %o2                                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
40003fe4:   92 0a 60 01     and  %o1, 1, %o1                                              
40003fe8:   7f ff fe c3     call  40003af4 <IMFS_memfile_extend>                          
40003fec:   90 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o0                                                 
    if ( status )                                                                         
40003ff0:   a0 92 20 00     orcc  %o0, 0, %l0                                             
40003ff4:   02 bf ff bd     be  40003ee8 <IMFS_memfile_write+0x1c>                        
40003ff8:   03 10 00 5e     sethi  %hi(0x40017800), %g1                                   
40003ffc:   30 bf ff e1     b,a   40003f80 <IMFS_memfile_write+0xb4>                      
    block_ptr = IMFS_memfile_get_block_pointer( memfile, block, 0 );                      
40004000:   94 10 20 00     clr  %o2                                                      
40004004:   90 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o0                                                 
40004008:   7f ff fe 1f     call  40003884 <IMFS_memfile_get_block_pointer>               
4000400c:   a0 10 20 00     clr  %l0                                                      
    if ( !block_ptr )                                                                     
40004010:   80 a2 20 00     cmp  %o0, 0                                                   
40004014:   02 bf ff db     be  40003f80 <IMFS_memfile_write+0xb4>                        <== NEVER TAKEN
40004018:   82 27 40 11     sub  %i5, %l1, %g1                                            
4000401c:   80 a7 00 01     cmp  %i4, %g1                                                 
40004020:   18 80 00 16     bgu  40004078 <IMFS_memfile_write+0x1ac>                      
40004024:   a0 10 00 1c     mov  %i4, %l0                                                 
    memcpy( &(*block_ptr)[ start_offset ], src, to_copy );                                
40004028:   d0 02 00 00     ld  [ %o0 ], %o0                                              
4000402c:   92 10 00 1b     mov  %i3, %o1                                                 
40004030:   94 10 00 10     mov  %l0, %o2                                                 
40004034:   90 02 00 11     add  %o0, %l1, %o0                                            
40004038:   40 00 2f c7     call  4000ff54 <memcpy>                                       
4000403c:   b6 06 c0 10     add  %i3, %l0, %i3                                            
40004040:   b4 06 a0 01     inc  %i2                                                      
    my_length -= to_copy;                                                                 
40004044:   10 bf ff ba     b  40003f2c <IMFS_memfile_write+0x60>                         
40004048:   b8 27 00 10     sub  %i4, %l0, %i4                                            
    bool zero_fill = start > memfile->File.size;                                          
4000404c:   02 80 00 15     be  400040a0 <IMFS_memfile_write+0x1d4>                       <== ALWAYS TAKEN
40004050:   80 a6 80 01     cmp  %i2, %g1                                                 
40004054:   92 10 20 00     clr  %o1                                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
    status = IMFS_memfile_extend( memfile, zero_fill, last_byte );                        
40004058:   94 10 20 00     clr  %o2                                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
4000405c:   92 0a 60 01     and  %o1, 1, %o1                                              
40004060:   7f ff fe a5     call  40003af4 <IMFS_memfile_extend>                          
40004064:   90 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o0                                                 
    if ( status )                                                                         
40004068:   a0 92 20 00     orcc  %o0, 0, %l0                                             
4000406c:   02 bf ff 9f     be  40003ee8 <IMFS_memfile_write+0x1c>                        
40004070:   03 10 00 5e     sethi  %hi(0x40017800), %g1                                   
40004074:   30 bf ff c3     b,a   40003f80 <IMFS_memfile_write+0xb4>                      
    memcpy( &(*block_ptr)[ start_offset ], src, to_copy );                                
40004078:   d0 02 00 00     ld  [ %o0 ], %o0                                              
4000407c:   a0 10 00 01     mov  %g1, %l0                                                 
40004080:   92 10 00 1b     mov  %i3, %o1                                                 
40004084:   94 10 00 10     mov  %l0, %o2                                                 
40004088:   90 02 00 11     add  %o0, %l1, %o0                                            
4000408c:   40 00 2f b2     call  4000ff54 <memcpy>                                       
40004090:   b6 06 c0 10     add  %i3, %l0, %i3                                            
40004094:   b4 06 a0 01     inc  %i2                                                      
    my_length -= to_copy;                                                                 
40004098:   10 bf ff a5     b  40003f2c <IMFS_memfile_write+0x60>                         
4000409c:   b8 27 00 10     sub  %i4, %l0, %i4                                            
    bool zero_fill = start > memfile->File.size;                                          
400040a0:   18 bf ff d1     bgu  40003fe4 <IMFS_memfile_write+0x118>                      
400040a4:   94 10 20 00     clr  %o2                                                      
400040a8:   10 bf ff ed     b  4000405c <IMFS_memfile_write+0x190>                        
400040ac:   92 10 20 00     clr  %o1                                                      

400041c4 <IMFS_mount>: #endif #include <rtems/imfs.h> int IMFS_mount( rtems_filesystem_mount_table_entry_t *mt_entry ) {
400041c4:   9d e3 bf a0     save  %sp, -96, %sp                                           
  int rv = 0;                                                                             
  IMFS_jnode_t *node = mt_entry->mt_point_node->location.node_access;                     
400041c8:   c2 06 20 20     ld  [ %i0 + 0x20 ], %g1                                       
400041cc:   c4 00 60 08     ld  [ %g1 + 8 ], %g2                                          
  return S_ISDIR( node->st_mode );                                                        
400041d0:   07 00 00 3c     sethi  %hi(0xf000), %g3                                       
400041d4:   c2 00 a0 14     ld  [ %g2 + 0x14 ], %g1                                       
400041d8:   82 08 40 03     and  %g1, %g3, %g1                                            
  if ( IMFS_is_directory( node ) ) {                                                      
400041dc:   07 00 00 10     sethi  %hi(0x4000), %g3                                       
400041e0:   80 a0 40 03     cmp  %g1, %g3                                                 
400041e4:   12 80 00 0f     bne  40004220 <IMFS_mount+0x5c>                               
400041e8:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           
    IMFS_directory_t *dir = (IMFS_directory_t *) node;                                    
    if ( dir->mt_fs == NULL ) {                                                           
400041ec:   c2 00 a0 4c     ld  [ %g2 + 0x4c ], %g1                                       
400041f0:   80 a0 60 00     cmp  %g1, 0                                                   
400041f4:   12 80 00 05     bne  40004208 <IMFS_mount+0x44>                               <== NEVER TAKEN
400041f8:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           
      dir->mt_fs = mt_entry;                                                              
400041fc:   f0 20 a0 4c     st  %i0, [ %g2 + 0x4c ]                                       
40004200:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
40004204:   91 e8 20 00     restore  %g0, 0, %o0                                          
    } else {                                                                              
      errno = EBUSY;                                                                      
40004208:   40 00 2e 7d     call  4000fbfc <__errno>                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
4000420c:   b0 10 3f ff     mov  -1, %i0                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
40004210:   82 10 20 10     mov  0x10, %g1                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
40004214:   c2 22 00 00     st  %g1, [ %o0 ]                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
      rv = -1;                                                                            
40004218:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000421c:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  } else {                                                                                
    errno = ENOTDIR;                                                                      
40004220:   40 00 2e 77     call  4000fbfc <__errno>                                      
40004224:   b0 10 3f ff     mov  -1, %i0                                                  
40004228:   82 10 20 14     mov  0x14, %g1                                                
4000422c:   c2 22 00 00     st  %g1, [ %o0 ]                                              
    rv = -1;                                                                              
  return rv;                                                                              
40004230:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
40004234:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       

40007a88 <IMFS_node_remove_directory>: { return dir->mt_fs != NULL; } IMFS_jnode_t *IMFS_node_remove_directory( IMFS_jnode_t *node ) {
40007a88:   9d e3 bf a0     save  %sp, -96, %sp                                           
  IMFS_directory_t *dir = (IMFS_directory_t *) node;                                      
  if ( !rtems_chain_is_empty( &dir->Entries ) ) {                                         
40007a8c:   c4 06 20 40     ld  [ %i0 + 0x40 ], %g2                                       
  return &the_chain->Tail.Node;                                                           
40007a90:   82 06 20 44     add  %i0, 0x44, %g1                                           
40007a94:   80 a0 80 01     cmp  %g2, %g1                                                 
40007a98:   22 80 00 08     be,a   40007ab8 <IMFS_node_remove_directory+0x30>             
40007a9c:   c2 06 20 4c     ld  [ %i0 + 0x4c ], %g1                                       
    errno = ENOTEMPTY;                                                                    
40007aa0:   40 00 20 57     call  4000fbfc <__errno>                                      
40007aa4:   b0 10 20 00     clr  %i0                                                      
40007aa8:   82 10 20 5a     mov  0x5a, %g1                                                
40007aac:   c2 22 00 00     st  %g1, [ %o0 ]                                              
    dir = NULL;                                                                           
40007ab0:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
40007ab4:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       
  } else if ( IMFS_is_mount_point( dir ) ) {                                              
40007ab8:   80 a0 60 00     cmp  %g1, 0                                                   
40007abc:   02 80 00 06     be  40007ad4 <IMFS_node_remove_directory+0x4c>                <== ALWAYS TAKEN
40007ac0:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           
    errno = EBUSY;                                                                        
40007ac4:   40 00 20 4e     call  4000fbfc <__errno>                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
40007ac8:   b0 10 20 00     clr  %i0    ! 0 <PROM_START>                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
40007acc:   82 10 20 10     mov  0x10, %g1                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
40007ad0:   c2 22 00 00     st  %g1, [ %o0 ]                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    dir = NULL;                                                                           
  return &dir->Node;                                                                      
40007ad4:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
40007ad8:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       

40004644 <IMFS_readlink>: sym_link = loc->node_access;
40004644:   c6 02 20 08     ld  [ %o0 + 8 ], %g3                                          
  for( i=0; ((i<bufsize) && (sym_link->name[i] != '\0')); i++ )                           
40004648:   80 a2 a0 00     cmp  %o2, 0                                                   
4000464c:   12 80 00 08     bne  4000466c <IMFS_readlink+0x28>                            <== ALWAYS TAKEN
40004650:   90 10 20 00     clr  %o0                                                      
40004654:   30 80 00 0d     b,a   40004688 <IMFS_readlink+0x44>                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    buf[i] = sym_link->name[i];                                                           
40004658:   c2 2a 40 08     stb  %g1, [ %o1 + %o0 ]                                       
  for( i=0; ((i<bufsize) && (sym_link->name[i] != '\0')); i++ )                           
4000465c:   90 02 20 01     inc  %o0                                                      
40004660:   80 a2 00 0a     cmp  %o0, %o2                                                 
40004664:   02 80 00 09     be  40004688 <IMFS_readlink+0x44>                             
40004668:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           
4000466c:   c2 00 e0 40     ld  [ %g3 + 0x40 ], %g1                                       
40004670:   c4 48 40 08     ldsb  [ %g1 + %o0 ], %g2                                      
40004674:   80 a0 a0 00     cmp  %g2, 0                                                   
40004678:   12 bf ff f8     bne  40004658 <IMFS_readlink+0x14>                            
4000467c:   c2 08 40 08     ldub  [ %g1 + %o0 ], %g1                                      
40004680:   81 c3 e0 08     retl                                                          
40004684:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           
40004688:   81 c3 e0 08     retl                                                          
4000468c:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           

40004370 <IMFS_rename>: const rtems_filesystem_location_info_t *oldloc, const rtems_filesystem_location_info_t *newparentloc, const char *name, size_t namelen ) {
40004370:   9d e3 bf 90     save  %sp, -112, %sp                                          
   * FIXME: Due to insufficient checks we can create inaccessible nodes with              
   * this operation.                                                                      
  node = oldloc->node_access;                                                             
40004374:   fa 06 60 08     ld  [ %i1 + 8 ], %i5                                          
  new_parent = newparentloc->node_access;                                                 
  if ( node->Parent == NULL ) {                                                           
40004378:   c2 07 60 08     ld  [ %i5 + 8 ], %g1                                          
4000437c:   80 a0 60 00     cmp  %g1, 0                                                   
40004380:   02 80 00 3d     be  40004474 <IMFS_rename+0x104>                              <== NEVER TAKEN
40004384:   f2 06 a0 08     ld  [ %i2 + 8 ], %i1                                          
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
  if ( namelen >= IMFS_NAME_MAX ) {                                                       
40004388:   80 a7 20 fe     cmp  %i4, 0xfe                                                
4000438c:   18 80 00 34     bgu  4000445c <IMFS_rename+0xec>                              
40004390:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( ENAMETOOLONG );                                 
  control = malloc( sizeof( *control ) + namelen );                                       
40004394:   40 00 0b 5a     call  400070fc <malloc>                                       
40004398:   90 07 20 14     add  %i4, 0x14, %o0                                           
  if ( control == NULL ) {                                                                
4000439c:   b4 92 20 00     orcc  %o0, 0, %i2                                             
400043a0:   02 80 00 3b     be  4000448c <IMFS_rename+0x11c>                              <== NEVER TAKEN
400043a4:   92 10 00 1b     mov  %i3, %o1                                                 
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( ENOMEM );                                       
  memcpy( control->name, name, namelen );                                                 
400043a8:   b0 06 a0 14     add  %i2, 0x14, %i0                                           
400043ac:   94 10 00 1c     mov  %i4, %o2                                                 
400043b0:   40 00 2e e9     call  4000ff54 <memcpy>                                       
400043b4:   90 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o0                                                 
  if ( node->control->node_destroy == IMFS_renamed_destroy ) {                            
400043b8:   c2 07 60 38     ld  [ %i5 + 0x38 ], %g1                                       
400043bc:   c4 00 60 0c     ld  [ %g1 + 0xc ], %g2                                        
400043c0:   37 10 00 10     sethi  %hi(0x40004000), %i3                                   
400043c4:   b6 16 e3 44     or  %i3, 0x344, %i3 ! 40004344 <IMFS_renamed_destroy>         
400043c8:   80 a0 80 1b     cmp  %g2, %i3                                                 
400043cc:   22 80 00 1f     be,a   40004448 <IMFS_rename+0xd8>                            
400043d0:   c4 00 60 10     ld  [ %g1 + 0x10 ], %g2                                       
    IMFS_restore_replaced_control( node );                                                
  control->Base = *node->control;                                                         
400043d4:   c4 00 40 00     ld  [ %g1 ], %g2                                              
400043d8:   c4 26 80 00     st  %g2, [ %i2 ]                                              
400043dc:   86 06 60 44     add  %i1, 0x44, %g3                                           
400043e0:   c4 00 60 04     ld  [ %g1 + 4 ], %g2                                          
400043e4:   c4 26 a0 04     st  %g2, [ %i2 + 4 ]                                          
  _Timecounter_Getbintime( &now );                                                        
400043e8:   90 07 bf f0     add  %fp, -16, %o0                                            
400043ec:   c4 00 60 08     ld  [ %g1 + 8 ], %g2                                          
400043f0:   c4 26 a0 08     st  %g2, [ %i2 + 8 ]                                          
  control->Base.node_destroy = IMFS_renamed_destroy;                                      
  control->replaced = node->control;                                                      
400043f4:   c2 26 a0 10     st  %g1, [ %i2 + 0x10 ]                                       
  control->Base.node_destroy = IMFS_renamed_destroy;                                      
400043f8:   f6 26 a0 0c     st  %i3, [ %i2 + 0xc ]                                        
  next           = the_node->next;                                                        
400043fc:   c4 07 40 00     ld  [ %i5 ], %g2                                              
  previous       = the_node->previous;                                                    
40004400:   c2 07 60 04     ld  [ %i5 + 4 ], %g1                                          
  node->control = &control->Base;                                                         
  node->name = control->name;                                                             
40004404:   f0 27 60 0c     st  %i0, [ %i5 + 0xc ]                                        
  IMFS_remove_from_directory( node );                                                     
  IMFS_add_to_directory( new_parent, node );                                              
  IMFS_update_ctime( node );                                                              
  return 0;                                                                               
40004408:   b0 10 20 00     clr  %i0                                                      
  node->control = &control->Base;                                                         
4000440c:   f4 27 60 38     st  %i2, [ %i5 + 0x38 ]                                       
  node->namelen = namelen;                                                                
40004410:   f8 37 60 10     sth  %i4, [ %i5 + 0x10 ]                                      
  next->previous = previous;                                                              
40004414:   c2 20 a0 04     st  %g1, [ %g2 + 4 ]                                          
  previous->next = next;                                                                  
40004418:   c4 20 40 00     st  %g2, [ %g1 ]                                              
  old_last = tail->previous;                                                              
4000441c:   c2 06 60 48     ld  [ %i1 + 0x48 ], %g1                                       
  the_node->next = tail;                                                                  
40004420:   c6 27 40 00     st  %g3, [ %i5 ]                                              
  entry_node->Parent = dir_node;                                                          
40004424:   f2 27 60 08     st  %i1, [ %i5 + 8 ]                                          
  tail->previous = the_node;                                                              
40004428:   fa 26 60 48     st  %i5, [ %i1 + 0x48 ]                                       
  old_last->next = the_node;                                                              
4000442c:   fa 20 40 00     st  %i5, [ %g1 ]                                              
  _Timecounter_Getbintime( &now );                                                        
40004430:   40 00 02 77     call  40004e0c <_Timecounter_Getbintime>                      
40004434:   c2 27 60 04     st  %g1, [ %i5 + 4 ]                                          
  return now.sec;                                                                         
40004438:   c4 1f bf f0     ldd  [ %fp + -16 ], %g2                                       
  jnode->stat_ctime = _IMFS_get_time();                                                   
4000443c:   c4 3f 60 30     std  %g2, [ %i5 + 0x30 ]                                      
40004440:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
40004444:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       
  node->control = control->replaced;                                                      
40004448:   c4 27 60 38     st  %g2, [ %i5 + 0x38 ]                                       
  free( control );                                                                        
4000444c:   40 00 0a ad     call  40006f00 <free>                                         
40004450:   90 10 00 01     mov  %g1, %o0                                                 
40004454:   10 bf ff e0     b  400043d4 <IMFS_rename+0x64>                                
40004458:   c2 07 60 38     ld  [ %i5 + 0x38 ], %g1                                       
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( ENAMETOOLONG );                                 
4000445c:   40 00 2d e8     call  4000fbfc <__errno>                                      
40004460:   b0 10 3f ff     mov  -1, %i0                                                  
40004464:   82 10 20 5b     mov  0x5b, %g1                                                
40004468:   c2 22 00 00     st  %g1, [ %o0 ]                                              
4000446c:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
40004470:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( EINVAL );                                       
40004474:   40 00 2d e2     call  4000fbfc <__errno>                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
40004478:   b0 10 3f ff     mov  -1, %i0                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
4000447c:   82 10 20 16     mov  0x16, %g1                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
40004480:   c2 22 00 00     st  %g1, [ %o0 ]                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
40004484:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
40004488:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    rtems_set_errno_and_return_minus_one( ENOMEM );                                       
4000448c:   40 00 2d dc     call  4000fbfc <__errno>                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
40004490:   b0 10 3f ff     mov  -1, %i0                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
40004494:   82 10 20 0c     mov  0xc, %g1                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
40004498:   c2 22 00 00     st  %g1, [ %o0 ]                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
4000449c:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
400044a0:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       <== NOT EXECUTED

400044a4 <IMFS_rmnod>: int IMFS_rmnod( const rtems_filesystem_location_info_t *parentloc, const rtems_filesystem_location_info_t *loc ) {
400044a4:   9d e3 bf a0     save  %sp, -96, %sp                                           
  int rv = 0;                                                                             
  IMFS_jnode_t *node = loc->node_access;                                                  
400044a8:   d0 06 60 08     ld  [ %i1 + 8 ], %o0                                          
  node = (*node->control->node_remove)( node );                                           
400044ac:   c2 02 20 38     ld  [ %o0 + 0x38 ], %g1                                       
400044b0:   c2 00 60 08     ld  [ %g1 + 8 ], %g1                                          
400044b4:   9f c0 40 00     call  %g1                                                     
400044b8:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           
  if ( node != NULL ) {                                                                   
400044bc:   80 a2 20 00     cmp  %o0, 0                                                   
400044c0:   22 80 00 11     be,a   40004504 <IMFS_rmnod+0x60>                             
400044c4:   b0 10 3f ff     mov  -1, %i0                                                  
400044c8:   c4 12 20 18     lduh  [ %o0 + 0x18 ], %g2                                     
400044cc:   c2 12 20 1a     lduh  [ %o0 + 0x1a ], %g1                                     
400044d0:   82 00 7f ff     add  %g1, -1, %g1                                             
400044d4:   84 00 bf ff     add  %g2, -1, %g2                                             
400044d8:   c2 32 20 1a     sth  %g1, [ %o0 + 0x1a ]                                      
400044dc:   c4 32 20 18     sth  %g2, [ %o0 + 0x18 ]                                      
    if ( node->Parent != NULL ) {                                                         
400044e0:   c2 02 20 08     ld  [ %o0 + 8 ], %g1                                          
400044e4:   80 a0 60 00     cmp  %g1, 0                                                   
400044e8:   02 80 00 07     be  40004504 <IMFS_rmnod+0x60>                                
400044ec:   b0 10 20 00     clr  %i0                                                      
  node->Parent = NULL;                                                                    
400044f0:   c0 22 20 08     clr  [ %o0 + 8 ]                                              
  next           = the_node->next;                                                        
400044f4:   c4 02 00 00     ld  [ %o0 ], %g2                                              
  previous       = the_node->previous;                                                    
400044f8:   c2 02 20 04     ld  [ %o0 + 4 ], %g1                                          
  next->previous = previous;                                                              
400044fc:   c2 20 a0 04     st  %g1, [ %g2 + 4 ]                                          
  previous->next = next;                                                                  
40004500:   c4 20 40 00     st  %g2, [ %g1 ]                                              
40004504:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
40004508:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       
  } else {                                                                                
    rv = -1;                                                                              
  return rv;                                                                              
4000450c:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
40004510:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       <== NOT EXECUTED

40004690 <IMFS_unmount>: #endif #include <rtems/imfs.h> int IMFS_unmount( rtems_filesystem_mount_table_entry_t *mt_entry ) {
40004690:   9d e3 bf a0     save  %sp, -96, %sp                                           
  int rv = 0;                                                                             
  IMFS_jnode_t *node = mt_entry->mt_point_node->location.node_access;                     
40004694:   c2 06 20 20     ld  [ %i0 + 0x20 ], %g1                                       
40004698:   c4 00 60 08     ld  [ %g1 + 8 ], %g2                                          
  return S_ISDIR( node->st_mode );                                                        
4000469c:   07 00 00 3c     sethi  %hi(0xf000), %g3                                       
400046a0:   c2 00 a0 14     ld  [ %g2 + 0x14 ], %g1                                       
400046a4:   82 08 40 03     and  %g1, %g3, %g1                                            
  if ( IMFS_is_directory( node ) ) {                                                      
400046a8:   07 00 00 10     sethi  %hi(0x4000), %g3                                       
400046ac:   80 a0 40 03     cmp  %g1, %g3                                                 
400046b0:   12 80 00 0f     bne  400046ec <IMFS_unmount+0x5c>                             <== NEVER TAKEN
400046b4:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           
    IMFS_directory_t *dir = (IMFS_directory_t *) node;                                    
    if ( dir->mt_fs == mt_entry ) {                                                       
400046b8:   c2 00 a0 4c     ld  [ %g2 + 0x4c ], %g1                                       
400046bc:   80 a0 40 18     cmp  %g1, %i0                                                 
400046c0:   12 80 00 05     bne  400046d4 <IMFS_unmount+0x44>                             <== NEVER TAKEN
400046c4:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           
      dir->mt_fs = NULL;                                                                  
400046c8:   c0 20 a0 4c     clr  [ %g2 + 0x4c ]                                           
400046cc:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
400046d0:   91 e8 20 00     restore  %g0, 0, %o0                                          
    } else {                                                                              
      errno = EINVAL;                                                                     
400046d4:   40 00 2d 4a     call  4000fbfc <__errno>                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
400046d8:   b0 10 3f ff     mov  -1, %i0                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
400046dc:   82 10 20 16     mov  0x16, %g1                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
400046e0:   c2 22 00 00     st  %g1, [ %o0 ]                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
      rv = -1;                                                                            
400046e4:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
400046e8:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  } else {                                                                                
    errno = ENOTDIR;                                                                      
400046ec:   40 00 2d 44     call  4000fbfc <__errno>                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
400046f0:   b0 10 3f ff     mov  -1, %i0                                                  <== NOT EXECUTED
400046f4:   82 10 20 14     mov  0x14, %g1                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
400046f8:   c2 22 00 00     st  %g1, [ %o0 ]                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    rv = -1;                                                                              
  return rv;                                                                              
400046fc:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
40004700:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       <== NOT EXECUTED

400079cc <device_ftruncate>: rtems_libio_t *iop, off_t length ) { return 0; }
400079cc:   81 c3 e0 08     retl                                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
400079d0:   90 10 20 00     clr  %o0                                                      <== NOT EXECUTED

40005018 <rtems_tarfs_load>: int rtems_tarfs_load( const char *mountpoint, uint8_t *tar_image, size_t tar_size ) {
40005018:   9d e3 bd e8     save  %sp, -536, %sp                                          
  char                                  buf[ 156 + UNTAR_FILE_NAME_SIZE ];                
  size_t                                len;                                              
  Untar_HeaderContext                   ctx;                                              
  unsigned long                         ptr;                                              
  len = strlen( mountpoint );                                                             
4000501c:   40 00 74 17     call  40022078 <strlen>                                       
40005020:   90 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o0                                                 
  if ( len >= sizeof( buf ) - UNTAR_FILE_NAME_SIZE - 2 ) {                                
40005024:   80 a2 20 99     cmp  %o0, 0x99                                                
40005028:   18 80 00 29     bgu  400050cc <rtems_tarfs_load+0xb4>                         <== NEVER TAKEN
4000502c:   ba 10 00 08     mov  %o0, %i5                                                 
    return -1;                                                                            
  eval_flags = RTEMS_FS_FOLLOW_LINK;                                                      
  loc = rtems_filesystem_eval_path_start( &eval_ctx, mountpoint, eval_flags );            
40005030:   94 10 20 18     mov  0x18, %o2                                                
40005034:   92 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o1                                                 
40005038:   7f ff f8 e4     call  400033c8 <rtems_filesystem_eval_path_start>             
4000503c:   90 07 be 48     add  %fp, -440, %o0                                           
  return loc->mt_entry->ops->clonenod_h == IMFS_node_clone;                               
40005040:   c2 02 20 14     ld  [ %o0 + 0x14 ], %g1                                       
40005044:   c2 00 60 0c     ld  [ %g1 + 0xc ], %g1                                        
40005048:   f8 00 60 24     ld  [ %g1 + 0x24 ], %i4                                       
  is_imfs = IMFS_is_imfs_instance( loc );                                                 
  rtems_filesystem_eval_path_cleanup( &eval_ctx );                                        
4000504c:   7f ff f9 35     call  40003520 <rtems_filesystem_eval_path_cleanup>           
40005050:   90 07 be 48     add  %fp, -440, %o0                                           
  if ( !is_imfs ) {                                                                       
40005054:   03 10 00 17     sethi  %hi(0x40005c00), %g1                                   
40005058:   82 10 62 44     or  %g1, 0x244, %g1 ! 40005e44 <IMFS_node_clone>              
4000505c:   80 a7 00 01     cmp  %i4, %g1                                                 
40005060:   12 80 00 1b     bne  400050cc <rtems_tarfs_load+0xb4>                         
40005064:   94 10 00 1d     mov  %i5, %o2                                                 
    return -1;                                                                            
  ctx.printer = NULL;                                                                     
40005068:   c0 27 be fc     clr  [ %fp + -260 ]                                           
  ctx.file_path = memcpy( buf, mountpoint, len );                                         
4000506c:   92 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o1                                                 
40005070:   40 00 69 eb     call  4001f81c <memcpy>                                       
40005074:   90 07 bf 00     add  %fp, -256, %o0                                           
  if ( len > 0 && ctx.file_path[ len - 1 ] != '/') {                                      
40005078:   80 a7 60 00     cmp  %i5, 0                                                   
4000507c:   12 80 00 16     bne  400050d4 <rtems_tarfs_load+0xbc>                         <== ALWAYS TAKEN
40005080:   d0 27 be 80     st  %o0, [ %fp + -384 ]                                       
    ctx.file_path[ len ] = '/';                                                           
    ctx.file_name = ctx.file_path + len + 1;                                              
40005084:   d0 27 be 84     st  %o0, [ %fp + -380 ]                                       
40005088:   10 80 00 0a     b  400050b0 <rtems_tarfs_load+0x98>                           
4000508c:   ba 10 20 00     clr  %i5                                                      
  ptr = 0;                                                                                
  while ( ptr + 512 <= tar_size ) {                                                       
    int retval;                                                                           
    retval = Untar_ProcessHeader( &ctx, (const char *) &tar_image[ ptr ] );               
40005090:   40 00 05 a5     call  40006724 <Untar_ProcessHeader>                          
40005094:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           
    if ( retval != UNTAR_SUCCESSFUL ) {                                                   
40005098:   80 a2 20 00     cmp  %o0, 0                                                   
4000509c:   12 80 00 0c     bne  400050cc <rtems_tarfs_load+0xb4>                         <== NEVER TAKEN
400050a0:   c2 0f be f8     ldub  [ %fp + -264 ], %g1                                     
      return -1;                                                                          
    ptr += 512;                                                                           
    if ( ctx.linkflag == REGTYPE ) {                                                      
400050a4:   80 a0 60 30     cmp  %g1, 0x30                                                
400050a8:   02 80 00 14     be  400050f8 <rtems_tarfs_load+0xe0>                          
400050ac:   d6 07 be f0     ld  [ %fp + -272 ], %o3                                       
    retval = Untar_ProcessHeader( &ctx, (const char *) &tar_image[ ptr ] );               
400050b0:   92 06 40 1d     add  %i1, %i5, %o1                                            
  while ( ptr + 512 <= tar_size ) {                                                       
400050b4:   ba 07 62 00     add  %i5, 0x200, %i5                                          
400050b8:   80 a7 40 1a     cmp  %i5, %i2                                                 
400050bc:   08 bf ff f5     bleu  40005090 <rtems_tarfs_load+0x78>                        
400050c0:   90 07 be 80     add  %fp, -384, %o0                                           
      ptr += 512 * ctx.nblocks;                                                           
  return 0;                                                                               
400050c4:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
400050c8:   91 e8 20 00     restore  %g0, 0, %o0                                          
    return -1;                                                                            
400050cc:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           
400050d0:   91 e8 3f ff     restore  %g0, -1, %o0                                         
    ctx.file_path[ len ] = '/';                                                           
400050d4:   82 02 00 1d     add  %o0, %i5, %g1                                            
  if ( len > 0 && ctx.file_path[ len - 1 ] != '/') {                                      
400050d8:   c4 48 7f ff     ldsb  [ %g1 + -1 ], %g2                                       
400050dc:   80 a0 a0 2f     cmp  %g2, 0x2f                                                
400050e0:   02 80 00 10     be  40005120 <rtems_tarfs_load+0x108>                         <== ALWAYS TAKEN
400050e4:   84 10 20 2f     mov  0x2f, %g2                                                
    ctx.file_name = ctx.file_path + len + 1;                                              
400050e8:   82 07 60 01     add  %i5, 1, %g1                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
    ctx.file_path[ len ] = '/';                                                           
400050ec:   c4 2a 00 1d     stb  %g2, [ %o0 + %i5 ]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
    ctx.file_name = ctx.file_path + len + 1;                                              
400050f0:   10 bf ff e5     b  40005084 <rtems_tarfs_load+0x6c>                           <== NOT EXECUTED
400050f4:   90 02 00 01     add  %o0, %g1, %o0                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
      retval = IMFS_make_linearfile(                                                      
400050f8:   d2 07 be ec     ld  [ %fp + -276 ], %o1                                       
400050fc:   d0 07 be 80     ld  [ %fp + -384 ], %o0                                       
40005100:   40 00 00 50     call  40005240 <IMFS_make_linearfile>                         
40005104:   94 06 40 1d     add  %i1, %i5, %o2                                            
      if ( retval != 0 ) {                                                                
40005108:   80 a2 20 00     cmp  %o0, 0                                                   
4000510c:   12 bf ff f0     bne  400050cc <rtems_tarfs_load+0xb4>                         <== NEVER TAKEN
40005110:   c2 07 be f4     ld  [ %fp + -268 ], %g1                                       
      ptr += 512 * ctx.nblocks;                                                           
40005114:   83 28 60 09     sll  %g1, 9, %g1                                              
40005118:   10 bf ff e6     b  400050b0 <rtems_tarfs_load+0x98>                           
4000511c:   ba 07 40 01     add  %i5, %g1, %i5                                            
    ctx.file_name = ctx.file_path + len;                                                  
40005120:   10 bf ff d9     b  40005084 <rtems_tarfs_load+0x6c>                           
40005124:   90 10 00 01     mov  %g1, %o0