Annotated Report
Sun Feb 28 12:37:42 2021

40004f68 <rtems_string_to_double>:                                                        
  double result;                                                                          
  char *end;                                                                              
  if ( !n )                                                                               
40004f68:   0a058e63            beqz    a1,40005024 <rtems_string_to_double+0xbc>         
40004f6c:   fc010113            addi    sp,sp,-64                                         
40004f70:   02112e23            sw  ra,60(sp)                                             
40004f74:   02812c23            sw  s0,56(sp)                                             
40004f78:   02912a23            sw  s1,52(sp)                                             
40004f7c:   00058413            mv  s0,a1                                                 
40004f80:   03212823            sw  s2,48(sp)                                             
40004f84:   02813427            fsd fs0,40(sp)                                            
40004f88:   00050493            mv  s1,a0                                                 
40004f8c:   00060913            mv  s2,a2                                                 
    return RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS;                                                         
  errno = 0;                                                                              
40004f90:   33c0a0ef            jal ra,4000f2cc <__errno>                                 
40004f94:   00052023            sw  zero,0(a0)                                            
  *n = 0;                                                                                 
40004f98:   00042023            sw  zero,0(s0)                                            
40004f9c:   00042223            sw  zero,4(s0)                                            
  result = strtod( s, &end );                                                             
40004fa0:   01c10593            addi    a1,sp,28                                          
40004fa4:   00048513            mv  a0,s1                                                 
40004fa8:   6610b0ef            jal ra,40010e08 <strtod>                                  
40004fac:   00a13427            fsd fa0,8(sp)                                             
40004fb0:   22a50453            fmv.d   fs0,fa0                                           
  if ( endptr )                                                                           
    *endptr = end;                                                                        
40004fb4:   01c12783            lw  a5,28(sp)                                             
  if ( endptr )                                                                           
40004fb8:   00090463            beqz    s2,40004fc0 <rtems_string_to_double+0x58>         
    *endptr = end;                                                                        
40004fbc:   00f92023            sw  a5,0(s2)                                              
  if ( end == s )                                                                         
40004fc0:   06f48663            beq s1,a5,4000502c <rtems_string_to_double+0xc4>          
    return RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED;                                                             
  if ( ( errno == ERANGE ) &&                                                             
40004fc4:   3080a0ef            jal ra,4000f2cc <__errno>                                 
40004fc8:   00052703            lw  a4,0(a0)                                              
40004fcc:   02200793            li  a5,34                                                 
40004fd0:   02f70463            beq a4,a5,40004ff8 <rtems_string_to_double+0x90>          
    (( result == 0 ) || ( result == HUGE_VAL ) || ( result == -HUGE_VAL )))               
      return RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER;                                                        
  *n = result;                                                                            
40004fd4:   00843027            fsd fs0,0(s0)                                             
  return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                                
40004fd8:   00000513            li  a0,0                                                  
40004fdc:   03c12083            lw  ra,60(sp)                                             
40004fe0:   03812403            lw  s0,56(sp)                                             
40004fe4:   03412483            lw  s1,52(sp)                                             
40004fe8:   03012903            lw  s2,48(sp)                                             
40004fec:   02813407            fld fs0,40(sp)                                            
40004ff0:   04010113            addi    sp,sp,64                                          
40004ff4:   00008067            ret                                                       
  if ( ( errno == ERANGE ) &&                                                             
40004ff8:   d20007d3            fcvt.d.w    fa5,zero                                      
      return RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER;                                                        
40004ffc:   00a00513            li  a0,10                                                 
  if ( ( errno == ERANGE ) &&                                                             
40005000:   a2f427d3            feq.d   a5,fs0,fa5                                        
40005004:   fc079ce3            bnez    a5,40004fdc <rtems_string_to_double+0x74>         <== NEVER TAKEN
    (( result == 0 ) || ( result == HUGE_VAL ) || ( result == -HUGE_VAL )))               
40005008:   8081b787            fld fa5,-2040(gp) # 40017bf0 <_Linker_set__Per_CPU_Data_begin+0xc>
4000500c:   a2f427d3            feq.d   a5,fs0,fa5                                        
40005010:   fc0796e3            bnez    a5,40004fdc <rtems_string_to_double+0x74>         
40005014:   8101b787            fld fa5,-2032(gp) # 40017bf8 <_Linker_set__Per_CPU_Data_begin+0x14>
40005018:   a2f427d3            feq.d   a5,fs0,fa5                                        
4000501c:   fa078ce3            beqz    a5,40004fd4 <rtems_string_to_double+0x6c>         <== NEVER TAKEN
40005020:   fbdff06f            j   40004fdc <rtems_string_to_double+0x74>                
    return RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS;                                                         
40005024:   00900513            li  a0,9                                                  
40005028:   00008067            ret                                                       
4000502c:   03c12083            lw  ra,60(sp)                                             
40005030:   03812403            lw  s0,56(sp)                                             
40005034:   03412483            lw  s1,52(sp)                                             
40005038:   03012903            lw  s2,48(sp)                                             
4000503c:   02813407            fld fs0,40(sp)                                            
    return RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED;                                                             
40005040:   00b00513            li  a0,11                                                 
40005044:   04010113            addi    sp,sp,64                                          
40005048:   00008067            ret                                                       

4000504c <rtems_string_to_float>: ) { float result; char *end; if ( !n ) 4000504c: 0a058a63 beqz a1,40005100 <rtems_string_to_float+0xb4> {
40005050:   fd010113            addi    sp,sp,-48                                         
40005054:   02112623            sw  ra,44(sp)                                             
40005058:   02812423            sw  s0,40(sp)                                             
4000505c:   02912223            sw  s1,36(sp)                                             
40005060:   00058413            mv  s0,a1                                                 
40005064:   03212023            sw  s2,32(sp)                                             
40005068:   00813c27            fsd fs0,24(sp)                                            
4000506c:   00050493            mv  s1,a0                                                 
40005070:   00060913            mv  s2,a2                                                 
    return RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS;                                                         
  errno = 0;                                                                              
40005074:   2580a0ef            jal ra,4000f2cc <__errno>                                 
40005078:   00052023            sw  zero,0(a0)                                            
  *n = 0;                                                                                 
4000507c:   00042023            sw  zero,0(s0)                                            
  result = strtof( s, &end );                                                             
40005080:   00c10593            addi    a1,sp,12                                          
40005084:   00048513            mv  a0,s1                                                 
40005088:   5c10b0ef            jal ra,40010e48 <strtof>                                  
4000508c:   20a50453            fmv.s   fs0,fa0                                           
  if ( endptr )                                                                           
    *endptr = end;                                                                        
40005090:   00c12783            lw  a5,12(sp)                                             
  if ( endptr )                                                                           
40005094:   00090463            beqz    s2,4000509c <rtems_string_to_float+0x50>          
    *endptr = end;                                                                        
40005098:   00f92023            sw  a5,0(s2)                                              
  if ( end == s )                                                                         
4000509c:   06f48663            beq s1,a5,40005108 <rtems_string_to_float+0xbc>           
    return RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED;                                                             
  if ( ( errno == ERANGE ) &&                                                             
400050a0:   22c0a0ef            jal ra,4000f2cc <__errno>                                 
400050a4:   00052703            lw  a4,0(a0)                                              
400050a8:   02200793            li  a5,34                                                 
400050ac:   02f70463            beq a4,a5,400050d4 <rtems_string_to_float+0x88>           
    (( result == 0 ) || ( result == HUGE_VALF ) || ( result == -HUGE_VALF )))             
      return RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER;                                                        
  *n = result;                                                                            
400050b0:   00842027            fsw fs0,0(s0)                                             
  return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                                
400050b4:   00000513            li  a0,0                                                  
400050b8:   02c12083            lw  ra,44(sp)                                             
400050bc:   02812403            lw  s0,40(sp)                                             
400050c0:   02412483            lw  s1,36(sp)                                             
400050c4:   02012903            lw  s2,32(sp)                                             
400050c8:   01813407            fld fs0,24(sp)                                            
400050cc:   03010113            addi    sp,sp,48                                          
400050d0:   00008067            ret                                                       
  if ( ( errno == ERANGE ) &&                                                             
400050d4:   f00007d3            fmv.w.x fa5,zero                                          
      return RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER;                                                        
400050d8:   00a00513            li  a0,10                                                 
  if ( ( errno == ERANGE ) &&                                                             
400050dc:   a0f427d3            feq.s   a5,fs0,fa5                                        
400050e0:   fc079ce3            bnez    a5,400050b8 <rtems_string_to_float+0x6c>          <== NEVER TAKEN
    (( result == 0 ) || ( result == HUGE_VALF ) || ( result == -HUGE_VALF )))             
400050e4:   88c1a787            flw fa5,-1908(gp) # 40017c74 <_Linker_set__Per_CPU_Data_begin+0x90>
400050e8:   a0f427d3            feq.s   a5,fs0,fa5                                        
400050ec:   fc0796e3            bnez    a5,400050b8 <rtems_string_to_float+0x6c>          
400050f0:   8901a787            flw fa5,-1904(gp) # 40017c78 <_Linker_set__Per_CPU_Data_begin+0x94>
400050f4:   a0f427d3            feq.s   a5,fs0,fa5                                        
400050f8:   fa078ce3            beqz    a5,400050b0 <rtems_string_to_float+0x64>          <== NEVER TAKEN
400050fc:   fbdff06f            j   400050b8 <rtems_string_to_float+0x6c>                 
    return RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS;                                                         
40005100:   00900513            li  a0,9                                                  
40005104:   00008067            ret                                                       
40005108:   02c12083            lw  ra,44(sp)                                             
4000510c:   02812403            lw  s0,40(sp)                                             
40005110:   02412483            lw  s1,36(sp)                                             
40005114:   02012903            lw  s2,32(sp)                                             
40005118:   01813407            fld fs0,24(sp)                                            
    return RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED;                                                             
4000511c:   00b00513            li  a0,11                                                 
40005120:   03010113            addi    sp,sp,48                                          
40005124:   00008067            ret                                                       

40005128 <rtems_string_to_int>: ) { long result; char *end; if ( !n ) 40005128: 0a058663 beqz a1,400051d4 <rtems_string_to_int+0xac> {
4000512c:   fd010113            addi    sp,sp,-48                                         
40005130:   02112623            sw  ra,44(sp)                                             
40005134:   02812423            sw  s0,40(sp)                                             
40005138:   02912223            sw  s1,36(sp)                                             
4000513c:   00058413            mv  s0,a1                                                 
40005140:   03212023            sw  s2,32(sp)                                             
40005144:   01312e23            sw  s3,28(sp)                                             
40005148:   00050493            mv  s1,a0                                                 
4000514c:   00068993            mv  s3,a3                                                 
40005150:   00060913            mv  s2,a2                                                 
    return RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS;                                                         
  errno = 0;                                                                              
40005154:   1780a0ef            jal ra,4000f2cc <__errno>                                 
40005158:   00052023            sw  zero,0(a0)                                            
  *n = 0;                                                                                 
  result = strtol( s, &end, base );                                                       
4000515c:   00098613            mv  a2,s3                                                 
  *n = 0;                                                                                 
40005160:   00042023            sw  zero,0(s0)                                            
  result = strtol( s, &end, base );                                                       
40005164:   00c10593            addi    a1,sp,12                                          
40005168:   00048513            mv  a0,s1                                                 
4000516c:   7750b0ef            jal ra,400110e0 <strtol>                                  
  if ( endptr )                                                                           
    *endptr = end;                                                                        
40005170:   00c12783            lw  a5,12(sp)                                             
  result = strtol( s, &end, base );                                                       
40005174:   00050993            mv  s3,a0                                                 
  if ( endptr )                                                                           
40005178:   00090463            beqz    s2,40005180 <rtems_string_to_int+0x58>            
    *endptr = end;                                                                        
4000517c:   00f92023            sw  a5,0(s2)                                              
  if ( end == s )                                                                         
40005180:   04f48e63            beq s1,a5,400051dc <rtems_string_to_int+0xb4>             
    return RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED;                                                             
  if ( ( errno == ERANGE ) &&                                                             
40005184:   1480a0ef            jal ra,4000f2cc <__errno>                                 
40005188:   00052703            lw  a4,0(a0)                                              
4000518c:   02200793            li  a5,34                                                 
40005190:   02f70463            beq a4,a5,400051b8 <rtems_string_to_int+0x90>             
    errno = ERANGE;                                                                       
    return RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER;                                                          
  *n = result;                                                                            
40005194:   01342023            sw  s3,0(s0)                                              
  return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                                
40005198:   00000513            li  a0,0                                                  
4000519c:   02c12083            lw  ra,44(sp)                                             
400051a0:   02812403            lw  s0,40(sp)                                             
400051a4:   02412483            lw  s1,36(sp)                                             
400051a8:   02012903            lw  s2,32(sp)                                             
400051ac:   01c12983            lw  s3,28(sp)                                             
400051b0:   03010113            addi    sp,sp,48                                          
400051b4:   00008067            ret                                                       
    (( result == 0 ) || ( result == LONG_MAX ) || ( result == LONG_MIN )))                
400051b8:   800007b7            lui a5,0x80000                                            
400051bc:   fff7c793            not a5,a5                                                 
400051c0:   00f98663            beq s3,a5,400051cc <rtems_string_to_int+0xa4>             
400051c4:   00f9f7b3            and a5,s3,a5                                              
400051c8:   fc0796e3            bnez    a5,40005194 <rtems_string_to_int+0x6c>            <== NEVER TAKEN
      return RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER;                                                        
400051cc:   00a00513            li  a0,10                                                 
400051d0:   fcdff06f            j   4000519c <rtems_string_to_int+0x74>                   
    return RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS;                                                         
400051d4:   00900513            li  a0,9                                                  
400051d8:   00008067            ret                                                       
400051dc:   02c12083            lw  ra,44(sp)                                             
400051e0:   02812403            lw  s0,40(sp)                                             
400051e4:   02412483            lw  s1,36(sp)                                             
400051e8:   02012903            lw  s2,32(sp)                                             
400051ec:   01c12983            lw  s3,28(sp)                                             
    return RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED;                                                             
400051f0:   00b00513            li  a0,11                                                 
400051f4:   03010113            addi    sp,sp,48                                          
400051f8:   00008067            ret                                                       

400051fc <rtems_string_to_long>: ) { long result; char *end; if ( !n ) 400051fc: 0a058663 beqz a1,400052a8 <rtems_string_to_long+0xac> {
40005200:   fd010113            addi    sp,sp,-48                                         
40005204:   02112623            sw  ra,44(sp)                                             
40005208:   02812423            sw  s0,40(sp)                                             
4000520c:   02912223            sw  s1,36(sp)                                             
40005210:   00058413            mv  s0,a1                                                 
40005214:   03212023            sw  s2,32(sp)                                             
40005218:   01312e23            sw  s3,28(sp)                                             
4000521c:   00050493            mv  s1,a0                                                 
40005220:   00068993            mv  s3,a3                                                 
40005224:   00060913            mv  s2,a2                                                 
    return RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS;                                                         
  errno = 0;                                                                              
40005228:   0a40a0ef            jal ra,4000f2cc <__errno>                                 
4000522c:   00052023            sw  zero,0(a0)                                            
  *n = 0;                                                                                 
  result = strtol( s, &end, base );                                                       
40005230:   00098613            mv  a2,s3                                                 
  *n = 0;                                                                                 
40005234:   00042023            sw  zero,0(s0)                                            
  result = strtol( s, &end, base );                                                       
40005238:   00c10593            addi    a1,sp,12                                          
4000523c:   00048513            mv  a0,s1                                                 
40005240:   6a10b0ef            jal ra,400110e0 <strtol>                                  
  if ( endptr )                                                                           
    *endptr = end;                                                                        
40005244:   00c12783            lw  a5,12(sp)                                             
  result = strtol( s, &end, base );                                                       
40005248:   00050993            mv  s3,a0                                                 
  if ( endptr )                                                                           
4000524c:   00090463            beqz    s2,40005254 <rtems_string_to_long+0x58>           
    *endptr = end;                                                                        
40005250:   00f92023            sw  a5,0(s2)                                              
  if ( end == s )                                                                         
40005254:   04f48e63            beq s1,a5,400052b0 <rtems_string_to_long+0xb4>            
    return RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED;                                                             
  if ( ( errno == ERANGE ) &&                                                             
40005258:   0740a0ef            jal ra,4000f2cc <__errno>                                 
4000525c:   00052703            lw  a4,0(a0)                                              
40005260:   02200793            li  a5,34                                                 
40005264:   02f70463            beq a4,a5,4000528c <rtems_string_to_long+0x90>            
    (( result == 0 ) || ( result == LONG_MAX ) || ( result == LONG_MIN )))                
      return RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER;                                                        
  *n = result;                                                                            
40005268:   01342023            sw  s3,0(s0)                                              
  return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                                
4000526c:   00000513            li  a0,0                                                  
40005270:   02c12083            lw  ra,44(sp)                                             
40005274:   02812403            lw  s0,40(sp)                                             
40005278:   02412483            lw  s1,36(sp)                                             
4000527c:   02012903            lw  s2,32(sp)                                             
40005280:   01c12983            lw  s3,28(sp)                                             
40005284:   03010113            addi    sp,sp,48                                          
40005288:   00008067            ret                                                       
    (( result == 0 ) || ( result == LONG_MAX ) || ( result == LONG_MIN )))                
4000528c:   800007b7            lui a5,0x80000                                            
40005290:   fff7c793            not a5,a5                                                 
40005294:   00f98663            beq s3,a5,400052a0 <rtems_string_to_long+0xa4>            
40005298:   00f9f7b3            and a5,s3,a5                                              
4000529c:   fc0796e3            bnez    a5,40005268 <rtems_string_to_long+0x6c>           <== NEVER TAKEN
      return RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER;                                                        
400052a0:   00a00513            li  a0,10                                                 
400052a4:   fcdff06f            j   40005270 <rtems_string_to_long+0x74>                  
    return RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS;                                                         
400052a8:   00900513            li  a0,9                                                  
400052ac:   00008067            ret                                                       
400052b0:   02c12083            lw  ra,44(sp)                                             
400052b4:   02812403            lw  s0,40(sp)                                             
400052b8:   02412483            lw  s1,36(sp)                                             
400052bc:   02012903            lw  s2,32(sp)                                             
400052c0:   01c12983            lw  s3,28(sp)                                             
    return RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED;                                                             
400052c4:   00b00513            li  a0,11                                                 
400052c8:   03010113            addi    sp,sp,48                                          
400052cc:   00008067            ret                                                       

400052d0 <rtems_string_to_long_long>: ) { long long result; char *end; if ( !n ) 400052d0: 0c058663 beqz a1,4000539c <rtems_string_to_long_long+0xcc> {
400052d4:   fd010113            addi    sp,sp,-48                                         
400052d8:   02112623            sw  ra,44(sp)                                             
400052dc:   02812423            sw  s0,40(sp)                                             
400052e0:   02912223            sw  s1,36(sp)                                             
400052e4:   00058413            mv  s0,a1                                                 
400052e8:   03212023            sw  s2,32(sp)                                             
400052ec:   01312e23            sw  s3,28(sp)                                             
400052f0:   01412c23            sw  s4,24(sp)                                             
400052f4:   00068993            mv  s3,a3                                                 
400052f8:   00050493            mv  s1,a0                                                 
400052fc:   00060913            mv  s2,a2                                                 
    return RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS;                                                         
  errno = 0;                                                                              
40005300:   7cd090ef            jal ra,4000f2cc <__errno>                                 
40005304:   00052023            sw  zero,0(a0)                                            
  *n = 0;                                                                                 
40005308:   00000793            li  a5,0                                                  
4000530c:   00000813            li  a6,0                                                  
40005310:   00f42023            sw  a5,0(s0)                                              
  result = strtoll( s, &end, base );                                                      
40005314:   00098613            mv  a2,s3                                                 
  *n = 0;                                                                                 
40005318:   01042223            sw  a6,4(s0)                                              
  result = strtoll( s, &end, base );                                                      
4000531c:   00c10593            addi    a1,sp,12                                          
40005320:   00048513            mv  a0,s1                                                 
40005324:   0fc0c0ef            jal ra,40011420 <strtoll>                                 
  if ( endptr )                                                                           
    *endptr = end;                                                                        
40005328:   00c12783            lw  a5,12(sp)                                             
  result = strtoll( s, &end, base );                                                      
4000532c:   00050993            mv  s3,a0                                                 
40005330:   00058a13            mv  s4,a1                                                 
  if ( endptr )                                                                           
40005334:   00090463            beqz    s2,4000533c <rtems_string_to_long_long+0x6c>      
    *endptr = end;                                                                        
40005338:   00f92023            sw  a5,0(s2)                                              
  if ( end == s )                                                                         
4000533c:   06f48463            beq s1,a5,400053a4 <rtems_string_to_long_long+0xd4>       
    return RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED;                                                             
  if ( ( errno == ERANGE ) &&                                                             
40005340:   78d090ef            jal ra,4000f2cc <__errno>                                 
40005344:   00052703            lw  a4,0(a0)                                              
40005348:   02200793            li  a5,34                                                 
4000534c:   02f70863            beq a4,a5,4000537c <rtems_string_to_long_long+0xac>       
    (( result == 0 ) || ( result == LONG_LONG_MAX ) || ( result == LONG_LONG_MIN )))      
      return RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER;                                                        
  *n = result;                                                                            
40005350:   01342023            sw  s3,0(s0)                                              
40005354:   01442223            sw  s4,4(s0)                                              
  return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL;                                                                
40005358:   00000513            li  a0,0                                                  
4000535c:   02c12083            lw  ra,44(sp)                                             
40005360:   02812403            lw  s0,40(sp)                                             
40005364:   02412483            lw  s1,36(sp)                                             
40005368:   02012903            lw  s2,32(sp)                                             
4000536c:   01c12983            lw  s3,28(sp)                                             
40005370:   01812a03            lw  s4,24(sp)                                             
40005374:   03010113            addi    sp,sp,48                                          
40005378:   00008067            ret                                                       
    (( result == 0 ) || ( result == LONG_LONG_MAX ) || ( result == LONG_LONG_MIN )))      
4000537c:   fff00793            li  a5,-1                                                 
40005380:   04f98463            beq s3,a5,400053c8 <rtems_string_to_long_long+0xf8>       
40005384:   001a1793            slli    a5,s4,0x1                                         
40005388:   0017d793            srli    a5,a5,0x1                                         
4000538c:   00f9e7b3            or  a5,s3,a5                                              
40005390:   fc0790e3            bnez    a5,40005350 <rtems_string_to_long_long+0x80>      <== NEVER TAKEN
      return RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER;                                                        
40005394:   00a00513            li  a0,10                                                 
40005398:   fc5ff06f            j   4000535c <rtems_string_to_long_long+0x8c>             
    return RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS;                                                         
4000539c:   00900513            li  a0,9                                                  
400053a0:   00008067            ret                                                       
400053a4:   02c12083            lw  ra,44(sp)                                             
400053a8:   02812403            lw  s0,40(sp)                                             
400053ac:   02412483            lw  s1,36(sp)                                             
400053b0:   02012903            lw  s2,32(sp)                                             
400053b4:   01c12983            lw  s3,28(sp)                                             
400053b8:   01812a03            lw  s4,24(sp)                                             
    return RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED;                                                             
400053bc:   00b00513            li  a0,11                                                 
400053c0:   03010113            addi    sp,sp,48                                          
400053c4:   00008067            ret                                                       
    (( result == 0 ) || ( result == LONG_LONG_MAX ) || ( result == LONG_LONG_MIN )))      
400053c8:   800007b7            lui a5,0x80000                                            
400053cc:   fff7c793            not a5,a5                                                 
400053d0:   fafa1ae3            bne s4,a5,40005384 <rtems_string_to_long_long+0xb4>       
      return RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER;                                                        
400053d4:   00a00513            li  a0,10                                                 
400053d8:   f85ff06f            j   4000535c <rtems_string_to_long_long+0x8c>