Annotated Report
Sun Feb 28 22:31:22 2021

4000dc98 <rtems_cpu_info_report>:                                                         
  str[ 3 ] = bits_to_char( (uint8_t) ( name >> 0 ) );                                     
  str[ 4 ] = '\0';                                                                        
int rtems_cpu_info_report( const rtems_printer *printer )                                 
4000dc98:   9d e3 bf 98     save  %sp, -104, %sp                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  uint32_t cpu_index;                                                                     
  int      n;                                                                             
  cpu_max = rtems_configuration_get_maximum_processors();                                 
  n = rtems_printf(                                                                       
4000dc9c:   13 10 02 10     sethi  %hi(0x40084000), %o1                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dca0:   90 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o0                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dca4:   7f ff d9 39     call  40004188 <rtems_printf>                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dca8:   92 12 62 10     or  %o1, 0x210, %o1                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    cpu = _Per_CPU_Get_by_index( cpu_index );                                             
    scheduler = _Scheduler_Get_by_CPU( cpu );                                             
    if ( scheduler != NULL ) {                                                            
      scheduler_id = _Scheduler_Build_id( _Scheduler_Get_index( scheduler ) );            
      name_to_str( scheduler->name, scheduler_str );                                      
4000dcac:   03 10 01 ea     sethi  %hi(0x4007a800), %g1                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dcb0:   c4 00 61 e8     ld  [ %g1 + 0x1e8 ], %g2    ! 4007a9e8 <_Scheduler_Table+0x48><== NOT EXECUTED
  str[ 0 ] = bits_to_char( (uint8_t) ( name >> 24 ) );                                    
4000dcb4:   87 30 a0 18     srl  %g2, 0x18, %g3                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  return isprint( bits ) ? (char) bits : '?';                                             
4000dcb8:   03 10 02 3d     sethi  %hi(0x4008f400), %g1                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dcbc:   82 10 61 79     or  %g1, 0x179, %g1 ! 4008f579 <_ctype_+0x1>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dcc0:   c8 48 40 03     ldsb  [ %g1 + %g3 ], %g4                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dcc4:   80 89 20 97     btst  0x97, %g4                                               <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dcc8:   12 80 00 03     bne  4000dcd4 <rtems_cpu_info_report+0x3c>                    <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dccc:   ba 10 00 08     mov  %o0, %i5                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dcd0:   86 10 20 3f     mov  0x3f, %g3                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  str[ 0 ] = bits_to_char( (uint8_t) ( name >> 24 ) );                                    
4000dcd4:   c6 2f bf f8     stb  %g3, [ %fp + -8 ]                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  str[ 1 ] = bits_to_char( (uint8_t) ( name >> 16 ) );                                    
4000dcd8:   87 30 a0 10     srl  %g2, 0x10, %g3                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  return isprint( bits ) ? (char) bits : '?';                                             
4000dcdc:   88 08 e0 ff     and  %g3, 0xff, %g4                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dce0:   c8 48 40 04     ldsb  [ %g1 + %g4 ], %g4                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dce4:   80 89 20 97     btst  0x97, %g4                                               <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dce8:   22 80 00 02     be,a   4000dcf0 <rtems_cpu_info_report+0x58>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dcec:   86 10 20 3f     mov  0x3f, %g3                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  str[ 1 ] = bits_to_char( (uint8_t) ( name >> 16 ) );                                    
4000dcf0:   c6 2f bf f9     stb  %g3, [ %fp + -7 ]                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  str[ 2 ] = bits_to_char( (uint8_t) ( name >> 8 ) );                                     
4000dcf4:   87 30 a0 08     srl  %g2, 8, %g3                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
  return isprint( bits ) ? (char) bits : '?';                                             
4000dcf8:   88 08 e0 ff     and  %g3, 0xff, %g4                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dcfc:   c8 48 40 04     ldsb  [ %g1 + %g4 ], %g4                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dd00:   80 89 20 97     btst  0x97, %g4                                               <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dd04:   22 80 00 02     be,a   4000dd0c <rtems_cpu_info_report+0x74>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dd08:   86 10 20 3f     mov  0x3f, %g3                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  str[ 2 ] = bits_to_char( (uint8_t) ( name >> 8 ) );                                     
4000dd0c:   c6 2f bf fa     stb  %g3, [ %fp + -6 ]                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
  return isprint( bits ) ? (char) bits : '?';                                             
4000dd10:   86 08 a0 ff     and  %g2, 0xff, %g3                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dd14:   c2 48 40 03     ldsb  [ %g1 + %g3 ], %g1                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dd18:   80 88 60 97     btst  0x97, %g1                                               <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dd1c:   22 80 00 02     be,a   4000dd24 <rtems_cpu_info_report+0x8c>                  <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dd20:   84 10 20 3f     mov  0x3f, %g2                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  str[ 3 ] = bits_to_char( (uint8_t) ( name >> 0 ) );                                     
4000dd24:   c4 2f bf fb     stb  %g2, [ %fp + -5 ]                                        <== NOT EXECUTED
    } else {                                                                              
      scheduler_id = 0;                                                                   
      scheduler_str[ 0 ] = '\0';                                                          
    n += rtems_printf(                                                                    
4000dd28:   9a 07 bf f8     add  %fp, -8, %o5                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
  str[ 4 ] = '\0';                                                                        
4000dd2c:   c0 2f bf fc     clrb  [ %fp + -4 ]                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
    n += rtems_printf(                                                                    
4000dd30:   96 10 20 01     mov  1, %o3                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dd34:   94 10 20 00     clr  %o2                                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dd38:   90 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o0                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dd3c:   19 03 c0 40     sethi  %hi(0xf010000), %o4                                    <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dd40:   13 10 02 10     sethi  %hi(0x40084000), %o1                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dd44:   98 13 20 01     or  %o4, 1, %o4                                               <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dd48:   7f ff d9 10     call  40004188 <rtems_printf>                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dd4c:   92 12 63 68     or  %o1, 0x368, %o1                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
      &scheduler_str[ 0 ]                                                                 
  return n;                                                                               
4000dd50:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000dd54:   91 ef 40 08     restore  %i5, %o0, %o0                                        <== NOT EXECUTED

4000ed20 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin>: } void rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin( const rtems_printer *printer ) {
4000ed20:   9d e3 bf 18     save  %sp, -232, %sp                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
  rtems_name             name;                                                            
  rtems_id               id;                                                              
  rtems_cpu_usage_data   data;                                                            
  int                    show_lines = 25;                                                 
  memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));                                                         
4000ed24:   94 10 20 80     mov  0x80, %o2                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ed28:   92 10 20 00     clr  %o1                                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ed2c:   40 01 0c af     call  40051fe8 <memset>                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ed30:   90 07 bf 80     add  %fp, -128, %o0                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  data.thread_run = true;                                                                 
4000ed34:   82 10 20 01     mov  1, %g1                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ed38:   c2 2f bf 80     stb  %g1, [ %fp + -128 ]                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  data.sort_order = RTEMS_TOP_SORT_CURRENT;                                               
  data.poll_rate_usecs = 3000;                                                            
  data.show = show_lines;                                                                 
  data.printer = printer;                                                                 
  sc = rtems_task_set_priority (RTEMS_SELF, RTEMS_CURRENT_PRIORITY, &priority);           
4000ed3c:   94 07 bf 78     add  %fp, -136, %o2                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  data.single_page = true;                                                                
4000ed40:   c2 2f bf 82     stb  %g1, [ %fp + -126 ]                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  data.sort_order = RTEMS_TOP_SORT_CURRENT;                                               
4000ed44:   82 10 20 04     mov  4, %g1                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ed48:   c2 27 bf 84     st  %g1, [ %fp + -124 ]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  data.poll_rate_usecs = 3000;                                                            
4000ed4c:   82 10 2b b8     mov  0xbb8, %g1                                               <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ed50:   c2 27 bf 88     st  %g1, [ %fp + -120 ]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  data.show = show_lines;                                                                 
4000ed54:   82 10 20 19     mov  0x19, %g1                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  data.printer = printer;                                                                 
4000ed58:   f0 27 bf 90     st  %i0, [ %fp + -112 ]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  sc = rtems_task_set_priority (RTEMS_SELF, RTEMS_CURRENT_PRIORITY, &priority);           
4000ed5c:   92 10 20 00     clr  %o1                                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  data.show = show_lines;                                                                 
4000ed60:   c2 27 bf 8c     st  %g1, [ %fp + -116 ]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  sc = rtems_task_set_priority (RTEMS_SELF, RTEMS_CURRENT_PRIORITY, &priority);           
4000ed64:   40 00 12 4f     call  400136a0 <rtems_task_set_priority>                      <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ed68:   90 10 20 00     clr  %o0                                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
  if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)                                                             
4000ed6c:   80 a2 20 00     cmp  %o0, 0                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ed70:   12 80 00 5c     bne  4000eee0 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x1c0>         <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ed74:   d2 07 bf 78     ld  [ %fp + -136 ], %o1                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
  name = rtems_build_name('C', 'P', 'l', 't');                                            
  sc = rtems_task_create (name, priority, 4 * 1024,                                       
4000ed78:   9a 07 bf 7c     add  %fp, -132, %o5                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ed7c:   98 10 20 01     mov  1, %o4                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ed80:   96 10 26 00     mov  0x600, %o3                                               <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ed84:   15 00 00 04     sethi  %hi(0x1000), %o2                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ed88:   11 10 d4 1b     sethi  %hi(0x43506c00), %o0                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ed8c:   40 00 11 e5     call  40013520 <rtems_task_create>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ed90:   90 12 20 74     or  %o0, 0x74, %o0  ! 43506c74 <RAM_END+0x3106c74>            <== NOT EXECUTED
                          RTEMS_PREEMPT | RTEMS_TIMESLICE | RTEMS_NO_ASR,                 
                          RTEMS_FLOATING_POINT | RTEMS_LOCAL,                             
  if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)                                                             
4000ed94:   80 a2 20 00     cmp  %o0, 0                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ed98:   12 80 00 24     bne  4000ee28 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x108>         <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ed9c:   94 07 bf 80     add  %fp, -128, %o2                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    rtems_printf (printer,                                                                
                  "error: cannot create helper thread: %s\n", rtems_status_text (sc));    
  sc = rtems_task_start (id, rtems_cpuusage_top_thread, (rtems_task_argument) &data);     
4000eda0:   d0 07 bf 7c     ld  [ %fp + -132 ], %o0                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
4000eda4:   13 10 00 39     sethi  %hi(0x4000e400), %o1                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  int                    show_lines = 25;                                                 
4000eda8:   ba 10 20 19     mov  0x19, %i5                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
  sc = rtems_task_start (id, rtems_cpuusage_top_thread, (rtems_task_argument) &data);     
4000edac:   92 12 60 28     or  %o1, 0x28, %o1                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
4000edb0:   40 00 12 89     call  400137d4 <rtems_task_start>                             <== NOT EXECUTED
4000edb4:   b8 10 20 04     mov  4, %i4                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
  if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)                                                             
4000edb8:   80 a2 20 00     cmp  %o0, 0                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000edbc:   12 80 00 7d     bne  4000efb0 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x290>         <== NOT EXECUTED
4000edc0:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
  while (true)                                                                            
    int c = getchar ();                                                                   
4000edc4:   40 01 04 39     call  4004fea8 <getchar>                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
4000edc8:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
    if ((c == '\r') || (c == '\n') || (c == 'q') || (c == 'Q'))                           
4000edcc:   80 a2 20 0d     cmp  %o0, 0xd                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
4000edd0:   02 80 00 4d     be  4000ef04 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x1e4>          <== NOT EXECUTED
4000edd4:   80 a2 20 0a     cmp  %o0, 0xa                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
4000edd8:   02 80 00 4b     be  4000ef04 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x1e4>          <== NOT EXECUTED
4000eddc:   82 0a 3f df     and  %o0, -33, %g1                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ede0:   80 a0 60 51     cmp  %g1, 0x51                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ede4:   02 80 00 48     be  4000ef04 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x1e4>          <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ede8:   80 a2 20 3c     cmp  %o0, 0x3c                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
        rtems_task_wake_after (RTEMS_MICROSECONDS_TO_TICKS (100000));                     
      rtems_printf (printer, "load monitoring stopped.\n");                               
    else if (c == '<')                                                                    
4000edec:   02 80 00 18     be  4000ee4c <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x12c>          <== NOT EXECUTED
4000edf0:   80 a2 20 3e     cmp  %o0, 0x3e                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
        data.sort_order = RTEMS_TOP_SORT_MAX;                                             
      rtems_event_send(id, RTEMS_EVENT_1);                                                
    else if (c == '>')                                                                    
4000edf4:   02 80 00 1f     be  4000ee70 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x150>          <== NOT EXECUTED
4000edf8:   80 a0 60 53     cmp  %g1, 0x53                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
        data.sort_order = 0;                                                              
      rtems_event_send(id, RTEMS_EVENT_1);                                                
    else if ((c == 's') || (c == 'S'))                                                    
4000edfc:   02 80 00 32     be  4000eec4 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x1a4>          <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee00:   80 a0 60 41     cmp  %g1, 0x41                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
      data.single_page = !data.single_page;                                               
      rtems_event_send(id, RTEMS_EVENT_1);                                                
    else if ((c == 'a') || (c == 'A'))                                                    
4000ee04:   12 80 00 27     bne  4000eea0 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x180>         <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee08:   80 a2 20 2b     cmp  %o0, 0x2b                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
      if (data.show == 0)                                                                 
4000ee0c:   c2 07 bf 8c     ld  [ %fp + -116 ], %g1                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee10:   80 a0 60 00     cmp  %g1, 0                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee14:   12 80 00 5c     bne  4000ef84 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x264>         <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee18:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
        data.show = show_lines;                                                           
4000ee1c:   fa 27 bf 8c     st  %i5, [ %fp + -116 ]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee20:   10 80 00 11     b  4000ee64 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x144>           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee24:   92 10 20 02     mov  2, %o1                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    rtems_printf (printer,                                                                
4000ee28:   40 00 10 e6     call  400131c0 <rtems_status_text>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee2c:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee30:   13 10 02 12     sethi  %hi(0x40084800), %o1                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee34:   94 10 00 08     mov  %o0, %o2                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee38:   92 12 60 f8     or  %o1, 0xf8, %o1                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee3c:   7f ff d4 d3     call  40004188 <rtems_printf>                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee40:   90 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o0                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee44:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee48:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
      if (data.sort_order == 0)                                                           
4000ee4c:   c2 07 bf 84     ld  [ %fp + -124 ], %g1                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee50:   80 a0 60 00     cmp  %g1, 0                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee54:   12 80 00 0e     bne  4000ee8c <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x16c>         <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee58:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
        data.sort_order = RTEMS_TOP_SORT_MAX;                                             
4000ee5c:   f8 27 bf 84     st  %i4, [ %fp + -124 ]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
        data.show = 0;                                                                    
      rtems_event_send(id, RTEMS_EVENT_1);                                                
4000ee60:   92 10 20 02     mov  2, %o1                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee64:   40 00 0e f8     call  40012a44 <rtems_event_send>                             <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee68:   d0 07 bf 7c     ld  [ %fp + -132 ], %o0                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee6c:   30 bf ff d6     b,a   4000edc4 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0xa4>         <== NOT EXECUTED
      if (data.sort_order >= RTEMS_TOP_SORT_MAX)                                          
4000ee70:   c2 07 bf 84     ld  [ %fp + -124 ], %g1                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee74:   80 a0 60 03     cmp  %g1, 3                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee78:   08 80 00 3e     bleu  4000ef70 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x250>        <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee7c:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
        data.sort_order = 0;                                                              
4000ee80:   c0 27 bf 84     clr  [ %fp + -124 ]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee84:   10 bf ff f8     b  4000ee64 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x144>           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee88:   92 10 20 02     mov  2, %o1                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee8c:   c2 07 bf 84     ld  [ %fp + -124 ], %g1                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee90:   82 00 7f ff     add  %g1, -1, %g1                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee94:   c2 27 bf 84     st  %g1, [ %fp + -124 ]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
      rtems_event_send(id, RTEMS_EVENT_1);                                                
4000ee98:   10 bf ff f3     b  4000ee64 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x144>           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ee9c:   92 10 20 02     mov  2, %o1                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
    else if (c == '+')                                                                    
4000eea0:   02 80 00 4f     be  4000efdc <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x2bc>          <== NOT EXECUTED
4000eea4:   80 a2 20 2d     cmp  %o0, 0x2d                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
      if (data.show != 0)                                                                 
        data.show = show_lines;                                                           
    else if (c == '-')                                                                    
4000eea8:   02 80 00 3a     be  4000ef90 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x270>          <== NOT EXECUTED
4000eeac:   80 a2 20 20     cmp  %o0, 0x20                                                <== NOT EXECUTED
      if (show_lines > 5)                                                                 
      if (data.show != 0)                                                                 
        data.show = show_lines;                                                           
    else if (c == ' ')                                                                    
4000eeb0:   12 bf ff c5     bne  4000edc4 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0xa4>          <== NOT EXECUTED
4000eeb4:   d0 07 bf 7c     ld  [ %fp + -132 ], %o0                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
      rtems_event_send(id, RTEMS_EVENT_1);                                                
4000eeb8:   40 00 0e e3     call  40012a44 <rtems_event_send>                             <== NOT EXECUTED
4000eebc:   92 10 20 02     mov  2, %o1                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000eec0:   30 bf ff c1     b,a   4000edc4 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0xa4>         <== NOT EXECUTED
      data.single_page = !data.single_page;                                               
4000eec4:   c2 0f bf 82     ldub  [ %fp + -126 ], %g1                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
4000eec8:   82 18 60 01     xor  %g1, 1, %g1                                              <== NOT EXECUTED
      rtems_event_send(id, RTEMS_EVENT_1);                                                
4000eecc:   d0 07 bf 7c     ld  [ %fp + -132 ], %o0                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
      data.single_page = !data.single_page;                                               
4000eed0:   c2 2f bf 82     stb  %g1, [ %fp + -126 ]                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
      rtems_event_send(id, RTEMS_EVENT_1);                                                
4000eed4:   40 00 0e dc     call  40012a44 <rtems_event_send>                             <== NOT EXECUTED
4000eed8:   92 10 20 02     mov  2, %o1                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000eedc:   30 bf ff ba     b,a   4000edc4 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0xa4>         <== NOT EXECUTED
    rtems_printf (printer,                                                                
4000eee0:   40 00 10 b8     call  400131c0 <rtems_status_text>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
4000eee4:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000eee8:   13 10 02 12     sethi  %hi(0x40084800), %o1                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000eeec:   94 10 00 08     mov  %o0, %o2                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
4000eef0:   92 12 60 c8     or  %o1, 0xc8, %o1                                            <== NOT EXECUTED
4000eef4:   7f ff d4 a5     call  40004188 <rtems_printf>                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
4000eef8:   90 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o0                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
4000eefc:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef00:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
      rtems_event_send(id, RTEMS_EVENT_1);                                                
4000ef04:   d0 07 bf 7c     ld  [ %fp + -132 ], %o0                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
      data.thread_run = false;                                                            
4000ef08:   c0 2f bf 80     clrb  [ %fp + -128 ]                                          <== NOT EXECUTED
      rtems_event_send(id, RTEMS_EVENT_1);                                                
4000ef0c:   40 00 0e ce     call  40012a44 <rtems_event_send>                             <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef10:   92 10 20 02     mov  2, %o1                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
      while (loops && data.thread_active)                                                 
4000ef14:   c2 0f bf 81     ldub  [ %fp + -127 ], %g1                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef18:   80 a0 60 00     cmp  %g1, 0                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef1c:   02 80 00 0f     be  4000ef58 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x238>          <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef20:   05 10 01 ea     sethi  %hi(0x4007a800), %g2                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
        rtems_task_wake_after (RTEMS_MICROSECONDS_TO_TICKS (100000));                     
4000ef24:   03 00 00 61     sethi  %hi(0x18400), %g1                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef28:   82 10 62 a0     or  %g1, 0x2a0, %g1 ! 186a0 <_ISR_Stack_size+0x176a0>         <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef2c:   81 80 20 00     wr  %g0, %y                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef30:   fa 00 a2 70     ld  [ %g2 + 0x270 ], %i5                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef34:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef38:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef3c:   ba 70 40 1d     udiv  %g1, %i5, %i5                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef40:   40 00 12 3a     call  40013828 <rtems_task_wake_after>                        <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef44:   90 10 00 1d     mov  %i5, %o0                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
      while (loops && data.thread_active)                                                 
4000ef48:   c2 0f bf 81     ldub  [ %fp + -127 ], %g1                                     <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef4c:   80 a0 60 00     cmp  %g1, 0                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef50:   12 bf ff fc     bne  4000ef40 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x220>         <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef54:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
      rtems_printf (printer, "load monitoring stopped.\n");                               
4000ef58:   90 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o0                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef5c:   13 10 02 12     sethi  %hi(0x40084800), %o1                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef60:   7f ff d4 8a     call  40004188 <rtems_printf>                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef64:   92 12 61 48     or  %o1, 0x148, %o1 ! 40084948 <__rtld_trace_names+0x73c>     <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef68:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef6c:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef70:   c2 07 bf 84     ld  [ %fp + -124 ], %g1                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef74:   82 00 60 01     inc  %g1                                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef78:   c2 27 bf 84     st  %g1, [ %fp + -124 ]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
      rtems_event_send(id, RTEMS_EVENT_1);                                                
4000ef7c:   10 bf ff ba     b  4000ee64 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x144>           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef80:   92 10 20 02     mov  2, %o1                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
        data.show = 0;                                                                    
4000ef84:   c0 27 bf 8c     clr  [ %fp + -116 ]                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
      rtems_event_send(id, RTEMS_EVENT_1);                                                
4000ef88:   10 bf ff b7     b  4000ee64 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x144>           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef8c:   92 10 20 02     mov  2, %o1                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
      if (show_lines > 5)                                                                 
4000ef90:   80 a7 60 05     cmp  %i5, 5                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef94:   34 80 00 02     bg,a   4000ef9c <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0x27c>       <== NOT EXECUTED
4000ef98:   ba 07 7f ff     add  %i5, -1, %i5                                             <== NOT EXECUTED
      if (data.show != 0)                                                                 
4000ef9c:   c2 07 bf 8c     ld  [ %fp + -116 ], %g1                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
4000efa0:   80 a0 60 00     cmp  %g1, 0                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000efa4:   32 bf ff 88     bne,a   4000edc4 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0xa4>       <== NOT EXECUTED
4000efa8:   fa 27 bf 8c     st  %i5, [ %fp + -116 ]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
        data.show = show_lines;                                                           
4000efac:   30 bf ff 86     b,a   4000edc4 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0xa4>         <== NOT EXECUTED
    rtems_printf (printer,                                                                
4000efb0:   40 00 10 84     call  400131c0 <rtems_status_text>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
4000efb4:   01 00 00 00     nop                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000efb8:   13 10 02 12     sethi  %hi(0x40084800), %o1                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000efbc:   94 10 00 08     mov  %o0, %o2                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
4000efc0:   92 12 61 20     or  %o1, 0x120, %o1                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000efc4:   7f ff d4 71     call  40004188 <rtems_printf>                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
4000efc8:   90 10 00 18     mov  %i0, %o0                                                 <== NOT EXECUTED
    rtems_task_delete (id);                                                               
4000efcc:   40 00 11 65     call  40013560 <rtems_task_delete>                            <== NOT EXECUTED
4000efd0:   d0 07 bf 7c     ld  [ %fp + -132 ], %o0                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
4000efd4:   81 c7 e0 08     ret                                                           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000efd8:   81 e8 00 00     restore                                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
      if (data.show != 0)                                                                 
4000efdc:   c2 07 bf 8c     ld  [ %fp + -116 ], %g1                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
4000efe0:   80 a0 60 00     cmp  %g1, 0                                                   <== NOT EXECUTED
4000efe4:   02 bf ff 78     be  4000edc4 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0xa4>           <== NOT EXECUTED
4000efe8:   ba 07 60 01     inc  %i5                                                      <== NOT EXECUTED
        data.show = show_lines;                                                           
4000efec:   fa 27 bf 8c     st  %i5, [ %fp + -116 ]                                       <== NOT EXECUTED
4000eff0:   30 bf ff 75     b,a   4000edc4 <rtems_cpu_usage_top_with_plugin+0xa4>         <== NOT EXECUTED